**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Dec 30 02:59:59 2012 Dec 30 03:00:46 also, how do I make sure that I release all resources after I've retrieved my request? Dec 30 03:01:53 You need to make sure anything that might take a while happens off the UI thread Dec 30 03:02:04 And you just gotta close all closable resources Dec 30 03:05:15 is it necessary to use an HttpConnection object? Dec 30 03:05:28 *HttpURLConnection Dec 30 03:06:25 also, when I retrieve the request, I get an InputStream. At this point, has then entire request been downloaded? Dec 30 03:10:13 RustyShackleford: I don't believe so Dec 30 03:10:18 but not positive :) Dec 30 03:36:59 + CONTACTS_CREATED + " TEXT DEFAULT current_timestamp," <-- is this valid? Dec 30 03:44:22 I am trying to use the Android alarm manager to call a toast in my code to see that it is working properelly before using it for something else, it looks like it is set up correct since I get a toast that I scheduled it, but it's not calling the alarm class that should say the alarm was triggered, the code is here - https://gist.github.com/4410665 Dec 30 03:55:06 I think the problem has to do with how I am calling the class since I looked around on google and seems everyone is using a similar class, any ideas? Dec 30 04:10:03 hey can someone explain to me some things about this? Dec 30 04:10:04 contentResolver.query(ContactsContract.Data.CONTENT_URI, new String[] { ContactsContract.CommonDataKinds.GroupMembership.GROUP_ROW_ID, Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME }, …) Dec 30 04:10:13 what exactly is content_uri? is it a table? Dec 30 04:10:44 and is it the only table that contains Contacts.DISPLAY_NAME and that GROUP_ROW_ID? or do other content URI's contain it too? Dec 30 04:10:55 isn't it just a String? Dec 30 04:11:09 indeed it is Dec 30 04:11:21 but does it point to a table, or some sort of weird view-thing? Dec 30 04:11:37 does it represent a massive cross-join? Dec 30 04:12:04 how can that one table contain so many different things? IE, everything in ContactsContract and Contacts Dec 30 04:13:06 I thought it was just an identifier Dec 30 04:13:26 yes, it is an identifier, but what does it identify? Dec 30 04:17:23 no idea Dec 30 04:23:36 I think it's probably purposefully abstract. but I guess it's probably a database table? Dec 30 04:28:01 How do I default a datettime in SQLIte? execSQL ? Dec 30 04:28:14 + MESSAGES_CREATE_DATE + " TEXT DEFAULT datetime('now')," Dec 30 04:28:16 doesn't seem to work Dec 30 04:30:07 I just did this: DATETIME DEFAULT current_datetime even though a DATETIME doesn't exist Dec 30 04:32:02 ffffuuuu Dec 30 04:32:23 I'll answer any android question for anyone who helps me get skype working >.< Dec 30 04:32:52 turn it off then on back Dec 30 04:36:19 yeah... Dec 30 04:37:34 any luck, simonvt? Dec 30 04:37:42 None at all Dec 30 04:37:49 Mic works perfectly in windows, mumble, whatever Dec 30 04:37:50 what OS? Dec 30 04:37:52 Skype, nothing Dec 30 04:37:55 Windows 7 Dec 30 04:38:03 good luck to you Dec 30 04:38:11 i can never get anything working on windows Dec 30 04:38:13 especially printers Dec 30 04:38:16 fuck printers amirite Dec 30 04:38:35 only thing I got is "bzzzz" in whatever skype testing service (which is fucking annoying) thing they got Dec 30 04:38:52 Why do I need to listen to 10 seconds of random shit before trying to talk Dec 30 04:42:38 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lhoYLp8CtXI Dec 30 04:46:30 I have a widget that openned facebook with startActivity, after I press the home button and click on the widget again, the facebook app shows up, immediately, no code in the widget runs. How can clear the state of the widget, so that click on it will rerun it from the begining ? Dec 30 04:49:33 home doesnt necessarily reset the stack of the app immediately Dec 30 04:51:40 once you are in the facebook app, you kinda loose a bit of control Dec 30 04:52:13 youc an play with the intent flags but chances are you'll just end up making it so you cant back out of facebook into your app Dec 30 05:00:20 hey guys, my main activity has a listview, i am trying to add some rows to it for a test, if my main activity will have more controls then just the listview, do i need listview to be my superclass of the activity to be able to call setListAdapter()? Dec 30 05:00:43 something feels wrong with deriving from just one specific control class if i have multiple on my activity Dec 30 05:10:12 I'm pretty sure if it's not your superclass you can call ListView's setAdapter() method. Dec 30 05:11:36 how do you detect touches that begin offscreen? e.g., a swipe from the left into the touch surface? Dec 30 05:20:21 FelicianoX, thank you, so i would still derive from Activity? but then get reference to the ListView ? Dec 30 05:20:37 Yea Dec 30 05:20:41 ah nice okay Dec 30 05:21:25 thanks and sorry im brand new to android Dec 30 05:21:42 is the best way to get reference in this case with findViewById? Dec 30 06:29:36 oi Dec 30 06:31:45 hey, can anyone tell me how to get all the groups a given contact belongs to? Dec 30 06:32:12 google seems to have every possible answer relating to groups except that one... and i cant quite figure out what query to use Dec 30 06:44:23 what do i do to get the text from a editText box? Dec 30 06:44:32 static final stufftosay; Dec 30 06:44:33 stufftosay = ExtractEditText.FIND_VIEWS_WITH_CONTENT_DESCRIPTION; Dec 30 06:44:38 i have that Dec 30 06:48:48 hey bitgod Dec 30 06:48:59 i think its myedittext.getText().toString() Dec 30 06:49:12 ah thx Dec 30 06:49:27 how do i define a string Dec 30 06:49:29 static final? Dec 30 06:49:35 how do you properly use TabHost?, ive added one to my layout but it appears to be completely blank when ran Dec 30 06:49:52 ron_frown: do you use any vector drawing apps on os x ? Dec 30 06:50:00 yeah Dec 30 06:50:05 which one ? Dec 30 06:50:09 though admittedly I unfortunately suck with them Dec 30 06:50:12 bitgod, u use java much before? Dec 30 06:50:14 illustrator and inkscape Dec 30 06:50:33 ah, ok. inkscape isn't doing os x builds now Dec 30 06:50:47 wtf? Dec 30 06:50:47 they had 0.48.4 release , but only for win / linux Dec 30 06:50:49 ver: no Dec 30 06:50:53 i come from C# Dec 30 06:50:54 heh Dec 30 06:50:55 lol Dec 30 06:51:01 good, its almost the same Dec 30 06:51:05 0.48.3 was win / linux also Dec 30 06:51:08 if you want a local string, its just like.... Dec 30 06:51:13 String mystring = "derp"; Dec 30 06:51:14 but in C# i can do dim stringhere Dec 30 06:51:16 ah ok Dec 30 06:51:19 * Bitgod slaps myself Dec 30 06:51:19 uhh Dec 30 06:51:20 no you cant Dec 30 06:51:23 but if you want to get it from an edittext, its similar Dec 30 06:51:24 dim = vb Dec 30 06:51:28 im thinking of vb.mnet Dec 30 06:51:29 net Dec 30 06:51:32 ive done both :) Dec 30 06:51:35 String mystring = myedittext.getText().toString(); Dec 30 06:51:58 hmm it cant find my text vox Dec 30 06:52:00 box Dec 30 06:52:04 even though its named editTex Dec 30 06:52:06 t Dec 30 06:52:16 are you using eclipses GUI builder thing? Dec 30 06:52:25 @+id/editText Dec 30 06:52:26 oh i think i know whats going on Dec 30 06:52:31 yeah Dec 30 06:52:48 i use IntelliJIDEA hehe Dec 30 06:52:49 editText is the name of the edittext widget thing, but there's no variable named editText created for you Dec 30 06:52:50 good shit too Dec 30 06:52:56 oh Dec 30 06:52:57 oh Dec 30 06:53:06 im not sure how it works in intellij, but i usually have to: Dec 30 06:53:30 EditText myedittext = (EditText)findViewById(R.id.myEditText); Dec 30 06:53:34 YES Dec 30 06:53:38 intellij is godly =) Dec 30 06:53:40 AH Dec 30 06:53:45 right goos? Dec 30 06:53:46 assuming in the xml its called @+id/myEditText Dec 30 06:53:48 * Bitgod pets verdagon Dec 30 06:53:52 lol Dec 30 06:53:53 ron: yes its good :) Dec 30 06:53:55 Why is it godly? Dec 30 06:54:00 cuz its nice :D Dec 30 06:54:08 anyone know how to clear the screen on this webchat irc? Dec 30 06:54:30 maarek it was just done right Dec 30 06:54:34 Why is it nice? Dec 30 06:54:36 it does what it was supposed to very very well Dec 30 06:54:40 intellisense works a lot better Dec 30 06:54:46 the gui designer for android is a lot better Dec 30 06:54:50 more efficient Dec 30 06:54:56 and much better at "knowing your code" Dec 30 06:55:21 yeah i like the intellisense abilities Dec 30 06:55:49 handles bigger projects better Dec 30 06:56:01 but honestly the bgi thing is all the little teeny tiny features that just make life more pleasant Dec 30 06:56:11 eg, in theme editing, you see colors in the gutter Dec 30 06:56:18 can anyone tell me how to get all of a contact's groups? Dec 30 06:56:22 so its not jus ffff00 Dec 30 06:56:29 you get a preview Dec 30 06:56:55 Hmm Dec 30 06:57:52 or perhaps can someone tell me where there's a list of all the rables in android, like RAW_CONTACTS, GROUPS, etc? Dec 30 06:58:01 all the tables* Dec 30 06:58:37 anyone? Dec 30 07:11:04 goos are you good at vector artwork? Dec 30 07:11:33 ron_frown: not really; i just do simple things Dec 30 07:11:40 fuuuuck Dec 30 07:11:44 I need a designer Dec 30 07:11:46 one thats worth a shit Dec 30 07:11:49 I can code like none other Dec 30 07:11:59 but as far as design goes... I can just tell you when something looks shitty Dec 30 07:12:22 you might get a designer, but its still good to know basic stuff Dec 30 07:12:37 well I know how to use illustrator Dec 30 07:12:44 just not creative to come up with stuff that looks good Dec 30 07:12:59 most of design, honestly, is … typography Dec 30 07:13:00 when I am closer to releasing my apps, I'll hire someone great Dec 30 07:13:05 the rest is spacing, color, and then graphics Dec 30 07:13:13 I can do that stuff Dec 30 07:21:01 i think for anyone doing their own apps, they have to be comfy with the basics of design :) Dec 30 07:21:12 g00: damn right Dec 30 07:21:23 in 2 days ive gotten pretty far on my own for most part Dec 30 07:21:34 well one guy helped me setup intellijidea and the java sdk Dec 30 07:21:40 but from there i blossomed fast heh Dec 30 07:21:58 :) Dec 30 07:22:08 my first app was a simple 'hello world' label Dec 30 07:22:15 dont get too far ahead of yourself =) Dec 30 07:22:29 android will undoubtedly bite you in the ass a few times Dec 30 07:22:29 2nd app was a button, press it, it says a predefined text in text2speech Dec 30 07:22:45 3rd i added a ass ao you could enter your own stuff Dec 30 07:22:49 textbox*... Dec 30 07:23:01 4th, a clear button :P thats up to now Dec 30 07:23:07 Bitgod Dec 30 07:23:09 my first app Dec 30 07:23:09 http://imageshack.us/a/img560/2002/overviewm.png Dec 30 07:23:10 yes Dec 30 07:23:22 :< Dec 30 07:23:45 i fail at life Dec 30 07:23:46 fuck it Dec 30 07:23:48 hahaha Dec 30 07:23:52 jus hang in there Dec 30 07:23:57 nah man im done Dec 30 07:24:00 I didnt say it didnt take a while to get that there Dec 30 07:24:01 you just proved i cant code Dec 30 07:24:08 ron_frown: you STILL have all that chartjunk? Dec 30 07:24:09 how long did it take you Dec 30 07:24:20 couple mo Dec 30 07:24:24 ah Dec 30 07:24:25 2 days here Dec 30 07:24:28 so hang in there ;) Dec 30 07:24:30 thats just a teeny teeny bit of the app tho Dec 30 07:24:44 THATS TINY? Dec 30 07:24:44 g00s what do you mean? Dec 30 07:24:44 jesus Dec 30 07:25:00 ron_frown: those … circles for each data point Dec 30 07:25:03 http://imageshack.us/a/img716/7200/drag12.png Dec 30 07:25:13 thats another part Dec 30 07:25:25 g00s its still in the app, yes Dec 30 07:25:37 dem colors Dec 30 07:25:40 and for the second screen, why are some things right justified but others left justified ? Dec 30 07:25:43 I did see an android charting library that looked like it was a direct rip off of mine Dec 30 07:26:00 g00s - well inside the grid, thats by design Dec 30 07:26:07 the headers arent because of my boss and beleive me Dec 30 07:26:11 we got into heated convo about it Dec 30 07:26:14 ron: thats one reason i hate open src Dec 30 07:26:18 cuz ppl can steal it Dec 30 07:26:24 no they did it much better Dec 30 07:26:30 def more configurability Dec 30 07:26:47 i haven't seen any new android charting packages lately Dec 30 07:26:48 SimonVT - and the colors are hideous Dec 30 07:26:57 lemme see if I can find it in my history Dec 30 07:27:04 there was achartengine and androidplot Dec 30 07:27:05 I intend to swap mine over to it if I get a chance Dec 30 07:27:09 those are old and suck Dec 30 07:27:11 my work wont let me spend requried time on it Dec 30 07:27:37 http://www.jjoe64.com/p/graphview-library.html?showComment=1356141076946 Dec 30 07:27:37 BAM Dec 30 07:27:46 i wonder when Android Muffin is out Dec 30 07:27:54 lol jk Dec 30 07:27:59 yeah, jjoe64 sucked too Dec 30 07:28:04 what happens once all the food names are taken Dec 30 07:28:06 do we use animals? Dec 30 07:28:10 * k0nichiwa dont like these desrert based names Dec 30 07:28:21 g00s really? Dec 30 07:28:25 ron_frown: you can only set the data once Dec 30 07:28:34 see my problem is I can design that shit pretty well.... and mine animates nicely Dec 30 07:28:49 btu I dont know enough about the math of drawing those other types of graphs Dec 30 07:28:54 calculating margins etc Dec 30 07:29:00 i wanted to change it but it was LGPL and i wasn't sure about that Dec 30 07:29:24 ron Dec 30 07:29:30 is it hard to fade a image to black? Dec 30 07:29:32 like fade out Dec 30 07:29:42 depends on frameworks etc Dec 30 07:29:48 4.x Dec 30 07:29:49 with nineoldandroids + property animation, no Dec 30 07:29:54 yeah Dec 30 07:30:00 property animation and opacity property Dec 30 07:30:07 in a loop Dec 30 07:30:08 got it Dec 30 07:30:40 g00s if the library is remotely well organized, I could gather the drawing concepts Dec 30 07:30:43 and make it the sex Dec 30 07:30:58 mine has little popup indicators etc Dec 30 07:31:14 and new data points animate into place Dec 30 07:31:26 just not ina super re-usable state Dec 30 07:31:38 not much configurability because it was designed for internal use Dec 30 07:32:35 thats how I usually do shit... poc, mostly static one off Dec 30 07:32:43 then when thats solid, run back through cleaning it up Dec 30 07:33:34 g00s I am working on some custom chart models for nvd3.org Dec 30 07:33:52 and that should def get me up to date on the calculations and concepts Dec 30 07:34:43 ron_frown: cool, i'd like to see when you are done Dec 30 07:35:20 I know I've said it a million times, but I intend to open source the grid too Dec 30 07:35:42 I kinda just assumed someone else (cough GOOGLE) would have released something by now Dec 30 07:36:05 they just got around to releasing usable maps, sorta Dec 30 07:36:22 hey - i want my google actionbar first man, charts are later Dec 30 07:36:25 :D Dec 30 07:36:51 oh god... the maps are crap Dec 30 07:36:54 I mean better than nothing Dec 30 07:37:05 but with the play services maps... theres a lot that you just cant do Dec 30 07:37:13 or at least there is *0* documentation on it Dec 30 07:37:21 and they dont work in the emu Dec 30 07:37:25 given the bounds of how you have to use them Dec 30 07:37:37 the stuff thats missing may HAVE to stay taht way Dec 30 07:38:02 imho; anything less than a complete impl in a jar file is unacceptable Dec 30 07:38:13 fuck the play services hit for mapping Dec 30 07:38:16 *shit Dec 30 07:38:47 well cant fault them... ms is NOTORIOUS for having great ideas... and the implementation sometimes is embarassing Dec 30 07:39:31 so i tried one app which used the newer maps; it sent me to Play or something to d/l it Dec 30 07:39:44 but after the process was complete, there was no back into the app Dec 30 07:39:50 usability fail Dec 30 07:40:13 I was unclear how the whole thing worked Dec 30 07:40:16 on my dev Dec 30 07:40:20 I hit run and it was there Dec 30 07:40:31 I dont get where you are supposed to download play services maps etc Dec 30 07:46:28 Hi. I have a fragment view with 3 "tabs/pages". One of them is a listview. How do I open another view with som info on when i click a list item? Dec 30 07:48:02 anyone using: https://github.com/jfeinstein10/SlidingMenu Dec 30 07:48:30 how do I swipe left on the left menu ListFragment and bring the content fragment into view? Dec 30 08:00:20 Hi all ! Dec 30 08:01:14 anyone? ^ Dec 30 08:02:05 NO WE ARE ALL DEAD Dec 30 08:02:52 Hey anyone here who uses android emulator for windows Dec 30 08:03:26 ron_frown: i'm playing around with the BlueStacks player Dec 30 08:03:44 trying to figure out if it support BT tho Dec 30 08:04:42 Anyone ? Dec 30 08:05:44 if i run emulator on x86 mac will my jni need an x86 abi ? Dec 30 08:05:55 dpends if its emulating arm hardware i guess Dec 30 08:06:01 Looking for a file emulator-arm.exe Dec 30 08:06:39 lern2google. Dec 30 08:06:49 Not there Dec 30 08:06:57 so learn how to google. Dec 30 08:07:01 I wasnt at all impressed with bluestacks player Dec 30 08:07:15 seems like its not much more than emulator unless I totally missed something Dec 30 08:07:29 it should be much faster Dec 30 08:08:04 I've managed to download android 1.5 emulator but some files are missing] Dec 30 08:08:53 ToxicAlienn: just get the official android sdk directly from google, wtf is wrong with you? Dec 30 08:10:07 I have it but the updated version doesn't have the files i need too slow on win7 Dec 30 08:13:18 anyone who knows where i can get this file emulator-arm.exe ? Dec 30 08:36:01 in code Dec 30 08:36:13 do i need to make 2 seperate apps for landscape vs portrait Dec 30 08:36:16 if not, what do i do Dec 30 08:38:55 Is there a way to have the logcat window not always on top? Dec 30 08:39:16 anli: intellijidea? Dec 30 08:39:55 I am using eclipse Dec 30 08:40:10 ah no idea on that one Dec 30 08:40:16 look for some kind of pushpin icon Dec 30 08:40:25 Hm, intellijidea seemed nice Dec 30 08:40:42 I like how clean an application can be sometimes Dec 30 08:41:15 Is it good? Dec 30 08:41:26 so far for me very good Dec 30 08:41:30 and intellisense is much better on it :) Dec 30 08:41:47 Can the non-commercial version be used? Dec 30 08:41:51 yes Dec 30 08:41:54 get the community version Dec 30 08:42:04 Doing that now Dec 30 08:42:44 eclipse bugs me in so many ways Dec 30 08:44:19 I have a ListView populated from a Cursor. What happens if this cursor is closed? Dec 30 08:44:36 will the data remain in the ListView? Dec 30 08:45:28 Have you tried it? Dec 30 09:09:00 StrictMode gives me an InstanceCountViolation whenever I rotate the screen Dec 30 09:09:03 whats up with that? Dec 30 09:10:49 sounds like you're leaking your activity instance Dec 30 09:10:57 something is keeping a reference to it that shouldn't be Dec 30 09:11:01 it does not go above two Dec 30 09:11:16 I'm guessing it might be my Cursor Dec 30 09:11:26 thing is - I don't want it to requery Dec 30 09:11:34 although that's happening anyway Dec 30 09:24:36 RustyShackleford, maybe ur using inner classes that need to me marked "static" Dec 30 09:24:47 if they're not statick they keep a ref to the containing class instance Dec 30 09:34:00 Why does this test fail? http://pastebin.com/BU4X8Tj5 Dec 30 09:34:07 (regexp matching) Dec 30 09:36:15 they don't have to be static so long as nothing is keeping a reference to their instances Dec 30 10:03:39 What would you charge for making a clone app of this: http://www.ezmoney4.me/ ?(I'm not advertising, I'm not asking for a job, I just want to charge the correct price and not do it too cheap or too expensive) Dec 30 10:38:48 Hi guys, trying to make a really simple simple webview app. But it says "" does not set the required layout_widtha attribute: Dec 30 10:38:53 1 Set to wrap_content Dec 30 10:38:59 or 2 Set to match_parent Dec 30 10:39:29 in my activity_fullscreen.xml file I got xmlns:android="google.se" Dec 30 10:39:30 android:id="@+id/webView1" Dec 30 10:39:30 android:layout_width="match_parent" Dec 30 10:39:30 android:layout_height="match_parent" /> Dec 30 11:02:14 BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openStream())); why error "The constructor BufferedReader(InputStreamReader) is undefined"? Dec 30 11:03:19 Gah, does not reall yunderstand eclipse/adt. How do I edit the Manifest file? Dec 30 11:03:26 Cant find any filebrowser for the current project Dec 30 11:42:40 In ecliipse, when I want to create a new class, I choose "New", then I can pick everything from every possible perspective, the list is huge Dec 30 11:42:44 Should it be like that? Dec 30 11:42:46 (juno) Dec 30 12:29:27 Having some issues when running the Android emulator. Getting "terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::bad_alloc'". Tried to increase the RAM available to the emulator, but it can't be set any higher than 1152 MB. Any way to fix this? Dec 30 12:39:15 1152MB... sounds like an issue with running a 32bit emulator Dec 30 12:39:21 (or 32bit OS) Dec 30 12:39:28 brb Dec 30 12:40:54 hello guys, since the new android emulator update.. I am unable to make gps emulator works... Did I forget something ? Dec 30 12:50:52 Hi. Anyone here who knows how to display a second "page/view/layout" from a fragment list view? Would really appriciate some help. Dec 30 12:52:37 I can not return a view in the onItemClick method, so how do I start it? Dec 30 13:08:33 Can I have logcat not always on top? Dec 30 13:08:35 Using eclipse Dec 30 13:08:46 I hate to not be able to have it parallel with eclipse Dec 30 13:21:57 Is there any alternatives to logcat? Dec 30 13:27:31 an openGL question: anyone has any tips why a system call to eglSwapBuffers may occasionally take 18ms (instead of the usual 2-3) thus missing a frame? (got these numbers while profiling my app) Dec 30 13:50:28 hi, guys..please I have a problem with icon sizing on android..I am working on an app which is able to add various shortcut icons on homescreen and I have problem with sizing those icons. On phones it works well, icons are 48dp as written in docs, but on tablets the icons seems to be not 48dp, but 72dp…is it possible? FYI I am adjusting the actual size according to display metrics (mdpi, ldpi, ..) Dec 30 14:10:43 Hey Is it possible to create Content Providers programmatically? Dec 30 14:11:21 I guess not huh. They need to be registered in the manifest / Dec 30 14:11:46 at least to be discovered... Dec 30 14:15:17 i'm using ADT; whenever i mouseover some code to get an information box (or use content assist), it crashes in libjavascriptcoregtk::WTF::OSAllocator::reserveAndCommit. any ideas? it makes ADT basically impossible to use :( Dec 30 14:27:06 fwiw, seems like debian's libjavascriptcoregtk is rubbish. uninstalled it. fixed it. Dec 30 14:47:00 Hai Dec 30 14:47:28 I carnt seem to find the USB Driver for my specific table.t Dec 30 14:48:17 Anyone know where to find the USB driver for a Cyclone Voyager 7inch tablet? Dec 30 14:52:00 DrMushroom try the manufacturer's site Dec 30 14:52:10 carnt find it there. Dec 30 15:05:54 Hi, anyone knows where to buy a diagonal holder for phones, like shown in markets? Dec 30 15:10:32 insign que? Dec 30 15:11:51 xorgate, você fala português? Dec 30 15:12:15 no habla portugues Dec 30 15:15:57 xorgate, I'm a dev and I want a holder to test the phone Dec 30 15:16:09 not a dock for table Dec 30 15:22:10 guys, can you help me ? how can i effectively (which means dont bother with it few hours) align objects -> buttons -> on screen in gridlayout and support more screens? The thing is, i align 4 buttons in row, but in different dpi there are "randomly" customized . how can i controll it ? Dec 30 15:49:35 DOSP: linearlayout? Dec 30 15:50:05 * AmandaC isn't sure what the question is Dec 30 16:00:11 happy christmas Dec 30 16:00:12 no Grid Layout, because i need to align button (suma 23 buttons) into grid.. Dec 30 16:00:45 like 4 in row in 5 columns or so Dec 30 16:00:53 I see Dec 30 16:00:56 the chart: "total user installs" is a sumatory, never decreases, ok? Dec 30 16:01:42 sha0coder: it'd probably decrease if Google found evidence of artifical inflation Dec 30 16:02:38 artificial? Dec 30 16:03:05 what is an artificial inflation? Dec 30 16:03:14 false positives? Dec 30 16:03:49 sha0coder: people spamming the private API to ,ake it look like more people use their app than really do Dec 30 16:04:13 aa ok Dec 30 16:04:30 It's not something you should have to worry about unless you do something stupid like try and get fake positive reviews or similar Dec 30 16:05:06 isn't it calculated based on number of accounts that have the program linked? Dec 30 16:05:10 i'm interested to sell, not to fake anything Dec 30 16:05:24 pno clue Dec 30 16:05:29 err p_l no clue Dec 30 16:08:30 but this chart, is incremented when somebody pays Dec 30 16:08:39 then, an api spammer have to pay every time? Dec 30 16:08:41 probably Dec 30 16:08:45 * AmandaC shrugs Dec 30 16:45:15 Hi. I have a listview within a fragmented layout. How do I display a list item "page" when i click on a list item? Dec 30 16:46:25 I have get toast to echoing the list item title, but how do i change the view? Dec 30 16:49:32 How hard can it be?! Dec 30 16:49:36 Anyone= Dec 30 16:49:39 ?* Dec 30 16:55:06 hi, i heard that one can put custom widget in layout.xml using the "class='com.package.className" attribute, but on my machine it doesn't work, is that wrong? Dec 30 17:00:01 zhangxaochen: you can do Dec 30 17:01:50 AmandaC, yes i have tried that way and it really works, i just want to know if there is a second way Dec 30 17:02:03 zhangxaochen: not that I know of Dec 30 17:02:12 or have used Dec 30 17:23:36 hey folks Dec 30 17:23:44 strange behaviour i am not able to figure out Dec 30 17:23:58 i get a writabledb from dbopnehelper Dec 30 17:24:10 the insert works perfectly Dec 30 17:24:35 but when i try to read the values back in another activitiy they are missing Dec 30 17:24:52 when i populate the db during on create, it works perfectly well Dec 30 17:25:08 psockali: maybe you need to flush the database or something? Dec 30 17:25:20 but how do i do that Dec 30 17:25:28 i was looking for it Dec 30 17:25:35 do i decrement the reference count Dec 30 17:25:39 or do i use close ? Dec 30 17:29:03 psockali: probably close Dec 30 17:29:13 k, thx Dec 30 17:42:12 hello developers, if a app (whatsapp) crashes my whole phone when display is turned off and it comes a notification, is there something like a logfile i can look what exactly went wrong? Dec 30 17:42:33 adarc logcat Dec 30 17:42:49 but whatsapp might choose not to share its stacktrace Dec 30 17:43:40 dunno if it is a whatsapp problem, it worked fine until 1 hour ago, no updates installed nothing ... Dec 30 17:43:47 rebooted couple of times etc, weird. Dec 30 17:45:45 xorgate: so ... how do i autosave the log? have downloaded alogcat ... cant press save when it happens :( Dec 30 17:46:21 well you are in dev channel. so you might want to download sdk and look at logcat realtime in eclipse Dec 30 17:47:50 db.setTransactionSuccessful(); ... that actually mean, commit in android sqlite Dec 30 17:48:00 strange strange strange Dec 30 17:48:24 yeah that's odd Dec 30 18:17:49 Hi guys Dec 30 18:18:31 I was trying to get root on my phone, but now I'm stuck on the logo screen (boot) and the phone doesnt start Dec 30 18:18:32 hi all Dec 30 18:18:35 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=878446 Dec 30 18:18:37 lol Dec 30 18:18:43 I was following that tutorial Dec 30 18:18:55 marcogmonteiro: #android-root Dec 30 18:19:04 ah ok thanks AmandaC Dec 30 18:19:14 marcogmonteiro: you have to be patient, though Dec 30 18:19:43 no problem =) Dec 30 18:57:55 hi, i like the api guides on developer.android.com. I wonder if there is a version without frames as top-down html, as chm, or whatever suitable to be read on an e-book reader? Or suggest other [similar] resources, pls? Dec 30 19:02:26 Hi ppl, im trying to dev an app that creates a connection via ssh to my server, does anyone knows or could recommend me a good library to use to do this?? Dec 30 19:08:05 minin0: there are several opensource ssh/terminal implementations out Dec 30 19:09:23 tnx monsti, but the things is i have to develop an app on my android and this app has to create an ssh connection to my ssh server(pc) and im looking for a library to perform this.. Dec 30 19:09:38 minin0: yeah copied that Dec 30 19:10:01 i founded the jsch but when i run the app i got some errors Dec 30 19:10:23 and the app dont create the connection :S and im loking for some other libraries Dec 30 19:11:08 minin0: what's the real problem you want to solve when you have the ssh connection? Dec 30 19:12:31 ok let me explain a bit, i used jsch lib to create ssh connections from my tablet to pc , i used an example from the site that it supposed to run fine.. but when i upoad the app to the tablet and tun the code exactly when i want to create the connection i got an error Dec 30 19:12:39 and the connection is never establish Dec 30 19:13:13 minin0: whats the purpose of the ssh connection? a terminal emulation? a file transfer via scp? Dec 30 19:13:36 I have an alarmmanager service set up, but when I close the app the service stops getting called - is this because I defined the alarm manager in the mainactivity? And I should put it in the service? Dec 30 19:14:01 the main idea of my app is: create an ssh connection for tunneling Dec 30 19:14:28 minin0: to solve a problem or to lern coding? Dec 30 19:14:30 cuz i have a webserver so i want first the tablet connecto to ssh to tunnel and then to the web server Dec 30 19:14:48 this is the first error i got : com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: java.net.SocketException: socket failed: EACCES (Permission denied) Dec 30 19:14:48 i think i have a terminal app installed, that can do tunneling Dec 30 19:15:06 minin0: yeah you are creating a new port on the android device below 1080 Dec 30 19:15:12 that's a linux security exception Dec 30 19:15:23 chose a port >1080 on non rooted devices Dec 30 19:15:26 monsti: Android is 1080 instead of 1024? Dec 30 19:15:41 i try that Dec 30 19:15:45 i used port 9080 Dec 30 19:15:58 tried many other like 5555, 5050 Dec 30 19:16:06 or so and always got same error :S Dec 30 19:16:08 minin0: ... stupidest question, you have internet permission? Dec 30 19:16:15 yes Dec 30 19:16:21 well, it was a stupid question. Dec 30 19:16:41 cuz i installed an app from the store to do ssh connections and it works fine Dec 30 19:16:51 i mean the comercial app works fine Dec 30 19:16:57 i can access to my pc Dec 30 19:17:06 but not using my own app :/ Dec 30 19:17:08 ... I mean, the app you are writing has internet permission in its manifest? Dec 30 19:17:28 mmm .. i think i forget to check that Dec 30 19:17:40 give me a second :) maybe that could solve the problem :D Dec 30 19:17:56 alankila: thx for asking twice ;) Dec 30 19:18:48 it's a rookie mistake, is all Dec 30 19:19:36 ok already check Dec 30 19:19:45 and yeah i write that on the manifest Dec 30 19:19:47 well it's one of the features lint should really handle Dec 30 19:20:06 any other advice that could be? Dec 30 19:20:27 minin0: i suggest debuggin into the libraries Dec 30 19:20:41 even in the android source if needed Dec 30 19:22:46 is there any other permission i should declare ?? Dec 30 19:26:36 Noob question, but what's the difference between a Task and an Application? Dec 30 19:31:35 Is it possible to use e.g. the SwitchPreference in a normal activity? Dec 30 19:34:27 skfax: can't recommend it. Switchpreference is barely more than checkbox with label anyway. Dec 30 19:36:13 alankila: Ok. Trying to set up preferences + fragments which will be backwards compatible - so can't use the PreferenceFragment. Not using SharedPreferences, so might be easiest to just implement the different Preference functionality separately and use in a normal Fragment Dec 30 19:37:24 sounds like the sort of headache that makes me suggest just ignoring devices less than 4.0. :-p Dec 30 19:37:38 if you pretend really hard they don't exist, eventually you'll be right! Dec 30 19:38:16 eventually =) my app supported API 4+ atm, trying to keep it that way Dec 30 19:38:30 I'd like to crank it to 11 or something, but way too many users are still on GB Dec 30 19:38:46 Api 11 is as low as I'll go. Dec 30 19:39:09 http://developer.android.com/about/dashboards/index.html Dec 30 19:39:14 no point to support api4 if it gives you even the tiniest bit of headache Dec 30 19:39:30 api8 today is reasonable minimum for the maximalist folks who want to support practically everybody Dec 30 19:40:17 yeah, it's more that i don't get the benefits which help me until 11, so trying to avoid change for now Dec 30 19:42:04 had a break from android development, really nice using the updated SDK :D Dec 30 19:46:04 * p_l notes that new phones are still arriving with GB Dec 30 19:47:07 we'll never be rid of it. It's the featurephone of android or something. Dec 30 19:48:32 p_l: what's GB ? Dec 30 19:49:51 oh lord Dec 30 19:50:04 funkbox: Gingerbread Dec 30 19:50:16 alankila: lol, featurephone of android is 1.5 Dec 30 19:50:55 p_l: never underestimate the power of shifting goalposts Dec 30 19:51:24 alankila: And I'm saying this as someone who still sees phones whose last update was 2.1 Dec 30 19:51:25 alankila: hello old friend. still listening to mike oldfield in the inn of the prancing pony? Dec 30 19:51:34 it seems to me that this "real" issue of android fragmentation isn't yet on tech alarmists' radars Dec 30 19:51:50 matthewt: it seems you have me pinned, that's definitely me Dec 30 19:51:56 alankila: and which didn't have OTA updates, so most people have it on 1.5 Dec 30 19:52:32 if you have a phone that old you deserve it Dec 30 19:52:48 carriers like stable. 4.2.x is not stable. Dec 30 19:52:51 personally, I'm kind of spoiled since two days ago :) Dec 30 19:52:54 matthewt: unfortunately I haven't the foggiest idea who you are Dec 30 19:53:00 oh well Dec 30 19:53:18 pragma-: carriers just haven't had a chance to shit on it yet. give it a few months Dec 30 19:53:45 i'm sure samsung is diarrhea touchwiz all over 4.2 as we speak Dec 30 19:53:50 diarrheaing* Dec 30 19:55:02 luckily I already run 4.2 on samsung hardware thanks to cm Dec 30 19:55:16 i've been debating getting it on my s3 Dec 30 19:55:18 btw. did samsung fix the issue on the s3? Dec 30 19:56:30 I have no experience of 4.2 on S3, but it seems to run quite well with S2. Some graphics corruption on the soft keyboard though, but that's the only thing I've noticed and might be anything. Dec 30 19:57:06 it seems that when you press a key the popup appears and its borders are occasionally drawn incorrectly. It is just aesthetic glitch, as everything else is ok Dec 30 19:57:32 funkbox: I found that for most people, TouchWiz since SGS2 really doesn't impact them Dec 30 19:57:38 hell, some stuff I find nice Dec 30 19:58:17 i really really dislike it Dec 30 19:58:29 for example, the messaging app Dec 30 19:58:45 funkbox: it's you. I'm talking about normal people who don't do developement Dec 30 19:59:02 also, you can easily replace such annoyances... isn't handcent sms one of the more popular apps? Dec 30 19:59:21 eh i'm using go sms pro Dec 30 19:59:56 funkbox: see? Neither spells "TouchWiz" Dec 30 20:00:06 And both can be installed without root etc. Dec 30 20:05:33 Hey guys. How can I see the default values of settings like those found in build.prop? Dec 30 20:07:00 Example: I want to know what's the value for: ro.example.blah Dec 30 20:08:05 mlpokn: It's my understanding that ro.... is read only Dec 30 20:10:10 It might be. But I want to find out the values for different options, because not all of them are in build.prop Dec 30 20:10:17 Anybody? Dec 30 20:14:19 how do i contact google? ive been locked out of my email account and im NOT fucking linking my gmail accou t to my phone. ive refused to do this for the 3 fucking years they have been trying to get me to do it Dec 30 20:14:34 the only way they have of unlocking my gmail account is by LINKING IT TO MY FUCKING FONE Dec 30 20:14:42 i need to contact someone at google Dec 30 20:15:00 my fucking email account is my ONLY fucking way of getting work as a contractor. Dec 30 20:15:04 good luck Dec 30 20:15:43 * monsti detects I440r is an angry man Dec 30 20:16:20 what gave it away Dec 30 20:31:04 guys Dec 30 20:31:17 i need to make 5 buttons on the side of a 10.1" screen Dec 30 20:31:25 and also have some picture/logo display on the right side Dec 30 20:31:28 what layout do i use Dec 30 20:31:33 linear is only rows Dec 30 20:37:23 So does lsmod show all loaded kernel modules? Dec 30 20:37:55 I can't see the driver for my touchscreen even though it works Dec 30 20:38:33 borillion_: yes, but modules are not all that kernel can do. Feature can be built-in to the kernel and not loaded as module. Dec 30 20:40:36 Kk so build it with M in the menuconfig do the automatically get loaded at startup? Dec 30 20:40:54 i need to make 5 buttons on the side of a 10.1" screen Dec 30 20:40:56 and also have some picture/logo display on the right side Dec 30 20:40:57 what layout do i use Dec 30 20:41:23 Bitgod: linear layout -> linear layout Dec 30 20:41:33 borillion_: no. M means module. Automatic loading may or may not happen. Dec 30 20:41:38 Bitgod: also, don't try every 9 minutes,l that's just spam Dec 30 20:42:04 Kk thanks alankila Dec 30 20:42:30 pl dpttu Dec 30 20:42:34 I am not sure how android does this. On normal linux there's a thing called udev that apparently does the driver loading Dec 30 20:42:41 AmandaC: wtf? 2 linear layouts? Dec 30 20:42:46 might be there's simply static list of modules to load somewhere in the operating system image. Dec 30 20:43:24 So ill check there for udev first Dec 30 20:43:24 Bitgod: yes, what's wrong with that? Dec 30 20:43:33 cuz linear is this: Dec 30 20:43:35 ------------------------- Dec 30 20:43:37 ------------------------- Dec 30 20:43:38 etc Dec 30 20:43:42 i need a BIG image Dec 30 20:43:47 not a tiny one between 2 lines Dec 30 20:43:50 borillion_: most drivers on android phones are compiled in, the few modules are insmoded by a script Dec 30 20:43:57 Bitgod: no, linear is whatever orientation you tell it to be Dec 30 20:44:06 o, hmm ill look into it Dec 30 20:44:13 * AmandaC rolls her eyes Dec 30 20:44:14 if udev is in use, it's a very limited variant of it (possibly mdev from busybox) Dec 30 20:50:32 Is it possible to vertically middle-align two different textappearance sizes of TextView? Dec 30 20:53:14 AmandaC Dec 30 20:53:21 its not allowing me to place a 2nd layout Dec 30 20:53:28 i get the NO icon Dec 30 20:53:31 intellijidea Dec 30 20:53:32 P_l Im building a kernel Dec 30 20:54:15 Bitgod: you have to put it inside the first one Dec 30 20:54:36 oh Dec 30 20:55:16 erm Dec 30 20:55:24 its doing it still Dec 30 20:55:27 ------------------ Dec 30 20:55:28 ------------------ Dec 30 20:55:55 Somewhere int he propeties menu it should have a "Orientation" field Dec 30 20:56:11 if not, go to the xml and add android:orientation="horizontal" Dec 30 20:56:33 http://picpaste.com/layout-rrEFT08z.png Dec 30 20:56:34 here Dec 30 20:56:36 ok Dec 30 20:58:12 nope :< Dec 30 20:58:14 still the same 2 Dec 30 21:06:31 I'm making an alarm app but I have a problem when one alarm starts on top of the other, i have mediaplayer playing music during the alarm but when a new alarm is triggered when another is playing it is shown allright but mediaplayer keeps playing the old music Dec 30 21:07:16 basically i want a way to finish existing alarmActivities if a new one gets called Dec 30 21:07:42 oh what's it called Dec 30 21:07:47 singleTop Dec 30 21:08:40 well actually it works well enough that all alarms play the music simultaneously Dec 30 21:08:51 but still that's not what i want :D Dec 30 21:09:56 can someone help me w/ my layout Dec 30 21:10:21 ono its him again :p Dec 30 21:10:29 " Dec 30 21:10:31 "/ Dec 30 21:10:33 er :/ Dec 30 21:10:39 hehehe Dec 30 21:12:16 speakingcode-wor: singleTop oh yes that looks interesting Dec 30 21:13:01 whatever property that's for, read about it Chilley Dec 30 21:15:03 Speaking of layouts... is it possible to vertically middle-align two TextViews that are different textappearance sizes (both just inside a RelativeLayout)? Or will that require some layout nesting or something? Dec 30 21:16:47 borillion_: then I recommend grabbing a copy of an existing kernel;s config file Dec 30 21:16:57 i always use nested layouts Dec 30 21:17:41 monsti: to accomplish that particular task (middle alignment)? Dec 30 21:18:19 KaosMcRage: well if this is the only nested layout? why not Dec 30 21:18:27 gain perfection? Dec 30 21:18:27 speakingcode-wor: it seems to be what i want, I just need to implement this onNewIntent method Dec 30 21:19:38 Yep got one turned on usbtouchscreen support but the driver needs fixing, but it doesnt seem its loading that as the behavoir is not corrected. I have a feeling it's loading something else Dec 30 21:19:58 monsti: I've only just begun, so who knows what will pop up next. But I can try nested layouts for this and see how it goes. Just didn't know if there was some easier way to do it like android:layout_alignMiddle or something. Dec 30 21:20:35 KaosMcRage: well yeah - be careful with older tutorials Dec 30 21:20:54 KaosMcRage: nestet layouts are in general a bad idea - in 2009 with 300mhz cpus Dec 30 21:21:07 borillion_: modules aren't autoloaded on android Dec 30 21:21:41 Yea I figured that Dec 30 21:21:52 monsti: oh? Hmm. Well that certainly isn't my target demographic, but I wouldn't mind being able to run on those devices as well as current ones. Without nested layouts, how would you do it? Dec 30 21:22:31 KaosMcRage: yeah it's a performance thing Dec 30 21:22:55 KaosMcRage: when sorting 10 numbers on a 2 GHz cpu you can even use boubble sort Dec 30 21:26:19 monsti: don't need 2GHz cpu for that :) Dec 30 21:27:07 p_l: well my point is - it doesn't matter ;) only for guys shooting for perfection at the wrong place Dec 30 21:27:47 monsti: yes, but that assumes you're alone on the target machine Dec 30 21:28:19 need help with my app, have problem saving data to database and showing it in app... please pm if you have time... Dec 30 21:28:22 monsti: Out of curiosity, what's the alternative method? Dec 30 21:28:59 KaosMcRage: paste the xml code to nopaste or something else Dec 30 21:29:04 i'll have a look at it Dec 30 21:39:11 monsti: PM sent, thanks Dec 30 21:45:34 KaosMcRage: well - really read about layouts Dec 30 21:46:09 a lecture via irc is not what you need Dec 30 21:47:07 KaosMcRage: you can use a linear layout with vertical orientation and center_horizontal gravity Dec 30 22:03:21 * capella wanders back to mozilla Dec 30 22:08:24 btw, has anyone tried qi4j on android? (http://qi4j.org) Dec 30 22:08:37 that is, for developing applications Dec 30 22:09:40 oooohhhh .... "leverage my experience" :p Dec 30 22:11:22 p_l: does roboguice do a similar thing? Dec 30 22:11:30 Out of curiosity where are modules that we insmod kept? Dec 30 22:11:35 that's what i am currently using for injection Dec 30 22:12:04 monsti: no Dec 30 22:12:12 borillion_: /system/lib/modules Dec 30 22:13:24 monsti: roboguice is just a bunch of nice stuff using guice (an inversion-of-control mechanism). This is concerned with *objects*, isntead of classes, and composing said objects from various elements that cater only to those things Dec 30 22:13:27 So ie libssl.so Dec 30 22:13:51 libssl.so would be in /system/lib (as it's a shared library) Dec 30 22:13:59 mind you, some modules will be in initrd usually Dec 30 22:14:14 (because they can't be compiled in, but are required for boot, like NAND drivers etc.) Dec 30 22:15:07 monsti: Will investgiate. Thanks for the direction. Dec 30 22:17:00 KaosMcRage: the eclipse designer can help - but you have to setup & understand the base layouts by yourseflf Dec 30 22:17:54 monsti: Yeah, understood. Dec 30 22:19:30 how do i get cookies to work under HttpURLConnection with API level 8? Dec 30 22:24:16 is it possible to get a set of AsyncTasks to work on a seperate thread? Dec 30 22:25:09 with AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR i can make own threads for them all but i need to have this set of tasks queued Dec 30 22:33:05 I have a question about the CursorAdapter (which is being used with a Resolver and LoadManager). How do I retrieve extra data? In my case, I'd like to retrieve User.name in a cursor about Calls which references UUID from User.uuid (not _id) Dec 30 22:33:09 ? Dec 30 22:34:24 need help with my app, have problem saving data to database and showing it in app... please pm if you have time... Dec 30 22:35:34 Can I do: ContentResolver contact = context.getContentResolver(); inside my bindview? Dec 30 22:45:49 guys, Is there any way to include Linear HORIZONTAL layout - IN - Linear Vertical layout ? so i can have objects in Grid -> Dont want to use GridLayout since it wont work on older android versions Dec 30 22:46:56 GridLayout works on API 7+ in standalone form Dec 30 22:48:02 really ? okay then, what to do that it will actually work ? ive been playing with grid layout all day and i cant align objects NICELY in equal grid .. always throws few of them somewhere away Dec 30 22:48:31 it will always throw few of them totally away..* Dec 30 22:57:20 how do i make a copyright symbol for textview? Dec 30 23:02:29 u00A9 Dec 30 23:06:41 can you pass object references in binders? Dec 30 23:07:34 Bitgod: © copy paste that Dec 30 23:08:07 or you can do Html.fromHtml(…) Dec 30 23:09:00 ... or \u00A9 as monsti said Dec 30 23:10:58 or you can engage a consultant to do it for you Dec 30 23:11:08 Is there anything that will let me VNC / view a device's screen over USB? Dec 30 23:11:27 Oh. Never mind. Google knows. Dec 30 23:11:30 what's the recommended way to have a service callback to an activity? Dec 30 23:11:41 the activity is requesting work done by the activity Dec 30 23:11:43 err. service Dec 30 23:11:53 and when the service is done, I'd like it to invoke a callback to the activity Dec 30 23:12:09 the service is in a different process Dec 30 23:12:23 the activity communicates to the service via an AIDL binder interface Dec 30 23:14:04 is there any nice class that i can use to store a songlength in milliseconds and the request it for minutes and seconds? Dec 30 23:14:11 or do i have to do this manually Dec 30 23:14:52 Chilley: you probably have to do it yourself, but it's not that hard Dec 30 23:15:08 Chilley: sec = time/1000; minute = sec / 60 Dec 30 23:15:16 then modulo sec by 60 Dec 30 23:15:38 why miliseconds ? Dec 30 23:16:16 there's a whole bunch of date and time classes that can do all that Dec 30 23:17:21 using a date class for small pieces of trivial arithmetic is probably not prudent Dec 30 23:17:28 though whatever Dec 30 23:18:20 probably even MessageFormat.format("{0,date,mm:ss}", new Date(durationMs)) would do it Dec 30 23:18:23 I'm trying to run the SDK under Fedora 17. It starts up, I can launch the wizard. But none of the links on the opening page do anything (i.e. clicking on "Build Your First App" does _nothing_.) Dec 30 23:25:54 Zzeiss: I don't remember that working for me either, but I stopped using eclipse awahie ago Dec 30 23:27:38 Hurm... it's a link to a URL. Copy/pasting does open it.... but man, that's a bug of the first water. Dec 30 23:29:00 Oh look, a channel for us noobs to ask around in :) Dec 30 23:32:13 anyone used to ProgressDialogs? I replaced by progressbars to progressdialogs and the app started craching. I do run them in runOnUiThread() and it works. I show it when I do some load and then open a new activity. But if I press the "back" button, then click same button again (or another button which will show progressbar) it dies. Sometimes it survives the second dialog but not the third. Sometimes dies on first. Dec 30 23:32:24 Someone got experience with this behaviour and have a neat solution? :) Dec 30 23:33:13 how do i get cookies to work under HttpURLConnection with API level 8? Dec 30 23:40:48 sleepster: if you're already using AIDL, you can export AIDL interface from activity Dec 30 23:52:23 thanks p_l Dec 30 23:52:35 so I would just create another AIDL Dec 30 23:52:42 that has the callback signature? Dec 30 23:52:50 yes. Dec 30 23:52:57 And you'd export that interface from Activity Dec 30 23:53:12 and pass a reference to it in some call to service Dec 30 23:57:16 Is there any way to switch back and forth between testing an app on live hardware (a Nexus 7) and the simulator without plugging back and forth? Dec 31 00:01:02 intelliJ has a compile/run dialog Dec 31 00:01:19 asks you which way to go Dec 31 00:01:23 capella: I'm in Eclipse. Dec 31 00:01:32 ah Dec 31 00:01:48 I'd think it would too Dec 31 00:02:00 (don't know) Dec 31 00:09:05 How do I add elements to something in a scrollview from the bottom up? Dec 31 00:12:14 android:stackFromBottom="true" ? Dec 31 00:12:32 awlei: why do you need to do that exactly? You know ListView has TranscriptMode Dec 31 00:13:55 Napalm: I'm still sort of learning. Dec 31 00:14:10 some of these weird questions are kinda interesting :p Dec 31 00:15:09 awlei: one would normally use transcriptMode on a ListView because it recycles its views and the data for display can be backed by an adapter Dec 31 00:15:41 All right, I'll check that out next then, thanks. Dec 31 00:16:11 but you could always add a LinearLayout to a ScrollView and set the gravity to bottom and then use addView() to append views to the LinearLayout Dec 31 00:16:52 but this would not be a nice way of doing it, first off it doesnt recycle the views (you would have to do that yourself) and it doesnt provide a link to the backing data Dec 31 00:17:08 What do you mean by recycling the views? Dec 31 00:17:31 lets say you are scrolling though your phones contacts Dec 31 00:18:09 once a contact item goes out of the top of the screen that view is then re-used aka recycled to provide the item view that then comes in from the bottom of the screen Dec 31 00:19:40 So it saves on memory? Dec 31 00:20:06 yes and cpu Dec 31 00:20:18 Ah, all right. Dec 31 00:20:26 the more views you have the more the OS has to do to layout and draw your "screen" Dec 31 00:21:15 Makes sense, thanks. Dec 31 00:21:25 whats the proper way to update an actionbar item in say my activity's onresume? Dec 31 00:21:42 when a certain condition is met i want to change the text in a menu item Dec 31 00:24:59 xorgate: invalidateOptionsMenu() and do it onPrepareOptionsMenu() Dec 31 00:27:30 I have a question about the CursorAdapter (which is being used with a Resolver and LoadManager). How do I retrieve extra data? In my case, I'd like to retrieve User.name in a cursor about Calls which references UUID from User.uuid (not _id)? Dec 31 00:27:34 Can I do: ContentResolver contact = context.getContentResolver(); inside my bindview? Dec 31 00:36:30 Napalm cheers Dec 31 00:36:37 np Dec 31 00:37:50 thanks p_l for the help Dec 31 00:51:00 does anyone know why MediaPlayer.getCurrentPosition() returns 1561028000 when there is no media loaded Dec 31 00:52:42 why does the Android UI hate good design so much? Dec 31 00:54:22 Chilley, looks like maybe an int_max Dec 31 00:54:42 Pfhoenix: projection much? Dec 31 00:54:59 Pfhoenix: it doesn't do so, especially not since 3.0+ time Dec 31 00:55:39 actually i dont Dec 31 00:55:43 os Dec 31 00:55:44 ops Dec 31 01:21:18 p_l, above you mentioned that the activity would "export" the interface.. sorry but I am a bit confused on what that means Dec 31 01:21:30 I did a bit of research and this is what I've come up with Dec 31 01:21:58 I would create an AIDL for my service that also describes the callback (IRemoteService and IRemoteServiceCallback). Dec 31 01:22:24 then, I would have my client send me an object of type (IRemoteServiceCallback) and when I want to notify it Dec 31 01:22:29 I would just invoke the methods on that object Dec 31 01:22:30 heya, I am tyring to use maven projects, within eclipse. Problem is that 1) Simple maven java projects sucessfully exec mvn install from cli and eclipse.... 2) Android maven project exec mvn install works from cli, but not eclipse. I'm missing some android+eclipse specific setting.. as it works fine for a simple java project. Ideas? Dec 31 01:24:30 sleepster: well, that :) Dec 31 01:28:39 hello guys Dec 31 01:28:55 near up action at action bar Dec 31 01:29:01 what title do you put ? Dec 31 01:29:13 i mean it is relevant to current activity or to upper activity? Dec 31 01:29:56 'upper' ? Dec 31 01:30:08 the parent .. Dec 31 01:30:14 current Dec 31 01:30:21 as they say up is different than back Dec 31 01:30:40 actionbar is relevant to what you can see Dec 31 01:36:45 is anyone able to get this project building? Dec 31 01:36:45 https://github.com/jfeinstein10/SlidingMenu Dec 31 01:54:31 where can i go to talk about custom roms etc Dec 31 01:54:42 #android-root Dec 31 01:54:45 thanks Dec 31 01:55:11 * AmandaC thinks we need to get the neon sign repaired Dec 31 01:55:57 sorry AmandaC should have read the topic Dec 31 01:58:28 jk' Dec 31 02:01:28 this may be out of scope but how does one find documentation on kernel modules, some lack documentation Dec 31 02:06:51 I'm having a few issues with my app Dec 31 02:07:25 so I have a ListFragment which is populated from a cursor Dec 31 02:07:50 when the screen rotates, it causes my database to be requeried Dec 31 02:08:26 it might not be a huge deal, but I think it would make sense to reuse the same cursor Dec 31 02:09:55 well Dec 31 02:10:10 its probably not the same listitems that are visib;e Dec 31 02:10:49 hi, i want to shedule a timer again and again, but even if it executed allready i get an crash because the "TimerTask is scheduled already". how do i execute it several times? Dec 31 02:12:10 ah guess i can crosspost in #java Dec 31 02:14:26 xorgate: can I reused the same SimpleCursorAdapter? Dec 31 02:14:43 or even just the same cursor? Dec 31 02:14:55 i think the listview takes care of it? Dec 31 02:14:58 not sure Dec 31 02:15:39 i might just leave it the way it is. Although it's unnecessarily requerying, the app is still responsive Dec 31 02:17:03 my other problem is that I get an InstanceCountViolation on rotate Dec 31 02:17:33 it does not create more than two Dec 31 02:32:03 does anyone know how fast the timer is and is there something more precise or shorter? Dec 31 02:32:25 "the timer"? Dec 31 02:33:33 i turn on the flash LED with a java timer set to 1ms and i'd like to have a shorter pulse than i see Dec 31 02:34:10 shorter times would allow a flash that looks more dim Dec 31 02:34:32 and if it is really fast I could have a dimmable torch by using PWM Dec 31 02:34:42 you dont need less than a millisecond Dec 31 02:34:49 does an LED have a switching capacity in the 1ms range?? Dec 31 02:34:59 thats another point Dec 31 02:35:49 capella|zZzZz, i would guess. if i turn it off and on with 1ms timers running it other its flickering verry verry much and the timing is not consistent Dec 31 02:36:45 cougarten: that could be caused by other problems. if you really want to test it then use a delay loop in a thread. Dec 31 02:36:53 I really doubt you'd have the capability to do that from userspace Dec 31 02:37:05 ok, maybe the smarter way anyhow :) Dec 31 02:37:44 cougarten: but all this is really an abuse of the hardware, why dont you just take a look at the /proc namespace, my last htc phone had a /proc/led/brightness entry which you could write a 1 to 255 number to change the led brightness Dec 31 02:38:10 Napalm, mine only has 3 values, i tried that Dec 31 02:38:30 cool ... very loosely related http://www.electronics-related.com/usenet/basics/show/29781-1.php Dec 31 02:38:32 i have 0 = off, 1 == on and 3 == flash Dec 31 02:38:55 :) Dec 31 02:39:02 cougarten: ive done hardware pwm brightness of an LED in my own electronics projects Dec 31 02:39:14 but not on your android i guess Dec 31 02:39:21 cougarten: doing this with your phone from a application (userspace) is completely different Dec 31 02:39:28 i know... Dec 31 02:39:38 maybe i should get out the arduino... Dec 31 02:39:45 Napalm: I wouldn't htink it possible from the layer that Android apps are at Dec 31 02:39:48 but i need something portable... Dec 31 02:40:03 and a bright LED :) Dec 31 02:40:28 and adjustable sliders..... Dec 31 02:40:30 cougarten: what are you trying to do, like, to what end? Dec 31 02:40:37 so get a battery, LED, and a pot and your done Dec 31 02:40:40 lol Dec 31 02:42:03 cougarten: you could always get one of those slider pot's they use on dj equipment Dec 31 02:42:11 AmandaC, i want to have a fine-tuned strobo for fotos. And if it has more than on and off, like fades, it was even better. I also want an optional final brighter flash triggering on button up Dec 31 02:43:01 Use the NDK C time libraries? Dec 31 02:43:28 cougarten: the phone hardware is not designed for this purpose, i wouldnt recommend it, why not attach a device to the usb port and use the ADK Dec 31 02:43:29 cougarten: I see. Dec 31 02:44:10 Napalm, I know, 2 potis, a toggle button, a normal button, an arduino, a battery, an LED, and some soldering will get me there too. (but i got this phone right here, battery+buttons+touchscreen+LED+processor all included) Dec 31 02:44:44 Napalm, would ADB be fast enough for PWM? Dec 31 02:44:56 yes, but switching a high current led on and off has lots of other affects Dec 31 02:45:08 Hi, quick question about threads (AsyncTask). I have a AsyncTask which (re)connects a socket and reports if the socket has (dis/)connected via publishProgress. I get a IllegalMonitorStateException (object not locked before by thread before wait) http://pastebin.com/8Ld8aNM4 Dec 31 02:45:11 Napalm, which? Dec 31 02:46:35 The publishProgress callback only has this line: Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(), connected ? R.string.msg_connection_success : R.string.msg_connection_failure, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show(); Dec 31 02:46:39 cougarten: well dependant on the freqency you might get EMI interference inside the device that might effect other parts of the device. Not to mention the the potential pull on the battery. you also get AC / Hysteresis artifacts Dec 31 02:47:03 Napalm, ah, ok, doesn't sound very good (: Dec 31 02:47:08 cougarten: ADB is slow Dec 31 02:47:29 Napalm, i thought i'd be save buying a spare LED Dec 31 02:48:10 cougarten: it all depends on the hardware, if its suppose to to do it, ie) the drivers gives a brightness control then its fine, they have designed the hardware for PWM, if not, you risk damage or other issues. its that simple. Dec 31 02:49:02 dkuypers: i have a solution for you, one moment Dec 31 02:49:16 great :) Dec 31 02:49:40 dkuypers: watch this presentation, it explains your problems, http://www.infoq.com/presentations/Concurrency-Android Dec 31 02:51:18 cougarten: if you want to try using your phone's led i can make a recommendation on how to proceed. but you are taking all the liabilty if you break your phone Dec 31 02:52:17 Napalm, I'm willing to take the risk, or at least want to know what idea you have :) Dec 31 02:52:56 first, what method are you currently using to switching your led on and off? Dec 31 02:53:36 cougarten: ^ Dec 31 02:53:59 setFlashMode(FLASH_MODE_TORCH); setParameters; and timers (but I'd replace those with a thread) Dec 31 02:54:42 the other way was to write to the brightness file thing at /sys/devices/platform/flashlight.0/leds/flashlight/brightness Dec 31 02:55:29 cougarten: well you need to time each method for the latency of a single switch on and off Dec 31 02:55:34 I'm using SherlockActionBar. I'm trying to implement Tab Navigation. I've created two classes that extend SherlockFragment. I've added two tabs to switch between the two fragments using a TabListener. When my app loads it shows the layout from the first fragment, but when I select the second tab, the view from the first fragment is still shown. Any tips to figuring out the problem ? Dec 31 02:55:37 use http://developer.android.com/reference/java/lang/System.html#nanoTime%28%29 for that Dec 31 02:55:37 Is there any sort of way to make a "global wrapper" function ? Dec 31 02:56:11 For example, in python, it's possible to make a function that takes args and kwargs Dec 31 02:56:21 cougarten: once you get your latency for each method you know what the highest freqency you can reach and if it would work for your requirements Dec 31 02:56:34 Napalm, i see Dec 31 02:56:54 nevermind, i forgot to call commit on the FragmentTransaction object in onTabUnselected Dec 31 02:56:59 What class should I use to make an HTTP request Dec 31 02:57:20 is there anything wrong with url.openStream() ? Dec 31 02:57:31 RustyShackleford: http://android-developers.blogspot.hk/2011/09/androids-http-clients.html Dec 31 02:58:16 cougarten: if so, then you need to make a very optimized delay loop to control the hardware, if your doing PWM then this would be a pre-allocated array of future time indexes, when the system tick reaches the next time delta index you xor your switch to achieve your on/off Dec 31 02:58:26 Napalm, to be realistic: I think I'll try the write method (if i can turn the high brightness of early and fast enough) for low frequency strobe only and live with that :) Dec 31 02:58:39 ah, i see Dec 31 02:58:49 Leeds: I've seen that page, but I've seen other advice on StackOverflow Dec 31 02:58:59 RustyShackleford: that page is canonical Dec 31 02:59:04 (not Canonical) Dec 31 02:59:08 :) Dec 31 02:59:15 now is the HttpURLConnection object necessary? Dec 31 02:59:19 cougarten: so this allocate array would say contain 1 seconds worth of time delta based off of 1 second, you then wait for the timer to elapse a modules of 1 second and then you can start testing against the stored deltas Dec 31 02:59:28 cougarten: something along those lines Dec 31 02:59:41 Napalm, thank you very much, very interesting (: Dec 31 02:59:45 cougarten: if you can achieve what you want in C/C++ using NDK even better **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Dec 31 02:59:59 2012