**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Feb 25 02:59:58 2015 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Feb 25 15:40:32 2015 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Feb 25 15:46:16 2015 Feb 25 16:40:56 bluelightning, while I'm fixing the patches I'm wondering whether we have a bug or simply the old kernels recipes needs customization Feb 25 16:44:38 so in any linux_x.y recipe we need after Feb 25 16:44:50 inherit kernel Feb 25 16:45:02 S = "${WORKDIR}/${BP}" Feb 25 16:45:31 then do_patch succeds Feb 25 16:58:09 hmm, I wasn't aware that any changes were needed... Feb 25 17:06:08 yes, RP supposedly fixed that Feb 25 17:06:31 (looking at kernel.bbclass history) **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Feb 26 02:59:59 2015