**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Aug 17 02:59:58 2012 Aug 17 03:05:57 Hi there. I'm having a pretty simple but annoying problem with Eclipse/ADT and I would appreciate any insight. When using Eclipse Indigo or Juno and ADT 20, I simply want to multi-select a couple of textviews and adjust their common properties (gravity, focusability, etc) but when I select more than one most of the properties disappear from the window. The action bar icons to change gravity will only change the gravity of the first t Aug 17 03:06:54 that got cut off Aug 17 03:14:47 I have a question Aug 17 03:14:55 can I load a intent from another intent? Aug 17 03:16:43 Nemus: I'm not sure 'intent' means what you think it means... Aug 17 03:16:59 maybe not Aug 17 03:17:01 When using Eclipse Indigo or Juno and ADT 20, I simply want to multi-select a couple of textviews and adjust their common properties (gravity, focusability, etc) but when I select more than one most of the properties disappear from the window. The action bar icons to change gravity will only change the gravity of the first thing I selected. Any ideas? TY Aug 17 03:17:21 I want my secound screen to load a thrid screen not sure what that would be called Aug 17 03:18:00 intent is the intent on showing another activity, or spawning a notification etc Aug 17 03:18:14 Nemus: then you want one activity to spawn another one - probably Aug 17 03:18:16 so your question... can you launch an activity from another activity? Yes, thats general idea Aug 17 03:19:04 so startActivity loads an intent right? Aug 17 03:19:12 no Aug 17 03:19:15 what would I use to just load another activity? Aug 17 03:19:23 intent is not what you think Aug 17 03:19:34 intent is the idea its an intent to d osomething Aug 17 03:19:38 you dont load an intent Aug 17 03:19:44 an intent triggers showing a new activity Aug 17 03:19:53 or popping a system notification Aug 17 03:19:54 etc Aug 17 03:19:59 k Aug 17 03:20:19 so if I want to load another activity from an started intent how would I do that? Aug 17 03:20:47 so long as you have a valid context, just create a new intent and use it to startactivity Aug 17 03:21:10 what you really need to do is spend more time grokking the docs... Aug 17 03:21:31 http://developer.android.com/guide/components/fundamentals.html Aug 17 03:22:39 so if I create an intent to start a new activity can I create another intent to start the secound activity? Aug 17 03:22:44 exactly Aug 17 03:23:09 so that should work? Aug 17 03:23:17 that *will* work if you do it correctly Aug 17 03:23:44 hmm it doesn't seam to work Aug 17 03:23:52 so I am doing something wrong Aug 17 03:24:01 you may not have a proper ui context Aug 17 03:24:15 are you passing in something like getApplicationContext() or are you using a reference to an activity Aug 17 03:25:10 http://pastebin.com/CgLSVjhy Aug 17 03:25:26 that is the secound intent load Aug 17 03:25:43 looks fine to me Aug 17 03:25:50 attach a debugger and make sure the code is executing Aug 17 03:26:09 http://pastebin.com/3ZLCBeeN Aug 17 03:26:16 is the secound Aug 17 03:26:17 also, how doesn't it work? Aug 17 03:26:25 does it do nothing, does it crash? Aug 17 03:27:02 ah, getApplicationContext? Aug 17 03:27:04 well if I click the submit button Aug 17 03:27:11 it will then load the secound intent Aug 17 03:28:25 http://pastebin.com/nLK9zvP2 Aug 17 03:28:29 submit button Aug 17 03:31:21 java naming conventions Aug 17 03:31:26 java naming conventions Aug 17 03:31:32 patronView Aug 17 03:34:00 ? Aug 17 03:34:33 lol Aug 17 03:40:37 does anyone know why my Expansion File download completes immediately without downloading anything? I have followed the Downloader Library sample very closely Aug 17 03:40:41 hey guys... For some reason -LC:/android-sdk/android-ndk-r8b/platforms/android-14/arch-arm/usr/lib is not helping me get past Linker Error: cannot find crtbegin_dynamic.o: error: No such file or directory Aug 17 04:07:09 anyone here use intellij with android and actionbarsherlock? Aug 17 04:13:13 I have a onActivityResult method for my input dialog right? inside I have a statement that sets a textView to a certain string based on what onActivityResult calculates but I keep getting a null pointer Aug 17 04:13:28 and I did initialize the textView Aug 17 04:13:43 with TextView contact1 = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.contact1); Aug 17 04:14:11 so contact1.setText(somevariable); and i get null pointer =/ Aug 17 04:23:16 Ah — looks like it just takes about an hour for apk expansion files to propogate once youve uploaded them to google play. Aug 17 04:29:00 is it possible to send a tweet through an intent from a broadcast receiver? Aug 17 04:49:44 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tdubstudios.soundboard.twilightbdp1 everyone check out my newest app :D Aug 17 04:54:16 is this app aimed at girls? Aug 17 04:56:07 T-Dub: I'd be really interested to know how you went about getting the copyright signoff for that app Aug 17 04:56:33 as well as your other soundboards... Aug 17 04:57:19 I'm pretty sure "distributing someone else's content with your own ads" doesn't count as fair use Aug 17 04:58:50 Naish, not specifically but yes the vas majority of the audience will be young girls. Aug 17 05:01:01 T-Dub: ? Aug 17 05:01:56 Leeds, when you provide a free service (advertising in this case) people tend not to care about copyright. I know you're going to throw back that, that isn't always true and you're right Aug 17 05:02:08 no, I'm going to report your app Aug 17 05:02:16 But just google any major movie and there are thousands of copyrights Aug 17 05:02:21 Ok Aug 17 05:02:45 if you're doing it "as a fan", take the ads off it Aug 17 05:02:56 then at least you can argue it's non-commercial Aug 17 05:03:20 This isn't #android-copyrightlaw!! Aug 17 05:03:39 Ads aren't necessarily for profit. Things like servers, doamins, employies, etc cost money Aug 17 05:03:40 Leeds: is there a link to report an app for violations? Aug 17 05:03:59 mr6: there is in the on-device client Aug 17 05:04:05 Non profit organizations still "make money" Aug 17 05:04:09 They just don't make profit Aug 17 05:04:16 Leeds: ah ok Aug 17 05:04:59 I think everyone should report it just because someone has the audacity to promote a p.o.s. app like this to devs on IRC Aug 17 05:12:25 Hmm --sysroot is mandatory? Aug 17 05:12:31 (NDK) Aug 17 05:15:37 what does eclipse mean when I try to declare an AlertDialog that it's "not visible"? Aug 17 05:15:57 the constructor isn't visible? Aug 17 05:16:40 nvm, found out it's actually protected Aug 17 05:20:41 anyone have a url for something which describes how all this stuff in an eclipse android project interrelate? Aug 17 05:21:19 jaggz: you mean this one? http://developer.android.com/guide/components/fundamentals.html Aug 17 05:22:03 mmmaybe... :) thanks Aug 17 05:27:36 would this code show an alert dialog? Aug 17 05:27:37 http://pastebin.com/DTaUZRyR Aug 17 05:40:56 any ideas? Aug 17 05:41:00 anyone take a look at my code? I got logged off Aug 17 05:45:30 eddi3x3 maybe call .show() Aug 17 05:45:38 also you can use 'this' as context Aug 17 05:50:02 .show says bad token exception Aug 17 05:50:14 for saying alertDialog.show(); Aug 17 05:50:45 why are you using application context? Aug 17 05:52:20 shouldn't I? Aug 17 05:53:14 no, you should use your Activity as the Context, as xorgate suggested Aug 17 05:56:53 ok Aug 17 05:57:22 hey so how does one link with pthread? Aug 17 06:20:56 how do i disable click ahead for buttons? Aug 17 06:22:29 there seems to be a click event buffer thats stacking up multiple events. i have a flag that i set so the onclick handler disregards keypresses and after a short time i clear the flag Aug 17 06:22:54 but if the player mashes on the buttons while its disabled they get stacked up and happen all at once when the flag is cleared Aug 17 06:25:28 how do i disable onclick events for ALL buttons withina view? Aug 17 06:36:53 hnow do i flush A:LL onclick events when i get a click,. i dont want the player to be able to mash on the buttons 283465293645 times in a row and get that many events. once i see the first i want to throw away ALL OTHER events currently in the queue Aug 17 06:39:05 0 down vote Aug 17 06:39:06 Aug 17 06:39:06 Make a boolean clickEnabled in your activity and check it in the click listeners; if it's false, don't do anything. Aug 17 06:39:06 <-- one site sugests this Aug 17 06:39:24 already tried this. the clicks get stacked up and all happen at once Aug 17 06:40:35 set the flag. set a timer to clear it. player mashes repeatedly on button. when timer clears the flag all the stacked up events occur Aug 17 06:40:38 wtf over? Aug 17 06:43:34 hi, Aug 17 06:45:51 I want to know all threads of process, how to show this information? "adb shell ps" only shows processes Aug 17 06:48:02 http://superuser.com/questions/80556/how-do-you-view-all-threads-running-on-linux Aug 17 06:48:14 assuming ps in CWM still supports those params Aug 17 07:06:45 what? why not just run ps or top? Aug 17 07:06:50 or even pstree? Aug 17 07:07:01 just ssh in and do it that way. Aug 17 07:07:41 not every android device has an ssh server installed on it? Aug 17 07:07:59 no android device has an ssh server installed on it. but ... the market place does. Aug 17 07:08:02 pretty much no android device has an ssh server included in stock Aug 17 07:08:23 hi Leeds. Aug 17 07:08:37 afternoon Aug 17 07:08:41 i didnt say stock :) Aug 17 07:08:51 afternoon? where are you at leeds? Aug 17 07:09:00 no, I'm not in Leeds Aug 17 07:09:05 hahah. Aug 17 07:09:07 UnknownzD, thank you Aug 17 07:09:08 i was just about to say. Aug 17 07:09:11 i didnt expect so Aug 17 07:12:53 mark4: I live in Hong Kong Aug 17 07:13:01 aha Aug 17 07:13:25 would love to go study wing chun there for 4 or 5 years :) Aug 17 07:13:40 but im not eatin no chikkin feets Aug 17 07:13:53 I've never eaten a chicken foot in my life... Aug 17 07:14:00 lol Aug 17 07:14:49 are u from HK originally or move there for work? Aug 17 07:15:40 no, I'm from Leeds originally Aug 17 07:15:54 aha Aug 17 07:16:03 i grew up in blackpool :/ Aug 17 07:16:12 I'm sorry to hear that Aug 17 07:16:32 ya. that place sucks Aug 17 07:17:01 I studied in Liverpool Aug 17 07:17:17 how do I set a setOnClickListener inside of a onActivityResult? Aug 17 07:17:19 my mom was a from liverpool Aug 17 07:17:34 I'm guessing I have to reference the button using the activity or something? Aug 17 07:18:26 UnknownzD, I tried, most of the options are not accepted. Aug 17 07:19:14 UnknownzD, I will try another way, if I find any. Aug 17 07:22:01 w?n ?n Aug 17 07:30:20 (x) Aug 17 07:30:25 sorry Aug 17 07:37:28 question : assuming i have a PreferenceActivity. How can I add a Preference to it myself instead of loading a preference XML? Aug 17 08:05:59 setPersistantString("namepref", "pref") Aug 17 08:06:43 euh no sorry Aug 17 08:06:59 SharedPreferences.Editor editor = getSharedPreferences("preferences", Aug 17 08:07:01 MODE_PRIVATE).edit(); Aug 17 08:07:05 editor.putString(key, value); Aug 17 08:07:10 editor.commit(); Aug 17 08:11:09 hmm, is there a standard way to assemble an intent to have google maps (or some other map app) search for a user provided location? Aug 17 08:11:16 e.g. "berlin, germany" Aug 17 08:16:19 tapas: http://developer.android.com/guide/appendix/g-app-intents.html Aug 17 08:27:09 I've made a paid app and now I'm trying to create a lite version. I've changed the package names but whenever I open a link to a paid app I can only see "open" instead of something else like download, buy or upgrade. What am I doing wrong? Aug 17 08:29:40 appel1: ok, cool. thanks.. Aug 17 08:30:10 tapas: don't know if it works reliably on all possible devices out there though Aug 17 08:30:43 akls: do you have the paid app installed? Aug 17 08:31:03 appel1, no, I've uninstalled everything! Aug 17 08:31:12 but it was installed Aug 17 08:31:17 not bought though Aug 17 08:31:52 akls: it can't be both uninstalled and installed at the same time? Aug 17 08:32:21 appel1, I have only free one installed Aug 17 08:32:40 akls: and you're sure you're viewing the paid app in Google Play? Aug 17 08:33:19 appel1, yes, free one is not even in Google Play yet Aug 17 08:34:27 oh nice cleanrom is on nexus7 now Aug 17 08:34:32 akls: the "free" app you have installed must have the same package name as the paid app you uploaded to Google Play then Aug 17 08:35:32 appel1, I will try to recreate apk again, but I've changed the package name for sure Aug 17 08:36:15 akls: why not use adb pm to check what the package name is of the app you have installed and compare it to the package name on Google Play? Aug 17 08:36:43 appel1, what is adb pm? Aug 17 08:37:41 akls: adb shell pm Aug 17 08:38:25 akls: so to view all installed packages on your device you can use "adb shell pm list packages" Aug 17 08:52:46 What's the best way to save a large BufferedReader into a string? Aug 17 08:52:57 appel1, any other reason? Aug 17 08:53:25 Should I read each line and append it to a string? Aug 17 08:53:30 akls: you've verified that the package names are different? Aug 17 08:54:23 RazielZ: you probably want to use something like StringBuilder Aug 17 08:58:37 appel1, checking it right now, but it's going to change nothing since I have different package names... Aug 17 09:01:37 can't think of any other reason for the behavior you describe Aug 17 09:04:40 Trying to draw a rounded gradient rectangle on a canvas, but how can I use different alpha values for each color-position? Aug 17 09:08:49 appel1, ok, the package name is wrong Aug 17 09:08:58 appel1, checked it with adb Aug 17 09:09:02 appel1, now... why? Aug 17 09:09:31 appel1, GOT IT Aug 17 09:09:43 great Aug 17 09:09:47 appel1, package name of get files is old Aug 17 09:09:55 appel1, can I simply rename it? Aug 17 09:10:16 appel1, and next time should I rename everything or just the package where my main activity is located? Aug 17 09:10:27 appel1, or just the gen files? Aug 17 09:11:48 Apparently parsing huge webpages can be really slow Aug 17 09:11:51 Who would've thought Aug 17 09:11:53 akls: the only thing that matters afaik is the package attribute on the manifest element in your AndroidManifest.xml Aug 17 09:12:03 akls: you can't change it after you've uploaded it to Google Play Aug 17 09:15:11 appel1, how can I change it? Aug 17 09:15:45 akls: in the free version you haven't uplaoded to google play just change the manifest and rebuild Aug 17 09:17:40 appel1, AHA! HERE IT IS!!!! Aug 17 09:17:47 so that's all I had to change? Aug 17 09:17:58 nothing else? Not even the package where my activity is located? Aug 17 09:19:36 akls: I don't think so Aug 17 09:22:30 ok, thanks Aug 17 09:22:51 hi Aug 17 09:23:24 akls: this is fairly well documented at http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/manifest-element.html#package and the publishing docs Aug 17 09:24:43 I've had an error report in the developer console for one of my applications: it's a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: bitmap size exceeds VM budget ... is there any way to find out what device triggered that error ? The code that failed was just loading a full screen image Aug 17 09:28:21 xroberx, some device with high resolution and low vm size limit Aug 17 09:28:58 xroberx: a lot of older devices have a heapsize of 16mb, probably one of them Aug 17 09:29:05 akls: is there anything I can do ? I've already filtered normal-ldpi devices in AndroidManifest.xml Aug 17 09:29:43 xroberx, I don't know, I've just released my first app :D but you search if you can set vm size for your application manually Aug 17 09:30:03 akls: AFAIK the heap size grows as needed Aug 17 09:30:16 xroberx: you could check the max heap size and use less memory Aug 17 09:30:19 akls: until it reaches the limit of course Aug 17 09:31:36 xroberx: for example by using http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ActivityManager.html#getMemoryClass() Aug 17 09:32:08 appel1: but... the code that make the application crash is just loading a single full screen image and scaling it, it doesn't reach the 16MB limit Aug 17 09:32:40 xroberx: do you load it scaled or do you load the full thing and do the scaling later yourself? Aug 17 09:33:42 xroberx: could also be that you have some rare memory leak somewhere that this one user happened to trigger I guess Aug 17 09:34:37 appel1: I load and then do the scaling myself with Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(), but it crashed at android.graphics.BitmapFactory.nativeDecodeAsset(Native Method), before Bitmap.createScaledBitmap() has been invoked Aug 17 09:34:59 xroberx: why not load it scaled? would reduce the memory usage a lot. Aug 17 09:35:40 appel1: not that much, the target resolution is 1280x720 Aug 17 09:36:09 appel1: it just takes 3686400 bytes to load the unscaled image Aug 17 09:36:27 appel1: at high quality ARGB8888 Aug 17 09:37:29 appel1: and I'm sure I don't leak memory because I kill the previous (menu) activity before switching to the game activity Aug 17 09:38:04 Famous last words: "I'm sure I don't _____ because _____" Aug 17 09:38:14 hehehe Aug 17 09:38:17 ok ok Aug 17 09:38:37 though in your case it seems like you're probably right, there are still ways you could run into problems :-) Aug 17 09:43:41 I've just run a test, and there is a memory usage peak of 21MB when switching activities, but then it goes down to 13,8 MB, but there's nothing I can do about that Aug 17 09:44:51 do you know if there's still a lot of devices with a heap limit of 16MB ? Aug 17 09:48:47 i have a custom class that extends scrollview, which contains a linear layout that has a horizontal scrollview, some tables, and buttons… what could be the problem that my onTouchListeners wouldn't be triggering? Aug 17 09:50:08 lol nevermind :) Aug 17 09:51:40 xroberx: no idea, found this by googling http://stackoverflow.com/a/9940415/1220644 Aug 17 09:52:21 thanks appel1 Aug 17 10:01:02 sure enough, my touch listeners aren't registering Aug 17 10:01:04 wtf! Aug 17 10:14:45 why would touch events be working in my emulator but not on my device? Aug 17 10:22:08 how to add a breakpoint to ndk-gdb before running the application, or how to define a breakpoint for it in the code? Aug 17 10:22:24 maybe you need to put a loop. Aug 17 10:22:31 and then step out from the loop in debugger Aug 17 10:22:35 after breakpoint is set. Aug 17 10:28:48 Zharf: generaly, i set a breakpoint on main Aug 17 10:29:14 once it stops there, other stuff will have loaded, and i can set more breakpoints Aug 17 10:29:23 but it depends on how the libs are loaded, and when Aug 17 10:31:03 clever, but how, when it just starts running right away Aug 17 10:31:14 how do I do that stuff before running the application Aug 17 10:31:38 if I just run ndk-gdb it says the application is not running, use --start or --launch Aug 17 10:51:15 I am tring to make latitude-like service... how can I simply get best possible location? Like, if the gps is running and lock, use that, if not, just use wifi/gsm approximation. I don't see anything like PROVIDER_BEST in documentation. Aug 17 10:58:57 does 10x/second polling sound ridiculous for a tcp client? i'd like my app to appear to be realtime, it's timing sensitive Aug 17 11:12:16 hello all Aug 17 11:13:42 one question. I have a button which is deactivated (btn.setEnabled(false) ) after it is pressed and i want to reactivate this button when an alarm calles a onReceive method. How can I do this (I just have the context in the onReceive method) . thx Aug 17 11:18:26 Which widget is most suitable for displaying 600+ images - center-lock + horizontal-screen Aug 17 11:25:06 is there a way to tell eclipse to open the layouts for different orientations/screensizes in separate views? Aug 17 11:27:52 it gets old pretty quickly to have to locate the damn things in the project tree everytime i need to have them both open Aug 17 11:28:31 press the <=> button in the package explorer Aug 17 11:31:37 any ideas how I could update update the ui from a onReceive method ??? Aug 17 11:36:47 Hello. What do I need to do in Dialog sub-class to have an Icon as the Alert Dialog? Aug 17 11:42:24 gotta love it when the tow trucks trawl the parking lot looking for cars to repo with their ALPRs Aug 17 11:45:22 ALPR ? Aug 17 11:45:49 automatic license plate reader Aug 17 11:46:59 hmm never seen one of those Aug 17 11:47:27 cameras mounted on tow trucks & police cars Aug 17 11:53:13 guys, is there a way to add events to calendarview? Aug 17 11:56:24 SimonVT: u problably have an idea? ^^^^ Aug 17 11:56:27 :) Aug 17 11:56:49 if I wanted my app to listen out for incoming SMS, I add a broadcast receiver with action and category in Manifest? Aug 17 11:57:24 taljurf: Which CalendarView is it? Aug 17 11:57:50 Lachezar: SimonVT's , the same as the default Aug 17 11:58:12 sicp: google Aug 17 11:58:20 I did, ivan\ Aug 17 11:58:25 Ivru Aug 17 11:59:01 taljurf: You mean the one in API 11 in the base Android? android.widget.CalendarView? Aug 17 11:59:05 I just didn't do it properly Aug 17 11:59:16 Lachezr: yes Aug 17 12:00:06 Lachezar: it obviously doesnt take events , but i was thinking about coloring days with events, and recieve clicks which will show details in a dialoug Aug 17 12:00:24 Lachezar: except if there was an easier way Aug 17 12:00:39 Lachezar: or a more logical one Aug 17 12:01:26 taljurf: I don't see this component taking any , so it's probably not suited for that. Aug 17 12:01:51 taljurf: I suppose you could iterate the views inside the calendar... Aug 17 12:02:17 Lachezar: explain a bit pls , im still new :/ Aug 17 12:03:47 Lachezar: CalendarView draws itself by overriding onDraw afaik Aug 17 12:04:17 appel1: Weird... Why does it extend FrameLayout then :-/ Aug 17 12:04:55 * Lachezar is having problems with grepcode :( Aug 17 12:06:23 appel1: You're right :-/ Aug 17 12:06:45 taljurf: As it seems CalendarView does not have child components, so you can't iterate them. Aug 17 12:07:23 taljurf: You probably need another component, or may raise an ISSUE to add date decoration model to the CalendarView. Aug 17 12:07:54 Lachezar: i see :/ Aug 17 12:14:12 Lachezar: what other calendar would you recommend? Aug 17 12:17:36 Hi, anyone know where to get the ADB driver for the Samsung Galaxy Nexus phone? It's not in the Android SDK any more Aug 17 12:20:05 Smashcat: afaik it's never been in the SDK Aug 17 12:20:07 Smashcat: http://developer.android.com/tools/extras/oem-usb.html Aug 17 12:20:15 Smashcat: "The Galaxy Nexus driver, however, is distributed by Samsung (listed as model SCH-I515)." Aug 17 12:20:47 Yeah, they must have removed it from the SDK - in a previous version I think I just installed it from the SDK usb-drivers directroy Aug 17 12:20:58 Smashcat, http://www.samsung.com/us/support/owners/product/SCH-I515MSAVZW Aug 17 12:21:15 The Samsung site is horrible to navigate Aug 17 12:22:08 What happens if I add an item to an array list while looping over an iterator of it? Aug 17 12:22:39 Spyderco: Thanks for the link - would have taken me ages to find it on there! Aug 17 12:24:53 hey everybody Aug 17 12:25:34 hey does the posting of the same article validation is done in twitter android integration as it is done for iOS ? Aug 17 12:25:50 in iOS the same article can't be posted twice Aug 17 12:26:19 Isn't it Twitter that does the checking? Aug 17 12:26:30 yes it does Aug 17 12:26:38 i am sure about the iOS Aug 17 12:26:45 Smashcat, No problem I had the same issue last week Aug 17 12:26:48 but does it check for android also ? Aug 17 12:27:24 sunny_slls: I think it's done on the Twitter servers - so should work the same way for Android as iOS Aug 17 12:27:44 ok Aug 17 12:28:07 Twitter doesn't care what you're using to connect to it Aug 17 12:31:30 i have another issue. I am starting an activity with customized boundaries. On click outside of the activity boundary it should close that activity Aug 17 12:31:34 this is working fine for me Aug 17 12:32:34 but the previous activity which is in background consists of a listview which on click shows the data of that particular view Aug 17 12:32:43 how can i avoid this. ? Aug 17 12:33:50 deebo: that button is enabled.. Aug 17 12:34:14 deebo: do you have multiple layouts in your project for different orientations/screensizes? Aug 17 12:34:14 sunny_slls: Maybe ignore the first touch event after the activity with the boundary exits? Aug 17 12:36:44 sunny_slls: Or you could just add a transparent layer under the boundary activity so that touch events are not passed through to the list. Remove that layer after the boundary activity exits. Aug 17 12:57:08 How do you set layout_align for an item both vertically AND horizontally? Aug 17 12:57:36 I meant android:layout_gravity Aug 17 12:57:50 I'd like to use both right and center_vertical Aug 17 12:59:06 Nevermind I think I got it. Aug 17 12:59:22 Besides, you shouldn't spoonfeed a newbie. Aug 17 13:02:41 i wonder: is there a simple way to limit the number of lines displayed in a WebView which has as data just a simple html snippet with a few paragraphs? Aug 17 13:09:37 hmm it might be simpler to strip off all text attributes and just use the ellipsize function of the TextView Aug 17 13:22:22 guys, if a layout exceeds the lower margin, for example too much text, do the scroller work automatically or do i have to add a scroller? Aug 17 13:25:37 someone here that would rate my app with 5 stars "suedtirol weather" in play store ? plz thx alot Aug 17 13:29:30 I'm having some issues with pitch-varying audio output on android although I'm staying within the documented interval [0.5, 2], I even go (0.5, 1] but if I try to change the pitch of a looping sound it only works if the soundloop was started on a pitch != 1f Aug 17 13:31:15 i added an OnTouchListener() to a view and then call MapView.onTouchEvent(ev) from that listener Aug 17 13:31:18 yet the MapView doesn't scroll Aug 17 13:31:21 any suggestions? Aug 17 13:31:58 * fmauro just realized he's in the wrong channel Aug 17 13:42:02 elec29a: ported from ios? Aug 17 14:01:41 Hey guys, what file should i be looking for that scans media? Aug 17 14:03:54 MediaScanner Aug 17 14:05:45 i cant find such an apk or anything in the system/bin Aug 17 14:05:58 my roms not doing a media scan and nothing can force it to. iassume its broken or not there. :S Aug 17 14:06:31 Mediaserver reports 2 errors and freezes when ran from terminal Aug 17 14:06:49 So start developing :P Aug 17 14:08:34 im telling the dev of my rom, but he thinks im annoying. lol Aug 17 14:13:08 someone here that would rate my app with 5 stars "suedtirol weather" in play store ? plz thx alot its a minute for you to make me happy Aug 17 14:16:35 I'll rate it 1 star Aug 17 14:16:45 "suedtirol weather" you say Aug 17 14:16:46 can anybody see my messages Aug 17 14:16:52 kapil: no :p Aug 17 14:17:00 thanks dude Aug 17 14:17:19 anyways i need to implement custom range seek bar in android Aug 17 14:17:46 i actually am going to, SimonVT. XD Aug 17 14:18:24 SimonVT: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=suedtirol.weather.browser Aug 17 14:18:25 kapil: custom range? you can already set the range on the SeekBar view Aug 17 14:18:42 no i am talking about range seek bar Aug 17 14:18:49 a range has to selected Aug 17 14:19:03 a seek bar with two thums at either end Aug 17 14:19:16 ah Aug 17 14:20:37 so any help Aug 17 14:20:47 I'm writing programs for my own edification (but with the idea that I might, at some point, want to distribute them). I'm too lazy/cheap to get myself a real domain. What's the best practice for a namespace for my app? (com.example.whaever sort of thing) Aug 17 14:21:14 not.a.real.domain.xalbo.yourapp Aug 17 14:21:38 Awh must install app to rate it. oh well Aug 17 14:22:19 Check this video out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bZkp7q19f0 Aug 17 14:22:38 So just "make something up", or literally "not.a.real.domain"? Or I guess it doesn't matter, as long as it's unique. Aug 17 14:23:40 can you guys help me out now Aug 17 14:24:17 I guess you should just make sure it can't be mistaken for a domain Aug 17 14:25:00 Gets harder now that the TLD registration process is open. Probably someone is trying to get .not. :) Anyway, thanks. Aug 17 14:25:18 xaldoapps.yourappname Aug 17 14:25:21 Or something Aug 17 14:25:34 Or, you know, buy a domain :p Aug 17 14:25:37 It's not that expensive Aug 17 14:31:20 SimonVT: One last question, is it possible to color a particular date in the calendarview? Aug 17 14:31:47 I don't think so Aug 17 14:33:12 SimonVT: even by editing the code? Aug 17 14:33:27 or would u not recommend that? Aug 17 14:33:32 If you edit the code, you can make it do whatever you want oO Aug 17 14:33:53 looks like ill have to :) Aug 17 14:34:22 because the calendar is so nice and neat, i'm ready to die to make it work , lol Aug 17 14:35:42 ormlite users: is it possible to have two database fields share a column? Aug 17 14:36:11 as in i want to be able to do a order.setAccunt(Account) and order.setAccountId(int accountId) Aug 17 14:39:06 any ideas: a listview with an image in it, the image is a drawable and I want to change the hue of it Aug 17 14:39:12 I could use this approach: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10254630/android-how-to-change-hue-of-an-image Aug 17 14:39:24 but doing that for every item in the list would slow things down a lot? Aug 17 14:41:48 earlier question: Suppose I have a PreferenceActivity. I want to add preferences manually, not with XML. Aug 17 14:41:51 any ideas? Aug 17 14:43:56 why does everyone have that stupid task killer app installed Aug 17 14:44:15 i thought it was just our QA department, but now im looking at screenshots from other companies, and they have the icon in the status bar Aug 17 14:44:31 WindowsNT, i briefly looked into that a while back, and gave up Aug 17 14:45:17 i 'm making a calculator which started as a fun project but i 'm probably releasing it ... :) Aug 17 14:45:54 i was hoping to use this preference list for variables ... but i can use an ordinary list anyway Aug 17 14:46:10 <[7]> someone around who knows wpa_supplicant's inner workings really well? I think I've found an interesting bug... Aug 17 14:46:55 [7]: dragorn may or may not be someone to talk to. Aug 17 14:47:53 do what now? Aug 17 14:48:25 it's been a while since i've really been in the guts of wpa_supp but I probably remember a fair bit Aug 17 14:48:37 <[7]> well, I have some issues with wifi roaming on android 4.0 Aug 17 14:48:46 wifi roaming is dogshit on * Aug 17 14:48:49 <[7]> and apparently also on 4.1 Aug 17 14:48:55 I've noticed 4 is very odd Aug 17 14:48:56 <[7]> (sgs3 and gnex) Aug 17 14:49:04 about how it does signal reporting when associating, especially Aug 17 14:49:20 <[7]> well back on sgs2 it didn't work at all, but on sgs3/gnex it works a bit at least Aug 17 14:49:39 <[7]> however it seems to send a response,identity packet to a wrong destination mac address, causing some trouble Aug 17 14:50:11 <[7]> while roaming it gets a request,identity from the AP it roams to, and attempts to answer to the AP it was previously associated to Aug 17 14:50:31 I'm actually currently working on an app at work that, among other things, tracks roaming behavior on android Aug 17 14:50:45 <[7]> linux (ubuntu 12.04 kernel 3.5.0-10) doesn't show this behavior and answers to the correct mac address Aug 17 14:50:53 hm that IS curious Aug 17 14:51:27 <[7]> in many cases, the roaming works nevertheless because after like a second of not getting further packets it sends an EAPOL start and starts over Aug 17 14:51:32 <[7]> and then uses the correct mac address Aug 17 14:51:42 <[7]> however it doesn't always do that, so roaming sometimes fails Aug 17 14:52:01 Is there any errors with my xml? http://pastebin.com/232cqqAz Aug 17 14:52:17 huh. Yeah that sounds wacky. Think you're going to be around for a while? I can email some folks at work who are more actively modifying android wpa_supplicant and see if they can reproduce it Aug 17 14:52:22 <[7]> I suspect that some internal mac address variable in wpa_supplicant's internal state hasn't been updated to the new AP mac address yet when that first response is sent Aug 17 14:52:43 Not that it actually HELPS you any, because I dont' work for anyone w/ commit access to android :P Aug 17 14:52:45 <[7]> dragorn: perfect, I'll idle here 24/7 if there are further questions or any other news Aug 17 14:52:54 but we could at least confirm Aug 17 14:53:05 <[7]> well I'd happily try workarounds :) Aug 17 14:53:24 <[7]> I had to root my phone in order to diagnose this anyway Aug 17 14:54:19 <[7]> but given how weird wifi roaming has been behaving on android recently with some really prominent bug reports, I suspect that it should be doable to get a fix included if it's in fact a trivial oversight that's causing all this shit Aug 17 14:56:20 Is it possible to tell the ADT plugin to ignore some jars that are on the classpath when launching the app? Aug 17 14:56:43 [7]: so in theory the roaming should be a single command to wpa_supplicant. It's possible android is hijacking it weirdly tho Aug 17 14:57:01 <[7]> well it's definitely behaving differently than on linux Aug 17 14:57:58 guys, im have a problem with abs, im using "ft.replace(..." to switch tabs but if i change the fragment extends from "SherlockFragment" to "SherlockFragmentActivity" , the replace doesnt work Aug 17 14:58:53 [7]: yeah. Let me email this to some of our guys at work; no idea when they'll respond, feel free to bug me later today in privmsg or something. I haven't actually witnessed android failing on roam - or at least, not failing anymore than it always has Aug 17 14:59:02 someone here that would rate my app with 5 stars "suedtirol weather" in play store ? plz thx alot its a minute for you to make me happy i would rate your app too if you pm me the name :) Aug 17 14:59:19 elec29a: i saw ur app Aug 17 14:59:30 elec29a: ported from ios right? Aug 17 14:59:58 no from zero but i plan a ios version Aug 17 15:00:09 findViewById(android.R.id.content).getRootView() returns the top most element in main.xml file right? Aug 17 15:00:09 Aug 17 15:00:20 is it 'impossible' to have a colored action in the actionbar or is it just that noone does it? Aug 17 15:00:22 its only the 99$ for apstore thats holding me back :( Aug 17 15:00:24 i wouldnt depend on that prakas Aug 17 15:00:33 elec29a: aha Aug 17 15:00:42 canadiancow: any issues? Aug 17 15:01:10 if you want to reference a view, give it an id Aug 17 15:01:21 that's what ids are for Aug 17 15:01:26 elec29a: don't do it here either Aug 17 15:01:48 guys, im have a problem with abs, im using "ft.replace(..." to switch tabs but if i change the fragment extends from "SherlockFragment" to "SherlockFragmentActivity" , the replace doesnt work Aug 17 15:01:50 ok Aug 17 15:01:58 ok Aug 17 15:02:05 taljurf... bexause SherlockFragment is a Fragment Aug 17 15:02:12 and SherlockFragmentActivity is an Activity? Aug 17 15:02:19 [7]: I don't have time myself right now but you might take a look at AOSP and see if they modified wpa_supplicant, are shipping an old version, or configured it wrong Aug 17 15:02:51 canadiancow: so how do i display that activity inside the fragment? Aug 17 15:03:04 does the 64-bit Oracle JDK7/JRE7 work for Android development on Windows? Aug 17 15:03:06 you cant display an activity inside a fragment Aug 17 15:03:34 go read http://developer.android.com/guide/components/activities.html Aug 17 15:03:38 and http://developer.android.com/guide/components/fragments.html Aug 17 15:03:51 And if so, can 32-bit applications use the 64-bit JDK? Aug 17 15:03:53 NiveusLuna: the JDK does. You'll need to set bytecode compatibility to 6 or 5, however. Aug 17 15:04:07 lov: seems to work fine without that... Aug 17 15:04:41 okay. next question: will the android-tools interface thing (whatever it's called) work with the 64-bit JRE? Aug 17 15:05:07 It hasn't in the past, so I'm hoping that update 20 fixed this. Aug 17 15:05:12 Does anyone here have the time to walk a noob through a few (probably) very very stupidly obvious things? Aug 17 15:05:47 NiveusLuna: I'm using a 64bit JDK on Win7, I'm not having any problems. Aug 17 15:06:02 [7]: I'm trying to think what would make it half-roam. The EAPOL negotiation should be fully within wpasupplicant, I can't see any benefit for breaking it out into android-land. What is it sending to the old AP; data, or eapol negotiation? Aug 17 15:06:21 lov: hum. Okay then. Thanks. Aug 17 15:06:52 canadiancow: so do adapter usually work with fragments Aug 17 15:07:04 canadiancow: im trying to use imageadapter Aug 17 15:07:05 * NiveusLuna wishes heartily that Oracle would let him download the JDK with wget. Aug 17 15:07:13 canadiancow: to make a gridlist Aug 17 15:07:13 what are you talking about Aug 17 15:07:23 Adapters are not UI components Aug 17 15:07:25 they work anywhere Aug 17 15:07:58 if you mean GridView or GridLayout Aug 17 15:07:59 those are Views Aug 17 15:08:08 and can be used in a Fragment or Activity or ViewGroup Aug 17 15:08:23 go read the dev guide Aug 17 15:08:26 it will really help you Aug 17 15:08:46 canadiancow: for example here, http://www.fpaste.org/71Je/ , i did everything possible but couldnt solve line 24 :/ Aug 17 15:09:05 canadiancow: what did i mess up :/ Aug 17 15:09:05 ... Aug 17 15:09:17 there's gotta be an error htere Aug 17 15:09:37 that says something like "No constructor that takes a SherlockFragment as an argument. Did you mean new ImageAdapter(Context)?" Aug 17 15:10:05 Also, don't manage an activitys views from a fragment Aug 17 15:10:59 canadiancow: quick, at what point in the lifecycle is onCreateOptionsMenu called Aug 17 15:11:13 yea you can take out the whole getActivity() method there Aug 17 15:11:32 uhhhh.... i dunno Aug 17 15:11:58 after the activity's onCreate? Aug 17 15:12:12 tss Aug 17 15:12:18 Guess I'll have to check for myself Aug 17 15:12:31 SimonVT: well that's the only way i know t use findViewById in a fragment >_< Aug 17 15:12:44 You can call findViewById on a view Aug 17 15:12:47 taljurf, you need to do it in onCreateView Aug 17 15:12:55 "The onCreate method is called first, and before it finishes onCreateOptionsMenu is called." Aug 17 15:13:01 ok i was close Aug 17 15:13:05 Oh, nice Aug 17 15:13:06 :) Aug 17 15:13:08 Thanks Aug 17 15:13:19 the activity and its fragments need to exist before it can happen Aug 17 15:13:25 so i knew it had to be something like that Aug 17 15:13:43 taljurf: go read the documents Aug 17 15:13:44 all of them Aug 17 15:13:47 im not helping you anymore Aug 17 15:13:53 until you read all the guides Aug 17 15:13:55 Hm Aug 17 15:16:36 canadiancow: clear :| Aug 17 15:16:47 <[7]> dragorn: the incorrect roaming isn't immediately apparent to the user unless he watches closely or streams media over tcp Aug 17 15:16:50 i'm proofing sending of MotionEvents from an ImageView overlay to the MapView behind it Aug 17 15:16:53 why does this not work? http://pastie.org/4536116 Aug 17 15:17:46 <[7]> dragorn: how would I figure out what the actual source code of that wpa_supplicant I'm using is, i.e. whether google or samsung might have applied some patches Aug 17 15:18:01 according to the debugger, both onTouchEvent() methods are being called (I have a subclassed MapView that overrides onTouchEvent Aug 17 15:18:22 [7]: you could download the AOSP wpa_supplicant, check the version, download the real wpa_supplicant of that version, and diff them Aug 17 15:18:47 Rockmaninoff: If you don't set any listeners on the imageview, the mapview behind it will get the motionevent automatically Aug 17 15:18:59 <[7]> the phone is sending a response id=1 type=identity message to the wrong (old) mac Aug 17 15:19:19 SimonVT: yeah, i know that, but the goal is to proof dispatching of it from the ImageView to the MapView Aug 17 15:19:23 for a more complex application of it Aug 17 15:19:35 <[7]> dragorn: so the handset manufacturers actually use unpatched AOSP code? I'm kinda surprised by that Aug 17 15:19:47 essentially i want to intercept a motionevent from an arbitrary view and pass it to the MapView Aug 17 15:19:54 [7]: who knows what they do Aug 17 15:20:03 [7]: tho a vendor modifying wpa would be a bit extreme Aug 17 15:20:08 canadiancow: Whoever told you that lied ;| Aug 17 15:20:16 lol Aug 17 15:20:17 I think I'll just add a log of logging Aug 17 15:20:18 it was on SO Aug 17 15:20:20 [7]: all you CAN do is look at the AOSP code though, so. Aug 17 15:20:28 <[7]> well given that this is all gpl'ed stuff (I'm also curious about the kernel config), so they should have published the source somewhere Aug 17 15:20:35 Both onCreate and onPostCreate finish before it's called.. Who knows what else is Aug 17 15:20:56 Or, I could attach the debugger and find out where it's managed Aug 17 15:22:57 I'm assuming that's a no? Aug 17 15:24:09 DSSL: try asking specific questions Aug 17 15:26:07 Leeds: I keep being pointed to the command line, but I can't get it to start. Aug 17 15:26:24 'it'? Aug 17 15:26:29 I said specific :) Aug 17 15:26:36 I can't get the android command tools to start Aug 17 15:27:00 what platform are you on? Aug 17 15:27:19 and what actually does happen when you run the android tool? Aug 17 15:27:23 Leeds: windows XP 64 Aug 17 15:27:31 oh, that's a pity Aug 17 15:27:34 when you say "start" you mean "work", don't you? Aug 17 15:27:46 SuD: I mean, I can't figure out how to start it. Aug 17 15:27:59 Leeds: yeah, I'd be on Ubuntu, except that the Adobe stuff won't run on it. Aug 17 15:28:06 you open a shell and run ./android in the right place - or whatever the Windows equivalent is Aug 17 15:28:32 Leeds let me give that a shot. Aug 17 15:28:47 Double clicking SDK Manager.exe does the same thing Aug 17 15:28:48 like start adb.exe demon? just execute it Aug 17 15:29:29 not adb - android Aug 17 15:29:45 then i don't know what "android command tools" are or nothing makes sense Aug 17 15:30:00 it's a command called "android" Aug 17 15:30:06 or possibly android.com or something Aug 17 15:30:10 does anyone know the 'ls' equivalent for windows? Aug 17 15:30:18 seriously? done now Aug 17 15:30:18 DSSL: dir Aug 17 15:30:24 DSSL: "dir", but i'd give cygwin a try Aug 17 15:30:27 SuD: tools/android.bat Aug 17 15:30:29 yeah Aug 17 15:30:36 If you're used to linux/os x, pick up cygwin Aug 17 15:30:44 or at least use powershell Aug 17 15:30:45 lov okay Aug 17 15:31:04 does powershell work with *nix commands? :P Aug 17 15:31:10 i don't remember having to invoke that. I use the SDK from eclipse Aug 17 15:31:30 no, powershell is object based, and *nix is kind of line based Aug 17 15:31:41 SuD I have eclipse, but I dont' see a command line option in it. Aug 17 15:31:46 even if you're a *nix guy, how can you not know that DOS uses 'dir'? Aug 17 15:32:19 "folder": command not found Aug 17 15:32:29 Leeds: because I avoid windows if at all possible and up to this point I've never had to touch the command line in it. Aug 17 15:32:41 then why... nope, not my problem Aug 17 15:33:23 Zooming in an imageview, from my research, seems to be not optimal as in simplicity of implementation goes Aug 17 15:33:33 DSSL: can you explain what you want to do? Aug 17 15:33:41 Are there any other built in code that does it for me? Aug 17 15:33:48 can I integrate the integrated image viewer in my app? Aug 17 15:34:06 I'm on this page http://developer.android.com/training/basics/firstapp/running-app.html of the Android introduction. Aug 17 15:34:35 Nibble: yes, you can launch the gallery by using intents Aug 17 15:34:42 I'm trying to follow the steps for "run on an emulator" Aug 17 15:34:54 hrnt, is this so to speak still inside my application (through some container) Aug 17 15:35:14 not really Aug 17 15:35:17 what do you want to do exactly Aug 17 15:35:39 DSSL: You realize that you can develop on OS X and Linux, right? Aug 17 15:35:46 hrnt, I have an image that is scrollable, in an ImageView. But you realyl need to zoom it so that you can read the text on it Aug 17 15:35:48 if you're not comfortable with windows, I'd recommend using one of those OS's instead Aug 17 15:35:57 Nibble: why do you want to show it inside your app? Aug 17 15:36:07 hrnt, for the feel of it I guess Aug 17 15:36:14 DSSL: does clicking the AVD from eclipse work? you don't need to call the .bat if the first works Aug 17 15:36:16 I have been thinking about detecting screen size and downloading an image larger than that, that would be optimal I think Aug 17 15:36:20 lov: yes, but my Ubuntu install is a bit messed up due to me shuffling the partitions around :P And all the OSX computers in the house belong to other people. Aug 17 15:36:25 oh well, anyways i've had some problems with the gallery app myself so IIRC it is not a very good solution Aug 17 15:36:28 because this image is basically a graph Aug 17 15:36:46 Nibble: the easiest way to show a zoomable image is to show it in a webview Aug 17 15:36:48 hrnt, ok, could you point me in the direction of where to get display size Aug 17 15:37:02 SuD: opening the AVD from eclipse works fine. Aug 17 15:37:29 hrnt, there's some picky people using the app. they don't want anything to do with the web Aug 17 15:37:36 DSSL: You can pretty much do all of your dev work within eclipse. That might be simplest. Aug 17 15:37:40 (other than downloading the image) Aug 17 15:37:44 don't tell them ;P Aug 17 15:37:47 Obviously, if you think that eclipse is worse than hitler, ymmv. Aug 17 15:37:48 it is a webview Aug 17 15:37:52 hrnt, well dey be my friends so Aug 17 15:38:07 hrnt, but really I don't see why this is not a standard thing in android Aug 17 15:38:16 Nibble: any particular reason why they don't want a webview? Aug 17 15:38:18 DSSL: then you can proceed to next step. Alternatively, when it says "from the commandline" it means that you run cmd manually Aug 17 15:38:35 lov: Okay, let me put it this way. Once I've developed an app, how do I move the app to the emulator? Aug 17 15:38:42 DSSL: you press the "run" button :P Aug 17 15:38:44 hrnt, not webview, just anything to do with internet usage. Aug 17 15:38:49 oh great Aug 17 15:38:50 hrnt, idk, phone bill? Aug 17 15:38:51 then use webview :P Aug 17 15:38:53 whens the stream? 20 minutes? where? Aug 17 15:38:55 (or the debug button if you're debugging) Aug 17 15:39:00 :P Is there a run button? if there is, I'll feel thoroughly stupid.... Aug 17 15:39:01 you can use it to show local images Aug 17 15:39:04 with file:// urls Aug 17 15:39:06 Nibble: I don't think you're getting this. Aug 17 15:39:09 what hrnt said Aug 17 15:39:12 it's just a webview instance Aug 17 15:39:12 I am getting it Aug 17 15:39:14 I know Aug 17 15:39:14 you point it to a local file Aug 17 15:39:16 they don't Aug 17 15:39:16 yes Aug 17 15:39:20 it doesn't expose a url bar Aug 17 15:39:22 I know Aug 17 15:39:23 DSSL: if using eclipse there are "run configurations", it should be in the tutorials. Alternatively you can "adb install path\to\package.apk" Aug 17 15:39:25 they don't even have to know that it's a webview Aug 17 15:39:42 lov, I guess Ill have to try it :DDD Aug 17 15:40:07 SuD: "adb" isn't recognized as a valid command for me. Aug 17 15:40:15 DSSL, add it to path Aug 17 15:40:20 DSSL: it is a valid command, just not in windows default path Aug 17 15:40:30 DSSL: you have to add android-sdk/tools to your paths Aug 17 15:40:35 DSSL: i have it symbolically linked in cygwin, but that's just me Aug 17 15:40:36 also, platform-tools Aug 17 15:40:37 SuD: this is where my windows incompitance comes in :P how do I add to path? Aug 17 15:40:52 DSSL: win key + pause Aug 17 15:40:52 *probably spelled that wrong Aug 17 15:40:55 advanced system settings Aug 17 15:41:00 environment variables Aug 17 15:41:11 modify PATH for either the user variable or system variable Aug 17 15:41:32 you'll have to restart any cmd windows or cygwin shells to get the effect Aug 17 15:41:38 click new, write variable name as adb, and value as the path to the adb file? Aug 17 15:41:39 DSSL: you can either modify the whole windows path variable: in Control Panel -> System -> advanced (or something). OR you can open a cmd then: PATH=%PATH%;c:\path\to\android\tools\ Aug 17 15:41:52 that too Aug 17 15:42:37 SuD: so, like this? "adb=%PATH%;c:\path\to\android\tools"? Aug 17 15:42:41 DSSL: 3rd option: cmd, then CD to c:\android\tools\path\; then invoke ADB. 4th option: copy adb.exe to c:\windows\system32\ . 5th option: install cygwin then symlink it to /bin/ Aug 17 15:42:57 DSSL: no. Like i said Aug 17 15:43:19 adb.exe copying to system32 is a very bad idea. Aug 17 15:43:40 Do not copy adb to system32 please. Aug 17 15:44:04 6th option: copy adb to every single folder on your computer, then no matter where you are it'll always be there Aug 17 15:44:35 SuD: 4th option is asking for random failures Aug 17 15:44:56 the best thing is just to cd to the adb directory and call it Aug 17 15:45:00 SuD: I have output for adb now :P thank you. I'll see if I can figure this out, I'll let you know if I have any more questions. Aug 17 15:45:23 or... Aug 17 15:45:34 windows and path don't get on well. They kind of fixed it with the search bar in vista/7. I like to use Launchy in XP (and symlink binaries to a directory in cygwin path) Aug 17 15:45:36 if you want to do bloody command-line development, use a real bloody command-line OS... Aug 17 15:45:49 your time would be better spent fixing your Linux install rather than fighting with Windows Aug 17 15:47:28 You guys are the best. Thanks for putting up with my complete lack of windows knowledge :P Aug 17 15:47:31 It works now Aug 17 15:48:50 a life saver tip: You must NOT close the emulator between run and run (as opposed to j2me) Aug 17 15:49:40 yeah, that. Aug 17 15:49:51 You don't have to close the emulator every time you make changes, just recompile and run again. Aug 17 15:49:59 You should also enable snapshots for faster startup Aug 17 15:50:38 SuD: so if I make a change to the app, just run again? Aug 17 15:50:47 lov: Oh okay, thanks, I'll do tht. Aug 17 15:50:48 *that Aug 17 15:51:11 everytime you run it should automake and run Aug 17 15:53:03 SuD: okay, thanks Aug 17 15:53:35 [7]: Coworker says he hasn't seen that, but has seen consistently long delays for roaming on galnex because the client drops the key2 frame Aug 17 15:54:11 dragorn: ? Aug 17 15:54:33 p_l: [7] was asking about roaming issues on 4.x Aug 17 15:54:44 p_l: which I haven't seen but have coworkers who are routinely deep in the android wpa_supplicant stuff Aug 17 15:54:59 ah, WPA roaming Aug 17 15:55:10 wpa_supplicant in android is glitchy Aug 17 15:55:21 haven't had time or energy to dig into it myself Aug 17 15:55:31 I broke my phone enough as it is just installing 2.3 :P Aug 17 15:56:39 p_l: yeah. I've avoided dealing with it, because i have too many irons in the fire already Aug 17 15:56:58 but wpa_supplicant usually comes unpatched by manufacturers Aug 17 15:57:07 just curious, does it happen in official builds or aosp based? Aug 17 15:57:15 it's not a visible function, so they don't really get anything out of modifying it :P Aug 17 15:59:27 What do I need to do in Dialog sub-class to have an Icon as the Alert Dialog? Aug 17 16:00:37 requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_LEFT_ICON) and setFeatureDrawableResource(Window.FEATURE_LEFT_ICON, android.R.drawable.ic_dialog_info) seems insuffiecient Aug 17 16:07:01 SuD: official; we don't care about aosp Aug 17 16:07:16 SuD: (since this is for work and we deal w/ corporate customers who aren't going to be running custom roms) Aug 17 16:08:06 dragorn: well, AOSP will still be relevant... cause custom mods seem to be only ones that really mess in that area :D Aug 17 16:08:13 just saying that if someone already had aosp and was willing to test, it would help in locating the responsible part Aug 17 16:09:05 p_l: not relevant to me at work. Me on my own? sure. Aug 17 16:09:13 SuD: maybe [7] cares about that Aug 17 16:10:44 dragorn: yeah, but I'm pretty sure I haven't ever seen mentions of wpa_supplicant being touched in official phone firmwares (compared to AOSP source) Aug 17 16:11:14 p_l: ok? Aug 17 16:11:34 :) Aug 17 16:11:36 p_l: someone running a custom rom is NOT our target audience, when it comes to work stuff. Infact we actively discourage it. Aug 17 16:11:52 p_l: so in a work context, i truly don't care what some wacky custom rom did to crap up the wifi :P Aug 17 16:12:01 dragorn: I'm just pointing out that AOSP source might be 1:1 to *official* phone rom Aug 17 16:12:06 p_l: and we DEFINITELY aren't going to be concerned about reworking the AP firmware to deal with it Aug 17 16:12:07 in terms of wifi :) Aug 17 16:12:33 p_l: yes, I'd *hope* so, but hwo knows. That's pretty much what i told [7] to do, too - pull the aosp and diff vs stock wpa_supplicant main source Aug 17 16:13:01 p_l: and hope his vendor didn't crap it up more. Usually they don't mess with it b/c it's scary :P (and generally works, and doesn't let them lock the user into their custom UI in the future... :P ) Aug 17 16:13:36 * p_l also found that there seems to be more variation with "routers" than with android side - some places you can associate, but there's no usable traffic till several tries later... Aug 17 16:13:54 p_l: that said, the key2 drop which messes up roaming is in the galnex which is about as close to AOSP as you'll get. Moto dicks around with how certs are handled, but passes them to wpa_supp the same Aug 17 16:14:16 hrnt, hey, I am using a webview now instead but it seems like it takes up the whole screen before I want it to (when Iwant it to load the image) Aug 17 16:14:24 but the initialization of it is after everything else Aug 17 16:14:25 p_l: i work for an enterprise wifi company, we control what the AP does once you associate :P Aug 17 16:14:32 dragorn: nice :P Aug 17 16:15:08 unfortunately the AP that gave me most trouble recently is some crappy home thing with vendor's soft... Aug 17 16:15:12 p_l: which is why we care about tuning things for how the official roms do it, but not so much the custom roms. BYOD is a big buzzword now so we wouldn't deliberately break it, but... Aug 17 16:15:28 dragorn: I suspect custom roms behave more normal ;) Aug 17 16:15:32 For the record: In order to set icon in a custom dialog, one must call setFeatureDrawable*(...) *AFTER* setTitle(...) and setContentView(...). Aug 17 16:15:54 p_l: oh consumer gear is almost universally utter crap in wifi. Your best bet is to get something as beefy as you can get (I like the wndr3900) and throw openwrt on it. we're drifting off-topic tho so I'll shut up. :) Aug 17 16:16:35 dragorn: TP-LINK TL-WR1043ND here ;) Aug 17 16:16:38 and yeah, EOT Aug 17 16:21:15 http://pastebin.com/CiAH7zY1 Does anyone know why I'm getting these errors? Aug 17 16:21:41 DSSL, how does your activity_main.xml look lik Aug 17 16:21:56 it looks like you have several of the same entries Aug 17 16:22:30 DSSL: You seem to have activity_main.xml and activity_main.out.xml... probably wrong. Aug 17 16:22:54 Nibble: http://pastebin.com/N84ffZ35 activity_main.xml Aug 17 16:23:10 can I safely delete activity_main.out.xml? Aug 17 16:23:35 how about safely "move to trash" ? Aug 17 16:24:35 SuD: what do you mean by that? Aug 17 16:24:44 make a "trash" folder and store it there? :P Aug 17 16:25:36 sorry, i think it is "recycle bin" in english windows Aug 17 16:25:53 SuD: Right, that makes sense Aug 17 16:29:13 can a fragment not respond to onActivityResult if its activity called startActivityForResult? Aug 17 16:29:14 :( Aug 17 16:30:25 Lachezar: when I get rid of activity_main.out.xml, it just regenerates when I try to build the program. Aug 17 16:32:33 Nibble: did you find anything? Aug 17 16:34:40 DSSL, sorryno Aug 17 16:43:29 canadiancow: It only dispatches to fragments if requestCode >> 16 != 0 Aug 17 16:43:51 so what happens if i make my requestcode Integer.MAX_VALUE Aug 17 16:44:06 It'll dispatch to fragments Aug 17 16:44:13 Probably Aug 17 16:44:18 but wont that get mangled? Aug 17 16:44:42 like if i do Fragment#startActivityForResult, it would have to ensure my request code is big Aug 17 16:44:47 but if it's already big... ? Aug 17 16:44:54 anyway im all good Aug 17 16:45:00 That'll fuck up probably Aug 17 16:45:16 It just << 16 the requestcode from Fragment#startActivityForResult Aug 17 16:45:40 But you were talking about calling it from activity :P Aug 17 16:47:42 I think it adds 1 to it as well Aug 17 16:47:47 Hey guys if someone downloads an .apk in their android web browser does it provide an option to install it? Aug 17 16:47:50 requestCode = 0 should be valid Aug 17 16:48:14 Nibble: yes, if he has enabled the option to install from untrusted sources Aug 17 16:48:23 SuD, ok, thank you. Aug 17 16:48:35 It turns out that the problem was that I was trying to run just activity_main.xml instead of the whole project. Doh! Aug 17 16:49:37 you can run a xml file? Aug 17 16:50:01 .. Eclipse? Aug 17 16:50:28 Eclipse tries to unless you change some setting somewhere Aug 17 16:50:45 Was mildly annoying Aug 17 16:51:15 i always start my projects from samples Aug 17 16:51:32 SuD: You cant, which is why it was having problems Aug 17 16:51:33 :P Aug 17 16:51:44 canadiancow: if ((requestCode&0xffff0000) != 0) { Aug 17 16:51:44 throw new IllegalArgumentException("Can only use lower 16 bits for requestCode"); Aug 17 16:51:53 That's what happens if you use Integer.MAX_VALUE from a fragment Aug 17 16:53:54 canadiancow, i made my adapter work :p Aug 17 16:59:18 how can I disable/delay the screen lock? KeyguardManager is depreciated/doesn't work consistently, FLAG_DISMISS_KEYGUARD is not an option because this will run in the background and I don't want to use a WakeLock for battery reasons. Aug 17 17:07:11 dragorn: urgh, there's barely any line of code that isn't different between android and linux wpa_supplicant, and they also reordered the whole source code directory tree, or rather flattened it Aug 17 17:12:27 need good colours for a listview gradient Aug 17 17:12:47 start, center and end colours Aug 17 17:36:19 anybody here build android project with ant? Aug 17 17:37:19 yes? Aug 17 17:37:31 Leeds: hi dude:) Aug 17 17:37:44 morning... Aug 17 17:38:25 Leeds: dude, it's mid night here Aug 17 17:38:52 Is it possible to tell the ADT plugin to ignore some jars that are on the classpath when launching the app? I'm getting a lot of warnings because it's trying to proccess Robolectric jar Aug 17 17:44:37 bigmeow: any particular issue you're having with ant? Aug 17 17:44:43 (also, going on for 2am here) Aug 17 17:50:13 hey all, what does the nexus 7 report itself as, large or x-large? Aug 17 17:50:39 large Aug 17 17:51:18 thanks Aug 17 17:57:11 why cant you switch accounts for in-app billing Aug 17 17:57:47 i dont want to add a credit card to this account Aug 17 17:57:49 i want to use my main one Aug 17 17:57:50 ~_~ Aug 17 18:03:56 Prior to 4.0.x I was able to control button backlights with WindowManager.layoutParams, but after it has no effect, is there a new way to do that? Aug 17 18:06:23 what's the best way to structure an app that runs on both tablets and phones? should i have a phone activity and a tablet activity, and have different logic in each for adding/removing fragments? Aug 17 18:07:24 CQN: no Aug 17 18:07:27 You should have one activity Aug 17 18:07:34 you should have different layouts for different screen sizes Aug 17 18:07:43 have those layouts specify the fragments present Aug 17 18:08:05 at runtime, check whether fragment XYZ is present as a way to know whether it's already there and to show it, or whether you should replace the existing fragment with a new one Aug 17 18:08:16 e.g. layout will have fragment A, but layout-large will have fragments A and B Aug 17 18:08:54 CQN: http://developer.android.com/guide/components/fragments.html#Design Aug 17 18:12:35 is there any way to discard all button presses on an imagebutton for a short time after the button has been pressed? Aug 17 18:12:57 using a flag to disable and checking it in the handler does NOT WORK. Aug 17 18:13:01 A common problem in android is to get an activity and a service to talk to eachother. But there are so many ways of doing so, what are the guidelines for picking the best one? A bound service using a messenger appears to be the most general/flexible, but what about ResultReceiver or even PendingIntent? Aug 17 18:14:38 as my player hits buttons to move around the map i want to be able to disable all subsequent moves for a short time baseed on the terrain the player is moving accross. right now i set a flag that my handler checks and if its true it just exits. i then set a timer based on the terrain and when the timer fires it clears the flag. Aug 17 18:15:10 i repeatedly mash on the uttons and my player moves once then salls then moves 3 or 4 more times depending on how fast i mash on the button Aug 17 18:15:27 i need to be able to clear the queue in the handler Aug 17 18:15:56 i.e. i hit a button, handler processes button, handler flushes the event queue for that and ALL other buttons Aug 17 18:16:05 how can i do this? google is not helping me one iota Aug 17 18:16:33 every button is using the same handler Aug 17 18:16:35 btw Aug 17 18:27:07 "The system will make a determination about how to interpret notification priority as described in MUMBLE MUMBLE." Aug 17 18:27:13 I like google docs :D Aug 17 18:31:40 plaisthos: yeah that's a favorite of mine too Aug 17 18:36:33 I'm trying to use MediaPlayer.addTimedTextSource(Context, Uri, mimeType) but the mediaplayer is not even trying to get my srt file from my webserver. My video is playing, but I'm not seeing subtitles. Has anyone gotten this to work correctly? Aug 17 18:40:50 if i put all my buttons in a container would i be able to disable all presses from within that container? Aug 17 18:41:20 this is kind of getting annoyig now. i should be able to flush the event queues for my buttons Aug 17 18:41:46 mark4: if you're making something like a game, you shouldn't even be using the regular UI Aug 17 18:42:03 you should probably be using a SurfaceView or a GLSurfaceView and doing everything yourself Aug 17 18:42:05 any button press, disable onClicks for ALL buttons, flush event queus for ALL buttons Aug 17 18:42:16 if you're having issues with bunching like that, you're probably also being REALLY REALLY stupid with your GC Aug 17 18:42:18 erm ! Aug 17 18:42:40 the reason they're all coming at once is probably because the GC is running, your whole app is paused for XXXms, and then resumes Aug 17 18:42:48 no actually i dont throw very much away, i reuse alot Aug 17 18:42:54 * lov shrugs Aug 17 18:43:05 lov: stupid enough to force full gc instead of concurrent? Aug 17 18:43:18 i would go out of memory in about 5 seconds of moving around the map otherwise Aug 17 18:43:19 p_l: depends on how stupid you're being! :D Aug 17 18:43:39 garbage collection is stupid from the getgo Aug 17 18:43:47 right well do your app in C then Aug 17 18:44:34 Anyhoo, you MIGHT be able to just set disable() on your button Aug 17 18:44:44 if not, you'll need extra code to handle this Aug 17 18:44:54 no. that wont help Aug 17 18:44:55 consider writing your own view that does its own event handling Aug 17 18:45:02 on any button i want to disable ALL buttons for a short time Aug 17 18:45:15 i think thats about the only way its going to happen :/ Aug 17 18:45:17 ok, so have some static variable called "areButtonsEnabled" and check that in your buttons. Aug 17 18:45:29 lov. that does not work. i am doing that already Aug 17 18:45:45 o_O Aug 17 18:45:52 o_O Aug 17 18:45:54 welp Aug 17 18:45:57 good luck! Aug 17 18:46:33 i have 9 buttons. when i press one my handler fires and checks a flag. if its set it ignores the press. if not, it handles the button then sets the flag. it then starts a timer which clears it when it fires Aug 17 18:46:59 if i press the bujtton mash mash mash mash. my player moves, stalls till the timer fires then moves moves moves moves moves all in one go Aug 17 18:47:21 so i skip left one, pause thehn skip left 4 for example Aug 17 18:47:43 since you're probably looking for a ridiculously overcomplicated solution that may or may not work and will be ridiculously hard to implement, just create an invisible view that intercepts all touches and put it on top of your view Aug 17 18:47:46 because any presses that occur during the time buttons are disabled they are still being queued up till the handler fires Aug 17 18:48:14 raynm ! Aug 17 18:48:45 why dont i have the ability to flush the event queue for a button? Aug 17 18:49:13 that would be a much simpler solution Aug 17 18:49:35 disable presses on all buttons, flush event queue for all buttons. then after timer fires enable presses for all buttons Aug 17 18:49:39 Guys I'm seeing some difference in behaviour between the Support Libraries and the "native" => 3.0 Loader implementations, it appears that the Loader re-queries the ContentResolver on rotation change, even though an old Loader is sitting there with the Cursor ready, the "native" implementation does not have this behaviour and is able to re-use that Cursor. Check out the two quick test projects I uploaded: http://code.google.com/ Aug 17 18:50:03 You made code.google.com? sweet Aug 17 18:50:15 LOL Aug 17 18:50:43 I don't know if my message was cut too short there, the url is: http://code.google.com/p/android-loader-test/ Aug 17 18:50:50 I was told a couple of weeks ago that code.google.com was going away in favour of google.com/developers, or whatever the new thing is... I didn't ask at the time if that meant the project hosting, as well as Google's own use Aug 17 18:51:45 leeds that does sound like a better way tho Aug 17 18:52:06 erm... Aug 17 18:52:22 www.google.com/developers/some-guy/my-code.html Aug 17 18:52:55 instead of code.google.com/blah blah Aug 17 18:53:07 no, google.com/developers is where google puts their information for developers - API docs and so on Aug 17 18:54:10 oh i see what u were saying. code.google.com might stay for users but google is migrating everything they have there to the other url Aug 17 18:54:12 yes? Aug 17 18:55:17 they said code.google.com was going away, and Google developer stuff was moving to google.com/developers - they didn't say if code.google.com was going away completely, or the project hosting would remain Aug 17 18:55:35 the project hosting is... less good than it was Aug 17 18:56:10 its still better than sourceforge Aug 17 18:56:12 sf SUCKS Aug 17 18:56:22 well, yeah - that goes without saying Aug 17 18:56:27 obviously github is the new hotness Aug 17 18:56:47 click here to downloade. click this to start your download. click here and your download will start in a few seconds. if your downlaod doesnt start click yhere Aug 17 18:57:14 no i kind of hate distributed vc so im not a fan of github either :P Aug 17 18:58:10 why does sf put that stupid delay on downloads anyway. is tehre some valid network load balancing issue they are solving by doing that? Aug 17 18:58:49 mark4: ive always thought it was the ad's Aug 17 18:58:59 they only get paid if you have the ad on screen for x seconds Aug 17 18:59:21 heh i block all web spam i can block anyway Aug 17 19:00:22 distributed VC is the best thing ever Aug 17 19:00:43 you *like* the idea of Vietnamese Communists being spread out? Aug 17 19:00:50 when i started my forth compiler project i opened a sf account and spent 3 months fucking with it trying to set it up. didnt get a line of code written. deleted that account and in one month my compiler was compiling 800k of source per second on my ye-olde amd k6-3/550 Aug 17 19:01:07 Leeds: Vietnamese Communist Venture Capitalists Aug 17 19:01:18 leeds no that makes it harder to hit multiple targets! Aug 17 19:01:49 p_l: I did get much more of an impression of rampant entrepreneurism in Vietnam, rather than state control Aug 17 19:02:11 ok time to go play wow for an hour or 2. then rtfm gl surface view. i think i need that eventually anyway Aug 17 19:11:06 Hi Aug 17 19:11:20 does anyone currently working with api expansion pack ? Aug 17 19:11:22 apk* Aug 17 19:13:23 calvinchan: are you conducting a survey? Aug 17 19:13:29 no Aug 17 19:13:40 I am experiencing so many problem with it Aug 17 19:13:43 why don't you ask the question you really want to ask, then? :) Aug 17 19:13:56 haha, Aug 17 19:14:14 so after I installed the google play license and api expansion packages Aug 17 19:14:34 I followed the steps to create two library projects for the two packages one clipse Aug 17 19:14:35 I have no experience with them, but you're more likely to get an answer if you ask a specific question about them Aug 17 19:14:58 The standalone version of hieararchyviewer is deprecated. Aug 17 19:14:59 Please use Android Device Monitor (tools/monitor.bat) instead. Aug 17 19:15:05 that would be awesome, if i had a monitor.bat Aug 17 19:15:17 then it says require api 15….. it does tmkae much sense to install api 15 since I am on 16? Aug 17 19:15:29 is there another way to keep track of your airborne mammals? Aug 17 19:16:03 I would guess you should be fine using just 16 Aug 17 19:16:09 15 is probably the minimum Aug 17 19:16:10 giving me tons of error on importing google packages Aug 17 19:16:33 went on stack overflow, people said set build to Google api, which I did Aug 17 19:16:40 calvinchan: so is the problem with the actual expansion packages, or with compiling an app which includes the libraries? Aug 17 19:16:45 canadiancow: I got it.. And for some reason I have to give it the path to the sdk Aug 17 19:16:58 i dont have a monitor.bat Aug 17 19:17:03 it does not exist! Aug 17 19:17:07 Leeds: the problem is failure in compiling those libraries with my app Aug 17 19:17:10 It exists! Aug 17 19:17:25 LIES Aug 17 19:17:35 lawl Aug 17 19:17:36 calvinchan: starting to get close to describing your problem then... Aug 17 19:17:40 I was following the exact steps on http://developer.android.com/guide/google/play/expansion-files.html#Testing Aug 17 19:17:51 so after I imported the two projects Aug 17 19:17:54 It's basically just DDMS Aug 17 19:18:00 With a tab for hierarchyviewer Aug 17 19:20:06 it gives me errors on import com.google.android.vending. Aug 17 19:20:24 giving me this error: The import com.google.android.vending cannot be Aug 17 19:20:25 resolved Aug 17 19:22:45 calvinchan: I haven't read this - have you? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10199590/including-google-play-downloader-library-apk-file-expansion-library Aug 17 19:23:15 SimonVT ive seen it before Aug 17 19:23:18 maybe on another computer Aug 17 19:23:21 but it does not exist here Aug 17 19:23:22 :( Aug 17 19:23:31 Stop messing up your install ;d Aug 17 19:24:44 I've got a tools/monitor shell script... Aug 17 19:25:00 Leeds: thanks for the link, I have read it already Aug 17 19:25:03 doesn't help Aug 17 19:25:39 you're using all the latest SDK bits? Aug 17 19:33:13 Leeds: yes Aug 17 19:33:28 did you sacrifice the correct goat? Aug 17 19:33:37 first problem pops up right after I import the downloader library Aug 17 19:33:45 [2012-08-17 11:56:42 - downloader_library] Unable to resolve target 'android-15' Aug 17 19:33:57 [2012-08-17 11:56:42 - com.example.expansion.downloader.SampleDownloaderActivity] Unable to resolve target 'android-15' Aug 17 19:34:04 [2012-08-17 11:56:42 - zip_file] Unable to resolve target 'android-15' Aug 17 19:34:40 it sounds retarded, but should I go tot manifest to change the target API from 15 to 16???? Aug 17 19:35:16 You should select a build target you actually have installed Aug 17 19:39:40 someone just posted this on our facebook page Aug 17 19:39:42 "Android has more market share than iOS... go with the majority first, Zynga" Aug 17 19:40:24 to whom is that directed? Aug 17 19:40:32 zynga? Aug 17 19:40:36 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=514937671855344&set=a.233308180018296.81537.192027464146368 Aug 17 19:40:56 oh, so it's only readable by Zynga employees? Aug 17 19:41:06 o.O no Aug 17 19:41:11 it's readable by...anyone? Aug 17 19:41:14 maybe anyone with a FB account? Aug 17 19:41:18 oh oh oh Aug 17 19:41:22 Shared with:Public Aug 17 19:41:28 i didn't htink you meant it was a *comment* on your fb page Aug 17 19:41:38 its a comment on zynga's post Aug 17 19:41:46 i thought you meant that Zynga had posted that themselves Aug 17 19:41:49 and i thought it was relevant for #android-dev :) Aug 17 19:41:50 hah no Aug 17 19:41:54 It's on iOS first because zyngas android devs are lazy Aug 17 19:42:00 FFFUUUUUUUU Aug 17 19:42:03 SimonVT: well, duh Aug 17 19:42:05 hehe Aug 17 19:42:06 I have following xml file: https://gist.github.com/3381920 , Now I want to set size of drawable , how can I do that? Aug 17 19:42:15 canadiancow: I can see it Aug 17 19:46:34 SimonVT: I have changed 15 to 16 in manifest, now it builds succesffuly Aug 17 19:51:19 has anyone seen this error? Aug 17 19:51:20 (skipping file '.nores' due to ANDROID_AAPT_IGNORE pattern '.*') Aug 17 19:51:50 Seems more like a warning Aug 17 19:51:59 That it ignores files starting with . Aug 17 19:52:02 it occurs after I added the downloader library to the app Aug 17 19:52:52 I'm going to assume that's a placeholder file in an otherwise empty resource directory - because some zip format or client, at some point, had issues with empty directories in a zipfile Aug 17 19:54:16 SimonVT: have you seen it before Aug 17 19:54:17 ? Aug 17 19:54:36 No, I don't usually put a . in front of my res names Aug 17 19:54:47 yes, any time you have files whose names start with "." in your resource tree. Aug 17 20:21:23 Whats wrong wit my xml Aug 17 20:21:25 http://pastebin.com/232cqqAz Aug 17 20:22:58 TacoBell; what errors does it throw you? Aug 17 20:23:25 Hi everyone I have summed up my problems and post on stackoverflow Aug 17 20:23:26 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12012677/import-android-apk-expansion-libraries-error Aug 17 20:23:37 im trying to make the backgrond of the textview blue when clicked/focused Aug 17 20:23:44 any help is greatly appreciated! I have been dealing it it for a long time Aug 17 20:23:50 it doesnt even show the blue when its clicked Aug 17 20:23:52 no errors Aug 17 20:24:39 calvinchan: get rid of the .nores file? Aug 17 20:25:00 lov: where can I find those files? Aug 17 20:25:39 what OS are you using to devellop in, calvinchan? Aug 17 20:25:46 mac Aug 17 20:25:54 in your project directory Aug 17 20:26:00 find . -name .nores Aug 17 20:26:02 boom Aug 17 20:27:23 calvinchan: you might need to change your file explorer to show hidden files Aug 17 20:27:26 files that start with . are hidden Aug 17 20:27:40 lov: crate: what does this error mean? Aug 17 20:27:49 Anybody going to help me? Aug 17 20:27:58 .... >_< Aug 17 20:28:12 These packages are downloaded from google, I don't understand why they are broken Aug 17 20:29:11 Unable to resolve target 'android-15' <- you don't have the api15 target installed Aug 17 20:29:21 skipping file '.nores' <- a WARNING that it skipped a file Aug 17 20:29:43 I see no issues with the package you downloaded Aug 17 20:29:56 calvinchan: Leeds answered your question a long time ago. "I'm going to assume that's a placeholder file in an otherwise empty resource directory - because some zip format or client, at some point, had issues with empty directories in a zipfile" Aug 17 20:29:57 SimonVT: android 15 issue, I dunno fi I fixed it by changing the target api from 15 to 16 in the manifest.xml Aug 17 20:30:25 calvinchan: So obviously you have api16 installed Aug 17 20:30:29 yes Aug 17 20:30:32 Anyway, you don't change build target in the manifest Aug 17 20:30:46 I have 16 but it is asking for 15 Aug 17 20:31:27 So none of the people of this chat is smart enough to help Aug 17 20:31:52 That one message just made me want to help you, you seem like a nice guy Aug 17 20:32:00 lol Aug 17 20:32:17 Sorry but you guys are ignoring me T_T Aug 17 20:32:40 typically that means nobody knows offhand, TacoBell Aug 17 20:32:44 haha Aug 17 20:32:54 SimonVT: so would you suggest installing api 15? Aug 17 20:33:06 down grading my api from 16 to 15? Aug 17 20:33:14 ctate: we are not smart enough to know off hand Aug 17 20:33:24 sorry if some questions sound retarded, I am very new to this Aug 17 20:33:30 tbf, i just got back from margaritas, i didnt see the question Aug 17 20:33:41 No, 16 is fine Aug 17 20:34:18 My problem seems to me to be easy to most people with experience, except Im new to making styles so I wouldn't know how too fix it. Aug 17 20:36:01 android:android:color="#34B4E3" well here's one obvious error Aug 17 20:36:13 Also, can you even put those tags in a shape? Aug 17 20:36:21 i fixed that Aug 17 20:36:24 ctate: according to that answer how can I solve that problem Aug 17 20:36:43 the english seems complicated… sorry my lack of english proficien Aug 17 20:36:48 proficiency Aug 17 20:36:56 you asked how to find the .nores file that is triggering the warning Aug 17 20:37:02 you cant put a item in a shape? Aug 17 20:37:03 i gave you a shell command to run that will find it for you Aug 17 20:37:05 then you can delete it Aug 17 20:37:14 if you want to use fragments in an app that retains pre-3.0 compatibility, you have to have activities inherit FragmentActivity, right? Aug 17 20:38:49 SimonVT: I fixed the obvious error already, a little bit after i posted the pastebin; but it still doesn't show as blue when clicked. Any advise? Aug 17 20:39:40 TacoBell: Use a state list Aug 17 20:39:48 ctate: is it the one you gave me earlier? Aug 17 20:39:49 find . -name .nores Aug 17 20:40:07 yes Aug 17 20:40:26 "find all files, beginning with the current directory and looking down the entire hierarchy, whose name is ".nores"" Aug 17 20:42:40 got it Aug 17 20:42:46 it returns a path Aug 17 20:42:54 it's in the play_apk_expansion Aug 17 20:43:15 I went to that path in finder, can't see the file. already enabled seeing hidden files Aug 17 20:43:30 Why don't you just ignore it Aug 17 20:43:41 It makes no difference Aug 17 20:45:14 SimonVT: true that, but the project is giving me errors on The import com.google.android.vending cannot be Aug 17 20:45:15 resolved Aug 17 20:45:35 I checked http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2535953/please-help-error-the-import-com-google-can-not-be-resolved Aug 17 20:45:47 did all the proposed solution, doesn't work Aug 17 20:46:58 and also invalid resource directory name: /Users/calvin/Desktop/android-sdk-macosx/extras/google/play_apk_expansion/downloader_library/res/res Aug 17 20:47:12 it is complaining for double / duplicated res folder???? Aug 17 20:47:57 Seems like it Aug 17 20:55:30 With twitter4j, I'm having an issue where the second time I call getAuthenticationURL(), the url will redirect to a broken url, or I get an auth token invalid error page from twitter Aug 17 20:55:48 If I uninstall my app and run it again, it will always work. I am not caching the requestToken or anything like that. Aug 17 20:56:22 basically after my first completed attempt to authorize the user, getAuthenticationURL() never seems to work Aug 17 20:58:16 haha, I am so hopeless now Aug 17 20:58:27 dunno where and how problems occur Aug 17 21:23:26 is it possible to do this listviewobj.setListAdapter(android.widget.SimpleAdapter) ? I'm getting an error, is this only possible with ListActivities ? Aug 17 21:25:33 No Aug 17 21:25:36 I have a ListFragment w/ a CursorLoader. One of the columns in the table is the ID of a record in another table (but not the actual key). Is it possible to join these two together for my list view? Aug 17 21:25:37 but I think its setAdapter() Aug 17 21:26:22 by no, I mean it is possible outside of ListActivities Aug 17 21:26:45 zambo, you're right :d Aug 17 21:27:07 can you put the error on pastebin.com? Aug 17 21:34:04 at&t + FaceTime = fail Aug 17 21:34:48 g00s: facetime is problematic in general, afaik, given that it runs through the packet service Aug 17 21:35:14 p_l: i mean, how they are handling it wrt plan & data usage Aug 17 21:35:29 you need a MobileShare data plan to use it Aug 17 21:42:23 i have a friend on at&t and gtalk wont let him video call Aug 17 21:43:36 i need to stop drinking so much at work on fridays Aug 17 21:48:25 <[twisti]> oi Aug 17 21:48:45 <[twisti]> trying to start my app, it crashes complaining that the intro activity class isnt there Aug 17 21:48:46 <[twisti]> but it is Aug 17 21:49:02 <[twisti]> ideas ? Aug 17 21:50:04 2 things, ive seen this on a one-off build where the apk screwed up Aug 17 21:50:19 otherwise you probably dont have your dependencies in the right folder Aug 17 21:50:20 [twisti]: has it worked before? Aug 17 21:50:36 <[twisti]> rami: yes Aug 17 21:50:56 <[twisti]> but i did a bunch of things because the source control was being mean and now it doesnt Aug 17 21:51:03 [twisti]: Did you change anything in the Manifest file? Aug 17 21:51:14 <[twisti]> probably Aug 17 21:52:08 [twisti]: It maybe would help to see your src/ tree and the manifest file (at least the exact error: 08-17 23:55:59.039: E/AndroidRuntime(31282): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo{com.toadwater.atwc/com.toadwater.atwc.IntroActivity}: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.toadwater.atwc.IntroActivity in loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[/data/app/com.toadwater.atwc-1.apk] Aug 17 21:52:29 <[twisti]> but that class is there, and it compiles fine Aug 17 21:52:41 <[twisti]> let me pastebin the manifest Aug 17 21:52:45 is your library folder called "lib" or "libs"? Aug 17 21:53:11 <[twisti]> libs Aug 17 21:53:14 <[twisti]> and its not a library Aug 17 21:53:24 <[twisti]> http://pastebin.com/UQN7hHcx Aug 17 21:54:00 Uhm, looks perfectly normal to me Aug 17 21:54:03 you could check this: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:7Nd1_Ez9CdAJ:android.foxykeep.com/dev/how-to-fix-the-classdefnotfounderror-with-adt-17&hl=en&client=firefox-a&gl=uk&prmd=imvns&strip=1 Aug 17 21:54:11 unfortunately the original page with images isnt online right now Aug 17 21:54:21 but the text should still give you an idea of things to check Aug 17 21:54:58 <[twisti]> also, launching from eclipse works fine Aug 17 21:55:11 Ah Aug 17 21:55:12 have you re-built the apk since seeing this problem? Aug 17 21:55:19 Have you tried to just recreate the apk? Aug 17 21:55:22 <[twisti]> yes Aug 17 21:55:28 I have this very often since SDK r20 Aug 17 21:55:33 <[twisti]> and that link is about libraries Aug 17 21:55:44 ive seen that once, but it wasnt reproducible Aug 17 21:55:57 Last week I had to build a package 7 times until it works, very annoying Aug 17 21:56:01 twisti, its about applications /using/ libraries, such as the support library Aug 17 21:56:22 robb_www: but that's not related to his problem Aug 17 21:56:31 now I see that Aug 17 21:56:32 <[twisti]> right, but i dont have an issue with my library usage, the error is about a class thats in the src folder Aug 17 21:57:52 I'm sorry but I have no idea (except suggesting to rebuild the package a few times…) Aug 17 21:59:02 Maybe someone can help me out… Aug 17 21:59:09 I'm trying to create a AccountAuthenticator but no code in my login activity's login method after addAccountExplicitly() is executed. The method execution (at least according to logcat debugging output) just stops there. Aug 17 21:59:18 Code excerpt: http://pastebin.com/ZvH1cbzd Aug 17 21:59:38 "create now" appears in LogCat, but nothing below. No message, no exception. Aug 17 22:06:53 is that not a blocking call? Aug 17 22:08:07 ctate: documentation says „ Aug 17 22:08:23 sigh Aug 17 22:08:25 It is safe to call this method from the main thread. Aug 17 22:08:27 “ Aug 17 22:08:39 And… should it block forever? Aug 17 22:08:49 Hello, is it possible to make this loop end when a touch has occured ? http://pastebin.com/fSx2RrYY Aug 17 22:09:10 ... yeah, i think it's a synchronous call Aug 17 22:09:29 so, it will not return until after the account has been added successfully, which may involve network authentication and so on, right? Aug 17 22:10:05 friktion: just set SplashActive to false from the touch handler Aug 17 22:10:29 except that you're doing it wrong: your'e running your delay loop on the event-dispatch thread, blocking it from doing its work Aug 17 22:10:55 ctate: Hmmm. The sample application calls the function the same way but maybe the problem is in the auhenticator Aug 17 22:12:34 <[twisti]> i built it over 20 times now Aug 17 22:12:37 <[twisti]> same error Aug 17 22:12:43 <[twisti]> i dont think thatll help Aug 17 22:12:50 <[twisti]> not that that would be an acceptable situation anyways Aug 17 22:13:48 ctate: My Authenticator is nearly empty so there is no reason for it to block infinitely (no networking or similar things) Aug 17 22:13:54 yeah, dunno Aug 17 22:14:09 trace through the authenticator's activity? Aug 17 22:14:25 Seems like I have to :D Aug 17 22:14:42 (never had to do this before on android) Aug 17 22:22:47 download the android source, hook it up to eclipse, and step through with debug Aug 17 22:23:09 ctate: If you are interested, it was a SecurityException which was silently caught somewhere inside the AuthenticationManager Aug 17 22:23:26 And the whole problem was because of a typo somewhere in a account type Aug 17 22:23:39 zambo: thank you, but I found it by myself :) Aug 17 22:23:58 rami: oho Aug 17 22:25:34 congrats Aug 17 22:26:24 hey, anyone got a tip on how to make a edittext editable but the text not selectable? Aug 17 22:26:31 andriod 2.2+ Aug 17 22:26:36 *Android even Aug 17 22:27:36 oO Aug 17 22:28:35 doing a pin entry system, designers want it like "apple" Aug 17 22:28:36 :| Aug 17 22:34:13 Is it better to call dialog.dismiss() or dialog.cancel() in an AlertDialog? Aug 17 22:35:36 Napalm: Hey Napalm! :D would this work ? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3928711/how-to-make-edittext-not-editable Aug 17 22:35:38 kangarang: Depends on what you're doing. dismiss() just makes it vanish, cancel() also calls your OnCancelHandler Aug 17 22:35:52 kangarang: So, if you have an OnCancelHandler, it matters. If not, it doesn't :) Aug 17 22:35:59 Alright, thanks rami Aug 17 22:36:39 "how to make an edittext not editable" .. use a textview :p Aug 17 22:36:49 exactly Aug 17 22:36:50 friktion: i still need it editable, just not selectable Aug 17 22:37:15 i'll just override the handle drawables to @null Aug 17 22:37:15 lol Aug 17 22:38:10 https://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/TextView.html#setTextIsSelectable(boolean) Aug 17 22:38:12 Maybe? Aug 17 22:38:36 API 11+ Aug 17 22:38:41 Oh Aug 17 22:38:58 plus it removes focusable/touch so on Aug 17 22:39:42 I don't know.. Can you use a textview, manually pop up the keyboard, and catch the events? Aug 17 22:39:51 nope Aug 17 22:39:56 all IMM crap Aug 17 22:40:00 tightly intergrated Aug 17 22:40:43 oo, that might work Aug 17 22:40:59 override textSelectHandleWindowStyle and set the windowNoDisplay to true Aug 17 22:41:03 lets give that a go Aug 17 22:44:12 I am currently using View.scrollTo(x,0) method to scroll the view to right, but I want it not to scroll when I can see the View's right end Aug 17 22:44:32 it should not move past its size Aug 17 22:45:13 View.scrollTo(0,0) moves it to left most, what should i give in x to move it to right most? Aug 17 22:48:32 Measure the width of the content, subtract the width of the view Aug 17 22:48:36 There's your x Aug 17 22:51:23 or is it width of the view - width of screen Aug 17 22:52:02 no Aug 17 22:54:10 getWidth() of a View returns the visible width or the total width? Aug 17 22:57:02 SimonVT: which hack is more elegant, set the textSelectHandle drawables to a 1px x 1px transparent png or set a the textSelectHandleWindowStyle animation property to a animation that finishes with alpha 0 Aug 17 22:57:03 lol Aug 17 22:57:09 this is soo rediculess Aug 17 22:57:22 and you can only set these attributes/drawables from xml not from code Aug 17 22:57:24 i mean wtf Aug 17 22:58:49 prakas: That really depends how its laid out Aug 17 22:58:59 Napalm: I don't see how that solves it Aug 17 22:59:10 You're removing the handles.. would the next not still be selectable? Aug 17 22:59:12 its a hack and it doesnt really Aug 17 22:59:21 SimonVT: i override the drawing Aug 17 22:59:50 <[twisti]> still looking for help with this error: E/AndroidRuntime(31282): java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo{com.toadwater.atwc/com.toadwater.atwc.IntroActivity}: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.toadwater.atwc.IntroActivity in loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[/data/app/com.toadwater.atwc-1.apk] Aug 17 22:59:52 I think you're on your own here :p Aug 17 23:00:19 lool Aug 17 23:00:30 [twisti]: is the activity in your manifest? Aug 17 23:00:34 <[twisti]> yes Aug 17 23:00:39 clean build time Aug 17 23:00:50 Does the activity exist ;d Aug 17 23:00:50 <[twisti]> manifest is here: http://pastebin.com/UQN7hHcx Aug 17 23:01:02 <[twisti]> and its a clean build Aug 17 23:01:43 It seems like it fails to load the actual class.. Meaning there is no com.toadwater.atwc.IntroActivity class in your apk Aug 17 23:01:53 <[twisti]> there is Aug 17 23:01:56 That'd be one thing to check Aug 17 23:02:13 Did you check? Aug 17 23:02:16 <[twisti]> yes Aug 17 23:02:22 [twisti]: show the code you use to create the intent to start the activity Aug 17 23:03:00 <[twisti]> there is no code Aug 17 23:03:05 <[twisti]> its the intro activity Aug 17 23:03:21 SimonVT: I got confused. Let's assume the total width of the view is 632px and the screen shows first 305px, then the last part will show if in .scrollTo(x,0), x is set as 327 isnt it? 632-305 Aug 17 23:03:55 prakas: But is your view measured as 632 px, or did you do something like match_parent and make it 305px? Aug 17 23:04:01 [twisti]: check carefully for typos in your manifest, then? Aug 17 23:04:22 <[twisti]> ctate: i dont see any. do you ? Aug 17 23:04:54 [twisti]: well its your build then. check all your settings. Aug 17 23:04:55 lol Aug 17 23:04:59 <[twisti]> oh, also, it runs fine from eclipse Aug 17 23:05:10 <[twisti]> Napalm: any setting you want me to check, let me know Aug 17 23:05:16 So it's a release build? Aug 17 23:05:19 <[twisti]> as far as i can tell, everything is right Aug 17 23:05:19 <[twisti]> yes Aug 17 23:05:24 Do you use proguard? Aug 17 23:05:28 proguard fail Aug 17 23:05:38 I told you to check the apk if the class was there.. Aug 17 23:05:42 I don't think you did Aug 17 23:05:45 SimonVT: i was trying an example in gimp seeing how much it would be, my math sucks. anyway if fill_parent is set, getWidth() won't return 632? and will return 305? Aug 17 23:05:58 I am new to android development so I don't know really Aug 17 23:06:01 prakas: Then your view will be the same size as the parent Aug 17 23:06:14 <[twisti]> i dont use proguard Aug 17 23:06:15 same size as the screen's size? Aug 17 23:06:25 oh ok Aug 17 23:08:06 Maybe you put the activity in another package than your manifest package Aug 17 23:08:13 Oh wait, then debug builds would fail Aug 17 23:11:28 <[twisti]> SimonVT: i think i missunderstood you. the classes get checked out and compiled without error. is there anything more to check ? Aug 17 23:12:50 If the class is actually in the apk, as in, is it there if you decompile it Aug 17 23:13:19 If not, you messed up your build system somehow Aug 17 23:17:14 <[twisti]> ah, it appears they are not Aug 17 23:17:15 <[twisti]> fun Aug 17 23:17:44 <[twisti]> i guess the generated build.xml is broken then Aug 17 23:18:08 <[twisti]> i didnt really change anything in there Aug 17 23:18:28 [twisti]: it seems like the class is not there inside the container, you get similar error if a class doesn't exist inside the .jar file. but try with "ant clean" and then "ant debug". it may work Aug 17 23:21:21 <[twisti]> doesnt seem to make a difference Aug 17 23:26:03 How do I android? Aug 17 23:27:59 Well, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CshYg0Tc-7k Aug 17 23:28:16 [twisti]: I also expected it not to work Aug 17 23:28:16 [twisti]: but i was getting a wrong image, instead of up, it was showing the down.png one, and cleaning it helped Aug 17 23:28:32 JakeWharton: right to left. Aug 17 23:28:45 <[twisti]> i use an automated build system, so its starting with a fresh temp directory anyways Aug 17 23:48:48 "(Um, yeah, we are deeply sorry about the terminology here.) " Aug 17 23:48:52 just found that in the docs Aug 17 23:49:05 it makes me feel better :) Aug 17 23:50:22 android programmers sure have a lot to feel sorry for Aug 17 23:50:33 lol Aug 18 00:09:31 hrm the flash sound plays intermittently even after the screen is turned off. Aug 18 00:09:34 why does it do this? Aug 18 00:11:08 dogarrhea2: maybe you can fix it by ininstalling flash. then it should (hopefully) not play when screen is off. Aug 18 00:11:13 *uninstalling Aug 18 00:11:40 g00s: i think he means some type of "camera flash" sound Aug 18 00:12:01 oh, hah Aug 18 00:12:11 is the camera taking photos? Aug 18 00:12:22 n Aug 18 00:12:40 hrm if i take the battery out it buzzes every 5 minutes Aug 18 00:12:44 er 5 seconds Aug 18 00:13:08 time to go home Aug 18 00:14:15 thats a reminder from the NSA Aug 18 00:14:21 lol Aug 18 00:18:11 evening Aug 18 00:22:14 has anybody here had problems with an n7 displaying the screen size incorrectly? Aug 18 00:24:41 like, taking up only part of the physical screen? Aug 18 00:35:25 ctate: i build a view based on screen height/width using displaymetrics widthPixels and widthHeight… on my galaxy nexus, it lays out perfectly… on a n7, it seems to give me a slightly lower value than it should for the height Aug 18 00:36:02 thats correct, the virtual navigation controls at the bottom take up the difference Aug 18 00:36:16 ultra-: you should not be working on the displaymetric pixel units Aug 18 00:36:42 you mean widthPixels and heightPixels? Aug 18 00:36:44 yeah i read use 'density pixels', i wasn't sure if that was it or not Aug 18 00:37:01 it is taking the nav controls into account, and then going even slightly smaller Aug 18 00:37:18 also note that you cannot rely on xdpi and ydpi Aug 18 00:37:21 it's a grid of buttons… horizontally, i don't see any buttons coming into the view that should be there… vertically, i see just a little bit of the next row of buttons Aug 18 00:37:31 *shouldn't Aug 18 00:38:11 sounds to me like you want to be working with ViewGroup Aug 18 00:38:13 so i'm using widthpixels or widthheight / 6 to set up a table… horizontally, it's 6 buttons perfectly… vertically, it's 6 buttons plus just a tiny bit of another button Aug 18 00:38:33 although it's perfect on a gnex Aug 18 00:38:58 you're using the density as well? Aug 18 00:39:09 i mean, yeah, why not just use layouts? :) Aug 18 00:39:10 ultra-: its simple, Android devices come in all shapes and sizes, so never work with pixels to lay things out Aug 18 00:39:19 no i don't yet know how to do that, i'm only using getWidth Aug 18 00:39:23 and getHeight Aug 18 00:39:28 so i need to look into using density Aug 18 00:39:30 ? Aug 18 00:39:46 you said you're using display metrics widthPixels and heightPixels Aug 18 00:39:51 right? Aug 18 00:39:52 yessir Aug 18 00:40:07 or ma'am, sorry… shouldn't assume Aug 18 00:40:09 sir :) Aug 18 00:40:15 :) Aug 18 00:40:25 hm. and then you're placing UI elements directly in those units? Aug 18 00:40:35 so what's it reporting for heightPixels? Aug 18 00:40:41 i'll check Aug 18 00:41:25 ultra-: you could always pastebin your class layout/sizing code so theres no guessing Aug 18 00:41:48 1280 x 736 for the n7 Aug 18 00:42:20 i think it's too complicated… i needed a very custom type of display control and it took a bunch of layering Aug 18 00:42:45 id say your underestimating the framework Aug 18 00:42:57 ok let me describe Aug 18 00:44:19 it's a class that extends scrollview… inside that is a linear layout… inside that, on the left side, is a horizontal scrollview, on the right is another linear layout… the end result is, on the left, a 16*16 grid of buttons that displays less than that at once, on the right is a 1x16 grid that scrolls only vertically with it… with some code, i was able to grab a place on the left, move the grid around both vertically and Aug 18 00:44:19 horizontally, and smoothScroll it into place when the user lets up Aug 18 00:44:53 so a grid that scrolls freely in both directions, coupled with another that only scrolls vertically and they snap into place together Aug 18 00:44:59 scrollers inside scrollers? you're gonna have a bad time. :) Aug 18 00:45:12 no it's working beautifully Aug 18 00:45:24 redditor? Aug 18 00:45:38 (that's in landscape, i assume?) Aug 18 00:45:42 sure is Aug 18 00:46:08 so yeah, the 736 is right; the status bar is 48dp and that's how it works out Aug 18 00:46:15 ultra-: what is the point to the scrollview around the outside? Aug 18 00:46:17 nav bar rather Aug 18 00:46:34 ok, so i think the problem might be the division by 6 b/c it's integer Aug 18 00:46:43 casting to int might tweak the end result a bit Aug 18 00:46:47 yeah it sounds like you've got rounding errors or something Aug 18 00:46:54 i'll see what it comes up with for button height * 6 Aug 18 00:47:45 122 Aug 18 00:47:55 * 6 = 732 Aug 18 00:48:11 there we have it, i have to divide as floats and then cast to int Aug 18 00:48:22 oh god yes Aug 18 00:48:31 tsk tsk! :) Aug 18 00:48:54 i've been coding android < 1 week and usually code for microcontrollers, lcds, backend stuff, etc… didn't think of that at all :) Aug 18 00:50:01 napalm: ok the vertical scrollview (my actual class) houses the entire thing… a horizontal scrollview next to a linear layout that both scroll vertically together with the grids they each contain Aug 18 00:50:08 but the left part can scroll horizontally Aug 18 00:50:34 so i end up with the left part that i can drag around anywhere in any direction at once, not just vertical or horizontal Aug 18 00:50:43 and any vertical movement brings the right side with it Aug 18 00:50:49 hard to explain i suppose Aug 18 00:50:57 it works slick tho, especailly the 'snapping' Aug 18 00:51:15 Oh snap Aug 18 00:51:16 no i follow Aug 18 00:51:20 this actually sounds like something you'd want to write as a custom layout type Aug 18 00:51:24 and then off you go Aug 18 00:51:39 but i guess if it's just a one-off then whatever :) Aug 18 00:52:11 i might eventually i find it doesn't run well on older devices Aug 18 01:01:22 but i just need a starting point for now, it'll be a replacable module :) Aug 18 01:14:07 hello, i'm having trouble getting started. whenever i run the emulator i get the following error: wrong ELFCLASS64 (libGL.so) Aug 18 01:14:16 ... Aug 18 01:14:24 i'm on debian wheezy 64. any ideas what could be the problem? Aug 18 01:14:41 bfig: Debian's multilib was wonky quite recently Aug 18 01:15:04 wheezy is not the rolling release, so it might not have the supposedly fixed and working multili b Aug 18 01:15:35 what should i change? Aug 18 01:15:37 you have to check your docs for setting up 32bit environment Aug 18 01:15:46 is that just ia32-libs? Aug 18 01:15:53 back when I used Debian amd64 wasn't available Aug 18 01:15:57 maybe they were updated lately Aug 18 01:16:11 bfig: the lib it's complaining about is OpenGL Aug 18 01:16:32 so it depends both on multilib and your GPU's drivers Aug 18 01:17:05 my processor is an A8 Aug 18 01:17:16 (amd apu) Aug 18 01:17:31 but do you use fglrx/catalyst or whatever opensource drivers are for it? Aug 18 01:18:00 with fglrx, you simply have borked paths I guess, because it had 32bit mode libGL included Aug 18 01:18:11 or at least had back in 2008 Aug 18 01:19:34 i use fglrx Aug 18 01:19:53 the open source drivers kind of broke everything Aug 18 01:27:43 p_l, so how can i fix this? Aug 18 01:27:59 bfig: I'm sorry to say, but probably with #debian channel Aug 18 01:28:10 ok Aug 18 01:28:17 I haven't used Debian on desktop since ... umm... Aug 18 01:28:24 ... it's been a long time Aug 18 01:28:38 at least since ~2005 Aug 18 01:28:43 what do you use now? Aug 18 01:29:26 Sabayon 9 (since previous wednesday, when Arch64 update broke everything because someone deprecated /lib) Aug 18 01:41:04 i have a table on a scrollview… say i want 6 rows to show when there's a total of 12… can i set the table row height by weight to display only 6? Aug 18 01:41:36 doing the math isn't working b/c of rounding issues, i think maybe android will handle some interpolation by using weight Aug 18 01:43:05 i suppose weight won't work since that is based off of viewable size Aug 18 01:46:28 any good reading material regarding designing an app so that is looks good on many different screen sizes? Aug 18 01:47:51 lol i'm struggling with that right now :) Aug 18 01:47:52 sort of Aug 18 01:57:23 http://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html Aug 18 02:02:03 i have a table layout on top of a scrollview… the table layout contains 12 items, but i only want 6 to show at once… can i just set the weight of the parent scrollview to 6 and each table row to 1? if so, what do i set the scrollview's height to? 0 or fill_parent or what? Aug 18 02:05:59 Weight is a linearlayout attribute.. and thats not how it works Aug 18 02:09:16 hey guys, looking for a bit of help/advice here Aug 18 02:09:32 i'm trying to create a Pinterest (yeah i know, shut up) style list of images Aug 18 02:09:56 right now, i've got a ScrollView, with 3 LinearLayouts for columns (col1, col2, col3) Aug 18 02:10:20 i stuck dummy ImageViews into each of those columns for now, and it seems to approximate the appearance I'd like Aug 18 02:10:23 zambo, you're right :d Aug 18 02:10:32 oops Aug 18 02:10:35 however, i'd like to dynamically populate these images Aug 18 02:10:59 furthermore, the data i'm using is from an API, and I get a list of image URLs along with some other metadata Aug 18 02:11:21 so I'm not going to be adding an ImageView, but rather a custom layout so I can show the images along with some labels Aug 18 02:11:43 so I've got the JSON data, it's parsed, and I have the URLs Aug 18 02:12:04 what's a good place to start where I can override something to populate the columns as I desire? Aug 18 02:19:28 what is the point of storing strings in strings.xml rather than hardcoding strings? Aug 18 02:19:54 my best guess is translation? Aug 18 02:27:04 hello friends Aug 18 02:27:18 i can't figure out how WebView.scrollTo() works Aug 18 02:28:40 does it have to be called within some other callback? I've built a webview, called scrollTo, and added the view to a framelayout. The webview displays properly, but it doesn't scroll Aug 18 02:28:45 RustyShackleford, yes Aug 18 02:29:28 RustyShackleford, Also you might have layout-mdpi, layout-hdpi etc. With strings.xml, if a string is changed, that is centralized Aug 18 02:43:31 simonvt: do you have any suggestions how i can do this? Aug 18 02:43:53 i have 12 table rows in a table on a scrollview, i want six to show up at once Aug 18 02:44:10 using height / 6 doesn't work because of rounding issues Aug 18 02:58:18 Hello. I have an action bar with two tabs. I attached a Fragment to each one of those tabs. When I navigate from tab1 to tab2 everything is fine - I can see the fragment in accordance to the tab I just selected. But this fine behavior changes after I change the screen orientation - from that point I can select tab1 or tab2 but I can't see the fragments switching. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you. **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Aug 18 03:00:00 2012