**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon May 27 02:59:58 2013 May 27 03:00:05 I don't quite understand I'm sorry May 27 03:00:13 I understand setters and getters May 27 03:01:08 how do you read from the SharedPreferences object? May 27 03:01:19 getKey("mykeyname") May 27 03:01:21 get May 27 03:01:28 where getKey is of type you are trying to get May 27 03:01:42 getString May 27 03:01:43 getINt May 27 03:01:47 getInt May 27 03:01:49 getBool May 27 03:01:50 etc May 27 03:01:53 read the docs May 27 03:02:09 tis all there May 27 03:02:31 i like getAllThePreferences() May 27 03:02:36 I know it is May 27 03:02:52 I've been reading them for hours. not trying to take the lazy way out, just having a hard time. May 27 03:03:46 i actually googled getAllThePreferences(),imagine that May 27 03:05:19 So if I make SharedPreferences prefs; Then prefs will just have up to date values and I can use pref.getBoolean(key) May 27 03:05:54 you need to initialize with an access mode, readable, writble etc May 27 03:07:09 good nigt! May 27 03:07:10 x2mike2x, http://androiddeveloperspot.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/sharedpreference-in-android.html May 27 03:10:41 brx_, StingRay_ Thank you. I'll play around with that and see what I can get. May 27 03:22:14 re: monetizing with ads, when you release an updated apk, do you like to register it as a new app with your ad networks, or just use the same ad IDs? May 27 03:23:03 Need to release an update and was weighing pros and cons of reregistering it with ad networks...dunno what's normal practice with devs May 27 03:23:33 For what reasons did the android guys choose to use Java instead of say, python for developing apps? May 27 03:24:05 norbu at the time they thought they could run with sun's ip May 27 03:24:42 g00s: internet protocol? May 27 03:24:59 intellectual property May 27 03:25:03 because there was already a *massive* installed base of j2me May 27 03:25:17 and a massive base of Java developers May 27 03:25:35 are there any performance reasons? May 27 03:26:06 although they were already employing Guico - who I didn't know had moved to Dropbox in January this year... May 27 03:26:11 er, Guido May 27 03:27:06 Personally, I really with I could develop apps for android in python :( May 27 03:27:10 wish* May 27 03:29:33 If says the string in getSharedPreferences(string, int) is a preferences file. What does that mean? Is it the xml file that makes the settings menu? May 27 03:30:09 preferences object May 27 03:30:29 not a file, per say (though i could be wrong, it may be cached as an internal app file but don't actually know) May 27 03:30:41 anyways you access it through the preferences object May 27 03:30:57 you can think of it like a file, because it will persist for your app May 27 03:31:10 but really, in code you are using the api on the preferences object May 27 03:31:18 lasserix: it is an xml file May 27 03:31:22 oh ok May 27 03:31:23 stored in data May 27 03:31:36 well in app/data May 27 03:31:50 or app/prefs May 27 03:31:59 but x2mike you access it via the api in code around the object you call on not, not directly in the xml file the preferences are saved in May 27 03:32:03 unless i am mistaken May 27 03:32:39 I'm so confused May 27 03:32:42 haha May 27 03:32:57 x2mike2x, did you see the link i posted, it makes it so simple May 27 03:33:10 x2mike2x: read, get to the 1st point you dont understand, and ask about that May 27 03:33:50 brx_, yep thanks for the link. At the start he calls SharedPreferences pref = getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences( May 27 03:33:50 "any_prefname", MODE_PRIVATE); May 27 03:34:05 I don't know what to put in any_prefname May 27 03:34:12 its arbitrary May 27 03:34:20 leave it as is :) May 27 03:34:56 O.O May 27 03:35:02 it just doesn't matter? May 27 03:35:07 I'm an idiot May 27 03:35:24 not an idiot May 27 03:35:35 just maybe lacking in this context … common sense May 27 03:35:37 :) May 27 03:37:05 StingRay_, 04:30am is hardcore May 27 03:37:14 fk yeah May 27 03:37:19 like a bag of nails May 27 03:37:23 you know whats helping me ??? May 27 03:37:28 speed? May 27 03:37:33 I STOPPED SMOKING!!! May 27 03:37:38 well today May 27 03:37:41 nice nice May 27 03:37:41 yesterday May 27 03:37:48 well I dont know May 27 03:37:51 yeah you shoulid quit smoking cigarettes May 27 03:37:53 but I need a cig!!! May 27 03:37:56 StingRay_, yea but what if I'm lacking in many contexts... May 27 03:37:59 than you can live for 10 more years May 27 03:38:08 plus cigarettes are gay May 27 03:38:10 and retarte May 27 03:38:36 ia9371: they are sooo fking nice though May 27 03:38:53 yeah but they burn my suite and cost too much May 27 03:39:20 If my code has this line it crashes SharedPreferences prefs = getApplicationContext().getSharedPreferences("any_prefname", MODE_PRIVATE); May 27 03:39:26 like $5 a day ide rather buy a gallon of water May 27 03:39:30 and live long time May 27 03:39:38 $5day? May 27 03:39:41 lol where do you live? May 27 03:39:48 send me some cigs May 27 03:39:51 $5 May 27 03:39:55 jesus May 27 03:40:02 yeah yeah its fun to drink coffee and smoke cigarettes and play computer all day May 27 03:40:05 StingRay_, i was in asia couple months ago May 27 03:40:09 like $1 pack May 27 03:40:09 lol May 27 03:40:13 tis like $12 per pack here May 27 03:40:19 but realistially cigarettes are completely stupid May 27 03:40:26 i agree May 27 03:40:34 and about $29 for 50g tobacco May 27 03:40:34 i like nicotine, but havent smoked in agest May 27 03:42:31 well I think when the urge gets to a level that is hindering my concentration in dev May 27 03:42:43 then I will pick up some weights I have behind May 27 03:42:48 do 10 min of that May 27 03:42:48 I got locked up for 30 days once May 27 03:42:54 and drink lots of water May 27 03:43:08 and after that i dont really care about nicotine withdrawel May 27 03:43:21 really ? May 27 03:43:48 problem I have is an active mind that gets bored really quick May 27 03:43:55 that dont help me sometimes May 27 03:44:18 cigarettes screw up my thought process May 27 03:44:25 i dont relly like them any more May 27 03:45:00 well I'm actually attempting to humble myself May 27 03:45:14 tried before but didn't really work all too well May 27 03:45:28 whereas now, I think I'm pretty almost there May 27 03:45:39 this stopping smoking is one of the final steps May 27 03:45:58 StingRay_ does your gf smoke ? May 27 03:46:00 so does alcholod May 27 03:46:07 g00s: no May 27 03:46:10 im hyper sensitive May 27 03:46:13 StingRay_, try a vaporizer May 27 03:46:15 not ideal May 27 03:46:15 StingRay_ you have kids ? May 27 03:46:17 but cheaper May 27 03:46:19 better for you May 27 03:46:20 g00s: no May 27 03:46:24 http://www.mtbakervapor.com/ May 27 03:46:38 StingRay_ hopefully your gf can help support you in your goal May 27 03:46:55 she probably prefers non smoking stingray :) May 27 03:47:03 she does indeed May 27 03:47:06 is where i get "juice" May 27 03:47:10 http://www.volcanoecigs.com/inferno-kit.html is what i use May 27 03:47:16 still prefer a can of chew May 27 03:47:19 but May 27 03:47:20 it works May 27 03:47:29 and you can seriously wind down on it May 27 03:47:32 to 0 nicotine May 27 03:47:48 jcase: that would defeat the partial purpose that I set out to complete May 27 03:47:57 which is to quit right? May 27 03:48:01 i'm not sure how well the cold turkey approach works, although its noble May 27 03:48:03 no May 27 03:48:05 my dad has those ecigs, he mixes he own stuffuptoo May 27 03:48:07 whats the purpose May 27 03:48:48 my main problem is, i actually enjoy the taste of chew May 27 03:48:52 to not "need", "want", "expect" extravagance or excess May 27 03:49:00 StingRay_, ah ok May 27 03:49:04 im using it as a step down May 27 03:49:07 expect nothing May 27 03:49:17 and May 27 03:49:32 make better robots than the chinese May 27 03:49:41 \o/ May 27 03:50:00 chinese people eat Dogs and Cats May 27 03:50:13 well I used to earn lots, buy anything and everything, have little cares, and I was a crap human being for it May 27 03:50:15 if the USA cant make better robots than them.. there something wrong with our counrty May 27 03:50:32 not I'm going down to having very little, and realising whats important in life May 27 03:50:41 and thats who I want to be really May 27 03:50:52 ia9371 gotta make sure they don't run off with the plans :D :D (espionage) May 27 03:51:04 http://i.imgur.com/atYk7ro.gif May 27 03:51:14 i was reading a large DoD contractor with lots of innovation was totally 0wned May 27 03:51:57 i think it was in Wired May 27 03:53:33 brx_ i have animated gifs turned off :( :) May 27 03:53:48 :( May 27 03:54:04 ff lets you do that , not chrome :D May 27 03:54:15 ff ftw May 27 03:54:24 yes, indeed May 27 03:55:30 I bet you can do that with chrome May 27 03:55:33 with extensions May 27 03:59:25 but ... May 27 03:59:29 chrome is google May 27 03:59:42 not everyone is as paranoid as you May 27 03:59:49 I use it because it simply performs better than ff May 27 03:59:51 Android is google oO May 27 04:00:17 doesnt sit there and rape the crap out of our machines like ff May 27 04:00:22 ron_frown not under heavy memory pressure. it is faster tho May 27 04:01:23 i'm using it *because* i have a wimpy machine; i had to give up chrome May 27 04:01:35 UnloadTab ftw May 27 04:01:41 firefox works better than chroms May 27 04:02:00 there are some applications that require firfox May 27 04:02:10 i have around 200 tabs, 3% cpu @ 600mb memory May 27 04:02:20 I do not agree that ff works better at all May 27 04:02:35 I dont think its the worst thing in the world May 27 04:02:37 well, ff doesn't work well on google web sites May 27 04:03:09 and I'd still use it over ie any day of the week May 27 04:03:46 I have never seen anything that didn't work in chromium May 27 04:06:04 oi May 27 04:09:56 anyone familiar with play game services? i want to basically make a board game, with each player holding a phone, and a tablet on the table May 27 04:10:07 but im not sure if i can get the tablet to connect to everything without being a "player" May 27 04:15:41 canadiancow: why cant it be a player ? May 27 04:15:50 well, i need a dummy g+ account then :P May 27 04:16:00 which is fine for now, but annoying in general May 27 04:16:06 na…. you need to test double sign-in May 27 04:16:12 :) May 27 04:16:16 resistance is futile May 27 04:16:18 ? May 27 04:16:22 double sign-in? May 27 04:16:31 same g+ account May 27 04:16:41 can i invite myself to a game? May 27 04:17:01 playing with yourself is discouraged by google May 27 04:17:12 ugh i wasnt even able to create the room: 05-26 21:15:09.281: I/RealTimeAgent(24577): {"code":404,"errors":[{"message":"The requested application with ID 1xxxxxxxxxxx2 was not found.","domain":"global","reason":"notFound"}]} May 27 04:17:21 canadiancow: I think that works with a few g services May 27 04:17:30 cause I am signed in on a few devices May 27 04:17:33 same account May 27 04:17:48 yes im signed in May 27 04:17:58 but im talking about realtime multiplayer in google play game services May 27 04:18:22 yeah I know May 27 04:18:28 oh 1 sec though May 27 04:18:43 you wanting a game that is local ish May 27 04:18:56 the google games stuff is wan friendly May 27 04:19:05 no really local is it ? May 27 04:19:27 but it handles everything for me May 27 04:19:41 and as a google who frequents this channel, i think its good for me to know how it works :) May 27 04:23:30 what's the go-to XML serializer/deserializer for Android? May 27 04:23:43 built-in or otherwise May 27 04:24:54 simple is decent May 27 04:25:50 http://simple.sourceforge.net/ May 27 04:26:52 Still can't get prefs to work. I just get the default out of prefs.(key, default value). May 27 04:27:31 I'm so glad we're not using XML anymore May 27 04:27:48 though I have to assume it gzips pretty awesome May 27 04:29:18 they all sucsk May 27 04:29:44 xml sucks, therefore everything built around it May 27 04:29:46 sucks May 27 04:29:58 too bad all the res/ shit in android is xml May 27 04:30:27 yes. it's awful having the IDE do 90% of the work for you rather than some arbitrary DSL that fails at runtime May 27 04:31:06 good thing they fixed aapt by taking that dudes source May 27 04:31:24 because it took 90% of extended compile times doing 90% of the time May 27 04:31:33 90% of the work May 27 04:31:36 that was a Windows thing, right? May 27 04:31:42 it was only a minor bump on other platforms May 27 04:33:01 honestly May 27 04:33:09 I've seen ui on about 10 diff platforms May 27 04:33:20 I'm curious as to why they made the decisions they did May 27 04:33:34 like I think the r.id shit could have been avoided completely May 27 04:33:44 nobody would disagree with you May 27 04:34:17 the entire resource system is pretty damn impressive though May 27 04:34:29 seems like a java engineer solution to a problem May 27 04:34:37 there are some things in there that I think were forward thinkng May 27 04:34:39 really? it seems like a C engineer solution May 27 04:34:54 well I could see that too May 27 04:35:23 in the sense that got that whole const ints May 27 04:35:31 I just meant it seems like it overengineered May 27 04:35:51 thats what java guys like to do May 27 04:36:33 i don't think any of the resource system was designed by java engineers May 27 04:36:34 and precisely why when I see people suggest shit like sax or hibernate May 27 04:37:11 might as tell people May 27 04:37:13 go killsyourself May 27 04:37:51 i almost wanted to kill myself when i contemplated the task ahead of me - learning spring and hibernate May 27 04:38:01 it was like 2000 pages worth of reading May 27 04:38:10 admittdly my experience with spring was little... but I wasnt so offput with it May 27 04:38:13 good thing i procrastinated and that went past :) May 27 04:38:17 hibernate was just a disaster May 27 04:38:24 I liked play framework May 27 04:38:44 it was like non java guys came up with a solution to a problem that just by chance had to be solved with java May 27 04:41:17 Any help as to why this doesn't retrieve the value of "nickelsSetting" May 27 04:41:18 http://pastebin.com/qs1zRpca May 27 04:42:27 ron_frown the best part about spring was it was supposed to make JEE easy May 27 04:42:42 but in all fairness, spring is a bunch of modules; you can add them as needed May 27 04:42:47 I've been involved in java since the inception of j2ee May 27 04:42:51 and it was a huge joke May 27 04:43:07 oh you want to build something with j2ee concept and deploy on x j2ee container? May 27 04:43:09 GOOD LUCK May 27 04:44:51 java is the new cobol May 27 04:46:19 i'm very interested in clojure tho May 27 04:47:09 its also a great way to find good devs to partner with; not too many slackers using it ;) May 27 04:47:23 kinda like the old Python Paradox by Paul Graham May 27 04:47:31 you can probably also say that bout Scala May 27 04:48:05 java is the new ... WHAZ???? May 27 04:48:11 hahah May 27 04:48:40 as someone who did a *lot* of cobol.... no it's not May 27 04:51:18 x2mike2x: what doesnt work about that ? May 27 04:55:27 StingRay_, it always says whatever I put in the second field. May 27 04:55:52 well have you ever "put" a value into it ??? May 27 04:56:28 well I think so. May 27 04:56:46 I have a setDefault that runs on start up May 27 04:57:24 and it has checkbox items, but I don't know if those do anything yet May 27 05:01:18 well look at it this way, if the sharedPrefs reads from a different file, you get null May 27 05:01:32 if you ask for something that you have not set, you get null May 27 05:01:40 hence the default value May 27 05:03:46 Do you know what first creates that file? May 27 05:04:03 you May 27 05:04:18 getting the fist instance of a sharedPrefs obj May 27 05:04:22 are we still doing shared prefs? gee ... May 27 05:04:25 where the file doesn't exist May 27 05:04:46 bankai_, I've been doing this for about 7 hours heh May 27 05:04:59 maybe you should take a break coz this is seriously simple stuff May 27 05:05:36 you say that.... May 27 05:06:05 StingRay_, so I should just do SharedPreferences prefs; May 27 05:06:18 to create it May 27 05:06:22 erm May 27 05:06:33 you new to java and programming too right ? May 27 05:06:38 Log.i("MikeTag", "Nickels is " + String.valueOf(nic)); May 27 05:07:15 of course I'm new to programming haha May 27 05:07:24 That's why I can't make a menu May 27 05:07:27 x2mike2x: then I would suggest some programming 101 etc May 27 05:07:39 rather than fighting with conceptless backing May 27 05:07:57 it will waste less of your time in the long run May 27 05:08:02 trust me May 27 05:08:11 * StingRay_ is an instructor/trainier May 27 05:08:17 not in programming btw!!!! May 27 05:08:52 or it would seem spelling either May 27 05:08:55 :) May 27 05:09:02 you are of course right May 27 05:09:26 I went through some online courses and got through codingbat.com May 27 05:09:36 to learn the VERY basics May 27 05:09:58 take those basics to a functional level May 27 05:10:02 then start on android May 27 05:10:22 then I wanted to actually just do something even if it's stupid and small. Then go back to classes. Might have jumped the gun. May 27 05:11:05 agreed May 27 05:11:23 http://www.mkyong.com/tutorials/android-tutorial/ May 27 05:11:43 capella: I would not point him to that May 27 05:11:58 I would :) May 27 05:12:06 needs some pre-android stuff May 27 05:12:12 object basics etc May 27 05:12:14 How simple can it get? May 27 05:12:43 well he lacks assignment, creation, instantiation awearness May 27 05:12:55 awareness * May 27 05:13:02 jesus I really cant spell today May 27 05:13:07 hehe May 27 05:13:08 and I dont care either!!! May 27 05:13:14 I just want a CIG!!! May 27 05:13:23 * StingRay_ hits the wieghts May 27 05:13:26 capella, thank May 27 05:13:29 StingRay_, thanks May 27 05:13:31 thanks all May 27 05:13:37 nope, no cigs fell out of the weights May 27 05:13:47 x2mike2x: you need java 101 May 27 05:13:51 not android yet May 27 05:14:01 android is learning the api/sdk stuff May 27 05:14:05 your missing java May 27 05:14:23 you're right I need more java May 27 05:14:34 but that's not what is tripping me up most of the time May 27 05:14:37 Get an IDE, hack / clone a few examples from the link I sent, eventually it sinks in May 27 05:14:38 that makes learning android …either the slowest and most frustrating that it can be May 27 05:14:51 It's the stuff that goes on in the background automatically that I didn't do May 27 05:14:54 capella i'm still waiting for it to sink in :| May 27 05:15:52 must .... control ... fist of death .... 💀 May 27 05:15:54 XD May 27 05:16:02 hehe May 27 05:16:30 Those damn C_++ templates are what gets to me May 27 05:16:30 weird the skull is the only emoticon textual has displayed May 27 05:16:59 its getting late, time to switch to IJ / darcula :D May 27 05:17:11 eclipse by day, ij by night May 27 05:17:14 🐹 Rats May 27 05:17:25 capella how the f are you doing that ? May 27 05:18:39 (Drinking 🍹) May 27 05:18:41 hahaha ... Unicode stuff - lemme find link May 27 05:20:45 cool ⛄ May 27 05:20:47 http://www.tamasoft.co.jp/en/general-info/unicode.html May 27 05:21:45 ൠ May 27 05:21:52 i think thats the reddit guy May 27 05:22:02 There ya go! May 27 05:25:05 g00s: AS 9patch thingy is wicked May 27 05:25:14 love it May 27 05:25:19 :) May 27 05:25:21 well, not that I use it May 27 05:25:27 but if I did, i would love it May 27 05:25:28 !! May 27 05:25:56 i wonder if google or idea wrote it; heh May 27 05:26:04 *jetbrains May 27 05:26:48 AS got a build in 9patch editor? I hate draw9patch... May 27 05:28:37 this lmax disruptor library is fucking great May 27 05:29:55 capella: yeah May 27 05:30:19 I'll still use PS, but nice to have something there to view, preview and drag to alter areas May 27 05:30:26 I like draw9patch, it makes your mouse hand super steady May 27 05:30:35 * capella is still using intelliJ CE ... gotta try that AS I guess May 27 05:34:07 g00s? May 27 05:34:56 lmax distruptor library ? May 27 05:36:10 yeah , its a nice concurrency library useful in plaes you may use a blockingqueue instead May 27 05:36:26 high throughput queue situation, although thats not its impl May 27 05:36:51 * g00s scoffs at maven users that have so many libraries they need that shit to keep things straight May 27 05:37:19 there are only a few worthwhile libs ;) i can count them all on one hand May 27 05:37:31 disruptor is one of them May 27 05:37:46 maven and library count is orthogonal May 27 05:38:57 i can use 500 libraries with ant or make or gradle or bash or an IDE and I can use Maven with zero external dependencies May 27 05:39:43 haha May 27 05:39:55 JakeWharton i just mentioned maven to get you rattled up May 27 05:39:59 :D May 27 05:40:38 I never really saw the need for either of those May 27 05:40:43 i give zero shits May 27 05:40:52 we've noticed =) May 27 05:41:01 i more worry about the lemmings in this room who take everything said by someone who can type fast as gospel May 27 05:41:44 :D May 27 05:42:10 I form my own opinions if thats what you were implying =) May 27 05:42:22 yeah I'm not worried about you May 27 05:42:32 taking anything anyone says as erm… gospel is a bit wrong May 27 05:42:48 God damn, Samsung Kies is annoying as shit in logcat May 27 05:43:17 Sonicadvance1 I always loved that about installing custom roms on samsung hardware May 27 05:43:19 bye bye bloat May 27 05:43:55 ron_frown, Yea, probably install a custom rom on my GS4 in the future May 27 05:46:41 in Eclipse, when i go to project properties -> java build path -> Libraries, I see (1) Android 4.2.2 (2) Android Dependencies and (3) Android Private libraries May 27 05:46:53 I had misspelled nickel as nickle in one of the strings.... thought you would all like to know. May 27 05:46:54 #1 is obvious, it points to the platform jar May 27 05:47:01 what are #2 and #3 ? May 27 05:47:19 probably library projects and jars, respectively May 27 05:48:36 05-26 22:48:02.261: E/Volley(24577): [633] ip.a: Unexpected response code 403 for https://www.googleapis.com/games/v1/players/1##################### May 27 05:48:36 05-26 22:48:02.266: E/SignInIntentService(24577): Access Not Configured May 27 05:48:38 ffs May 27 05:48:42 games hate me May 27 06:17:13 Hey everyone... I've got a question regarding PendingIntents and the AlarmManager put together on SO: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16762133/how-do-i-prevent-pendingintents-from-firing-at-the-same-time May 27 06:17:25 Wondering if anyone might be able to help me sort this out :) May 27 06:30:52 g00s, i thin 2 is lib proejcts, and 3 is jars May 27 06:31:25 nope, im wrong May 27 06:34:45 Omega_: that's weird. i've never used an AlarmManager, though, so I'm not sure I can really help May 27 06:35:08 Yeah, I suspect I'm doing something incorrectly in setting up the lifecycle. May 27 06:35:14 I'm just not familiar enough with the API to know what ;) May 27 06:46:38 canadiancow its a mystery :| May 27 06:48:18 when i use ActionBar for my menus, how can i hide the 3 dot menu icon on the button statusbar when actionbar is supported? May 27 07:06:07 http://www.reddit.com/r/androiddev/comments/1f3cma/i_have_12_million_downloads_here_are_some_tips/ May 27 07:06:24 interesting advice May 27 07:10:00 hey guys May 27 07:10:50 hi May 27 07:12:53 I am trying to insert a blacklist into SQLiteDatabase, approx 2.3 million urls May 27 07:13:11 after reaching 1 000 000, it becomes really slow May 27 07:13:20 like, it does 20k row insert in every 4seconds May 27 07:13:33 and after reaching 1mil, it takes indefinite amount of time May 27 07:13:54 like right now it took 2minutes 10seconds to go from 1 000 000 to 1 020 000 May 27 07:14:00 any reason for that May 27 07:14:00 ? May 27 07:14:20 apart from the obvious that you have a million rows in a sqlite database? :) May 27 07:14:31 yeah May 27 07:14:31 :) May 27 07:14:48 do inserts get slower over time? May 27 07:14:52 with more data in tables May 27 07:15:00 are you using bulkinserts and beginTransaction and endTranscation? May 27 07:15:08 yes May 27 07:15:26 I have 5k rows / second insert speed right now May 27 07:15:28 that's quite decent May 27 07:15:40 but after reaching 1mil it decreases significanty May 27 07:15:42 ly* May 27 07:15:57 I imagine your db structure might be the limiting factor then May 27 07:16:14 no indexes, single column in a table May 27 07:16:20 heh May 27 07:16:22 when i use ActionBar for my menus, how can i hide the 3 dot menu icon on the button statusbar when actionbar is supported? May 27 07:16:37 although the column is a primary key May 27 07:16:42 I could improve performance by taking that out May 27 07:16:55 as I make sure I get unique urls anyway May 27 07:17:08 athough I'm not sure that owuld imrpvoe things May 27 07:17:18 because I care about lookup speed alot May 27 07:17:27 and not sure how would that impacti t May 27 07:23:20 zhulikas do you just need key / values ? like "is this url blacklisted?" May 27 07:23:32 yeah May 27 07:23:37 try MapDb May 27 07:23:38 so there are no keys at all May 27 07:23:39 just values May 27 07:24:05 you have keys and no values May 27 07:24:08 it's just a list of urls and I do a 'select 1 from table where url = ? May 27 07:24:15 yeah May 27 07:25:51 well, a few thing you could try i guess May 27 07:26:01 insert with no indexes May 27 07:26:12 add the index when your bulk load is done :| May 27 07:26:38 if that still sucks, try MapDb or - maybe you have to try leveldb May 27 07:26:56 or maybe I should convince client to drop this idea May 27 07:27:14 that i cant say May 27 07:27:40 and settle with lazy blacklist/whitelist loading with help from external server May 27 07:27:56 how often do you need to query the db? perhaps a REST request would suffice ? May 27 07:28:05 the other thing too is you could d/l the sqlite db with all the crap in it already May 27 07:28:12 zhulikas: shoulnd't you be storing that much info on a remote server or something ? May 27 07:28:21 yeah, remote server would do just fine May 27 07:28:33 actually I think the problem is that client didn't think of a smart enough solution for remote checkup May 27 07:28:37 (which I came up with) May 27 07:28:44 :) May 27 07:28:48 and was worryying about overloading the system with requests May 27 07:29:14 but with every specific url you actually need to make only a single request to a remote server May 27 07:29:32 and I guess typical user never reaches more than 100 unique domains on a device when one browses May 27 07:30:00 so I suspect a typical 100 requests per lifetime of an application when using a remote server :) May 27 07:30:03 which is more than acceptable May 27 07:33:00 hmm, downloading whole database would be nice though May 27 07:33:16 as I am dwonloading a blacklist from a server anyway May 27 07:33:40 sqlite 4 will have better k/v support May 27 07:33:58 zhulikas i'm curious : how big in bytes is your db when it is full ? May 27 07:34:10 I never reached full size May 27 07:34:11 :) May 27 07:34:23 2.3mil blacklist is 38MB .txt file May 27 07:34:28 test it on a computer ... May 27 07:34:35 1mil database is approx 60MBs May 27 07:35:00 i think we know the answer :| May 27 07:35:03 yup May 27 07:35:04 :) May 27 07:35:07 but that's quite a lot May 27 07:35:15 for example /data/data is unsuitable for it already May 27 07:35:31 i dont think it will fit on my froyo droid-1 May 27 07:35:32 mountpoint has 170MBs storage on my device May 27 07:35:45 so I'm already using sqlite database on external storage May 27 07:35:58 and using external storage is well... people may start playing with it May 27 07:36:01 deleting data and stuff May 27 07:36:02 :) May 27 07:36:35 thats a lot of blacklisted urls, maybe a whitelist is better :) May 27 07:37:09 not a solution either May 27 07:37:13 only sane solution is remote server May 27 07:37:29 my mac's /etc/hosts has 10k entries May 27 07:37:43 hope you have an answer for http://blacklisted.com/ and http://blacklisted.com/? May 27 07:38:36 what do you mean? May 27 07:39:12 canonical urls, i dont know your software but naturally if you browse to "http://blacklsited.com/?" and you check if it exists in the database as is, it wont if you oonly have "http://blacklisted.com/ in there May 27 07:39:19 or even without the trailing slash May 27 07:39:22 oh :) May 27 07:39:29 true. May 27 07:39:32 I thought about it May 27 07:39:45 I will extract domain.tld part from the url May 27 07:39:49 find a fast way for it May 27 07:40:09 what if www.domain.tld and domain.tld both work :) May 27 07:40:13 or www1, www2 May 27 07:40:33 I take www.domain.tld, extract domain.tld from it and match it against db May 27 07:40:34 although... May 27 07:40:41 I guess I'll need a list of tlds May 27 07:40:48 i'd just skip the local db entirely May 27 07:40:48 because of such tlds like .co.uk May 27 07:40:54 me too :D May 27 07:41:01 and depending on why you are blacklisting things, a service might already exist May 27 07:41:05 but I'll finish the experiment and report the findings May 27 07:41:38 zhulikas so you have one column , right ? May 27 07:41:42 yes May 27 07:41:50 k, just curious about your #s May 27 07:43:01 i would estimate just marginally bigger than a text file, maybe within 10% May 27 07:45:40 :) May 27 07:46:15 if you have the text file you can just load it on your desktop with the sqlite3 command May 27 07:46:29 but anyhow, dont mean to distract you either May 27 07:57:08 Hey, I have a listview with custom items containing an image view. sometimes, before I update the image, the imageview displays an old image - is there a way to make sure it is initially empty? May 27 07:57:59 set it to null May 27 07:58:22 b4 actually setting it with correct data May 27 07:58:26 thats what I have to do May 27 07:59:32 hmm in my adapter I actually set it to a resource image before the actual image has been downloaded… so that's weird, it should definitely initally show my resource image :/ May 27 07:59:55 yeah, well depends where you set it I guess May 27 08:00:15 it's just got a recycled view leftover there May 27 08:02:36 okay, but ImageView.setImageResource(R.drawable.my_resource); is the right call to set an image view to a resource, right? May 27 08:06:33 when i use ActionBar for my menus, how can i hide the 3 dot menu icon on the button statusbar when actionbar is supported? May 27 08:10:55 omid8bimo: I just ran into the same problem. Make sure the activities dont have menu's and bump up your targetSdkVersion to 14 or higher May 27 08:11:09 that is what fixed it for me at least May 27 08:13:34 pduin: targetSdkVersion solved it. thanks :) May 27 08:19:32 capella Thunderbird has irc support, eh ? May 27 08:20:19 g00s: you still after an irc client ? May 27 08:20:27 if you have the text file you can just load it on your desktop with the sqlite3 command May 27 08:20:51 somehow I only see ways of exporting database to txt May 27 08:20:52 StingRay_ not really, using textual atm even though it crashes a lot May 27 08:20:54 not the other way around May 27 08:22:01 zhulikas see".import" command May 27 08:22:24 thanks May 27 08:22:25 :) May 27 08:22:46 StingRay_ the only thing i like about textual over colloquy is the nicks get assigned colors May 27 08:23:01 otherwise, they are both the same to me May 27 08:23:07 ah, thanks May 27 08:23:15 Hi Everybody! There is any way to resize RelativeLayout children automatically after resize itself? May 27 08:23:57 i have another question, im using Holo theme with ActionBar, how can i hide the action overflow and put all menus on the buttom menu option? May 27 08:24:08 is there any way?* May 27 08:25:11 omid8bimo i thought ab decided that for you May 27 08:25:48 Anybody? May 27 08:26:16 StingRay_: do you know how? Resize RelativeLayout children automatically after resize the RelativeLayout? May 27 08:26:33 g00s: Do you know? May 27 08:27:07 g00s: i want actionbar to be visible with icon which is via Holo theme. but i was wondering how can i hide action overflow so the button menu icons appear? May 27 08:28:01 no idea May 27 08:28:49 g00s, complete db takes 115MB May 27 08:28:53 single column table May 27 08:28:58 imported txt with .import May 27 08:29:00 on desktop May 27 08:29:01 :) May 27 08:29:10 zhulikas how many rows? what was the txt file size ? May 27 08:29:12 whats the best game engine to use with eclipse ? May 27 08:29:12 zipped is 48MB May 27 08:29:22 2 182 493 rows May 27 08:29:33 txt is around 38MB May 27 08:29:41 :O May 27 08:29:53 I guess TEXT data type isn't hte most efficient one May 27 08:30:02 holy crap, i wonder if its the index May 27 08:30:20 hmm, let's see May 27 08:31:12 CREATE TABLE blacklist (URL TEXT NOT NULL); May 27 08:31:24 HAH May 27 08:31:27 54MBs :) May 27 08:31:48 wow, thanks May 27 08:31:52 interesting May 27 08:32:03 i guess Plan B :D May 27 08:32:20 hmmm May 27 08:32:30 54MBs to download is still a lot May 27 08:32:34 but let's do this May 27 08:32:38 oh, actually not 54 May 27 08:32:40 I'll zip it May 27 08:33:28 24MBs May 27 08:33:41 but I really wonder about lookup speed May 27 08:33:48 and I really hope it will be 1s+ May 27 08:33:50 what is 24mb? the zipped text ? May 27 08:33:56 zipped sqlite database May 27 08:34:07 i think thats still too big , by far May 27 08:34:28 38MBs to 54MBs May 27 08:34:32 from txt to sqlite May 27 08:35:51 zhulikas i think what i would recommend, is caching - maybe hot the service first, if its blacklisted add it to sqlite May 27 08:36:02 yes... May 27 08:36:06 and I called it lazy loading May 27 08:36:11 ah k May 27 08:36:14 :) May 27 08:36:16 but same idea, really May 27 08:36:18 zhulikas: did you mean 38 to 24 MB ? May 27 08:36:32 shmooz, 38MBs to 54MBs May 27 08:36:36 oh May 27 08:36:38 24MBs is zipped 54MBs database May 27 08:36:39 :) May 27 08:38:17 somebody experience with a viewpager that uses fragments. (SupportMapFragment problem inside FragmentPageX) May 27 08:50:48 Excuse me, I have a question about Google Play. I had temporarily uploaded a test APK (with a non-final icon) to get the license key and generate test IAB product IDs. May 27 08:51:31 Even after uploading a final APK (with the correct icon), updating the store listing (including 512x512 icon) and deploying - the icon shown in the applications list is still the old one. May 27 08:52:09 When people download the app, their notifications area shows the old icon. Once the app is installed, a correct icon is shown on the launch screen. May 27 08:52:52 How may I fix the icon in the listing on the Google Play Developer Console and the one in the notification screen that the end user sees? May 27 08:54:14 I have a situation where i would like to remove all fragments from my fragmentmanager that are added after FragmentA, but if i do it with a loop, my onCreateView from FragmentA is called, why? May 27 08:55:12 Good morning :) May 27 08:56:32 when I call adb pull May 27 08:56:35 where is the file saved? May 27 08:57:22 wherever you run that command at a guess May 27 08:57:25 :) May 27 08:58:00 if you run adb from sdk/tools etc…prob there May 27 08:58:13 ahhhh May 27 08:58:15 yes May 27 08:58:25 I was in adb shell and issued adb pull May 27 08:58:26 * zhulikas facepalms May 27 08:58:38 :) May 27 09:02:00 in IJ, is there a way to get the project tree to collapse packages int x.y.z rather than x / y / x ? May 27 09:03:43 StingRay_ i still find the IJ clumsy, but everybody says its good; i'm having a mental breakdown May 27 09:04:02 the theme is beautiful tho :) May 27 09:04:19 i'm not getting a tan anymore May 27 09:04:25 :) May 27 09:04:27 so thats erm…good i guess May 27 09:04:31 or bad May 27 09:04:40 well my eyes dont hurt as much May 27 09:04:42 so thats good May 27 09:05:03 i wish all my apps obeyed some imposed system wide theme, like i could install Darcula in OS X settings and every app took to it May 27 09:05:35 in IJ/AS in debug, how do I randomly hover over a var and get it's value May 27 09:05:36 like , OS X came with a dark and light theme, and every app had to at least handles those May 27 09:05:41 eclipse used to give me that May 27 09:05:46 IJ/AS dont :( May 27 09:06:42 huh, I think I'm gonna do a dracula:IntelliJ theme for my app May 27 09:06:43 :) May 27 09:09:21 g00s: does stock IJ + android kit have that 9patch stuff ? May 27 09:09:50 its in the android sdk; haven't seen it in stock IJ May 27 09:09:57 maybe i missed it May 27 09:10:17 well jsut double click a resource 9path in IJ May 27 09:10:33 opens with draggable areas and preview May 27 09:11:34 no, it just opens it as a plain png May 27 09:12:10 if you have added multiple fragments to a framelayout with a FragmentTransaction and using addToBackStack. How can you remove all fragments that are added after FragmentA. Possible to use fm.getBackStackEntryAt(i).getName(); with a loop? May 27 09:12:29 there's draw9patch link in tools -> android though May 27 09:12:53 but I think that's how far IDEA 9patch integration goes at this point May 27 09:13:15 because when i do it this way, the onCreateView form my FragmentA is called and is trying to add again I guess because i have an error: IllegalArgumenteXception duplicate id ... with another fragment May 27 09:18:26 g00s: tell you what though, i get something a few times that I have not got when using eclipse May 27 09:18:37 "Java quit unexpectedly" May 27 09:18:46 huh, i never got that May 27 09:18:58 o.O May 27 09:19:01 with plain idea or AS ? May 27 09:19:05 AS May 27 09:19:09 java 1.6 May 27 09:19:22 i'm using plain idea with 1.6 May 27 09:21:27 AS works with 1.7 for me so far May 27 09:24:19 StingRay_ i tried installing oracle 1.7 and removing apple 1.6; that was MISERY May 27 09:24:31 how so ? May 27 09:24:37 cause that just crossed my mind May 27 09:24:38 then i tried having both ... May 27 09:24:43 that seemed to work ok May 27 09:24:58 as long as you can make sure you use the one you want ;) May 27 09:25:34 once you install apple java 1.6, you can't really uninstall it safely May 27 09:26:10 and i tried , looking at pkgs receipts and such - oh man, did i ever fuck things up May 27 09:26:29 even though 1.7 was there, os x insisted on trying to use the missing 1.6 May 27 09:26:40 and since 1.6 wasn't there, it kept asking if you wanted to get it May 27 09:26:52 so, just keep it if you have it already May 27 09:27:00 pos May 27 09:27:26 hmmm May 27 09:27:38 however May 27 09:27:42 the dir structure between apple and oracle is different May 27 09:27:51 using Oracle Java on OS X will F-up all the fonts in IDEA/AS ;) May 27 09:28:01 great May 27 09:28:07 oh no May 27 09:30:07 why is everyone at google I/O lecturing use a mac airbook to do the android dev in ? May 27 09:30:47 cause they got brains May 27 09:30:49 :) May 27 09:31:46 I would have thought ubuntu on samsung ultrabook would be better, or that thinkpad carbon one ;) May 27 09:32:04 they dont run OSX so no :) May 27 09:32:55 hmm, does anyone know if Android compositor is smart enough not to render views with 0.0 alpha? May 27 09:33:46 shmooz employees have a choice i think between ubuntu and os x May 27 09:34:13 it could also be they just had apple machines at podiums because the prez sw was running on them May 27 09:34:50 well, its an internal ubuntu derivation May 27 09:41:36 does somebody know an app that uses multiple horizontal listviews? (vertical scrolling possible) May 27 09:42:18 why do you wanna do that :o May 27 09:42:21 FrancescoV: what without a viewPager ? May 27 09:43:44 StingRay_: fount it, I'm looking how this is made possible http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11775677/android-horizontal-list-view-in-vertical-scroll-view May 27 09:43:57 how to catch the horizontal scroll and vertical scroll perfect May 27 09:44:15 i would have thought the ui would take care of that for you May 27 09:44:20 ah, well I personally dont like pulse May 27 09:44:42 the way it works and the functional design May 27 09:44:48 it looks ok I guess May 27 09:45:33 i know, but i have something that needs 3 horizontal listviews, but in a small screen, it's not possible to show it all May 27 09:51:55 that seems like usability suck May 27 09:56:04 its something for a prototype, for the V1 at launch I need to develop a dynamic grid like the example of the youtube api (video wall) May 27 10:10:02 Hello everybody May 27 10:10:35 I'm getting mad trying to get actionbarsherlock working with android-studio. I must mention i'm using an old version of Android studio. May 27 10:12:37 take a deep breath May 27 10:13:04 How can you already be using an old version of Android Studio when it came out a few weeks ago? May 27 10:13:11 lol May 27 10:13:18 since you have to use the machine, anger at the machine is anger ultimatly directed at yourself May 27 10:15:32 lasserix: logically yes, but that would mean there is no such thing as miss-placed anger May 27 10:15:40 :) May 27 10:16:10 i have much miss-placed anger at this current moment in time May 27 10:16:12 sorry i meant old version of actionbarsherlock May 27 10:16:12 :) May 27 10:16:40 vekexasia: you mean you have a gradle build problem with abs ? May 27 10:16:55 yes May 27 10:17:05 if you understand how you are displacing your anger, then you have ceased misplacing it :) May 27 10:17:33 lasserix: no, I know it doesnt fit where it's at…. I just have no alternative May 27 10:17:35 :) May 27 10:17:50 becuase fk u thats why! May 27 10:18:07 of course there is no alternative than understanding your anger, otherwise you just keep being angry... May 27 10:18:09 ;p May 27 10:18:12 * StingRay_ thinks all the way back when he used to smoke…. oh those were the days May 27 10:18:18 The togglebutton, can you override its togglefunctionality and set it yourself? Im at the moment using setonclicklistener(); but the button is toggling itself somwhere else and I dont want it to do that May 27 10:18:22 Wasn't that yesterday> May 27 10:18:24 yes May 27 10:18:26 fk u May 27 10:18:31 no u May 27 10:18:38 I can still think back to it May 27 10:18:42 and it was a day May 27 10:18:43 so there May 27 10:18:54 technically correct, the best kind of correct May 27 10:19:22 vekexasia: so gradle is just saying…hey I dont know where this is May 27 10:19:23 ? May 27 10:19:35 actually the error is the following May 27 10:19:47 \actionbarsherlock\library\src\android\support\v4\app\_ActionBarSherlockTrojanHorse.java:16: cannot find symbol symbol: class FragmentActivity May 27 10:19:55 there are many others :P May 27 10:19:57 eclipse cant find my android device anymore, is there a easier/faster way to fix it? im sick of restarting my system.. May 27 10:20:01 Did you add the support library? May 27 10:20:09 ryoga get a new cable May 27 10:20:20 kakazza i tried.. but in android studio i cant really understand how that works May 27 10:20:50 i have my build.gradle file which contains the dependencies section May 27 10:21:04 https://www.google.com/search?q=android+studio+add+support+library May 27 10:22:31 damn, dont have a second one hmpf May 27 10:22:57 ryoga86: Did it just happen out of nowhere? May 27 10:23:07 Or did you update the system or anything else? May 27 10:24:19 my application crushed on android device May 27 10:24:49 after certain time of retries, it lost its connection May 27 10:25:24 does Google have any decent kit (slides, images, etc) for preparing a lecture on Android development ? would save some effort from my end May 27 10:25:37 kakazza: that did solve my problem. BUT i really not understand why i should build my .gradle file if i need to go through a wizard that will update my .iml file for me. May 27 10:26:01 ikarus: Might help you a bit: https://plus.google.com/+RomanNurik/posts/XMTAxedEisC May 27 10:27:33 kakazza: not going to deal much with the UI May 27 10:27:52 Ah, ok. May 27 10:27:54 mostly looking for application life cycle, component architecture, etc images May 27 10:29:32 I want to learn creating android apps. Installed new android studio. What next? May 27 10:29:51 Follow the Android Training May 27 10:30:34 kakazza: do you mean this? http://developer.android.com/training/basics/firstapp/index.html May 27 10:30:38 EugenA you must sacrafice an old android phone by microwaving it while saying "10010101010101010001111001111 ... 0001" to appease the development gods May 27 10:30:56 hehe May 27 10:31:02 :-) May 27 10:31:10 then I need more phones to sacrifice May 27 10:31:25 70 first year CS students will be doing it for their multimedia project May 27 10:31:47 First year? May 27 10:31:52 phew May 27 10:32:36 eugenA: the best way is to think of simple app projects to make, that are not wildly ambitious, to get to know the ins and out. for instance, you might make a to-do list from scratch, or a simple tic-tac-toe game, or an app widget that when you click makes a sound May 27 10:33:10 *once you do those dev tutorials May 27 10:33:19 kakazza: well, they can actually fail at their own set project goal and still make the course easily May 27 10:33:34 so it's mostly to get them to experiment and learn on their own May 27 10:34:04 on Android stuff we are only doing two two hour lectures, the rest, they are on their own May 27 10:34:09 ok May 27 10:34:29 EugenA: do you have any programming exp? May 27 10:34:41 i'm web dev (php) May 27 10:34:43 EugenA: and I have to backup lasserix's suggestion, it is the best way to learn to program May 27 10:34:57 EugenA: oh, you might then want to do some Java Hello World stuff on the desktop first May 27 10:35:20 I know already java basics May 27 10:36:38 EugenA: classes, interfaces, anonymous classes, integer vs unsigned integer (and the fact that Java lacks the latter), callbacks, etc ? May 27 10:36:55 (ie, all things you can run into on Android and for many, run into a lot) May 27 10:51:04 Hi all. There's a VM image for Virtualbox that provides "out of the box" internet connectivity and Marketplace? Both Androvm / Genymotion and android-x86 requires some additional steps that i would like to skip. Thanks May 27 10:52:04 I stopped smoking yesterday, tis a nice day outside, I may need some more coffee... May 27 10:52:38 myes replace the nicotine addiction with caffeine addiction :P May 27 10:53:06 Chainfire: I have that much coffee, I'm immune to its affects May 27 10:53:11 should just quit both at the same time May 27 10:53:16 since youll be miserable anyhow May 27 10:53:30 oh and Chainfire I switched to android studio May 27 10:53:52 verdict ? May 27 10:54:03 like it lots May 27 10:54:10 not a fan of gradle May 27 10:54:29 with external lib project build/integration May 27 10:54:42 so using ant May 27 10:55:25 but the project stuff aint that bad, not as bad as I thought or you implied May 27 10:55:45 :) May 27 10:56:06 tbh I don't know how to work with ant either, Eclipse takes care of all the Java code... I just build native code by hand (ndk integration wants to build the native parts every build - wtf?) May 27 10:56:23 well maybe I have not looked at the project stuff long enough May 27 10:57:11 I have only 3 or 4 Eclipse workspace that contain all my projects... a lot of projects are somewhat related so I like to be able to quickly access code or see how I did something there May 27 10:57:35 probably most devs would frown at my project list ... but as I understood it, this is a *beep* to do in IDEA/AS ? May 27 10:58:59 Chainfire: well you can easy open it May 27 10:59:09 there is not what you call a workspace window though May 27 10:59:30 but you can say open, in current window, or new window if you just wanted to look at something May 27 10:59:56 but tbh, I use sublime to do what you said, dont fancy autobuild being triggered etc May 27 11:00:33 I do like this concept of Global Libraries though May 27 11:00:49 any fulltime android programmer in here? or just a hobbyst's May 27 11:01:32 ciurkut: I think its about a 30-70 split from my guesstimate of active people in here May 27 11:01:49 respectively May 27 11:01:54 Does full time hobbyist count ;) May 27 11:02:05 counts :P May 27 11:02:06 aka unemployed or student May 27 11:02:16 or self-employed May 27 11:02:29 Chainfire: I put you in the 30% May 27 11:02:31 self-employed May 27 11:02:40 students kinda doesnt cut it :< May 27 11:03:22 they have too much shit to do May 27 11:03:32 and multitasking is bad May 27 11:06:31 so... did your question actually have a followup and/or point, or were you just curious about the ratio May 27 11:06:48 ah I see you PMd me May 27 11:22:13 buchfoglia May 27 11:22:16 sdfsdffd May 27 11:22:42 StingRay_: i don't know. May 27 11:23:08 If i remove the .iml file from android studio it just does not compile May 27 11:23:22 my build.gradle contains the android-library dependency May 27 11:27:13 g00s: #maildev in mozilla May 27 11:34:29 capella do you use thunderbird ? May 27 11:34:59 Yep .... though it's being discontinued an I'll be switching to my ISP's HTMLmail May 27 11:36:46 Discontinued? May 27 11:37:16 derp May 27 11:37:23 durp May 27 11:37:34 hi, can i use "insert or ignore" with ContentValues May 27 11:38:09 capella its being discontinues ? :( :( May 27 11:38:16 *discontinued , derp May 27 11:38:38 Yah ... I forget the term we use for sunsetting May 27 11:39:04 i was looking at the calendar stuff, and they said go to thunderbird ... May 27 11:39:07 Passing over to third party support only kinda thing May 27 11:41:46 i'd like to know how to make android lint compile with gradle May 27 11:41:51 if i write random crap May 27 11:42:02 it will still not tell me anything. May 27 11:44:06 can someone using android studio give me some help ? May 27 11:44:13 it's the whole morning i'm trying to set this up :( May 27 11:47:38 i have nexus 4 and created my first hello world app. Do I really need to transfer the app to the phone using usb cable or it can be done also wireless? May 27 11:48:23 it can be done over ADB May 27 11:48:36 over wifi May 27 11:48:42 * zhulikas never uses usb cable for that May 27 11:50:52 does adb wireless require root? May 27 11:50:54 zhulikas: my device is not rooted May 27 11:51:30 I think you can get into developer mode without rooting your device May 27 11:51:38 and that lets you have adb over wifi May 27 11:53:22 depends on android and manuf. I think May 27 11:53:38 Hi all. Can somebody please share with me a how-to to get an Android emulator running on Linux with access to internet and Market/Play enabled?Thanks May 27 11:54:02 caraconan: market/play is a no no really May 27 11:54:11 what is the reason you want it ? May 27 11:54:18 as in the playstore May 27 11:54:36 My goal is to test as quick as possible apps that are already on the Market place May 27 11:54:40 it's nexus 4 May 27 11:54:44 it should be developer friendly May 27 11:54:56 My current mobile device is .... well, is not a great one May 27 11:55:21 caraconan: so nothing to do with app development then ? May 27 11:55:23 :) May 27 11:55:23 It's a 1. download 2. test 3. remove lifecycle May 27 11:55:27 No May 27 11:55:32 read topic May 27 11:55:49 Thanks, offtopic I guess... May 27 11:56:06 Hi there May 27 11:56:08 wrong channel too May 27 11:56:10 :) May 27 11:56:20 Thanks anyway May 27 11:57:43 if i want to create a jar of a few utility classes which depend on android stuff; do i really need to make an android library project ? May 27 11:58:39 g00s: it depends if you need to have access to R May 27 11:58:53 i dont need access to R May 27 12:00:46 then it's OK May 27 12:00:54 that's what the support library does May 27 12:01:28 cool, thanks cyrilmottier May 27 12:08:11 Hey hey hey! May 27 12:09:09 Fat Albert? May 27 12:11:40 capella: I dunno, I never saw different strokes May 27 12:12:07 capella: I think of Warehouse 13 for that one May 27 12:12:21 although I suppose he really says "hey hay hey" May 27 12:12:57 regardless I'm excited because I have successfully applied a theme created with http://jgilfelt.github.io/android-actionbarstylegenerator to my project May 27 12:13:00 Different Strokes?? Fat Albert was Cosby Kids :) May 27 12:13:02 (before your time?) May 27 12:13:06 and it somehow stopped it from crashing May 27 12:13:16 capella: I remember Bill Cosby... May 27 12:13:24 :) May 27 12:14:10 Ankhwatcher: try giving is a slight gradient May 27 12:14:10 I'm still trying to figure out how to get that Sunset Theme May 27 12:14:12 :) May 27 12:17:14 Automatic Target Mode: Unable to detect device compatibility. Please select a target device. May 27 12:17:22 My device's target shows up as unkown, how2fix? May 27 12:18:40 It's a galaxy nexus on 4.2.2, and I changed my project's target to api 17 (4.2.2) May 27 12:19:04 RazielZ: does it still work ? May 27 12:19:13 can you still send apk to it ? May 27 12:19:19 still run it ? etc May 27 12:19:23 nope, won't let me click ok May 27 12:19:35 it also shows as offline apparently May 27 12:19:36 huh. May 27 12:19:54 gah, IDEA can be so frigging retarded when dealing with annotation processing May 27 12:19:55 How can it be in the list but show up as offline May 27 12:20:10 I think it looks pretty good: http://picpaste.com/2013-05-27_13.14.40.png May 27 12:20:16 a bit green, perhaps May 27 12:20:40 Ankhwatcher, yeah that looks nice May 27 12:20:45 And a bit green May 27 12:20:52 Which isn't necessarily a bad thing! May 27 12:21:07 StingRay_, perhaps my usb drivers are outdated? May 27 12:21:12 I should check them May 27 12:21:25 RazielZ: well I wanted to kind of do my own thing, so a little bit green seems like a good idea May 27 12:21:42 now to fix all the things I broke upgrading to Maps API v2 May 27 12:28:32 so, should I say: "Long press anywhere on the map to add a Popup Place!" or "Long-press anywhere on the map to add a Popup Place!" or "Long-click anywhere on the map to add a Popup Place!" or "Long click anywhere on the map to add a Popup Place!"? May 27 12:30:01 press and hold too dont forget :) May 27 12:30:29 if the "on the map" part is obvious from the UI, leave it out May 27 12:30:38 Anybody knows if anything like the Facebook FrindsPicker is available for Google Plus? I know I can get the list of friends from G+ and create the GUI myself... May 27 12:30:40 just "long click anywhere to add a popup place" May 27 12:30:48 but really, who will care that much… and I suspect the answer and preference to that will be regionally influenced May 27 12:30:54 sonOfRa: well did you see my screenshot from earlier? May 27 12:31:27 see the word click is wrongly used on mobile May 27 12:31:30 didn't see it until now, but yeah, looks kind of obvious May 27 12:31:34 unless you plugged in a mouse May 27 12:31:37 :) May 27 12:31:48 sonOfRa: hard to miss, it is the app May 27 12:32:51 StingRay_: agreed, so long-press or long press or Press and hold? ;-) May 27 12:33:13 again, regional and language influenced May 27 12:33:23 there is no definitive ! May 27 12:34:11 damnit! we need standards! May 27 12:34:21 there are!! May 27 12:34:25 just many of them May 27 12:34:30 that are….different May 27 12:34:32 :) May 27 12:35:13 we need to set up a preportionally representative parliament in this irc channel and have them vote on these important issues! May 27 12:35:34 the few will never speak for the many May 27 12:35:51 quick! to the bureacmobile! May 27 12:36:06 and by virtue of that change what the many want in direct opposition to the few May 27 12:36:13 tis always the cycle of things May 27 12:36:52 cyrilmottier looked at support-lib aosp in git; they use the Android.mk system which i'm not too familiar with. so, if i just want to make a really simple ant build.xml, do i just set my classpath to the appropriate android.jar ? May 27 12:36:59 in some things you can only ever be mostly wrong :) May 27 12:37:20 it's just a matter of limiting how much wrong you are :) May 27 12:39:08 StingRay_: Press your nose firmly the cartograph to add a Popup Place! May 27 12:39:26 see I like that May 27 12:39:38 if your gonna be mostly wrong, at least make it funny May 27 12:39:43 * StingRay_ claps May 27 12:39:51 is it possible to debug a project and stop the app when a certain variable has changed? May 27 12:39:56 hmm, actually cartograph is techinically incorrect, bummer May 27 12:40:46 I've compiled a native binary for armeabi. On most devices it runs fine, but on one user device there's a segfault caused by /system/bin/linker directly after executing it. Is there something I could check when compiling/linking? May 27 12:46:23 FrancescoV: as far as I know you can set breakpoints May 27 12:46:33 FrancescoV: but not rules for debugger May 27 12:47:07 FrancescoV: of course you can throw an exception and make you app crash... but for that you don't need any debugger May 27 12:47:45 i know but strange situation May 27 12:48:21 i have an arraylist of hasmaps from my bundle (size = 2) , i set it in a private variable, then i use the value after an asynctask, then the private array size is 4 :s May 27 12:48:24 there we go May 27 12:48:28 can't find anywhere it is changing :p May 27 12:48:33 apparently my rsa key wasn't synced with the device May 27 12:48:48 FrancescoV: what ide ? May 27 12:48:56 eclipse May 27 12:50:10 http://developer.android.com/reference/com/google/android/gms/common/GooglePlayServicesClient.ConnectionCallbacks.html#onDisconnected() why is this never called, when I call disconnect() on Locationclient instance? o_O May 27 12:50:10 well you should be able to see where you reference that hashmap May 27 12:50:31 and follow to where it changes May 27 12:50:55 easy and fast to step thought cause you have change highlights in the var list May 27 12:51:04 yellow in eclipse iirc May 27 12:52:12 srry can't follow what you mean May 27 12:57:10 To answer my own question; considering all G+ contacts gets synchronized with the local contact list, the normal pick contact intent should be sufficient (possibly with some secondary logic to figure out if it's a G+ contact or not). May 27 13:01:34 wow that was interesting, both python and java FC with AS on osx May 27 13:01:41 constant too, would not open any project May 27 13:01:43 eeeek May 27 13:04:18 python on android? May 27 13:04:23 what was that May 27 13:04:43 I have this Tk Inter App i would love to put on my andoird May 27 13:04:53 and I pygame one as well May 27 13:05:12 python as in used for build system May 27 13:05:24 java as in well, androidy java May 27 13:05:25 :) May 27 13:07:01 SimonVT, hey, do you need a mail sent to you for menudrawer pull requests? :) May 27 13:10:59 ok slightly less impressed with AS now May 27 13:11:38 go my project back up, but now loads of errors, 1 of which is that SQLiteHelper … apparently needs api 16 to use .close() May 27 13:12:09 well a SQLiteDatabase object May 27 13:16:20 Is there a way to hook a MapFragment directly to an SQLite table so that changes will be reflected automatically? May 27 13:16:31 probably not May 27 13:16:44 use an event bus like otto May 27 13:17:02 why not with data observers ? May 27 13:17:09 listeners etc May 27 13:17:50 ok , AS giving me greif now May 27 13:17:53 ugh May 27 13:20:57 StingRay_, that works as well May 27 13:21:10 event bus is just observers with less code and complexity :) May 27 13:21:39 otto doesnt observe anything does it ? May 27 13:21:51 it's just an event bus ? May 27 13:23:04 ...I don't know what you guys are talking about May 27 13:23:08 yes… you can't really listen to SQLite changes May 27 13:23:27 so what you do is when you change the SQLite table you sent an event on event bus May 27 13:23:29 good morning everybody i want to make a bluetooth app, where can i find best practices for bluetooth spp stack? May 27 13:23:34 and all your components listen for that event May 27 13:23:37 I was thinking a LoaderManager and some sort of adapter May 27 13:23:57 those aren't orthogonal :) May 27 13:24:06 popers, hmm, I doubt there's anything much better than d.android.com May 27 13:24:39 ok thanks May 27 13:24:50 popers: there was a new bluetooth google i/o 2013 talk May 27 13:24:55 I am not sure of the context May 27 13:25:03 but may have some useful info May 27 13:25:09 search on youtube for it May 27 13:25:50 well i've another question, how can i develop an app like torque lite? May 27 13:26:05 i want the gauges for speed and such May 27 13:26:21 erm May 27 13:26:33 does anybody know wich library could do that May 27 13:26:44 you dont need a libaray May 27 13:26:48 just sensor data May 27 13:27:12 StingRay_: hello May 27 13:27:31 i'm still trying to build my project using gradle :) May 27 13:27:37 well StingRay thankyou May 27 13:27:45 have a good day May 27 13:27:49 everybody May 27 13:28:02 vekexasia: thought you said it worked ? May 27 13:28:10 adding support lib or something May 27 13:28:36 'm not sure why, for some reasons, it does not import the resources from actionbarsherlock. Indeed the error is "No resource found.... Theme.Sherlock.Light" May 27 13:29:02 hmm, is ABS even ported for Gradle yet? May 27 13:29:08 is the lib project within your root gradle project path ? May 27 13:29:20 StingRay_: i'm using gradle from the command line cause android studio does not seem to use build.gradle to build it May 27 13:29:27 or is it external ? with just a module May 27 13:29:36 yes StingRay_ indeed it does something :) May 27 13:29:47 Any idea why java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper happens? I've got core, databind and annotations under libs and added to build path... May 27 13:30:18 well I noticed that gradle could not jump to any locations even with sourcepath stuff for any of my external libs May 27 13:30:19 i've root folder/subfolders/mainproject and folder/actionbasherlock/library . My build.gradle is inside folder May 27 13:30:38 "folder" May 27 13:30:41 so what I did was an amazing fix May 27 13:30:48 switch to ant :) May 27 13:31:02 damn it I was using ant before May 27 13:31:22 then i wanted to try android studio and I thought android studio uses gradle to build May 27 13:31:38 well AS with ant for me is better atm May 27 13:31:46 but if i make changes to build.gradle they are not taken into account so i don't know what android studio is using to build my project May 27 13:32:11 by default it uses gradle May 27 13:32:49 how can i check that? May 27 13:32:55 but like I say, AS and gradle I spent too much time pissing with, AS and ant made it so I could actually do some work May 27 13:33:36 well do you have build.gradle and settings.gradle in your root ? May 27 13:33:48 and no ant.properties etc May 27 13:33:50 :) May 27 13:34:48 well i must have said that my project used the old eclipse style so i have folder/mainproject folder/libraries/lib1 folder/libraries/lib2 folder/libraries/lib3 May 27 13:35:01 did you switch to the new structure? May 27 13:35:05 *cough* mvn *cough* May 27 13:36:38 Mavrik: i'd like to learn maven but since i'm mainly an android developer i'd like to use gradle since this is going to be the new build system May 27 13:38:23 like MC Hammer: "U can't touch this!" LOL May 27 13:39:25 vekexasia, considering the number of Android projects using Maven for their build systems, what makes you think Gradle is "the" new build system? May 27 13:39:44 it's not like Android is forcing you to use an exact build system… especially something that's currently as buggy as Gradle May 27 13:41:06 so ant is for the blind and oblivious, maven is for the control freak and gradle supposed to be middle ground ? May 27 13:41:49 actually i'd just like to build my fucking project with android studio May 27 13:41:55 that would be the first step May 27 13:43:19 ant then May 27 13:43:36 if your having probls with gradle May 27 13:43:56 StingRay_: i think i'm pretty sure android studio isn't using gradle as build system May 27 13:44:15 cannot confirm though since i started "using" it today May 27 13:44:38 StingRay_, hmm, I think Ant was always reserved for the ones with self-torture inclinations :) May 27 13:44:53 I found it very verbose and cumbersome for Android dev if you want to do it manually May 27 13:45:11 I'd mavenize my build system for the NDK project I'm working on but I can't figure out how to rename a file in libs/$ABI/ after ndk-build in maven -.- May 27 13:45:15 ava.lang.IllegalArgumentException: already added: Landroid/support/v4/app/ActivityCompatHoneycomb; May 27 13:45:21 or how to do the rename in Android makefiles May 27 13:45:23 i'm hating everything! May 27 13:46:20 Zharf, um, the filename for .so files is set in Android.mk May 27 13:46:40 the LOCAL_MODULE directive May 27 13:46:43 vekexasia: In File->Project Structure, make sure all references to the same jar file point to the same file in the same directory, for both your project and any modules. May 27 13:47:01 Mavrik, it's not a .so file, it's made with BUILD_EXECUTABLE, but it won't be copied to android libs directory unless it's named libfoo.so when the build system just creates foo May 27 13:47:14 i want to post mp3 to facebook programatically, but they only accept video. should I use ffmpeg to encode a video from the mp3 or is there another way to encode the video? May 27 13:47:17 Zharf, uh May 27 13:47:29 your problem is… WHY are you putting non-library files in library dirs? O.o May 27 13:47:49 Mavrik, where would I put them so I can use them after apk is installed then? May 27 13:47:57 Mavrik, ndk-build puts it in libs/$ABI/ May 27 13:48:17 1.) If at all possible, don't use an executable May 27 13:48:23 not possible May 27 13:48:24 especially if you're controlling the build May 27 13:48:31 2.) Put it in assets and unpack it May 27 13:48:44 I'd rather just rename it to libfoo.so and be done wiht it May 27 13:48:45 running executables from lib dir can just cause you headaches May 27 13:48:52 hi, i'm having trouble getting a spinner and text viewthat i've created to keep state when i rotate orientation of the phone. I understandthe hasic ideas regarding savedInstanceState and such but I think im confusing myself with where i need to create the spinner, adapter, and then where to assign contents, as in inside or outside of onCreate to keep state May 27 13:48:53 yes, doing it wrong can be easier at times May 27 13:48:55 how so? it works just fine for me May 27 13:49:17 I can give more info as i'm sure is needed, but anyone familiar with working with a situation like this? May 27 13:49:29 Zharf, ok. May 27 13:49:45 lots of dumb stuff works fine for people until it breaks on minor updates May 27 13:49:47 Mavrik, if you can give me an example how it could fail, then I'll change the solution, but putting it in assets and unpacking takes too much space! May 27 13:50:16 I did. Modify it to be called directly from Java code May 27 13:50:21 flipture: what are you saving ? May 27 13:50:26 Mavrik, can't May 27 13:50:29 and what are you restoring May 27 13:51:13 cause I would just store the index of the choice and set when restoring May 27 13:51:21 simple little int May 27 13:51:24 StingRay_: so i had a workign spinner and list of checkboxes with text that i created mostly from the onCreate block. When i would change orietnation, all of the items that i dynamically added would disappear May 27 13:51:47 StingRay_: its not just the choice but also the contents of the list. its dynamically created, as well as the items on the checklist May 27 13:52:12 and whats the hosting class type ? May 27 13:52:45 StingRay_: so i realized i needed to move my array adapter for the check list outside of the onCreate so it wouldn't recreate it every time, but now i'm confused as to where i shoudl create the spinner, and then use it i guess... May 27 13:53:09 StingRay_: would it be easier if i pastebin my main class? May 27 13:53:13 ya May 27 13:53:19 and what class is it ? May 27 13:53:20 k one sec, thx for the help! May 27 13:53:30 activity ? May 27 13:53:32 Its the main activity May 27 13:53:35 i've renamed to fliplist May 27 13:53:38 ok May 27 13:53:46 pastebin May 27 13:53:47 :) May 27 13:53:58 yeah, part of problem is ive confused myself lol May 27 13:54:27 well I'm natively and artist/vfx person so I will see if I can confuse even more!! May 27 13:54:31 StingRay_: http://pastebin.com/mDwE8Miw May 27 13:54:33 hah awesome :) May 27 13:54:37 there are no limits to confusion ! May 27 13:54:42 i think May 27 13:54:44 :) May 27 13:54:48 so im aware that i've gotsome errors, i'm halfway down the rabbit hole trying to fix it May 27 13:55:00 does android studio generate build.gradle for me ? May 27 13:55:08 and move my new object creations out of onCreate and only modify there... May 27 13:55:27 if tha tmakes any sense. I THINK that was my problem (that i was just nuking my objects each time it ran oncreate) May 27 13:55:41 but in moving them out, i'm not quite sure the "right" way to do it... May 27 13:55:49 vekexasia: yes, or did for me May 27 13:55:52 till I nuked it May 27 13:56:03 where is it ? May 27 13:56:06 i cannot find it May 27 13:56:18 I've got an overridden dataadapter called MyCustomAcapter that fills up the checkbox list view May 27 13:56:24 vekexasia: you should have settings and build in root May 27 13:56:39 and then in project/project thats is the module, another build May 27 13:56:43 or thats what I had May 27 13:57:12 and a spinner. so i think i should do the Spinner mySpinner = new Spinner... type stuff FIRST in my main class so its all public, then just access those form the sub classes? May 27 13:57:20 flipture: hang on, you run this here and it doesnt crash ? May 27 13:57:32 this you just pastebinned ? May 27 13:57:39 Mavrik, on the other hand there's 11 active installs who haven't updated to the version where that executable appeared... after they're upgraded I can just remove the executable -.- May 27 13:57:58 StingRay_: but then i'm getting confused with should i just do the set adapter inside of the sub class, etc... May 27 13:58:18 but I might have similar cases in the future :E May 27 13:58:20 StingRay_: no, this is slightly broken. :) i can grab the versino that DID compile before i moved stuff around and pastebin that if it would help May 27 13:58:22 flipture: this that you just pastebinned should just explode May 27 13:58:24 oh right May 27 13:58:30 ok May 27 13:58:38 StingRay_: correct, it does ;) May 27 13:58:43 haven't even tried compiling this... May 27 13:58:49 erm…no point May 27 13:58:51 :) May 27 13:59:13 StingRay_: i pastebined this more to get advice on where to put my object creation, and where to do the setAdapter bits... May 27 13:59:35 StingRay_: let me pastebin where i started, the one that compiled May 27 13:59:43 well no need May 27 14:00:49 but what I would do for this is use on resume or have some other method at the end of onCreate called setupChecklistAndAdapter or something like that May 27 14:01:06 just to break it apart so you can see it better May 27 14:01:55 and this ListManager May 27 14:02:39 what is it ? May 27 14:03:12 i can tell for sure that build.gradle is not being build for a module inside my project. May 27 14:03:40 neither build.xml May 27 14:03:44 the one in the module ? May 27 14:03:51 main project module ? May 27 14:04:00 the root one for me was irrelevant May 27 14:04:05 iirc May 27 14:04:27 stingray i've root/main_module root/lib1 root/lib2 May 27 14:04:33 main_module uses lib1 and lib2 May 27 14:04:40 and i run main_module May 27 14:04:43 when i run it May 27 14:05:04 neither build.xml nor ant.properties nor build.gradle May 27 14:05:07 are generated May 27 14:05:34 oh May 27 14:05:39 that is freaky May 27 14:05:43 that's why i'm not sure how it's compiling May 27 14:06:42 and i'm literally going mad May 27 14:07:11 "literally" May 27 14:07:37 see i did too May 27 14:07:50 I could get gradle to work if I embedded all my projects together May 27 14:07:59 but I wanted external paths May 27 14:08:01 StingRay_: ok so i definitely should callanother method at the end to make it easier i guess. So what should my onCreate method look like? if (something) resume(), else set up initial view? May 27 14:08:03 can you please tell me what you've inside module/.idea/compiler.xml ? May 27 14:08:17 told you I'm on ant now May 27 14:08:25 and here is the one that compiled before i went hacking away... http://pastebin.com/DnbLd0Sk May 27 14:09:29 StingRay_: Let me pastebin list manager... it just lets me do things to the list categories and items basically... May 27 14:09:36 no no May 27 14:09:39 no need May 27 14:09:40 so May 27 14:09:42 kk May 27 14:09:47 hang on pm you in a sec May 27 14:09:51 ok :) May 27 14:10:13 vekexasia: ok to pm paste my config ? May 27 14:10:20 yup May 27 14:11:03 main module compiler.xml May 27 14:14:21 haha it didnt like that May 27 14:15:44 arses, erm, who was I going to pm ? May 27 14:17:31 StingRay_: if i dont' reply to PM immediately its becuase i didnt' see it pop up so ping me here if i miss it please :). May 27 14:21:52 vekexasia: did you get my modules.xml ? May 27 14:22:10 cause my client started doing some silly things when I paste stuff like that May 27 14:28:54 Hello! I want to identify these gestures: left/right/down and taps. I tried using the GestureListener - but the events it generates (onScroll, onFling, etc) seem too 'coarse' May 27 14:29:12 Is there another way of doing this or am I doing it wrong? May 27 15:00:41 someboxy experience with xml reading? May 27 15:01:29 FrancescoV: What do you mean by 'reading'? May 27 15:02:09 ferno: parsing exactly May 27 15:02:59 There should be some Java libs for parsing xml, google around May 27 15:03:13 i found something that uses NodeList and a Document and on the developers site, i see something with a XmlPullParser May 27 15:29:11 How may I fix the icon in the listing on the Google Play Developer Console and the one in the notification screen that the end user sees? (I had initially uploaded an incomplete build, without the proper icon, to get the license key and product IDs for IAB) May 27 15:33:29 there's icon in store listing thing in console May 27 15:33:50 question - can i receive a message from a TextView when a text get's wrapped or an elipsis is activeted? May 27 15:36:07 In the store listing info, I've uploaded the new/updated 512x512 icon May 27 15:36:19 The listing on Google play's list of apps continues to show the old icon May 27 15:36:25 The app is now published as well. May 27 15:36:38 progzer, it'll take a few hours to update.. May 27 15:36:44 When the user downloads the app, on his screen, the correct icon is seen. May 27 15:37:09 But in his notifications (when the download compeltes from Google Play), the old icon is still seen. May 27 15:37:19 The old/test build was uploaded a few days ago May 27 15:37:30 The game itself went live a few days after that too. May 27 15:37:40 It's been a few days since it all going live too. May 27 15:38:29 So I guess that's a tip/warning for everyone. Don't upload a protoype build with a test icon even in Draft mode. May 27 15:38:49 It doesn't seem to change after uploading a proper build and pushing into production. (?) May 27 15:39:16 is the icon in your apk correct :), other than those two I can't think of any other icons that are used May 27 15:39:40 if they're correct and it's not showing correctly on store, then I'd say that it just takes time to update May 27 15:40:49 Yes, the icon in the apk is correct. The icon on the "store listing details" is also correct. May 27 15:40:58 May I paste the Google Play link to the game? May 27 15:41:35 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.rz2games.PlayboyJewels May 27 15:43:56 hi.. If someone buys my full app, what code I have to write to remove his ad based version? May 27 15:46:04 superlinux-hp, I would think the user himself removes it May 27 15:46:44 Zharf, you know.. I am trying to make him a favor that he now has the full version May 27 15:47:56 Zharf, can I check the existence of the free version and ask him to remove it using a Toast message? May 27 15:48:19 What if he wants to keep it? ;d May 27 15:48:25 superlinux-hp: Perhaps you can build the app in a way that a single app is installed/downloaded by the end user. Use In App Billing to unlock "full" functionality? May 27 15:48:30 sure, but are you sure they want to do that? what if there's some data there that would get lost? also there's no way to remove without asking the user for permission May 27 15:48:32 My game above does the same. May 27 15:48:50 superlinux-hp, you can use http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/pm/PackageManager.html for a few things at least May 27 15:49:22 Anyway, I've sent Google feedback on the icon issue. Thanks for your inputs, Zharf. May 27 15:49:39 SimonVT, I want to do that because the full version is a continuation of the whole project. I stopped adding more modules to the free version. May 27 15:50:06 progzer, good luck May 27 15:50:07 Zharf, ok May 27 15:50:12 thanks for the link May 27 15:52:07 I don't see why you'd care, really.. If they want to keep it, let them.. It doesn't impact your paid app in any way May 27 15:52:56 I agree May 27 15:53:08 you might want to read http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6813322/install-uninstall-apks-programmatically-packagemanager-vs-intents though May 27 15:56:20 I've recently found out that users don't know about managing applications and force stopping them etc, and I can't figure out how they can't figure it out -.- May 27 15:57:08 it also feels a bit weird for users to uninstall apps without going through google play, or that's the impression I've gotten May 27 15:57:32 That's hardly new May 27 15:57:44 And they shouldn't really have to.. Unless they're running out of space May 27 15:57:56 huh? shouldn't have to uninstall? why not? May 27 15:58:35 Why should they have to? May 27 15:58:51 If they're not running out of space, it shouldn't matter how many apps they have May 27 15:59:22 but if they don't want to use it, it's just clutter May 27 15:59:30 I have apps installed I probably haven't used in a year May 27 15:59:52 That's why we have home screens May 27 16:00:07 Remove an icon, no more clutter May 27 16:00:14 <|0xD34D|> except in the app drawer May 27 16:00:23 which is clutter! May 27 16:00:28 That's the point of the app drawer May 27 16:00:36 <|0xD34D|> to get cluttered? May 27 16:00:38 <|0xD34D|> hardly May 27 16:00:56 That's like the windows start menu.. Also clutter May 27 16:01:12 <|0xD34D|> windows is clutter, but that's a discussion for another time May 27 16:03:00 superlinux-hp, you can remove the icon, you can prompt for uninstallation, you can leave it be, you can make the purchase an iap May 27 16:05:42 I would definitely put uninstall as a part of normal usage, it would also provide more accurate statistics on application success rates, although still not exact May 27 16:06:35 I would also hang anyone who bundles fecesbook app in their freaking rom, grr May 27 16:08:57 So... garbage collector.... You call System.gc() and hope it'll free up some memory, but you don't have a guarantee that it will. May 27 16:09:20 For me, that means I can start my game, close it, start it again, close it, start again, close it.... about 10 times, then it won't run because it doesn't have enough memory. May 27 16:09:22 mr_lou, yeah, basically, don't call it May 27 16:09:32 Is that how it is for everyone else too? May 27 16:09:38 mr_lou, stop leaking ;) May 27 16:09:44 Of course it'll run again if I wait a minute. May 27 16:09:55 I'm pretty sure there's no leak. May 27 16:09:59 But it loads a lot of bitmaps. May 27 16:10:44 If I wait 30-60 seconds, then it runs fine again. Because then garbage collector has been run, logcat reveals. May 27 16:11:07 Use a bitmap cache May 27 16:11:11 Scale bitmaps to the needed size May 27 16:11:13 Load on demand May 27 16:11:28 Assume your user wont open and close it 10 times within 20 seconds May 27 16:11:35 There's probably a few more options May 27 16:13:04 SimonVT, I'm pretty sure no one will open and close it 10 times in a row. I'm still curious though, if really nothign can be done to make sure that everything is cleaned up. May 27 16:13:48 SimonVT, I am loading on demand, and null'ing as fast as I don't need it anymore. May 27 16:17:47 what is the layout I should use for a fragment hosting activity with some decor views (buttons)? LinearLayout with ??? for the fragment and another layout for the buttons? May 27 16:18:36 Even so, should probably use a bitmap cache May 27 16:24:16 SimonVT, Why? May 27 16:29:32 Hi May 27 16:29:52 What is the name of the small (single-line) dropdown widget like here? http://static1.businessinsider.com/image/4d49db5b4bd7c86b54160000-590/a-pop-up-window-will-ask-you-to-confirm-which-of-your-android-devices-you-would-like-the-app-installed-on-after-you-select-the-correct-one-from-the-drop-down-menu-click-install-the-app-will-be-pushed-directly-to-your-phone-and-tablet.jpg May 27 16:37:28 hey, i have a few buttons in a layout, to be able to change the buttons with a different set of buttons when the user swipes left/right on that layout... what kind of gui element do i need for that ? May 27 16:42:27 frameLayout? May 27 16:43:03 jellybee, put them in scrolllayout? viewpager? viewflipper? May 27 16:43:12 depends on how the swiping should behave May 27 16:45:30 thanks Mavrik May 27 16:47:55 Mavrik: is there a way to get view flipper/pager functionality on android 2.2 ? May 27 16:48:25 jellybee, what's frameLayout? May 27 16:48:33 jellybee, both are supported down to 2.2 May 27 16:48:34 I'm talking about small drop-down list May 27 16:48:38 jellybee, viewpager is in support lib I think May 27 16:48:53 with the same height as an edittext May 27 16:48:55 oh, thanks May 27 16:49:21 SiPlus: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/FrameLayout.html May 27 16:49:42 SiPlus, this dropdown widget is called Spinner May 27 16:50:01 EPG, but the Spinner Eclipse inserts is huge May 27 16:50:07 With sub-items May 27 16:50:32 It's 3 times as large as a medium textview and doesn't have that little arrow May 27 16:50:53 Yes, it's called spinner May 27 16:51:01 But it's not what spinner I want May 27 16:51:09 you can change the layout, mom May 27 16:51:50 http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/controls/spinner.html#Populate May 27 16:52:28 EPG, simple_spinner_dropdown_item? May 27 16:52:38 any way to set it in Eclipse? May 27 16:52:45 in XML * May 27 16:53:38 appears to be android:style May 27 16:54:53 no May 27 16:55:06 damn, the documentation is so vague May 27 16:55:07 How can I know the class that fires AccountAuthenticatorActivity? May 27 16:57:14 freenode is silly with its overflows and slow nickserv May 27 16:57:24 completely breaks autojoins on several channels May 27 16:57:26 But anyway. May 27 16:57:57 Is there any way to size views relative to the screen size within xml? I know how to do it in java (metrics to get sizes then just set size to a fraction of that) May 27 17:00:32 SiPlus, just try out the code I linked. At least on my device (JB) the final Spinner looks like on the image you linked and not like shown in the Activity editor in eclipse. May 27 17:00:51 EPG, but how can I make simple spinner *in layout*? May 27 17:00:57 Not in code May 27 17:01:36 So I can align the widgets better May 27 17:02:12 SiPlus, enter the fun of making a relativelayout work properly in code! May 27 17:02:27 RazielZ, what? May 27 17:02:49 I want the spinner to look as a simple spinner in Eclipse Graphical Layout window May 27 17:02:59 Not as a huge spinner with sub items May 27 17:03:26 you can mess with the weights and such from code, too May 27 17:03:35 Or with fixed dimensions if you have to May 27 17:03:58 Basically any attribute you can set in the xml you can set through java too May 27 17:04:06 SiPlus, right click and "Preview Spinner Layout" May 27 17:04:29 afaik you can't define this in the layout xml May 27 17:04:36 you have to use an adapter anyway May 27 17:04:48 EPG, oh, thanks May 27 17:05:15 Can't find the correct layout for a dropdown spinner (not dropdown item), however May 27 17:08:11 that's what I want to see in eclipse layout editor http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-pvz78J3dhdc/T43PoB1aVnI/AAAAAAAAGtM/2i6wRvjeVmc/s1600/6b.png May 27 17:08:26 single line spinner widget, not single line spinner item May 27 17:11:30 DAMN May 27 17:11:36 it's eclipse shit May 27 17:11:44 on a device, it looks properly May 27 17:12:43 oh, it works without an adapter May 27 17:12:45 with entries May 27 17:12:48 >assuming the eclipse preview works properly May 27 17:13:04 always test it on a device (or emulator if you must) May 27 17:15:10 what is better: nested LinearLayouts or single RelativeLayout? May 27 17:15:49 what for? May 27 17:16:19 vertical layout with some two-column parts May 27 17:16:37 hmmm May 27 17:16:39 LinearLayout is easier to code, but I'm not sure about performance May 27 17:17:04 I'd probably do it in a relativelayout if you're up for doing the relative positioning stuff May 27 17:18:10 I don't think nested linearlayouts would have too much of an impact on performance tho May 27 17:18:31 >mfw people greentext in IRC May 27 17:18:53 >greentext not being green May 27 17:19:56 >yfw green text May 27 17:20:59 >mfw there's a freenode server in pitesti May 27 17:30:39 hi, does anyone template project for Android Studio + Gradle + google-play-services_lib project? May 27 17:31:13 I get a bunch of these: E/dalvikvm: Could not find class 'com.google.android.gms.maps.MapFragment', referenced from method com.example.demo.MainActivity.onCreate May 27 17:31:34 but in the IDE everything seems okay, I can go INTO the MapFragment definition May 27 17:31:46 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16759364/multi-project-setup-with-gradle-for-android May 27 17:31:54 here is my question - please any help appriciated! May 27 17:33:08 hey, I'm having some problem centralizing a view on a FrameLayout, but if I use a LinearLayout it works, any idea? May 27 17:39:18 SpearThruster: there's one on the adt-dev group May 27 17:41:04 SpearThruster: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/adt-dev/FwEDW6OVeMo May 27 17:50:53 f2prateek_, thanks a lot - lemme see if I can make it work now May 27 17:50:54 X_X May 27 18:02:19 I would like to write an app which can silently install other apps. Anyone knows how to do that? May 27 18:02:36 I want a pony. May 27 18:03:09 pony is easier May 27 18:03:20 f2prateek_, yep there are issues with this example as well May 27 18:03:28 BoxyK: you need system privileges for that, though May 27 18:03:29 mainly the map: element as is already reported May 27 18:03:30 X_X May 27 18:03:50 i know. thats no problem. May 27 18:06:02 BoxyK: I'd advise against this. May 27 18:06:03 the app will either be signed using the platform key or be installed in the system partition. So I should have system rights. May 27 18:06:12 also, it is off-topic here. May 27 18:06:32 michaelnovakjr: why? and why? May 27 18:06:36 BoxyK: there's platform apis for that. May 27 18:06:56 it isn't app development, re: offtopic. May 27 18:07:26 michaelnovakjr: it is app development. I would like to write an app which is just signed with the platform key. May 27 18:07:50 which channel would you suggest? May 27 18:07:59 there's platform mailing lists. May 27 18:08:29 check out source.android.com for info on the install abilities when you are the platform. May 27 18:08:33 you mean I should subscriibe there? May 27 18:08:53 ok, I never did this, though... May 27 18:08:56 but I May 27 18:09:00 but I'll try May 27 18:09:05 thanks! May 27 18:09:13 yea, regular android apps cannot do this. May 27 18:09:45 ok, that helped! May 27 18:09:56 no problem May 27 18:10:03 :) May 27 18:13:11 hey, I'm having some problem centralizing a view on a FrameLayout, but if I use a LinearLayout it works, any idea? May 27 18:14:18 can't believe there is no google-play-services + gradle + android studio template yet May 27 18:14:19 lol May 27 18:14:59 did they said when Android Studio will be stable (and thus officially released)? May 27 18:16:05 isn't Android Studio very similar to what already exists in the Android plugin for IntelliJ? By the presentation it looks like that. May 27 18:16:37 Android Studio is still very early. May 27 18:16:48 actually I'm wondering why launch something called Android Studio instead of just improving the existing Android plugin May 27 18:17:04 tanob: different base IDEs. May 27 18:17:20 They're going to be kept in sync May 27 18:17:21 michaelnovakjr: isn't it built on top of IntelliJ ? May 27 18:17:28 tanob: yes. May 27 18:17:49 the Android Studio stuff I believe forces the use of Gradle. May 27 18:18:04 if you just use the IntelliJ available now, you can use whatever you want for the build system. May 27 18:18:08 so I don't see difference in the base IDEs. May 27 18:18:16 tanob: the ADT stuff is built on Eclipse. May 27 18:18:52 He meant the android plugin for intellij May 27 18:18:56 I'm not talking about the Eclipse plugin May 27 18:19:01 Anyway, they are just improving the android plugin May 27 18:19:09 As well as releasing a branded version of intellij May 27 18:19:14 That's just for Android May 27 18:20:42 ah, yes. SimonVT was Google previously working on that plugin May 27 18:20:43 ? May 27 18:20:48 Install the IJ 13 EAP and you should see the same features as in Android Studio May 27 18:20:53 maybe they just want to be protected from any possible plugin restructuration from IntelliJ, but I'd still an unnecessary market fragmentation May 27 18:21:03 michaelnovakjr: I don't believe so, but I don't know May 27 18:21:47 either way, I've used IntelliJ for a while now, definitely solid for Android. May 27 18:22:01 haven't run 13 EAP, still running 12. May 27 18:22:19 How is it market fragmentation? Any improvements they make to the android plugin will be pushed up to intellij, any improvements in intellij will be pulled into android studio May 27 18:22:45 SimonVT: didn't see anyone mentioning they will keep the plugin updated May 27 18:22:54 yea, they will. May 27 18:22:54 Haven't tried 13 yet either.. I asked Jake about it, he said it was kinda unstable and he switched back to 12 May 27 18:23:14 tanob: http://blogs.jetbrains.com/idea/2013/05/intellij-idea-and-android-studio-faq/ May 27 18:23:24 SimonVT: cool, let me see May 27 18:23:29 hi May 27 18:23:45 I'm rather new to android app development May 27 18:24:13 how do I specify the font size of an autocompleteview's dropdown items? May 27 18:26:23 Is there a way to do the equivalent of a set/getTag() on a RemoteViews object? May 27 18:26:36 By changing the font size of whatever layout you inflate in your adapter May 27 18:31:08 Hey does anyone know where google play developer services employees hang out? May 27 18:31:10 or admob reps? May 27 18:31:28 my game has 3 million downloads and we lost the keystore May 27 18:31:51 I'm hoping that I can get it reset manually, unpublishing the game woudl be devastating May 27 18:32:06 Yeah, you're fucked May 27 18:32:14 You can't change keystore May 27 18:33:28 It's impossible to change it, even for google employees. May 27 18:33:44 well - yeah fucked - that's one of my worst case scenarios May 27 18:34:08 you could invent a quantum computer ans break the fingerprint! May 27 18:34:16 my phones are locked by a device manager software - you can't even deinstall the software May 27 18:34:17 *d May 27 18:34:19 Even if they could let you upload an app with another key, you'd have 3 million users who wouldn't be able to update since android checks the signature on install May 27 18:34:31 yeah - fucked May 27 18:35:08 Just rename it to V2 and sell it again! May 27 18:35:11 with a new key May 27 18:35:15 Is there any way to use the sans-serif-light typeface without it being italic? May 27 18:35:46 ferno-, you can install a typeface as ttf May 27 18:35:55 and this can be any font you want May 27 18:36:18 Yeah, but android provides a really nice built in one, as sans-serif-light May 27 18:36:30 It'd be great if it's possible to use it without it being italic. May 27 18:36:32 but not every phone has them installed May 27 18:36:48 It's part of the API, from version 16 onwards May 27 18:37:09 yes but my galaxy s3 don't shows up the font i want ;) May 27 18:37:22 so it might be the case on other phones, too May 27 18:41:52 ferno: out of curiosity -- how are you referencing that font family? In xml? from java code? May 27 18:42:14 TextView has a fontFamily attribute May 27 18:44:26 right. I wonder if adding the textStyle attribute from xml (or its equivalent from Typeface.create(...)) might do the trick. Also, in theory the "Roboto-Light" font should be there on api 16 upwards. May 27 18:44:51 i add the typeface by code from the assets May 27 18:45:03 guaranteed to work :-) May 27 18:45:06 this is a kind of a hack but a 100% way to force my font May 27 18:45:56 kbs: android:fontFamily in a style May 27 18:47:03 ferno: just for kicks, could try the approaches above. [add android:textStyle="italic", or try "Roboto-Light" rather than "sans-serif-light"] No guarantees, but vaguely curious... May 27 18:47:17 Roboto-Light works, but it isn't as thin as what I was going for May 27 18:47:47 so you want sans-serif-thin / Roboto-Thin then? May 27 18:48:17 Hmm, Roboto-Thin looks the same as Roboto-Light May 27 18:48:26 sans-serif-light is perfect, it's just italic only. May 27 18:48:38 Setting/unsetting the italic flag in textStyle has no effect May 27 18:49:09 sans-serif-thin is also italic only apparently May 27 18:49:48 ferno: ah, okay on the italic flag. Oh well. At any rate -- the regular version of sans-serif-light selects Roboto-Thin.ttf; so if that doesn't do the trick for you then there might not be a standard font that's correct for your needs May 27 18:50:18 Ah, alright, makes sense. Sans-serif-light is perfect, I assumed there was a way to use it without italics. May 27 18:51:05 Hm -- looking at the design assets itself, Roboto-Thin looks different for me than Robot-Light. Wonder what's going on, weird. May 27 18:51:54 sans-serif-thin is thinner than sans-serif-light, but Roboto-Thin and Roboto-Light both look thicker than ss-light/ss-thin May 27 18:53:33 huh, interesting. I wonder what fonts are actually being selected for that alias eventually. I'm looking at data/fonts/system_fonts.xml, it just selects one of the Roboto-* fonts; guess there's something else going that I don't understand May 27 18:56:37 how would one get an the current instance of an activity if it's running and otherwise create a new instance of that activity May 27 18:57:46 Whats a good way to disable the AdRequest programmatically? May 27 18:59:58 perhaps I'll just refresh the view May 27 19:10:43 I'm trying to following https://developer.android.com/training/basics/firstapp/starting-activity.html with the new android sutdio and it's complaining about Intent being unresolved May 27 19:19:19 http://pastebin.com/vdUdCKPF, How do I access the userfragment? its created in line 93 May 27 19:21:26 gday all; Am trying my first android app; a MediaPlayer which streams a shoutcast stream (working); for some reason I just cant get a MediaController to show up. May 27 19:22:39 bulters: pastebin the part where you code MediaController May 27 19:22:48 one sec. May 27 19:24:52 http://pastebin.com/K0KzKqpB May 27 19:28:47 bulters: use beatplayer.setMediaController(new MediaController(MainActivitiy.this)); before beatplayer.start(); May 27 19:29:06 or before show() as well May 27 19:30:14 will try... May 27 19:31:31 cannot find symbol setMediaController... May 27 19:32:35 oops I didn't realise I had to import it , reading comprehension fail May 27 19:33:46 bulters: maybe you need to import something, cause that line works on mine May 27 19:34:35 import android.widget.MediaController; May 27 19:35:06 well I was using mine on a VideoView though, but I would assume MediaPlayer has the same thing May 27 19:36:32 i think it doesn't. :S I stackoverflowed it as well, saw the setMediaController thing coming back; but always with a VideoView. May 27 19:37:03 oh, well good luck then May 27 19:37:48 thanks :P May 27 19:49:02 I'm following a 200 video series tutorial on android development. I have created a button in my one of my layout xml files. but it can't be found in the java source with findViewById(). i gave the button an id name http://imageshack.us/content_round.php?page=done&l=img707/4229/javaandroidtutorialsrce.png May 27 19:49:42 i have updated the sdk and the adt plugin, restarted eclipse. none of those solved it. May 27 19:50:29 I need to convert all the longitude and latitude values in my database from E6 values to normal double values, the values are already stored in a 'real' so how can I devide them all by 1E6? May 27 19:55:28 for (value aVal : database ) { aVal / 1E6 } May 27 19:56:11 BustyLoli-Chan: yes, I understand the maths, I just don't know how to convert the whole database May 27 19:56:41 so if we cant find the keystore, what happens to our app? May 27 19:56:42 it seems like a good job for the onUpgrade() function, but how do I remove an item, modify it and add it back May 27 19:57:11 I don't know what type of data structure your database is May 27 19:57:22 if it's an array list or a generic list that should be pretty easy May 27 19:57:58 BustyLoli-Chan: http://pastebin.com/AZx2n5De May 27 19:58:13 Also I don't wholey understand what you're doing here I'm just taking CS stabs in the dark May 27 19:58:50 is than sql database? May 27 19:58:53 *this May 27 19:58:58 so just query all rows, modify the values and put them back in May 27 19:59:42 BtbN - monsti - SimonVT - if I unpublish my app, and republish the same app again, will I pick up the same momentum, or will I be starting all over from scratch? May 27 20:00:09 nioncode: yes, that! how do I do that! May 27 20:01:23 UPDATE table_name SET column1=value1,column2=value2,... WHERE some_column=some_value; May 27 20:01:37 http://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_update.asp May 27 20:02:01 update ALL THE ROWS May 27 20:02:06 I'm assuming this will help... but I dan't actually know sql May 27 20:02:25 BustyLoli-Chan: you are aware that there is a database class in Android that handles most of this for you, don't you? May 27 20:02:32 so if I'm just coming off as an unhelpful asshole posting links I apologize May 27 20:02:45 BustyLoli-Chan: you're trying, I appreciate it May 27 20:03:34 nioncode: I did not realize May 27 20:05:16 Ankhwatcher: db.update(table, newValues, "id=" + id, null) should do it. just do it for every row id you got May 27 20:06:23 or even betten db.update(table, newValues, "id=?", new String[] { String.valueOf(id) }) May 27 20:08:10 so I lost the keystore for my app with 3 million downloads May 27 20:08:26 is there a way to break the fingerprint? May 27 20:08:46 maybe someone in #Cryptography can help you lol May 27 20:09:02 darbsllim: "time" May 27 20:09:06 break the fingerprint? what should that mean May 27 20:09:07 or quantum computer May 27 20:09:16 http://www.butterflylabs.com/ May 27 20:09:21 do you want to recalculate the fingerprint? May 27 20:09:22 I might buy one of those May 27 20:09:24 LOL May 27 20:09:27 I don't knwo what I need to do May 27 20:09:28 I bought one :< May 27 20:09:32 I just can't lose this app :( May 27 20:09:39 this is ridiculous May 27 20:09:54 this app is worth like $150,000 a year to me May 27 20:09:56 what goes into a keystore anyway... May 27 20:09:56 as far as I know, google doesn't provide any solution May 27 20:10:11 darbsllim didn't you buy the app ? May 27 20:10:15 if it's so important to you, why did you loose the keystore? May 27 20:10:18 I mean like.... I have the password for my keystore as well ass the other password thingy... wouldn't that be enough? May 27 20:10:23 yeah I did buy the app = and they lost the keystore May 27 20:10:29 darbsllim: unfortunately, modern day crypto is designed to be annoying to even NSA May 27 20:10:36 so you're shit out of luck May 27 20:10:39 you're going to have to keep working it out with them May 27 20:10:46 its like buying a car they didn't give you the keys for May 27 20:10:47 I wired them 6 figures already May 27 20:10:53 hmm.. I've manually canceled my test buy of an in-app purchase, but the app still behaves as the purchase is done. Even if I reinstall the app. Any ideas? May 27 20:11:04 darbsllim: talk with them if they have a copy of the keystore still? May 27 20:11:18 they dont they said the developer who built it formatted his machine and they can't find the original keystore May 27 20:11:26 darbsllim maybe they sold the app because they lost the keystore :| May 27 20:11:31 nah I know the guy May 27 20:11:33 what does the p_l in omoikane stand for? May 27 20:11:41 he sold it because he started another company that's kicking ass May 27 20:11:41 still don't get what the issue is. if they lost their keystore, you still got your app and can still use it, can't you? May 27 20:11:46 darbsllim anyhow, there is no technical solution May 27 20:11:47 Quacked sorry I'm not in any way helpful, but I do know in-app purchase testing is full of weird quirks and fairly unreliable... testing with a real account and real money seems to make more sense :) May 27 20:12:02 g00s - do you kno what happenes when you unpublish an app May 27 20:12:06 do you lose everything? May 27 20:12:15 does the new app pick up momentum where the old one left off? May 27 20:12:22 it does not May 27 20:12:30 I only set up the mail of a test device in developer console May 27 20:13:45 you can unpublish and republish with a new package name of course; there will be no continuity between the apps May 27 20:14:51 so on a semi-related side note... what is my keystore and how do I back it up? May 27 20:15:11 Can someone explain what that extraData here is? bGoa+V7g/yqDXvKRqq+JTFn4uQZbPiQJo4pf9RzJ May 27 20:15:19 Its in the example by Google but I don't understand its use May 27 20:15:33 launchPurchaseFlow May 27 20:15:39 that freakin sucks the big meatstick May 27 20:15:56 why woudl they do that May 27 20:16:05 BustyLoli-Chan: you have to create a keystore when you want to publish an application. it's just a file, so you can simply copy it wherever you want to back it up May 27 20:16:26 hi. i have load images in ListView, I'm using Picasso. I want show image loaded in ImageView in center for height, i create a jpg to explain my problem. https://www.dropbox.com/s/7w8k2sta2r3s6ga/imagecrop.jpg how can I show only the middle section of 'image May 27 20:16:43 requiring the original keystore certificat is complete overkill May 27 20:17:07 you're using picasso? interesting :} May 27 20:17:21 darbsllim: why do you think that this is overkill? May 27 20:17:46 I made one a while ago... I just have to find it I guess... May 27 20:17:47 Because he lost his keystore May 27 20:18:10 newinandroid, scaleType="centerInside" May 27 20:18:11 have fun May 27 20:18:16 and I kind of think it's overkill... I mean the thing has like two passwords right? As long as you know those two passwords, shouldn't that be all you need? May 27 20:18:20 http://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/ImageView.html#attr_android:scaleType May 27 20:18:47 it has one master password and one for each key inside May 27 20:18:52 centerCrop May 27 20:19:09 you still need to have the actual key that is saved inside the keystore, otherwise the passwords are useless May 27 20:19:16 yeah... but if you have the master password the name of the key and the key's password shouldn't that be enough to prove you are you? May 27 20:19:31 no one person should have the password. the password should be broken up into at least 10, then you need all 10 people to enter their part May 27 20:19:40 ^ this May 27 20:19:43 funkbox, yeah, depending on what he needs exactly :) May 27 20:20:05 This is why I think the future is in compression and not in cryptography May 27 20:20:12 then once everyone has entered their pieces you're logged into your hello kitty island adventure account May 27 20:20:46 BustyLoli-Chan: and how should anyone confirm that the passwords are valid? you can not compare them to anything, because nobody else has the passwords or the key May 27 20:21:33 cryptographic algorithms usually have collisions and more than one correct answer... if you had an intense shrinking algorithm with only one right answer what else would you need... May 27 20:21:45 thanks spobat i tryed this attr but image is stretched May 27 20:21:59 tried centerCrop too? May 27 20:22:23 Don't set a scaletype on the imageview.. Just update to the latest picasso May 27 20:22:29 It will centerInside by default May 27 20:22:36 what the May 27 20:22:43 isn't it called picasa?^^ May 27 20:22:44 but now I'm thinking that, that is retarded :|.... because you would definitely just be shrinking your super intense password into one that takes like 5 characters lol May 27 20:22:45 BustyLoli-Chan: I don't think you know what you are talking about and how all the signing stuff works May 27 20:23:37 I don't, but I want to... someday in the future I hope to take a cryptography course May 27 20:27:11 Should I expect an action when instanstiating an INtent? May 27 20:27:54 inside an activity instanstiate an intent then setResult May 27 20:27:58 Where will that lead? May 27 20:28:08 to destroy the activity? May 27 20:28:28 no May 27 20:28:33 there's an activity stack May 27 20:29:01 if you close the newly created activity (e.g. by hitting the back button) the old activity will pop up May 27 20:30:30 hi May 27 20:30:37 spobat: ^ May 27 20:30:47 spobat: Does this http://developer.android.com/reference/android/accounts/AccountAuthenticatorActivity.html#finish() will destroy the activity? May 27 20:31:08 im trying to build my game for android, but apparently the compiler that the android ndk uses doesnt support std::map May 27 20:31:13 is this true? May 27 20:33:21 crack3r, yes May 27 20:33:24 crised, ^ May 27 20:33:40 spobat: ^ May 27 20:33:49 spobat: https://github.com/donnfelker/android-bootstrap/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/donnfelker/android/bootstrap/authenticator/BootstrapAuthenticatorActivity.java#L331 May 27 20:34:03 There is the method, Will this method destroy the activity? May 27 20:34:24 if that's Android's finish and you're within an Activity, then yes May 27 20:34:42 but very very likely, yep May 27 20:35:03 spobat: finish() is not a method of Activity May 27 20:35:15 It is from AccountAuthenticatorActivity May 27 20:35:48 yeah, and that's a subclass of Activity May 27 20:35:48 http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Activity.html#finish() May 27 20:36:17 spobat: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/accounts/AccountAuthenticatorActivity.html#finish() May 27 20:36:25 so those 2 are the same? May 27 20:37:28 no, finish has been overriden here May 27 20:37:43 anyone using the new NavigationDrawer? May 27 20:37:59 spobat: thx bro May 27 20:38:00 aka DrawerLayout May 27 20:38:10 np brah May 27 20:38:33 Hi May 27 20:38:42 Any new updates on android 4.3 May 27 20:39:06 It's not out May 27 20:39:13 lol May 27 20:40:16 What about motorolas new phone any updates May 27 20:40:44 who is motorola ? May 27 20:40:58 oh yeah! those guys ... May 27 20:41:11 they used to have a building down the road from me May 27 20:41:38 now its General Dynamics May 27 20:41:48 You should not hate on motorola May 27 20:41:50 lol ;) May 27 20:42:02 They are owned by google who makes android May 27 20:42:03 remember the company called SGI :))) May 27 20:42:08 AndroUser1234 not hating, reminiscing :) May 27 20:42:18 Ok May 27 20:42:59 Why no motorola android 4.2 roms May 27 20:43:48 AndroUser1234 ask in #android-root May 27 20:44:52 which android app is responsible for sending and receiving SMS messages? is it com.android.mms? May 27 20:45:02 I mean is Why no motorola android 4.2 Stock roms May 27 20:45:33 AndroUser1234 i mean, ask in #android-root May 27 20:46:37 AndroUser1234: This is a app developer channel. If you want to know, ask Motorola. May 27 20:47:33 Ok May 27 20:47:38 AndroUser1234 if you find out, can you ask them when my droid-1 will be updated from froyo and query me May 27 20:47:39 JakeWharton: Now that Square's libraries gain more and more momentum, isn't answering in the G+ community becoming a huge burden? May 27 20:48:46 kakazza: Not really. There's a bunch of people who help out there. May 27 20:49:16 anyone at all know about using std::map with ndk? May 27 20:49:42 * g00s has fond memories of stl ... May 27 20:50:10 was that sarcasm?:P May 27 20:50:27 JakeWharton which libs do you think have gotten the most popular ? dagger looked nice May 27 20:52:00 Picasso gets a lot of attention I think. May 27 20:52:01 Fraz no, the guy who invented that (Stepanov) was brilliant May 27 20:52:11 JakeWharton: Can you do it on company time? May 27 20:52:15 oh May 27 20:52:17 yeh May 27 20:52:38 the stl was a shift away from OO to generic programming for the c++ community, even though it was always a multi-paradigm language May 27 20:52:39 Ok May 27 20:53:08 kakazza: yes May 27 20:53:29 g00s: Dagger is popular because it applies to Java and Android May 27 20:53:30 So,... you hiring? ;) May 27 20:53:39 always hiring May 27 20:55:48 Jakewharton were do you work May 27 20:57:53 ... I looked away for a bit and got lost.... May 27 20:58:15 such is life... May 27 20:58:23 AndroUser1234: Square May 27 20:58:59 Square Soft? Square the FF company? or Square accept credit cards? May 27 20:59:39 last one May 27 20:59:51 I guess FF square is now square enix anyway... the last one seemed most obvious too May 27 21:01:26 anyone remember this? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Final_Fantasy:_The_Spirits_Within May 27 21:01:37 I watched that movie... had nothing to do with the games May 27 21:01:43 and it was pretty shitty in all aspects :| May 27 21:09:58 so the service calls the main activity which then calls the fragment which then adds a view to it's view.... is this bad practice? Sevice -> Activity -> view May 27 21:10:14 I mean technically the same argument goes down the line to like three places May 27 21:10:43 also it's actually more like Service -> Activity -> Fragment -> View May 27 21:24:42 anyone know if i can get idea to collapse my packages (in the project view) as x.y.z/files rather than x/y/x/files ? May 27 21:33:57 humm mine show up as x.y.z/files May 27 21:34:48 interesting May 27 21:34:57 bankai_ AS or idea 13 ? May 27 21:35:22 IJ 12.1.3 May 27 21:35:35 might depend on how you created them May 27 21:36:52 thx May 27 21:44:46 hey y'all May 27 21:44:56 anybody here know if the google tv source is available anywhere? May 27 21:45:26 /if it's possible to change a channel on the set top box without causing the activity you're in to close May 27 21:46:16 etcetera! May 27 21:46:35 mheld: ! May 27 21:46:37 how are you enjoying this rainy SF day/ May 27 21:46:42 or rather, misty/dreary* May 27 21:46:58 hah, I'm pretty happy -- got a peanut butter + bacon + banana turnover from one of my favorite local joints May 27 21:47:00 heho May 27 21:47:01 it was epic May 27 21:48:18 etcetera: and you? May 27 21:48:37 mheld: at the office. May 27 21:48:47 what!? May 27 21:48:48 why? May 27 21:48:49 hacking on a presentation for teched. May 27 21:48:52 oh May 27 21:49:50 what's it on? May 27 21:51:26 xamarin May 27 21:51:35 the monitoring thing? May 27 21:51:57 that's new relic. May 27 21:52:39 sounds like SF is struggling with some issues http://www.businessinsider.com/google-bus-is-a-sign-of-silicon-valleys-excesses-2013-5 May 27 21:55:33 g00s: meh. Like employee buses are a new thing May 27 21:56:58 Bizarre May 27 21:57:11 (that anyone should take a particularly negative view) May 27 21:57:21 mh, i have a problem with android compatability. i'm developing an app that has target sdk 14 (android 4?), but compatible down to android 2.1 -- now i have a ListView with a few colored items i insert. on android 4 the fontsize is okay, and the background is black -- readable. on android 2.x the fontsize is teeeny tiny small and the background is white. Oo whats happening there? May 27 21:57:26 - as they remove commuters from the car May 27 21:57:28 s May 27 21:58:09 the buses by themselves are probably not the issue; they are more likely symbolic with a larger struggle going on in SF between the rich and poor May 27 21:58:57 we had buses too, dont recall anyone having a pinata thing May 27 21:59:41 and Schmidt went on record as saying he was perplexed by the UK tax debate May 27 21:59:48 g00s: I am not particularly enchanted by what I hear about how SF is run anyway May 27 22:00:02 g00s: UK is... apparently weird May 27 22:00:04 p_l|omoikane its not run, thats the problem May 27 22:01:37 The tax reduction policies are a bit worrying. May 27 22:01:59 there was an article a few weeks ago - factual or not - that touched off some nerve, trying to find it May 27 22:02:07 SpeedEvil: most companies are nothing compared to individuals, it seems May 27 22:02:13 They have nasty features like international companies can reduce their tax to close to zero, while their national competitiors can't May 27 22:02:38 Similarly for the super-rich and 'normal' people. May 27 22:04:24 think this is the first that started a volley back and forth between a bunch http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/05/14/america-s-new-oligarchs-fwd-us-and-silicon-valley-s-shady-1-percenters.html May 27 22:05:00 fun thing, the avoidance schemes like the one used by Google in UK, are afaik required to be registered with HMRC, iirc HSBC (still my favourite bank ;P) got fined for not doing so sometime back May 27 22:05:14 apparently like 40% of the entire financial world is in the hands of 136 people http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgbqXsA62Qs&list=PLOGi5-fAu8bFffao7gN1rhkbE1yfsPNwc May 27 22:05:29 and like 80% of the financial world is under tho influence of 767 people May 27 22:05:58 which leaves you commoner, and me, and the bottom rung of people who will probably never ever matter unless society as we know it collapses and we come out on top of the new world order May 27 22:06:22 BustyLoli-Chan: and the actual financial world being under influence of random number generator and keeping by straps May 27 22:07:46 I don't understand what you mean by that truthfully May 27 22:10:57 BustyLoli-Chan: a huge chunk of financial world now is run more like a fractal with a monkey tapping in inputs by being electrocuted May 27 22:11:36 the biggest "gaming of the system" seems to be IPOs, IMO May 27 22:11:50 I still don't understand what you are implying :| truthfully May 27 22:11:56 maybe it's just over my head May 27 22:12:17 BustyLoli-Chan maybe things like HFT, etc May 27 22:12:32 BustyLoli-Chan: the price of imported goods? It's controller by two elements - national banks, and bunch of automated programs playing the forex market May 27 22:12:36 *controlled May 27 22:12:56 the globalized networks between financial and other systems are efficient enough that collapse in one could mean collapse in seemingly disparate areas; and it would happen fast May 27 22:13:46 g00s: it already happened - the american crisis might have not impacted a lot of places in europe if not for american banks leeching money out of their EU parts May 27 22:14:09 oh sure, i think Taleb has written about this extensively May 27 22:15:04 Still the funniest are randists and other crazy capitalists :3 May 27 22:15:21 that go all about how taxes and redistribution are immoral May 27 22:15:47 I don't understand any of it... May 27 22:16:24 don't worry, its OT anyway May 27 22:16:25 the way I look at it, there are all these people doing all these things trying to pull the world into all these places and make it dance in certain ways, and they've all forgotten why May 27 22:17:16 they've done it so long, that they just keep on doing it.... the world as a whole seems to be boldly going forward to nowhere in particular if you ask me May 27 22:17:43 but what do I know... I'm just one tiny human... May 27 22:19:57 BustyLoli-Chan: I think you're expecting too much order in the world :) May 27 22:22:29 I think the more logical and rational lifeforms all died long ago... now we are left with us... May 27 22:22:46 BustyLoli-Chan: the rational and logical don't ever start living, it's too chaotic May 27 22:22:47 * capella looks around ... toto? are we in #android-dev anymore? May 27 22:22:57 and yeah, it's waaay OT May 27 22:23:06 someone bring back the topic! May 27 22:23:46 is it just me or is the performance of java IDEs uniformly miserable? May 27 22:23:57 cherrypeel: it's not just you May 27 22:24:01 just you May 27 22:24:13 is there another room for googletv dev? May 27 22:24:25 channel* May 27 22:24:37 does anyone actually dev for googletv? lol May 27 22:24:54 is that a real product ? May 27 22:25:21 http://www.google.com/tv/ May 27 22:25:23 yeah, but no one uses it May 27 22:26:32 bankai_: I do! May 27 22:26:35 bankai_: well, kinda May 27 22:26:46 bankai_: we're trying to move the product to support googletvs (boxfish.com) May 27 22:26:54 is it just me... or is java just shitty May 27 22:27:02 I don't think the IDEs are the problem May 27 22:27:07 I think it's the entire language May 27 22:27:15 java is shitty May 27 22:27:23 oh man that website is awful, dude! May 27 22:27:23 and I realize that might be a bold statement May 27 22:27:37 especially one to make is a channel such as this, but I firmly stand by that statement May 27 22:29:14 p_l|omoikane have you played with any of the clojure plugins for eclipse / idea ? like la-clojure / counterclockwise May 27 22:30:17 both, too used to SLIME to get into them much May 27 22:30:37 counterclockwise I remember annoing me at installation, but I don't remember why May 27 22:33:14 hashMap.containsKey("theKey") always returns false :| May 27 22:33:19 why you do this java :< May 27 22:33:38 When I peek into the structure I can see the key by that name in there... so why :| May 27 22:34:41 p_l|omoikane so you're still using emacs :) May 27 22:35:24 p_l|omoikane are you ircing from emacs too :D May 27 22:35:43 we need b2e … Boot 2 Emacs ! May 27 22:35:57 capella forget B2Gecko man May 27 22:35:59 i'm surprised someone hasn't already done it May 27 22:36:26 hehe May 27 22:36:34 bankai_: it has been done May 27 22:36:45 g00s: I use irssi because it works fine over ssh from random devices :) May 27 22:37:07 textual and colloquy worked fine with ssl ... May 27 22:37:17 not sure about "random devices" :) May 27 22:37:32 g00s: I sometimes irc using connectbot May 27 22:37:38 p_l|omoikane are you running irssi from your vms port to your casio watch ? May 27 22:37:57 no, I don't do things that are that pointlessly crazy May 27 22:38:04 (read: I've got bigger concerns) May 27 22:38:44 hey, I'm using greendao for my database stuff. Now i have to access the database from a background service - when exactly should I connect to the database? May 27 22:39:00 p_l|omoikane is irssi even being developed any more ? May 27 22:39:40 g00s: .. is tehre anything missing? :D May 27 22:39:51 but yes, seems to be developing still May 27 22:40:01 or at least I don't really fill the need to tinker May 27 22:41:00 well, ok - last patch was 2012-06-24 May 27 22:41:20 is this thing written in perl ? May 27 22:41:34 g00s: no, but the common scripting method is to use perl May 27 22:45:31 * g00s was thinking about compiling it for os x, but it depends on glib, ugh May 27 22:47:54 BLC: if it gives you any hope, remember that global literacy is on the rise for the first time in the species' history May 27 22:48:57 ... i thought it was on the decrease, at least in "comprehension" part May 27 22:50:44 so in android related HALP HALP I NEED HALP May 27 22:51:18 how does one get a fragments view/class/instance from the main activity? May 27 22:51:33 fragment mananger May 27 22:51:40 context of the activity May 27 22:51:48 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16781367/android-actionbar-align-button-right May 27 22:52:04 http://pastebin.com/PmKB487e this always returns null May 27 22:52:11 g00s: I use weechat. It has gnutls and libgcrupt as deps May 27 22:52:41 tabRawFragment theRaw = (tabRawFragment)this.getSupportFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag("tabRaw"); May 27 22:52:47 always returns null :| May 27 22:53:03 kakazza cool, never heard of that … looking at it now May 27 22:53:14 JakeWharton: Why the link? May 27 22:53:44 i just thought it was hilarious May 27 22:53:56 :) May 27 22:54:24 haha May 27 22:54:55 I've even gone so far as http://pastebin.com/bsiXMUmk May 27 22:55:02 but it's always null :| May 27 22:55:37 Can Public business website in google merchant setup be link to play? May 27 22:55:37 kakazza dang this looks awesome May 27 22:55:54 I don't have a business website May 27 22:56:11 uh oh, p_l|omoikane … weechat.el :D May 27 22:56:14 g00s: I like it. I used to use it with mouse support, came handy at times. May 27 22:56:56 g00s: sure, and ERC and rcirc May 27 22:57:07 You can customize it fairly easily, it has some nice plugins and the IRC support was very good so far. May 27 22:57:19 kakazza what lang is it written in ? May 27 22:57:21 PLC i can't remember you might have to add it to backstack or something May 27 22:57:35 C May 27 22:57:39 i am assuming you set the tag at some point May 27 22:57:44 kakazza \o/ May 27 22:58:16 nothing makes my heart sink more quickly to learn some cool app i want to use is written in perl May 27 22:58:37 g00s: it could be worse - PHP May 27 22:59:16 I like php :< May 27 22:59:35 You're still a Loli, you'll learn. May 27 22:59:39 ... you poor person May 27 22:59:42 hi May 27 22:59:47 kakazza: lol May 27 22:59:48 i've only chatted with a few PHP devs … if i ever *needed* a PHP dev i would try to find a ruby dev willing to learn php May 27 22:59:51 how much ram may a androidi app occupy? May 27 22:59:56 is there any limit? May 27 23:00:00 i mean, people only knowing php May 27 23:00:03 I don't like ruby :/ May 27 23:00:12 g00s: try finch! May 27 23:00:14 spobat: yes depends on device May 27 23:00:20 or any language better than PHP, like visual basic or something May 27 23:00:23 spobat: more it takes the more likely it'llbe killed May 27 23:00:41 I don't see how php is worse than VB May 27 23:00:57 lasserix, in which ranges it is? May 27 23:00:59 hehe May 27 23:01:04 what else are we to script our server sided pages on May 27 23:01:10 spobat: you can also request larger ram usage in post 3.0 i believe, but you should only do that if you know exactly what you are using it for (eg, video streaming or big image processing) May 27 23:01:11 C May 27 23:01:31 lasserix, okay. May 27 23:01:34 who does server side pages :| May 27 23:01:35 what is savely to assume? May 27 23:01:38 which amount of ram is * May 27 23:01:44 people who use PHP May 27 23:01:53 forums facebook gelbooru May 27 23:02:14 anything with an sql database May 27 23:02:24 it really depends on device: my old 2.2 phone has like 12 megs before i get OOM and my asus transformer can do like 50-100 (if i remember correctly) depending if i request it in the manifest May 27 23:02:40 idea is to use smallest footprint ever May 27 23:02:49 okay, how do you request it in the manifest? May 27 23:03:02 cant remember look it up May 27 23:03:30 its strongly recomended you only do that option if you know what you are doing since requesting more ram (and using it) will make less avail to other apps killing them off May 27 23:03:58 alright, I got it. Thank you :D May 27 23:04:15 I am just interested theoretically, though. May 27 23:05:15 idea looks nicer with helvetica as its main UI font ;) May 27 23:05:34 lasserix, isn't it 16mb / 24mb? May 27 23:05:40 the ram limit May 27 23:05:48 I have read so here http://blog.gorges.us/2010/07/developing-apps-within-androids-16mb-memory-limit/ May 27 23:05:50 probably sounds right May 27 23:06:01 but again that doesn't apply to newer tablets i believe May 27 23:06:19 yeah, I'm sure May 27 23:06:23 * SpeedEvil looks at his nexus 4 with 2G. May 27 23:06:24 it steadiily increases. May 27 23:06:29 Insaaaane. May 27 23:06:30 the Novo7 has 60mb for instance May 27 23:07:32 spobot: android:largeHeap="true" May 27 23:08:07 but yeah, don't use that as an excuse for being lazy May 27 23:10:36 i think such options are only essentially required for bitmap or video intensive apps. May 27 23:10:52 could also be audio too May 27 23:10:54 juast like lasserix said May 27 23:10:58 just * May 27 23:11:07 hi i'm implement youtube api per android, i use sherlockactionbar and i use ShareActionProvider to share content but Activity is not SherlockActivity so i have some error, how can i use ShareActionProvider without SherlockActivity ? May 27 23:11:10 and maybe if you are using your tablet to mine bitcoins ;p May 27 23:13:13 lasserix: bitcoin mining isn't memory intensive May 27 23:13:56 yeah it just occured to me, i was thinking of a way you could make it but it seems not necessary May 27 23:14:45 i thought 'the bitcoin' already failed :o May 27 23:14:50 sorry for being so dramatic May 27 23:15:50 it's back to $130 May 27 23:17:15 during the crash, I observed someone buying several hundred thousands USD worth of BTC May 27 23:17:58 Bitcoins will have the worth of Flooz one day May 27 23:18:22 ^ May 27 23:18:22 I meant the whole worth 130 thing lol May 27 23:18:38 I think they will retain whatever value people are willing to pay for them May 27 23:18:54 and as long as demand is always larger than supply they will be worth something May 27 23:19:05 Anyone considering paying for Bitcoins should read this first: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulip_mania May 27 23:19:33 Ologn: not paying, "expecting the prices to keep up" May 27 23:19:56 the problem with tulips is that they grow naturally May 27 23:19:56 (or doing immensely stupid shit like "retirement savings in bitcoin") May 27 23:20:04 haha May 27 23:20:11 bitcoins don't grow naturally May 27 23:20:26 they come from a regulated source every 10 minutes May 27 23:20:29 BTC have no inherent value, only the value of exchange for something else May 27 23:20:39 this is true May 27 23:20:47 like money! May 27 23:20:51 ^ May 27 23:21:03 which is why I don't necessarily think it's all crazy May 27 23:21:11 didn't paypal start accepting bitcoins ? May 27 23:21:13 and truthfully I mine for fun in my spare time May 27 23:21:16 Zharf: yeah, except fiat money tends to be better backed :D May 27 23:21:19 so I might be a little biased on this May 27 23:21:27 omoikane: so you're told May 27 23:21:42 you've never seen the "gold" that backs the US dollar May 27 23:21:57 you've just heard about it and assume it must be true May 27 23:22:01 i have the gold stored in the Superstition mountains May 27 23:22:07 I used to consult for a Fortune 100 financial company in New York...they tested out their distributed programs by cracking RC5 and DES...they were #1 and #2 on distributed cracking if I remember, the Tortoise and the Hare May 27 23:22:10 BustyLoli-Chan: there was never any gold backing it in reality, the gold standard is mostly a myth :) May 27 23:22:10 in arizona May 27 23:22:23 there you go May 27 23:22:27 i have seen the reserves of gold knox stolen in 3 different block buster movies, so i know i've seen it! May 27 23:22:54 the fact is to begin with money was made to replace the bartering system May 27 23:22:55 BustyLoli-Chan: I mean backed in terms of being generally exchangeable for resources, and backed in general by state of the economy May 27 23:23:14 money wasn't created to replace the bartering system, money was created to make money May 27 23:23:17 so that everyone could have an easy to obtain centralized thing they could trade to others in exchange for something else May 27 23:23:50 bitcoin plays the part imo May 27 23:24:05 if it's not money its moneys stunt double May 27 23:24:09 *it's May 27 23:24:17 **money's May 27 23:24:26 bustyloli think you are applying egalitarianism a little too niavely ;p May 27 23:24:31 BustyLoli-Chan: actually, it's classified the same as "stock" :) May 27 23:24:43 because it's exchange rate fluctuates May 27 23:24:55 well when you look at things like the nasdaq the dollar is stock too May 27 23:25:02 stock in a countries economy May 27 23:25:14 NASDAQ isn't tracking dollar, so no May 27 23:25:17 you buy a dollar in trust that the american economy doesn't take a shit and make it worthless May 27 23:25:34 Only commodities like gold, silver etc. have long-term value. The US dollar has worth at the moment, but the German mark was valuable a century ago, before it completely collapsed in value. May 27 23:25:53 Ologn: gold and silver aren't that much worth as people think May 27 23:25:53 i would invest in the canadian acorn May 27 23:25:53 gold and silver are shiny rocks May 27 23:26:00 people want these shiny rocks May 27 23:26:04 or the lithuanian nail May 27 23:26:09 goos: the money's in the syrup :P May 27 23:26:09 so they obtain the value people are willing to pay for them May 27 23:26:12 No, gold is used in teeth, it has industrial uses May 27 23:26:14 same for money May 27 23:26:17 same for bitcoin May 27 23:26:25 I suppose May 27 23:26:29 silver is used in space May 27 23:26:30 Ologn: the industrial use of gold is pretty marginal compared to savings :) May 27 23:26:37 in that sense gold has a purpose... May 27 23:26:41 other than being gold May 27 23:26:48 but what purpose does the US dollar have? May 27 23:26:49 Not really May 27 23:26:50 for really expensive metals, take technetium May 27 23:26:52 you can wipe your ass with it May 27 23:26:56 or use it as a tissue May 27 23:26:56 gold conducts pretty well :) May 27 23:27:08 The US government accepts it for stamps, taxes etc. May 27 23:27:11 g00s: there are carbon designs that conduct better May 27 23:27:14 That is why it has value May 27 23:27:25 the US government is this body of people May 27 23:27:31 German currency became worthless multiple times in the past century May 27 23:27:51 BustyLoli-Chan its a few puppets controlled by special interestes; ftfy :D May 27 23:27:58 it doesn't singularly exist as this entity... it is comprised of several people who value the dollar thus giving the dollar value May 27 23:28:06 oh great, we got a conpiracy theory conversation here May 27 23:28:16 the dollar is worth what people are willing to give up for it May 27 23:28:18 it's not a conspiracy theory you can look it up May 27 23:28:22 The point is, we can be 99% confident the dollar will retain most of its value in the next year. Not so much for the next century. But we can be confident gold will have value a century from now. May 27 23:28:25 shmooz: nah, not conspiracy theory May 27 23:28:30 whether that be in shoes, chickens, clothing, booze May 27 23:28:35 conspiracy fact May 27 23:28:40 conspiracy theory is when I deal with major opposition party here May 27 23:28:42 Ologn: no we can't May 27 23:28:53 ^ May 27 23:29:17 What's that one game where society collapses and bullets become currency? May 27 23:29:20 Ologn: if someone invents an inexpensive east to extract it from seawater May 27 23:29:26 because people are no longer building computes May 27 23:29:44 here's your conspiracy facts, the parties are there to make you think you have a choice, the economy busts are engineered to suck the money to the top of the pyramid, and 911 was inside and outside job ;) May 27 23:29:46 Ologn: aluminium was at one time more expensive than good May 27 23:29:47 SpeedEvil, well then some other precious element May 27 23:29:49 gold May 27 23:29:58 they are trying to ensure their own safety and the only thing that guarantees them safety is the ability to put a bullet in between the eyes of whoever is trying to fuck them over May 27 23:30:00 Ologn: a century from now? I know of at least some technologies that could make gold pretty much irrevelant (and finally disappear the notion of diamonds being expensive, since they are already so cheap I had seen windows made of pure diamond) May 27 23:30:20 then you have the banks hoarding commodities like aluminum ... May 27 23:30:46 if society collapses nobody wants gold because nobody has computers because there is no electricity and nobody needs one May 27 23:31:03 bullshit May 27 23:31:06 Gold has been valuable for 10,000 years, I seriously doubt the next hundred years will see an end to this. May 27 23:31:14 just because society collapses doesn't mean people are going to stop using electricity May 27 23:31:29 what are we going back to steam power? nahh. it's too easy to make a battery May 27 23:31:32 depends on the type of collapse May 27 23:31:39 too easy to make a battery? May 27 23:31:43 can you make a battery? May 27 23:31:45 yeah it is very, very easy May 27 23:31:52 are you telling me that you May 27 23:31:54 by hand May 27 23:31:56 Ologn: if extraction technology drops the price 100*, it stops being valuable May 27 23:31:58 could make a battery? May 27 23:32:06 yes May 27 23:32:08 out of soda ash, water, graphite pencil and a 2 liter ball, yes i can :) May 27 23:32:13 *bottle May 27 23:32:13 not a good one May 27 23:32:14 one that could actually fit in a device and power it? May 27 23:32:20 ^not a good one May 27 23:32:20 i can power an led array May 27 23:32:25 The point is it will be more valuable then a dollar May 27 23:32:27 not just make a lot of them, voila May 27 23:32:31 Even if the price diminishes May 27 23:32:31 not a standardized one... not one that can do anything different May 27 23:32:39 yeah you can May 27 23:32:40 and ologn gets it May 27 23:33:02 BustyLoli-Chan: not enough to put into a device, but make a system that can power some of them using easily available resources? yes May 27 23:33:05 in a situation where you don't have electricity... would you rather have A. A US dollar B. A battery May 27 23:33:12 Ologn: how do you work that out? unless you can magically predict mining technology May 27 23:33:45 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maslow%27s_hierarchy_of_needs May 27 23:34:10 in the event the bottom of the pyramid is not fulfilled people's needs, demands and priorities will shift... May 27 23:34:29 people will probably always want gold because it represents wealth, and even in the post apocalyptic world you'll have your bandit leaders spilling water from their golden chalices May 27 23:34:47 nobody will give a shit about the superficial dollar if they cant breath, eat, drink, sleep, use the bathroom or have sex May 27 23:35:29 during those times the rich are richer than ever May 27 23:35:32 you can use paper money to start a fire in a pinch :) May 27 23:35:50 50 years ago the dollar was backed by gold...the dollar has not been floating on its own for that long May 27 23:35:56 in terms of where the dollar fits on that pyramid, I'd put it on level 4 in a post apocalyptic society.... May 27 23:36:51 Ologn: IIRC 50 years ago the "we will exchange your dollar to gold at fixed amount" was already a song of the past May 27 23:37:10 this is just my opinion/theory May 27 23:37:11 Ologn: and no one seems to be able to actually pinpoint a moment where all of dollars were backed by gold May 27 23:37:33 I think the bitcoin and the dollar are not all that different May 27 23:37:39 in the way that they float May 27 23:37:57 BustyLoli-Chan: yeah, except btc is in a way less suitable for use as nationwide currency May 27 23:38:03 due to limited pool and lack of control May 27 23:38:19 at least with it's limited pool you know it retains value lol May 27 23:38:51 maybe we should back money with forms of energy instead May 27 23:39:08 kilowatts May 27 23:39:18 bitcoins are made with energy May 27 23:40:22 each coin is made with hundreds of "wasted" kilowatts and silicon calculations May 27 23:40:26 compute the available amount of gold. now the number of dollars. May 27 23:40:36 Bitcoin is not a currency...it is like tulips...they are worth less than tulips May 27 23:40:37 and they make a wonderful amount of heat May 27 23:40:46 the gold price would need to rise highly May 27 23:40:55 shmooz: sounds like the economy of the communist world of a book I read back in primary school :) May 27 23:41:33 nobody knows how much gold exists May 27 23:41:41 omg you guys are still talking about this May 27 23:41:43 nobody knows how many us dollars exist May 27 23:41:51 i thought i went OT :/ May 27 23:41:53 and the navy doesn't know how many unregistered ships exist May 27 23:42:15 each respective agency knows about how many of these things PROBABLY exist May 27 23:42:19 but nobody really knows May 27 23:42:31 isn't that the where the excitement is at May 27 23:42:37 does anybody really know anything really? May 27 23:42:43 nope May 27 23:42:53 i know 1+1 = 2 May 27 23:43:01 I know that I don't know a thing so that's a thing, so maybe I don't even know that May 27 23:43:48 goos but it doesn't 1 + 1 = 1 May 27 23:44:05 everyone just kind of boldly charges forward... never keeping track of the past because you don't think it's important... then later on you wonder how you got to this important exciting point without ever really knowing because you never kept track May 27 23:44:12 ahh nm May 27 23:44:18 1 + 1 = 10 May 27 23:44:40 1+ 1+ 1 = 11 May 27 23:44:48 i've even seen in wave mechanics 1 + 1 = 3 May 27 23:45:17 but that was a rhetorical question anyways May 27 23:45:18 is wave mechanics an exciting class? May 27 23:45:29 depends on how much lsd you take May 27 23:45:33 jk May 27 23:45:45 sure if you like understanding physics May 27 23:48:10 does Xavier Ducrohet hang out here at all ? May 27 23:49:40 shmooz not any more May 27 23:49:49 The further you get away from that which you put behind you, the more important it becomes in realizing what you/where you are. But yet, if it had such value and importance to begin with, surely you never would have left it behind. May 27 23:49:50 even in the past, he wasn't here that much so ... May 27 23:50:05 is there a #philosophy? lol May 27 23:50:16 LOL May 27 23:50:19 There is May 27 23:50:31 oh well we always have romain guy May 27 23:51:15 I just though some devs of Android Studio should be here to get feedback May 27 23:51:29 *thought May 27 23:51:30 BLC of course there is but at some point we should all get back to work :P May 27 23:53:20 but maybe some people don't need the past to tell them who they are just to figure out what they want to do in the moment May 27 23:54:27 And maybe the paradoxical nature of the first argument means that we aren't suppose to look to the past to find ourselves in the moment May 27 23:59:20 you can look just don't rely: once you start trying to understand you prevent yourself from understanding because you are no simply aware but in the struggle of interpretating ;p May 28 00:01:51 its like looking at a tree: when you look at a tree, are you thinking this is a tree and those are its leaves and that is the trunk, which is to say you are no longer looking at the tree itself. May 28 00:02:17 anyways here the data mine whistle blowing May 28 00:03:47 how can I change the darcula theme so that the background color is pitch black ? May 28 00:04:46 I think it would be even better that way May 28 00:07:01 Hi all, quick question: if a Service is launched with an Intent (call it i0), and returns START_REDELIVER_INTENT from onStartCommand(), the system will redeliver Intent i0 if the service is later killed. If the Service then gets a second (different) Intent, can it return START_NOT_STICKY and still get the original Intent i0 redelivered if necessary? Or does returning START_NOT_STICKY cancel the earlier contract? May 28 00:08:54 hello there, a divide by null exception is fucking my brain off. im trying to simulate a drum instrument. when i start the activity with hard coded coordinates its running. but i would like to do it for each divice with different width and height values. http://pastebin.com/N1jXV4dr May 28 00:09:10 *device May 28 00:11:38 i think... there is any possibility to use sherlockactionbar and youtube api per android May 28 00:13:46 JakeWharton, is it possible use SherloActivity and YouTubeBaseActivity ? i try YouTubePlayerFragment but doesn't work May 28 00:14:49 newinandroid: I'm not sure. You could extend their activity and implement all the sherlock required things yourself. May 28 00:15:03 does it cost money to upload to the play store May 28 00:15:12 Copy SherlockActivity to a new class and extend from the youtube one May 28 00:15:42 ah ok... i'll try May 28 00:15:49 thanks May 28 00:16:07 seems it does. anyone know why? May 28 00:19:35 coz that's how it is - all app stores require a paid subscription May 28 00:21:55 what's the worst android game ever? May 28 00:22:06 or at least the one with the stupidest name May 28 00:22:17 Dune Buggy Blitz May 28 00:22:30 * Sonicadvance1 shrugs May 28 00:23:35 I don't game much so I don't know many games on Android May 28 00:37:21 hello May 28 00:44:45 JakeWharton, great... :) it's work. I copy SherlockActivity and create a new class SherlockActivityYouTube and this class extends YouTubeBaseActivity ... now i can use youtube player in a SherlockActionBar May 28 00:45:31 Sweet! May 28 00:46:28 :) May 28 00:46:29 hm, i need to connect to dozens of servers simultaneously for messaging. don't really want to do thread per server ;) i would be able to handle async i/o with NIO.2 but thats Java 7 and we dont have that. sooo … anyone have experience using Mina / Jetty for this scenario on Android ? May 28 00:47:04 shizzle where is pfn May 28 00:47:37 is there any way I can stop a started activity that I don't own? May 28 00:48:13 like I have a new web page activity that I'm starting and I want it to close after 3 seconds May 28 00:51:19 oh. I guess I could restart myself after 3 seconds and make it singleTop May 28 00:51:27 make myself* May 28 00:52:59 g00s: ... I'd help you but it would involve NDK and I am currently knee deep in Java May 28 00:53:12 g00s: so have this instead: http://dbareactions.tumblr.com/post/51425713721 May 28 00:53:13 ;) May 28 00:53:16 goos: are you working on personal app? May 28 00:53:28 mheld: allowing you to stop activities you don't own would be a security problem May 28 00:53:35 lasserix kinda May 28 00:53:50 ahh okay just curious to see finished result :) May 28 00:53:56 lasserix me too :F May 28 00:55:08 is there no access to nonblocking writes/reads in android? May 28 00:56:05 nio.1 i dont think has nonblocking sockets May 28 00:56:14 i could be wrong May 28 00:56:59 "nonblocking sockets, introduced in java 2 standard edition 1.4" <--- I haven't yet opened the page I found in google search May 28 00:57:17 shmooz: I think it'd be reasonable to be able to start activities you've started May 28 00:57:43 p_l|omoikane its complicated May 28 00:57:50 g00s: isn't everything? May 28 00:57:54 mheld: yes, and I suppose if you have persmissions you can do anything May 28 00:58:59 the old nio harmony stuff was totally fucked, but i think it was fixed around HC time May 28 00:59:51 g00s: well, there's always NDK if you want to support lower versions May 28 01:00:02 no, i dont want to touch the NDK May 28 01:00:15 i love c and c++ but it seems like a piece of shit May 28 01:01:27 maybe nio.2 brought asyc file i/o instead, hrm May 28 01:02:28 g00s: I think async file i/o is the nio.2 stuff May 28 01:07:04 hm, this guy says nio.1 has non-blocking i/o but nio.2 has async i/o … maybe i'm getting hung up, i thought those were the same i guess not May 28 01:12:03 hm, AsynchronousChannel is java 7 May 28 01:13:50 g00s: Are these persistent connections or something that could be made into a work queue May 28 01:14:15 kroot persistent / stateful MQTT connections May 28 01:15:04 Yeah, Java 1.6 is all about threads May 28 01:17:28 thx kroot. May 28 01:22:21 Mina looks like it could work May 28 01:41:18 http://pastebin.com/f8ijb1hB still doesn't work May 28 01:41:34 supportfragment manager can't find the tab that I know exists... why is this :| May 28 01:45:11 do I have to detach it and change it and the recommit it? May 28 01:56:07 Hey all, is there a way to use a USB camera on an android 2.2 device without root? e.g. what this is promising: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=infinitegra.app.usbcamera May 28 01:59:44 antitau: nope May 28 02:01:13 p_l|omoikane: And with root, would it be a matter of using video4linux2 or something? May 28 02:09:34 antitau: and loading in the drivers May 28 02:09:51 g May 28 02:10:04 oops, so how would i go about rooting a device that isn't very well known? May 28 02:10:40 #android-root May 28 02:10:49 would be a logical place to ask May 28 02:32:59 how many open files do you think it would take before I got "java.net.SocketException: Too many files open" May 28 02:33:10 general ballpark :) May 28 02:33:13 42 May 28 02:33:19 of course, shit May 28 02:34:29 JakeWharton: in IJ is there a way to stop warnings on @subscribes "never used" ? as in exclude this check for the resource path or something ? May 28 02:34:45 you can tell it to never warn for that annotation May 28 02:35:10 hit alt+enter, press right on "remove unused method", and then select something like "never warn for @Subscribe" May 28 02:36:34 ah cool, in AS tis second option down May 28 02:36:35 StingRay_ https://code.google.com/p/gag/ :D May 28 02:37:05 @Fired May 28 02:37:07 nice May 28 02:41:42 since stoppig smoking, I seem to want to eat more May 28 02:41:42 thats not good May 28 02:42:10 have a glass of water nearby May 28 02:42:10 * StingRay_ currently has some dim sum pork balls defrosting May 28 02:42:10 :) May 28 02:42:10 dont smoke the pork balls May 28 02:42:10 well I got up early today tis 3:39am May 28 02:42:10 and I'm just wanting to eat like all the time May 28 02:42:10 StingRay_ btw, heard today each cig is life-- 11 minutes May 28 02:42:10 tell you what though, if not smoking kills my concentration towards android dev, I will smoke again May 28 02:42:10 but if I get by, then I wont May 28 02:42:11 simples May 28 02:42:15 fuck that, better to take some nootropic instead May 28 02:42:30 what ? May 28 02:42:30 the fk is that? May 28 02:42:30 get back to work ! May 28 02:42:30 :) May 28 02:43:05 maybe i should spend lots of time looking at irc clients eh ? May 28 02:43:06 :) May 28 02:43:25 holy crap, apache mina + disruptor is like a marriage made in heaven May 28 02:46:26 what are you using it for ? May 28 02:52:04 bankai_ using for an project that needs to talk to a bunch of mqtt brokers May 28 02:53:07 may not be able to use the generic mqtt java library, which means secret weapon #2 : ragel to write the codec **** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue May 28 02:59:59 2013