**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu May 30 03:00:00 2013 May 30 03:09:45 how do you turn on the camera flash modes? May 30 03:44:40 hey May 30 05:47:46 Cocostorm, hey dude :) May 30 06:03:56 when using a TabHost / FragmentManager, what method is called every time the Fargment is displayed? Instead of just loaded/created/resumed, etc May 30 06:04:12 what method on the fragment itself, that is May 30 06:45:02 heho May 30 06:46:50 If I wrote a bug tracking system May 30 06:46:54 I would NOT allow May 30 06:47:04 People to merge old bugs into newer bugs May 30 06:47:12 That drives me crazy - ugh! May 30 06:50:29 Oh man... May 30 06:50:31 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15508477 May 30 06:51:04 the bytecode instruction set doesn't have a way to refer to method numbers requiring more than 16 bits. I had a fix for that problem in progress when I left the Android team, and it seems that nobody picked it up in the mean time (alas). – danfuzz May 30 06:51:43 Hey, the bug has only been open for three years...blech May 30 06:55:33 Ologn hehe, oh that one :) :) May 30 06:55:55 thats a famous one like "who would ever need more than 640k" May 30 06:56:20 Ologn, you were on android? May 30 06:57:20 http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=7147 May 30 06:57:39 "we didn't think we'd see method counts hit the May 30 06:57:39 limit for quite a while. You have made us rethink our timeline!" May 30 06:58:03 I was on Android? May 30 06:58:16 "when I left the Android team" May 30 06:58:24 implies you were on it at one point :) May 30 06:58:39 moo canadiancow :) May 30 06:58:48 canadiancow: or at least danfuzz that he quoted ;) May 30 06:58:57 oh that was a quote? May 30 06:59:03 does anyone know how a change in the layout of a AutoCompleteTextView "row" can cause the onItemClickListener to not fire anymore? May 30 06:59:07 canadiancow, oh. No, the fellow at the end said that, Dan Bornstein aka Dan Fuzz May 30 06:59:24 ah ok May 30 06:59:38 (and what the proper name for a row/item/... for an AutoCompleteTextView is called? ) May 30 07:00:30 the commonsware guy says so much crazy stuff "My point is that you do not need to use those libraries." May 30 07:17:11 g00s: lool i had a similar statement from a SAP guy :) May 30 07:17:29 "our team came to the conclusion that you don't need this features" ;) May 30 07:17:40 doh??! May 30 07:17:44 how can you remove a fragment from the backstack if its added with ft.addToBackstack("tagX"); May 30 07:17:46 :) May 30 07:18:14 heyyas ;) May 30 07:18:34 g00s: the "features" were requirements by our tax laws ;) May 30 07:18:56 i really love these guys from SAP from India ;) May 30 07:20:28 say, does anyone of you happen to know what the ... it is when i registerForContextMenu(myCoolListView) in my activities onCreate(), then implement onContextMenuCreated and onContextMenuItemSelected() -- but when i open the menu and select an item, onCreate gets caled, but onItemSelected never... May 30 07:21:04 monsti i have interesting experiences with that kind of thing as well ;) May 30 07:22:09 g00s: i really like working with these guys but you need the "brain bug" ... in terms of starship troopers ;) May 30 07:22:13 i don't quite understand ;( May 30 07:22:55 the onCreate has to finish successfully, because ... well, the menu gets shown! it just doesn't seem to register onClicks? May 30 07:24:44 Hi. Anyone aware of a library containing a function to calculate the cross-correlation function of signals? May 30 07:24:44 java question May 30 07:24:57 can i overwrite a variable? May 30 07:25:24 int A in base class and bool A in a child class? May 30 07:25:38 Nebukadneza: where is onContextMenuItemSelected defined that you override? May 30 07:26:11 in my activity, which inherits from sherlockactivity, which somehow inherits from activity? May 30 07:27:15 monsti well, if it was public or protected that would be terrible; if private so inheritance didn't break the encapsulation - i guess it would be ok from a clean code standpoint May 30 07:27:23 Nebukadneza: and you use the @Override annotation and don't get an error? May 30 07:27:28 as far as compiling, i think you can find out quickly :) May 30 07:27:34 well :) May 30 07:27:54 base.A and th.A does the job May 30 07:27:58 Nebukadneza: afaik you should be overriding onContextItemSelected for context menus May 30 07:27:59 this.A May 30 07:28:16 appel1: no, @Override gives an error that the method has to be existing in a parent so i can override it May 30 07:28:19 ohhhh wait May 30 07:28:37 i want properties ...NOW! May 30 07:28:40 Nebukadneza: so then you removed the annotation? May 30 07:29:00 Nebukadneza: when the error message explicitly tells you what you've done wrong? May 30 07:29:31 well, it doesn't tell me what i did wrong May 30 07:29:43 Nebukadneza: it did, it says you are trying to override a method that does not exist May 30 07:29:51 but you kind of made me re-read the imports just now ... and it seems that i mistook MenuItem for MenuItem May 30 07:30:19 so in the contextmenu-related functions i need to use android.view.MenuItem *explicitly*, to make sure its not an ABS one ;/ May 30 07:30:20 Nebukadneza: that should tell you that perhaps the method you want to override is called something else or that you misstyped the name May 30 07:30:53 no, it simply told me its not there, and that i should remove @Override ;) May 30 07:31:32 Nebukadneza: and if the method you want to override is not there you think it is the annotation that is wrong and not the method name= May 30 07:31:33 ? May 30 07:31:33 but you really made me find the error just now, thank you! May 30 07:31:49 well, it was the package path of the type of an argument May 30 07:31:53 thats kinda tricky to find May 30 07:32:21 ok May 30 07:33:22 anyways, thanks alot! May 30 07:43:32 i think they should theme d.android.com like darcula ! May 30 07:55:33 does somebody know how to make following situaties like google maps: current locaiton marker (">") is rotating when device is rotating(compass)? May 30 07:56:03 the google maps marker (>) is shows when you ask for a direction May 30 08:00:05 hello i have developed an augmented reality app May 30 08:00:51 i want to publish it but when i try to take screenshots everything looks good except that the background is black May 30 08:00:59 and not the live image of my cam May 30 08:01:09 in my device everything works fine May 30 08:06:09 Is anyone using IntelliJ and can tell me how I can let it download the libraries from the repository when opening a project with exisitng pom file? May 30 08:14:58 http://stackoverflow.com/q/16831086/946409 can you guys help me with this gingerbread problem? May 30 08:26:27 how can you set an "animation" with moving camera in a GoogleMap (SupportMapFragment)? May 30 08:28:35 I'm trying to take a camera shot and upload it to my server, but I'm constantly getting "Out of memory" exceptions May 30 08:28:39 http://pastebin.com/V2F5TLj4 May 30 08:29:13 the last thing I get in Logcat is "before setEntity" May 30 08:29:26 FrancescoV: http://developer.android.com/reference/com/google/android/gms/maps/GoogleMap.html#animateCamera(com.google.android.gms.maps.CameraUpdate, int, com.google.android.gms.maps.GoogleMap.CancelableCallback) May 30 08:30:43 FrancescoV: and also http://developer.android.com/reference/com/google/android/gms/maps/CameraUpdateFactory.html May 30 08:30:50 any general recommendations how to avoid "out of memory" when working with bitmaps? May 30 08:31:57 Pitel_IPEX: tnx,i willl look into it ;) May 30 08:34:01 FrancescoV: tou are welcome, I played with it just yesterday :) May 30 08:35:12 currently, i'm makeing a googlemap for getting directions like google maps app, but you can't get a lot request to the google servers for free :( May 30 08:44:18 Out of interest ivanatora, how large is the bitmap you're working with? May 30 08:44:27 (dimensions or filesize) May 30 08:44:33 3 megapixel foto straight from the camera May 30 08:46:32 Looks like others are having issues similar to that - take a look at this thread: http://arstechnica.com/civis/viewtopic.php?f=20&t=1074024 May 30 08:47:02 maybe this is not so much a 'bitmap issue' and more like a 'big HTTP POST issue' May 30 08:47:15 Have you tried with images under 3mp in size? May 30 08:47:17 thank you for the article May 30 08:47:27 not really May 30 08:47:53 I'd recommend trying with a smaller image, see if you get the same problem. If you don't then it's likely the image size when scaling that is causing the issue, I'd guess. May 30 08:48:08 FrancescoV: there is some limit on requests? which request? I'm only showing maps with circle markers. I hope my users won't run into some limitations... May 30 08:49:09 Seidr: thank you for the recommendation May 30 08:49:30 Pitel_IPEX: no that's not a problem, i have the same situation for showing profiles on a map. But if i go into a profiel and the user want to get the directions to that place, i show a new fragment which shows the route to that place May 30 08:49:45 and the request to Google Maps - Directions is limmited :( May 30 08:50:04 FrancescoV: ok, thanks May 30 09:08:20 i hope they optimize studio a bit more for linux May 30 09:08:25 its kind of slow May 30 09:10:07 thecodeischaos does it perform better or worse than eclipse on linux ? May 30 09:11:05 i haven't used linux in a while; guis always seemed more sluggish there compared to windows/mac May 30 09:11:07 i havnt tried eclipse on this machine May 30 09:11:56 they just dont optimize it enough i think. lots of linux apps run pretty smoothly May 30 09:12:42 well you need a i17, 32 cores, 128gb gfx ram with ddr25 May 30 09:12:50 then java will be fast... May 30 09:12:55 lol May 30 09:13:31 in 1996 i was told "soon 133MHz will be on every computer - 32mb ram... and then java will be fast" May 30 09:13:41 ...i am still waiting for java to be fast... May 30 09:14:14 "doing it wrong" comes to mind. May 30 09:14:36 well there is something wrong with me :) May 30 09:14:54 but java can be fast instead of my issues ... May 30 09:18:39 one problem with java back in the day was that the gui framework was all software which was very slow :) no idea what intellij uses, hopefully not swing ;) May 30 09:20:36 appel1 it uses swing :) May 30 09:20:48 appel1, SWT afaik May 30 09:21:01 eclipse uses SWT May 30 09:23:16 ok, been a while since I used swing, perhaps it works better today :) May 30 09:23:31 actually, swing is "deprecated" May 30 09:23:57 oracle has been putting their effort into javaFX May 30 09:24:23 swing itself will probably just sit there for another 20 years May 30 09:24:26 i hope they dont remove swing from future jdk. my java apps are swing May 30 09:24:39 i think the awt is still in there May 30 09:24:46 yeh May 30 09:25:17 is there an option to change workspace folder in studio? i cant see it May 30 09:26:12 there are no workspaces in studio. May 30 09:27:03 i mean where projects are saved , it made a folder ~/AndroidStudioProjects May 30 09:28:04 you put them wherever you want. May 30 09:28:17 * michaelnovakjr hates workspaces. May 30 09:29:53 Currently, my app is using a lot Fragments. Each Fragment uses a couple AsyncTasks with callback (httprequest, jsonreader...). when the back button is pressed, the current launched asynctask from the current fragment must be stopped. May 30 09:35:29 FrancescoV: set some flag the task can check if it is time for it to abort May 30 09:36:41 asynctasks aren't so good for network stuff :| May 30 09:37:41 appell: can you give me a link with more info pls? May 30 09:40:29 FrancescoV: what do you mean? in your asynctask just: if (cancel) { // stop whatever you're doing } May 30 09:40:52 FrancescoV: or do you mean really abort an outstanding http request? May 30 09:42:14 but if i start FragmentA, then i start AsyncTaskB , but if the users pressed back before the result is send to FragmentA, i got an error (what's normal), so i need to stop AsyncTaskB if user pressed back when FragmentA is active May 30 09:43:24 FrancescoV: so AsyncTaskB needs to handle when its result isn't needed any more May 30 09:44:08 yes, what i think is juist stopping the task when users pressed back May 30 09:44:55 uuuh May 30 09:45:06 does a view margin count into views click hit area or not? May 30 09:48:17 nop but padding should May 30 09:48:37 Mavrik, no, padding will handle click, not margin ;) May 30 09:48:53 hmm, that explains the touch area fails I have May 30 10:26:55 hey, would anyone recommend a camera app example? May 30 10:37:14 You could take a look at this Camera API Tutorial (that I found on Google): http://www.vogella.com/articles/AndroidCamera/article.html May 30 10:37:50 and the camera app from Android source May 30 10:37:52 It details how to take a photo / save a photo to storage. May 30 10:43:30 anyone tried this calendar view http://corner.squareup.com/2013/01/times-square.html ?? i android dev noob and making such calendar is my first project ... suitable? May 30 10:44:24 i will later pull some events from server and will display them in this calendar ... need month view and day view. May 30 11:05:17 hey guys, I have a custom preference and I create a new Button inside the preference constructor, then I add it to the view in onCreateView. Problem is that when the view gets scrolled off screen, then back on, it throws an IllegalStateException because it's trying to add the button again without removing it May 30 11:07:42 well that's wierd, my IRC client left #android-dev May 30 11:08:32 hello everyone May 30 11:09:26 hi people, I'm trying to include several well isolated classes from java.awt.geom (I know AWT has native code, but I inspected geom, and it looks very self contained) in my Android application, and I get infamous --core-library warning with firghtening text. However, I apply --core-library flag to dx script in building-tools, but Eclipse still issues that warning :( I have geom classes in separate jar file. May 30 11:10:07 I'm porting one application, which uses geotools, which uses java.awt.geom classes in turn...I have no time to port it to something else for now May 30 11:30:27 I'm trying progressBar.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE) inside onResume but it's not working.. any suggestions? May 30 11:32:24 Hello there, quick question, is there a way to use the mouse I'm using in my pc to control my android device through wifi? May 30 11:32:26 [13:30] What I've found is the opposite way, use android as a mouse May 30 11:32:27 [13:30] but I want to use the mouse of my pc to scroll the pages that I'm reading in the tablet May 30 11:32:29 [13:30] any ideas? May 30 11:33:33 king_slayer: shareKM May 30 11:34:34 works for linux? May 30 11:40:20 hi, i have a question May 30 11:41:26 I'm trying to implement a RatingBar with a custom image in place of the stars, along the lines of: http://stackoverflow.com/a/2215186/444705 May 30 11:46:07 I have it working, but it seems like my images are being overdrawn on each other, leading to a halo effect on the transparent edges May 30 11:51:05 pjdelport: thought about doing a custom view rather than attempting to use that one ? May 30 11:51:43 I have seem people have many probs May 30 11:55:55 coolio; 5th gen iPod touch for $229 w/o camera May 30 11:57:34 StingRay_: I don't relish the thought of re-implementing that much code, to be honest May 30 11:58:50 not really that much May 30 11:58:55 look at source May 30 11:59:15 well I think it can be design lots less that src shows May 30 11:59:25 tis a very old component May 30 12:17:07 point May 30 12:17:35 when should i stop an asynctask (if it's still running), onpauze or onstop or ondestroy? May 30 12:19:18 About Otto May 30 12:20:00 When in the documentation is written, 'Producers' provide immediate callback to any subscriber upon their registration May 30 12:20:44 Is this the same that only the instance that is registered gets events for @Suscribers methods? May 30 12:22:09 Is there somthing to manage multiple asynctasks? For example: FragmentA: start asyncTask 1, --> running , startFragmentB --> start asyncTask B ----->> first stop asyncTaskA and start asynctaskB. If asynctask B is done, continue asynctask A May 30 12:24:21 crised: not sure I got your question, but at a guess yes May 30 12:24:40 producers will only trigger subscriber methods May 30 12:25:46 StingRay_: nope, no that question May 30 12:25:49 StingRay_: "When subscribing to events it is often desired to also fetch the current known value for specific events (e.g., current location, active user, etc.). To address this common paradigm, Otto adds the concept of 'Producers' which provide an immediate callback to any subscribers upon their registration." May 30 12:26:03 yes May 30 12:26:06 so that means May 30 12:26:15 subscribe to objectA May 30 12:26:27 StingRay_: Two Objects May 30 12:26:30 A and B May 30 12:26:35 now if there is a producer for objectA it will be called May 30 12:26:38 A is registered, and has suscribe methods May 30 12:26:42 when a method subscribes May 30 12:26:49 B has producer methods, then it registers, May 30 12:26:58 Will A receive events? May 30 12:27:27 I think your missing it May 30 12:27:42 produce is for subscribers to get data on inital reg May 30 12:28:35 StingRay_: explain May 30 12:28:47 StingRay_: To the same object instance, or to other object instances? May 30 12:28:55 subscribe(objectA) means that on registration, otto will look for any producer(objectA) methods May 30 12:29:45 if it finds them, the producer gives the data to subscriber May 30 12:29:56 like I said, just a handy way to get inital data May 30 12:29:59 StingRay_: ok, let me think May 30 12:30:43 https://github.com/donnfelker/android-bootstrap/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/donnfelker/android/bootstrap/core/TimerService.java May 30 12:30:48 https://github.com/donnfelker/android-bootstrap/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/donnfelker/android/bootstrap/ui/BootstrapTimerActivity.java May 30 12:31:20 https://github.com/donnfelker/android-bootstrap/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/donnfelker/android/bootstrap/ui/BootstrapTimerActivity.java#L55 May 30 12:31:50 StingRay_: So When BootStrapTimerActivity registers, it will get 5 different type of events... sounds weird May 30 12:32:33 well only if you have producers that give it them May 30 12:33:10 TimerService has Producer methods May 30 12:33:51 so that is my question, when Activity is registered, will it receive events only for that Activity events? Or to any suscribed Service in the Bus? May 30 12:33:51 well then if that TimerService is registered with the event bus then yes May 30 12:34:01 it will fire events May 30 12:34:05 makes no sense May 30 12:34:43 ok look May 30 12:34:52 objectA has subscriber method May 30 12:35:03 ok May 30 12:35:04 and it's class registers May 30 12:35:28 it does nothing May 30 12:35:28 unless you post something of that type May 30 12:35:28 right ? May 30 12:35:59 but what if, you didnt want to post on 1st creation/reg but wanted maybe for it to get existing info that is already there and current, but without having a post yourself May 30 12:36:10 then you have a producer of that type May 30 12:36:17 is it possible to "pauze" an asynctask and continue the task when another asynctask is finished? May 30 12:36:33 objectA, in this case let's say TimerTickEvent or TimerPausedEvent. right? May 30 12:37:09 so then it goes, subscriber(a) --> event bus, oh any producers ? yes ---> fire producer ----> give to subscriber May 30 12:37:10 irrelevant May 30 12:37:10 just object types May 30 12:37:14 any type that you have registered May 30 12:38:18 StingRay_: ok, so suscriber(a) will be callback whenever any class that have produce methods is registered on the Bus, right? May 30 12:39:13 well producer(a) yes May 30 12:39:34 not any producer methods, obviously May 30 12:39:38 same object type May 30 12:39:40 then yes May 30 12:39:43 yes May 30 12:39:53 ok cool, let me get the logic in this example May 30 12:39:53 thx May 30 12:40:40 hi everyone May 30 12:41:02 is it true that android doesn't support SNI headers with the default browser? May 30 12:43:53 hi, does anyone here use libGDX? we've been thinking about using it for our android game project, but from looking at the tutorials, the code seems a bit too low-level for a game framework May 30 12:44:44 Hello, i want to start an IntentService on boot(using a broadcastReceiver) but i am getting this error and i don't know how to solve it "Unable to instantiate service com.notificationService.BootService: java.lang.InstantiationException: can't instantiate class com.notificationService.BootService; no empty constructor". What does it mean? I tried to empty the constructor (actually the class is empty and there is only a call to super constructor). Tha May 30 12:45:02 as our budget is quite low, we need something that's free to use for commecrial stuff May 30 12:45:18 are there perhaps some better options out there? May 30 12:50:38 entity: Will your game be 3D, or 2D? May 30 12:51:20 and do you want it to be cross platform May 30 12:52:38 2d, and cross platform might be nice in the future, but it's not necessary, Seidr May 30 12:53:45 In that case, I'd check out andengine (https://github.com/nicolasgramlich/AndEngine). It's got a pretty good community, and plenty of examples floating around. One down side is that it is not cross platform May 30 12:54:08 If you need networking, I'd check out kryonet (https://code.google.com/p/kryonet/) - a very cool project. May 30 12:55:32 i've been also considering the android port of the irrlicht engine, not sure if you know it May 30 12:55:36 Failing that, you could write it using Flash, which can then be wrapped in any number of wrappers for each OS. While most Flash games are horrid, I've seen a few that make very good use of it, and make it so you can hardly tell that they are using Flash, without decompiling it. May 30 12:57:05 First I've heard of irrlicht to be honest, I'll take a look at it though, cheers :) May 30 12:57:42 it comes from pc, the api is really well structured May 30 12:58:17 http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/docu/example001.html - hello world tutorial May 30 12:58:55 the engine has been around for like 10 years, so the community is quite large and has many features, whether you want 2d or 3d May 30 12:59:48 the android port however is still quite fresh, and i'm talking 2 weeks fresh from first official release May 30 13:01:54 Ah damn, that is pretty fresh. I guess keep an eye on it, see how fast it moves. If it's got a decent team porting it, that might be a viable option. May 30 13:02:43 anyone have experience with IIS 8 and Android .apk's over https? May 30 13:03:47 sinclair, what do you mean by apk's over HTTPS? Downloading APKs, communicating with a HTTPS server? May 30 13:09:33 can I inflate two menus and use them merged as my options menu? May 30 13:19:52 Hi, I've painted myself into quite an annoying corner, I need to have a menu/set of icons/whatever that on smartphones with menu key is default hidden and shown only when you press the menu key, but on soft button devices, either adds them to the bar with home, etc on it, or allows you to pop open the same view as for phones from there May 30 13:20:03 targetting version 14 May 30 13:23:24 i've got two new guys that i need to ramp up quickly and get them android productive. suggestions? May 30 13:23:38 no code no food May 30 13:24:44 I love C for not coming back every few months and saying, forget what you learned, now learn this instead ;) May 30 13:28:45 Anyone got an example of best practice image from an URL? May 30 13:28:57 I want it to be asynchronous, perhaps with a loader in the image... May 30 13:29:11 hallas, take a look at "picasso" or "volley" May 30 13:30:00 adq which do you prefer? May 30 13:30:15 picasso looks good May 30 13:31:20 i only used picasso, so i cannot tell you which one i prefer :) May 30 13:32:29 adq :-) already imported picasso and loaded an image, works perfectly May 30 13:33:08 the only little issue you might encouter is with the useragent depending on the "sensibility" of the httpd on the other side May 30 13:33:19 okay May 30 13:33:22 i had to modify few lines because of that May 30 13:33:33 otherwise as you can see, it's pretty straight forward May 30 13:33:46 and you have also placeholder for image when loading and at failtoload May 30 13:33:50 you can redim, etc... May 30 13:33:52 very neat May 30 13:38:36 hrm, okay, my tablet has a bar with buttons such as back, home, activity switcher, how do I add an icon to that, doesn't seem to be the action bar ? May 30 13:42:56 ah, the "system bar" May 30 13:43:03 and I am "not supposed to add things to it" May 30 13:43:11 guess I will have to beat it until I can May 30 13:46:08 I mean the whole freaking device is full of pre-honeycomb apps, that all have a menu button there May 30 13:46:39 Google can't claim "you need to put it in the action bar", when that is the last place people are looking (due to 99% of the applications NOT having one) May 30 13:46:44 and I need the screen space.... May 30 13:46:55 so weird.. try searching for touchpal keyboard in play May 30 13:47:06 should be top of the list.. and its not May 30 13:47:25 hi. I would like to know how can I run android emulator with density hdpi. I already defined the desinity in device definitions but the problem is that the text size in emulator seems ok but when I run it in a real device it is too small. any idea about how to fix that? May 30 13:55:39 adq do you know why picasso seems to resize the imageviewe? May 30 13:56:06 hi people, I have .jar file compiled as .dex. How to include it in Android application project so packager recognizes it and puts it into right place? May 30 13:56:31 hallas, it's probably because your imageview width and height are not size fixed May 30 13:56:39 or you don't use scale on it May 30 13:56:43 many possibilities May 30 13:58:33 adq I want it to fit the parent in width, which works, but it also adds alot of height (which is set to wrap_content) May 30 13:58:39 This is strange, my widget has a preview image on my Nexus 4, but not on my Nexus 7 May 30 13:59:06 Has anyone come across this, have any idea why it's happening? May 30 13:59:49 Is anyone aware of libraries for signal processing and/or statics?? I need to calculate cross correlation functions oaf signals. May 30 14:05:31 lol, I just created an AVD running Android 4.0.3 and started it and it's launcher has crashed. May 30 14:07:37 Ankhwatcher feel the quality! May 30 14:07:52 user error May 30 14:07:54 :) May 30 14:08:14 Ankhwatcher you may have created an internal storage space which is too small May 30 14:08:25 StingRay_: I think it was mad at me for choosing Nexus 7 as the basis and then using 4.0.3 May 30 14:08:25 i think < 100 mb is trouble May 30 14:08:43 I had it at 200mb (ie default) May 30 14:09:35 I'm trying to answer my preview image question^^ May 30 14:10:35 maybe I need to restart the device? May 30 14:11:34 hello everybody does anybody knows if there is a translate api for android May 30 14:12:28 popers: I know there is a translate api on https://code.google.com/apis/console May 30 14:12:34 android.permission.ACCESS.FINE.LOCATION tries gps first then uses towers of internet service provider to know location(if gps request fails) . I want to make sure only Gps location is fetched. how can i do that? May 30 14:13:30 Quest: you wouldn't do that in the permission, it would be the location request you are making May 30 14:13:55 Ankhwatcher, sorry? May 30 14:14:14 my above said happens automatically May 30 14:19:08 Quest: yes, but when you are designing a location request you can choose what sources it will use. May 30 14:19:39 Quest: that permission give you access to these sources, but I don't think it will force you to use them. May 30 14:20:11 AndrewMac, i CAN make it fetch only the GPS and not the location based on wifi or internet tower? May 30 14:20:38 Quest: some devices may only support tower-assisted GPS May 30 14:21:17 it's probably asking for trouble trying to control that; rather let the user preferences and location service do its thing May 30 14:21:28 Ankhwatcher, pjdelport FYI, http://developer.android.com/images/location/getting-location.png May 30 14:22:07 pjdelport, i need to know the _exact_ gps based location. all my devices would have to have GPS device compulsory May 30 14:22:09 i thought AGPS was used first May 30 14:23:03 pjdelport, Ankhwatcher if i used other than pure GPS, the location will not be exact May 30 14:23:27 location isn't going to be exact with regular GPS either :) May 30 14:23:32 Quest: that timeline is only an example sketch, not necessarily any rule May 30 14:23:38 g00s, why not??!! May 30 14:23:52 if you need a degree of exactness, you'll want to look at the accuracy estimate returned by the service May 30 14:23:55 pjdelport, so how to force to get the GPS lcoation only? May 30 14:24:01 and wait until it reaches a certain level of accuracy May 30 14:24:22 startForeground(int, Notification)  May 30 14:24:25 which exact source that estimate comes from shouldn't matter; it can really vary a lot May 30 14:24:30 Why the need of Notification? May 30 14:24:57 Quest i thought you could toss updates that didn't come from a certain provider. certainly you can toss updates under a min accuracy May 30 14:25:13 Quest did you see reto's old blog post on gps ? May 30 14:26:05 Quest: just look at the location's accuracy estimate; there isn't necessarily even such a thing as "pure" GPS May 30 14:26:36 besides aGPS, there are things like bluetooth GPS mice May 30 14:26:38 and who knows what else May 30 14:28:12 GPS will only get you at best 4 meters of accuracy, and that's when you're away from buildings and holding still. May 30 14:28:19 Anyone know how often admob usually payout? its been a few months now May 30 14:30:29 Ankhwatcher i've never seen better than about 10m, usually ~18m May 30 14:31:54 g00s: I've seen and used 4cm accurate gps ;) May 30 14:32:09 or rather just over an inch May 30 14:32:11 StingRay_: did it have a ruler on the side? May 30 14:32:22 a what ? May 30 14:32:32 how does a gps have a ruler ? May 30 14:32:57 StingRay_: the same way a pocket knife would May 30 14:33:01 it has calibration points May 30 14:33:11 that you set physical points to May 30 14:33:24 if you want to test it's accuracy May 30 14:33:45 this was/is a commercial GPS system though May 30 14:33:47 not a phone May 30 14:33:49 :) May 30 14:34:15 What was it for? May 30 14:34:33 military secrets May 30 14:34:39 was for computer assisted spreader May 30 14:34:44 DashCC: measuring red tape? May 30 14:34:48 pto spreader for tractor May 30 14:35:02 *nods May 30 14:35:40 StingRay_: oh yeah, I've heard of those May 30 14:35:43 for seed but mostly chemical spreading May 30 14:35:51 well fertiliser balls May 30 14:35:53 pellets May 30 14:36:06 StingRay_: aren't they the ones which would have stopped working if the Clearwire network went live? May 30 14:36:27 Hello, I get multiple beeps when having multiple notifications is there a way I could make only one beep for multiple notifications ? I tried to use a timer to enable the sound flag after 20 seconds but still I hear multiple beeps http://pastebin.com/6TmdSCNM May 30 14:36:34 cause in 300-500 acres you can waste a fair few tonnes of it by eye May 30 14:36:36 regular gps is ~15m, waas gps could be < 3m May 30 14:36:42 and at ÂŁ150 per 100lbs not cheap May 30 14:36:57 pjdelport, sory. disconnected Ankhwatcher May 30 14:36:59 StingRay_ sounds like you had some sort of reference stations for error correction May 30 14:37:13 no way civilian use gets inch accuracy May 30 14:37:14 Quest> pjdelport, so how to force to get the GPS lcoation only? May 30 14:37:17 pjdelport, wifi and tower estimate is _never_ accurate and gps is alwasy accureate May 30 14:37:17 pjdelport, you agree? May 30 14:37:19 well the kit has 5 stations but all on the machine May 30 14:37:34 as in all local to the unit/tractor May 30 14:38:02 pjdelport, Ankhwatcher g00s the accuracy of of agps and wifi etc is hopeless. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6775257/android-location-providers-gps-or-network-provider May 30 14:38:40 g00s: this http://www.trimble.com/agriculture/CorrectionServices/centerPointRTX-satellite.aspx May 30 14:38:42 Quest: stop making wild assertions. Make an app which requests location updates from the different systems and test it May 30 14:39:06 StingRay_ ah yes trimble! i know all about them :) May 30 14:39:20 the computer system is good May 30 14:39:33 the division that works on that is in Colorado May 30 14:39:37 allows you to do zoneing and then works out volumes and spreader settings and path!!! May 30 14:39:57 Quest: if you wanted to you could take my app: https://github.com/Ankhwatcher/ShortestWalkingRoute and tweak it so you can use it for testing. May 30 14:40:02 Ankhwatcher, ............ this is not a wild assumptions, rather hard data . sir. http://i.stack.imgur.com/BFtnE.png May 30 14:40:05 it's open source so go nuts May 30 14:40:06 can plug self-steer in too May 30 14:41:57 pjdelport, if you are there. do you agree? May 30 14:44:58 Quest: https://developers.google.com/events/io/sessions/325337477 May 30 14:45:41 StingRay_: Handler can be used to communicate with the same thread? May 30 14:45:48 on 1 Thread scenario? May 30 14:46:06 crised sure May 30 14:46:17 very common actually May 30 14:46:42 g00s: I don't really get this Handler May 30 14:46:44 thing May 30 14:46:54 Can you explain me a common use case? May 30 14:47:07 think of it as a queue May 30 14:47:20 you can post messages or runnables to the queue May 30 14:47:34 you can install the queue on another thread if you want (HandlerThread) May 30 14:47:49 for inter-thread messaging May 30 14:47:53 g00s: What method consumes the queue? May 30 14:48:05 the Looper does May 30 14:48:34 take a look at the Handler test cases for usages May 30 14:49:25 g00s: Do you mean the Android Looper? The Looper that collects UI events? May 30 14:49:47 there is only one Looper per thread, yeah :D May 30 14:50:17 so Looper is just a class that constantly peeks the queue? May 30 14:50:32 Any special name for the thread queue? May 30 14:50:49 So this queue is to run things asynchrousnously? May 30 14:50:56 Quest: it depends May 30 14:50:59 Ankhwatcher, youtube is blocked in my country . whats the topic? May 30 14:51:03 pjdelport, depends on? May 30 14:51:22 pjdelport, well my debate was just that if exact location is needed. only GPS should be used. May 30 14:51:28 one device's GPS may be more crappy than another's aGPS May 30 14:51:34 Will any created thread always have a Looper? May 30 14:51:41 pjdelport, and i wanted a way to force only gps cords May 30 14:51:46 pjdelport, is there a way? May 30 14:51:57 even the same device's GPS accuracy varies with time, location, weather, and so on May 30 14:52:03 pjdelport, still crapy gps will be better than tower location based May 30 14:52:15 when I try to debug I get an error Target package is not specified in AndroidManifest.xml.. The package is defined tho May 30 14:52:31 what it comes down to is that you just want to look at the estimation's accuracy, and use that May 30 14:52:32 pjdelport, is there a way to force gps cords fetch only? May 30 14:52:36 problem solved May 30 14:52:55 you don't want to (nor can you) reimplement the entire resolver like that May 30 14:52:56 pjdelport, good idea. but is there a way ? May 30 14:53:05 pjdelport, so theres no way?? May 30 14:53:17 Quest: just look at the accuracy, and don't worry where it's from May 30 14:53:20 just the accuracy check? May 30 14:53:22 ok May 30 14:53:25 hm. May 30 14:53:41 Quest: you can inspect the source, and make decisions based on that, but you probably don't want to May 30 14:54:10 Does any thread creates in Android always contains a Looper instance? May 30 14:54:28 pjdelport, an i would make a loop. to try accuracy >90% . if not try, try , try. if not after 3 times. get the accuracy < 90% any way. May 30 14:54:48 pjdelport, oh. how to instpect the source? May 30 14:56:26 pjdelport, and how to check the accuracy? May 30 14:57:08 somebody with good experience with layout structures? May 30 14:57:32 Quest: check http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/location/strategies.html and http://developer.android.com/reference/android/location/Location.html May 30 14:57:53 getAccuracy(), getProvider(), etc. May 30 14:59:03 getAccuracy() gives you the 68% confidence accuracy radius in meters May 30 14:59:07 I must create this structure: A layout for a viewpager + header for viewpager. The header must be 50dp and must be at the bottom of the screen, the viewpager must be below the header. If the user clicks on the header, there is an animation that bringt the header to top of the screen and the viewpager must animate too. May 30 14:59:34 Currently my header has the animation but the viewpager shows when the animation of the header is done (header position = top) May 30 15:03:45 Is it possible to cache a view or to make it come up more quickly? May 30 15:04:52 make it simpler ? May 30 15:04:54 :) May 30 15:07:13 if my project doesn't have build.xml, which config Eclipse uses when packaging project? May 30 15:08:05 http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/Looper.html May 30 15:08:26 Can anybody explain me what does this means? "then loop() to have it process messages until the loop is stopped." May 30 15:09:01 That it'll process messages until you stop it May 30 15:09:24 pjdelport, nice. thanks getAccuracy() and getProvider() May 30 15:09:30 SimonVT: So the thread wil remain indef in // porcess incoming Messages, right? May 30 15:10:14 Yes, loop() will wait for messages posted to the looper (via a handler), and then execute them May 30 15:10:17 until Looper.quit() is called May 30 15:10:30 Once you stop it, loop will return May 30 15:10:39 any idea please ? May 30 15:10:47 SimonVT: loop will return? May 30 15:10:56 please explain based on that snippet May 30 15:11:22 There is a LooperThread, that is indef waiting for messages, right? May 30 15:11:35 I'm using a relative layout, how can i position stuff so that it moves when i programatically set the width and height of other elements? May 30 15:11:41 do I need to call a redraw of the view? May 30 15:12:12 Once a method is done executing it returns May 30 15:12:57 SimonVT: Based on that exact snippet, Is that a Thread that will run forever expecting to Handle Messages? Yes/no May 30 15:13:09 Yes, until you stop it May 30 15:13:26 SimonVT: How? May 30 15:13:34 terminating the thread? May 30 15:13:36 How what? May 30 15:13:41 How to stop it? May 30 15:13:58 until Looper.quit() is called May 30 15:14:03 Thought you figured that out already May 30 15:14:31 SimonVT: looper.quit() has to be called within the Looper thread? May 30 15:14:40 It has to be called on the looper May 30 15:14:57 SimonVT: That means inside the run method? May 30 15:15:10 is there anywhay to make a service get keypresses? (i'm using a bluetooth controller, and want to be able to call functions when the service is in the background) May 30 15:15:12 Anywhere, as long as you have a reference to that threads looper May 30 15:15:48 SimonVT: HOw to get that reference? May 30 15:16:23 Thread LooperThread = new LooperThread(); then LooperThread.run() May 30 15:16:31 now how do I call quit()? May 30 15:16:37 SimonVT: ^ May 30 15:19:55 or, a different twist: i made an app that sends ssh commands, i use this with a bluetooth game controller, so i can send commands to a server by pressing a button, when the application goes in the background, it does not work anymore, how can i still make it work? May 30 15:20:35 Post a Message/Runnable that calls Looper#myLooper May 30 15:20:47 Or keep a reference after you prepare the looper May 30 15:22:11 SimonVT: How can I get a reference? void prepare(), void loop() May 30 15:22:31 Hi. Is it normal for a new emulated device to take more than 10 minutes to start up? May 30 15:22:48 Looper#myLooper May 30 15:23:02 min_ch, if it's a non-accelerated ARM emulator and you have a slow comp, yes. May 30 15:23:14 min_ch: are you running 4.x with software emulation on a non-supercomputer? then yes May 30 15:23:30 SimonVT: thx bro May 30 15:24:06 Ok thanks Mavrik, oGMo. May 30 15:24:24 anyone notice if g00s has been on today? May 30 15:24:25 min_ch: if you have intel x86 you can run with hardware virt at near-native speeds i think May 30 15:24:48 (sadly last i checked broken on amd64) May 30 15:26:02 x86 tend to be faster than devices on good computers, yes :) May 30 15:26:54 well i mean native for the computer not the device May 30 15:26:57 but yeah May 30 15:27:45 I just started developing for android. My laptop will be way too slow for emulation I guess. May 30 15:28:50 2G RAM, CPU 1600MHz May 30 15:29:08 JakeWharton: is the square ever releasing the payment system in the uk ? May 30 15:29:20 probably someday May 30 15:29:45 I'm on a list to be notified, but been quiet for 2 years May 30 15:29:45 so I guess not really May 30 15:30:04 JakeWharton: yesterday you told me that communicating Service - Activity with onBinder was too heavy May 30 15:30:10 min_ch, uh… that's really a puny amount of RAM for Android dev May 30 15:30:12 or any dev... May 30 15:30:13 JakeWharton: So how does Otto does it? May 30 15:30:20 the code is heavy May 30 15:30:35 Otto doesn't cross process bounds so if your service is in a different process you have to use binder May 30 15:30:37 JakeWharton: just tell me the general idea May 30 15:31:15 the little audio unit swipe thingy, are there any libs to work with that ? easy to interface with to read card nums ? May 30 15:31:16 JakeWharton: What does Otto use to communicate with a Service from Activity in the same process May 30 15:31:32 SimonVT: ^ May 30 15:31:35 SimonVT: https://gist.github.com/crised/5678778 May 30 15:31:41 it just keeps track of listeners in a map May 30 15:31:46 and calls them May 30 15:31:49 SimonVT: Will this thread wait to process only one message, then finish? May 30 15:32:15 crised: That'll crash May 30 15:32:17 JakeWharton: Do you use an Ibinder for that? May 30 15:32:24 no May 30 15:32:27 it's all in a single process May 30 15:32:29 SimonVT: help me to understand May 30 15:32:31 You can't create a Handler on a Thread without a Looper May 30 15:32:42 SimonVT: ok May 30 15:33:03 JakeWharton: Which are the ways to communicate Service-Activity? May 30 15:33:09 standard ANdroid OS May 30 15:33:24 broadcasts May 30 15:33:59 JakeWharton: that means, Intents and Broadcasts? May 30 15:34:06 So Otto uses Broadcasts? May 30 15:34:19 no, otto uses a map to keep track of listeners May 30 15:34:28 if you weren't using otto you'd use brodcasts May 30 15:34:47 JakeWharton: HOw do the listeners achieve this activity - service communication? May 30 15:34:59 if they don't use intents or broadcasts May 30 15:35:12 it just keeps a reference to them because they're still in the same process May 30 15:35:13 Activities and services are just objects.. May 30 15:35:22 When you have an instance of an object, you can call a method on it May 30 15:35:30 Mavrik: If I decide to buy a new system to do the development on, what would be a 'reasonable amount' of RAM? May 30 15:35:42 min_ch, "as much as possible" May 30 15:35:57 people usually get 8GB for Android/Java dev stuff May 30 15:36:11 min_ch: more important is the ssd then the 1 gig more or less ram May 30 15:36:15 my team has 16GB in all machines May 30 15:36:33 SimonVT: How can y ou have an instance of a Service within an Activity? May 30 15:36:56 SimonVT: I understand you cannot do Service service1 = new Service1(); :) May 30 15:37:34 You pass Otto a reference to your service/activity.. When you post an event, otto calls whatever subscriber methods they have May 30 15:38:39 SimonVT: oh, when you do BUS.register(this) you pass the instance to Otto, then Otto can call methods of 'this'. right? May 30 15:38:43 is the beta testing feature in the developer console useful? May 30 15:39:00 yes May 30 15:39:02 EPG: if you have reason to use it, yes May 30 15:39:10 if not, then erm….. no May 30 15:39:11 SimonVT: awesome, that was my question May 30 15:39:12 :) May 30 15:39:17 :D May 30 15:39:19 JakeWharton: i'm curious how you guys manage all these small open sourced dependencies in your build system. Do you use repo or do you manually export to github through some goofy scripts? May 30 15:39:45 we use Maven. they get pulled in as normal dependencies May 30 15:40:09 I see, so you typically avoid recompiling them on each build? May 30 15:40:18 absolutely. they're pulled in as a .jar May 30 15:40:33 Well done ;) May 30 15:41:37 I'd imagine if they had to import 20 different libraries manually we wouldn't see as many open sourced :p May 30 15:41:48 Hey all... May 30 15:41:53 timroes: do you mean the speed of the ssd? May 30 15:42:23 I have an activity with Dialog theme: two radio buttons, a text field and a button. Whenever the activity pops up the focus is on the button... May 30 15:42:47 I have in the layout and .requestFocus() in onCreate(), but to no avail. May 30 15:44:36 min_ch: i meant more in general having an ssd May 30 15:45:13 Yes. May 30 16:01:58 what happens if I set includeFontPadding to false on my TextView and characters are added that need that top space? May 30 16:06:25 try and see? May 30 16:07:38 Xabster: dont be silly, always best to wait for hours on here on the chance of an answer! rather than spend 60 seconds of testing!!! May 30 16:09:28 StingRay_: don't forget to ask multiple times! May 30 16:09:58 And throw in a "guys?" and "anyone?" if noone answers May 30 16:10:44 SimonVT: and highlight random people who join and say ": do you know aything about ???" May 30 16:11:02 Can't forget that May 30 16:11:11 then add the all important insinuation and provocation , "well guess nobody knows then!" May 30 16:13:53 hey, i have an issue with the actionbar using tabs. I change tabs programmatically with "selectTab()". The tab-fragment is beeing changed, but in the navigation, the wrong item stays marked. can anybody help? May 30 16:33:32 I allready posted this on stackoverflow, but did not get any answers yet: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16837615/actionbar-does-not-refresh-tab-selection May 30 16:46:48 GridLayout question: is it possible to make a group (row) of cells clickable together, without wrapping them in an inner LinearLayout? May 30 16:47:19 i'd like to keep GridLayout's horizontal alignment of the cells in each column May 30 16:47:40 but have each row highlight and trigger as a unit May 30 16:48:11 well if they all have the same listener is that not up to u ? May 30 16:48:37 or you mean visually "clickable" group ? May 30 16:48:46 visually, yes May 30 16:49:15 how to restrict access to webapp to provide POST service only to real mobile device post and not using any other emulator or tool such as curl ? May 30 16:50:02 mms_: lol ;) May 30 16:50:11 well, Google offers a thing that kind of does this. May 30 16:50:29 mms_: that's basically impossible, unless you narrow down your scope May 30 16:50:31 jasta: whats that ? May 30 16:50:40 mms_: what exactly do you want to prevent? May 30 16:51:13 mms_: one sec, but you do need to realize that the basic request is absurd. May 30 16:51:16 some kind of client authentication? May 30 16:51:20 pjdelport: I want POST coming in from real mobile device and not from tools like curl or emulator May 30 16:51:29 mms_: why? May 30 16:51:38 you can authenticate users but you cannot authenticate devices. May 30 16:51:55 this is because the device, if in the users hands, can be compromised and made to be anything they want. May 30 16:51:56 pjdelport: actually I am facing this issue actually so asking other way around May 30 16:52:11 let me post the link so you can help me understand workaround May 30 16:53:09 mms_: well, like jasta said, the original question is impossible: once a HTTP request is on the wire, you cannot generally make any guarantees about where it came from by inspecting it May 30 16:53:26 mms_: any request that a phone can send can be recorded and played back May 30 16:53:48 and any header or other identifier you could care to look at can be simulated or spoofed May 30 16:54:14 but depending on what actually want to accomplish, there are various things you can do May 30 16:54:15 let me share a link which does that May 30 16:54:18 adding to what pjdelport said: many apps will do things like embed a "secret" into their mobile app which supposedly authenticates the app. May 30 16:54:40 which is an absurd security measure because i can just adb pull the apk, baksmali disassemble it, and go find that very secret and include it in my curl requests. May 30 16:54:43 right, but anyone who can download the app can extract that :) May 30 16:55:11 experienced folks can defeat that laughable security nearly as quickly as it took you to implement it. May 30 16:55:28 but like i said, google did attempt to provide a better alternative at one point, i'm just having trouble locating the reference to it May 30 16:55:54 basically, they make it a much more painful process because you have a refreshing / rotating key that you constantly have to reacquire from the device May 30 16:56:06 I love google May 30 16:56:10 mostly an catch with wireshark is enough to get the secret. May 30 16:56:11 so much May 30 16:56:15 http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2013/01/verifying-back-end-calls-from-android.html May 30 16:56:18 they made it so you cant do bad stuff May 30 16:56:26 Svenner: https... May 30 16:56:27 http://developer.inmobi.com/wiki/index.php?title=Integration_Guidelines May 30 16:56:28 which forces you to make good choices in implementaiton of features May 30 16:56:30 :D May 30 16:56:52 go to very bottom of that page May 30 16:57:32 mms_: look at the link i just posted. this is google's solution to make this more secure. but it's still defeatable. May 30 16:57:41 Testing Mobile Web Integration May 30 16:57:43 kudos to them to making it more laborsome to attack, though. May 30 16:57:46 mms_: ah; that's actually about authenticating device *users*, rather than actual devices May 30 16:57:46 see that section May 30 16:57:59 Hello, i want to set alarms at boot. When the boot is complete the service starts and set alarms, but i see some logs never seen before. Log messages like: "AlarmManager: No next alarm", "AlarmClock: AlarmInitReceiver finished","TAG: bug 764392: fitSystemWindows([0,19][0,0]). Searching on google i don't find relevant results. Any help? Thanks May 30 16:58:19 pjdelport: well I want to use curl to test my appid May 30 16:58:29 I get reply no user-agent found May 30 16:58:31 mms_: that's a good solution, if that's what you want to do, without setting up additional user authentication May 30 16:59:01 pjdelport: I actually want to be able to test the request/reply before I start to code May 30 16:59:06 mms_: curl --user-agent "..." May 30 16:59:07 so I want to use curl for that May 30 16:59:19 pjdelport: I tried quite a few combinations all failed May 30 16:59:45 could it be curl was getting cached reply ? May 30 17:00:14 probably not... not if it's a POST, at least May 30 17:00:22 its POST May 30 17:00:34 so reading that page what do you suggest May 30 17:00:47 the user agent probably won't be the browser May 30 17:00:49 check their testing section they claim it and it behaves so May 30 17:01:02 you could sniff what a device sends, and use that May 30 17:01:06 i'm not sure offhand May 30 17:01:16 I dont know how to sniff device May 30 17:01:20 I have wireshark May 30 17:01:28 mms_: You want to test a POST? May 30 17:01:29 I can sniff the laptop interface May 30 17:01:34 have you tried the google chrome plugin postman? May 30 17:01:37 Brian|CB: yes May 30 17:01:51 Brian|CB: POST from curl May 30 17:02:12 Brian|CB: but I do not get what you said can it sniff POST from curl ? May 30 17:02:50 Brian|CB: but in any case if you see that page they mention that only real device browser will able to get through May 30 17:03:06 so I do not know how to fake that May 30 17:03:13 mms_: postman is just a way to test POST requests May 30 17:03:20 it doesn't sniff anything, just lets you do post requests and check the result May 30 17:03:39 Brian|CB: you mean use it on device ? May 30 17:04:11 idk if they have it for devices May 30 17:04:12 lemme check May 30 17:04:32 Brian|CB: mobile phone chrome browser I install that plugin and I can see what is user agent being passed and then if I use in curl it will work ? May 30 17:04:44 mms_: what do you mean by "they mention that only real device browser will able to get through"? May 30 17:05:01 pjdelport: He means it doesn't send back data to non mobile browsers May 30 17:05:07 pjdelport: can you please read their section I mentioned its at bottom of that link page May 30 17:05:12 E.G. it checks your browser type to make sure it serves ads only to mobile devices May 30 17:05:31 Brian|CB: right, but the page doesn't say that May 30 17:05:34 hiho if i want multiple lists with viewpager i have to use fragments? yes or no? May 30 17:05:36 pjdelport: you will get better background on what I say...its just 2 lines in their note marked as Important May 30 17:05:53 pjdelport: It does May 30 17:06:12 Hi, i have a question: what if I lost my private key is it possible to create a new one? May 30 17:06:14 ciurkut: You don't HAVE to use fragments May 30 17:06:18 if you just use a a loadermanager May 30 17:06:21 containing a loader for every list May 30 17:06:25 assuming this is a retrieved list May 30 17:06:29 not a static one May 30 17:06:50 pjdelport: It's under testing mobile web integration May 30 17:07:04 ah, sorry, i was looking at the wrong page May 30 17:08:25 hmm, that just says that simulators are ignored, not that all non-mobile clients are May 30 17:09:04 brian|CB loaders are 3.0+ only May 30 17:09:17 sounds more like a sanity feature, to prevent unintended data collection May 30 17:09:22 actually I interacted via email with their support group and they said interactions from laptop etc is ignored May 30 17:10:05 IMPORTANT: Testing must only be done using a mobile browser. Ads will not be served to non-mobile device browsers from PCs and laptops. May 30 17:10:13 well, if you send the request with the same metadata as whatever they're checking for, the server can't tell the difference May 30 17:10:18 ciurkut: Not true May 30 17:10:19 when testing my app in the emulator, when i click an edittext, the keyboard comes up as it should, covering the bottom part of the view, when i test on my nexus 7, the top part turns into a big white box to edit the field, anyone know how i can change it? i want it to behave like the emulator... thought it may have been an imeoption, cant find it. May 30 17:10:23 You can support loaders in 2.1+ May 30 17:10:32 ok thx May 30 17:10:46 ciurkut: There are support libraries for almost anything May 30 17:10:48 dont' forget that :P May 30 17:10:55 I can provide you with values to post if some one wants to try out using curl or what ever May 30 17:11:03 mms_: the easiest way would be to record an actual request, and just imitate the same headers to curl May 30 17:11:08 why curl May 30 17:11:12 why are you so hellbent on CURL? May 30 17:11:26 mms_: you can use curl --header to add as many custom headers as you like May 30 17:11:47 I have tried those headers etc. May 30 17:12:22 those two mandatory headers I send them as said May 30 17:12:36 and mandatory parameters also I send as post parameters May 30 17:12:52 you can give a shot if any thing works May 30 17:13:04 Brian|CB: any thing meaning other than CURL too May 30 17:13:05 have you tried using the same headers as your mobile device? May 30 17:13:12 Brian|CB: I used curl in past so tried with it May 30 17:13:39 pjdelport: I do not know what other headers....I cannot sniff..... May 30 17:13:55 you could visit http://pgl.yoyo.org/http/browser-headers.php or such May 30 17:13:58 mms_: Are you posting from android or are you posting from a mobile web client? May 30 17:14:00 to get a first approximation May 30 17:14:07 that will echo the headers back to your phone May 30 17:14:16 you can copy/paste/adjust them May 30 17:14:55 Brian|CB: I create httpurlconnection and pass those headers etc May 30 17:15:07 and check that curl isn't sending its default user-agent, and such May 30 17:15:21 pjdelport: curl is not..I checked in wireshark May 30 17:15:23 (you can use curl -v to check) May 30 17:15:27 okay May 30 17:15:30 pjdelport: I did that too May 30 17:15:41 mms_: Assuming all your parameters are correct, it should bee as easy as http://www.androidsnippets.com/executing-a-http-post-request-with-httpclient May 30 17:16:12 Brian|CB: I know....but user-agent is what is issue I am thinking May 30 17:16:51 Brian|CB: actually I used their SDK api and works...this http api I never did on device either May 30 17:17:09 I wanted to get it working using curl and then code for device May 30 17:18:10 so if I provide you with parameters I tried some one can verify at their end or try things related to user agent setting May 30 17:20:10 http://pastebin.com/VVjxxC9H May 30 17:20:33 you can add user-agent you feel right and also content type and that mandatory header May 30 17:20:47 mentioned on that page May 30 17:21:35 mandatory headers are Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded May 30 17:21:36 Forwarding x-forwarded-for May 30 17:22:10 with that info you will get back error stating user-agent not found May 30 17:23:00 I think h-user-agent is one that is to be valid or as they need May 30 17:23:40 are you sending "h-user-agent" or user-agent? May 30 17:23:42 Brian|CB: you can try wget if you like May 30 17:23:53 pjdelport: you see their parameters list May 30 17:24:10 pjdelport: mandatory params May 30 17:24:12 findElementByView returns View. May 30 17:24:15 and see my pastebin May 30 17:24:26 I might take a look at it later May 30 17:24:31 for now I need to work on the stuff I get paid to do May 30 17:24:32 lol May 30 17:24:39 I only provide small bits and pieces of support in here May 30 17:24:43 (More than I should probably) May 30 17:24:43 Brian|CB: understandable May 30 17:24:55 I see it as exchanging my help for the times I want others to help me May 30 17:24:56 But I cast it so. I get instance of one of the subclass of view ? May 30 17:24:57 Right ? May 30 17:25:08 cause god knows where I'd be right now without the help of all those wonderful people who have been there along the way May 30 17:25:33 mms_: Ah. It looks like the h-user-agent and such should be part of the POST body, not the headers May 30 17:25:48 pjdelport: I know and its post body param May 30 17:25:51 bluesm: right May 30 17:25:57 pjdelport: check my paste bin May 30 17:26:12 pjdelport: there are only two headers May 30 17:26:26 just make sure the view actually is of the right type, and so on May 30 17:26:28 explicit ones May 30 17:26:57 so I hope all get the use case so if one can try using their tool and see May 30 17:27:06 you have all data and info needed May 30 17:27:15 are you sending an actual User-agent header too? that might be what they're complaining about May 30 17:27:20 I have tried all day with curl and failed to get through May 30 17:27:55 I have two activities, A and B. If I open the app, go to B, press home button, then reopen the app going straight to B, why does hitting the Android back button exit to the homescreen? Shouldn't it go back to A? May 30 17:28:28 pjdelport: actual user-agent will not be sent by device browser ? May 30 17:28:32 jdawes: Check the back stack, is A still on the back stack? May 30 17:28:35 if not, it will not go to A May 30 17:28:38 jdawes: how did you go to B? May 30 17:28:44 pjdelport: so cannot we just play similar user-agent ? May 30 17:28:44 even if i repeat myself, is anybody open to help me with my issue? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16837615/actionbar-does-not-refresh-tab-selection May 30 17:29:13 guys viewroot called from wrong thread May 30 17:29:16 Brian|CB, when I checked the back stack it seemed like the "launcher" activity was before A but I don't know why, I thought default behaviour would be to go back to A. May 30 17:29:18 how to fix?:P May 30 17:29:24 pjdelport: I tried using same values for user-agent as well as h-user-agent and also different values May 30 17:29:30 i want to change ui from other thread May 30 17:29:30 pjdelport: This is probably Java question. But when "findViewById" returns view, I have access to the properties and method only specified in View class, even though, this object contains probably fields that are specified in say button class ? May 30 17:29:48 pjdelport, standard "startActivity(new Intent(A.this, B.class).setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_ANIMATION));" May 30 17:30:01 jdawes: Try clearing the back stack until A is on top? May 30 17:30:08 pjdelport: I tried one without explicit user-agent but then I have proxy setup in which I have setup header....so I never really tried with empty user-agent May 30 17:30:09 There is an easy way to do this with Fragments, not sure about activities May 30 17:30:42 pjdelport: In theory, object that is casted, or not is the same object. But I add via casting "new meaning" that add new methods to that object ? May 30 17:30:52 pjdelport: but in theory device browser would also send user agent...so I suppose thats what I need to send for user-agent and h-user-agent both May 30 17:31:17 hi to all May 30 17:31:23 Brian|CB, Fair enough, but isn't default behaviour supposed to allow you to go back to A? May 30 17:32:11 given a string "%s by %s" and two spannable strings with formatting on them, how do I combine them so that I get a spannable string that preserves formatting of the individual two? May 30 17:32:31 bluesm: right, casting doesn't change the object: it only changes what your code views the object as May 30 17:33:21 so if you have a View reference to a Button, you can only access things declared in View (but you'll still for example get methods that Button overrides from View) May 30 17:33:39 casting it to Button will let you access the things declared in Button, but not View May 30 17:33:56 jdawes: The default behavior is to pop the last thing off the back stack and go to that May 30 17:33:57 :P May 30 17:34:09 That is the primary functionality of the back button May 30 17:34:16 Brian|CB, Yes but shouldn't that be A in my case. May 30 17:34:17 which is sorta weird to get used to, but insanely useful May 30 17:34:19 and trying to cast something that's not a Button (such as a TextView) to a Button will give you a type error May 30 17:34:53 jdawes: you might have to post some code; that should probably work May 30 17:35:42 Think of it this way May 30 17:36:01 pjdelport, Well I told you the call I've given to get to B, and B just uses the default back button, I've told Brian what the back stack looks like. It's just that for some reason the "launcher" activity gets between A and B so it goes back to the launcher instead of A. May 30 17:36:08 jdawes: how are your activities declared in the manifest? any unusual flags? May 30 17:36:18 pjdelport: trying some curl / wget for my question ? May 30 17:36:24 Brian|CB: you too ? May 30 17:36:24 pjdelport, A has a few weird ones for some Facebook/Twitter stuff. May 30 17:36:34 launching the app puts homescreen on the stack, going from A->B puts A on the stack, clicking homescreen puts B on the stack(idk about this one, I forget. I don't think it does this), then clicking app again puts homescreen on the stack, leaving B up May 30 17:36:48 pjdelport: Thank you very much :) May 30 17:37:25 so after all that, you have a stack that goes BOTTOM: HomeScreen, A, Homescreen TOP, with a current shown view of B May 30 17:37:31 or so May 30 17:37:33 thats what I'd logic out of it May 30 17:37:35 probably wrong May 30 17:37:37 maybe right May 30 17:37:38 idk May 30 17:37:42 does that make sense jdawes ? May 30 17:37:52 mms_: i can't really dig too much deeper, i'm afraid :/ May 30 17:38:05 Brian|CB, basically yes. May 30 17:38:20 Brian|CB: going from homescreen back to B shouldn't but homescreen on the stack, i think May 30 17:39:03 jdawes: the app i'm working on now works exactly like you expect May 30 17:39:05 one correction need to use appid as f2c2c1e151b94a598d348517c7b51ae0 May 30 17:39:15 pjdelport: But is that not the effect he is describing happening? May 30 17:39:24 Home -> Main (A) -> Settings (B) May 30 17:39:30 Brian|CB, Yes that's what I'm describing, it shouldn't happen is what I'm saying. May 30 17:40:06 pressing home, then re-launching the app, returns to B; then pressing back returns to A May 30 17:40:19 http://pastebin.com/8N7NVY0z May 30 17:40:35 pjdelport: But that isn't happening to him May 30 17:40:38 which is exactly the problem May 30 17:40:39 I believe May 30 17:40:47 jdawes: what are the manifest flags? some of those can affect how activities interact with the task stack May 30 17:40:58 jdawes: Can you send me the snippet where you start Activity B from A May 30 17:41:38 can anybody access github.com? it May 30 17:41:41 pjdelport, I think I may have found it, I don't remember puting it in there but there is a "launchMode='singleInstance'" in A May 30 17:41:50 it is not reachable for me... May 30 17:42:02 jdawes: ah, yes, that'll do it May 30 17:42:14 pjdelport, Yeah, didn't see that before. Silly. Sorry. May 30 17:42:42 Svenner: looks like it's down, yeah May 30 17:42:55 kaboom: https://status.github.com/ May 30 17:43:01 lol May 30 17:43:04 Classic jdawes May 30 17:43:07 pjdelport, Brian|CB , Yeah there we go. May 30 17:43:10 Sorry you two. May 30 17:43:52 its k May 30 17:43:54 this is how I learn more stuff May 30 17:43:56 by helping others May 30 17:45:39 anyone up for offtopic discussion? May 30 17:47:57 Abhijit: #android-offtopic surely is May 30 17:48:02 am. hi, I might be doing something stupid as iam a new commer to android. I see no icon for "myyApp" in the home in the emulator. what could be wrong? http://pastebin.com/3kT1gUSJ May 30 17:48:37 good evening!! i've a problem with an xperia tipo! after i've installed cyanogen now is sim locked May 30 17:49:18 HSKW: #cyanogenmod May 30 17:49:40 Ok i go in this chan thanks a lot evanc !!! May 30 17:50:10 Quest: did you look in the app drawer? May 30 17:50:23 it doesn't appear on the home automatically May 30 17:50:43 you can drag it to the home after the first install, though, and it should stay there as you reinstall during development May 30 17:50:58 pjdelport: it will May 30 17:51:03 just don't uninstall the app first May 30 17:52:47 its urgent because i didnt do call o sms :((( i'm without telephone :I May 30 17:53:37 HSKW: that's unfortunate, but you still need to ask #cyanogenmod May 30 17:54:06 pjdelport: http://pastebin.com/iSPYUiBN May 30 17:54:11 okok i 've asked here :))) but if anyone on this chan can help me i'm very grateful to his May 30 17:54:13 Brian|CB: http://pastebin.com/iSPYUiBN May 30 17:54:24 my attempt of curl with data files.... May 30 17:54:27 and output May 30 17:54:41 quick look and you can suggest what I can try to change May 30 17:55:21 Hey guys, Where can I find good source code for an app that aims for OS 4+, if it includes Dagger even better May 30 17:56:45 mms_: ah, that body isn't being posted correctly May 30 17:57:34 pjdelport: let me also try with -d instead of -F May 30 17:58:36 you'll need -d, yeah; either multiple -d's or -d @body, where the body is x-www-form-urlencoded May 30 17:59:17 your current filename.txt isn't urlencoded: it will need to be if you want to put all the parameters in there May 30 17:59:59 http://pastebin.com/GPcu92W6 May 30 18:00:23 actually I tried all combos May 30 18:00:35 pjdelport: check that with -d@ May 30 18:00:40 the easiest is probably to do -d 'Forwarding=x-forwarded-for' -d 'mk-siteid=f2c2c1e151b94a598d348517c7b51ae0' and so on May 30 18:00:58 right, the -d@ won't work unless filename.txt is x-www-form-urlencoded May 30 18:01:17 pjdelport: -d@ does that already as per doc May 30 18:01:21 JakeWharton: there? May 30 18:01:56 so with retrofit to cancel requests i just pass in a CancelableCallback ? May 30 18:02:19 mms_: nah; with -d @, "The contents of the file must already be URL-encoded." May 30 18:02:35 ok letme try May 30 18:04:36 http://pastebin.com/7Rn1fDw3 May 30 18:04:41 check thqt now May 30 18:05:14 JakeWharton: If you ever come back to the UIUC campus(After I'm 21 -- SOON) I'll buy you a beer. May 30 18:06:16 mms_: still won't work; --data-urlencode encodes the entire file as one glob, rather than as fields May 30 18:06:40 mms_: just do -d key=value, -d key2=value2 :) May 30 18:06:54 easiest way to get it right May 30 18:07:32 other ways are error-prone May 30 18:08:04 http://pastebin.com/e5yWBsXU May 30 18:08:30 ok let me try now what you said May 30 18:09:09 Guys, any good Android Framework with DI? May 30 18:09:53 crised: DI? May 30 18:09:58 framework? May 30 18:09:59 DAgger, Guice May 30 18:10:06 https://github.com/donnfelker/android-bootstrap May 30 18:10:08 Something like that May 30 18:10:32 Something like Android Bootstrap May 30 18:10:44 Which other option should I consider? May 30 18:11:02 not using DI May 30 18:11:09 what is DI? May 30 18:11:44 dependency injection May 30 18:11:48 dependency injection, presumably May 30 18:12:47 i use roboguice May 30 18:12:58 but not for the UI only for classes May 30 18:13:20 Isn't roboguice a bit dated May 30 18:13:21 ? May 30 18:13:28 I'm aiming for 4+ devices onlyy May 30 18:13:37 well - yeah? May 30 18:13:48 monsti: just asking May 30 18:14:06 What about https://github.com/yanchenko/droidparts? May 30 18:14:08 roboguice has attributes for singleton and contextsingletons May 30 18:14:35 i use roboguice with androidbinding/mvvm May 30 18:16:02 Hello, is there somebody that can suggest how to start a facebook session on boot using a service? May 30 18:16:15 pjdelport: pageip not found in ccid file (maybe lan/local ip) May 30 18:16:29 I am from adsl connection so what ip should I pass it to avoid this error ? May 30 18:18:05 mms_: your ADSL IP, probably May 30 18:18:06 if some one is on better lan id can try out the command I paste here in paste bin http://pastebin.com/7GMC7KfH May 30 18:18:14 pjdelport: how do I find that ? May 30 18:18:18 instead of the 10.* May 30 18:18:24 crised: droitparts is all in one solution May 30 18:18:44 google for "what is my ip" :) May 30 18:18:47 google will tell you May 30 18:18:49 ok May 30 18:18:52 oh sorry...using sdk 3. I think that the error is that i need to pass an activity to Session.OpenRequest(activity), but i pass a service :S May 30 18:19:24 monsti: I just want to make REST app, with simple GUI for android 4+ May 30 18:19:37 monsti: Is Android Bootstrap a good place to start? May 30 18:20:01 does exists a why to get an actovity in a IntentService? i think no :S May 30 18:20:14 a way, not a why -.- May 30 18:20:17 crised: sry i can't help you with that - i spend months of writing my framework May 30 18:20:36 maybe you try out your frameworks with a simple hello world May 30 18:21:24 pjdelport: http://pastebin.com/NNfseyJt May 30 18:21:33 pjdelport: its some thing better than earlier May 30 18:21:45 monsti: What about google volley? May 30 18:23:20 uragano2: your intentservice will have to launch or communicate with an activity to do that May 30 18:23:38 crised: i am using the spring rest template May 30 18:23:50 my srver is WCF .net 4.0 May 30 18:23:55 COnfuse on what Rest Pattern Should I follow May 30 18:24:19 i want a json to object serialization May 30 18:24:43 pjdelport, got disconnected. I see no app drawer. just api demos, devtoos, gesturebuilder, phone, settings, spare parts, etc May 30 18:25:09 Quest: Are you trying to find the drawer layout in the UI designer? May 30 18:25:11 cause if so its not there May 30 18:25:19 pjdelport: but intentService runs on boot, i don't have any Activity of my app :S May 30 18:25:43 Hi, my ADT 21 on going to Help>Check for Updates returns no updates found. My SDK manager has everything else updated to 22.01 May 30 18:25:47 Brian|CB, I see no icon for "myyApp" in the home in the emulator. what could be wrong? http://pastebin.com/3kT1gUSJ May 30 18:25:50 What may be wrong? May 30 18:26:12 Quest: I'm not sure I get your question May 30 18:26:17 I thought you were trying to add a drawer layout? May 30 18:26:40 uragano2: you'll have to launch one, then May 30 18:27:01 or post a user notification that launches one May 30 18:27:04 Brian|CB, no. my app just dont shows up in home/ menu May 30 18:27:19 like, its not showing up in the application launcher on the device? May 30 18:27:25 I'm just sorta confused on what the issue is May 30 18:27:41 not in the device / emulator May 30 18:27:57 (or interface with the Facebook API in another way, depending on what you want to do, but i'm not familiar enough with it to comment) May 30 18:28:45 pjdelport: I am starting to get some values May 30 18:28:53 pjdelport: http://c.w.inmobi.com/c.asm/4/b/3l9i/101k/2/b/9u/u/0/0/1/x/f6b18d1b-013e-1000-cdb0-3fe01db400c0/0/1/667b6e47 May 30 18:29:02 but its not valid url its says May 30 18:29:35 Quest: have you tried swiping to the right, in case it's overflowing to there? May 30 18:29:52 or in menu -> manage apps? May 30 18:30:38 pjdelport, trying to be sure... I would respond in a minute after May 30 18:31:25 pjdelport: i just discovered that i don't need an activity if last accessToken saved on sharedPreferences isn't expired. Anyway, just to delve deeper into the matter start an activity'll always show something on screen .Right? May 30 18:31:34 Quest: So you run your app, and it just doesnt get installed to the device? Is that the issue? May 30 18:31:36 pjdelport, Brian|CB works just after 2 restarts.....! May 30 18:32:21 Lol May 30 18:32:29 :) May 30 18:32:31 Also, pjdelport I'm glad I'm not the only one being helpful today May 30 18:32:36 Usually its so quiet when people ask for help May 30 18:32:38 xD May 30 18:32:41 pjdelport, Brian|CB but the line 73 dont print out. dont know why. http://pastebin.com/3kT1gUSJ May 30 18:33:33 Quest: Don't do that. Use Log.v(); May 30 18:33:38 ah May 30 18:33:51 Brian|CB, no printouts in andriod? May 30 18:34:23 uragano2: well, it depends. generally, it's frowned upon to start an activity not in response to a user request May 30 18:35:03 Quest: Yeah, youw ant to use Log.v May 30 18:35:05 well May 30 18:35:07 Log. whatever May 30 18:35:09 a well-behaved app should post a notification if it needs user attention May 30 18:35:11 but Log.v is most common May 30 18:35:16 there are multiple levels of importance of logs May 30 18:35:24 Brian|CB, ant? May 30 18:35:50 Quest: typo. "youw ant" => "you want" May 30 18:35:53 Brian|CB, and the Log.v is viewed in what window? May 30 18:38:03 Quest: Logcat May 30 18:38:10 logcat May 30 18:38:43 Quest: you'll want to read http://developer.android.com/tools/debugging/debugging-log.html May 30 18:39:51 pjdelport: I am seeing data but data has url such as http://c.w.inmobi.com/c.asm/4/b/3l9i/101k/2/b/9u/u/0/0/1/x/f6bba02c-013e-1000-ffb7-3fe01db400c0/0/1/3f6569cf which leads to no where May 30 18:40:02 pjdelport: its supposed to be some form of ad May 30 18:40:39 is onPrepareOptionsMenu triggered when invalidateOptionsMenu is called? May 30 18:40:46 i thought it was May 30 18:41:44 Not until you open the menu/overflow I believe May 30 18:41:58 You get onCreateOptionsMenu when you invalidate it May 30 18:43:26 mms_: it's probably a redirect? May 30 18:43:52 so what to do ? May 30 18:44:03 follow it :) May 30 18:44:16 I think curl has some parameter for it May 30 18:44:33 -L May 30 18:44:43 you'll also probably want -i / -I May 30 18:45:01 and you'll probably need to pass whatever cookies were (probably) set by the previous request May 30 18:45:42 pjdelport, thx May 30 18:45:51 Brian|CB, k May 30 18:47:11 pjdelport: so I need to make 2 curl requests ? May 30 18:49:05 seems I need to save cookies out and then use them in next request for that redirect one ? May 30 18:49:11 -L -i did not good May 30 18:51:58 pjdelport: I need to use -c to write and -b to read May 30 18:52:35 I find it useful to use lynx to get the cookies - then you can tell wget to look at the lynx cookie jar May 30 18:53:07 hi May 30 18:54:54 SimonVT, I'd like to update the actionbar menu each time it's displayed but also when an action item is clicked within the same activity... I was hoping having code in onPrepareOptionsMenu was enough, but it seems like I will also need code in onCreateOptionsMenu. Is there a better way to do this? May 30 18:55:53 does not seem to be generating any cookies May 30 18:56:02 alexfu: That seems like a weird thing to do May 30 18:56:07 But no, no better way May 30 18:56:12 pjdelport: does not seem to be generating any cookies May 30 18:57:17 I am actually expecting some xml response but am getting non-xml May 30 18:58:15 mms_: What response are you getting? May 30 18:58:56 page May 30 18:59:53 thats just HTML O.o May 30 18:59:59 what is the problem? May 30 19:00:48 actually as per their doc http://developer.inmobi.com/wiki/index.php?title=Integration_Guidelines we should get xml May 30 19:01:42 Ads are returned in InMobi-specific XML/HTML formats, which need to be parsed by your system. May 30 19:02:00 Brian|CB: thats what their page states...so is HTML fine ? May 30 19:02:09 well though that href is leading no where May 30 19:02:24 XML/HTML May 30 19:02:28 one of those two things May 30 19:02:29 was returned May 30 19:02:31 so I dont see the issue May 30 19:02:40 ok but that href is supposed to be ad May 30 19:02:43 right ? May 30 19:02:47 pjdelport, well line 76 wont show anything in debug mode. is there any thing silly on my side? http://pastebin.com/M41UsnN0 May 30 19:02:47 one question is possible to unlock a sim lock phone? i've a sim lock when i've flashed an cyanogenmod! and nothing can resolve this issue :( May 30 19:02:48 its leading no where May 30 19:02:56 what section should I be looking at? May 30 19:03:16 Quest: Just use Log.v honesty May 30 19:03:23 I always log with verbose, and then just remove them before I go to production May 30 19:03:43 Brian|CB, Log.v would also show in the debug perspective? May 30 19:04:21 "Classes that lack @Inject annotations cannot be constructed by Dagger." May 30 19:04:24 Is this accurate? May 30 19:04:30 Quest: It should May 30 19:04:36 Brian|CB, tried it with .v too. doesnt shows anything. added true for debugable in menifes too. May 30 19:05:34 Quest: So you do something like Log.v("Tag", "Message"); right May 30 19:05:37 and then you open logcat May 30 19:05:53 and you click the little green + sign next to saved filters May 30 19:05:57 and type in the tag you wanted to filter by May 30 19:06:02 that way you can get exactly the logs you want May 30 19:06:09 and then May 30 19:06:14 select by Log Level: verbose May 30 19:07:08 Brian|CB, yes May 30 19:07:22 crised: yes May 30 19:07:23 Brian|CB, i open debug perspective May 30 19:07:30 ok I have emailed query to their support team to explain how to use it May 30 19:07:38 ok I have emailed query to their support team to explain how to use it May 30 19:07:38 SimonVT, btw, onPrepareOptionsMenu does get called when invalidate is called. May 30 19:07:58 hopefully they answer it properly May 30 19:08:03 Quest: Now, this is going to be silly May 30 19:08:09 ok I am logging off...thanks for all your help May 30 19:08:12 alexfu: Still weird :p May 30 19:08:13 pjdelport: thx May 30 19:08:16 Brian|CB: thx May 30 19:08:22 have good rest of day May 30 19:08:44 Brian|CB, i would try once again starting. i hope the code login is ok in .java file code. a minute May 30 19:09:39 Quest: This is about to get silly May 30 19:09:41 prepare yourself May 30 19:10:29 SimonVT: ^ May 30 19:10:43 Actually one can inject classes with no @Inject annotation May 30 19:11:00 e.g. NotificationManager is Injectable, and it has no @Inject annotation AFAIK May 30 19:11:00 so before String s :locManager.getAllProviders() do an if(locManager.getAllProviders().isEmpty()) { Log.v("Silly", "Empty you fool!"); } May 30 19:11:08 that was @Quest May 30 19:11:36 :) ok May 30 19:11:55 but if it was empty. "s" would be printed nul May 30 19:12:11 Dagger can construct instances of classes for you if their constructor have an @Inject annotation May 30 19:12:38 If it doesn't have an @Inject annotation, you have to construct it yourself May 30 19:12:39 SimonVT: https://github.com/donnfelker/android-bootstrap/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/donnfelker/android/bootstrap/core/TimerService.java#L29 May 30 19:12:43 And can inject either May 30 19:13:00 SimonVT: I think that is not accurate May 30 19:13:18 see the link, no need to construct NotificationManager May 30 19:14:05 crised: https://github.com/donnfelker/android-bootstrap/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/donnfelker/android/bootstrap/AndroidModule.java#L90 May 30 19:14:24 If the constructor doesn't have an Inject method you have to provide it from your module May 30 19:14:30 Err, Inject annotation May 30 19:14:44 If it does, you don't have to provide it .. Dagger will construct it for you May 30 19:15:06 SimonVT: you're great thx May 30 19:15:12 Brian|CB, now heres something silly (try your self some time to amuse). I typed "provider" tag name in search in debug perspective in logcat. it showed many but provider. i erased "provider" word from search box. I saw provider messages saying network,passive,gps ........ May 30 19:15:24 construct == new SomeClass() May 30 19:16:27 Quest: But was the thing empty? May 30 19:16:43 no May 30 19:16:52 The only logical reason I can see for the logs not showing ist hat the for loop is never happening May 30 19:16:55 provider was, network,passive,gps . May 30 19:17:09 provider was, network,passive,gps . ^ May 30 19:17:24 it _showed_ provider logs. and also the system.outs May 30 19:17:34 ? May 30 19:17:41 just not with search keywords "provider" May 30 19:17:44 weird May 30 19:17:51 yes it is. May 30 19:18:24 nevermind. atleast i got started :) May 30 19:18:50 I've got this class, http://www.fpaste.org/15594/69941503/ and its complaining about the findViewById on line 29 May 30 19:19:14 what i'm after is to have that dialog box when ok gets clicked, is to update that text field with the chosen text May 30 19:21:03 kc8hfi: Probably not the best solution, but you could try either this.findViewById or getActivity().findViewById May 30 19:21:32 is the item in the Bundle or something then? if that aint the best way? May 30 19:21:48 maybe my question should be something else... May 30 19:22:34 kc8hfi: I'm just saying May 30 19:22:40 idk how good of an idea it is May 30 19:22:42 I just know that it might fix it May 30 19:22:48 idk if there are any drawbacks in your given scenario May 30 19:23:06 Yeah, don't do that.. Create a callback that your activity/fragment implements.. Have your dialog call it when the date changes May 30 19:23:19 Don't try to get references to views in your activity/fragment May 30 19:23:56 Thats what I mean May 30 19:23:59 thats a better solution May 30 19:24:11 its a whole heck of a lot easier just to get ar eference and change it May 30 19:24:14 I was just giving the most baseline solution, which is usually not ideal May 30 19:24:15 callbacks are a PITA May 30 19:24:27 kc8hfi: You can use the solution I gave, it's just not the best May 30 19:24:31 I use it a lot when I'm lazy lol May 30 19:24:32 So do that then May 30 19:24:46 If it works, who cares, right? May 30 19:24:54 That's the spirit May 30 19:25:14 lol May 30 19:25:25 I'm about as mature a developer as my 16 year old self was even after allt hese years I guess :P May 30 19:25:32 hackathons breed bad habits I think :S May 30 19:25:38 i don't much care for crap code...so i need to do this the android™ May 30 19:25:41 way May 30 19:28:56 hey guys, does anyone know if android natively supports the ability to add a clickable drawable inside an EditText (similar to the x that clears the text from the google search bar)? I've seen stackoverflow articles about it but they are from 2011 and I'm wondering if this feature is included in android now May 30 19:30:09 how would I go about setng up a callback? May 30 19:30:45 http://www.fpaste.org/15606/69942235/ is what i have so far May 30 19:31:10 tnzr: I've never seen it done May 30 19:31:12 i don't know how to bind that to my class MyDateDialog May 30 19:31:14 doesn't mean its impossible though May 30 19:31:23 doesn't seem worth the effort to me though May 30 19:31:30 I'd rather just put the drawable alongside the edit text May 30 19:31:42 well the thing is that it has to be "inside" the edit text field May 30 19:32:08 according to the style guide on this project...clients are not very flexible as far as the design is concerned, unfortunately May 30 19:32:10 for what purpose? May 30 19:32:18 ah May 30 19:32:19 well May 30 19:32:29 if you can prove beyond reasonable doubt that it's not doable within reasonable effort May 30 19:32:33 maybe they will change their mind? May 30 19:32:38 depends on how comfortable you are with the client May 30 19:32:42 if you're not comfortable, just keep trying May 30 19:33:04 can you not remove the border from the edittext and thenjust put a border on the container? May 30 19:33:13 tnzr: Wanna know how searchview does it? May 30 19:33:17 Good idea brx_ May 30 19:33:18 I like it May 30 19:33:26 yah, Im definitely not comfortable :) project is just now ramping up, and it DOES seem a little inconsistent with some of the other places that the button shows up so maybe they'll fix it in the design May 30 19:33:29 hey cool May 30 19:33:31 SimonVT: sure! May 30 19:33:44 SearchView eh? May 30 19:33:46 * tnzr googles May 30 19:34:13 tnzr: That part is a LinearLayout with a autocompletetextview (substitute with edittext) that has a weight.. So the right of it is an imagebutton May 30 19:34:25 The edittext background you see is actually on the linearlayout May 30 19:34:29 The input view has no background May 30 19:34:35 as i said :P May 30 19:34:37 When text is entered, they toggle visibility May 30 19:34:53 brx_: tssh May 30 19:35:21 So, what you do is.. Extend LinearLayout .. Add an edittext and an imagebutton to it May 30 19:35:35 I guess if I wanted it to look just like a normal EditText, I could just use an asset for the little line stretching across the bottom May 30 19:35:42 Attach a listener to the edittext, toggle visiblity on imagebutton.. Clear edittext when imagebutton is clicked May 30 19:35:44 as the LL background May 30 19:35:47 oh thats much smarter May 30 19:35:53 SimonVT, ill get my coat May 30 19:36:01 Iam trying to get location by LocationManager and it seems i have to use LocationListener with some methods like, onStatusChange,onLocationChanged, etc. But, I dont want to listen to such things. I just want to _fetch_ the location when every I want. (a new request everytime clearing the old data). what can be done? May 30 19:36:03 SimonVT: bad ass, thanks May 30 19:36:05 And you have TnzrsAwesomeEditText you can drop wherever May 30 19:36:18 Add some getText methods, and whatnot May 30 19:36:39 haha awesome May 30 19:38:35 <|0xD34D|> Quest: you can always get the last known location May 30 19:38:37 Quest, I think getLastKnownLocation() might be useful May 30 19:38:37 Only support api11+ and you get https://developer.android.com/reference/android/R.attr.html#editTextBackground for free May 30 19:39:24 <|0xD34D|> Quest: the location will have a timestamp for when that location was provided and you can always decide if it is too old and then resort to listening for an updated location. May 30 19:39:35 |0xD34D|, brx_ that would be the Last known location. I need to fresh request to be _sure_ that the mobile did or didnt moved in a specific time. its sensative app. May 30 19:39:48 SimonVT: fortunately this project is >= 4.0 (2nd one in a row for me, I'm living the high life) May 30 19:39:55 why not use listeners? May 30 19:40:00 <|0xD34D|> Quest: then you will have to listen May 30 19:40:09 |0xD34D|, ok that could work but how to resort to listening for an updated location. May 30 19:40:15 hi i have a problem with ListView, is not fluid, no smooth, i see a bug when stop scroll i see a micro movement May 30 19:40:24 |0xD34D|, listen to what and how May 30 19:40:31 you already outlined it May 30 19:40:42 <|0xD34D|> Quest: listen for location changes using the listener May 30 19:42:06 |0xD34D|, ya. i would get the last known location. and its timestramp. now if the TimeNow - lastKnowLocation TImer > 5 mins {how to get a new location by a new request} May 30 19:42:24 Timer == Time* May 30 19:43:15 <|0xD34D|> Quest: you cannot simply request a new location, you will need to register a listener at that point and once you get a new location that you are satisfied with, pass it on to where you need it May 30 19:43:24 Quest: registering a listener is how you make the request, and receive results May 30 19:43:38 <|0xD34D|> either way, if you want an updated location, you are going to have to listen for it with a listener May 30 19:44:03 with a lister == within* a lister? May 30 19:44:27 i use ViewHolder and Picasso to load image but ListView is no smooth May 30 19:44:32 pjdelport, |0xD34D| amm.. didnt got it much May 30 19:44:48 * pjdelport must away May 30 19:44:49 cheers! May 30 19:44:56 <|0xD34D|> bastard! May 30 19:44:58 <|0xD34D|> =P May 30 19:45:33 pjdelport, |0xD34D| when i get the lastKnownLocation. and its old. how to request a new location? May 30 19:45:57 <|0xD34D|> Quest: only way to request a new location is to register a LocationListener with the LocationManager May 30 19:46:00 locationChanged might be true/false May 30 19:46:10 |0xD34D|, ok . that i got. May 30 19:46:45 |0xD34D|, and the most obviouse method to be used is onLocationChanged? right? May 30 19:47:11 <|0xD34D|> yes May 30 19:47:14 |0xD34D|, and in that method I can call location.getLastKnownLocation right? May 30 19:47:25 no, you get an object May 30 19:47:32 saying the current lat lon May 30 19:47:35 <|0xD34D|> it gives you the new location May 30 19:47:41 <|0xD34D|> http://developer.android.com/reference/android/location/LocationListener.html#onLocationChanged(android.location.Location) May 30 19:47:53 brx_, ya.. same thing May 30 19:48:03 no isnt May 30 19:48:07 |0xD34D|, yes. i have read the doc. just need a strategy May 30 19:48:13 brx_, i k now what you mean. i got it. May 30 19:48:22 getLastKnownLocation() returns the last knownlocation...onlocationchaned received the ACTUAL new location May 30 19:48:28 to my knowledge nayway May 30 19:48:32 cya.. May 30 19:48:46 sory.. it was ya* May 30 19:48:59 thought you had fallen into a hole then May 30 19:49:04 |0xD34D|, so. and compare if TimeNow - lastKnowLocation TImer > 5 mins {how to get a new location by a new request} May 30 19:49:27 <|0xD34D|> Quest: the new location is passed to onLocationChanged with the listener you registered May 30 19:49:29 brx_, onlocationchaned received the ACTUAL new location _IF_ the mobile has moved. May 30 19:49:40 |0xD34D|, ^ ? May 30 19:49:59 i want to get the location irrespective of movemnet May 30 19:50:03 or location changed May 30 19:50:19 see what i mean ? :) May 30 19:50:28 <|0xD34D|> then maybe you need to come up with some sort of timeout strategy in case the onLocationChanged is not called May 30 19:50:38 <|0xD34D|> in that case use the last known location May 30 19:51:04 |0xD34D|, well same question. TimeNow - lastKnowLocation TImer > 5 mins {how to get a new location by a new request} May 30 19:51:16 <|0xD34D|> and the answer is the same May 30 19:51:24 hm.. so ther is no real way May 30 19:51:25 <|0xD34D|> you need a listener to get the change, if one occurs May 30 19:51:50 hm.. so ther is no real way irrespective of whether the location has changed or not. ? May 30 19:52:17 just geting a fresh location. irrespective of any other changes? May 30 19:52:25 that was my original question May 30 19:52:26 <|0xD34D|> if the location changes, there is since onLocationChanged is called to your listener May 30 19:52:37 ya but May 30 19:52:37 <|0xD34D|> it won't update if it hasn't changed May 30 19:52:38 that was my original question May 30 19:52:43 oh May 30 19:52:49 i see. May 30 19:53:12 |0xD34D|, so after how much time interval android checks for location changes by default? May 30 19:53:27 <|0xD34D|> you can set that up when you register your listener May 30 19:53:41 <|0xD34D|> you can specify an interval as well as a minimum distance May 30 19:53:43 oh. May 30 19:53:47 is there a defauult ? May 30 19:53:52 |0xD34D|, how can i setup that? May 30 19:54:10 <|0xD34D|> http://developer.android.com/reference/android/location/LocationManager.html#requestLocationUpdates(java.lang.String, long, float, android.location.LocationListener) May 30 19:54:26 hm. have to see the doc again then. thx!! May 30 19:54:35 <|0xD34D|> the docs are your friend May 30 19:54:37 |0xD34D|, brx_ great help ! May 30 19:54:39 <|0xD34D|> or friends May 30 19:54:42 |0xD34D|, ya.. May 30 19:54:44 :) May 30 19:54:47 |0xD34D|, you too May 30 19:57:42 what does this means minDistance minimum distance between location updates, in meters May 30 19:57:56 distance from where? May 30 19:59:12 distance from current position to new position May 30 20:00:16 oh May 30 20:00:33 What's the proper way of informing an Activity about something from within a service? May 30 20:00:34 the senstivity of location distance moved then. that is May 30 20:01:03 broadcast? brx_ ? May 30 20:01:23 ey? May 30 20:01:27 brx_, about marrrk that was May 30 20:01:52 Are you asking me a question now? May 30 20:01:52 nevermind. i dont have grip on that topc. May 30 20:02:03 ^ May 30 20:02:22 I thought of that but I think if only one thing is supposed to listen to the message maybe a Handler is better? May 30 20:02:41 Or some static variable? May 30 20:05:42 :) i dont have grip on that topc. May 30 20:06:06 Just lik eme May 30 20:06:22 ive done it the way Quest said in the past May 30 20:06:31 broadcast message May 30 20:08:07 marrrk: Maybe a broadcastreceiver? I can't remember exactly what the class does, but I think it had some relation to Services and Activities May 30 20:08:13 I just remember glancing over it May 30 20:08:42 if i uninstall an app i purchased, do i have to repurchase the app or is it saved to my account? (on play.google.com) May 30 20:09:09 It would work but I really don't feel like a broadcast is the proper solution when there will only ever be one listener for that broadcast. May 30 20:10:20 marrrk, depends on how complicated you want to make your life May 30 20:10:31 most people just use a messagebus like Otto May 30 20:10:49 Does Otto use a message bus or is Otto the messagebus? May 30 20:10:53 which is fairly lightweight and doesn't need much wiring. Broadcast receivers and intents are ok as well May 30 20:11:14 marrrk, Otto is one of the messagebus libraries :) Or you can roll your own for that matter .) May 30 20:11:27 those are the simplest and most robust ways if the service is within your process May 30 20:12:24 Hmm, why does everything always have to be so much work? May 30 20:13:03 uh. May 30 20:14:37 Okay, otto actually looks nice. I don't like the name, though. May 30 20:15:25 Except if it is a reference to this: http://nationalvanguard.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/11/life-of-brian-otto-nazirene.jpg May 30 20:16:48 I have no idea how to add a library to my project, maybe I should just rather copy all the classes. May 30 20:17:24 are you in eclipse? May 30 20:17:31 No May 30 20:17:34 Are you? May 30 20:17:40 ye May 30 20:17:42 marrrk: Are you using Android Studio? May 30 20:17:45 No May 30 20:17:52 I'm using Intellij May 30 20:17:55 weird May 30 20:17:59 i wonder if its a similar issue May 30 20:18:01 an yo not just addto build path there? May 30 20:18:04 can* May 30 20:18:08 but I had no luck getting libraries added in android studio May 30 20:18:09 so I went back to eclipse May 30 20:18:16 my condoleances May 30 20:18:33 I added some libraries once in Intellij May 30 20:18:55 But now I don't understand anything about my current build chain so I have no idea how to go about it. May 30 20:19:16 Is www.github.com down for anybody else? May 30 20:19:28 marrrk: It has been on and off May 30 20:19:31 It gets really slow sometimes too May 30 20:19:38 and sometimes I had to refresh a few times for it to load May 30 20:19:38 Hmm May 30 20:19:49 How disappointing May 30 20:20:35 I mean May 30 20:20:46 for a palce that houses tons of projects with redundancy and branches for free May 30 20:20:56 and this is the first time i've ever seen them perform poorly May 30 20:20:58 i'm ok with that service May 30 20:20:59 lol May 30 20:21:54 Haha I just looked something else up without realizing it's also on github, and that works. May 30 20:24:07 hello i want to publish my app and while i follow the android developers guide i want to ask something May 30 20:24:41 i have to create different release key for the google maps and the application May 30 20:24:49 or i can use the same? May 30 20:25:27 up May 30 20:25:51 someone can i help me May 30 20:26:43 WHAT WAS THAT? May 30 20:26:48 IS THAT A SENTENCE? May 30 20:26:55 is that capslock? May 30 20:27:11 is that sarcasm? May 30 20:27:56 No, I'm just really good at coordinating my pinky. May 30 20:29:42 that: https://play.google.com/store is capslock May 30 20:32:57 hey guys can you please help me? May 30 20:33:12 SimonVT: works like a charm, thanks May 30 20:33:20 and brx_ May 30 20:33:22 :) May 30 20:36:00 resu01: What is your problem, then? May 30 20:38:14 i have generated a private key for the google maps. can i use the same key for singing up my application or i have to generate another one? May 30 20:39:12 i mean in this command jarsigner -verbose -sigalg SHA1withRSA -digestalg SHA1 -keystore my-release-key.keystore my_application.apk alias_name i will use the same key which i used for the google maps May 30 20:39:14 ? May 30 20:41:25 Oh, sorry, you already asked earlier, right? Sorry, I've never done anything with maps. May 30 20:42:25 ok thanks! May 30 20:45:11 are you talking about the key you specified in your api console for maps? May 30 20:45:16 if so, that MUST be the same key you sign with May 30 20:50:20 Hey guys, I'm beginning Android development (as well as biting the apple and learning Java on the way), and I'm having an issue May 30 20:50:49 I'm trying to override FragmentActivity.OnResume(), but I get an error saying that I have to override a superclass May 30 20:50:56 I'm targetting Java 1.6 btw May 30 20:50:59 Is it neccesary to inflate a Menu if there is only 1 Menu in the whole app? May 30 20:51:25 does anyone know how to programatically change the color of an @android:attr/editTextBackground ? May 30 20:51:53 I can override stuff like onCreate and onTabSelected etc. But not onResume. May 30 20:53:40 how can I override Activitiy's method from a class that extends FragmentActivity? May 30 20:55:05 canadiancow: thank you very much! May 30 20:58:36 amm. guys, line 51 and 52 dont show any message.. line 21 does shows network,passive,gps though. whats wrong.... http://pastebin.com/pW1nwfAG May 30 20:58:52 I dont have any idea about whats going on ^ May 30 21:07:25 Is there anybody here who has ever worked with the AccessibliityService class? May 30 21:08:53 Obviously not. May 30 21:11:57 looks like all are sleeping. its night May 30 21:14:26 hi everyone. I am starting to develop an application that uses the navigational drawer. In an example that I got from android-dev site, It uses the FrameLayout and ListView to accomplish it. I would like to use the ViewPager; but, am not sure if it needs to be in the FrameLayout or can the ViewPager be on its own. May 30 21:14:32 does anyone know this? May 30 21:15:31 I think it can be on its own. May 30 21:16:31 For the fact that they encourage people to use that thing it's impressively complicated to use. May 30 21:17:15 thanks marrk. I wasn't sure and don't want to add unnecessary objects to the application May 30 21:17:43 are you referring to the ViewPager? May 30 21:18:42 amm. guys, line 51 and 52 dont show any message.. line 21 does shows network,passive,gps though. whats wrong.... http://pastebin.com/pW1nwfAG May 30 21:19:37 just to get the location cordinates. CW` , i have sent the new location cordinates by the "emulator control" May 30 21:31:14 What part(s) of the world are people here living? (to know when most sleep) May 30 21:32:39 And sorry for my English: I'm Dutch. May 30 21:32:51 That's no excuse. May 30 21:32:58 I do my best. May 30 21:33:06 I would hazard that most are American, but there's a wide variety May 30 21:33:09 You're not French. May 30 21:36:01 lol May 30 21:37:24 i have a question about aosp May 30 21:37:36 there's a prebuilts project in there May 30 21:37:46 is there a way to tell the build system to ignore the prebuilts? May 30 22:03:59 how can I override Activitiy's method from a class that extends FragmentActivity? I can't seem to override onResume(), it says I have to override a superclass method May 30 22:09:36 @Override May 30 22:09:36 protected void onResume May 30 22:09:39 right? May 30 22:11:56 strange. i have a script which does adb -s *deviceserial install x-debug.apk, for each attached device, it installs on all of them succesfully... but sometimes afterwards my terminal says [1]segmentation fault, pm install -r /d.. i don't think i have ever gotten this error installing on just one device at a time May 30 22:12:56 maybe i need to make the script pause after installing on each device.. so adb can refresh or something May 30 22:20:46 Hello May 30 22:21:34 int ret = db.update(TABLE_LOG, cv, "photo_uri='?'", new String[]{oldPath}); results in Too many bind arguments. 2 arguments were provided but the statement needs 1 arguments. May 30 22:21:46 cv = {"photo_uri" => "newpath"} May 30 22:22:06 looking at the source code for the SQLite implementation in android, this can never execute successfully May 30 22:22:26 since it thinks the number of bind args to compare with is cv.size() + whereArgs.length() May 30 22:22:38 is this a bug, or am i doing this wrong? May 30 22:22:46 http://pastebin.com/3hM3Fdyg May 30 22:22:51 ignore the first few lines of crap May 30 22:23:00 the code is the relevant part of the 4.2.2 source im talking about May 30 22:23:13 where it incorrectly compares the number of bind arguments May 30 22:30:22 lou_ thats exactly what I'm having May 30 22:31:08 nevermind i'm stupid. I had OnResume not onResume May 30 22:31:26 Haikarainen mmmm....pastebin it May 30 22:31:30 ah, ok May 30 22:32:35 seriously been "debuggin" this issue for hours. It's not easy when you're new to a language and just assume you did something horribly wrong, when in reality its something petty as case May 30 22:32:57 Haikarainen: how'd that compile? May 30 22:33:04 @Override OnResume shouldn't have compiled May 30 22:33:39 Seemed to build well, haven't tested yet, although everything looks well as the error went away in eclipse May 30 22:33:46 good point funkbox May 30 22:33:57 Oh you mean like that May 30 22:33:58 It didnt May 30 22:34:04 then what could you debug? :) May 30 22:34:11 hence "" ;) May 30 22:34:27 mindbugging~ it might be a more proper term May 30 22:34:40 ah. lol. am surprised that the compiler didnt popup with an error, or did it? May 30 22:35:01 Haikarainen: i generally strongly advise against using yourself as a compiler May 30 22:35:54 it did spit a "need to overload superclass method" or something in the "problems" dialog. Thing is I'm fresh like a bunny to Java. Although I have lots of experience in both Eclipse and C++ (not combined though) May 30 22:36:15 Does anyone know of present issues in the SQLiteDatabase update() function? May 30 22:36:32 searching the open issues on google code isnt bringing up many relevant results :/ May 30 22:37:20 Haikarainen: well think of vtables May 30 22:37:26 shit needs somethin' to point to May 30 22:38:24 Indeed May 30 22:39:03 I tried importing android.app.activity and stuff. Couldn't see the forest because of all the trees. May 30 22:39:04 hello :) is unknown baseband probably related to an incorrect modem.bin being flashed? May 30 22:39:24 all, I am trying to use the Toast routine from a fragment from a separate class and get the error "can't resolve method" May 30 22:39:24 could also be related to your efs partition iirc May 30 22:39:28 ecraven: May 30 22:39:58 it says "can't resolve method maketext" May 30 22:41:20 Pyuruku: if i haven't backed that up, there's no way to fix it, right? i never touched it, but did repartition with heimdall (though that shouldn't have touched it) May 30 22:41:56 ecraven: you can try to put others' efs partitions in your phone, although id recommend making sure its your efs partition first May 30 22:42:07 make sure the partition you grab is the from the exact same phone May 30 22:42:11 doesn't the efs contain imei and whatnot? May 30 22:42:19 Ive actually had this problem before and doing that fixed it May 30 22:42:30 yes, but if the imei shows up then that part is not corrupted May 30 22:42:37 which was my case May 30 22:42:50 imei was fine, it couldnt utilize sim cards or anything May 30 22:43:18 i see imei unknown, phone number unknown, baseband unknown May 30 22:43:32 probably a corrupt efs partition then May 30 22:43:33 could there be a backup of the efs anywhere? May 30 22:43:39 but id look into more info about that for your specific phone May 30 22:43:46 gt-i9000 May 30 22:43:51 search around on XDA May 30 22:44:01 tahts where i found a backup of the efs May 30 22:45:40 ecraven: Lost my IMEI or changed on upgrading to JB CM 10 May 30 22:45:42 does this apply? May 30 22:47:13 Pyuruku, are you trying to interface with an external DB? May 30 22:47:19 lou_ no May 30 22:47:58 ah, ok. I've interfaced with an external DB from an android app, nm May 30 22:48:08 ecraven: backup your efs partition first then follow the latter part of this http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=26827676&postcount=4512 May 30 22:48:59 lou_ I've been sitting here for quite a while trying to see if anything I'm doing is wrong May 30 22:49:04 but it doesnt seem so May 30 22:49:17 and I dont want to call it a bug until I get a few more opinions D: May 30 22:50:20 alright. I wasn't following you as much, would you pm me for my 2 cents? May 30 22:50:32 sure May 30 22:56:18 ill pm you for $20 May 30 22:59:41 any help with this ? http://pastebin.com/2Pp8kNZw May 30 22:59:55 this happens when i send gps coordinates May 30 23:00:04 location cords* May 30 23:08:18 i don't undestand because my ListView is very slow May 30 23:09:22 newinandroid: are you using the convertView? May 30 23:10:35 Pyuruku, of course :) May 30 23:10:54 define "Very slow" May 30 23:12:22 sorry my english is bad :), ok.. when scroll stoped i see a micro displacement May 30 23:13:52 i think problem is text, item of adatpter have 4-5 text row May 30 23:14:28 Pyuruku, can you see my project? May 30 23:15:22 no, you're going to have to explain further May 30 23:16:15 ok i use ViewHolder May 30 23:17:21 item of adapter contains: 1 img 60x60dip, 2 line text and a mini description of 5 rows May 30 23:18:29 how are you loading the image in May 30 23:18:37 i use Picasso May 30 23:19:07 but i try without image May 30 23:19:31 i see again problem May 30 23:19:37 whats Picasso? May 30 23:19:54 are you caching said images? May 30 23:20:03 Picasso is a new library of JakeWharton to load image May 30 23:20:06 yes May 30 23:20:33 any empty view objects that were left behind in the xml? May 30 23:21:11 no May 30 23:21:58 I've been working five hours May 30 23:22:42 are you messing with the scrolling? May 30 23:22:46 or is it the default method? May 30 23:23:18 default May 30 23:23:50 is there something on top that is handling gestures May 30 23:23:56 in ListView i add android:fastScrollEnabled="false" May 30 23:25:14 this problem stops my work May 30 23:26:22 this is my Adataper http://pastebin.com/FWVZCjhS May 30 23:26:26 are you handling gesures? May 30 23:27:33 no May 30 23:29:59 vh.tvDesc.setText(Html.fromHtml(item.description)); May 30 23:30:09 does that grab stuff from the internet? May 30 23:30:31 have you tried to comment out each part of the list item view? May 30 23:30:38 and see which one causes a slow down? May 30 23:31:20 description in rss fedd have some tag html May 30 23:31:46 yes, but are you requesting this rss feed everytime? May 30 23:32:02 you're at least parsing HTML with fromHTML, correct? May 30 23:32:10 that might be whats slowing you down May 30 23:32:26 ActionBar is disappearing when using adjustPan to scroll a list when keyboard is shown. I googled but can't seem to find a definitive answer. :/ May 30 23:33:04 yes May 30 23:33:56 i delete description from adataper, ok it is improved but have same problem May 30 23:34:12 newinandroid, performance issues? ( i didn't see your original question) May 30 23:35:22 Afzal, yes.. i have listview very slow, when scroll stop i see a micro displacement May 30 23:36:18 i have read a ton of tutorial , workaround , tip&trick but problem remain May 30 23:36:59 Are you doing the processing (to get the html) in the cursor adapter? or does it process while adding to the ContentProvider? May 30 23:37:16 I'm not talking about the Html.fromHtml call May 30 23:38:14 Afzal, i can delete Html.fromHtml May 30 23:38:22 and it's still slow? May 30 23:38:57 yes May 30 23:39:17 it is improved but i see problem again May 30 23:39:19 I did this a few weeks ago but I was parsing BbCode so I used a library to convert bbcode to html and if i did that processing in the adapter, it'd be terribly slow. So I did the processing and saved that string to the contentprovider May 30 23:39:31 could you post your bindView? May 30 23:40:03 http://pastebin.com/Rbf3ffHf May 30 23:40:12 description ha 5-6 rows May 30 23:40:16 *has May 30 23:41:42 bindView method in your adapter May 30 23:42:33 any help with this ? http://pastebin.com/2Pp8kNZw the first line says waiting for location. all services die when i sent cordinates May 30 23:43:26 http://pastebin.com/FWVZCjhS May 30 23:43:45 ohhh May 30 23:44:08 this is result https://www.dropbox.com/s/x3ivvjrtmjoz0sb/Screenshot_2013-05-31-01-19-08.png May 30 23:45:35 I tripled so I have more items, total 60 items May 30 23:45:51 I tripled ArrayList, sorry May 30 23:48:38 listview was in fragment with other fragment but i create a new clean project but I see the same problem May 30 23:50:21 * Afzal has found that he almost always has to switch to a cursor adapter so he doesn't even bother starting with an ArrayAdapter :( May 30 23:50:57 you could use sys trace and see where exactly it's lagging May 30 23:52:08 sys trace? mmm i know but fist time for me.. May 30 23:53:37 so if it's still lagging when you remove fromHtml, what happens if you remove the Picasso call? May 30 23:56:01 ok problem is description.. May 30 23:56:25 when you set description text? even without the html conversion? May 30 23:56:37 wair try May 30 23:58:12 text with and without i see problem May 30 23:58:15 I'm making my first app and I've been stuck on one small problem for three days now. Can I ask for help here? May 30 23:58:27 with html May 30 23:59:04 1) what if you don't set description text, 2) what if you don't set the tvImage? May 30 23:59:46 anyone feel free to disprove / debunk my bug report (please do i need to get this stuff done) https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=56062&thanks=56062&ts=1369958340 May 30 23:59:56 scroll is fast.. but when it stop i see small displacement, an imperfection May 31 00:00:21 in which case? 1 or 2? May 31 00:00:24 i dont set Layout :) May 31 00:00:44 text is problem May 31 00:01:06 but i don't delete from layout May 31 00:01:35 When the enter key on the hardware keyboard is pressed, the TextEdit loses its focus. Does anyone know why it would be doing that? May 31 00:02:32 Afzal, all improved when i delete setTypeFace May 31 00:02:46 setTypeface in description May 31 00:03:19 ah, okay try to create a private final object in the Constructor where you get the typeface and use that in getView May 31 00:03:42 I don't know exactly how java works but I've been lead to believe that would cause an improvement (??) May 31 00:07:10 wowderful.. it is improved May 31 00:07:23 Pyuruku, sorry, never had to update a row in my app :/ Event I'm surprised about that. lol May 31 00:07:49 Afzal: its amazing that this exists in 4.2.2 May 31 00:07:54 http://pastebin.com/PKCyarF May 31 00:08:08 newinandroid, unknown paste id May 31 00:08:24 Pyuruku, how about 4.2.3? does it exist in that? May 31 00:08:27 http://pastebin.com/PKCyarFe May 31 00:08:37 Afzal: is that even released? May 31 00:08:47 Afzal, in Italy it's 2 am May 31 00:08:48 dang, you didn't fall for it. May 31 00:09:02 Afzal: I'm a full time software engineer for Android May 31 00:09:07 :P May 31 00:09:16 …and I'm a full time API tester :p May 31 00:09:29 and a half-time android developer. May 31 00:09:43 android makes me cry repeatedly on a day to day basis May 31 00:09:45 Afzal, i don't understand because typeface create this error May 31 00:10:02 newinandroid, so now the performance is fine? May 31 00:10:12 and what about calling fromHtml now May 31 00:10:57 Pyuruku, BlackBerry does that for me. May 31 00:11:04 ues it's fine May 31 00:11:32 fromHtml i can't delete, text have only 2 tag


May 31 00:11:42 i can delete with RegExp May 31 00:12:33 it's probably because previously, you were getting Roboto instance and calling getFont every time a getView was called, which is pretty often May 31 00:12:36 ok with fromHtml it's fine :) May 31 00:12:52 now, you only do that once May 31 00:14:02 won, i'm pretty happy that i helped someone in optimizing something. I always felt like I wasn't good at that :D May 31 00:14:06 wow* May 31 00:14:10 ehehe May 31 00:14:17 thank you May 31 00:14:20 np May 31 00:14:48 zoo…back to my original problem. ActionBar is disappearing when using adjustPan to scroll a list when keyboard is shown. I googled but can't seem to find a definitive answer. :/ May 31 00:15:12 ActionBarSherlock, to be specific May 31 00:15:19 I can go to sleep more peaceful Now May 31 00:15:43 haha, does anyone else scroll their list views a lot if they're smooth? :p May 31 00:18:21 whoooa!! Gradle plugin works with maven now? news of the week! May 31 00:21:24 back to php i guess then, this action bar issue will have to wait May 31 00:22:21 Anyone know why pressing the hardware enter key would cause the cursor to leave a TextEdit? Desperately need help on this. May 31 00:25:03 (hardware keyboard that is .. slide-out) May 31 00:27:00 Afzal, i try with 1870 item :) and it works fine May 31 00:27:22 Just my luck .. my first app and I run into a bug that nobody knows about. May 31 00:27:27 <|0xD34D|> llkmj: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/TextView.html#attr_android:singleLine May 31 00:27:43 haha nice, but surely you'll switch to a cursor adapter when you get non-static data? May 31 00:28:05 yes May 31 00:28:32 feed is load every 30 minutes and record in daabase May 31 00:28:55 app works off-line May 31 00:29:15 i see, nice May 31 00:29:20 0xD34D: tyvm, checking it out, will let you know if that's the problem May 31 00:29:32 the design looks pretty too May 31 00:29:35 <|0xD34D|> llkmj: that would be my guess May 31 00:29:51 <|0xD34D|> since the behavior you described matches up with what the docs say about singleLine May 31 00:30:07 i delete design.. finally app is very nice May 31 00:30:28 delete design in png online ... :) May 31 00:31:06 Afzal i'll send you a beta soon May 31 00:31:18 sure! what is the app about? May 31 00:32:56 hey anyone ever had this issue with eclipse? when I click and arrow to expand a directory in eclipse nothing happens and the arrow disappears May 31 00:32:57 it's a simple for a blog May 31 00:33:15 Afzal: ABS is inside the content view on pre ICS May 31 00:33:39 JakeWharton, on JB here May 31 00:34:14 0xD34D: You are my hero. I has tried both single line and multiline options (setting them to true) but apparently it wants me specifically set singleline to false. THANK YOU!!! May 31 00:34:23 i go sleep... 2.34 am in italy, good night dev May 31 00:34:29 <|0xD34D|> llkmj: np May 31 00:34:44 wait, should AppTheme's parent be ThemeSherlock? May 31 00:35:06 Wow, I can actually move on after three days ... this is a weird feeling May 31 00:35:24 Thanks again! ... hope you have a great day! May 31 00:39:51 Afzal: No clue then. That's all native! May 31 00:40:32 Afzal: Parent should always be a sherlock theme. It will just do native stuff on ICS+ May 31 00:41:26 I see, thanks JakeWharton. I'll keep looking. Otherwise I'll just implement the not-so-smart solution. using lastItemVisible May 31 00:46:08 can any one see why its happening? erors line 155 to 195 are prominent. Iam trying to get location cordinates, I send the location cords by emulator control in ddms. what is wrong? May 31 00:56:46 * Quest waits May 31 01:15:29 hi May 31 01:15:45 im trying to build an android project in eclipse and i'm getting this... http://pastebin.com/gvt5VBK1 May 31 01:15:48 any ideas? May 31 01:16:18 lo May 31 01:18:37 Fraz, go to project properties > Java build path and click through the tabs May 31 01:18:42 see if there's an issue there May 31 01:19:36 * Quest keeps waiting May 31 01:19:45 you mean any error messages or anything? May 31 01:20:07 ive never worked with eclipse or java before. im building a c++ application using a template May 31 01:20:14 so no idea what im lookinf for really May 31 01:20:20 g May 31 01:20:32 Fraz, yes May 31 01:20:44 no problem May 31 01:20:46 well i dont see any errors May 31 01:20:58 line 155 ? May 31 01:21:42 ? May 31 01:22:09 what about line 155? May 31 01:22:50 the error points to line 41 May 31 01:22:51 session.openForRead(new Session.OpenRequest(this).setCallback(statusCallback)); May 31 01:23:33 Fraz, line 155 is 05-30 22:57:19.092: I/ServiceManager(28): service 'usagestats' died May 31 01:23:44 http://pastebin.com/2Pp8kNZw May 31 01:25:56 im confused May 31 01:26:17 make a guess? May 31 01:28:28 hi all May 31 01:28:51 anyone has any advice on using LocationClient? I think somehow when using it on main thread, it will cause some weird behavior. May 31 01:29:15 brx_, you there? May 31 01:31:18 hi Quest May 31 01:32:35 brx_, did I disturbed you? May 31 01:32:56 nope, whats up? May 31 01:33:20 a problem May 31 01:33:30 can any one see why its happening? erors line 155 to 195 are prominent. Iam trying to get location cordinates, I send the location cords by emulator control in ddms. what is wrong? May 31 01:34:20 i observe that locmgr.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.NETWORK_PROVIDER,0,0,onLocationChange); dont do any thing. not cordinates nor erors even... this makes those errors. locmgr.requestLocationUpdates(LocationManager.GPS_PROVDER.,0,0,onLocationChange); May 31 01:34:51 line 155 to 195 are prominent http://pastebin.com/2Pp8kNZw May 31 01:37:18 sec..looking... May 31 01:38:38 ok ! May 31 01:41:40 Quest, not sure, you call requestLocationUpdates() May 31 01:42:02 this might seem daft but did you add permissions to manifest? May 31 01:43:15 ofcourse May 31 01:43:45 i can send you some code i used once, i know it works May 31 01:43:52 brx_, May 31 01:43:52 May 31 01:43:55 brx_, ok May 31 01:45:10 brx_, is there a special way to Start the Android Emulator with GPS support enabled - See more at: http://www.icesoft.org/JForum/posts/list/21253.page#sthash.z4fQSgW2.dpuf May 31 01:45:23 ignore the link * May 31 01:45:45 ahh May 31 01:45:47 wellinmy code May 31 01:45:51 i have: May 31 01:46:40 boolean enabled = locationManager May 31 01:46:41 isProviderEnabled() May 31 01:46:57 if its false it calls an intent that enables GPS in the system settings May 31 01:47:28 ive never used gps in emulator, do you have a gps enable/disable screen in system settings? May 31 01:48:13 hmm May 31 01:48:21 is it advisable not to use LocationClient? May 31 01:48:50 Quest, http://pastebin.com/zXvh3M7b May 31 01:49:12 ive gutted out as uch as i can May 31 01:50:12 ahh didnttake the checkProximity() out, but i guess you might need one of those anyway May 31 01:50:24 brx_, ok.. thanks quite nice. I would check it. by the way what do you think the reasons might be for the errors May 31 01:50:39 i dunno ive never seen thm, have you googled about? May 31 01:50:46 ya . alot May 31 02:00:22 brx_, thanks! May 31 02:00:52 progress? May 31 02:07:43 brx_, yes. fixed :) May 31 02:07:54 what was it? May 31 02:08:19 http://forums.pragprog.com/forums/152/topics/10284 changing the android version from ginger 10 to google 10 solved it. same code :) May 31 02:08:38 good stuff May 31 02:08:54 ahh ye that would help heh May 31 02:08:56 thanks :) May 31 02:09:19 i just cant believe it. it had been 4 hours. May 31 02:09:26 no. 6 May 31 02:09:28 oops May 31 02:09:47 brx_, welcome me to programming..... :) May 31 02:10:11 nice have fun :) May 31 02:10:21 brx_, iam feeling that the basis of OS . famouse ones even would have bugs. May 31 02:10:48 after all humans make mistakes. though they are intelligent. May 31 02:10:54 brx_, thx. see you ! May 31 02:10:59 cya May 31 02:13:06 what is this new thing in the sdk updater called 'android support repository' May 31 02:14:38 g00s: i endd up going the sqlite route... much easier :) May 31 02:15:00 use my dbhandler to just create me new objects from db data whenever i need to mess with one... May 31 02:15:01 flipture great :) i dont remember what we were talking about tho :D May 31 02:15:28 i don't remember exactly which part you were helping me with May 31 02:15:32 but i know you helped :) May 31 02:15:38 :) May 31 02:16:09 man May 31 02:16:20 how are you all doing May 31 02:16:50 any ideas why a spinner created with a customadapter would show my package name (com.blah.blah) instead of the first item on the list? when i click the spinner it shows my items :-\ May 31 02:17:25 maybe check your custom adapter? May 31 02:17:49 mightve did a hardcoded constant or something May 31 02:18:19 Yah, thast where i figured it would be :). just not sure what in there sets what the default is May 31 02:19:11 pastebin May 31 02:19:50 http://pastebin.com/j8zLrtkt May 31 02:20:04 im thinking its either starting with 1 and displaying 0 May 31 02:20:07 (position) May 31 02:20:28 or the return myTypes.size is returning one too many... May 31 02:20:54 if its not obvious i can start logging and track it down but if its obvious it would save me a headache :) May 31 02:22:20 .getName() i believe May 31 02:22:40 is your issue May 31 02:23:05 its not an array list of strings... its an arraylistof custom object, and that object has a getName method May 31 02:23:25 so maybe my arraylist has someting in position 0 that is bad? May 31 02:23:59 Becuase whe i click my drop down i do see all of my types in the list May 31 02:24:10 as they should. its just the default displayed type is bad. May 31 02:24:34 just logcat it :) May 31 02:24:37 makes it easier anyways May 31 02:24:52 logcat myTypes.get(position).getName() to identify where the problem stems from May 31 02:24:55 and start debuggin from there May 31 02:24:57 also to note, when you click the drop down, it does not contain the bad item May 31 02:25:02 kk May 31 02:32:40 Odd, i stuck my logcat in getDropDownView and it looped 3 times May 31 02:32:45 don't see the "bad" entry tho May 31 02:36:34 Hi, if I have an arrayList of treemaps, and I want to find a count of a certain value in the treemap, whats the easiest way to do so May 31 02:51:02 Solupus: so the default is showing com.icanhasnom.fliplist.CategoryType@... CategoryType is the typeof object that im' trying to make the spinner list from May 31 02:51:20 maybe something with getDropDownView args? May 31 02:51:53 no, thats unlikely since the only thing you're using is position May 31 02:52:01 which you stated is not the problem in your logcats May 31 02:52:08 show your getName() function May 31 02:53:23 Here's the whole CategoryType class... http://pastebin.com/gjWVgscy May 31 02:55:32 not sure what i can do atm lol, im sucking at 0.2kbps May 31 02:55:42 but take a look at your super constructor May 31 02:56:12 ArrayAdapter might be setting the default from there May 31 02:56:20 so its not calling your getName() method persay May 31 02:57:55 ah good idea. I'll take a look. thanks for your help May 31 02:59:40 any ideas on my question? **** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri May 31 02:59:58 2013