**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Aug 28 02:59:57 2019 Aug 28 06:21:40 Oceans13 was added by: Oceans13 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Aug 28 07:17:39 2019 Aug 28 07:20:36 @Aka [ok got into telnet, what im supposed to see if i used reference rootfs? Just boo …], For me IT stuck on Google Logo but IT worked Aug 28 07:21:45 @Flohack [Ok we definitely need a section in the docs on what to do when there is no sshd …], I think tgere ist Aug 28 07:21:51 You can force telnet Aug 28 11:27:41 Aka2: hi! No, I didn't progress at all with the J3 port (lack of time, mostly!) Aug 28 11:55:26 virginia butler was added by: virginia butler Aug 28 11:55:34 (Photo, 480x480) https://irc.ubports.com/t000MAeE.png dun ko x esffaoeme Aug 28 11:55:44 (Photo, 800x518) https://irc.ubports.com/h9g4Q3hc.png http://t.cn/Ai9S2IHv Aug 28 12:27:12 @Spidernr [FAirphone 3 … Fairphone 3: il ritorno dello smartphone etico e modulare. https:// …], Awesome Aug 28 13:47:32 Is this a problem with my kernel? … https://bin.disroot.org/?76451edb0ed685dc#Vhi7swCGwe8My3gJLH1ALmBrYoK4fvXUIt0pM0P6pLw= Aug 28 13:47:43 the actual error's at the very end Aug 28 14:07:04 @J0SH1X [You can force telnet], How? Aug 28 14:07:42 @Flohack [How?], I read something about hybrid or halium recovery Aug 28 14:07:46 That will force telnet Aug 28 14:21:40 Well basically it wont help me much, my dmesg shows everything is fine but then it looks like upstart is hanging or idk Aug 28 14:21:48 And my container crashes 😆 Aug 28 14:21:58 I can ping the device forever, but no port is open Aug 28 14:22:21 But it just times out, not getting even rejected from port 22 e.g. Aug 28 14:22:41 It seems the whole stack has serious issues: I would expedct connection refused if there is no sshd Aug 28 14:22:47 do we have a firewall that could cause this Aug 28 14:23:16 Also, with recovery, I do not get useful log files in the system-data Aug 28 14:23:25 @Flohack [It seems the whole stack has serious issues: I would expedct connection refused …], does your device actually have an IP and proper route configuration? Aug 28 14:23:34 Maybe it cant mount that? That would explain that all things hang, they cant writ to disk Aug 28 14:23:42 @dohbee [does your device actually have an IP and proper route configuration?], yes, as I said ping works Aug 28 14:23:57 I suspect no writable path is mounted. That would block probably upstart Aug 28 14:24:21 it would block a lot of things Aug 28 14:27:59 Yeah and I think its the case for me, otherwise I would get a bit more logging and not a frozen dmesg after 7 seconds of kernel time ^^ Aug 28 14:28:06 It seems it just stops there Aug 28 14:28:17 @jamesisaweeb [the actual error's at the very end], pretty sure i fixed it by disabling aeabi in the defconfig Aug 28 14:36:03 https://bin.disroot.org/?fd802763b1adb48a#zusu0g4ugT4abo1HYYurrpo77xsoczVdMgbY04Igmmg= … how can i fix this? i've disabled and enabled CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_SYNAPTICS_DSX_v21 in the defconfig to no avail : Aug 28 14:36:05 [Edit] https://bin.disroot.org/?fd802763b1adb48a#zusu0g4ugT4abo1HYYurrpo77xsoczVdMgbY04Igmmg= … how can i fix this? i've disabled and enabled CONFIG_TOUCHSCREEN_SYNAPTICS_DSX_v21 in the defconfig to no avail :( Aug 28 14:57:23 FAILED: /run/media/mathias/43bef022-06b5-46fc-ab4b-79ea72bc3d8e/halium/out/target/product/p6601/obj/ROOT/hybris-boot_intermediates/init /bin/bash -c "(sed -e 's %DATA_PART% /dev/block/mmcblk0p23 g' -e 's %BOOTLOGO% g' -e 's %DEFAULT_OS% sailfishos g' -e 's %ALWAYSDEBUG% g' halium/hybris-boot/init-script > /run/media/mathias/43bef022-06b5 Aug 28 14:57:24 -46fc-ab4b-79ea72bc3d8e/halium/out/target/product/p6601/obj/ROOT/hybris-boot_intermediates/init ) && (halium/hybris-boot/fixup-mountpoints \"p6601\" \"/run/media/mathias/43bef022-06b5-46fc-ab4b-79ea72bc3d8e/halium/out/target/product/p6601/obj/ROOT/hybris-boot_intermediates/init\" ) && (chmod +x /run/media/mathias/43bef022-06b5-46fc-ab4b-79ea72bc3d8 Aug 28 14:57:24 e/halium/out/target/product/p6601/obj/ROOT/hybris-boot_intermediates/init )" Aug 28 15:01:31 VICTORIA HAMMOND was added by: VICTORIA HAMMOND Aug 28 15:01:39 (Photo, 540x720) https://irc.ubports.com/T9yt6EdO.png rkacweac Aug 28 15:01:51 (Photo, 800x497) https://irc.ubports.com/otc1IkLD.png http://t.cn/Ai9E7UQJ Aug 28 16:00:34 Any idea why i get unrecognized argument --dt from mkbootimg? Aug 28 16:05:46 hi, i've flashed my image and now it just reboots after a minute and i can't ssh in to stop lightdm Aug 28 16:07:04 it just freezes on ```debug1: Connecting to [] port 22.``` Aug 28 16:11:23 is there a way i can get some logs? Aug 28 16:11:41 dmesg doesn't have anything usefull Aug 28 16:11:43 [Edit] dmesg doesn't have anything useful Aug 28 17:26:40 Have someone tryed to port to pixel 1? Aug 28 18:20:24 @Luka Panio [Have someone tryed to port to pixel 1?], https://github.com/halium/projectmanagement/issues?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=is%3Aissue+pixel Aug 28 19:15:25 lul Aug 28 19:15:38 i messed like crazy and it somehow started compiling Aug 28 19:16:06 Android ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Aug 28 20:52:46 ```halium/devices/setup:58: no matches found: /home/konrad/projects/AndroidSauce/HaliumSauce/halium/device/oppo/*common*``` Aug 28 20:52:54 ouch sorry for bad formatting Aug 28 20:53:06 but that appeared even though I'm building for a sony device Aug 28 20:53:14 manifest's name is sony_honami.xml Aug 28 20:53:23 [Edit] ```halium/devices/setup:58: no matches found: /home/konrad/projects/AndroidSauce/HaliumSauce/halium/device/oppo/*common*``` Aug 28 21:07:42 oh, seems like that does no harm whatshowerver Aug 28 21:17:20 @VeryOriginalUsername [halium/devices/setup:58: no matches found: /home/konrad/projects/AndroidSauce/Ha …], cd devices/sony && grep -ir 'oppo' Aug 28 21:17:27 Then you will see where it gets included Aug 28 21:17:40 @VeryOriginalUsername [halium/devices/setup:58: no matches found: /home/konrad/projects/AndroidSauce/Ha …], [Edit] cd devices/sony && grep -inr 'oppo' Aug 28 21:18:19 nowhere actually, but I need to resync my sources anyways so hopefully that issue goes away once I do so Aug 28 21:18:30 @VeryOriginalUsername [nowhere actually, but I need to resync my sources anyways so hopefully that issu …], Lul Aug 29 01:16:47 roqawese was added by: roqawese **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Aug 29 02:59:57 2019