**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Feb 21 03:00:03 2018 Feb 21 03:34:03 @bhushanshah I've gotten the dmesg and journalctl logs. My ssh session doesn't die right away on the phone, so I put a few commands on the same line to save off the logs Feb 21 03:34:33 journalctl -u lxc@android https://pastebin.com/gqtqyU6a Feb 21 03:35:57 dmesg: https://pastebin.com/PfSBy6SV Feb 21 03:36:03 both 10 seconds after starting lxc@android Feb 21 03:41:28 [  156.579422] init: (Parsing init.qcom.power.rc took 0.00s.) … [  156.582475] init: (Parsing init.qcom.usb.rc took 0.00s.) … [  156.583634] init: (Parsing init.msm.usb.configfs.rc took 0.00s.) Feb 21 03:41:42 Can you comment out all this 3 files? Feb 21 03:41:49 ok Feb 21 03:41:51 It's what is breaking USB connection Feb 21 03:44:49 I had already commented out that second one and then did a clean and rebuild.... Feb 21 03:45:51 Note: you need to replace system.img when you change init.rc file FYI Feb 21 03:46:03 OH. Ok, that's why. Thanks Feb 21 03:46:25 There is script replace-android-image in halium scripts Feb 21 03:59:20 I'm trying to set up usb networking, but I keep getting "SIOCADDRT: No such process" Feb 21 04:00:13 At which command? Feb 21 04:00:37 route add default gw Feb 21 04:00:43 This is on the device Feb 21 04:00:56 There is ip command earlier Feb 21 04:01:06 So it's ip route .... Feb 21 04:01:56 Wait I'm curious though, you want to set internet through USB connection? Feb 21 04:02:44 My WPA2 internet connections are not able to work for some reason with my device, but no security internet connections work fine Feb 21 04:02:52 I just have none of them near me Feb 21 04:03:05 So I want to use usb networking Feb 21 04:05:07 If it means anything, I've noticed that I have to manually use /sbin/route rather than call the route command directly Feb 21 04:05:23 I think someone had this issue with wlan.. was it @z3ntu? Feb 21 04:05:44 (not being able to use WPA2 networks) Feb 21 04:06:00 @Qiangong2, Ah for that source /etc/environment Feb 21 04:06:42 I don't have that anymore though Feb 21 04:06:53 And I ran that right after the initial install Feb 21 04:42:23 Hey, I don't lose connection now! Feb 21 04:42:56 Yay Feb 21 04:43:01 thanks a lot! Feb 21 10:18:02 @bhushanshah, I think normal WPA2 worked but I had problems with PEAP/MSCHAPv2 authentication Feb 21 10:29:47 @bhushanshah internet using telnet instructions got removed from the docs? Feb 21 10:30:01 I think not Feb 21 10:30:08 at least not to my knowledge Feb 21 10:30:09 :P Feb 21 10:31:30 ah sorry .. my bad... i was looking that in the logging in section... it is a seperate page Feb 21 10:31:46 🤓 Feb 21 10:32:28 ah yeah.. it was indeed split up IIRC Feb 21 10:53:50 ZeroPointEnergy: great work on that samsung devices Feb 21 10:53:52 :) Feb 21 10:56:01 @bshah Thanks, and thanks for your help :-D Feb 21 12:03:34 Hopefully I'll be able to get my Samsung device to boot too, I'll have to re-sync my repos and look at my mountpoints though Feb 21 13:22:45 Mark was added by: Mark Feb 21 13:40:04 do anyone have hammerhead with utouch/android? Feb 21 13:40:44 I need help Feb 21 15:58:18 https://github.com/Halium/android_build/tree/halium-7.1/tools … Why are these scripts using plain `python` instead of `python2`? It makes some trouble building on systems with Python 3 being the default one. Feb 21 15:58:59 @Sergobot, because you're not supposed to make python3 default Feb 21 15:59:00 :P Feb 21 15:59:07 I know arch does that.. so better use virtualenv Feb 21 16:08:57 ok Feb 21 16:37:07 (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/spqgldNM.png Feb 21 16:37:16 Everyone loves some 64-bit eglplasma Feb 21 16:37:34 hmm Feb 21 16:37:38 irc.ubports.com down Feb 21 16:37:40 :( Feb 21 16:37:43 @mariogrip Feb 21 16:37:52 Btw, @bhushanshah I just figured out that Pixel is using file-based encryption, so I won't need to decrypt anything ^_^ Feb 21 16:37:53 (Sticker, 392x512) https://irc.ubports.com/VvlqHT3Y.webp Feb 21 16:38:27 @UniversalSuperBox, is it n5x? Feb 21 16:38:27 @bshah, oh right, i never fixed that 😮 sorry @bhushanshah will do it now Feb 21 16:38:32 Yep. Feb 21 16:38:49 It's still being a lot of fun with unity-system-compositor though, we're working on that Feb 21 16:38:59 `sudo unity8` Feb 21 16:39:02 ok Feb 21 16:39:28 My oh my, that is tiny Feb 21 16:39:56 (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/Ays2fBrg.png Feb 21 16:40:00 Normal people use their phone like this, right? :P Feb 21 16:40:06 Jep Feb 21 16:40:11 I know, the environment variables Feb 21 16:40:16 Jep Feb 21 16:40:19 s̶̶u̶̶d̶̶o̶̶ r̶̶m̶̶ $̶̶(̶̶w̶̶h̶̶i̶̶c̶̶h̶̶ u̶̶n̶̶i̶̶t̶̶y̶̶8̶̶)̶̶ Feb 21 16:40:36 `sudo apt install xfce` Feb 21 16:40:46 ha! jokes on you, it's read only Feb 21 16:41:29 everytime someone uses sudo to run graphical apps I cringe Feb 21 16:41:48 Well, the compositor needs to run as root Feb 21 16:42:11 well.. that is broken architecture Feb 21 16:42:22 kwin runs completely fine as phablet Feb 21 16:42:35 (Photo, 442x177) https://irc.ubports.com/NNNRN7Zr.png didn't know linux terminal had emoji'es Feb 21 16:42:46 s/terminal/fonts/ Feb 21 16:43:50 @mariogrip, which Terminal Emulator you use? Feb 21 16:44:06 @adomas, gnome-terminal Feb 21 16:44:11 pft.. 😶 Feb 21 16:44:20 :P Feb 21 16:44:25 I use Konsole, never seen emoji 😭 Feb 21 16:44:34 @mariogrip, with pop-theme Feb 21 16:44:46 @adomas, Well, which fonts you use for terminal? Feb 21 16:44:59 Hack, before I used Noto Mono Feb 21 16:45:01 it depends on fonts ^ Feb 21 16:45:29 hmm Feb 21 16:45:30 interesting Feb 21 16:50:58 (Photo, 200x200) https://irc.ubports.com/BsmokFz6.png test: now the url is fixed? Feb 21 16:51:05 YAY https://irc.ubports.com/BsmokFz6.png Feb 21 17:16:27 does Ubuntu Tablet use mtk or mtk2 for modem? Feb 21 17:16:33 [Edit] does Ubuntu Tablet use mtk or mtk2 plugin for modem? Feb 21 17:17:21 wrong channel? :P Feb 21 17:17:51 easy to get confused :) Feb 21 17:18:43 yeah with @mariogrip putting two big mascots. in chat... bloddy adware :P Feb 21 17:18:47 *hides* Feb 21 17:25:58 In order to build halium-boot, do I just type mka halium-boot instead of mka hybris-boot like I've been doing? Feb 21 17:26:14 Basically Feb 21 17:26:47 @UniversalSuperBox, Anything I have to do differently besides that? Feb 21 17:27:17 Did you follow the instructions in issue#40? Feb 21 17:27:35 https://github.com/Halium/projectmanagement/issues/40 Feb 21 17:28:36 I have not, it looks like it's the same idea as the current ubports guide though Feb 21 17:30:47 @UniversalSuperBox, So after I follow those instructions the rest is basically the same right? Feb 21 17:31:01 Yeah Feb 21 17:32:09 @UniversalSuperBox, Sounds good, I'll try building it and report back how everything goes, hopefully my mountpoints will be correct, that's where my current hybris-boot fails Feb 21 17:32:20 It doesn't need fixup-mountpoints Feb 21 17:32:49 @UniversalSuperBox, Oh, OK, does it use fstab.qcom or just figure it all out on its own? Feb 21 17:33:05 It mounts userdata, finds the system.img, and uses the fstab from there Feb 21 17:33:28 It mounts userdata with the magic of udev Feb 21 17:33:30 basically Feb 21 17:34:08 @UniversalSuperBox, OK, so the fstab that's in the system.IMG, is any of the install scripts OK to use with installing? Feb 21 17:34:26 Whichever is appropriate for the rootfs Feb 21 17:35:01 @UniversalSuperBox, OK, I'll let ya know how it goes, I might still play with hybris-boot as well Feb 21 18:40:28 Anyone here with 3.10 kernel and msm8916 chipset Feb 21 18:40:34 ? Feb 21 18:40:42 What's the problem first? Feb 21 18:41:09 I can't enable CONFIG_MODULES Feb 21 18:41:14 Gives out error Feb 21 19:05:08 speedytree was added by: speedytree Feb 21 19:16:59 @JBBgameich https://github.com/JBBgameich/libhybris-packaging - can utags be used to build it on Debian or there is some other way to fetch source properly? Feb 21 19:21:34 Btw, I use github.com/debian-pm/libhybris-packaging now, not the repo on my GitHub account. I'm not sure what utags is (I only know uscan). Is there any documentation about it? Feb 21 19:24:08 meant uscan, sorry Feb 21 19:27:59 My problem is that my current version scheme is based in dates, and I don't know a way to generate per-date tar.gzs on github. With commit hashes, uscan would probably not know which one is the latest. Feb 21 19:28:57 But I can ask a more experienced Debian packager, maybe there's something I don't know yet Feb 21 20:10:11 Coz dalton wanted error https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Jc2c9zhxKt/ Feb 21 20:18:19 Is that building the kernel? Feb 21 20:19:27 nvm, lol Feb 21 20:26:44 @rockybulwinkle, Yes Feb 21 20:26:59 Badum.mm tssss Feb 21 20:27:09 [Edit] Badummm tssss! Feb 21 20:29:28 Sorry, I was remembering a kernel panic that I had involving qualcomm's decryption module. I ended up disabling per file keys (PFK). Your log reminded me of that, but I don't think it's relevant. Feb 21 21:13:51 kllp: I'll do it tomorrow morning Feb 21 21:16:12 Or rather today morning Feb 22 00:50:17 Igor Dikiy was added by: Igor Dikiy Feb 22 00:51:09 Hi all, I am trying to build Halium to port Ubuntu Touch onto my nook HD (bn acclaim). I have a question about the config options that need to be enabled for my kernel: I got a pretty long list, but what do I do with it, and when? **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Feb 22 03:00:04 2018