**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu May 31 03:00:08 2018 May 31 06:07:26 ok I got something weird May 31 06:07:47 after I ssh into the device (don't know if this triggers it since no way to test it) device freezes after some time May 31 06:07:51 both telnet and ssh May 31 06:08:05 no response and no error on telnet and ssh. they just, freeze. May 31 06:08:21 has anyone encountered something like this? May 31 06:08:25 no last_kmsg also May 31 06:12:12 caghand3 was added by: caghand3 May 31 06:35:34 slp1605 was added by: slp1605 May 31 10:14:00 caghandemir: disable network manager on your deskto May 31 10:14:01 [Edit] caghandemir: disable network manager on your desktop May 31 10:14:42 nm is always messing with telnet/ssh :P May 31 12:05:54 [Edit] I can get this logs from lxc. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DXWXKTtxXq/ but after pre-start.sh dont get more logs and device reboot May 31 13:05:51 @vanyasem remember that old xperia m PR May 31 13:06:15 can you merge it, i wanna delete this repo and create a new fork (cause my git skills are dirty if any) May 31 15:15:28 @VeryOriginalUsername, Link May 31 15:17:50 https://github.com/Halium/hybris-boot/pull/50 May 31 15:18:25 does halium need these May 31 15:18:26 (Photo, 318x362) https://irc.ubports.com/YPDotqug.png May 31 15:23:11 also does scheduler need to be "deadline"? my device's default was "row" May 31 15:23:30 i have no fucking idea what differ them but kernel check with -w broke my build lmaop May 31 15:23:42 [Edit] i have no fucking idea what differs them but kernel check with -w broke my build lmao May 31 15:45:34 @VeryOriginalUsername, merged May 31 15:46:09 PRing some more partition fixes then May 31 15:46:21 also I started working on xperia M again May 31 15:46:24 good May 31 15:46:59 i am not really active at that point, i am working on a different project. but i can help you to resolve simple issues (i.e. reviews and known issues) May 31 15:50:28 https://github.com/Halium/hybris-boot/pull/52 May 31 15:50:30 new one May 31 15:55:00 @VeryOriginalUsername, Why have you removed nicki May 31 15:55:07 did I? May 31 15:55:12 Yes you did May 31 15:55:20 Plz pay attention to what you do lol May 31 15:55:23 black magic of git rofl May 31 16:00:55 i think i'll close that pr since what i've done in latest 3 commits is shameful May 31 16:05:22 https://github.com/Halium/hybris-boot/pull/53 May 31 16:05:24 should be good now May 31 16:44:30 (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/SWJrdXN0.png May 31 17:03:47 i managed to complete "make systemimage" May 31 17:03:53 i feel like a fucking it god May 31 17:11:06 Fwd from maharudra108: I m confused with this https://github.com/Halium/projectmanagement/issues/40 May 31 17:11:06 Fwd from maharudra108: Should i do mka hybris-boot as on documentation or mka halium-boot as mentioned on above issue May 31 17:11:32 depends on what you use May 31 17:11:40 hybris-boot for PM, halium-boot for UT May 31 17:12:13 Got it thanks May 31 17:17:29 @VeryOriginalUsername, Is it possible that it weight like 160mb May 31 17:17:43 @VeryOriginalUsername, well yeah :P what's the issue May 31 17:21:46 It always used to be like 300+ on android May 31 17:21:57 But I see, halium has a minimal implementation May 31 17:37:23 will halium-install work on mac or do I have to repurpose my rpi? May 31 17:38:40 Since it has not been tested on a mac, it will likely not work. My script has probably even fewer chances to run there than the one from halium-scripts, because it requires qemu-user-static to be able to execute armhf linux binaries. May 31 17:39:05 But of course it will work on the mac hardware if you install linux on it :) May 31 17:39:07 should I use yours over the halium-scripts one? May 31 17:39:31 If the halium-scripts one works, you don't really need to use mine May 31 17:39:54 @JBBgameich, heh, I don't really wanna install linux on my laptop just yet May 31 17:40:12 after it starts being choppy with macos, of course May 31 17:40:58 you could use a VM perhaps? May 31 17:41:25 I'm not sure if adb would work in a vm, but you could try. May 31 17:41:44 is there adb for arm64 in debian archives? May 31 17:41:52 Sure May 31 17:41:56 great May 31 17:41:57 at least in VirtualBox, you can expose USB devices through to the VM … Not sure if VBox is available for Mac though May 31 17:42:04 @VeryOriginalUsername, Do you use the debian mainline image for the pi? May 31 17:42:18 @reivilibre, I have a win10 ( 😒 ) pc too May 31 17:42:22 @JBBgameich, I use raspbian minimal for that matter May 31 17:42:32 usually it runs musicbox, which is well, stripped down debian May 31 17:42:37 @VeryOriginalUsername, But that one is only armhf isn't it? May 31 17:42:44 oh could be May 31 17:42:59 at one point I ran pi64os which was literally aarch64 debian May 31 17:43:47 Debian has a semi-official arm64 image for the rpi3 now btw, but I'm getting offtopic :) May 31 18:10:26 so.. I flashed the hybris-boot.img and when I hold power button phone vibrates and nothing appears on screen May 31 18:10:38 lsusb: Bus 001 Device 014: ID 18d1:d001 Google Inc. May 31 18:11:11 That looks like the bootloader. Can you try the hybris-recovery image? It should expose a telnet connection. May 31 18:11:38 right, i enabled debugmode or what was it called May 31 18:12:56 hybris-recoveryis a different image you need to build using `mka hybris-recovery` May 31 18:12:59 [Edit] hybris-recovery is a different image you need to build using `mka hybris-recovery` May 31 18:13:08 k May 31 18:13:10 will try that May 31 18:13:37 @NotKit I found a tester for the krillin port, and since you already worked with MediaTek devices, do you know if MediaTek phones are all flashed the same way and if that's the case how? The images produced by the Halium build system by default can be found here: https://archive.kaidan.im/halium/krillin/. This i the device tree I May 31 18:13:37 'm using: https://github.com/halium-krillin/android_device_bq_krillin. Thank you in advance :) May 31 18:29:18 how do I use hybris-recovery May 31 18:29:27 nothing in lsusb after flashing that May 31 18:30:03 Have you flashed it to the boot partition? May 31 18:30:08 yep May 31 18:30:26 Does anything happen in dmesg (on the host machine) May 31 18:30:30 [Edit] Does anything happen in dmesg (on the host machine)? May 31 18:30:38 last thing i see is s1 fastboot, but thats when i was flashing it May 31 18:33:04 hybris-boot again gives google inc in lsusb May 31 18:33:36 https://pastebin.com/vjPdUbYM May 31 18:35:30 That looks good. You should be able to connect to it using telnet May 31 18:36:48 pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ip address show dev USBNETWORK … Device "USBNETWORK" does not exist. May 31 18:37:03 keep in mind im not very good at linux /yet/ May 31 18:37:38 You need to replace USBNETWORK with usb0 May 31 18:37:42 jesus May 31 18:37:45 im really... bright xd May 31 18:44:09 i telneted May 31 18:44:32 https://pastebin.com/NmtQCALZ May 31 18:45:35 You can try `echo "continue" >/init-ctl/stdin` to boot into the rootfs May 31 18:46:15 problem is May 31 18:46:19 i didnt install rootfs before May 31 18:46:19 so May 31 18:46:22 back to android? May 31 18:46:34 Boot into recovery mode, and use halium-install May 31 18:47:55 is twrp fine for that? May 31 18:48:11 twrp is what everyone is using I think May 31 18:48:34 @JBBgameich, the general MediaTek-specific flashing way is SP FlashTool May 31 18:48:43 some devices also have fastboot support May 31 18:48:59 Thanks @NotKit May 31 18:49:00 @VeryOriginalUsername, Do you have a diagosis.log file? If yes, what say? May 31 18:49:34 @JBBgameich, otherwise, I think Halium can be just pushed through TWRP? May 31 18:49:38 if it exists for device May 31 18:51:04 ~ # cat diagnosis.log … CONFIG_DUMMY=y found in /proc/config.gz, must be disabled May 31 18:51:55 I wonder how suboptimal is using Android 7.x base for older devices though May 31 18:52:41 it generally uses more RAM than 4.4, and blobs often have to be shimmed... May 31 18:54:16 The only open source device tree is for 7.1, so I don't have a choice there May 31 18:54:45 @VeryOriginalUsername, Make the change, reinstall boot.img and see again diagnosis.log. it is OK when diagnosis.log doesn't exist... After that you can do echo "continue".... May 31 18:55:07 @JBBgameich did you apply https://github.com/halium-krillin/android_device_bq_krillin/tree/halium-7.1/mtk/patches to Halium tree? May 31 18:55:27 at least bionic/libc.patch is likely a must May 31 18:56:46 it seems it keeps xlog symbols in shims though (I've seen it being patched into bionic instead) May 31 18:57:14 The patches are applied automatically using breakfast / lunch May 31 18:57:40 nice if that's the case May 31 18:58:01 https://github.com/halium-krillin/android_device_bq_krillin/blob/halium-7.1/vendorsetup.sh#L2 May 31 19:04:43 @VeryOriginalUsername what's the reason for you to remove `"kugo" | "blanc"` in your PR? May 31 19:04:49 is it wrong? May 31 19:05:16 i re-added that May 31 19:05:26 dont tell me i cant use nano May 31 19:05:49 oh yeah i can't recognize green and red lol May 31 19:06:01 okay then what is the reason to re-add that May 31 19:06:10 do these devices have the same partition layout? May 31 19:06:13 kugo = x compact blanc = touch May 31 19:06:13 yes May 31 19:06:17 all same platform May 31 19:06:19 is that the same device with different codenameS? May 31 19:06:21 [Edit] is that the same device with different codenames? May 31 19:06:33 vendor releasing same shit with different marketing? May 31 19:06:57 this used to happen a lot back in the day May 31 19:08:03 please include as many info in the PR as possible May 31 19:08:07 if such stuff occurs May 31 19:08:28 so that i won't need to ask you personally next time. it saves a lot of time for maintainers. @VeryOriginalUsername May 31 19:09:07 @vanyasem, three other devices May 31 19:09:18 same platform though May 31 19:09:29 sony does that all the time May 31 19:10:16 link to device tree? May 31 19:10:25 i am confused, i can't find their codenames on twrp May 31 19:10:51 https://github.com/sonyxperiadev/device-sony-loire May 31 19:11:00 also every device has an additional one with their codename May 31 19:12:43 looks good May 31 19:13:18 shouldn't the device's name be loire then instream May 31 19:13:20 [Edit] shouldn't the device's name be loire then instread May 31 19:13:40 [Edit] shouldn't the device's name be loire then instead May 31 19:13:48 isn't that what the build system uses? May 31 19:15:29 @VeryOriginalUsername, or is this just a common part? May 31 19:15:32 yes May 31 19:15:37 "yes" to what May 31 19:15:40 last q May 31 19:15:50 sorry for "fast" responses im playing league now May 31 19:16:06 https://github.com/sonyxperiadev/device-sony-suzu/blob/master/BoardConfig.mk#L28 May 31 19:16:09 yep, okay May 31 19:16:10 got it May 31 19:16:18 next time please include that in the pr May 31 19:17:42 nerged May 31 19:17:45 [Edit] merged May 31 19:39:38 okay, so i have an original hybris-boot.img, hybris-recovery and a hybris-boot with config_dummy=n May 31 19:40:06 only hybris-boot with config_dummy=y boots to telnet, recovery and bootv2 dont May 31 19:46:28 @VeryOriginalUsername, You must change to CONFIG_DUMMY=n in kernel defconfig May 31 19:46:33 it won't boot that way May 31 19:46:58 You need a rootfs, otherwise nothing will boot anyway May 31 19:47:12 Try with hybris-recovery.img May 31 19:47:14 @VeryOriginalUsername, it won't boot to telnet even May 31 19:47:18 The initrd only stops in telnet mode if there is a problem with the initrd itself May 31 19:47:35 let me recompile recovery May 31 19:47:37 If the initrd works but there's nothing to boot afterwards, it just bootloops May 31 19:53:06 can I copy files over telnet May 31 19:56:36 https://pastebin.com/S0DYhXmL May 31 19:56:50 last_kmesg from hybris-boot with config_dummy=y May 31 19:59:29 also hybris-recovery doesn't appear in lsusb neither in dmesg May 31 20:01:12 Maybe you must disable lxc to avoid bootloop May 31 20:03:32 When you get telnet do: http://docs.halium.org/en/latest/porting/debug-build/early-init.html#common-errors May 31 20:03:57 @jasousa, lxc has nothing to do with telnet not working May 31 20:04:47 In debug mode you can get telnet May 31 20:06:01 ~ # TERM=linux HOME=/root PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:$PATH chroot target … / /bin/bash … chroot: can't execute '/bin/bash': No such file or directory May 31 20:06:19 what are you doing and why May 31 20:06:28 systemctl disable lxc@android May 31 20:06:37 http://docs.halium.org/en/latest/porting/debug-build/early-init.html#the-device-reboots-after-leaving-hybris-recovery May 31 20:06:48 oh i see May 31 20:06:53 okay May 31 20:07:00 this didn't exist back in the day lol May 31 20:07:09 i need to reread the docs, they have changed a bit May 31 20:07:27 @VeryOriginalUsername, with telnet.. what you get inside of /target ? May 31 20:07:39 data May 31 20:07:46 which is empty May 31 20:08:15 is there ` diagnosis.log` and what is the path to data in the init script? May 31 20:08:19 [Edit] is there diagnosis.log` and what is the path to data in the init script? May 31 20:08:22 ok... you still get diagnosis.log file with DUMMY error? May 31 20:08:23 [Edit] is there `diagnosis.log` and what is the path to data in the init script? May 31 20:08:51 i can only boot to telnet with hybris-BOOT with config_dummy=y May 31 20:08:58 no recovery works for me May 31 20:09:39 and yes, diagnosis.log still says CONFIG_DUMMY=y found in /proc/config.gz, must be disabled May 31 20:09:49 what I'm doing to get debug with DUMMY=n: in Boaronfig add bootmode=debug to BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE and compile hybris-boot May 31 20:10:08 @jasousa, that doesn't work May 31 20:10:12 already added the cmdline :p May 31 20:10:19 this way I enter always in debug mode, even dont have errros... no diagnosis.log May 31 20:10:50 @VeryOriginalUsername, if that didnt get overwritten by my amazing git skills May 31 20:11:12 😊 May 31 20:11:37 verify May 31 20:13:21 git skills are on point May 31 20:13:27 (not really( May 31 20:13:28 [Edit] (not really) May 31 20:16:04 okayyyy May 31 20:16:10 no diagnosis.log this time May 31 20:16:16 do i echo continue? May 31 20:16:28 is the data path right May 31 20:16:35 if so, then yes, echo continue May 31 20:16:42 uhh how do i check that May 31 20:16:43 @vanyasem, one of the first lines in the init script May 31 20:16:47 what you have inside of /target ? May 31 20:16:50 @vanyasem, i don't remember it's name May 31 20:16:57 @jasousa, data May 31 20:17:05 which seems to be an empty folder May 31 20:17:09 @jasousa, you have already asked that May 31 20:17:18 @VeryOriginalUsername, `ls /`, i will tell you the file's name May 31 20:17:38 init or init-ctl? May 31 20:17:43 yeah one of them May 31 20:17:59 cat both and see which one has a variable that holds a path to data May 31 20:18:03 I thing you must have rootfs.img mounted inside of /target May 31 20:18:10 @vanyasem, then paste that path here May 31 20:18:30 @vanyasem, that variable is at the top of the file May 31 20:18:52 https://github.com/Halium/hybris-boot/blob/master/init-script#L29 May 31 20:18:54 https://pastebin.com/6bCh6SvH May 31 20:18:54 this line May 31 20:20:16 looks like it's correct May 31 20:20:19 if data = userdata May 31 20:20:57 tried to continue May 31 20:20:59 now we wait May 31 20:21:00 if that's nicki, then yes May 31 20:21:04 it's correct May 31 20:21:08 @VeryOriginalUsername, now you ssh real fast May 31 20:21:14 before it bootloops (if it does) May 31 20:21:19 connection refused May 31 20:21:28 ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection refused May 31 20:21:52 in host, what you see with lsusb ? May 31 20:21:58 google May 31 20:22:02 @VeryOriginalUsername, `ip link` output May 31 20:22:12 see if it reboots now May 31 20:22:37 https://pastebin.com/ADYYVd28 May 31 20:22:48 @VeryOriginalUsername, okay that's what i thought May 31 20:23:00 doesn't look correct at all May 31 20:23:28 @VeryOriginalUsername, Google Inc ? May 31 20:23:40 @jasousa, y May 31 20:23:53 Bus 001 Device 066: ID 18d1:d001 Google Inc. May 31 20:23:56 I think this neans you get telnet.. not SSH May 31 20:23:59 yup May 31 20:24:01 telnet still works May 31 20:24:19 can you enter telnet now? May 31 20:24:23 yes May 31 20:24:38 and dont have diagnosis.log? May 31 20:24:44 its not there May 31 20:25:02 @VeryOriginalUsername, has the device rebooted or has it dropped back to telnet after `echo continue`? May 31 20:25:19 i think it dropped to telnet May 31 20:25:29 i think it's the first time i see that happening May 31 20:27:50 https://pastebin.com/Ek9ydrZy May 31 20:27:53 check L19&20 May 31 20:28:22 @VeryOriginalUsername, шеэы щлфн May 31 20:28:27 dam May 31 20:28:28 it's okay May 31 20:28:35 nothing to worry about May 31 20:28:43 iirc May 31 20:28:47 i might be mistaken May 31 20:28:47 soo May 31 20:28:49 what should i do May 31 20:29:02 @UniversalSuperBox, yeah May 31 20:29:03 right May 31 20:29:10 it's nothing to worry about May 31 20:29:17 @VeryOriginalUsername, mount: mounting /data/rootfs.img on /target failed: No such file or directory May 31 20:29:20 i am quoting myself from half a year ago May 31 20:29:31 dou you have /data/rootfs.img file? May 31 20:29:36 @jasousa, lol May 31 20:29:47 data is empty May 31 20:30:00 have you touched LXC? :D May 31 20:30:06 i only ran halium-install, do i need to run two more of these scripts? xD May 31 20:30:09 must reinstall rootfs.img and system.img May 31 20:30:10 if you restart lxc manually, it nudes data May 31 20:30:19 [Edit] if you restart lxc manually, it nukes data May 31 20:30:31 (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/2y0GjFl8.mp4 May 31 20:30:35 😊 May 31 20:30:35 oh sorry i pinged you May 31 20:31:17 @vanyasem, i havent got that far to even interact with device further than telnet lmao May 31 20:31:29 so May 31 20:31:32 what do i do May 31 20:31:40 @VeryOriginalUsername, didn't failed when you run halium-install? May 31 20:31:43 @VeryOriginalUsername, Install halium properly May 31 20:31:47 Using JBBs script May 31 20:31:50 @jasousa, no, it didnt show any errors May 31 20:31:54 @vanyasem, link pl0x May 31 20:31:59 @vanyasem, So that both system.img and rootfs.img are in data May 31 20:32:05 https://github.com/JBBgameich/halium-install May 31 20:32:14 dam someone add it to docs already May 31 20:32:21 i send this link like 5 times every day May 31 20:32:47 @vanyasem, *looks in the mirror* May 31 20:33:37 @vanyasem, hoping all the dependencies are there for rpi May 31 20:37:10 no simg2img for pi May 31 20:37:52 @VeryOriginalUsername, sr im retarded May 31 20:38:39 I have a stange behavior with my install... I have my boot.img in debug mode. Enter in telnet and I must wait about 3 minutes before run echo continue > /init-ctl/stdin to get SSH May 31 20:38:58 @vanyasem, https://github.com/Halium/docs/pull/93 May 31 20:39:01 if dont wait this 3 minutes can't get SSH.. May 31 20:39:54 @vanyasem, do I use halium in mode? May 31 20:40:07 seems obvious but still I'd better ask :p May 31 20:40:09 @VeryOriginalUsername, well yes if you install halium? May 31 20:40:20 use pm if you install pm and use ut if you install ut May 31 20:40:45 that's pretty straightforward :P May 31 20:40:50 what comes with halium rootfs btw May 31 20:40:51 plasma? May 31 20:41:04 @VeryOriginalUsername, ubuntu 16.04 May 31 20:41:12 just plain ubuntu 16.04 with libhybris May 31 20:41:20 so no i guess? May 31 20:42:19 plasma images can be found here https://images.plasma-mobile.org/ May 31 20:42:45 @vanyasem, pm is plasmamobile I assume, not pmOS May 31 20:42:50 right.. May 31 20:46:36 @vanyasem, This is a big problem.. I need start lxc manualy to debug... but I can't and because of this I cant go … forward 😞 May 31 20:47:04 @jasousa, No, that's not a problem. That's part of the design May 31 20:47:46 I wish I could help you, but i am really busy these days May 31 20:49:47 @vanyasem, Thank you anyway May 31 20:51:43 @vanyasem, "That's a part of design?".. can be, but didn't help to debug problemas with lxc May 31 20:51:59 @vanyasem, [Edit] "That's a part of design?".. can be, but didn't help to debug problems with lxc May 31 20:52:44 so.. I did ./launcher.sh install rootfsfilewithsomenumbers system.img halium and data is still empty May 31 20:52:54 @jasousa, now quick question Jose May 31 20:53:07 why do you have Lineage 15.1 blobs when you are working with a 14.1 tree? May 31 20:54:10 @vanyasem, How am I supposed to ssh when nm is disabled 🤣 May 31 20:55:31 What I used to do is click 'disconnect' on the network manager applet on your desktop when the extra wired connection appears … otherwise it messes it up May 31 20:55:47 https://pastebin.com/Vai4QAJB May 31 20:56:09 @reivilibre, I see. Thanks a lot, hope this works. May 31 20:56:10 No.. It's my misunderstood... I supposed pre-start mount my original system partition, but in fact is not. And in my device system partition I have android oreo May 31 20:56:17 mount: mounting mmcblk0p27 on /data failed: No such file or directory … + mount /data/rootfs.img /target … mount: mounting /data/rootfs.img on /target failed: No such file or directory … + mkdir -p /target/data May 31 20:56:37 Also another question, My drive is empty when i ssh May 31 20:56:46 So i can't write udev May 31 20:57:01 Only . .. Directories May 31 20:57:08 @VeryOriginalUsername, i mounted that manually May 31 20:57:16 will it boot if i continue now? May 31 20:57:27 @VeryOriginalUsername, something is fucked up with mounting May 31 20:57:37 @VeryOriginalUsername, You fixed your fstab? May 31 20:57:53 fixup-mountpoints? May 31 20:57:54 @caghand3, there's nothing when you `cd /` and `ls` ? May 31 20:58:00 @vanyasem, No.. It's my misunderstood... I supposed pre-start mount my original system partition, but in fact is not. And in my device system partition I have android oreo May 31 20:58:11 @reivilibre, Yes, nothing 😪 May 31 20:58:37 @VeryOriginalUsername, Yes May 31 20:58:41 of course May 31 20:58:56 @jasousa, please install linuage 14.1 May 31 20:58:58 @caghand3, hrm, that's odd, I don't know what to suggest there May 31 20:59:10 There was a data workaround on ubports May 31 20:59:13 @VeryOriginalUsername, let's try... May 31 20:59:15 @vanyasem, you MUST have vendor blobs from 14.1 to work with halium-7.1... May 31 20:59:19 @jasousa, [Edit] please install lineage 14.1 May 31 20:59:22 Fstab workaround for data May 31 20:59:30 Maybe try that? May 31 20:59:33 @caghand3, can you link me that? May 31 20:59:49 @vanyasem, i wonder why is this not mentioned in the docs @jasousa May 31 21:00:14 https://docs.ubports.com/en/latest/porting/building-ubports-boot.html May 31 21:00:30 @caghand3, this has nothing to do with halium May 31 21:00:32 it's ubports specific May 31 21:00:43 @vanyasem, It's worth a try 🤣 May 31 21:00:54 If nothing else works May 31 21:00:58 eh i am frustrated May 31 21:01:48 and that's the reason for lxc failure @jasousa ;) May 31 21:01:53 no need to restart anything May 31 21:02:01 just pay attention to what you do May 31 21:02:05 @vanyasem, Yes it should be in documentation May 31 21:02:21 @vanyasem, Do you tell I must install a lineageOS 14.1 on my device before trying port PM ? May 31 21:02:21 @vanyasem, This should be in documentation May 31 21:02:24 guys May 31 21:02:30 wanna have a laugh May 31 21:02:31 Sure May 31 21:02:42 @jasousa, yes May 31 21:02:48 (Photo, 690x388) https://irc.ubports.com/m8ZAdKy7.png May 31 21:02:52 if that's the reason.... May 31 21:02:59 @vanyasem, if you use 14.1 tree you must have blobs from the 14.1 tree May 31 21:03:07 so you must install 14.1 May 31 21:03:12 @VeryOriginalUsername, have i just accepted that pr May 31 21:03:21 :shrug: May 31 21:03:21 @VeryOriginalUsername, Most likely is May 31 21:03:27 @VeryOriginalUsername, i suck at my job May 31 21:03:34 so do I May 31 21:03:40 Hope my suggestion helped, indirectly 🤣 May 31 21:03:49 for suzu it's correct though May 31 21:04:10 @VeryOriginalUsername, please fix and pr it asap, so that nobody notices May 31 21:04:24 let me build and boot quickly May 31 21:04:32 @vanyasem, My programming philosophy May 31 21:06:51 @vanyasem, https://github.com/Halium/hybris-boot/pull/54 May 31 21:07:51 Documentation is scarce on distributing halium May 31 21:08:01 How should i go doing it May 31 21:08:36 I doubt img s are the best way to do it May 31 21:08:39 now it mounts May 31 21:08:40 yay May 31 21:08:44 what now May 31 21:08:45 continue? May 31 21:08:56 same as before Konrad May 31 21:08:57 @VeryOriginalUsername, Udev i think May 31 21:09:05 @vanyasem, follow the docs May 31 21:09:15 don't waste my time pleeease :P May 31 21:09:39 over 360 message, did I miss smth May 31 21:09:46 @Flohack, Na May 31 21:10:09 @Flohack, i got bored in the middle of my work day, and decided to help people port haliu, May 31 21:10:10 @Flohack, [Edit] i got bored in the middle of my work day, and decided to help people port halium May 31 21:10:33 Oki cool May 31 21:10:35 thx a lot May 31 21:12:12 https://pastebin.com/FzT54DF6 May 31 21:12:16 no telnet no ssh May 31 21:12:53 no wait May 31 21:12:55 yes ssh May 31 21:13:09 wait what May 31 21:13:16 i ssh'd to my raspberry pi from my raspberry pi May 31 21:14:13 this may be kind of pointles May 31 21:14:24 but halium doesn't build without specifiying a prebuilt kernel May 31 21:14:29 and it builds a prebuilt kernel itself :/ May 31 21:14:41 so it doesn't use the prebuilt at all :'/ May 31 21:15:22 [Edit] and it builds a kernel itself :/ May 31 21:16:49 @vanyasem, I have blobs from 14.1 in system.img ... but in my device /dev/block/mmcblk0p25 (system partition) I have a leneageos 15.1... This is a conflict ? May 31 21:17:10 @jasousa, your blobs reside in a firmware partition of your device May 31 21:17:17 neither in your system.img nor in /system May 31 21:17:26 @vanyasem, that's kind of not true for all devices May 31 21:17:40 for Mi devices at least May 31 21:17:47 @caghand3, yep, but but it's true for almost all snapdragon devices May 31 21:17:56 @caghand3, It's true for Jose's device. May 31 21:18:04 yeah, just saying for future reference May 31 21:18:32 @caghand3, we know that. if you can, PR that to docs. no need to distract Jose May 31 21:18:44 you're right, sorry May 31 21:20:02 @vanyasem, ahhhhhhhhhh so this is, maybethe reason of unsuccessfully port... So I must have the same 14.1 in device and in the tree I port ! Thats it ? May 31 21:20:14 @jasousa, yes, for the third time May 31 21:20:20 @vanyasem, [Edit] ahhhhhhhhhh so this is, maybe, the reason of unsuccessfully port... So I must have the same 14.1 in device and in the tree I port ! Thats it ? May 31 21:20:31 @vanyasem, just wondering, what would happen if that were the case? May 31 21:20:43 because my device kinda is in a differnet kind of development stage May 31 21:21:15 @vanyasem, Sorry... I need to hear this many times. 😊 May 31 21:28:18 "Once your device is booted, you should see that you have a new network interface again. Assign it an IP of" … there could be a copypaste command in docs to assign the ip 🙈 May 31 21:28:34 @VeryOriginalUsername, it was there back in the day May 31 21:28:42 use JBB's connect.py script May 31 21:28:43 didn't JBB's scripts have scripts for doing that? May 31 21:28:51 :-) ninja'd May 31 21:28:51 @reivilibre, yep :P May 31 21:29:43 "Is the device connected?" … >lsusb shows google … >dmesg shows sony then mer boatloader May 31 21:30:53 @VeryOriginalUsername, dmesg sows something like "" ? May 31 21:31:10 https://pastebin.com/J1XXfXqc May 31 21:31:17 doesn't look like May 31 21:32:17 [13129.982331] usb 1-1.4: SerialNumber: Mer Debug: done debug, disabling storage … In this case you dont have telnet ena even ssh.. right ? May 31 21:32:33 [Edit] [13129.982331] usb 1-1.4: SerialNumber: Mer Debug: done debug, disabling storage … In this case you dont have telnet and even ssh.. right ? May 31 21:32:34 @VeryOriginalUsername, `ip link` please May 31 21:32:36 correct May 31 21:33:08 https://pastebin.com/A79mcZsR May 31 21:33:20 @VeryOriginalUsername, are you in debug mode (recovery-boot)? May 31 21:33:31 @VeryOriginalUsername, yeah it doesn't get into the real rootfs May 31 21:33:39 you still have a debug telnet interface exposed May 31 21:33:43 hybris-boot with cmdline debugmode May 31 21:34:31 this is after or before "echo continue > /init-ctl/stdin"? May 31 21:34:31 should i do recovery now? May 31 21:34:37 after May 31 21:37:17 I rebooted the device, telnet is working but ssh-ing on (the telnet ip, idk how to assign the 10.x) gives connection refused May 31 21:38:09 @VeryOriginalUsername, you EITHER get telnet or ssh. telnet gets exposed in initrd debug, ssh gets exposed in the real rootfs. read the docs carefully May 31 21:38:23 use the JBB's script to assign the IP once you get the rootfs to boot May 31 21:39:06 @VeryOriginalUsername, I have the same problem.... Don't know why, but I need wayt 3 minuts inside of telnet before run "echo continue > /init-ctl/stdin" May 31 21:40:05 in most cases this trick gives me SSH.. maybe some daemon need time to start (or die).. don't know May 31 21:40:33 @jasousa, no, there are no daemons in the inird May 31 21:40:53 But something may time out in the kernel. Either way, really weird. May 31 21:41:05 @vanyasem, it's just an initramfs that boots the rootfs May 31 21:43:23 @jasousa, what device do you have?: May 31 21:46:49 @VeryOriginalUsername, I have samsung galaxy J5 2016, msm 8916 May 31 21:47:15 @vanyasem ... back to Firmware vs lo15.1 and 14.1 tree.... dou you think when I install lo15.1, this change original formware partition? Because my original formware are bases on 7.1 (original samsung install), and I'm working with incompatible versions when run halium port? .. I ask becouse i'm still not convinced ! May 31 21:47:31 [Edit] @vanyasem ... back to Firmware vs lo15.1 and 14.1 tree.... dou you think when I install lo15.1, this change original firmware partition? Because my original formware are bases on 7.1 (original samsung install), and I'm working with incompatible versions when run halium port? .. I ask becouse i'm still not convinced ! May 31 21:48:04 install the rom that's your halium tree is based on May 31 21:48:05 that's it May 31 21:48:38 if you don't trust me and Dalton, well, why would you even ask then? May 31 21:49:01 If this is my problem.. you will be my hero! 😊 May 31 21:50:06 @vanyasem If I don't trust in you... I did no ask for help here.. of course i trust... May 31 21:51:46 @jasousa, i gave mine about 5 minutes and unfortunately that was not the case May 31 21:51:54 literally every test I run including vibrator and lights give out segmentation fault May 31 21:51:57 what may be the cause May 31 21:53:02 @caghand3, Is lxc running? Does your android version match the halium version? May 31 21:53:35 @vanyasem, `systemctl status lxc@android` May 31 21:54:01 I only like unserstand the details to get better results.. it's not lack of trust in you... do not get me wrong, please May 31 21:54:55 @jasousa, Don't get me wrong, i just don't have enough time to explain everything to every new member. Use search, and you will find answers for most of your questions May 31 21:56:47 ok May 31 21:58:48 @vanyasem, lxc can't find init*.rc files so it fails. let me put them manually and see. May 31 22:01:45 should I disable cmdline bootmode=debug if there's no diagnosis.log May 31 22:01:46 ? May 31 22:06:41 @VeryOriginalUsername, yes... and if you don't need telnet anymore... but I think this is near to get telnet in debug mode and run "echo continue > /init-ctl/stdin" May 31 22:06:56 well then i need the debug May 31 22:12:09 pi@raspberrypi:~ $ ssh root@ … ssh: connect to host port 22: No route to host May 31 22:12:15 ping says 100% packet loss May 31 22:12:22 you have to set up a route May 31 22:12:26 i did May 31 22:12:33 no? May 31 22:12:33 pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo ip address add dev usb0 … pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo ip route add dev usb0 May 31 22:12:47 usb0 is TELNET DEBUG interface May 31 22:12:48 once again May 31 22:12:56 hand me a gun May 31 22:13:02 and you are trying to assign an ssh address to it May 31 22:13:08 please pay attention, and read what i say May 31 22:17:21 You need to assign the IP instead May 31 22:17:52 to telnet? telnet is actually fine May 31 22:18:27 Fwd from vanyasem: you EITHER get telnet or ssh. telnet gets exposed in initrd debug, ssh gets exposed in the real rootfs. read the docs carefully May 31 22:19:03 so probably i have fucked initrd since jbb's script keeps asking me if i connected the device May 31 22:19:18 So since you're not getting SSH, it stands to reason that you'd be getting telnet May 31 22:20:21 telnet > continue > "mer debug: done debug, disabling storage" is the furthest I can get May 31 22:20:51 You're stuck somewhere between then... Hm May 31 22:21:28 @VeryOriginalUsername, do you get /target mount with rootfs.img? May 31 22:21:33 @jasousa, yes May 31 22:21:38 So the phone does absolutely nothing after that May 31 22:22:02 probably May 31 22:22:31 Kernel version? May 31 22:22:51 3.4(.0) May 31 22:23:05 Ah! Last_kmsg then? May 31 22:23:22 let me kill it then :devil: May 31 22:24:24 there is none 0.o May 31 22:24:42 Yeah that makes sense May 31 22:24:49 Since it lost power May 31 22:24:50 while you're here May 31 22:24:54 @UniversalSuperBox https://github.com/Halium/docs/pull/93#event-1656928787 take a look May 31 22:25:02 you're the docs master May 31 22:25:03 I haven't even gotten home yet May 31 22:25:15 oh okay sorry May 31 22:25:21 just keep that in mind then :P May 31 22:25:32 @VeryOriginalUsername, this happened to me before because of corrupted filesystem and I ended up reflashing. Just a FYI May 31 22:26:03 i reflashed it like 3 times 😅 May 31 22:26:11 and i can get into /data and /target May 31 22:26:38 if the filesystem is corrupted, from recovert: `umount /dev/mmcblk123` `e2fsck -fy /dev/mmcblk123`, then reboot to recovery again May 31 22:26:49 replace mmcblk123 with the actual path to /data May 31 22:26:54 [Edit] replace mmcblk123 with the actual path to /data (userdata) May 31 22:27:02 [Edit] if the filesystem is corrupted, from recovert: `umount /dev/mmcblk123`, `e2fsck -fy /dev/mmcblk123`, then reboot to recovery again May 31 22:27:19 reformatting sometimes doesn't help when the busybox is broken in the twrp May 31 22:27:27 happens on my HTC 10 all the time May 31 22:27:37 @vanyasem, i had to set up a script that runs these commands for me May 31 22:28:02 (Photo, 489x125) https://irc.ubports.com/1pMhub0t.png May 31 22:28:16 63 parts May 31 22:28:17 madman May 31 22:29:08 I'm soon going to be coming in possession of someone's old HTC 10, and if I can replace the battery (which it's sealed yes, so it's going to be involved), I should hopefully be able to get PlaMo running right? May 31 22:29:13 @reivilibre, order a new screen too May 31 22:29:22 you won't replace the battery without breaking the screen May 31 22:29:28 it's that bad? May 31 22:29:35 it's glued. you have to heat it, and pull it out May 31 22:29:45 either you will damage the screen itself, or the touchscreen May 31 22:30:03 @reivilibre, yes, half of my touchscreen is broken atm. because of that reason May 31 22:30:04 https://pastebin.com/i2wq6ADt May 31 22:30:35 @VeryOriginalUsername, why haven't you waited for the command to finish <.< May 31 22:30:39 or wait have you May 31 22:30:42 i did May 31 22:30:51 okay, well. it's not corrupted in that case May 31 22:30:53 you're fine May 31 22:31:02 technially im not May 31 22:31:19 [Edit] techniaclly im not May 31 22:31:33 @vanyasem, thanks for the warning May 31 22:31:53 phones with non-user-removable batteries, tut tut :-( May 31 22:32:05 @reivilibre, i have prebuilt images for both plamo and ut May 31 22:32:07 so yeah May 31 22:32:14 plasmo is bugged though May 31 22:32:24 there's some issue with kwin, i forgot what it is already May 31 22:32:28 it's stale for a long time May 31 22:32:38 I intend to continue with Moto G5 still but I was hoping for something I can start to play with May 31 22:32:38 [Edit] plamo is bugged though May 31 22:33:53 okay, so after filesystem check it still won't move from "done debug" May 31 22:33:54 the phone is as good as dead without a battery replacement though, it just gets excitingly hot whilst 'charging' and doesn't really take a charge May 31 22:34:08 @VeryOriginalUsername, why would it, it was fine. nothing changed May 31 22:34:25 idk i hoped for some magic May 31 22:35:30 https://github.com/mer-hybris/hybris-boot/blob/master/init-script#L336 May 31 22:41:13 in theory it should be booting after this message May 31 22:41:15 My lxc couldn't start because of missing init*.rc files. I put them all in manually myself. It now says "Executing '/sbin/init' with no configuration file may crash the host". Any help would be appreciated. May 31 22:41:36 but device doesn't even get warmer than usual charging temp May 31 22:42:25 @VeryOriginalUsername, I had the same problem. … Have you had any luck with the sys fs pstore (new kernels) or last_kmsg (old kernels)? May 31 22:42:59 it doesn't appear May 31 22:43:31 personally for me, the pstore appeared in recovery but not in the initrd. May 31 22:44:38 in twrp or hybris-recovery? May 31 22:44:38 what I did, was boot to telnet, then I spawned a process which would cause a kernel panic in 60 seconds, and then i let it continue to the boot process where it hung, panicked, and then I rebooted into recovery and collected the pstore log May 31 22:44:41 TWRP May 31 22:44:53 what was that process? May 31 22:45:55 I first ran 'echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq' as here http://docs.halium.org/en/latest/porting/debug-build/dmesg.html … and then spawned a shell script 'sleep 60 && echo echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger'... :P May 31 22:46:16 I'm not sure it's advisable to do it, but I was desperate and it gave results May 31 22:46:18 300 iq xd May 31 22:47:04 [Edit] I first ran 'echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq' as here http://docs.halium.org/en/latest/porting/debug-build/dmesg.html … and then spawned a shell script 'sleep 60 && echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger'... :P May 31 22:50:25 If you want to save yourself from wasting any time before trying this approach, get into telnet May 31 22:51:03 make sure stuff is unmounted, and you can cause the panic … ```echo 1 > /proc/sys/kernel/sysrq … echo c > /proc/sysrq-trigger``` … THEN hold down the volume button which will let you access recovery, as soon as the phone reboots itself May 31 22:52:14 once you get into TWRP, check to see if any files have appeared in /sys/fs/pstore … If they haven't, then maybe your TWRP doesn't have that option compiled in (or maybe it's not compiled in, in your Halium kernel) May 31 22:55:11 @reivilibre, 3.4 kernel :c May 31 22:55:23 Ah, do you get a last_kmsg then? May 31 22:55:26 nope May 31 22:55:42 I personally have 0 experience with the last_kmsg because my kernel is >3.4 May 31 22:56:04 I assume you've checked the options http://docs.halium.org/en/latest/porting/debug-build/dmesg.html#linux-kernel-3-4 are compiled in? May 31 22:56:23 i think so May 31 22:56:35 there was last_kmesg before, but back then kernel failed byitself May 31 22:56:39 [Edit] there was last_kmesg before, but back then kernel failed byi tself May 31 22:56:45 [Edit] there was last_kmesg before, but back then kernel failed by itself May 31 22:57:24 you mean you don't get `/proc/last_kmsg` when you cause the panic yourself? :P May 31 22:57:32 exactly May 31 22:58:05 hmm as far as I understand, there's nothing special about causing the panic yourself May 31 22:58:13 one would expect it to work just the same May 31 23:02:11 Just to check, were you in TWRP or hybris when it appeared last time? May 31 23:02:47 hybris May 31 23:03:17 so maybe when you cause the panic, you should try just going back into hybris and seeing if it appears there ,then May 31 23:03:45 imma check tomorrow May 31 23:03:49 1am for me, time to recharge May 31 23:04:06 the TWRP kernel should be treated as a mystery, since you didn't build that yourself and don't really know what's gone into it … (but in my case, the logs appeared in TWRP but not hybris :/) May 31 23:04:38 have a good night May 31 23:06:36 have a good night Konrad... I will do the same... **** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Jun 01 03:00:09 2018