**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed May 20 02:59:59 2015 May 20 03:00:00 i'll try getting rid of stetho just out of curiosity but i never updated that either May 20 03:00:09 (though I use the + as well) May 20 03:00:53 * g00s lives and dies by the + May 20 03:00:56 I love manually updating stuff. It's like waking up on Xmas as a child. May 20 03:01:09 :) May 20 03:01:11 <_genuser_> manual updating? such as? May 20 03:01:15 yeah but dont you hate all those commits "bumped blah to version x" May 20 03:01:20 <_genuser_> g00s: what is this + that everyone's talking about? May 20 03:01:24 * RevertToType is a drooling idiot May 20 03:01:47 For example changing `compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:21.0.3'` to `compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:22.1.0'`. May 20 03:01:55 napster, i create an item with header and 4 cards. May 20 03:02:07 Its a gradle feature. The + at the end of a dependency library will fetch the latest version of it for the next build. May 20 03:02:22 wow. removing stetho worked May 20 03:02:29 I didn't update that either though ._. May 20 03:02:37 What was the stetho line? May 20 03:02:38 <_genuser_> napster: oh, I quite like that. unless it breaks something, of course. May 20 03:02:38 napster, i have 26 category and every category has an header and 3-4 card May 20 03:02:43 2.3.0? May 20 03:03:02 compile 'com.facebook.stetho:stetho:1.0.0' May 20 03:03:02 compile 'com.facebook.stetho:stetho-okhttp:1.0.0' May 20 03:03:21 <_genuser_> TacticalJoke: I see. the stuff I know I don't want break, I hardcode it. the other can update automatically. altho, I haven't completely moved my projects to AS yet" May 20 03:05:41 I'm confuzzled, damien5314. Not sure why that'd work. May 20 03:06:11 devuser now return these viewgroup from getview of your adapter. Do the image downloading accordingly if those cards are actually images. May 20 03:06:48 Would it help to pastebin your entire build.gradle? May 20 03:06:50 now sure TacticalJoke. I'm crawling around the stetho repo now to see what would be different May 20 03:07:21 Hey guys, would any of you be able to tell me by chance what notification sound this is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MEAAAloaVNU&feature=youtu.be&t=58s May 20 03:07:32 mmm ok but if there are a various number card inside category ... it's problems May 20 03:07:47 category can have 3-4-5-6 card May 20 03:08:16 yes, then it will be a problem May 20 03:11:17 seen this? https://github.com/lucasr/twoway-view May 20 03:13:19 wait TacticalJoke, you're definitely right about that OkHttp line you linked. that's the exact exception I'm getting May 20 03:13:51 I noticed in retrofit's pom.xml they don't have version numbers for their dependencies... but I don't know much about maven/builds May 20 03:14:10 does that mean I could be getting newer versions of OkHttp when pulling a static version of Retrofit? May 20 03:15:09 I think they're specifying 2.4.0-RC1, right? https://github.com/square/retrofit/blob/master/pom.xml#L53 May 20 03:15:48 Then again, it depends on which version of Retrofit you're using. May 20 03:16:27 1.9.0, for which I don't see a tagged version on github May 20 03:16:32 hi guys do you guys know of any gui tool WYSIWG that can be used to gesign android syles and themes and generate the xml ? May 20 03:16:58 you're right though, I guess they are referencing that specific build May 20 03:17:45 1.9.0 references the non-exception-throwing OkHttp version: https://github.com/square/retrofit/blob/parent-1.9.0/pom.xml#L53 May 20 03:17:50 I use this alexi5 http://www.materialpalette.com/ May 20 03:18:00 better for material design though May 20 03:18:22 I think that's 1.9.0, anyway. May 20 03:18:50 there was a complete theme generator, don't remember May 20 03:19:03 yeah I mean, I'm viewing source in OkHttp in my IDE and it's showing the updated code from that commit you linked May 20 03:19:14 so I'm getting an updated version from somewhere May 20 03:19:20 Ah. May 20 03:19:31 would have to be stetho then.. May 20 03:21:09 The whole issue doesn't make sense to me, because they fixed the exception thing before: https://github.com/square/okhttp/issues/751 May 20 03:21:14 I don't get why they re-added the exception. May 20 03:22:48 huh, yeah. I might just want to work around it before I get this exception later when I update okhttp May 20 03:36:14 TacticalJoke: thanks for working me through that btw, was stumping me for a while. I haven't touched stetho in weeks so no idea why it's causing issues May 20 03:37:19 No worries. May 20 03:37:32 I looked at stetho and couldn't figure that part out. May 20 03:42:50 boom shaka laka May 20 03:42:53 TacticalJoke https://github.com/facebook/stetho/blob/37861000feace291559d0465b2a20707b5ce92cd/stetho-okhttp/build.gradle#L38 May 20 03:43:12 gross May 20 03:43:14 that's from the 1.0.0 release tag, it was a variable version number before May 20 03:43:48 https://github.com/facebook/stetho/issues/59#issuecomment-75679958 May 20 03:44:15 ^ lmao May 20 03:44:50 I purposely don't use wildcards for the exact reason I just spent an hour+ debugging May 20 03:51:43 I have a class which extends ViewWrapper which I put my layout in. It is nice because I can handle all the logic for the layout in one class and use it both in an Activity, Fragment, or Dialog. My class which handles the view (and extends ContextWrapper) is getting big so I want to break it up. Is it bad to pass the instance of the class which extends ContextWrapper to other classes? May 20 03:51:51 Hopefully that makes sense May 20 03:52:22 * ContextWrapper, not ViewWrapper http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/ContextWrapper.html May 20 03:53:36 worried about memory leaks and if it is the same as passing the Activity instance around May 20 04:01:22 quick question; so I'm using a webpage for my ui (local html/javascript/css to scale and all that good stuff) mainly cause I didn't see something of this sort on the general layout options; is there an "x/y" pad, that is to say a layout object that would tell me when it's pressed, where in the object it was pressed (x,y) and that kinda info? I was looking for something pretty simple but am also entirely a insufferable moron May 20 04:02:08 i'd need about 18 of them on the screen May 20 04:02:54 RevertToType this channel is mosly native app dev (not mobile web). but somebody might know ... May 20 04:03:52 well I was hoping there was a native object or something REALLY simple... android studio had a lot of switches and whatnot but not a lot of knobs etc. I could stay with my webview thingy but i'm kinda lost on getting the js -> native code (mainly cause I'm a coding moron) May 20 04:04:04 Greetings. I"m trying to write authencation logic for my first android app. I am not able to understand where to store session information and how to retrieve it? May 20 04:04:29 Any help to this newbie would be very grateful :( May 20 04:11:54 http://arstechnica.co.uk/business/2015/05/russia-plans-linux-based-mobile-operating-system-to-rival-android-and-ios/ May 20 04:12:26 working with the Finnish company Jolla ... May 20 04:12:50 damien5314: Ah. I only looked at the latest version, so I missed that. May 20 04:12:53 What a cute little OS :) May 20 04:13:05 Glad the puzzle is solved (I hate unsolved puzzles). May 20 04:13:18 yeah I was looking at the latest version too May 20 04:13:48 I feel like I do when facebook just changs my news feed May 20 04:13:56 changes* May 20 04:15:27 g00s, aka meego, aka maemo May 20 04:15:35 Oh, man, I just had an awesome idea for my app (while brushing my teeth). May 20 04:15:36 yeah May 20 04:15:36 g00s, going back to like 2006 and the nokia tablets May 20 04:15:43 Solving a problem with pure simplicity. May 20 04:15:58 g00s, which were almost awesome but always found some way to be awful in critical ways. they tried so hard to ruin it. May 20 04:16:39 I seem to do most programming while showering, bathing, or brushing. May 20 04:17:02 Sitting at the computer just makes things complicated. May 20 04:17:04 TacticalJoke tak ethe ducky everywhere ! May 20 04:17:07 :D May 20 04:17:25 Okay, I have to run. Be good! May 20 04:24:40 The Android tutorial, sucky three years ago, sucky now May 20 04:25:27 What I want to know is what nonsense is in there that I'm missing...the unknown unknowns... May 20 04:25:36 Ologn its probably the same one :D May 20 04:25:59 g00s, they updated it actually, I've been going through it May 20 04:26:31 One I found today was from http://developer.android.com/training/basics/activity-lifecycle May 20 04:26:41 "If the user performs an action that starts another activity or switches to another app, the system calls another set of lifecycle methods on your activity as it moves into the background (where the activity is no longer visible, but the instance and its state remains intact)." May 20 04:27:37 The state remains intact? Not the best way to introduce the concept of an Activity. In fact a few pages later it says May 20 04:27:42 "The system may also destroy your activity if it's currently stopped and hasn't been used in a long time or the foreground activity requires more resources so the system must shut down background processes to recover memory" May 20 04:28:07 There's lots of things like that... May 20 04:28:53 good ol lolcycle - yeah there are a lot of corner cases i have found here and there that are not mentioned May 20 04:29:09 the russians were smart May 20 04:33:50 why russians May 20 04:40:28 gordon_ see article above ! May 20 04:54:28 g00s: ah, you mean the one about jolla ? May 20 04:54:35 gordon_ yeah :) May 20 04:55:21 well, they created intellij, on pair with i5 cpu so they can make use of jolla too I guess ;) May 20 05:09:56 hello folks! May 20 05:10:14 quick question, can you pass setColor() any random int? May 20 05:13:43 or do I absolutely have to create it with the color class? May 20 05:23:30 I need an idea for an app May 20 05:23:34 someone give me an idea, quick May 20 05:24:20 oddalot how about an app that helps you create ideas ? May 20 05:24:25 hamburger earmuffs! May 20 05:24:25 :D May 20 05:24:30 like irc May 20 05:24:32 ? May 20 05:24:58 this asus ZenFone 2 has good specs for $200 - i wonder how stock it is, whether it will get updates ... May 20 05:25:03 sames questions i asked in 2009 ... May 20 05:25:22 I'm just trying to kill time in between jobs, and I need somekind of webapp/android app thingy i can do to keep my cops up to date May 20 05:25:42 chops* May 20 05:26:22 every job interview i go into now, i'm like yeah i'm an expert at front end development and I also know android programming pretty well May 20 05:26:43 and then they want me to know iOS too, it's like, who the hell can keep up with that much stuff? May 20 05:27:35 you don't May 20 05:27:44 specialize in one or the other May 20 05:27:53 there's plenty of work to go around May 20 05:28:26 true, I'm pretty sure a lot of these managers don't even know the technologies they are asking about anyway May 20 05:28:50 but knowing web development is pretty handy, but so is native May 20 05:29:14 i just built my first android wear app too May 20 05:29:24 and it's pretty cool because i can use it myself May 20 05:30:09 but, i'm not so sure the wearable programming is going to be making anyones paycheck anytime soon May 20 05:30:35 apple wearable, maybe May 20 05:30:48 If my watch had GPS that was unteathered from the phone i would really be happy May 20 05:30:55 because i like to jog a lot May 20 05:31:11 i'm already pretty interested in just using the step counter May 20 05:31:15 i walk a lot apparently May 20 05:31:28 a few times i've taken over 20,000 steps in a day May 20 05:31:40 managers who think they can pull in 1 headcount to rule them all are mistaken May 20 05:32:19 well, but if i'm working with a startup that's just getting off the ground it makes sense to keep it lightweight if possible May 20 05:33:21 even startups often have seperate android / ios guys May 20 05:33:42 you're right though, the last contract job i did the guy wanted me to do all the backend work - which I'm not strong at all in - and i just made it up as I went along May 20 05:33:53 often, the ios guy comes first, the app is designed, and then they hire the android guy to make one "like the ios app" :D May 20 05:34:11 i tried to convince him they should hire someone else, but they don't understand why you can't do it if you understand how to make it work May 20 05:35:08 well, luckily for this company the device we were building an app for only supported android devices May 20 05:35:11 a clover workstation May 20 05:36:27 i probably could just work for myself, but i'm way too damn lazy to think of ideas and/or go out and find new work all the time May 20 05:36:42 maybe i could make an app for that lol May 20 05:37:06 do they have good websites/apps for freelance work? May 20 05:37:24 hi i need a help in creating tabs inside a fragment of navigation drawer. May 20 05:37:46 rathodvikas10 i tried that once, it worked out ok May 20 05:37:53 just grab the tabs and put them in there May 20 05:37:56 doesn't android have built in tabs? May 20 05:38:09 the ones on the website May 20 05:38:24 https://developer.android.com/samples/SlidingTabsBasic/src/com.example.android.common/view/SlidingTabStrip.html May 20 05:38:25 is each tab a seperate fragment? May 20 05:38:33 i am using FragmentTabHost with viewpager but i does not work May 20 05:38:49 yup i used the above link as well May 20 05:39:00 rathodvikas10 also, a future support lib will have some kinds of tabs May 20 05:39:12 i didn't check out the code to see what they are based on May 20 05:39:38 yup each tab is a separate fragment May 20 05:40:40 it gives me problem when i switch fragments form navigation drawer May 20 05:42:03 aren't tabs supposed to be a depricated pattern now for menus? May 20 05:42:17 or maybe i misread that somewhere May 20 05:44:22 oddalot, Clover, the POS people? May 20 05:45:11 pfn right May 20 05:45:31 i wrote an app for some gas station company to use May 20 05:45:44 i don't think they ever released it though May 20 05:46:34 the recruiter there was an ass May 20 05:47:14 rofl, where was this at? May 20 05:47:20 clover May 20 05:47:36 I think they were interesting in that they were also a scala shop May 20 05:47:43 i never met any of them personally, although i did live close to their office in mountainview for a bit May 20 05:48:30 just annoyed that the recruiter wasted my time May 20 05:48:51 since then, I just null sink recruiter emails May 20 05:49:05 i looked on their page and they have like a bajillion engineers May 20 05:49:22 they are part of first data now, so they probably have a ton of money May 20 05:49:41 or at least i assumed they are May 20 06:09:33 So, my app is crashing when I try to show a custom dialog from an AppCompatActivity. Just calling, newItemDialog.show(getSupportFragmentManager(), "new_item") and I get an exception stating newFeature must be called before adding content May 20 06:10:39 I was just following the guide at http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/dialogs.html May 20 06:19:26 hey. how can I solve this problem? https://paste.fedoraproject.org/223649/02678143/ May 20 06:34:13 <_rm> ugh my webview scaling issue continues May 20 06:34:22 <_rm> turns out, it works fine on 5.1 out of the box May 20 06:34:32 <_rm> but once the webview has updated from the play store, it starts misbehaving May 20 06:34:53 <_rm> (i.e. changing the content's scale randomly) May 20 06:39:20 _rm i was reading this the other day ... http://www.quirksmode.org/blog/archives/2015/02/chrome_continue.html May 20 06:39:48 one question, do oems change only the bundled browser, or WebView also ? May 20 06:41:47 g00s, they of course change both May 20 06:42:09 rendering engine is the same for WebView and bundled browser May 20 06:42:34 i thought it was based on chromium, not not sharing the physical component May 20 06:42:44 *but not May 20 06:42:54 as the installed browser May 20 06:43:06 they're all WebKits May 20 06:43:24 and yeah, they share the rendering component May 20 06:44:14 <_rm> the play store has a separate update for the system webview May 20 06:44:27 canvs2321, hello May 20 06:44:50 <_rm> at least on a nexus device, which is what i'm testing on right now May 20 06:45:15 _rm, only on Lollipop and newer. May 20 06:45:27 where they just made the component updateable May 20 06:46:00 <_rm> Mavrik: yep, and that's where i'm having problems May 20 06:46:51 <_rm> basically, the scale changes, and i get the onScaleChanged callback, but i have no idea why this happens, and why it only happens the very latest webview update May 20 06:47:40 It can just simply be a bug. May 20 06:50:45 <_rm> of course May 20 06:50:58 <_rm> but that doesn't mean that i don't have to work around it somehow May 20 07:01:20 hey how do I drag a scrollView using ViewDragHelper? May 20 07:02:55 \join #librecal May 20 07:05:27 Hello, I am an Android - programming beginner. I have a Navigation Bar, which is initialized in the MainActivity. I have a Second Activity (Get called from the Navigation Bar), where I extend from the MainActivity - Class, to get the Navigation Bar. It shows a Navigation Bar, but it's empty May 20 07:06:20 A part of the MainActivity: http://pastebin.com/Y34CwU93 May 20 07:06:30 The 2nd Activity: http://pastebin.com/8chamidq May 20 07:10:33 [10:08] Hello, I am an Android - May 20 07:11:21 Oh didnt show the full text? May 20 07:11:31 joh_: no, you are joh. May 20 07:11:45 Ehmm okay? May 20 07:12:22 I really don't get what you are trying to say. May 20 07:12:27 Anyone has an Idea for my problem? May 20 07:16:58 why is your setupDrawer() privatE? May 20 07:17:21 as well as many other methods May 20 07:17:29 joh_: you probably aren't setting up the navigation drawer in your second activity. You didn't post enough code to see what is going on. You should consider using a fragments when using a DrawerLayout instead of a second activity May 20 07:19:58 joh_: assuming "Navigation Bar" is the DrawerLayout May 20 07:21:20 Hello May 20 07:21:31 I want to add a SplashScreen to my app May 20 07:21:39 I am thinking how I can do that? May 20 07:21:46 There are various options May 20 07:22:00 everyone #librecal was a typo of a private group, please ignore and do not follow. May 20 07:22:43 surf2b1, #librecal was a typo of a private group, please ignore and do not follow. May 20 07:22:45 1. putting an image behind all other components in my main activity, and changing its visibility option as needed May 20 07:23:14 2. Going to another activity with only an image, and then comming back after a little delay May 20 07:23:19 george_v: so you're inviting us to join #librecal? May 20 07:23:34 I joined. I'm going there everyday now May 20 07:23:53 I am following the 2nd approach, however I don't know how to eliminate Actionbar at top of my SplashScreen Activity May 20 07:23:53 Leeds, no! apologies to everyone, it was a typo. May 20 07:24:10 george_v: thanks for the invite May 20 07:25:22 surf2b1: Yeah, I debug it and everything is on false...I wanted to try this solution instead of starting with Fragments. Why code you need? May 20 07:25:33 momken: you should avoid splashscreens. They are horrible. To remove the ActionBar you should change your theme. May 20 07:26:15 surf2b1, Why splashscreens are bad? They can show some useful info when preparing the app May 20 07:26:31 surf2b1, And their duration can be very short May 20 07:26:41 Because 0 duration is better than short duration. May 20 07:26:43 momken: http://cyrilmottier.com/2012/05/03/splash-screens-are-evil-dont-use-them/ May 20 07:27:01 People won't wait for your fancy splash screen everytime they use your app. May 20 07:29:18 splash screens are ok at one point only, the first time the app launches after the install May 20 07:31:12 surf2b1, Hmmm. I also agree with you. But I have to add a SplashScreen to convince them that it's a bad idea May 20 07:31:28 Troffel, hrmf, analytics shows that first time is the most important time that the app is fast :) May 20 07:31:38 you have about 5 seconds before people decide they're bored and uninstall May 20 07:31:53 unless they REALLY want it... but you're just throwing away 50%+ of your userbase if you have slow startup May 20 07:32:15 lemme see if I can find the article about user dropoff in correlation with startup time May 20 07:32:41 Mavrik, I agree. But a splash screen shouldn't be more than 1 sec May 20 07:33:08 If it's not 1 sec, you don't need it at all :) May 20 07:33:12 and it can work slick, if it's more than just a 1 sec fullscreen view May 20 07:33:14 300ms app startup May 20 07:33:24 momken: Both of your approaches can work. Is your only question about removing the ActionBar? May 20 07:33:25 After that users notice your app is slow May 20 07:33:49 a splash screen doesn't have to insinuate a slow app May 20 07:33:52 It's pretty much the same as on the web - if your web pages load for longer than 300ms or so, you'll get noticable user dropoff May 20 07:34:05 A splash screen by definition makes your app slow May 20 07:34:19 Since at that time user is just waiting for your app to get its shit together instead of using it May 20 07:35:08 Since Material there are significantly better ways of brading May 20 07:35:24 Mavrik: What do you think about tutorials when an app first launches? Example: Reddit Now May 20 07:36:56 Mavrik, I also agree with you May 20 07:39:35 You all are correct. But I don't know why stackholders (and specially my boss) insist on a splash screen May 20 07:41:38 surf2b1, Yes, I only want to remove the Actionbar May 20 07:42:48 momken: first google result: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8456835/how-to-disable-action-bar-permanently :P May 20 07:56:41 how can i pop keyboard up with animation of other views? May 20 07:56:45 this is too laggy May 20 07:57:18 i have to hide/show keyboard with alpha and transition animation for other views. May 20 07:57:53 but the animation with show/hide keyboard animation is too laggy. May 20 07:58:04 Can anyone resolve my problem? May 20 08:02:57 surf2b1, personally I find them annoying, but we've never done it so I dunno how users at large behave around them :/ May 20 08:18:26 I add an header to a listView, and it shift the click coordinate May 20 08:18:34 is it normal? is it a bug? May 20 08:25:26 Hello, I was wondering: is possible to compile android apps using Java 8 in Android Studio? May 20 08:26:23 I can compile for desktop in Android Studio, but for Android I get a "Failed to complete Gradle execution. Cause: [blank]" error May 20 08:33:51 canvs2321, hello May 20 08:34:46 Joozey, yes it's possible, but not for Android with all features May 20 08:37:05 Does anyone know how to make a button with an inner glow/shadow? I tried with gradients but since the button in a rectangle I can't use a radial May 20 08:37:43 Hi :) Could someone please explain me what exactly is a MemoryFile ? May 20 08:38:58 i've managed to encrypt / decrypt PDF files with AES and read them as a byte array or redirect them to a MemoryFile, and now I need to view them (with some library) without writing them to the SD Card May 20 08:41:20 Can anyone suggest a way of telling when an Android device connects to a new, previously unknown, WiFi network? May 20 08:41:47 The WifiManager.NETWORK_STATE_CHANGED_ACTION broadcast gives me all of the state changes, but I can't immediately see if the network is a new one to the system. May 20 08:45:59 Mavrik, lambda functions? May 20 08:46:24 expressions* May 20 08:46:43 There's retrolambda project that patches lambda functions so they work on 1.6 JVM May 20 08:46:46 and can be used on Android May 20 08:46:57 but your code will crash hard if you use anything else Java 8 related it cannot handle May 20 08:48:28 Thanks, I'll look into retrolambda then May 20 09:00:09 Mavrik, right so if I understand correctly methods like forEach() and stream() don't work for Android? May 20 09:21:54 How can I make sure that doInbackground completes before processResult is called? May 20 09:25:21 I want to finish all activities in the stack before starting the Intent for the new Activity. May 20 09:25:34 But it only finishes the top 1 or 2 and then navigates to the new Activity. May 20 09:25:56 Seems like a problem that processResult is happening before the doInBackground call has completed fully. May 20 09:28:05 I meant onPostExecute May 20 09:35:26 I have finishAllActivitiesInStack() and then startActivity(Intent). How can I make sure finishAllActivitiesInStack completes before calling startActivity(...)? May 20 09:38:12 We are developing an android library which we distribute as an .aar file. We have some dependencies which we declare in our .gradle files. However, these dependencies are not included in the final .aar file, and apps using our library get errors about the missing classes. May 20 09:40:11 Sounds familiar. May 20 09:52:10 prinsen, they must include this libs as well. May 20 09:52:27 you can see that when you look at other libraries too May 20 10:21:13 hello May 20 10:21:27 is there no FragmentActivity in api 22 ? May 20 10:21:31 or 23 May 20 10:21:42 its the first time i am writing an app without the support lib May 20 10:24:33 FragmentActivity is a support library class May 20 10:24:38 yeah May 20 10:24:43 so i can just User Activity May 20 10:24:45 if you dont use support, you have to use Activity May 20 10:24:53 but May 20 10:24:56 but its recommended to use supp-v7 at least May 20 10:24:58 getFragmentManager() is null May 20 10:25:07 and i dont know why May 20 10:25:55 no idea May 20 10:26:00 i use support in all projects May 20 10:26:52 I'm making an app , using facebook sdk4 in android , i'm using the default login button , the first time the user logs in i'm able to get the access token using AccessToken.getcurrentaccesstoken() .. but once the app is killed the function AccessToken.getcurrentaccesstoken() returns null .. May 20 10:37:10 Working on an app with two activities w/fragments. On a phone, when I go from "main activity" and start "detail activity", it seems the mainact. "disappears" (is stopped/killed) as the context switches? Meaning: on a tablet (in two-pane UI, both fragments visible side by side) the detailfragment can call methods in the mainfragment, but on a phone findFragmentById(R.id.fragment_main) = null May 20 10:37:20 is that the way it is, or am I doing something wrong :) May 20 10:37:30 (way it's supposed to be) May 20 10:41:05 I use findFragmentByTag May 20 10:41:15 joakimk_: May 20 10:41:57 barq: but still, once a new fragment is started the previous one is... destroyed? May 20 10:42:05 or is it still running in the background May 20 10:42:37 what I want is for detailfragment to be able to ask mainfragment (which has the CursorLoader), "give me the next/prev ID to show" May 20 10:43:11 Please show some code. May 20 10:43:14 so mainfragment shows a bunch of images in a gridview, click on one to open it in detailfragment. Rather than having to go back to main and click the next image, I want to make "shortcut" buttons :) May 20 10:43:43 barq: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30139914/call-method-in-one-fragment-from-another-fragment-or-get-next-prev-id May 20 10:44:51 Which bit returns null? May 20 10:45:02 I guess what's happening -- on a phone -- is that the main *activity* is paused May 20 10:45:16 Fragment mainfrag = getActivity().getFragmentManager().findFragmentByTag("MainFragment"); May 20 10:45:21 mainfrag = null May 20 10:46:28 I don't see any MainFragment. May 20 10:46:33 so main activity/fragment has the cursor, and starts the detail act/frag with an URI May 20 10:46:40 passing in the ID you clicked May 20 10:46:43 hold on... May 20 10:46:57 Shouldn't is be PhotoFragment? May 20 10:47:02 it* May 20 10:47:04 in the SO post, mainfrag is called "PhotoFragment". Sorry for that May 20 10:47:34 how can I solve this problem? https://paste.fedoraproject.org/223649/02678143/ May 20 10:47:46 I would use MainFragment.class.getSimpleName() to avoid problems. May 20 10:48:03 That way if you refactor you don't miss out on anything. May 20 10:48:42 How do you know the IDs are generated sequentailly for the fragments? May 20 10:48:51 barq: The specific error message I get, is: NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int.com.example.android.galleri.app.PhotoFragment.getPosition()' on a null object reference May 20 10:48:59 I don't think iterating through IDs is a good idea. May 20 10:49:21 barq: oh, I don't :) I think I can handle that, however, if I just get detailfragment to communicate with mainfrag/act somehow May 20 10:49:37 iterating +1/-1 was just a thought May 20 10:49:51 I'll use cursor.next() or what it's called May 20 10:50:00 goToPosition() May 20 10:50:18 Persist what you need from one fragment so you can access it from the other. May 20 10:51:22 but I'm reading that "That's not a good idea, because you are coupling the fragments; FragmentB should not know about methods from FragmentA, or vice versa." May 20 10:51:28 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8791809/want-to-call-a-method-of-a-fragment-from-other-fragment-in-android-2-2 May 20 10:51:38 barq: do you agree with that? May 20 10:52:17 Yes. May 20 10:52:43 Make a superclass that cointains the method you need in both. May 20 10:52:59 Then derive both fragments from it. May 20 10:53:59 so... public class DetailFragment extends CommonFragment, and public class PhotoFragment extends CommonFragment? May 20 10:54:12 and then, have the cursor inside CommonFragment? May 20 10:55:15 (where CommonFragment extends Fragment) May 20 10:57:43 Sounds like a plan. May 20 10:58:30 think that would work? May 20 10:58:46 meaning, did I understand your suggestion correctly? May 20 10:59:18 yes, if the cursor method can work separately from the explicit fragment. May 20 10:59:47 Heya, I'm trying to cancel a request in retrofit and I'm having some trouble May 20 11:00:28 I'm trying to follow this: http://stackoverflow.com/a/22053101/235513 May 20 11:01:28 it cancels the calls fine but I don't undestand how to reset my RestAdapter to handle new calls. May 20 11:07:45 If I have methodA() in an AsyncTask doInBackground, will all calls that are triggered by methodA() complete before onPostExecute is triggered? May 20 11:10:05 barq, only if methodA is called doInBackground May 20 11:10:43 that depends hugely on what exactly is methodA doing May 20 11:11:09 methodA finished the activity and sends a resultcode that triggers all activities in the stack to finish as well. Then in onPostExecute I startActivity May 20 11:11:16 an asynctask performs operations in the same order like a normal method... May 20 11:11:25 When I do it this way only part of the activity stack is cleared before the new activity is started. May 20 11:11:45 So it seems like a concurrency problem. May 20 11:11:46 if doInBackground calls A and A calls B and A calls C after B, it will execute A,B,C and then finishs May 20 11:12:35 doInBackground finishes that top activity, then the activity below it in the stack runs onActivityResult and finishes as well etc. May 20 11:13:04 barq> doInBackground finishes that top activity << thats your problem May 20 11:13:17 dont touch view from doInBackground May 20 11:14:10 Why not? May 20 11:15:05 in half of the cases you mess it up, in the other half it wont work because you are not allowed to do ui operations from other threads May 20 11:15:20 Ok, so don't use an AsyncTask there. May 20 11:15:38 hm wait, calling Activity.finish() doesn't touch any views... May 20 11:16:07 barq, why not? it's all in the docs dude May 20 11:16:26 Really? May 20 11:16:35 wakelock, yeah this is case #1 of my explanation. messing stuff up because of concurrency :p May 20 11:17:06 barq, are you seriously surprised API/framework behavior is in fact documented? May 20 11:17:25 wakelock: Would you mind sharing a link to your reference? May 20 11:17:30 danijoo_, :p May 20 11:17:34 d.android.com May 20 11:17:43 http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/AsyncTask.html Don't see any there. May 20 11:17:51 why would it be there? May 20 11:18:16 they're not going to mention "don't touch UI" whenever there's so much as a hint of another thread May 20 11:18:40 the docs are there so you would use them *all*, not just one single page May 20 11:19:31 Hi! I am trying to measure some objects from images taken from a dermatoscope and need to get a sense of scale. Would it be a good idea to add "virtual" reticules based on the device pixel density? May 20 11:19:51 wakelock: Where would I look then? May 20 11:20:55 sigh May 20 11:21:02 you don't actually know how to use documentation, do you May 20 11:21:14 Apparently not. May 20 11:21:19 But happy to learn. May 20 11:22:05 hello, how does one write unit tests for a service ? May 20 11:23:03 emilsp, dont test the service, test the methods May 20 11:24:13 http://developer.android.com/guide/components/processes-and-threads.html It says here in background process that it can be killed any time to regain resources. I guess that's a hint. But not sure that is exactly what you are after. May 20 11:24:14 emilsp, if you really want to test the service, do it in the emulator May 20 11:24:37 barq, if you were allowed to touch UI from doInBackground, then there would be no point in any of the other AsyncTask methods May 20 11:24:45 barq, you should keep a reference to it, then it wont be killed ever May 20 11:24:59 im sure its somewhere in the docs May 20 11:25:14 http://developer.android.com/guide/components/processes-and-threads.html#AsyncTask May 20 11:25:30 quote: "To update your UI, you should implement onPostExecute(), which delivers the result from doInBackground() and runs in the UI thread, so you can safely update your UI." May 20 11:26:06 Ah, so I can still use AsyncTask, just not in doInBackground but in onPostExecute. May 20 11:26:16 duh May 20 11:26:20 or onProgressUpdate, yes May 20 11:26:23 lrn2doc May 20 11:27:12 If I do both finishActivityStack() and startActivity though in onPostExecute I still get the problem that only part of the activity stack is finished before the new activity is started. May 20 11:27:35 pretty sure finishActivityStack() only sends a "signal" May 20 11:28:11 So how can I make sure it completes before starting the next activity? May 20 11:28:24 Hello May 20 11:28:24 I want to put an image in the center of an activity and set margin of the image ~10% of width/height May 20 11:28:24 What should I do? May 20 11:28:29 sooooo many questions May 20 11:28:32 I can't use % as my measure (instead of px or dp) May 20 11:28:47 barq: what do you think of this solution: I created a new class, Utility, which holds the cursor as a member object. Then, mainfragment.onLoadFinished() sets the cursor, and mainfragment.onClick() handler sets the position clicked. Then, Detailfragment can simply get the cursor/position from Utility :) May 20 11:30:14 I am confused about usages of px, dp, dip, etc. May 20 11:30:39 momken: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2025282/difference-between-px-dp-dip-and-sp-in-android May 20 11:31:34 Has anyone had any issues regarding database pulls starting android 5.0? (via adb) May 20 11:32:34 wakelock: How can I make sure the signal is processed including all its calls? Use some sort of locking? May 20 11:33:22 Powse, whats wrong with them? May 20 11:35:15 That was the reason I wanted to use doInBackground and processResult, to make sure one completes before starting the other. May 20 11:35:21 I can still chmod the database via run-as but unable to pull it afterward May 20 11:35:25 But clearly that was not a good idea if I am interacting with the UI thread. May 20 11:35:41 i'm using SnapshotReadyCallback and OnMapLoadedCallback to take snapshot of my map once it's loaded but the resulting image is empty anyone familiar with these methods http://pastebin.com/fwQGbf3T May 20 11:35:55 as in adb pull /data/data/packagename/databases/dbname May 20 11:35:57 why would you want to mess with permissions via chmod? May 20 11:36:08 adb shell su to login as root May 20 11:36:14 then you can do whatever you want May 20 11:36:19 adb root is easier ;) May 20 11:36:30 what if the phone is not rooted May 20 11:36:36 Powse, tough luck then May 20 11:36:42 Powse, then you dont have access to it May 20 11:36:48 that's why i've been doing chmod May 20 11:36:52 Or should I use a Handler/new Thread? May 20 11:37:05 but starting 5.0 i've been unable to May 20 11:37:07 Powse, you can't chmod effectively on a nonrooted phone May 20 11:37:14 Powse,thats security.. May 20 11:37:24 Poswse, because android is slowly becoming secure May 20 11:37:25 you cant change permission of something that does not belong to you May 20 11:37:38 (kinda makes sense) May 20 11:37:44 but why should i care about security on snapshots May 20 11:37:49 while developing May 20 11:37:59 do it on an emulator or root the device May 20 11:38:05 Powse, you are trying to circumvent the built-in android security. this is the wrong channel for asking this sort of thing, not to mention it sounds like a bad idea in general. May 20 11:38:22 wakelock, is there any other channel that deals with android security ? May 20 11:38:33 root your phone when you are developing May 20 11:38:37 emilsp, no, but -root deals with android hacking May 20 11:38:45 wakelock, oh, thanks May 20 11:39:41 i guess i either extend the app to copy the db to sd or root it :( May 20 11:40:01 Powse, developer devices are usually rooted May 20 11:40:05 it was fun while it lasted :) May 20 11:40:06 emulators are too May 20 11:40:20 why dont u use an emulator May 20 11:40:25 i avoid it May 20 11:40:30 'cause my work computer is shit May 20 11:40:39 danijoo_, because there might be some specific problems with a db on a device May 20 11:41:06 emilsp, if you cant recreate it (on an emu), you cant fix it anyways :p May 20 11:41:32 but it is practical to be able to push and pull a db to a device May 20 11:41:33 danijoo_, you can, if you get ahold of the db file :P May 20 11:41:53 Powse, yeah but its also a security issue if everyone can log into my phone and adb random app databases May 20 11:42:01 danijoo_ and on emulators it can be hard to just obtain the same kind of data you'd store in the db compared to a normal device May 20 11:42:15 emilsp, why? May 20 11:43:01 danijoo_: yeah, but do note this is an inhouse version for the testers, not an actual production release May 20 11:43:21 Powse, yeah but linux cant know the difference May 20 11:43:36 true May 20 11:44:16 it only boggles me that it was possible to do it on debuggable apps pre 5.0 and not it returns a "does not exist" May 20 11:44:27 i didnt know that May 20 11:44:37 i thought it was not permitted for every app. May 20 11:48:01 over time android fixed many security issues and generally tightened security. I'm not surprised you can't do something you were able to do before because you were using a roundabout, undocumented, and somewhat "illegal" way to do it anyway. May 20 11:48:27 what you're experiencing sounds like it could easily have to do with selinux, and that is *well* beyond the scope of this channel. May 20 11:49:14 Sorry May 20 11:49:39 no prob, at least you just got a hint as to what to look at :p May 20 11:50:17 btw genymotion emulator does not need a lot of resources May 20 11:50:26 could be a good alternative for testing Powse :) May 20 11:50:53 hm, wasn't aware Powse needs to be tested :p May 20 11:51:02 :p May 20 11:53:07 I've tried believe me :) I'm running mostly command line apps + Android Studio but it still fails May 20 11:53:10 performance wise May 20 11:53:52 AS alone will probably take up all available resources May 20 11:54:13 ouh May 20 11:54:33 if you're used to command line tools, why don't you try building via commandline? it's not as easy or as smooth, but it's doable May 20 11:54:42 having a Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-2100 with 4gig Ram doesn't help :D May 20 11:54:45 yeah atm my AS eats 1.8gb RAM + 1.2gb for the gradle daemon :/ May 20 11:55:01 wakelock: i'm already building with maven in the command line, i use AS only for debugging/editing May 20 11:55:05 this thing gets bigger with each update May 20 11:55:13 +1 for the ram problem May 20 11:55:23 AS is generally a ginormous hugely overbloated piece of crud :p May 20 11:55:36 Is it bad practice to use a Handler then if I want to run two different operations on the UI Thread sequentially? May 20 11:55:44 it wants to be everything and do everything - no can do, dude May 20 11:56:14 barq, why don't you just use runInUiThread then? May 20 11:56:31 that's pretty much what AsyncTask does for you anyway May 20 11:57:17 but honestly, what you're trying to do smells like bad design May 20 11:57:54 or implement a listener that fires at the end of the other May 20 11:58:10 Use runOnUiThread within doInBackground? May 20 11:58:34 would looper allow that? :P May 20 11:58:35 no May 20 11:58:58 barq, you can if you really want to, but like I said - bad design, bad idea May 20 11:59:10 ^ May 20 11:59:21 OK, what would be a good alternative to look into? May 20 11:59:34 ui calls can only be done onstart /postexecute May 20 11:59:35 restructuring your approach May 20 11:59:43 barq, ^ May 20 11:59:43 barq, still the same as last time you asked. OnPostExecute and onProgressUpdate May 20 12:00:21 hi i have a problem with fragmentpageadaptor May 20 12:00:23 Then I still have the problem that I need to wait for methodA to complete fully until running methodB. May 20 12:00:47 lock it if its no ui thread May 20 12:00:51 a q&d fix would be to synchronize both May 20 12:01:12 what are you actually trying to do? May 20 12:01:15 in the task May 20 12:01:46 I want to finish the current Activity stack and start a new Activity. May 20 12:01:59 you dont need a task for that.. May 20 12:02:28 And not use FLAG May 20 12:02:31 intent.addFlag(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP); startActivity(intent); May 20 12:02:33 why not May 20 12:02:41 thats what they are for May 20 12:03:27 i am trying to define a shadow object in Robolectric, but it does not seem to get picked up from my org.robolectric.Config.properties file. It appears I have not placed it in the proper location. It works when I annotate the class with @Config(shadows=) May 20 12:03:30 I remember problems with that approach when starting Activities between different apks. May 20 12:03:33 where do i place the config file? May 20 12:04:00 barq, maybe you didnt do it right, because it works May 20 12:08:00 The problem is that then other calls in onActivityResult of the other activities in the stack are not run. May 20 12:09:51 onActvityResult is intended to open only one activity and close it after that. not to run through multiple activitie May 20 12:10:41 Ahoy; stupid question about apk signing May 20 12:11:22 OK, then I am not sure how to do app1activity ->app2ActivityA -> app2ActivityB -> app1activity and return a result from app2 to app1 May 20 12:11:30 danijoo_: short question May 20 12:11:36 do you love me? May 20 12:11:53 from the bottom of my heart May 20 12:12:16 can this code make one of the fragments initially attached to go through onCreateView? May 20 12:12:17 https://gist.github.com/yishai-glide/4f00969a7b5dccbb3d10 May 20 12:12:35 also, how bad of a method is this? May 20 12:13:11 because i think that using FragmentTransaction.replace should take care of this May 20 12:13:13 the !list.isEmpty() is an unnecessary operation. The foreach list doesn't do anything on an empty list May 20 12:13:28 mmmkay May 20 12:13:42 what's the problem from calling app1—>app2->app3 and retrieving the result of app2 in app1 May 20 12:13:53 as long as app1 implements onActivityResult May 20 12:14:12 Powse, there no problem but whats the reason in killing the stack then May 20 12:14:18 That's waht I am doing, passing the result back through the stack. May 20 12:14:27 just to a finish() in on activityResult of app2 May 20 12:14:35 then when app3 returns, app2 will do the same May 20 12:15:07 don't forget to run setResult May 20 12:15:13 Basically, I’m not an adroid dev; I just inherited an app as a matter of in-house attrition, and am left with a ‘ready to go’ app that needs to be uploaded. But in trying to finish, it’s asking me to sign the apk, and absolutely no mention was made to me regarding an existing keystore… so my first question is to whether or not I can just sign with a new certificate on what is an app with already existi May 20 12:15:14 versions? May 20 12:15:19 Because the whole stack is: app1ActivityA -> app1ActivityB -> app1ActivityC - > app1ActivityD -> app2ActivityA -> app2ActivityB May 20 12:15:25 thepoosh, what does this code do? getting the fragment with a specific tag from the fragment list and showing it? May 20 12:15:38 barq, then do a finish in all of them May 20 12:15:41 "killing the whole stack" seems like a really bad idea anyway. why don't you just implement a "natural" way of closing activities instead? May 20 12:15:43 thats no problem May 20 12:15:48 danijoo_: yes May 20 12:16:05 No, because you can navigate back and forth between app1A and app1D May 20 12:16:22 thepoosh, why not trans.add(R.id.activity_broadcast_frame, findFragmentByTag(TAG)) ? May 20 12:16:26 Only when app1D calls app1E you cannot go back, that's why I want to clear the stack at that point. May 20 12:16:37 should be a replace May 20 12:16:45 barq, I think your desin sucks :x May 20 12:16:53 thepoosh, replace then May 20 12:16:56 yeah May 20 12:16:58 In what way danijoo_ ? May 20 12:16:58 ]i think so May 20 12:17:06 but it seems like all this code does is findFragmentByTag() May 20 12:17:24 barq, like I said earlier (when you asked what should you do) - rethink and restructure your approach May 20 12:17:27 danijoo_: it seems like FragmentManager.getFragments() is only in the support lib May 20 12:17:29 barq, in the way that you do strange things in the app :) May 20 12:17:32 and NOT in the normal one May 20 12:17:49 lol May 20 12:18:04 The app is strange, but I don't see another way to do it. May 20 12:18:12 it's never easy to decide to scrap (most of) current work and start over, but sometimes it is necessary May 20 12:18:34 A year's work? May 20 12:18:48 probably don't need to scrap *all* of it May 20 12:19:27 Well, I am working on having a clean activity stack, that can be changed without overhauling everything. May 20 12:20:07 anyway, nobody can really help you at this point, not without having full insight into your entire project May 20 12:20:32 is it possible to update and existing app that has been signed with a new certficate? May 20 12:20:37 AN existing app May 20 12:21:12 jeturcotte, technically that is not even an issue, but I assume you mean "and upload it to play store" - in that case definitely no, you cannot do that May 20 12:21:15 I am trying the FLAG version now. Let's see what happens. May 20 12:21:40 so I have to hunt down the previous dev … superb May 20 12:23:30 in order to keep publishing as a certain entity, you have to assume the identity of the entity, or else no go May 20 12:23:43 the alternative is to start pusblishing as you May 20 12:23:50 danijoo_: CLEAR_TOP did not work. All Activities still in the stack. May 20 12:24:10 jeturcotte, never give the cert to a single person in a company :p May 20 12:24:21 already heard so many horror stories about that.. May 20 12:24:33 wasn’t my doing May 20 12:24:39 just suddenly my responsibility May 20 12:24:44 ^^ May 20 12:25:57 I'm just saying, technically you really need to "become" them in order to keep publishing as them May 20 12:26:21 which in essence means having access to the same signing keys and also to the gplay console May 20 12:27:53 cant you move apps between console now? May 20 12:29:00 maybe you can May 20 12:29:17 and technically you can also sign with a different key, but the update will then fail on all devices May 20 12:30:03 although I don't use gplay so I don't know, gplay might stop you even before you publish with a different key May 20 12:30:58 yeah it gives an error May 20 12:31:12 while uploading May 20 12:31:25 same for debug certs May 20 12:32:32 I have access to the console okay…I’m just at the point where I’m trying to compile the .apk for upload, and it’s asking me about keystores and certifications, and I was left with no details on this May 20 12:32:55 yeah youll need that.. May 20 12:32:57 nod May 20 12:33:01 a manhunt it is May 20 12:33:13 thanks for trying May 20 12:33:22 i always keep mine checked into git for this :) May 20 12:33:33 you have to be paranoid about keystores May 20 12:33:54 as self employed losing them is like losing your job May 20 12:36:18 for all I know, ours is… just pulling teeth trying to anyone to point it out May 20 12:36:40 print them out on a piece of paper and keep them locked along with your government bonds and offshore accounts :p May 20 12:37:09 Store them on one of these: http://www.ironkey.com/en-US/, in a fire proof safe May 20 12:37:16 put them on a floppy disk May 20 12:37:31 they last forever and you wont even need a password because nobody has a reader for them :D May 20 12:37:52 danijoo_, are you sure you want to keep them? sounds more like you want to lose them forever :p May 20 12:37:58 :p May 20 12:38:00 I still have my 3.5” copy of starflight from the late 80s =) May 20 12:39:22 thats awesome May 20 12:39:34 you're good at this perserverance thing, I can't even find my old phones anymore May 20 12:39:49 quit losing important stuff May 20 12:40:10 * wakelock still has his very first GSM phone ever May 20 12:40:13 Powse, if its nokia, just burn your house. The only thing that will survive will be your old nokia May 20 12:40:14 and it still works May 20 12:41:07 :D yeah, you'd need to be a dumbass to buy a protective case for that phone May 20 12:41:26 danijoo_, how did you know? my first phone ever -> http://bootcampideas.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/nokia-3210.jpg May 20 12:41:54 aka "the brick" May 20 12:42:17 that's no a brick at all... May 20 12:42:20 not May 20 12:42:34 My activity/fragment is started with a specific URI. This triggers my Content Provider to get some specific data, and show it in the UI. However, how do I "restart" the fragment with a new URI, e.g. on a button click (the user clicks "next" button)? May 20 12:42:38 THIS is a brick: http://www.vintagemobilephones.com/MyImages/Toy%20Brick%20Phone%20-%20Commnet%20%281%29.JPG May 20 12:42:55 I'm thinking notifyChange() is not reeeally correct, since the *data* (cursor) has not changed May 20 12:43:23 change the adapter? May 20 12:43:26 do I restart the entire fragment/activity, or somehow just the CursorLoader? May 20 12:43:32 notifyChanges doesn't actually imply the *dataset* is what changed ;) May 20 12:43:41 joakimk_, just add a new fragment with the new uri May 20 12:43:48 strange "art﹕ Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class" crash when upgrade to SDK 22, any hints? nothing interesting found from google, but seems it's a old problem from lollipop ? May 20 12:44:24 some courses at university now. See you later guys :/ May 20 12:44:37 so (re)start the activity using startActivity(intent) May 20 12:44:56 where intent contains the URI, in setData() May 20 12:45:01 replace with the fragmentmanager May 20 12:45:33 see, that's how I initially go from the MainActivity to the DetailActivity. What I'm doing now, is go from DetailActivity -> DetailActivity... If you see what I mean :) May 20 12:47:19 I'm just "concerned" about the fact that -- initially -- the Detail is started from *MainActivity*. Can I even do this from *DetailFragment* ? May 20 12:48:40 not sure if I want the "back" button to take the user to the previous detail view (image), or always all the way back to mainfragment... regardless of whether the user has gone "next" a few times, or not May 20 12:49:27 hi, i am using android annotations, i have a @AfterViews and inside i have a webservice call, when i go to other fragment and press back button, the first fragment call again the method with @AfterViews May 20 12:50:39 Can I start a new activity from within a fragment? May 20 12:51:28 yes May 20 12:51:29 because, in MainFragment, I actually do a callback to MainActivity, which does the intent/start May 20 12:54:55 thanks tho, it works fine :) May 20 12:58:37 cya May 20 12:58:39 \quit May 20 12:59:18 i've this view and drawing rectangles (markers) on it trying to make each rectangle a button that will show a popupwindow to and later display specific info for each marker on touch, i thought of saving the x,y of rect to detect if that area is touched and go from there but don't know how to do the save and check http://pastebin.com/J79Sa9AP any pointers on how to go by it? May 20 13:05:33 any ideas why inputType="textCapWords" will not do anything? May 20 13:05:41 for textview May 20 13:09:19 danijoo_: If I use FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP none of the activities on the stack are cleared.. May 20 13:09:48 can I provide a certain set of strings for the androidTest resource set? May 20 13:10:03 yes May 20 13:17:38 joroci, as the name suggest, that is for *input*, not for static text May 20 13:17:53 it is also all documented May 20 13:22:39 The only thing that happens when I do FLAG_ACTIITY_NEW_TASK AND _CLEAR_TASK is that the other activities get pushed to a different TaskRecord. May 20 13:22:53 They are not finished, though. May 20 13:24:20 So when I finish the last activity it still tries to resume the previous one but gets a NullPonterException. May 20 13:30:07 How can I clear the Activity stack? I have tried CLEAR_TOP and CLEAR_TASK NEW_TASK, but the activities are not finished, just moved to a different TaskRecord in the second case and nothing happens with CLEAR_TOP. May 20 13:31:07 is there a reason to push on a git repo gradlew and gradlew.bat? May 20 13:32:07 i don't know one May 20 13:38:14 In this activity stack: http://pastie.org/private/j8fdsn4cbvos4pjhmh2wrw what do the different TaskRecords mean? May 20 13:40:21 and the gradle directory contains gradle-wrapper.jar and his properties associated file? May 20 13:40:55 just look on stackoverflow what ppl put in their ignore list concerning an android studio project May 20 13:41:07 gradle directory is one them too May 20 13:49:13 hi, with the Retrofit library is it possible to define an OPTIONS request May 20 13:51:03 Schoumi, only if you want a backup of your dev tree May 20 13:51:53 github even has a gitignore template for android, it includes all this gradle crap May 20 13:52:13 (an OPTIONS request on the RESTful API I am using will return a JSON of all of the possible actions that are allowed based on permissions the user has) May 20 13:53:54 phix, http://square.github.io/retrofit/ -- if it is not mentioned there, then no May 20 13:54:01 oh May 20 13:54:17 HEAD isn't mentioned there however in the API docs it is :/ May 20 13:54:18 never thought of googling? May 20 13:54:26 Yeah mate I did May 20 13:54:28 HEAD is not mentioned there? what? May 20 13:54:30 "There are five built-in annotations: GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, and HEAD." May 20 13:54:41 Ever heard of fucking yourself mate? May 20 13:54:57 Cheers May 20 13:55:07 wakelock: yep but it dont ignore all things that i suppose to be useless on a repo: http://pastealacon.com/37504 do you think i ignore too much things? May 20 13:55:25 I guess OPTIONS will be a feature request from me :) May 20 13:55:54 phix, ever heard of watch your language? May 20 13:56:17 wakelock: I've said my peavce May 20 13:56:19 peace* May 20 13:56:40 swearing is the easiest way to earn a ban May 20 13:56:43 just saying May 20 13:56:47 Schoumi: The first four are covered by the rest (e.g., 'build/'). May 20 13:57:05 Schoumi, I would not ignore the lone "gradle" (near the end) May 20 13:57:25 Here's my .hgignore (though this is not rooted): .gradle/, .idea/, build/, local.properties, *.iml May 20 13:57:26 I would also not ignore androidTest, why would you ignore that? May 20 13:57:57 Hi guys, does anyone know what is safe to share publicly from Android Studio configs? thanks in advance May 20 13:58:28 wakelock: because i didn't use it? or if i use it i don't know when May 20 13:58:32 viccuad: What do you mean by "share publicly from Android Studio configs"? May 20 13:58:51 Schoumi, that's no reason to ignore it May 20 13:59:20 TacticalJoke: I mean, user configs relevant to Android Studio itself, not code cache, and projects, etc. Kind of what you could put in a dotfiles May 20 14:00:01 wakelock: you're right May 20 14:00:17 So your question is basically "If I go File > Export Settings in Android Studio, is there any security problem there?"? May 20 14:00:23 and share that file ^ May 20 14:00:30 more or less May 20 14:00:50 I don't think so. But you can check by uncompressing the JAR file and looking through it (it's all text, AFAIR). May 20 14:00:59 You can uncompress it with something like 7zip. May 20 14:01:10 http://pastealacon.com/37505 <-- better? May 20 14:02:35 phix: why do you need to add data to HEAD? OAuth? May 20 14:03:42 Schoumi: I'm not a ProGuard user, but I don't think it makes sense to ignore proguard-rules.pro. May 20 14:04:21 so here's a fun thing: If you Mockito.spy(AccountManager.get(application)) and don't mock any of it's behavior, it doesn't behave the same way as if it was unspied May 20 14:04:50 Why does testing have to be so hard? May 20 14:04:58 Also, are 'bin/' and 'gen/' still created? May 20 14:04:59 TacticalJoke: file with only comments but i can let people use it if they want May 20 14:05:03 I never seem to see them anymore. May 20 14:05:11 Schoumi: If you're not using it, delete it. May 20 14:05:19 Schoumi, the point is not to ignore content that is empty or unused... May 20 14:06:16 wakelock: Synchronizing the finishActivityStack() method did not work. May 20 14:06:49 barq, I think you are hopelessly stuck trying to fix what is unfixable. you were already told what to do but you won't accept it. nothing more that can be done here. May 20 14:07:36 I was given option 1 use FLAGS, which doesnt work, and option 2 qd: use synchronized, which I did not manage to get to work either. May 20 14:07:53 Can not be so difficult to make sure one call completes before doing next. May 20 14:07:53 yeah see May 20 14:08:02 you completely ignored the ultimate solution May 20 14:08:12 rethink. your. approach. May 20 14:08:21 scrap all of that and start over May 20 14:08:31 and by that I mean just this werid activity juggling May 20 14:09:03 I think it is a good approach and works in all other cases. May 20 14:09:37 The only reason I want to clear the stack is that because in one case where the device was slow for some reason another activity popped up to the top for an unknown reason. May 20 14:10:03 If the stack was deterministic though, it should never happen. May 20 14:10:31 phix: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/27213291/how-to-define-a-header-to-all-request-using-retrofit May 20 14:10:46 And the app is at a stage where the whole architeture can be overthrown. May 20 14:11:01 hi May 20 14:11:04 ventura, you weren't paying attention, he was never asking about either HEAD or header May 20 14:11:07 s May 20 14:11:27 JakeWharton: (Or anyone else who wants to chime in) - I feel like I read somewhere that creating more than one instance of a RestAdapter for RetroFit was very inefficient. Specifically I'm talking about creating one in a completely separate class, an activity, so it would be destroyed anyhow once finished. However, should I go about it a different way? Singleton? Something else? Or is sticking with that okay May 20 14:11:33 I appreciate your suggestion to rethink the whole approach, but if it is not a simple solution then I need a q&d fix. May 20 14:11:54 tjbiddle: you should have a single instance for your entire app May 20 14:12:20 tjbiddle: moreover, you should keep a single instance of each of the interfaces implementations it creates May 20 14:12:24 barq, I understand that but it is also possible there isn't a working q&d fix May 20 14:13:25 I assume there is a method to have methodA complete before starting methodB that exists in Android/Java, but I am not aware of at the top of my head. May 20 14:13:30 JakeWharton: Awesome. Can you think of an example I could look at that you think implements that well? May 20 14:13:49 how i can save the precious state of view on fragment when using replace? May 20 14:13:54 and addbackstack May 20 14:13:56 tjbiddle: the only example I have uses Dagger to maintain the singleton May 20 14:16:21 JakeWharton: Will read up on it. Cool cool - gracias May 20 14:16:34 do I have to lock screen orientation on every single activities or can I put in one place for all??? May 20 14:18:21 barq: If a given method is asynchronous, how can we determine when it ends? It could kick off a background task that lasts for 30 seconds, five minutes, or two hours. May 20 14:18:44 icemanbp: Need to do it for each activity in AndroidManifest AFAIK May 20 14:18:49 TacticalJoke: Why is it asynchronous if it is caled from onPostExecute? May 20 14:19:15 Oh, I missed what you were asking about; got here late. Just talking in general. :D May 20 14:19:55 icemanbp: Unless you want to set it programatically in a base class that all activity's implement: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18268218/change-screen-orientation-programatically-using-a-button - But haven't heard of anyone doing that, so may not be considered best practice. May 20 14:20:03 barq, onPostExecute still guarantees no synchronization or any particular order May 20 14:20:05 Basically I have an activity stack of 4 activities, and before calling the 5th activity I want to finish the top3 in the stack before starting the 5th activity. May 20 14:20:08 barq: Are you asking about starting activities? That's async. May 20 14:20:49 barq, one thing you must accept - when it comes to dealing with the UI, *most* things in android are async May 20 14:21:24 nobody and nothing is offering any guarantee on any kind of order May 20 14:21:48 OK, so if I have stack A, B, C, D, I could finish D, C and then call E from B to avoid that. May 20 14:22:25 Sounds like it should work. May 20 14:22:26 It is exactly this asynchronicity, which is causing the problem that sometimes only D and sometimes C and C is finished. May 20 14:22:51 So basically I need to set a resultcode that is then recursively passed to the previous activity in the stack. May 20 14:23:02 Actually, I take that back. I'm not certain. May 20 14:23:09 yes, and it is exactly this asynchronicity that you must accept and get used to May 20 14:23:27 OK, I was not aware of this. May 20 14:23:32 the whole entire framework is mostly based on events, listeners, and callbacks May 20 14:23:57 various threads EVERYWHERE May 20 14:24:20 I think a lot of it is just "user makes request --> request is added to queue --> queue is processed sometime later". May 20 14:25:10 That's why I thought using post() could get that queue to be in the right order. May 20 14:25:25 I wonder if anyone has made a renderscript AES implementation May 20 14:25:36 barq, nope May 20 14:25:53 post only adds stuff to queue, but THERE IS STILL NO GUARANTEE ON ORDER May 20 14:26:09 Really? I thought I read that there was a guarantee. ;o May 20 14:26:44 well technically, the queue is generally executed in order of appearance, but if your runnable is something like "A.finish();" there is no guarantee A will finish before your runnable is done May 20 14:27:12 i have added a custom task in gradle and its being perfromed everytime May 20 14:27:23 i am incrementing build numbers but i want to run it manually May 20 14:27:38 don't add it to gradle then? May 20 14:27:41 thanks, wakelock, i just saw some answers in forums saying it should work so.. May 20 14:28:08 late response is late May 20 14:28:16 (I have no idea what you were even asking) May 20 14:28:30 yea i thought so... inputtype for textview May 20 14:29:26 wow man that was forever ago May 20 14:29:52 I'm getting this crash report - http://pastebin.com/7PnBA4dw . Do you know what may be the problem? May 20 14:31:16 says right in there, yoavst May 20 14:31:28 lrn2log :p May 20 14:31:50 ClassNotFoundException May 20 14:32:33 wakelock: I saw May 20 14:33:11 that's the best I can tell you, having no insight into your code/project May 20 14:33:16 at com.linroid.filtermenu.library.FilterMenuLayout$SavedState.(FilterMenuLayout.java:841) May 20 14:33:28 public float expandProgress; line 841 May 20 14:33:37 https://github.com/linroid/FilterMenu/blob/master/library/src/main/java/com/linroid/filtermenu/library/FilterMenuLayout.java May 20 14:35:27 is there a good way in espresso tests to add or remove accounts from the system account manager, or to otherwise fake those conditions? May 20 14:38:19 anyone knows gradle? May 20 14:38:38 Thank you all for your help, wakelock TacticalJoke. Will take into account and try a different solution. bbl May 20 14:39:11 thank you tjbiddle May 20 14:39:12 Nick-S: are you doing a survey? May 20 14:39:32 i have a build number incrementor and i want to control when its run May 20 14:39:50 ok just forget it :) let it increment like crazy!! May 20 14:40:13 Nick-S, not personally, but I've heard of it May 20 14:40:21 10x May 20 14:40:24 :) May 20 14:40:30 I hear he can be quite difficult sometimes May 20 14:41:13 it is May 20 14:42:13 how can i open the soft keyboard when my activity start? i use imm.showSoftInput(view, InputMethodManager.SHOW_IMPLICIT); but it's not working May 20 14:42:24 Nick-S: I don't know Gradle, but it'd probably help to post the code. May 20 14:42:38 the code is not interesting May 20 14:42:53 just a task someTask {} clause May 20 14:43:02 but i odn't understand the life cycle May 20 14:43:18 seems like if you add a task with this it is part of the lifecyccle May 20 14:45:51 ' May 20 14:49:11 Hi, I want to remotely debug my application which is running on Samsung AOSP browser. I am unable to find the debug port on which the browser is running. Can anyone please help me in finding this ? May 20 14:49:51 After finding the port I would like to port forward it using adb and then remotely debug it. May 20 14:50:09 Like for firefox-android I did: adb forward tcp:6000 localfilesystem:/data/data/org.mozilla.firefox/firefox-debugger-socket May 20 14:50:21 aka_007: do you actually have any reason to believe it's debuggable? May 20 14:50:50 I mean, I'm not saying it isn't, but I wouldn't assume it was without any evidence May 20 14:51:36 Leeds: I am not sure of it. May 20 14:51:45 Leeds: I am unable to debug it using chrome://inspect too. May 20 14:52:13 I know chrome is remotely debuggable, and I'd believe that firefox is, but AOSP/vendor browsers don't tend to be so progressive, I'd think May 20 14:58:46 Leeds: I see. May 20 14:59:15 Leeds: I am able to debug it using js injection (weinre). May 20 14:59:27 cool May 20 14:59:57 Leeds: not sure about remote debugging though !! May 20 15:06:55 Is Gson() an expensive object? May 20 15:14:08 theblang: I found this in Google: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/google-gson/rhIJ4wi5IRE May 20 15:14:16 Though it's from 2008. May 20 15:14:55 If you look at the source, though, it does seem to do quite a bit of setting up: https://code.google.com/p/google-gson/source/browse/trunk/gson/src/main/java/com/google/gson/Gson.java#141 May 20 15:18:35 On a side note, "zomg, Subversion". May 20 15:19:41 (And, of course, Google Code.) May 20 15:20:10 <_cypha> Does anyone know how to include ltdl in an android makefile? I get "fatal error: ltdl.h: No such file or directory #include " May 20 15:22:02 Quick question, I have a chinese manufacturer create my android images, should I be able to get the platform keys from them? We need to sign an app that we want preinstalled on phone to be able to update phones. I want to install a system app that can later update preloaded apps that I have on phone May 20 15:23:19 is there a way to create a drawable that behaves like a bitmapdrawable (I have a bitmap I want to render) but has no intrinsic size? May 20 15:23:59 I was hoping I could create a rectangle shape, define a size and use the bitmap to fill it, but can't see a way to do the latter May 20 15:24:10 is there a way to set the adb install timeout for android studio builds? May 20 15:24:33 I tried a layer-list with a 0x0 rectangle shape and a drawable item, but the layerdrawable's size seems to be the maximum size of the items? May 20 15:31:22 TacticalJoke: Thanks! Also, we still use SVN at my work. :( May 20 15:31:48 I'm getting a java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: No virtual method removeAccount( May 20 15:32:24 when I try to remove an account directly using AccountManager.get(application).removeAccount(account, null, null, null); May 20 15:32:27 hi, i have this: http://kopy.io/DLjvC but when i click back button in my first fragment it is realoaded again. if i use add works.. anydoby can help me ? May 20 15:32:42 anyone know why that might be happening? May 20 15:32:49 it's available in API 5 May 20 15:34:12 joshkovach: look closer May 20 15:35:34 anybody? May 20 15:40:21 What loads again? May 20 15:40:49 call the createview May 20 15:40:54 if i use add, works fine May 20 15:41:03 the first fragment is not loaded again May 20 15:51:19 t0th_-_: I think you're gonna need to post everything relevant. May 20 15:52:12 i need save the state of actual fragment May 20 15:54:47 hmm, RxJava quetsion May 20 15:54:55 does onCompleted trigger when observable is unsubscribed? May 20 15:57:11 no May 20 16:04:01 hello May 20 16:04:14 is it possible to add --info to gradle, May 20 16:04:19 but inside android studio? May 20 16:10:12 anyone familiar with the snapshotreadycallback method to take map screen shot? May 20 16:21:48 anyone have xperience with digital turbine ignite? May 20 16:23:40 Hey guys; I'll be starting a project to simulate & manipulate network communications on Android (and iOS) in the near future. Never really played with this kind of stuff. My boss is suggesting (Granted, I'm open to other ideas) that we write a module that intercepts the data on the actual device. I'm assuming this can't be done without a rooted device though. Anyone have some insight to shed on this? May 20 16:25:15 Guys is there a way to set the textview font for all items in a layout May 20 16:25:21 Or do I have to set them all manually May 20 16:25:32 I saw someone create a custom TextView subclass which may be the best option May 20 16:25:48 use styles May 20 16:25:50 drose379: Find all the textviews in a layout, iterate over them, set the font May 20 16:26:02 Nice idea tjbiddle May 20 16:26:07 drose379 style? May 20 16:26:11 wakelock can I use styles if this is an external font May 20 16:26:15 its a .otf May 20 16:26:22 hmmm no idea May 20 16:26:50 Either what tjbidle said or I can subclass TextView May 20 16:27:02 I'd subclass the textview May 20 16:27:14 iterating is just ugly May 20 16:28:15 Can be I guess May 20 16:28:47 is it possible to add --info to gradle, but inside android studio? May 20 16:29:00 also, should I still target pre-4.0? May 20 16:30:28 Do you guys think this font is hard to read May 20 16:30:33 http://i.imgur.com/BwgCiHH.png May 20 16:31:00 a little thin I guess May 20 16:31:11 yeah May 20 16:31:17 But then the bold version is too bold May 20 16:31:34 it's not hard to read, though. May 20 16:31:36 paulo_, you asked that earlier, I guess nobody knows. also, what to target is entirely up to you. all the info and statistics are widely available. May 20 16:32:08 drose379, see if they have a "daring" version instead :p May 20 16:33:33 hahah thanks wakelock May 20 16:44:47 i have intermediate experience with java but no android dev. im started udacity's android course yesterday. im going to a hackathon this saturday. would it be too soon to make an android app with google maps API? May 20 16:45:44 just do it May 20 16:47:12 I wish AS had an "I use version control and I'm not insane" option so that it'd stop prompting me before deleting/changing things. May 20 16:47:30 Hey TJ May 20 16:47:34 Hey. May 20 16:47:54 Good morning TacticalJoke May 20 16:47:55 Do you use custom fonts in your app May 20 16:47:59 Hai. May 20 16:48:00 Nope. May 20 16:48:05 I do. May 20 16:48:06 I probably will, though. May 20 16:48:16 Hey MikeWallaceDev_, seeing you for the first time here since Droidcon! :p May 20 16:48:29 Only because I didn't see you first! May 20 16:48:32 :D May 20 16:48:53 I'm always here... Just lurking. You can ping me anytime May 20 16:49:30 Well, no, that's not true. I don't lurk. I'm working but the chat is open, maybe behind a window... May 20 16:50:23 he doesn't talk, he doesn't even lurk... I think he just doesn't care :p May 20 16:50:46 drose379, my current client pretty much has a custom font on every TextView May 20 16:51:02 wakelock, no, you are in my heart. Always. May 20 16:51:20 * wakelock sways May 20 16:51:26 Especially when I poop. I can't tell you why. May 20 16:51:35 It's complicated May 20 16:51:35 lol May 20 16:51:38 MikeWallaceDev_ howd you acheive that? May 20 16:51:40 :D May 20 16:51:51 Did you subclass TextView or are you iterating over each textview in layout May 20 16:51:58 drose379, subclassed TextView May 20 16:52:02 Ok May 20 16:52:04 fuck no. Subclass! May 20 16:52:14 Your current client, so your making an app for someone? May 20 16:52:22 with Stylable font attribute May 20 16:52:23 good thing facebook has "it's complicated" as a relationship option May 20 16:52:30 drose379, yes May 20 16:52:39 Sweet May 20 16:52:54 Yeah, it's fun. May 20 16:53:03 You the only one working for him? May 20 16:53:13 *her May 20 16:53:13 If I were ever in a relationship with a woman who described said relationship as "complicated", especially online, I would be outta there faster than fast. May 20 16:53:19 you sexist bastard. May 20 16:53:20 :D May 20 16:53:34 hahah May 20 16:53:44 Making a cool app? Is she paying you in app equity of cash? May 20 16:53:45 I'm the lead, I have a backend guy working for me May 20 16:53:50 make a textview subclass that can accept your custom typeface as an xml option May 20 16:53:52 cash May 20 16:53:55 There's something about setting fb relationship status, it's weird May 20 16:53:55 that’s what i always did for that shit May 20 16:54:00 Cool May 20 16:54:05 usgrant how would I go about doing that May 20 16:54:15 make a class that extends TextView May 20 16:54:23 look up creating custom stylable views May 20 16:54:25 public class MyTextView extends TextView :) May 20 16:54:29 it’s a styleable May 20 16:54:31 drose379, that's what I just told you to do! Do you even Listen?? :D May 20 16:54:34 umm, without the smiley face May 20 16:54:36 also don’t call it MyTextView in production code May 20 16:54:37 :) May 20 16:54:42 No I know how to extend textview May 20 16:54:42 i’ve seen so much of that shit May 20 16:54:44 lol MyNewTextView :D May 20 16:54:45 MyCustomAdapter May 20 16:54:49 public class YourTextView extends MyTextView // <3 May 20 16:54:50 MyOnClickListener May 20 16:54:56 MyAwesomeTextView May 20 16:54:56 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA May 20 16:54:58 MyTV May 20 16:54:59 But to get the custom font May 20 16:55:02 Afzal, BetterTextView May 20 16:55:05 Do I override the setTypeFace method? May 20 16:55:07 MyBetterTV May 20 16:55:08 And set it to my custom font? May 20 16:55:20 TheBestTextView May 20 16:55:28 drose379, um... just look up createing styleable custom views please May 20 16:55:31 http://www.javacodegeeks.com/2013/01/android-textview-with-custom-fonts.html May 20 16:55:31 drose379, I'll just send you the code, it's faster than explaining... May 20 16:55:58 I can look it u[p May 20 16:56:01 usgrant doesn't matter, obfuscated code :D May 20 16:56:03 thanks tho guys May 20 16:56:07 ha May 20 16:56:08 no one will ever know May 20 16:56:16 it matters for your co-workers May 20 16:56:19 if you have them i guess May 20 16:56:44 or at least hope of someday having them May 20 16:56:45 How else will they know it's mine? :P May 20 16:57:02 Afzal, git blame ;) May 20 16:57:03 Aaah, I see. So AfzalTextView? :D May 20 16:57:04 i’m an asshole and would reject PRs that had that shit May 20 16:57:23 lol on a serious note, definitely May 20 16:58:19 The "My" naming scheme always reminds me of VB. May 20 16:58:32 mysql must've been written in vb May 20 16:58:37 LOL May 20 16:58:48 MyPHP, MyJava May 20 16:58:56 i once interviewed someone whose code sample was directly copy-pasted from the android developer docs May 20 16:59:00 MyVB May 20 16:59:05 damn, kotlin guys missed that opportunity May 20 16:59:16 usgrant, were you looking for a good copypaster? May 20 16:59:19 drose379, this should be everything you need : http://pastebin.com/hiXLqAp0 May 20 16:59:20 :D May 20 16:59:25 wakelock: if i was i’d have hired him instantly May 20 16:59:33 well did you? May 20 16:59:37 don't keep us hanging May 20 16:59:40 no. May 20 16:59:44 no i did not. May 20 17:00:07 do you regret that decision? May 20 17:00:12 like… i’m ok with copy-pasting sample code from stackoverflow/dev documentation as long as it a) does the job and b) you understand what it does May 20 17:00:21 man, this internet check is ruining my api implementation. Now every method call needs context :/ May 20 17:00:25 The code in the Android documentation is always uniformly bad. May 20 17:00:35 Even the stuff that compiles. May 20 17:00:39 drose379, oops, I forgot to give your the style with the font :D just add 'app:TextViewFonFile="pathToFont"' May 20 17:00:46 i was gonna say, half the time it doesn’t compile May 20 17:01:16 it's hilarious how google has no problem including fancy unicode quotes in their code samples May 20 17:01:20 as if that's valid May 20 17:01:27 must've been written by some intern using MS Word May 20 17:01:31 haha May 20 17:01:33 I've seen that. May 20 17:01:45 *WordPerfect May 20 17:02:07 nah, apple replaces the quotes automatically calling them "smart quotes" May 20 17:02:09 drose379, did you get the snippet? So that I can close this temp file... May 20 17:02:20 yeah i think that’s an os-xism May 20 17:02:26 Afzal, are you saying android tutorials were written on an iphone?? May 20 17:02:36 wakelock psh, no. Apple watch May 20 17:02:49 lol May 20 17:02:56 hey, speaking of snippets... How the hell do I get to the "Scratch Files" that I created in AS??? May 20 17:03:29 I have 3. No clue how to get to them. Sheeeesh. May 20 17:03:34 it's like your countless notes on a proverbial work desk May 20 17:03:36 forever lost May 20 17:03:50 but you know it's "in here somewhere" May 20 17:03:55 MikeWallaceDev top-left, Scratches tab instead of "Project" May 20 17:04:22 oh, wrong MikeWallaceDev_ May 20 17:04:31 ah ben tabarnak!! Thanks Afzal May 20 17:04:31 how many are there? May 20 17:04:41 :/ which one are you?! May 20 17:05:05 can't decide on having the tail or not May 20 17:05:25 Safe delete a scratch file?? May 20 17:06:34 "IMHO most of the success was due to being featured. Being featured was mainly due to having contacts at Apple and Google. Having contacts is out of reach for most developers." interesting May 20 17:06:49 g00s what's that? May 20 17:06:57 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=9575702 May 20 17:07:32 techcrunch :/ May 20 17:07:34 nvm May 20 17:07:38 i worked on a bunch of high-profile apps for big media companies at my last job May 20 17:07:44 and… yeah, having contacts at apple and google really does help May 20 17:08:07 anything pyramidal since to work with a network to reach the top, except the extremly low proba related to luck May 20 17:08:13 s/since/seems/ May 20 17:09:13 Twitter's pretty powerful in making new things discoverable. Your followers just have to like the thing enough to retweet it May 20 17:10:28 Can I use android:actionBarStyle if I have minSDKVersion 10 and target 17? May 20 17:11:11 barq: Doesn't AS tell you? May 20 17:11:25 "we’ve participated in a few, refreshing ‘reverse panels’ where Google folks ask us about the experience of building for Android. " May 20 17:11:33 never heard of those May 20 17:11:34 In any case, no, because it was added in 11. May 20 17:11:52 It says android:actionBarStyle requires API level 11 (current min is 10), but I was able to deploy the apk before. May 20 17:12:03 I just changed something else in styles and all of a sudden I get this error. May 20 17:12:04 Are you using AppCompat? May 20 17:12:54 Also, you should try to target 22. 17 is really old. May 20 17:12:59 (You can test 22 with the emulator.) May 20 17:14:29 Will increasing to 22 change anything if I leave everything the same? May 20 17:15:28 I am using support.v4 May 20 17:16:18 no May 20 17:16:30 shouldn't May 20 17:17:03 I wonder how the project was building before, though. Very odd. May 20 17:17:08 i'm trying to import volley into my app and i have gotten to the point where i need to choose the name for the module and it's currently the default :volley - should i accept that or enter something else or am i completely doing it wrong? May 20 17:17:23 things change, barq May 20 17:17:37 Those lint errors don't always stop building, I think. May 20 17:17:41 appcompat is official but it's still a 3rd-party lib May 20 17:18:27 drose379 ? May 20 17:18:39 3rd-party would mean someone other than Google made it. :) May 20 17:19:34 I winced at that too TacticalJoke , but is appcompat AOSP? May 20 17:19:59 appcompat is in aosp May 20 17:20:17 Yeah. The comments at the top also say it: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/support.git/+/master/v7/appcompat/src/android/support/v7/widget/SearchView.java May 20 17:20:20 well, then it's not 3rd party... May 20 17:20:25 could it be that volley requires api level 19? May 20 17:20:45 God dammit, why is my latest change not working. May 20 17:20:51 eh, I just meant it's a part of your app but you have no control over what's actually in it May 20 17:20:55 I should just do what everyone does and ask here: why is my app not working? May 20 17:21:01 I think that's enough info. :D May 20 17:21:08 Is your computer on? May 20 17:21:08 because stuff May 20 17:21:22 I think that covers it May 20 17:23:02 Okay, figure it out. It was the order in which I was calling TextView.setMinHeight relative to other stuff. Thanks, wakelock. :D May 20 17:23:04 figured* May 20 17:23:15 I'm also shocked this works. May 20 17:23:31 yeah I knew it was stuff May 20 17:26:18 guys if I want to have an animation do 2 things at once May 20 17:26:23 (Slide down and fade out) May 20 17:26:37 Do I have one XML file with and inside it May 20 17:26:39 I have some HTML text displayed in a View. When I share that text, say via e-mail that text contains HTML tags. However, if I just highlight the text, copy it and then share the text is free of tags. How can I get the text in a way without tags programmatically? May 20 17:27:14 programatically push it onto the clipobard and then retrieve it :p May 20 17:27:36 Regex might work for that barq May 20 17:27:54 ...no May 20 17:28:00 Ie, stock java .replace, with regex looking for anything that is either <*>, or May 20 17:28:23 he asked this before, he was told repeatedly this is way too complex May 20 17:28:52 But if I can copy the text from screen I thought there might be a way to do this programmatically May 20 17:29:00 also simple regex is most definitely NOT what copy/paste does May 20 17:29:10 True May 20 17:29:17 barq: Copying the text from the screen comes after an entire web browser has parsed it. May 20 17:29:23 I guess you could build an entire HTTP parser. May 20 17:29:24 oh May 20 17:29:29 HTML* May 20 17:29:39 nah just deploy a webview May 20 17:29:44 :D May 20 17:30:51 canvs2321, hello May 20 17:33:21 bummer, oil spill off santa barbara May 20 17:33:39 if a library has May 20 17:33:41 android { May 20 17:33:42 compileSdkVersion 19 May 20 17:33:44 buildToolsVersion = '21.1.0' May 20 17:33:45 } May 20 17:34:05 does it mean it needs sdk 19 to be built or does it also need at least api levle 19 to work? May 20 17:34:05 g00s, you live near sb? May 20 17:34:25 i'm asking because the phone i'm working with is limited to api level 15 May 20 17:34:32 wagonboi no ... but i find that tragic May 20 17:34:44 *level May 20 17:34:51 I'm changing a bunch of code from XML inflation to Java and I'm not really seeing more speed or less memory use. :/ May 20 17:34:53 Disappointing. May 20 17:34:57 This is in ListViews/Spinners. May 20 17:35:12 am i muted? May 20 17:35:14 compile API level has nothing to do with minimum required API level. also don't post code directly in channel May 20 17:35:17 Yes, nfk|laptop. May 20 17:35:18 nfk|laptop: no you're not May 20 17:35:26 phew, i was starting to get worried May 20 17:35:30 :D May 20 17:35:32 TacticalJoke lol, were you using your app the other day and think, hmm my spinner isn't spinning fast enough :P May 20 17:35:34 nfk|laptop to me, you've been muted for centuries! May 20 17:35:37 nfk|laptop, you might get muted if you keep pasting code like that May 20 17:35:39 haha May 20 17:35:44 I just thought "Why not do the Spinner too?". May 20 17:35:56 wakelock, thanks for answering and i had no other way to describe it and using a paste service for 4 lines seemd a bit much May 20 17:36:13 it's not, use it anyway :p May 20 17:36:14 *seemed May 20 17:36:27 nfk|laptop hastebin :) May 20 17:37:19 make haste for hastebin May 20 17:38:46 wakelock, and is :volley a good module name? May 20 17:39:12 as you might guess, i have not used libraries much neither in Android nor generally elsewhere May 20 17:39:21 where is my android sdk root on windows 7? May 20 17:39:27 neither have I, better ask someone else May 20 17:39:43 in your profile by default May 20 17:39:51 then how do you do networking? isn't java.net a chore? May 20 17:40:08 hm? May 20 17:40:44 isn't there only java.net and the discontinued apache httpclient? May 20 17:41:36 dunno, I don't do a lot of networking May 20 17:42:02 i see, thanks for at least explaining about compiling and using libraries May 20 17:43:18 Guys I created the class that extens textView May 20 17:43:25 but im trying to referecne it in my XML and cant seem to find it May 20 17:43:45 nfk|laptop: There's way more than that. OkHttp, for example, is better than HttpClient. May 20 17:44:01 nevermind May 20 17:44:23 nfk|laptop: Unless you're talking about in-framework stuff only (but much of that stuff is just awful). May 20 17:46:21 TacticalJoke you have experienc extending TextView or anything? May 20 17:46:25 Yeah. May 20 17:46:48 Im trying to extend TextView May 20 17:46:58 But its giving me an XML binary error or somehting May 20 17:47:18 Ill make a pastie if you wanna look May 20 17:47:31 You're might not be specifying your package name (e.g., you're saying `CoolTextView` rather than `drose.apps.CoolTextView`). May 20 17:47:39 No i got that part May 20 17:47:49 I think theres a problem with my subclass though May 20 17:48:23 http://pastie.org/10199046 May 20 17:48:25 TacticalJoke, isn't OkHTTP also a 3rd party library? May 20 17:48:39 You need the two-parameter constructor. May 20 17:48:41 For XML inflation. May 20 17:48:55 and, yes, i'm talking about in-framework stuff, otherwise i'm already trying to get volley into usable shape May 20 17:48:58 nfk|laptop: Mainly, yeah. Though it's used behind the scenes in 4.4+, so it's hard to define whether it's first-party or third-party there. May 20 17:49:37 TacticalJoke, so if i had 4.4 i could use it as if it was part of framework? not that it helps here May 20 17:50:18 drose379: You also don't need to store the Context. May 20 17:50:37 nfk|laptop: I don't belive so; it just does the work behind the HttpURLConnection interface. May 20 17:50:42 believe* May 20 17:51:44 nfk|laptop: Why does it need to be part of the framework, anyway? (I missed what you said earlier.) May 20 17:53:32 susprised there haven't been an AS bugreleases lately, because there are still plenty of bugs May 20 17:53:37 Got it, thanks for looking TacticalJoke May 20 17:53:40 drose379: You also don't need to use `this.` there. May 20 17:54:03 Right May 20 17:54:05 I found the issue May 20 17:54:16 Had to add a constructor that accepts AttirebuteSet May 20 17:55:19 Now can I add an XML attr for if I want to grab the bold font or regular May 20 17:55:28 Or just a whole seperate sub textview May 20 17:55:53 Does anyone know why when implementing drag n drop on a listview, most people use a handle rather than the whole row? May 20 17:56:11 Doesn't `android:textStyle` cover that, drose379? May 20 17:56:15 because the row remains clickable May 20 17:56:36 (I haven't done custom fonts on Android, so I could be wrong.) May 20 17:56:49 If the drag is initiallized by long press, isn't the row also still clickable? May 20 17:56:56 Even if it's a whole new font, though, I think you could still read `android:textStyle` yourself. May 20 17:58:18 I should know this.. but is ther any way to force load lollipop onto an unrooted phone? May 20 17:58:28 or if it is rooted, does it need a custom rom for the device? May 20 17:58:48 I’m assuming yes because of hardware fragmentation May 20 17:58:52 drose379, of course you can add whatever custom xml attr you want May 20 17:59:41 lasserix, I started messing with drag and I got some weird results May 20 17:59:47 but there was a scrollview in there.. May 20 18:02:35 TacticalJoke, so that i don't have to muck with importing 3rd party libraries, naturally May 20 18:03:51 nfk|laptop: It's a one-liner with Gradle. May 20 18:04:09 i just don't know how to use one May 20 18:04:22 wakelock really? May 20 18:04:28 also that one liner (is it really that simple?) requires installing build deps of that library May 20 18:05:17 Okay, so stick with the terrible first-party networking stuff that hasn't been updated in years. May 20 18:05:50 What is the relationship between setting a parent of a view while inflating it and just adding it? Is the viewgroup a view is added to automatically its parent? May 20 18:06:40 TacticalJoke, i thought google is doing it's best to improve java.net? May 20 18:06:52 it just uses OkHttp May 20 18:06:52 besides i'm already building my project with volley May 20 18:07:14 but only starting with 4.4, right? May 20 18:07:19 yes May 20 18:07:36 well, this device is at it's probably final update and it's 4.0.3 May 20 18:07:47 thank god i'm getting rid of it within days May 20 18:07:52 as soon as i'm done with this project May 20 18:07:52 gross. at least it's not 4.0.0 May 20 18:08:23 and hopefully i'll have dosh to buy the new sony e4 that's hopefully in the works May 20 18:08:23 lasserix: As far as I recall, it gets the correct layout params (for the parent) and, if the last parameter it `true`, it calls `ViewGroup.addView`. May 20 18:08:44 or even that huaway nexus if it's cheap enough and my current nokia does not give out the magic smoke before then May 20 18:08:48 I think it calls ViewGroup.generateDefaultLayoutParams or something. May 20 18:08:55 So thats all? May 20 18:09:03 hilariously normally i'd run away upon hearing huaway or zte or anything else from china May 20 18:09:11 As far as I remember, yeah. This is from looking at the LayoutInflater.inflate code one time. May 20 18:10:58 The interplay between layout inflation and the View class is really complicated, from what I remember. You could write theses on it. :D May 20 18:11:00 speaking of which, i should probably use some double sided skotch to tape down my nokia before it comes totally lose and the battery or even worse sim card comes loose May 20 18:11:13 *loose May 20 18:11:53 i don't know what nokia thought when they made sim card and battery depressed by the back cover that's on 4 plastic notches May 20 18:12:16 nfk|laptop: Just curious -- what do you think about depending on AppCompat? May 20 18:12:34 reducing cost seems what obsess them, at any price May 20 18:12:36 It's not third-party but it is a (complicated) library. May 20 18:12:42 i don't know what that is but i suspect it's to use newer code in older android versions? May 20 18:12:56 Yeah. The latest version gives us material design (more or less). May 20 18:13:21 ...along with breaking changes that require major refactors :P May 20 18:13:37 i think i'll be fine with just getting my app polling my python based server May 20 18:14:31 I think we have to accept dependencies, although we can avoid going crazy with it. May 20 18:15:50 TacticalJoke, also, is material design a real API or just some hipster bs? May 20 18:16:11 because when it was introduced it totally looked like what some art school grads might come up as an excuse for computer project May 20 18:17:01 Hi, Why should/shouldn't sign an APK if I'll distribute it by side-loading? May 20 18:17:19 its hipster bs, well a hipster /spec/ ... up to you to implement it :) May 20 18:17:22 The official guidelines look like they were designed by hipster art-school grads, yeah. May 20 18:17:36 would like to seea hipster aesthetic for android / ios May 20 18:17:50 I guess I see material design as a bunch of guidelines and also some standard widget implementations. May 20 18:18:00 so i'm not wrong, am i? May 20 18:18:00 And IMO the latter look way better than the Holo equivalents. May 20 18:18:14 hopefully in another year or two it will be replaced by something better :D May 20 18:18:19 The hipsters call it a "design language", though. May 20 18:18:30 Or a visual language. May 20 18:18:37 holo as in ms holo? i thought you have to sign an nda and go through an um rect* exam to test it? May 20 18:18:45 not to mention the usual strip search May 20 18:18:56 but i'm sure ms lackies are well accustomed to that bit May 20 18:19:31 nfk|laptop were you frozen on ice for the last 15 years :P May 20 18:19:42 lulz May 20 18:19:45 eh? May 20 18:20:07 besides i think were starting to go off topic here May 20 18:20:13 *we're May 20 18:20:22 Is Holo off-topic, nfk|laptop? :D May 20 18:20:41 me being frozen is, and is that ms holo or what? May 20 18:21:26 nfk|laptop: http://developer.android.com/design/style/themes.html May 20 18:21:51 It's cool how you can link to the main page and it still talks about Holo. Convenient for these in-the-past discussions. May 20 18:22:27 oh my god, is holo dark what samsung uses? May 20 18:22:54 if i had to use a samsung every day i'd probably be seeing that ui in nightmares May 20 18:22:56 TacticalJoke so funny that stuff has never been updated. its been a year ... May 20 18:23:13 I liked groxx's idea of a wiki. May 20 18:23:22 Wikis appear to work fairly well. May 20 18:23:25 samsung uses TouchWiz. we don't want to go there May 20 18:23:48 when you go http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/actionbar.html , they don't even mention Toolbar May 20 18:24:27 and they still have navigation tabs, split action bars ... May 20 18:24:49 lol, they so don't give a shit May 20 18:24:53 wikis work well because the barrier to improvement is practically zero. compare that to "set up `repo`, pull the source, figure out how to fork, be accepted into a push-able group & send your ssh key & push / build a patch and send to someone who can" to change the docs now. May 20 18:25:25 also wysiwyg. May 20 18:25:50 fixing documentation shouldn't require the ability to write Java code. May 20 18:26:03 yeah, they aren't great at updating their doc May 20 18:26:20 freezy3k, visually it looks just like holo dark and just looking at it is giving me headache May 20 18:26:45 They could even create a new sub-site for the wiki. I'm sure a lot of people could go to town and create their documentation for them. May 20 18:27:55 Though I guess it'd be easy if we had a base to start on. May 20 18:27:58 easier* May 20 18:28:22 microsoft has it together https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa651486%28v=vs.71%29.aspx May 20 18:28:34 which is why they are gonna lose May 20 18:28:36 provide feedback, suggestions, vote, on almost every page May 20 18:28:49 in consumer market the worst product usually wins May 20 18:28:54 the best always go under May 20 18:29:22 which is why if i'm ever doing it, i'm making it as bad as i can and i hope someone makes something better because then i'm made May 20 18:30:05 note that apple and other brands are not part of the consumer market May 20 18:30:20 it's like snake skin pants do not really compete against 10 dollar jeans May 20 18:30:30 *just like May 20 18:30:56 g00s_: which redirects into /dev/null yet keeps people like you happy that they can submit May 20 18:31:37 i've worked with microsoft support before, they are top notch May 20 18:31:53 but whatever, lets pretend google is doing a good job May 20 18:32:31 90% of the complaints about Google's docs are that there isn't a copy/paste solution to the persons problem May 20 18:33:49 i'm just holding out for a decent emulator/simulator. genymotion isn't horrible, but i cry every time i run the iOS version of our app from xcode, and it builds and runs in less than 5 secs. May 20 18:35:49 Much of the documentation is terrible. It's often incomplete; it's sometimes non-existent; it lacks basic examples (or even screenshots for widget stuff {the Xamarin documentation looks quite good here}). May 20 18:35:55 If Android were not open source, we would be completely lost. May 20 18:36:35 the people that need those screenshots certainly aren't capable enough for the OS being open source to matter May 20 18:37:03 i'm not saying I wouldn't mind a screenshot of course, but the open source aspect doesn't help or hurt those who are incapable of using the docs as-is May 20 18:37:07 on code google issue querying "documentation" << 1537 / 3454 are still open and 137 only are assigned on the opened one (ok though, "documentation" would lead to some false positives) May 20 18:37:14 i have an activity and a service that runs in the background - the service sends data to the activity that manipulates the ui. should i still update the ui even if the activity isnt visible? May 20 18:37:51 No May 20 18:37:57 There are methods in GMS javadoc which have absolutely no description at all. i tried contacting them on google groups, nothing happened May 20 18:38:11 so i should have a boolean that gets set to true when onStart is called and set to false when onPause is called May 20 18:38:22 so i should queue the updates sent to the activity by the service? May 20 18:38:48 ok and now for something different, this is awesome http://www.citymetric.com/skylines/charity-installing-duck-lanes-alongside-canals-promote-its-highway-code-towpaths-1050 May 20 18:39:00 JakeWharton, we are learning android from a book that basically starts with the author ranting how hard it was to write it because there were no docs May 20 18:39:00 aspire no, don't queue ... May 20 18:39:15 nfk|laptop what book ? May 20 18:39:22 g00s_, mhm? barq said not to update the ui if the activity is not visible though May 20 18:39:29 some developing android apps or somesuch for android 4 May 20 18:39:34 by some chinese dude, iirc May 20 18:39:38 Why don"t you just refresh when the UI becomes visible? May 20 18:39:55 because the data the ui gets comes from the service May 20 18:40:00 nfk|laptop, what's your problem with china lol? May 20 18:40:03 Persist the data somewhere and retrieve it when you need it. May 20 18:40:07 anyway, i'm closing the window, if it's something pertaining what i asked earlier, just nickalert me May 20 18:40:09 ohh i see, obvious propaganda May 20 18:40:20 like a database or? May 20 18:40:51 Yes. May 20 18:40:57 adq, if you think that's propaganda or that some chinese dude means i'm against china, you probably need to see a shrink May 20 18:41:12 Error: Invalid argument Failed to generate class ScriptC_aes () RSContext::reflectToJava : failed to do reflection ((null)) May 20 18:41:18 ugh, that is infuriating, wtf is the error... May 20 18:41:18 is it possible to debug an application using eclipse/android-studio without building out of those tools? I have a custom build script that i don't run from the IDE May 20 18:41:26 I'm glad Android is open source, though. I remember the pain of .NET development with just decompiled bytecode. Or the pain of VCL development with little or no code. May 20 18:41:29 * pfn tries running on linux to strace... May 20 18:41:40 thebishop, yes May 20 18:41:50 thebishop, just attach to a running process May 20 18:45:21 How do you estimate time required to complete a certain feature if you are new to the project and you don't know the project well/don't have data from previous tasks to derive from? May 20 18:46:13 I like to use a random-number generator. May 20 18:46:15 oh god May 20 18:46:17 give it one year May 20 18:46:25 #pragma rs java_package_name(com.hanhuy.android.keepshare) May 20 18:46:28 must not have quotes... May 20 18:46:49 is there a way to detect if you’ve gone to the background if you’ve launched another intent? ex. i launch an image capture intent and then hit the home button. is there any sort of callback i’d receive here? May 20 18:50:49 okay, what's up with RequestQueue? why is volley docs referencing stuff that seems to have been removed?\ May 20 18:51:44 Sixmsj yes May 20 18:51:48 onPause May 20 18:51:51 or onDestroy May 20 18:52:24 or onStop() May 20 18:52:37 err, what would call that? May 20 18:52:59 when your app goes into the background May 20 18:53:03 it’s called automatically May 20 18:53:08 also onSaveInstanceState() May 20 18:53:10 you could override that May 20 18:53:17 it already calls that before transitioning to the new intent May 20 18:53:44 i’d like to know how to check while im in the new activity that i do not own May 20 18:53:49 <_rm> create your own Application subclass May 20 18:53:55 oh you mean from _another_ app, not yours May 20 18:54:19 <_rm> there are a few ways to detect that your app has gone to the background May 20 18:54:31 yes, i call startactivityforresult, and the next activity goes into the background May 20 18:55:02 but if you hit the home button you never get a result May 20 18:55:07 (i dont think) May 20 18:55:41 all those i mentioned before would be called anyway going into.. say.. your image catpure activity May 20 18:56:00 eheh pfn, doing some RS? (you can add that below your pragma: #pragma rs_fp_relaxed May 20 18:56:00 ) May 20 18:56:13 <_rm> Sixmsj: have a look at http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/ComponentCallbacks2.html May 20 18:56:29 in fact it's the only one mainly supported (despite not cited in the doc, ppl for the RS team said it (tim murray or stephen hines i don't recall) on stackoverflow) May 20 18:57:08 <_rm> Sixmsj: TRIM_MEMORY_UI_HIDDEN to be specific May 20 18:57:14 ^’ May 20 18:57:34 but wouldnt it be hidden after he launches the image capure intent? May 20 18:57:41 or is this a part of his process sitll? May 20 18:57:46 <_rm> i'm not sure May 20 18:57:59 _rm: tricknology_ this one looks promising, ill tinker with it for a bit May 20 18:58:21 <_rm> still, i personally think Application is the best place to do stuff like this May 20 18:59:24 hey guys...is there any way to lock screenOrientation into portrait, but still receive orientation sensor events? May 20 18:59:43 in which file should i set permissions with gradle? May 20 18:59:44 yes May 20 18:59:51 tricknology_: how? May 20 19:00:02 <_rm> probably by looking at the accelerometer directly at least :) May 20 19:00:07 sec May 20 19:00:20 <_rm> (i don't know any specifics, sorry) May 20 19:00:22 i ahve code that locks the orientation to whatever position the activity started in May 20 19:00:41 adq, what's that do? May 20 19:00:58 im not sure how to use this componentcallbacks, it seems that whatever im trying to listen on (the intent) has to implement this interface May 20 19:00:58 oh, analogous to !strictfp in java May 20 19:01:05 tricknology_: wouldn't that just "user"? May 20 19:01:13 adq, doing all integer math in any case May 20 19:01:18 #pragma rs_fp_relaxed - For apps that don’t require strict IEEE 754-2008 compliance and can tolerate less precision. This mode enables flush-to-zero for denorms and round-towards-zero. May 20 19:01:30 but the other modes are not supported, despite stated in the doc May 20 19:01:41 <_rm> Sixmsj: like i said, you could create an Application subclass and implement the callbacks there May 20 19:01:43 except rs_fp_full May 20 19:01:43 pfn: another Scala developer hiding in the Android room. :-p May 20 19:01:44 which is default May 20 19:01:52 darkfrog, not hiding, relatively active May 20 19:02:08 ok pfn May 20 19:02:15 adq, and yeah, just porting aes into renderscript May 20 19:02:17 http://pastebin.com/HC95wTYk May 20 19:02:25 pfn: the implied joke was that we might get lynched by Java devs....guess it wasn't a very good one. :-p May 20 19:02:27 aes crypto algo? May 20 19:02:33 adq, yeah May 20 19:02:34 like you put the sbox in parallel? :)) May 20 19:02:40 DarkFrog ^ May 20 19:02:41 (cannot work) May 20 19:02:50 what do you mean “user"? May 20 19:03:00 adq, no, all serial, just renderscript to speed up the maths May 20 19:03:02 (i menat, cannot parallelize the sbox, since one input takes the output of the previous one, it's serial) May 20 19:03:08 but i'm sure there are stuff to parallelize elsewhere May 20 19:03:10 oh use that with setRequestedOrientation() in onCreate() May 20 19:03:11 tricknology_: in AndroidManifest activity android:screenOrientation="user" May 20 19:03:20 doesn't that just lock it to what the app starts with? May 20 19:03:26 ahhh ok pfn, you could just use jni for that but renderscript provides auto glue May 20 19:03:33 the code i gave you is programmatic May 20 19:03:37 goes in whatever class you want to lock May 20 19:03:40 err activity May 20 19:03:40 so no need to struggle like with ndk May 20 19:03:49 (and no need an ndk env) May 20 19:03:53 adq, right May 20 19:04:02 renderscript to make it faster without jni nonsense May 20 19:04:06 lol May 20 19:04:23 i'm doing all my dsp stuff in RS, it's awesome May 20 19:04:32 pfn nice adq May 20 19:04:33 and since renderscript is c99 anyway, just copy any ol' c implementation of aes May 20 19:04:34 tricknology_: my problem isn't locking, I can do that by just specifying "portrait"...my issue is I still want to know the sensor orientation May 20 19:04:34 lol May 20 19:04:43 just i realized with rs support, i have to stay on targeting api 18 :' May 20 19:04:51 adq where did you learn to apply rs to dsp ? May 20 19:04:59 g00s_, renderscript => C May 20 19:05:01 renderscriptTargetApi 18 May 20 19:05:10 g00s_, i learnt myself May 20 19:05:20 g00s_, if you can do dsp in C, you can do it in renderscript May 20 19:05:26 yeah it's C99 May 20 19:05:31 it's even too strict for me May 20 19:05:32 taht code shouldnt kill your sensors May 20 19:05:38 it just sets the orientation of your screen May 20 19:05:49 i havent tried it with sensors.. jsut copy paste and see if it works May 20 19:06:05 is it possible to create a multiline toast message using %n or \n? May 20 19:06:18 ok, time to figure out how to interface java to renderscript... May 20 19:06:20 g00s_, at some point, it was not anymore possible for me to continue to do real-time DSP with java, putting the device on its knees (performance issue) May 20 19:06:29 so the only choice was jni or RS May 20 19:06:31 you can even make your own view in toast May 20 19:06:36 tricknology_: my preliminary question was, does forcing "portrait" disable the sensors? I wouldn't think so... May 20 19:06:50 i wouldnt think so either May 20 19:06:55 adq are the RS docs pretty good ? May 20 19:06:56 lol May 20 19:07:02 https://vid.me/9iEB yesterday i implemented an additional FX in RS, a reverb effect: https://vid.me/9iEB May 20 19:07:13 g00s_, was, it's totally out of date for some part May 20 19:07:18 as expected May 20 19:07:28 related to previous convo less than a hour ago May 20 19:07:43 g00s_, it's all C and basic renderscript primitives, good enough May 20 19:08:00 I just can't believe #pragma rs java_package_name() isn't documented such that you don't quote your value... May 20 19:08:02 ohh another weird thing, i have to use native_pow May 20 19:08:06 instead of pow in RS May 20 19:08:06 and the error message as complete nonsense May 20 19:08:12 i found few weird devices not supporting pow.. May 20 19:08:15 leading to segfault lol May 20 19:08:27 i guess tricknology_ was right _rm, the trim callback gets called when my activity goes to the next one and not when the new activity goes to the background May 20 19:08:52 waht are you trying to call again? May 20 19:08:56 imagecapture? May 20 19:08:58 can youimplement your own? May 20 19:09:27 adq your reverb project is awesome :) May 20 19:09:51 g00s_, thanks, the reverb is just one fx among many May 20 19:09:54 from what little i remember, reverb was one of the harder digital effects to get right May 20 19:10:04 yeah image capture / photo gallery tricknology_ , i’d like some sort of generic solution to work with other intents i would call May 20 19:10:05 but reverb is hard, i'm not even using real convolution May 20 19:10:12 and it's even harder on your cpu May 20 19:10:21 if i implement my own, that means i’d have to implement my own activities for all other 3rdparty intents May 20 19:10:22 i left reverb to my tc electronics gear :P May 20 19:10:29 pfn, renderscript? May 20 19:10:40 everything is an impulse :) May 20 19:10:44 I leave reverb to reason and ableton May 20 19:11:00 * mikedg runs in and punches g00s_ in the loose May 20 19:11:03 <- reason owner May 20 19:11:10 my favorite DAW May 20 19:11:10 mikedg you aren't allowed in the duck lane May 20 19:11:13 mine too May 20 19:11:19 I use it as a VST through Ableton May 20 19:11:24 eheh May 20 19:11:26 been at it since 1.0 May 20 19:11:30 tricknology_, what May 20 19:11:31 yeah they never gonna support VST May 20 19:11:36 they were clear with that May 20 19:11:52 yeah, no point in having a Reason if there are VSTs May 20 19:11:56 everylane is the motherfucker lane for me May 20 19:12:02 i heard a lot of good things about juce library for vst (and it targets android too) May 20 19:12:08 then its just another Ableton.. and Ableton blows it out of the water as far as track manipulation May 20 19:12:09 but haven't yet look in it deeply May 20 19:12:19 simple copy-paste while playing in Reason.. I’ve been waiting 14 years. May 20 19:12:25 hello May 20 19:12:30 is there a developer console app? May 20 19:12:36 hmm interesting May 20 19:12:39 adq: dont look too deep, you might fall into an anus May 20 19:12:44 ?? May 20 19:12:48 yes! May 20 19:13:04 tricknology_ looks nice, i was hoping to get apple logic pro someday May 20 19:13:13 * adq backlogs in case i miss something May 20 19:13:15 lots of people use it May 20 19:13:19 either that or ableton May 20 19:13:24 weirdos use cakewalk May 20 19:14:13 i've used many daws, but i'm sticking with Reason cause i love the modular approach, and it's fucking stable May 20 19:14:23 it never crashes, after weeks of staying open and being used May 20 19:14:24 tricknology_ what midi controller do you use ? May 20 19:14:32 controllers May 20 19:14:38 lol May 20 19:14:41 adq: im on crack, ignore me May 20 19:14:43 and i'm pretty sure their code is more than elegant, it uses so less cpu than any other daws May 20 19:14:48 lol ok mi May 20 19:14:56 forgive mikedg , he is a NJ resident May 20 19:15:27 Akai LPK25, Akai MPD32, M-Audio Axiom-25, and Akai APC-40 May 20 19:15:43 having been in NJ for the past few months, i can see why everyone is fucking crazy May 20 19:15:47 eheh May 20 19:15:59 i need to test OTG to bring midi support May 20 19:16:04 with usb host-mode May 20 19:16:13 thinking abotu Ableton push.. or Nocation launchpad.. but they’re too expensive to pick one.. it’s like, a commtment May 20 19:16:14 g00s_, are you watching the match? May 20 19:16:15 it seems doable May 20 19:16:18 Novation* May 20 19:16:23 gdrc what match ? May 20 19:16:25 we. not launchpad.. Maschine May 20 19:16:27 lol i guess not May 20 19:16:32 coppa Italia final May 20 19:16:37 I wanted to mess with midi and coding.. May 20 19:16:42 never got around to it May 20 19:16:42 if I set invisible on a row of a listview, then remove that row and call notify data set changed, does the listview naturally animate the collapse? May 20 19:16:43 (i had a real TB-303 and a real TR-808 in the past :p) May 20 19:16:54 do tr-808 ! May 20 19:16:55 at the very least have an Android send midi signals over USB May 20 19:17:05 oh man.. those things are like 3k online May 20 19:17:09 I got 5, 16, 50, then 200 installs on each succeeding day for my app. is this good? May 20 19:17:15 tricknology_, yup May 20 19:17:15 yes May 20 19:17:20 is this day 5? May 20 19:17:25 also haven't yet tried patchfield May 20 19:17:30 was looking promising last year May 20 19:17:37 but i don't see much stuff using it, only concept May 20 19:17:49 https://github.com/google/patchfield May 20 19:18:17 tricknology_: I meant 5,10,16,50,200. This is the sixth day, I'm waiting for the developer console to update. May 20 19:18:30 yeah man, that’s not bad at all May 20 19:18:31 which app? May 20 19:18:40 adq, got a quick sample of how to read/write arrays to/from renderscript? May 20 19:18:43 this is good curve paulo_ May 20 19:18:45 did you do any advertising? May 20 19:18:59 oh wait, I keep getting it wrong. it's 5,10,16,51,95,200. May 20 19:19:09 still log curge May 20 19:19:23 tricknology_: no, i just saw a market gap. May 20 19:19:27 err exponential May 20 19:19:34 market gap? May 20 19:19:51 eh it’s linear. dontlisten to me May 20 19:19:55 pfn, i don't have quick sample sorry, and you have to also precise if you want to allocate from java the array in rs, or directly in rs (which forbids malloc and force you to int array[1234] instead of int * array) May 20 19:20:02 tricknology_: something that no one else is offering, but people would download. May 20 19:20:13 huh, I thought I read rs allowed malloc May 20 19:20:21 pfn, other than that, you just use copyTo and copyFrom May 20 19:20:30 nana malloc and free won't work May 20 19:20:34 you can try if you don't believe me May 20 19:21:07 be careful of the overhead with copyTo and copyFrom, there is a little overhead so if you plan to do that thousand of time per sec May 20 19:21:30 you better have something very heavy running to minimize the overhead against the whole computation May 20 19:21:37 JesusFreke: hi. May 20 19:21:43 this is a plot of your downloads May 20 19:21:44 https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=plot%28%281%2C5%29+%282%2C10%29+%283%2C16%29+%284%2C51%29+%285%2C95%29+%286%2C200%29%29 May 20 19:21:45 very good May 20 19:21:59 you can probably expect 500+ today May 20 19:22:22 paulo_ why not share? May 20 19:22:29 Has anyone compiled and instaalled LiME LKM for Android? May 20 19:22:32 I’m curious May 20 19:22:47 I have a rooted Nexus 7 with Android 4.3/kernel 3.4.0-g9e52a21 May 20 19:23:01 and this is plot of my downloads https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=plot%28%281%2C5%29+%282%2C10%29+%283%2C16%29+%284%2C51%29+%285%2C95%29+%286%2C200%29%2C%287%2C1000000000%29%29 May 20 19:23:03 I need the sources which I believe are https://android.googlesource.com/kernel/tegra.git May 20 19:23:07 (kernel source) May 20 19:23:22 paulo_, the console updates erratically, often each 24 hours for install count & such, more often for ratings & comments, and the first day you publish your app May 20 19:23:28 it can takes even 48 hours i saw May 20 19:23:34 after it's the regular 24 h May 20 19:23:40 lol May 20 19:23:44 Jabberwock: sorry, I misspoke. I didn't realize you were trying to build a kernel module :) May 20 19:23:52 JesusFreke: Ah, yes. May 20 19:23:56 that's more #android-root :) May 20 19:23:56 And no worries. :) May 20 19:24:02 by the way i made this extension (free, MIT opensource, no ad, no perm): https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/enhanced-developer-consol/djoghnkbhcnonnmcpnlfbkokgdmgamog May 20 19:24:18 it might be useful to few here May 20 19:24:30 here's mine then: https://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=plot%28%280%2C0.5%29+%28100%2C0.5%29%29 May 20 19:24:30 nice May 20 19:24:33 (it is for me, since i ducked crashlytics because i don't trust anymore the full account perm stuff) May 20 19:24:42 err not crashlytics May 20 19:24:43 andlytics* May 20 19:24:57 adq, tricknology_: ok, thank you. Hope I get my $25 back in ads. lol May 20 19:24:58 which is great except for their permission hole May 20 19:25:10 paulo_, oh you will May 20 19:25:19 you will get your $25 back in way more than ads.. if you count knowldge May 20 19:25:47 im not experienced with ads and the kind of revenue they generate May 20 19:25:53 is tehre a % conversion? May 20 19:26:05 downloads *(conversion) = $\ May 20 19:26:21 ads are based on clicks and impressions mainly May 20 19:26:26 tricknology_: no. you get paid based on clicks May 20 19:26:49 unique? May 20 19:27:04 what is to stop someone from building an app that will click through and browse around on 1k different threads? May 20 19:27:14 unique minus detected false clicks May 20 19:27:20 tricknology_: "unique" is a bit vague, but google has ways to stop click fraud. May 20 19:27:31 tricknology_, why don't you just employ a chinese click farm? May 20 19:27:36 hahaha May 20 19:27:38 sad May 20 19:27:45 probably more effienct.. May 20 19:27:46 they are pretty good at click fraud detection May 20 19:27:51 and pretty intrusive for that too May 20 19:28:10 nice, they should be May 20 19:28:11 many stories about developpers just testing their ads, clicking only 2 or 3 times May 20 19:28:14 and their account got banned lol May 20 19:28:17 lunch time fellers. May 20 19:28:22 oh go May 20 19:28:34 :) May 20 19:32:41 if I set invisible on a row of a listview, then remove that row and call notify data set changed, does the listview naturally animate the collapse? May 20 19:32:55 *remove that row in the undelying dataset May 20 19:32:58 I don't think so, lasserix. May 20 19:33:10 I don't think ListView tracks the data set to know that the operation was "remove element N". May 20 19:33:19 but it does do some animation May 20 19:33:22 that is why i was wondering May 20 19:33:39 yeah you would use recyclerview and notifyItemRemoves May 20 19:33:48 no it should not animate the collapse May 20 19:34:07 (by default) May 20 19:34:46 lasserix, maybe you have a third party UI on top? htc, samsung, etc? May 20 19:35:25 ? May 20 19:35:26 and they put a layoutanimationcontroller or something like that on "any" listview May 20 19:35:30 ahh May 20 19:35:37 which would explain why you have an animation May 20 19:35:46 yeah yeah May 20 19:35:49 :p May 20 19:36:30 need help, so im trying to read database and output result to a text view and im using sqlite asset helper May 20 19:36:35 my helper class is http://pastebin.com/N8yEbDfS May 20 19:36:51 and my activity is http://pastebin.com/RmRUQe1E May 20 19:36:56 your statement is wrong May 20 19:37:06 I dont know whats the problem is and my app keep crashing.. May 20 19:37:18 what is the crash? May 20 19:37:32 i also recently migrated to android studio so i have no idea how to check the specific error May 20 19:37:34 DarkChaoz: https://s.mlkshk.com/r/D00U ;) May 20 19:38:09 i found some bug with android:animateLayoutChanges="true" May 20 19:38:10 :( May 20 19:38:43 when you don't let the animation finish, retrigger it, but the position(s) where it is animated changed May 20 19:38:58 Dark Chaos click the Android tab May 20 19:39:01 on the bottom May 20 19:39:05 logcat should appear May 20 19:39:21 then post your stack trace or GTFO May 20 19:39:31 hmm, renderscript kernels can only operate on a single atomic unit at a time? ouch May 20 19:39:32 * DarkChaoz leaves >.> May 20 19:39:35 aight. May 20 19:39:44 also you shouldn't put .sqlite in your database name May 20 19:39:52 it'll be darkclassidiedf.sqlite.db May 20 19:39:54 or something May 20 19:40:13 also you didn't show us your create table statement May 20 19:40:17 and you should really use like May 20 19:40:44 lol, looks like you have tons to fix before you even start debugging :p May 20 19:40:51 http://pastebin.com/ZQmjMgnH May 20 19:41:10 im using an existing database which is in the asset folder May 20 19:41:34 tbh im not very good with db stuff at all with android :| May 20 19:41:56 it's just files May 20 19:41:57 pfn, what do you meant? you can even group kernels now (ScriptGroup) May 20 19:42:01 are you good with files? May 20 19:42:19 http://developer.android.com/reference/android/renderscript/ScriptGroup.html <- this is awesome May 20 19:42:29 sorta.. depends what that got to do with the error lol May 20 19:42:38 DarkChaoz: http://pastebin.com/cFw9D8kj May 20 19:42:49 too bad it has to be separated in multiple script May 20 19:43:16 DarkChaoz: did you add your activity to your manifest? May 20 19:43:46 yup May 20 19:43:54 DarkChaoz: uninstall and reinstall May 20 19:44:00 is the second actity ok though? May 20 19:44:13 not sure if i dont that correctly.. May 20 19:44:29 i dont know what you mean or what you are talking baout May 20 19:44:34 you might try Project -> Clean May 20 19:44:55 for implementing a lifebar with discrete items (ex. Megaman https://goo.gl/QT3fSu), would be better create a whole custom view or just create a RatingBar theme? May 20 19:45:25 ventura: if you have repeating elements May 20 19:45:33 i like customview, much more control :p May 20 19:45:38 easier to create those, then dump them into one custom view for the whole control May 20 19:45:54 and you can just inherit from seekbar, rotate it to have a vertical one, and change the thumb and bg to your need May 20 19:46:19 DarkChaoz: manifest? May 20 19:46:31 im taking about this http://pastebin.com/RmRUQe1E May 20 19:46:53 DarkChaoz: manifest or GTFO May 20 19:48:00 fine I'll GTFO.. May 20 19:48:06 tricknology_ adq did you see this, web midi in chrome 43 thing http://venturebeat.com/2015/05/19/chrome-43-launches-with-web-midi-support-permissions-api-and-upgrading-http-resources-to-https/ May 20 19:48:06 well May 20 19:48:09 mpm May 20 19:48:13 test1 != MainActivity May 20 19:48:13 yes g00s_ May 20 19:48:18 saw that yesterday May 20 19:48:18 so obviousily no. May 20 19:48:21 look promising May 20 19:48:23 which is why i am asking to see the manifest May 20 19:48:23 looks* May 20 19:50:33 Hello folks! May 20 19:50:45 wow i can't believe he left May 20 19:50:50 what a pushover May 20 19:51:45 To be fair, "GTFO" is rude, and it seems really bad if you don't know the person. :D May 20 19:51:58 this is irc May 20 19:52:19 what is he expecting some tea party? besides its the comic punchline of this channels subject line May 20 19:53:40 I have a database set on main_activity used to fill a listview, now I need to create a new activity and use the database. I wonder if someone could help me figure how to search for the best practices for doing that. May 20 19:53:57 text search? May 20 19:54:23 yes, what topic May 20 19:54:31 http://developer.android.com/training/search/search.html May 20 19:54:35 adq, what's up with bc32 and bc64 getting created? keeps screwing up my build May 20 19:54:48 ircfox: the key part is makign sure you set your table as NTFS May 20 19:55:22 err fts3 that willindex your table which will make it much faster to search May 20 19:56:10 also fts will enable faster prefix searching May 20 19:56:43 you can see niave way of doing prefix / suffix search here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15020690/sqlilte-searching-with-prefix-string-by-using-match May 20 19:57:04 pfn, the WARNING: Linking two modules of different data layouts ? May 20 19:57:04 you can see faster way of doing prefix with fts tables here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18592447/search-matching-prefix-of-every-word-in-field-in-sqlite May 20 19:57:27 (i think you can ignore it safely, if you talk about that) May 20 19:57:33 adq, no, it's generating res/raw/bc{32,64} May 20 19:57:47 which is ending up screwing up my build May 20 19:57:49 wow May 20 19:57:56 weird indeed May 20 19:58:03 should not even be anything in raw May 20 19:58:12 Okay, switching from XML to Java for one of my ListViews saves me 5-10ms on app start-up. I'll take that. May 20 19:58:14 lasserix: I already know about db connection. I am not sure how to deal with it when there is more than one activity involved. May 20 19:58:40 http://blog.lemberg.co.uk/concurrent-database-access May 20 19:58:44 despite it should not be necessary anymore, i'm still having an rs folder just under res May 20 19:58:48 where i put all my rs stuff May 20 19:58:59 ircfox: you already have FTS database enabled? May 20 19:59:04 and can still access the auto generated java glue from any java class in src May 20 19:59:11 you'll definatly want to make sure you do because it'll make your queries 10x faster May 20 19:59:49 TacticalJoke: how do you apply styles / via the constructor? May 20 20:00:06 that seems like an aweful improvement May 20 20:00:36 lasserix: let check it. I think what I was looking for was something as sharing db connection between several activities. May 20 20:00:41 pfn, i don't even have any bc32 or bc64 generated in my build dir, only .bc May 20 20:00:53 ircfox: check that last link: May 20 20:00:57 http://blog.lemberg.co.uk/concurrent-database-access May 20 20:01:02 it'll show you how to do that May 20 20:01:14 lasserix: ok, thank you! May 20 20:01:22 ./****/build/generated/res/rs/full/debug/raw/vco.bc: LLVM bitcode, wrapper May 20 20:01:24 I haven't been using styles for this stuff. I don't think you can use hard-coded styles, right? May 20 20:01:27 ahhh i see where your raw is May 20 20:01:30 You can use the defStyleAttr thing. May 20 20:01:32 but it should not be part of src May 20 20:01:47 TacticalJoke: yeah can't hardcode style defeat the point May 20 20:02:05 You can make Java code the style code, though. May 20 20:02:15 adq, yeah, I don't know why it's getting created under src/main/res for me May 20 20:02:25 pfn, in case you were not aware, the .bc will be compiled on the device where you install your apk by llvm May 20 20:02:35 this is also an interesting thing about RS May 20 20:02:38 lasserix: I'm doing this only for ListView/Spinner stuff. May 20 20:02:40 since it targets directly the device May 20 20:02:43 (The Spinner in question is hugely important. :D) May 20 20:02:47 and can leverage some optimizations on the fly too May 20 20:02:53 yep May 20 20:03:06 so it makes sense they provides the rs in some folder somewhere May 20 20:03:14 but i never see any .bc in my src tree May 20 20:03:24 only in generated or intermediates of build May 20 20:03:25 yeah, something's making it appear in there for me, don't know what it is yet May 20 20:03:35 android dev... May 20 20:03:37 always something in the middle May 20 20:03:42 preventing you just to do what you should May 20 20:03:45 Measuring performance is so painful. May 20 20:03:47 Tedious and annoying. May 20 20:03:58 Especially comparing branches and having to go Build > Clean. Ugh. May 20 20:04:06 (Because AS is getting confused about my attrs.) May 20 20:04:08 lol May 20 20:04:11 man this is insane really, I have deleted the previous account that I had setup on Google Analytics and created a new one, brand new, with the new properties and everything, and the tracking ID was regenerated but I havent even added it yet! I look now and I see there are sessions from iPhone and 48 sessions from USA and I dont know what.. May 20 20:04:16 what the fuck of fuckness! May 20 20:04:32 the tracking ID isnt even in the APP! May 20 20:04:36 the app is not even on the store May 20 20:04:48 Odaym you have analytics spam probably May 20 20:04:59 fuck that shit, im going to use flurry May 20 20:05:01 so crap May 20 20:05:01 lol May 20 20:05:08 does the property end in -1 May 20 20:05:12 yes May 20 20:05:21 all do May 20 20:05:22 delete it, make another one. it will be -2 May 20 20:05:34 no this is the second one, it shows the old crossed out, its also 01 May 20 20:05:36 -1* May 20 20:05:55 meh fuck it May 20 20:06:04 deleted May 20 20:06:22 flurry's way better May 20 20:06:28 pfn, in case you don't, you should use rs support mode: May 20 20:06:29 renderscriptTargetApi 18 May 20 20:06:29 renderscriptSupportModeEnabled true May 20 20:06:37 it will fallback to native mode if not needed May 20 20:06:38 its actually kinda funny, somebody out there like 'fuck all the analytics things!" May 20 20:06:48 cause maybe your bc32 and bc64 are part of their old stuff May 20 20:06:54 before they add supportmode May 20 20:06:57 which is recommanded May 20 20:07:00 recommended* May 20 20:07:27 (another finger pointing the doc not up to date) May 20 20:07:46 oh my bad, this is stated May 20 20:09:35 how stupid am i to be using while (true) in my onCreate? May 20 20:10:11 79%. May 20 20:10:19 depends on how long true is while :D May 20 20:10:30 actually 99%, it just hung May 20 20:10:41 also i'm dossing the raspberrypi May 20 20:10:47 it will hang your ui thread, but that does not make you stupid May 20 20:11:05 lol, it hung android itself for some tens of seconds May 20 20:11:09 I'm assuming there's a break in there somewhere.... right....? May 20 20:11:21 so, how should i go about querying server with a set interval? May 20 20:12:14 JesusFreke, of course not May 20 20:12:15 handler.postDelayed(queryTask, UPDATE_TIME) May 20 20:12:25 and handler is? May 20 20:12:38 nfk|laptop time to read some docs May 20 20:12:55 i mean, what class is it? May 20 20:13:01 Handler class May 20 20:13:02 its own class May 20 20:13:11 its basically an advanced wrapper callback for a thread May 20 20:13:38 i'm not sure i'm advanced enough for this May 20 20:14:01 hold on to your balls and go for it May 20 20:14:05 haha May 20 20:14:06 there's only one way to advance yourself May 20 20:14:21 just remember that onStart is called before onCreate May 20 20:14:31 lol Odaym May 20 20:14:44 by the way i saw your vid, you then left, but i remember you clicked "back" on it !! May 20 20:14:45 not home May 20 20:14:57 home was the issue? back was the issue May 20 20:14:58 but if you had the problem also when clicking back May 20 20:15:01 it's ok May 20 20:15:06 its back May 20 20:15:09 okok May 20 20:15:16 it works great now May 20 20:15:30 with Google keep you can trigger that animation to run fully if you switch to another frag in the navdrawer, by the way May 20 20:15:42 but they still have it when you first open the app, but in that case it fails everytime :) too fast May 20 20:15:49 Is there any reason a mock on Handler wouldn't work? I mock other classes just fine, but this one complains that it's not mocked (JUnit) May 20 20:16:02 im sure even classes wont appreciate being mocked May 20 20:16:26 the animation saga continues :) May 20 20:16:30 no it's done May 20 20:16:38 well, Im done May 20 20:16:39 djMax: What, precisely, is not mocked? May 20 20:16:46 orly? no third-act twist? May 20 20:16:54 nah I did what I wanted exactly May 20 20:17:01 postDelayed. In my class-under-test I make a new Handler() and then call postDelayed on it May 20 20:17:03 now google has to call me and ask me how I did it May 20 20:17:05 that's all May 20 20:17:10 lol May 20 20:17:14 lasserix: my case is less complicated than that. I will create another Activity for data register, so there is no concurrency involved. I just figured that perhaps I will need to pass data in between Activities instead of sharing the database. What do you think about it? May 20 20:17:18 in powermockito I make a mock for handler, and then whenNew().return my mock May 20 20:17:29 I will be like "Sunjai, please...you're embarrassing me! ok here's what you do.." May 20 20:17:38 Odaym: haha, well congrats then :) polish like that does occasionally turn into "omfg what a rabbit hole" May 20 20:17:39 but I don't think that's getting returned, because I get the standard "this isn't mocked in junit" message May 20 20:17:57 yea wakelock tried to warn us of that yesterday May 20 20:18:00 lol May 20 20:19:21 I'm in a few rabbit holes right now anyway. in some ways it's fun, but definitely has some frustrations May 20 20:19:37 like, no rabbits? May 20 20:19:42 if it's stuff you know already and still lost, should take a decision May 20 20:19:49 but if you believe you're learning, who cares May 20 20:20:06 wondering how they enforce http://developer.android.com/reference/android/Manifest.permission.html#READ_LOGS when logs (character files) in /dev/log are even writable by "others": crw-rw-rw- root May 20 20:20:09 moments like these make you think if the whole app is even worth it May 20 20:20:12 its nice to get into them May 20 20:22:29 wakelock: the rabbit long since shook its head and left, having recognized the futility immediately May 20 20:23:12 this might be a silly question, but if I grab a RelativeLayout’s LayoutParameters using getLayoutParameters, add some rules to it, I then need to use setLayoutParams for that to take effect, right? May 20 20:23:20 yea May 20 20:23:45 perfectly fine May 20 20:23:47 s73v3r: I don't think so. May 20 20:23:58 As far as I remember, that returns the actual LayoutParams which is mutable. May 20 20:23:59 I do that all the time May 20 20:24:06 s73v3r: if you're modifying the object, you can just call .requestLayout. May 20 20:25:07 ok May 20 20:25:21 groxx, did he pee on you before he left? May 20 20:25:26 Yeah, sorry, forgot to mention. (Was just thinking about mutability since I'd been looking at that method earlier.) May 20 20:25:27 it's _possible_ that doesn't always work out as the best option, since in principle setLayoutParams could check for that case and only do the minimum necessary to handle the changes. but in practice I've never had a problem doing that May 20 20:25:44 wakelock: just invited the neighborhood troll over to dig more holes within holes :| May 20 20:26:00 adq: if I were guessing, the logs are probably filtered at the kernel level May 20 20:26:18 I'm finding that creating Views in Java isn't hugely faster than doing so in XML. May 20 20:26:22 fun May 20 20:26:25 Though my XML stuff is really small (like three child views). May 20 20:26:52 TacticalJoke: that's about how I feel about it. so far I just make whichever I think reads better for instance X :| May 20 20:26:59 yo dawg I heard you like to dig so I put a hole in your hole so you can dig while you dig May 20 20:27:09 and rules like toLeftOf are only set on the RelativeLayout’s params, not on, say, my child TextView’s params? May 20 20:27:14 -2 wakelock May 20 20:27:38 wakelock: I dig digging, so those holes in holes get my dig-digging digging diggity-dug, dawg. May 20 20:27:42 Yeah, sometimes Java code is way more flexible than XML (e.g., with inheritance). May 20 20:28:41 I dig that May 20 20:28:47 TacticalJoke: yea. and if I had a toolbox of helpers Java _could_ be a lot better. but I don't :| May 20 20:29:11 hey:) May 20 20:29:19 hi May 20 20:29:28 hey Odaym May 20 20:29:31 public class Helpers { static void cool_stuff() { /* magic */ } } May 20 20:29:45 Anko looks kinda cool for this. May 20 20:29:45 Hello. How to get the current time in a human readable string, like 2:00pm May 20 20:29:51 Though I'm not sure about using Anko in general. May 20 20:30:13 vedu, SimpleDateFormat May 20 20:30:29 I've got two API calls that run sequentially with a flatMap in RxJava. Say the first one succeeds, but my server returns a wrapped error (whatever internal problem happened). How do you think I should error out to stop the next call and notify the user? May 20 20:30:43 vedu: or android.text.DateFormat.getTimeFormat(Locale.getDefault(), System.currentTimeMillis()) May 20 20:31:24 bah, arguments are wrong. getTimeFormat(context).format(millis, probably) May 20 20:31:28 * pfn tries out his renderscript May 20 20:31:30 hope this shit works May 20 20:31:33 I made it ugly as fuck, heh May 20 20:31:43 isnt the font in Gmail Roboto Regular? May 20 20:32:10 lets find out! May 20 20:32:19 I asked in #design already a week ago, they confirmed May 20 20:32:26 web or app? May 20 20:32:32 app of course May 20 20:32:36 web - no; app - probably May 20 20:33:08 adq: if I were guessing, the logs are probably filtered at the kernel level <- yep, someone told me i will probably only read the log of my own app, i will try when i will find time anyway :) May 20 20:33:17 groxx: thanks I will check it out May 20 20:33:58 strange May 20 20:35:23 is there really any benefit at all to having app/app.iml included in source control or risk to not include it? May 20 20:35:41 I don't check it in. May 20 20:35:45 yea same May 20 20:36:02 You can recreate project files from build.gradle. May 20 20:36:29 bah. it won't decompile properly :'( May 20 20:36:34 (Or settings.gradle.) May 20 20:36:51 Odaym: sorry, too lazy to figure out why it's not decompiling the styles properly May 20 20:37:33 it's roboto, but I just figured out its roboto light with bigger font May 20 20:37:43 got the same result, just doesnt fit the needs May 20 20:38:06 wow... logcat running in one terminal, in anoter I typed "echo foo > /dev/log/main", logcat crashed with "output error: Out of memory" May 20 20:38:39 any subsequent run of logcat crashes too at the same point, until I do logcat -c May 20 20:38:46 /dev? May 20 20:38:55 um ye May 20 20:38:56 s May 20 20:38:59 root directory and then directory called dev? May 20 20:39:02 where is this? May 20 20:39:20 ... May 20 20:39:33 oh, ok :) May 20 20:39:43 you don't know the unix filesystem structure too well, do you :p May 20 20:39:43 probably on Windows May 20 20:39:49 I do May 20 20:40:01 just got confused May 20 20:40:05 on mac it's also there May 20 20:40:31 I'm talking about my phone, but it is also there on every serious OS ;) May 20 20:40:37 + May 20 20:41:01 wait, does Plan 9 include it? May 20 20:41:21 poor plan 9 May 20 20:41:24 the unsung hero May 20 20:41:58 wonder if they'll make AS for OS/2 May 20 20:43:03 where is danijoo_ May 20 20:43:15 g00s_, alright, so i have a Handler that hopefully does what I want but where do i put it? May 20 20:43:30 lol wakelock, just read you overwritten /dev/log/main May 20 20:43:32 don't do that ! May 20 20:43:46 ready to serve, my master. May 20 20:43:46 nah it's fine May 20 20:43:50 hey man! May 20 20:43:54 missed ya May 20 20:44:01 nothing was just wondering May 20 20:44:01 :) May 20 20:44:03 get a room you two May 20 20:44:04 :p May 20 20:44:27 we..are in a room May 20 20:44:45 OHYOUMEANINTHATSENSE May 20 20:44:57 I jjust noticed, looking through the Google Play Developer distribution agreement, it still mentions the refund period as 24hr instead of 15min. May 20 20:44:58 /join #android-affairs May 20 20:45:09 just* May 20 20:45:42 noahmg123, dishonest pricks, eh? May 20 20:46:25 well, I mean if it is 24hrs as they say in the agreement, it is good for developers. May 20 20:46:44 damn, and my renderscript doesn't work :-/ May 20 20:47:24 24 hrs is bad for developers May 20 20:47:58 danijoo_: oh yeah. my bad. got turned around in my head, May 20 20:48:02 you can fix a bug and deploy in that time, man May 20 20:48:03 "Unable to instantiate activity" May 20 20:48:11 dont know how to fix -_- May 20 20:48:21 post your full stack trace May 20 20:48:22 pretty convenient for users though ;) May 20 20:48:30 oh my gosh, it works! May 20 20:48:31 the entitled user May 20 20:48:33 lol May 20 20:48:36 wakelock: yeah. this page says 2hrs: https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/134336?hl=en May 20 20:48:44 though i'm not sure if calling the handler from onStart is a good idea May 20 20:49:06 and this article mentions the "switch": http://www.androidpolice.com/2014/05/16/google-quietly-implemented-automated-refunds-apps-15-minute-window/ May 20 20:49:25 groxx: okay I tried really hard but can't find your method :P May 20 20:49:49 http://pastebin.com/5FPDVKdX May 20 20:49:58 have no idea why its crashing.. May 20 20:50:09 I need to do something like DateFormat.getTimeInstance().parse(...) but I do not want the seconds just 4:00 pm May 20 20:50:10 manifest is fine May 20 20:50:28 probably safest to assume you can't really refund an app, unless maybe you work out something with the dev May 20 20:50:51 wakelock: outsie of the 15min window of course. May 20 20:50:53 vedu: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/text/format/DateFormat.html#getTimeFormat(android.content.Context) May 20 20:51:11 Any RxJava users present? I've got two API calls that run sequentially with a flatMap. Say the first one succeeds, but my server returns a wrapped error (whatever internal problem happened). How do you think I should error out to stop the next call and notify the user? I feel like throwing an Exception, while it would work, wouldn't be the "right May 20 20:51:13 vedu: wait, are you parsing time, or formatting it? May 20 20:51:15 noahmg123, I wouldn't count even on those 15mins, I feel they will take that away too any moment now May 20 20:51:15 "right way" May 20 20:51:27 best to simply assume there is no refund May 20 20:51:41 wakelock: ok May 20 20:51:50 would it be a good idea to sell an app for less than $0.99 (e.g. $0.40)? May 20 20:51:51 theblang, I'd say throwing the exception is the exact right way. May 20 20:52:00 why not? May 20 20:52:18 wakelock: was that to me? May 20 20:52:19 theblang, unless you're implementing your own observer, where you do onError May 20 20:52:33 noahmg123, that's the only way that makes sense ;) May 20 20:52:51 groxx: sorry. format* current time into something like 4:00 pm May 20 20:52:51 Mavrik nah, using Retrofit's May 20 20:53:15 vedu, you've been given at least two answers, both just as valid. what else do you need? May 20 20:53:17 Mavrik Is there any other way to stop the chain in a flatMap? Just curious May 20 20:53:25 cant find the issue why its crashing May 20 20:53:26 http://pastebin.com/5FPDVKdX May 20 20:53:40 vedu: and you want to drop the minutes? May 20 20:53:43 wakelock: I know. Just making sure. It's just that $0.99 cents is like the unofficial offical standard for cheap apps. $0.40 is uncommon. May 20 20:53:55 theblang, no idea off the bat, I doubt it a bit May 20 20:54:17 noahmg123, I've seen prices that are like all over the place May 20 20:54:35 groxx: drop the seconds May 20 20:54:47 wakelock: interesting. I guess I have not browsed to deep into the Play Store May 20 20:54:53 too* May 20 20:54:54 wakelock: I know the general method. I need the exact one for me May 20 20:54:56 https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/table/3541286 noahmg123 May 20 20:55:03 $.99 is the minimum May 20 20:55:07 please read about those things May 20 20:55:13 dont ask here May 20 20:55:52 vedu: if you need it to be exact, you probably want to use SimpleDateFormat with a formatting string of e.g. "h:mm a" and give it a Date set to System.currentTimeMillis() May 20 20:55:52 €.50 is also a minimum (which is very far from $0.99) May 20 20:56:43 funny to see geopolitic embargo May 20 20:56:47 vedu, then simply pass it the correct format. pretty trivial. May 20 20:57:09 can someone help me please.. why is my app crashing http://pastebin.com/5FPDVKdX May 20 20:57:13 vedu: if you just want something similar, but to respect the user's date/time formatting / language settings, afaik you're supposed to use something like android.text.format.DateFormat.getBestDateTimePattern(Locale.getDefault(), "hmma"); but I haven't used that enough to be familiar with it May 20 20:57:14 manifest http://pastebin.com/fjNHJbA2 May 20 20:58:03 adq, so theoretically you can get well beyond $.99 if you select the appropriate currency :p May 20 20:58:14 groxx: oh okay. thanks :) May 20 20:58:19 DarkChaoz, by now you could have learned to read the damn logs May 20 20:58:22 only on other countries May 20 20:58:30 you will still be forced to put the minimum value everywhere May 20 20:58:35 you have to add xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res-auto" to the parent element of the xml you are feeding to the Main Activity, DarkChaoz May 20 20:58:43 adq, yes but that would translate to $.50 or less for you May 20 20:58:44 minimum value varying depending on the location, as we just saw May 20 20:58:52 yup wakelock May 20 20:59:24 no it hasnt done that before though, it was fine. May 20 20:59:24 new SimpleDateFormat("h:mm a") was what I was looking for May 20 20:59:31 you cannot make the price as cheap as the minimum allowed in EU for US to put it simply May 20 20:59:36 main activity is just a splash screen.. i never had problem with that May 20 20:59:39 it's not finding the custom class you are using in your XML May 20 20:59:54 vedu, so... just like I told you to begin with May 20 21:00:03 no actually im wrong, i dont know May 20 21:00:06 could have googled and learned all that on your own May 20 21:00:19 i faced that before, it was weird May 20 21:00:54 i been googling for an answer.. no luck May 20 21:01:03 this error just came out of the blue -_- May 20 21:01:09 eh, date stuff is kinda nasty to dive into. and the docs don't do a particularly good job of organizing it, last I saw. and there's a crap-ton of bad results online any time you come anywhere near anything date-related. May 20 21:01:18 worth learning, but not fast. May 20 21:01:34 DarkChaoz, nobody can tell you *why* your app is crashing, but you can read (or learn to read) the logs just like we can May 20 21:02:06 groxx, oh come on, the date/time codes are pretty simple May 20 21:02:15 somewhat intuitive too May 20 21:02:17 im not good and finding the cause of the error May 20 21:02:18 DarkChaoz, are you using eclipse? if yes, did you clean your project prior to rebuild and run? May 20 21:02:29 i transitioned to android studio May 20 21:02:37 bad choice :p May 20 21:02:39 when i was usuing eclipse i was fine May 20 21:02:42 wakelock: the codes, sure. how often have you seen things cover the difference between java.text.DateFormat and android.text.format.DateFormat ? May 20 21:02:51 app was fine. May 20 21:03:08 groxx, dunno, never used the android.* thing, I mostly stick to java.* May 20 21:03:17 good enough for me May 20 21:03:19 or that SimpleDateFormat has a nice description of the codes, but the other classes don't May 20 21:03:39 which is why I mentioned that one specifically ;) May 20 21:03:49 DarkChaoz, i have no idea, maybe a problem with packagename and file not under the correct path if so, check stackoverflow, cannot help you more sorry May 20 21:04:24 at least the android one is more readable than http://www.unicode.org/reports/tr35/tr35-dates.html#Date_Format_Patterns :| May 20 21:05:04 Also if you have to deal with Date beyond trivial one-time stuff, it's very worth using JodaTime May 20 21:05:12 groxx, that's nothing, how often do you work with regexes? ;) May 20 21:05:18 (yet I find most regexes perfectly readable) May 20 21:05:20 wakelock: every couple days May 20 21:05:23 <3 regexes May 20 21:05:31 so I have 99^99 problems May 20 21:06:00 don't you mean ^99$ problems? May 20 21:06:01 at least regexes have some pretty great documentation http://www.regular-expressions.info/ and live in-browser previews / explanations May 20 21:06:37 i think this error came up because i transitioned from eclipse to Android Studio May 20 21:06:56 I should try redoing every under a new project May 20 21:07:11 Mavrik, when standard java date/time classes weren't doing it for me anymore, I just switched to Calendar and was happy again :) May 20 21:07:20 O.o May 20 21:07:43 so.. you were using Date/Time without Calendar previously? o.O is warranted, yea May 20 21:07:45 well I mean, Calendar is standard java too May 20 21:08:06 groxx, yes, I was using Date May 20 21:08:09 or something, I forget May 20 21:08:11 Calendar is easy to mess up, but works fine. minus the old TZ data. May 20 21:08:21 I would <3 an alternative to Time (which is depreacted since api 22), when profiling/monitoring watch face (android wear) stuff, i realized it's a huge bottleneck May 20 21:08:33 and i don't need half of the features provided by Time May 20 21:08:57 adq: for formatting or something? May 20 21:09:00 no May 20 21:09:05 just the time.set() May 20 21:09:12 would be nice if jsr310 was backported May 20 21:09:13 which has to run very often May 20 21:09:31 (to not say, every frame) May 20 21:10:20 at some point, i thought of handling myself just hour, min, sec, but i lose the time zone managements May 20 21:10:32 and also few things about date, of course May 20 21:10:59 ircfox: another activity for data register, what do you mean? May 20 21:11:16 if they are operating on the same database, you don't want multiple helpers accessing it, just one. May 20 21:11:46 it's also weird they state Time is vuln to year 2038 problem May 20 21:11:55 when i tested by simply setting the timestamp and displaying the time May 20 21:12:03 i did not reproduce the expected bug May 20 21:12:42 (i even use it as screenshot in playstore.. https://lh4.ggpht.com/1Q1Oeoz8ygnzfmq6SaWH63HAK3h_L0lArePxVeAKZaRR_n5vp-U5XoVzJcm0JBQUnBY8=h900-rw) May 20 21:14:27 as seen in AOSP AutoCompleteTextView : private class MyWatcher implements TextWatcher { May 20 21:14:30 hehe May 20 21:15:20 ^^ May 20 21:15:28 so i have a library that's loaded in my webview that sends ajax stuff to (can change it no problem) I want it to basically be a readout of data in the native android appspace... I'm completely stupid though... May 20 21:15:51 adq, pretty sure that refers to a specific date in 2038, not the whole entire year May 20 21:16:03 it's well explained on their wikipedia page May 20 21:16:10 bit underflow May 20 21:16:13 it refers to 2^32 seconds after midnight, Jan 1 1970 May 20 21:16:17 it's a specific date & time May 20 21:16:25 speaking of time vuln, june will be interesting May 20 21:16:36 2015's june is one second longer than usually May 20 21:16:43 wakelock, http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/e/e9/Year_2038_problem.gif May 20 21:16:47 that'll bring some systems down May 20 21:17:00 so they say, in reality probably nothing will happen May 20 21:17:07 lol Sculptor May 20 21:17:10 I love long summers May 20 21:17:30 adq, I see May 20 21:18:02 Sculptor, i think it will be dealt like any time drifting is with ntp server, no? May 20 21:18:05 wakelock, nothing happened in 2000 because we worked our asses off so that nothing would happen! May 20 21:18:07 adq, http://gpsworld.com/june-30-leap-second-worries-markets-internet/ May 20 21:18:15 thx reading it May 20 21:18:46 adq, you do realize in your screenshot you have the exact second *before* the overflow, right? May 20 21:18:55 yes wakelock May 20 21:19:01 i tested it, period May 20 21:19:02 lol May 20 21:19:07 if you say so May 20 21:19:16 your screenshot doesn't prove that though :p May 20 21:19:16 adq, say, high frequency trading May 20 21:19:21 MikeWallaceDev yeah, i remember that. we worked on the toolchain / libs for SW used by DoD - it was pretty serious :D May 20 21:19:29 I was just trying something with a screen that has a viewpager for several images loaded using Picasso. I was testing something that should happen when there is no internet and it worked, so I wanted to reconnect and move to another image to see the case where the image would have loaded successfully, I reconnected and the image I was on automatically loaded again..I think Im gonna cry May 20 21:19:32 wakelock, you do realize i use this specific date because i played with it and it's a hint only to those who are aware of? :) May 20 21:19:46 adq, yes :p May 20 21:19:47 Sculptor, i think it's just FUD May 20 21:19:53 but we will see, as always ^^ May 20 21:20:14 Sculptor, I worked on the Montreal Stock Exchange software. It can process 200,000 market transactions a second. So yeah, lots can go wrong :) May 20 21:20:19 ndk 10e out May 20 21:20:20 we already deal with summer time here May 20 21:20:20 panorama planet May 20 21:20:23 adding and removing one hour May 20 21:20:31 wrong window May 20 21:20:34 here it's just a second ;) May 20 21:20:37 Linus (of Linux fame) stated the vast majority of people won't even be aware of the extra second May 20 21:20:41 in any way May 20 21:20:53 these people dont care about what the user will feel :P May 20 21:20:54 how i can prevent to mey fragment reload when i change iphone orientation? May 20 21:20:55 MikeWallaceDev, thanks for the info. see, adq ? May 20 21:21:10 nano bot in trading should be forbidden May 20 21:21:17 so if it can go wrong, i'm not going to complain :p May 20 21:21:24 Anyone got good example of distinguishing between long, swipe (horizontal scroll / fling), and click? May 20 21:21:40 lasserix, there are constants for that... May 20 21:21:48 I dont think so Mike May 20 21:21:50 search for touchslop May 20 21:21:54 you need to calculate things May 20 21:21:57 I've done that May 20 21:22:00 lasserix, sounds like you're trying to implement what the UI is supposed to do for you :p May 20 21:22:03 lasserix, gesturedetector, lot of examples May 20 21:22:11 t0th_-_: several ways, but mostly you just want to correctly implement onSaveInstanceState and then use the Bundle in createView to reinstiate properly May 20 21:22:21 I know about the constants but when looking up examples I could not find somewhere where it was just 1 line and all done, or a switch case that actually worked May 20 21:22:26 wakelock: there is no default swipe to dismiss and drag to reorder listview May 20 21:22:34 lasserix, I'd ignore him, he comes in every so often to troll basically May 20 21:22:35 maybe just my noobness, but I do know about the constants, their names reflect what oyu are asking about May 20 21:22:40 always with incredibly dumb questions May 20 21:22:42 wakelock: ah May 20 21:23:04 most others ignore him already :) May 20 21:23:16 you can use dragsortlistview for the dragger and there are many swipe-to-dismiss listview implementations May 20 21:23:19 i saw "iphone orientation" lol May 20 21:23:32 Hello. Which is a simple to use SQL library? Sugar ORM seemed good but I wouldn't know with its documentation May 20 21:23:36 just dont make those lists inside the navdrawer, you will see hell on earth May 20 21:23:46 here's some bleach, adq. use it liberally May 20 21:23:50 Odaym, the constants are what determine the difference between a tap and a swipe... That's all. May 20 21:24:08 I know but in code what can you do to leverage them instead of tons of calculation? May 20 21:24:16 ;o May 20 21:24:26 you cant simply intercept touch and have a switch over MotionEvent May 20 21:24:34 they just dont answer May 20 21:24:34 vedu, I wouldn't bother with SQL encapsulation. straight up SQL might have a somewhat steep learning curve but is IMO totally worth it May 20 21:24:41 show example if you have proof May 20 21:24:48 hey anyone else have this issue, I am calling an activity that is inflating a menu and then when I hit the back button the activity disappears but the menu stays, so I call invalidate optionsMenu on the fragment but if i hit back twice it shows up null May 20 21:25:33 http://pastebin.com/NNXH4jRC May 20 21:25:36 Odaym, what he means is, the touch event has to move a certain number of pixels (or "pixels") in order to be considered a "swipe" - the standard number of pixels is defined within the framework May 20 21:25:45 ahhhhh shit May 20 21:25:47 really?? May 20 21:25:52 err yes May 20 21:25:53 yes. May 20 21:25:55 wow May 20 21:25:58 wakelock: I dont like the boilerplate code. SQL I am comfortable with May 20 21:26:16 never read that May 20 21:26:36 Odaym, can't say if trolling or serious May 20 21:26:46 ^^^ May 20 21:26:47 no man im serious I suck May 20 21:26:49 lol May 20 21:26:55 reading is my problem May 20 21:27:03 I take SO over any documentation May 20 21:27:03 Odaym, see, if you knew that, your animations would have worked the first time around May 20 21:27:06 :p May 20 21:27:12 hahaha I KNEW YOU WOULD GO THERE May 20 21:27:13 my god May 20 21:27:14 Odaym, that's a mistake, SO is no replacement for docs May 20 21:27:35 I know, learned that the hard way, but you have to be at a certain level to leverage docs May 20 21:27:41 Odaym, it's impossible NOT to go there :p May 20 21:27:42 now I head straight there May 20 21:27:52 the answers you get there have zero margin of error May 20 21:28:25 even on SO, the people with most rep usually answer from docs May 20 21:28:27 I only go to SO for specific problems, not concepts May 20 21:28:36 well said, yea May 20 21:28:44 Where else could they answer from? :D May 20 21:28:45 sometimes I dont want to go into understanding how a thing works May 20 21:28:52 how do I make a killer app? -> head to SO May 20 21:28:53 i just want to make it work, until it bothers me May 20 21:29:25 Odaym, so basically you prefer getting answers from people who, unlike you, *do* read the docs :p May 20 21:29:37 if you insist on making it work, you will work your way from SO into the docs into anything deeper :) May 20 21:29:42 instead of cutting out the middleman May 20 21:29:42 doesnt matter where you start, in that case May 20 21:30:03 in that case, why not start from the framework source code :p May 20 21:30:16 because what if I get what I want without having to read all of that May 20 21:30:24 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/30360748/null-pointer-on-invalidate-options-menu May 20 21:30:24 SO's purpose.. May 20 21:30:26 but you will learn so much! May 20 21:30:35 wasn't that your point with those animations? May 20 21:30:39 no May 20 21:30:47 there is a constant that you are not acknowledging May 20 21:30:54 human stupidity? May 20 21:30:57 the determination to make it work exactly like you want May 20 21:31:05 if you have that, the docs will find you May 20 21:31:15 that's the reactive approach May 20 21:31:19 you dont fear mediocrity from too much SO, because you know you will go wherever you need to make it work May 20 21:31:23 that sounds like obsession, which in my book is not a virtue ;) May 20 21:31:33 its just doing the best you can.. May 20 21:31:36 Odaym is like 39% troll wakelock May 20 21:31:36 that's obsession? May 20 21:31:54 I wasnt like this mind you May 20 21:32:08 but I worked somewhere where I saw that the things they used to dream about for the app ended up all working .. May 20 21:32:09 best you can within reasonable constraints, not best you can at any cost May 20 21:32:13 didnt think all things WORKED May 20 21:32:16 can you imagine? May 20 21:32:29 that's cool May 20 21:32:32 yeah I can May 20 21:32:33 some devs dont believe certain things work .. May 20 21:32:39 I look at my own code every day y'know ;) May 20 21:32:44 they dont approach certain ..things May 20 21:33:16 lasserix, means I can still deal with him, to a point :p May 20 21:33:24 there's only very few JW's, that is my god damn argument May 20 21:33:28 yes sirree bob May 20 21:33:55 wakelock: percisely May 20 21:34:12 actually google has a whole factory of clones of him May 20 21:34:17 bullshit! May 20 21:34:21 junior warden? May 20 21:34:28 just in case apple does something fancy with iOs BAM May 20 21:34:35 oh, lol May 20 21:34:36 jw army to android's rescue May 20 21:34:39 they are missing spirit May 20 21:34:46 or SOMETHING! May 20 21:34:49 hello May 20 21:34:51 is there any reason to keep old platforms (like api 19) in the sdk after downloading the latest one? May 20 21:35:05 what is GestureDetectorCompat May 20 21:35:11 if I am using compat stuff I should use it? May 20 21:35:13 yea of course, say you download a library to test something Thor May 20 21:35:15 Odaym, pretty sure either google figured out how to clone that too, or it inevitably develops over time May 20 21:35:22 clone what? May 20 21:35:25 spirit May 20 21:35:44 yea sure but im talking about the person man May 20 21:35:51 478 people here, right? May 20 21:35:58 Odaym, you're a clone and you don't ever know it :p May 20 21:36:10 THREE of them understand the platform very deeply May 20 21:36:12 3. May 20 21:36:26 Why is there a GestureDetectorCompat ?!? May 20 21:37:00 maybe before there was no multi-touch May 20 21:37:03 WAT... May 20 21:37:06 lol nvm May 20 21:37:07 This compatibility implementation of the framework's GestureDetector guarantees the newer focal point scrolling behavior from Jellybean MR1 on all platform versions. May 20 21:37:11 in the doc, lasserix May 20 21:37:12 :p May 20 21:37:17 ohhhhhh.... May 20 21:37:22 he got you man May 20 21:37:24 adq where ? May 20 21:37:26 could not resist May 20 21:37:29 http://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/v4/view/GestureDetectorCompat.html May 20 21:37:36 in the overview May 20 21:37:50 oh so if you are 4.x you dont have to worry about it May 20 21:37:58 but i also suggested to you gesturecompat May 20 21:38:01 i feld a bit guily May 20 21:38:03 guilty* May 20 21:38:04 lasserix, "This compatibility implementation of the framework's GestureDetector guarantees the newer focal point scrolling behavior from Jellybean MR1 on all platform versions." May 20 21:38:19 adq: no you were right, it has the things i need just need to see if it'll work out May 20 21:38:41 works pretty well for me May 20 21:38:50 especially i like the double tap detection prior to single tap May 20 21:38:53 i need to put it on a listview May 20 21:39:07 (you don't want to trigger single tap in detecting a double tap) May 20 21:39:14 * wakelock would think at least lasserix would check the docs before asking :p May 20 21:39:40 hey wakelock let me see something you've done im really interested May 20 21:39:58 who said I've done anything? ;) May 20 21:40:10 lol come on man May 20 21:41:16 wont discuss it here in chat regardless what i think May 20 21:42:31 ok fine... http://bit.ly/IqT6zt May 20 21:42:48 ffffffffffffffff..... May 20 21:43:09 adq, what were you saying about "linking two modules of different data layouts" ? May 20 21:43:16 ok, its alright May 20 21:43:26 that you can ignore this warning May 20 21:43:40 oh, thanks May 20 21:43:59 http://stackoverflow.com/a/27559059/1373568 May 20 21:44:07 stephen hines works in the renderscript team May 20 21:44:37 so everything they said (him and Tim), i believe and unfortunately one of them was idling here on freenode on an undisclosed chan May 20 21:44:47 but disappeard few weeks ago ;x May 20 21:45:45 here we go wakelock, this video came out today https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Iw7Tg_afKk May 20 21:45:55 mind the first sentence :P I think it does us both justice May 20 21:47:22 I get it Odaym... the stuff that really matters to you are... May 20 21:47:25 wait for it... May 20 21:47:27 animations May 20 21:47:45 :p May 20 21:48:15 nah man May 20 21:48:24 he also says dont waste time on things that dont matter May 20 21:48:32 again... animations :p May 20 21:48:38 meaning dont matter in an absolute sense May 20 21:48:41 and those things exist May 20 21:49:12 and an animation that will run at app startup is not one of those things May 20 21:50:02 sorry to tell you but no matter how hard you try you will be forever known for two things - spending days on perfecting animations, and managing to get onStart before onCreate May 20 21:50:11 your legacy is all set :p May 20 21:50:32 haha May 20 21:50:36 Im still so embarrassed May 20 21:50:38 Is there app like iTunes connect like on androi for Google play May 20 21:50:44 it was an interview... May 20 21:50:46 Android May 20 21:51:05 after that he asked me to write the algorithm for printing uncommon elements between 2 arrays May 20 21:51:06 how would we know? this is not an apple channel May 20 21:51:20 I talk about google play May 20 21:51:35 you compare it to itunes, I for one have no clue how itunes works May 20 21:51:57 adq, ok, support mode rs seems much nicer, yeah May 20 21:52:06 there's only the web version perlsyntax May 20 21:52:11 https://paste.kde.org/pfttifwo0/psqtum // can anyone explain why pressing on settings does nothing? May 20 21:52:24 Odaym,really May 20 21:52:28 yea May 20 21:52:29 i suspect it's caused by that setView but i just can't understand why as i'm following them android docs May 20 21:52:43 Odaym, did you implement that by calling dispose() before create()? :D May 20 21:52:49 cause it isnt pressable nfk|laptop May 20 21:53:10 nah man I wrote a completely stupid algorithm that does nothing near what he asked May 20 21:53:23 I bet he was impressed May 20 21:53:24 I really didnt like the place or the people from the moment I sat down so I performed like shit May 20 21:53:27 Odaym, eh? May 20 21:53:29 Thanks Odaym May 20 21:53:43 For be nice about it. May 20 21:54:02 Odaym, but it was just fine when i was testing it before using setView May 20 21:54:07 Odaym, a better thing to do would be to impress them and make them want you, and then say "meh, no thanks" May 20 21:54:36 I know that's what logic says, but where will you summon that drive to do the best if you hate the idea of them even considering you May 20 21:54:47 lets see if I manage to get any performance speedup from switching to rs May 20 21:54:51 the place is underground man, no sun...ceiling is so low, it was a dump May 20 21:54:59 adq, oh, are invoked functions always guaranteed to finish execution before invoking a kernel? May 20 21:55:09 that's cool man, such dumps build character May 20 21:55:17 lol! I've had my share in the past May 20 21:55:20 i live in lebanon May 20 21:55:54 does your president work in an underground cave too? oh wait, nevermind :p May 20 21:56:07 lol so you remember May 20 21:56:18 hm? what? who are you? May 20 21:57:18 Odaym, i just checked with Log.d and the button is clearly getting pressed. May 20 21:57:48 I dont understand how there is a button in what you showed May 20 21:57:52 no idea man May 20 22:00:10 05-21 00:57:01.550 1982-3184/? W/InputManagerService﹕ Window already focused, ignoring focus gain of: com.android.internal.view.IInputMethodClient$Stub$Proxy@41b91118 May 20 22:00:17 this is the best i could find in logs May 20 22:00:21 ugh my cs teacher keeps teaching my class such awful form May 20 22:00:39 oddalot, basically i'm reusing the blank activity code May 20 22:00:52 DadFoundMy, get used to it May 20 22:01:04 instead of using anyonmous inner classes he teaches them to implement onClickListener and then having a giant if ladder instead of the onClick he implemented May 20 22:01:16 trying to fight back is gonna be futile unless you're willing to file a complaint to dean or something May 20 22:01:24 he keeps telling people they need and else after an else if ladder even it has no code in it! May 20 22:01:34 show him how smarter you are by getting 100 in the next test, bro May 20 22:01:47 *file May 20 22:01:56 Odaym: it's not that im smarter than him, but if your going to teach something atleast teach it correctly May 20 22:02:13 for you to figure out how to teach it more properly than he is, you have to be smarter May 20 22:02:19 so ace that test bro! May 20 22:02:27 he learned from a android 2.3 book because it was cheap and hasnt bothered to teach himself the right way May 20 22:02:58 Odaym: all the grades are over since we already took the AP test, but i believe my average for the year is above an A, not that grades matter much May 20 22:03:00 if ladder is that like luddite switch? May 20 22:03:25 someone else him today if they could install android studio and he said no because eclipse is better May 20 22:03:29 i thought i was going to cry May 20 22:03:33 we dont really care man May 20 22:03:36 I was being sarcastic May 20 22:04:07 well thats a little rude May 20 22:04:17 its just true, dont nag about things here May 20 22:04:48 Odaym: if an OP wants me to get on topic, ill get on topic, the channel doesn't need to cater to what you want May 20 22:05:04 alright man May 20 22:05:08 this isnt the first time ive had this disscusion, or others have had similiar disscusions on here May 20 22:05:09 continue May 20 22:05:09 adq does onScroll always occur before an onFling? May 20 22:05:35 anyone use facebook... when i login it is fine, but when i close the app and open it again it does not stay logged in... the session.state is closed? May 20 22:05:35 adq perfect thanks this will work May 20 22:05:51 Lonesoldier728: you loging out in onStop? May 20 22:05:58 lasserix: I would think so. you have to move, then release, for a fling to occur. scroll happens on move. May 20 22:06:05 ahh ok May 20 22:06:19 probably worth checking the code to verify, if you're building something that requires that to be true May 20 22:06:25 lasserix it logs in ok, but it does not stay logged in if I close out of the app and enter it again May 20 22:06:38 saving the cookie properly? May 20 22:06:46 or oauth token or whatever they give May 20 22:06:54 I wish everyone would use cookies :| May 20 22:07:02 in a relativelayout, how do I align two views by horizontal center? May 20 22:07:13 Odaym, i forgot to return the created dialog... May 20 22:07:13 the check I am doing is this ?http://pastebin.com/sZLScLKU May 20 22:07:19 s73v3r: D: May 20 22:07:19 so much time wasted on this dumb bug May 20 22:07:25 it ain't dumb May 20 22:07:25 lol May 20 22:07:35 plzrespectbugs May 20 22:07:39 s73v3r: probably: wrap in a linearlayout, layout_gravity=center_horizontal on both? May 20 22:08:06 groxx: agreed. s73v3r any reason you need a relative layout? May 20 22:08:18 I think nfk|laptop you meant to ask about the button that was loaded with the layout you were giving to the dialog, but I didnt give you the benefit of the doubt cause the question is so vague its annoying May 20 22:08:29 well, my D: is more of "relativelayout ain't that smart, so you have to do D: things" May 20 22:08:29 i really, really hate that there isn’t a way to do this without adding additional useless layers of cruft May 20 22:08:52 Has anyone had issues with EditText appearing with a white cursor using AppCompat on < Lollipop devices? May 20 22:08:52 s73v3r: eventually i want to try / tweak https://github.com/anandsainath/constraint-layout to handle stuff like that May 20 22:09:00 i have a set of views that may or may not exist, and their relative placement is given to me by the server May 20 22:09:02 s73v3r: you can make a view with 0 width and parent_alignCenterHorizontal May 20 22:09:04 s73v3r: or, you can do it yourself in code, via onLayout May 20 22:09:07 relative layout you say centerHorizontal="true"... May 20 22:09:10 then make your other two views toLeftOf and to RightOf May 20 22:09:17 I'm actually subclassing EditText and using that in my layout, but the stupid cursor is appearing white May 20 22:09:37 i can’t do centerHorizontal, because these views might not be in the center of the view May 20 22:09:40 yea achuinard its a theme issue May 20 22:09:49 s73v3r: use a dummy view that will always be there May 20 22:09:54 then you can do centerHorizontal May 20 22:09:59 and just do leftOf and rightOf May 20 22:10:00 there might be an image taking up half of it, and the stuff is supposed to be centered on the other side May 20 22:10:01 im not sure centerHorizontal will work because it maybe layer them over eachother May 20 22:10:09 then use weights May 20 22:10:11 Odaym: Yea, I'm using the MaterialDrawer lib which extends AppCompat themes. I worried the issue lied there, but I am pretty sure I saw this before I was using MaterialDrawer May 20 22:10:13 no it'll work May 20 22:10:20 My 'Light' theme shows black cursor on Lollipop and up May 20 22:10:29 lasserix how was i suppose to save it May 20 22:10:33 Odaym: How can I get my black cursor back? May 20 22:10:40 unless you are saying you want the two views to be collectively horizontally centered May 20 22:10:53 then put them in a frame layout in a linear layout May 20 22:11:04 do weights work in a relative layout? May 20 22:11:09 no May 20 22:11:09 no May 20 22:11:21 achuinard I dont remember honestly i just googled May 20 22:11:34 Odaym: did you set android:textCursorDrawable to null on every one of your EditTexts? May 20 22:11:37 so then that doesn't solve the issue, i would go with what groxx said and just nestle them in a linear layoout May 20 22:11:38 Lonesoldier728: i dont know how it works, but if you exit the app the session is expiried, usually when you log in you're supposed to get a key that it can use to auto login on reentry May 20 22:11:42 of course not achuinard :) May 20 22:11:45 i just want these two views to have their horizontal centers aligned May 20 22:11:59 are the views different widths? May 20 22:12:03 googling 'appcompat edittext cursor white' isn't giving me good results May 20 22:12:04 oh my god May 20 22:12:07 yes I did achuinard May 20 22:12:07 it’s braindead easy on iOS, but apparently a large undertaking here May 20 22:12:11 they are different widths. May 20 22:12:15 lol... May 20 22:12:16 Odaym: ok sweet I guess I'll ahve to do that in 100 places May 20 22:12:25 nah, make your own EditTextclass May 20 22:12:25 Odaym: was the solution I didn't one, but I guess the one I need.... May 20 22:12:28 I have my own May 20 22:12:32 then set it there May 20 22:12:33 But you can't call textCursorDrawable May 20 22:12:34 s73v3r: largely because iOS uses a Cassowary constraint solver for its auto-layout stuff, which is crazy powerful May 20 22:12:34 You can't May 20 22:12:36 sure you can May 20 22:12:45 it has to be part of custom attrs May 20 22:12:50 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11554078/set-textcursordrawable-in-javacode May 20 22:12:52 no, wait May 20 22:12:53 and i cannot simply center them both in the parent view, because they might not be centered May 20 22:12:55 s73v3r: it's also not too hard to make crazy-inefficient stuff May 20 22:13:04 Trust me, I already subclassed for setTypeface May 20 22:13:12 2nd answer says you can May 20 22:13:16 s73v3r: cant you make a sub linearlayout and center them in that? or am i understand what you want wrong May 20 22:13:26 its just scary looking :) May 20 22:13:44 i don’t see why I should have to add extra layers of cruft to it May 20 22:13:52 yeah. just add a wrapper, it's only a few lines of xml. May 20 22:13:57 just take a screenshot s73v3r May 20 22:14:05 this all also has to be in code May 20 22:14:07 probably easy as sh*t May 20 22:14:14 the layout is given by the server May 20 22:14:20 .....what May 20 22:14:28 so freakish May 20 22:14:43 that’s another huge pile of shit. The server guys got it in their head that everything on the app should be controlled server side May 20 22:14:55 they’re basically reinventing HTML. May 20 22:15:05 well. that'll cause problems regardless. May 20 22:15:20 wait for react-native to come out for android? May 20 22:15:28 last I heard it's like 6mo-1year out. May 20 22:15:32 s73v3r: that sounds awful to work with May 20 22:15:33 can’t May 20 22:15:36 it is May 20 22:15:42 layout can be very flexible though May 20 22:15:44 which you could point to as an example of how hard that seemingly-simple request actually is May 20 22:15:56 already done May 20 22:16:19 if i had seen this when I interviewed with the company, i wouldn’t have taken the job May 20 22:16:35 s73v3r: whats the app do if you can say? May 20 22:17:00 s73v3r: http://pastebin.com/EiFxuYGR May 20 22:17:02 ok i used my own method thanks lasserix May 20 22:17:10 you're probably stuck building your own layout-manager thing then. come up with a language, read in the rules from the server, execute. May 20 22:17:11 can’t, sorry May 20 22:17:19 s73v3r: understandable May 20 22:17:55 groxx: while they’d probably jump at that idea, I don’t think i have time for it May 20 22:18:16 im curios, do they send you the layout as an xmlfile? May 20 22:18:22 s73v3r: if you can describe everything in xml, you could feed server-generated xml into the layoutinflaters May 20 22:18:49 nope. they send a JSON object with the datamodels May 20 22:19:06 you should make a factory May 20 22:19:08 and then an enum with a few of the variable things May 20 22:19:14 s73v3r: my heart just dropped for you May 20 22:19:24 the problem is, some of the data models might not be there May 20 22:19:40 so I’m supposed to work around that May 20 22:21:39 tell one of the server guys to study the layouts of android May 20 22:23:33 just make an empty LinearLayout and say that's the best you could do with such nonstandard input :p May 20 22:36:21 I'm writing a newsreader app. I'm planning on having different screens for each category of news article. Would it be considered OK design to use the same fragment for each category, but just change the database query criteria for the articles that are pulled in? May 20 22:37:04 you could, but that could get pretty hairy after one or two unique layouts May 20 22:37:22 the switch of the text will look very ugly May 20 22:38:38 you could extract common parts of the layout into sub views. then create a Factory which takes the category ID and spits back a set of views based on that category ID May 20 22:39:44 o_o May 20 22:40:20 what's wrong with this? port = Integer.parseInt(((EditText) findViewById(R.id.editTextPort)).toString()); May 20 22:40:33 either that or another line in similar style are causing null pointer exception May 20 22:41:03 R.id.editTextPort is part of the settings AlertDialog May 20 22:41:07 there could be lots, lots of things wrong with thaqt May 20 22:41:08 "What's right with it?" would be a better question. :D May 20 22:41:10 what on earth man May 20 22:41:18 what're you trying to be efficient or something? May 20 22:41:24 Odaym, s73v3r: I was planning on just creating a new fragment each time the category was switched and passing a parameter to its creation that would go into logic to determine what category to query on May 20 22:41:24 Odaym, i want to get hostname and port from setting dialog May 20 22:41:31 Odaym, just stupid May 20 22:41:34 yeah May 20 22:41:43 nfk|laptop: Just break it down into steps. That's a monster line. May 20 22:42:23 TacticalJoke, i don't think it's that long given with identation it's fitting into half of my laptop screen width May 20 22:42:39 t0ast: right, but you also said you wanted different layouts for each category May 20 22:42:41 It's not that it's long: it's that it's convoluted. May 20 22:42:42 you need to understand parsers May 20 22:42:58 and i don't think breaking it down will help, i'm probably trying to access something which does not exist, aren't i? May 20 22:42:59 s73v3r: The layouts don't change per category, just the type sof articles that are pulled in May 20 22:43:03 you are telling to do something that is fine at compile time but broken at runtime May 20 22:43:14 nfk|laptop: If you break it down, you'll see the error. May 20 22:43:16 Odaym, naturally it's wrapped in try catch May 20 22:43:17 then nevermind with the factory thing May 20 22:43:23 you oughtta be shot May 20 22:43:24 haha May 20 22:43:33 jkiloveyou May 20 22:43:41 TacticalJoke, okay, there better be such an obvious mistake May 20 22:43:46 Or what? May 20 22:43:49 else you will report Google!!! May 20 22:44:13 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3398363/how-to-define-callbacks-in-android is this link what I"m looking for if I want to implement a callback on a method that I write? May 20 22:44:22 My address is 123 Internet Road. Come get me! May 20 22:45:41 nfk|laptop: you shouldn't be finding it over and over again May 20 22:45:43 what do you call the state of whether a thing is true or false? May 20 22:45:43 you should find it once May 20 22:45:50 booleanity> May 20 22:45:51 ? May 20 22:45:59 Its truth value? May 20 22:46:02 lol May 20 22:46:04 yeah May 20 22:46:06 truth value May 20 22:46:09 ok May 20 22:46:10 ie is it a proposition May 20 22:46:16 That's the term used in philosophy, I think. May 20 22:48:14 TacticalJoke, finished, nothing wrong found so far May 20 22:48:31 I can see the mistake even in the mess you posted. :p May 20 22:48:36 And I'm no Lisp programmer. May 20 22:49:36 TacticalJoke, is toString() not the right method for getting EditText value? May 20 22:49:44 at compile time it is May 20 22:49:55 and at runtime? May 20 22:50:06 hasnt found the textview yet May 20 22:50:08 You want `editText.getText().toString()`. May 20 22:50:23 oh shit you dont have getText either May 20 22:50:37 TacticalJoke, bloating the code couldn't possibly find that, you know May 20 22:51:01 Odaym, i probably don't, else i'd have gone for it May 20 22:51:04 still I stand by my imaginary conclusion May 20 22:51:17 what is the screen saver thingy called? May 20 22:51:17 wait, i do May 20 22:51:24 Bloating the code? Dude. May 20 22:51:30 yea he's trolling May 20 22:51:38 alright, so maybe i should have bloated it more May 20 22:51:52 TacticalJoke, just tell me all those variables aren't bloat May 20 22:52:03 yea go python man May 20 22:52:04 or that the compiler is so godlike it will actually optimize them out May 20 22:52:05 better than android May 20 22:52:07 see ya May 20 22:52:19 i'm actually a ruby person May 20 22:52:23 ##ruby May 20 22:52:24 not that i'm very good at it May 20 22:52:27 android sucks May 20 22:52:31 too inefficient May 20 22:52:56 well? do they really caue no extra memory usage? May 20 22:53:01 *cause May 20 22:53:04 I don't think extracting local variables will affect performance. That's what the compiler has to do anyway when parsing something such as you posted. May 20 22:53:16 http://ruboto.org/ :p May 20 22:53:16 fine May 20 22:53:20 do you even know how a compiler works to ask that question nfk|laptop ? May 20 22:53:24 Anyway, code readability is king. May 20 22:53:44 TacticalJoke: extracting some will May 20 22:54:05 Odaym, i don't think i know compilers that well, in particular the intrinsics of java one though i suspect it's probably similar to C# compiler May 20 22:54:08 they can if they create garbage May 20 22:54:18 then why ramble for nothing May 20 22:54:20 lasserix: Garbage on the stack? May 20 22:54:22 geez May 20 22:55:33 TacticalJoke: if you do for (int i = 0; i < Integer.MAX_VALUE; ++i) { String s= new String("garbage"): } i belive you will definatly see gc May 20 22:55:52 the variable is irrelevant there though May 20 22:55:56 no different than { new String("garbage"); } though May 20 22:56:00 you'll get garbage if you do.. yeah. that :) May 20 22:56:06 lasserix, not if you concenate those string to a stringbuilder :) May 20 22:56:14 yeah but they're on the stack May 20 22:56:17 still no dice May 20 22:56:19 yet they are creating garbage? May 20 22:56:19 there is no stack May 20 22:56:25 The garbage is on the heap. May 20 22:56:25 no, the reference is on the stack May 20 22:56:28 the string is on the heap May 20 22:56:33 yeah that May 20 22:56:47 who's on third ? May 20 22:56:49 but the problem isn't the variable, it's the creation of the heap object. May 20 22:56:51 If anyone is familiar with retrofit, do you know how to handle a response from a server which is coming back as non-json? The endpoint normally returns json, but sometimes nginx could go down or something, and it’ll return a 200 with some html content. I’d like to open a webview while I debug so I can know what’s going wrong. Suggestions? May 20 22:56:55 JesusFreke: right, May 20 22:57:01 TacticalJoke: see that's what i meant May 20 22:57:02 its pretty obvious that something that is created must be gc'ed at some point, isnt it? May 20 22:57:23 object gets created on the heap, reference lives in the stack May 20 22:57:32 should I put *.iml into the repo (android studio)? May 20 22:57:40 reference is not a problem, but the local method variable will cause problems in this case May 20 22:57:40 Thorn: generally no May 20 22:57:43 pzero: it returns a 200 when down?!? May 20 22:57:54 Thorn: personally, I only include the .gradle files, no .idea or .iml May 20 22:57:55 lasserix: But I think the compiler will generate the same code anyway. May 20 22:57:56 pzero, change the method to return a response object instead of a JsonObject May 20 22:58:05 then you can do the parsing manually if you want May 20 22:58:07 JakeWharton: I messed up the question a little. I’m getting something from amazon which is a 200 May 20 22:58:10 BTW, in that example, I think you won't see collections because it's just reusing the same String instance. May 20 22:58:17 and I want to see the page in a webview so I know what’s going on May 20 22:58:31 TacticalJoke: I believe it will actually create a distinct object for each string. May 20 22:58:35 That String constructor just says `this.value = other.value;`. May 20 22:58:42 ok thanks May 20 22:58:48 new *always* creates a new object May 20 22:58:55 danijoo_, The response object is null, unfortunately. May 20 22:59:06 Oh, yeah, sorry. I was only thinking of the char buffer. It will create some garbage. May 20 22:59:11 Just a smallish amount. :D May 20 22:59:37 latest studio creates a .gitignore with only /.idea/workspace.xml and /.idea/libraries in it btw May 20 22:59:47 (when starting a new project) May 20 23:00:01 http://pastie.org/private/ksxtqfveyi3uwi5ffmxfzw May 20 23:00:18 Thorn, if everyone that might use your project uses AS, commiting iml files is absolutly fines May 20 23:00:21 fine* May 20 23:00:21 Thorn: The auto-generated .gitignore isn't very good, IMO. May 20 23:00:25 but they are not neccessary May 20 23:00:30 Thorn: yeah, that's one of the official-ish recommendations. it creates a lot of crap that's your-computer-specific / current-android-studio-mode-specific though. May 20 23:00:52 Android Studio will set up your project automagically and regenerate all that for you if you import the gradle files, though May 20 23:00:56 my main concern is they may change frequently and pollute the history May 20 23:01:03 they do May 20 23:01:18 .iml seems to change hourly :D May 20 23:01:26 e.g. if you change flavors, one of the files they officially recommend including in history will change itself May 20 23:02:02 also, since building at least once adds a build folder, the addition of that build folder (even though ignored) still appears in one of the .idea/ files, and I think maybe .iml too. May 20 23:02:38 Intellij has crappy local / remote file separation, just like Eclipse :| the .gradle files are all that's necessary though, and they wholly describe how to build your app, so even if Android Studio ceases to exist it'll still work. May 20 23:03:47 bleh, and now probably race condition May 20 23:04:31 you also need .gitattributes with *.bat text eol=crlf if developing on !windows May 20 23:04:50 (for gradlew.bat) May 20 23:04:56 what? May 20 23:05:22 my git does that automatically since I installed it May 20 23:05:26 and I didnt change anything May 20 23:05:34 I needed that on osx May 20 23:06:03 Or you could use Mercurial. :D May 20 23:06:18 no way I'm going back to mercurial May 20 23:06:28 ;o May 20 23:06:34 I've never heard someone say that. May 20 23:06:37 yaaay! May 20 23:06:40 another! May 20 23:06:42 Always "No way I'm going back to Git". May 20 23:06:48 (git++)++ May 20 23:06:56 oh yea? May 20 23:07:06 what more do you know than commit, push, checkout? :P May 20 23:07:24 reset May 20 23:07:31 we got a tough guy here May 20 23:07:35 hehe May 20 23:07:49 i suck at it May 20 23:07:54 clean May 20 23:07:57 how do i tell a task that's run by a handler of the new parameters without hanging android? May 20 23:08:10 one thing I do well at it is that I never use GUI for it May 20 23:08:13 how about `vim .git/` :D May 20 23:08:35 also I know how to make it reconsider a file again, like a checked-in and newly updated gitignore May 20 23:09:04 i tried removeCallbacks before changing the variables and then using postDelay but it still didn't work May 20 23:09:10 personally, I'm just 100% converted by the staging area. single best DVCS feature ever. May 20 23:09:16 nfk|laptop, AsyncTask maybe? :) May 20 23:09:22 never used any other vcs May 20 23:09:31 havent been around that long im afraid ;P May 20 23:09:33 No wai! The best feature is Mercurial Evolve. :D May 20 23:09:43 Linus praises Mercurial May 20 23:09:52 nfk|laptop: not sure what you mean by that May 20 23:10:00 in some talk he had about git at google tech talks May 20 23:10:10 I liked the anti-Subversion talk. May 20 23:10:19 he even bashes google's own vcs May 20 23:10:19 There's something we can all get behind: hating Subversion. May 20 23:10:23 i think they were on something else before May 20 23:10:25 also VSS May 20 23:10:33 I cant believe in a guy that moves on a treadmill while hacking together linux kernels.. May 20 23:10:46 Linus programs on a treadmill? May 20 23:10:48 _everyone_ hates VSS. it's the one thing that unites humanity. May 20 23:10:50 sure! May 20 23:10:51 TacticalJoke, yes. May 20 23:10:56 Yeah, VSS and CVS. May 20 23:10:59 And now Subversion. May 20 23:11:06 Pinus May 20 23:11:07 lol May 20 23:11:39 TacticalJoke, http://jomofis.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/Linus-Torvalds-Guided-Tour-of-His-Home-Office-YouTube-e1406049455320.png May 20 23:11:43 groxx, i have now two activity class private variables for hostname and port and i'm using AlertDialog to change those while a Handler is running some code every 2 seconds that is using the said variables May 20 23:11:51 lol May 20 23:12:00 Not sure why I didn't know about the treadmill thing. May 20 23:12:04 Anyone know the fastest/best/simplest way to see if a motionevent happened in a view? May 20 23:12:13 given the motion event and the view May 20 23:12:14 you have to sort of obsess about him in an unhealthy way May 20 23:12:17 :D May 20 23:12:21 TacticalJoke, he did a youtube video where he shows is home office May 20 23:12:27 Odaym, i knew about that months ago... May 20 23:12:32 yea..we all did May 20 23:12:46 I've never seen a video of linus that long without him insulting anyone May 20 23:12:48 "let me watch more of this guy, maybe I will become like him if I watch enough!" May 20 23:12:55 nfk|laptop: assuming the problem is that the dialog isn't seeing the after-2-seconds changes: if the handler is running on the main thread, you should be fine. if not, they may never update. standard threaded programming stuff. May 20 23:12:59 sadly impossible May 20 23:13:02 sadly sadly May 20 23:13:07 I remember going through a serious anti-MS, pro-Linux phase as a teenager. May 20 23:13:16 try reading Masters of Doom May 20 23:13:18 you will kill yourself May 20 23:13:21 well, it helps that MS has kinda earned it at times May 20 23:13:21 Though I always found Linus and Stallman really weird. May 20 23:13:29 I call him Minus May 20 23:13:34 MS looks like a good guy compared to Google nowadays. May 20 23:13:36 Yournus? May 20 23:13:39 groxx, no, it's hanging the whole android gui May 20 23:13:49 and naturally the app is finally closed May 20 23:13:56 oh sure, "biggest asshole" company award gets passed around. it's the circle of life. May 20 23:13:59 :D May 20 23:14:16 and it's not the dialog that's not seeing the changes, it's the dialog that's making them May 20 23:14:19 nfk|laptop: are you using .wait or something? May 20 23:14:23 Gates seems less evil now; he donates a lot to charity. May 20 23:14:35 Was he never evil? Did he lose his evil status? What happened. May 20 23:14:42 yeah and McDonalds is the healthiest place to eat now May 20 23:14:43 as I hear it: his wife happened. May 20 23:14:50 groxx, no May 20 23:14:58 well he is no longer in control :P May 20 23:15:10 easy to be nice when you dont have power May 20 23:15:12 money can buy your trust too May 20 23:15:21 memory is quite fuzzy, so fact-check this, but: iirc his wife was the major impetus for the philanthropy. no he's doing it on his own too, but she was the origin. May 20 23:15:24 TacticalJoke, what fucking lot? his fund is usually donating MS shit valued at 3 yotallion marsian dollars May 20 23:15:41 why was he ever evil? May 20 23:15:43 nfk|laptop: mind posting some source? I suspect it's something simple May 20 23:15:43 actual value: less than paper the charity was written on May 20 23:15:50 groxx, sure May 20 23:15:52 just because he earned a shitload of $$? May 20 23:16:04 well, by that logic, Musk is too May 20 23:16:22 danijoo_: Something about how he destroyed smaller rivals. I forget the details. May 20 23:16:23 danijoo_: didn't you read his famous letter bitching about how open source peoples cramming his style ? May 20 23:16:24 danijoo_, during the econmical crisis i'm pretty sure he's gotten yet wealthier May 20 23:16:38 TacticalJoke, soo... basically what every businessman would do May 20 23:16:42 though Paypal might be an even ickier source for $$ than MS May 20 23:16:50 Yeah, but I seem to recall their breaking the law over and over. May 20 23:17:02 And his going way further than any sane/normal person would. May 20 23:17:28 no idea. im not much following those kind of politics :/ May 20 23:17:32 but good to know May 20 23:17:41 i don't think you call one of the richest people on earth normal May 20 23:17:41 now he's evil for me, too May 20 23:17:58 I wish I could remember the details. It's been so long. May 20 23:18:01 nah man May 20 23:18:04 I forget everything after a few years. ;| May 20 23:18:06 the guy is a legend May 20 23:18:09 what're you talking about May 20 23:18:23 TacticalJoke: and thus the "new hype is hypest ever" circle continues :) May 20 23:18:30 :D May 20 23:18:54 he's a legend to materialists May 20 23:19:07 groxx, https://paste.kde.org/pg4anxndl/k58hgm May 20 23:19:16 they point to how much money he made and tell you to shut up May 20 23:19:21 #1 google hit for "bill gates is evil" is an article with the name "Is bill gates a psychopath?" lol May 20 23:19:26 In any case, it's a good thing Ballmer has gone. He was... Ballmy. May 20 23:19:37 The new MS seems way nicer. May 20 23:19:53 because they have to be, never forget that May 20 23:20:14 bill gates and other giants are way beyond you sitting here and talking about how they did this and that May 20 23:20:15 hehe May 20 23:20:32 shmooz: Good point. May 20 23:20:37 They are losing power big time. May 20 23:20:39 hello all , i am sure all of you know about Genymotion to test our apps , nice , the qustion is in my Genymotion when i want to actevate WIFI to test http in my app it say i have tp buy Genymotion , but alot of dev use wifi in youtube and thay say it is free "Genymotion " how com is that May 20 23:20:42 its like a human challenging a pyramid to a fist fight May 20 23:20:43 nfk|laptop: hm. does it stop freezing if you remove removeCallbacks and the postDelayed call? and what's in refresh? May 20 23:20:59 i like to imagine that he is sitting behind one of those names in the channel that never says anything May 20 23:21:08 just reading this and laughing with an evil tone May 20 23:21:31 groxx, i used the wrong term, it doesn't just freeze, it hangs the whole android UX and then it gets forcefully unhung via termination and possibly restart of GUI May 20 23:21:33 i should go to bed. May 20 23:21:57 nfk|laptop: funky. doesn't seem like it would be that bad. May 20 23:22:00 yea...damn job May 20 23:22:11 though it depends on what's in refreshTask, I suppose May 20 23:22:25 groxx, in fact, even if there's no Handler doing refreshes, it still does that same evil thing May 20 23:22:31 beshoo, wifi should be available by default. only the switching between wifi and slower modes is premium May 20 23:22:32 it's the code i posted that's doing it May 20 23:22:38 its also enabled by default May 20 23:22:55 nfk|laptop: where is onCreateDialog defined? May 20 23:22:58 danijoo_ wifi is not shown , the wifi icon ! May 20 23:23:09 groxx, part of api, now deprecated May 20 23:23:10 and the switcher is disable May 20 23:23:13 API level 1, i thin May 20 23:23:14 k May 20 23:23:17 beshoo, thats odd. May 20 23:23:26 let me show you ,,, hold May 20 23:23:31 ok May 20 23:24:03 nfk|laptop: You'd get more help if you posted the entire thing (including `refreshTask`). May 20 23:24:36 actually, what if i used SharedPreferences? May 20 23:24:42 nfk|laptop: ah, part of Activity May 20 23:24:59 so do I have to intercept touch event in listview if i set touchListener on rows of a listview to get those clicks? because using onTouchEvent to pass it to the gestureDetector stops getting onSingleTap fired when there is that listener May 20 23:25:01 though i only have one activity, i need persistence anyway May 20 23:25:12 nfk|laptop: so, if you remove all the refreshHandler calls, does it still break? May 20 23:25:20 TacticalJoke, that seems a bit too much to post May 20 23:25:30 and do you have a stacktrace somewhere? May 20 23:25:33 groxx, i removed all that i saw, let me double check May 20 23:25:38 yes May 20 23:25:56 your refresh task is probably occuring on the main ui May 20 23:26:24 you need to do it on another thread May 20 23:26:57 maybe. probably is on the main thread though, yeah, unless nfk|laptop: you've done something to make it run on a different one? May 20 23:27:07 https://paste.kde.org/pjhquwzmp/j0hk5g May 20 23:27:27 oh. well that's an easy one to fix. May 20 23:27:37 you have a null object at line 154 May 20 23:28:23 lasserix I remember the fact that returning true when intercepting means that you are going to handle the event and false means it will be handled by the default eventlistener, that was tricky and causing the events to not be caught May 20 23:28:38 https://gist.github.com/pfn/0785f79a2a77f2d8a5e4 May 20 23:28:40 i don't have that many lines, i think May 20 23:28:42 maybe that helps May 20 23:28:44 ugh, where am I making a bad assumption... May 20 23:29:19 lasserix, the HTTP request and Image loading is done by a Runner May 20 23:29:27 nfk|laptop: http://pastebin.com/yNyjy4Js May 20 23:29:50 Odaym: yeah but i am not doing any of that May 20 23:29:55 i am just passing the event without touching it May 20 23:30:01 i think i have to use intercep May 20 23:30:05 for it to worklike that May 20 23:30:10 this is a click -- there is no was handled May 20 23:30:38 lasserix, what does that Executor there do? May 20 23:30:40 hm? May 20 23:30:45 its just a Thread basically May 20 23:30:52 a recycled thread May 20 23:30:54 and it won't without it? May 20 23:30:55 you can intercept anything if you return false, that's all i know May 20 23:30:58 what? May 20 23:31:05 it wont what? May 20 23:31:15 you probably want to run the refresh task off the main ui May 20 23:31:19 if you are doing that already great May 20 23:31:27 just using a handler won't help you there, all it does is delay it May 20 23:31:45 nfk|laptop: it says ya do: at lv.via.nfk.doorcam.MainActivity$2.onClick(MainActivity.java:154) May 20 23:31:45 handlers are usually associated with the main thread, unless you specifically do some other stuff to make a thread have a looper May 20 23:31:54 the handler is the looper's errand boy May 20 23:32:03 nfk|laptop: is it possible you're not running the code you're looking at? May 20 23:32:04 yeah, sorry, i'm getting too tired for this May 20 23:32:11 it's this line: String hostname = hostnameText.getText().toString(); May 20 23:32:14 the main thread always has a looper and so most of the time Handler h = new Handler() will h to the main thread May 20 23:33:09 Odaym: yeah if i use onInterceptTouchEvent it will fire even with the touch listener May 20 23:33:17 (i am returning super.on... for both) May 20 23:33:21 no May 20 23:33:24 yes May 20 23:33:28 the one you're going to handle must return false May 20 23:33:29 YESSSSS May 20 23:33:30 no May 20 23:33:37 not necessarily May 20 23:33:38 dude I do that all the time May 20 23:33:43 then finally I return super May 20 23:33:43 i am using intercept May 20 23:33:45 nfk|laptop: Executors is a mostly-convenient-and-flexible way to make a pool of worker threads. May 20 23:33:45 for everything else May 20 23:33:55 lasserix, i'm afraid i think i'm beyond the point when i can understand what you're saying and if so, then why does the UI keep on working, shouldn't it freeze while the Runner is executed? also aren't Runners always in their own thread? May 20 23:34:01 http://pastie.org/10199524 May 20 23:34:02 see May 20 23:34:10 groxx, unlikely May 20 23:34:21 Runners are on the thread you pass them to May 20 23:34:31 if you dont pass them to anything then they run on the thread they were created May 20 23:34:41 so no May 20 23:34:50 you have to do Thread t = new Thread(mRunnable) t.start May 20 23:34:59 so make it run on anther thread which is what i was doing with the exeuctor May 20 23:35:06 alright, i think i'll have some sleep and return to this in about 9 hours, if anyone wants to say something, say it now May 20 23:35:23 if you give up, it'll be okay. if you build it, they will come. May 20 23:35:24 use the force! May 20 23:35:27 says so in ther overview too https://developer.android.com/training/gestures/viewgroup.html May 20 23:35:53 nfk|laptop: fix the null error and other crashes, then tackle threading (if necessary) :) in that order. May 20 23:36:03 danijoo_ it works ! :] May 20 23:36:25 As you said May 20 23:36:34 Odaym: well ill be a monkey's uncle, how did you know to check the official docs? gosh i feel like such a fool. May 20 23:36:37 such a noob May 20 23:36:42 i think i should go quit. May 20 23:37:12 Odaym: my guess is super.onTouchEvent is returning false May 20 23:37:12 we'll quit on Friday May 20 23:37:16 like you said May 20 23:37:22 groxx, i'm not sure i understand why that null is there May 20 23:37:27 yea if your code isnt running, it is returning false May 20 23:38:14 nfk|laptop: it seems to be happening due to a click, so it's probably not threading related. more likely you're just doing `theView = findViewById(R.id.etc)` but the view doesn't exist in the layout. May 20 23:39:25 in tablet , which has no phone to daile a number , how can i dile a number to show a hiden app ! May 20 23:40:12 beshoo: you are truely a troll master May 20 23:40:43 man....god damn nofap May 20 23:41:14 Nop , i have an app which is use a dile pad as a key , i did install it on my tap May 20 23:41:21 but now how can i show the app ! May 20 23:41:33 thats it ! May 20 23:41:46 open an app at the press of a button? May 20 23:42:04 alright, i'm trying with debugger May 20 23:42:21 nfk|laptop: 👍 May 20 23:42:25 groxx, yeah, it happens when i click on accept button May 20 23:42:41 beshoo: you have to manually install it or have the app change permissions to include tablets May 20 23:43:16 it says hostnameText = Collecting data.... // i presume it gonna do it eventually, right? May 20 23:43:57 as for the view not existing, they are all in the same AlertDialog in which the code is run May 20 23:44:11 did you verify hostnameText is not null? May 20 23:44:29 i'm waiting for the debugger to tell m that May 20 23:44:32 yeah you probably did like findViewById instead of mDialog.getContentView().findViewById May 20 23:44:46 lasserix, yes May 20 23:44:56 manually install it! May 20 23:45:19 nfk|laptop: yeah, findViewById is a method on your activity, it'll only find Activity-attached views. your alertdialog isn't one of them, it runs in its own window. do what lasserix said. May 20 23:45:28 beshoo: you are being very vague, but yeah, since it requires a dialer and tablets have no dialer, you can either change the permission or manually instead it with adb May 20 23:45:41 at least, I think it runs in its own window when you use AlertDialog directly. May 20 23:45:42 mDialog being... this? May 20 23:45:48 the alert dialog May 20 23:46:00 if you are in the alert dialog class just do getContentView May 20 23:46:09 now, it seems that android studio has hung as well May 20 23:46:12 nfk|laptop: you'll probably have to save a reference to the dialog returned by builder.create() May 20 23:47:16 groxx, this is the onClickListener for the positive accept button May 20 23:47:30 so it's different class but within AlertDialog May 20 23:47:43 If I replace a fragment in an activity and then I want to go back to it when the back button is pressed, do I need to override the onBackPressed and put in a popBackStack() ? Or is there a more elegant/automated way to handle this? May 20 23:47:49 and it's done before create is called May 20 23:48:12 t0astt: yes yes May 20 23:48:36 lasserix: yes as in I need to override it? May 20 23:48:38 nfk|laptop: doesn't matter if you can call findViewById then you are in activity class May 20 23:48:48 t0astt: yeah May 20 23:49:04 it took restating the phone to make android studio unhang May 20 23:49:10 actually you might test, it may do it automatically i can't remember May 20 23:49:19 fragments are not the way to go May 20 23:49:28 I tried without doing it but didn't have any luck May 20 23:49:37 yeah then that's how you do it May 20 23:50:15 lasserix, okay, so where do i get that mDialog? May 20 23:50:47 you save a ref to it when you call build May 20 23:50:51 nfk|laptop: you've just created a Dialog that you're returning, in that onCreateDialog method. or I forget if there's a getDialog method. May 20 23:50:51 or you save a ref to the edit text May 20 23:50:55 when you arte inflating it May 20 23:51:35 you are subclassing Dialog? May 20 23:51:59 just make hostNameText a class variable May 20 23:52:19 then you can do like getHostName() on your dialog class and return hostNameText.getText().toString() May 20 23:53:02 it would be more helpful if you posted more code May 20 23:53:21 lasserix, no, i don't think i'm subclassing it, i'm just calling new AlertDialog.Builder() May 20 23:53:31 but you have onCreateDialog ? May 20 23:54:33 yes but by the time build.create() is called and a Dialog is returned, that onClickLIsterner is already defined and attached May 20 23:54:48 lasserix, i have already posted it May 20 23:54:55 post the entire class yo May 20 23:55:01 because i dont believe anything you say May 20 23:55:14 onCreateDialog is a method you override in a class extending Dialog or DialogFragment May 20 23:56:11 lasserix, a bit old but it doesn't seem like anything has changed https://paste.kde.org/pg4anxndl/k58hgm May 20 23:56:21 thats not the class May 20 23:56:24 thats a method May 20 23:56:26 post the class May 20 23:56:30 adq, oh, are invoked functions always guaranteed to finish execution before invoking a kernel? <- yes if they are from same script - the doc ^^ "Some number of invokable functions. An invokable function is a single-threaded RenderScript function that you can call from your Java code with arbitrary arguments. These are often useful for initial setup or serial computations within a larger May 20 23:56:30 processing pipeline." - also check "An optional init() function. An init() function is a special type of invokable function that is run when the script is first instantiated. This allows for some computation to occur automatically at script creation." useful if you need to do it once May 20 23:56:51 pfn just curious what you doing with renderscript? May 20 23:56:55 lasserix, aes May 20 23:57:02 ahh cool May 20 23:57:02 aes crypto May 20 23:57:14 lasserix, i have no implementation of Dialog class in my code May 20 23:57:23 nfk|laptop: post the class that method came from May 20 23:57:38 i have no idea where it comes from May 20 23:57:41 it's part of API May 20 23:57:45 nfk|laptop makes it very hard to help. May 20 23:57:48 what? May 20 23:57:52 this is not part of the API May 20 23:57:55 where did this code come from? May 20 23:57:59 API level 1, iirc May 20 23:58:03 no May 20 23:58:05 https://paste.kde.org/pg4anxndl/k58hgm May 20 23:58:06 this code May 20 23:58:07 Not sure if troll. May 20 23:58:12 where did it come from in your project? May 20 23:58:22 ignore in 3 2 May 20 23:59:09 you just call showDialog(int foo) and that will call public Dialog onCreateDialog(int foo) May 20 23:59:25 where did this come from in your code? May 20 23:59:53 nfk|laptop: added a comment on the paste, since it's multiple lines and I can't seem to edit it May 20 23:59:59 i clobbered it together it from bunch of sources May 21 00:00:05 yes May 21 00:00:11 post the entire class from which this comes from May 21 00:00:14 in your project May 21 00:00:18 there is a class that contains this method May 21 00:00:22 post the entire class May 21 00:00:32 you know? the stuff above and below this method May 21 00:00:55 adq, my C is a bit rusty, am I making a bad assumption here? https://gist.github.com/pfn/0785f79a2a77f2d8a5e4 May 21 00:01:23 adq, where BYTE is defined as uint8_t May 21 00:01:34 lasserix, that class is the whole project May 21 00:01:42 apart from the xml files May 21 00:01:46 yeah post the class May 21 00:01:50 not just the method May 21 00:02:00 can i leave that as the last resort? May 21 00:02:09 that's where we are at May 21 00:02:15 and there's nothing below the method May 21 00:02:17 it's the last method May 21 00:02:24 1 May 21 00:02:25 nfk|laptop: to be fair, part of the problem here is that dialogs aren't great at doing this kind of thing :| they're more for yes/no/cancel, not "fill out this form and return it" May 21 00:02:39 groxx, so another activity? May 21 00:02:50 I like how you are afraid to post your code even though it is not even working May 21 00:02:51 ah indeed pfn, i can in my code that: uint8_t * block_byte; May 21 00:03:05 ok, no big deal, who needs sleep anyway May 21 00:03:08 meaning i maybe hit the same issue at some point lol, cause i have no occurences of any "BYTE" in .rs May 21 00:03:14 This is awesome: http://imgur.com/a/rALY2 May 21 00:03:15 lasserix, it's just that i should not be relying on others that much May 21 00:03:24 so i guess i forced the to pick uint8_t by reading the headers May 21 00:03:31 wow May 21 00:03:39 very nice TacticalJoke May 21 00:03:40 nfk|laptop: Instead you waste their time by refusing to post the code they need to see to help you. May 21 00:03:42 TacticalJoke: I've never been more satisfied May 21 00:03:48 TacticalJoke: who is that? May 21 00:04:01 TacticalJoke: he's just a troll May 21 00:04:01 lasserix: I got it from here: http://reddit.com/r/oddlysatisfying May 21 00:04:04 nfk|laptop: also, check the comment on the paste you pasted earlier May 21 00:04:07 Oh, yeah. I dunno. May 21 00:04:07 I need a logout actionbar icon but haven’t found any in the package found at Google Developer pages. It should exist one? May 21 00:04:17 an earnest, willing troll. but a troll ntl May 21 00:04:22 adq, I just have BYTE defined as uint8_t -- that's not the problem May 21 00:04:31 I seem to be having some data conversion problem or something May 21 00:04:42 mEck0: ask TacticalJoke he knows the xml May 21 00:04:45 like my cast is coercing my data and fucking it up or something May 21 00:04:56 which line is problematic? May 21 00:04:57 mEck0: otherwise you can get it out of https://google.github.io/material-design-icons/ May 21 00:05:16 l.13? May 21 00:05:29 adq, presumably, yes May 21 00:05:31 A log-out button? Not sure. I would've just posted the same link. :) May 21 00:05:32 if so, i have no idea of aes_encrypt proto, so no clue lol May 21 00:05:36 I wish rsDebug could dump arrays May 21 00:05:51 the back arrow? May 21 00:05:57 Isn't that different? May 21 00:06:00 there's a debug void *p May 21 00:06:03 I wonder what that does May 21 00:06:28 lasserix: thanks! May 21 00:06:33 lasserix, using what you said in the comment helped, i think May 21 00:07:02 now i just need to put back all the Handler code and see if it still works May 21 00:07:14 hopefully it dumps shit in a readable format May 21 00:08:25 pfn, "A pointer to void may be converted to or from a pointer to any object type. A pointer to any object type may be converted to a pointer to void and back again; the result shall compare equal to the original pointer." May 21 00:09:24 but i'm not sure it will work in RS, like i cannot have a int array[]; i must have an int * array which i will allocate on java side, or a int array[1234] with a known size May 21 00:09:26 adq, huh? not what I'm asking, just wondering if the rsDebug on void* does what I expect it to May 21 00:10:02 idk if it suffers from the same problem i just said above May 21 00:10:26 for sure, you can have typed pointer, struct pointer, whatever as parameters May 21 00:11:32 Adblock Browser for Android: http://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/36m45l/adblock_plus_announces_the_adblock/ May 21 00:11:53 incredible, i can't resolve the server's hostname even though every else is resolvable May 21 00:11:57 ok on my side: void test(void * p) {} May 21 00:12:01 just compiled properly May 21 00:13:40 void test2(uint8_t * p) {test(p);} May 21 00:13:40 too May 21 00:15:06 I meant, does rsDebug log byte values out May 21 00:15:10 for void*p May 21 00:15:33 I assume it does May 21 00:15:38 i have no idea lol May 21 00:15:50 I should be able to register Otto inside a fragment, no? Im doing it inside onActivityCreated for the fragment to make sure that it has context but the event is not triggering May 21 00:16:12 you can put multiple values with a comma with rsDebug May 21 00:16:58 rsDebug("blablabla", p1, p2, ..., pn); May 21 00:17:10 i don't recall you can format with % though May 21 00:17:50 you're leaking your sbox by the way :p May 21 00:17:58 Hi all. I need a little help with android programming. I have to add to a new intent a Uri as data and use it later in a function like this getURL(Bundle data) Can somebody tell me how this can be done please ? May 21 00:18:02 adq, sbox is a global May 21 00:19:44 http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/renderscript/reference/rs_debug.html May 21 00:19:55 I don't see how rsDebug(char *, void *) can work without a length... May 21 00:22:56 ugh, it just logs the address May 21 00:22:59 useless May 21 00:25:20 should i reread SharedPreferences on every resume? May 21 00:26:53 interesting, looks like renderscript byte order is little endian? May 21 00:27:58 https://gist.github.com/pfn/0785f79a2a77f2d8a5e4 May 21 00:28:01 logged byte order is weird May 21 00:30:08 it's lsb May 21 00:30:17 hey guys I'm trying to get this done a while now but just cant figure it i'm drawing rectangles with motionEvent on canvas i wan to make the rectangles react to touch like button i know i have to save the coord for the rectangles and check if matches the touched area but have not idea anyone done something similar http://pastebin.com/6p92nDFp May 21 00:30:38 still cant get otto to fire inside fragment May 21 00:30:44 why.. May 21 00:30:49 oh wy May 21 00:31:03 wow, I think I just wasted my whole day fucking around with a byte ordering issue... May 21 00:34:36 http://llvm.org/devmtg/2011-11/Hines_AndroidRenderscript.pdf May 21 00:34:43 LLVM bitcode is not 100% portable May 21 00:34:43 ● Endian (we use little endian) May 21 00:34:48 thanks, document it somewhere fuckers May 21 00:35:26 damn lilliputians May 21 00:36:10 nfk|laptop: you can reread it frequently, yeah. once it's in memory it's typically always checked in-memory instead of on disk, so it's fast. May 21 00:37:47 no endian conversion functions either, guess I have to do it myself May 21 00:37:55 pfn: yow, that would suck May 21 00:38:04 don't suppose you can tell it to compile to a different endianness? May 21 00:38:10 xperia: Struggling to understand your question. May 21 00:38:10 not really, easy bitflip May 21 00:38:25 just stupid that I have to do it May 21 00:38:34 ugh, samsung. this device logs every query, every time, multiple lines. May 21 00:40:04 crap like this should've been a failure of CTS. May 21 00:40:34 Catholic Truth Society? May 21 00:40:44 now I hope I don't get my byte ordering all confused May 21 00:41:08 TacticalJoke: exactly. rot in Limbo forever, Samsung. May 21 00:42:02 oh my god May 21 00:42:19 i just fucked up a recursion call and made 1.2k users in my database May 21 00:42:31 lol May 21 00:42:34 I have a ListView with rows like this: [ ImageView ] [ TextView ] [ TextView]. The middle TextView changes height. The ImageView is sometimes present (View.VISIBLE) and sometimes gone (View.GONE). Would it be more CPU-efficient to have two view types here (one with an ImageView and one without)? May 21 00:42:35 ship it May 21 00:42:49 I suspect so, but I'm not sure (because the middle TextView already causes re-layouts). May 21 00:42:55 Or re-measures. May 21 00:42:55 yeah May 21 00:43:08 a) simpler view hierarchy May 21 00:43:22 b) no toggling May 21 00:43:25 TacticalJoke: tbh, I can never tell. measure it, see if there's a difference. I suspect it's micro. May 21 00:43:31 Yeah, I guess I should measure. May 21 00:44:05 But, ya, I suspect that it's the case because of what lasserix says. May 21 00:44:26 well, also 2x views in your reuse pool. which is worse? May 21 00:44:38 Yah. That's the catch. :| May 21 00:44:51 how many views total? May 21 00:44:54 10 12 ever at most? May 21 00:44:58 over 9000 May 21 00:44:59 not going to hurt your ram May 21 00:45:02 Indefinite, really. It's reddit posts. May 21 00:45:08 recycled May 21 00:45:12 Oh, sorry. lol May 21 00:45:20 there are only as many views as there are visible rows at most ever May 21 00:45:26 Around six on a small-screen phone, I guess. May 21 00:45:44 Around 14 on my tablet, I think. May 21 00:46:25 But if I use two view types then it might be 12 or 28, right? May 21 00:46:41 oh no! May 21 00:47:13 may the robotic gods have mercy upon your non-soul. May 21 00:51:39 Hmm. TextView.setText calls View.requestLayout if the height or width changes. I wonder whether that means I get to hide/show the ImageView for free. May 21 00:51:42 groxx TacticalJoke and I are in competition to see who will ship first May 21 00:51:53 When did you start yours, g00s? May 21 00:52:17 hmm, before you were in the channel ... May 21 00:52:22 so i guess i got a head start May 21 00:52:24 I started mine on 14 Nov 2014. May 21 00:52:56 I have no idea when mine will ship. lo May 21 00:52:57 lol* May 21 00:53:06 I can say confidently that it'll ship within 10 years. May 21 00:53:21 But before that is hard to pin down. May 21 00:53:24 newbie question: doing this inside a fragment getActivity().setContentView(videoView); will change my whole activity content right ? May 21 00:53:28 will reddit still be around in 10 years ? :P May 21 00:53:31 :D May 21 00:53:38 I'll end up creating my own site for the app. May 21 00:54:24 Noizept: yeah you usually only want to call setContentView once May 21 00:54:43 I'm using dagger2. I have an application component with an inject() method that takes my base activity. I create my application component in a subclass of Application in onCreate(). In my base activity, I'm injecting the current object. Is there a reason when I do @Inject MyDependency myDependency in a child class of the base activity, it would be null? May 21 00:54:44 you can use addView removeView on your viewgroup root view to change the content dynamically May 21 00:54:49 ty lasserix May 21 00:55:38 interestingly, before I knew android well, I used setContentView to work as a viewflipper May 21 00:55:43 heh, and it worked ut pretty well May 21 00:56:09 alright, it's almost working May 21 00:56:10 pfn: i used to do that too until i came in here a few years ago and jake wharton was like no. May 21 00:56:43 i think romain guy said no too, if i recall it could lead to memory leaks May 21 00:56:48 oh yeah May 21 00:56:49 lasserix, do i correctly suspect that after expanding the views within the expanded layout are not yet initialized, correct? May 21 00:56:53 at least thats what he said May 21 00:57:03 *after expanding the layout May 21 00:57:06 nfk|laptop: goto bed May 21 00:57:13 just a bit more May 21 00:57:15 after expanding the views within the expanded layout" May 21 00:57:17 it's almost working May 21 00:57:22 Okay, to answer my question: no, it doesn't appear that I get to change the layout for free just because the TextView is requesting a re-layout. May 21 00:57:31 but yeah its not instantaneous May 21 00:57:39 if only i could figure out how to fil out the dialog values with SavedPreferences values, i'd be done May 21 00:57:39 pfn: well, it is explicitly designed to allow multiple calls. seems fine May 21 00:57:55 groxx, yeah, for what I was doing at the time, it was perfect, heh May 21 00:58:03 TacticalJoke: requestlayout calls are enqueued or something? May 21 00:58:38 lasserix: it sets a flag, next view tick checks that flag May 21 00:58:41 I think it just sets a flag to be used sometime later (though I could be totally wrong; never looked deeply into it)> May 21 00:58:45 Ah, okay. :D May 21 00:59:07 or, timing of when it checks depends on the OS. but yes, they're "enqueued" May 21 00:59:21 I think the difference here, though, is that the TextView re-laying-out is less costly than the entire thing re-laying-out. May 21 00:59:43 s/entire thing/parent May 21 00:59:51 +/ May 21 00:59:56 TacticalJoke: cool. how much faster/slower are we talking? May 21 01:00:06 Oh, haven't measured yet. Just hypothesizing. May 21 01:00:14 (Looking at View.java.) May 21 01:00:14 oh, heh May 21 01:00:28 tbh I would think textview re-layout-ing would be the worst. text is complicated. May 21 01:02:04 The thing is, if I say `imageView.setVisibility(View.GONE);`, the parent is invalidated. But as far as I can tell this doesn't happen if I say `textView.setText("Something that changes our height.");`. (Though I could be wrong -- this stuff is my Achilles' Heel.) May 21 01:05:19 hm. I would expect it to be invalidated, actually - the parent needs to re-draw itself to let the textview draw on a "blank slate" instead of over the previous cached bitmap (if any). possibly display lists let you get around that though (but if then, I'd expect it to work with .GONE too). May 21 01:05:56 Ah, okay. I guess the only way to be certain is to measure. May 21 01:06:04 but there are a few layers of more / less efficient validation happening in the internals, and I really don't follow that well enough to be sure of anything May 21 01:06:10 s/validation/invalidation/ May 21 01:06:12 I can also log onMeasure/onLayout stuff. May 21 01:06:43 just summate getView calls May 21 01:06:45 fwiw I'd strongly recommend not actually _logging_ if you're measuring something fast like this. they take a measurable amount of time. May 21 01:06:57 Yeah, not logging at the same time. May 21 01:07:11 long t= now() long e =now() - t; at head and end of getView May 21 01:07:13 thencall invalidate May 21 01:07:18 one with two view types one without May 21 01:07:24 ooh! ooh! https://github.com/Groxx/LocalTrace :D May 21 01:07:46 Oh, that looks good. :) Still haven't tried it. May 21 01:08:06 I had to fix a bug D: chrome updated yesterday-ish and broke traceview everywhere. May 21 01:08:12 lasserix: Nice idea. May 21 01:08:13 including its own, apparently May 21 01:08:20 groxx it comes with those comical captions too? May 21 01:08:26 lasserix: alas no. one day. May 21 01:08:54 though I think my next goal is to (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ the seriously-crappy html code they generate, and make a non-chrome-specific version that's a bit more flexible. May 21 01:09:16 plus I want a flame chart mode, instead of just call-stacks. May 21 01:09:22 cool May 21 01:09:27 home ! May 21 01:09:32 that's a long way out, it's complex :| May 21 01:11:09 Can someone give me a litle help, i got a mjpeg video stream input, that i want to fill my whole fragment once it's created by the main activity... if this was activity i could do setcontent,but how to do it on fragment? http://ideone.com/AXaeoy May 21 01:12:09 Noizept: same basic way, just `return inflater.inflate(R.layout.whatever)` instead of `setContentView(R.layout.whatever)` May 21 01:13:34 Noizept: ooh. inflate returns a view - do your findViewByIds on that view, then return it in the end. you don't have anything usable really before then May 21 01:14:04 Noizept: or move your findView stuff into onViewCreated, instead of onCreateView May 21 01:15:50 groxx, ty very much for the tips May 21 01:16:36 i wish it was a little easier to stype dialogs May 21 01:16:43 kinda dificult as it stand May 21 01:17:05 Are the new AppCompat ones any better? May 21 01:17:08 (I haven't tried them yet.) May 21 01:17:10 DadFoundMy: yeah. which is why there's the DialogFragment :) May 21 01:17:41 groxx: i find even them difficult to style, but admitly i probabaly use them wrong May 21 01:18:07 fragments can be styled like anything else, because you have full control. dialogs have lots of internal-only crap May 21 01:18:28 fragments are no UI components May 21 01:18:34 s/no/not/ May 21 01:18:39 groxx: truth be told i still havent learned how to use fragments yet :/ May 21 01:18:44 s/fragments/fragment's views/ then :) May 21 01:18:50 i dont know why i have no excuses May 21 01:18:55 they're a bit of a pain. May 21 01:19:06 Fragments are the worst solution except for all the others May 21 01:19:07 DialogFragment just manages the show/hide of a regular Dialog May 21 01:19:27 yup, but i've just finally gotten "good" at development using activities May 21 01:19:28 with easier control over the contents and behavior May 21 01:19:35 no, exactly the same control May 21 01:20:20 DialogFragment does nothing to alter Dialogs May 21 01:20:33 creating a Dialog in one or out of one you have the same exact controls May 21 01:21:06 hm. preventing AlertDialog from closing when e.g. you want to do in-dialog validation is a bit of a pain May 21 01:22:01 possible, but nowhere near as easy as findViewById(R.id.button).onClick({ if (!valid) { showError() } else { close } }) May 21 01:22:21 ok, but that has nothing to do with DialogFragments vs. Dialogs May 21 01:24:10 how so? styling / finding the buttons in Dialog is a pain (when it's even possible). in a dialogfragment you're just doing it yourself, normally, like every other view ever. why use when you already know how to do ? May 21 01:26:05 or am I misremembering dialogfragment significantly enough? iirc it doesn't come with anything, and because it's a fragment you get a slightly-saner way to save its state / existence than with a Dialog May 21 01:26:32 a DialogFragment shows a Dialog, it just adds all the management crap related to lifecycle around it May 21 01:27:15 I want to time my ListView measuring and laying out its children. Each ListView child is a ViewGroup subclass. Is there a better way to do this than to simply time the `super` call in MyViewGroup.onLayout and MyViewGroup.onMeasure? May 21 01:27:28 Perhaps looping that call thousands of times (lol). May 21 01:27:43 ugh, so I don't only just have a byte order problem, I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong May 21 01:27:51 hate working with crypto, can't tell why shit don't work May 21 01:28:38 Outside of using an external tool (because I'm lazy). May 21 01:29:00 I love code that can be looped a million times and easily measured. May 21 01:29:12 and then, I hate fucking up when I'm debugging more... :( May 21 01:29:24 I forgot to remove my toggle that flipped encrypt/decrypt May 21 01:31:33 I need to find a subreddit that has 50% thumbnails, has 50% self-posts, and is dead. May 21 01:31:56 Or I should stop being lazy and inject fake data. May 21 01:32:06 oh wow May 21 01:32:39 fragmentstatepager updated and Im still alive May 21 01:32:42 I can live to tell May 21 01:34:12 ok... so I got my renderscript working... the funny thing is, it's slower than java :( May 21 01:35:05 roughly 1.7 seconds in pure java vs. 2.4 seconds in renderscript May 21 01:35:28 oh well, that was fun for the day May 21 01:39:38 https://github.com/pfn/keepshare/blob/master/src/main/scala/com/hanhuy/android/keepshare/RenderscriptAESEngine.scala May 21 01:39:39 https://github.com/pfn/keepshare/blob/master/src/main/rs/aes.rs#L760 May 21 01:39:42 for posterity, heh May 21 01:47:19 where's the java? May 21 01:47:51 I'd advise pfn to go to #rs but I bet those Rust weenies took it over May 21 01:47:53 rust? May 21 01:48:00 weenies ?? May 21 01:48:05 programmers May 21 01:48:07 over??? May 21 01:48:08 I meant programmers May 21 01:48:23 :p May 21 01:49:45 pfn I'mvery surprised rs would be slower than Java. I've never used it but I have immense respect in the people who wrote it May 21 01:50:59 has anyone tried to use this? https://guardianproject.info/code/gnupg/ May 21 01:51:08 --list-keys doesn't seem to work May 21 01:51:18 CedricBeust, my particular use is slow, I'm sure, not rs in general May 21 01:51:31 was it running on the CPU or GPU? May 21 01:51:46 pgp May 21 01:51:48 oops May 21 01:52:00 alt+tab fail May 21 01:52:24 JakeWharton, doesn't matter, since rs doesn't let you control that May 21 01:54:36 xperia: Please post in the room. May 21 01:54:40 And post a stack trace. May 21 01:54:52 Stack traces tell you everything. May 21 01:55:55 hm. I'm trying to draw a little triangle outside a view's bounds by extending the canvas's cliprect, and that's working... but while it's alpha-animating it's filling the triangle's _bounding rectangle_ with the fill color. am I missing something? May 21 01:56:12 okey. hi all. i have this Class here => http://pastebin.com/9UQaMbCZ and for a strange reason it does crush my programm. Guess have somwhere in this class i did not have implemented something right! May 21 01:56:14 btw how can i produce a trace in Android Studio ? May 21 01:57:00 It's in LogCat. May 21 01:57:35 Use "Log level: Error" + "No Filters" if you can't find it. May 21 01:58:02 Or, if you're really fancy, disable all filters and type "exc". May 21 01:58:31 its fucking 5 AM May 21 01:58:34 what the hell May 21 01:58:41 It is? May 21 01:58:46 well here May 21 02:00:10 Where are you? May 21 02:00:43 dang, I've been at work for like 20 hours May 21 02:01:39 TacticalJoke: => http://pastebin.com/2s5YhYEu May 21 02:02:10 Lebanon May 21 02:02:25 I sat down here at about 11 May 21 02:05:18 TacticalJoke: it looks like the programm crashes at the line when it calls mActivity.get().startService(intent); The intent is created in makeIntnet in the posted Class here => http://pastebin.com/9UQaMbCZ May 21 02:05:19 it'll pay off May 21 02:05:20 some day May 21 02:06:13 xperia: Did you post the stack trace? I was not here. May 21 02:06:16 If not, post away. May 21 02:06:22 <_genuser_> hello d00dz May 21 02:07:02 TacticalJoke: the LogCat output was posted here by me => http://pastebin.com/2s5YhYEu hope it is what you ask for ! May 21 02:07:27 That's not the exception stack trace. May 21 02:07:47 what if a button I have triggers a long running process, at the end of which there is finish() May 21 02:07:53 ok guys I have a weird problem May 21 02:08:08 a long process meaning once the button is pressed there is no time even for the ripple effect to show on the button May 21 02:08:23 it just hangs until it's done and then finish is called, what do I do May 21 02:08:30 Why are you blocking the main thread? May 21 02:08:47 srsly May 21 02:08:48 Odaym: you (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ and use threading May 21 02:08:57 it isn't, it's just sending event to the previous activity to do something with the result of what happened in the second activity May 21 02:09:03 Save picture after editing it, namely May 21 02:09:09 "it just hangs" May 21 02:09:32 you think otto hangs around until the event is received on the other end? May 21 02:09:41 cause that's what I am doing, broadcasting with otto May 21 02:09:53 let me silence them May 21 02:10:04 TacticalJoke: yeah you are right. this is hwat you are lookig for then => http://pastebin.com/MiDcWxmS May 21 02:10:05 May 21 02:10:10 I got my mediaplayer playing the next song when the previous one finishes, I did it by making it performClick() on the nextButton, it works fine when the device is on, and when device goes to sleep it continues playing the next song, but if I turn device on again, it hasn't updated the progressbar or stops keeping track of the current track May 21 02:11:09 do I have to use a service or something to get it to work while device is in sleep mode ? May 21 02:11:17 xperia: One of your references is null. The stack trace tells you where. May 21 02:11:24 yea...later May 21 02:11:27 gnight May 21 02:14:01 odaym.finish() May 21 02:14:38 TacticalJoke reading /r/androiddev post about recyclerview ... seems lots of devs in pain :) May 21 02:14:56 Yeah, I saw that. May 21 02:15:14 Doesn't sound so amazing. May 21 02:17:32 linkme? May 21 02:18:22 http://www.reddit.com/r/androiddev/comments/36n4n1/on_recyclerview_and_spagetti_code/ May 21 02:18:22 I'm having a hard time trying to measure a ListView laying out and measuring its children. Tried manual stuff (overriding the ViewGroup's onLayout and onMeasure and timing these, and using the profiler), but it's hard going. Any tips? May 21 02:18:54 I messed up the parentheses. May 21 02:20:10 The interesting thing is that I'm not getting many more onMeasure/onLayout calls if I show/hide an ImageView (compared to just leaving it visible). May 21 02:20:19 Just the occasional extra one or two. May 21 02:20:48 I wonder whether the same number means (more or less) the same performance. Hmm. May 21 02:21:59 The asynchronous nature of AdapterView makes it so hard to profile. :D May 21 02:39:53 Hi guys, I'm try to call an externall activity from an other app with QProcess in Qt framwork -> barcode.start("am start -a com.google.zxing.client.android.SCAN -e SCAN_FORMATS \"QR_CODE\" "); but I've the following error java.lang.SecurityException: Permission Denial: startActivity asks to run as user -2 but is calling from user 0; this requires android.permission.INTERACT_ACROSS_USERS_FULL. I added this permission in the m May 21 02:40:31 someone know how I can fix this issue ? May 21 02:41:12 this is my source : http://www.qtcentre.org/threads/44816-necessitas-android-intent-amp-QProcess-issues May 21 02:42:23 thanks **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu May 21 02:59:58 2015