**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat May 29 03:01:08 2021 May 29 05:14:46 B Sk was added by: B Sk May 29 05:23:29 Hey y’all, I’m trying to port over a new device but no matter which I try to use with ./halium/devices/setup I get “The given device is not supported. :(“. Any ideas what’s going on? May 29 05:28:45 I tried with the name for mine, amazon_ford, which matches the .xml I made and put in ~/halium/halium/devices/manifests but get the same response with all other device names May 29 06:59:28 That is weird May 29 06:59:36 How do you type the codename? May 29 07:00:21 for example I have a j5xnlte so I type samsung_j5xnlte May 29 07:02:46 amazon_ford May 29 07:03:18 I’ve also tried amazon_thor and multiple others May 29 07:03:25 that is weird May 29 07:03:42 What is the python version you are using? May 29 07:04:12 I thought maybe I set it up wrong so I removed everything and went back through the guide exactly and ended up with the same issue May 29 07:04:59 I am not really sure what the problem is:/ May 29 07:05:10 @dopamine404 [What is the python version you are using?], But this might have something to do with it May 29 07:06:32 @dopamine404 [What is the python version you are using?], 2.7.17 May 29 07:14:55 could you try it with python 3? May 29 07:20:14 Just tried with 3.6.9 and got the same response May 29 07:25:59 @B Sk [Just tried with 3.6.9 and got the same response], Thats unfortunate:/ May 29 07:42:16 (Photo, 929x54) https://irc.ubports.com/28tW8KbS.png May 29 07:43:11 https://gist.github.com/EralpCelebi/6b87d7e7e47db3c18146b90135aa3ced May 29 07:43:11 Really having a hard time getting unity8 started May 29 07:50:37 (Photo, 730x69) https://irc.ubports.com/pHm2uPnQ.png and this is another problem May 29 08:24:13 https://gist.github.com/EralpCelebi/6b87d7e7e47db3c18146b90135aa3ced May 29 08:52:12 qt.qpa.wayland: Failed to load client buffer integration: "wayland-egl" … qt.qpa.wayland: Available client buffer integrations: ("wayland-egl", "xcomposite-egl") May 29 08:52:36 is wayland-egl client buffer integration expexcted to work with hybris? May 29 08:54:02 @Lukapanio [is wayland-egl client buffer integration expexcted to work with hybris?], Yeah May 29 08:54:16 @erfanoabdi [Yeah], uhm then that error sounds like meme to me May 29 08:55:01 @Lukapanio [uhm then that error sounds like meme to me], EGL_PLATFROM=wayland May 29 08:55:06 Try this May 29 08:56:05 @erfanoabdi [EGL_PLATFROM=wayland], like EGL_PLATFROM=wayland liri-session --no-systemd -- -platform hwcomposer -plugin evdevtouch May 29 08:56:06 ? May 29 08:56:27 same May 29 08:56:28 qt.qpa.wayland: Failed to load client buffer integration: "wayland-egl" … qt.qpa.wayland: Available client buffer integrations: ("wayland-egl", "xcomposite-egl") … qml: Notifications manager activated May 29 08:56:47 @Lukapanio [like EGL_PLATFROM=wayland liri-session --no-systemd -- -platform hwcomposer -plu …], Uh no nvm May 29 08:57:10 I thought u are openning wayland apps May 29 08:57:25 @erfanoabdi [I thought u are openning wayland apps], nah i am starting UI May 29 09:07:55 @erfanoabdi [Uh no nvm], any idea what have i broke? May 29 09:12:10 @Lukapanio [any idea what have i broke?], no idea, try to set var again manually … `QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland-egl EGL_PLATFROM=hwcomposer liri-session --no-systemd -- -platform hwcomposer -plugin evdevtouch` May 29 09:16:58 @erfanoabdi [no idea, try to set var again manually … QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland-egl EGL_PLATFROM …], same: … ```qt.qpa.wayland: Failed to load client buffer integration: "wayland-egl" … qt.qpa.wayland: Available client buffer integrations: ("wayland-egl", "xcomposite-egl") … qml: Notifications manager activated … file:///usr/lib/qt/qml/Fl May 29 09:16:58 uid/Controls/SmoothFadeImage.qml:99:5: QML Connections: Implicitly defined onFoo properties in Connections are deprecated. Use this syntax instead: function onFoo() { ... } … qt.qpa.wayland: Loading shell integration failed. … qt.qpa.wayland: Attempted to load the following shells ("xdg-shell") … liri.appcenter.flatpak: Failed to list up May 29 09:16:58 dates for installation "Default system installation": Flatpak system operation EnsureRepo not allowed for user``` May 29 09:54:11 @erfanoabdi [no idea, try to set var again manually … QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland-egl EGL_PLATFROM …], hmm it sounds like it dont want to lad anything ... May 29 09:58:06 @Lukapanio [hmm it sounds like it dont want to lad anything ...], try strace … `QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland-egl EGL_PLATFROM=hwcomposer strace liri-session --no-systemd -- -platform hwcomposer -plugin evdevtouch` May 29 09:58:22 maybe can't find a lib or something … or libhybris is outdated May 29 09:58:31 or asking for libglvnd stuffs May 29 10:06:49 @erfanoabdi [maybe can't find a lib or something … or libhybris is outdated], qmlscene is OK May 29 10:09:07 @erfanoabdi [try strace … QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland-egl EGL_PLATFROM=hwcomposer strace liri-ses …], https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/Mr2Y5KvcQ6/ May 29 10:11:32 ah no idea, any way to lunch ui without `liri-session`? May 29 10:23:31 only apps ig May 29 10:23:35 and those starts OK May 29 10:25:19 (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/upm9V4P7.png May 29 10:25:50 (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/XjNHv2oF.png Android lol May 29 10:26:08 is it Liri? May 29 10:26:13 Yep May 29 10:26:28 @NotKit [is it Liri?], Liri settings app* May 29 10:26:33 this thing has hwc backend? May 29 10:26:40 @Lukapanio [Liri settings app*], UI itself hate me May 29 10:26:44 @erfanoabdi [this thing has hwc backend?], It is qr May 29 10:26:47 @erfanoabdi [this thing has hwc backend?], [Edit] It is qt May 29 10:28:35 me noob, but i think u need some wayland compositor to run liri-session on it May 29 10:28:44 `-platform hwcomposer` isn't a thing May 29 10:29:01 @erfanoabdi [-platform hwcomposer isn't a thing], -platform liri is a thing lol May 29 10:29:14 some eglfs stuff May 29 10:29:23 hmm May 29 10:30:39 mb i need something in https://github.com/lirios/wayland/ May 29 10:31:52 and https://github.com/lirios/eglfs May 29 10:32:12 here https://github.com/lirios/eglfs/tree/develop/src/plugins/platforms/eglfs May 29 10:33:13 @Lukapanio [here https://github.com/lirios/eglfs/tree/develop/src/plugins/platforms/eglfs], this uses GBM May 29 10:33:27 for drm and mainline devices May 29 10:33:42 yep May 29 10:33:59 we need plugins/platforms/hwcomposer ig May 29 10:34:27 or run it over wlroots May 29 10:45:56 @erfanoabdi [or run it over wlroots], how can i do that? May 29 10:57:06 @Lukapanio [], i was looking at screenshots its looks like flutter based os and like chrome os lol May 29 10:57:45 I guess Liri has rootfs before Flutter on Linux was a thing, so it's Qt-based May 29 10:57:51 [Edit] I guess Liri has roots before Flutter on Linux was a thing, so it's Qt-based May 29 10:58:00 @Lukapanio [how can i do that?], no idea, but it's a wayland compositor that i guess can load that liri session May 29 10:58:16 @NotKit [I guess Liri has roots before Flutter on Linux was a thing, so it's Qt-based], ah nice May 29 11:20:24 @erfanoabdi [ah nice], actually https://github.com/lirios/eglfs/tree/develop/src/plugins/platforms/eglfs is nothing new May 29 11:21:39 -- Installing: /usr/lib/qt/plugins/platforms/liblirihwcomposer.so May 29 11:21:54 ow May 29 11:22:37 Available platform plugins are: hwcomposer, eglfs, linuxfb, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen, vnc, wayland-egl, wayland, wayland-xcomposite-egl, webgl, xcb. May 29 11:22:51 why even eglfs liri didnt got here ever May 29 11:22:57 uhm i am disappointed May 29 11:23:15 ```[luka@volla build]$ ls /usr/lib/qt/plugins/platforms/ … libhwcomposer.so liblirihwcomposer.so libqlinuxfb.so libqminimal.so libqvnc.so libqwayland-generic.so libqwebgl.so … liblirieglfs.so libqeglfs.so libqminimalegl.so libqoffscreen.so libqwayland-egl.so libqwayland-xcomposite-egl.so libqxcb May 29 11:23:15 .so … [luka@volla build]$``` May 29 11:30:58 undefined symbol: _ZN17QEglFSIntegrationC1Ev May 29 11:31:09 uhm why it built without errors then? May 29 11:57:13 @erfanoabdi [ow], actually do you think https://github.com/lirios/eglfs/ have something so spechial that this ui wount start with some other plugin? May 29 12:06:47 Themetaleye was added by: cemb4tu May 29 12:42:22 @erfanoabdi [ow], liri-session --no-systemd -- -platform xcb -plugin evdevtouch worked on my PC May 29 12:42:35 without liri stuff it is interesting May 29 13:18:12 Yep @erfanoabdi probaly i found problem May 29 13:18:25 liri on pc (on top of gnome) - OK May 29 13:18:41 liri on phone (on top of nemo mobile) - broken May 29 14:52:23 @erfanoabdi biggest fail ever May 29 14:52:40 that happens bcz of disabled xwayland May 29 16:06:45 @Lukapanio [that happens bcz of disabled xwayland], But Xwayland is for running Wayland apps in x11🤔 May 29 16:22:14 one more typo May 29 16:22:26 crash with xwayland was not related to x May 29 16:22:41 we just got futherer and it started pulseaudio May 29 16:22:47 without module droid May 29 16:23:05 ig i do not need to explain what result i have (reboot) May 29 16:26:40 @Lukapanio [ig i do not need to explain what result i have (reboot)], F May 29 16:27:34 now why it is so overscaled? May 29 16:27:42 i would make it 2.5 times smaller May 29 16:36:27 noy ui related May 29 16:36:31 it is something with qt May 29 19:48:53 @dopamine404 [https://gist.github.com/EralpCelebi/6b87d7e7e47db3c18146b90135aa3ced], Gonna try my luck here once again:) Has anyone came across the problems similar to this? May 29 19:50:00 I don't get a spinner, and I sure as hell dont get the UI:p May 29 20:00:27 @erfanoabdi [But Xwayland is for running Wayland apps in x11🤔], no it's for running x11 apps under wayland compositors :) May 29 20:00:52 or rather, apps that only support x11 because they use toolkits that don't support wayland May 29 20:01:08 @dohbee [no it's for running x11 apps under wayland compositors :)], Ah correct i keep confusing them **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun May 30 02:59:57 2021