**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Apr 12 03:00:05 2018 Apr 12 04:22:10 Hello Yocto Project team Apr 12 04:23:34 Anyone worked on buildbot container before? Apr 12 04:27:31 Anyone would be interested in using autobuilder containers? Apr 12 06:23:56 New news from stackoverflow: [yocto][boneblack][meta-ti] Can't see new pingroup after patching boneblack.dts Apr 12 06:54:03 New news from stackoverflow: Can't see new pingroup after patching boneblack.dts Apr 12 07:54:15 New news from stackoverflow: Yocto meta-toolchain fatal error: stdio.h: No such file or directory || Using populate_sdk to include kernel headers Apr 12 08:09:39 hello, so I have a bblayers.conf file which adds a bunch of bblayers, I only added one more layer to the bblayers.conf file Apr 12 08:09:55 but it doesn't seem to run do_install for my recipes in the layer I added Apr 12 08:10:03 although for the other layers it runs it without any issues Apr 12 08:10:37 so my question is if I am supposed to do something more than adding my layer to the primary bblayers.conf file Apr 12 08:26:04 Morning all Apr 12 08:26:20 does anyone know when meta-openembedded is going to branch out for sumo? Apr 12 08:26:54 ksj: that should not be necessary Apr 12 08:27:34 ksj: it would be better if you could share one of the recipes whose do_install is not running Apr 12 08:28:58 also you can check the log.task_order file under WORKDIR/temp to see which tasks are run Apr 12 09:40:24 abelal: thanks trying something out now Apr 12 09:40:50 is it possible to see what recipe installed a given file? Apr 12 09:47:16 ksj: on the root-file-system? Apr 12 09:48:07 you can probably check which package installed a file using a package manager on the target Apr 12 09:48:21 and then deduce the name of the recipe from there Apr 12 10:26:52 ksj: oe-pkgdata-util find-path Apr 12 11:58:22 I'm curious, what is this decafbadbeef thing really? Apr 12 12:25:00 New news from stackoverflow: openembedded layer of yocto project Apr 12 12:40:16 sveinse, it's a magic word for bitbake worker :) Apr 12 12:48:06 Hi. I'm running this benchmark on a system and I see a very curious symptom: Apr 12 12:49:36 Certain parts of the benchmark randomly take >300ms longer. But when I run these parts separately, they do not. Apr 12 12:50:25 OProfile shows no difference. I though: maybe the kernel hangs in such a way OProfile stops working also Apr 12 12:50:59 So I made a little application that polls the RTC and prints a message when delta T > 100ms Apr 12 12:51:39 And when I run this together with the benchmark the symptom doesn't show anymore :') Apr 12 12:52:04 I turned off CPU_IDLE completely just to be sure, but this makes no difference Apr 12 12:52:38 latencytop shows nothing out of the ordinary either.. Apr 12 12:53:47 Where should I look next? Any ideas? Apr 12 13:49:59 Hello, can one get debian package compiled from Yocto Apr 12 13:50:22 I tried cloning meta-debian layer and then bitbake one of recipe from it Apr 12 13:50:23 Ramose: set PACKAGE_CLASSES = package_deb to build debs instead of rpms or pkg Apr 12 13:53:00 rburton: this needs to be added in recipe file ? Apr 12 13:53:57 ok its in local.conf Apr 12 13:55:19 meta-debian is very special and not something we'd recommend Apr 12 13:55:33 if you just want debs and apt on target then just set PACKAGE_CLASSES Apr 12 14:55:29 New news from stackoverflow: openembedded layer of yocto project [on hold] Apr 12 17:17:25 hi all, noob here trying to learn how to add a driver (kernel module) to yocto. i have the base image building for my target machine, but googling is not taking me to any good documentation for adding a driver... could anyone point me in the right direction? Apr 12 18:25:41 have to run, but will try to rejoin later Apr 12 20:12:40 khem: going to install arch in a vm, see if i can fix the scripts i used to use to set it up the way i like it, get a nice setup with a tiled wm going again, wish me luck. haven't installed it in years :) Apr 12 20:42:46 this may be an easier question, how do i add all of the recipes in recipes-connectivity to my image? Apr 12 20:44:45 or do i have to list them one by one? Apr 12 20:45:32 a better question is why you want to install a bunch of random stuff you might or might not use Apr 12 20:46:27 kergoth, trying to learn how the system works Apr 12 20:48:52 kergoth, is adding a whole set of recipes not a supported feature? Apr 12 20:50:06 it is, but through package groups, which are recipes that pull in other recipes, usually for particular purposes Apr 12 20:50:30 every file in a random directory on disk isn't something bitbake knows or cares about. where a recipe happens to be located isn't a factor, other than for layering priorities Apr 12 20:50:47 if you want every recipe in a particular path, you'll have to list them all in IMAGE_INSTALL yourself Apr 12 20:51:03 ok, makes sense. thank you Apr 12 20:54:22 np Apr 12 22:17:00 kergoth: yes welcome back to eden Apr 12 22:19:43 ha :) Apr 12 22:19:53 kergoth: for i3 there are few good setup guides https://erikdubois.be/how-to-install-i3-on-arch-linux/ Apr 12 22:19:55 i'm debating btrfs and whether to go syslinux or grub2 at the moment Apr 12 22:19:59 oh nice, thanks Apr 12 22:20:11 last time i had a tiled setup was back in the ion3 days, a decade ago Apr 12 22:20:14 btrfs is dead dont use it Apr 12 22:20:23 ah, good to know Apr 12 22:21:33 ext4 is good Apr 12 22:21:46 if you still want fs from oracle then use zfs :) Apr 12 22:22:03 ha Apr 12 22:23:52 what is your current setup ? Apr 12 22:24:17 in terms of desktop manager or wm Apr 12 22:32:30 hi all, would anyone be willing to hold my hand a little but through this setup i am trying to do? we've built an image for a machine we are working on, but we can't get it to find the ethernet card. we assumed the driver wasn't loading, but we can't find a way to even include the driver in our image. we are very new to this so i am sure there is something basic we are missing Apr 12 22:34:25 we've been googling and googling but everything we've found has not been helpful :( we're either not finding the right documentation, or the documentation is missing for what we are trying to do. i don't know why the ethernet interface wouldn't automatically be found by the image Apr 12 22:40:48 <_batman> Hi, I am seeing that a conf file in conf/distro/include/ in one of the layers is taking precedence over local.conf Apr 12 22:41:22 <_batman> How does bitbake handle precedence? Apr 12 22:43:18 is the yocto SDK + Eclipse supposed to help me build an entire image, or is it only supposed to help me in developing the binaries for the target? Apr 12 23:04:13 root________: I am not sure if it will help with full platform build Apr 12 23:04:56 _batman: whats the order of this layer in BBPATHS Apr 12 23:06:08 raevol: I assume the driver is a .ko right? if so, you would add that package to your image may be quick try is add IMAGE_INSTALL_append = " kernel-module-" in conf/local.conf and rebuild the image Apr 12 23:21:20 khem, we owe you a beer Apr 12 23:21:39 khem, so the sdk and sdk plugin on eclipse *don't* include tools like a layer manager or package management tools..? Apr 12 23:25:10 khem, for reference, i don't think that is anywhere in the documentation, just for reference Apr 12 23:25:20 (for reference) lol sorry Apr 12 23:26:24 be back next week i am sure :) Apr 12 23:27:08 https://pastebin.ca/4014615 Great.. gdbmdump is failing looking for, of all things, pwd.h and arpa/inet.h... I don't even have the foggiest what is supposed to provide those files or why they might be missing... Apr 12 23:29:18 <_batman> @khem: I am looking at the BBPATH variable after bitbake -e and my layer is almost to the end after build/ Apr 12 23:35:39 -rw-r--r-- 378 aarcane aarcane 4276 Apr 5 15:28 tmp/work/cortexa7hf-neon-vfpv4-poky-linux-gnueabi/gdbm/1.13-r0/recipe-sysroot/usr/include/arpa/inet.h Apr 12 23:35:52 So the bloomin' file is there, 'tf do I need to do? **** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Apr 13 03:00:02 2018