**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Feb 10 03:04:52 2021 Feb 10 03:10:20 Sorry for my spat there to myself, obviously. Feb 10 03:10:33 I will better try to not communicate. Feb 10 03:14:00 Phew. Feb 10 03:14:05 Dang it. Feb 10 03:14:06 Sorry. Feb 10 03:16:49 https://i.imgur.com/fe37ou4.jpg <<< GenTooMan: Finally! Feb 10 03:17:52 Neat! Feb 10 03:18:06 Man, the BBG was burnin' up. Feb 10 03:18:15 Processin'! Feb 10 03:28:43 Hey Sir, does HDMI produce less processor 'oomph?' Feb 10 03:28:54 I do not want to burn up the processor messing w/ pins. Feb 10 04:44:09 working is good Feb 10 05:08:49 Gen to the Too to the Man, GenTooMan. Yes sir! Feb 10 05:09:42 all b/c of you another person that gave some not-so-depressing mentions/notions! Feb 10 05:09:53 'you and another person' Feb 10 05:10:16 I do not know if he/she is here. So, I am not saying any names. Feb 10 05:40:29 well I need sleep but a short mention that the video system can warm the device up but it is unlikely to make the processor work harder. Did you do a ps -axl and see what process was using the maximum CPU time? Feb 10 12:01:08 overlay BB-UART4-RS485-00A0.dts is for serial-driver 8250 or OMAP? Feb 10 12:27:06 hey @jkri Feb 10 12:27:46 jkridner[m] looking to try beagleconnect - but don't have the right uC yet. Do you know if anyones got greybus on zephyr working over i2c or serial? Feb 10 12:36:27 i2c yes. Feb 10 12:36:52 not sure if vaishnav98 has serial yet Feb 10 12:37:18 mhanusek: I've added an uart4-rs485 example to my overlay-utils repository https://github.com/mvduin/overlay-utils Feb 10 12:37:37 mhanusek: git clone the repository, inside it do "make uart4-rs485.dtbo" to compile the overlay Feb 10 12:38:28 mhanusek: optionally copy it to /lib/firmware (it's the usual place for overlays but you can put it anywhere you want since you need to specify the full path in /boot/uEnv.txt anyway) Feb 10 12:39:32 @zmatt thx, I will try. Feb 10 12:40:59 mhanusek: and then just configure the overlay in /boot/uEnv.txt like before (there's no need to disable cape universal, just leave that enabled) Feb 10 12:41:28 after rebooting you can double-check that the pins have been configured correctly using my show-pins utility: https://github.com/mvduin/bbb-pin-utils/#show-pins Feb 10 12:48:05 jkridner[m]: i meant greybus over i2c - not i2c over greybus (greybus n00b here so apologies if i am messing up terminology). I want the microcontroller to talk to beaglebone black over i2c instead of 802.15.4 or Bluetooth. Feb 10 12:50:26 (wanted to try it out with a stm32 that i have lying around) Feb 10 13:08:00 /!\ this channel has moved to ##hamradio /!\ Feb 10 13:08:44 wtf Feb 10 13:09:05 weird Feb 10 13:10:29 let's hope this isn't the first sign of a new wave of spammers Feb 10 13:12:21 /!\ this channel has moved to #nyymit /!\ Feb 10 13:12:28 the hell? Feb 10 13:12:30 unfortunately it is Feb 10 13:12:39 what's the purpose of that? Feb 10 13:12:49 /!\ this channel has moved to #nyymit /!\ Feb 10 13:13:33 lemme +m until I find the right channel flags to block these, apologies Feb 10 13:17:39 to anyone who does not have a registered nick and is not using a gateway (like the web chat or the matrix gateway), to block spambots we're currently disallowing chat from unregistered users (with exception for gateways) so please register your nickname: https://freenode.net/kb/answer/registration Feb 10 13:23:29 test Feb 10 13:36:54 zmatt some jerks spamming again? Feb 10 13:56:27 meanwhile, 'make dtbs_check' is not at all happy with the beagle devicetrees Feb 10 18:36:17 Hey friends.  A few months ago, one of you clever people showed me what to so that my BBB Rev C will ALWAYS boot from SD without me having to hold the button.  I've since forgotten how to do it and I need it again.  It was a very simple solution and I don't think it required reflashing it.  Will someone please remind me?  I'll write it down Feb 10 18:36:17 this time, I swear. Feb 10 18:37:42 normally the button isn't required, it prefers booting from sd card over booting from eMMC... the exception is when eMMC has a bootloader installed that is too ancient or otherwise incompatible with the linux system on sd card Feb 10 18:37:59 simple workaround is wiping eMMC Feb 10 18:38:07 sudo blkdiscard /dev/mmcblk1 Feb 10 18:38:17 That was it! Feb 10 18:38:30 that's highly recommended in general when booting from sd card Feb 10 18:38:38 Do I need to do that after having booted from SD? Feb 10 18:38:52 yes, doing it while booted from eMMC would be a bad idea :P Feb 10 18:39:02 though it would still work Feb 10 18:39:06 Okay.  Why is that? Does it improve boot time? Feb 10 18:39:08 (and immediately crash probably) Feb 10 18:39:38 The "Why is that" was asking why it's always a good idea. Feb 10 18:39:57 because the bootloader on eMMC might be new enough to be *able* to boot the system on sd card, but old enough to not fully understand the directives in /boot/uEnv.txt resulting in all sorts of weird problems Feb 10 18:40:35 Got it.  Thanks zmatt!  You're the best! Feb 10 18:40:43 I think you might have been the one that helped me last time :) Feb 10 18:40:53 wiping eMMC is the easy way to ensure it uses an appropriate bootloader, namely the one that came with the system you're trying to boot Feb 10 18:41:49 that's quite possible, it's a commonly asked question Feb 10 18:42:32 Does anyone have any good resources for diagnosing BBBs that won't turn on?  I've bricked two of them now by sending too high a voltage into the digital inputs.  I'd love to repair them if it's possible. Feb 10 18:43:29 that's almost certainly not possible, if you exposed processor I/O to overvoltage and the board now no longer boots you've almost certainly damaged the processor itself Feb 10 18:43:42 *no longer turns on Feb 10 18:43:53 usually the power led will blink very briefly when connecting power in such cases Feb 10 18:44:05 Then I won't bother down that path.  I just need to be more careful. Feb 10 18:44:17 That's the exact symptom these boards are showing. Feb 10 18:44:32 so, the power led is on a rail that's powered up just before the processor 3.3V rail is Feb 10 18:44:58 the brief blink is due to the fried I/O cell causing an internal short of the 3.3V supply inside the processor Feb 10 18:45:19 the power management IC detects this overcurrent and immediately cuts power again Feb 10 18:46:47 Brilliant.  That makes perfect sense. Feb 10 18:47:03 so yeah, be careful with processor I/O.. the tiny tiny transistors of modern high-performance SoCs cannot take much of a beating Feb 10 18:47:47 even 3.3V is kinda already too high... they have to do tricks with multiple transistors and intermediate bias voltages because 3.3V across a single transistor would already damage it :/ Feb 10 18:48:05 (the 3.3V supplies are called "VDDHV" .. VDD High Voltage) Feb 10 18:49:38 (this is why the analog inputs are 1.8V .. the same trickery isn't really possible to extend those to 3.3V range) Feb 10 18:49:39 I'm currently having to step up the output voltage on the digital pins so they are recognized by the other components as "high" .  How do other people handle this problem? Feb 10 18:50:12 I mean, either use components designed for 3.3V logic, or use a level shifter Feb 10 18:51:15 I've never used a level shifter but I bet it's what I need. Feb 10 18:51:22 Thanks again for the advice zmatt! Feb 10 18:51:27 5V logic is getting kinda unusual I think... hell, the wifi chip on wireless beaglebone variants doesn't even tolerate 3.3V, it uses 1.8V Feb 10 18:51:51 (so these use a level shifter for that) Feb 10 18:53:02 level shifters translate between different logic levels... you've got them in all sorts, with various number of pins, unidirectional or bidirectional, protocol-specific or generic Feb 10 18:54:02 including many not necessarily called or advertised as "level shifter" Feb 10 18:55:04 indeed, in some cases you might not need more than a diode and a resistor, it all very much depends on the circumstances and requirements Feb 10 22:45:28 My bot may have computer vision one day! Feb 10 22:50:00 Or night vision! Feb 11 01:58:45 posts will take place! Feb 11 02:32:27 or should I? **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Feb 11 02:59:56 2021