**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Jan 23 02:59:59 2013 Jan 23 03:05:54 I'm having an issue with order of events. I run a function that initiates an animation that changes a view. However, the code after the function call is run before the animation completes. Are there any links that explain the logic of this behavior? Jan 23 03:06:37 hip2p you would require an AnimationListener Jan 23 03:06:38 I was hoping that the code after the function call wouldn't run until the function was complete Jan 23 03:06:45 yeah that's what I use Jan 23 03:06:47 and override onAnimEnd Jan 23 03:06:58 or whatever it's really called Jan 23 03:07:03 or Jan 23 03:07:13 postDelay your other action Jan 23 03:07:19 with the same time as your anim Jan 23 03:07:21 :) Jan 23 03:07:31 StingRay_ so instead of having the code below the function call, place it inside the onanimend Jan 23 03:07:41 yeah Jan 23 03:07:47 or postDelay like i said Jan 23 03:07:50 yeah I could do that Jan 23 03:07:54 either or should work Jan 23 03:07:58 alright thanks Jan 23 03:10:59 The $25 Google charges is for account to publish apps or for each app published in Google Play? Jan 23 03:11:52 acct Jan 23 03:12:02 then it's $400 for each app Jan 23 03:12:13 jk :) Jan 23 03:12:13 :) that would actually solve some problems :) Jan 23 03:12:38 lots of problems Jan 23 03:13:22 like what problems ? Jan 23 03:13:46 rich cash expendable folks are the only ones to do apps ? Jan 23 03:14:28 StingRay_: well, $400 is steep; there is a middle ground like the MS store: upfront fee gives you X apps to publish, each app is N more Jan 23 03:14:51 it would greatly improve the quality of the market Jan 23 03:15:10 well for ppl like me that ditched a career that was worth lots to do this and with sinking finances...no.....no it would not be good Jan 23 03:15:23 StingRay_: we're in the same boat :) Jan 23 03:15:43 I bet your not as much and it hasnt been as big a jump Jan 23 03:15:50 jump = sys shock Jan 23 03:15:59 btw, how is your career change going :D Jan 23 03:16:07 crap atm Jan 23 03:16:14 :) Jan 23 03:16:19 same Jan 23 03:16:20 :) Jan 23 03:16:38 so maybe we didn't have such a good plan :P Jan 23 03:16:57 well i was never and never wanted to be a coder Jan 23 03:16:59 :) Jan 23 03:17:12 thats why I chose art/tech Jan 23 03:17:20 but now look at me Jan 23 03:17:29 I think I'm almost a coder Jan 23 03:18:01 StringRay_ see your point but let's not get crazy, $400 can be acquired by more than just "rich cash expendable" folks :) Jan 23 03:18:13 StingRay_: if you do art, maybe it would be beneficial to work with an app dev firm doing graphics design or something Jan 23 03:18:19 $400 is nothing in the grand scheme of startup costs Jan 23 03:18:44 g00s I do/have done film VFX and console game art Jan 23 03:18:52 thats awesome Jan 23 03:18:56 graphics design would just mind numb me Jan 23 03:19:02 :( Jan 23 03:19:29 well, i'm sure there must be a market for indie game devs that want artwork done Jan 23 03:20:02 lots of guys that are great with the game engines / nifty algos aren't much good at the artwork, but of course it needs to be done Jan 23 03:20:07 well I'm close to the acceleration point with my app framework Jan 23 03:20:37 inflection point :P Jan 23 03:20:42 when thats done I should be able to get lots of nifty artistically pleasing apps done Jan 23 03:20:43 dont accelerate too fast XD Jan 23 03:21:01 all the apps that I want that havent been done Jan 23 03:21:05 :) Jan 23 03:22:44 hello Jan 23 03:22:53 looks like Larry took some heat for the poor N4 supply woes Jan 23 03:22:58 i have a solution to this problem Jan 23 03:23:16 no googler gets a new nexus device until the wait time / queue is 0 Jan 23 03:23:17 i am trying to run one application done in sdk android software but it ask me for a target is there one way to select it, Jan 23 03:24:59 how do i check for a table in sqlite exists b4 creation cursor for it and it throwing and exception ?? :( Jan 23 03:25:03 tona: maybe you haven't installed an android target ? Jan 23 03:25:15 run android tool to see what you have, and grab stuff Jan 23 03:25:42 can you be more specific i am new with it Jan 23 03:25:50 StingRay_: why would you query a table that may not exist :P Jan 23 03:26:21 well onUpgrade I had the amzing idea to just read all records Jan 23 03:26:22 you can say something like CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Jan 23 03:26:28 so I dont loose them Jan 23 03:26:47 cept not too bright if that happens b4 (a new) table is created Jan 23 03:27:30 i connect my adroid directly usb and my target android is empty, how can i run my apps Jan 23 03:28:01 tona: you didn't read the docs Jan 23 03:28:09 tona you have enabled debugging on the phone/device ? Jan 23 03:28:25 ok Jan 23 03:31:11 ok i run my apps thanks Jan 23 03:51:11 one question run first tiime but it not working anymore, i tried to enable again debugger usb but it ask me for a drivers Jan 23 03:51:37 what drivers should i install Jan 23 03:55:08 tona should find and install them if it did 1st time Jan 23 03:55:21 unless you A) removed them or B) have a crappy OS Jan 23 03:55:32 windows right :) Jan 23 03:55:39 forever Jan 23 03:56:06 ugly and bloated Jan 23 03:58:59 the first time run perfectly but second and third time never run Jan 23 03:59:06 how can i run my apps again Jan 23 03:59:18 i enable and diable several times debugger usb Jan 23 04:00:03 lge android net mtp device error device unplug Jan 23 04:00:10 this is my error Jan 23 04:00:14 how can i fix it Jan 23 04:00:35 "google" Jan 23 04:03:56 i am doing it Jan 23 04:07:42 tona: you using physical device? make sure the cord is well put, I have lots of problems connecting various devices simply because of the cable coming loose of one side of the phone connector Jan 23 04:30:16 is there some trick to setting compound drawables on a button ? Jan 23 04:30:58 my drawable seems to be...well ... not all that "draw"able Jan 23 04:33:54 oh boundaries Jan 23 04:33:58 interesting Jan 23 04:41:53 hello Jan 23 04:41:55 again Jan 23 04:42:06 how can i download market android i have ics Jan 23 04:44:36 what is the best way to retain data in an app other than database as it will be very small amount of data Jan 23 04:45:17 sharedprefs Jan 23 04:45:23 or just write it to files Jan 23 04:47:10 shared prefs sounds like what i want of to google trying to get the hang of java coming from vb. Jan 23 04:47:13 thans dragorn Jan 23 05:15:51 If ANT is an apache item, then why is there an ANT DEBUG for android ? Jan 23 05:18:50 Hi all, my project won't compile and in the Problems tab I literally see nothing but "R cannot be resolved to a variable" and "R cannot be resolved to a type" under Errors. What are some of the common causes of this? Jan 23 05:49:29 oi oi oi Jan 23 05:57:09 I apologize for the stupid newbie questions but... Jan 23 05:57:18 I can't even run the basic helloworld tutorial Jan 23 05:57:40 on the avd or my phone Jan 23 05:58:09 avd works fine, i can click buttons & it works but I can't get the app to run on it Jan 23 05:58:14 anybody have time for this? Jan 23 05:58:29 compilation errors? Jan 23 05:58:37 and kill adb and restart it Jan 23 05:58:39 don't think so Jan 23 05:58:51 in fact, none of the links in the eclipse window work Jan 23 05:58:57 in the welcome page Jan 23 05:59:13 tried killing everything Jan 23 05:59:15 no change Jan 23 05:59:32 this is on ubuntu 10.04 Jan 23 06:00:33 i'm using eclipse from the adt bundle Jan 23 06:01:44 poopclipse Jan 23 06:01:46 I have just sent my first sms via java :) Jan 23 06:01:53 heh Jan 23 06:01:58 with programming skills :) Jan 23 06:02:23 i can't even run helloworld :-/ Jan 23 06:02:52 doesnt run isnt good enough for a question Jan 23 06:03:17 I have an activity that's .finish()-ed, but when I send a new intent for that activity all the values from that activity remain. how can I get rid of those values? Jan 23 06:03:18 well, i follow the tutorial step for step Jan 23 06:03:35 intent flags Jan 23 06:03:38 such as new_task Jan 23 06:03:41 or whatever Jan 23 06:03:52 the old one is erased from memory in that case? Jan 23 06:04:04 gc is guarenteed to happen immediately Jan 23 06:04:08 I open the AndroidManifest.xml of my project from file menu Jan 23 06:04:09 new task is a new task Jan 23 06:04:28 that doesn't mean that the old one is purged though Jan 23 06:04:32 then from run tab, select 'Run As..' 'Android App' Jan 23 06:05:03 then run and nothing change Jan 23 06:05:21 i think eclipse is horked. none of the links in the welcome page work/do anything Jan 23 06:09:12 ron_frown, FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK doesn't show up in the constants for Intent, even though it's supposed to according to the documentation Jan 23 06:09:25 I tried the constant value and unsuprisingly it's not working Jan 23 06:09:28 maybe its deprecated Jan 23 06:09:46 or your target sdk is too low Jan 23 06:10:09 Hi all, my project won't compile and in the Problems tab I literally see nothing but "R cannot be resolved to a variable" and "R cannot be resolved to a type" under Errors. What are some of the common causes of this? Jan 23 06:10:26 not an android project, or you need to clean Jan 23 06:10:28 rebuild Jan 23 06:10:54 ron_frown: already cleaned and rebuilt, definitely is an android project Jan 23 06:10:56 r is a class that gets generated by aapt during your automatic compilations in adt Jan 23 06:11:07 ron_frown, added in API level 1 and not deprecated according to the doc. Jan 23 06:11:13 weird Jan 23 06:11:51 snowinferno, if you had an error in your project and tried to clean sometimes R is deleted and not rebuild because if you have errors in your project R simply won't get generated. Jan 23 06:12:18 try to fix all errors (including R can not be resolved) and then clean/rebuild Jan 23 06:12:47 I've yet to see something like that in intellij too btw Jan 23 06:12:51 that could be a potential solution Jan 23 06:12:55 Syzygy: yes, but the problem is what is the error? The only thing showing up in the problems tab is that R cannot be resolved, which as far as I know is because the project can't compile for some inexplicable reason. R is an automatically generated file, so I can't exactly fix it Jan 23 06:14:38 The error right now is that R can not be accessed because the R file doesn't exist. Try removing all references to R (put them in comments, along with everything that throws errors), then rebuild, that should generate a new R file. Then you can reintroduce all references to R Jan 23 06:14:47 I know it's BS, but that's how it is. Jan 23 06:15:47 Well, this is interesting, the R file is under a different package name than the rest of my project Jan 23 06:16:29 I'm still looking for a way to purge an old activity and starting a fresh one. Jan 23 06:17:30 Syzygy: are you using a new Intent or do you have a variable defined for the Intent and are reusing the variable? Jan 23 06:17:44 new intent Jan 23 06:18:04 Intent intent = new Intent(this, GameActivity.class); Jan 23 06:18:48 hmm that was unfortunately the only thing I could think of Jan 23 06:19:41 aaaand now that R is being generated with the correct package (silly refactor didn't catch everything it was supposed to) I no longer get the R cannot be resolved problem Jan 23 06:20:00 maybe I can do some onDestroy magic so that everything will need to reinitialize Jan 23 06:20:49 Don't have your answer Syzygy, but I was reading a bit about a deprecation warning in a service's onStart method. The onStartCommand is to be used instead which receives a unique ID identifying which intent it is and you can dismiss the old call accordingly. Jan 23 06:21:37 Maybe android.app.Service.START_NOT_STICKY might give you a line of thought/research. Jan 23 06:22:20 Anyway, I'm looking to access the Android gallery or photo picker from a native (cocos2d-x) app. Any ideas on that? Jan 23 06:22:22 I'll look into it. Jan 23 06:23:30 I'm having an issue with LayoutInflater Jan 23 06:23:45 I'm not sure what to use as the Context. Jan 23 06:24:05 I'm calling the LayoutInflater from a class. Jan 23 06:24:14 LayoutInflater vi = (LayoutInflater) TimeZonesList.this .getSystemService.(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE); Jan 23 06:24:54 The TimeZoneList is not correctly referenced as it doesn't exist anywhere else in the sample code. Jan 23 06:25:05 I'm not sure what to replace it with. Jan 23 06:25:08 I have a viewPager with 3 different layouts. One layout is a listView with an adapter to give it items through an activity.Basically I use this activity to give the listView its items. How can I set the PagerAdapter of the ViewPager to do the same? Jan 23 06:25:34 it only sets to the layout but the layout is empty because I havn't been able to call an intent of my activity that gives my listview items Jan 23 06:30:37 oh god, my game is so bugged D: Jan 23 06:32:26 when moving my player sometimes teleports to a random position for no reason, highscores are written 4 times for some reason. Jan 23 06:32:27 keep on chuggin in there bud Jan 23 06:39:37 I need something that pretty much equivalent to a very simple data store Jan 23 06:39:42 not sqlite Jan 23 06:40:13 csv? Jan 23 06:41:14 hmm Jan 23 06:41:30 maybe I'll just open a file and use bson or something like it to store objects Jan 23 06:43:03 http://pastie.org/5828622 can someone tell my why this leaves 3-6 entries into my highscores? (6 being max) Jan 23 07:13:54 syz are you missing else conjuctions there? Jan 23 07:16:53 random results can be some sort of noise entering somewhere when you process the user input to move, dunno about why it'd call high scores though Jan 23 07:28:10 hello, I have sherlock tabbar with several, tabs in it, is it possible to control multiple activities from that tabbar and if so how "? Jan 23 07:28:41 Can I use SyncAdapter without using ContentProvider? Jan 23 07:37:08 tagrudev: no Jan 23 07:37:11 it is not possible Jan 23 07:37:57 JakeWharton, I see now (headbang) tried to do that yesterday Jan 23 07:38:12 JakeWharton, the way it is done is by extending SherlockFragmentActivity Jan 23 07:38:18 am I right ? Jan 23 07:38:34 if so can you point me out to a simple example or maybe a tutorial on how it is done Jan 23 07:38:49 there is no way to have multiple activities with the action bar tabs Jan 23 07:40:14 JakeWharton, so any suggestions ? Jan 23 07:40:32 i have no idea what you're trying to do Jan 23 07:40:35 maybe use fragments Jan 23 07:41:48 basically I want't to have a tab bar which controlls Contacts, About, News and stays on top all the time Jan 23 07:42:27 JakeWharton, ^ Jan 23 07:42:36 use fragments Jan 23 07:48:11 JakeWharton, example of doing that ? Jan 23 07:48:34 http://developer.android.com/guide/components/fragments.html Jan 23 07:48:38 there's a bunch in the SDK samples Jan 23 07:50:30 Hi! Is there any chance to find example of working broadcast receiver for android.intent.action.PROVIDER_CHANGED? (I need for ContactsProvider) Jan 23 08:31:17 hi all Jan 23 08:32:01 anyone have a quick tip for me on how to predefine a layout of a specific size, then repeatedly programmatically fill it up with information and add it to the layout? Jan 23 08:33:30 you mean like a list? Jan 23 08:34:46 er, nope. I am aware I could use a ListView, and I have implemented it before. But I want to just add numerous child layouts with custom contents Jan 23 08:35:04 would a custom listview be the easiest way to do it? Jan 23 08:35:12 listview is always custom :) Jan 23 08:35:21 you define the view of each item in your adapter Jan 23 08:35:29 and ofc you can put in there anyview you would like Jan 23 08:35:34 any layout Jan 23 08:53:59 I made some screenshots with my phone, edited them and now when I want to display them they won't fit on the screen (I didn't change the size. what should I do for them to match the screen size? Jan 23 08:54:32 android.layout_width="fill_parent" or "wrap_content" doesn't work Jan 23 08:58:30 <\0x90\> hey people a question. i need a service that will do network operations get data, then update activity. i could do this by binding a service to an activity and passing back data to activity, or running a service and writing into sqllite database, and on activity reading data from database Jan 23 08:59:06 <\0x90\> the service needs to run constantly getting data every 5 minutes and writing every 5 minutes. activity needs to be refreshed every 5 minutes Jan 23 09:02:09 I'd use kinda both Jan 23 09:02:29 namely, service would write *and* read from database, and Activity would bind to service Jan 23 09:03:12 <\0x90\> yeah was just thinking about it even if i write to db i would still need to read it.. from service Jan 23 09:03:39 database as way to cache results (and possibly do time series?), Activity for UI Jan 23 09:06:29 <\0x90\> well, actually if i attach an activity to service and make service fetch data and report results to an activity then i don't need db. bbecause thing is.. i'll have a lot of data (refreshing every 5 minutes) Jan 23 09:07:03 <\0x90\> and don't want to have a huge database since i don't need 'history' .. of that data. Jan 23 09:07:31 hi there Jan 23 09:07:38 <\0x90\> so might just as well skip database... and just attach the activitty to a service. Jan 23 09:08:48 If I have a view which must communicate with a remote API, on the result of some event, is there a way to group events which happen too close together so as to avoid too much communication? Jan 23 09:09:01 eg. get new info if > 200 ms has passed since last event Jan 23 09:11:06 \0x90\, why do you need service if you have activity? Jan 23 09:12:07 <\0x90\> Udmurt, i need a service because i have 10-20 data sources that my app connects to and fetches data "all the time". that data need to be parsed and displayed in a activity Jan 23 09:12:19 <\0x90\> even when the aplication is "closed" Jan 23 09:12:33 <\0x90\> notifications need to work Jan 23 09:12:42 <\0x90\> so service still need to do its job Jan 23 09:12:53 in this case yes Jan 23 09:13:56 You may not bind service to activity, you can send intent to your activity when service done load data Jan 23 09:14:18 or use content observer Jan 23 09:15:00 <\0x90\> activity needs to be refreshed when new data arrive Jan 23 09:15:27 <\0x90\> the activity will be like a "dashboard" of sorts.. it needs to be interactive refreshing based on new data, while opened. Jan 23 09:16:41 I think use of cursor with database and content observer is best in this case Jan 23 09:17:06 register it in onResume of activity and unregister in onPause Jan 23 09:17:29 so only when activity is active it refresh data Jan 23 09:20:37 <\0x90\> hm. wasn't aware of this contentobserver thing. ok, yes, might just go with database/content observer Jan 23 09:22:09 If you have not much data you still may send it with intent Jan 23 09:26:49 <\0x90\> don't have much in .. size, but have many different 'servers' to which i connect and issue multiple commands for many different types of data which i need to parse per server. if user wants it. Jan 23 09:27:00 * capella too way too long to look for and find this http://androidxref.com/source/ Jan 23 09:46:19 I'm using the 4.2 Emulator on Mac OS, but tried with 4.1 on a S3 too: NullPointerExceptions that are thrown aren't shown neither in log nor in the debugger, the application just quits silent. What could cause this? Jan 23 09:49:10 Friggin' Comcast P.O.S. :/ Jan 23 09:49:24 Alrighty, so I'm back. Yay me. Bet everyone is asleep. Jan 23 09:51:30 Question-- I'm looking for concept ideas here... Looking to implement a 'popup' message but I'd like to just... design the exact look of that popup... Trying to get ideas for the best way to do this, because I don't want an actual "dialog"... I'd rather have like... an ImageView center screen containing the graphical 'popup', and achieve the same effect as a popup window.. Any ideas on Jan 23 09:51:30 how this is actually done, before I go trying to set the light gray overlay across the other content and try to make an ImageView visible, in attempt to 'appear' authentic... ? Jan 23 09:52:21 Or, perhaps, a borderless/buttonless PopupDialog window (if possible) and load in my XML content, which would contain the ImageView ... ? Jan 23 09:52:35 Use a framelayout as the parent of whatever holds your non pop-ui, change visibility or add and remove it from the frame Jan 23 09:52:59 Though if you are going for authentic, just use a popup window? Jan 23 09:53:23 Hello Jan 23 09:54:24 Im having an issue with videoview where it plays some videos at a variable speed due to TBN (Stream #0.0: Video: mpeg4 (Simple Profile), yuv420p, 800x600 [PAR 1:1 DAR 4:3], 25 tbr, 50 tbn, 25 tbc) being higer than tbc is there any way to avoid it? Jan 23 09:54:24 )= Jan 23 09:54:53 Thanks, lasserix. I'm going for the 'proper' or 'most commonly used' method to achieve a 100% graphical popup message, so that it fits the UI rather than disrupt the flow by using the default theme's window to display my message. Jan 23 09:55:25 You can use toast if you don't need to prompt the user Jan 23 09:55:28 *custom toast Jan 23 09:55:31 pierpark: are you already drawing your entire UI without standard widgets? Jan 23 09:57:20 I have a working TabHost and tabs inside a TabActivity. Is it possible to add a TextView on top of them ? Somehow I can't find where to put that TextView in the layout without making the app crash Jan 23 09:58:06 Leeds: I've tweaked the defaults... Give me two seconds so you can just 'see' it... Such as adding rounded corners to my list, etc. I'm just looking for a cooler popup window. Just wanted to take the best approach before I take a step. http://lifeofchance.com/android-dev.png <-- should be it. Jan 23 09:58:34 lasserix... Thanks Jan 23 09:59:38 For that probably a custom popupwindow will be best Jan 23 10:00:21 Okay, that sounds good then.. I just didn't know what people normally applied... Let me show you another image real quick, so that I can pick your brain about it and see if that is also how you think they are accomplishing it... Two seconds... Jan 23 10:01:05 you could also use a custom dialog fragment, depending on how much you want to tweak it. imo they take same amount of boilerplate to get a skeleton Jan 23 10:01:11 Describe how you think they are pulling this entire screen off: https://lh6.ggpht.com/gBFNQBb35jjr2rOgvZ1wwvWqFP7uhyoE2GMtYoTk1G-6sntMpkpAnTJvGQTwSKKg4w Jan 23 10:01:59 Okay. I think I'll try to do a custom popup.. have the code laying around somewhere, and I think I can style it the way I'm talking, now that you've mentioned it. Jan 23 10:02:21 that's a lot of widgets with transparency with a background bitmap Jan 23 10:02:24 would be my guess Jan 23 10:02:54 Android handles alpha channels well, you could do all that with a custom view but it'd be a lot of "fun" to flesh out dimensions in code Jan 23 10:03:55 No joke.... I don't think I can handle that much fun right now. Ha ha. Jan 23 10:05:08 hey, trtying to find out the corresponding containers in android to c++ vector, list, map, etc. You guys have a good reference to read? Jan 23 10:05:22 basically a rating bar with custom mushrooms to top left, two transparent textviews top right, mushroom imageview center, maybe a custom listview for the green with custom checkboxes Jan 23 10:05:34 Alright, solution sounds good. I appreciate the input. Half of my battle is just getting the concept of the development down, before I run off and go stupid when there is a simpler approach.... Not _as_ stumped by the code as I was on day one about 4 months ago... That was one bad bad bad two weeks. Jan 23 10:05:38 all in a parent relativelayout with that wood background bitmap Jan 23 10:06:22 gmag: they're just java Jan 23 10:06:58 Ah, so all very simple, but styled to make it look more complicated. Eases my mind. Thanks for the input guys. Going to go see about implementing this dialog now. Be back around in a bit, if anyone is still up. Jan 23 10:08:12 No idea how it got to be 4:00 in the morning... screw it... I guess I'll pretend I just got up early. (Words I'll regret by 6pm). Jan 23 10:08:41 * Leeds checks... yup, 6pm Jan 23 10:10:09 Oh, one more thing...what did you think of my Engvall layout? I'm basically trying to build a template for myself for a few apps I have in mind, and was hoping this looked pretty decent. Jan 23 10:10:10 One of the greatest myths of the human species: time is linear :) Jan 23 10:10:23 hahaha. Nice Jan 23 10:10:58 Start just getting everything working, ui refreshes are easy once the scaffolding is in place. ultimatly the social use and behavior of your app with tailor its own design Jan 23 10:11:32 Sorry for spam, write check Jan 23 10:11:42 that's an iphone app though, look at the action bar as navigation for you UI--it's the recomended thing now Jan 23 10:12:42 I need to get a _real_ device with 3.0 > (that's where the action bar comes in, right?) ... so I can actually confidently test on it rather than rely on this emulator which bugs me to no end. Jan 23 10:12:46 Personally I think swiping is more natural for touch-interface users (as opposed to people like us, with point and click mouse) than "clicking" with the finger and think a transparent slide out drawer is more organic Jan 23 10:12:55 I should probably flip that back button into something less iPhony. Jan 23 10:13:01 look at actionbarsherlock library for adding actionbar to your 2.x devices Jan 23 10:13:14 that's exactly what the action bar up carrot does Jan 23 10:13:15 brb Jan 23 10:13:20 K. Jan 23 10:15:55 <_kud> Hello Jan 23 10:15:57 Oooh... yeah, I remember downloading the actionBarSherlock project and looking through some demos... that was a very very nice bunch of tools to have for reference. Jan 23 10:16:01 Mornin, _kud Jan 23 10:16:18 <_kud> I've got a question about webapp on Android, is it the correct channel? Jan 23 10:17:00 I want to say yes, but I'm teetering on that until you give a slightly better worded questoin... Jan 23 10:17:08 ^ _kud Jan 23 10:17:23 <_kud> I'm a web developer and I'm developing a full js application, but I'm stuck with video tag Jan 23 10:17:56 <_kud> On android (android browser or chrome or whatever else) I have no clue when the user comes back to my app when he was on the native player Jan 23 10:18:09 ah... I don't think this is the right channel :) You might check the #jquery <-- (I think) channel if you're making mobile-web "apps". Jan 23 10:18:18 <_kud> Haha it won't help me Jan 23 10:18:37 <_kud> first of all because jquery users are noobs, and mostly because it's especially an android question :D Jan 23 10:18:45 Why not just develop on Android? If you're familiar with js, you should be able to get a grasp on Java. Jan 23 10:18:52 <_kud> it's managing between android browsers and native player Jan 23 10:18:57 Okay let me back up and read. Hold on. Jan 23 10:19:18 <_kud> In fact, I play my video via