**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Jan 30 02:59:57 2009 Jan 30 12:59:15 I have an EditText inside of a TableRow that fits the screen like it should. However, when I enter a long text, it gets expanded and therefor destroys the layout. How can I prevent the EditText from growing? Jan 30 14:36:35 I've been trying to build a dynamic layout for a dialog, and its working great, but I can't seem to change the dialog from being 'WRAP_CONTENT' if that makes sense. Jan 30 14:37:03 I would like to be able to have a relative layout thats width is FILL_parent, but its not working... any ideas? Jan 30 15:11:40 have you used hierarchyviewer to debug it? Jan 30 15:12:40 morgan:nope, thanks for reminding me about it Jan 30 15:21:22 Oddly enough all the views have a width of FILL_PARENT Jan 30 15:21:42 I guess dialogs just wrap around their content naturally? Jan 30 15:50:32 how can i restrict the size of an EditText without specifying a hardcoded value for the number of pixel or characters? Jan 30 15:50:55 i just want it to fill out the size, even when theres a longer text inside Jan 30 16:01:35 uscheller: http://code.google.com/android/reference/android/widget/TextView.html#attr_android:scrollHorizontally Jan 30 16:02:43 thx :) Jan 30 16:05:39 though it doesnt work for me. I have several EditText Views in the same screen and it breaks, when I do the following: 1. enter a long text into the first one 2. switch to the second EditText 3. enter anything into the second one Jan 30 16:08:06 i found a working solution though, but with a quite unexpected method: When i set the Max width to 50px for example (which is much smaller than the original EditText) then it all works fine. Jan 30 16:08:44 The TextBox is big enough, the Text inside as well, and the layout is stable even with long input texts. Jan 30 16:53:28 Can the existing downloader be used via intents? For example, if I have an app which needs to download a gif, can I send an intent for it to be downloaded and expect a callback of some type? Jan 30 16:54:11 I'd just use HttpClient Jan 30 16:54:17 it would be like, 10 lines of code Jan 30 16:54:18 haha Jan 30 16:58:24 ^^ Jan 30 16:58:37 Feel free to add that one to OpenIntents though Jan 30 18:20:48 can preference dependencies cross preference screen boundaries? Jan 30 18:21:53 nevermind...found the answer Jan 30 18:27:12 hi, solved image scaling issues Jan 30 18:27:58 I was trying to use the same method (handler) used to develop the progress bar for download feedback Jan 30 18:28:34 for another long task that starts with the first activity of my app Jan 30 18:29:12 so I tried to make a new thread and into it two posts for open and close a progress dialog but nothing Jan 30 18:29:46 if i paste the code into pastebin can you give a look? Jan 30 18:32:48 the strange thing is that it is the same i used for downloads but this doesn't work Jan 30 18:37:02 guys, which is the best place to use for put online android app? Jan 30 18:37:28 for putting :-) Jan 30 18:59:53 romainguy: on the ADP1 or a hacked G1 (with root), is the /system partition writable? can you use adb sync to test new versions? Jan 30 19:00:09 with an adb remount it should be Jan 30 19:37:41 and yes, you can then use adb sync, subject to certain restrictions (you can't necessarily adb sync *everything*, e.g. the kernel; and you have to stop the android runtime before syncing changes to the runtime itself, then restart it; etc) **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Jan 30 22:04:13 2009 Jan 30 23:10:52 is HttpClient in Android based on 3.x or 4.x? Jan 30 23:11:04 4 Jan 30 23:46:42 romainguy: thanks Jan 31 00:07:37 hey there Jan 31 00:07:47 I just realized what I posted in android should go here Jan 31 00:14:46 Is there an API for restoring the state of an activity if the user backs out of it? I'd basically like to force the onSaveInstanceState() and onRestoreInstanceState() behavior when the user uses the back button Jan 31 00:22:17 onPause()? Jan 31 00:22:56 http://code.google.com/android/reference/android/app/Activity.html#ActivityLifecycle Jan 31 00:23:24 hi morgan Jan 31 00:23:42 hi Jan 31 00:25:28 I tried to put a progress dialog at my app starting, the first time it starts it fills a db and so about 30 seconds of pause, and I use a thread and put into it an handler that opens a progressdialog but the app enters into thread and into handler run code but the dialog or toast or opendialog doesn't appears Jan 31 00:26:19 marklar: Back is defined by the platform to mean, essentially, "the user wants to quit this Activity" Jan 31 00:26:23 so it's finished. Jan 31 00:27:09 reading my log back-->onStop Jan 31 00:27:11 esses, i've never used a progress bar. have you looked at the progress bar dialog sample in ApiDemos? Jan 31 00:27:26 onStop() is called, in general, when the app is not merely paused but more emphatically halted Jan 31 00:27:36 there's also onDestroy() for total last ditch Jan 31 00:27:41 i have the opposite esses - i use a pd in my listview activity, but it disappears before the listview is rendered, and it then takes a few seconds for that to happen Jan 31 00:28:17 digital spaghetti: have you used a thread Jan 31 00:29:08 yes Jan 31 00:29:34 ctate: in my app logs i see: oncreate on resume onpause (i forgot onstart, but i don't remember when...), then pressing back: onStop and on Destroy Jan 31 00:29:49 (onDestroy not soon after back) Jan 31 00:30:21 digital spaghetti: and the handler? Jan 31 00:30:48 esses: that sounds right, yeah. onStop is the key for what you want, i believe. Jan 31 00:30:55 http://paste.ifies.org/307 Jan 31 00:31:15 onDestroy is called when the process is actually torn down, which may not happen for a while -- it's kept around, quiescent, in case the user launches the app again "soon" Jan 31 00:31:24 ctate: leaving the activity doesn't have to mean destroying the state though does it? Jan 31 00:31:37 'Back' means quitting the app. Jan 31 00:31:38 thats my code, but the problem is my pd is dismissed before the getView in the array adapter gets a chance to render Jan 31 00:31:41 s/app/activity/ Jan 31 00:32:08 and it shouldn't mean pausing it? Jan 31 00:32:33 i'd prefer to have it in teh activity like the app market app Jan 31 00:32:36 if you hit Home instead of Back, that is not quitting the app - that's just switching back to the launcher Jan 31 00:33:01 back doesn't quit a lotta apps. ;-/ Jan 31 00:33:27 reboot quits most of 'em! ;) Jan 31 00:36:39 digitalspaghetti: I don't know if it works with you but it works with my download progress bar code.If you set two handler with post and the first does filling and pd.show and the second does pd.dismiss Jan 31 00:37:10 can you show an example? Jan 31 00:40:39 probably i set a bad server fro freenode Jan 31 00:40:42 for freenode Jan 31 00:41:05 i'm being disconnected too many times Jan 31 00:41:17 chat.freenode.au Jan 31 00:41:24 mmm Jan 31 00:42:42 Does anyone know why when my app starts a toast or a progress dialog or a dialog before and after my parsing method doesn't appear? Jan 31 00:45:27 digital spaghetti: my code was of type new Thread(new Runnable(){public void run(firstHandler.post(new runnable(){public void run(){}}); code that doesn't touch views controls;secondHandler.post(new runnable(){public void run(){}}); ))}); Jan 31 00:46:08 but I don't know if it works because I'm lucky or because it is correct to do that Jan 31 00:52:05 hi I changed server now chat.freenode.net I hope it's better Jan 31 00:52:18 while I was out any answers? Jan 31 00:53:32 now i'm trying to use a workaround, put the parsing into a thread disable menu until thread finishes and reenable when finished Jan 31 00:53:44 but no progress dialog .-( Jan 31 00:56:34 digital spaghetti: works? Jan 31 01:04:41 :-) the enable-disable code works but the toast or dialog or progress dialog not Jan 31 01:04:54 what do you think about? **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Jan 31 02:59:57 2009