**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Aug 17 02:59:57 2010 Aug 17 03:28:12 Hola Aug 17 03:33:34 I have a problem with preware that I'm hoping someone can help me with Aug 17 03:35:46 A rather big problem Aug 17 03:36:42 the suspense is killing me! Aug 17 03:40:14 Can't install or update anything with an error returning stating "cannot run command: IPKG_OFFLINE _ROOT" etc Aug 17 03:41:07 that IS a rather big problem Aug 17 03:41:49 it staeted doing it once I updated preware Aug 17 03:42:16 well that's problematic .. is that everything in the log or is there more ? Aug 17 03:42:29 please use webos.pastebin.com if there is more Aug 17 03:42:39 Failed -1: Unable to run command: IPKG_OFFLINE_ROOT=/media/cryptofs/apps /bin/sh /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/lib/ipkg/info/org.webosinternals.patches.browser-gestureclick-context-menu.prerm 2>&1 The text leading up to this was: -------------------------- |diff --git a/usr/palm/frameworks/mojo/builtins/palmInitFramework338.js b/usr/palm/frameworks/mojo/builtins/palmInitFramework338.js |index 2db731c..e36f50c 100644 |--- a/usr/ Aug 17 03:42:41 Seraphy: email the log to yourself, and then pastebin it Aug 17 03:43:19 oh, patches. have you read the threads on PreCentral on which patches needed to be removed before 1.4.5 ? Aug 17 03:44:17 http://pastebin.com/R4nMee9M Aug 17 03:45:04 no I have not Aug 17 03:45:13 was unaware Aug 17 03:47:36 could you link that thread for me please? Aug 17 03:50:53 nvm, found it Aug 17 03:51:31 good luck .. god speed .. and can you post your symptom and resolution to a forum somewhere if it isn't already ? Aug 17 03:52:51 I suppose Aug 17 04:03:36 I just put this wallpaper on my pre to show off the overclock sweetness Aug 17 04:03:38 http://img802.imageshack.us/img802/183/oc2.jpg Aug 17 04:04:05 its really pretty sweet, maybe I will make it a boot screen Aug 17 04:05:35 nice one Aug 17 04:06:07 it goes really well with the warthog kernel :D Aug 17 04:14:19 That's confusing because you put the label on an x86 chip Aug 17 04:14:33 Also check out that sodimm on the right Aug 17 04:14:42 well its the only chip I could find Aug 17 04:15:18 obviously it isnt a pre mobo Aug 17 04:15:34 but I am still looking for cpu backgrounds Aug 17 04:15:42 hah Aug 17 04:20:03 go to ifixit and you can find pix of the pre mobo Aug 17 04:20:45 that picture looks like some kid scrawled webos in Aug 17 04:22:27 is it a sodimm or pci slot ? Aug 17 04:22:39 agp ? Aug 17 04:22:53 I just guessed sodimm due to the orientation and the notch Aug 17 04:23:04 Hard to tell with the shadow Aug 17 04:23:25 hows life, chris A ? Aug 17 04:23:57 lol Aug 17 04:26:06 i am really disliking incomplete "standards" .. and having to figure out from an implementation exactly what they mean by certain things :( Aug 17 05:50:25 *!*.telepaci@* Aug 17 06:56:23 evening Aug 17 06:59:01 morning Aug 17 10:06:05 hmm Aug 17 10:06:17 anyone know if touchstone will work with usb cable connected to pc? Aug 17 10:06:27 don't think so Aug 17 10:06:34 or the usb on pc won't put enough juice to touchstone Aug 17 10:06:58 does it say anything on the touchstone about 500ma or 1a? Aug 17 10:07:33 it says input 5v Aug 17 10:12:46 kind of crazy, pre hybrids Aug 17 10:18:42 [; Aug 17 10:25:16 hi Aug 17 10:28:11 i got 2 questions, it makes month that i'm trying to resolve the problem alone, brand new palm pre plus with UNBLOCK code, means Modem HARD LOCKED, then, as everybody says there's not enought big scene to find someone capable of finding a way, like for all other phones like iPhone or HTC ones, i thought i was either going to look myself at the hardware for real even if i have to disassembled it all, i can't Aug 17 10:28:12 understand why something like that could be IMPOSSIBLE, this beautiful phone is NEW and i can't use it or give it otherwise than like an ipodtouch or sip phone, and my second question is, CAN WE INSTALL OTHER OS ON THE PALM PRE PLUS Aug 17 10:29:13 hi Aug 17 10:29:39 no we can't yet... Aug 17 10:29:41 ?:D Aug 17 10:29:57 u can get the ublock code from your carier or use nextgen servers Aug 17 10:30:04 but you will need to send them your pre Aug 17 10:30:13 that's amazing, i'm part of the founding of iX wich is a dev team that ported Ubuntu to Iphone 3g Aug 17 10:30:31 you can imagine how hard it is, just to rootfs it Aug 17 10:31:04 other os on the pre plus .. not that i know of Aug 17 10:31:06 it's 10 times easier for palm pre plus wich is really a good phone for performances and all, and nobody is working on a port Aug 17 10:31:07 lol ubuntu on iphone :S Aug 17 10:31:10 that's kills me Aug 17 10:31:37 the modem is hard locked, what did you do? Aug 17 10:32:58 probably he was trying to unlock it with a bad code :D Aug 17 10:33:13 my girl friend trying to enter the phone did entered the 10 bad times code, but is this the real problem , accusing me saying i did bad thing and all, i know that, but now i'm trying to go further Aug 17 10:33:32 not to be said that i'm stupid that i shouldn't have ... Aug 17 10:33:46 u rock! Aug 17 10:35:57 can't you get it unlocked? Aug 17 10:36:04 a gsm device? Aug 17 10:36:16 i'm an advanced users i would have never done it, before doing this it was making 1 week that i had it and it was all unlocked rooted, jailbreaked and all, and i'm not saying i rock at all, i'm saying could we be in a world were like on my team #iX when someone is comming for a problem we do help him or try at least to help him on this problem we are not wasting time on things that are already done and that he did Aug 17 10:36:16 paid enought strong by the fact he can't use his very expensive phone, don't you think ? really i'm no trying to accuse anybody but to make myself understood i'm cool and ready to take a bit of time helping the scene of pre is it's needed and if i can bring my iphone rooting and os porting experience Aug 17 10:38:05 first question we we say a modem is HARD locked, it means its hardware locked and i don't see how some physic movment could have been done like cutting wires, that way it is still software locked for me if it just sent a command to the modem to tell it , shutdown yourself until the good code is typed Aug 17 10:38:33 is it a gsm device? Aug 17 10:38:50 there must be a way to tell him, reactivate yourself is a bad code is typed, yes gsm otherwise i would have used the cdma trick Aug 17 10:39:18 don't gsm phones have an unlock code Aug 17 10:39:25 even 2 different ones i think Aug 17 10:39:46 trust me, i didn't want to disturb anybody and i've been waiting 4 months searching all by myself reading every thread existing on it (wich are not that much) before comming disturbing someone Aug 17 10:39:56 PUK1,PUK2? Aug 17 10:41:17 yes and swisstomcat ? very interesting what you notice me ? nope they have an carrier unlock code called unlock code (in english cause in french they even call them the same way that way you can't see wich mistake is being done and how many tried you've got, 3 for sim, 10 for hard locked modem, infinit for carrier unlock etc ... Aug 17 10:42:11 and i still don;t know what you want us to do Aug 17 10:42:12 :S Aug 17 10:42:20 and the carrier, i assume SFR, doesn't help you? Aug 17 10:42:28 anybody try that sprint pre plus hybrid thing here yet ? Aug 17 10:42:28 i told u the unblock code you can only get from carrier or nextgen servers Aug 17 10:42:31 and the worst is that i even got the UNLOCK code, the worst is that your carrier beyond the fact they are stupid and won't help you without a bill, they'll never make the difference between the Unlock Code wich is the one for unlocking carrier, sim, and the Unblock one to unbrick it Aug 17 10:42:40 that way it's comlpetely lost Aug 17 10:42:41 * bhuey is tempted Aug 17 10:42:43 bhuey: i will if you get me borked pre + ;d Aug 17 10:42:48 * jacquesdptd_iPad answered Aug 17 10:42:59 i got pre plus Aug 17 10:43:00 I have one from devs days that's little used Aug 17 10:43:17 bhuey: send it to me :D Aug 17 10:43:39 unblock code can be acquired from nextgen servers ? Aug 17 10:43:40 but I'd have to basically destroy the device to make this work. It's working fine as an music player now Aug 17 10:43:44 hmm i don't think so my friend Aug 17 10:44:14 jacquesdptd_iPad: yes but you have to send them your pre... send them an email they will explain it more to you but I'm sure they can get ublock code for yo Aug 17 10:44:26 they've talked about maybe making a futur mail service that would gives you the possibility of sending directly your palm for them to repair it and then sending it bad Aug 17 10:44:36 otherwise they are giving UNLOCK code yes Aug 17 10:44:50 that means it's not NextGen SERVERS :) Aug 17 10:45:00 that's NEXTGEN mail Office :) Aug 17 10:45:05 whatever Aug 17 10:45:06 don't make me false surprise Aug 17 10:45:17 same shit anyway... Aug 17 10:45:23 i would have loved you to tell me you're wrong they've just found a new way to do it by distance Aug 17 10:45:26 except it's not over internet Aug 17 10:45:33 [; Aug 17 10:46:13 what ? not same shit at all, first you do it your own, in 10 minutes, and the other one you never now HOW and WHEN you'll get your phone back after having packed it the same way you would have done it to fool someone on internet selling it to him saying nothing Aug 17 10:46:20 wich is very vey very very bad action Aug 17 10:47:57 ok guys, then we gonna go in another way as the pre plus is not that known by devs, if i cant use it with the modem, then at least i would accept to use it as an openmoko, an ubuntu, an war driver phone completly customized with my port Aug 17 10:47:58 s Aug 17 10:48:31 i have the little but very far remember that qemu was avalaible on it but i'm dreaming reassure me ? Aug 17 10:48:50 qt was, i didnt launched it Aug 17 10:49:08 it was even needed for doom if i remind myself well Aug 17 10:49:53 i don't know i could think about plugging in my own gsm chipset from another manufacturer no ? Aug 17 10:50:24 i don't understand .. you bought your pre plus at SFR, correct? why wouldn't they give you the unlock code? Aug 17 10:50:38 is there some people knowing it by the way here ? i mean that version, Palm PRE PLUS, if yes, do you agree with me that the modem is on the back side of the phone right ? Aug 17 10:50:56 cause i bought it from an sfr guy Aug 17 10:51:08 without any guarantee Aug 17 10:51:48 but as i said, no need to talk about things that are done, i regret it enought and you can at least see i've searched everything so that sort of question won't resolve anything Aug 17 10:52:38 i can't see myself creating a porting os scene alone ... Aug 17 10:53:16 i did it on the iphone 3g cause someone had already done the port of android, then i continued with Ubuntu Aug 17 10:53:23 and open moko Aug 17 10:53:39 you can see the comm board here: http://www.precentral.net/step-step-guide-plusing-your-sprint-pre Aug 17 10:53:42 but i'm sure we can do even more brilliant things we same devs on the palm pres plus Aug 17 10:54:32 i have a working, used, unlocked gsm pre (o2) for sale btw Aug 17 10:54:40 qwertz Aug 17 10:56:20 thx a lot Aug 17 10:56:31 or get a broken pre from ebay and replace the comm board Aug 17 10:56:37 on your pre plus Aug 17 10:56:37 that could indeed help me or put me on an horizon Aug 17 10:57:08 that's not stupid Aug 17 10:57:11 i think my pre would be ~120euros Aug 17 10:57:35 hmm that's a lot too much for an simple code i can't find Aug 17 10:57:39 i'm not like that Aug 17 10:57:54 a broken one might be cheaper to take out the comm board Aug 17 10:58:11 or ask warpdesign in here, he works at SFR Aug 17 10:58:26 and speaks french Aug 17 10:58:58 i never let it down, if it cost me 10 euros and a bit of time to check hardwares myself ok , but if i have to pay that much i prefer keeping my iPHone 4 and iphone 3g as phone and sell my pre plus as an sip very powerfull phone for browsing and networking and gaming on all wifi places Aug 17 10:59:00 spots Aug 17 10:59:20 the palm pre plus is faster than the last ipod touch Aug 17 10:59:36 i could sell it more expensive if all set with al soft installed Aug 17 10:59:52 oh Aug 17 10:59:56 that is a good news Aug 17 11:00:06 i'm gonna ask him swisstomcat Aug 17 11:00:12 thx a lot Aug 17 11:00:27 np Aug 17 11:00:39 but seriously guys Aug 17 11:00:44 we got root Aug 17 11:00:52 we got a quite open phone except that hard lock Aug 17 11:01:25 nobody wants to make it becomes The Phone for port to be installed the best way ? Aug 17 11:01:44 i think that's one of the most powerfull phone that could actually do it quite easily Aug 17 11:02:04 the other one is the iPhone 4 and it will take a long long time before we reverse enginnered all hardware Aug 17 11:02:10 and create an openiboot fo rit Aug 17 11:02:34 the pre plus is similar to the N900 Aug 17 11:02:44 exactly Aug 17 11:02:58 if you would see everything i'm doing with the n900 of my friend Aug 17 11:03:12 i installed him ubuntu, maemo of course, meego before it was out, and moblin Aug 17 11:03:23 got packet injection working on it Aug 17 11:03:30 and all sort of other stuff Aug 17 11:03:51 would you be able to unlock the modem on a N900? Aug 17 11:04:18 if i only could get another os whatever other os on the palm pre plus, i would use it at least as a test phone to get knowledge in porting and taking the best advantages of that little and powerfull phone Aug 17 11:04:49 that i don't know as i never locked it and didnt' even knew it was working the same way cause it seems that's what you meant Aug 17 11:05:05 well we have to understand what is made during the hard lock Aug 17 11:05:17 would using the pre plus with just wifi be enough? Aug 17 11:05:42 sometimes, like when i cracked the psp my way that was the first way ever used like that in the world, it was just a game of playing with wires and cards Aug 17 11:05:46 in the battery Aug 17 11:06:13 before you had to use 2 psps 1 already cracked / jailbroken to jailbreak the new one, i invtented a way to do everything alone Aug 17 11:06:37 but it was with the slim, and 2 years ago, i got 500 000 + reads on my tutorial still Aug 17 11:07:46 by the way that's one of the time that made me understand that everything was possible cause before i did it everybody was insulting me kicking me saying that was impossible, it was making 2 days i had the psp not even wanted, as a present Aug 17 11:08:03 and when i did it, we insulted me the same way telling me i was lying Aug 17 11:08:17 that's why i took 2 more days to make the big tutorial then Aug 17 11:09:19 that manage to get me by the way more than 3000 euros just by linking to a shop the need accessories, something i hadn't planned at all cause i even didn't wanted to make a tutorial, but we forced me and in a way i say thank you guys :) Aug 17 11:10:50 otherwise i'm gonna disassembled all the palm pre and make it a control center for the whole home in wifi Aug 17 11:11:00 that you could put on the wall Aug 17 11:11:16 cause i cant see those so good hardwares not being used at all Aug 17 11:12:34 do you guys any begining thread about someone that has tried about installing a linux kernel or an android one or even begun thinking about it ? Aug 17 11:13:04 webos already have linux kernel Aug 17 11:13:12 with few patches Aug 17 11:14:22 but that can be run otherwise than inside the palm os or booted natively not as vm machine ? Aug 17 11:14:30 or soft way Aug 17 11:15:43 webOS should run on a beagleboard (chrooted) Aug 17 11:17:14 hmm yeah Aug 17 11:17:58 but then what i do ? what would be the used of using webos (it can also be ran on the pc i've seen not so long ago) Aug 17 11:17:58 some people even put the emulator vm on a laptop Aug 17 11:18:04 ye Aug 17 11:18:04 s Aug 17 11:18:12 not much Aug 17 11:18:21 i guess you could use your pre plus on wifi Aug 17 11:18:38 oh but i've got no problem to do it Aug 17 11:19:15 as a development device Aug 17 11:19:15 i can even root it, jailbreak it , use my palm account have application store working everything on wifi Aug 17 11:19:22 yeah Aug 17 11:19:27 the only thing is that i can't use the gsm Aug 17 11:19:29 i do that with my american phone Aug 17 11:19:35 correct Aug 17 11:19:54 you can try the replacement kernels, tools, etc. Aug 17 11:19:59 make apps Aug 17 11:20:17 not stupid yeah Aug 17 11:21:12 that's horrible to know that with a bigger scene a simple script changing one of the script in files on init would pass that unblock code and reactive the modem Aug 17 11:21:24 that's why i was waiting as i was sure someone would o it Aug 17 11:24:42 grrr Aug 17 11:24:46 i got every tools Aug 17 11:25:05 but not one just enought small to disassembled the palm Aug 17 11:25:13 T5 i think Aug 17 11:25:23 it's just a little bit smaller than all stars one Aug 17 11:26:11 ahhh Aug 17 11:26:14 got t6 Aug 17 11:32:42 wouuu Aug 17 11:32:48 t5 Aug 17 11:46:40 jacquesdptd_iPad: http://ipkg.nslu2-linux.org/feeds/optware/cs08q1armel/cross/unstable/ <- packages you can install on the Pre. no need to change bootloader or kernel or install OpenMoko, cause it's a standard OpenEmbedded rootfs as it is. Aug 17 11:47:11 OH Aug 17 11:47:29 i can install anything on this ? Aug 17 11:47:45 all firmware hardware are reconised that way ? Aug 17 11:47:54 i just have to build the rootfs image Aug 17 11:48:56 don't even bother building a new rootfs. Just install userspace apps. Aug 17 11:49:38 wifi driver is proprietary binary anyway, and does not include correct modes for aircrack Aug 17 11:50:05 interface to modem is being researched by freesmartphone.org guys who are associated with us Aug 17 11:51:23 of course you can rebuild the kernel and rootfs from source if you choose, but there's nothing wrong with the kernel or rootfs on there at the moment Aug 17 11:57:15 thx Aug 17 11:58:30 jacquesdptd_iPad: what's the URL for your dev group ? Aug 17 11:58:42 ixproject.com Aug 17 12:00:25 are you sure? Aug 17 12:00:55 http://wiki.freesmartphone.org/index.php/Palm_Pre:_Jan_2010_-_%3F oh nice Aug 17 12:02:39 ixproject.com looks like a CRM consulting company, not an iPhone hacking group Aug 17 12:03:29 maybe he meant ixproject.org Aug 17 12:04:03 heh, that looks more like it :) Aug 17 12:04:30 guys Aug 17 12:04:34 thx a lot Aug 17 12:05:02 nope it's just that Martin set a really simple wordpress theme as idroid.org is already existing Aug 17 12:05:12 but anyway thx a lot Aug 17 12:05:19 ok i'm disassembling my palm Aug 17 12:05:31 an understand what are doing things etc ..; Aug 17 12:05:50 and i'm gonna try to access the modem wich is on the back side Aug 17 12:05:54 when you open it Aug 17 12:06:20 hmm acording to that thread pre swap i can use a pre+ with bad esn too Aug 17 12:06:21 hmm Aug 17 12:07:34 yeah oh sorry blog.ixproject.org, stupid me Aug 17 12:08:22 jacquesdptd_iPad: the board under the keyboard is the comms board, and the FPC connector between it and the omap board is basically power and usb. Aug 17 12:09:05 that's better hardware issues that the iPhone Aug 17 12:09:13 GPU is working also ? Aug 17 12:10:04 yeah but have you ever saw there was something on the part you get off when you open it ? Aug 17 12:10:27 and 2 connectors that are linked to the comms boards by a circuit are linked to it by the way Aug 17 12:10:37 and i'm pretty sure that's the way the hard lock is done Aug 17 12:10:43 that one little chipset Aug 17 12:10:46 hidden Aug 17 12:10:53 on the plastic part that is out Aug 17 12:11:24 i got 2 choices Aug 17 12:12:23 i've broken the 2 pins connecting the the very backside part that is taken off when openning it for battery out, but i'm gonna solve the problem by putting some little pieces of alluminium or anything that will make the contact as rebuilding the 2 pins Aug 17 12:12:43 and i'm gonna try to check what's inside the back backside part Aug 17 12:13:02 there's plenty of pictures of the comms boards Aug 17 12:13:18 e.g. http://www.flickr.com/photos/rwhitby/sets/72157624009973040/ Aug 17 12:13:48 I have one of each board (CDMA & GSM) with the RF shields popped off Aug 17 12:16:48 it looks liek a nice design Aug 17 12:18:39 ok you see the comm board Aug 17 12:18:50 there is 2 pins popping up from it Aug 17 12:19:13 by the way i deleted the black part of the 3 battery pins Aug 17 12:19:15 anyway Aug 17 12:19:20 if you're referring to the two gold pins in the lower left of http://www.flickr.com/photos/rwhitby/4586338918/in/set-72157624009973040/ those are for the touchstone back Aug 17 12:19:21 so you see what i mean Aug 17 12:19:49 oh Aug 17 12:20:05 that has nothing at all to do if they are broken for my modem you mean ? Aug 17 12:20:11 as i don't care about the touchstone ? Aug 17 12:20:35 you said you were part of the team that has unlocked a cellular device before? Aug 17 12:21:10 nope where di i said that ? i said i ported ubuntu on iphone 3g Aug 17 12:21:42 but anyway i thought the 2 gold pins were linked the to the antenna wire if you follow it then when disassembling Aug 17 12:22:12 no need to master me like that , that as no goal, no result and no reason Aug 17 12:22:35 sorry if the touchstone is even something i had forgot Aug 17 12:24:00 that is the first palm i use, and i was thinking the chipset of the back part was a way to hard lock the comm board, but of course now i remember the principe of that touchstone chargine the phone i understand what is placed here Aug 17 12:24:04 apologies, I re-read what you wrote and I misunderstood what you said. Aug 17 12:24:08 and the answer to my question is no Aug 17 12:24:24 no problem Aug 17 12:24:46 by the way i'm trying to get more knowledge in hardware as i'm gonna have a big budget soon of 20 000 euros Aug 17 12:24:54 to build different sort of devices Aug 17 12:25:20 what sort of device do you expect do build with $50K ? Aug 17 12:25:31 s/do build/to build/ Aug 17 12:25:32 rwhitby meant: what sort of device do you expect to build with $50K ? Aug 17 12:25:48 not because i've got the best ideas, but because i've got the best people around me to got some help and with everybody's help we gonna be able to make a Dev Fashion Devices Aug 17 12:26:40 i built my own intel core 2 duo tablet with all os installable 4 gb ddr2 gps 3g etc ... with 600 euros Aug 17 12:28:05 i except that i'm going to be able to do test i've never been able to do with those 20 000 box, that is for building concept not for launching a device on the market, that will be like subvention for hardwares for the laboratory, all i have at home that i realised myself with the poor money i have makes me realise that the wish is better than the amount Aug 17 12:28:50 but wish + ammount = gonna build my first simple arm phone, even if it is big, as i did the tablet wich could be taken as a phone as it runs sim cards Aug 17 12:28:59 but it would be a bit big, 13 inch Aug 17 12:29:00 :) Aug 17 12:29:28 i'm gonna do all sort of stuff i always wanted to have and for dev to have so we can make all our little test on it Aug 17 12:29:49 i think that's really easy to understand, some others tried, they were called openmoko Aug 17 12:30:33 yes, I am aware of openmoko. I wrote the MokoMakefile which was used to build the rootfs. Aug 17 12:30:40 if they would have keeped the project and finished it on time, they would have had 10 times better phone that the ones that were on the market at that time, now its dead, the neo freerunner is just a poor iphone 3g bigger Aug 17 12:30:50 so cool Aug 17 12:30:56 you might be able to help us Aug 17 12:31:20 i'm trying to install illume from the debian rootfs we've made for the openiboot of the iphone 3g Aug 17 12:31:35 i have first to install e17, that's an arm6 by the way Aug 17 12:31:54 and then i'm gonna try the illume, i hope everything gonna roll on perfectly from svn Aug 17 12:32:01 but that would surprise me :) Aug 17 12:33:06 but at least you confirme me that these are very light interface, if xfce was running smooth, with xfce-special added in xorg (enable a bit of compositing, transparancy etc ... without gpu reconised) it will work smooth too ? Aug 17 12:34:41 personally i really love the principe of openmoko that i really discovered not so long ago, and i exactly wanna do that but with the knowledge and project we are getting in iX wich are made for arm, and a kind of open Device source, like if now project gonna be able to be Devices, made from the hardware list we gonna have from different chinese manufacturers Aug 17 12:34:48 we already have X11 running on webOS Aug 17 12:35:11 you can install it from the Preware testing feeds Aug 17 12:36:09 i would like to see meego on pre Aug 17 12:36:10 ;D Aug 17 12:36:40 we are in a new way of thinking, before it was really hard to think about even making a laptop alone and having it cheaper, now thats really makeable cause compagny lost mind and took us for stupid people, thinking about selling smaller and lower computer for more expensive prices, or 3 different devices that could be grouped in 1 and at a price of 300 % of benefit, just because people has never touched a screen Aug 17 12:36:41 here is warpdesign, jacques Aug 17 12:36:53 mee too Aug 17 12:36:57 really ? Aug 17 12:37:14 i can install open moko from webOS ? Aug 17 12:37:24 but it'll still run as VM Aug 17 12:37:28 not like a native boot Aug 17 12:37:32 as Aug 17 12:37:38 VM? Aug 17 12:37:47 virtual machine Aug 17 12:37:54 OpenMoko is just userspace running on a Linux kernel. Aug 17 12:38:00 we can even talk about software here Aug 17 12:38:10 OS sofware,yeah vm in fact Aug 17 12:38:13 webOS has a linux kernel, and you could easily compile openmoko to run on it. Aug 17 12:38:23 No VMs required. Aug 17 12:38:32 en0x: I know what a VM is ;) Aug 17 12:38:54 but what i mean is that the webos interface would be loaded first no ? Aug 17 12:39:07 warpdesign: jacques has a locked modem after 10 wrong pin tries Aug 17 12:39:11 only if you leave that part of the userspace enabled Aug 17 12:39:20 and then you could sorta launch the openmoko rootfs img you've made Aug 17 12:39:53 rwhitby: good ;d i;m happy for you hehehe Aug 17 12:39:54 ah oki Aug 17 12:40:02 10 wrong pin tries (!) Aug 17 12:40:03 just run an openmoko rootfs (with appropriate X server drivers for the webOS fb) Aug 17 12:40:05 that's a lot Aug 17 12:41:04 jacquesdptd_iPad: what you haven't realised yet is that a Palm Pre is just a standard linux box. you don't need to jailbreak it or root it or run a virtual machine. Aug 17 12:41:13 warpdesign_: i'm not here to say that's not my fault that' my girlfirend even if that's the fact, i came here to see if someone had an idea and i said that i would be taking any, and then we went on using that palm pre as a complete testing OS device as it has linux kernel Aug 17 12:41:45 jacquesdptd_iPad, I guess the only way to unlock it is to see with your provider.. Aug 17 12:41:52 rwhitby: seems i do as i said it at the same time in my last sentence :) Aug 17 12:42:51 jacquesdptd_iPad: why then did you ask if the webos interface would be loaded first? it's just a userspace application started by upstart. Aug 17 12:43:11 warpdesign_: that means ok i work at sfr and i'm french, and you seems to have no chance to have luck with sfr that doesn't even make the difference with Unlock code or Unblock code (ive worked there) and plus you bought it to someone without the guarantee that way they won't help you, and you 're telling, me , no sorry i won't help you Aug 17 12:43:12 start it or don't start it. same as you start vi or don't start vi. Aug 17 12:43:19 warpdesign_: understood Aug 17 12:43:47 warpdesign_: but good idea for the provider, for 4 month working on that problem discovering all the palm i never thaught about it Aug 17 12:44:02 rwhitby: that's amazing Aug 17 12:44:06 jacquesdptd_iPad: s/won't/can't/ I suspect, unless warpdesign_ knows something that the rest of us don't. Aug 17 12:44:24 rwhitby: but what is the base distrib, debian, fedora ? Aug 17 12:44:35 jacquesdptd_iPad: OpenEmbedded, as I stated before Aug 17 12:44:47 same base distro as OpenMoko in fact Aug 17 12:44:51 jacquesdptd_iPad, hey, no need to ride your high horses... just saying what I know. Now since you seems to know everything better than anyone else I'm wondering why you bother to ask.. Aug 17 12:44:54 ok exactly made for openmoko Aug 17 12:44:55 perfect Aug 17 12:44:58 i understood now Aug 17 12:44:59 :) Aug 17 12:45:21 warpdesign_: I suspect there's a heavy language barrier coming into play here. Aug 17 12:45:30 they both speak french :) Aug 17 12:45:45 i assume Aug 17 12:45:52 yeah, but english is the universal language ;) Aug 17 12:46:21 thx a lor rwhitby and i was saying that to warpdesign_ cause earlier i've been told that i had to wait for him he was working at sfr and was speakng french, i can totally understand the fact of not wanting, but the way he answered , see with you providers, and not saying, oh do you know i work at sfr what is yours even if i know it mut be an sfr as you're french ? Aug 17 12:46:21 * rwhitby knows that my french is far worse than any french national's english. Aug 17 12:46:26 that's all but nevermind Aug 17 12:46:57 i can understand everybody is asking all the time and that you can be bored it was same shit for me before even for people on phone i didn't knew Aug 17 12:47:45 rwhitby, I wouldn't bet on that ;) Aug 17 12:47:47 it could be a brand new phone, it will be a testing openmoko device, that's great too :) Aug 17 12:48:01 C'est des conneries! Aug 17 12:48:19 tehr rwhitby for all those big big bgi big news, and thx all by the way i've learnt a lot of thing, i should have come earlier Aug 17 12:49:08 jacquesdptd_iPad: a tip, take it or leave it. cut down on they hyperbole when communicating in technical forums and you'll get a much better response. Aug 17 12:50:03 thank you for being so polite: was a pleasure to help you Aug 17 12:50:06 understood Aug 17 12:50:40 if something you do is truly the best in the world, you never need to state that, because it is obvious to anyone looking. Aug 17 12:52:24 jacquesdptd_iPad: you should contact the freesmartphone.org guys if you really want to embark on porting any of the openmoko UI components to run on the Palm Pre Aug 17 12:52:45 that was not my impression, but as i've already been told such things and as i already told it on my chan to some people sometimes without real reasons, i'll try to work on it for real, but i can't be putting myself lower as i'm not op when i go somewhere and talk about something that i don't agree with, wich was not the case here, i like to be true even if i'm kicked, i'm like that and i try no to kick or not ot Aug 17 12:52:45 instult someone when i think i'm do not agree with him on my chans Aug 17 12:53:07 but the only thing here i seemed getting on my horses is a big big misunderstood Aug 17 12:53:20 you don't need to be rude if you don't agree... Aug 17 12:53:31 hope you're not that rude with your gf ;) Aug 17 12:54:38 anyone who uses kick on someone with whom they simply have a technical disagreement must not be very sure of their own position to start with ... Aug 17 12:54:42 i was writting a sentence following the once i had started with but you also misunderstood that one as i was exactly saying the contrary, that way i wont try to explain you Aug 17 12:55:18 warpdesign_: do you understand english ? i've exactly said i don't people rude kicking for nothing and you exactly tell me the contrary ? Aug 17 12:56:24 warpdesign_: what's wrong with you ? i came here for something that only SFR can help me, someone tells me, hey there's someone here french and from SFR ask him, i do it, and you answer me (and that was RUDE) check your carrier, knowing it's the one your work in Aug 17 12:57:32 because only carrier for now can give u the ublock code for pre/pixi Aug 17 12:57:39 warpdesign_: and then you don't understand why i do take it bad, i would have prefered that you tell me yes i could have try to do something but i wont , that's more transparent and true, except if we've lied me and that you're not working at all at SFR that would be changing everything and i would sorry my self Aug 17 12:58:21 wow, is this how french people always talk to each other ? ;) Aug 17 12:58:32 en0x: i understood, and we've said me here, warpdesign_ is working in the carrier of my phone do you understand ? Aug 17 12:58:36 jacquesdptd_iPad, 1. I wasn't rude. 2. I'm not working in the customer service, SFR is big you know. I write websites for SFR, I have no idea of that kind of problems. And besides SFR isn't my carrier. So I just told you what I happen to know: according to me the only way to unlock a sim card is to contact SFR (not me, someone from the customer service which will know what to do or whom to redirect you to). Aug 17 12:59:04 there's nothing rude here Aug 17 12:59:17 just understand me and don't make like i wasn't right to take it bad, as you've had understood someone had told me that you would have helped me Aug 17 12:59:17 warpdesign_: yeah, I've seen nothing rude in your statements Aug 17 12:59:52 you can imagine that was not the kind of answer i was waiting for, the answer you've just given me would have been more appropriate for example i would have totally understood Aug 17 13:00:04 swisstomcat thought I could help. I just don't know: should I feel sorry about that ? Aug 17 13:00:23 jacquesdptd_iPad: so you're upset with warpdesign_ because someone else told you that he could help you, and when warpdesign_ tells you that he cannot help you then you consider it rude? Aug 17 13:01:29 swisstomcat was trying to help, I also did. But we don't know... that's just it. There's nothing rude, on the contrary... Aug 17 13:01:30 anyway nevermind i didn't came here to make little stupidities, i've been told you would be helping me, after 4 month and thousands call to my carrier, you can imagine i was a bit counting on it, it took it bad, that's not a bid deal, i do sorry my self if i've been bad understanding that the compagny you were working at was the same i had to contact from your advice Aug 17 13:02:55 i consider him to be rude cause, would you say, contact your carrierer to someone that surely did it too many times and at the same time you would be working in THAT same carrier ? Aug 17 13:03:01 that's what i find rude Aug 17 13:04:09 that's maybe being to subtile, i woudl have prefered a : "too bad i work at SFR, your CARRIER, but i'm not in the good service, that way i can't help you, try to contact them even if i know that they would and can't be helping you in anyway cause they never did to anyone as they misunderstand Unlock and Unblock code" Aug 17 13:04:23 jacquesdptd_iPad, 1. How could I know ? 2. I'm not part of the customer service. People from the internet services (where I do work) with problems with their (SFR) phone contact the customer service, just like any customer from outside SFR. Aug 17 13:04:25 that is normal true and transparant answer from someone working my Carrier Aug 17 13:04:28 i'm french Aug 17 13:04:33 only SFR does the palm pre plu Aug 17 13:04:35 s Aug 17 13:04:38 i did said it Aug 17 13:06:58 ok i do appologies and believe nobody understood i was french and that you didn't made the logic thinking i was at SFR the only Carrier of the palm pre sfr in France and that you were working at it, you just didn't cared and answered the normal advice (that you could have knew that it was not working at least at SFR, we can't have any help of them , i assume you know that if you work there and hang in a palm chan Aug 17 13:06:58 no ?) Aug 17 13:08:42 i prefere stopping here as that's so evident to me in all sort of ways that i don't even wanna talk too much for nothing, i keeep my big thanks cause i've learned a lot, and not like my Carrier did, you gave me back the wish of powering on my Palm Pre plus Aug 17 13:08:50 jacquesdptd_iPad: a person in this channel is an individual developer, not someone working for a carrier. This channel is not an official support channel, so for you to assume that just cause someone works for a carrier then they can help you here (even if they did know how to help) is completely unrealistic. Aug 17 13:08:57 please take just that last serious thanks Aug 17 13:09:28 jacquesdptd_iPad, I mean: how could I knew you *already* did make a thousand call to them about that ? Am I supposed to be some kind of magician because I work at SFR ? I just didn't know that, so just answered the logical helpful answer I knew... And then you rid your high horses. Aug 17 13:10:39 rwhitby: i don't assume anything, i've been told , look upper, earlier, that YES, and even if i was thinking like you ALL that it wasn't obliged, I would have not attempt such an Advice from The ONLY GUY FROM MY PHONE CARRIER Aug 17 13:10:40 wow Aug 17 13:10:47 seems hard to be understood please guys Aug 17 13:11:02 make an effort, i don't wanna say i'm right im' right i'm right just understand me Aug 17 13:11:33 i came here without knowing anybody would work anywhere and was not counting on anything and didn't even asked warpdesign_ when he appeared in the discussion Aug 17 13:11:41 he talked about the unlock before Aug 17 13:11:43 so please .... Aug 17 13:13:34 i was going to go, and all i wanted was to thank you, so my thanks are as true as my explanation so please just take my thanks as i'm gonna really use a Device i would have left dead on the table and for that thanks again Aug 17 13:14:28 jacquesdptd_iPad: have fun. let us know if you get openmoko booted. Aug 17 13:14:42 you can be sure about it Aug 17 13:15:08 rwhitby: is there other way to power touchstone instead of using wall power? i tried to hook it up to pc's usb port but it looks like the port is not giving enough juice to it Aug 17 13:15:32 en0x: needs to supply 1A Aug 17 13:16:36 i gotta check on ebay maybe they sell those cheap... so i can get the original palm wall charger for my work Aug 17 13:17:06 would a cable with 2 usb-connectors work (similar to the ones they use for harddisks) Aug 17 13:17:13 each port supplies 500ma Aug 17 13:17:45 or a usb-charger for the ipad, it uses 1a too Aug 17 13:17:54 hmm Aug 17 13:18:49 by the way if i may, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIpjwYvOeK0 Aug 17 13:18:54 http://cgi.ebay.com/Palm-Pre-OEM-AC-Wall-Home-Travel-Charger-Micro-USB-/300384174083?pt=PDA_Accessories#ht_1926wt_1139 Aug 17 13:18:57 not bad Aug 17 13:18:58 9 bucks Aug 17 13:19:24 a lil video of the tablet i've made and that gonna be on shop before chistmas, it was some month ago but we can see it Aug 17 13:19:58 and free shipping i think i may get itp Aug 17 13:20:02 s/itp/it/ Aug 17 13:20:02 en0x meant: and free shipping i think i may get it Aug 17 13:24:18 oh the sims 3 for palm pixi nice ;d Aug 17 13:25:16 i really love the messaging app but when you have a long convo the scrolling slows down... hopefully in 2.0 it will be blasting fast Aug 17 13:26:37 when the hell is someone going to make a threaded e-mail client Aug 17 13:26:48 or a patch that adds threaded view to the mail client Aug 17 13:30:37 google should do it on their mobile site Aug 17 13:30:45 threaded email is so 2010 Aug 17 13:31:08 even in mutt i use threaded email... idk how could i not live without it few years ago... Aug 17 13:37:12 Hello. Would it be complicated to put the free version of my app on a preware feed? Does it have to be open-source? Aug 17 13:40:36 why would you like to do that? Aug 17 13:41:18 To make it availabel to regions that don't have an App Catalog, like Singapore. Aug 17 13:41:42 But, can preware install app in the App Catalog? Aug 17 13:42:28 oh, i see Aug 17 13:42:36 preware just calls the app catalog Aug 17 13:42:44 if it's from the palm catalog feed Aug 17 13:42:58 you'd have to submit your app as homebrew to to precentral Aug 17 13:43:09 it would then appear in the precentral feed in preware (as homebrew) Aug 17 13:43:17 remember to pick a different appid Aug 17 13:43:39 Which version of the App Catalog does it call? Can a user in Singapore use Preware to install free apps from teh App Catalog? Aug 17 13:43:59 isn't there an international free app catalog? Aug 17 13:44:08 good question Aug 17 13:44:16 probably depends on the app too Aug 17 13:44:33 is the app marked as available in AC? Aug 17 13:44:52 Unfortunately, there is no international free app catalog. Would make a lot of sense, but no. Aug 17 13:45:44 that's sucks submit it to precentral feed... Aug 17 13:46:22 I'm running Preware in an emulator -- there are 8 apps in the "Palm Catalog" feed -- shouldn't there be more? Aug 17 13:47:23 i always assumed that if the app is marked AC (i think 'other' in the dev portal) it should be available everywhere Aug 17 13:47:43 should be around 800? Aug 17 13:47:45 free ones Aug 17 13:47:54 hello? Aug 17 13:48:00 hello? Aug 17 13:48:04 hello Aug 17 13:48:36 830 free apps Aug 17 13:48:45 i'm in an AC country Aug 17 13:49:03 Shouldn't I be seeing them in the App Catalog feed in preware? Aug 17 13:49:04 I'm having a problem getting root to my pre plus - novaproxy and novaterm can't find the device - it is in developer mode Aug 17 13:49:18 which host os? Aug 17 13:53:02 DougReeder: make sure you have both the base and update feed enabled for the Palm Catalog Aug 17 13:53:11 DougReeder: see the Manage Feeds page Aug 17 13:53:36 hakfrica: which host os? Aug 17 13:53:45 Huh, in Manage Feeds, "palm-catalog" was OFF -- but I still got 8. Aug 17 13:54:01 anyone here who can help me with a novaproxy novaterm problem? Aug 17 13:54:03 Ah, "palm-catalog-updates" was on. Aug 17 13:54:39 that's apps added in the last 24 hours Aug 17 13:55:02 Okay, now I'm getting 3267 apps in the catalog feed. Aug 17 13:55:46 DougReeder: there are people who have app catalog access (the non-paid app catalog), and then there are people who have no app catalog access at all Aug 17 13:56:01 but both can install from Preware Aug 17 13:56:07 Ah, good. Aug 17 13:56:41 singapore is a country with no app catalog at all? Aug 17 13:56:51 So, anyone in the world can access free app catalog apps using preware? Aug 17 13:56:57 hakfrica: what host os do you use? Aug 17 13:57:03 Yes, Singapore has no App Catalog at all. Aug 17 13:57:27 that doesn't make sense ... palm, what were you thinking Aug 17 13:58:07 I know, a rest-of-world free catalog would be the obvious thing to do. Aug 17 14:01:43 Thanks, guys, it's great that preware can work around Palm's limitations! Aug 17 14:01:54 DougReeder: no, if they have no app catalog access, then they can only install stuff using Preware from homebrew feeds Aug 17 14:02:15 Ouch, that sucks. Aug 17 14:02:22 you can't install apps from the app catalog if you don't have a logged in palm profile Aug 17 14:02:43 no matter whether you can see the index listing of the app in Preware or not Aug 17 14:09:45 So, are any of the preware feeds open to closed-source applications? Aug 17 14:11:13 the precentral feed is no option for you? Aug 17 14:11:45 I don't know, I have little experience with preware. Aug 17 14:12:09 sign up at precentral.net as a developer and submit your app Aug 17 14:12:20 it will be visible in preware and can be installed directly from there Aug 17 14:13:16 http://www.precentral.net/homebrew-apps Aug 17 14:24:45 anyone have openssh sftp server setup on their pre/pixi? Aug 17 14:25:16 no Aug 17 14:25:50 I did last year, but then I had to doctor it and didn't re-install. Aug 17 14:26:07 same here :) now i'm trying to get it working again through preware Aug 17 14:26:42 hmm, well whatever the pdk installed worked :/ Aug 17 14:26:49 if only the preware version did Aug 17 14:27:00 (and if only i didn't have 2 copies running) Aug 17 14:28:06 well, this will work until i decide to not be lazy Aug 17 15:18:39 Hello all. I've got a problem with my Pixi plus. When the phone has been in sleep mode (screen turned off) for a while and turn the screen on again I've got high loads, typically 30 40 50 and the phone is really slow. Is there a way to find out what's causing the problem? Aug 17 15:25:58 that's normal Aug 17 15:27:58 But imo it hasn't always been that way, it used to start at like 5 6 7, not 30 40 50. And the phone is almost unusable the first minute after turning on the screen Aug 17 15:29:48 then you have something going awry in the background to cause slowness. a high load average doesnt necessarily mean the CPU is actually doing anything. Aug 17 15:31:08 like 3283 root 19 -1 295m 76m 14m S 30.1 39.8 60:04.41 LunaSysMgr Aug 17 15:31:47 PID USER PR NI VIRT RES SHR S %CPU %MEM TIME+ COMMAND Aug 17 15:31:48 3283 root 19 -1 296m 77m 14m S 31.0 40.2 60:13.96 LunaSysMgr Aug 17 15:32:29 31% is nothing for LunaSysMgr Aug 17 15:32:39 fair enough Aug 17 15:33:23 my Pre is commonly known to have LA's in the 15-20's while off. Aug 17 15:34:04 but its not uncommon for a task to get stuck and start killing your battery and slow things down. Aug 17 15:34:34 a hard/soft reset should fix it. unless you have a rogue patch installed. Aug 17 15:34:52 ok, then that's probably the problem because to me it hasn't been like this earlier Aug 17 15:38:14 hi Aug 17 15:38:27 is there a problem with ipkg.preware.org? Aug 17 15:39:12 when I tail /var/log/messages I get like 25 rows of output after a "powerd: System woke up" or "powerd: System going to sleep now", every fifth second or something. Aug 17 15:39:29 is that normal too? Aug 17 15:39:38 yep Aug 17 15:40:24 some tasks wake up the phone... other tasks sit and wait for next wake up. hence the high load average Aug 17 15:40:41 I see Aug 17 15:40:55 so you must have mail being check or a facebook poll going on. Aug 17 15:41:30 the less you poll the less battery is used cuz the phone gets to go into deep sleep more. Aug 17 15:42:30 telnet ipkg.preware.org 80 Aug 17 15:42:30 Trying Aug 17 15:42:30 telnet: Unable to connect to remote host: Connection timed out Aug 17 15:47:30 ok thanks uNiXpSyChO, I'll reset the phone and we'll see what happens Aug 17 16:03:40 Anyone getting ipkg_download errors when updating feeds on Preware? Aug 17 16:04:12 the_snowdog: yep, feeds seem to be down atm... sadly I am the one to fix it but i am at work so I can't... Aug 17 16:04:19 but i am trying to get someone else on it Aug 17 16:04:47 cryptk|work: Ok thanks. Just making sure I wasn't going crazy. Didn't see it mentioned on twitter..... Aug 17 16:05:31 yeah, rwhitby is the one that posts to twitter and the sun is likely down where he is at Aug 17 16:05:55 What time zone is Rod in? Aug 17 16:06:35 feeds are back Aug 17 16:06:40 one not in the US Aug 17 16:07:03 as a clue I think it is around 2AM right now for him Aug 17 16:08:02 the_snowdog: in the future, if you want to know if it is the feeds or your phone, point your browser at http://ipkg.preware.org/ and se if it comes up Aug 17 16:08:26 cryptk|work: yea. i did that just now. thanks for the tip though. Aug 17 16:08:33 if it doesn't then it is the feeds, let us know if that happens (we may not know yet). If it does load then it is your phone (still let us know, we can probably fix it) Aug 17 16:08:52 so either way lol, we are interested Aug 17 16:09:42 FWIW, currently that works for me. Aug 17 16:09:58 i think it is time for me to donate to webos-internals again... keeping these servers up must take its toll Aug 17 16:20:29 the_snowdog: indeed, but ka6sox and me do everything we can to keep them tip top Aug 17 16:21:17 ok, I'm getting back to my paying job now, ttyl everyone Aug 17 16:44:14 why is it that the palm developer site isnt webos compat Aug 17 16:44:20 or mobilized Aug 17 16:44:43 They used myPHPBB Aug 17 17:54:58 hello? Aug 17 17:55:52 yawn Aug 17 17:56:07 you need more coke Aug 17 17:56:19 nah, need to finish waking up Aug 17 17:56:29 Same difference Aug 17 18:05:52 nah, can't drink coke in th emorning. Aug 17 18:05:56 but i can drink tons of coffee Aug 17 18:10:19 Its all about the coke Aug 17 18:11:14 coke zero! people wake up! Aug 17 18:11:24 thats crap in a bottle Aug 17 18:11:32 idk i never had it Aug 17 18:17:20 <1/2 price Red Sox tickets for tomorrow's LA Angels game $16.00!!! Aug 17 18:17:23 ha! Aug 17 18:17:41 who want's some? Aug 17 18:17:59 Its the Angels... No One Cares Aug 17 18:18:05 hehe Aug 17 18:18:11 i dont even watch baseball Aug 17 18:18:17 it's so lame ass boring Aug 17 18:18:32 Dodgers is fun Aug 17 18:18:42 Because its like 10 bucks a ticket Aug 17 18:19:20 cheap Aug 17 18:19:20 and hookers Aug 17 18:52:43 hi Aug 17 18:53:15 hi Aug 17 18:53:27 I'm looking for some info about preware feeds Aug 17 18:53:44 particularly about constructing one Aug 17 18:54:27 hmm Aug 17 18:54:55 I've manage to create one that works on my web server Aug 17 18:55:04 but I have another server that it won't work on... Aug 17 18:55:44 hmmmm Aug 17 18:58:11 the main difference being that one is shared+rented hosting, and one is just xampp running on win7 Aug 17 18:58:13 any thoughts? Aug 17 19:00:21 Nope... Aug 17 19:00:25 Sorry Aug 17 19:30:54 just a quick basic question (hopefully) Aug 17 19:34:25 is there a file I can copy off my device that contains the saved package list so I can keep what I have safe while I doctor my pre? I'm having weird stuff going on (like the system sounds just go MIA and I have to reboot to get them back... or GPS just goes FUBAR) Aug 17 19:37:16 hi Aug 17 19:37:34 i think so, yes .. let me check Aug 17 19:46:56 == noob has changed usernames to AZWebnut so that he can carry this around with him on his phone as he does tech support away from his console... would love to find out the answer to that save file question tho... Aug 17 19:48:33 you have to use save/restore to save the "saved package list" to your usb-drive Aug 17 19:48:40 install it with preware Aug 17 19:54:19 copy. thank you! Aug 17 20:16:26 Hi Aug 17 20:17:03 I need USBnet Drivers for windows 7 64-Bit edition Aug 17 20:17:28 the one posted on web-internals doesnot work on win 7 64-bit Aug 17 20:18:06 is ther anyone using Windows 7 64-Bit with Palm Pre My tether via USB Cable? Aug 17 20:21:06 The driver under "Microsoft Corporation" > "Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device." as suggested on webos-internals does not work either Aug 17 20:24:17 that reminds me Aug 17 20:24:22 * Mousey tests his post-upgrade app Aug 17 20:29:24 yay still works! =D Aug 17 20:38:57 goodn8 Aug 17 20:46:23 hi all. Aug 17 20:46:48 can i ask questions about webos quick install here? Aug 17 20:47:12 mebe Aug 17 20:48:25 i would like to add the optware feed to webos quick install. i don't know how and can't find info on it through google Aug 17 20:50:31 i basically need to install the squid transparent proxy on my pre. i first have to install ipkg-opt from optware. i'm stuck overseas (Army) for a while. i don't have a connection to the internet on my pre so everything has to be done with quick install. Aug 17 20:51:52 hmm Aug 17 20:51:57 I honestly have no idea Aug 17 20:54:07 i really just need a way to connect my pre to an http proxy server. this is frustrating. i can't go a whole year without an internet connection to my pre. Aug 17 20:54:55 ...way was this feature (http proxy login) not add?? (just venting, btw) Aug 17 20:59:50 will anyone here help me on this or at least point me in the right direction? Aug 17 21:02:38 I'm thinking Aug 17 21:13:29 k4ever: where is oversea? Aug 17 21:13:57 iraq Aug 17 21:16:16 oh, ok Aug 17 21:18:30 the wireless internet service here requires an http proxy login. Aug 17 21:24:36 from what I know, a proxy isn't possible Aug 17 21:24:59 but but I might be wrong Aug 17 21:25:05 good night Aug 17 21:26:35 thanks Aug 17 21:27:58 I am wanting to find out if there will ever be a version of preware for the motorola cliq xt or any other android based operating phones? Aug 17 21:28:28 I have seen the features of the preware OS and its amazing and want it on my Cliq XT phone Aug 17 21:28:50 Too many reasons to list why not so I'll just tell you "no" Aug 17 21:29:10 I love the preware OS! Aug 17 21:29:28 Okay, i do to my bf has it on his palm pre but i am with tmobile and will not change to sprint Aug 17 21:29:50 I imagine you're mistaking WebOS for "Preware OS" Aug 17 21:30:04 Only option is to get an ATT Pre Plus and unlock it for TMo Aug 17 21:30:33 I am talking about the OS that allows him to change his themes on his phone and be able to access the different games and apps on the OS Aug 17 21:30:49 Thats an application, not an OS Aug 17 21:31:00 The first part is a preware app, the rest is webOS Aug 17 21:31:41 Okay well i am confused cause the application to change the theme and layout of the phone is what? and can that be gottnor put on a motorola cliq xt? Aug 17 21:32:05 To put it simply: no Aug 17 21:32:16 thanks halo i might have to look into that idea if i have problems with this new phone Aug 17 21:32:21 The Application is Preware. And It will never be for android Aug 17 21:32:22 thanks chris Aug 17 21:36:26 k4ever - I can't figure a way... except MAYBE if you could ad-hoc off of someone's laptop that was connected and auth'd through the proxy... Aug 17 21:36:45 outside shot though Aug 17 21:38:56 oh - I see - he's gone... bummer Aug 17 22:08:54 * rwhitby continues working on the "Preware OS" ... Aug 17 22:10:32 hm? Aug 17 22:10:55 Does it have Wifis? Aug 17 22:12:18 lol Aug 17 22:12:44 It has the bgs! Aug 17 22:12:58 * oilsworkn obviously missed something Aug 17 22:13:01 oilsworkn: "lloyd: I have seen the features of the preware OS and its amazing and want it on my Cliq XT phone" Aug 17 22:13:12 troll? Aug 17 22:13:18 retard Aug 17 22:13:24 i want the one with the bigger GBs Aug 17 22:13:34 halfhalo: the two are not mutually exclusive Aug 17 22:13:36 I mean that in the best way Aug 17 22:13:49 no, they usually go together Aug 17 22:13:57 its the internet, asfter all Aug 17 22:14:44 and irc is almost as bad as youtube for making people retarded. Aug 17 22:15:10 wha Aug 17 22:15:55 you heard me Aug 17 22:19:17 i'm OCed to 1ghz, and i have every app that comes installed on a sprint pre open at once, along with preware and govnah. this is amazing. Aug 17 22:19:36 lol Aug 17 22:19:56 lol Aug 17 22:20:02 lol, i use an evo for 2 months, come back, and i can do all this :) Aug 17 22:20:04 must have a pre + cause I can't do that Aug 17 22:20:14 nope, sprint pre. Aug 17 22:20:17 yah, speed is one thing, RAM quite another Aug 17 22:21:04 im just telling you guys the truth..lol Aug 17 22:21:21 truth = lies; Aug 17 22:21:31 slavery = freedoml Aug 17 22:21:33 l=; Aug 17 22:21:50 hah Aug 17 22:22:05 38 cards total Aug 17 22:22:22 wait, no, lol Aug 17 22:22:28 no...yes Aug 17 22:22:31 38 Aug 17 22:22:33 or 37 Aug 17 22:23:45 i miss my evo :/ asurion Aug 17 22:25:03 having fun there ka6sox-mobile? Aug 17 22:25:33 how do i get voice? Aug 17 22:25:48 large cash donation to me Aug 17 22:25:55 buy rwhitby a boat Aug 17 22:25:56 oooh Aug 17 22:27:20 I tried the boat. It sank Aug 17 22:29:10 It's a meritocracy - people who do stuff get voice. Aug 17 22:31:26 Like bribes? Aug 17 22:31:46 * oilsworkn is the minister of awesomeness Aug 17 22:31:50 :)_ Aug 17 22:31:51 Bribes of $100K or more will work. Aug 17 22:31:57 lol Aug 17 22:31:58 Guaranteed. Aug 17 22:32:44 I can give you my personal PayPal address right now if you're interested. Aug 17 22:33:11 I already have it, and 100k is to pricey :p Aug 17 22:33:53 Yeah, people who think $100K is overpriced for voice in this channel don't deserve it either. Aug 17 22:33:53 decimate do you not have your evo anymore? Aug 17 22:34:06 lol Aug 17 22:34:08 * Mousey should do more Aug 17 22:34:34 * halfhalo should... eh Aug 17 22:58:57 soonerfan0k: broken. Aug 17 23:09:58 uhnfxjdj Aug 17 23:10:24 sdfhasdjf Aug 17 23:48:44 * Decimate misses the quick replacements I got for my pre, compared to the days I've spent waiting for my evo :/ Aug 17 23:54:49 If it makes you feel better, Sprint changed those replacement terms Aug 17 23:58:52 ? Aug 18 00:11:01 * rwhitby listens to PalmCast Aug 18 00:19:02 chrisA: it doesnt :( Aug 18 00:19:32 Your lack of Schadenfreude is impressive Aug 18 00:29:53 i hope my pre makes it 24 months Aug 18 00:30:00 the crack is getting worse in the bottom left Aug 18 00:48:46 bpadalino: Warrenty? Aug 18 00:49:00 it's lasted over 12 months now .. Aug 18 00:50:31 maybe there will be a new, more enticing phone out when the crack finally renders the touchscreen useless Aug 18 01:25:13 got a question for anyone who knows the wIRC app...we previously had a save/restore script that backed up Cookies and Databases...looks like it no longer uses Databases, right? are there specific files or directories we need to save now? Aug 18 01:56:59 my pulse audio keeps crashing and segfaulting Aug 18 01:59:43 I might ahve to doctor... Aug 18 01:59:52 various little things are fishy since the 1.4.5 ota Aug 18 02:00:12 anyone else having this pulse audio crashbug? Aug 18 02:14:11 my audiod did not update Aug 18 02:14:26 had to visit the doctor. Aug 18 02:15:08 145 update was sketchy for me. 2 for 2 devices needed doctoring. YMMV. Aug 18 02:17:37 I haven't had an OTA update work right since or something .... way back when when I first got my phone Aug 18 02:17:53 I'm skeptical that they ever work right, but it seems my case is unique Aug 18 02:18:21 downloading the jar... Aug 18 02:18:21 hmm... unable to resolve host [2006]... great =\ Aug 18 02:18:26 will doctor in the morning Aug 18 02:27:28 hey Aug 18 02:34:05 does anyone here have an archive of a 1.3.1 doctor? Aug 18 02:34:08 I need it Aug 18 02:46:38 rwhitby you here? Aug 18 02:46:48 yes Aug 18 02:52:43 b3ll: 'ello :). Aug 18 02:52:53 hey dtzWill great job on vba Aug 18 02:52:57 b3ll: you ping'd me a while back, did you want something? :) Aug 18 02:53:00 b3ll: ty! :) Aug 18 02:53:01 i did? Aug 18 02:53:07 i think you did? :) Aug 18 02:53:16 lol well perhaps you can help me now Aug 18 02:53:20 two things actually Aug 18 02:53:30 do you know where I can get a 1.3.1 doctor? Aug 18 02:54:10 b3ll: nope. since sprint doesn't have them, they can't be legally distributed (i think?) Aug 18 02:54:18 s/sprint/palm/ Aug 18 02:54:18 dtzWill meant: b3ll: nope. since palm doesn't have them, they can't be legally distributed (i think?) Aug 18 02:54:32 ~botsnack Aug 18 02:54:33 :), dtzWill Aug 18 02:54:37 wtf idc which carrier :P Aug 18 02:54:52 all i want is com.palm.app.phone Aug 18 02:54:54 lol Aug 18 02:55:30 b3ll: well unless someone else can offer something I'm not sure what to tell you. the official legal way to grab the doctors (which are (c) palm) was their mirrors and AFAIK they don't have public URLs for the old versions anymore Aug 18 02:55:42 yea they don't Aug 18 02:55:45 sorry :) Aug 18 02:55:46 which is VERY annoying Aug 18 02:55:55 ugh it's okay Aug 18 02:56:10 only place I found is a dead torrent lol Aug 18 02:57:37 and second dtzWill does vba support gameshark atm? **** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Aug 18 02:59:57 2010