**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Aug 03 02:59:59 2012 Aug 03 03:09:00 Is it better to send a bundle in this case, or just call a function that I pass the variable (object) through Aug 03 03:09:07 when dealing with the fragment Aug 03 03:21:25 is failing ot load libGL.so* a problem? Aug 03 03:21:47 Actually, maybe I should ask what is the best way to share a resource (such as a list) between fragments. Would it be the method of creating a class that extends application such as (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/708012/android-how-to-declare-global-variables) or by passing the list as an argument to the fragments. Aug 03 03:22:27 neverminf Aug 03 03:23:15 The only other option is a singleton, which I am currently using Aug 03 03:24:09 ugh SDKs take so long to download. Aug 03 03:24:41 that's what she said Aug 03 03:25:52 anyone have an idea? Aug 03 03:26:03 lol Aug 03 03:26:24 epsilonorion: here you go: http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/download/index.html Aug 03 03:26:41 * JesusFreke ducks Aug 03 03:27:08 JesusFreke: and it already begins........ Aug 03 03:27:37 NBC coverage of the Olympics is pitiful Aug 03 03:27:44 ^ Aug 03 03:28:30 Okay I got everything running fine on the helloworld app, but on the virtual device nothing shows up, and it recognizes my android device but it won't let me go further and load the program on the device, just only lights up OK on the virtual device. Anyone know whats going on? Aug 03 03:28:45 Why is eclipse being so crappy on me. Aug 03 03:34:43 Argh. I'm trying to implement a scrolling background/image map in my app. Currently using the Horizontal Scroll View, however, I need to know where my background/image is when scroll stops. Is there something better to contain this? Aug 03 03:44:03 i mofoing got hello world to work bitches. Aug 03 03:44:09 WHatcha you gonna do now Aug 03 03:44:11 huh Aug 03 03:44:26 ... Aug 03 03:44:45 Import > click play? Aug 03 03:44:50 <_genuser_> hello people. Aug 03 03:44:53 not for me of course. Aug 03 03:45:10 I had corrupt files, incorrect build paths. Aug 03 03:45:32 It own't recognize my android device, it reads it, but it won't let me go ok with it after i build the program. Aug 03 03:49:51 <_genuser_> android sqlite users, do you create a new database on first run or do you deploy an already setup database with the app? Aug 03 04:03:39 For anyone who works with fragments, do you usually create them through XML or progaramatically Aug 03 04:04:32 <_genuser_> first time working with fragments. Using layouts to create them. Aug 03 04:05:14 layouts in xml? Aug 03 04:05:22 <_genuser_> correct. Aug 03 04:05:30 that is what I currently do, but seems I might have to do it through code to pass arguments to them Aug 03 04:05:47 <_genuser_> to create a dynamic layout? Aug 03 04:05:54 with a service, if i want a service that can sit in the background, periodically fetch a list of 'reminder events' from the server and create a notification when one of these events is due, i would start the service and it would go run an asynctask to fetch the list, then set an alarm for either the next reminder or next poll and then sit there existing but doing nothing until the alarm goes off and a receiver sends it another intent thr Aug 03 04:06:29 Bad idea...js Aug 03 04:06:40 Polling is the fail Aug 03 04:07:02 well i figured since i know very little about services, polling would be a good place to start and i can switch to pushing later Aug 03 04:07:21 _genuser_: not specifically. I have a semi fixed layout, however, I want to send an object (waypoint class and list) to two different fragments for them to share and modify. To do this I need to use bundles, which seem to only be done through creating the fragments in code Aug 03 04:07:26 Wrong is never right Aug 03 04:08:01 My question mainly is has anyone found a way to pass bundles to a fragment created in XML Aug 03 04:08:08 or do I have to do it through code Aug 03 04:08:25 Code++ Aug 03 04:08:47 <_genuser_> epsilonorion: http://neilgoodman.net/2012/01/29/working-with-fragments-on-android-part-1/ Aug 03 04:08:49 jug6-n7: polling aside, is what i said a reasonable summation of how this thing is supposed to work Aug 03 04:09:00 <_genuser_> epsilonorion: it seems to use layouts using xml. And onCreate passes a Bundle. Aug 03 04:11:05 Stew_a async task is for activities. Just use handler or thread or runnable w/e Aug 03 04:11:30 <_genuser_> epsilonorion: or you could just pass it by creating it using: Aug 03 04:11:33 <_genuser_> static ArrayListFragment newInstance(int num) { ArrayListFragment f = new ArrayListFragment(); Bundle args = new Bundle(); args.putInt("num", num); f.setArguments(args); return f; } Aug 03 04:12:48 _genuser_: For the first part of what you are saying, I already know how to use fragments (with XML). I have three fragments running quite well right now as far as Map, List, and Video fragments work Aug 03 04:14:28 _genuser_: As for the second thing you are saying, I know that in the oncreate function in mainactivity I can create the fragment as well as a bundle to send along with it. Aug 03 04:15:55 I guess my question mainly is there a way to do both. i.e. create the fragments and layouts in XML, then in the oncreate method in mainActivity create a bundle and send it to the fragment. Though, this seems no different then just calling a function to pass a variable Aug 03 04:16:31 _genuser_: I am thinking I may just have to go the route of creating the fragments in code under the oncreate method Aug 03 04:19:12 <_genuser_> epsilonorion: I see what you're saying. I just assumed you set the layout and create the fragment in code and load the layout using an adapter and off you go. :) Aug 03 04:19:33 <_genuser_> epsilonorion: it's my first week coding android. So my ideas will be limited so far. Aug 03 04:20:16 _genuser_: hey no problem, I am only a few weeks ahead of you with some of the things I have been doing. So far I like fragments, just have to rethink the way I have been doing them as of late Aug 03 04:20:36 so far I have generated them in XML, but now it seems I will have to shift to doing them programatically in code Aug 03 04:22:28 <_genuser_> epsilonorion: got some pointers here which helped me understand fragments and listadapters. never did java before either. so this whole way of doing things is kinda new. Used to .NET. :) Aug 03 04:25:20 well, not sure how you are doing fragments, but what I am learning is that using bundles is a good way of handling persistance of values when onPause methods and such are used. Also it is the main way of generating and passing arguments from the creating activity to the fragment Aug 03 04:27:48 is it possible to set actionbar tab background to and image? i have googled for hours now... Aug 03 04:28:43 <_genuser_> epsilonorion: using fragments by extending listfragment objects. Then having the xml layout in the layout file. Aug 03 04:29:25 yeah Aug 03 04:31:31 Actually, for anyone who knows, now looking more into bundles, are bundles allowed to hold something like an Object. I am only seeing the ability to pass strings, number, booleans, etc. Aug 03 04:32:45 epsilonorion: Parcelables Aug 03 04:35:18 g00s: so basically the object class that I create needs to implement parcelables, and then I can add it to the bundle (site I found really quickly http://www.anddev.org/putting_an_object_into_a_bundle-t6431.html Aug 03 04:35:23 first method in post two Aug 03 04:39:31 g00s: am I correct in that (along with the class required methods) Aug 03 04:47:05 When I run Run on eclipse it just has a bunch of question marks on my android and it own't let me go ruther with ok forcing me ot use htemulator. Aug 03 04:47:17 It is on USB debugging, anyone know what he problem could possible be? Aug 03 04:49:06 Tracks, your user doesn't have the rights to read the /dev/foo, read up on setting up the environment on unix and udev Aug 03 04:49:26 Thank you very much Zharf. Aug 03 04:51:25 Got a question re: android:background - seems to be 'slow' to load my activity when I have the background attached, as in a noticeable pause before the activity comes up Aug 03 04:51:58 Is loading of backgrounds done on the main thread? Aug 03 04:52:49 Yes I believe so Aug 03 04:53:47 Ah ok ... that would explain the pause. Might be better to load it with an AsyncTask and set the background once it's loaded? Aug 03 04:54:04 Yeah worth a try Aug 03 04:54:10 should help Aug 03 04:55:49 Yep, cool, I might even be able to scale it to the right size (if needed) before attaching it, but might need to use a ViewTreeObserver to get the view width / height before scaling it Aug 03 04:55:52 thanks Aug 03 05:12:36 hi there Aug 03 05:13:34 i have a layout like this Aug 03 05:13:44 why aren't the two radiobuttons connected? Aug 03 05:16:32 anyone have a work around for http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=33906&q=properties%20editor&colspec=ID%20Type%20Status%20Owner%20Summary%20Stars Aug 03 05:17:59 For this statement here"SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="0bb4", MODE="0666", GROUP="plugdev"". Where do they find the MODE and the GROUP values to place there and how do I know its correct for me? Aug 03 05:18:16 IS it in writing udev rules? Aug 03 05:24:59 Tracks: the mode is always 666 because it's THE MARK OF THE BEAST Aug 03 05:25:06 lol Aug 03 05:28:00 If its not one thing, its another. I am working with a class implementing parcelable to be able to pass an object from main activity to multiple fragments (object is a waypoint list). The object contains an ArrayList of waypt class. Aug 03 05:28:47 When using the parcelable components, I need to write the ArrayList into the Parcel, but this is where my issue is since there is no such function. Aug 03 05:29:21 One way I see is to make my waypt class also implement parcelable, but I feel this is overkill. Aug 03 05:29:40 The other way is to break down the list into separate components, but I also feel this is crazy Aug 03 05:29:49 does anyone know of a better way to handle this? Aug 03 05:35:20 Looking online, both methods are used between making the secondary object parcelable or by breaking the ArrayList up and writing each one Aug 03 05:39:00 Do I have ot know how to write udev rules jsut get the droid working or can I root it? Aug 03 05:39:09 just got the device yesterday. Aug 03 05:39:19 nevermind its on the computer side. Aug 03 05:39:27 I really don't want to learn about writing udev rules. Aug 03 05:39:36 This is so involved and I haven't written hardly any code yet lol. Aug 03 05:49:54 if using an arrayList in parcelable should I make the object the arraylist is based on Parcelable in order to write it to the Parcel, or write it as serilizable, or break it up to multiple parts Aug 03 05:53:47 Actually, before I continue, I am trying to pass an object to a fragment using Parcelable. Is this possible if the fragment has a listener setup for it to update each fragment it uses Aug 03 06:15:40 <_genuser_> is there a way to browse the emulator's filesystem? Aug 03 06:17:59 you should be able to do it using adb, there's a file explorer tab in DDMS in eclipse if i recall Aug 03 06:18:07 _genuser_: ddms has a file browser Aug 03 06:18:56 <_genuser_> ah both helpful pointers. :) thanks guys. googling for those. hopefully the adb is more shell like. Aug 03 06:20:54 Ok, I am creating a waypoint class that extends ArrayList and is a Parcelable to be able to pass to fragments. How do I implement a Listener in the class to allow each connected fragment to be aware of the any of the other fragments using the various ArrayList functions (add, delete, etc). Aug 03 06:21:08 I am new to using listeners Aug 03 06:21:26 actually, making listeners, I have used them already for buttons, etc, in android Aug 03 06:24:55 Hi. I am subclassing the AndroidTestCase class to test a helper class. The helper class constructor requires a Context object, which used to be `this` when instantiating from an Activity. But how do I instantiate the class from a test case class? Aug 03 06:25:56 helper = new helper class()? Aug 03 06:26:42 or whatever class you are trying to instantiate Aug 03 06:27:04 Tracks: the signature of the ctor requires a Context object. like new Helper(this); when calling from within my activity (as Activity extends Context) Aug 03 06:27:53 but the android.test.AndroidTestCase does not have a Context ancestor Aug 03 06:30:25 anyone have a work around for http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=33906&q=properties%20editor&colspec=ID%20Type%20Status%20Owner%20Summary%20Stars Aug 03 06:31:08 services are like singletons, there can only be one instance of them at any one time, right? (I.e. if i call startService and the service is already running, the intent will just get delivered to the existing service, yes?) Aug 03 06:31:40 Can anyone explain me what an arrayadapter is and why do i need to use it? the docs are not very clear on that Aug 03 06:32:21 daniel110: an arrayadapter is used to map a list or array structure onto a UI object such as a listview or gridview Aug 03 06:33:21 Stew_a: ok but i don't get the second parameter, i am following a tutorial and this is the code ArrayAdapter(this, android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, model); Aug 03 06:33:38 so if you have a list of names for example, you could create an arrayadapter on that list, set the adapter onto a listview and the listview will display the list of names (give or take) Aug 03 06:35:35 ok thanks but i still don't get the paramters, i undestand i need to pass the contenxt and the array but what about the second paramter Aug 03 06:35:43 the adapter needs a layout to use for each item in the list (the second argument, R.layout._____) and the element in the layout to set to the value of the entry (the 3rd argument), though this is just one of the constructors Aug 03 06:35:59 is it enough to jus download Android 4.1 for development in android sdk manager? Aug 03 06:36:16 pretty much Aug 03 06:36:33 Stew_a: Ah so i could use any layout? Aug 03 06:37:58 daniel110: take a look at SimpleAdapter if you want more than just a simple textview layout for each item, or you can subclass BaseAdapter yourself Aug 03 06:38:27 ok thanks for the help i am very new to android Aug 03 06:39:03 looking for some help with android obb files and re-uploading an obb file. would anyone be able to help? Aug 03 06:39:30 <_genuser_> nice!! thanks guys for file explorer. I see the database being created. Aug 03 06:40:55 hello? Aug 03 06:43:58 hdxpete: ask a more meaningful question Aug 03 06:44:26 how can i reupload a obb file that was cut off due to a network error? Aug 03 06:44:34 I'm going to ask again what an obb file is? Aug 03 06:44:39 opaque binary blob Aug 03 06:46:05 im integrating the APK expansion file system into my program. but we uploaded the file our google console and it got cut off. and we cant find a way to upload it again. Aug 03 06:46:29 if a network error occurs are we required to make a new APK version number? Aug 03 06:46:58 hdxpete: can't you just remove it and then try again? Aug 03 06:47:20 we found no button to remove or reupload. but i dont have access to the console. Aug 03 06:47:32 if there is documentation somewhere i would really appreciate it Aug 03 06:48:08 http://developer.android.com/guide/google/play/expansion-files.html Aug 03 06:48:15 thats for developers Aug 03 06:48:28 to help them integrate the expansion file system into their programs Aug 03 06:48:37 im talking about admin documentation Aug 03 06:48:52 how to upload them/delete them from google's apk console etc. Aug 03 06:51:06 for example.... in the documentation you just sent me "Even if you only need to make changes to the patch expansion file, you must still update the APK in order for Google Play to perform an update. If you don't require code changes in the application, you should simply update the versionCode in the manifest." Aug 03 06:51:16 but in our case we arent updating the file. Aug 03 06:51:28 a network error occured and we need to publish the correct file. Aug 03 07:29:23 the twitter client for android really sucks Aug 03 07:29:46 yeap Aug 03 07:29:51 If I specify that I am going to handle configuration changes myself , a rotation of the device still rotates my views. what method call is doing this Aug 03 07:30:52 it's funny how enormous companies like twitter and facebook whose entire business is some weird-online-only shit and they can't even get mobile apps right :/ Aug 03 07:32:02 LOL yea. I like the google+ mobile app though Aug 03 07:32:12 Why do I always forget .show() when I use Toast grrr Aug 03 07:32:21 That's what lint is for :P Aug 03 07:32:47 the google+ app is really good, shame nobody uses it :< Aug 03 07:33:12 I have a lot of friends on G+ but most are not "real" friends. Aug 03 07:36:21 yeah the first party twitter app is pretty awful Aug 03 07:36:33 what does the great JW use? Aug 03 07:36:49 Plume and TweetLanes Aug 03 07:37:05 neither is perfect Aug 03 07:37:20 hopefully Carbon will be released soon Aug 03 07:37:42 or something that has someone who knows WTF a color scheme is Aug 03 07:37:46 heh Aug 03 07:39:31 I tried Slice today from OneLouder... Aug 03 07:39:42 it was pretty horrid Aug 03 07:40:06 what is the best phone Verizon offers that I'm most likely to be able to run pure Android on? Aug 03 07:40:11 Galaxy Nexus Aug 03 07:40:19 the entire app felt like I was interacting with a WebView Aug 03 07:41:04 I figured the Galaxy Nexus, just wanted to be sure Aug 03 07:41:09 be suuuuuuuuuuuuuuure Aug 03 07:41:36 what else is there to consider stork? Aug 03 07:41:49 nothing, just a gnex Aug 03 07:45:14 http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/store/controller?item=phoneFirst&action=viewPhoneDetail&selectedPhoneId=5801 Aug 03 07:46:12 :shipit: Aug 03 07:46:13 I bought a DROID4 for the awesome slide-out keyboard... but now seeing the basterdized Android 2.3 Motorola and Verizon has shat out I'm ready to get pure Android. Aug 03 07:46:33 I'm still within the 14 days so I'm taking it back. Aug 03 07:46:39 you shan't regret it Aug 03 07:48:14 get on that Jelly Bean train Aug 03 07:50:27 choo choo Aug 03 07:50:41 so it's it easy to format/install pure Android on the Nexus? do I need to use CynogenMod or can I avoid that too? Aug 03 07:51:04 it comes with stock Android Aug 03 07:51:16 well, maybe not the Verizon one… but damn close Aug 03 07:51:53 I'd like to pull Android code from Google and put it on my phone. I don't want something Verizon may have touched. :D Aug 03 07:52:22 Google releases stock images for the phone Aug 03 07:52:34 rawburt: https://developers.google.com/android/nexus/images Aug 03 07:52:47 thanks! Aug 03 07:54:46 anyone know why when i load my activity the view appears half way down as opposed to at the top, how do i force it to appear at top Aug 03 07:59:00 * g00s wonders if he should resist recruits' request for word doc resume and only give pdf Aug 03 07:59:39 recruit meeeeeeeeee Aug 03 08:00:44 i dont trust them, or want them to change my resume Aug 03 08:02:09 that immediately says "incompetent hr" :) Aug 03 08:02:36 I'd understand if they requested resume in LaTeX format Aug 03 08:03:15 i wouldn't :D Aug 03 08:03:15 heh, or a .ps file :) Aug 03 08:07:57 very weird... onItemSelected fires for every single item when i create a spinner.. Aug 03 08:08:12 oh ok, i get it.. it notifies me of the selection that is the default.. Aug 03 08:08:14 hmm Aug 03 08:09:23 i try to solve the following: i have a ListView with a bunch of Spinners in it.. Aug 03 08:09:43 Some of the spinner items have checkboxes.. Aug 03 08:09:52 it's all fed by data from a database.. Aug 03 08:10:12 now when the user checks an option in a spinner, i would like to update the database and have the list of spinners reflect the new state.. Aug 03 08:10:36 so right now in onItemSelected, i update the DB and call notifyDatasetChanged() on the list of spinners.. Aug 03 08:10:39 yep I think it's quite stupid behavior of spinner Aug 03 08:10:44 but this leads to an infinite regress.. Aug 03 08:10:48 but what can you do Aug 03 08:10:49 erm, recursion.. Aug 03 08:11:05 aolin: check if the selection changes? Aug 03 08:11:47 that helps yes Aug 03 08:12:10 or i could just implement a click listener for each item.. Aug 03 08:12:11 hmm Aug 03 08:25:42 JakeWharton: do you have any screenshots of HaG in action? Aug 03 08:25:50 there's a demo app Aug 03 08:26:09 i'm downloading it at the mo so i guess i'll wait Aug 03 08:26:21 so I created a new android project with the fragment layout setup. However, I am having problems setting the background color of the fragments. I can create a custom listAdapter and set the background color of it, but the fragment backcolor is still white.. I cant see where that is set.. Aug 03 08:26:23 any ideas? Aug 03 08:26:57 stork: it's pretty boring Aug 03 08:27:43 i am pretty boring Aug 03 08:29:34 there should be like a built in component for re-using toasts Aug 03 08:31:35 and i can't do colours at all. :( Aug 03 08:32:05 i get a nullpointer exception on the assignment: http://pastesite.com/40923 Aug 03 08:32:14 but the assert doens't happen... Aug 03 08:32:18 Fixed it Aug 03 08:32:47 ah it seems, normal asserts have no effect on android.. Aug 03 08:33:39 gnah, why does it make defensive programming so hard? :D Aug 03 08:35:36 Class.this can not be final? I am trying to start an new activity from a onclicklistener that is made in an anonymous-method. Aug 03 08:36:26 johanhar: just create another final variable and assign this to it? :D Aug 03 08:36:35 I did ... Aug 03 08:36:37 :( Aug 03 08:36:39 Doesn't work Aug 03 08:37:03 why does android tell me to 'avoid using px as units'? what if i only want it to be 1 pixel high Aug 03 08:38:01 If you are using pixels, they won't scale with different screen sizes Aug 03 08:39:08 that's not always a bad thing though Aug 03 08:39:13 Anyone here know how to add a browser bookmark to default_workspace.xml (in Launcher2) ? Aug 03 08:39:57 i have a scrollable text view, but its like something is interrupting the on click event so i can scroll, anyone know what could be causing something like this? Aug 03 08:40:58 I've read that ndk code does not have hardware floating point support on default, now I tested float, int16_t and int32_t, where the first two appear to be pretty much equally fast and int32_t 2.5 times slower, why is that? Aug 03 08:42:05 my surfaceview is getting surfaceDestroyed called on it when its running in background and i swipe to unlock, is there a way to detect whats caused surface to be destoryed, so i can keep it alive in this instance? or any better way? Aug 03 08:45:12 gaz no you cannot. If the view isn't visible for any reason it gets called Aug 03 08:45:24 SurfaceView that is Aug 03 08:46:18 When focus comes back, surfaceCreated will be called, usually within 100 ms Aug 03 08:46:32 ok onClick on my textview works... yet i still cant scroll on it, any ideas anyone? Aug 03 08:47:58 themirror hmm ok Aug 03 08:48:06 thanks Aug 03 08:48:55 Yeah if u have questions regarding surfaceview I'm like an expert now haha spent so much time with it Aug 03 08:55:54 so strange that a "TextView" isnt scrollable in this area, but a "EditText" is... what is up with that Aug 03 08:56:15 hi, i'm having problems inflating views, i can inflate them but the problem is when i refer to my inflated views to change the image: http://pastebin.com/9qfW8SP9 Aug 03 08:56:23 ok, after fiddling with it for a day: spinners don't work for my usecase. i'll have to hack my own multiple selection widget.. Aug 03 08:56:40 it always refers to the first inflated image: ImageView amigo_imageview3 = (ImageView)myview3.findViewById(R.id.imagen_amigo); Aug 03 08:56:50 can someone check it out ? Aug 03 08:58:00 onItemSelected callback is not called for my items with checkboxes in it.. Aug 03 08:59:29 android is such a pain sometimes.. Aug 03 09:00:08 they should have gone with a Qt java binding and some custom classes for providing widgets for a touchscreen Aug 03 09:00:18 recreating a whole UI framework is hard.. Aug 03 09:02:53 sorry for the rant... Aug 03 09:03:01 but i needed to vent Aug 03 09:03:07 with so much time spent Aug 03 09:03:10 i wish to relent Aug 03 09:03:38 I get it, you're hell bent Aug 03 09:04:07 and you? to heaven you get sent? Aug 03 09:04:35 It's cause I pay my rent Aug 03 09:04:45 for me, it's off to the devil that old friend.. Aug 03 09:04:58 And give up chocolate for lent Aug 03 09:06:22 And now all the good rhymes are spent. Aug 03 09:07:02 don't give up your booty though, mostly your hand Aug 03 09:07:09 s/mostly/at most/ Aug 03 09:07:38 but true.. no it's over with the rhymes Aug 03 09:07:43 but we had a jolly good times Aug 03 09:08:12 and in my head the echo still chimes.. Aug 03 09:08:36 but still: why doesn't onItemSelected() not get called when i have a checkbox in the view? Aug 03 09:08:39 grmlbl.. Aug 03 09:08:50 tapas, I don't need every UI element in the world, but if they had included an Apache license, I don't know, swipe from right to left to get to the next screen element, that would have been nice Aug 03 09:09:05 Instead of having a million people continually reinvent the wheel badly Aug 03 09:09:35 hi guys... anyone familiar with init.c code? Aug 03 09:10:25 i'm trying to do a execve() in the main() of init to run my own c program, is it possible to do that? Aug 03 09:11:20 i'll abandon the spinner for now and try with dialogs populated with listviews.. Aug 03 09:13:27 i'm having problems inflating views, i can inflate them but the problem is when i refer to my inflated views to change the image, must i add the view to viewgroup too ?? http://pastebin.com/9qfW8SP9 Aug 03 09:17:16 ddreamer0: one thing I believe is affecting you: http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/LayoutInflater.html#inflate(int, android.view.ViewGroup) "Returns: The root View of the inflated hierarchy. If root was supplied, this is the root View; otherwise it is the root of the inflated XML file." Aug 03 09:17:48 I.e. "View myView" would be the parent layout. Aug 03 09:17:54 And not an ImageView Aug 03 09:18:04 So the cast would result in nasty things. Aug 03 09:37:21 HDroid: ok but then i do a find WITHIN myView to get the child image view, wouldn't this be correct ? ImageView amigo_imageview3 = (ImageView)myview.findViewById(R.id.imagen_amigo); Aug 03 09:40:56 Is it possible to set the default activity orientation to landscape left/right? (either xml or code) Aug 03 09:41:50 android:screenOrientation="portrait" Aug 03 09:42:28 erufu: you mean android:screenOrientation="landscape"? Aug 03 09:43:13 hoangtran: yep : http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.html Aug 03 09:43:20 ddreamer0: oh yes, I guess so. Aug 03 09:43:39 ddreamer0: what is the problem you're having? Aug 03 09:44:00 if so, it show 1 case of landscape, what I one is to be able to control the "orientation" of the landscape Aug 03 09:44:11 erufu: I see there''s "reverseLandscape" Aug 03 09:44:13 Imageview not updating? Aug 03 09:44:23 gonna try it ^^ Aug 03 09:45:38 HDroid: it's inflating correctly but i can only get the ID of the first inflated resource Aug 03 09:45:46 erufu: hmm, it is "Added in API level 9.", I need it on api level 7 Aug 03 09:46:07 (I'm inflating a linearlayout with imageviews, and i can only access the first imageview Aug 03 09:46:09 ) Aug 03 09:47:23 Hm yeah, they're getting the same ID I guess. Aug 03 09:47:41 too bad hoangtran, maybe with code, but i don't know how :/ Aug 03 09:47:43 anyone else think the holo edittext looks a bit.. understated? Aug 03 09:47:46 Workaround I can think of is to inflate without the root, so you get a reference to the imageview instead. Aug 03 09:47:52 (and then addChild) Aug 03 09:48:45 i tried inflate(resource, viewgroup) and inflate(resource, viewgroup, true) Aug 03 09:49:46 inflate(resource, viewgroup, false) Aug 03 09:50:26 yeah, that's what i was thinking Aug 03 09:50:59 i had tried amigos_view.addView after, but you say addChild is best right ? Aug 03 09:51:41 Oh no, addChild Aug 03 09:51:51 Coding is hard without autocomplete :P Aug 03 09:53:44 HDroid i can't addchild on my ViewGroup (amigos_view) Aug 03 09:53:59 Why not? Aug 03 09:56:12 isn't availble method Aug 03 09:56:15 ??? Aug 03 09:56:24 IT WORKED WITH ADDVIEW! Aug 03 09:56:27 heeeyhaa Aug 03 09:56:43 strange but thanks++++ Aug 03 09:56:49 brb Aug 03 10:02:53 Meh I meant to say Oh no, addView, sorry. Aug 03 10:02:58 Wasn't paying attention Aug 03 10:03:41 But glad it worked :P Aug 03 10:22:52 how long does it take to flash a system image threw fastboot? Aug 03 10:23:06 it stuck on writing "system"... Aug 03 10:24:50 is there any developer? or a channel for galaxy nexus? i got a weird problem over here.. Aug 03 10:25:23 #android-root ? Aug 03 10:26:05 i ll try there too.. thanks Aug 03 10:32:47 if i have a local service that makes network requests and stores the result, and i have an adapter that needs access to that data which is attached to a fragment which can be attached to one of a couple of activities, all of which bind to the service in onCreate, how can i connect the adapter to the service's data if the service isn't bound yet in the activity's onCreate Aug 03 10:35:31 Stew_a: you call the code from onServiceConnected Aug 03 10:37:17 you mean don't create the fragments until the service has bound? Aug 03 10:38:00 well, you can't touch the service until it is bound. Aug 03 10:38:08 Creating fragments is fine, though. Aug 03 10:40:00 What architectural solution you implement is up to you. Personally I would bet I'd not even use a bound service for the task, knowing not much else about it. Aug 03 10:41:34 Hello android devs, i know there is a way to set background for tabs with tabwidget, but when using actionbar tabs how do you set the background of the tab? cant figure it out... Aug 03 10:42:19 I am trying to make an app that listens for specific network data.. But not sure how to accomplish that.. I have a program that broadcasts data on a certain format to the local network Aug 03 10:42:36 and I want my android app to detect the data and determine the source IP Aug 03 10:42:54 anyone have any idea how to get that working? Aug 03 10:43:11 fn0rd: it IS an architectural problem i've just made a bit of a mess with my architecture, but i don't think a contentprovider is appropriate either Aug 03 10:44:01 Stew_a: nope. ContentProvider sucks. Aug 03 10:44:09 Stew_a: I'd probably use ORMlite. Aug 03 10:44:41 just direct access to the SQLite db is fine, if you're not sharing data between apps. Aug 03 10:45:09 and you can have as many open connections as you want and manage them fairly easily with ormlite Aug 03 10:45:30 thanks, i'll take a look Aug 03 10:45:37 np Aug 03 10:48:02 no ideas? :) Aug 03 11:18:45 im having some problems in getView in a custom adapter.. Aug 03 11:18:53 it doesnt show the images at the correct position when I swipe! Aug 03 11:19:34 any help? Aug 03 11:21:41 Let's see it. Aug 03 11:22:48 If I want something to happen at a certain time, should I make a service? If something is scheduled to happen (e.g an alarm) at 12.00 and the user kills the app in tha task-manager, the event should still be triggered. To do this, I need to learn about servies? Or any other and easier way to do it? Aug 03 11:24:17 http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/AlarmManager.html Aug 03 11:24:23 THanks Aug 03 11:25:17 Whether you want a service or an activity depends mainly on whether you need to show something to the user or not. Aug 03 11:26:02 It's pretty much a delayed Intent Aug 03 11:34:11 Hello Aug 03 11:34:24 JakeWharton: ping Aug 03 11:34:26 :P Aug 03 11:35:12 Anyone knows why in my SherlockListFragment the progressdialog doesn't look like the "ICS" progress bar? Aug 03 11:38:18 Any recommendations for Android game engines? I had a look at Andengine but wasn't very impressed at the level of documentation/examples Aug 03 11:38:36 unreal Aug 03 11:41:04 vekexasia: if you use ActionBarSherlock in pre-4.0 Android, only the ActionBar looks like ICS Aug 03 11:41:29 yes i saw it. I need it also for the listfragment Aug 03 11:41:33 i'll do it by myself Aug 03 11:41:40 I thought I made some mistakes Aug 03 11:41:46 in using Sherlock Aug 03 11:42:20 I mean ABS is like this by design, everything else is supposed to look like the platform Aug 03 11:43:22 I needed create my own styled Spinners when I placed them as action items Aug 03 11:43:49 as the 2.1 spinners for example are redicilously large to put as action item Aug 03 11:45:06 the new github for windows is pretty cool Aug 03 11:45:20 hi Aug 03 11:45:26 how can i enable the debug-mode from code ? Aug 03 11:46:05 debug mode? Aug 03 11:46:48 for connecting the usb Aug 03 11:46:51 and get adb shell Aug 03 11:46:59 first the debug mode must be enabled Aug 03 11:47:13 i need to enable it from an apk Aug 03 11:47:23 you might be able to do it, if you use the system settings permission. Aug 03 11:47:24 is there any api to change this? Aug 03 11:47:36 ok, perfect Aug 03 11:48:45 http://developer.android.com/reference/android/provider/Settings.Secure.html#ADB_ENABLED Aug 03 11:49:12 I have a 2D array of ints. If this is to be interpreted as a pixel array of the scene (ARGB, for example, but the format is flexible), what is the fastest way to render this to the screen? I'm looking for something close to real-time, I'm making a Doom clone. Aug 03 11:49:12 thnx !! Aug 03 11:50:09 mdkess: i would think you should instead use floats and opengl es vertex buffers. Aug 03 11:51:52 There are no vertexes though (well, four, if the screen is rendered as a quad/two triangles). But how do I get the color array to some useful format? Aug 03 11:52:56 where are the ints comin from? Aug 03 11:53:35 I generate them. Aug 03 11:53:44 'ello Aug 03 11:53:45 I compute the color at each pixel. Aug 03 11:53:46 are all the ints known at compile time? Aug 03 11:53:47 Can I put some kind of "subscriber" to a checkbox, for each time it is changed, the subscriber is notified. Thanks Aug 03 11:54:06 No, it's at runtime. It's a raycaster (like a poor man's ray tracer, but fast). Aug 03 11:54:17 hello Aug 03 11:54:24 One quick question - I have a MVC web app, and a controller that returns a JSON object. How would I go about calling that controller and storing the JSON in a variable from within my app? Aug 03 11:54:29 loadURL? Aug 03 11:54:59 mdkess: i'm afraid I don't know enough about opengl es to recommend the best way, but I can tell you for sure you're gonna have to use opengl es to get any considerable speed. Aug 03 11:55:07 is it possible to send the global audio mix of a android-phone through a digital filter? Aug 03 11:55:16 nvm found it Aug 03 11:55:32 if i want to have a button in my listview adapter, do i need to set the onclicklistener inside the adapter? Aug 03 11:55:45 i think i'm gonna spend my day hacking opengl es though. I'm fairly sick of the mundane apps i've been writing Aug 03 11:56:12 Bear10: yes Aug 03 11:56:29 set it in the adapter. Only create one onclicklistener, as well. Aug 03 11:56:38 can anyone recommend an android development forum? Aug 03 11:56:40 just use a switch on the ids. Aug 03 11:56:42 fn0rd, alright thanks Aug 03 11:56:45 No one has the answer to the web response thing? :( Aug 03 11:56:51 Bundestrojaner: for Q&A or chat? Aug 03 11:57:11 for discussions about what i asked above^^ Aug 03 11:57:19 So this is my attempt at rendering it: https://github.com/mdkess/AndCaster/blob/master/src/ca/kess/games/RaycasterGLRenderer.java I tried it as lines, but it didn't work out so well. Aug 03 11:57:28 possibility, how to do it,... Aug 03 11:57:38 Bundestrojaner: maybe ask on XDA Aug 03 11:57:41 just a usual forum Aug 03 11:58:01 fn0rd: http://www.xda-developers.com/ ? Aug 03 11:58:11 stackoverflow is good for directly answerable questions. a subjective post would probably be less likely to be shot down on xda. Aug 03 11:58:19 yeah Aug 03 11:58:25 just make sure no one asked it already. Aug 03 11:58:35 ok Aug 03 11:58:36 thx Aug 03 12:03:56 hmm, is it expected behavour that when i set a View.OnClickListener on an item in a ListView, that the listView doesn't show pressed state indicators anymore? Aug 03 12:04:20 yeah but you can override that Aug 03 12:04:32 fn0rd: ah ok, how? Aug 03 12:04:41 gotta look up the attribute. it's in the xml Aug 03 12:05:16 ah ok.. Aug 03 12:05:24 looking at the ListView docs myself atm.. Aug 03 12:05:54 it's inherited I think Aug 03 12:06:02 i'll know it when I see it Aug 03 12:06:09 it was in the world of listview vid Aug 03 12:06:33 does anyone know of any relatively-indepth tutorials to get started in andoid dev? im new to android dev (but not to programming), and looking for something decent to chew on Aug 03 12:07:04 sevenseacat: just jump into it.. Aug 03 12:07:07 tapas: i think it might be "descendantFocusability" Aug 03 12:07:14 tapas: i am :) Aug 03 12:07:17 in ViewGroup Aug 03 12:07:23 sevenseacat: install eclipse, install ADT, android SDKs and start with your first app Aug 03 12:07:26 sevenseacat, http://developer.android.com/index.html has good tutorials Aug 03 12:07:35 sevenseacat: then come here for questions :D Aug 03 12:07:41 fn0rd: ah cool Aug 03 12:08:20 sevenseacat, theres also some good books around, i like the one by commonsware. Aug 03 12:08:22 tapas: If it's the whole row you set a click listener on, I wouldn't expect it to show pressed state Aug 03 12:08:26 tapas: yep ive done that, ive done the getting started bit on the android site, i have the idea of the app i want to build, i was hoping for something a bit more.... i dunno, like a tutorial in creating a full app that i can learn and apart from Aug 03 12:08:33 *learn and pick apart Aug 03 12:08:43 book from commonsware... ill look into it Aug 03 12:09:04 sevenseacat, commonsware has "tutorial style" --also on the official site there are APIDemos which u can pick apart Aug 03 12:10:33 sounds good :) i'll hang around here while i read and learn! Aug 03 12:10:41 tapas: setItemsCanFocus might be interesting as well Aug 03 12:10:47 what is the behavior you need? Aug 03 12:11:16 afaik these features are so that if you are using say, the trackball or keyboard to navigate, that the items in the listview children and listview rows themselves get focus in the proper order Aug 03 12:11:26 fn0rd: i want the item in the listview to get highlighted when the user touches it.. Aug 03 12:11:51 tapas: are you sure the listview row is filling parent on the width? Aug 03 12:11:56 getting Invalid GCM API Key or C2DM Client Login Token (Bad Key). when trying to add an api key to my app in market? Aug 03 12:12:02 anyone else had this problem? Aug 03 12:12:08 or match_parent, to be more up to date... Aug 03 12:12:24 if you don't fill the width, it can appear as though touching a row does nothing. Aug 03 12:12:27 tapas: if it's the whole row, why bother with a click listener.. if it's part of the row, it doesn't make sense to highlight the entire row Aug 03 12:12:36 fn0rd: yes, because when i take the OnClickListener for the buttons and the CheckedStateChangedListeners away from my items they get highlighted.. Aug 03 12:12:56 sevenseacat, i started to learn programming and android about 8 months ago, i found learning the basics first helped alot, i started by going through "App Components" here: http://developer.android.com/guide/components/fundamentals.html Aug 03 12:12:59 do you have to use the "browser" key instead of a server key? Aug 03 12:13:22 SimonVT: for whole rows, i should just use a OnItemClickListener i guess.. Aug 03 12:13:28 Yep Aug 03 12:14:20 j0hnsm1th: sounds perfect, reading now Aug 03 12:22:15 aolin, I did override the Progressbarlarge style with my own. Copied the xml for the animation but Aug 03 12:22:36 the listfragment progress doesnt' look fluid Aug 03 12:23:00 the actionbar progress is more flui Aug 03 12:23:09 and smooth. Any idea ? Aug 03 12:23:40 Soo.. do the same as in the actionbar Aug 03 12:24:51 I'm using a gridlayout with a textview as a cell. The text inside the textview is too large and I don't know why but the text don't fit the boundaries of the screen. Do you know how to fix it? Aug 03 12:24:56 SimonVT: I copied also the xml from actionbarsherlock. Aug 03 12:25:01 they're the same... Aug 03 12:25:18 does anyone know a dsp library for android? Aug 03 12:25:19 to use lowpass, highpass and bandpass filters on an audiostream? Aug 03 12:25:35 I also tried to use the actionbar xml drawable. Still looking not fluid and smooth. Aug 03 12:34:26 i have a linearlayout with two other views in it, i want to animate it so that one view shrinks and the other scales to fill the space Aug 03 12:34:31 how do i do that? Aug 03 12:35:01 i tried ScaleAnimation, but it doesn't affect the space the view occupies Aug 03 12:35:13 mornin Aug 03 12:36:54 nyan Aug 03 12:37:57 anyone? Aug 03 12:38:12 here's 1 8) Aug 03 12:39:01 anyone got the "content rating" arbitrarily changed by the Google Play team ? Aug 03 12:39:22 glDrawTexfOES is slower than drawing a textured quad with same size on my phone, did anyone observe the opposite on his device? Aug 03 12:44:10 lil_Worker: i'd be interested on that topic too. Aug 03 12:48:26 [---][---] [----][--] [-----][-] [------] Aug 03 12:48:32 how do i animate that? Aug 03 12:50:47 hmm, any ormlite users out there? i wonder if i have to do anything special to have the changes i perform on a persisted object go to the DB? Aug 03 12:51:21 To run the app on a real phone, I just need to plug it in to my computer and copy over the App.apk in /bin/ to what? Aug 03 12:52:10 the DAOs are filled with the data from the DB allright, but i set a value and it is not persisted.. Aug 03 12:52:13 hmm Aug 03 12:52:14 Drager: You could enable debugging and start it from eclipse Aug 03 12:52:23 i use eclipse and press run to run it on my phone :) Aug 03 12:52:38 sevenseacat: And remove the AVD? Aug 03 12:52:56 Drager: Usually the real device will be chosen first Aug 03 12:53:03 Ah okey Aug 03 12:53:04 Cool Aug 03 12:53:06 thanks Aug 03 12:53:42 Does anyone know if I can rely on IEEE 754 floats in my ndk code? Aug 03 12:55:38 it says hashmap has the serializable interface implemented Aug 03 12:55:48 is that definitely true for android java too? Aug 03 12:56:11 assuming the from,to objects are serializible anyways Aug 03 12:56:42 is there any way of building all my libs every time i run my project? My builds and runs are taking forever! Aug 03 12:59:05 kaneda^: yes Aug 03 12:59:16 yuizy, cool, that's what i thought :) Aug 03 12:59:33 i'm making a serializable asset manager Aug 03 13:00:25 Waynes: Aug 03 13:00:37 I wrote some super fancy code to manage my textures, found out that all that java.util stuff is full of memory bloat and am using a single array now Aug 03 13:00:38 When I plug in my phone Windows cannot install any drivers Aug 03 13:00:41 I have no idea why Aug 03 13:00:52 hmm, so HM.put(key,val) returns the previous val Aug 03 13:00:56 I cant find the phone.. Aug 03 13:00:58 Drager: Does eclipse detect it anyway? Aug 03 13:00:58 i never knew that, very useful Aug 03 13:01:37 Waynes: Where can I see that? :P Aug 03 13:02:21 Try to run your app from eclipse, if avd pops up it doesn't work x) Aug 03 13:02:39 (Remember to enable Options - Applications - Development - USB Debugging or however it translates to english) Aug 03 13:02:41 lil_Worker: any luck with your question? Aug 03 13:03:14 avd poped up Aug 03 13:03:15 :< Aug 03 13:03:33 'adb devices' returns the devices that are reconized by the machine Aug 03 13:03:58 if your device isn't there, visit the manufacturers website and look for a driver Aug 03 13:04:46 my samsung I9001 didn't need drivers on lubuntu, ubuntu and backtrack 5 Aug 03 13:04:47 also, eclipse run configurations will always use the same device unless you tell it to prompt you to choose Aug 03 13:05:04 Ye Aug 03 13:05:10 But my phone isnt there. Aug 03 13:06:05 my eclipse keeps telling me to use a SparseArray Aug 03 13:06:08 why? Aug 03 13:06:21 nope vekexasia Aug 03 13:06:26 because they might be faster Aug 03 13:06:39 Waynes, but, how does it recognize that? Aug 03 13:06:52 you are using ? Aug 03 13:06:56 yes Aug 03 13:07:16 SparseArrays don't wrap ints into Integers Aug 03 13:07:29 ah, so yuo avoid the overhead of ahving an object Aug 03 13:07:45 oh wow, i had never even heard of SparseArray Aug 03 13:07:49 that's awesome Aug 03 13:07:55 wongk, gotta love eclipse ;) Aug 03 13:08:21 Depending on what you are trying to do you could also make an object like R.drawable.aaaaa and subtract this from every resource id so you have a nice [0, ....] mapping Aug 03 13:08:50 oh ok, i guess i have to delete the old entry vi the DAO and create a new one from the object Aug 03 13:08:53 s/eclipse/lint/ Aug 03 13:09:02 assume the performance is supposed to be amortized constant for all operations? of course they don't include that info in the docs (i mean, why would you want to know that?) Aug 03 13:09:07 is there any way to NOT build my libraries every time i run my app ? Aug 03 13:09:11 I assume... Aug 03 13:09:16 hmm, but sparsearray only implements cloneable Aug 03 13:09:20 i dont think it's serializable Aug 03 13:09:29 why do you keep trying to serialize things Aug 03 13:09:37 wongk, i'm writing an asset manager Aug 03 13:09:43 for offline storage Aug 03 13:09:55 and the overhead of sqlite is totally unecessary Aug 03 13:10:28 lil_Worker: look in private Aug 03 13:10:29 i much prefer an asset manager to control a single point of serialization/deserialization Aug 03 13:10:41 Waynes, wongk: worked when I downloaded drivers :P Aug 03 13:10:42 thanks Aug 03 13:10:52 im not sure how much overhead you're going to be saving Aug 03 13:10:52 fun fact, bundle has methods for putting/getting sparsearrays of parcelable objects Aug 03 13:11:04 Making it even mroe awesome Aug 03 13:11:21 wongk, i'm not sure either TBH, but i'm making my asset manager really efficient Aug 03 13:11:23 (vs hashmap) Aug 03 13:11:49 SimonVT, i thought a bundle couldnt contain objects, only parcels could do this Aug 03 13:11:56 bundles have a super limited set of objects they can contain Aug 03 13:12:07 I said parcelable objects Aug 03 13:12:11 Not any object Aug 03 13:12:15 bundles can contain any Parcelable Aug 03 13:12:16 but it's a sparsearray of objects Aug 03 13:12:21 that amkes sense Aug 03 13:12:39 i've taken to passing my JSON as strings and parsing it in the correct activity Aug 03 13:12:48 so i'm not passing any complex objects Aug 03 13:13:54 how to make gallery view like this -- https://lh6.ggpht.com/FVetth9gMk6HFRxajKTKwI1-nSjQPVwSiuymjyYebv5sk95xTGVv02P5VbWy5xQt91Q Aug 03 13:14:04 Please help Aug 03 13:14:19 linearlayout and horizontal scroll view i think Aug 03 13:14:44 but how can the images on the side be smaller kaneda^ Aug 03 13:14:48 Write a custom view Aug 03 13:14:54 aagam94, i'd do waht SimonVT said Aug 03 13:15:23 SimonVT, how to start makin a custom View. Aug 03 13:15:24 then take the onclick method for each image and have it move the scroll while resizing the image and those around it if necessary Aug 03 13:15:24 yep, especially if you want to provide a smooth zoom Aug 03 13:15:37 then you can animate the transition as well Aug 03 13:15:37 You start by extending View or ViewGroup Aug 03 13:15:39 Then you write code Aug 03 13:16:08 any example of Custom View of you guys?? Aug 03 13:21:51 Hi, I have a problem with using a split action bar (ActionBarSherlock). In MyActivity.onCreate I run findViewById(R.id.mainView).getViewTreeObserver().addOnGlobalLayoutListener to measure its height when the first layout is done. This worked fine before using the split action bar. When using the split action bar, at the first layout event the height of the split bar is not taken into account. I noticed that if I rotate the device, the hei Aug 03 13:21:51 ght of the split bar *is* taken into account. Any idea how to detect this correctly? Aug 03 13:36:30 how to add 2 imageviews in a custom View Aug 03 13:37:12 in what custom view? Aug 03 13:39:34 means i want 3 imageviews in which the center image comes out and the images on the side are shown backwards...i want to make view like this --https://lh6.ggpht.com/FVetth9gMk6HFRxajKTKwI1-nSjQPVwSiuymjyYebv5sk95xTGVv02P5VbWy5xQt91Q......aleb Aug 03 13:39:41 aleb, Aug 03 13:40:33 MSG aleb How to make that... Aug 03 13:41:09 I have a, onClick method on my adapter, how can i get the information stored in the tag? or do i need to set the info on the button tag as well? Aug 03 13:41:49 hi Aug 03 13:42:08 aagam94, depends what you want to do with that, If you want to allow swiping the images, I don't know. Otherwise, use a RelativeLayout Aug 03 13:42:22 aleb, i want to swipe Aug 03 13:42:44 wp-developer, how to make sliding images like this--https://lh6.ggpht.com/FVetth9gMk6HFRxajKTKwI1-nSjQPVwSiuymjyYebv5sk95xTGVv02P5VbWy5xQt91Q Aug 03 13:44:07 Bear10, what adapter, whose tag, what button are you talking about? :) Aug 03 13:44:39 aagam94 use css Aug 03 13:45:48 aleb, i made my own list adapter, extends BaseAdapter. Then there was a tutorial i followed from google where you place the view info in a ViewHolder and place that info in the view's tag. Everything displays fine but now i have a button i want to be clickable and i want to launch a new activity when the button for the respective item is clicked Aug 03 13:47:05 so in my adapter i have an "onClick" method which runs just fine, however the problem is im not quite sure how to get the info which is stored in the convertView's tag Aug 03 13:47:13 Bear10, does it work if when you create that button, you use button.setOnClickListener. Aug 03 13:47:15 ? Aug 03 13:47:24 the clicking is fine Aug 03 13:47:34 just trying to get the data Aug 03 13:47:57 because onClick is run on the ImageView and the tag is stored in the View converView Aug 03 13:49:05 Well, you have to use button.getParent until you get to the convertView Aug 03 13:49:37 You're setting the click listener in getview.. you have direct access to the viewholder Aug 03 13:49:56 actually even that's not even the problem then i think Aug 03 13:50:19 i actually just need to get the info of the item being clicked, nothing to do with the views Aug 03 13:50:25 Same deal Aug 03 13:50:54 SimonVT, sure i'm setting the clickListener in getView, but the method is outside Aug 03 13:51:04 its a .setOnClickListener(this) Aug 03 13:51:17 So change it to setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener .... Aug 03 13:51:24 no way to do it this way? Aug 03 13:51:29 What's a fun thing to make for Android? Aug 03 13:51:31 reason i ask is because someone suggested i do this way Aug 03 13:51:31 I'm stuck for ideas Aug 03 13:51:33 Or, set the info as a tag on the button Aug 03 13:51:38 My last app can never be released due to legal reasons.. Aug 03 13:51:42 Bear10, does it work if you call button.getParent ? Aug 03 13:51:54 aleb, not quite what i need but i think i got it Aug 03 13:52:21 Bacta: Make a level Aug 03 13:52:27 what do you need? Aug 03 13:52:48 you can use the accelerometer as a level because gravity acts on it Aug 03 13:53:41 fn0rd, wouldnt you need orientation as well for that to work? Aug 03 13:53:44 aleb, its just to get the item data when clicked, but i think i can do a .... button.setTag(getItem(position)), and then on onClick do view.getTag() Aug 03 13:54:28 yep worked out :) Aug 03 13:55:28 kaneda^: uh maybe Aug 03 13:55:36 for sure Aug 03 13:56:49 SimonVT, is there a way to send the data from the list to the parent activity? that way i can use some other variables that i have in the activity to launch a new intent for a new activity? or would i need to do that all from the adapter as well? Aug 03 13:59:21 Anyone familiar with AudioManager.java? Aug 03 13:59:46 CurlyBrace ask question Aug 03 14:00:21 How do you mute IAudioService? Aug 03 14:01:20 I see set mute methods on the api, Aug 03 14:01:25 but I do not know where to get an IBinder Aug 03 14:01:29 should sending it null work? Aug 03 14:01:32 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6874881/how-does-setmicrophonemute-work Aug 03 14:02:11 thanks Aug 03 14:02:28 np CurlyBrace Aug 03 14:02:55 Really stupid question, when they say microphone here do they mean playing sound or recording it? Aug 03 14:04:02 mute is for microphone i guess Aug 03 14:04:08 Does anyone know of a good tutorial for setting up my own listener to listen to calling of a method. I have found examples of how to register classes listening to the listener, but not how to actually implement the listener to react on say "addWaypoint" or "deleteWaypoint" functions? Aug 03 14:04:41 thanks again... Aug 03 14:04:41 does anyone know why I keep getting a stack overflow error just when I try to view an xml file? Aug 03 14:05:05 its consuming lot of memory john_doe_jr Aug 03 14:05:35 wp-developer: well, I used the include tag to build up everything in the xml file ... Aug 03 14:05:46 wp-developer: how do I solve this problem? Aug 03 14:06:59 john_doe_jr http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10564095/stackoverflowerror-when-opening-xml-file-in-eclipce Aug 03 14:09:01 wp-developer: change the theme style to android:theme="@style/Theme.Sherlock.Light.DarkActionBar.ForceOverflow" ....why does that matter? Aug 03 14:09:10 i have a listview with a button on each row, but the app crashes on the list.findViewbyID(R.id.button).setOnClickListener statement,any help? Aug 03 14:09:22 Chrishas: stacktrace or GTFO Aug 03 14:09:52 http://imgur.com/jacoj Aug 03 14:10:41 i love that picture. Aug 03 14:11:59 A different question, if I have multiple fragments using an object (synchronized) is it better to pass a reference of that object to each fragment using bundles (making the object parcelable) or to use a singleton of the object instead. Aug 03 14:13:00 Chrishas: ? Aug 03 14:15:06 Leeds: http://pastebin.com/qgctN0hn Aug 03 14:16:14 at com.tesco.MainActivity.addBreakfast(MainActivity.java:184) Aug 03 14:16:42 hm.. breakfast Aug 03 14:17:44 what if I prefer M&S breakfast? ;) Aug 03 14:18:04 Chrishas: so something is null... find the null, save the world Aug 03 14:19:39 actually, I can get M&S and Waitrose food here, no Tescos at all Aug 03 14:20:20 I'm getting a stackoverflow error...I have an xml layout that includes a number of different xml files using an includes ....I realize that my problem is that I have too many nested layouts...Does anyone have any idea how to solve this? Aug 03 14:21:14 Duh Aug 03 14:21:17 Less nesting Aug 03 14:22:02 HDroid: well, how do I do that? Aug 03 14:22:21 john_doe_jr: depends entirely on what you're doing. Aug 03 14:22:33 Are you seeing the error on device? Aug 03 14:23:15 HDroid: well, I've got a number of xml files titled sub_layout_name_of_xml.xml.... then in 1 xml I have an include tag to include them all in a tab interface...I'm getting the error message in eclipse Aug 03 14:23:36 Ohh Aug 03 14:23:44 Man, that's... crucial info, you know. Aug 03 14:23:49 would the merge tag help?...I just know don't how to use it... Aug 03 14:23:53 Tried choosing another theme in eclipse? There used to be some issues with that Aug 03 14:24:15 SimonVT: I've already tried and still get the stack overflow message Aug 03 14:27:37 Here's a link to the exact problem I'm having: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10379677/accessing-nested-layouts-in-android Aug 03 14:27:48 guys, im inteding to support 2.2+ so im going for sherlock actionbar, what i want to know is if run on 4 , will it behave just like action bar? Aug 03 14:27:57 actionbar* Aug 03 14:29:12 yes Aug 03 14:29:37 john_doe_jr: Doesn't mention anything about stackoverflows Aug 03 14:30:01 SimonVT: that yes was for me, wasnt it? Aug 03 14:30:06 yes Aug 03 14:30:14 nice thanks :) Aug 03 14:30:21 SimonVT: well, it's nested views that is getting me the stack overflow error message though Aug 03 14:30:49 file a bug and stop nesting so much then Aug 03 14:31:27 Anyone here familiar with how the sd card mounts in android? Aug 03 14:33:09 CurlyBrace: really, not an #android-dev topic Aug 03 14:33:58 Good morning. Aug 03 14:34:04 I keep getting conflicting info on where each topic is relevant :$ Aug 03 14:34:08 morning Aug 03 14:34:55 CurlyBrace: app development, here... user stuff, #android... rooting/hacking/modding/blah/crap #android-root... system stuff, in theory #android, in practice probably better off on one of the google groups Aug 03 14:35:51 Ah Aug 03 14:36:12 I guess I get referred back here sometimes when I am looking at modding because some of the topics are relevant to both (such as audio) Aug 03 14:38:29 how to fill the image in the imageview Aug 03 14:39:23 wp-developer, Aug 03 14:39:47 aleb, Aug 03 14:40:44 fill image? Set layout with wrap_content doèsnt work? Aug 03 14:43:01 wrap_content doesnt works JonathanSS Aug 03 14:43:09 *work Aug 03 14:43:50 your question is ambigue Aug 03 14:43:54 try specifying Aug 03 14:45:42 osxorgate, I am tellin that when i added an image source to imageview then the image in the imageview is very small and it does not fit the whole imageview Aug 03 14:45:51 sagam84, Why you cannot specify the DPs of width an height? Aug 03 14:46:49 JonathanSS, let me check that Aug 03 14:47:18 JonathanSS, it does not work Aug 03 14:47:25 is JakeWharton around? Aug 03 14:48:08 no Aug 03 14:48:12 might still be a little early for him Aug 03 14:48:19 "a little" Aug 03 14:48:26 he went to bed like 2 hours ago Aug 03 14:48:41 heh, so itake it he's not in SF then :P Aug 03 14:50:45 hey dudes Aug 03 14:51:00 i got a couple of mroe "how to do this proper" questions :) Aug 03 14:51:15 first, i see that java has two/three date&time objects Aug 03 14:51:22 which is the recommended one Aug 03 14:51:34 Data or Calendar or that Joda time Aug 03 14:52:14 wongk, afaik he is Aug 03 14:52:52 Ravenheart: which one solves your needs? Aug 03 14:53:03 well both Date and Calendar work for me Aug 03 14:53:12 aagam94: stop pm'ing random people Aug 03 14:53:25 by defining dp,will the position be accurate for other screens?? Aug 03 14:53:36 Date is pretty much deprecated, isn't it Aug 03 14:53:47 most of the API is Aug 03 14:54:11 ahoy Aug 03 14:54:22 right so i'm going with Calendar Aug 03 14:54:52 i actually use apache commons, but i'm doing a lot of date calculations Aug 03 14:54:54 next q, atm i'm using HttpClient from org.apache.http.client.HttpClient Aug 03 14:55:01 Does anyone know by heart if Camera & MediaRecorder needs a preview to record a video file? The files constantly are 3104kb in size. I guess only the header is written. Aug 03 14:55:19 is it the recommended client for 4.x.x Aug 03 14:55:39 no, HttpURLConnection is Aug 03 14:55:56 okay i'll use that, thank you Aug 03 14:56:25 Ravenheart: have you read the android-dev blog post about it? Aug 03 14:56:25 am i annoying with these kind of questions? Aug 03 14:56:39 i did read something about it when i was testing yes Aug 03 14:57:22 Hello colleagues. What's up with the Eclipse Android Layout editor? It only shows the text labels, and crashes on Large or Medium text fields... Aug 03 14:57:53 neshto pri teb e problema lachezare Aug 03 14:57:56 Not that I can't do without it, but my dialog layout has weird white space at the bottom, and I can't fatom where does it come from. Aug 03 14:58:32 Ravenheart: Soppsedly it's on my side... Let me power-cycle Eclipse... BRB Aug 03 14:58:55 i had eclipse just crash on me once while opening a layout Aug 03 14:58:58 Soppsedly -> Supposedly Aug 03 14:59:09 (the juno ver is much more unstable than what i used last year) Aug 03 14:59:23 Hmmm... Update for Plugins available... Aug 03 15:01:22 most of what i've heard about juno is that it's still pretty unstable Aug 03 15:02:03 i like the new slashscreen Aug 03 15:02:32 i use indigo Aug 03 15:03:24 when drawing to canvas "@Override protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas)" ... is it possible to define a subclass of Shader to make custom shaders? Aug 03 15:03:33 well if the new splashscreen is nice, then i must upgrade :P Aug 03 15:03:57 paint.setShader(shader); /* set shader uniform variables here */ canvas.drawCircle(x, y, size, paint); Aug 03 15:03:57 Hmmm... Updated to version 20+, still the Layout Editor is ... wrong ... Aug 03 15:04:02 how do i verify that intel haxm is working? Aug 03 15:04:16 DOH. Switched to API lvl 16 and voila... Let me try levle 5 again. Aug 03 15:04:33 Lachezar is eclipse showing any warnings in your layout Aug 03 15:04:44 No. Just ugly text-only content Aug 03 15:04:53 diminish: turn on GPU emulation and see if it works Aug 03 15:04:57 diminish when you run an atom image it will tell you Aug 03 15:05:16 If I view the layout on API Level 7 or higher it works. For lower levels it does not work. Aug 03 15:05:32 why would you support below 7? Aug 03 15:05:52 To get those extra 0.7% users Aug 03 15:05:54 well if its no effort, why not? Aug 03 15:06:03 it appears to be effort Aug 03 15:06:03 but if you're having difficulties (which you seem to be), then dont bother Aug 03 15:06:20 i wouldnt even support 2.1 if there were any minor issues Aug 03 15:06:25 so it works only with atom stuff? :P Aug 03 15:06:28 i don't Aug 03 15:06:31 wongk: That's a rhetorical question right? Aug 03 15:06:44 SimonVT: To get 100% of the client's devices :-/ Aug 03 15:06:48 i find to be the best minimum atm Aug 03 15:06:53 er, i find 8 Aug 03 15:06:59 meh, anyone who isn't using 2.3 or newer isn't really taking their Android seriously Aug 03 15:07:18 i.e, would not be a customer for that anyway? Aug 03 15:07:25 or hasn't upgraded their phone in like 5 years Aug 03 15:07:26 android ... is serious business Aug 03 15:07:33 Some can choose what level to support. Others need to provide an Application that works on a specific set of devices the client owns *shrug*. Aug 03 15:07:42 am i the only here that targets >15 Aug 03 15:08:01 define "targets" Aug 03 15:08:03 Ravenheart: no, everyone should be targetting that Aug 03 15:08:07 my target is 16 Aug 03 15:08:11 minimum Aug 03 15:08:12 I have NO access to devices with >2.3, mine being 2.3 is the newest. Aug 03 15:08:21 target != minimum Aug 03 15:08:24 +1 Aug 03 15:08:26 Other devices in the company are 2.0 and 2.1 Aug 03 15:08:30 what's the big difference between 15 and 16? Aug 03 15:08:30 2.0????????? Aug 03 15:08:33 yea i get that now wongk Aug 03 15:08:39 CurlyBrace: butter Aug 03 15:08:43 "and regardless of whether you’re targeting ARM or IA-based smartphones or tablets, this solution will deliver a far superior Android emulation experience for faster testing and debug of your Android apps." seems it's not only for atom stuff, but then, is their os image necessary? Aug 03 15:08:46 One is ICS, other is JB? Aug 03 15:08:49 canadiancow|work: Yes, 2.0-update1 or somehting like that. Aug 03 15:09:07 Lachezar: 2.0 is obsolete/deprecated Aug 03 15:09:07 i didn't think there were any devices with 2.0 :P Aug 03 15:09:10 ain't that like them SE Xperia X8 mini Aug 03 15:09:12 api levels 5 and 6 dont even exist anymore Aug 03 15:09:16 they're just gone Aug 03 15:09:46 canadiancow|work: *shrug* I'm not paid to question my client's motives. I'm paid to write code. Aug 03 15:09:54 one has to wonder what has happaned to them devices that don't have any newer versions than 1.6 or something Aug 03 15:09:55 i disagree Aug 03 15:09:55 hear, hear Aug 03 15:09:56 Ravenheart: Bull's Eye!!! Aug 03 15:10:10 you're building a solution Aug 03 15:10:16 and you should be telling the client when they're wrong Aug 03 15:10:22 canadiancow|work: My colleague has a HTC Hero with 1.5 :) Aug 03 15:10:29 ok? Aug 03 15:10:56 I wonder how many of the 1.5 and 1.6 devices are just in the hands of developers who support those platforms, and not actually used day to day Aug 03 15:10:59 enuff chat! MOAR CODE! Aug 03 15:11:05 htc hero was updated to 2.1 tho Aug 03 15:11:29 doesn't it support 2.3 with CM7 Aug 03 15:11:36 Does anyone know what version of Apache HttpClient ICS is using? 4.2.1? 4.1.1? Aug 03 15:11:43 if you're going to talk CM, every device supports everything Aug 03 15:13:16 the older ones don't support ICS :) Aug 03 15:13:32 except that they've announced no ICS (cm9) for N1/Desire class devices or older Aug 03 15:13:36 ok i might need a little of help here, to be pointed in the right direction - my app will support multiple users, so the first thing i want it to do is make sure there is a valid user when the app is opened, if not pop up a dialog box asking the user's name - so far ive figured out i need to create something like a UsersOpenHelper to access a sqlite db my user records will be stored in, and then in my main activity class onCreate metho Aug 03 15:13:37 ok sure Aug 03 15:13:59 i just mean bringing up CM doesnt have any bearing on our conversation of what devices run what old versions Aug 03 15:14:15 yes, you can put 2.3 on pretty much everything Aug 03 15:14:24 no, most people aren't going to do that with their <2.3 device Aug 03 15:15:51 sevenseacat: You're building an application, that is going to run for multiple users on the same device? A Shared device? Aug 03 15:16:02 yes. Aug 03 15:16:22 Hello all, Im new to Android, coming from the iOS side, thanks for having me Aug 03 15:16:29 rather, its statistics tracking, so i want to be be able to track stats for multiple users. Aug 03 15:16:29 ubert_mac: take my wife, please Aug 03 15:16:35 Austin, Tx. I speak german and english Aug 03 15:16:40 sevenseacat: Well... I would consider adding a custom Application sub-class, and putting there. Aug 03 15:16:43 haha, if she's hot enough :P Aug 03 15:17:07 "emulator: ERROR: Snapshots and gpu are mutually exclusive at this point." meh Aug 03 15:17:09 messing with Drawable, trying to render some custom graphics instead of a png its pulling from resources right now Aug 03 15:18:21 sevenseacat: The initial activity should allow the user to log-in, and log-out, and after a successful log-in it should open the MAIN activity. Aug 03 15:18:26 really like the nexus 7, its sleeker than my iPad 1 Aug 03 15:18:32 ubert_mac: good to know Aug 03 15:18:59 ubwert, how hard was it to get started developement for iOS? Aug 03 15:19:07 as fars as hardware an expenses are concerned Aug 03 15:19:10 Lachezar: you may wish to subclass activity with a common YourActivity of some kind, which performs an authentication check in onCreate, onStart, etc Aug 03 15:19:25 then subclass that common activity for your regular activities Aug 03 15:19:48 lov: Tried that. Had some problems with deep activity stacks. Aug 03 15:19:51 its not really auth, but there should be a current user yes... ok i will mull over this Aug 03 15:20:06 Curly, I started in 2009, when tools weren't as fleshed out as now, but I think it is very easy to get going on iOS, also, my favorite lib is Cocos2d, I like doing games and openGL Aug 03 15:20:18 this entire stack is completely foreign to me, so this is a tough slog Aug 03 15:20:34 sevenseacat: Well... I said Log-in, but it might be just a Select of the available users, or a simple text-field... Nothing implies security. Aug 03 15:20:40 company i work for now needs android support also, so I'm switching over a bit hehehe Aug 03 15:20:49 right right Aug 03 15:20:52 But for a poor student, how would you suggest gettin around the hardware? Aug 03 15:21:06 just use emulator Aug 03 15:21:19 by now Xcode is much better than it used to Aug 03 15:21:23 Don't you need a mac and $100/year thing to test it? Aug 03 15:21:51 CurlyBrace: i think it is "free" if you have an apple id Aug 03 15:21:56 yo only need the 100$ per year, (its 108 after tax) to depot to device Aug 03 15:22:06 deploy Aug 03 15:22:08 but still the os x ecosystem is too damn closed for my taste.. Aug 03 15:22:12 you can run emulator without dev license Aug 03 15:22:18 tapas, I hear you Aug 03 15:22:29 How ahrd would it be for me to test an ios app without any apple hardware? :P Aug 03 15:22:36 i develop on mac, since that's what we got here at work (though android development) Aug 03 15:22:48 and it sometimes annoys the fuck out of me (as a long time linux user) Aug 03 15:22:50 Curly, you need a mac Aug 03 15:22:52 at least Aug 03 15:22:55 pardin my french Aug 03 15:22:59 pardon Aug 03 15:23:08 thanks... oh well Aug 03 15:23:27 anyone in Austin Tx? just curious Aug 03 15:23:58 I want to write an a Aug 03 15:24:11 here's one: Aug 03 15:24:12 a Aug 03 15:24:19 take it and write it as often as you please Aug 03 15:24:35 hey guys, if i want to make an event listener that listens for application close or hide that works ANYWHERE in the app, how can i do it? Aug 03 15:24:41 I want to write an app that loads my site in a webview which streams music Aug 03 15:24:43 or do i need to overload the given methods in every activity? Aug 03 15:24:55 err, override Aug 03 15:25:13 kaneda^: create one class BaseActivity that inherits Activity Aug 03 15:25:14 devslash, if you start an intent with a URI the natural action is to open a web view Aug 03 15:25:19 and have all your activities inherit that one Aug 03 15:25:28 tapas, one of the activities is a fragment activity Aug 03 15:25:30 kaneda^: you can't always know when your app is closed Aug 03 15:25:33 it's not possible Aug 03 15:25:36 kaneda^: applications aren't hidden/closed, activities are... and one can be closed while another in your app is shown Aug 03 15:25:40 wongk, damn, cuz i want to serialize ona pp close/hide Aug 03 15:25:41 I need it to continue to run even when I close my app is there permission that I need to specify for that how do I go about specifying that I wanted it continue running in the background Aug 03 15:25:47 zinx, right, that's what i thought Aug 03 15:25:50 kaneda^: oh well, then single inheritance only bites you in the ass :D Aug 03 15:25:52 kaneda^: as zinx says Aug 03 15:26:06 wongk, okay, so i'll override the necessary method(s) in each activity Aug 03 15:26:22 kaneda^: do it this way for all activities except for the fragment activity Aug 03 15:26:48 tapas, yep, sounds good, ty Aug 03 15:26:58 Can anyone help me understand how you do that Aug 03 15:27:18 devslash: Service Aug 03 15:27:28 well, depends.. Aug 03 15:27:35 just don't use the back button ;D Aug 03 15:27:47 then the app keeps running, too, unless killed by the system Aug 03 15:28:06 the activity will likely be destroyed eventually Aug 03 15:28:12 I really doubt you can keep an app running which consists of streaming in a webview Aug 03 15:28:14 Even if i press home will it continue running ? Aug 03 15:28:20 tapas, wongk, i guess i could put it in onBackPressed Aug 03 15:28:20 that's not necessarilly true with a service, though it can happen Aug 03 15:28:27 then it's always update to date as you move around the activity Aug 03 15:28:35 yeah the system doesn't make too many guarantees Aug 03 15:28:38 kaneda^: onDestroy, or onStop Aug 03 15:28:50 wongk, ah, ty, and either, or, both? Aug 03 15:28:52 devslash: the default behaviour is to exit an app once the last activity on the stack finish() es Aug 03 15:28:55 what's the best practice? Aug 03 15:28:55 irc Aug 03 15:28:58 kaneda^: one or the other Aug 03 15:29:02 more of a java question, but is there a way to make a listener event react to a specific method. In otherwords if I want listeners to be alerted to a add method and a delete method seperately??? Aug 03 15:29:10 wongk, ok, which one is more likely to occur? Aug 03 15:29:25 epsilonorion: aspect oriented programming? Aug 03 15:29:27 they will both occur, just at different points in the lifecycle Aug 03 15:29:29 hmm, nothing happens when i run my project with an avd with intel's image Aug 03 15:29:38 epsilonorion: you want a method called when another method is called? Aug 03 15:29:39 read and understand the lifecycle Aug 03 15:29:39 As in, have the same listener be called from multiple methods? Aug 03 15:29:40 wongk, right, right, i knew that Aug 03 15:29:43 + an event? Aug 03 15:29:55 don't make an app which is just your site in a webview... *definitely* don't make an app for streaming audio which is your site in a webview Aug 03 15:30:18 yeah, what leeds said.. just make it work in the standard browser... Aug 03 15:30:42 yeah i guess i ignored that webview part Aug 03 15:30:54 Tapas so once i load the site in the webview i don't need to do anything special? Aug 03 15:30:56 wongk, if i undersatnd correctly the onStop method is called first, and sometime later onRestart or onDestroy or *ntohing* is called Aug 03 15:31:04 tapas: basically. I have an object class that creates and modifies a waypoint list. Multiple fragments will use this object at different times. If one fragment adds a waypoint, I want the other fragments to be alerted to the fact a waypoint was added. Separately if one deletes a waypoint, I want the others to know that Aug 03 15:31:05 so i shouldn't rely on onDestroy it seems like Aug 03 15:31:24 onDestry will be called when the activity is desryoed Aug 03 15:31:36 but it can be stopped and not destroyed Aug 03 15:31:52 Tapas it already works in a browser my only problem is that if I leave the browser it stops running and I'd like to have a way to have it continue running Aug 03 15:31:54 In my Dialog sub-class in onCreate() I call requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_LEFT_ICON), then setFeatureDrawableResource(...), but there is no icon in the toolbar. What did I do wrong? Aug 03 15:32:11 Both are just below super.onCreate(...) Aug 03 15:32:23 wongk: "Note that this method may never be called, in low memory situations where the system does not have enough memory to keep your activity's process running after its onPause() method is called" <-- about onStop Aug 03 15:32:54 devslash: "your site in a webview" isn't an app - if you want an app, write an app Aug 03 15:32:57 if your app is killed those methods aren't called Aug 03 15:33:08 "Note: do not count on this method being called as a place for saving data! For example, if an activity is editing data in a content provider, those edits should be committed in either onPause() or onSaveInstanceState(Bundle), not here." <-- about onDestroy Aug 03 15:33:09 but once your activity is completely hidden, it is stopped Aug 03 15:33:10 kaneda^, see the activity lifecycle in the activity documment on: http://developer.android.com/guide/components/activities.html Aug 03 15:33:37 Leeds its something i want to do for myself.if you cant help me then be quiet Aug 03 15:33:41 wongk, it NOW seems like i should serialize onPause AND onStop Aug 03 15:33:53 devslash: that's fine, as long as you don't expect anyone else to use it Aug 03 15:33:55 onPause is always called before on onStop Aug 03 15:34:06 i.e., if onStop is called, onPause was called Aug 03 15:34:16 wongk, then onPause is my guy ;) ty Aug 03 15:35:13 leeds no just me. and the only reason I thought of trying to load my site in a web view is because I thought that I could get it to run in the background Aug 03 15:35:15 that I could get it to run in the background Aug 03 15:35:27 "This callback is mostly used for saving any persistent state the activity is editing, to present a "edit in place" model to the user and making sure nothing is lost if there are not enough resources to start the new activity without first killing this one" <-- about onPause Aug 03 15:35:30 seems like a winner Aug 03 15:35:35 devslash: not with any reliability, no Aug 03 15:36:04 *scratches head* yeah im really not understanding this at all Aug 03 15:36:14 devslash: if you want to do something in the background, use a Service. Aug 03 15:36:15 period. Aug 03 15:36:26 wongk, if resume is called after pause instead of stop i don't need to implement onResume because my object should have remained in the application memory, correct? Aug 03 15:36:30 If it's directly interacting with the user in a meaningful way (e.g. playing music) make it a foreground service. Aug 03 15:36:36 kaneda^: onPause is basically "you're no longer running in the foreground, and you can be killed" Aug 03 15:36:50 Lov is it going to be very taxing on the battery Aug 03 15:36:51 Leeds, right, but if it ISN'T killed and the user comes back to the app, will all of the memory states remain? Aug 03 15:37:03 Leeds: you can be killed after onPause? I thought that onStop had to be called, at least. Aug 03 15:37:06 yes Aug 03 15:37:08 devslash: I don't know, is it? Aug 03 15:37:10 kaneda^: yes, onResume will be called, but nothing else will change Aug 03 15:37:19 wongk, Leeds, sweet, thanks guys Aug 03 15:37:23 devslash: I don't know what you're actually doing. If you're going to keep the phone awake, then yes, no matter what you do it will hurt the battery Aug 03 15:37:36 however, the screen is by far the biggest drain on the battery Aug 03 15:37:39 lov: the theory is that except in *extreme* cases, you'll always get onPause, but you could be killed to free up your memory any time after that Aug 03 15:37:49 fwiw, just playing audio doesn't drain the battery much Aug 03 15:37:56 just keeping the phone processor awake to play audio doesn't drain very much at all Aug 03 15:37:57 i use audible, i know :P Aug 03 15:38:01 Will having it when is the service be more taxing. The screen does not have to be on as long as it continues to run in the background Aug 03 15:38:03 running the data connection, somewhat more Aug 03 15:38:07 lov: Q: I need to make a synchronisation with the server, that takes about a minute. I need to make it in background (scheduled), and explicitly when the user forces it. How should I proceed? Aug 03 15:38:09 devslash: no. Aug 03 15:38:19 devslash: having this run in a service will have 0 effect on the battery. Aug 03 15:38:32 Lachezar: service. Aug 03 15:38:34 * lov glares Aug 03 15:38:47 Lachezar: you can have it initialized via a broadcast intent, or by binding to the service and calling a method directly. Aug 03 15:38:57 regardless, a service is the best for this. Aug 03 15:38:59 lov: Good, I got that... Now what? How do I lock the database for sync AND allow the user to work with it at the same time? Aug 03 15:39:04 Service + AlarmManager Aug 03 15:39:07 ^^ Aug 03 15:39:14 Lachezar: what are you doing which takes a minute - that's a long time... Aug 03 15:39:15 I forgot to mention, if this is scheduled, use AlarmManager Aug 03 15:39:47 my app does a similar thing, i don't let the service and an activity sync at the same time Aug 03 15:39:49 Leeds: Takes long at the server to process changes and harvest the data for the device. Aug 03 15:39:59 the activity gets updated once the service completes Aug 03 15:40:00 Lachezar: get a faster server? ;) Aug 03 15:40:25 Leeds: a 16 processor SSD server that that time... Aug 03 15:40:46 get a faster algorithm? ;) Aug 03 15:41:05 devslash: i just tested it with soundcloud.. Aug 03 15:41:10 Leeds: Easier said than... Oh well... I can't... They should probably hire someone else... Aug 03 15:41:18 devslash: on my one test device the sound keeps playing if i just press the home button Aug 03 15:41:26 Lachezar: anyway, yeah, service Aug 03 15:41:28 devslash: just don't exit the browser through the back button] Aug 03 15:41:53 Tapas if i press home button it stops playing Aug 03 15:42:02 So... Service... How does one make it run in the background AND at the same time allow the user to read and write the database... Aug 03 15:42:57 * Lachezar is getting worried... Time to look for another job. Aug 03 15:43:14 Lachezar: I'm not really sure what you're asking. Aug 03 15:43:22 Lachezar: you're going to have to figure out how to synchronize access to the database Aug 03 15:43:32 I'd recommend that you read up a bit on multithreading, and locks Aug 03 15:43:44 11:43:57 -!- Lachezar [~lachezar@] has quit [Quit: Seems Android wasn't the silver bullet, just a different form bullet.] Aug 03 15:43:47 what a drama queen. Aug 03 15:44:05 hah Aug 03 15:44:48 works, that's damn way faster Aug 03 15:45:12 http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/media/audio-capture.html <---- how long would this be able to record for? Aug 03 15:45:28 could i say, record for 4 hours and have playback of 4 hours? Aug 03 15:45:32 5 minutes and 47 seconds Aug 03 15:45:51 where does this figure come from heh Aug 03 15:45:58 i made it up Aug 03 15:45:59 Tapas what browser are you using Aug 03 15:46:10 i guess there's only one way to find out.. Aug 03 15:46:12 the answer was about as good as the question Aug 03 15:46:16 JakeWharton: TitlePageIndicator can do custom typeface, TabPageIndicator cannot, correct? Aug 03 15:46:34 what other considerations besides "battery" and "operating system" is required? Aug 03 15:46:45 and device model Aug 03 15:46:48 disk|memory space Aug 03 15:46:58 or is it just a "try it and see" Aug 03 15:47:07 yes Aug 03 15:47:37 dogarrhea2: You can record for as long as you have disk space. Aug 03 15:47:50 would the battery die before that? Aug 03 15:47:54 dogarrhea2: generally, you're going to be getting byte arrays of audio content; what you do with it is up to you. Aug 03 15:48:05 possibly. I don't know what phone you use. Aug 03 15:48:08 say i have 5 gb free Aug 03 15:48:12 just having the processor alive isn't THAT expensive. Aug 03 15:48:17 but, what are you doing with the data? Aug 03 15:48:21 oh. i have a galaxy s2 (tmobile) samsung Aug 03 15:48:22 Are you just storing it as a raw wav? Aug 03 15:48:26 are you encoding it on the fly into mp3? Aug 03 15:48:32 something else entirely? Aug 03 15:48:38 i would like to have something permanent for playback Aug 03 15:49:00 dogarrhea2: that's fair, but you're going to have to figure out exactly what that something permanent is yourself. Aug 03 15:49:01 is it possible to set the actionbar home as up in an activity from xml? Aug 03 15:49:17 You've got an api that gives you raw audio capture; it's up to you to do something with it. Aug 03 15:49:24 so i gotta write my own battery conscious encoder? Aug 03 15:49:28 I THINK that newer versions of Android may have a built in MP3 encoder, idk. Aug 03 15:49:31 sounds like a difficult project Aug 03 15:49:35 dogarrhea2: you could probably use one that's already been written. Aug 03 15:49:41 I'm sure there are LAME ports, etc Aug 03 15:49:46 * lov shrugs Aug 03 15:49:50 I haven't really done research into this. Aug 03 15:49:53 dogarrhea2: you could listen for a low batter broadcast Aug 03 15:49:57 ^^ Aug 03 15:50:00 dogarrhea2: http://developer.android.com/guide/appendix/media-formats.html Aug 03 15:50:05 dogarrhea2: recording audio isn't that intensive Aug 03 15:50:09 <5% of CPU Aug 03 15:50:11 you can always listen to broadcast intents that give the battery level, and taking appropriate action Aug 03 15:50:35 depending on the output format you could record a lot or a little Aug 03 15:51:05 dogarrhea2: do a little research, see what you find. Aug 03 15:51:10 hmmm when i run as Android Appliction on my nexus 7, it doesn't stop at breakpoints? why? Aug 03 15:51:30 is the debugger actually attached? Aug 03 15:51:35 did you press the little run button or the little bug? Aug 03 15:51:47 go to the "debug" tab, see if anything is attached. Aug 03 15:51:53 i right clicked on project and run as … Android application, then i chose nexus 7 device Aug 03 15:51:55 Go to the "ddms" tab, see if your process has a little bug icon next to it. Aug 03 15:51:58 thats gotta be it, thanks Aug 03 15:52:03 ubert_mac: right, "run as" doesn't attach the debugger by default Aug 03 15:52:06 you need to do debug as Aug 03 15:52:24 given that the debug affects performance in a significant way, this is a reasonable distinction to make :P Aug 03 15:52:25 ty ty ty Aug 03 15:52:35 I forgot eclipse hehehe, used to be senior java eng Aug 03 15:53:18 i am guessing the sampling rate has a big factor in how much juice it uses Aug 03 15:53:30 (and memory) Aug 03 15:53:45 not all that much Aug 03 15:54:17 it might though Aug 03 15:54:22 it will absolutely have a difference in file size Aug 03 15:54:44 given that you're probably recording through one microphone, there's no reason to record stereo, for example Aug 03 15:54:56 and if you're just recording voice, you can probably use a low bitrate Aug 03 15:56:00 dogarrhea2: depending on your application 8000 or 16000 is fine Aug 03 15:56:46 howdy all. i'm drawing rectangles to a canvas as I build a scrollable tile map. I'm having an issue where when I scroll the tiles seem to seperate a bit. It looks like it might be tearing. It does not happen in the emulator, happens a lot on gnex and a little on nexus1. anyone have any thoughts on it? Aug 03 15:57:17 tapas: did you see the response for what I am trying to do Aug 03 15:57:18 but you could always use the other codecs that are adaptive Aug 03 15:57:34 stupid question: do i have to URLEncode headers when i do a HTTP POST? Aug 03 15:58:34 Another question, is it better to do a singleton class that multiple fragments use, or create an object that is passed in a bundle to each fragment? Aug 03 16:00:32 there is not nearly enough context to answer that Aug 03 16:02:53 canadiancow|work: not sure if that was direct at me, but probably. I have a waypointlist object that I want to share between multiple fragments (add, delete, etc methods). I am trying to figure out if it is best to make a singleton out of the class and just have the fragments grab the instance, or if it is best to create an object that is parcelable and pass it to each fragment as an argument in the bundle. Aug 03 16:03:45 personally, i would probably pass it between the fragments Aug 03 16:03:51 but it depends on the exact data you need Aug 03 16:03:53 the size of it Aug 03 16:03:57 etc Aug 03 16:05:30 it shouldnt be hard. I was just wondering what the preference was in this case. (also making it parcelable was a pain). Aug 03 16:05:51 the other issue I am having is make listeners for each function to allow the fragments know when something changed Aug 03 16:06:10 canadiancow|work: do you have any details about the Nexus 8 Aug 03 16:06:45 yea Aug 03 16:06:48 it's Nexus 7 + 1 Aug 03 16:07:06 so i set a breakpoint, but it breaks in another class, i don't get it Aug 03 16:07:28 n onDownloadProgress, an overridden method, I think it gets a notification Aug 03 16:07:35 but it won't halt there, its odd Aug 03 16:09:18 ahhh the class gets notified right before it halts, this is off though, so ill set breakpoint, right before it fires notifications, that ought do it, sorry for the newb ramble heehe Aug 03 16:11:56 I created an app to load my website in a web view. The problem is that when the activity loads it asks me which browser to use to open my site instead of loading it in the webview. has anyone else had this problem and know how I can fix it Aug 03 16:14:04 Sounds like you're using an Intent and not a WebView Aug 03 16:17:54 Hi, i'm adding a preference to a PreferenceGroup using addPreference (its a EditTextPreference). but for some reason my application crashes on the addPreference line .. is there some common known mistake with using this function? oh, and no, i can't use the XML in this case as the settings are dynamic Aug 03 16:21:37 hmm, so for some reason storing things in my caching system is super slow Aug 03 16:21:49 it keeps saying that it's growing the heap and freeing stuff inbetween Aug 03 16:21:57 but what we're talking about is a few objects Aug 03 16:21:58 .seen Aug 03 16:22:42 i dont know why it should be needing to free memory for this :/ Aug 03 16:37:54 whats the best place to put clickhandlers in a fragment? onCreateView ? Aug 03 16:41:42 Hi, Logcat is reporting a error, "Can't open file for reading", not sure what my device is doing when I launch my application regarding file io? I'm not explicitly opening any files in my application "yet", any ideas? Aug 03 16:43:15 the actual application still runs after this error, so I'm not sure if its something specific on my device or eclipse Aug 03 16:44:44 I have this download process that updates a view every time there is at least 1% increase in downloaded content, now i need to somehow update view to show a custom drawn icon (a piechart, filled out with the amount of progress), can anyone point me to a tutorial that can teach me this? I started on Android last night, I'm on eclipse indigo Aug 03 16:46:11 I did mywebview.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true); for my webview. My site loafs but JavaScript is still not enabled Aug 03 16:46:33 Why don't you just have one thread handle the downloading work, then another thread display your splash animation accordingly (you would need proper synchronization as well) Aug 03 16:46:40 why si my caching system SO SLOW :| Aug 03 16:47:35 I did mywebview.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true); for my webview. My site loads but JavaScript is still not enabled Aug 03 16:48:10 hello guys Aug 03 16:48:23 where can i get good set of tutorials to learn android development? Aug 03 16:49:09 Xtreme666: you may have luck at your local internet Aug 03 16:49:19 local? Aug 03 16:49:56 i m searching for a tutorial that will help me draw a custom icon and update it periodically via a notifier, 2 problems I need to understand how to solve, any pointers much appreciated, I can pay you back in iOS advice and german translations Aug 03 16:50:22 I did mywebview.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true); for my webview. My site loads but JavaScript is still not enabled. Anyone know why ? Aug 03 16:52:16 my caching system is so slow :( Aug 03 16:52:28 it takes forever to finish caching something, and then if it's interrupted it fails Aug 03 16:53:31 someone has told me that google is going to support acrobat pdf files in android the way ios and the mac does; is that true? Aug 03 16:55:43 guys, typically do u work on api 14 or 16? Aug 03 16:56:12 define 'work with' Aug 03 16:56:13 highest possible Aug 03 16:56:18 i feel like we have this discussion at lesat twice a day Aug 03 16:56:24 lol Aug 03 16:56:45 seriously Aug 03 16:57:57 sounds like there should be highly visible information about it on d.android.com Aug 03 16:58:44 well there are two problems Aug 03 16:58:50 no one clarifies the question Aug 03 16:58:59 there is the minSdkVersion, targetSdkVersion, and build target Aug 03 16:59:11 of which i would typically recommend 8, 16, 16 Aug 03 16:59:46 the second part is that no "simple" question should need to be asked so frequently. it should be more obvious on d.android.com what the answer is Aug 03 16:59:46 set the targetSdkVersion to the highest level you've actually tested against. Aug 03 16:59:48 is there a way to change the default package name (com.example) to my own in eclipse= Aug 03 16:59:55 canadiancow|work: sry, im not here all the time, im new to android dev Aug 03 17:00:07 thats fine Aug 03 17:00:12 its a very good question to have Aug 03 17:00:16 taljurf: it's not you, it's that this is a very common question and we're thinking of how to better serve new developers Aug 03 17:00:26 EPG: modify the AndroidManifest.xml file Aug 03 17:00:34 lov: nice Aug 03 17:00:54 oh sry, i meant the in the "new android app" dialog Aug 03 17:01:57 EPG: it's one of the options in the first page. Aug 03 17:03:04 it sounds like he wants to change the default value the field Aug 03 17:03:25 not a partocularly 'in demand' feature Aug 03 17:03:32 wongk, exactly Aug 03 17:03:45 i guess i should ask better questions :/ Aug 03 17:04:45 EPG: you should be specifying it yourself every time. Aug 03 17:19:11 guys, when i try to install actionbarsherlock 4.1 library on eclipse i get "Unable to resolve target 'android- 14' , I know that i only have api 8 and 16 installed, what should i do? Aug 03 17:19:54 install android-14. Aug 03 17:20:06 ^ Aug 03 17:20:13 or update ABS to build against 16 Aug 03 17:20:33 wongk: that's the latest Aug 03 17:20:36 practically speaking, 6 of one, half dozen of the other Aug 03 17:20:40 i know it is Aug 03 17:21:09 wongk: so build it against 16? Aug 03 17:21:20 sure, that's fune Aug 03 17:21:22 fine Aug 03 17:26:24 http://pastie.org/private/rpckrcb4lts2sqg5tvj1w <-- i was wondering if anyone could tell me why loading information from and to this is so slow? Aug 03 17:26:41 it ought to be super fast :/ Aug 03 17:27:01 most of the time the assets are being accessed from asynctasks Aug 03 17:27:42 the actually serialization/deserialization process is practically instantaneous as well Aug 03 17:27:43 any reasons why you are using a HashMap instead of an array? Aug 03 17:27:52 in which range are your "id"s? Aug 03 17:27:54 Waynes, honestly it was just less thinking for me Aug 03 17:28:05 and the IDs will only range from 0-4 for now Aug 03 17:28:50 what does ddms say? Aug 03 17:29:33 * kaneda^ goes to google ddms Aug 03 17:30:02 hah, holy crap, that's cool Aug 03 17:30:58 ddms helps you to find out that java is slow :) Aug 03 17:31:08 running it now Aug 03 17:31:10 :) Aug 03 17:32:40 someone has told me that google is going to support acrobat pdf files in android the way ios and the mac does; is that true? Aug 03 17:32:48 um, this is a dumb question, but if i use context.getFilesDir().getPath().toString()/myassetsfile.bin do i need to ensure that context.getFilesDir().getPath().toString() is a dir and if not create it? Aug 03 17:33:37 kaneda^, yes Aug 03 17:33:53 pfn, that explains my deserialization problem Aug 03 17:34:02 but not the slowness Aug 03 17:34:03 Have you considered http://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/Context.html#openFileOutput(java.lang.String, int) Aug 03 17:34:37 but you're also creating it wrong... Aug 03 17:34:42 use the File apis properly Aug 03 17:34:45 and yeah, openFileOutput Aug 03 17:34:49 ah Aug 03 17:34:59 i mean i'm already passing the context, so changing it around should be easy Aug 03 17:35:47 hello Aug 03 17:36:37 pfn, another dumb question, it requires a mode but the only one i see that's applicable is MODE_APPEND, but i want to overwrite Aug 03 17:36:58 truncate the file Aug 03 17:37:29 open the file in create mode; that truncates it. Aug 03 17:38:13 i mean open it with create, not open. create truncates. Aug 03 17:38:21 does anyone know what's up with the developer console ? Last update is from July 1st, but according to https://support.google.com/googleplay/android-developer/bin/static.py?hl=en&page=known_issues.cs the updating bug has been fixed Aug 03 17:38:39 s/July 1st/August 1st/ Aug 03 17:39:07 I did mywebview.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true); for my webview. My site loads but JavaScript is still not enabled. Anyone know how to fix this ? Aug 03 17:39:39 ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(context.openFileOutput(fileLoc, Context.MODE_PRIVATE)); Aug 03 17:39:41 something like that? Aug 03 17:43:06 possibly. I've retired and haven't programmed in a few years so I'm not the best to ask. Aug 03 17:45:05 ProgressDialog.STYLE_SPINNER is it possible to add a text to this so it shows the percentage of the progress, like 1 to 100 with 1 digit increments? Aug 03 17:48:48 I did mywebview.getSettings().setJavaScriptEnabled(true); for my webview. My site loads but JavaScript is still not enabled. Anyone know how i can fix it ? Aug 03 17:52:14 ok, so it seems like my asynctasks are waiting forever Aug 03 17:52:16 why would that be? Aug 03 17:52:53 something blocking them? Aug 03 17:53:03 none listening for finalization maybe? Im a android newbee Aug 03 17:53:12 looking for a good tutorial to teach me custom drawing Aug 03 17:53:31 custom drawing? Aug 03 17:53:36 as in canvas? Aug 03 17:53:36 yeah Aug 03 17:53:40 yup Aug 03 17:53:46 justnew to Android Aug 03 17:53:52 I made a framework file to do that Aug 03 17:53:59 I don't really understand too much, I just adapted a sample project Aug 03 17:54:08 i have a download happening in background and need to update view to show incremental progress, but it has to be in an icon on the bottom toolbar Aug 03 17:54:37 increment by sinle percentage digits, a graphics of a file folder with a % on it basically Aug 03 17:54:41 Don't know how to do any of that, lol Aug 03 17:55:41 download manager? Aug 03 17:57:30 pfn, i'm looking at ddms, but i can't figure out what's causing the slowness Aug 03 17:58:34 wierd question Aug 03 17:58:41 the settings app has a widget form Aug 03 17:58:49 where you can choose a shortcut to as pecific setting Aug 03 17:58:58 what code determines this? Aug 03 18:00:41 I'm trying to develop an application that uses bluetooth and UPNP at the same time. I'm using two listeners, one for each service. I'm using a observer activity to watch for the async. updates and add the devices to a list, but I'm having problems. When I start the discovery process in both services I don't receive all the devices that are connected. When i just start the discovery for one of them all the devices connected are sh Aug 03 18:01:26 There are problems to notificate one activity based on two listeners ? My update method on the list activity uses the runOnUiActivity function, i dont know if this is a possible problem. Aug 03 18:02:13 kaneda^, async tasks run in serial, not in parallel Aug 03 18:02:22 that's the idea :/ Aug 03 18:06:50 Gaah Aug 03 18:06:59 does anybody know where widget source can be found? Aug 03 18:07:05 is it within an app structure...? Aug 03 18:08:19 Which widget? Aug 03 18:08:25 CurlyBrace: ^ Aug 03 18:09:03 well anybody used basic4android? Aug 03 18:09:05 settings Aug 03 18:09:33 the default settings app in widget form, that is Aug 03 18:10:16 I guess it would be in the source code for the Settings app Aug 03 18:10:48 hey there, i was wondering if anyone could tell me how to change my project's minimum API level (uses-sdk)? Aug 03 18:10:49 hmm...any idea what kind of file/directory within the app? Aug 03 18:11:38 (i've changed it in the manifest file but eclipse still refuses to build, saying my minumum API is 8 even though i have set to 9 in the manifest) Aug 03 18:11:43 bjackman: the AndroidManifest.xml file has 'android:minSdkVersion="#"' Aug 03 18:12:17 ryzngard: yeah, so i changed the number from 8 to 9, but eclipse still has the project somehow tagged as having a min sdk of 8 Aug 03 18:12:48 ryzngard: (so i'm looking for some sort of eclipse setting to force it to register this change that i've made to the manifest xml) Aug 03 18:13:03 but there doesn't seem to be anything online except "change your manifest file" Aug 03 18:13:34 CurlyBrace: search the source code for appwidgetmanager or whatever the service name is Aug 03 18:13:47 ah, I don't know that one off hand Aug 03 18:14:34 ryzngard: ok thanks anyway. i suspect it might actually be a bug in the ADT eclipse plugin but i'm really not sure Aug 03 18:14:48 CurlyBrace: when you say "settings app in widget form" do you mean the UI for the settings app, or the "power control" widget you can add to your launcher Aug 03 18:15:50 well anybody used basic4android? Aug 03 18:16:54 uhhh Aug 03 18:17:13 I think it is in appwidgetpickactivity, thanks Aug 03 18:17:43 I don't know the actualy terms, but this is regarding the settings widgets available from the widgets menu (like from apps - this is a tablet) Aug 03 18:18:32 lol does anyon have any idea how I can file a bug report for the ADT eclipse plugin? my google-fu is not strong enough! Aug 03 18:19:06 bjackman: b.android.com Aug 03 18:19:47 thanks for the help guys Aug 03 18:23:32 Guys I'm considering going for custom fonts for my app, is it advised Aug 03 18:23:46 On older phone the default fonts leave much to be desired Aug 03 18:24:20 Can't you use Roboto? Aug 03 18:24:45 fonts schmonts Aug 03 18:24:46 imho Aug 03 18:25:19 hemanshu: just toss them in assets and load away Aug 03 18:25:27 ok, so i took some time to convert all of my hashmaps/arraylists to arrays Aug 03 18:37:33 Jesus christ, netsplit much? Aug 03 18:39:25 ok, http://www.uploadscreenshot.com/image/1274809/7263459 <-- this is what i see in ddms while i'm waiting Aug 03 18:42:56 What exactly is a resource here? Aug 03 18:44:46 Tracks: you mean these? http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/index.html Aug 03 18:45:17 yes thank you leeds Aug 03 18:48:12 So a lot of people are preferring IntelliJ to Eclipse now for Android. After about 2 months of using it, I've got to say the biggest drawback of using IntelliJ is that it does not have the incremental/automatic build feature that eclipse does, and thus there is an added step of waiting to your iteration. Aug 03 18:48:43 waiting for code to compile is lame. Aug 03 18:50:55 gooo FB hahahahaha Aug 03 18:50:59 oops wrong window Aug 03 18:51:09 but hell yeah i just banked 1300 on a 80$ investment ROFL Aug 03 18:51:19 did you short facebook? Aug 03 18:52:12 fn0rd: we have a fairly massive project and haven't found that to be an issue Aug 03 18:52:17 ubert_mac: wat Aug 03 18:52:22 builds are still extremely quick Aug 03 18:52:24 fn0rd: funny, i turn off automatic and 'incremental' builds Aug 03 18:53:08 i had 13 contracts to buy FB at 21 before today expriry from .05 Aug 03 18:53:09 .05 Aug 03 18:53:12 sold at 1.0 Aug 03 18:53:19 2000% profit over night hahahahahahahahahahahah Aug 03 18:53:53 so the slowness wasn't my app Aug 03 18:54:09 as it turns out the phone had a lot of other stuff open at the same time, as a coworker has been usign it for a few days Aug 03 18:55:34 Anyone ran into this? external/valgrind/main/coregrind/m_dispatch/dispatch-arm-linux.S:144: Error: selected processor does not support ARM mode Aug 03 18:55:57 While compiling jellybean for armv6 Aug 03 18:56:00 JakeWharton: what do you do during compiles Aug 03 18:56:19 wongk: =o Aug 03 18:56:26 click the button, wait a few seconds Aug 03 18:56:39 maybe i need a faster computer. Aug 03 18:57:05 don't we all Aug 03 18:57:18 another thing that kind of bugs me Aug 03 18:57:33 why does IntelliJ need to have its own special keybindings that are so unlike any others I have used Aug 03 18:58:22 I understand a little diversion, but why can't cut/copy/paste just be C-x, C-c, C-v Aug 03 18:58:39 What is it in Idea? Aug 03 18:58:47 I can't even remember em Aug 03 18:58:50 I end up clicking the menu Aug 03 18:59:00 i also have ideavim installed Aug 03 18:59:04 C + S + JumpKick Aug 03 18:59:09 so I usually copy paste with in idea with vim yank and paste Aug 03 18:59:20 I'm pretty sure they'll let you change key bindings ;P Aug 03 18:59:24 but then copying from outside programs into idea requires using the actual keybinding Aug 03 18:59:37 Maybe there is an extension that can fix all the keybindings in one swift blow. Aug 03 18:59:46 I was using one that showed me the keybinding when I clicked a menu item Aug 03 18:59:58 What's wrong with eclipse?? Aug 03 19:00:02 then counted how many times I had clicked to show me how much time I'd save with the keybinding. Aug 03 19:00:30 I dunno, I'm considering switching back. Aug 03 19:00:37 Nothing really. Aug 03 19:00:49 It doesn't have that good of a Vim plugin. (I've tried all of them) but oh well. Aug 03 19:01:26 Eclipse has all kinds of issues Aug 03 19:01:31 oh right Aug 03 19:01:33 the layout editor. Aug 03 19:01:41 at least IDEA's layout preview works. Aug 03 19:01:45 Eclipse's is badly broken. Aug 03 19:02:12 that and ideavim were the biggest catalysts for me to switch. Aug 03 19:03:30 i don't have any issues with eclipse Aug 03 19:03:34 Integrated documentation works better in eclipse, and with IDEA if using ideavim is almost completely broken. Aug 03 19:04:13 Eclipse can also be (relatively) easy to jump into, with some of its plugins (especially for Android) Aug 03 19:04:30 though i used to have issues with it not running the resource compiler in earlier versions of ADT Aug 03 19:05:36 I have to make some changes to my app this weekend for a customer. I'm thinking about just using vim and building with ant the whole time. Aug 03 19:05:53 but I'm not really fond of typing out large lines of java. Aug 03 19:06:17 maybe I can use eclim but not in docked mode. Aug 03 19:06:26 fn0rd: i almost exclusively use vim+ant Aug 03 19:06:40 awesome. Aug 03 19:06:49 I use vim for everything but android at present. Aug 03 19:07:03 Anyone help me out here? http://pastebin.com/rREW7CV1 Aug 03 19:07:21 fn0rd: omnicomplete in vim is helpful and something like https://github.com/anddam/android-javacomplete can help you complete on the android apis Aug 03 19:07:23 http://www.pasteall.org/34271/java can anyone (help me find out)/(explain) why this code throws a NullPointerException on the last line? Aug 03 19:07:34 mr6: nice, thanks! Aug 03 19:07:35 man, just noticed first dead pixel on my Nexus 7 Aug 03 19:07:41 got it 2 weeks ago Aug 03 19:07:41 bad omen Aug 03 19:07:48 can i replace it for one dead pixel? heh Aug 03 19:08:04 that could kill profit margins on it though, so maybe i should support the cause Aug 03 19:08:05 An_0ny_Moose: is v null? Aug 03 19:08:06 An_Ony_Moose: test v for null? Aug 03 19:08:10 and not complain lol Aug 03 19:08:15 aaa801: high five! Aug 03 19:08:18 :P Aug 03 19:08:33 there are no profit margins on the nexus 7 Aug 03 19:08:42 you sure? Aug 03 19:08:53 no, but i'd sure be surprised Aug 03 19:09:04 so what does asus get out of it? Aug 03 19:09:21 i'm not speaking from asus's perspective Aug 03 19:09:23 seems the 8GBer is being sold approximately at cost, but not the 16GB - which is why the 8GB isn't available in retail Aug 03 19:09:30 wongk: along those lines http://www.zdnet.com/how-the-kindle-fire-and-the-nexus-7-harmed-the-tablet-market-7000001961/ Aug 03 19:09:41 I think asus is fairly new to even making laptops. Aug 03 19:09:44 canadiancow|work: they get to be the next Nexus, they get to work with JB before anyone else? Aug 03 19:09:47 Maybe they get some much needed exposure. Aug 03 19:10:02 they make some really good mobos Aug 03 19:10:10 my primary computer is an asus laptop. Aug 03 19:10:32 yeah, I've had a bunch of Asus MBs over the years Aug 03 19:10:54 i pretty much buy asus exclusively Aug 03 19:12:49 aaa801 Leeds: Yup... it's null... But how is that possible? Aug 03 19:13:03 You didnt initalise it? Aug 03 19:13:04 An_Ony_Moose: clean your project Aug 03 19:13:18 * aaa801 goes to wage battle with the android src Aug 03 19:13:30 erm... you might need to give the layout an ID, and refer to that - R.id.foobar Aug 03 19:13:39 um Aug 03 19:13:42 because you're trying to find a vew named "R.layout.selectfileview" Aug 03 19:13:47 the layout does have an idea? Aug 03 19:13:48 which is obviously for a layout Aug 03 19:13:53 you want to be referring to an inflated view, not a layout resource Aug 03 19:13:58 oh.. Aug 03 19:14:01 I don't know Java, but I need to first test how JNI works before I try(again) to compile some library Aug 03 19:14:17 just give it an android:id tag, and use that ID Aug 03 19:14:41 wongk Leeds: Now I'm just confused. Before it didn't inflate and as far as I could tell it wouldn't do so because there were no items or something like that Aug 03 19:15:14 it infaltes when you inflate it, or it doesn't if you don't Aug 03 19:15:19 it's that simple Aug 03 19:15:29 setContentView causes the inflation Aug 03 19:15:30 you don't need to have items in it to inflate it, AFAIK Aug 03 19:15:43 wongk: but trying to setContentView previously failed Aug 03 19:15:52 I need to stop watching proxied Olympics at 3am and go to bed Aug 03 19:15:56 then there was an issue with your XML Aug 03 19:16:04 wait wait OOOOOOOOOH I see! Aug 03 19:16:11 I think. Aug 03 19:16:24 aaa801: you are doing an android src build? i think there's channels where people know more about that Aug 03 19:16:31 so in selectfileview.xml I add android:id to the root element, right? Aug 03 19:16:36 ye Aug 03 19:16:47 add it to any element you want to refer to by ID Aug 03 19:16:57 which appears to be a ListView, in this case Aug 03 19:17:34 aaa801: i think #android is more for AOSP Aug 03 19:17:40 oky <3 Aug 03 19:18:00 aaa801: but it does look like you've got the wrong ARM target somehow Aug 03 19:18:06 Mhm Aug 03 19:18:12 it works fine in gingerbread =/ Aug 03 19:18:16 aaa801: like armv5 instead of v7 or something, that is just a random guess though Aug 03 19:18:27 compiling to armv6-vfp Aug 03 19:19:19 aaa801: oh so valgrind has some arm asm it looks like but isn't working, wonder if you can just disable valgrind build anyway Aug 03 19:19:53 there was a ifdef in the top of that asm file Aug 03 19:19:55 so i just undefed it Aug 03 19:19:59 hoping for the best =/ Aug 03 19:20:17 aaa801: this isn't the right channel either Aug 03 19:20:30 3: Aug 03 19:20:53 Leeds: yeah I told him but I have done some AOSP stuff so decided to talk about it for a sec Aug 03 19:21:28 so Aug 03 19:21:30 anyone using Eclipse? Aug 03 19:21:55 Cause I prefer my trusty old command prompt(or terminal for yer unix users) Aug 03 19:22:08 vim+ant FTW Aug 03 19:22:19 Notepad++ Aug 03 19:22:23 diki: http://developer.android.com/tools/projects/projects-cmdline.html Aug 03 19:22:43 mr6:not that I needed that Aug 03 19:23:02 mr6:though, of course, you can help me by telling me how to compile a library with the NDK Aug 03 19:23:29 the ./ndk-build thing is bullshit. Aug 03 19:23:39 diki: i thought you were asking about how to use cmd-line for androdi? Aug 03 19:23:40 Most libraries require configuring Aug 03 19:23:54 diki: you were just commenting? Aug 03 19:24:01 mr6:yes I was just commenting. Aug 03 19:25:21 "android.view.InflateException: Binary XML file line #2: Error inflating class android.widget.ListView" that's what I get if I try to setContentView(R.layout.selectfileview); first Aug 03 19:25:37 diki: well ndk-build is just a wrapper for the cross toolchain Aug 03 19:25:52 you have to write your makefiles do to what you want Aug 03 19:25:54 mr6:which means, I need to generate the config.h file myself Aug 03 19:26:15 An_Ony_Moose: fix your xml Aug 03 19:26:43 diki: i would think so yes, dont think there is autoconfig in the toolchain Aug 03 19:27:18 The problem came afterwards. I tried compiling pcre, but had tons of errors. Aug 03 19:27:59 diki: this might help: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8941143/configure-failing-with-android-ndk-standalone-toolchain Aug 03 19:28:42 sadly it does not. Aug 03 19:28:58 wongk: I can't if Idon't know what's wrong with it... Aug 03 19:29:25 I've reorganized. This time I first need to create some simple action between Java and C(simple C program) as to verify it even works. Aug 03 19:29:29 wait derp Aug 03 19:29:39 wongk: thanks for the help! I figured it out Aug 03 19:30:06 also thanks aaa801 and (now gone) Leeds Aug 03 19:30:15 :3 Aug 03 19:30:47 Leeds may not be here to receive my thanks but I still consider them due Aug 03 19:30:50 :D Aug 03 19:36:28 so on my nexus 7, iOS aeeeeh android 4.1.1 hehe, how can i log out of gmail>???? Aug 03 19:36:33 cause there is no button or anything Aug 03 19:36:49 I don't want my ceo to see my personal messages when he is testing something on my nexus 7 Aug 03 19:40:24 Well, if you tied the phone with your own google account, you basically can't. You can always turn off syncing with gmail, and clear its cache. Aug 03 19:43:28 multi user support is in the process of being added... but who knows when it will actually be available Aug 03 19:43:52 you can turn off notifications can't you? Aug 03 19:44:19 can your CEO not afford his own nexus 7? Aug 03 19:44:31 back up the phone then reset it, log in with a dud google account, then restore after? Aug 03 19:44:31 seems like his salary would allow for that :P Aug 03 19:45:42 hmm. http://www.wired.co.uk/news/archive/2012-08/03/indie-dev-google-crackdown ""The emails are so vague and Google just won't respond to any request for support or verification." customer support for devs FTL Aug 03 19:46:11 i could have told you that :P Aug 03 19:46:28 they literally *do not* respond to emails Aug 03 19:47:52 seems like the emails from Google are too vague for them to take action on them Aug 03 19:48:30 they absolutely are Aug 03 19:49:25 I've got two different windows 7 64-bit computers that can't launch AVDs in WXGA (1280x800) tablet mode, but can launch in 480x800 with no problem. happens to both api 16 (4.1) and api 15 (4.0.3). both work on my linux laptop though (although slow). I googled the error, but found only "reduce your memory allocation" which doesn't do anything. is this a known bug with windows? Aug 03 19:49:36 wongk: they are vagoe or are not vague? i haven't been in this situation, thankfully Aug 03 19:49:41 they are Aug 03 19:49:46 oh Aug 03 19:49:58 they say "you violated this part of the developer agreement" Aug 03 19:50:00 that's it Aug 03 20:05:31 So I keep reading that Google is moving away from ClientLogin type authentication and moving towards OAuth2. My understanding is that android.accounts.AccountManager's getAuthToken examples mostly deal with the fact that Google was using ClientLogin before. Is this still true for older Android (pre-Honeycomb/ICS) devices? Will they continue to use ClientLogin? I'm just wondering how to Aug 03 20:05:31 properly build an app where I don't want to require needing a new account and go against their Google account if possible Aug 03 20:07:11 the google apps presumeabley use AccountManager, so i don't think you need to worry about that Aug 03 20:07:40 But I do! For multiple reasons though Aug 03 20:08:00 Hi, I have never been able to update my SDK via the SDK manager - I always get an error along the lines of "A folder failed to be moved" where "C:\Program Files\Android\android-sdk\plaform-tools" is the folder in question. This is quite annoying now since my SDK is rather out dated and re-installing the entire thing isn't an option since I have crappy internet. Can anyone help? Aug 03 20:08:27 Win 7, 32-bit btw Aug 03 20:08:40 wongk: 1) For my apps using it to authenticate through my servers, since they will need to verify the token and I'd need to know if I'm going to have to handle both ClientLogin AND OAuth2 or not Aug 03 20:09:09 wongk: 2) What would this mean to me as a user for an older device if they pull the plug on ClientLogin? Aug 03 20:09:57 well, 1 is a valid concern, but 2 would have te same implications for your app as it would for say, gmail Aug 03 20:10:17 Right Aug 03 20:10:49 you also know that when you request access to a user's google account, you have to specify a google service Aug 03 20:11:18 how do you enable (if there's such a feature) call recording? or do you have to write your own? Aug 03 20:11:43 call recording has been added to some ROMs for some devices Aug 03 20:11:51 Why does the ArrayAdapter post the text as white when the default backround is white? Aug 03 20:12:13 dogarrhea2: generally it doesn't exist, mostly for legal reasons. Aug 03 20:12:27 Can I change this in the setup for the ListView in my layout XML? Aug 03 20:12:27 dogarrhea2: there are some apps that fuck around with private apis, or with different audio recording levels, to do it Aug 03 20:12:33 but it's a really gray bordering on black area Aug 03 20:12:49 oh. so it's lower level than android sdk stuff Aug 03 20:12:51 suffice to say, there's no official way to do it. Aug 03 20:12:58 not just lower level, not really exposed publicly. Aug 03 20:13:11 bah. why are all the neat things to do not possible :/ Aug 03 20:13:25 because it's illegal to record phone calls in a lot of places? Aug 03 20:14:00 in the end you can put phone on speaker and record it with something else so the illegality is a moot point Aug 03 20:14:11 but anyways Aug 03 20:14:14 that's true but somewhat awkward to do Aug 03 20:14:19 it's also not something malware can do Aug 03 20:14:22 In the more recent version of the build tools, support/annotations.jar is included by some build rule. Does anyone know which one? Aug 03 20:14:52 (Is it proguard? I looked through that, except for the ant task implemented by ProGuardTask, and it doesn't seem to be that one..) Aug 03 20:14:54 Yeah that would be a huge exploit for malware creators Aug 03 20:14:59 it's like recording music. no one gives a **** if you record. distribution is a nother thing Aug 03 20:16:17 dogarrhea2: feel free to install CM and mod your phone to your black heart's desire. Aug 03 20:16:24 CM? Aug 03 20:16:29 cyanogenmod Aug 03 20:21:55 anyone have andy advice on disabling an app's widget forms via source? Aug 03 20:22:19 am i right, that there's no possibility to use rowspan in a tablelayout? Aug 03 20:26:33 Nevermind my ListView qestion. Found it on stackoverflow Aug 03 20:28:00 apparently yes, there is a bug with sdk 20 and windows. i downgraded to sdk 19 and platform tools 11, and WXGA res works just fine. Aug 03 20:28:37 Cyonx: O.o Aug 03 20:29:16 That's why I develop on arch Aug 03 20:29:29 i do most of my dev on my linux laptop Aug 03 20:29:44 but i've got nearly twice the horsepower on one of my windows systems Aug 03 20:30:08 the bug is windows Aug 03 20:30:39 Yeah my desktop is way better than my laptop, so I'm going Debain and will virtualize Windows for now on. Aug 03 20:31:21 Works well on my laptop with BackTrack so it should do well on the desktop Aug 03 20:36:13 so close yet so far lol. most of the android apps that I see on the market that do call recording are actually what i described earlier: put phone on speaker and capture the audio while the call is taking place Aug 03 20:36:16 It it better to make a colors resource than using the hex in the xml layout? Aug 03 20:36:41 seems like ther will be problems with audio quality on playback , and you can't use it in public places Aug 03 20:36:50 Is* Aug 03 20:37:25 "hi grandma how are you doing?" "menopause is almost done. i think i can squeeze out one more kid though" Aug 03 20:38:13 kinda funny, since somebody (NSA) is probably eavesdropping on your menopause conversation anyhow :) Aug 03 20:38:27 dogarrhea2: as far as I know for security reasons you cannot capture the audio stream. the only way around it is specific vendors added extensions; I don't recall which Aug 03 20:38:29 just ask the NSA for a transcript Aug 03 20:39:09 g00s that was an answer on stack overflow Aug 03 20:39:13 it had +8 :/ Aug 03 20:39:21 lol, i didn't see SO Aug 03 20:39:32 I doubt the NSA records as much as peopel think. Or they figured out me and my buddy like to mess with them before they paid us a visit. Aug 03 20:39:37 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3370278/record-phone-calls-on-android-phone Aug 03 20:39:47 hey guys, so i'm serializing and deserializing, an although i get no exceptions doing either one it appears as though objects that were previously serialized are gone when i deserialize Aug 03 20:39:56 We have said some off the wall things just to get attention, but no luck Aug 03 20:40:24 Galaktik: you'll find out next time you try to fly :D Aug 03 20:40:37 apparently android 4.2 is going to feature rocket propulsion Aug 03 20:40:46 like totally software based Aug 03 20:40:57 but software based ionic propulsion Aug 03 20:41:08 so basically, you know, the moon landing Aug 03 20:41:08 there'll be an app for that Aug 03 20:41:20 <_genuser_> android is moving so fast. and yet most phones are using 2.2.1 and the new features are just going to tablets. Aug 03 20:41:31 iOS can suck my intergalactic testicleeeeeees Aug 03 20:41:31 over and our Aug 03 20:41:34 over and out* Aug 03 20:41:38 http://pastie.org/private/cf9ywaqhac9pvu1zzy47a <-- here's my serializer class Aug 03 20:41:40 Eventually phones will die, and people will upgrade to use more stuff Aug 03 20:41:44 g00s lol eveerytime I ever flown I did get picked for the "feel up" Aug 03 20:42:09 <_genuser_> Galaktik: check to see if they tagged you with a gps chip. Aug 03 20:42:11 <_genuser_> lol Aug 03 20:42:14 well, my cable was the problem on installing android driver Aug 03 20:42:25 _genuser_: 2.2 is only on 15% of phones now http://developer.android.com/about/dashboards/index.html Aug 03 20:42:45 i guess GB is almost the next Froyo Aug 03 20:42:46 _genuser_ I probably should. That is a good possibility. Aug 03 20:43:19 <_genuser_> g00s: that's good. my current one has 2.2.1. And the new features aren't on. Would like to see honeycomb at least on the next phone. but then again 2yr contract make it so that the phoens get too old before you update. Aug 03 20:43:23 any clues regarding serialization? Aug 03 20:44:16 random - anyone willing to look over a small class and give me a critique of it? scrub developer, looking for feedback Aug 03 20:44:19 if your phone had honeycomb on it, it'd be unusable :P Aug 03 20:44:44 <_genuser_> please specify critique style too. Aug 03 20:44:50 <_genuser_> simon style or steven tyler style. Aug 03 20:44:58 I don't understand that reference Aug 03 20:45:01 lol Aug 03 20:45:12 Nice or mean critique Aug 03 20:45:24 bye all Aug 03 20:45:29 i dont get any (de)serialization exceptions, and yet my object seems to refer to null objects Aug 03 20:45:31 nice :( Aug 03 20:46:13 enneract I'd do it but your probably better at this than me. First app. I am currently learning how to change the ListView Text color lol Aug 03 20:46:28 <_genuser_> first gives you an honest ciritique tot he point of burtal honesty. later says enoucraging things without hurting your feelings. Aug 03 20:46:37 <_genuser_> latter* Aug 03 20:46:43 first, then, the other is useless Aug 03 20:47:00 <_genuser_> you calling aerosmith front man useless? Aug 03 20:47:13 www.rakenews.com win as you play $1000 /month, register now! Aug 03 20:47:15 <_genuser_> dang it you better watch out or you'll have an angry mob beating down yer door. Aug 03 20:47:19 lol :) Aug 03 20:51:37 anyone know how much slower CopyOnWriteArrayList is vs a regular ArrayList? ~ Aug 03 20:52:05 OK change the istView color is easy, just a lil intimidating at first. I need to put these colors in a colors.xml Aug 03 20:52:21 my caching system is so fast 8) Aug 03 20:52:29 how does one request root from his app? Aug 03 20:52:45 I am just ahppy to make things work at this point. I'd be happy with anything working in 2-3 minutes lol Aug 03 20:55:25 hey guys, when i deserialize my cache file it's missing objects, they appear to be null, what's up w/ that? Aug 03 20:55:55 enneract According to http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/CopyOnWriteArrayList.html it is ordinarily to costly to use CopyOnWriteArrayList unless traverse operations vastly outnumbers mutations Aug 03 20:56:55 Galaktik: yea, I saw that. None of my home grown syncronization methods seem to work very well though, lol :( Aug 03 20:57:02 http://pastebin.com/2RNPq76a is there a less stupid way of doing this :( Aug 03 21:00:26 enneract Looks fine to me, what do you mean less stupid way? Aug 03 21:02:25 just seems stupid Aug 03 21:02:50 http://pastie.org/private/cf9ywaqhac9pvu1zzy47a <-- anyone know why deserialization seems to yield null inner objects? Aug 03 21:03:34 enneract It does look a bit silly, but after exmining it I can see what your doing. Perhaps one of the more experienced will be able to help you Aug 03 21:04:21 pfn, you around? Aug 03 21:04:41 kaneda^: I don't see a problem. are you getting any exceptions? Aug 03 21:05:01 enneract, no exceptions, until i get a null ptr trying to access one of the inner objects arrays Aug 03 21:05:27 are you getting a mix of null and non-null, or only nulls Aug 03 21:05:47 the main object that i get isn't null, but all of its members are Aug 03 21:06:48 the only thing I can think of trying is trying to build each inner member individually Aug 03 21:06:55 but not 100% on how you'd go about doing it Aug 03 21:07:27 each inner object implements serializable Aug 03 21:07:39 anyways, i'm not getting a serialization or deserialization exception Aug 03 21:10:27 http://pastie.org/private/4evq9go6uhwhnwbkgyskdw <- this is my assetmanager implementation Aug 03 21:10:35 i get a null pointer on line 45 Aug 03 21:12:14 :| Aug 03 21:14:41 i'm going to do a catch all and see if anything comes up in the logs Aug 03 21:16:05 aww I just thought of a really good nick for me in these Dev rooms..... NoobDown Aug 03 21:16:24 I should rename myself to my question :P Aug 03 21:17:31 lol I ill try to help... I'm not very good but have made huge leaps just by sitting here soaking it in while I figure out my noob problems.... Aug 03 21:18:36 I am trying to remove widget functionality from the settings app Aug 03 21:18:55 any list of changes of bionic libc versus glibc? Aug 03 21:19:22 on my tablet, there is an option to set a shortcut to a specfic setting in the settings app Aug 03 21:19:26 that is what I want to remove Aug 03 21:20:28 http://developer.android.com/reference/android/media/MediaRecorder.AudioSource.html i am unable to record the voice call using VOICE_CALL for anything? Aug 03 21:21:25 i'm assuming a voice call is like a regular phone conversation Aug 03 21:23:16 CurlyBrace_ I didn't have an answer for that. I searched and still can't find anything on it. Hopefully someone who is AFK can help you. I saw one forum where that was asked a year ago with no answer Aug 03 21:23:41 o well. time to experiment and find out. Aug 03 21:24:25 uh, is there any way to get fields from the containing activity while in a fragment Aug 03 21:25:20 so, does anyone else have (de)serialization problems? Aug 03 21:25:39 oh, thanks! Aug 03 21:25:47 I appreciate the help Aug 03 21:26:01 What was your question galaktik? Aug 03 21:26:49 enneract: uhm, getActivity()? Aug 03 21:27:05 http://pastie.org/private/cf9ywaqhac9pvu1zzy47a <--- serializer, null ptr on line 45 ---> http://pastie.org/private/4evq9go6uhwhnwbkgyskdw Aug 03 21:27:10 any ideas? Aug 03 21:29:59 hrnt: yea, need to implement an interface tho it seems Aug 03 21:30:56 CurlyBrace_ I am good now and working on. I was having an issue with ListView text being white but found a good tutorial on how to customize it Aug 03 21:31:00 i can verify that just before serialization the objects are in tact Aug 03 21:31:02 Thank you though Aug 03 21:32:17 Now just keeping my eye on things hoping to pick up something new or provide some help. Sometimes you all are speaking Greek to me though lol Aug 03 21:33:30 do i have to write each of it's objects to the objectoutput stream? Aug 03 21:33:35 or just the parent object? Aug 03 21:34:10 ha, the android source always makes me laugh Aug 03 21:34:32 the dscirption comment for DigitalClock.java says "Like AnalogClock, but digital' Aug 03 21:39:14 LOL that is funny. I never paid attention to the description comments Aug 03 21:41:46 hrm. i guess you need to create some service that proxies your call and record from there Aug 03 21:42:12 Now thats a good idea Aug 03 21:42:38 I like it at least. Sounds fun Aug 03 21:47:46 hrm sounds difficult. but at the same time so trivial to record a complete phone covo Aug 03 21:47:58 anyone know about this serialization businses? Aug 03 21:48:04 i can't seem to wrap my head around this in a way where i can implement this by myself heh Aug 03 21:48:15 my outer serializable object is desieralized well, but the inside serializable objects are null upon deserialization Aug 03 21:49:56 i'm ready, at this point to simply serialize thje objects separately Aug 03 21:49:58 cuz this sucks :| Aug 03 21:54:22 i'm an idiot, you cant serialize static members Aug 03 21:54:32 i dont even know why they're static Aug 03 21:54:58 bleh. why are my good ideas impossible to do Aug 03 21:55:26 well, not impossible theoretically (it's trivial to record sound), but pratically Aug 03 21:56:01 Thats how it goes. I thought I'd extort money from all the potheads by turning the android to a scale.... which would be a very popular app..... but it can't be done Aug 03 21:56:24 not without extra hardware. Aug 03 21:57:04 Yeah they still need a scale. Pressure != weight which made me sad lol Aug 03 21:57:53 not to mention, someone's phone will probably get jacked while doing drug trading activities Aug 03 21:58:06 these aren't exactly the kind of people who are that ethical Aug 03 21:58:17 "let me weigh this on my shiny new phone" Aug 03 21:58:32 but that is just another ethical concern Aug 03 21:58:42 bleh the manufacturers need to make things more open Aug 03 21:58:53 Lol true. Not my worry though, I just want the money from people who would like to weigh things on their Android Aug 03 21:59:44 how can you serialize android bitmaps? Aug 03 21:59:57 and why wouldnt they make resources like bitmaps serializable? Aug 03 22:00:46 ... why would you? Aug 03 22:00:49 i mean, seriously? i ahve to convert a bitmap to a byte array to serialize it? Aug 03 22:00:59 kaneda^: bitmap *is* a byte array Aug 03 22:01:00 p_l|x61s, it seems logical to be able to save basic resources to file Aug 03 22:01:09 p_l|x61s, then why didnt they implement serializable? Aug 03 22:01:28 kaneda^: Because using java's Serializable for Bitmap deserves a beating? Aug 03 22:01:40 how would you persist them? Aug 03 22:01:44 kaneda^: ... Aug 03 22:01:55 they are simple images. Dump them to BMP/PNG Aug 03 22:02:16 or if it strikes you fancy, make your own format Aug 03 22:02:49 using Serializable for it would be viable way for author of said mechanism to come and beat you up Aug 03 22:03:26 i'll just extend Bitmapa nd implement serializable Aug 03 22:03:26 Is it better to see if an EditText is an empty string (ie... "") or better to check its length is great than 0? Or does it even matter? Aug 03 22:03:59 kaneda^: ... which might not work Aug 03 22:04:10 if it's a byte array it'll work just fine Aug 03 22:04:29 oh, bitmap is final Aug 03 22:04:57 so i'll have to wrap it in something serializable, make that field transient, and then serialize on demand ;_; Aug 03 22:06:02 kaneda^: also, it quite probably is just a wrapper around a native object Aug 03 22:06:13 basically, you don't understand what you're doing Aug 03 22:06:22 p_l|x61s, i'm open to suggestion Aug 03 22:07:15 kaneda^: I told you. Use *existing*, *available* interfaces to write bitmap data into BMP (no compression) or lossless compression like PNG (those two, iirc, are guaranteed to be supported on all phones since 1.0) Aug 03 22:07:41 Is there a way to make Buttons a fixed size regardless of their text? I'm running into an issue where setWidth() and setHeight() seem to be setting their 'bounding box' but not the actual size of the button Aug 03 22:07:50 I have a table of buttons, its ragged :( Aug 03 22:08:05 you can even use the second part of Serialization system to let you include it in serialized objects (but it's pretty stupid for memory management reasons) as a binary stream Aug 03 22:11:26 enneract: of course, specify in LayoutParams or in xml a size in dp Aug 03 22:12:08 themirror: giving layout params to either\both the tablelayout and the tablerow isn't doing anything Aug 03 22:14:08 kaneda^: btw, did you notice that Bitmap implements Parceable? Aug 03 22:14:31 enneract: LayoutParams buttonParams = new LayoutParams(20, 20); root.addView(myButton, buttonParams); Aug 03 22:14:50 yep, it aint doing anything Aug 03 22:15:11 Dunno works great for me Aug 03 22:16:19 lol Aug 03 22:16:19 kaneda^: anyway, the right, IMO, idea for persisting a bitmap to disk, is to use .compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 0, ) Aug 03 22:16:23 that actually gave me a divide by zero Aug 03 22:16:40 question about this link: https://android.googlesource.com/?p=platform/packages/apps/Phone.git;a%3Dtree will working with this allow you to hack your phoen to record audio? Aug 03 22:17:34 and how does it affect deployment to the app store Aug 03 22:19:06 I know Google Play recently increased scrutiny on apps to prevent malware Aug 03 22:20:02 If you have to ask, you're a violator Aug 03 22:20:04 Jk Aug 03 22:20:54 dogarrhea2: you usually can't record phone audio stream Aug 03 22:21:21 i keep hearing people say this, but when i go to the app store, I see a bunch of apps that do this.. Aug 03 22:21:24 *maybe* it's possible to simultaneously enable normal recording during phone operation, but don't count on that Aug 03 22:21:31 dogarrhea2: *device* specific Aug 03 22:21:42 for example: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.skvalex.callrecorder&hl=en Aug 03 22:21:43 hell, system board and radio firmware specific Aug 03 22:22:02 dogarrhea2: I had worked in the past with phones that made that *impossible* Aug 03 22:22:16 as in, there was no physical path for the phone audio to grab it Aug 03 22:22:26 bleh Aug 03 22:22:38 i don't have enough devices to test / play around with Aug 03 22:22:52 ok. ok. i'll give up on this idea Aug 03 22:23:04 I'm using a gridlayout with a textview as a cell. The text inside the textview is too large and I don't know why but the text don't fit the boundaries of the screen. Do you know how to fix it? Aug 03 22:23:14 dogarrhea2: according to description, it's Qualcomm MSM-specific, which would fit given that some of them have firmware that exports appropriate paths Aug 03 22:24:11 dogarrhea2: also, it's illegal in many countries to record call without informing the other side Aug 03 22:24:18 hello Aug 03 22:24:35 when I decompile an app, what string do I look for to find internet access requests? Aug 03 22:24:36 dogarrhea2: the fact that you're in another country at the time might make it actually worse Aug 03 22:24:38 and legal in many countries for just one person to be informed, but yea that's out of scope Aug 03 22:24:50 JulienDev: you can change the text size Aug 03 22:25:10 Davor: check which Apis you want to find, then search for them Aug 03 22:25:23 packages and class names reference is in docs Aug 03 22:25:43 thanks mate Aug 03 22:26:38 np Aug 03 22:27:44 I am trying to install Android SDK on windows 7, but it keeps complaining it cant find JDK, i have installed JDK, also installed JRE (although already included), the error also shows to set environment variable JAVA_HOME which i have done, restarted windows, still no dice, any ideas what im missing here? Aug 03 22:28:01 p_l|x61s: well, one more thing came to mind, if you can redirect the phone line audio output to speaker or ear piece or whatever else, how do you not have any access to the audio seems like there might be some hackability with this Aug 03 22:28:18 Ceeram you using 64 bit? Aug 03 22:28:25 depending on where you could put something to tap the audio output Aug 03 22:28:47 Galaktik: yes i am Aug 03 22:29:23 dogarrhea2: except that usually the *physical* I2S lines are terminated at *radio* interface, which then provides you with the access to audio Aug 03 22:29:47 p_l|x61s, all of my internal storage methods are now byte[] or byte[][] with conversion at the getters/setters Aug 03 22:29:59 if the radio firmware (baseband) allows you to get access to those audio streams, you can access it Aug 03 22:30:13 dogarrhea2: sometimes you can fudge routing to get such result as well Aug 03 22:30:43 Ceeram I had that problem too. It could be two thing. Either it is not finding the path to it and you should use Environment Varibales or it is probably it hating 64 bit. I had to use 32 bit jdk/jre to get Android SDK going. Aug 03 22:31:19 maybe i have set incorrect value for the env variable? Aug 03 22:32:19 i have set JAVA_HOME already as the error mentioned Aug 03 22:32:38 wtf, now it always instantiates a new one Aug 03 22:32:40 ;_; Aug 03 22:33:47 kaneda^: WTF in, WTF out Aug 03 22:33:59 nah, i was returning null as a test Aug 03 22:34:03 forgot to put back my object return Aug 03 22:34:04 should be all good Aug 03 22:34:27 Its probably the 64 bit then. Try downloading the the 32 bit JDK and JRE and it should find it. You probably won't need the environ var either Aug 03 22:36:00 p_l|x61s: there's no possible way to capture sound just as it is about to play from the speaker? Aug 03 22:36:35 le'ts not even talk about phone conversation for a minute, maybe some music is playing or your android maps is talking Aug 03 22:36:45 Galaktik: will have a go at that then, thx Aug 03 22:37:02 you probably know where i'm goign with this Aug 03 22:37:02 Ceeram: You don't have to uninstall 64 bit either. Aug 03 22:37:09 ah ok Aug 03 22:39:50 I'm storing Buttons to a HashMap... when I recall them via that Map and attempt to perform operations on them (set them to pressed, in this case), nothing happens. No exceptions, but no reactions. Any ideas?~ Aug 03 22:44:11 Galaktik: fyi, turned out i had the wrong env value, now it will continue the install Aug 03 22:44:35 I have a correct reference, I can pull the data of the button, I just can't manipulate it Aug 03 22:45:21 nm, need to invalidate it Aug 03 22:45:47 hm, that didnt work either Aug 03 22:49:24 so i am now trying to answer the more general question of: how do you capture audio output in general? I don't care if it's from youtube playing 2 girls 1 cup, a phone call, android maps telling you where Crazy Girls is, or whatever Aug 03 22:50:22 Ok.. I've tried updating my view, then invalidating it, it's parent, and the root of the fragment. getText() returns the changed text, but the view does not update visually Aug 03 22:50:25 You would have to create an hook in audioflinger afaik. Aug 03 22:54:13 audio flinger is c++? Aug 03 22:54:38 sounds crazily hackish/ need custom rom for this Aug 03 22:55:52 so the user would need to root the phone, recompile some thing then have an app. sounds like regular old "make people angry and not use android" kind of app Aug 03 22:56:17 ok now i truly give up on this lol Aug 03 22:57:59 Heh, dogarrhea2, would you really want to use a phone OS which makes it trivial for a malicious app to grab your phone calls? Aug 03 22:58:24 enneract, this is basically how you pirate music right? Aug 03 22:58:34 capture the output to your speaker. Aug 03 22:58:50 i'm not here to debate the ethical boundaries of this Aug 03 22:58:52 I imagine if there isn't a 'capture phone calls' permission, I doubt it is possible without very low level hooks Aug 03 22:58:59 that would require custom rom, yea Aug 03 22:59:06 just guessing though Aug 03 22:59:09 as seems to be the case for everyone else Aug 03 23:00:00 I'm not trying to debate the ethics either, I'm just saying that if something like that was possible via a normal built-in hook, it would be attached to a permission.. hell, using vibrate is attached to a permission Aug 03 23:00:45 and since I can find no evidence of such a permission, I'd be willing to wager that it either requires an exploit or a custom rom Aug 03 23:01:20 because it would be a huge security vulnerability :( Aug 03 23:03:38 not sure how it would be a security vulnerability. the sound that comes out of the phone is basically yours Aug 03 23:03:51 anyways, how do you debug on the actual device? Aug 03 23:04:15 i need some output that tells me what happened. used to be System.out.println("what happened") or something but now i don't know what to do Aug 03 23:04:23 logcat... Aug 03 23:06:25 not sure how to set this up on intellij where it installs the app on my device directly Aug 03 23:06:28 can anyone guide me to root my Nexus S Jelly Bean? Aug 03 23:06:55 http://pastebin.com/bpmQfH07 - returns true, but button doesn't become pressed visually. Any ideas? Aug 03 23:07:50 cyberrog: you're better off asking in #android-root, this channel is for app development Aug 03 23:08:02 ryanm thanks for the tip Aug 03 23:08:12 no problem Aug 03 23:08:41 dogarrhea2: just use http://developer.android.com/reference/android/util/Log.html and then run adb logcat on the command line Aug 03 23:09:13 more info here: http://developer.android.com/tools/debugging/debugging-log.html Aug 03 23:09:45 eclipse also has nice logcat functionality built in if you have ADT installed Aug 03 23:11:01 or just run from cli Aug 03 23:11:07 and this is pretty sweet http://jsharkey.org/blog/2009/04/22/modifying-the-android-logcat-stream-for-full-color-debugging/ Aug 03 23:14:01 hrm. intellij is not seeing my device anymore Aug 03 23:14:09 had installed samsung kies to fix this exact problem Aug 03 23:15:57 argh something is blocking me Aug 03 23:17:15 boo. samshit firmware update turned off usb debugging Aug 03 23:17:51 after all that annoying stuff yesterday just getting the nevironment setup, this droid development is pretty fun. Aug 03 23:25:18 is there a broadcast for system alarms(alarm clock) events? Aug 03 23:25:57 yuck. my app crashes when launched from intellij, but when i unplug my phone and run the app, it works fine Aug 03 23:26:19 all i get is an "unfortunately, application has stopped" Aug 03 23:28:44 strange. problem went away suddenly Aug 03 23:30:50 and now it's back. Aug 03 23:30:56 seems random. i dont know how i'm supposed to debug like this Aug 03 23:31:59 Is there a standard Map implementation which preserves order and k-v pair Aug 03 23:32:31 Put logs for variables and check if their values are what u expect Aug 03 23:33:13 enneract, you don't need order for a mapping, its a hash Aug 03 23:33:22 Sort keys if u must Aug 03 23:33:49 themirror; not for what I'm doing :( Aug 03 23:34:20 the order of the values is essentially another data field I'm using, I'm accessing by order and by key in different places Aug 03 23:35:00 enneract: all I heard was "I don't know how to read java docs or use google, and I'm probably pretty dumb at programming too" Aug 03 23:35:34 yuck Aug 03 23:36:02 it seems that plugging int he usb causes a "sorry your app has crashed" while keeping it not plugged in does not. Aug 03 23:36:05 why is this the case/ Aug 03 23:36:12 enneract: You need a TreeMpa Aug 03 23:36:16 *TreeMap Aug 03 23:36:20 Pragma- you dont need to be a dick Aug 03 23:36:22 read the logcat, kmsg and intellij logs Aug 03 23:36:27 enneract: you don't need to be a moron Aug 03 23:36:41 pragma-: you could be nicer. you're also wrong. Aug 03 23:37:01 ryanm: you're starting to sound like a moron too Aug 03 23:37:09 TreeMap does exactly what he's looking for assuming he wants them sorted Aug 03 23:37:18 there's no logcat Aug 03 23:37:35 it just suddenly closes the app Aug 03 23:37:42 if you need to preserve an arbitrary ordering, just store them in a List alongside the Map Aug 03 23:38:55 o wow. there are a bunch of errors Aug 03 23:38:56 ^that's how I would do it, allows you to use better algorithms for your needs Aug 03 23:39:28 http://www.pasteall.org/34282 what does this mean? Aug 03 23:39:35 that said, this is probably a better question for #java Aug 03 23:40:55 dogarrhea2: I don't think that's an error in your application Aug 03 23:42:43 java.lang.IllegalStateException Fatal exception <---- trying to call MediaRecorder.srat().start Aug 03 23:43:03 mediarecorder.start()* Aug 03 23:43:42 dogarrhea2: have you read the JavaDoc for that method? Aug 03 23:44:59 yes. Aug 03 23:45:24 not sure why it's erroring, especially when it works while not connected to intellij via usb Aug 03 23:45:33 which is very weird Aug 03 23:45:51 are you absolutely certain prepare() is getting called before start()? Aug 03 23:46:06 i copy pasted the audio capture example Aug 03 23:46:33 I've never worked with audio before, so I'm unfortunately not sure what's wrong Aug 03 23:46:39 it's doing a try on .prepare() and catching some ioexception Aug 03 23:47:01 i really want to know why it works when teh usb is not connected but otherwise fails Aug 03 23:47:08 see if that exception is occurring, for starters Aug 03 23:47:09 this seems like a huge blocking bug Aug 03 23:47:33 ryanm: it gets past that. its the mrecorder.start() that's throwing the error Aug 03 23:47:54 http://www.pasteall.org/34283 Aug 03 23:48:23 paste the code Aug 03 23:49:40 http://www.pasteall.org/34284 Aug 03 23:50:31 basically it was lifted from: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/media/audio-capture.html and pasted into intellij editor Aug 03 23:50:53 i'm still not sure why connecting usb = fail and no usb = works fine Aug 03 23:53:29 seems like android development is totally screwed up.. Aug 03 23:53:39 logcat is showing errors just by having the phone turned on. Aug 03 23:56:05 well i'm about to go offline. send me an email at it_will_byte_you@yahoo.com if anyone knows waht's going on Aug 03 23:57:43 i'm seeing things like "make the setoutputdir be something different" Aug 03 23:57:52 but this still doesn't explain why it works without usb Aug 03 23:57:58 this is just really bad error reporting Aug 04 00:00:25 ok i'm done with doing nothing useful today Aug 04 00:00:27 night all Aug 04 00:06:33 hello? Aug 04 00:06:43 hey guys Aug 04 00:06:52 hi :-) Aug 04 00:07:06 Would this be the right place to ask for advice concerning porting cwm recovery to a tablet? Aug 04 00:07:17 array92: #android-root :-) Aug 04 00:07:34 @ryanm so this is not the right place? :D Aug 04 00:07:40 correct Aug 04 00:08:02 so this is for application dev? Aug 04 00:09:07 yep, even says so in the topic Aug 04 00:09:34 @ryanm saw that :D Aug 04 00:09:55 @ryanm decided to ask anyway, you never know Aug 04 00:20:38 Anyone know if the offline cached data in Google Maps is available for other apps to use? ie: App which has a map view, presumably using the maps library? Aug 04 00:23:10 @Khaytsus Aug 04 00:23:31 @Khaytsus couldn't you run a quick test by downloading data and then switching to flight? Aug 04 00:24:15 array92: Oh, I know it doesn't work, at least in two apps I have. So my question is, is it _possible_ for an app dev to do it? Aug 04 00:25:59 no Aug 04 00:26:46 canadiancow: Hmf, that sucks. I was excited about that possibility for say a tablet to show cached map data in any app using the google map as a library.. Aug 04 00:27:17 And was hoping it was just something a few apps hadn't changed to take advantage of... Aug 04 00:33:38 I can't get the SDK installer to work, it won't see that I have JDK (which I do; Eclipse can see it..) Aug 04 00:34:47 I keep setting the PATH to the correct one (supposedly)..but to no avail Aug 04 00:36:29 haha, know that one to no end Aug 04 00:36:54 spend like 4 hours until it finally worked Aug 04 00:37:07 ...what did you do in the end? Aug 04 00:37:38 trying every possible solution I could find on the net Aug 04 00:37:51 what did you end up doing? Aug 04 00:38:00 If I remember correctly, none of them worked, and I forgot what I ended up doing :D Aug 04 00:38:16 lol Aug 04 00:38:21 I suppose you already tried completely wiping java from your system and reinstall? Aug 04 00:38:24 I think it needs the 32bit JDK Aug 04 00:38:34 no, I'm not going to do that since Eclipse sees it Aug 04 00:38:51 what do you mean by that Aug 04 00:38:58 Eclipse can see the JDK Aug 04 00:39:12 yeah, but the sdk installer does not. Aug 04 00:39:18 the Android SDK installer can't see it; not worth removing it Aug 04 00:39:22 there's a workaround Aug 04 00:39:24 I am sure Aug 04 00:39:29 I will find it out and I will document it! Aug 04 00:39:32 did you try installing, and when it says cant find, go back and then forward again? Aug 04 00:39:44 that supposedly solved it for some :D Aug 04 00:39:46 You can install 32 and 64 bit JDK Aug 04 00:39:49 I did not try that Aug 04 00:39:58 I had to do that at work.. I hate Windows. Aug 04 00:39:58 yea, someone here (company) says it needs 32 Aug 04 00:40:53 I hate windows Aug 04 00:41:14 I had to install it here, tried 12 distros for my Nvidia card and other features of my new laptop Aug 04 00:41:16 to no avail Aug 04 00:41:17 easy fix for that one Aug 04 00:41:21 install linux :D Aug 04 00:41:29 oh Aug 04 00:41:35 what did not work? Aug 04 00:41:45 nvidia card, fingerprint reader, touchpad Aug 04 00:41:46 etc.. Aug 04 00:42:15 that sucks Aug 04 00:42:15 It could be the 64/32 bit Aug 04 00:42:27 it is Aug 04 00:42:49 Ceeram just had that issue. He corrected it with Environment Variables Aug 04 00:42:59 so I have the 64bit jdk installed Aug 04 00:43:07 and it works with that one for me Aug 04 00:43:33 I could get it to work with 64 bit so I just installed 32 and it worked Aug 04 00:43:44 couldn't* Aug 04 00:43:51 of course its going to be through the environment variables Aug 04 00:44:29 I don't have a JAVA_HOME variable though, so I know I didn't do that to make mine work Aug 04 00:45:33 I don't know why install is such a nightmare. I am discovering the whole thing is tempermental. I never have made a text logo for the App... it goes all goofy when I try that Aug 04 00:47:14 I can remember trying to install it myself, I went nuts Aug 04 00:47:25 I was so close to shut the damn thing down Aug 04 00:50:52 sicp are you still trying or taking a rest :D Aug 04 00:51:10 I'm installing other stuff, but feel free to suggest Aug 04 00:51:18 I have....JDK 6 - 64 bit Aug 04 00:52:15 just installed Netbeans, it sees the JDK that its supposed to see Aug 04 00:52:20 and it's just working Aug 04 00:53:43 so everything sees jdk except android sdk Aug 04 00:53:43 right Aug 04 00:53:45 that sucks Aug 04 00:53:55 I had it that way too Aug 04 00:54:40 yea inside they're saying I need the 32bit JDK Aug 04 00:54:45 im going to get it install it and rerun Aug 04 00:54:50 I can have two JDK's installed yea? Aug 04 00:54:52 6 and 7 Aug 04 00:55:38 Yes Aug 04 00:55:50 Oh 6 and 7 I haven't tried Aug 04 00:55:55 64 and 32 bit are ok Aug 04 00:56:55 I assume so. I can't remove 6 Update 25 and 7 works fine Aug 04 00:57:25 sicp I would just remove all javaish things and reinstall Aug 04 00:57:29 its not that much trouble Aug 04 00:57:35 but if it works, it saves you some Aug 04 00:58:59 Good point array92. Save you some time and some hair Aug 04 00:59:33 but why! Aug 04 00:59:37 what if the others stop seeing it Aug 04 00:59:44 now I have Netbeans seeing it and Eclipse seeing it Aug 04 00:59:56 only Android SDK doesn't see it; it wouldn't be fair to Eclipse and Netbeans Aug 04 01:01:41 Sicp: nvidia usually works okay. Touchpad is basically always synaptics :D Aug 04 01:01:57 what might not work is some distro's craziness Aug 04 01:02:08 or X's half-broken autoconfig Aug 04 01:03:01 dont start about Xserver Aug 04 01:03:18 made me pull my hair out while trying to get mint with cinnamon to work Aug 04 01:03:35 resorted to mate because I wanted to keep my vanity Aug 04 01:04:40 probably issue started by the batshit insanity of some newfangled open source fad for desktop Aug 04 01:05:25 fuck X, man Aug 04 01:05:34 I saw horrible things, horrible Aug 04 01:07:16 yeah, those random color flashes ... jumed my chair in despair, thought my gpu was broken at first :D Aug 04 01:08:42 Sicp: usually it's not X, it's "we are doing thing that should not be on top of it and don't care about breaking shit" Aug 04 01:10:54 I avoid all this compiz shit and similar... and in effect the last time I had something weird was related to some rather weird things I was doing, and it was ~4y ago :) Aug 04 01:11:12 (or because Intel screwed up drivers, ~3.5y ago) Aug 04 01:11:27 there is a reason why Linus cussed Nvidia Aug 04 01:11:30 wise man Aug 04 01:12:10 still kind-of best option for linux graphics on a notebook if you want serious OpenGL Aug 04 01:12:43 I love how everything here just works.. Aug 04 01:12:44 man Aug 04 01:12:46 man oh man Aug 04 01:13:01 although it really does feel like I'm being largely duped Aug 04 01:26:54 so I have a problem Aug 04 01:27:09 my app crashes when I touch the screen with 2 fingers at once Aug 04 01:27:17 else anything is working fine Aug 04 01:27:27 its not good at multitasking :) Aug 04 01:27:31 it says java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: pointerIndex out of range Aug 04 01:27:31 at android.view.MotionEvent.nativeGetAxisValue(Native Method) Aug 04 01:27:31 at android.view.MotionEvent.getX(MotionEvent.java:1981) Aug 04 01:27:31 at com.eamobile.rockband.AppGLSurfaceView.onTouch(RockbandActivity.java:331) Aug 04 01:27:38 so its not exactly my app :D Aug 04 01:28:16 I was going to say, doesn't EA have enough programmers to not use the internets for help? Aug 04 01:28:28 So really this has nothing to do with -dev ;) Aug 04 01:28:37 you wrote the really bad, non-multitouch-supporting rock band port? Aug 04 01:28:57 hint: the one which doesn't support multitouch, making it unplayable? Aug 04 01:29:21 no Aug 04 01:30:04 I did not write anything except a hello world app with 3 text input fields and a button to set a textview to say message sent even though thats all the button did :D :D :D Aug 04 01:34:28 so, about that rockbad port Aug 04 01:34:32 I really love the app Aug 04 01:34:53 I cant understand why ea would do a nice port for android and then only include it with one fucking device Aug 04 01:35:02 thats hilarious Aug 04 01:36:31 erm... firstly, it was a terrible port - at least originally... secondly, it wasn't only included with one device... thirdly, what does that have to do with -dev? Aug 04 01:37:41 @Leeds, the port is really awesome. It supports full multitouch and is as good as the one on Iphone Aug 04 01:39:08 @Leeds also, I though it only was on m4tg or something like this, and, since it crashes because of an pointerindex out of range, I thought, I don't know, maybe some android programmers may know about it?? Aug 04 01:40:01 array92: you dont have to use @ on nicks Aug 04 01:40:17 its better to use 'at' Aug 04 01:40:31 i mean, its only one more character for f sake Aug 04 01:40:34 can i post a notification from a service and then stop the service, or will stopping the service clear the notification? Aug 04 01:40:54 at g00s so Aug 04 01:41:00 what is the difference Aug 04 01:41:10 alright, it works when I got JDK 32 bit Aug 04 01:42:59 Stew-a: depends a bit on the notification, I think... if you just post a regular one, it can stick around as long as necessary, but I think it'll go away if you associate it with your service for a foreground lock thingy Aug 04 01:43:20 Leeds: thanks Aug 04 01:43:45 g00ds what did you mean with use at Aug 04 01:49:42 so any pointers on why the app would crash with pointer index out of range when tapping screen with two fingers? Aug 04 01:51:06 you can always debug, and see why, it should point you to the line of code that fails and you fix? Aug 04 01:51:50 I would try that, but sadly I do not have the source to the rockband app :D Aug 04 01:52:51 so to use hirearchy viewer i have to use a "developer version of the android os" Aug 04 01:52:58 what does that mean? where do i get this magical os ? Aug 04 01:53:11 then your device isn't supporting their code? did you side load or download from playstore? Aug 04 01:53:23 funktronic: in practice, it means "use the emulator" Aug 04 01:53:27 it's my app. Aug 04 01:53:30 I think Aug 04 01:53:37 google nexus prime, runnign jelly bean Aug 04 01:53:42 or... there is some hack which lets you use it Aug 04 01:53:48 there's no such thing as a nexus prime Aug 04 01:54:33 at canvs2321 I sideloaded... the app runs fine on its own, but touching the screen with two fingers crashes it sadly Aug 04 01:54:34 galaxy nexus Aug 04 01:54:39 funktronic: https://github.com/romainguy/ViewServer Aug 04 01:54:59 although I did have an argument with a Google guy a few weeks ago who was *convinced* he had a Nexus Prime :) Aug 04 01:55:27 i have a fancy phone Aug 04 02:05:49 How do I get my String[] out of a Bundle? Aug 04 02:07:25 OK I found getStringArray now to find out what string it wants lol Aug 04 02:09:20 ohhh... Aug 04 02:12:06 Thats what the goofy string was for Aug 04 02:16:07 OK Thats working. Still have a question though Aug 04 02:16:26 Shouldn't intent.putExtra() accept an object? Aug 04 02:18:07 I couldn't get it to even accept it, let alone getParcelableExtra() Aug 04 02:23:39 it's about time they're finally working on multi-user login accounts for android devices Aug 04 02:37:59 why can I only see this when trying to download API 10? https://dl.dropbox.com/u/19390574/scrot.png Aug 04 02:39:49 I just selected them all and hit Install Packages. Took forever though Aug 04 02:40:02 There 60 if I recall correctly Aug 04 02:40:04 are&* Aug 04 02:40:16 all of THOSE? Aug 04 02:40:25 the ones in the screenshot? Aug 04 02:40:57 I did every API but if you only need 10 I guess thats all you need to download Aug 04 02:41:06 none of them is the core SDK Aug 04 02:41:12 Are you using the latest sdk? Aug 04 02:41:12 they're all specific Aug 04 02:41:20 hmm yea I installed it from android.com Aug 04 02:41:36 r20 Aug 04 02:42:42 Yeah thats the one I installed. Like I said I installed them all, but I am trying to hit all Android users with Version 1 of the App I am working Aug 04 02:43:11 but..the ones in the screenshot I posted above do not include the API Aug 04 02:43:19 Indeed they don't Aug 04 02:43:34 all of the API options have Google API's plus device-specific stuff Aug 04 02:43:38 Try installing in another location, maybe. Aug 04 02:43:40 none include the actual API Aug 04 02:43:46 installing what in another location? Aug 04 02:43:59 the sdk. Aug 04 02:44:21 what's that got to do with anything? Aug 04 02:44:48 It worked for me once, but it was with Froyo Aug 04 02:46:48 it seems that what Im installing is the SDK tools and not the SDK Aug 04 02:47:00 but the site clearly says its the SDK Aug 04 02:47:24 After you installed it, did you install the platform tools too? Aug 04 02:47:32 yea Aug 04 02:48:15 I suppose you're not behind any proxies Aug 04 02:48:25 no Aug 04 02:48:31 after all, you did install the platform tools Aug 04 02:48:39 it's fetching everything just fine, just not the SDK for every API.. Aug 04 02:49:28 Any of you guys can tell me what RoboGuice is? I found a link to a description but it is clear; so do you guys think you can help? Aug 04 02:49:53 it's a wrapper around the Android APIs to make UI work simpler, AFAIK Aug 04 02:50:16 http://code.google.com/p/roboguice/ Aug 04 02:51:08 What's the output of "android update sdk --no-ui" Sicp? Aug 04 02:53:17 Sorry. Aug 04 02:53:31 Sicp, what was the output? Aug 04 02:53:36 so, I updated my android dev tools and it broke everything for me :( Aug 04 02:53:50 I am on windows, don't know where to issue that command haskeller Aug 04 02:53:55 Thanks Leeds Aug 04 02:54:06 Sicp: dos box Aug 04 02:54:11 nope, Leeds Aug 04 02:54:18 yup Aug 04 02:54:27 need to go and add it to the path and whatever; for now I'm going to uninstall development tools from Eclipse Aug 04 02:54:32 Go to C:\Users\sicp\AppData\Local\Android\android-sdk\ Aug 04 02:54:50 (on the command line, sure) Aug 04 02:54:59 and run "android update sdk --no-ui" Aug 04 02:55:20 thats the line that screwed me badly Aug 04 02:55:22 =/ Aug 04 02:55:49 what's wrong Muramasa? Aug 04 02:56:16 Whenever I launch my application, it loads the first activity and then crashes saying it cant find the class of the next activity Aug 04 02:56:18 no code changed Aug 04 02:56:18 there is no "android" binary there Aug 04 02:56:34 my mistake Aug 04 02:56:38 android.com? Aug 04 02:56:39 go to tools Aug 04 02:56:47 (inside that folder) Aug 04 02:56:50 platform-tools, that's where I went Aug 04 02:56:51 meh, blah, get a real OS, etc. :) Aug 04 02:57:09 this works seamlessly in Linux Aug 04 02:57:31 don't talk to me about OS's, I am having enough of a hard time dealing with the fact that I am forced to use Windows Aug 04 02:57:51 "android" is inside tools Aug 04 02:58:00 there is no tools Aug 04 02:58:09 then reinstall. Aug 04 02:58:11 any idea why upgrading ADT/SDK could cause this issue? ive reinstalled everything and same issue Aug 04 02:58:20 Because there should be. Aug 04 02:58:35 I know, there's always tools and platform-tools **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Aug 04 02:59:58 2012