**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Aug 03 02:59:57 2009 Aug 03 03:05:12 Recommended Eclipse IDE packages: Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers, Eclipse IDE for Java Developers, Eclipse for RCP/Plug-in Developers Aug 03 03:05:24 so none of these 3 is better than the others for android development? Aug 03 03:05:44 I can't figure out which Eclipse version I have installed... It's Version 3.4.2 but doesn't say which kind Aug 03 03:05:46 plain eclipse should be fine Aug 03 03:05:58 plain? which one is that Aug 03 03:06:26 eclipse ide for java developers Aug 03 03:06:42 just odd i can't see which version I have in About Aug 03 03:07:57 they're probably all the same at the base Aug 03 03:08:05 the other packages just come with additional plugins and such Aug 03 03:08:19 you could probably start at the base eclipse and work your way up through optional updates Aug 03 03:08:43 i think eclipse 3.5 is the latest Aug 03 03:09:38 but if I update Eclipse SDK i am told there is no updates Aug 03 03:09:46 i guess i can't auto-update to Galileo Aug 03 03:09:54 maybe I should just reinstall Aug 03 03:10:24 or no... becuase Android says you need 3.3 or 3.4 :-p Aug 03 03:10:45 maybe I'll get an answer if I'm wordier: I have an activity that loads up the user contact list and allows them to check off a certain number to send a message to. I need to get this list back to the main activity. How do I put this data into the Intent that sent with onActivityResult? Aug 03 03:10:59 lol wordier Aug 03 03:15:54 Ramosa: xavd (google employee) was on here the other day and said his team tested 3.5 with the earlier ADT Aug 03 03:16:18 Although 3.4 ain't broke, so I'm not switching yet.. Aug 03 03:16:25 yeah me neither Aug 03 03:16:42 i downloaded eclipse for python usage.. but i think it was the java version i got Aug 03 03:17:45 ok anyone wanna do a quick test for me on a real device? Aug 03 03:18:46 _Auron_ are you here? Aug 03 03:18:57 its to test box2d performance :P Aug 03 03:19:08 <_Auron_> box2d? Aug 03 03:19:13 <_Auron_> I don't do physics. Aug 03 03:19:17 I know Aug 03 03:19:26 I just need you to test my apk on a real device :) Aug 03 03:19:30 SinnerG, doing a game? Aug 03 03:19:45 well working slowly towards it yeah, but the box2d is just a test :) Aug 03 03:20:12 so anyone care to test my apk on a real device? :) Aug 03 03:20:26 didn't get my greasy hands on a htc hero yet :-p Aug 03 03:21:18 _Auron_ or anyone else : can you please test http://www.2shared.com/file/6969701/ef37c7ec/CTD.html and report back the fps and fluidness? Aug 03 03:21:25 'touch' to shut the app down Aug 03 03:22:42 <_Auron_> erm, next time try using Imagehost.org so testers won't have to deal with a bunch of ads :O Aug 03 03:23:01 SinnerG, what app do I run it with (i just downloaded the SDK) Aug 03 03:23:35 emulator.exe ? Aug 03 03:23:55 <_Auron_> ouch. 8-11 FPS Aug 03 03:24:26 Ramosa, http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/tools/avd.html Aug 03 03:24:53 and not fluid then I guess? :P Aug 03 03:25:27 KNY, i can't just execute an apk file by opening from a GUI? Aug 03 03:25:40 Ramosa, not without creating an AVD first Aug 03 03:25:52 SinnerG: 15 FPS here Aug 03 03:26:04 _auron_ / PSquid what phones? Aug 03 03:26:09 oh no, the classic java configuration hell :( Aug 03 03:26:25 err just use eclipse? :p Aug 03 03:26:28 it has a gui for that Aug 03 03:26:36 SinnerG: G1, but with highly optimised build (CyanogenMod 3.9.5) Aug 03 03:26:41 <_Auron_> T-Mobile G1 with HTC ADP 1.5 rom Aug 03 03:27:04 hence the slightly higher performance seen on mine, I'd guess Aug 03 03:27:22 yeah :) Aug 03 03:27:28 Convention over Configuration Aug 03 03:27:36 anyhow, thx for testing, going to bed now Aug 03 03:27:48 tomorrow I'll disable the physics stuff again and proceed with the game :P Aug 03 03:27:53 nn :) Aug 03 03:28:07 oh right, that's what was going on... Aug 03 03:28:35 SinnerG: have you considered doing the physics in native (assuming you're not already)? Aug 03 03:30:59 I read about it Aug 03 03:31:17 but as stated it was more of a test and its the first time ever I did something 'physics' like :P Aug 03 03:31:28 quitehappy to got it working even though the framerate sux :) Aug 03 03:32:17 sup guys, im noobin it up on the android dev, and i was hoping someone could tell me if 1) im using onActivityResult wrong, or 2) using setImageURI wrong in this code snip http://pastebin.com/m669d667c Aug 03 03:32:18 SinnerG: well, yeah, if it's just a test, that's probably too much work Aug 03 03:32:50 just trying to get an image from the camera, and display it in the ImageView Aug 03 03:32:52 but if you actually implement physics, that kinda stuff can get quite a performance boost from being done in native code Aug 03 03:35:13 basically it seems to work, writes the file 123.jpg, but then when it gets back to my app, all i see is a blank screen.. so I can't tell if it's even firing the onActivityResult, or if there's some prob displaying the image Aug 03 03:37:04 jeremydei: best thing to do, would be to put a breakpoint in the onActivityResult Aug 03 03:37:06 if that breakpoint is never hit, then the problem is that onActivityResult isn't running Aug 03 03:37:22 otherwise, the problem is with displaying the image Aug 03 03:39:13 yeah, it doesn't seem to be running onActivityResult .. i am pretty new to java, does it look like I'm declaring it wrong? Aug 03 03:43:17 oo, i might have got it, using onActivityResult(int x, int y, Intent i) instead of what I had previous.. Aug 03 03:43:18 awesome Aug 03 03:45:19 oh, nope just a null pointer exception.. doh Aug 03 03:45:53 'failure delivering result' .. hm, so maybe it was working, sure wish there were some examples .. Aug 03 04:01:29 Could not find method javax.xml.transform.TransformerFactory.newInstance Aug 03 04:01:36 does this mean android doesn't have that package? Aug 03 04:02:07 How do u say the color white in #argb Aug 03 04:02:28 #FFFFFFFF Aug 03 04:03:13 Thanks Aug 03 04:23:08 how do you do a timed demo of an app without people simply uninstallng and reinstalling? Aug 03 04:46:52 Gaz: you could create a file on the SD card to track the info Aug 03 04:47:09 of course, smart users would probably find that and delete it Aug 03 04:47:10 are phones uniquely identifiable? you could phone that data home Aug 03 05:22:49 yo mr_lou Aug 03 05:23:16 Morning. :-) Aug 03 05:23:26 How's it going Gaz? Aug 03 05:25:56 not too good Aug 03 05:26:03 Oh, sorry to hear that. Aug 03 05:26:04 hurt my back Aug 03 05:26:18 nothing serious but walking rightnow is tough Aug 03 05:26:20 That sucks. I know everything about what it's like to have a bad back. Aug 03 05:26:28 i guess just a pulled muscle Aug 03 05:26:40 even putting pants on is a mare Aug 03 05:26:50 trying to pick up coins and stuff Aug 03 05:26:50 Yea, I know. Aug 03 05:26:54 nasty Aug 03 05:26:57 hope its ok soon Aug 03 05:27:01 Look on the bright side. You can lie down in bed with a laptop and code. :-> Aug 03 05:27:12 uit hurts at any angfle right now Aug 03 05:27:19 Oh, bummer. Aug 03 05:27:20 lol call of duty has been taking my mind off it Aug 03 05:27:28 :-) Aug 03 05:27:38 gonn aaatemp to go to shop Aug 03 05:27:44 dam mne for living on top floor Aug 03 05:27:46 How's it going with Chuckie Egg? Aug 03 05:27:47 bbiabn Aug 03 05:27:52 done i think Aug 03 05:27:56 Neat Aug 03 05:28:01 finally nailed the bugs Aug 03 05:28:04 brb Aug 03 05:28:07 Ok Aug 03 05:41:43 that was tough Aug 03 05:41:49 go is this what its goign to be like to be old Aug 03 05:41:53 go=god Aug 03 05:41:59 sucks Aug 03 05:42:32 yeh mr_lou not heard any bugs yet this weekedn, hoping its done then im codign the "sidekick" Aug 03 05:42:52 Gaz, Groovy. :-) Aug 03 05:43:06 porting bust-a-move Aug 03 05:43:08 :) Aug 03 05:43:51 Gaz, I've finally started looking into Android dev a little bit too. So far it looks a bit confusing though, but at least I managed to draw a line on the screen. Wondering if it would be done a better way though. I'm using SurfaceView, and a method that requires a Canvas object to initialize over and over again. Doesn't feel right. Aug 03 05:44:15 yes Aug 03 05:44:20 thats how im doing mine too Aug 03 05:44:33 i think thats ok eheh Aug 03 05:44:41 Hm Aug 03 05:44:46 just checking Aug 03 05:44:54 i dont think i call new Aug 03 05:44:57 I dunno... just doesn't feel right. Maybe I just have to get over it. Aug 03 05:45:00 bt it does assign one each time Aug 03 05:45:29 No, not new. But the canvas object is set to null for every loop, and then grabbed from the holder. Aug 03 05:45:29 there is a lot abotu android youll feel like thast with Aug 03 05:45:35 Ok Aug 03 05:46:10 mr_lou: that's the way to do it... when you use a SurfaceView that is Aug 03 05:46:56 Hm.... as far as I understand, I need to use SurfaceView to do games. At least it should be the best option. Aug 03 05:47:16 just checked, i have while (mRun) { Canvas c = null; try {c = mSurfaceHolder.lockCanvas(null); Aug 03 05:47:25 yes surfaceview is like the canvas Aug 03 05:47:32 Been looking at bit at a JavaME->Android bridge "framework" though. Looks intriguing, but probably not "the way" to do it...heh. Aug 03 05:47:43 hehe Aug 03 05:47:50 i reckon if you make one game Aug 03 05:47:54 SurfaceView is a good way to write games yes Aug 03 05:47:57 youll be fully sorted almost Aug 03 05:48:04 Yea Aug 03 05:48:16 ive done 5 or 6 apps now Aug 03 05:48:22 only took 2 to completition Aug 03 05:48:29 and still doing my adc2 entry Aug 03 05:48:47 i basically assumed j2me to android would be so easy, that cost me badly Aug 03 05:49:01 i hada game on screen etc within 4 days but perfecting it took a lot more Aug 03 05:49:25 I also don't get either, how you can do a getHolder() in the constructor of a SurfaceView. From JavaME I've learned that you cannot e.g. setFullScreen in the constructor for the GameCanvas - because there's no such object yet (before the constructor has been executed). So I don't understand how you can getHolder in the SurfaceView constructor. But apparently that's just one of those things I have to accept. Aug 03 05:49:48 well that a flaw in j2me i guess Aug 03 05:49:56 never quite understood that one Aug 03 05:49:57 But it makes sense, doesn't it? Aug 03 05:50:06 kind of Aug 03 05:50:08 not really Aug 03 05:50:18 it does not make more sense than being able to call getHolder() from the constructor Aug 03 05:50:22 hehe Aug 03 05:50:55 Hrgmf. Well I finally got my little head to see logic in the setFullScreen issue, and now comes Android and screws my brain logic up. Aug 03 05:51:03 horribly i still prefer alot of j2me Aug 03 05:51:08 hehe Aug 03 05:51:10 it's just a different API Aug 03 05:51:14 just write it the j2me way Aug 03 05:51:23 with wrappers to make u feel at home Aug 03 05:51:39 Gaz, Well I'll definitely not abandon JavaME. I'm going for JavaME + Android in the future. That's at least my "vision" at the moment. :-> Aug 03 05:51:39 Gaz: honestly that's a terrible way to proceed Aug 03 05:51:51 hehe Aug 03 05:52:03 Gaz, That's what you can do with that bridge framework. Aug 03 05:52:05 whatever i do now i just make the classes im at home with and use them Aug 03 05:52:09 i dont see hjow its a bad idea Aug 03 05:52:25 you might never learn the platform and its API correctly and fully Aug 03 05:52:25 i made a Graphics, Image class etc and just implemented the exact methods im used to Aug 03 05:52:26 romainguy, I disagree. It can be fine, at least for games. Aug 03 05:52:33 whatever Aug 03 05:52:50 well i do the specifics at some point, youre right it wont be ingrained in me but im not that bothered Aug 03 05:53:03 Me neither. Aug 03 05:53:43 http://www.assembla.com/wiki/show/j2ab Aug 03 05:53:52 Going to look closer into that. Aug 03 05:54:09 <_avatar> in this case, one of the problems with writing wrappers that mimic another framework is you'll end up building apps that have funky functionality, and don't feel like native android apps. Aug 03 05:54:17 wow this looks sweet mr_lou Aug 03 05:54:49 _avatar i dont see how, i really only mean wrapping stuff for making games so all that will be slightly j2me-esque would be calls to things like g.drawimage Aug 03 05:55:08 im not going to implement lcdui again dont worry :) Aug 03 05:55:20 _avatar, I think that depends on the game. There's a lot of CPU power in Android, especially compared to JavaME devices. So if a JavaME developer has made a game for JavaME - it surely will run nicely on Android as well, despite of a re-route within the code.' Aug 03 05:55:30 mr_lou you heard of tagsme.com Aug 03 05:55:37 Gaz, Nope? Aug 03 05:55:40 * mr_lou looks Aug 03 05:55:42 check that out Aug 03 05:55:51 well an extra method call prob costs nothing Aug 03 05:56:07 <_avatar> oh, games. my argument doesn't hold as much weight there Aug 03 05:56:07 Gaz: actually it does Aug 03 05:56:11 or does it hehe Aug 03 05:56:13 ah Aug 03 05:56:40 youd be suprised when u port j2me to android its not that much faster than a good j2me device Aug 03 05:56:48 about as good as a k800i or slightly better Aug 03 05:56:57 it depends on the Android device Aug 03 05:57:05 the current devices do not have great CPUs Aug 03 05:57:09 yes thats a good point, i meant g1 Aug 03 05:57:22 and J2ME VMs are nowadays quite advanced Aug 03 05:57:30 yes Aug 03 05:57:30 even with JIT or even hardware support (jazelle) Aug 03 05:57:41 never ever saw anyone actually use jazelle Aug 03 05:57:50 jit is common place yeh Aug 03 05:58:03 romainguy, Depends on the device. Samsungs are still incredible slow. Nokia's doesn't run that amazing either. Mostly only Sony Ericsson phones have a great VM. Aug 03 05:58:24 one thing that confuses me is garbage collection, does this mean java is ruined for making fast paced commercial games for ever Aug 03 05:58:31 no Aug 03 05:58:48 a generational GC would be the solution to most GC issues Aug 03 05:58:52 Gaz, I believe Sony Ericsson phones use jazelle. Aug 03 05:59:03 mr_lou, nice jp9? not jp8? Aug 03 05:59:11 * Gaz googles generational gc Aug 03 05:59:13 Gaz, Dunno. Aug 03 06:00:13 nice! Aug 03 06:00:25 lol! Aug 03 06:00:27 new term for me Aug 03 06:00:28 Simple stop-the-world garbage collectors completely halt execution of the program to run a collection cycle Aug 03 06:00:32 stop-the-world gcs hehe Aug 03 06:00:43 hehe Aug 03 06:01:25 so would you say romainguy that eventually java will be used on the consoles? Aug 03 06:01:47 I doubt it Aug 03 06:01:59 maybe the VM but not the language Aug 03 06:02:05 ah Aug 03 06:02:07 weird Aug 03 06:02:13 note that the PS3 has a JVM already for the bluray player :) Aug 03 06:02:18 hehe Aug 03 06:02:21 yes Aug 03 06:02:25 been trying ot use it myself Aug 03 06:02:48 XNA on 360 seems a much nicer route for making hobby games :) Aug 03 06:04:33 * _Auron_ is comfortable with what he has. And is happy he doesn't have to buy a $400 space heater that melts itself and costs money anually to develop for. Aug 03 06:07:42 sooo whens adc2 open :D Aug 03 06:07:53 i was away this weekend and should have been workign on my entry Aug 03 06:08:03 was doing visuals in a club down south instead hehe Aug 03 06:09:44 Yet apis to learn now, the danger apis Aug 03 06:13:31 Gaz, Hm, now that I've seen a demo video of TagsME, I do think I've seen it before. Aug 03 06:13:48 Gaz, Not a whole lot interested in using frameworks like that though. Aug 03 06:14:02 yeh i find it pretty damn interesting Aug 03 06:14:05 <_Auron_> Stroids. Just. Needs. Finished. Audio. Aug 03 06:14:07 * _Auron_ screams Aug 03 06:14:46 Audio? :-> Aug 03 06:14:47 _Auron_, latest bugs? :) Aug 03 06:14:56 <_Auron_> what bugs? Aug 03 06:15:03 what are your latest Aug 03 06:15:09 what would be a "correct" way to add data to a ItemizedOverlay so that the ui thread is not blocked Aug 03 06:15:14 whats treading on your dreams Aug 03 06:15:15 * mr_lou guides lazy game-developers to IndieGameMusic.com for music. :-> Aug 03 06:15:26 <_Auron_> mr_lou: I make everything from scratch. Aug 03 06:15:31 _Auron_: as in "you need sound files" or "you need to write the audio part" ? Aug 03 06:15:31 currently i have a ASyncTask that works, but i ahd to synchronize the overlays draw() and soem other methods Aug 03 06:15:36 which makes it extremely slow Aug 03 06:15:37 evening btw Aug 03 06:15:43 _Auron_, I see you wouldn't fit into the "lazy game-developer" box then. Aug 03 06:15:43 sammyF yo Aug 03 06:15:53 <_Auron_> sammyF: Haven't written the music code using mediplayer yet, alreaedy have SFX code in and working Aug 03 06:16:01 <_Auron_> mediaplayer* Aug 03 06:16:10 thats a great site iim gonna use it Aug 03 06:16:13 <_Auron_> just need to make the rest of the SFX and finish the gameplay tune Aug 03 06:16:24 _Auron_: nice :) Aug 03 06:16:48 <_Auron_> if it's any consolation, I'm too lazy to adjust my credits screen to add in credits for the author of whatever song I would end up using Aug 03 06:16:53 <_Auron_> so instead I'm making my own (?) Aug 03 06:16:56 * mr_lou makes some breakfast Aug 03 06:17:06 respect _Auron_ Aug 03 06:17:07 _Auron_, lol Aug 03 06:17:17 <_Auron_> wow I've been awake for ... Aug 03 06:17:26 <_Auron_> 32 hours Aug 03 06:17:27 _Auron_: if you're using samples, you might need to adjust the credit screen to fit the sample authors anyway Aug 03 06:17:39 <_Auron_> sammyF: FL Studio Aug 03 06:17:52 _Auron_, Actually, music from IndieGameMusic.com doesn't require you to add credits like that. Aug 03 06:17:59 _Auron_: ah... nice Aug 03 06:18:01 <_Auron_> mr_lou: ... I don't care. Aug 03 06:18:03 <_Auron_> o.o Aug 03 06:18:12 _Auron_, Just saying. Aug 03 06:18:29 <_Auron_> ò.ó Aug 03 06:18:46 ah u have to request tracks Aug 03 06:19:03 <_Auron_> Ò.Ó screw that Aug 03 06:19:12 Gaz, Yea, because some artists are not fine with having their music in e.g. a porn game. Aug 03 06:19:28 ive worked on porn! Aug 03 06:19:29 it rocks Aug 03 06:19:38 * _Auron_ slaps forehead Aug 03 06:19:40 Gaz, Most tracks can be downloaded before requesting. But to use it, you need permission. Aug 03 06:19:43 <_Auron_> okay so. onto sfx and music. Aug 03 06:20:00 <_Auron_> OH RIGHT. I need to make it so the volume buttons affect Media volume not Ringer volume Aug 03 06:20:01 mr_lou: if the music uses samples from freesound.com, it doesn't matter what the music author says, you still need to aknowledge the sample author Aug 03 06:20:28 _Auron_: that's one system call Aug 03 06:20:33 sammyF, That's a responsibility for each artist, not the site. Aug 03 06:21:38 _Auron_, This might be helpful then. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/628659/how-can-i-manage-audio-volumes-sanely-in-my-android-app Aug 03 06:21:55 mr_lou alex strait is good Aug 03 06:21:59 got his tunes on from myspace Aug 03 06:22:09 Gaz, :-) Aug 03 06:22:34 _Auron_: you just need to call this.setVolumeControlStream(AudioManager.STREAM_MUSIC); Aug 03 06:25:56 Gaz: btw. I made a completely useless update on friday, got 5 more sales in the following 24 hours Aug 03 06:26:04 heh heh heh Aug 03 06:26:05 nice Aug 03 06:26:12 good idea Aug 03 06:26:31 Gaz: completely useless update == I just increased the version number. Didn't have ANY sales since the 9th before that :/ Aug 03 06:26:33 u entering adc2 sammyF? Aug 03 06:26:40 wow Aug 03 06:26:45 yeh mines stopped at 66 Aug 03 06:27:03 <_Auron_> btw, all sfx in Stroids are made by my voice, although modulated/modified digitally Aug 03 06:27:15 Gaz, Are you mostly using MIDI or MP3 files for music, and why? Aug 03 06:27:32 <_Auron_> although maybe I can get more creative than that. Aug 03 06:27:42 only used midi once, and for chuckie egg purely because sound was midi in j2me, sonud in my other app is .ogg because .wav was a pain Aug 03 06:28:01 Gaz: seriously not sure. My first idea was a good one, but I just can't get it to run nicely enough, and that's without the AI nor all the details I wanted to add. so I dropped it and started a new game ... but it's not as good as the first one :/ Aug 03 06:28:05 .wav support was buggy as far as i could see, ,ogg is much better Aug 03 06:28:23 sammyF i forgot to say i found a few things out Aug 03 06:28:35 firstly if you set the orientation in the xml and not programatically it helps cure some issues Aug 03 06:28:39 secondly Aug 03 06:28:50 Gaz: you found out where the annoying force/close come from? Aug 03 06:29:17 hmm ... I already set the orientation in the manifest Aug 03 06:29:21 the button not responding thing, if you make sure there is VERY little going on then the buttons/touches work, i now literally have my game loop sleeping 100ms a frame UNTIL a key or screen is pressed, this completely fixed the issue of it forcing an ANR Aug 03 06:30:15 Gaz: that's weird. Aug 03 06:31:10 Gaz: as, at least in circuits, once you passed the ANR *IF* it comes up, the game runs nicely afterward and you won't ever get an ANR again (until you restart it that is) Aug 03 06:31:36 yeh i noted it because i had to add a language selection screen and it worked fine keypressing on there, purely because it wasnt really doing much just drew some flags Aug 03 06:31:48 yes i had the same Aug 03 06:32:25 so i came to the conclusion either force a touch/key on a SIMPLE screen, or make a complex screen run incredibly slow til touched Aug 03 06:32:47 Gaz: somehow I have the feeling the OS does a lot of cleaning up and freeing mem in the backgroud when you first start, and depending on what you did before starting the game, it just can't answer fast enough Aug 03 06:32:57 yeh Aug 03 06:33:44 the problem with your method is that if the user presses the button too fast right at the start, you'll probably still get the ANR Aug 03 06:33:55 hm Aug 03 06:34:01 i dont think so Aug 03 06:34:05 I'm guessing, so I might be wrong Aug 03 06:34:30 :) Aug 03 06:34:55 im happy anyway, it still does get an anr now and again one player said eh got 200k pts an got one Aug 03 06:35:08 but mos ive ever had is 40k pts and i was using invincibility lol Aug 03 06:35:31 Gaz: the really annoying thing in mine, is that the game draws the highscore marquee in the background, and THAT runs completely fluidly. it's just the user interaction which seems to take a while to catch up sometimes Aug 03 06:35:57 try setting that marquee to sleep constantly and do hardly any work, or remove it Aug 03 06:36:00 and see what happens Aug 03 06:36:05 just til after first touch Aug 03 06:36:15 Gaz: yep. might try that Aug 03 06:36:42 my game was running fine too Aug 03 06:37:13 Gaz: annoying when users are actually better than you ;) my brother was making > 2000 points regularly on circuits wheen he tested it for me. I never got past 1400 ;) Aug 03 06:37:21 hahahah Aug 03 06:37:31 genius i love that, its like inventing a robot who can beat you at chess or something Aug 03 06:38:03 i made a program to create visuals based on sound and i was using it in real time, then i decided to automate it and the computer makes such cool stuff more than i do Aug 03 06:39:34 you should really try to do a Useless Upgrade btw. The way the market is working, unless you have reviews appearing on big sites, your application just disappears from the public eye otherwise Aug 03 06:39:47 yep Aug 03 06:40:06 i have a ton fo things i need to improve on it anway Aug 03 06:40:13 could do one a day and re-release each day Aug 03 06:40:13 lol Aug 03 06:40:37 Gaz: you should try making something similar for Android, but instead of basing it on sound, base it on the sensors. They react to the speakers ;) Aug 03 06:40:37 Would a View.postInvalidate() equal a GameCanvas.flushGraphics() ? Aug 03 06:41:02 good idea Aug 03 06:41:02 nah. once a week, otherwise you won't pop up in the "New Application" Aug 03 06:41:15 i did some sort of visual effects on android the oher day Aug 03 06:41:21 not repainting gives a lovely effect Aug 03 06:41:33 because of the double buffered screen i guess, it kind of shudders Aug 03 06:41:55 i was adding easter eggs to my apps for fun lol Aug 03 06:42:05 Gaz: I noticed in Pin It that if I run music, the game becomes compeltely unplayable. the magnets from the speakers completely screw up the sensors Aug 03 06:42:14 Gaz: nice :) Aug 03 06:42:14 wow Aug 03 06:42:26 :-| Aug 03 06:42:38 That's not good. Aug 03 06:42:50 would be good to make some demos for android Aug 03 06:42:53 start up a demo scene Aug 03 06:42:57 hehe Aug 03 06:43:08 hehe Aug 03 06:43:23 i actually ported a flocking algorithm over Aug 03 06:43:28 a 3d one and just drew in 2d Aug 03 06:43:31 mr_lou: seriously, I don't know how the Android device devs could shield the sensors without increasing the phones' weight tenfold :/ Aug 03 06:43:33 looks mad Aug 03 06:43:38 cool Aug 03 06:43:43 flocking is always fun Aug 03 06:44:05 yeh Aug 03 06:44:43 mr_lou: the sensors react to magnet fields, the speakers use magnets and sit like 2cm from the sensors ... no way that can't interfere Aug 03 06:45:09 it can be used somehow Aug 03 06:45:19 for good and not evil! Aug 03 06:45:20 :) Aug 03 06:45:43 mr_lou: if you want to try it out : grab "pinit demo" from the market, start an mp3 and then the game and watch the balls bounce around to the beat :) Aug 03 06:45:47 sammyF, So if the player uses headphones, there's no problem? Aug 03 06:45:59 also note how ridiculously hard pinit actually is Aug 03 06:46:03 mr_lou: good point. let me check it out Aug 03 06:46:06 sammyF, Then you should tell that to the player. Aug 03 06:46:10 Gaz: pff ... noob :P Aug 03 06:46:26 Gaz, :-) Aug 03 06:46:41 Well, I don't have much time today. Getting ready to go outta town for a few days actually. Aug 03 06:46:48 i tok#k it down to the local autism society they were ok at it Aug 03 06:46:57 Gaz: seen the vid in which I finish the demo's first level, with my left hand, while filming and having a cat disturb me? Aug 03 06:47:06 then i took it to the mensa society and they were struggling :) Aug 03 06:47:07 gaz :P Aug 03 06:47:17 hehe Aug 03 06:47:22 must just be my alcoholic shakes Aug 03 06:47:46 Gaz: those should actually help :P Aug 03 06:48:54 hmm whats the common practise when your pressinf a button that does http activity Aug 03 06:49:05 jump to a screen with a progress bar? Aug 03 06:49:17 right now it causes an anr then works Aug 03 06:49:19 hehe Aug 03 06:50:45 mr_lou: nice thinking. just tried it with headphones, and the sensors work nicely, removed the headphones and the balls just jumped aroudn :) Aug 03 06:51:19 and Meridian Player just threw an ANR Aug 03 06:51:25 hehe Aug 03 06:51:30 good to know its not just us Aug 03 06:51:41 sigh.. me think the G1 just doesn't have enough mem for multitasking Aug 03 06:51:48 yeh Aug 03 06:52:06 Gaz: I already had ANR on the desktop right after booting, and I get it very often in the application manager Aug 03 06:52:09 sammyF, Then add a headphone-icon in the beginning of the game. :-) "Headphones advised". Aug 03 06:52:38 ANRs have nothing to do with memory btw Aug 03 06:52:55 mr_lou: even better. I'll add a 3rd game mode : super-ultra-hard. You need to finish without headphone while some music with heavy bass is playing ;) Aug 03 06:53:02 lol Aug 03 06:53:18 sammyF, Yea, if you can't get rid of it, use it! :-) Aug 03 06:53:20 romainguy: with what do they have to do? Aug 03 06:53:37 the application spending more than 5 seconds processing an event on the UI thread Aug 03 06:53:39 sammyF, Play right speaker to move balls that way, and then left. ;-) Aug 03 06:53:49 so most of the time it's because of CPU load Aug 03 06:54:04 or because of I/O contention Aug 03 06:54:14 romainguy: yes, that's the theory. but it doesn't explain why sometimes applications don't throw them, and sometimes they do Aug 03 06:54:23 it's not the "theory" Aug 03 06:54:37 and sometimes applications throw them because the device is just too busy Aug 03 06:54:46 it's often the case with Home for instance Aug 03 06:54:59 romainguy: you misunderstand what I mean. I know it's the reason why ANR appears Aug 03 06:55:01 when that happens it's because the device is doing so much I/O that Home cannot get its share Aug 03 06:55:30 romainguy: the question is : how come the device is too busy when nothing else is going on? Aug 03 06:55:37 nothing visible I mean Aug 03 06:55:48 services doing stuff Aug 03 06:55:50 and by visible I mean that even logcat seems to be silent Aug 03 06:55:52 especially at boot time Aug 03 06:56:11 or apps waking up because of the alarm manager etc. Aug 03 06:56:17 anyhow, nothing to do with memory Aug 03 06:56:38 I see. is there a way to ~wait~ until the device is ready again, without throwing an ANR? Aug 03 06:57:59 do less work on the UI thread Aug 03 06:59:20 that's going to be a problem in games, which generally do a lot there once the game starts Aug 03 06:59:37 yep Aug 03 06:59:41 hence my hacky solution Aug 03 06:59:42 :) Aug 03 06:59:49 just begin the game withPRESS A KEY TO START Aug 03 06:59:52 what woudl be "the correct" way of updating views etc from an ASyncTask since views arent thread safe Aug 03 07:00:25 Gaz: yep.just add the words "BUT DON'T BE TOO FAST ABOUT IT" ;) Aug 03 07:00:30 hehe Aug 03 07:00:44 or just add "if this game throws an anr, please click please wait" Aug 03 07:00:52 "it will only happen once per game!" Aug 03 07:00:54 lol Aug 03 07:01:00 can u imagine the comments on the market Aug 03 07:01:02 ;/ Aug 03 07:01:08 just make it part of the game :P Aug 03 07:01:13 Gaz: no need to imagine them ;) Aug 03 07:01:13 hehehehe Aug 03 07:01:27 yeh i had soem girl telling me i stink and i should give up lol Aug 03 07:01:36 Gaz: called Cindy? Aug 03 07:01:40 hmm Aug 03 07:01:44 cant remember Aug 03 07:02:15 Gaz: that was my first comment ever, from someone called cindy : "made by a 5 year old idiot developper for 5 year old idiot users" Aug 03 07:02:29 admittedly, the game wasn't THAT great, but it still hurt Aug 03 07:02:37 Natalie! Aug 03 07:02:50 ah. didn't have THAT one yet Aug 03 07:02:52 "How do you even work that think. It is very dump." Aug 03 07:02:58 ha Aug 03 07:03:00 dumP? ;) Aug 03 07:03:01 lol Aug 03 07:03:04 sammyF: that's going to be a problem in games, which generally do a lot there once the game starts << does it HAVE to happen on the UI thread? Aug 03 07:03:10 can't you just do this in a background thread instead? Aug 03 07:03:21 that's a pretty terrible excuse to tell me you *have* to do 5 seconds of work on the UI thread Aug 03 07:03:22 "Just get rid of it so people won't be complaining like me. I'm gonna tell everyone that this doesn't work! Better think fast." lol Aug 03 07:04:19 sammyF yeh thats painful, i bet she couldnt even do hello world too :) Aug 03 07:05:23 romainguy: the way this runs at the moment : my game does or doesn't throw an ANR, depending upon the moon's position and the tide, when the player presses ANYTHING, even the menu button. If the player waits (or no ANR is thrown for one reason or another), the game NEVER throws anything ever again during the session Aug 03 07:05:45 sounds liek you should invesitage firing a completely different thread Aug 03 07:05:59 or make that one thread do virtually nothing Aug 03 07:06:09 i must admit i didnt know i was monopolising the ui thread, i guess its obvious Aug 03 07:06:51 sammyF: then try to figure out WHY your game would spend 5 seconds reacting to a user input Aug 03 07:07:29 It wouldnt Aug 03 07:07:32 mien wouldnt either Aug 03 07:07:42 its odd Aug 03 07:07:44 romainguy: probably for the same reason the HOME screen does, or the Application Manager Aug 03 07:07:48 5 seconds is aggges Aug 03 07:07:56 I know why Home does it sometimes Aug 03 07:08:00 it's I/O contention Aug 03 07:08:13 and it's already heavily threaded Aug 03 07:08:17 still trying to fix that though Aug 03 07:08:24 by doing as little as possible on the UI thread Aug 03 07:08:26 romainguy: what does contention mean? (I seriously don't know) Aug 03 07:08:45 if a bunch of apps hit the flash at the same time they compete for the disk resources Aug 03 07:08:51 Home has a pretty heavy job: Aug 03 07:08:56 it has to look into each .apk Aug 03 07:09:02 (to load icons, text, etc.) Aug 03 07:09:18 app manager has the slowest response for me i suppose Aug 03 07:09:26 donut improves app manager Aug 03 07:09:33 hmm ... that might be it Aug 03 07:09:37 I don't think it was threaded in cupcake Aug 03 07:09:44 it definitely wasn't in 1.0 and 1.1 Aug 03 07:09:47 (stupidly) Aug 03 07:09:53 romainguy: could access to the soundfiles create such a situation? Aug 03 07:10:00 certainly Aug 03 07:10:05 try to do that on a background thread Aug 03 07:14:49 whats that shortcut on eclipse again to sort improts Aug 03 07:14:53 cant believe ive forgot Aug 03 07:15:18 yep. when I moved the initial loading of the soundpool files into an asynctask when the application is initially loaded, I cut down the occurences of ANR. I guess it's the call to "start the music now" (in mediaplayer) which takes ages and produces the ANR Aug 03 07:15:38 yeh my networking bloks and i get one Aug 03 07:15:39 thanks romainguy Aug 03 07:15:47 trying to get it to jump to a progress bar, guess its time to thread that Aug 03 07:26:48 <_Auron_> ROFLMAO Aug 03 07:27:03 <_Auron_> I went to show my sister the sfx I put in the menu and she started playing my game and wouldn't stop Aug 03 07:27:48 _Auron_: THAT is always nice :) Aug 03 07:29:35 <_Auron_> I *really really* like the sounds I just made though Aug 03 07:29:39 <_Auron_> they sound EXCELLENT Aug 03 07:29:44 <_Auron_> omfg Aug 03 07:29:47 * _Auron_ is even more pumped than before Aug 03 07:31:01 :-) Aug 03 07:31:51 * mr_lou is off to pick up a car Aug 03 07:31:54 l8r Aug 03 07:33:50 <_Auron_> hell I'm even impressed with the menu sounds Aug 03 07:38:57 was donut gonna have the full screen ocr? (as a java api too?) Aug 03 08:12:11 what the hell is this protected Long doInBackground(URL... urls) { Aug 03 08:12:14 ... ? Aug 03 08:12:17 is that eal synta Aug 03 08:12:23 is that real syntx? Aug 03 08:12:27 damn keyboard! Aug 03 08:14:20 varargs Aug 03 08:14:44 but it compiles Aug 03 08:14:56 umm yea, 'urls' contains 1+ URL's Aug 03 08:15:09 thats a new one on me Aug 03 08:15:52 you just call it with (url1, url2, url3) Aug 03 08:15:59 nice Aug 03 08:16:03 thats quite cool Aug 03 08:16:45 then you can for each the urls or urls[0] etc Aug 03 09:07:49 Hi, I have lost keystore for my app, do I have any way to upgrade that app now? Aug 03 10:52:46 can anyone help me with the following problem? - i get one aspect of my game up and running.. and then I keep playing arround with it in the emulator for hours.. instead of continuing developement -_- Aug 03 11:02:03 so which JDK 6 do I need? http://java.sun.com/javase/downloads/index.jsp Aug 03 11:02:48 i guess just JDK 6 Update 14, no bundles Aug 03 11:38:00 hi Aug 03 12:23:15 hmm im getting out of memmory errors when i go to a gui screen Aug 03 12:56:53 anybody intressted in having a look at a gameplay demo? i would love to get your comments (here or on youtube) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QVZ9mAW8GY0 Aug 03 13:03:03 jp-ulm sure. Give it a bit of a story. Instead of a typical "base" to defend, make it one guy with a rocket launcher trapped on an astroid, in a chaotic astroid field, using a rocket launcher to stay alive until rescue comes (or until his ships automatic repair systems are enabled) Aug 03 13:03:11 somethign like that maybe Aug 03 13:03:54 You can "skin" the game too, changing it to a guy with javelins defending against little flying dragons or wyrvens or something like that too Aug 03 13:04:24 And then if you want to get controversial, you can make it a guy throwing spears defending against airplanes Aug 03 13:04:28 :/ Aug 03 13:04:46 So same game mechanics, different optional gfx Aug 03 13:05:38 then add some even wackier options, instead of rocets, shooting frozen penguins at attacking demons Aug 03 13:05:41 :D Aug 03 13:05:46 *rockets Aug 03 13:06:20 then maybe holiday options.. frozen turkeys at farmers.. Aug 03 13:06:43 an elf shooting toys at naughty children Aug 03 13:06:49 lalal.. Aug 03 14:12:00 hello Aug 03 14:12:16 I'm a beginner into android apps development so I have some questions Aug 03 14:13:35 I want to capture audio directly into a buffer, I see there is android.media.AudioRecord class, but when I try to use it, the read function return me ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION . Aug 03 14:13:47 Someone know somethng about that ? Aug 03 14:22:41 System Requirements: Eclipse JDT plugin (included in most Eclipse IDE packages) Aug 03 14:22:49 it should be listed under Software Updates then ? Aug 03 15:39:46 hi Aug 03 15:43:09 oh hi. Aug 03 15:44:01 I m looking for help to use activitycreator.py Aug 03 15:46:55 Pier54: That doesn't exist in newer SDKs... Aug 03 15:47:30 Pier54: Now it's "android create project" Aug 03 15:48:45 Pier54: http://developer.android.com/guide/developing/other-ide.html#CreatingAProject Aug 03 15:50:57 thanks Aug 03 16:15:25 Android encourages code coupling, what with all the static methods everywhere. Aug 03 16:39:41 Hi :) Aug 03 16:40:51 Is it possible to hack standard app ? I want know if its possible to change the processing delivry notification of sms in the standard sms app Aug 03 16:51:14 oxman: read on intents and broadcast receivers Aug 03 16:51:41 I don't think i can do someting with that Aug 03 16:51:49 I explain more precisly what I want doing Aug 03 16:52:10 I want remove the icon delivery report, and only show it when i did not receive the delivery report Aug 03 17:04:31 i need to read a file into byte array. But trying to do InputStream is = Resources.openRawResource(R.raw.somefile); i get an error "non-static method ... cannont be referenced from a static context." How do i get the proper resources object? Aug 03 17:06:20 try getResources() from your friendly Context instance Aug 03 17:07:27 lov: thanks alot :) Aug 03 17:08:34 np Aug 03 17:30:47 is there some known incompatibilty issues with the android and gae plugins? Aug 03 17:30:59 my android projects refuse to work after i installed gae :/ Aug 03 17:31:45 getting the dreaded "no classfiles specified Aug 03 17:31:51 " Conversion to Dalvik format failed with error 1" Aug 03 17:32:07 a "clean" used to fix it before, but not anymore / Aug 03 17:40:05 is there an API of some kind i could use to integrate the market into a desktop PC app (which already handles music library syncing duties), itunes-style? Aug 03 18:18:07 jbq: did you get my memo about ipsec-tools and racoon? Aug 03 18:20:24 is there an easy way to edit what the title bar says without changing the name of the app itself? Aug 03 18:21:31 you mean other than setTitle() ? Aug 03 18:22:11 lawl Aug 03 18:23:26 or perhaps he meant the android:label attribute on the element in the manifest :P Aug 03 18:26:43 kroot: I might have missed your memo (or it's buried in the middle of my inbox with 300 other emails I need to deal with) Aug 03 18:26:58 is there a (relative) easy way to check the ip adress of the emulator device? Aug 03 18:27:29 jbq: I actually sent it via memoserv, so my hope wasn't high. Aug 03 18:27:51 jbq: I was just trying the IPsec stuff in the lastest master and noticed that it calls racoon externally, but that's not in the external source repo. Aug 03 18:28:00 oh, ah. I saw the notification, but didn't spend the time trying to figure out how to read it. Aug 03 18:28:48 anyway, I'm not entirely surprised, the last drop we made was a partial drop (missing some projects). Hopefully this'll get cleared by the time we do another drop. Aug 03 18:29:29 jbq, are you taking requests for the next drop? :P Aug 03 18:29:41 lol no ;) Aug 03 18:30:04 the drop is like a speeding train that jbq is only reporting the current location of :-P Aug 03 18:30:11 The last drop was under time pressure, so we made some simplifying assumptions, and one of those is that we could get away with not open-sourcing new packages. Aug 03 18:30:31 ah, fair enough. Aug 03 18:30:32 Yeah, I can see the reasoning Aug 03 18:39:01 tee hee taking requests for the next drop Aug 03 18:39:07 * ctate . o O ( play Freebird! ) Aug 03 18:39:39 yello Aug 03 18:40:02 right said fred Aug 03 18:43:18 guys, I'm playing around with CameraPreview from ApiDemos. I'm launching this activity by creating new Intent object and then call startActivity. However, when trying this in my phone, the first time the camera preview is shown like expected, but when I click "Back" and then try to launch CameraPreview again. I get OutOfMemory exception Aug 03 18:43:49 what's going on? Am I supposed to create the activity once ? or should I destroy it when Back is clicked ? Aug 03 18:46:24 ctate: haha.. freebird.. if I didn't hear that at nearly every concert, it would be less painful Aug 03 18:46:36 it hurts because it's true. Aug 03 18:47:01 maannj: Is this with cupcake? Aug 03 18:47:20 kroot: yes Aug 03 18:47:44 kroot: if you mean by cupcake, android 1.5r3 Aug 03 18:48:03 maannj: Yeah. Which flags are you using for the intent Aug 03 18:48:28 kroot: nothin :) Aug 03 18:49:13 I'm calling default constructor and calling setClassName , then passing it to startActivity Aug 03 18:50:21 maannj: Have you made any changes to CameraPreview? Aug 03 18:50:33 no Aug 03 18:51:08 kroot: oh yea I added, setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo.SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE); Aug 03 18:51:37 because it doesn't render properly when it's in portrait Aug 03 18:51:52 that can be set in the XML, but.. Aug 03 18:52:09 do you override onConfigurationChanged and is it blank? Aug 03 18:52:12 aah that explains why I didn't see it in the ApiDemos code Aug 03 18:53:37 they should've documented the camera more thoroughly Aug 03 18:54:25 kroot, if you set it via XML you get worse performance, according to _Aur|Stroids Aug 03 18:54:47 I'm getting this wit the second attempt "D/CameraService( 113): new client (0x190c0) attempting to connect - rejected" Aug 03 18:56:29 cool fixed it, I added mCamera.release(); to surfaceDestroyed implementation Aug 03 18:58:18 the eclipse plugin is not yet ready for galileo release right? Aug 03 18:58:32 Phlogi, I've heard it works Aug 03 18:59:04 KNY: is there some unoffical version or does it "just" work? Aug 03 18:59:19 Phlogi: it should just work Aug 03 18:59:44 are you seeing problems? Aug 03 19:00:22 xavd: i didn't even try because usually it goes wrong with eclipse... I mean if you mix versions... thats why I had to update Aug 03 19:00:48 if you get a standard 3.5 distrib it should work Aug 03 19:00:54 okai Aug 03 19:01:27 i wanna make a battle-ships-like game and ask myself which layout to use ... is gridview really the best ? Aug 03 19:01:31 I have read problem with people upgrading to WST-something 3.1 on 3.4 that caused problem. but standard distrib off of eclipse.org should work Aug 03 19:01:36 * ctate is running "Eclipse SDK 3.3.2" but ofc doesn't use the Android SDK stuff, so not really relevant. Aug 03 19:07:35 Hi. When I try to install the android tools to eclipse 3.5 I get "Missing requirement: Android Development Tools 0.9.1.v200905011822-1621 (com.android.ide.eclipse.adt.feature.group 0.9.1.v200905011822-1621) requires 'org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui 0.0.0' but it could not be found" Aug 03 19:08:19 which version of eclispe did you download? Aug 03 19:16:03 ctate: did you find out whether the issue with sharedUserId had actually been fixed internally to Google? Aug 03 19:18:11 herriojr: priv msg Aug 03 19:19:11 does anyone know why sometimes .java file refuses to acknowledge the existance of an xml file... Aug 03 19:19:49 xavd: Me? 3.5 from arch repositories Aug 03 19:23:25 tonyb486: I mean which package (Classic, RCP, Java, JavaEE...) Aug 03 19:24:50 Eclipse SDK? Aug 03 19:24:55 I've never used eclipse before Aug 03 19:25:06 if you look http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/packages/compare-packages Aug 03 19:25:12 you'll see what each package contain Aug 03 19:25:17 you need one that includes XML tools Aug 03 19:25:28 Eclipse Classic/SDK doesn't contain it Aug 03 19:25:39 just download the java version Aug 03 19:25:56 I wanted one from repos though Aug 03 19:26:09 what repo? Aug 03 19:26:14 arch Aug 03 19:26:35 Okay, I'll download the java one Aug 03 19:26:47 ah hmm I don't know what version they have really Aug 03 19:27:03 downloaded. yay work internet Aug 03 19:27:12 you might be able to install the XML tool in your version, but it's alot easier to just download one from eclipse.org (imo) Aug 03 19:29:19 Its installing now, yay Aug 03 19:29:19 Thanks Aug 03 19:29:31 xavd, did you solve that dialog issue yet? :) Aug 03 19:30:11 KNY: no haven't had time. going to look at it today Aug 03 19:30:17 nice Aug 03 19:57:46 Hm. Aug 03 19:57:54 How well do branded apps do on Android? Aug 03 19:59:03 branded apps? Aug 03 19:59:34 "stuck in the rump with a red-hot iron" Aug 03 19:59:51 Anyone who can help me with this one? http://pastebin.org/6275 Aug 03 20:00:17 Trying to launch on a Donut build using the 1.5-r3 SDK Aug 03 20:02:52 ravon: look at the output of logcat, you'll get a lot more info about why your process got killed Aug 03 20:03:10 you can ignore the DDM dispatch/chunk messages Aug 03 20:03:23 xavd: Ah, thanks. I'll give it a try Aug 03 20:05:53 xavd: Indeed I did. Missing permission Aug 03 20:06:19 ravon: cool Aug 03 20:06:26 KNY: Apps that feature content of already known brands. Aug 03 20:06:39 svm_invictvs, do you have an example? Aug 03 20:06:54 svm_invictvs, I'm having trouble seeing why that would affect anything Aug 03 20:07:03 KNY: Um. Pac Man is a branded app. Aug 03 20:07:21 svm_invictvs, and it did quite well, until they decided to try and charge $9.99 for it :) Aug 03 20:07:46 lols Aug 03 20:07:53 Yeah, but, there's other branded apps. Aug 03 20:07:54 *shrug* Aug 03 20:08:14 svm_invictvs, I don't see why that would change the app's probability of success Aug 03 20:08:26 Seriously? Aug 03 20:08:35 You don't see why branding affects sales? Aug 03 20:09:57 I don't see why it would negatively affect sales Aug 03 20:10:28 maybe I'm just unimaginative though Aug 03 20:11:18 KNY: Well, I've seen nothing selling on Android. Aug 03 20:13:25 KNY: I dunno, I was offered a royalty share based contract for some Android development. I was wondering if it's worth pursuing the contract. Aug 03 20:13:32 ahh Aug 03 20:13:54 svm_invictvs, I would say that if you think the app would sell well unbranded, you should take it Aug 03 20:14:08 No, branded. Aug 03 21:10:28 hey romain Aug 03 21:14:30 hmm Aug 03 21:14:33 which one is the real one? :) Aug 03 21:14:46 who knows ^^ Aug 03 21:27:00 I joined android developer google group Aug 03 21:27:06 and created a new post Aug 03 21:27:40 but the post is not showing up Aug 03 21:28:20 Does all new post need to go through some kinds of approval process? Aug 03 21:29:09 siapi: your first post needs to be approved by a moderator Aug 03 21:29:20 once this is done, all your following posts will go through automatically Aug 03 21:29:45 good Aug 03 21:29:47 thanks Aug 03 21:45:13 how do I set the flags for my Notification? Aug 03 21:46:04 just with notif.flags = foo? Aug 03 21:46:33 yup. Aug 03 21:46:51 or you can use Notification#setLatestInfo or whatever that method is called Aug 03 21:46:54 to preset some stuff Aug 03 21:47:09 notif.flags = Notification.FLAG_AUTO_CANCEL; :=) Aug 03 21:47:32 next question, how can I set a timeout to my notification at which it disappears automatically? Aug 03 21:47:53 by using AlarmManager to schedule your app to remove the notification. Aug 03 21:48:05 but make sure to handle Notification cancelation (to remove your alarm) Aug 03 21:48:33 jasta: hmm thats much work for something small :) Aug 03 21:48:41 it's hardly any work at all Aug 03 21:48:59 it's also a very uncommon request, that's why there's no base API for it. Aug 03 21:49:09 typically notifications should be displayed until the user acknowledges them somehow Aug 03 21:49:18 remember that the phone sits in the users pocket for large amounts of time Aug 03 21:50:18 a side comment about android: if it seems really hard to do with Android, you are either doing it wrong or you shouldn't be doing it at all. Aug 03 21:50:26 jasta: yes I know... but that one will just appear after some action... however I could use a toast... and only notification when it gets wrong... that might be better Aug 03 21:50:41 almost certainly, yes. Aug 03 21:50:46 jasta: oh I love the api, its just great to code with it Aug 03 21:55:23 does an Intent exist for sending an sms? How could I find out that? Aug 03 22:07:33 Phlogi: it's called ACTION_SEND or SENDTO (cant remember which) Aug 03 22:07:37 look at the Intent documentation Aug 03 22:08:00 jasta: ok and that one is triggered when I press Send in the standard mms app? Aug 03 22:08:16 no. Aug 03 22:22:57 anyone know if there would be a big performance difference between posting TextView.scrollTo() over and over again to scroll verses just drawing text on a canvas over and over again? Aug 03 22:24:53 I was going to leverage a TextView to create a scrolling effect, but I think for my purposes a custom view might be easier Aug 03 22:26:48 jasta: you around? Aug 03 22:27:30 * jasta nods Aug 03 22:28:10 was going to ask you about the local web-server solution for MediaPlayer Aug 03 22:28:19 if solution is even the right word... Aug 03 22:29:05 if I have a marker in the mp3 stream, how could I map it to the position of where the MediaPlayer currently is playing? any ideas? Aug 03 22:29:31 hia, is there a way to specify application dependence on another so that when downloading it the other one would be included as well? (the barcode reader for instance) Aug 03 22:29:49 roosmaa: nope Aug 03 22:30:28 roosmaa: only option right now is to detect it's presence and send the user to the Market Aug 03 22:31:13 zhobbs: well, depends on the marker. Aug 03 22:31:26 since you control the reader, you could just analyze the input looking for your marker and "skip" it. Aug 03 22:31:34 that is, don't send it along to the client on the phone Aug 03 22:31:42 zhobbs: right... thanks Aug 03 22:31:42 but you'd have to be careful abotu doing this efficiently Aug 03 22:31:54 jasta: yeah, I'm currently pulling the marker out Aug 03 22:32:21 my issues is I need to update the UI when the MediaPlayer gets to the point in the stream where the Marker was Aug 03 22:32:50 with MediaPlayer I only have the time position, not the # of bytes read, etc Aug 03 22:34:25 why not just extend your MediaPlayer abstraction to have some abstract call like onParseStreamMarker(...)? Aug 03 22:34:38 the LocalHttpServer side will know about this, and can just call some abstract method Aug 03 22:34:59 that's basically what I do.... Aug 03 22:35:39 the problem is, the marker is in the incoming stream, I pull it out, but the MediaPlayer has buffered the stream, so it's actually 10-20 seconds behind the data stream Aug 03 22:36:27 so I'm trying to figure out how to map the data stream to the audio stream Aug 03 22:40:05 I probably just need to break out the NDK and decode the MP3 and use an AudioTrack...just sucks having to worry about the NDK stuff Aug 03 23:07:50 So I've been googling some, and it seems to me that there is no way to interrupt an sms so it doesn't notifies the user when it's received? Aug 03 23:08:29 frez: I think you can Aug 03 23:08:39 might just have to delete it from the provider...can't remember Aug 03 23:10:19 but if I delete it from the provider the message is still going to show up in the notification bar Aug 03 23:10:40 as received Aug 03 23:11:15 dunno Aug 03 23:12:39 hmm, seems like this is requested in the android code system as an issue Aug 03 23:17:09 i don't know much about the sms stack, but i wouldn't be too surprised if the Android policy was to simply not allow apps to hide incoming SMSes Aug 03 23:20:27 I guess I'll just have to trash that feature for now Aug 03 23:33:03 I thought MikeDG did some stuff hiding SMS's Aug 03 23:33:20 :o Aug 03 23:33:26 that would help with having multiple gf's Aug 03 23:33:37 haha :) Aug 03 23:33:50 zhobbs: | i don't know much about the sms stack.... Aug 03 23:34:09 ctate: I could be wrong also... Aug 03 23:54:10 So, I have an implementation of the Producer/Consumer problem where the producer and consumer are private classes inside a different, public class. This has made testability difficult. I also need to share data between the producer and consumer (on occasion, the point being produced/consumed needs to be changed to be in sync with one another). I'm questioning the wisdom of making those classes private, but due to the codependen Aug 03 23:54:10 cy, I'm not sure they should be public, either. How can I test this? Aug 03 23:54:56 design the system for testability Aug 03 23:55:09 if necessary, add hooks or instrumentation proxy layers for it. Aug 03 23:56:46 ctate: I understand I need to design it for testability, which is what raises the question; what I don't understand is how to design it for testability. Aug 03 23:58:08 ctate: I think a lot of the issue comes from the shared buffer... But I can handle that by passing that in as a parameter. Yeah... That seems like that works... Aug 03 23:58:10 so, I was looking that determining unused disk space is only in Java 6, which android isn't, so I'm curious, is there a way to determine writeable freespace on the sd card? Aug 04 00:11:11 herriojr: yes, see StatFs Aug 04 00:11:17 they punched through... Aug 04 00:16:10 jasta: thanks Aug 04 00:18:18 meh Aug 04 00:18:21 should I get a magic Aug 04 00:18:24 or the dev phone Aug 04 00:22:14 any help on this? :P Aug 04 00:22:32 get whichever one you like better :) Aug 04 00:22:42 meh cant decide ;p Aug 04 00:23:01 the dev phone does have some nice 'art' on it Aug 04 00:23:17 but what I dislike is that you cant buy 'drm' softw from the market :/ Aug 04 00:25:32 SinnerG: then just flash it to a non-adp build (or one which has been modified) Aug 04 00:31:39 thx for the info - found some info :P Aug 04 00:46:24 ok currently I should have gotten 130eur (sold some stuff) and have 160eur already Aug 04 00:46:29 still a tiny bit short but almost there :p Aug 04 00:59:06 Hi all! Does someone know if it's possible to get the user's email account used to sync with the Android phone? Aug 04 00:59:20 it's not Aug 04 01:00:05 Thanks KNY, it's a shame this can't be done... Privacy reasons? Aug 04 01:00:28 I assume it's because they don't want anything Google-specific in the Android core Aug 04 01:00:50 it also sounds liek a security vulnerability Aug 04 01:01:11 jasta, well then android isn't very secure :) Aug 04 01:01:25 why, is it possible? Aug 04 01:01:26 it's possible to get it, but you have to use reflection Aug 04 01:01:27 yes Aug 04 01:01:33 how is it done? Aug 04 01:01:39 or compile linking against the android.jar Aug 04 01:01:59 i'm curious about the specific approach... Aug 04 01:02:04 jasta, I don't remember, but it's definitely discussed on android-developers every once in a while Aug 04 01:02:25 hmm, i'm skeptical. Aug 04 01:02:38 jasta, http://groups.google.com/group/android-developers/browse_thread/thread/7a6bf77910ca31e0/4205345ecee97c5d Aug 04 01:02:40 perhaps that Aug 04 01:02:53 the information about the account is held in the SubscribedFeedsProvider, which i dont think serves out that much data Aug 04 01:03:10 they claim that it works with 1.5 Aug 04 01:03:40 hmm, interesting. Aug 04 01:03:42 note to jdavidandroid: DO NOT DO THAT. ROMAINGUY WILL PROBABLY HUNT YOU DOWN IF YOU DO Aug 04 01:03:43 :) Aug 04 01:04:03 i suspect they will just add some new permission in a future release to break this functionality Aug 04 01:04:09 because it definitely would be regarded as a security risk Aug 04 01:04:44 they could easily do this -- they have the permission framework which GoogleLoginService can use to determine the caller's identity Aug 04 01:04:53 * KNY shrugs Aug 04 01:05:00 shrug? Aug 04 01:05:14 LOL, sure, I guess it's better to find another way to minimize user interaction with my app Aug 04 01:05:25 sorry, "shrug" as in "I don't know what their internal plans are" not as in "I don't care" Aug 04 01:05:38 jdavidandroid: i suspect that if your app by design needs to know the users e-mail orphone number, you've already failed. Aug 04 01:06:16 jasta, what if you're using a Google service? Aug 04 01:06:23 Not really by default, but it would be better to save the user the effort to type his email once he wants info. to get sent to his email Aug 04 01:06:38 KNY: then you would request the required permission and the user would have the opportunity to reject your apps installationf rom the market Aug 04 01:06:48 jasta: Not really by default, but it would be better to save the user the effort to type his email once he wants info. to get sent to his email Aug 04 01:07:40 jdavidandroid: either way you would want to allow the user to make changes to this value, right? Aug 04 01:07:42 jasta, currently there's no way to do that Aug 04 01:07:48 KNY: of course. Aug 04 01:08:12 jdavidandroid: so all you would be doing is providing a possibly sensible default, it still doesn't mean your app critically depends on the ability to detect the gmail account Aug 04 01:08:15 SubscribedFeedsProvider? that's an interesting name Aug 04 01:08:19 Jasta: Sure, but proposing the user with a default option (his own email), is probably a nice way to save him typying time Aug 04 01:08:32 certainly -- but not a good way for you to be lazy. Aug 04 01:08:53 my point is -- if your method fails to determine the gmail account, the user would hardly even know Aug 04 01:08:58 either way, don't do it :) Aug 04 01:09:00 they'd just see a prompt for their e-mail Aug 04 01:09:13 or if it succeeds, they'd still just see a prompt with a default value Aug 04 01:09:15 harmless failure. Aug 04 01:09:19 Jasta: It's the user who is actually lazy, not me, actually looking for code to simplify this action is a sample on non-laziness, LOL Aug 04 01:09:30 jdavidandroid: incorrect. Aug 04 01:09:48 if you build code which critically depends on functionality you cannot guarantee, you are being lazy :) Aug 04 01:10:07 or stupid, whichever ;) Aug 04 01:10:34 tmzt: it's sort of the starting point for the google sync engine. Aug 04 01:11:09 * KNY wishes us peons had access to that sync engine Aug 04 01:11:13 tmzt: contacts, calendar entries, gmail, etc are all considered a feed from google. the subscribedfeedsprovider (or its overriden cousin, googlesubscribedfeedsprovider) is a way to access those subscriptions Aug 04 01:11:13 :) Aug 04 01:11:17 KNY: you do. Aug 04 01:11:32 Jasta: Default proposals is not a sign of laziness or stupidness... Sticking youre app to only proposal is both, but providing easier ways for the user to interact is a good way to attract users... Aug 04 01:11:38 the vast majority of the code used to do the syncing is open sourced, at android.git.kernel.org Aug 04 01:11:45 the closed source pieces are also there, in frameworks/opt/* Aug 04 01:11:52 and those pieces are very minimal Aug 04 01:11:59 hm Aug 04 01:12:00 they're really just the serialization details -- you could easily reverse engineer it Aug 04 01:12:05 yeah Aug 04 01:12:06 and i mean _easily_ ;) Aug 04 01:12:15 but as i said, the really complicated hard to follow stuff is open source Aug 04 01:12:24 start with AbstractTableMerger if you're interested. Aug 04 01:12:31 it's the work horse of it all. Aug 04 01:12:32 * KNY opens his source folder Aug 04 01:12:48 and there's some method runSyncLoop, can't remember which class it's in, which does the rest of the heavy lifting Aug 04 01:12:58 jasta, I don't know if you had anything to do with the visual voicemail app, but if you did, well done :) Aug 04 01:13:06 are you kidding me? Aug 04 01:13:11 that thing sucks Aug 04 01:13:16 it's ugly and broken Aug 04 01:13:21 jasta, haven't used it but it's a good idea that they're trying Aug 04 01:13:27 good sign* Aug 04 01:16:22 jasta: great, will they add google reader please :) i was hoping that was somehow releated Aug 04 01:17:12 tmzt: it is related in the sense that it is probably using the same protocol Aug 04 01:17:18 but they'd need to do a lot more than just "turn it on" to access it Aug 04 01:17:22 they'd need to build an app Aug 04 01:17:24 and thats a lot of work Aug 04 01:23:00 tmzt: but i bet its coming :) Aug 04 01:28:12 is there something I can add to my manifest to hide my app from the drawer? Aug 04 01:34:22 cani: you can remove the you have for MAIN Aug 04 01:34:38 but i suspect that there may be checks for this when you upload to the market. Aug 04 01:34:42 or even when you adb install possibly Aug 04 01:37:56 jasta, I don't think there are Aug 04 01:38:00 jasta, widgets, for example Aug 04 01:40:42 jasta: thanks, yep it is for a widget **** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Aug 04 02:59:57 2009