**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Apr 25 02:59:59 2013 Apr 25 03:02:33 StingRay_, it would probably take too long... =( Apr 25 03:02:33 gotta finish this up in the next two weeks, and there is more to do beyond this Apr 25 03:03:11 so stuck and being desperate, in a paused state, or progress with something else ? hmmm Apr 25 03:03:31 is it not a good lib then ? this graphView ? Apr 25 03:09:57 i would say definitely not Apr 25 03:10:10 since the demo code doesn't even work like the youtube video does Apr 25 03:18:14 StingRay_, it would take me too long to learn how to implement this myself, and i don't think the other recommended graphing libs do dynamic graphs (required) Apr 25 03:26:12 Hey guys, how do I center action buttons in the Notification? Apr 25 04:30:29 Does anyone know if there is a FreeBSD android SDK ? Apr 25 04:31:31 doubt it Apr 25 04:31:45 not out of the question I would think Apr 25 04:31:52 but not an easy task Apr 25 04:35:11 a lot of it's java Apr 25 04:35:23 have you tried the linux version? Apr 25 04:36:58 Aren't there a lot of FreeBSD <-> Linux tools? Apr 25 04:56:19 if i wanted to make an app accessable to other apps through an intent filter, to say save a url and description (which is already part of the app) how do I go about doing this? Apr 25 05:13:28 whats a good synonym for data structure? Apr 25 05:36:28 bit group organizational unit Apr 25 05:36:59 data structure seems very straightforward and clear. what are you trying to describe? Apr 25 05:53:45 hOw do I check Apr 25 05:53:59 So right now I have a Viewpager and something with radio groups Apr 25 05:54:13 If a certain radio button is checked, a popup window shows Apr 25 05:54:32 But, if you navigate back to the fragment via the view pager and the radio button is checked, the popup window always shows up and the user has to dismiss it Apr 25 05:54:35 how would I fix this bug . . . ? Apr 25 05:55:03 give something else the default focus with Apr 25 05:55:18 JackWharton: trying to come up with the name of the superclass of the data structure to hold some common primitives and some implemented data content for uploading/use in an adapter Apr 25 05:55:59 Let's try that. Apr 25 06:00:59 Hmmm Apr 25 06:01:00 That didn't fix it. Apr 25 06:03:38 does anyone know if using a callback in a derived class if the superclass is implementing the interface will work? Apr 25 06:04:27 Well requestFocus didn't work, I'm running out of ideas here . . . Apr 25 06:04:48 viiralvx: what do you mean by "navigate back to the fragment via the view pager" Apr 25 06:05:10 i believe the radio button listener has a bool if the checking was the result of a user event Apr 25 06:05:10 lasserix: Click on the tab/section on the view pager or scrolling back. Apr 25 06:05:37 *oncheckchangedlistener i thin Apr 25 06:05:52 It does have an onCheckChanged listener Apr 25 06:05:58 oh nm Apr 25 06:06:03 But not a property of "from user". Apr 25 06:06:35 you can use a boolean to check whether it is checked as a result of the user event, then only open the window Apr 25 06:07:18 Hmmm Apr 25 06:07:50 How would I do that? Apr 25 06:08:22 I cant remember how I did it, but one way is give all your buttons a touchlistener, then use that to set the bool to true Apr 25 06:08:48 return false so it still propogates, but i dont know if the checkedchangelistener will fire first so log it Apr 25 06:10:16 Yeah, I was using an onClickListener beforehand . . . Apr 25 06:11:03 after choosing the option to always run on a certain device, i try to reset that by going in to the run and debug configuration and choosing "always prompt" for target but still it launches on the first device. wtf? Apr 25 06:11:04 that would work too Apr 25 06:15:02 lasserix: oncheckedchanged always gets fired off before onclick Apr 25 06:15:42 what about touch? Apr 25 06:17:42 hiho, is anyone here? Apr 25 06:18:23 Just bots and monkeys with typewriters Apr 25 06:18:43 i'm an ape, not a monkey Apr 25 06:18:59 I'm Apr 25 06:19:00 An idiot. Apr 25 06:19:02 -__-- Apr 25 06:19:06 ciurkut: oh yeah idiots and apes too :) Apr 25 06:19:08 It was an easy fix Apr 25 06:19:11 For the Viewpager Apr 25 06:19:13 I forgot about the Apr 25 06:19:20 "onTabSelected/onTabReselected" methods Apr 25 06:19:28 cool Apr 25 06:19:35 Just as easy as setting a boolean to make sure that the input is coming from the user and not from tab navigation. Apr 25 06:19:37 Welp. Apr 25 06:19:41 Done with ym research now Apr 25 06:19:56 it's 2:20 AM and I have class at 9:00 AM. . . oh boy, college is such a fun time. Apr 25 06:20:41 i want to make listview with rows filled with imageview of patterns tiled to fit width of screen Apr 25 06:20:58 JakeWharton, I noticed... I just didn't notice the artifactId change at first Apr 25 06:21:22 ah, right. forgot about that. it actually happened in 4.2.0 but I published a 'moved' pom for the old artifact id Apr 25 06:21:25 cirukut: if your rows use linearlayout you can use layout_weight to equally space your tiles Apr 25 06:21:43 but my wouldnt it slow my app Apr 25 06:22:00 to make pattern background everytime in getview? Apr 25 06:22:06 of adapter? Apr 25 06:22:18 uhh Apr 25 06:22:46 i mean i have small background files like 20px x20px Apr 25 06:22:52 depends on what you're doing, but if you keep each row view hierarchy from getting too nested it should be okay? Apr 25 06:23:28 and i want listview to be populated with backgrounds that consists of those backgroundfiles tiled to fit the width Apr 25 06:23:29 you could also just a gridview Apr 25 06:25:32 http://i.stack.imgur.com/ojhy1.jpg Apr 25 06:25:39 i want this to be something like this Apr 25 06:25:44 but in row Apr 25 06:25:51 only imageview with background Apr 25 06:25:56 to fit width :c Apr 25 06:39:47 another question is wallpaper size of fullscreen resolution or fullscreen -statusbar? Apr 25 06:40:18 fullscreen Apr 25 06:40:35 thanks Apr 25 06:44:15 is there a way to append newlines to a stringbuilder? Apr 25 06:44:26 .append('\n') Apr 25 06:44:38 err doh Apr 25 06:44:39 yeah Apr 25 06:44:49 thanks was reading c# so question ;p Apr 25 06:45:22 you can also use System.getProperty("line.separator") for cross-platform nonsense Apr 25 06:45:44 and be sure to cache it. e.g., private static final String NEWLINE = System.getProperty(...); Apr 25 06:49:18 ahh thanks Apr 25 06:49:54 if this is within android framework, is it necessary to use getProperty? Apr 25 06:50:20 no Apr 25 06:58:06 you can't request focus on a view group can you? Apr 25 07:02:07 version 1.8 of gnu ed released! all you intellij/eclipse/vim/emacs suckas ! Apr 25 07:03:31 lasserix: if it's focusable, yes Apr 25 07:03:54 ahh okay Apr 25 07:03:59 i just put a hidden edit text for now Apr 25 07:08:23 I need a fast way to create a unique representation of a set of object instances of mixed types with minimal allocations Apr 25 07:08:44 I was thinking hashCode algorithm of their hashCodes (or integer representations) Apr 25 07:08:55 anything else I should look at/try? Apr 25 07:09:53 'not sue what you are asking. Not IdentityHashMap ? Apr 25 07:10:38 a close analogous would be creating a cache key from a set of params Apr 25 07:11:14 like, /user/54/record/1234 might become "user-54-record-1234" if I were using strings Apr 25 07:11:48 and had Info{user=54,record=1234} as an object Apr 25 07:12:49 basically, given an object whose fields have values create a unique key as fast and as "free" as possible Apr 25 07:13:45 hashCode just seemed like an obvious solution Apr 25 07:15:24 it seems like an obvious solution - can you not open up the scope because the fields are private (classes aren't yours?) Apr 25 07:16:12 everything is mine but i need to determine if two created objects represent the same thing quickly Apr 25 07:17:33 i'm doing human-readable strings right now because it used to be fast enough but it seems that's not really the case Apr 25 07:17:52 i'll do hashcode with benchmarks and allocation tracker and see where we land Apr 25 07:21:42 is there a way to make an inputtable view widget (edit text) go to the top of the device's viewable area anytime it's clicked? Apr 25 07:22:24 I have the problem that the boss wants the home fragment to have centered title/edit text, but if i use autocompletetextview the suggestions appear above the edit text Apr 25 07:30:46 JakeWharton: i'm sure you saw this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/263400/what-is-the-best-algorithm-for-an-overridden-system-object-gethashcode Apr 25 07:31:50 yep that's basically what i'm doing Apr 25 07:31:57 except with 37, of course Apr 25 07:34:04 So I'm trying to make a notification inside an smsReceiver class. I have NotificationCompat.Builder builder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this), and eclipse says "The constructor NotificationCompat.Builder(smsReceiver) is undefined. What am I doing wrong? Apr 25 07:34:53 you need to pass a context Apr 25 07:35:08 your 'this' is probably an inner-class of something, I assume? Apr 25 07:35:14 try OuterClass.this instead Apr 25 07:35:47 OuterClass cannot be resolved to a type Apr 25 07:37:11 i didn't mean literally Apr 25 07:37:31 you need to pass a context as the argument to the builder Apr 25 07:38:35 why does every example have (this)? Apr 25 07:39:06 probably because they are creating it inside of a context (e.g., activity) Apr 25 07:40:36 this is running in a broadcast receiver, and I'm trying to create a notification with a pendingintent which will start the app if not started Apr 25 07:41:19 so what context would I use? Apr 25 07:41:39 the broadcast receiver gets a context, but I don't know if it's a good one for this Apr 25 07:41:46 it is, use that Apr 25 07:44:17 hmm. ok. so I want the pendingintent to start MainActivity.class in my app. I tried specifying it as MainActivity.class and also as com.mystuff.MainActivity.class, neither of which it can resolve. Do you know how I would specify it? Apr 25 07:50:16 resolve in code editor or resolve in app stack? Apr 25 08:01:43 shouldn't onCreate get called when including another layout for the activity mapped to this layout? Apr 25 08:05:56 I'm doing a phonegap app, and R.anything is undefined. Anyone know how to fix it? Apr 25 08:06:11 I have getMenuInflater().inflate(R.menu.activity_main, menu); and R.menu is undefined Apr 25 08:06:32 or rather menu is Apr 25 08:06:39 undefined Apr 25 08:10:43 did you declare a menu XML Apr 25 08:10:45 what R did you import? Apr 25 08:10:48 uhh make sure you aren't importing the wrong R Apr 25 08:18:35 Who can update http://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.google.android/support-v4 and add a version for the latest android-support-v4? ("r7" is obsolete) Apr 25 08:24:03 afaik/supposedly google's supposed to take care of that, no idea when that's going to happen though Apr 25 08:25:59 aleb: maven lets you have a local repo; in those cases i just installed it there Apr 25 08:26:27 (get the official from the sdk manager) and install that jar Apr 25 08:26:51 i think this is the invocation http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-3rd-party-jars-local.html Apr 25 08:37:09 what scale type for an image view will fit maintaining aspect ratio whatever image its set too? Apr 25 08:45:06 lasserix FIT_CENTER ? Apr 25 08:45:54 ahh yeah Apr 25 08:49:15 g00s, Zharf, thanks, I filed a bug, I hope somebody will notice https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=54697 Apr 25 08:59:16 anyone know how to get an emulator to work for xxhdpi? Apr 25 08:59:22 If I am adding an xml file to another xml file, ie, in a fragment i am inflating one view as the layout then depending on some args inflating another view and adding it to the first, what parameter list should I use? Apr 25 09:00:50 yakkof_: your screen can't push that many pixels Apr 25 09:03:06 what's the limitation? Apr 25 09:03:28 The actual density of pixels on your monitor Apr 25 09:06:31 that's ok- at least I can see a portion of the emulated screen on the monitor. need to verify the proper resources are used Apr 25 09:07:52 yakkof_: you can zoom the emulator Apr 25 09:09:33 blackice_ I need to emulate a 1080x1920 xxhdpi screen. can get the emulator to do it. Apr 25 09:09:44 can't get Apr 25 09:10:00 why not? Apr 25 09:10:48 yakkof_: when you run the emu, set the -scale param maybe 0.5 or something Apr 25 09:11:00 don't know- just black screen when emulator tries to load Apr 25 09:11:20 thats the typical emu UX regardless of dpi :D Apr 25 09:11:29 it might be very very slow though, do you run the emulator with x86 and hardware accelerated graphics? Apr 25 09:12:03 oh yeah, the arm version will be slow as hell Apr 25 09:12:50 I think booting xxhdpi without HW gfx and x86 isn't really feasible before the heat death of the universe Apr 25 09:13:46 yeah, but whenever I try to load with that res and density, the 'android' logo never shows and emu just sits there with black screen Apr 25 09:14:03 not even clear it's trying to do anything Apr 25 09:14:22 yakkof_: again, is that with x86 and HW gfx acceleration? Because without those xxhdpi might not really work that well Apr 25 09:19:52 is it possible to set the emu display width and height via adb shell? Apr 25 09:28:59 JakeWharton : I didn't import any R. I thought it was supposed to be created automatically? Apr 25 09:32:41 Hello all,, i am using a tablet which should not be able to browse the internet if it is not connected to a private network with VPN. So i tought i would disable browsing with a firewall. But since i don't want to root my device i am forced to use a firewall which uses VPN technology to block the internet access. Now the problem is that when i disconnect from VPN the firewall is not Apr 25 09:32:41 automaticly started. And since i am using the original openVPN application i cannot modify the source or anything. Do you guys have any advise on how to solve my problem ? (BTW i am using the tablet in a work enviroment. that is why the user cannot use the tablet for personal use. Therefor i installed a application which requires a password to open 'unknown' applications. ) Apr 25 09:39:36 I added a fragment to backstack, I go to next fragment, then hit back, some of my variables are still there even though I have not loaded them from the bundle Apr 25 09:41:46 oh i see so this variables are retained, how do I tell within the fragment i have left the fragment so i can repopulate the data ? Apr 25 09:43:08 onPause() / onResume() Apr 25 09:43:23 oh yeah thanks Apr 25 10:05:49 if i press back, and have previousily setargs for a fragment, will those args be there on going back? Apr 25 10:09:13 what do you mean setargs? you call a setter on a fragment instance? in this case, no. But if you set bundle extras, then yes Apr 25 10:09:28 yeah bundle extras Apr 25 10:16:47 i'm setting the layout size of a Fragment at runtime.. but it's not reflecting on the UI.. any idea why? is there an updateUI method i should call or something? Apr 25 10:17:20 it's instead taking the layout from the xml file Apr 25 10:20:38 you using layoutparams? Apr 25 10:21:18 yeah Apr 25 10:21:40 aView.setLayoutParams(new LayoutParams(android.view.ViewGroup.LayoutParams.MATCH_PARENT, ServiceUtils.getDisplayMetrics(aView.getContext()).heightPixels*50/100)); Apr 25 10:22:07 are you sure those dont match wht the xml does? Apr 25 10:22:13 is your fragment declared in xml? Apr 25 10:23:08 yes, it's declared in the main activity's xml Apr 25 10:23:20 but inside my Fragment class i'm inflating its own xml file Apr 25 10:23:37 then dont put it in the main activitys xml Apr 25 10:23:45 just add it in code since you are inflatig its own view Apr 25 10:23:55 override OnCreateView and return whatever it is your inflating Apr 25 10:24:12 but how do i reference the fragment from the main activity? Apr 25 10:24:28 uhh its a member? Apr 25 10:25:21 right now my main activity's xml file references 3 fragments, each fragments inflates its own ui Apr 25 10:25:33 each fragment* Apr 25 10:25:40 what's wrong with that? Apr 25 10:26:10 you are referencing your fragments in the xml instead of adding them in code in your main activity, correct? Apr 25 10:26:27 correct Apr 25 10:26:36 i thought this is a safe scenario Apr 25 10:28:06 it is but fragments dont work as expected Apr 25 10:28:11 much easier to handle them in code Apr 25 10:28:12 http://pastebin.com/ZsXJCxQ6 Apr 25 10:28:18 here's example code of how to do in it code Apr 25 10:28:45 the thing is i need to resize my fragments dynamically .. at runtime Apr 25 10:28:46 ok Apr 25 10:29:02 yeah that sounds like something you might have to do in code because fragments behave differently Apr 25 10:29:23 of course you're main activity xml, if it is hosting 3 fragments simaltaneousily will be different (ie, the framelayouts or whatever viewgroup would be arranged in however way you want) Apr 25 10:29:32 lasserix, you know.. if i attempt to access my fragment's view from the fragment class, its layoutparams would be null Apr 25 10:29:46 idk Apr 25 10:30:32 this may help Apr 25 10:30:32 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10699464/dynamic-resize-fragment-android Apr 25 10:30:41 alright thanks Apr 25 10:36:33 Hello! I have 3 fragments in stack([1]<-[2]<-[3]; 3 - on the top of screen). Is there any method to pop fragment [1] to the top of screen to achieve following state [2]<-[3]<-[1]? Apr 25 10:37:30 hello, a quick question... which table do I need to update if I want to change the Contacts thumbnail photo? what do I write in the the ContentResolver.update(uri, values ) etc? Apr 25 10:42:43 Please, can anyone help! I have 3 fragments in stack([1]<-[2]<-[3]; 3 - on the top of screen). Is there any method to pop fragment [1] to the top of screen to achieve following state [2]<-[3]<-[1]? Apr 25 10:44:28 I think everyone is either at work, or sleeping :) Apr 25 10:46:19 or sleeping at work, lol Apr 25 10:46:33 :( Apr 25 11:12:40 hm, new ubuntu Apr 25 11:18:47 g00s: 13.04! Apr 25 11:19:36 lol xgear, most likely. Apr 25 11:19:39 its hot Apr 25 11:25:31 hi guys, i got some items i wanna generate and that is going all fine. But when i'd like to remove them it does not work. Im keeping the View's in a List and then itereate and remove them, but they are still there. Apr 25 11:25:36 I was thinking of making another offline dumb jokes app with hundreds of specific jokes, but what would be the best way to put those into the app? Obivously I could put every joke as a string.. but that sounds a bit ... wrong :P Apr 25 11:26:37 Quacked: im quite new to this, but i would use an xml-file Apr 25 11:26:38 cHarNe2: Adaper notified? Apr 25 11:26:44 Adapter* Apr 25 11:27:14 belgianguy: no, i dont think so. But i didnt notify it when adding items Apr 25 11:27:54 cHarNe2: plot 500 jokes in as strings? Apr 25 11:28:27 I was thinking it could be better with some kinda database Apr 25 11:29:00 SQlite? Apr 25 11:30:07 belgianguy: what benefits would that have? Apr 25 11:30:33 it's a database Apr 25 11:30:55 if you're just going to copy/paste them into your app, you might as well use strings.xml Apr 25 11:31:23 anyone used night and notnight resource qualifiers Apr 25 11:34:37 belgianguy: when I think of it I would want to sort them depending on the content, so a database could be the right way to go Apr 25 11:35:31 jokes dependent on names and one column for each name Apr 25 11:35:38 SQLite isn't a full flegded database, but better than nothing Apr 25 11:35:43 belgianguy: this is how i do it: http://pastie.org/7716085 I first try to remove items, then sents a request for an XML-file and after parse it and update. Apr 25 11:35:48 should be ok for this purpose Apr 25 11:35:58 I've used it before but havent bundled with apps Apr 25 11:36:07 i proboble missed something important Apr 25 11:36:51 cHarNe2: oh, I thought you were using a ListView Apr 25 11:37:23 I'm not accustomed to inserting and removing View derivatives Apr 25 11:40:10 belgianguy: ohh god im sorry to have bothered you, i had the "remove" code placed in the wrong function. Apr 25 11:40:20 it works as it should Apr 25 11:42:06 If I were to display a random string in a textview at the click of a button, taken from hundreds of strings, how would I proceed to go through the whole list of strings before starting over? Store progress in sharedprefs? Apr 25 11:42:20 guess that could work Apr 25 11:42:36 mikedg, got a pebble too Apr 25 11:42:44 yeah Apr 25 11:43:03 are pebbles cool? Apr 25 11:43:19 depends on what you want Apr 25 11:43:34 do you want a watch with a few smart things? or do you want a smart watch Apr 25 11:43:36 we can be pebble buddies Apr 25 11:43:43 think iOS vs Android in 2008 Apr 25 11:43:58 iOS == pebble Apr 25 11:44:44 whats the battery life? Apr 25 11:45:21 i'm not sure Apr 25 11:45:26 i charge it every 2 days to be safe Apr 25 11:45:31 there's no indicator that i could find Apr 25 11:45:37 hah Apr 25 11:45:42 weird Apr 25 11:46:14 also no connection indicator without diving into menus Apr 25 11:46:25 so if you get disconnected or your phone reboots, good luck figuring that out Apr 25 11:46:55 they made a decent wearable computer, they failed on the usability and software side outside of having some really nice watch faces Apr 25 11:48:20 guess that will be improved as time goes Apr 25 11:50:21 would a smart watch be something for people who never wear watches? Apr 25 11:50:27 can any dev put apps on it btw? Apr 25 11:50:34 I tend to check my phone for the time :/ Apr 25 11:52:19 Quacked, think so Apr 25 12:18:06 I assume you pebble users swapped out the strap with something like this? http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-qYWpJFSv9hY/UWDxNciyZqI/AAAAAAAAAR0/Ap2KRt3MRzI/s0/pebble+with+gold+strap.jpg Apr 25 12:19:22 haha, pimpcash Apr 25 12:19:35 I'll get something like that Apr 25 12:19:39 :D Apr 25 12:20:55 Hi all, I open a dialogfragment within my fragmentactivity. When I press the home button while the dialog is opened, the app crashes (Unfortunately, ... has stopped). Any ideas? Apr 25 12:21:49 Kennethos: what does logcat say? Apr 25 12:26:16 Please, can anyone help! I have 3 fragments in stack([1]<-[2]<-[3]; 3 - on the top of screen). Is there any method to pop fragment [1] to the top of screen to achieve following state [2]<-[3]<-[1]? Apr 25 12:28:42 Quacked: I found my mistake. Didn't run the app from eclipse but directly on my phone so I couldn't see the error. It was a nullpointerexception. I tried to add something that didn't exist yet to the outstate in onsaveinstancestate. Apr 25 12:29:59 anyone have March 2013 payout reports yet ? Apr 25 12:34:54 Chainfire, I bought your adbsecure app Apr 25 12:35:00 right before I move to CM10 Apr 25 12:35:17 but I thought, "You know what, he deserves … one pound 99 are you kidding me?…" Apr 25 12:35:27 nah, good work pal, much appreciated Apr 25 12:37:21 thx ;) Apr 25 12:42:18 do people get an email or smth if you reply to their comments ? Apr 25 12:43:44 How can I contact Google Play team? An user is rating innapropiately multiple times my app with same username (same phone model, same comment, etc.), it looks some kind of hack. How do I report this? Apr 25 12:45:05 YRoold, you're going to have to make your app better or feel his wrath :(, sure it's not just the same comment being displayed multiple times (in error) Apr 25 12:46:41 nope, is same username, their difference is username in a case-sensitive manner Apr 25 12:47:08 *facepalm* that blows Apr 25 12:48:29 YRoold: pretty much all you can do is report the comment(s) Apr 25 12:48:55 someone will look at it, sooner or later - but probably later Apr 25 12:49:17 I marked spam, but does nothing Apr 25 12:52:29 it flags it for review Apr 25 12:53:58 Anyone good with GCM - the google push notifications? I'm trying to unregister, but I'm still receiving push notifications - even after it seemingly successfully unregisters the app from GCM. onUnregistered(...) is called in my GCMBaseIntentService subclass Apr 25 12:54:17 I don't think their review manually all comments marked as spam of all google play apps Apr 25 12:54:49 maybe, maybe not - but they do review they if they get enough marks Apr 25 12:55:00 enough might be 1, 10 or 100 - we don't know Apr 25 12:55:37 would be nice an email address support, I only found a way to contact being a consumer but not being developer Apr 25 12:55:46 can't understand this Apr 25 12:56:12 you haven't dealt with Google before, have you? Apr 25 12:56:59 their entire business relies on automated systems at scale - their costs would be completely unsustainable if they dealt with every random question in person Apr 25 12:57:28 that said, there may or may not be Google people here, who may or may not be able to fast-track something, except you haven't told us what your app is :) Apr 25 12:57:46 romainguy@android.com: Subject: Sup Message: So I was just wondering if you'd be doing a talk at Google I/O this year. Kthnxbai <3 Apr 25 13:00:57 :) Apr 25 13:14:53 feesh: why the sentence "right before I move to CM10"? Apr 25 13:26:20 hi, I do not have an android device, only the emulator, can I use google play services ? I am going to use API10 (2.3.3) Apr 25 13:42:36 does proguard strip unused classes from the supportlib .jar? Apr 25 13:45:21 can't add 2 fragments from the same activity? Apr 25 14:11:34 heya folks, quick question - I have a viewpager with child padding set to a negative value so I can see adjacent pages, to create a sort of scrolling gallery effect Apr 25 14:11:49 However, I am trying to kill that negative padding for only the first and the last elements Apr 25 14:11:58 as it leaves a nasty empty space on the sides otherwise Apr 25 14:11:59 any idea? Apr 25 14:24:17 can I somehow get system's accented color (the default blue on ICS)? so my app will fit nicely, if someone has applied some theme on their system. Apr 25 14:24:40 If I inflate a layout which includes items which are set to View.GONE do they still inflate? Apr 25 14:26:51 oh never mind Apr 25 14:26:56 I'm an idiot Apr 25 14:27:14 yes you are ;) Apr 25 14:27:39 Pitel_IPEX: If you don't style it at all it should just use the system theme's colors Apr 25 14:27:56 or do you mean using that color for something else? Apr 25 14:28:14 BlackIce_: yes, for some image compositing in Canvas with Bitmap. Apr 25 14:28:35 BlackIce_: I had copied in the code to inflate the items of a ListView from another ListView and I had forgotten to change the thing I was inflating Apr 25 14:29:12 Ankhwatcher: ah :D silly errors sometimes. Must be late or early over there Apr 25 14:29:46 BlackIce_: nope, but my brain wasn't functioning so well when I made the initial mistake! Apr 25 14:29:52 Pitel_IPEX: this SO question might help: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8472694/how-to-get-android-system-colors Apr 25 14:30:23 Ankhwatcher: I hope it's all better now :D Apr 25 14:30:45 BlackIce_: thanks, this might be it. Apr 25 14:31:12 BlackIce_: all better is a bit of strech, but it's looking up! Apr 25 14:31:29 Pitel_IPEX: np! fyi, this was the first result for "android get system color" in google :P Apr 25 14:31:50 how do I properly make imagebuttons? Apr 25 14:32:23 my image buttons centers the image within the button so you can still see the square Apr 25 14:32:56 create a normal button and use the background attribute Apr 25 14:33:41 I'm trying to dynamically create a layout. What am I doing wrong? http://pastebin.com/5qMfSnKe Apr 25 14:35:06 I will try that chris Apr 25 14:35:08 thanks Apr 25 14:35:50 It seems after calling GCMRegistrat.unregister(...) I still get push notifications - but with an empty "from" extra in the received Intent. Usually that is the SENDER_ID. Yay. Apr 25 14:36:15 my code works find if I just use setContentView(R.layout.answer_activity) but not if I substitute that with setContentView(rl) Apr 25 14:37:04 http://pastebin.com/Zkk8HPg1 I have these errors... what do they mean ? Apr 25 14:41:07 so I've just instantiated a view and I want to animate it into place. that means I need to know its getGlobalVisibleRect for when it's layed out before I can start the animation. What I'm doing now is starting the animation from a view.post runnable, which works fine except - the view flickers for a frame as fully visible before it starts its animation. how would I get the information I need to start Apr 25 14:41:09 the animation before the view is drawn? Apr 25 14:55:43 how would I make an area grey in a layout? Apr 25 14:55:53 only color it? Apr 25 14:58:28 hi Apr 25 14:59:26 is there a built in way to add shading to all the items in a ListView? Apr 25 15:01:14 Ankhwatcher: nope Apr 25 15:02:24 anyone answer my question. how do I make a specific area a different color ?? Apr 25 15:04:40 what do you mean by area, a view? Apr 25 15:05:02 you want to overlay it? Apr 25 15:06:34 Quacked, 18 hours later Apr 25 15:06:44 Hello i am developing an app that could send 4-5 notifications per hour at regular interval. I am worried about battery life. Actually i am using AlarmManager. Is it better to use a service? Apr 25 15:06:47 Quacked, because CM10 has adb in insecure mode to begin with Apr 25 15:07:03 hey gus, is there any way to develop for android in Java on VS Apr 25 15:07:13 no Apr 25 15:07:16 I'm guessing there isn't Apr 25 15:07:18 ugh Apr 25 15:07:38 well I'm just not a big fan of eclipse and other IDEs Apr 25 15:07:52 The_Coolest, you're going to have fun then Apr 25 15:08:09 The_Coolest, you could use it to write the java code Apr 25 15:08:13 but compile it with other tools Apr 25 15:08:19 oh Apr 25 15:08:22 hmm. Apr 25 15:08:32 I think it'd be a pain. Apr 25 15:08:33 but it's going to be like ice skating up hill Apr 25 15:08:42 useless :) Apr 25 15:08:52 well, if visual studio has good java support, you can use it to write code Apr 25 15:09:00 that'd work fine, use an alternative build tool to compile Apr 25 15:09:03 I used eclipse before, but didn't have it installed on my new system Apr 25 15:09:26 thought maybe there have been some new developments since then :) Apr 25 15:10:11 The_Coolest, it's going to be painful regardless I think, moving from Eclipse to Xcode is killer, to VS is also killer Apr 25 15:10:21 you just have to roll with it and take your time Apr 25 15:10:34 what? Apr 25 15:10:39 VS > * :P Apr 25 15:10:55 I'm not claiming it isn't Apr 25 15:10:58 *cough* Apr 25 15:11:03 well i grew up with it, so it's easy to for me to say that :) Apr 25 15:11:16 but there is pain associated with switching IDEs Apr 25 15:11:26 yeah I guess so Apr 25 15:11:47 I hated eclipse for its intelisense lags Apr 25 15:12:03 autocomplete is overrated Apr 25 15:12:11 The_Coolest, that isn't eclipse's fault, that's your machines inability to handle the processing Apr 25 15:12:42 IDEs are overrated :p Apr 25 15:12:50 * pfn codes entirely out of IDEs Apr 25 15:13:00 I don't think you need a multicore beast running at extreme frequency to handle intelisense Apr 25 15:13:00 feesh: lol Apr 25 15:13:04 s/out/outside Apr 25 15:13:08 and it was a core i3 3ghz Apr 25 15:13:15 VS worked fine Apr 25 15:13:23 it's more memory than cpu Apr 25 15:13:32 8gb of RAM isn't plenty? Apr 25 15:13:39 feesh: that's like saying "well, it sucks that your 2GHz computer can't play 8kHz 8bit audio, but that's your computer's fault, not my highly inefficient program" Apr 25 15:13:46 not if your jvm is set to use 256m Apr 25 15:13:53 yes a overlay Apr 25 15:13:57 pfn: as do i, but autocompletion is pretty handy .. my first go-to for things lacking documentation Apr 25 15:13:57 The_Coolest, sure, eclipse doesn't take up 8gb by default Apr 25 15:13:59 pretty sure Eclipse won't run with 256m heap Apr 25 15:14:01 zinx, I know :P Apr 25 15:14:05 The_Coolest, it uses something like 256 or 512m heap by default Apr 25 15:14:12 zinx, it does Apr 25 15:14:14 eclipse has its own script Apr 25 15:14:23 default eclipse.ini has like a 512m heap Apr 25 15:14:37 you need to bump it up manually to something much higher Apr 25 15:14:48 512m is considerably larger than 256 Apr 25 15:14:52 half a gig for a crappy editor? heh Apr 25 15:15:00 oGMo: welcome to enterprise java Apr 25 15:15:09 woah Apr 25 15:15:12 lots of eclipse hate Apr 25 15:15:15 oGMo: i'm surprised it doesn't require much more, tbqh Apr 25 15:15:32 :D Apr 25 15:15:35 actually, default eclipse installs have a 384mb heap Apr 25 15:15:37 feesh: ? not really, more inefficient 'enterprise' coding style here :P Apr 25 15:15:37 not 512 Apr 25 15:15:42 (just checked my eclipse.ini) Apr 25 15:15:48 although, my version of eclipse is extremely old Apr 25 15:15:51 feesh: see also: firefox Apr 25 15:15:55 zinx: dunno, does it use gtk wrappers etc? that's pretty bad Apr 25 15:16:03 zinx: hah yeah Apr 25 15:16:11 I think eclipse handles things … alright ... Apr 25 15:16:15 I've learnt to endure it Apr 25 15:16:16 oGMo: it uses gtk via its own java toolkit thing Apr 25 15:16:23 eclipse works ok Apr 25 15:16:33 I think it's like Red says in shawshank … you start off hating the walls … then you don't mind them … then you rely on them Apr 25 15:16:33 complain all you want, but if you want an ide, it works acceptably Apr 25 15:16:35 firefox: playing quake3 at half the speed of your decade-old pentium Apr 25 15:17:28 * zinx lulz at the people who can't be dissatisfied with the tools they use, and can't comprehend anyone who can Apr 25 15:17:37 feesh: otherwise known as stockholm syndrome Apr 25 15:17:41 I don't use eclipse Apr 25 15:17:43 I don't like any IDE Apr 25 15:17:48 but they all work acceptably Apr 25 15:17:50 period Apr 25 15:18:04 I'd argue that I can work more efficiently with eclipse than without Apr 25 15:18:26 I'd go as far as to posit that I could make an application that does something simple in less time than someone who is really good at not using IDEs Apr 25 15:18:34 feesh: so use eclipse. Apr 25 15:18:35 of course, I won't stand up to any challenges Apr 25 15:18:36 anyone know of some good reading on java.nio non blocking implementation that is not server client based. Im trying to read from a stream as new lines are added. Apr 25 15:18:40 dragorn, I do Apr 25 15:18:44 (AND I LIKE IT!) Apr 25 15:18:49 there, I said it. Apr 25 15:18:56 feesh, I doubt it Apr 25 15:19:03 everyone that I've ever seen use IDEs is relatively slow Apr 25 15:19:06 feesh: what does it mean that cm10 has adb in insecure mode? Apr 25 15:19:10 mmoassistdev1, you want to look into Selectors Apr 25 15:19:19 Quacked, so you can do adb root Apr 25 15:19:20 unless they're pro at it and have every single keystroke in muscle memory, and even then, not really Apr 25 15:19:29 so you can do adb shell someRootCommandlol Apr 25 15:19:29 since there's so much clicking necessary in an IDE Apr 25 15:19:54 thx feesh i belive pfn suggested that to me too Apr 25 15:20:01 pfn, I like to think my eclipse-fu is strong, I'm very lazy you see, so I don't like moving my mouse and I don't like writing boiler plate Apr 25 15:20:03 feesh: dont understand a word :) Apr 25 15:20:18 Quacked, if you root a device and play about for a long time, maybe one day you will :P Apr 25 15:20:21 I have cm10.1 though and my device is rooted and in dev mode Apr 25 15:20:27 Quacked, Chainfire is just a bit of a rockstar on the root front Apr 25 15:20:49 mmoassistdev1, I've already told you, exec + Pipe + Channels + Selector Apr 25 15:20:55 Quacked, I'm running HTC One X JellyBean 4.1 stock rom, when you adb to it, it doesn't let you do dab root Apr 25 15:20:58 mmoassistdev1, if that's beyond you, you need to learn more java Apr 25 15:21:13 yea i know i do ill start reading Apr 25 15:21:26 feesh: do I need to do something for protection? Apr 25 15:21:38 Quacked, "you need to learn more java" Apr 25 15:21:43 Quacked, seriously, nah Apr 25 15:21:56 mmoassistdev1: http://goo.gl/xmoED Apr 25 15:21:57 "you need to learn more java" is good advise to anyone though Apr 25 15:22:19 hehe, what does java have to do with this? Apr 25 15:22:50 any pointer on how to start an activity from a broadcast receiver (in that same package) Apr 25 15:22:52 ? Apr 25 15:23:11 by calling context.startActivity Apr 25 15:23:21 why do you need a pointer? Apr 25 15:23:32 not this.activityname.startActivity? Apr 25 15:23:43 why would that be what it would be? Apr 25 15:23:57 ive got a broadcast receiver that i wasnt to start photo capture Apr 25 15:24:10 *want Apr 25 15:24:18 lol Apr 25 15:24:21 lol thx leeds Apr 25 15:24:35 The_Fred__: you need to do something like Intent intent = new Intent(context, TheActivity.class); context.startActivity(intent); Apr 25 15:24:45 mmoassistdev1: just thought you might appreciate a change, something new to bang your head against Apr 25 15:24:48 hey. I'm trying to set a onItemClickListener on a listView populated via an Adapter but it doesn't seem to work, any idea ? Apr 25 15:24:55 Quacked, thank you Apr 25 15:24:58 yea i found it funny haha Apr 25 15:24:59 context.startActivity(new Intent(context, TheActivity.class).setFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK)); I think Apr 25 15:25:27 feesh's example is the same thing but with an added flag Apr 25 15:25:38 i had read about startActivity over at stackoverflow Apr 25 15:25:43 the added flag is needed when you're starting an activity from outside of an activity Apr 25 15:25:45 but yeah, you need that flag Apr 25 15:25:51 heh, coding by stackoverflow... Apr 25 15:25:51 I forgot :) Apr 25 15:25:52 nice, thanks Apr 25 15:25:56 that seems like the popular approach these days Apr 25 15:26:01 99% of my production code comes from stackoverflow Apr 25 15:26:01 you'll get an error saying you need it if you try without Apr 25 15:26:06 gives me deniability Apr 25 15:26:11 "I don't know how to code", "I know, I'll keep asking stack overflow questions until my project is complete" Apr 25 15:26:24 pfn: it works ;) Apr 25 15:26:43 yea some coders dont like the way noobs learn Apr 25 15:26:49 yea, the codes not to be clean, its a personal project to use a remote trigger (usb charge) so i can take photos of wildlife Apr 25 15:27:01 anybody here going to XDA DevCon? Apr 25 15:27:14 but, there are issues with android deving that is very hard to solve with docs only Apr 25 15:27:29 i tell you ill learn more form the web than any college class i could take Apr 25 15:27:31 im thinking its because its so new Apr 25 15:27:43 mmoassistdev1, the problem is the approach to learning Apr 25 15:28:01 can be beneficial to explore and try harder rather than going to SO straight away Apr 25 15:28:26 some people use the approach "try random method -> Fail -> Stack overflow" Apr 25 15:28:28 feesh: true, yet its so boring to do it like that ;) Apr 25 15:29:06 but in the end youll spend much more time using stack overflow for every problem than if youd learnt basics from the beginning Apr 25 15:29:15 but i think its the best way for people that do not have a natural nack for programming Apr 25 15:29:31 mmoassistdev1, but this is why I'm not a brick layer Apr 25 15:29:50 I don't have a knack for doing that Apr 25 15:29:55 so I wouldn't start building a house Apr 25 15:29:59 I'd read up on it first Apr 25 15:30:02 people that don't have a nack for programming probably never will Apr 25 15:30:04 feesh: the other big problem is people who don't respect the learning curve, try to jump straight to the solution to whatever problem they are into, and then get frustrated because it's not easy/obvious Apr 25 15:30:10 rather than laying a bunch of bricks to find that I've been doing them vertical, not horizontal Apr 25 15:30:11 feesh: they build hotels with premanufactured parts now, so I guess people can program with premade code :) Apr 25 15:30:22 wow feesh your horrible Apr 25 15:30:54 mmoassistdev1, I'm really not, I'm just using analogies emphasising an extreme view Apr 25 15:31:07 I'm only horrible when people call me freesh Apr 25 15:31:11 they insert a letter Apr 25 15:31:18 bump I'm trying to set a onItemClickListener on a listView populated via an Adapter but it doesn't seem to work, any idea ? Apr 25 15:31:21 that's like extra work for themselves, it should be fee Apr 25 15:31:41 Leeds> some people learn better that way Apr 25 15:31:50 Eit8: thats very vague.. post your code at pastebin Apr 25 15:31:53 Eit8, does one of the subviews of the list item views have an OnClickListener? Apr 25 15:32:03 the best way to learn is do Apr 25 15:32:05 feesh: no Apr 25 15:32:06 Chainfire: some do... some end up spending weeks trying to work out how to do non-blocking I/O with a child process Apr 25 15:32:31 feesh: should every item have a listener too ? Apr 25 15:32:48 The_Fred__, then /do/ Apr 25 15:32:52 i admire those that persist and encourage others Apr 25 15:33:11 Leeds> so? I'm sure they'll have learned quite a few things in those weeks Apr 25 15:33:13 Eit8, no it should be the case that the ListView handles the click events, but if you have a view in the list view that consumes those events, the list view doesn't get a chance to handle them Apr 25 15:33:18 fred some ppl are as forgiving as you =( Apr 25 15:33:32 Chainfire: I'm not... Apr 25 15:33:33 I have no patience for people that don't /do/ Apr 25 15:34:19 Does any of you know how to pull the framebuffer of Nexus 10? I use adb pull /dev/graphics/fb0 for Nexus 4 as well as many other devices and it works perfectly, but gives an error for the Nexus 10 Apr 25 15:34:23 if you learn by doing, then reading documentation side-by-side with doing is an approach that works pretty much universally Apr 25 15:35:01 Hey Chainfire! Apr 25 15:35:07 but you have to agree because i know you been there some times you get stuck and need the little push to start doing things urself again Apr 25 15:35:07 pfn, notice how little time i spend here these days - im often doing than not :) Apr 25 15:35:28 I come for the atmosphere Apr 25 15:35:37 * pfn never noticed this guy to begin with Apr 25 15:35:38 and telling people that they need to setContentView(…) before calling findViewById Apr 25 15:35:54 and asking how to startActivity from something that explicitly has a context doesn't indicate much doing Apr 25 15:35:59 if I got a penny for each time I've told someone that, I'd have like 5 pennies Apr 25 15:36:00 feesh: well the subviews are textviews with compoundDrawable, nothing fancy Apr 25 15:36:06 at least not any understanding of said doing Apr 25 15:36:15 Eit8, some source would be nice at this point Apr 25 15:36:23 (to a reputable pastebin) Apr 25 15:36:30 feesh: ok I'll use pastebin Apr 25 15:36:40 HQRaja theres screencap and screenshot binaries in /system/bin, I suggest you find the source and figure which one does what you want and how ;) Apr 25 15:37:16 Chainfire I'm basically trying to capture screenshots in recovery mode...those didn't seem to work for that. Apr 25 15:37:18 directly reading from /dev/graphics/fb* is not supported on many devices Apr 25 15:37:48 check recovery sources then :) Apr 25 15:37:52 Need some shots for a guide on TWRP that I'm writing Apr 25 15:38:06 HQRaja, digital camera, go! Apr 25 15:38:11 feesh: http://pastebin.ca/2366427 Apr 25 15:38:20 Chainfire: Heh I wish I were that good at it Apr 25 15:38:36 feesh: Unfortunately, that won't do for the post I'm supposed to be writing =( Apr 25 15:38:46 see how ddm reads the frame buffer? Apr 25 15:38:53 feesh: just let me know if you want to see something else Apr 25 15:38:56 actually, does adb screenshot work while in recovery? Apr 25 15:39:10 pfn: DDMS no longer works for screenshots in recovery, nor does adb screenshot Apr 25 15:39:14 Which is a bummer Apr 25 15:39:19 HQRaja the framebuffer data may not be at the start of /dev/graphics/fb* , some devices require a mmap to it to even work, etc. Apr 25 15:39:26 Eit8, I need operaAdapter.java Apr 25 15:39:37 HQRaja, well then, digicam time Apr 25 15:39:40 ask the author of TWRP to make a screenshot factility - after all, TWRP knows what its putting on the screen ;) Apr 25 15:39:42 or connect to hdmi? Apr 25 15:39:48 Chainfire: Yeah the first part of your statement is what I figured too (no idea on the nmap stuff though) Apr 25 15:40:07 mmap Apr 25 15:40:09 not nmap Apr 25 15:40:13 mmap*, sorry Apr 25 15:40:27 pfn: Ah, the hdmi bit is a great suggestion! Apr 25 15:40:31 how do you make a overlay in a layout? Apr 25 15:40:37 feesh: http://pastebin.ca/2366429 Apr 25 15:40:43 Gotta head over to the office from the coffee shop and see if there's a cable for the N10 there Apr 25 15:40:50 dunno how hdmi out on android works, never tried it on my devices Apr 25 15:41:13 Never tried but there's no reason why it shouldn't work for the output...though wait... Apr 25 15:41:26 How would I capture that as a screenshot from the display device? Apr 25 15:41:38 depends how much OS enable it needs to turn on HDMI Apr 25 15:48:14 is it correct to analyse the cash flow per year and launch a new game app once it starts declining? Apr 25 15:51:14 feesh: yooo Apr 25 15:51:46 Napalm, yo Apr 25 15:52:21 long time Apr 25 15:54:39 http://pastebin.com/FynRYgDJ can anyone try to check my errors? Apr 25 15:55:32 Ilhami: stop using anonymous AsyncTask's Apr 25 15:55:57 What does that mean? Apr 25 15:55:58 LOL Apr 25 15:55:59 your AsyncTask is holding on to a reference to the Activity when it shouldnt Apr 25 15:56:07 Either use DialogFragment, or show your dialogs with Activity#showDialog .. Also, don't use Activity#showDialog Apr 25 15:56:35 Ilhami: show us how you are instantiating your AsyncTask? Apr 25 15:56:40 feesh: does the code looks ok to you ? Apr 25 15:57:08 SimonVT: good spot.. didnt notice that Apr 25 15:57:36 http://pastebin.com/gUxMaVMq Apr 25 15:59:36 Whats wrong with it? Apr 25 16:00:10 Ilhami: so many things Apr 25 16:00:31 Ilhami: are you using the android support library? Apr 25 16:00:50 yes Apr 25 16:00:55 android support v4 Apr 25 16:00:57 .jar Apr 25 16:01:12 use a AsyncTaskLoader then Apr 25 16:01:26 and manage your ProgressDialog from your activity not from the AsyncTask Apr 25 16:01:42 ideally skip the progressdialog all together Apr 25 16:02:50 ok I commented it out Apr 25 16:03:01 should I extend AsyncTaskLoader instead you say? Apr 25 16:06:52 yes Apr 25 16:07:18 Incorrect number of arguments for type AsyncTaskLoader; it cannot be parameterized with arguments Apr 25 16:07:27 What is D? Apr 25 16:07:31 String Apr 25 16:07:33 lol Apr 25 16:07:50 ? what LOL Apr 25 16:07:57 rofl Apr 25 16:08:18 hang on a moment Apr 25 16:08:28 Ilhami: your http://droidrun.dk/get_all_users.php doesnt work Apr 25 16:09:51 ok I will try to fix it Apr 25 16:12:39 I get the vibe of throwing shit at a wall until something sticks Apr 25 16:13:28 Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in /var/www/droidrun.dk/public_html/get_all_users.php on line 20 Apr 25 16:13:30 what does this mean? Apr 25 16:13:40 that's php Apr 25 16:13:41 do we care? Apr 25 16:13:48 We don't Apr 25 16:13:52 phew! Apr 25 16:13:59 lol Apr 25 16:14:09 I anti-care Apr 25 16:14:51 I proactively attempt to not care Apr 25 16:14:59 hello guys, I'm trying to connect my GS3 to my laptop using wifi direct(Want to share internet) what do guys suggest http://wireless.kernel.org/en/developers/p2p/howto Apr 25 16:15:20 n-iCe: you're trying to make an app to do that? Apr 25 16:15:22 n-iCe, not the right place to ask Apr 25 16:16:04 Ilhami: http://i.imgur.com/HMgMH.gif Apr 25 16:16:06 Leeds: correct Apr 25 16:16:23 I have two wireless cards, wlan1 using internet, wlan0 the one I want to share internet from, Leeds Apr 25 16:16:32 n-iCe: then you'd be using Android's wifi direct APIs Apr 25 16:16:58 http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/connectivity/wifip2p.html Apr 25 16:20:00 Leeds: Ok, read a little, I just don't have an idea where to start, is that for android? Apr 25 16:20:15 erm... is the stuff on developer.android.com for Android? Apr 25 16:20:22 Nope Apr 25 16:20:24 no, it's a Symbian site in disguise Apr 25 16:20:28 Its iOS isn't it? Apr 25 16:20:50 the thing is, I think I need to create the AP in linux, since my phone has already a software to detect and connect to wifi direct devices Apr 25 16:20:53 I heard google announced they were buying Apple and scraping Android for iOS Apr 25 16:21:07 they're going to scrape Android? Apr 25 16:21:19 yes tpyo intended Apr 25 16:21:22 that one too Apr 25 16:21:47 n-iCe: this channel is for Android app development... Apr 25 16:21:52 n-iCe, then you want to ask #linux Apr 25 16:23:21 how do I specify how to arrange content when I am generating it dynamically? Apr 25 16:23:22 thanks Apr 25 16:23:40 conor_f: in what.. Apr 25 16:24:02 I don't understand? Apr 25 16:24:13 which JSON lib do you guys use? Apr 25 16:24:27 conor_f: you're adding it to a layout - pretty much everything you can do in XML, you can also do in Java programatically, but it can get verbose Apr 25 16:25:00 and how do I do it? Apr 25 16:25:13 I am adding each view to a relative layout Apr 25 16:25:21 (I understand you now Dark-Side :P) Apr 25 16:25:29 there we go Apr 25 16:25:41 The_Coolest: GSON is good, otherwise i dont really use anything Apr 25 16:26:06 hi, does phonegapp compile to firefox os? Apr 25 16:26:08 conor_f: they get arranged in the order you add them (the views) Apr 25 16:26:27 Raydiation: ask in #phonegap? Apr 25 16:26:28 oh relative Apr 25 16:26:35 right now all of mine are just overlapping :/ Apr 25 16:26:37 erm pass, i'd have to look it up Apr 25 16:26:46 thanks Apr 25 16:26:48 is linear what you're describing? Apr 25 16:26:50 one p too much^^ Apr 25 16:26:56 yes linear ones will just stack Apr 25 16:27:12 either vertically or horizontally Apr 25 16:27:38 The_Coolest, gson Apr 25 16:27:55 The_Coolest, gson is most convenient, otherwise the org.json crap that comes with android Apr 25 16:28:28 Dark-Side: ok. I've edited my code so I can see what linear will look like Apr 25 16:28:35 I want a job at Google Apr 25 16:28:48 my design is atrocious anyways, so if it looks any way decent I'll be happy :PO Apr 25 16:28:49 conor_f, create a RelativeLayout.LayoutParams for each object, then set the layoutparams to the object when adding Apr 25 16:28:51 * :P Apr 25 16:29:01 DarkSlay3r: I suggest bugging the ops until they offer to help with that Apr 25 16:29:03 conor_f, then requestLayout when you're done... although that should be implicit Apr 25 16:29:14 Ops!! Apr 25 16:29:20 Make me a googler! Apr 25 16:29:20 pfn: ok Apr 25 16:29:23 thank you :) Apr 25 16:29:37 you forgot the magic word Apr 25 16:29:42 conor_f: you'll have a list type arrangement with a linear layout Apr 25 16:29:48 'sudo' Apr 25 16:30:01 So again... Hi, want to create a feed reader, wonder what direction I should go, parse and work with feeds on the device or work with stuff on a server and create an api to fetch stuff with device, what way would you go and why? Apr 25 16:30:04 Half Five - Hometime yay Apr 25 16:30:11 Ops! sudo -f Make me a Googler! Apr 25 16:42:43 anyone heard of android web view or whatever rendering content completely diff than the android browser control on the device? Apr 25 16:43:19 the browser view is rendering all kinds of black lines, and greys as blacks etc Apr 25 16:46:49 I want to check some variables during my code being run Apr 25 16:46:52 how do I do this? Apr 25 16:47:09 ron_frown: afak they use the same webkit engine Apr 25 16:47:22 haha I would have thought so as well Apr 25 16:47:25 conor_f You use debug mode Apr 25 16:48:03 Amorgos: how? Apr 25 16:48:20 I am trying to use System.out.println which is supposed to go to logcat but I can't find it :/ Apr 25 16:48:51 conor_f: println goes to console Apr 25 16:48:58 not logcat Apr 25 16:49:05 Theres loads of documentation about debugging on the android developer website im sure. But basically what it allows you to do is set a "breakpoint" in the code. And from then on you can inspect the variables at that point. Apr 25 16:49:33 http://developer.android.com/tools/debugging/index.html Apr 25 16:49:38 DarkSlay3r: apparently not Apr 25 16:49:41 ty Amorgos Apr 25 16:51:36 Anyone know why a CursorAdapter that claims to be correctly populating an AutoCompleteTextView would actually be filling it with things like "android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@blahblahblah" instead? Apr 25 16:52:49 conor_f: Well i'll be damned// Apr 25 16:52:53 i remember it working Apr 25 16:52:55 but here Apr 25 16:52:55 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2220547/why-doesnt-system-out-println-work-in-android Apr 25 16:53:35 there is Log Apr 25 16:54:25 and tag makes it very useful Apr 25 16:54:42 is there a good android resource out there for non stupid users with app recommendations and so on? Also where to be/who to follow to get into the latest and greatest in android dev? Apr 25 16:55:55 androidweekly.net Apr 25 16:56:10 Hey Guys! Is there a way to manipulate the content of a WebView? Apr 25 16:56:19 Anyone have a recommendation for an LDAP library for Android? Apr 25 16:56:22 I want to delete a div with a specific ID Apr 25 16:58:00 JS Apr 25 17:05:38 f2prateek: thanks for the tip Apr 25 17:06:09 hi, the code for android google maps api v1 works the same as the android google maps api v2 ? Apr 25 17:06:16 Hi guys, I have a question regarding on how can I build content uri for mmssms.db with tables mychannels? Apr 25 17:06:30 f2prateek: where would I go to get a sane file manager/etc. I just got my first android phone since I threw away my old milestone and I am new in the android space again Apr 25 17:06:49 this content uri is gonna be used for getting all channels used for cellbroadcast Apr 25 17:06:52 I like simple but powerfull programs no marketing crap Apr 25 17:07:10 noone an idea? Apr 25 17:07:16 there has got to be some right? I mean it *is* open source kinda, right? Apr 25 17:07:45 I use the cyanogenmod file manager Apr 25 17:08:12 f2prateek: is that something I should take a look at? I have a nexus4 Apr 25 17:12:29 hmm, is there anyway to force ListView to recalculate size of "scrollable" area? Apr 25 17:13:40 Mavrik: what does that mean? Apr 25 17:14:15 ak5: your preference. There's other options like Astro and File Explorer Apr 25 17:14:43 romainguy, basically, Im changing the height of a single item within the listview programatically Apr 25 17:14:54 and I have a problem that that pushes the last view offscreen Apr 25 17:15:03 (so I cant scroll down so far to see it whole) Apr 25 17:15:20 the proper way to do this is to do it from the adapter Apr 25 17:15:29 and to call notifyDatasetChanged() Apr 25 17:16:37 hmm, I'll test that Apr 25 17:16:40 thanks Apr 25 17:19:22 Is using a SQLite DAO library for small projects bad ? Apr 25 17:19:37 i use ORM mapper Apr 25 17:19:46 sry ormlite Apr 25 17:19:58 it's always a good idea to use ROM tools Apr 25 17:20:04 ORM ;) Apr 25 17:20:08 typo day today ;) Apr 25 17:20:16 thanks, I will check it out Apr 25 17:51:07 so, how do you push to your forked eu instance? Apr 25 17:51:43 Is it normal to have/get multiple instances of your GCMBaseIntentService subclass? I thought the point of a service was to have at most one instance of it, and queue up the intents coming in? Apr 25 17:52:25 <_wli> hello Apr 25 17:53:12 <_wli> i m new to android development, trying to debug an existing app... Apr 25 17:53:15 Styler2go: yes, you can manipulate the dom in a webview Apr 25 17:53:28 <_wli> would love to ask a quick question about camera intents Apr 25 17:53:52 anyone know offhand if, with a canvas and vector (ie drawLine etc, not bitmap/shape) it's quicker to do the math to scale your drawings to the screen, or to use a matrix to scale canvas? Apr 25 17:54:11 _wli: you have my permission to ask questions in irc Apr 25 17:54:18 <_wli> i m trying to use http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4455558/allow-user-to-select-camera-or-gallery-for-image/12347567#12347567 Apr 25 17:54:19 I am trying to get android:textSize attribute of my custom view using context.obtainStyledAttributes and attributes.getDimensionalPizelSize. Its not picking up. Any idea Apr 25 17:54:30 <_wli> in the first few lines, there is "final String fname = Utils.getUniqueImageFilename();" Apr 25 17:54:50 <_wli> but it won't compile saying that the Utils library doesn't exist Apr 25 17:55:10 <_wli> thanks monsti Apr 25 17:55:14 Anyone here got a few free minutes and wouldn't mind helping me out with a simple layout? Apr 25 17:55:25 _wli: it's a custom util the guy wrote who ask the question Apr 25 17:55:39 i am not familiar to any android Util class with that method Apr 25 17:55:46 <_wli> ok thanks :) Apr 25 17:55:48 you can basically use a UUID Apr 25 17:55:57 or something more meaningful to you Apr 25 17:55:58 1) I have zero design knowledge. 2) There's only 3 views to organize. 3) I have no idea what I'm doing with layouts :P Apr 25 17:56:01 i use a date Apr 25 17:56:06 <_wli> random number? Apr 25 17:56:12 <_wli> will final String fname = System.currentTimeMillis()+""; do? Apr 25 17:56:28 yeah but that's not very meaingful to anybody ;) Apr 25 17:56:38 <_wli> it's just a temp file anyway Apr 25 17:56:48 "My Application - Image - 2013-04-24 12:01 AM.jpg" Apr 25 17:56:57 than it's ok Apr 25 17:57:00 <_wli> thanks Apr 25 17:57:08 please NOTE if you consider puting this in a database Apr 25 17:57:19 <_wli> monsti: sending it to a server Apr 25 17:57:22 sqlite has limits in cursor sizes to 2mb Apr 25 17:57:27 i.c. Apr 25 17:58:05 <_wli> (i m supposed to be the API / web developer, but the android developer got too busy to finish / debug his work so i started doing android today) Apr 25 17:58:10 <_wli> confusing times for me :p Apr 25 17:58:55 and i love to party Apr 25 17:58:58 *PARTY* Apr 25 17:59:39 Hi guys, I have a question regarding on how can I build content uri for mmssms.db with tables mychannels? Apr 25 17:59:39 <_wli> wish i can do that Apr 25 17:59:43 this content uri is gonna be used for getting all channels used for cellbroadcast Apr 25 18:01:36 on some devices I have onResume() without a call to onSurfaceChanged() on first run of the application Apr 25 18:01:52 anyone noticed this and able to deal with it? Apr 25 18:02:13 Kindle Fire 1st gen gives me this issue Apr 25 18:06:35 so anyone around? Apr 25 18:07:25 sup Apr 25 18:09:06 yeah about onSurfaceChanged() not being called after onResume() on Kindle Fire 1st gen on first run of the application Apr 25 18:09:11 anyone know how to deal with this? Apr 25 18:09:31 it's not just Kindle Fire 1st gen, I think this happens on a bunch of tablets Apr 25 18:09:50 you switch with home button, come back... not surface Apr 25 18:14:36 barque: maybe it's only called when the size changes? Is onSurfaceCreated called on/around onResume time? Maybe you can post an update from there... Apr 25 18:14:54 onResume is only called when I resume the app Apr 25 18:15:00 no onSurfaceCreated (sadly) Apr 25 18:15:27 Anything to kinda nudge the tablet to maybe retry resuming Apr 25 18:16:27 barque: SurfaceView seems totally borked on Android, I would use SurfaceTexture if API level allowed Apr 25 18:16:42 nah sadly I'm bound by apilevel9 Apr 25 18:20:24 barque: I see that GLSurfaceView has onResume and onPause. The docs says the owner of the view should call these to stop and start the rendering thread Apr 25 18:20:41 I'm actually using a SurfaceView that is drawn to natively Apr 25 18:20:59 that's more or less why I'm using SurfaceHolder.Callback s Apr 25 18:23:13 barque: guess you should just read the code then https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/refs/heads/master/core/java/android/view/SurfaceView.java :) Apr 25 18:23:25 heh I guess... thanks Apr 25 18:24:43 barque: surfaceChagned() is only called when the surface's dimensions or format changes Apr 25 18:24:50 crised: About LogCAt I get errors while running emulator device, nevertheless I experience normal behavior in the behaviour of te emulator(15:22:56) crised: Which may be the cause of this?(15:22:59) Lokie left the room (quit: Ping timeout: 272 seconds).(15:23:01) crised: 04-25 18:23:00.661: ERROR/StrictMode(642): null(15:23:09) crised: 04-25 18:23:00.651: ERROR/Activity(15:23:11) crised: Thread(642): Service com.android.exchange.ExchangeService has leaked Apr 25 18:24:59 there is no guarantee (nor reason) it would be always be called after onResume() Apr 25 18:25:00 Are there any reasons why my app which uses LDAP wouldn't work? Connections to the LDAP server fail. They work fine in the IDE, using Novell and UnboundID, but on the device... Failure. Apr 25 18:25:09 yeah but surfaceCreated() is not called after onResume() either Apr 25 18:25:19 the problem is , on first run on this particular set of devices Apr 25 18:25:29 I lose surface when I switch to home Apr 25 18:25:29 sounds like a layout issue Apr 25 18:25:35 but I don't gain it back once I come in Apr 25 18:25:42 However, one 2nd+ runs it's all fine Apr 25 18:25:54 romainguy, it's a SurfaceView in a relativelayout Apr 25 18:25:57 let me check to make sure Apr 25 18:26:14 https://gist.github.com/crised/5461938 Apr 25 18:26:19 yep Apr 25 18:26:22 hello guys Apr 25 18:26:24 it's a SurfaceView inside a relativelayout Apr 25 18:26:34 So.... what do you suggest? Apr 25 18:26:37 how can i fix this error "eglSurfaceAttrib not implemented" Apr 25 18:26:40 ? Apr 25 18:26:42 Any idea why I get ERROR logs? Apr 25 18:27:40 In logcat, error logs very often, although normal behaviour of emulator is presented Apr 25 18:27:41 crised: ignore them Apr 25 18:27:53 Daejeo: don't use eglSurfaceAttrib? :) Apr 25 18:28:11 he needs that for context creation Apr 25 18:28:15 evanc: so this is normal behaviour? Apr 25 18:28:19 QbY: you're going to have to be much more specific. "Failure" doesn't tell us anything. Apr 25 18:28:29 romainguy: i am not using it Apr 25 18:28:29 So I guess no ideas Apr 25 18:28:37 barque: it's not required to create a context Apr 25 18:28:52 Daejeo: what is your app doing? Apr 25 18:29:02 and what device/version of Android are you using? Apr 25 18:29:06 evanc: Both upon trying to establish a connection to the ldap server (.connect) fail. Throwing a java.io.exception. no other data. Apr 25 18:29:13 So nothing guys ? Apr 25 18:29:17 (well it names the server it couldn't reach) Apr 25 18:29:35 i am playing mp3 file and i have textview in the scroll view Apr 25 18:29:47 romainguy: i am playing mp3 file and i have textview in the scroll view Apr 25 18:30:00 QbY: copy your exception stacktrace and put it on pastebin.com. Send us the URL. Apr 25 18:30:02 just simple app Apr 25 18:30:22 I want to put a ListView inside of a ScrollView but understand why I can't. My question is: is there an alternative View that a data adapter can bind to that does not scroll, so that I can put a dynamic list inside of a ScrollView? Apr 25 18:30:27 Daejeo: what device/version of Android are you using? Apr 25 18:31:00 evanc: will do.. gimme a few mins Apr 25 18:31:17 romainguy: 4.2.2 / google nexus 7 tab Apr 25 18:31:23 PeteS: Why cant you use a listview? Apr 25 18:31:27 Daejeo: then I don't know Apr 25 18:32:07 PeteS: just for the record: ListViews do not go in ScrollViews Apr 25 18:32:10 SimonVT: Because, let's say I want to combine two of them inside one scrolling area. ListViews can't go inside of ScrollViews because it's ambiguous to have nested scrolling containers. Apr 25 18:32:11 romainguy: should i comiple with lower version? Apr 25 18:32:23 evanc: I know, that's why I said that right off the bat. Apr 25 18:32:33 PeteS: :P Apr 25 18:32:35 PeteS: Then the question is why you need to combine two of them.. Apr 25 18:33:33 SimonVT: I feel like that is a reasonable prerogative of a developer to be able to put two dynamic-length lists next to each other in a scrolling container. If not, that's a bogus, arbitrary limitation that I should not be blamed for. Apr 25 18:33:50 Whatever Apr 25 18:34:48 Is it really that crazy of a scenario to imagine? Pull two lists out of a database, style them independently, and put them in a common scrolling area? It seems like a really, really obvious use case to me. Apr 25 18:35:17 PeteS: why are they nested in a scrollview? that part doesn't make sense to me Apr 25 18:35:23 PeteS: use a single ListView, that works too Apr 25 18:35:50 huh? why nest them in a scrollview? Apr 25 18:36:00 why would you put 2 listviews in a scrollview, that doesn't make sense Apr 25 18:36:01 evanc: Because screen space is limited? I don't know how long the lists are going to be. Apr 25 18:36:08 how would that even work? Apr 25 18:36:10 alternatively you could just iterate over your adapters manually and create a LinearLayout for each Apr 25 18:36:23 because each listview is individually scrolling Apr 25 18:36:26 PeteS: but ListViews already scroll Apr 25 18:36:26 you can set your own listener on the adapters to listen for dataset changes and rebuild the linearlayouts Apr 25 18:36:50 Or put both datasets in a single adapter, and handle it that way Apr 25 18:36:53 romainguy: Thanks. That was what I expecting, but I really feel like it's a gaping hole in the design pattern that I would have to do that. Apr 25 18:37:03 Or wrap two adapters in an adapter Apr 25 18:37:16 PeteS: there are two simple solutions I mentioned; there's no "gaping" hole Apr 25 18:37:18 Hello i am developing an app that could send 4-5 notifications per hour at regular interval. I am worried about battery life. Actually i am using AlarmManager. Is it better to use a service? Thanks! Apr 25 18:37:30 and more importantly, I've very rarely heard this use case mentioned Apr 25 18:37:56 the big issue with generating non-scrolling lists this way is that it will be very expensive if your adapter contains a lot of data Apr 25 18:38:05 so I'd encourage you to use a single adapter instead Apr 25 18:38:23 (and if you want different styles for the different datasets just declare several view types in the adapter) Apr 25 18:46:10 im launching one app from another app, for an activity result. I'm currently using getPackageManager().getLaunchIntentForPackage() to get an intent. However, when the result comes in, the intent is empty, its got no data, and the result_ok is not set either Apr 25 18:46:16 what am I doing wrong? Apr 25 18:48:54 Starting in the app development, I see that android emulator is sluggish, Do you guys try your application on real hardware or emulators? Apr 25 18:49:13 hey guys :) Apr 25 18:49:34 is there a way to modify HTML inside a webview? i want to delete one emeltn with the id footer... Apr 25 18:51:46 crised, Real hardware here Apr 25 18:51:55 crised: intels x86 emulator (if setup correctly) can be very fast - I tend to use real hw though Apr 25 18:53:10 Sonicadvance1: for every test, you just use real hardware? Apr 25 18:53:14 snowpong: using linux Apr 25 18:53:42 crised, Doesn't take too long to upload the APK to my phone each time. Running QEMU on my crappy AMD E450 would be too slow Apr 25 18:56:14 crised: I think it's mostly targetted for windows, but here is some info http://software.intel.com/en-us/blogs/2012/03/12/how-to-start-intel-hardware-assisted-virtualization-hypervisor-on-linux-to-speed-up-intel-android-x86-gingerbread-emulator/ Apr 25 18:56:47 snowpong: it work on Linux and Mac Apr 25 18:56:57 evanc: e.printstacktrace() apparently doesn't work. What's the easiest way for me to get you a trace? Apr 25 18:57:08 e.printStackTrace() definitely works Apr 25 18:57:09 snowpong: -cpu-delay 0 this helped Apr 25 18:57:29 romainguy: OK Apr 25 18:57:40 evanc: Yeah I just added that (properly capitalized) got it to throw the error but it never output it in the Logcat Apr 25 18:58:12 I get a lot of annoying errors in the emulator Apr 25 18:58:19 maybe that's a good reason to try on real hardware Apr 25 18:58:26 By default, do Services run in the same thread as the creator ? Apr 25 18:58:41 they run on the UI thread by default Apr 25 18:58:42 Styler2go: you can modify the HTML by implementing your own WebViewClient - and in onPageFinished(WebView view,...) call for example: view.loadUrl("javascript:document.forms['uiserver_form'].submit()"); to post something in that form Apr 25 18:58:44 maslen: they run on the UI thread Apr 25 18:58:50 OK, thanks. Apr 25 18:59:02 hmm Apr 25 18:59:05 ok thanks Apr 25 18:59:24 thanks f2prateek and evanc Apr 25 19:01:20 javascript:(function() { " + // "document.getElementsById('footer').style.display = 'none'; " // + "})() Apr 25 19:01:24 would this be correct? Apr 25 19:02:37 anyone know why ActionBar.tab's getPosition() gives me a null error, but getText works? Apr 25 19:02:53 I'm using ABS Apr 25 19:06:36 Styler2go: uhm, why not just "javascript:document.getElementById('footer').style.display = 'none'" - I'm no JS expert though Apr 25 19:07:54 Is there any documentation on how can I search for a file from a website and display all the results? I am trying to make a mp3 download app. Apr 25 19:08:05 So, "Scrollable Tabs + Swipe" requires a minimum SDK version of at least 11. What has been done in Google Play for it to work for older builds? Apr 25 19:08:40 I have a 2.3.5 device here with horizontal scroll in google play Apr 25 19:09:33 try to use the support library Apr 25 19:10:00 okidoke Apr 25 19:14:12 lol nm I passed an int to a CharSequence Apr 25 19:14:17 bad idea tm Apr 25 19:18:18 scrollable tabs + swipe? Apr 25 19:18:27 ViewPagerIndicator + ViewPager from support lib works fine Apr 25 19:18:45 down to like api4 Apr 25 19:19:21 you can't pass an int to a charsequence Apr 25 19:19:34 you probably passed in the int overload, and the getString(int) returned a null Apr 25 19:20:07 Anyone used obtainStyledAttributes to obtain an attribute like android:textSize. Its always returning 0 Apr 25 19:20:41 evanc: sorry for the delay. http://pastebin.com/PJuiMDkE Apr 25 19:21:27 This is perhaps a silly question, but why is PagerTitleStrip used by default in Eclipse and not PagerTabStrip that is used in Play? :P Apr 25 19:23:59 <_wli> another quick question Apr 25 19:24:15 why is what used by default in eclipse Apr 25 19:24:20 what does eclipse have to do with anything? Apr 25 19:24:21 <_wli> why am i getting the result of 1 when i (3264 / 2048) Apr 25 19:24:48 <_wli> System.out.println("ratio: " + (3264 / 2048)); -> ratio: 1 Apr 25 19:25:27 because that's integer arithmetic Apr 25 19:25:34 <_wli> ok Apr 25 19:25:35 <_wli> thanks Apr 25 19:25:42 <_wli> so i have to cast them as float first? Apr 25 19:26:24 pfn: I mean when Activites are created through the ..uhm.. whats that called again.. a step by step guide, in Eclipse and you choose the type of Activity. It chooses PagerTitleStrip when you select Scrollable Tabs + Swipe :P Apr 25 19:26:40 because it only offers whatever is in the sdk Apr 25 19:26:54 and I assume PagerTabStrip isn't in the sdk Apr 25 19:27:05 Hmm Apr 25 19:27:26 I just changed PagerTitleStrip to PagerTabStrip in the layout xml and it looked like the one in Play Apr 25 19:27:43 Which is much more ... hmm.. logical Apr 25 19:27:57 intuitive* Apr 25 19:36:19 evanc: disregard my problem; forgot someone changed the manifest -- was missing Apr 25 20:02:32 JesusFreke: your next! http://laughingsquid.com/stoopid-tall-a-14-foot-tall-bicycle Apr 25 20:03:09 haha. that's pretty awesome Apr 25 20:03:19 I do have a 5' unicycle :) Apr 25 20:04:43 I inherited some code that seems to swallow exceptions all over the place Apr 25 20:04:56 I have a group of people beta testing my changes Apr 25 20:05:11 many are complaining about crashes that I cannot reproduce on the 6 devices I have here Apr 25 20:05:55 What do you guys think is the best route, here? Redirect System.err and have a catch-all that prints a stack trace to a file and then rethrows? Apr 25 20:06:02 then I can tell my beta users to send me that file Apr 25 20:08:06 ProgramMax: maybe you need something like acra, testflight, etc Apr 25 20:08:18 What are those? *googling* Apr 25 20:08:26 yeah, google :D Apr 25 20:08:42 i think even google analytics lets you report errors Apr 25 20:09:07 I did notice in my google play store area that I can see which exceptions caused the application to crash Apr 25 20:09:41 but that means I need to 1.) go through the google play store, which I'm not doing for these beta testers (right?), and 2.) need to propegate the errors and strip out all the exception swallowing Apr 25 20:09:46 actually...typing that out Apr 25 20:09:49 2 is probably a good step Apr 25 20:09:53 good day everyone Apr 25 20:09:59 your app actually needs to crash in order to see anything there Apr 25 20:10:05 there's lots of good tools for reporting errors Apr 25 20:10:08 which isn't a good strategy :) Apr 25 20:10:14 I kind of do want to strip it all out so I can see what's actually going on and give it GOOD error handling Apr 25 20:10:15 like the aforementioned, there's also zubhium and crittercisms Apr 25 20:10:27 oh yeah, crittercisms is supposed to be good Apr 25 20:10:35 i have a question about asmack if someone has experience with that it would be awesome Apr 25 20:10:42 cool cool. Thanks guys :D Apr 25 20:10:45 i cant get the certificates issues sorted :/ Apr 25 20:10:53 zubhium's pretty annoying, I suppose Apr 25 20:10:56 but crittercism seems ok Apr 25 20:11:07 zubhium's webapp is useless, you can't link to crashes directly Apr 25 20:11:19 at least that was the case last year, dunno if it's changed Apr 25 20:11:41 I want a drop shadow under my textview, I have added shadowDx and shadowDy (both = 1) and a shadow color and a shadow radius but I still don't see a shadow. What is going on here? Apr 25 20:12:28 so i take it no asmack users here? Apr 25 20:12:30 what did you pick for your shadow color Apr 25 20:12:37 doing precisely that works for me Apr 25 20:12:42 shadow color = #7F000000 Apr 25 20:12:57 how big of a shadow radius Apr 25 20:13:32 shadowRadius = 2 Apr 25 20:13:35 are these bad values? Apr 25 20:13:43 no, bump up the alpha Apr 25 20:13:49 pfn: FF? Apr 25 20:14:02 sure, it's a good start Apr 25 20:14:18 I can't make it any bigger than FF correct? Apr 25 20:14:26 that's right Apr 25 20:14:33 nothing Apr 25 20:14:41 how are you verifying? Apr 25 20:14:43 how are you setting the shadow exactly? Apr 25 20:14:48 oh wait Apr 25 20:14:55 bumping up the radius to 20 makes something show up! Apr 25 20:15:08 a radius of 2 with an offset of 1 won't do much Apr 25 20:15:25 I use offsets of 0 and a radius of 3 to get an outline around my text Apr 25 20:15:35 Hi, anyone know why in some countries the smsManager receive a lot of general failures once the user send a sms? Apr 25 20:15:36 works pretty well for making my stuff visible Apr 25 20:15:51 I've never seen the shadow before, is it a circle or a shadow of the text or a shadow of the view itself? Apr 25 20:15:59 a shadow of the text Apr 25 20:16:16 try using a color to make it more obvious Apr 25 20:16:20 e.g. #ffff0000 Apr 25 20:16:34 k Apr 25 20:16:37 assuming your text isn't #ffff0000 to begin with Apr 25 20:16:55 my text is FFFFFF Apr 25 20:17:04 yeah, that'll show up ok Apr 25 20:17:20 what is the unit on the radius? Apr 25 20:17:24 pixels Apr 25 20:18:32 anyone know any other xmpp libs that is not asmack? Apr 25 20:18:44 and ff on the alpha means completely opaque correct? Apr 25 20:18:48 yes Apr 25 20:19:32 I have it set to ffff0000 and I can _barely_ see it, It's on top of a gradient. Is that a problem? Apr 25 20:19:43 that won't help indeed Apr 25 20:20:21 but if the shadow is _red_ and on top of the gradient. It should be very loud! Apr 25 20:20:39 a shadow is basically a gradient Apr 25 20:20:50 and since it's a gradient over a distance of 2 pixels in your case, no it won't be very "loud" Apr 25 20:20:57 I have it set to 20 Apr 25 20:21:03 radius = 20 Apr 25 20:21:14 same thing :) Apr 25 20:21:34 the drop shadow becomes more and more transparent Apr 25 20:21:43 so it gets mixed with the background color Apr 25 20:21:58 how do I make the drop shadow the most apparent? Apr 25 20:23:05 it's a shadow Apr 25 20:23:09 it's not supposed to be super-apparent Apr 25 20:23:19 pick a color that provides the most contrast Apr 25 20:23:26 to your background and your foreground Apr 25 20:24:44 Ahh, radius of 1, color contrasting background, and dx && dy = 10 Apr 25 20:24:48 makes it very obvious Apr 25 20:25:36 well, of course, it doesn't align with the text, so it's in the middle of nowhere Apr 25 20:25:51 haha, yeah Apr 25 20:25:58 if I just want a text outline, I set dx/dy = 0 and a radius of 3 or 4 Apr 25 20:26:00 is it possible to have Android print in the log what Accessory devices it sees being connected, I am not 100% sure it's correctly getting the strings it uses for deciding what application the intent goes to and on similar grounds, is it possible to see what registered intents an application has ? (trying to debug a ADK connection....) Apr 25 20:26:09 Something weird was going on before. It was like my radius was stuck on ~200 and the shadow was almost invisible Apr 25 20:27:02 be careful, the bigger the radius the more expensive it is to draw the shadow Apr 25 20:28:43 yeah, I want a small radius. Thanks for the help! :) Apr 25 20:33:38 Why is my partial lock screen turning the screen on? Apr 25 20:33:49 partial wake lock* Apr 25 20:46:57 there is a new haxm revision in the sdk manager Apr 25 20:48:04 i bet a lot of people will install then and then forget to .. actually run the bits which install haxm :) Apr 25 20:51:17 I have posted this question in stackoverflow, maybe someone have the solution: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16224452/general-failure-sending-sms I'll appreciate Apr 25 20:56:54 g00s, I think that we have spoken in the last days about smsManager and general failure? right? Apr 25 20:57:15 makin: i dont think so; i know nothing of smsManager Apr 25 20:57:35 xD, ok, maybe I'm wrong Apr 25 21:18:59 hey, where is a contact's thumbnail photo stored in the content provider? Apr 25 21:20:53 because changing it is the hardest thing on planet earth!! Apr 25 21:21:57 curious - anybody seen one of these before? Apr 25 21:21:57 http://hastebin.com/geqogayani.avrasm Apr 25 21:22:34 <_wli> what do i have to do to load another activity after i call finish() on an activity? Apr 25 21:22:44 <_wli> Activity A finishes -> Activity B Apr 25 21:22:50 activity Apr 25 21:23:44 so like... if you're trying to do a series of activities from one activity, I'd use startActivityForResult to get what the result of the first activity is Apr 25 21:23:52 then fire off the next activity Apr 25 21:24:03 or you could startActivity from the new one Apr 25 21:24:05 * rager shrugs Apr 25 21:24:12 <_wli> what if i dont need any results Apr 25 21:24:27 <_wli> activity 1 quits when it finishes all its task Apr 25 21:24:31 <_wli> and load activity 2 Apr 25 21:26:37 uuumm Apr 25 21:26:41 something with FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_USER_ACTION Apr 25 21:27:05 Hey, how would I adapt this code to work with nineoldandroids? Is it possible to use XML still, or do I have to write java code to use the nineoldandroids objectanimator? Apr 25 21:27:07 or this Apr 25 21:27:07 http://developer.android.com/training/animation/cardflip.html Apr 25 21:27:08 FLAG_ACTIVITY_NO_HISTORY Apr 25 21:27:19 _wli: just call startActvity() then finish() Apr 25 21:27:34 <_wli> cool thanks codebutler Apr 25 21:27:36 If set, the new activity is not kept in the history stack. As soon as the user navigates away from it, the activity is finished. This may also be set with the noHistory attribute. Apr 25 21:28:42 so like.... I guess you folks haven't seen a http://hastebin.com/geqogayani.avrasm, then? Apr 25 21:29:28 is there a way to change a contact's thumbnail? Apr 25 21:37:16 <_wli> i have an imagebutton that has a rounded side (it's a semi circle) using PNG with transparency... but it always get displayed with a square like button behind it. Apr 25 21:37:16 Is there a way to get an Animation object from an ObjectAnimator or AnimatorSet, or are these two different and incompatible apis? Apr 25 21:37:26 <_wli> does android support rounded buttons at all? Apr 25 21:38:09 https://www.google.com/search?q=android+rounded+buttons Apr 25 21:38:26 <_wli> thanks rager Apr 25 21:38:38 (the answer is yes - you can) Apr 25 21:39:05 <_wli> rager: even with a picture? Apr 25 21:45:20 Anyone have any luck with serializing a Bitmap using GSON? Apr 25 21:45:47 rburton-: that question scares me Apr 25 21:45:55 How so Apr 25 21:46:13 why are you putting a bitmap into a text wireformat? Apr 25 21:46:13 <_wli> rager: turns out the imagebutton had a background colour set to grey making a greyish square behind the image Apr 25 21:46:50 async processing for uploading and I don't want the user to touch the temprorary image before its upload Apr 25 21:47:36 rburton-: why are you uploading it with gson? Apr 25 21:47:58 Its not being uploaded with GSON the attachment object will be serialized to disk and then deserialized when its about to be uploaded Apr 25 21:48:58 why serialize it to disk? Apr 25 21:49:10 why not just save it to disk as binary data? Apr 25 21:49:13 To ensure the image is not deleted in case of network failure Apr 25 21:49:24 using the Intent for capturing images Apr 25 21:49:52 but like... why "serialize" the bitmap instead of just saving it as a bitmap file? Apr 25 21:49:56 I could, save the output path to a different location and then save that location Apr 25 21:50:23 That object seralized has a attribute bitmap that I want restored when its deserlaized (The object) Apr 25 21:50:23 this question has not gotten any less scary Apr 25 21:50:27 for async tasks Apr 25 21:51:08 rburton-: just to clarify, you're putting the bitmap in the gson structure at some point? Apr 25 21:52:01 The workflow is someone takes a picture and this will be an attribute for a "Message" object. I want to ensure that if the uploading files, it could be retried later. Apr 25 21:52:09 via Tape Apr 25 21:55:18 If I attempt to seralize the object, there's not way to get the physical location on the Bitmap. Unless I make that attribute transient and have a string attribute Apr 25 21:55:39 Or just store the location only Apr 25 21:57:04 let me try the latter Apr 25 21:57:09 * rburton- has been drinking on this nice day ;) Apr 25 22:10:18 not good that I'm going out drinking at 7 Apr 25 22:10:18 :/ Apr 25 22:11:59 whatever Apr 25 22:12:08 7 is a good a time as any to get drunk Apr 25 22:12:12 you mean am, right? Apr 25 22:14:42 rager: am or pm? Apr 25 22:14:42 :) Apr 25 22:14:53 rager: oh wait, you made that joke alread Apr 25 22:15:13 look what you did Apr 25 22:15:26 oh no! Apr 25 22:15:27 that was so bad that even freenode groaned Apr 25 22:24:08 Actually 1PM ;) Apr 25 22:24:14 then drinking again at 7pM Apr 25 22:42:21 is there any way I can speed up IDevice.installPackage() ? Apr 25 22:42:53 I'd like to make an activity where I can display either an EAN-13 barcode or a QR code in the activity. I don't think ZXing will do in this case as I want an activity that does more than just dispay the barcode (it'll have menu items). Is there a good barcode displaying library besides ZXing to do this, or is there a way to embed the displayed barcode in your own activity? Apr 25 22:43:07 Anyone have any opinions on the Parse acquisition? Apr 25 22:44:03 Jouva: there are oodles of barcode generating websites out there that expose APIs Apr 25 22:44:06 I bet there are client-side ones, too Apr 25 22:44:26 Yes this would be client side, I don't need it reaching out to a webserver to make a barcode Apr 25 22:44:36 <_wli> say my app has to support login / logout. what do i have to do to make a login stick... even after the app is closed / device restarted? Apr 25 22:45:40 I guess I'm just asking for a suggestion with one that isn't ZXing, or finding out if I can still USE ZXing and just somehow set an ImageView to have the barcode that ZXing generated Apr 25 22:47:12 ugh Apr 25 22:47:15 stupid android Apr 25 22:47:17 i swear Apr 25 22:47:25 with the multi user support added in 4.2 Apr 25 22:47:35 the media store and scanner are pretty badly broken Apr 25 22:48:21 previous version work with almost any path you pass in because the media scanner calls File.getCanonicalPath Apr 25 22:48:30 but, with the multi user support, that doesn't work anymore Apr 25 22:49:08 they mount the sdcard using a namespace, so if you go through a soft link to the sdcard and try to pass that in to the media scanner Apr 25 22:49:11 the paths don't match up Apr 25 22:49:33 so you get duplicate entries etc. Apr 25 22:49:35 greetings smarter people! Apr 25 22:49:59 I have discovered that a view which is invalidate()'d is never calling onDraw(). What might cause this? Apr 25 22:50:48 and i should mention, creating a touch event makes onDraw() take place; and this problem does not exhibit itself on android 2.2. It happens on 4.0.4 and 4.1.2 Apr 25 22:50:55 (don't know about other versions) Apr 25 23:06:17 Hello . . . I am trying to find the file necessary for the "OpenJDK path" configuration for Android development in Qt on an Arch system. 'jdk7-openjdk' is installed but I do not know which file the configuration needs. What is required? Apr 25 23:06:48 Technicus: does Android even work with OpenJDK? Apr 25 23:06:58 I know AOSP won't compile with it; I have no idea about apps Apr 25 23:07:45 evanc: I do not know, this is ground breaking new territory for me. Apr 25 23:08:14 I built cm10.1 for jb 4.2.2 no problems but thern uninstalled open jdk and installed oracle java Apr 25 23:08:16 evanc: what do you suggest? Apr 25 23:08:38 Hang on i have a great tutyorial for you Apr 25 23:08:43 Brb Apr 25 23:08:58 Technicus: use the oracle JDK? Apr 25 23:09:36 evanc: Here is the tutorial reference directing me: < http://qt-project.org/doc/qtcreator-2.6/creator-developing-android.html >. Apr 25 23:11:36 http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?p=40486481#post40486481 Apr 25 23:11:46 2nd link Apr 25 23:13:13 2nd link is all you need to uninstall openJDK and check then install oracle Apr 25 23:13:50 Only catch is its for ubuntu Apr 25 23:17:05 Sorry first link Apr 25 23:20:33 Those scripts should work on most likely most flavors of 64 bit linux Apr 25 23:41:35 sure is quiet without me here Apr 25 23:41:50 how would you know? Apr 25 23:42:15 touche Apr 25 23:48:08 anyone here uses intelliJ? Apr 25 23:48:14 The_Coolest: yes Apr 25 23:48:49 I just tried to open my project I used eclipse to create originally in intellij Apr 25 23:49:05 and now my import of R says unused Apr 25 23:49:18 and I'm getting a bunch of errors, since it's undefined Apr 25 23:49:39 says unused import statement Apr 25 23:51:41 hmmm. Apr 25 23:51:47 wtf Apr 25 23:53:02 so my R.id's are in a switch Apr 25 23:53:10 apparently that is not allowed anymore? Apr 25 23:53:14 codebutler ^ Apr 25 23:53:45 try a clean build? Apr 25 23:53:56 gah, camera API is a mess. Apr 25 23:54:14 MaaaZ o yeaa Apr 25 23:54:40 leslie>> What's a clean build? Apr 25 23:54:49 it's a relatively big project Apr 25 23:54:53 and the code is there Apr 25 23:55:05 but this import is ingored Apr 25 23:55:39 try build > rebuild project. sometimes the Android code generation stuff gets messed up Apr 25 23:56:25 Hey Apr 25 23:56:37 I have a question Apr 25 23:57:16 when I try to edit user I cant see the information of the user in my app Apr 25 23:57:53 ok I see Apr 25 23:58:03 It appears I can't use the switch here.. Apr 25 23:58:04 blah Apr 25 23:58:14 well, if else it is then Apr 25 23:58:19 ugly but should work. Apr 25 23:58:39 can I show you the errors? Apr 25 23:59:22 it says that resource Ids can't be used as constants. Apr 25 23:59:59 http://pastebin.ca/2366731 Apr 26 00:00:01 look here Apr 26 00:00:15 I like this. Apr 26 00:00:35 It just offered to replace the switch block with if/else block automatically Apr 26 00:00:37 that's neat Apr 26 00:01:48 sweet it worked. Apr 26 00:01:57 fix my error as well Apr 26 00:02:21 now I need to add a reference to the admob library and it should compile. Apr 26 00:03:59 3:04:06 AM Compilation completed successfully in 11 sec Apr 26 00:04:01 yay Apr 26 00:04:07 now let's see fi this works. Apr 26 00:09:07 sdsdsdsada Apr 26 00:11:58 oh wow. Apr 26 00:12:06 google GSon actually works now Apr 26 00:12:15 I remember not using it in my original project Apr 26 00:15:30 The Coolest Apr 26 00:15:49 why dont you help me? Apr 26 00:16:48 Ilhami: because you haven't shown us any code yet Apr 26 00:17:02 also, because that's not the way to ask for help Apr 26 00:18:08 http://pastebin.ca/2366740 here Apr 26 00:20:09 everytime I try to edit a user the app crashes Apr 26 00:22:45 my guess is either you have a concurrency problem where an object is not instantiated at the time of access, or a scope problem where the variables your'e accessing are only defined in the local scope and never assigned from the parent scope. Apr 26 00:23:16 hard to guess because the line number of the exception is not valid with the code you posted Apr 26 00:23:31 It says something about asynctask Apr 26 00:23:38 and doInBackground Apr 26 00:23:46 Ilhami: it says exactly what's wrong Apr 26 00:23:48 it says Caused by NullPointerException Apr 26 00:23:52 look at line #12 Apr 26 00:23:57 hence, a variable is null Apr 26 00:24:18 and it tells you which line you are accessing the null value Apr 26 00:24:23 Ilhami: that source doesn't match your exception Apr 26 00:24:30 indeed Apr 26 00:24:38 private static final String url_user_details = "http://droidrun.dk/get_user_details.php"; Apr 26 00:24:40 this line? Apr 26 00:24:43 How can I generate an .apk file outside of eclipse? Apr 26 00:24:52 Ilhami, he's talking about your stack trace Apr 26 00:26:51 Ilhami: I mean line #12 here: http://pastebin.ca/2366731 Apr 26 00:26:58 * evanc | 04-25 22:29:39.339: E/AndroidRuntime(31054): Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException Apr 26 00:28:14 http://pastebin.ca/2366757 anything wrong about the method here? Apr 26 00:28:19 I see Apr 26 00:28:30 I think its the method here Apr 26 00:30:11 Would someone mind helping me figure out why onDraw() is not called unless I tap the view explicitly? http://pastebin.com/vM2Bi5qX Apr 26 00:31:04 I've modified the GraphView library in a variety of ways, trying to insure that 1) the View is set to be drawn, and 2) it has a height and width > 0. I'm not sure I've done it correctly though. The view is redrawn without any issues on android 2.2 Apr 26 00:31:49 I didnt write this code.. I am trying to fix my classmates code Apr 26 00:34:49 how do I force the MediaPlayer to buffer an hls stream? prepare returns immediately Apr 26 00:34:56 and start takes a while before it actually starts playing Apr 26 00:36:36 who can fix my error I will pay him :D Apr 26 00:36:47 or is it now allowed to ask for that in here? Apr 26 00:36:48 not Apr 26 00:37:12 my onBufferingUpdate isn't getting called either, even though the listener is set Apr 26 00:37:54 Ilhami, no recruiting! Apr 26 00:38:03 Ah ok Apr 26 00:38:28 * pfn looks over the mediaplayer apis again and again Apr 26 00:39:22 Ilhami: sounds like you should fix it yourself since you're in school, or at a minimum, ask your classmate to fix it Apr 26 00:39:41 I am not in school now. I live in Denmark and its almost 3 am here.. tomorrow is holiday here :s Apr 26 00:40:01 i have to ask - can you guys see what i'm typing? Apr 26 00:40:03 https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=42767 Apr 26 00:40:05 friggin' awesome Apr 26 00:46:30 hesperaux: I don't know if it's going to make you feel any better, but yes. Apr 26 00:54:00 evanc :D Apr 26 00:54:04 evanc, lol. thanks. Apr 26 01:04:02 interesting, they use 0mq http://www.androidpolice.com/2013/04/25/for-developers-samsung-releases-chord-sdk-for-easier-peer-to-peer-connections/ Apr 26 01:06:05 wat, only works on TouchWiz Apr 26 01:16:55 hi is there a way to find out why kernel boots to a blank screen?, (dmesg? which should I look for), how do I know wich display driver is running; I compiled a kernel with a config downloaded from the phone and still the screen is black, I can connect to the phone with adb thoug Apr 26 01:24:03 #android-root Apr 26 01:26:10 * g00s considers downloading Chord just to see what exactly the 0mq bindings have to do with TouchWiz Apr 26 01:27:36 when I think of TouchWiz, i think of a Skin - but is it more? I mean, besides some special apps Samsung may add, are there extra APIs or services ? Apr 26 01:29:56 of course there's more Apr 26 01:30:05 it's a ton of new exceptions for users and developers to experience Apr 26 01:37:28 how come my images that i save to my applications data dir get deteleted instantly Apr 26 01:40:59 Would someone mind helping me figure out why after invalidate(), onDraw() is not called unless I tap the view explicitly? http://pastebin.com/vM2Bi5qX I have tried to make sure the view dimensions are set and that the parent view (LinearLayout extension) is set to be redrawn. Apr 26 01:48:00 agy2154: is your data dir /dev/null :) Apr 26 01:48:36 g00s, What do you mean? No im saving to getCacheDir() Apr 26 01:48:41 This class is not intended as a direct analogue of any existing "option" or "maybe" construct from other programming environments, though it may bear some similarities. Apr 26 01:48:47 huh, what else is the point of guava's optional... Apr 26 01:49:36 g00s, I actually looked into that location with a file manager and i couldu see the cached image of the image as the icon but when i tried to open it it would say that it is no longer there Apr 26 01:49:53 O.o Apr 26 01:50:35 Yeah I don't know what is happening. I have been trying to get it to work for 4 days now. Apr 26 02:03:36 Nobody can look at my code through teamviewer? **** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Apr 26 02:59:58 2013