**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Jan 10 02:59:59 2015 Jan 10 03:09:41 and I'm up and running! Jan 10 03:26:50 So how exactly do I package up and app and push it to the device? Jan 10 03:27:34 package up an app* Jan 10 03:35:24 Is there a palm-package equivalent? Jan 10 03:59:01 acidhax, a few of the built-in apps have an option to build and push to device. Jan 10 03:59:38 Testr and Contacts. I might have done another. Jan 10 04:00:22 You can use palm-package, but there’s no equivalent to palm-install. Jan 10 04:01:26 If you have an IPK, you can use adb to push it to the device, then adb shell to get a shell, then something like luna-send -n 6 luna://com.palm.appinstaller/install '{"subscribe":true, "target": "/media/internal/com.hominidsoftware.zapphotoshare_2.3.4_all.ipk"}' Jan 10 04:01:51 … followed by systemctl restart luna-next Jan 10 04:03:40 One thing we didn’t consistently have under webOS was browser debugging tools. Under LuneOS, we have adb forward tcp:1122 tcp:1122 then use a browser to connect to http://localhost:1122 (Safari currently works best) Jan 10 04:05:15 Interesting.. I don't currently have palm-package. I suppose I can alway just adb push to /user/palm/applications Jan 10 04:05:34 Oh, you need to have a dev image (the name contains “-dev-“) for remote web app debugging. Jan 10 04:06:05 Yep, I made sure I had the right image Jan 10 04:06:37 For now I suppose it's tinker time Jan 10 04:06:40 See https://github.com/webOS-ports/org.webosports.app.testr/blob/master/tools/deploy.sh for how to build and install to device. Jan 10 04:07:25 Awesome Jan 10 04:07:28 Thanks Jan 10 04:09:07 Jay Canuck is working on a tools that will replace palm-package, and allow the full power of IPK packages, like install scripts. Dunno when it will be usable. Jan 10 04:09:41 For node debugging, you have to depend a lot more on the system log. Node actually logs to it! Jan 10 04:10:47 Oh amazing, and node is updated! Jan 10 04:10:49 node is v0.10.25 , so you can use most packages. Jan 10 04:11:22 And npm is installed! Jan 10 04:11:32 If I must I can debug node myself Jan 10 04:11:41 console logs tend to work in most cases Jan 10 04:11:46 * DougReeder nods Jan 10 04:12:11 oh this is much better, new node AND npm! Jan 10 04:12:19 Of course, some calls return different values than webOS. Jan 10 04:12:40 Like the replacement libs aren't 1:1 anymore, you mean? Jan 10 04:13:02 The API is the same, the behavior is not always identical. Jan 10 04:13:10 yeah, understandable Jan 10 04:13:35 Like, wrting to a stream buffers differently. Jan 10 04:14:06 Ohhh, as in Node sometimes behaves differently Jan 10 04:14:24 I get it Jan 10 04:14:50 well time for me to tinker around a bit, any issues worth me checking out, if anything but to learn the system? Jan 10 04:15:20 take a look at http://issues.webos-ports.org/ Jan 10 04:16:26 I’m not sure if anyone is working on the Messaging app, to take advantage of the new services. Jan 10 04:16:53 Oh, and PalmBus calls don’t always return the same values as under webOS. Jan 10 04:17:55 If you work on a JavaScript Service, be sure to read http://www.webos-internals.org/wiki/JavaScript_Services Jan 10 04:18:05 What new services were made? Jan 10 04:18:13 https://github.com/webOS-ports/app-services? Jan 10 04:18:26 nm, that repo is very old Jan 10 04:20:04 The built-in apps are a mixture of Enyo 1 and Enyo 2. Enyo 2 apps include https://github.com/webOS-ports/webos-lib to support webOS/LuneOS. Jan 10 04:21:09 I fixed the encoding bug, so Enyo 1 apps should run, if the underlying services are implemented. Jan 10 04:22:19 I’m not sure if there are any completely new services. Jan 10 04:22:50 Many needed reimplementation under the hood, but support the old API. Jan 10 04:23:02 … like geolocation. Jan 10 04:24:10 right, it uses the mozilla service now Jan 10 04:26:40 Porting Zap Photoshare was straighforward. One service (firewall) doesn’t exist, so the code has to deal with that. Other calls don’t return an errorCode or errorMessage like they did under webOS. Jan 10 07:16:08 acidhax: welcome :) Jan 10 07:16:45 acidhax: must it be node work or are you fine with enyo work too? Jan 10 07:31:08 Tofe: I will leave out the loader for the splash as it gives us a black screen on startup for a for one or two frames Jan 10 07:38:34 morphis for doing subsequent LS calls in QML, is it proper to call it in the onSuccess of the previous one? Jan 10 07:39:45 2nd one should only be called when first one succeeds in this case Jan 10 08:10:19 nizovn: morning Jan 10 08:10:28 morning! Jan 10 08:10:50 What are you working on currently? Jan 10 08:12:14 i have to take a break because my exam session is coming Jan 10 08:12:42 Ok no worries :) Just asking :) Jan 10 08:14:04 Real life has priority : Jan 10 08:14:06 :D Jan 10 08:14:13 yeah :) Jan 10 09:42:36 morphis: merged Jan 10 09:42:49 Tofe: thanks Jan 10 09:43:31 morphis: yes, indeed it may be that during the loading of the splash image there is a black frame Jan 10 09:44:09 I don't know if that could be avoided; I'll try to tweak it a bit, just to see Jan 10 09:44:50 ok Jan 10 09:45:01 Tofe: btw. I saw the UI hanging when a parentWinId is assigned Jan 10 09:45:04 not sure what went wrong Jan 10 09:55:20 hanging ? you mean a lag, or an infinite loop ? Jan 10 09:59:58 when you open the testr app and open a new window Jan 10 10:00:11 the last window is still in foreground and and can't leave it Jan 10 10:00:19 swipe up from the bottom doesn't work Jan 10 10:44:42 ok Jan 10 10:47:20 Oh, I'm being port-scanned by a chinese machine... nice... Jan 10 12:13:23 Morning. Jan 10 12:15:29 Garfonso: morning Jan 10 12:15:44 DougReeder, acidhax: completely new is our update service. Rewritten are permission, chatthreader. To be done is download manager. Jan 10 12:16:15 Garfonso: I will look into the outstanding problems with the account validators in the next days Jan 10 12:16:26 Did we get messaging working, yet? :) Jan 10 12:17:10 Ah, OK. Jan 10 12:17:30 Garfonso: SMS messages should appear in the app Jan 10 12:50:30 They don't for me... Jan 10 12:50:30 morphis: You already triggered a new build? Jan 10 12:50:35 Maybe with that one it does Jan 10 13:25:16 Herrie: yes Jan 10 13:25:53 chatthread and message object are created so it is then only a problem with the app Jan 10 13:27:23 Herrie: look at journalctl -u webos-telephonyd --no-pager -f while sending the message Jan 10 13:41:38 I saw it's added to db8 Jan 10 13:41:56 But also saw some permissiom error Jan 10 13:42:14 Could be my manual fix wasn't proper Jan 10 13:42:35 New build should have the fix built in, hence me asking Jan 10 13:47:52 morphis, I'm good with either Jan 10 13:48:24 morphis, I don't specifically remember much Enyo, but JS is JS. Jan 10 13:51:56 Last time I used webos was mojo days Jan 10 13:53:21 acidhax: Enyo is quite well structured Jan 10 13:53:33 I'm sure you could get your hands dirty with QML as well ;) Lots of JS in there too Jan 10 13:53:34 ;) Jan 10 13:55:28 :P Jan 10 13:56:21 My time is pretty well taken up full-time on my app, Videostream, looking for something to do over the weekends and at night Jan 10 13:58:15 We might need some help on the messaging app and also on the rewrite of the calendar app ;) Jan 10 13:59:17 https://webos-ports.github.io/org.webosports.app.calendar/debug.html that's the online version of the calendar app Jan 10 13:59:23 Needs a week view for example still ;) Jan 10 13:59:27 ahh Jan 10 13:59:34 Code is here: https://github.com/webOS-ports/org.webosports.app.calendar/ Jan 10 13:59:51 Not sure how much back end stuff is needed etc, morphis might know a bit more Jan 10 14:00:07 And Garfonso created a C+DAV connector so he might have some ideas too :) Jan 10 14:07:32 Ichthys here. Just picking up trying to compile testing from last week , when I had an error. Is there a way to real-clean everything before running the make update and starting the compilation again ? Jan 10 14:08:04 Legacy Enyo 1 calendar app is available too for inspiration: https://github.com/webOS-ports/core-apps/tree/webOS-ports/master/com.palm.app.calendar Jan 10 14:29:18 Looking at the code, the Week should just be Day kinds in series Jan 10 15:57:11 webos-ports.org says that N4 is no longer supported [after Breve]. Is that correct? Jan 10 16:49:05 Herrie: I don't reproduce the Enyo bug in Testr, how come ? Jan 10 16:49:35 (I'm on qemux86, latest build) Jan 10 17:21:47 acidhax: if you want to do node js services, then a reimplementation of download manager is still needed. ;) Jan 10 18:05:05 Garfonso, I'm definitely interested in giving that a look :) Jan 10 18:12:25 webos-ports.org says that N4 is no longer supported [after Breve]. Is that correct? Jan 10 18:41:47 elvispre: Don't worry! It's my bad, did some wiki tweaking, that bit SHOULDN'T be there! Jan 10 18:42:08 :-) Jan 10 18:42:23 Just wondered! Jan 10 18:45:55 Should be OK now :) Jan 10 19:25:24 acidhax, Sugardave is asking for someone to redo the org.webosinternals.lumberjack service. Jan 10 19:27:35 I nuked everthing, and when attempting to build stable, I got this error: https://gist.github.com/DougReeder/e468d0c7ac0be41631ef Jan 10 19:52:06 Just rerun the build might solve it Jan 10 19:52:41 I mean: rerun $ MACHINE=mako bb luneos-dev-package Jan 10 19:59:54 Herrie did pull request for cal and memos Jan 10 20:00:34 I fix the data base problem in the memos Jan 10 20:01:41 Still needs tweaked fot input focus thou Jan 10 20:05:07 cobblemonster: Thanks Jan 10 20:05:26 I tested the input focus with Enyo sampler and gh-pages version of the apps and it's OK there Jan 10 20:05:35 So I suspect luna-webappmanager needs some tweaking Jan 10 20:05:43 Tofe/morphis are looking into this Jan 10 20:13:22 Ok Jan 10 20:17:59 good morning Jan 10 20:20:08 morning to you too Jan 10 20:20:18 I was looking at my original Enyo Lumberjack repo and it is sad. So, I started updating some things yesterday, but then I realized that org.webosinternals.lumberjack service is not on LuneOS and I have no clue how to make it from source. Also, I can't install original Lumberjack from Preware, so I'm kind of stuck. Is/can anybody work on getting the service working in LuneOS and I can whip out a starting point for Enyo Lu Jan 10 20:23:44 Hum you tride to install with webos quick install if i remember the lates one works with lune Jan 10 20:24:31 I have not...I just got the emu working last night....It's been so long since I've done this stuff :D Jan 10 20:24:50 let me see what I can do Jan 10 20:29:17 cobblemonster: it thinks I have no devices, and that is true. Should it work with the emulator? Jan 10 20:30:15 i never tried it with the emulator :( Jan 10 20:30:24 k Jan 10 20:30:32 I will talk to Jason about it Jan 10 20:30:36 ok Jan 10 20:38:21 yeah, that will never work :D Jan 10 21:23:07 sugardave: You can run Preware in emulator and just install the IPK Jan 10 21:23:13 http://ipkg.preware.net/feeds/webos-internals/armv7/org.webosinternals.lumberjack_0.5.0_arm.ipk Jan 10 21:23:24 Let me try on my N4 quickly Jan 10 21:23:38 brilliant Jan 10 21:25:34 Rebooting N4 because ADB was picky AGAIN Jan 10 21:25:39 Hate ADB Jan 10 21:25:46 Novacom was way more reliable on a Windows machine :P Jan 10 21:29:11 Seems stuff looks OK in back end on my N4 Jan 10 21:29:23 Could be just front end UI for app needs rewriting in Enyo 2... Jan 10 21:29:50 Let me copy & paste relevant bits frm journalctl to pastebin Jan 10 21:30:04 sweet...I'm still tapping in the url. I can't paste/type in the emu :D Jan 10 21:31:33 http://pastebin.com/8MxVkbBP Jan 10 21:31:37 Yeah it's a bit of a pain ; Jan 10 21:31:43 ;) Jan 10 21:32:00 You could SCP the ipk over though to media/internal and use the browse feature in Preware to select the IPK Jan 10 21:32:42 http://webos-ports.org/wiki/Emulator Jan 10 21:33:48 I'm restarting. My win machine is being slooooow today Jan 10 21:37:31 Herrie: okay, I will have to jack with it some more. When I try to run a luna-send against it, it says the service isn't there. I need to look through that wiki you just pasted Jan 10 21:38:06 Mine is due a new 4TB RAID 1 array probably tomorrow ;) Jan 10 21:38:15 Replacing some old 500 and 750GB disks :P Jan 10 21:38:25 nice Jan 10 21:38:29 What command are you sending Jan 10 21:38:31 ? Jan 10 21:39:02 I just had a look through the journalctl which I output to /media/internal/out.txt and didn't see anything obviously wrong when searching for lumberjack Jan 10 21:39:04 All looked OK Jan 10 21:39:11 I can test the same on N4 Jan 10 21:39:15 luna-send -n 1 palm://org.webosinternals.lumberjack/listApps '{}' Jan 10 21:39:24 Sometimes emu and real life targets are different ;) Jan 10 21:39:40 yeah Jan 10 21:39:50 Hmmz same here... Jan 10 21:40:05 I also have the same app.id installed already...so going to try and remove it and re-run the lumberjack install Jan 10 21:41:07 Well it uses upstart still and we're using systemd I guess Jan 10 21:41:10 So that might be the problem Jan 10 21:41:19 morphis/JaMa might be able to help with that Jan 10 21:42:01 I'm charging up my pandapad and I think it's all set for dev mode. Maybe it will power up before the weekend is over! :D Jan 10 21:42:40 that way I can at least get an app skeleton together that will show something when the service works Jan 10 21:43:37 Well seems it uses some binary too Jan 10 21:43:43 Not sure that would work on LuneOS Jan 10 21:43:51 Just unpacked the IPK Jan 10 21:44:08 The bin folder has org.webosinternals.lumberjack which is an executable Jan 10 21:45:18 Source of this seems to be at https://github.com/webos-internals/lumberjack/tree/master/src Jan 10 21:45:27 I guess morphis can answer that when he's around.... Jan 10 21:46:46 ugh...might need to re-write the whole thing. Jan 10 21:47:00 it needs to be node and not C Jan 10 21:47:10 (for someone like me to work on it) Jan 10 21:47:10 So far I've only seen JS/QML bits, not really sure I've seen a C service... Jan 10 21:47:21 But we've got someone with Node experience around here ;) Jan 10 21:47:29 acidhax I think ;) Jan 10 21:47:31 I have that Jan 10 21:47:37 Ah ok : Jan 10 21:47:38 : Jan 10 21:47:39 I am lost in C land Jan 10 21:47:40 :D Jan 10 21:47:44 Same for me LOL :P Jan 10 21:47:57 Can do a bit of QML and hacky patches here and there :P Jan 10 21:48:14 Could be c-services work, I don't know... morphis can tell Jan 10 21:48:24 But when you can sort an UI, back end can be done later :P Jan 10 21:49:04 sure, I guess I could just do some mock data services that mimic what I can glean from running lumberjack on webOS Jan 10 21:49:11 I'm sure morphis will be around either today or tomorrow ;) Jan 10 21:49:53 Well if you have an Enyo 2 version that works on webOS I guess we could replicate an api compatible service on LuneOS Jan 10 21:49:59 the good news is that I have some ideas to make the Enyo Lumberjack app way easier to manage Jan 10 21:52:32 looking at Mojo app source is a scary reminder of the bad old days :D Jan 10 21:52:59 when weren't the bad old days? Jan 10 21:53:14 come on, EricBlade! Jan 10 21:53:25 :-) Jan 10 21:53:56 I am REALLY hoping my 2015 project is Enyo and not QML....I need a good Enyo project at work Jan 11 00:04:18 Herrie, I re-ran the build and it worked. Thanks! **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Jan 11 02:59:58 2015