**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Jan 09 02:59:58 2014 Jan 09 08:26:44 good morning Jan 09 09:41:47 I tried to patch directly to linux-gumstix-3.5.7.bb and got this mal formed url error "Failure expanding expression ${@bb.fetch.get_checksum_file_list(d)} which triggered exception MalformedUrl: The URL: 'missing' is invalid and cannot be interpreted" Jan 09 09:42:08 Later I removed the patch but this error continues to show up... Jan 09 09:44:09 "bitbake -c cleansstate linux-gumstix-3.5 or bitbake world or hob" I get same error. Any idea where I am doing wrong? Jan 09 09:51:26 morning all Jan 09 10:33:59 bluelightning: Morning, Any suggestions, where am I doing wrong? http://pastebin.com/JjU3QaJQ Jan 09 10:36:17 Zaif: what do you get if you do bitbake -e linux-gumstix | grep ^SRC_URI= Jan 09 10:43:17 bluelightning: one moment, system hanged. rebooting.. Jan 09 14:03:58 bluelightning: Sorry for disconnect, system refused to boot up. now everything is set. Jan 09 14:05:24 according to this doc http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/1.4.2/dev-manual/dev-manual.html#creating-the-patch, do I need to edit the driver.c file from /work folder? Jan 09 14:31:43 Bitbake version 1.17.1 is required and version 1.17.0 was found Jan 09 14:31:50 What decides which version do I need? Jan 09 14:34:43 geta/conf/sanity.conf Jan 09 14:35:45 change at your own risk ;) Jan 09 14:46:13 Ok, thanks Jan 09 14:51:35 In meta-fsl-arm they have a directory qt5-layer which has a bbappend file that only gets included when the meta-qt5 layer is included in the configuration. Is this an approved way to include bbappend files only if the layer they depend on is in the build configuration? Jan 09 15:05:17 cloning git://git.yoctoproject.org/yocto is very slow or stalling. Is this something on my end right now? Jan 09 15:05:36 sorry, I mean git://git.yoctoproject.org/poky Jan 09 15:12:46 halstead: ^ any known issues atm? Jan 09 15:16:27 bluelightning: would you be interested in having a look through some docker+gerrit+bitbake wrapper work I've been doing? Jan 09 15:16:53 WarheadsSE: I think it would certainly be interesting to look at, yes Jan 09 15:17:06 whether I'll have time to actually play with it myself is another question though Jan 09 15:17:10 https://bitbucket.org/WarheadsSE/dockbake Jan 09 15:17:41 I still have some documentation to flesh out, but I've rebuilt our systems here to use this + jenkins = automation Jan 09 15:18:32 although it seems bitbucket might be having some issues Jan 09 15:19:00 how can I get the linux kernel uncompressed again? Jan 09 15:19:08 and drop the stuff altogether in the workdir? Jan 09 15:19:14 I managed to get it corrupted there, hence the question. Jan 09 15:19:41 lpapp: bitbake virtual/kernel -c fetch -c patch Jan 09 15:20:13 that will however, clean anything/state you had in it.. Jan 09 15:21:12 bluelightning: ? Jan 09 15:22:16 lpapp: try bitbake -C unpack virtual/kernel Jan 09 15:22:23 WarheadsSE: looks quite promising, haven't had a chance to take a close look yet, but will do so when I get a chance. not sure if it'll meet my needs as is, but at the very least it's inspiration and/or a starting point :) Jan 09 15:22:23 (yes that's capital C) Jan 09 15:22:29 bluelightning: will that delete the old? Jan 09 15:22:33 yes Jan 09 15:22:39 bluelightning: ok Jan 09 15:23:50 kergoth: the one thing I was thinking about last night is that it is currently dependent on gerrit Jan 09 15:24:03 well, at least gerrit's repo command Jan 09 15:24:47 there _are_ ways to hand-craft the sources dir, and bypass the repo command entirely Jan 09 15:25:14 bluelightning: build/downloads/git2/git.kernel.org.pub.scm.linux.kernel.git.stable.linux-stable.git/objects does not exist; check .git/objects/info/alternates. Jan 09 15:25:18 that is still there. Jan 09 15:25:22 is there a command to remove it from there, too? Jan 09 15:26:01 I've used repo for non-gerrit projects before, it has some advantages over git-submodules and git-subtree :) Jan 09 15:26:02 ouch, you corrupted that? Jan 09 15:26:17 lpapp: bitbake -c cleanall virtual/kernel Jan 09 15:26:18 kergoth: yeah I would say it is more managable Jan 09 15:27:45 being able to track a branch greatly reduces overhead wrt update commits on the main repo Jan 09 15:29:36 right, or even tack to a revision Jan 09 15:30:30 there are definitely times I wish the output of repo was more verbose though. Jan 09 15:30:34 repo manifest -r is our friend Jan 09 16:07:32 test Jan 09 16:07:45 fail Jan 09 16:10:06 Been using bitbake successfully to build a NUC image. However, mixing and matching Hob with editing of local.conf seems to cause errors. The first run of Hob seems run successfully but any changes it makes to local.conf seems to break the tool. I assume these are just bugs. Jan 09 16:11:08 jsonder63: I'm not sure hob is interoperable with bitbake cli, I would stick about for confirmation though Jan 09 16:12:17 * WarheadsSE has never used hob Jan 09 16:13:14 jsonder63: HOB should be interoperable with CLI, but not at the same time. ie. if you use HOB, you need to close HOB to run the cli tools and viceversa Jan 09 16:13:27 OK. No big deal. Hob was just easier to see all the packages/libraries and modify at will. But, I can stick with cli Jan 09 16:14:01 Hum...good point. I might have had both open at the same time. Thanks - i will try that. Jan 09 16:15:27 bluelightning: cleanall began to refetch it. :( Jan 09 16:15:47 lpapp: well you said you broke the fetched copy... ? Jan 09 16:20:25 bluelightning: yes Jan 09 16:20:39 bluelightning: is it possible to back it up so that I can just swap for cases like this? Jan 09 16:21:14 lpapp: of course you can back anything up, but it's not intended that you ever modify what's in DL_DIR Jan 09 16:21:34 not directly, anyway Jan 09 16:22:02 should only ever be modifying work, and only briefly before moving that to a patch Jan 09 16:22:07 bluelightning: I have not. Jan 09 16:22:11 bluelightning: I applied patches Jan 09 16:22:18 bluelightning: why did it get corrupt in download ? Jan 09 16:24:39 lpapp: don't know, but if you have your git am patch applied perhaps this is a symptom of that being run in a source dir not being tracked by git like koen suggested? Jan 09 16:33:50 quit Jan 09 16:33:54 bluelightning: koen? Jan 09 16:34:10 lpapp: see the replies to your patch Jan 09 16:35:16 bluelightning: there were replies? Jan 09 16:35:22 yes Jan 09 16:35:32 ok, I missed that, I just went through Jan 09 16:35:48 I am not sure about Saul's concern Jan 09 16:35:57 it will only be used if the patchtool is git Jan 09 16:36:07 and in that case, it is a fairly reasonable assumption it is a git patch Jan 09 16:36:20 but if it *really* is that big performance loss, this should be an option at the very leaset. Jan 09 16:36:23 least* Jan 09 16:36:33 as for the detection, IMHO, it is even costlier. Jan 09 16:38:52 bluelightning: what is a combo repo ? Jan 09 16:39:55 lpapp: a repository composed of other repositories e.g. poky is composed of OE-Core + bitbake + yocto-docs ... Jan 09 16:40:37 ah, you call submodules repo Jan 09 16:40:42 and the container combo repo. Jan 09 16:40:43 specifically a combo repository is built using combo-layer, so its actually one repository Jan 09 16:40:46 *not* submodules Jan 09 16:40:59 lpapp: we don't use git submodules but terminology wise yes Jan 09 16:41:14 yes, I know, and I dislike it, fwiw. Jan 09 16:42:09 bluelightning: in that case, no, it is not related to koen's comment. Jan 09 16:42:18 since the download folder is definitely not a combo repo. Jan 09 16:42:24 lpapp: that's not the relevant part of what he said Jan 09 16:43:02 lpapp: the relevant part is, if the code runs git commands on something that's not already a git repo, the repo it will interact with is the one in some parent directory (whatever happens to be there) Jan 09 16:43:38 bluelightning: I do not see how that is related to the corruption for two reasons: Jan 09 16:43:43 1) Patch would not be applicable outside Jan 09 16:43:51 2) I do use git for the "submodule". Jan 09 16:43:53 I'm suggesting that might be what has happened here; but given I'm not sitting in front of your machine I can't say for sure Jan 09 16:44:06 I can say for sure, it is not the case. ;} Jan 09 16:44:08 forget submodules, irrelevant Jan 09 16:44:32 however, I agree that an actual .git folder check could be a reasonable idea. Jan 09 16:44:43 actually, no. Jan 09 16:44:53 because I do not change that logic.... so it is the same case for git apply, too. Jan 09 16:45:10 does git apply interact with the .git folder though? Jan 09 16:45:32 lpapp: it's actually pretty rare that people set PATCHTOOL = "git" so most people won't be using this code at all Jan 09 16:46:15 rburton: I really cannot think of a use case why one would use git as the patchtool with the git repository, just say ... a tarball... Jan 09 16:46:19 IMO, sounds like a broken use case. Jan 09 16:46:35 without* Jan 09 16:47:09 user error? Jan 09 16:47:10 if you do not have a git repository, what is the point of the git patchtool? Jan 09 16:47:42 rburton: what user error, really? Jan 09 16:47:56 rburton: the parent, etc, will not be the same for sure, so the patch cannot be automatically rebased either. Jan 09 16:48:14 * rburton swears at cmake (again) Jan 09 16:48:21 cmake ftw. ;} Jan 09 16:48:54 great, we've found an owner for the cmake bugs! Jan 09 16:50:13 hmm, I think I agree with Koen in the end. Jan 09 16:50:23 Hey, I started with yocto. I have executed following commands: $ mkdir $HOME/bin Jan 09 16:50:23 $ curl https://dl-ssl.google.com/dl/googlesource/git-repo/repo > $HOME/bin/repo Jan 09 16:50:23 $ chmod a+x $HOME/bin/repo Jan 09 16:50:23 you can still have git patchtools with only a few git repositories. Jan 09 16:50:36 rburton: cmake has no bugs :> Jan 09 16:52:15 i have installed all pre required files. now when i give commands for "getting source code". i am giving following code inside my directory: repo init -u https://github.com/Freescale/fsl-community-bsp-platform -b dylan. I am getting this error: kartikpradyumna@kartikpradyumna-Lenovo-U410:~/Downloads/genode-13.08/bulusu.lx$ repo init -u https://github.com/Freescale/fsl-community-bsp-platform -b dylan Jan 09 16:52:16 /home/kartikpradyumna/bin/repo: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline' Jan 09 16:52:16 /home/kartikpradyumna/bin/repo: line 1: `' Jan 09 16:52:24 how to rectify this? Jan 09 16:53:19 rburton: what bug are you facing Jan 09 16:53:41 kartikpradyumna: probably best to take that to the fsl channels. looks like rep is getting HTML when it expects something else. Jan 09 16:54:32 Hey, this is the error i am getting in my terminal: kartikpradyumna@kartikpradyumna-Lenovo-U410:~/Downloads/genode-13.08/bulusu.lx$ repo init -u https://github.com/Freescale/fsl-community-bsp-platform -b dylan Jan 09 16:54:33 /home/kartikpradyumna/bin/repo: line 1: syntax error near unexpected token `newline' Jan 09 16:54:33 /home/kartikpradyumna/bin/repo: line 1: `' Jan 09 17:05:51 kartikpradyumna, you downloaded the repo script wrong.. Jan 09 17:07:38 kartikpradyumna, run: curl http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/git-repo-downloads/repo > ~/bin/repo Jan 09 17:07:59 Then check ~/bin/repo and make sure it doesn't have some HTML data in it.. Jan 09 17:11:46 Hey, yeah I rectified it. Now I am stuck with this error. How can I correct this one? fatal: Cannot get https://gerrit.googlesource.com/git-repo/clone.bundle Jan 09 17:11:47 fatal: error [Errno -2] Name or service not known Jan 09 17:19:08 hello! i need rcpgen in the target host which recipe need to be activated ? Jan 09 17:23:08 rpcgen sorry Jan 09 17:36:36 kergoth_: howdy Jan 09 18:35:36 Hey, I am getting following error. Can anyone suggest the method to rectify it. kartikpradyumna@kartikpradyumna-Lenovo-U410:~$ repo init -u https://github.com/Freescale/fsl-community-bsp-platform -b dora Jan 09 18:35:36 gpg: keyring `/home/kartikpradyumna/.repoconfig/gnupg/secring.gpg' created Jan 09 18:35:36 gpg: keyring `/home/kartikpradyumna/.repoconfig/gnupg/pubring.gpg' created Jan 09 18:35:36 gpg: /home/kartikpradyumna/.repoconfig/gnupg/trustdb.gpg: trustdb created Jan 09 18:35:36 gpg: key 920F5C65: public key "Repo Maintainer " imported Jan 09 18:35:36 gpg: key 692B382C: public key "Conley Owens " imported Jan 09 18:35:44 gpg: Total number processed: 2 Jan 09 18:35:52 gpg: imported: 2 (RSA: 1) Jan 09 18:35:52 fatal: Cannot get https://gerrit.googlesource.com/git-repo/clone.bundle Jan 09 18:35:54 fatal: error [Errno -2] Name or service not known Jan 09 18:36:14 how to rectify this error? Jan 09 18:47:00 sounds like either a temporary network connectivity problem, or something you should discuss with the fsl folks Jan 09 18:47:13 also, please don't dump >5 lines of text to an irc channel, use a pastebin. thanks Jan 09 18:47:19 for future reference Jan 09 18:51:19 Thank you! Yeah sure. Jan 09 20:07:51 hallo zenlinux_ Jan 09 20:15:53 yo mranostay Jan 09 20:18:12 how is it over in the JF1 latey? :) Jan 09 20:21:37 mranostay, same as it ever was Jan 09 20:22:01 you're not coming into the office lately? Jan 09 20:23:14 zenlinux_: don't have a desk... so i'm stuck in some lab Jan 09 20:23:33 ah, living the lab life Jan 09 20:28:58 * mranostay hides dvhart's sci fi stuff Jan 09 20:29:30 :) Jan 09 20:32:48 dvhart: also don't like LoTR where does that put me? :) Jan 09 20:34:42 mranostay, I don't dislike it myself, but it is dreadfully verbose writing :-) Jan 09 20:34:49 mranostay, so I'm not really one to judge Jan 09 20:35:12 dvhart: never read the books.. movies where too verbose as well :) Jan 09 21:41:42 I am trying to create an sdk with the meta-qt5 layer. The latest code has the nativesdk-qtbase but I can't seem to get it to work. I have modified my sdk image recipe to set the correct OE_QMAKE variables. Now when I run qmake I get the error "Unknown module(s) in QT: widgets gui core". Has anyone got qt5 working out of an sdk? Jan 10 01:19:27 Any idea what is causing the failure at http://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/main/builders/fedora20testqa/builds/1? Jan 10 01:19:50 It's the same revision as http://autobuilder.yoctoproject.org/main/builders/nightly-qa-systemd/builds/75 and the same steps. Jan 10 01:25:07 halstead: the systemd tests fail randomly at the moment :( **** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Jan 10 02:59:59 2014