**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Jan 21 02:59:56 2019 Jan 21 09:42:18 (Photo, 1280x720) https://irc.ubports.com/rRnD04Oo.png Jan 21 09:42:26 Has anyone seen these before Jan 21 09:42:27 ? Jan 21 09:43:22 This isn't even the kernel, I'm trying to compile mkbootimg Jan 21 09:48:39 Simplest solution would be to comment out the offending line Jan 21 09:49:41 Also, you shouldn't be linking to the by-name folder. You should be linking durectly to the /dev/block partition Jan 21 09:50:48 Oh I changed that Jan 21 09:50:54 @Qiangong2, sounds fun let me try Jan 21 09:54:28 my stupid ass thought there was something wrong my fstab configuration after I looked at the system build errors in the documentation... Jan 21 09:54:56 just had to delete an extra repository. Thank you Jan 21 11:09:22 I have a suggestion: You could mention in the wiki that the build tools require python2, I ran into build errors that didn't have a particular pattern, when I switched the env python variable to python2 it seemed to do that trick. … Unless it's already mentioned, then you can just ignore this message Jan 21 12:30:10 @KunalBhat, get rid of hardware/nvidia/power Jan 21 12:48:40 @Sergobot @Nebrassy @coolhacker_1 @Mattia990 Jan 21 12:48:43 Good news! Jan 21 12:48:51 ? Jan 21 12:49:16 @coolhacker_1, Re: system.img problem yesterday, marlin (Pixel XL) Jan 21 12:49:29 Turns out that system.img was really corrupted by the build process Jan 21 12:50:11 I created a new ext4 filesystem on the corrupt image and copied /out/target/product/marlin/system manually Jan 21 12:50:16 Worked like a charm! Jan 21 12:50:23 The image now mounts properly Jan 21 12:50:36 I could run tests, no more segfaults Jan 21 12:51:10 However, there's an issue with a whole $#@t-load of missing shared libraries Jan 21 12:51:24 We could probably fetch them from a Nougat build of Android Jan 21 12:51:44 except that there's a chance of them not running Jan 21 12:51:59 because of the 32-bit rootfs Jan 21 12:52:10 @WaseemAlkurdi, Have you made udev rules? Jan 21 12:52:24 Or it is another issue 🤔 Jan 21 12:52:39 @Sergobot, Haven't got around to doing that yet Jan 21 12:52:51 It's complaining that the .so files are missing Jan 21 12:53:33 Do I copy them from stock Nougat? Jan 21 12:53:42 @aleasto, Yep done it. Currently installing the rootfs and systemic age Jan 21 13:18:16 @WaseemAlkurdi, Nice! Jan 21 13:46:33 @WaseemAlkurdi, which .so files? Jan 21 15:18:51 https://forums.ubports.com/topic/2293/halium-initrd-failed-to-boot-redmi-note-4x-mido Jan 21 15:18:55 Another mido everyone! 😅 Jan 21 15:35:12 ohw dear Jan 21 15:39:18 @UniversalSuperBox, can we get a mido counter at this point? Jan 21 18:51:16 @UniversalSuperBox, Funnily enough I was going to attempt it on mido tomorrow since I had to switch roms anyway. I wasnt able to get halium 7.1 working on my tablet, still attempting 5.1 Jan 21 19:41:08 Quick question: is there any plans for mata (Essential Ph-1)? On that matter, would the device being a treble a/b setup be an issue? Jan 21 19:54:28 A/B is not an issue, there's support now in halium-boot Jan 21 19:55:13 Though there must be Android 7 available for the device Jan 21 22:03:37 There is, hell, it's a requirement of eelo ron Jan 21 22:03:51 [Edit] There is, hell, it's a requirement of eelo rom Jan 21 22:04:23 Or /e/ ROM as it's styled officially Jan 21 22:05:01 Did i hear /e/ Jan 21 22:05:03 (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/p3kf0I0n.webp Jan 21 22:05:35 @c_smith, Yes, I remember. Pixel and Essential were basically the only devices with A/B and 7.1 Jan 21 22:06:08 Didn't mi a1 have it too? **** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Jan 22 02:59:56 2019