**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Mar 23 03:00:04 2018 Mar 23 05:16:24 * stephano ERROR: distcc-3.2-r0 do_fetch: armpit requires easier access to breweries Mar 23 05:17:07 :) Mar 23 05:17:33 I fixed it using my github Mar 23 05:18:08 upstream nuked the branch we used and the hash (420) is gone Mar 23 05:18:51 Wow, that fix deserves a beer too then. :D Mar 23 05:19:50 We should just start pointing all our SRC_URI at your github Mar 23 05:19:53 I took YP snapshot and created my repo to get us past this problem Mar 23 05:20:35 I am waiting for bitbake to support chained recipes Mar 23 05:21:49 To be fair, distcc is aimed at "speeding up compilation of source code" Mar 23 05:22:01 So pointing this at your github speeds things up quite a bit Mar 23 05:23:19 New news from stackoverflow: Adding opencv in yocto Mar 23 05:25:55 stackoverflow: the error is on line 12 of python-pyephem_3.7.6.0.bb Mar 23 05:26:43 * stephano is getting snarky and probably needs a nap Mar 23 05:37:39 Does icecc work with poky 2.4.2? Mar 23 05:38:40 err, rocko 2.4.2? Mar 23 05:38:51 I'm still figuring out the version numbers ;P Mar 23 06:15:36 rage_: on master it was overhauled recently Mar 23 06:31:47 Hrmm, ok Mar 23 08:23:52 New news from stackoverflow: How to disable serial console(non-kernel) in u-boot Mar 23 12:26:03 How to build /make/ recipe with native configuration step? /make config/ using native compiler, then /make/ using cross compiler? Mar 23 15:02:41 kergoth: I looked at image-sanity-incompatible.bbclass. I really like the concept, were you thinking about trying to add it to OE-core? Mar 23 15:11:27 Hi all, each time I change kernel configuration bitbake relaunch do_kernel_checkout a that's take a while ... Someone here has a tip ? Mar 23 15:25:13 New news from stackoverflow: Yocto. Number of packages in root file system image Mar 23 15:26:28 PinkSnake: Are you trying to do iterative kernel development (e.g. tweak kernel, test, repeat)? Mar 23 15:27:32 @JPEW Yes it's for testing purpose but i use also devshell but i'm not sure if the correct way or not Mar 23 15:29:21 PinkSnake: devshell probably isn't what you want. I would look into using devtool: https://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/latest/mega-manual/mega-manual.html#ref-devtool-reference Mar 23 15:30:07 @JPEW thx for info i will take a look :) Mar 23 15:39:44 @JPEW thx for tip, could you please explain a little bit the diff between bitbake and devtool cmd ? Mar 23 15:45:49 PinkSnake: devtool is what you as a developer can use to create/modify/update recipes, bitbake is more for building whole (existing) recipes and images Mar 23 16:03:16 @JPEW ths :) Mar 23 16:04:36 To all, I have a custom kernel recipe (inherit kernel.bbclass) but /etc/modprobe.d is created inside the rootfs, i have missed something ? Mar 23 16:07:53 seebs: people are reporting the weird f27 pseudo uid problem with super-minimal recipes which just touch and move files. do you think you'll be able to debug this? Mar 23 16:22:43 I'm running FC27 and seeing this a lot also. If you need more information/traces/logs, I'd be happy to help. Mar 23 16:22:54 enrico did a strae Mar 23 16:23:03 mv is calling renameat2 via syscall() directly Mar 23 16:23:13 so avoiding pseudo Mar 23 16:23:15 seebs: ^ Mar 23 16:23:20 https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/coreutils/c/79fe59c7fc11afa211a15bfcf28f4ca76f42c645?branch=master Mar 23 16:32:54 Hello all! I have created my image to have a boot partition, but by default it seems to be a Windows 95 FAT filesystem, whilst my qemu only can mount ext, cram, and btr filesystems. Does anyone know how to either change the boot fs? I tried passing different fs using Wic, but it still attempts to make a FAT fs. Mar 23 16:33:30 *Does anyone know how to either change the boot fs Wic creates or the fs the QEMU can mount? Mar 23 16:36:44 if you're booting in qemu just make a bare filesystem, no need to mess about with wic to make partitions Mar 23 16:36:54 then just give qemu the kernel and the rootfs as a ext4 Mar 23 16:38:03 I am able to do that successfully, but the reason I'm messing with wic is that need two rootfs. Is there a way to do this without Wic? Mar 23 16:44:45 just make two ext4 files Mar 23 16:45:04 And pass them both? Mar 23 16:45:45 Like, runqemu ext4 ext4 ? Mar 23 16:46:37 Or, in Wic, just exclude the boot partition? Mar 23 16:52:48 whyyyy coreutils people whyyyy Mar 23 16:56:59 Alright, definitely need the boot partition if I'm using Wic, since it just ran itself off a cliff without it. Does anyone else feel like the more they learn about computers the worse they get at computers? Mar 23 16:59:47 seebs: golden rule: if it uses gnulib, never trust it Mar 23 17:00:23 seebs: is intercepting syscall itself sane at all? Mar 23 17:25:34 New news from stackoverflow: how to manage external dependencies of a golang project in a yocto recipe Mar 23 18:55:50 New news from stackoverflow: Amend boot cmdline in custom image build Mar 23 19:00:11 I need to upgrade openssl from 1.0.2d to 1.02n but haven't figured out how. I can upgrade other components like curl, python, expat, etc. by updating the Recipe in my layer and then setting the preferred version in the layers layer.conf file. However, openssl seems to be tightly coupled to the entire openembbed layer. And maybe even the BSP. So, with that said what is the recommended procedure to upgraed openssl? Mar 23 19:05:25 Has anyone ever upgraded openssl? Mar 23 19:15:24 Has anyone ever upgraded openssl? Mar 23 19:15:56 Just ship a bbapppend that changes its version to the newer one? Mar 23 19:16:38 Or grab the 1.0.2n recipe from a current version of meta-openembedded Mar 23 19:17:34 It doesn't appear to be that easy Mar 23 19:17:55 i get a lot of other library, python, and missing files errors Mar 23 19:18:26 the missing file errors seem to be related to the gcc maybe? Mar 23 19:18:31 stddef.h Mar 23 19:18:35 1.0.2d to 1.0.2n only contains security fixes but no new features. I'd be surprised if things didn't compile without change. Mar 23 19:18:37 i also get ar errors Mar 23 19:18:47 does not compile Mar 23 19:19:01 Yeah, that definitely doesn't sound related to the openssl upgrade. Does your stuff compile without the upgrade? Mar 23 19:19:17 i added the 1.0.2n recipe and files to my layer and then set the preferred version in my layer.conf file Mar 23 19:19:25 but again lots of odd errors Mar 23 19:19:52 i couldn't even get it to upgrade to 1.0.2j Mar 23 19:20:14 which i think is the last release before they moved from openssl.inc to openssl10.inc Mar 23 19:22:35 You'll eventually have to show some logs of failed builds, otherwise this is just guesswork. Mar 23 19:22:59 would it be better to post to the mailer? Mar 23 19:23:12 i was working on an email in parallel Mar 23 19:23:45 I guess a part of this was just wondering what is the recommended procedure for upgrading an openembedded component? Mar 23 19:24:33 I mean adding the upgraded component to my own layer and then setting the preferred version in the layer.conf file seems to work fine for everything else but openssl. Mar 23 19:25:14 Should I update the entire meta layer instead? Mar 23 19:25:23 if so how do you go about doing that? Mar 23 19:30:24 I don't read the mailing lists, but sure, you'll probably get an answer there. Mar 23 19:30:39 There is no "best" way to upgrade things; it depends on what you need. Mar 23 19:31:04 Usually you're better off just moving to a newer poky/openembedded/etc., because not only openssl got security fixes Mar 23 19:39:54 yeah, is there a document explaining how to upgrade to the latest openembedded layer? Mar 23 19:40:18 i would imagine there are some bsp dependencies, right? Mar 23 19:49:50 How do I add extra source files to the kernel source directory ? base_do_unpack() seems to be python, I just want to copy some files via the shell Mar 23 20:27:52 pab: only time I've ever seen BSP dependencies for openssl was in one of the freescale BSPs (for PPC), and it was messy Mar 23 20:27:53 zeddii_home: just noticed master is spewing this NOTE: versions of linux-yocto available: 4.12.19+gitAUTOINC+4f825eeb78_257f843ea3 Mar 23 20:27:53 NOTE: preferred version 4.14% of linux-yocto not available (for item kernel-module-mousedev) Mar 23 20:28:44 pab: I've backported the newer recipes for openssl back to older releases several times, generally you need to look at the commits to openssl.inc in between and undo anything not compatible with the old release Mar 23 20:29:23 pab: it's sometimes possible to do it with tweaks in a bbappend, but sometimes that's quite messy Mar 23 20:39:07 bonus points to anyone who can figure out where the actual error is in https://autobuilder.yocto.io/builders/nightly-arm-lsb/builds/887/steps/BuildImages_1/logs/stdio Mar 23 20:39:35 ah found it | make[3]: *** No rule to make target 'lib/efi_loader/helloworld.efi', needed by '__build'. Stop. Mar 23 20:41:58 yeah, just got there as well Mar 23 20:43:28 Three ***, is that what one should search for in make builds when looking for errors.. Mar 23 21:02:13 halstead, ping. any AB maint going on today. if so, let me when I can start a build Mar 23 21:03:01 armpit, I've been waiting for a good time on .io. Currently rebooting /new. Mar 23 21:03:12 k Mar 23 21:03:38 armpit, If you have something ready go ahead and queue it on .io. I'll sneak in between builds. Mar 23 21:04:23 I do but it can wait. don't want to work into the weekend Mar 23 21:04:35 missing a "you" Mar 23 21:05:12 If you tell me the parameters I can start it after the updates Mar 23 21:07:58 armpit, I've paused everything. Please queue your build and it will start after the reboots. Mar 23 21:08:06 k Mar 23 21:09:13 build started **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Mar 24 03:00:01 2018