**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Mar 22 03:00:03 2018 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Mar 22 03:34:00 2018 Mar 22 07:53:54 lol what you did here Mar 22 08:17:40 @Jose Sousa, If you can't get into start telnet ... You might be getting ssh... Have tried connecting to ssh after enabling those options Mar 22 10:38:46 Morning Mar 22 10:39:15 @JBBgameich: You around? Mar 22 10:41:17 Yes, I am Mar 22 10:42:50 Jose try execute this command ` … while : ; do lsusb -v 2>/dev/null | grep -Ee 'iSerial +[0-9]+ +[^ ]' ; done | uniq` if you get something like this `GNU/Linux devices on rndis0` your phone has been initialized the SSH daemon Mar 22 10:43:51 @JBBgameich: You know why there's no --force-sync in the setup script for repo sync? I can imagine there's a good reason, but sync fails when there are local changes and you re-run it Mar 22 10:43:56 So you can connect to this by SSH, just follow official wikia https://docs.halium.org/en/latest/porting/debug-build/logging-in.html Mar 22 10:43:58 It could be intentional, just not sure about the rational Mar 22 10:45:12 @Herrie|Laptop, I think force-sync would delete local commits in some cases Mar 22 10:49:04 JBBgameich yes it does Mar 22 10:49:12 I guess we could make it optional with a command line parameter Mar 22 10:49:26 Is nicer compared to changing the script when needing it Mar 22 10:49:30 I'll PR something Mar 22 10:50:04 Can we just forward all parameters added to ./setup to repo sync maybe? Mar 22 10:50:55 @JJBgameich: That might be an idea too... I'll have a look Mar 22 10:51:12 Also the init is now not done with --depth=1 Mar 22 10:51:24 Adding this would speeds the repo sync up quite a bit Mar 22 10:52:34 Since it'll "Create a shallow clone with a history truncated to the specified number of revisions. A shallow repository has a number of limitations (you cannot clone or fetch from it, nor push from nor into it), but is adequate if you are only interested in the recent history of a large project with a long history, and would want to send in fixes as patches." Mar 22 10:52:40 But that should be fine for our builds Mar 22 10:53:07 The setup script doesn't do the initing. Afaik if you ran repo init with --depth=1 all later added project will also not be downloaded without full history. Mar 22 10:53:58 If you need the full commit history of a repository you can still run git fetch --unshallow Mar 22 10:54:06 Yeah Mar 22 10:54:13 Just wondering if we should update the documentation Mar 22 10:54:30 DId some tests on LuneOS side on reducing the repo clone time & size Mar 22 10:55:50 We use -d -c for the sync and that seems to cut the download size quite a bit Mar 22 11:20:37 @Flohack, Hi. /diagnosis.log logging some error in init, with hybris-boot... see https://github.com/Halium/hybris-boot/blob/master/init-script, line 278, when try check_kernel_config() Mar 22 12:03:53 @Jose Sousa, Set CONFIG_IKCONFIG_PROC=y Mar 22 14:30:14 any progress about halium-boot ? i have pb with latest rootfs , lxc crash Mar 22 14:51:20 Did you switch the pre-start script Mar 22 14:51:56 what about udev rules? Mar 22 14:58:56 @UniversalSuperBox, yes, Mar 22 15:02:51 could your system create udev rules or are they missing? if the latter, better to stop at TWPR and `adb push` them Mar 22 15:04:05 in particular if not available, better to import inird.* from a working /var/lib/lxc/rootfs/.... Mar 22 15:37:21 @abhishek_0, doesnt help :thinking: Mar 22 15:40:34 @VeryOriginalUsername, Dont tell anyone i told you this :P … ```touch /home/ewentualxpl_gmail_com/2/out/target/product/nicki/obj/STATIC_LIBRARIES/libelf_intermediates/export_includes``` Mar 22 15:41:01 ive done it so many times with lineageos XD Mar 22 15:42:20 😂😂 Mar 22 15:46:52 error: 'alloc_device_t' has no member named 'allocSize' Mar 22 15:47:00 i'm using updated libhardware repo Mar 22 16:07:00 wait should i use this repo from hybris git Mar 22 16:07:01 or c Mar 22 16:07:02 cm Mar 22 17:36:02 frameworks/native/libs/ui/GraphicBufferAllocator.cpp:117:26: Mar 22 18:00:36 https://pastebin.com/U7Lgq71T Mar 22 18:00:39 i.. i dont know xd Mar 22 18:04:13 i'm stuck, i cant't resolve my pb, no sound hen make call, telepathy-ofono crash (memory violation and apparmor dinied) Mar 22 18:04:41 [Edit] i'm stuck, i cant't resolve my pb, no sound when make call, telepathy-ofono crash (memory violation and apparmor dinied) Mar 22 18:59:57 @ErnyTech, Nope, can't get any new network interface. Can't detect usb device with ldusb. Mar 22 19:01:07 @ErnyTech, [Edit] Nope, can't get any new network interface. Can't detect usb device with lsusb. Mar 22 22:53:09 @VeryOriginalUsername, I typically just create an empty folder, expect something to not work as a result but it could get you a img file to play with at least **** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Mar 23 03:00:04 2018