**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue May 25 02:59:57 2010 May 25 03:07:34 yes George_e May 25 03:07:48 @Big: You are? May 25 03:07:58 You're saying that you *do* have to? May 25 03:08:04 That makes no sense... May 25 03:08:16 yes, that's why i havent signed up yet :-) May 25 03:08:38 paypal has the wrong card info for me - i'm too lazy to fix it May 25 03:08:42 hehe May 25 03:09:39 unless it's changed in the past 8 weeks May 25 03:09:54 (that's when i first started) May 25 03:09:58 well....12 weeks May 25 03:10:55 * BigBiff hmm 12 weeks, and still havent learned the cookie May 25 03:11:30 How are we (you and I) going to distribute apps then? May 25 03:11:49 i'll let you know when i finish one :-o May 25 03:12:32 i think you just have to confirm a paypal acct - but they wont take any $ unless you want a paid app May 25 03:12:54 but here i'm just talking out of my ... May 25 03:13:00 What if you don't have a PayPal account...? :P May 25 03:13:20 then you cant get those great deals on ebay May 25 03:13:34 BigBiff: there's no excuse for not learning cookies... May 25 03:13:59 ya well, i um, err May 25 03:14:24 i've been busy? May 25 03:15:17 sugardave: i've gone over the sample code, just havent tried to implement it yet May 25 03:15:36 i've spent more time on php/sql as of late May 25 03:16:11 yeah, just messing with you...I went all the way to sqlite before looking at cookies, and I've still never done any depot May 25 03:16:20 which reminds me - i havent said this yet today May 25 03:16:26 php is stupid May 25 03:16:31 So much for my webOS app :( May 25 03:16:52 oh George_e, it's time to get in bed with PayPal May 25 03:17:11 :P May 25 03:17:11 George_e: I hate PayPal, but I still have an account May 25 03:17:29 I don't need one. May 25 03:17:40 * except for this! May 25 03:18:08 I don't want to earn money... so requiring an account is stupid to say the least. May 25 03:18:26 sugardave will give you his account number, no worries May 25 03:18:35 heh May 25 03:18:36 hehe May 25 03:19:05 George_e: so then you're limited to homebrew distribution May 25 03:19:09 not horrible May 25 03:20:11 I know you're gonna hate what I say next... May 25 03:20:27 maybe May 25 03:20:36 Time to visit android.com May 25 03:20:36 more likely that I won't care :P May 25 03:20:58 good luck getting a webOS app accepted there May 25 03:21:03 android - a loving, welcoming community May 25 03:21:31 it's like a big brother, big sister, family atmosphere May 25 03:22:09 hehe May 25 03:22:14 sugardave: No,no,no. I'm not talking about webOS anymore. May 25 03:22:25 :) <---- evil grin May 25 03:22:56 you know android is all run by robots - i done seen the commercial for it on the picture box May 25 03:24:09 so anyway, filterlists are glitchy May 25 03:24:53 i bet tibfib has a filterlist fix on the forums - i shall search May 25 03:40:36 ok, found one fix May 25 03:40:43 but not the other May 25 04:17:53 Hi May 25 04:47:21 ok I know I am part of the problem but all the tweets about free ringtones is getting out of hand LoL May 25 04:50:39 hi everyone May 25 04:53:43 so here it is lol May 25 04:53:46 http://developer.palm.com/appredirect/?packageid=com.jamesharris.musicringtones May 25 04:59:32 are you the creator? May 25 04:59:58 no May 25 05:00:07 the person that reated this could have been on top in downloads if released sooner May 25 05:00:22 but it's an awesome app May 25 05:01:08 well the guy who did it is pretty high up on the paid hot apps May 25 05:02:04 Palm Flash Cards May 25 05:02:40 yea. he seems to be doing ok with webos May 25 05:03:29 he seems to be very skilled May 25 05:03:52 he also does another free app called zip code tools May 25 05:07:02 the other 2 paid apps is digloo and Poker Drops so a total of 5 apps 6 if you count flash cards lite which is the free version of flashcard May 25 05:14:15 later folks, time to hit the hay May 25 05:15:06 nite May 25 06:01:50 ? May 25 06:16:30 Can someone in here help me with a Ajax.Request / Activity problem? May 25 06:30:58 morning May 25 06:31:07 morning May 25 06:31:56 my new app is out, built with ares in 2 hours: http://developer.palm.com/webChannel/index.php?packageid=com.inorbit.migrosfinder May 25 06:32:59 including a little php-webservice May 25 06:34:25 nice ! May 25 09:29:41 hallo noaXess May 25 10:35:24 Is it possible to lower the timeout time on Ajax.request ? May 25 12:46:48 hey hey May 25 12:47:02 i'm searching a patch for contacts, so i can delete all contacts in one step.. any idea? May 25 12:54:58 hi noaXess May 25 12:55:28 hey swisstomcat May 25 12:55:36 have you a solution for my question? May 25 12:56:30 no May 25 13:06:04 unless you muck around with the contacts-database directly May 25 13:14:16 morning all May 25 13:26:59 morning May 25 13:30:08 morning May 25 14:10:42 looks liek somethign is in the works with a tegra chip May 25 14:10:56 huh? May 25 14:11:02 http://blog.laptopmag.com/nvidia-ceo-netbooks-and-tablets-to-meld-hints-at-tegra-powered-webos-devices May 25 14:14:22 interesting May 25 14:14:50 " I think the world will want webOS. I think it’s a fabulous operating system" -> Nvidia CEO May 25 15:01:06 is it possible to add tap-zoom functionality for html to anything other than a webview? May 25 15:01:45 I don't think so May 25 15:02:00 but I'm definitely not the expert on that May 25 15:07:58 is it possible to add html to webview, without it being an actual website? May 25 15:13:22 Chriswebos: nope May 25 15:14:23 sugardave: any way to save data to a file? May 25 15:14:40 download manager will do it, I think May 25 15:14:57 hey, weren't we just talking about this the other day ? :D May 25 15:15:31 aren't you using saveViewToFIle or something like that? May 25 15:15:32 i mean directly from an app (e.g. save "this stuff in the quotes" to a file)...might be...i thought it was swisstomcat...but i've been fighting this for a while :( May 25 15:15:55 no way to write a file from javascript, no May 25 15:16:13 yeah...but saveviewtofile only saves what is visible...so if you wanna save the entire page, it won't work :( May 25 15:16:28 so, i'm gonna have to wait for pdk? May 25 15:16:58 well, it depends on what you are trying to do....you could save the data you're interested in to a db/depot May 25 15:17:25 yeah, but i need it in a file so i can do an openurl with webview May 25 15:17:33 that's not happening May 25 15:17:38 no file:// May 25 15:17:48 or data: URI support May 25 15:18:37 will we be able to save to file in pdk? May 25 15:18:47 most likely May 25 15:19:32 will i be able to call my pdk plugin from my sdk app? May 25 15:20:04 so, why could you not save data to the db, re-construct it as a data URI that you pass to download manager, which then saves a file, then you .openUrl on a relative path from your app May 25 15:20:08 that might work May 25 15:20:37 hybrid PDK/Mojo apps are in the plan, but you can't do it yet, I think May 25 15:20:59 hold up...i might need you might need to explain that download manager thing to me some more May 25 15:21:21 so...download manager wants a URI of some sort May 25 15:21:44 you can take the contents of the web page you're interested in and make it be a data URI of the page (like we talked about the other night) May 25 15:21:57 and then have download manager save that as a file somewhere, I believe May 25 15:22:02 okay May 25 15:22:06 hmmm... May 25 15:22:18 if it's in your app path, then http:relative.html MIGHT work May 25 15:25:06 i guess i need to read up on download manager....i was even thinking of temporarily uploading to a server and then downloading back...it's a definite pain not being able to add html to a webview May 25 15:25:11 isnt there the "cant load local resource" thing thats going to be a problem there sugardave? May 25 15:26:00 Bmyers: you can't load a local html page in the webview? May 25 15:26:02 wtf? May 25 15:26:34 I hate webview now May 25 15:26:37 i dunno. i've just had that error trying to load local stuff b4. perhaps not in this case but i wouldnt be too surprised May 25 15:26:38 that's stupid May 25 15:27:20 writing a custom cloud backend might be easier in the long run. php or something..dunno what exactly he's trying to do May 25 15:27:51 sounds like he wants to write a web page caching app May 25 15:28:08 have you checked out email companion? May 25 15:28:30 MY email companion? May 25 15:28:50 uh...the one in homebrew May 25 15:29:09 have not May 25 15:29:53 well...basically, i'm trying to save the html in a webview for viewing later... May 25 15:30:33 i would be willing to do it in either of two ways: save the html to a file, then do an openurl(file:// htmlfile) later...or directly put the html into the webview May 25 15:30:47
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May 25 15:30:50 whoa May 25 15:30:57 why put it back in webview? May 25 15:31:14 * sugardave waves his hands around. "Don't pay attention to the pasted text." May 25 15:31:16 i want tap/zoom functionality in case the html is too small to read May 25 15:32:28 best bet would be to try it or May 25 15:32:45 find another app that does what you're talking about and look under the covers May 25 15:32:56 to see how its done May 25 15:33:52 sugardave: doesnt even know what window he's in so dont listen to him May 25 15:34:01 that's sage advice May 25 15:34:42 don't know any apps that do any caching of webpages May 25 15:35:19 uh, well, does the builtin browser do it? May 25 15:35:58 it saves a png of the current page but i don't think it saves the html May 25 15:36:17 unless i haven't been using it to its potential May 25 15:38:26 havent looked into it myself to know. i would wonder what would happen if you just spit out the html onto a scene May 25 15:39:11 it won't zoom May 25 15:44:12 rehi May 25 15:45:32 anyone know what is on the horizon for pdk May 25 15:45:41 what kind of apps can one expect May 25 15:46:02 many types of apps May 25 15:46:07 with the new api's May 25 15:46:16 hybrid apps too May 25 15:46:50 hybrid apps? so i'll be able to create a file read/write plugin in pdk, and access via my sdk app? May 25 15:46:58 basically May 25 15:47:10 think of the pdk part as a plugin to your sdk app May 25 15:47:27 when? May 25 15:47:38 summer/autumn they said May 25 15:47:58 that's a while away May 25 15:48:36 i thought pdk would be availble with the next update May 25 15:48:51 but no hybrid apps as far as i heard May 25 15:49:09 *sigh* until summer/autumn? May 25 15:49:28 but quantum teleportation and other stuff :) May 25 15:50:37 summer is not that far off May 25 15:51:06 we'll also get new javascript-based services to access from the sdk (including file i/o) May 25 15:55:29 true...summer isn't far off May 25 15:55:41 but autumn is :( May 25 16:04:25 true May 25 16:07:44 they didn't say what comes first May 25 16:22:25 hey chuqui May 25 16:22:34 howdy! May 25 16:23:13 what's up in palm land today? May 25 16:23:55 who makes a widget that loads web pages but NOT local html resources and/or data URIs? May 25 16:24:02 Palm May 25 16:24:17 ridiculous May 25 16:24:20 hmm? May 25 16:25:07 * oilsworkn guesses webview widget? May 25 16:25:14 yep May 25 16:26:21 is it possible that I have the path incorrect? . = app directory? May 25 16:26:33 yeah May 25 16:26:38 e.g images/bla.jpg May 25 16:26:47 yeah, that's what I thought May 25 16:27:16 not much. May 25 16:27:20 how is http:./views/main/testhtml/test.html NOT a valid URL? May 25 16:27:25 gonna work on upgrading the guts of the blog today. May 25 16:30:25 sugardave: there is no webserver on your phone? May 25 16:30:35 sugardave, try sticking with local filesystem URIs May 25 16:31:08 sugardave, mojo.appPath() reveals the path of the app, so you can concatenate this with your relative directory structure May 25 16:31:09 thalunil: BrowserServer should be responding, but it isn't and unfortunately, file URIs are verboten for WebView May 25 16:31:21 sugardave, i missed that May 25 16:31:34 no service for you May 25 16:31:40 thalunil: yeah, I"m just bitching May 25 16:40:09 what do you want to do? May 25 16:42:55 date question May 25 16:43:09 how do i convert 1973-06-14T01:10:45Z to a date object? May 25 16:45:24 or different question, how do you save a date in a cookie and read it back? May 25 16:48:42 * oilsworkn would do it with a timestamp May 25 16:49:18 hah May 25 16:49:28 I figure out hot to open local .html with webview May 25 16:49:31 what a PITA May 25 16:52:13 oil: save the getTime() value? good idea May 25 16:53:56 swisstomcat: you can do the timestamp. May 25 16:54:13 how? May 25 16:54:29 Math.round(new Date().getTime()/1000.0) May 25 16:54:43 you can just save the timestamp into a cookie...i do it to set a trial period for my app...fairly straightforward May 25 16:54:59 i can paste code if you need May 25 16:55:01 by timestamp you mean the getTime() part of a date object? May 25 16:55:17 getTime is in milliseconds? May 25 16:55:21 hold on... May 25 16:55:25 yeah milliseconds May 25 16:55:31 yeah May 25 16:55:36 hence /1000.0 for a normal timestamp May 25 16:55:37 of seconds May 25 16:56:06 makes sense May 25 16:56:11 let me try May 25 16:56:15 this.stateInfo = this.cookie.get(); May 25 16:56:15 //if the cookie is not available then initialize it. May 25 16:56:15 if (!this.stateInfo) { May 25 16:56:15 trialdate = new Date(); May 25 16:56:15 time = trialdate.getTime(); May 25 16:56:16 time1 = time + 1209600000; May 25 16:56:18 enddate = new Date(); May 25 16:56:20 enddate.setTime(time1); May 25 16:56:24 this.stateInfo = { May 25 16:56:26 date: trialdate.getTime(), May 25 16:56:28 enddate: enddate.getTime() May 25 16:56:30 }; May 25 16:56:32 this.cookie.put(this.stateInfo); May 25 16:56:35 time + 1209600000;? May 25 16:56:45 the above sets a cookie that is checked to allow a 2 week trial May 25 16:56:50 ah May 25 16:56:57 time + 12096... is two weeks of milliseconds May 25 16:57:00 unless ofcourse, they remove and reinstall xD May 25 16:57:11 yeah...will have to do that later May 25 16:57:26 if they're smart enough to do that they're prolly smart enough to hack code anyways May 25 16:57:31 lol May 25 16:57:39 of course obfuscating will make it a little harder May 25 16:58:04 very cool, that works May 25 16:58:06 thanks guys May 25 17:08:06 sugardave: have you checked out this forum topic? http://developer.palm.com/distribution/viewtopic.php?f=70&t=5740&start=0 May 25 17:15:07 hello all! May 25 17:19:22 hi lonestar May 25 17:19:26 and catalystmedia May 25 17:21:33 Hey swisstomcat May 25 17:22:08 Oh and my 3 year old nephew came over and I let him play with Moo. He loved the app! Kept him entertained for quite awhile. Thanks :) May 25 17:22:58 lol May 25 17:23:02 catalystmedia: great to hear May 25 17:23:13 i've submitted an update May 25 17:23:24 where you can slide to the next or previous animal May 25 17:24:07 you should mess with the kids May 25 17:24:20 they tap the cow, and its like "this is an elephant" then it makes a sound like a chicken May 25 17:24:33 yeah May 25 17:24:36 and random May 25 17:24:39 lol May 25 17:24:51 will even confuse the parents May 25 17:25:03 maybe i should make that a preference "evil mode" May 25 17:25:41 catalystmedia: also the eyes go crossed out if you shake the animal too muc May 25 17:25:43 h May 25 17:26:19 Sweet! That's awesome. I'll dl it when it hits the Catalog. May 25 17:29:12 i think it was your idea :) May 25 17:33:46 that ringtone app is being downloaded like crazy May 25 17:35:04 yeah May 25 17:35:09 pretty nifty idea May 25 17:37:01 how does the ringtone install on the phone automatically once clicked? May 25 17:37:05 already up to 18,000 May 25 17:37:40 that download count thing takes a whiel to update. wouldn't be surprised by tomorrow it hits over 100k May 25 17:40:28 rolsworth: what is the ringtone app called? May 25 17:42:00 free music ringtones May 25 17:42:10 and wow, 16.5k downloads May 25 17:43:50 just search ringtones May 25 17:44:06 that's 16.5 in just a few hours. not bad May 25 17:44:17 rolsworth is it yours? May 25 17:44:23 nah May 25 17:44:35 the guy that did flash cards May 25 17:44:36 do you have a direct link? May 25 17:44:43 he seems to be talented May 25 17:45:17 search ringtone in the catalog. May 25 17:45:21 i <3 my pre May 25 17:45:39 if only my app were that popular... :/ May 25 17:45:48 wifi tethering so i can get some doc information while waiting for my flight May 25 17:46:11 dawm|laptop: sweet... freetether and mobile hotspot? May 25 17:46:13 i wonder if apple would attempt to block this May 25 17:46:23 then again i don't think that they can May 25 17:46:27 no that other one May 25 17:46:35 rolsworth: you mentioned it has only been out a few hours? May 25 17:46:44 my tether May 25 17:46:46 yea May 25 17:46:54 ahhh okay May 25 17:47:05 oh ok, my app will take a few hours to update it's database May 25 17:47:08 it has only been a few hours May 25 17:47:12 released yesterday May 25 17:47:24 sometimes last night May 25 17:47:29 (or at least the date is yesterday) May 25 17:47:52 i think he'll get in the top 20 May 25 17:47:56 lucky! :) May 25 17:48:35 he already has a few apps up there May 25 17:48:59 i think if you get to the top 1 or 20, doesn't that cut off the other apps? May 25 17:49:04 what app are we talking about? the dropbox one? May 25 17:49:16 free music ringtones May 25 17:49:35 omg still free music ringtones? May 25 17:49:46 btw, I can't figure out how that's legal... May 25 17:49:59 heheh, dunno, but amusing May 25 17:50:01 30 second clips May 25 17:50:05 i've been in the ringtone business May 25 17:50:07 * oilsworkn has been using the same ringtone he made like 6 years ago May 25 17:50:16 and this doesn't seem legal /at all/ May 25 17:50:23 but free is free :) May 25 17:50:26 the itunes feeds are open anyone could download the 30 second clips May 25 17:50:55 that doesn't make it legal ;) May 25 17:51:06 i see pandora is #1 does that mean they will win a prize? May 25 17:52:36 there are tons of websites that have those 30 second clips free. never heard of any them in legal trouble May 25 17:55:41 for sampling yes, but not for redistributing May 25 17:56:11 artists make $$$$$$$$$ on ringtones May 25 17:56:21 so publishers aren't too keen to give those away May 25 17:56:58 tell itunes to remove those feeds then where anyone could download the clips May 25 17:57:00 http://ax.itunes.apple.com/rss May 25 17:57:24 http://ax.itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStoreServices.woa/ws/RSS/topsongs/sf=143441/limit=25/xml May 25 17:57:29 heh interesting May 25 17:57:52 fair game :) May 25 17:58:25 there is an idevice app i think that does the same thing May 25 18:13:42 Chriswebos: thanks for the link, but the PDK is 'meh' to me...first of all, I only know javascript (and very basically at that) AND the PDK doesn't run in Linux (seriously, whose brilliant idea was that?!) May 25 18:14:31 sugardave: it doesn't??? May 25 18:14:35 oh, i thought you were trying to have webview open html as i was May 25 18:14:44 saved html, i mean May 25 18:15:04 Chriswebos: I already did that, but for supplied local html..next part is figuring out how to save from webview to something May 25 18:15:11 pandora--: nope May 25 18:15:17 lawls. May 25 18:15:35 wait...you have webview opening supplied local html? May 25 18:15:49 indeed, but only as a shipping file at the moment May 25 18:16:00 I'm about to work out how to use download manager to make the file May 25 18:16:20 how'd you get it to open local html? May 25 18:16:34 ancient Chinese secret! May 25 18:16:47 hahah May 25 18:16:48 i'm ancient and chinese!! May 25 18:16:55 oh snaps May 25 18:16:55 well, one of those two May 25 18:16:58 I'll be writing it up at some point for webos101, but I want to test the download manager part first May 25 18:17:17 coolness...you've been holding out on me!! May 25 18:17:34 no, I announced it WAY back and then took naplunch :D May 25 18:19:16 i must've missed the announcement...when should we expect webos101 post? May 25 18:20:06 well, first I have to make sure I know how to use download manager...sometime today, I'd imagine May 25 18:21:02 * Chriswebos shakes with excitement May 25 18:31:26 Chriswebos: so, using download manager I can save an HTML response from a server to /media/internal/files/somefile.html, then I can open it in my WebView May 25 18:31:38 the problem appears to be that I cannot then ZOOM in that webview May 25 18:31:42 not sure why that is May 25 18:32:03 but, I can write up the how to do the other part May 25 18:32:11 you're using openurl(file://pathorwhatever)? May 25 18:32:18 not exactly May 25 18:32:26 file: isn't supported May 25 18:32:36 that's what i use to open from a local file...supports zoom...yes it is May 25 18:32:42 well, i use it... May 25 18:32:43 oh really? May 25 18:32:48 yep... May 25 18:32:49 then I'm doing it wrong May 25 18:32:52 let me try with file May 25 18:33:08 or, i may be able to because i'm using com.palm. in my appid May 25 18:33:36 yeah May 25 18:33:49 because when I try it, it automatically appends http:// to the front May 25 18:33:54 which causes big problems May 25 18:34:25 the trick is http://localhost:8080/ May 25 18:34:34 that May 25 18:34:46 that's where BrowserServer is listening for http requests May 25 18:34:49 here's what i have: this.webview.mojo.openURL("file://" + message.textURI); May 25 18:34:50 May 25 18:35:19 message.texturi = path to html file May 25 18:35:46 Chriswebos: I'm curious to know if that works without com.palm as your app id May 25 18:36:24 let me check real quick... May 25 18:38:03 Chriswebos: word May 25 18:38:14 I was trying file earlier and it wouldn't let me May 25 18:38:17 now it appears to May 25 18:38:22 and zoom is working May 25 18:38:26 coolness!!! May 25 18:38:41 it was taking me a while to get that thing set up May 25 18:38:41 now I'm really confused WHY file: is working, but hey May 25 18:39:13 because earlier it was telling me unsupported Mime type or some shit May 25 18:40:15 Chriswebos: so really, all you need then is to use download manager...you point it at the page you want, save it somewhere, then openURL it in your webview May 25 18:40:18 oh, today is #towelday .. did you bring your towel? May 25 18:40:57 * sugardave finds his towel. May 25 18:41:22 but the file i am viewing in the first place is already a local file May 25 18:41:30 ermm.. towel day? May 25 18:41:46 can download manager still download it to a different place? May 25 18:41:51 Chriswebos: now you're confusing me...if it's already local, what is the issue? May 25 18:42:00 http://bit.ly/5B8Eqp May 25 18:42:52 i'm doing stuff with email....email is stored in a local html file. It's opened via webview. i wanna save it to somewhere else for my app May 25 18:42:58 pandora: http://www.towelday.org/ May 25 18:43:26 and for my app to then open it via webview from where i stored it May 25 18:43:53 i could grab the local html file ( i know where it is), but i can't then stuff into webview... May 25 18:44:04 is this why you are in com.palm appspace? May 25 18:44:23 i mean i could grab the html code from the local file, but can't stuff the html in the webview May 25 18:44:24 yep May 25 18:44:43 ah, so this app has NO chance of ever making it to the catalog May 25 18:44:57 i don't want to use their file because they may delete May 25 18:45:05 true...but it's in preware May 25 18:45:11 preware ftw May 25 18:45:38 .openURL('http://localhost:8080/full/real/path/to/file'); May 25 18:45:39 i do hope to charge for it...planning diabolical scheme to have in app catalog or web dist May 25 18:45:41 that's the magic May 25 18:45:58 do that in download manager? May 25 18:46:02 nopr May 25 18:46:05 webview.openURL May 25 18:46:33 i have no problem opening the original email file in webview..that's how i was doing it, and is what i showed you May 25 18:47:00 the problem is the original file may not always be there (ie the person deletes the file) May 25 18:47:22 and also, i want a quicker way of getting to it (so person doesn't have to go through hundreds of emails to find it) May 25 18:47:59 so, that's why i need to grab the email file and store it somewhere else...i have a db that makes it quick and easy to find it May 25 18:48:24 BUT i can't store the file somewhere else until pdk comes out May 25 18:48:25 okay, download manager, save it to another location, then open at will May 25 18:48:32 sure you can May 25 18:48:42 so, just to be sure of steps: May 25 18:48:54 I just copied index.html from a remote host to /media/internal/files May 25 18:49:35 downloadmanager.openurl (http://local:8080/originalemailpath.html) -> save to /media/internal/files (or something similar) May 25 18:49:49 is that what i do? May 25 18:49:49 no, hang on a second May 25 18:50:11 http://developer.palm.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=1790&Itemid=273 May 25 18:50:28 I used the example as-is and changed the host and filename only May 25 18:50:31 works beautifully May 25 18:52:05 if it's straight html, what is the mime type? May 25 18:52:16 i used txt May 25 18:52:19 wait May 25 18:52:21 hang on May 25 18:52:22 hi May 25 18:52:43 yeah, I used txt (so I changed that, too :P ) May 25 18:52:52 application/txt May 25 18:52:59 application/html might work May 25 18:53:10 (I don't really know much about Web programming) May 25 18:54:03 for someone who doesn't know about web programming, you may have helped me solve something i've been fighting with for weeks... May 25 18:54:21 let me try this out... May 25 18:54:24 I do what I can :D May 25 18:55:20 who needs web programming? May 25 18:55:30 exactly May 25 18:55:46 lol May 25 18:56:07 i use cloud services alot so need to know web programming May 25 18:56:08 hi metaview May 25 18:57:06 mr. swiss May 25 18:58:13 are html and animated gifs considered webd programming, May 25 18:59:31 one of the best web sites of all time http://www.pixyland.org/peterpan/ May 25 19:05:50 oh, those were the times May 25 19:06:18 yeah animated gifs!! May 25 19:06:46 hey May 25 19:07:05 palmhotapps havn't gotten update for a while =-| May 25 19:07:15 oil: ping May 25 19:07:43 Grrr May 25 19:07:49 My dropbox is full May 25 19:08:02 from what? May 25 19:08:26 I honestly have no idea May 25 19:08:42 random shared folders? May 25 19:09:19 sugardave: are you still there? when i check the target directory, i'm seeing nothing there...but the download manager is saying success May 25 19:09:43 I dunno... it could have been my backup styff crashing spectaularly again May 25 19:09:48 did you do it to the /media directory? May 25 19:10:37 Chriswebos: yeah, I used /media/internal/files....I think there's something about the onSuccess of download manager, it will return s=even before the file is completed May 25 19:11:00 onComplete is possible, or? May 25 19:11:09 i went back and checked...still nothing May 25 19:11:18 no, you have to do some weird stuff with subscribing, etc. May 25 19:11:36 Chriswebos: what about with an external html that's not the internal email stuff? May 25 19:11:54 hmm...lemme try May 25 19:18:40 worked with a remote file...but i also changed the directory...let me try with the email file to the other directory May 25 19:19:25 Oh bullcrap May 25 19:19:52 E3 Phone spam.... May 25 19:20:56 oh yeah May 25 19:20:58 when is e3? May 25 19:21:01 i keep forgetting May 25 19:21:09 June 15th-17th May 25 19:21:16 ah cool May 25 19:21:32 I'll be hittin the first day of that May 25 19:21:36 Nice May 25 19:21:47 Going all 3 days, plus the valve thing on the 14th May 25 19:22:37 what's the valve thing? May 25 19:22:49 Portal 2 launch event May 25 19:22:50 i've done the 3 days before, it's tiring heh May 25 19:22:57 sweeeeeeeeeet i must gooooo May 25 19:23:00 how do i get into that? May 25 19:23:05 Invite only.... May 25 19:23:08 invite me May 25 19:23:34 I can't? May 25 19:23:59 sweet... portal 2 May 25 19:24:08 i may actually play games on my computer once again May 25 19:25:51 sugardave: can you give me an example of the path to file you use? May 25 19:26:28 Chriswebos: for which part? for download manager target, I have not tried a local file May 25 19:26:53 oh...i thought you were doing a local file... May 25 19:27:01 no, I saved to a local file May 25 19:27:13 if not, what's with the http://localhost:8080? May 25 19:27:17 how are you specifying target May 25 19:27:18 ? May 25 19:27:37 that was to access it again via WebView (before I got file: working properly) May 25 19:27:47 how to force JS to interpret values as numbers not as strings? May 25 19:28:01 oh...i thought that was a way to download a local file :( May 25 19:28:34 Chriswebos: but it shouldn't matter...I can download 'remotely' a local file May 25 19:29:18 well, i seem to be getting an empty file or something because nothing's being saved May 25 19:29:28 your 'targret' property in download manager would be like 'http://localhost:8080/[whatever the path is, hopefully in /media something] May 25 19:29:55 pastebin your downloadManager service request code May 25 19:30:14 oh, it'll save a remote file just fine: here it is May 25 19:30:32 this.controller.serviceRequest('palm://com.palm.downloadmanager/', { May 25 19:30:32 method: 'download', May 25 19:30:32 parameters: { May 25 19:30:32 target: "http://localhost:8080" + this.texturi, May 25 19:30:32 //target: "http://www.optionsprosperity.com/index2.html", May 25 19:30:32 mime: "application/txt", May 25 19:30:36 targetDir: "/var/luna/data/", May 25 19:30:38 targetFilename: "my-override-filename2.html", May 25 19:30:40 keepFilenameOnRedirect: false, May 25 19:30:42 subscribe: true May 25 19:30:44 }, May 25 19:30:46 onSuccess: function(resp){ May 25 19:30:48 Mojo.Log.error("downloadmanager success"); May 25 19:30:50 Mojo.Log.error(Object.toJSON(resp)) May 25 19:30:52 }, May 25 19:30:54 onFailure: function(e){ May 25 19:30:56 Mojo.Log.error("downloadmanager failure"); May 25 19:30:58 May 25 19:31:00 Mojo.Log.error(Object.toJSON(e)) May 25 19:31:02 } May 25 19:31:06 }); May 25 19:31:17 Chriswebos: use pastebin or pastie or something May 25 19:31:25 for future reference May 25 19:31:30 webos.pastebin.com for next time :D May 25 19:31:40 oh...that's what pastebin means...sorry May 25 19:31:44 np May 25 19:32:06 now, tell me where the exact path/name of this email file you're trying to get at May 25 19:32:25 it's in this.texturi May 25 19:32:37 yes I know that May 25 19:32:43 I mean what is the real value :P May 25 19:33:03 like /media/cryptofs/.... May 25 19:34:15 oh...something like /var/luna/temp_html_email/3884271703717.html May 25 19:34:30 ah, okay...let me find one on mine May 25 19:40:52 Chatty folks today! May 25 19:41:02 Thats what she said May 25 19:51:48 sugardave: have you heard about Jason R's file I/O API? May 25 19:53:36 nope, but I just got my email.html file copied from /var/luna to /media/internal May 25 19:55:02 oh wait May 25 19:55:06 no I didn't May 25 19:55:11 I"m in the wrong dir May 25 19:58:44 having trouble getting it to copy? May 25 19:59:05 will you be on later? i have to head out...or could you send me an email to phdcpe01@yahoo.com? May 25 19:59:06 why on earth would you make it where you can't copy it if I can open it right up in the browser anyway? May 25 19:59:13 that makes zero sense May 25 19:59:20 I'll be around May 25 19:59:30 i meant around 10:00 or so May 25 19:59:34 yep May 25 19:59:54 cool..i'll look for you then ...thanks for the help May 25 20:05:18 warpdesign: ping :) May 25 20:36:36 for those interested you can there is a live video feed of the busted bp pipe http://uoid.me/bp1 May 25 20:37:27 good news: mermaid exists bad news: they're extinct now May 25 20:38:09 yeah May 25 20:38:16 swisstomcat: well, dirty sea is not you worry about, you have no shores :D May 25 20:38:25 s/not/nothing May 25 20:39:55 damn BP killed the mermaid =( May 25 20:41:01 anyone with a pixi around? May 25 20:42:25 Don't think so. May 25 20:44:05 no pixi here May 25 20:46:51 extinct too? May 25 20:54:11 My wife has a pixi at home. Do you need something tested? May 25 21:02:57 robdor: yeah, a website May 25 21:03:26 robdor: http://bit.ly/dnfhzz (should do a luna restart) May 25 21:03:32 could May 25 21:04:24 I'll test it when I get home and get back to you. May 25 21:05:26 allright, thanks May 25 21:05:59 is there a collection of command-menu icons? looking for a star (favourite) and something that could represent history May 25 21:06:39 someone should make a heart May 25 21:07:04 well shit...I used to think I had a handle on ajax and onsuccess and bind....but now I can't even make one of my documented examples work May 25 21:07:07 this sucks May 25 21:07:10 heart could work too for favourites May 25 21:07:24 sugardave: post your code so we can check May 25 21:08:49 oh dumbass me...haven't included in my sources my debug methods May 25 21:08:51 oops :D May 25 21:10:41 yeah, that works better May 25 21:11:29 interestingly enough, I got no errors about undefined methods May 25 21:11:33 that's weird May 25 21:17:16 swisstomcat: why would that site do a luna restart? May 25 21:17:36 i had one user report that May 25 21:17:47 could't reproduce that on a pre May 25 21:18:24 interesting May 25 21:23:38 swisstomcat: weird... May 25 21:23:45 what? May 25 21:23:58 i mean the web site that restarts May 25 21:24:01 yeah May 25 21:24:12 i wanted to see if it's reproduceable May 25 21:25:45 I guess you can't reproduce it, it might just an out-of-mem condition at the reporter May 25 21:25:53 anyway, I'm off May 25 21:25:55 g'night May 25 21:29:21 night May 25 21:32:33 gnigh May 25 21:47:07 good night everyone May 25 22:07:53 anyone used the imageview widget? May 25 22:08:44 not me ... May 25 22:09:08 anyone ever drop a webview widget in a dialog? that doesn't seem to work ... the clicks on the webview seem to hit the page too low ... is the only way I can describe it May 25 22:10:56 LoneStar99: its easy May 25 22:11:37 http://git.webos-internals.org/?p=applications/preware.git;a=blob;f=app/assistants/screenshots-assistant.js;h=42d4a5f41f573fec7f12d68e8069a995b688bc71;hb=HEAD May 25 22:11:42 is how preware uses it May 25 22:15:34 imageview is for fullscreen only, right? May 25 22:16:06 yes? May 25 22:16:32 why is that a question? :) May 25 22:17:07 because im not sure? May 25 22:17:26 okay? May 25 22:17:28 :) heheh May 25 22:17:34 why is that a question? May 25 22:17:39 i figured May 25 22:17:50 just for fun May 25 22:17:55 why not? May 25 22:17:56 * Tibfib is considering making a fire emblem style rpg...hah May 25 22:18:09 am i not allowed to answer everything with a question? May 25 22:18:16 no May 25 22:18:28 that shouldn't be a problem, right? May 25 22:19:03 you can put a question at the end of any sentence? May 25 22:19:05 yes? May 25 22:19:29 i believe so? May 25 22:20:07 * oilsworkn figues its questions or non-stop-3rd-person-references? May 25 22:23:52 oilsworkn: what does imageview do anyways? May 25 22:24:12 i believe it's to view images (like in the photo app) May 25 22:24:19 like the screenshots in preware? May 25 22:24:30 anyone know if AppAssistant.setup() is called only once (like a scene's setup) or everytime a handleLaunch() is called? May 25 22:24:47 haeffb: i believe it is only called once? May 25 22:24:52 oilsworkn: so you can swipe the images to the next one? May 25 22:25:01 yeah? May 25 22:25:54 you all know if the outer edge of the device screen is not sensitive to touch? May 25 22:26:16 like outer 20mm on the left and right of screen? May 25 22:27:21 20mm? that's quite a bit May 25 22:27:35 thats 2cm xD May 25 22:27:43 that's most of the screen right there :) May 25 22:27:57 almost a whole inch May 25 22:28:09 maybe he meant 2mm? May 25 22:28:15 like left and right 15px -20 px May 25 22:28:35 left and right edge May 25 22:29:19 have an image to drag, but noticed that on the left of the screen i can not drag it completely over May 25 22:29:32 i'd say the outer 2-3px of the screen are off May 25 22:29:42 drag from outside the screen and it works May 25 22:29:49 (like for menus) May 25 22:31:18 what you mean outside the screen? May 25 22:31:20 chuqui: i don't suppose you can get my app update pushed through today? :) May 25 22:31:47 LoneStar99: like where the speaker at the top is... or in the gesture area at the bottom May 25 22:32:10 oh ok May 25 22:32:15 I can ask, but I can't guarntee May 25 22:32:31 much appreciated May 25 22:32:50 i just wanted to get my translated versions out there May 25 22:38:50 you all know of an app which allows pictures or anything to be dragged around? May 25 22:40:13 chuqui: can I have a puppy? May 25 22:40:26 ask your mom... May 25 22:40:36 I have a puppy... he is very violent May 25 22:41:18 what's the dealio with download counts the past couple of days? May 25 22:41:59 haeffb: are you having issues with them? May 25 22:42:16 well, if not changing is an issue, then yes. May 25 22:42:57 i was wondering about that May 25 22:43:13 i just figured my downloads had plateaued May 25 22:43:38 and started crying myself to sleep May 25 22:44:42 Maybe Palm is only "settling" DL's once or twice a week? May 25 22:46:37 i've seen my numbers SLOWLY increase over the past couple days May 25 22:47:00 but the first few days, it was getting downloaded a lot more May 25 22:48:05 difference between top of new list and not? May 25 22:48:40 that's what i figured May 25 22:48:57 which i hope this update will bring my numbers up more May 25 22:49:15 now it's in german and spanish (including app descriptions) May 25 22:49:26 original only had app translation in spanish, but no desc May 25 22:54:52 fancy schmancy May 25 22:55:14 * oilsworkn has been too lazy to update either of his catalog apps in a while May 25 22:55:40 i'm going for a little bit of money May 25 22:55:56 i was thinking i might be able to get into the top 20 when it first came out... May 25 22:55:59 but not at this rate May 25 22:56:02 lol May 25 22:56:14 im shocked that dotgame is in the $1k bracket May 25 22:56:18 if i had the rate of the free music ringtones app... that perspective might change May 25 22:56:54 that app will be in the top 221 tonight... and by next week... who knows, maybe in the top 20 May 25 22:57:11 * HattCzech_work wishes he came up with that idea May 25 22:57:28 HattCzech_work: what is your app? May 25 22:57:50 txt group May 25 22:58:13 download it, let me know what you think May 25 22:58:20 lol May 25 22:58:21 how long has it been out? May 25 22:58:25 oh, and which part of texas are you in? dallas-ish area? May 25 22:58:34 since friday of last week May 25 22:58:37 south texas May 25 22:58:41 brownsville May 25 22:58:46 is everything bigger there? May 25 22:58:51 definitely south May 25 22:58:57 not here May 25 22:58:57 yes, oilsworkn, everything is May 25 22:59:01 lol May 25 22:59:04 i'm in austin May 25 22:59:15 unless you mean bigger problems May 25 22:59:23 hahaha, those too May 25 22:59:28 lol May 25 23:00:37 oh shit the BP oil is out of control May 25 23:00:47 * oilsworkn is always out of control May 25 23:00:59 i still can't believe what a f'up that is... May 25 23:01:03 http://urloid.com/bp1 May 25 23:01:26 damn oil leak May 25 23:01:27 wow, worse than earlier this afternoon May 25 23:01:33 damn you oil! May 25 23:01:40 wait... i mean oil leak May 25 23:01:40 makes me think im getting spoken at every time someone talks about it May 25 23:01:53 yeah, unless they are begging to drop mud, and crap now May 25 23:02:30 and why can't they use a giant cork? or maybe some very large pliers? May 25 23:02:44 i think it is the top kill that is going on now May 25 23:02:54 they should nuke it from orbit May 25 23:03:39 yeah May 25 23:03:58 lol May 25 23:04:16 thats how the russians said they fix oil leaks May 25 23:04:22 yeah May 25 23:04:29 what could possibly go wrong May 25 23:04:31 nothing May 25 23:04:35 lol May 25 23:04:50 they fix everything with tools of war May 25 23:04:54 which works! May 25 23:05:03 war on oil May 25 23:07:23 ok need to go for a jog May 25 23:07:35 lol May 25 23:07:54 HattCzech_work: will download your app later and let you know what i think May 25 23:08:05 cool, thanks May 25 23:08:12 update should be arriving soon May 25 23:08:16 oilsworkn: yeah need to get some sun May 25 23:08:17 k May 25 23:08:34 * oilsworkn works on his lcd tan May 25 23:08:48 have been slacking for weeks on updates, forcing myself to start today May 25 23:08:55 LCD tans are safer May 25 23:09:08 feel like updating my apps while your at it? May 25 23:09:09 what updates are you trying to do? May 25 23:09:14 lol May 25 23:09:40 oilsworkn: it has been like 3 weeks of procastination, but starting today May 25 23:09:56 ok - chat alittle later May 25 23:11:51 after you let the sun cook you for a while May 25 23:19:29 hey, how do i change app back ground color? May 25 23:19:52 body { background-color: #000; } May 25 23:20:05 did so May 25 23:20:09 its still default May 25 23:20:19 uh May 25 23:20:22 body.palm-default? May 25 23:20:49 that works =) May 25 23:20:49 thanks May 25 23:20:55 np :) May 25 23:21:56 also, how do you do document.write May 25 23:22:01 nvm May 25 23:22:26 * oilsworkn never uses document.write in his mojo May 25 23:22:46 i know, how to you do it in mojo -_- May 25 23:23:19 ive never seen where it was needed May 25 23:23:25 im usually just filling divs May 26 00:02:40 var w3c=document.getElementById May 26 00:02:50 how do i translate that into webos langauge? May 26 00:03:04 var w3c = this.controller.document.getElementById? May 26 00:08:36 Nyceane: var w3c = this.controller.get('whateverid') May 26 00:08:59 document.getElementById also works though May 26 00:09:42 ok May 26 00:10:54 and also how do i get text? May 26 00:11:08 this.controller.get('test').mojo.getValue()? May 26 00:11:15 where is the documentation page? =-( May 26 00:11:24 Docs are at developer.palm.com May 26 00:13:28 thanks May 26 00:15:04 hmm, can you still use document.createElement? May 26 00:16:15 Yes May 26 00:16:25 I'm doing a lot of that stuff right now. May 26 00:16:51 Can't seem to get this darn image to show in the div though May 26 00:25:23 Hi May 26 00:28:16 reality9110: did you get your horizontal list thing working right? May 26 00:31:18 sugardave: Almost May 26 00:31:29 Having issues getting the image inserted. May 26 00:31:38 I've got the text there. May 26 00:35:52 It's got to be a " and ' thing with javascript. May 26 00:35:59 I need to escape them May 26 00:42:23 that's a minor issue I'm sure...as long as you got the functionality happening May 26 00:44:15 It's a major issue for me right now May 26 00:44:47 I can put in a url to say the google image, but when I try to make them the actual station icons, it conks out May 26 00:47:29 Ok...half way there... May 26 00:47:40 Got images now. May 26 00:52:46 what's the second half? May 26 00:54:44 Well, the pictures are only being half displayed May 26 00:54:54 So...literally, half way there May 26 01:03:22 ah, hehe May 26 01:03:35 Got to be a scroller height issue May 26 01:07:46 Yep May 26 01:20:07 http://i.imgur.com/AmDHh.jpg New RadioTime...looking pretty spiffy May 26 01:24:25 radio time is a really good app May 26 01:24:27 reality9110: sexy May 26 01:24:40 Anyone know who dev's Baseball Live! ? May 26 01:26:01 rolsworth: Thanks May 26 01:26:14 you did it? May 26 01:26:49 Yes May 26 01:27:18 How else would I have a screenshot of the unreleased version? May 26 01:27:48 is the ads a substantial source of revenue? if you don't mind me asking, I always wondered May 26 01:27:51 sup ppl May 26 01:28:01 rolsworth: Quite May 26 01:28:34 ok May 26 01:29:13 did you do the app for the blackberry also? May 26 01:29:23 No. That's a Powered By Product May 26 01:30:06 rolsworth: ads are good in apps that get a lot of face time... like radiotime May 26 01:30:07 reality9110: You using AdMob? I've only heard bad things about it May 26 01:30:18 F' admob May 26 01:30:29 oh lol May 26 01:30:35 i found the apps on berry to be far a lesser quality to webos \ May 26 01:30:48 you use a network? or custom advertisers? May 26 01:31:06 wish there were more free apps available May 26 01:31:11 lol May 26 01:31:12 JumpTap, Quattro Wireless, Smaato and for Europe Adfonic. May 26 01:31:32 Lots of ad requests so we have a lot of advertisers May 26 01:31:50 cool May 26 01:32:03 About 8 million requests a day May 26 01:32:20 reality9110: so when are you getting bought out? lol May 26 01:32:31 Me personally? Never. May 26 01:32:52 everyone has a price, or so i hear May 26 01:33:01 I make plenty of money doing other things. May 26 01:33:10 This is a hobby. May 26 01:34:21 what is height of dashboard? May 26 01:34:38 80? May 26 01:36:20 hi all May 26 01:36:55 sup May 26 01:37:12 Hey JenP May 26 01:37:19 hi doc! how are you? May 26 01:37:25 I'm kosher May 26 01:37:34 smiles... May 26 01:47:52 what up stik! May 26 01:47:57 Hola! May 26 01:48:04 place is dead May 26 01:48:11 seriously May 26 01:48:22 89 ppl and only 2 talkers May 26 01:48:26 internals alive? May 26 01:48:40 usually...dont speak of Android OS in there...lol May 26 01:48:51 lol May 26 01:48:59 where? Internals? May 26 01:49:08 yea May 26 01:49:23 Wonder if I would remember anyone in there May 26 01:49:33 u had WebOS at one tiem? May 26 01:49:35 time* May 26 01:50:07 Si May 26 01:50:27 Till my pre fell apart May 26 01:50:34 lol? sprint version? May 26 01:50:38 yeah lol May 26 01:50:45 They wouldn't replace it May 26 01:50:49 so I said screw you May 26 01:50:49 makes sense May 26 01:50:52 lol May 26 01:50:56 now u on Verizon with Droid? May 26 01:50:59 Si May 26 01:51:02 nice! May 26 01:51:26 I want to put WebOS on my Droid May 26 01:51:27 debating on whether or not to install 5.0.7 on Droid or wait for May 26 01:51:32 lol me too May 26 01:51:36 Wait May 26 01:51:52 WebOS on Incredible would be fuckin INCREDIBLE May 26 01:51:54 .1 has Gallery blur fix May 26 01:52:04 gah incredible blows.. no keyboard May 26 01:52:45 lol 89 people and noone says a friggin word May 26 01:53:11 lol...but the virtual keyboard is amazingly accurate May 26 01:53:16 "a friggin word" May 26 01:53:27 so, wtf is this: BeAggressive__Bee_Eee_AGGRESSIVE=true May 26 01:53:28 im faster on incredible virtual keyboard than i was on Droid physical kb May 26 01:53:30 lol May 26 01:53:36 Theres a damn start May 26 01:53:48 sugardave! hi! May 26 01:54:09 JenP: hihi May 26 01:54:17 hi hi! May 26 01:54:30 they do exist May 26 01:54:33 sugardave sounds familiar May 26 01:54:48 * sugardave quickly turns his mnicrophone off. May 26 01:54:57 comical too :D May 26 01:55:04 droid keyboard sucks. hard. May 26 01:55:18 no it dont...droid keyboard just takes time to get use to May 26 01:55:30 * halfhalo is meeting with razer on june 16th May 26 01:55:38 hey I went from a v9m to a Pre May 26 01:56:04 I'm still trying to figure out why I can use the browser, Ajax request, etc. to open some local .html pretty much anywhere on the phone....but I can't save it with download manager they way you can with ANY external web page May 26 01:56:07 Getting used to the pre keyboard was 10x harder for me than the droid since it was my first keyboard... so I can't really compare the two May 26 01:56:08 what gives? May 26 01:56:34 yea pre keyboard worse than droid May 26 01:56:48 well it was nice once I got used to it\ May 26 01:56:50 new ringtone app is sweet May 26 01:57:36 Verizons pre hardware better than the crap that came out on sprint? May 26 01:58:34 yea May 26 01:58:38 and software May 26 01:58:48 well for the mobile hotspot May 26 01:59:06 Oh.... May 26 01:59:47 I was so pissed when I got home from the 3 sprint stores I went too, I brought my pre home and beat it with a fucking hammer lol May 26 02:00:45 The thin piece near the usb charge port broke off and my usb cover fell out. I took it in and they told me that it was physical damage and they couldn't replace it... May 26 02:01:07 lol May 26 02:01:19 So I took it home and about a week later I noticed a crack moving from the usb to my screen... After a couple weeks the crack went onto my screen and my screen quit responding... May 26 02:01:31 damn May 26 02:01:41 was all this before or after you took the hammer to it May 26 02:02:11 So I called Sprint and they told me to take it into the local authorized repair center so i did and they told me the same shit the other one did prior.. Said it was physical damage and wasnt covered under warranty.. I took it to a third and them bastards told me the same thing... May 26 02:02:33 So I took the thing home and destroyed it with a hammer and went to verizon and got my Droid... May 26 02:03:18 lol May 26 02:03:19 Then I heard the Pre was coming to verizon and I was torn cause I had bought the Droid but really loved WebOS May 26 02:03:24 lmao May 26 02:03:54 But All in all they are both great OSs... Sprint will never get my business again though May 26 02:04:09 u and me both May 26 02:04:14 i hated selling their shit too May 26 02:04:21 ^back in the days May 26 02:05:16 I hate you now if you worked for them :P May 26 02:05:33 I rank Sprint right up there with SallieMae May 26 02:05:50 lol...i rank sprint along with Charter Communications May 26 02:06:01 wtf? who is that May 26 02:06:34 OMG! they are the worse cable/isp company in the world May 26 02:06:41 like a comcast May 26 02:06:45 lol May 26 02:07:15 Waiting for comcast to have cellular service May 26 02:07:18 the one thing i LOVE about Verizon over every other corporate company is that they DONT outsoure their customer service! May 26 02:07:48 I was lucky with sprint.. I usually got people that spoke very good english May 26 02:08:28 Haven't had to deal with Vzw CS yet May 26 02:08:53 90% of the time verizon CS is really good May 26 02:08:54 Then again my Droid don't fall apart while looking at it May 26 02:09:26 they actually know what they are talking about and try to settle the issue right away without pulling a Sprint and transferring you to 9 different reps May 26 02:11:08 what exactly is the web channel? May 26 02:11:41 i mean webfeed May 26 02:12:01 there are some apps not in the catalog but are on what they call a webfeed May 26 02:12:36 rolsworth: palm-web and palm-web-updates feeds in preware May 26 02:12:58 what are they exactly. May 26 02:13:12 why put a paid app in those when they don't show up in the app catalog May 26 02:14:33 it's a way to make apps available without going thru the catalog & Palm's review process. May 26 02:14:36 approval is automated, no need to wait May 26 02:14:48 (only automated security checks are done) May 26 02:16:13 I've found that if you keep telling the Sprint people that you'll wait for their supervisor to get out of the meeting, and call them "Son," they'll give you basically anything you ask for. May 26 02:16:38 lol May 26 02:17:13 Little late for that advice now lol May 26 02:18:26 Definately gonna check out the webos tablets though May 26 02:18:27 It got me a free HTC Hero. May 26 02:18:39 hell yea May 26 02:18:49 OMG doc! May 26 02:18:49 i got a free blackberry curve 2 today! May 26 02:18:51 yaya May 26 02:19:02 Yes? May 26 02:19:10 what you gonna do with it May 26 02:19:17 you are incredible May 26 02:19:30 I try? May 26 02:19:54 not sure exactly....still debating. i may let my girl use it instead of my Droid Incredible cuz she hates her Droid Eris May 26 02:20:44 sugardave: you there? May 26 02:20:45 I'm looking forward to the HTC EVO May 26 02:21:11 Verizon will have an EVO type device in the next month or so May 26 02:21:18 besides the Incredible May 26 02:21:20 The Motorola? May 26 02:21:33 Shado May 26 02:21:35 w May 26 02:21:41 possibly and/or LG has more coming out May 26 02:21:52 The LG one is pitiful May 26 02:22:01 another 6 Android based phones coming out this year May 26 02:22:08 not the LG Ally May 26 02:22:08 Send me a free friggin Pre would ya May 26 02:22:20 STiK: I've got 3 of them May 26 02:22:25 lol May 26 02:22:27 ill give u a pre for .99 cents if u come sign up with me May 26 02:22:32 lol May 26 02:22:36 wtf.. May 26 02:22:57 lol @ 3 Pres May 26 02:23:01 2 of them have broken touchscreens May 26 02:23:05 One works. May 26 02:23:08 Well I believe that May 26 02:23:13 well..when we get more in...ever since i started carrying a Pre, I sell them like hotcakes May 26 02:23:14 All were free. May 26 02:23:47 Here's the odd part.. my first pre I dropped into my fishtank and off the top of my car onto the concrete and it survived May 26 02:23:57 i've sold more Pre's in the last week from the time i got mine than my whole region put together May 26 02:24:03 lol May 26 02:24:16 Second pre I babied and it fell apart lol May 26 02:24:27 lol...im on my 3rd pre too May 26 02:24:39 First Pre I got as a promo. Second pre I got one the first one broke. May 26 02:24:49 first one, bunch of dead pixels, 2nd one software completely fucking bricked May 26 02:24:54 Third one, I got because the second one was sent to me broken. May 26 02:24:55 i just logged in...did i enter the pre bashing chatroom? May 26 02:25:02 I never had dead pixel issues May 26 02:25:17 lol May 26 02:25:24 ranting about quality issues May 26 02:25:29 Just for the record.... WebOS kicks ass... love it..... Pre Hardware *SUCKS* May 26 02:25:37 eligible for an upgrade next month. i cannot get a phone without a keypad and that evo is just too big May 26 02:25:37 Chriswebos: There's nothing wrong with discussing build quality on the units May 26 02:25:42 sticking with the pre May 26 02:25:46 oh...i was looking for webos disccssion May 26 02:25:55 I have two dead pixels on my AT&T Pre. :( May 26 02:26:06 just teasing... May 26 02:26:07 Chriswebos: Ask a question, and I'm sure somebody can answer. May 26 02:26:09 i bet you cannto see them when the screen is on May 26 02:26:13 we came in here and of the 89 ppl that were here StiK and I were the only ones talking May 26 02:26:34 Now if you all can somehow port WebOS to my Droid I'd be a happy happy camper May 26 02:26:49 first comment i saw when i logged on: I'm looking forward to the EVO...I'm like, Huh? I thought i was in wrong forum May 26 02:26:57 lol May 26 02:26:57 seriously May 26 02:26:58 STiK: I'm working on a card system for Android May 26 02:27:14 I can't see the pixels, just annoying to know they're there. May 26 02:27:15 Chriswebos: There's no denying that the EVO is going to be a hot item May 26 02:27:17 card system is just part of it though May 26 02:27:38 but May 26 02:27:44 I love Android too but WebOS is just slick as hell May 26 02:27:50 to tell the truth i'm thinking of it myself May 26 02:27:51 Chriswebos: And some of us have apps that are on both systems May 26 02:28:03 i don't know. are the masses going to flock for such an over-sized device? only time will tell May 26 02:28:04 So, there's kind of an overlap there May 26 02:28:16 rolsworth: Not much bigger than an iphone May 26 02:28:19 i wish WebOS had better app selection and more than 20 apps for free May 26 02:28:28 rofl May 26 02:28:33 The biggest drawback is the $10 additional fee May 26 02:28:36 none in preware? May 26 02:28:43 How is preware nowdays? May 26 02:28:45 je2345: My app is free. May 26 02:28:49 which one May 26 02:28:50 i had the phone and it is huge. like holding a brick to your face May 26 02:28:57 je2345: RadioTime May 26 02:29:08 i saw an hd2 and I almost had to change my pants May 26 02:29:11 plus sprint is charging $10.00 premium even though 4G is barely anywhere May 26 02:29:16 I consider my Droid kinda big... dunno how I would handle a 4.3" screen May 26 02:29:20 I was like, I'm only supposed to feel like this with my wife May 26 02:29:21 je2345: over 1000 free homebrew apps May 26 02:29:27 haha i do have that app reality May 26 02:29:33 je2345: then use it! May 26 02:29:38 Pre Screen was small but damn it looked nice May 26 02:29:56 Till it cracked that is May 26 02:29:58 ive got homebrew too but some of the apps are just retarted...no offense to any app devs May 26 02:30:00 Pre screen was nice size until someone came out with a bigger one May 26 02:30:00 je2345: Because an update is coming in the next few days. http://i.imgur.com/AmDHh.jpg May 26 02:30:03 why would this fail? http://pastebin.com/6FApGSN5 May 26 02:30:12 pre screen is 24bit that's why May 26 02:30:18 I'm getting Error: Object # has no method 'getElementsByTagName', May 26 02:30:23 oh nice reality May 26 02:30:34 what apps you got for Android reality? May 26 02:30:54 JenP: trid this.controller.document? May 26 02:30:57 je2345: RadioTime for Android May 26 02:31:04 JenP: Yeah, the document thing May 26 02:31:11 je2345: heh, so none of the app catalog apps are retarded? May 26 02:31:19 does anyone use the filterfield or filterlist widgets? May 26 02:31:25 do you find it easier to develop for pre or android May 26 02:31:35 oh hah, nvm JenP May 26 02:31:36 Android offers a lot more May 26 02:31:38 ? May 26 02:31:51 its just ones that are free on Android, cost on Pre May 26 02:31:56 95% of all app catalog apps regardless of platform are retarded lol May 26 02:31:58 is the pdk suppose to add more? May 26 02:32:02 I didn't look at the source properly before commenting May 26 02:32:06 some...like the lovely newest release called Dropbox May 26 02:32:09 Chriswebos: yeah, it's all a big pile of fail May 26 02:32:19 rolsworth: it doesn't add where I need it to add so I've basically ignored it May 26 02:32:26 seems that not even downloadmanager can accept data URIs May 26 02:32:31 it makes zero sense May 26 02:32:43 That's not an official dropbox app May 26 02:32:47 JenP: You shouldn't need var document = May 26 02:33:09 someone commented in my forum about jason R's file I/O api...have you heard of it? May 26 02:33:16 dropbox app is free no? May 26 02:33:23 for android it is not pre May 26 02:33:25 dropbox have an official for webos? May 26 02:33:33 No May 26 02:33:43 oh you are talking about droidbox? May 26 02:33:51 no, its called dropboxify May 26 02:33:54 it is amazing how android blew up over night May 26 02:33:58 yea May 26 02:33:58 thanks to verizon May 26 02:33:58 well yeah on webos it is May 26 02:34:11 thanks to palm you mean May 26 02:34:11 droid has the official dropbox and the other is droidbox May 26 02:34:18 Chriswebos: filemgr service on google code May 26 02:34:22 android that is May 26 02:34:29 so they don't have one for webos huh? May 26 02:34:38 not that i've seen May 26 02:34:38 Chriswebos: oh, sorry, not on google code, he's keeping filemgr service closed source. May 26 02:34:45 android = nowhere if pre done right May 26 02:35:04 WebOS on Android=HEAVEN May 26 02:35:04 yep Palm screwed up big time May 26 02:35:09 doh!!! i need file i/o...is he letting others use it May 26 02:35:11 ? May 26 02:35:11 well I wont' get into an Android vs WebOS discussion lol May 26 02:35:14 crappy marketing, build quality etc May 26 02:35:15 I like both May 26 02:35:19 Better hardware and webOS is killer May 26 02:35:29 Chriswebos: yeah, I think you have to ask him for the APIs May 26 02:35:32 Anybody know how to change the background on a scene without a scroller? May 26 02:35:58 it took droid almost 2 years to get in the game. Palm still has a chance May 26 02:36:05 yea May 26 02:36:18 yeah if they pull their head out of their ass and use decent hardware May 26 02:36:21 i was thinking palm might be waiting to announce new hardware to not mess up AT&T launch... May 26 02:36:32 if Palm would have put Pre on verizon initially instead of Sprint it would be more popular May 26 02:36:45 no...remember creepy commercials May 26 02:36:46 webos devices will rule the world! May 26 02:36:53 i just hope they don't make a device without a keypad May 26 02:36:54 Atleast they'll have HP's money. May 26 02:36:54 lol May 26 02:37:06 tibfib: thanx...i'll try to pm him May 26 02:37:09 aliens will come to earth to use a webos device! May 26 02:37:19 lol May 26 02:37:22 they should make devices with and without keypads May 26 02:37:37 that could work May 26 02:37:53 i can't use a phone without a keypa May 26 02:37:53 hopefully they'll have a release schedule approaching HTC's with HP's backing May 26 02:37:57 with materials that don't crack when you breathe on them May 26 02:38:11 HTC puts out a new device every month it seems May 26 02:38:28 yea May 26 02:38:28 all running same hardware May 26 02:38:40 Droid incredible, HD2, TP2, new Win7 phones, EVO May 26 02:38:51 HTC = better BB May 26 02:38:54 HTC, has 6 years olds building the phones May 26 02:39:28 iPhone will die soon after all the foxconn people off themselves May 26 02:39:48 There's literally thousands of people that apply for those jobs every day May 26 02:40:01 Yeah well right now they are like lemmings May 26 02:40:15 everyday someone is doing the freefall May 26 02:40:39 Although I wonder if they are being helped by management May 26 02:40:50 does anyone use filterlist or filterfield? May 26 02:41:34 i still hate the fact that i cant download mp3s ota successfully even after applying the patch May 26 02:42:07 on what? May 26 02:42:07 Chriswebos: haven't looked into other solutions for saving files, but looks like that's the answer....I'm still unclear as to why I can look at those email html files in the browser, with Ajax, however in Hell I want to, but I can't make downloadmanager copy it May 26 02:42:33 thats what i miss about my Incredible/Droid, i could dl a fuckin movie to my sdcard and then transfer to comp when i got home May 26 02:42:42 on my pre May 26 02:43:00 why cant you on pre? May 26 02:43:35 it wont work...it always wants to stream instead...when i click download it finishes in seconds and then when i view file its corrupt May 26 02:43:49 sugardave: yeah, makes no sense...i guess there's a security issue we're not seeing May 26 02:44:01 file size is always 0kb so its obviously not dling properly May 26 02:44:02 lol May 26 02:44:06 but, you could upload that file, righ? May 26 02:44:16 I was able to download an mp3 fine today. May 26 02:44:30 well what the fuck is going on May 26 02:44:36 operator error May 26 02:44:38 :P May 26 02:44:46 Remove some internet patches and see if it fixes it. May 26 02:45:18 gonna have to start carrying around my Droid Incredible and use that for my internet device through the Pre Plus mobile hotspot May 26 02:45:40 So is palm supposed to have any new devices out towards the end of the year? May 26 02:45:54 lol je2345 May 26 02:45:55 havent heard anything May 26 02:45:55 I hope. May 26 02:46:10 you download a movie on your phone? May 26 02:46:22 on my Droid/Droid Incredible i could May 26 02:46:29 from where? May 26 02:46:31 Chriswebos: what could it be? I can access every single piece of information from that file otherwise....I just can't make it go into my own webview May 26 02:46:39 certain lovely places May 26 02:46:40 over a 3G connection? May 26 02:46:43 yea May 26 02:46:56 how long that take? May 26 02:47:07 can't make it go into webview? May 26 02:47:10 oh about 2 hrs May 26 02:47:11 lol May 26 02:47:19 damn short movie May 26 02:47:25 700mb May 26 02:47:32 wtf May 26 02:47:34 yea May 26 02:47:45 sugardave:i thought you could bring the email files up in webview May 26 02:47:48 you getting some uncapped shit? May 26 02:48:05 lol...i dl at like 300kb/s May 26 02:48:16 usually May 26 02:48:18 never ending movie = http://urloid.com/bp1 May 26 02:48:22 Chriswebos: you can, you just can't copy it to another file and open that May 26 02:48:27 like you were talking about May 26 02:48:47 oh...i misunderstood previous comment May 26 02:49:09 yeah, I'm trying to have 4-5 conversations atm...typing in incomplete thoughts :D May 26 02:49:17 Well I am guessing the Droid2 will be out near end of year.. would be nice to have some decent webos devices to also have as choices... May 26 02:49:30 yea it would May 26 02:49:51 I refuse to purchase another one of the plastic jellybeans May 26 02:49:56 faster for me to download a movie on pc then when ready transfer it to pre wireless May 26 02:50:08 lmao May 26 02:50:13 wish the pre could play xvid videos though May 26 02:50:38 What do you use to transfer wirelessly? May 26 02:50:45 Now I am all ruffled about Sprint lol May 26 02:50:49 STiK: you are right the Pre does look like a black JellyBean May 26 02:50:55 wifi media sync May 26 02:51:05 yea but convenient for me....u can download a 700mb movie at home in less than a minute May 26 02:51:24 Well the pre itself looks pretty cool... WebOS is amazing... May 26 02:51:36 i liek the pre form May 26 02:51:42 yeah me too May 26 02:52:07 But until they raise the quality of their devices I will most likely stick with android devices... May 26 02:52:38 if they make another device i would liek it to be the same form as the pre. would not mind if they increase the screen size just a little May 26 02:52:39 Which really sucks cause like I said... WebOS is very nice... May 26 02:53:29 all my coworkers even at other stores cant understand why i carry a pre plus instead of my Droid or Droid Incredible May 26 02:53:38 lol May 26 02:53:39 all store hate pre/pixi May 26 02:53:45 why May 26 02:54:05 Have they even used them? May 26 02:54:23 cuz they dont know how to use them and love Android million times better. they dont like kb either May 26 02:54:45 cause all they know is android lol May 26 02:54:58 they got android coming out their ears May 26 02:55:19 yea May 26 02:55:22 for me.. webos was much easier to learn that android was May 26 02:56:13 WebOS is more touch friendly May 26 02:56:24 Android has better apps May 26 02:56:35 Android has a lot more functionality May 26 02:56:46 But it's not fair for me to compare android of today to webos cause I don't know how far webos has evolved since I used it... May 26 02:56:59 And in terms of customization, I'd say that Android is a lot better as well. May 26 02:57:38 when I used it, webos was missing alot... seemed unfinished... but what it did have was amazing May 26 02:58:25 I say slap webos interface on top of android.... May 26 02:58:42 Which is why I'm making a card system for Android. May 26 02:59:05 i can't stand android May 26 02:59:14 no GPL code + java = no no for zsoc May 26 02:59:40 java is a boo for me too May 26 02:59:47 I dont get involved in all that like I used to.. I just use what works **** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed May 26 02:59:57 2010