**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Dec 01 02:59:56 2021 Dec 01 15:13:30 Which package provides EGL/eglmesaext.h? ...And is there a general way to answer these kinds of questions in the future? Dec 01 16:02:07 mort: assuming you've built something that provides that, oe-pkgdata-util find-path will tell you Dec 01 16:04:10 find-path eglmesaext.h says it's unable to find any package producing that path, so I suppose I haven't built any packages which provides it Dec 01 16:05:14 there's no central index online as your setup will be different Dec 01 16:05:33 i'd guess mesa from the filename Dec 01 16:06:27 I can't depend on mesa (because virtual/whatever is set to mesa-gl), and mesa-gl doesn't produce it Dec 01 16:06:39 so what is your EGL provider? Dec 01 16:07:03 i tried a 'find build/tmp -name eglmesaext.h' and it only exists in recipe sysroots for -native packages, and then it exists in mesa Dec 01 16:07:07 but nothing apparently installs it Dec 01 16:07:14 I don't know how I check my EGL provider is Dec 01 16:07:33 if you've told it to only build mesa-gl, then you don't get EGL Dec 01 16:07:53 I kind of need EGL though, and DISTRO_FEATURES includes egl Dec 01 16:07:56 if you want egl, don't use mesa-gl Dec 01 16:08:05 or bring another GL stack that has EGL Dec 01 16:08:24 I depend on virtual/egl tho, and that works Dec 01 16:08:36 the point of mesa-gl is that you use it when you have a binary driver that does EGL/GLES, but you need 'big' GL in software for compat (which is mesa-gl) Dec 01 16:09:36 if you want EGL why did you set the virtual thing to mesa-gl? Dec 01 16:09:41 khem: ready to go? Dec 01 16:10:08 I didn't set the virtual thing to mesa-gl Dec 01 16:10:38 it is set to mesa-gl, but it's entirely possible that's incorrect Dec 01 16:10:56 ah, it's PREFERRED_PROVIDER_virtual/libgl that's set to mesa-gl Dec 01 16:11:06 that looks completely reasonable but I don't understand why that prevents me from depending on mesa Dec 01 16:11:37 you'd only do that if you had a second GL stack that provided EGL/GLES Dec 01 16:11:44 which I do Dec 01 16:13:00 but the second EGL stack doesn't provide a eglmesaext.h Dec 01 16:13:13 and, quoting emersion, "some exts were missing from the khronos header at some point, so the mesa one was required" -- so it would be really useful to have eglmesaext.h Dec 01 16:13:52 tell the provider of your EGL stack that Dec 01 16:14:00 why can't I just get the header from mesa Dec 01 16:14:13 it's in the mesa repo Dec 01 16:14:22 why would mesa provide random EGL headers for an entirely different GL stack Dec 01 16:14:30 idk, but apparently they do? Dec 01 16:14:40 it's just a few typedefs Dec 01 16:15:16 i mean why would our mesa recipe ship headers that are expected to be used with other stacks Dec 01 16:15:40 your BSP turned off EGL in mesa, and provides its own. it's not compatile with mesa, and that's not mesa's fault. Dec 01 16:16:41 its a three line bbappend to make mesa-gl ship this header too, but that's horrible Dec 01 16:17:19 so eglmesaext is just for a mesa implementation of egl, I suppose that makes sense Dec 01 16:18:06 welp Dec 01 16:18:20 I can't say the vendor has done anything wrong, since it's apparently the khronos headers which were missing the extensions Dec 01 16:19:11 some vendors ship the mesa headers as they're defacto standard, if not the actual standard **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Dec 02 02:59:56 2021