**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Jun 27 02:59:58 2013 Jun 27 03:04:16 hey theelfismike: question about maven, my IDE is constantly repopulating the .idea/libraries folder when I try to delete it.. do you have any idea how or where to edit the config for maven? because it is constant discarding my changes... Jun 27 03:09:54 Ahhh… in project structure -> libraries…. Jun 27 03:10:31 phew.. i wonder where intellij stores project structure configurations… does anyone know where that file is? Jun 27 03:22:59 you mean the project.impl file ? Jun 27 03:23:06 iml* Jun 27 03:44:57 bankai_: I thought it was the iml file as well.. but adding libraries in the project structure dialog doesn't seem to change this file tho… am i mistaken somewhere? Jun 27 03:46:44 .idea ? Jun 27 03:52:53 yah Jun 27 03:55:23 theelfismike: hello… ok i've tried to create a new class path manually… now i'm confused how to identify it with a recognizable package name… since now my test source is in test/src/com and test/lib/ i've updated my iml file with the following tag Jun 27 03:55:23 Jun 27 03:56:15 should i be creating a separate module all together? arghh.. this is getting wayyy too complicated.. haha… but the benefits of the unit tests seems to be really worth it… please help if you can… thanks so much Jun 27 04:20:19 i imported a project in idea12 everythin is fine except i cant build because i get the Error: package R does not exist Jun 27 04:22:47 can someone help? Jun 27 04:26:18 trodis: try Rebuildling the project... Jun 27 04:26:34 i did dozens of times Jun 27 04:26:38 it doesnt matter Jun 27 04:26:48 still complaining about the R packakge Jun 27 04:27:55 the R is supposedly dynamically generated… make sure you don't explicitly import it in your source files Jun 27 04:28:13 checked not import explicitly Jun 27 04:35:13 need some guidance on the best way to architect this out. I have 5 fragments and 7 adapters that all need to download images, I'm using Universal Image Loader http://goo.gl/obp2C so I crated an object that has a public instance of an ImageLoader (from the image loader lib) and each activity + each adapter creates their own object of this type, this way they all share the same common settings. On the fragments onStop I pause all image downloads on t Jun 27 04:35:13 fragments onResume I resume all image downloads, this is so I don't have different connections form different classes all going at once. How does this sound? is this the correct way to do it or is there a better way? Thanks in advance Jun 27 04:35:56 Hello, my minSdk is 8, I'd like my activity's theme to be Theme.Holo... on devices that support it and to fall back on it's default on devices that does not support it. When I set android:theme in my manifest I get an error about my minSdk and the setting. How can I get that working? Jun 27 04:36:23 you can set the theme in code Jun 27 04:38:00 bankai_: if i add tools:ignore="NewApi" to the manifest will that do the trick? Jun 27 04:40:59 it works, im just worried about crashes in old devices Jun 27 04:41:53 when i implement the method onServiceDisconnect(...) when is this method called, because when i debug it never runs this method Jun 27 04:42:17 sry i mean onServiceConnected Jun 27 04:42:48 anyone? trying to learn some good coding practices Jun 27 04:46:28 trodis: http://developer.android.com/guide/components/bound-services.html#Basics Jun 27 05:02:04 thx now it is working Jun 27 05:04:55 Hello. Is there any way of retrieving the id of the current fragmentactivity fragment? Jun 27 05:45:40 Hi jiggas, I need some help on this tutorial http://www.jondev.net/articles/Zipping_Files_with_Android_%28Programmatically%29 Jun 27 06:34:25 theelfismike: no luck… trying to implement it in other ways is a nightmare.. wish you could give me a quick guide how to set it up like you did… :) if you don't mind letting me know how' ur iml is setup and/or if there are required build.xml or ant.properties that needs to be there that'll be awesome…. thanks Jun 27 07:46:28 day 3 of using Android Studio. still very pleased with it. Jun 27 07:46:57 nickfox, agreed, after being rather hesitant of moving from Eclipse, I'm rather pleased with it. Jun 27 07:47:05 It feels a lot lighter, although build times are slightly higher. Jun 27 07:47:19 (at least, they feel as if they are, not done a direct comparison yet) Jun 27 07:47:38 yeah, things are a little slow. it does feel lighter. i like the darkula theme Jun 27 07:49:41 eclipse feels clunky compared to AS Jun 27 07:50:47 Well, what do you know! Google actually removed my fault prod versions of an app I have in the store (not previously possible), and also say they have made some changes which may make it possible for people to do it themselves in the future (have not and will not test now...). That's great! Jun 27 07:51:02 I have in the store for ALPHA testing that should have said. Jun 27 07:51:54 do android devs have a preferred method of distributing apps to testers? testflight? Jun 27 07:54:33 nickfox: I'm using the facilities provided by Google. Alpha/beta testing through the Play Store with a Google Plus community. Jun 27 07:55:30 I guess most of the others assume manual installation of apks (and updates), which I wanted to avoid. Jun 27 07:55:30 ahh, i need to look into that. i'm coming back to android after 2 or 3 years off Jun 27 08:03:38 hmm.. is there a way I can combine layout_centerHorizontal and something to have it like... centered-and-a-little-to-the-right? Jun 27 08:10:57 margin or padding from the left Jun 27 08:19:35 Hi all, i have a problem with an htpp request (i need a json object), the url is http://data.drk.be/kortrijk/statsect.json but my inputstream only contains html code and nothing of the json .... Jun 27 08:22:52 what do you mean by html code ? What is this html code ? Jun 27 08:23:20 If it's html instead of json, maybe the url was wrong.. Jun 27 08:23:55 I only receive header code with a little script Jun 27 08:24:08 what is the script ? Jun 27 08:24:37 in fact, if you received a header, it's because the server sent you that. Jun 27 08:24:53 I'm running a TouchWiz rom on Vzw GS4. Ultimately I'm trying to get my sdcard (formatted ext4) to mount and /etc/vold.fstab looks right but it won't mount. Then it occurs to me that vold.fstab has no entries for the internal storage (using fuse and emulated). Also, there's no storage_list.xml. Where else might these be getting controlled from? Also, if I terminal as root, I can "mount -w Jun 27 08:24:53 -t ext4 /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.2/mmcblk1p1 /storage/extSdCard" and it works fine while in the terminal but my apps show /storage/extSdCard as blank. What security controls that or prevents my apps from seeing what I do as su? Jun 27 08:25:07 so the url is probably not the right Jun 27 08:25:29 Oops. Wrong channel. Jun 27 08:26:26 ahah Jun 27 08:27:10 Thread.sleep() is in milliseconds, right? Jun 27 08:27:18 yes Jun 27 08:27:26 for some reason if i call it with something other than zero, it sleeps for a long time Jun 27 08:27:40 Thread.sleep(1) didn't return within 10 minutes i've been waiting Jun 27 08:28:06 mniip there is no guarantee when you actually will wakeup .. its the minimal time for sleep .. Jun 27 08:28:29 well, 300000 is a little more than 1 Jun 27 08:28:43 no, there is a problem :/ Jun 27 08:29:17 even if you do Thread.sleep(1000). it takes more than 1second ? Jun 27 08:30:33 hey, is there a way to define a string-array and make it grab localized values from @string resource? Jun 27 08:31:02 I dont want to redefine the array for each locale, i just need to localize one item Jun 27 08:34:36 jelltbee: i think this shoud work: getResources().getString(R.string.mystring); Jun 27 08:35:02 jellybee: wrong nick sorry Jun 27 08:35:11 :) Jun 27 08:35:18 or you could use getStringArray, using string-array element? Jun 27 08:37:29 jellybee: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/resources/string-resource.html Jun 27 08:37:37 search for 'String Array' Jun 27 08:38:11 hm Jun 27 08:38:19 how can i modify a view from a thread Jun 27 08:38:25 E/AndroidRuntime(18020): android.view.ViewRoot$CalledFromWrongThreadException: Only the original thread that created a view hierarchy can touch its views. Jun 27 08:39:35 sorry, got disconnected Jun 27 08:40:16 i need something like @string/mystr is it possible? Jun 27 08:40:46 mniip: if you want to modify a view from another thread, you can't. You must be on the UIThread to modify a view Jun 27 08:41:07 i've found something about runOnUiThread Jun 27 08:41:09 lemme see if it works Jun 27 08:41:10 you should use AsyncTask to do this stuff Jun 27 08:41:25 or call the runOnUiThread Jun 27 08:41:40 is it possible to know which value-xx was chosen by the app/system at runtime? Jun 27 08:42:20 jellybee: yes, but I don't remember how :) Jun 27 08:43:01 mm, i can put different values in a string in each file... and check at runtime, but seems dumb Jun 27 08:45:41 why does java have to be so ugly :/ Jun 27 08:48:51 mniip, more principle more ugliness :P Jun 27 08:49:17 eh Jun 27 08:49:19 principle Jun 27 08:49:36 ? Jun 27 08:49:42 anyone ever played with PreferenceActivity, the docs arent enough :/ Jun 27 08:50:09 mniip, java coders say that :P Jun 27 08:51:40 instead of having do_foo(); there's class FooDoer, with void startDoingFoo, and void onFooDone Jun 27 08:52:31 also eh Jun 27 08:52:33 "java.net.SocketException: Permission denied" Jun 27 08:52:37 what's that supposed to mean Jun 27 08:54:44 ah, no permission in manifest Jun 27 08:54:58 were you trying to listen on a low port number? Jun 27 08:55:14 no, simply open a socket, i fixed it already though Jun 27 09:00:21 does the Geocoder class require the Google Play services APK? Jun 27 09:09:02 hrnt: no Jun 27 09:09:28 But it requires some code you may not have on all Android devices Jun 27 09:10:00 Use isPresent (http://developer.android.com/reference/android/location/Geocoder.html#isPresent()) to know if it's available Jun 27 09:10:38 ok, thanks Jun 27 09:14:26 hello, is there any adb trick, that lets my device, plugged in via usb, use the host's internet connection ? Jun 27 09:15:55 sorry, meeting... karlo|w , adding neither padding nor margin helped Jun 27 09:17:32 ah i figured something out maybe Jun 27 09:20:16 berak: no Jun 27 09:20:40 thanks anyway Jun 27 09:21:05 i am not sure if i am happy or not happy about that Jun 27 09:21:07 in general this is a major security issue Jun 27 09:21:35 imagine - you are in a hotel - and plug your phone to a usb charger Jun 27 09:21:52 ... which captures your internet connection ; ;) Jun 27 09:22:21 how would it do that ? Jun 27 09:23:19 StingRay_: thats the reason why i am hyppy that it's not possibel Jun 27 09:23:23 berak: there are possible ways Jun 27 09:23:26 (to connect to the internet via usb) Jun 27 09:23:50 monsti: adb attacks is why new ADB added host signing Jun 27 09:24:00 yes Jun 27 09:24:15 but yes, it's possible to use host's internet connection over ADB, through utterly crazy setups Jun 27 09:24:25 (and it requires software on the phone) Jun 27 09:24:31 or via rooted devices Jun 27 09:25:27 rooting was assumed Jun 27 09:36:46 yea, thanks for the insights Jun 27 09:45:11 Anybody have issues with android studio after the update? Jun 27 09:46:24 I get "cannot resolve symbol 'R'" in a new created project Jun 27 09:47:22 bug Jun 27 09:47:30 if it was working fine b4 Jun 27 09:47:36 and assuming no errors Jun 27 09:47:47 to confirm, do a "rebuild" and deploy Jun 27 09:47:53 if that works then it is the bug Jun 27 09:48:07 it wont work a 2nd time, you would have to rebuild again Jun 27 09:48:33 to avoid this, go into prefs > compile > turn off "External Build" Jun 27 09:48:39 weird enough, BufferedReader doesn't block for some reason Jun 27 09:48:59 take 3 pills of fk you Android Studio and see how you feel in the morning Jun 27 09:49:04 thats it jab416171 Jun 27 09:49:06 :) Jun 27 09:49:11 oops Jun 27 09:49:22 @ jan1337z Jun 27 09:49:27 StingRay_: Not sure if you read it or not, but I got two responses from Google about my mistake about pushing an alpha to prod instead of alpha. They took care of it, removing the prod versions. They also said they have improved the process, I'm assuming that means either adding warnings or added ability to remove prod versions (I'm not gonna test now..). Jun 27 09:50:16 well I still have my main package with a prod release, so gimme link and I'll have a go at this dark magic you speak of Jun 27 09:50:17 :) Jun 27 09:51:19 StingRay_, the funny thing is that If I run the project in the Emulator its fking working Jun 27 09:51:27 Just use the contact form hidden deep somewhere inside the developer console. Jun 27 09:51:30 p_l, this thing here actually worked spot-on ! http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=1371345 Jun 27 09:52:07 jan1337z: really ? never use emu so didnt see that Jun 27 09:52:12 did what I say work ? Jun 27 09:52:24 rebuild it and still the issue Jun 27 09:52:38 then it aint that bug Jun 27 09:52:50 rebuild should build R fine Jun 27 09:53:10 with that bug for some reason after deployment R dies Jun 27 09:53:55 somehow I can't find the gen folder Jun 27 09:54:04 Where is it normally located in android studio? Jun 27 09:54:15 ant or gradle ? Jun 27 09:54:24 gradle Jun 27 09:54:33 ant it would just be normal /project/gen Jun 27 09:55:53 String.equals() ? Jun 27 09:55:56 too cool for == ? Jun 27 10:02:16 in my app i'd like to get particular business from places app or something within x kilometers ... can this be done using intents and content sharing between apps? Jun 27 10:03:13 when an activity opens a new activity, and the new activity is close, does the parent activity returns from onResume() ? Jun 27 10:03:22 closed* Jun 27 10:06:56 i would need to integrate google places api, am i right, something like this tutorial http://www.androidhive.info/2012/08/android-working-with-google-places-and-maps-tutorial/ Jun 27 10:07:57 primski: if thats what you want :) Jun 27 10:08:36 yea, i'm not sure yet ... need to plan a little more how my feature would even work. Jun 27 10:08:56 what is it ? Jun 27 10:10:05 it's a simple calendar app, which displays some additional info for each day, like moon phases and some other ratings .... what i would like is, get all the hair stylists businesses in area and list them, maybe display phone numbers and directions to them, so users can call them up and set an appointment or something. Jun 27 10:11:57 basically, app wil tell you if and which days are good and which aren't for hair styling, washing, cutting etc, based on ancient tradion according to moon phases, we calculate this on the server side and retrieve info with json Jun 27 10:12:59 haven't really planned out the whole business list part .... just an idea i had if it could be implemented easily Jun 27 10:32:14 hi Jun 27 10:32:18 ha heck is a Log.wtf method? Jun 27 10:32:32 i'd be interested in what lang do you recommend in android dev? i guess the main is java Jun 27 10:32:40 "What a terrible failure", primski Jun 27 10:32:54 lol, nice1 Jun 27 10:33:01 but how much more would take to compile from go or python or such? Jun 27 10:33:06 Jackneill, yes, use Java. You can use native c/c++, but that is not meant for full application development Jun 27 10:33:10 probably a lot Jun 27 10:33:19 well i dont know java Jun 27 10:33:24 thats why Jun 27 10:33:37 Well, that's tough luck, but any developer worth their money can read up on a language pretty fast Jun 27 10:33:40 Jackneill: you can use .NET, and recently, Lisp :) Jun 27 10:33:48 both paid SDKs :D Jun 27 10:34:02 so new lang instead of paying :) Jun 27 10:34:02 :D Jun 27 10:38:17 how do i get to display wtf messages in Android Studio, there's so much output it's unreadable. Jun 27 10:38:34 just out of curiousity what plus i'd need to do eg if i wanted to write na app in go? Jun 27 10:39:05 (completely getting started) Jun 27 10:41:32 when an activity opens a new activity, and the new activity is closed, does the parent activity returns from onResume() ? Jun 27 10:46:32 how to point JAVA_HOME to JDK instead of JRE Jun 27 10:46:34 ? Jun 27 10:47:17 http://bit.ly/17EA57F Jun 27 10:47:41 jellybee, try it and see! debugging is fun Jun 27 10:47:46 Hi Jun 27 10:47:50 if your feeling specific, add the "Operating System Type/Name" to the end of the search Jackneill Jun 27 10:47:58 How do I make List/GridView not clear when I rotate the screen? Jun 27 10:48:16 I call setAdapter in onCreate, no matter is there savedInstanceState or not Jun 27 10:48:16 StingRay_, archlinux x86 Jun 27 10:48:26 The data for the list is correct Jun 27 10:48:42 It's reloaded from savedInstanceState correctly, I mean Jun 27 10:48:49 But the list is empty Jun 27 10:49:35 SiPlus: then it's not handled correct Jun 27 10:49:38 âžś $JAVA_HOME [12:48:21] Jun 27 10:49:38 if there is data there Jun 27 10:49:40 zsh: permission denied: /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk/jre Jun 27 10:49:49 sonOfRa: i've tried it, should work. doesnt work :/ Jun 27 10:49:52 but: âžś ls /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk [12:49:40] Jun 27 10:49:53 bin jre lib Jun 27 10:50:00 there isnt jdk there. Jun 27 10:50:06 jellybee, what do you mean, doesn't work? Jun 27 10:50:26 through a debug call in onResume() and see if it's being called Jun 27 10:50:45 StingRay_, my onCreate http://pastebin.com/t0xkFDqj Jun 27 10:51:06 steamshotsAccounts and avatarDrawables are used by the list adapter Jun 27 10:51:10 They have correct data Jun 27 10:51:24 If I'm using something like webview.loadData(summary, "text/plain", "utf-8");, how do I avoid the text to be displayed with a monospaced font? Jun 27 10:53:06 the "divider" thing is empty margin header/footer, I renamed it Jun 27 11:39:14 heeeeey Jun 27 11:39:19 can somebody help me? Jun 27 11:39:23 please Jun 27 11:39:28 with my listview question Jun 27 11:45:26 getCount and getView are called properly Jun 27 11:45:30 after screen rotation Jun 27 11:45:45 the data for the list is correct, it's restored in onCreate Jun 27 11:45:52 but the list isn't displayed after rotation Jun 27 11:51:51 i can't get gridview to fire setOnItemClickListener ... gridview is inside linearlayout which is a part of ViewPager... any ideas where to look? Jun 27 11:55:43 isn't runOnUiThread supposed to start the thing immediately? Jun 27 11:56:46 i understand that it's not guaranteed, but it isn't supposed to wait for something else to start Jun 27 11:56:51 , is it Jun 27 11:56:56 LOLWTF Jun 27 11:57:01 If I have 2 items in my ListView Jun 27 11:57:12 it's empty if I rotate screen Jun 27 11:57:17 If I have 100 Jun 27 11:57:21 it's restored correctly Jun 27 11:57:26 What the hell? Jun 27 11:58:17 show some codez Jun 27 12:00:17 this is my adapter (sorry for no encapsulation, I'm the only coder of the app, and the class isn't going to be used in any other package) http://pastebin.com/WGu71dSA Jun 27 12:00:54 And here's activity onCreate http://pastebin.com/ij6LaYSS Jun 27 12:01:35 If I make getCount return something big, like 100, and &1 every `position` used, it's displayed correctly after rotating Jun 27 12:01:58 wait, let me try another non-2 number that is less than scroll area Jun 27 12:03:10 8 items (empty and not scrolling): blank after rotation Jun 27 12:03:54 16 items (only fully visible in portrait orientation): blank after going from landscape to portrait Jun 27 12:04:29 32 items (scrollable in both orientation): works correctly Jun 27 12:12:16 ah, nvm Jun 27 12:12:37 it wasnt the runOnUiThread delaying the execution Jun 27 12:16:44 before setting setOnItemClickListener on a gridview .... do I need to clear listeners or something? Jun 27 12:17:45 i think my viewpager is interfering with setOnItemClickListener on my gridview somehow but don't know enough about this to confirm or deny Jun 27 12:19:02 What can prevent an AsyncTask from being executed if I run it using new MyAsyncTask().execute(); ? Jun 27 12:19:39 I've debugged trough my code and this line is also executed. But the postExecute is never called, the debugger never jumps into doInBackground Jun 27 12:19:46 * monsti face palms - http://shop.lenovo.com/us/en/desktops/ideacentre/horizon-series/horizon-27/index.html Jun 27 12:20:36 memoryleak: cause it never finishes Jun 27 12:20:37 ? Jun 27 12:20:54 doInBackground never gets called Jun 27 12:21:17 When I leave the activity, then its executed Jun 27 12:21:38 finish(); causes it to be executed, but other than that, no execution Jun 27 12:22:07 .execute(''); ? Jun 27 12:24:13 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17343017/short-listviews-are-empty-after-rotating-screen Jun 27 12:25:18 SiPlus: what are you saving and restoring ? Jun 27 12:25:31 memoryleak where do you call execute();? Jun 27 12:25:43 * monsti calls the ghostbusters Jun 27 12:26:41 Sirolf:http://pastebin.com/UELmgFeC Jun 27 12:26:48 Hello! I faced with following problem: this peice of code works fine in java se project, but when i run it on Android - it doesnt work. all input is weekNumber = 15 test = (Jun 24 - Jun 28) weekNumber = 16 test = (Jun 24 - Jun 28) weekNumber = 17 test = (Jun 24 - Jun 28) ... etc Jun 27 12:26:49 *output Jun 27 12:26:49 so weekNuber changes correct but date - wrong Jun 27 12:26:49 in java se sample project - everything ok Jun 27 12:26:50 Sirolf: http://pastebin.com/UELmgFeC - with space this time Jun 27 12:27:11 soryy Jun 27 12:27:13 http://pastebin.com/0zW8M3zu Jun 27 12:27:19 thi is example Jun 27 12:27:28 Sirolf: It's the onClick of a Dialog button Jun 27 12:27:29 Yauhen90: afaik the weeknumber depends on your country Jun 27 12:27:46 please check code Jun 27 12:27:53 Yauhen90: e.g. in germany the weeknumber that C#/.net calculates violates the definition of weeknumber by the law Jun 27 12:28:18 i set my week number Jun 27 12:28:18 memoryleak that's a very small piece of code which doesnt tell us anything I guess Jun 27 12:28:29 Wait, I'm preparing more Jun 27 12:28:33 :) Jun 27 12:28:55 i set different week numbers Jun 27 12:30:50 Sirolf: http://pastie.org/private/sqakjmdbpuamtlcmbbf8a Jun 27 12:32:58 Yauhen90 ... second parameter of Calendad.MONDAY + 7*week ? Jun 27 12:33:15 I'll look at it memoryleak Jun 27 12:33:16 Sirolf, Right after executing finish(); on the Activity the AsyncTask jumps into the doInBackground Method and executes propperly Jun 27 12:34:05 Sirolf: dont understand Jun 27 12:34:07 proabbly not related, but.. Jun 27 12:34:39 memoryleak ... how do you know it's not entering the doInBackground ? Jun 27 12:34:56 Sirolf: Breakpoint, and also no Log message Jun 27 12:35:15 when I leave the activity, it jumps into the breakpoint and outputs log message Jun 27 12:36:12 Also I see the http request on the server Jun 27 12:36:27 hmm Jun 27 12:37:17 why do you give that param in .execute( .. ) anyway? Jun 27 12:39:35 Sirolf: Where should it be then? Jun 27 12:39:41 memoryleak ... I mean... if the onClick gets called ... the .execute gets called on the task ... the only thing I can think of is something with that ConferenceService is blocking it? Jun 27 12:40:22 or where exactly do you have the breakpoint/log ? Jun 27 12:40:48 getRoomId() on Conference Service is just return mRoomId; Jun 27 12:41:00 which is a simple string Jun 27 12:41:36 okay Jun 27 12:42:33 so where do you breakpoint? Jun 27 12:42:47 I have one here: http://cl.ly/image/3f1P1s1W3w3l Jun 27 12:43:26 yeah but I mean in the doInBackground Jun 27 12:43:36 and one here: http://cl.ly/image/2V1G2t3m123h Jun 27 12:44:03 and it doesnt get to that one? Jun 27 12:44:19 It doesn't go into the doInBackground until I leave the Activity Jun 27 12:45:38 can't you show more activity code then? :) Jun 27 12:47:52 In case it could be related: I have running this async task from onCreate until onDestroy of the activity - http://pastie.org/private/jtjr0hb3dezrn7bdeqta Jun 27 12:50:00 Sirolf: the Activity: http://pastie.org/private/9v25uvi7qytwxmvvmsqtzq Jun 27 12:51:36 The whole project code is quite messy, but I got assigned to it in order to make at least something to get work Jun 27 12:52:34 And this issue took already more than a workday and can't get trough it Jun 27 12:53:05 hmm Jun 27 12:54:04 have you taken steps to diagnose it ? Jun 27 12:54:25 other than setting breakpoints and staring at it for a long time ? Jun 27 12:54:47 as in what tests have you done ? Jun 27 12:54:53 in your workday Jun 27 12:54:56 :) Jun 27 12:55:20 :) Jun 27 12:55:25 any? Jun 27 12:55:37 that was a serious question Jun 27 12:55:57 I'm removing the code step by step to see if there is anything else causing this behaviour Jun 27 12:55:57 Google Volley: Does it make sense to make a Singleton for the RequestQueue ? Jun 27 12:56:01 any opinions? Jun 27 12:56:26 I've tried to copy the Task code into a blank fresh project und executed it, and it worked Jun 27 12:56:49 copied outside of an interface in the same activity ? and worked ? Jun 27 12:56:52 memoryleak but you say it does get into it eventually ... so something is blocking it Jun 27 12:57:07 I've found out Jun 27 12:57:16 it's the damn Audio Level task Jun 27 12:57:22 It is blocking it Jun 27 13:01:19 memoryleak maybe thread pool is to small Jun 27 13:02:49 there are just two tasks Jun 27 13:03:24 But I've the guess that the publishProgress is blocking it Jun 27 13:03:40 StingRay_, saving and restoring is writing to the bundle in onSaveInstanceState and reading from the bundle in onCreate Jun 27 13:03:57 not what I asked Jun 27 13:03:58 I tried to use LinearLayout instead of FrameLayout to hold the ListView Jun 27 13:04:00 I know what it is Jun 27 13:04:01 Same issue Jun 27 13:04:18 I asked what are you saving Jun 27 13:04:26 and what are you restoring Jun 27 13:04:47 the array of parcelable accounts Jun 27 13:04:47 as in pastebin your savestate relevant code and your resotre code Jun 27 13:05:10 pastebin.com/K54Zs7L0 Jun 27 13:05:13 http://pastebin.com/K54Zs7L0 * Jun 27 13:05:20 the data is restored correctly Jun 27 13:05:22 but Jun 27 13:05:32 if the listview is not overflowing the screen Jun 27 13:05:39 it's invisible Jun 27 13:05:45 when I rotate the device Jun 27 13:06:44 and does the listView update if you rotate back ? Jun 27 13:07:05 StingRay_, a new adapter is assigned in onCreate Jun 27 13:07:15 memoryleak http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9221343/how-to-manage-multiple-async-tasks-efficiently-in-android Jun 27 13:07:21 but probably it is Jun 27 13:07:26 because getCount and getView are called Jun 27 13:07:29 I logged them Jun 27 13:07:52 my question was when you rotate it doesnt show Jun 27 13:07:56 what if you rotate back Jun 27 13:08:01 ? Jun 27 13:08:03 it doesn't show Jun 27 13:08:08 ah yes ... android:textIsSelectable on one of the childs in gridview item was preventing the event firing properly .... Jun 27 13:08:12 so nothing to do with running off the screen Jun 27 13:08:14 :) Jun 27 13:08:17 is my point Jun 27 13:08:25 if it's too big for landscape, it disappears when I rotate to portrait, and goes back when I rotate to landscape Jun 27 13:08:38 if it's too small for both, it doesn't reappear Jun 27 13:08:59 hang on Jun 27 13:09:10 visible when you create it in portrait ? Jun 27 13:09:15 rotate to land and it;s gone Jun 27 13:09:18 visible when I first run the app Jun 27 13:09:22 then rotate and it's gone Jun 27 13:09:24 rotate back to port and ???? Jun 27 13:09:42 it doesn't matter in which orientation do I start the app' Jun 27 13:09:52 when I start the app, it is displayed in any orientation Jun 27 13:09:56 please just answer Jun 27 13:09:58 but when I rotate, it disappears Jun 27 13:10:02 ah right Jun 27 13:10:10 so dont matter if it;s big small whatever Jun 27 13:10:14 just rotate and gone Jun 27 13:10:18 foreva Jun 27 13:10:22 till you restart Jun 27 13:10:25 let me draw a picture Jun 27 13:10:29 no Jun 27 13:10:36 just answer my last Jun 27 13:10:58 till I restart or go to the orientation when it's bigger than the screen Jun 27 13:11:37 so you have seen to come back, after it's gone Jun 27 13:11:42 yes Jun 27 13:11:45 if the data is bigger than the screen Jun 27 13:11:53 in landscape mode if it's missing in portrait mode Jun 27 13:11:56 basically Jun 27 13:12:01 what if you call invalidate() on the listView ? Jun 27 13:12:01 if it overflows after rotation Jun 27 13:12:05 it's visible after rotation Jun 27 13:12:05 does that bring it back ? Jun 27 13:12:10 no Jun 27 13:12:26 I tried invalidateViews and notifyDataSetChanged Jun 27 13:13:06 (small for both) -> start in any orientation -> rotate -> gone Jun 27 13:13:29 (small only for landscape) -> start in any orientation -> rotate to portrait -> gone -> rotate to landscape -> back Jun 27 13:13:38 small only for portrait, I mean Jun 27 13:13:52 ok Jun 27 13:13:54 (big for both) -> start in any orientation -> rotate -> everything is fine Jun 27 13:14:04 when it;s gone you call getCount() on the listView ? Jun 27 13:14:13 how many views does it have ? Jun 27 13:14:16 the OS calls it Jun 27 13:14:17 correct amount ? Jun 27 13:14:18 2 views Jun 27 13:14:23 it calls getCount twice Jun 27 13:14:28 2 views, 2 list items Jun 27 13:14:32 not on adapter Jun 27 13:14:35 listView Jun 27 13:14:44 how do I check? Jun 27 13:14:53 listView.getCount() Jun 27 13:14:58 wait Jun 27 13:15:15 or getChildCount Jun 27 13:15:23 do both to be sure :) Jun 27 13:15:45 i think getChildCount is the one that returns the views Jun 27 13:15:54 getCount my just go down to adapter and ask Jun 27 13:16:00 fk knows Jun 27 13:16:53 with 2 items: getCount 4, getChildCount 0 Jun 27 13:17:07 rotated: 4 0 and disappeared Jun 27 13:17:43 so no change Jun 27 13:18:24 yes Jun 27 13:18:35 with 100 items: 102 0 in any orientation before and after rotation Jun 27 13:19:06 ok so 2 things to assume try test Jun 27 13:19:20 1st is pretty not likely Jun 27 13:19:34 the instance onscreen is not the same as the one you think it is Jun 27 13:19:36 2nd Jun 27 13:19:45 the view has no area/space Jun 27 13:19:51 so test the 2nd Jun 27 13:19:52 I can click the items, they become blue and then normal Jun 27 13:20:03 oh Jun 27 13:20:04 no area/space? check the size? Jun 27 13:20:13 and they are the right size ? Jun 27 13:20:27 testing Jun 27 13:21:26 getWidth and getHeight return 0 with 100 items Jun 27 13:21:32 let me try fixed size instead of match_parent Jun 27 13:21:42 irrelevant Jun 27 13:21:53 if you not testing after full layout Jun 27 13:22:01 if you click on a view Jun 27 13:22:08 and see the hightlight Jun 27 13:22:11 then it's there Jun 27 13:22:19 so no assume data is not right Jun 27 13:22:27 what data/contents do items have ? Jun 27 13:22:31 but I can't click when the list disappears Jun 27 13:22:37 oh right Jun 27 13:22:39 the data is simply the position Jun 27 13:22:42 thought you said you could Jun 27 13:22:46 which is used in getView Jun 27 13:22:57 it's user name and avatar Jun 27 13:23:32 with 256dpx256dp, the same thing Jun 27 13:24:12 damn, framelayout doesn't care about absolute size Jun 27 13:25:15 tried absolutelayout, it's still match_parent Jun 27 13:25:30 oh Jun 27 13:25:35 I was sizing a textview, not the listview Jun 27 13:26:56 with 256x256 size, the list disappears Jun 27 13:27:32 256x32 => it works properly Jun 27 13:30:24 I guess something is wrong with internal listview restoration Jun 27 13:31:34 invalidate doesn't work Jun 27 13:32:01 launching the activity from other activity with CLEAR_TOP also doesn't work Jun 27 13:33:39 tried wrap_content height Jun 27 13:33:41 doesn't work Jun 27 13:38:12 I'm using Intent.ACTION_GET_CONTENT to request an image picker. If I use the stock gallery app, I am able to select Picasa images, and it returns the data.getData() as an HTTP link Jun 27 13:39:16 If I want the image data, I assume I need internet permission for my app? Or does the gallery provide some way of accessing the remote image? Jun 27 13:48:36 "The vertically scrolling ScrollView should not contain another vertically scrolling widget (ListView)" Jun 27 13:48:37 Rops you're trying to pull Picasa images from the gallery on users phone? Jun 27 13:49:10 well, maybe i am doing it wrong, what should i use, if i want a vertically scrollable thing, in which there will be a pair of lists Jun 27 14:03:19 how do i force the android ui to refresh / redraw? sometimes elements are stuck or not updated Jun 27 14:03:48 are you using setX methods? Jun 27 14:04:44 i dont think so. I am just starting on android development. I have a textview and its text value is updated but doesnt show until i click random buttons Jun 27 14:05:21 Flaiker: setText() should be all you need Jun 27 14:05:22 you're using setText() Jun 27 14:05:23 to have it update Jun 27 14:05:23 right? Jun 27 14:05:36 i do use setText yes Jun 27 14:05:52 something else must be interfering, then Jun 27 14:06:22 Flaiker, from the same thread? Jun 27 14:07:55 i had it in my getResult() thread first but that crashed. So I made an UpdateUI function which I call from the thread Jun 27 14:08:23 but it only updates half the screen somehow Jun 27 14:08:32 i have the same update function on a button Jun 27 14:08:39 if i press that its updated fully Jun 27 14:09:34 or if i press the 3 dots top right where the dropdown menu comes, that also fixes it Jun 27 14:11:25 Flaiker: if you're using threads, you should probably be using a Loader Jun 27 14:11:52 its my first time using threads, so yeah, i have no idea what im doing :P Jun 27 14:12:02 there are many traps... first get it working with a Loader, if you can Jun 27 14:12:50 Loaders were basically invented because threads are an high-caliber automatic foot shooting device Jun 27 14:14:05 to compare strings, you use .equals right? Jun 27 14:14:10 android caters junior programmers :) Jun 27 14:14:21 for example: String s = "success"; if(s.equals("success")) {} Jun 27 14:14:32 kc8hfi, or TextUtils.equals Jun 27 14:14:41 and the if condition should equal true, right? Jun 27 14:15:08 I sense a real question Jun 27 14:15:47 I don't get it then. Ok, I'm pulling from a web page, and that web page echo's out a single line of text, and that text is the string "success" Jun 27 14:15:57 here is what is in the log, Jun 27 14:16:23 http://www.fpaste.org/21360/42577137/ Jun 27 14:16:54 the first line there, it says from the web page:success. That got added by this code, Log.d("checklogin","from the web page:"+result); Jun 27 14:17:13 put ' around the result Jun 27 14:17:22 it might have invisible characters Jun 27 14:17:45 the second line in the log file comes from this code, http://www.fpaste.org/21361/13723426/ Jun 27 14:18:24 and then of course, if(check.equals("success")) is false. Jun 27 14:18:47 invisible characters...hmm, ok, let me see Jun 27 14:18:53 I'm having problems changing the drawable of a ProgressBar in my app programatically, has anybody done something like this before? Jun 27 14:19:25 kc8hfi, or run it ina debugger and place breakpoints :) Jun 27 14:19:27 Zharf: you mean to add the ' to the string result? Jun 27 14:19:37 Zharf: eff a stupid debugger, prints work just fine Jun 27 14:19:48 -.- Jun 27 14:19:58 Zharf: sorry for the hostility towards debuggers Jun 27 14:20:18 just in the logging put it inside single quotes Jun 27 14:20:40 also maybe print its length too Jun 27 14:20:58 ok, let me try all that and see what happens Jun 27 14:21:26 dang, theres a new line character at the end of it Jun 27 14:21:36 thats what it looks like anyway Jun 27 14:28:35 i'm having trouble creating a view, basically there are some textviews on the top part, a list view in the middle, and some textviews on the bottom. i want the top part to wrap content for hight, and the bottom to wrap content for hight, and i want the list view to take up the rest of the screen. not sure what i need to do to set it up? Jun 27 14:28:38 regarding my textview update issue: it is also interesting to note that from within the thread I can only call function with a try catch block, otherwise the app crashes instantly after the thread is finished Jun 27 14:29:37 eppo whats the parent root view type ? Jun 27 14:29:45 if linearLayout use layoutWeight Jun 27 14:30:01 yes! ah thats it, thanks for the help. Jun 27 14:42:34 should I maybe use AsyncTask instead of threads? Is that easier for a start? Jun 27 14:43:19 yes, AsyncTask will probably make alot of things easier :) Jun 27 14:44:33 thanks ill try that later Jun 27 14:44:34 cu Jun 27 14:52:38 hi, I am trying to compile an app that I got of github, it is probably made with eclipse but I am using command line. The problem I get is that all references to the R class are not recognised but the R.java file is present and the symbols are in that file, what can be done to fix this? Jun 27 14:53:33 its always this R class always....good luck buddy Jun 27 14:53:50 yeh, its a pain Jun 27 14:54:03 every IDE or Developer is referecing different way to the R class Jun 27 14:54:13 i dont get it why google is not taking this srsly Jun 27 14:54:27 its ne #1 problem in the android dev world maybe the most known Jun 27 14:54:42 ok Jun 27 14:55:13 searching google I always find answeres like "restart eclipse", "clean and restart" or something like that Jun 27 14:55:24 but when your not using eclipse, that doesn't help much :-) Jun 27 14:55:32 yeah i know Jun 27 15:09:04 supaman: make sure that R (and/or its parent folder) are on your build tool's list of sources to include in the build Jun 27 15:09:43 trodis: there's nothing to take seriously. This is only a problem if your build tool isn't configured right or you're not running aapt or whatever it is that generates the R.java file Jun 27 15:10:00 evanc: the javac tells me a list of files to be compiled and in there is heklapunch/gen/is/heklapunch/R.java Jun 27 15:10:47 I made a so question out of this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17346877/compiling-android-app-on-command-line-doesnt-reference-the-r-class-correctly Jun 27 15:13:24 evanc: yeah its obvious that the problem is because of the wrong configured IDE Jun 27 15:14:06 but when if i use a IDE which is recommenden and used by google itself i except that i can import an android project without this R package does not exist error Jun 27 15:14:19 *recommended Jun 27 15:15:48 since the R class is generated dynamically i dont get how i have to configure android studio to get rid of this error Jun 27 15:16:30 the only solution for me is to create a new project and then copy and paste the source code of an existing project so the ide does not complain about the missing R class Jun 27 15:16:33 R package does not exist? R is not a package Jun 27 15:16:49 tell that android studio not me... Jun 27 15:18:59 btw i have another point when i connect my nexus via usb and then tell my Android Studio to debug the project on the device, the IDE cant find my device it recognises my device as ????????? null Jun 27 15:19:53 uhm, why is google play services SDK a library project? Jun 27 15:20:02 why not just use the JAR? Jun 27 15:20:13 i am using arch linux and android sdk, the strange point is i have a samsung galaxy s2 wit CM10.1 when i connect my galaxy s2 Android Studio is able to recognize the device and starts the debugging Jun 27 15:20:24 do i need some special drivers for the Nexus 7 Jun 27 15:21:05 Because jar's can't have resources Jun 27 15:23:44 trodis, did you add it to your udev rules? Jun 27 15:26:41 SimonVT: ah, i see Jun 27 15:27:09 a pity that the "import existing android project into workspace" works so horribly with egit Jun 27 15:27:42 Switch to gradle, then you just have to add 1 line of text to your .gradle file and it's added as a dependency Jun 27 15:31:16 Can someone remind me what that undocumented API is that lets a ListView fill the screen when its set to wrap_content but the content isn't big enough to fill the screen. Jun 27 15:31:44 I think @romainguy talked about it at IO one year or something Jun 27 15:33:16 it doesnt Jun 27 15:33:24 well not iirc Jun 27 15:33:28 but that would be very bad Jun 27 15:33:39 to use wrap_content neways Jun 27 15:33:43 Is there any widget/control that 'flies out'? Jun 27 15:33:57 I want a slider to get 'overlaid' on top of another view when I click a button Jun 27 15:34:06 and 'hide' again when I click it again Jun 27 15:34:39 Abhijit nandy? Jun 27 15:35:03 greetings Jun 27 15:36:47 Or is there another design pattern for this? Jun 27 15:37:28 liquidmetal: like a drawer? Jun 27 15:37:51 Dark-Side, does a drawer squeeze the other views? Jun 27 15:37:54 liquidmetal: Design pattern for what? Jun 27 15:38:04 liquidmetal, whats that? Jun 27 15:38:13 sonOfRa: yes i did when i execute adb devices inside android-tools i get the error: ???????? no permissions listed Jun 27 15:38:38 Brian|CB, I want a slider to get 'overlaid' on top of another view when I click a button... and 'hide' again when I click it again Jun 27 15:38:51 Abhijit, ah - I thought you were someone I knew Jun 27 15:38:55 No liquidmetal Jun 27 15:39:09 trodis, you sure it's the right vendor ID? Jun 27 15:39:16 the vendor IDs are different for each phone Jun 27 15:39:46 Dark-Side, I think this is what I was looking for Jun 27 15:39:49 sonOfRa: yes i know i got the id from http://developer.android.com/tools/device.html for my Asus Nexus 7 Jun 27 15:39:58 its 0b05 Jun 27 15:40:03 have you restarted udev? Jun 27 15:40:12 and adb Jun 27 15:40:25 tell me how pls Jun 27 15:40:29 Dark-Side, thanks! Jun 27 15:40:42 udev restart Jun 27 15:40:57 no idea, it might be service udev restart, /etc/init.d/udev restart Jun 27 15:41:03 np liquidmetal Jun 27 15:41:13 that depends on your distribution and what startup system you're using Jun 27 15:41:15 yeah i know Jun 27 15:41:46 Does anyone know if it is possible to "patch" a method in a class after the class has been instantiated? Jun 27 15:41:58 SlidingDrawer was deprecated in API17... what should I use instead of that? Jun 27 15:42:22 Anthy, sounds like a bad idea, what are you actually trying to do? Jun 27 15:42:24 There is a nice github version Jun 27 15:43:13 https://github.com/jfeinstein10/SlidingMenu that can be used to slide in and out Jun 27 15:43:40 sonOfRa im i have a spinner but inside this spinner is a SpinnerAdapter I need to override one of the methods so I can "grey out" an item in the list Jun 27 15:43:43 might be a bit big for what you want Jun 27 15:44:09 then override SpinnerAdapter to do what you want? Jun 27 15:44:10 but the Spinner is instantiated using the OnCreate from resources in the activity I think Jun 27 15:44:13 no reason to do this at runtime Jun 27 15:44:29 I dont actually instantiate the class the designer does it Jun 27 15:44:40 So it is built from XML Jun 27 15:45:22 found another one https://github.com/SimonVT/android-menudrawer Jun 27 15:45:35 Dark-Side, any clue why it was deprecated? Jun 27 15:45:49 i want to override the isEnabled in the array adapter Jun 27 15:45:56 but the adapter is already created Jun 27 15:45:58 They made a proper slide out menu Jun 27 15:46:19 What's that called? Jun 27 15:46:54 ive patched into setAdapter(0 but I have to create a new adapater and I lose the xml attributes Jun 27 15:47:06 http://developer.android.com/design/patterns/navigation-drawer.html liquidmetal Jun 27 15:48:25 Hey guys...I have a very strange problem. I'm using Helium Backup with a Android ICS 4.0.3 Phone and I have installed the Google USB Drivers. I have also turned on USB Debugging mode. Now it seems like Helium backup is unable to detect my phone. Jun 27 15:48:32 That is what I am doing http://codepad.org/qZiO3LRo Jun 27 15:51:16 i wonder if I can copy the view from the SpinnerAdapter and then fudge this into my custom adapater with the IsEnabled patched? Jun 27 15:53:09 Or you could just wrap the adapter you're passed Jun 27 15:53:39 Or, you know, change the adapter Jun 27 15:53:43 You mean cast it to a custom type? Jun 27 15:54:50 public boolean isEnabled(int position) if (position != 0) return mWrappedAdapter.isEnabled(position); .. } Jun 27 15:56:25 I'll have to have a little think about that tnx :) Jun 27 15:57:48 Hmm would not solve the issue because I need the actual adapter to display the view and also the code Jun 27 15:57:59 i should just write a custom spinner i guess as a new widget Jun 27 15:58:24 I'm sure the adapter you're passed creates the views Jun 27 15:58:39 Not sure why you're not just changing that adapter Jun 27 15:58:56 The problem is that my copy of the adapter does not contain the xml attributes from the original adapter Jun 27 15:59:12 What does that even mean Jun 27 15:59:18 oh boy today is going to be fun Jun 27 15:59:34 I get to play with trying to make density/screen size scaling work all nice and stuff Jun 27 15:59:40 Cause I have a Nexus 10 to test and demo on Jun 27 15:59:42 :D Jun 27 15:59:57 Well the SpinnerT class is built using the OnCreate -> setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); Jun 27 16:00:16 and the adapater is setup in there so i can't patch it from the XML Jun 27 16:00:28 and i need the other xml attributes like font size etc Jun 27 16:00:42 but my new adaapter that i create doesnt contain them Jun 27 16:01:01 Why are you not changing the adapter passed to setAdapter Jun 27 16:01:44 I get a crash Jun 27 16:01:52 That is why I had to duplicate it Jun 27 16:01:57 ... Jun 27 16:02:02 Good luck Jun 27 16:02:07 if I do adapter.add("hello") <=explodes Jun 27 16:02:42 Morning, everyone. Weird issue with Jelly Bean. Targeting 2.3 and minimum sdk 2.3. I have a textview that appears fine in all versions of Android but Jelly Bean. I know the view is loading because when I set a background color, I can see it. The text itself is just missing. Any ideas? Jun 27 16:02:46 +I also need the method override Jun 27 16:02:54 So instead of fixing the adapter you fucked up, you make a new one and fetch the items from the old adapter Jun 27 16:02:59 Sounds like a great plan Jun 27 16:03:34 That is what I do but the xml isnt preserved Jun 27 16:03:49 I was being slightly sarcastic Jun 27 16:03:54 I would have to go into the Spinner /Adapter code from the devkit i guess which kind of sucks Jun 27 16:04:08 Fix your adapter instead of making a new one Jun 27 16:04:31 Which is basically on the way to making a new widget Jun 27 16:07:25 SimonVT: And it's not even the weekend! Jun 27 16:07:35 I know :/ Jun 27 16:09:00 I got an app that should run code each minute, 5minutes, each hour and each 12 hours Jun 27 16:09:06 I can run the code through a service Jun 27 16:09:29 Sounds great for battery life Jun 27 16:09:30 what would be better? using a handler, pendingintents or a combination of both for launching the actions? Jun 27 16:09:46 It's *great* for battery life... :) Jun 27 16:10:07 but they aren't battery powered devices Jun 27 16:10:35 Should probably just use alarmmanager Jun 27 16:10:52 In case your process ever gets reclaimed by the system Jun 27 16:11:14 previous implementation (not mine ;) had threads everywhere Jun 27 16:11:35 but it seemed to do weird stuff sometimes... Jun 27 16:13:03 AlarmManager :) Jun 27 16:13:05 thanks for the advice, I'll try all of them with the alarmmanager Jun 27 16:21:52 <[ReGiStRaS]> Hey guys...I have a very strange problem. I'm using Helium Backup with a Android ICS 4.0.3 Phone and I have installed the Google USB Drivers. I have also turned on USB Debugging mode. Now it seems like Helium backup is unable to detect my phone. Jun 27 16:23:26 read topic/title Jun 27 16:24:09 ReGiStRaS: sounds like you need app support from the developer Jun 27 16:24:58 i'm sorta new to android/java; if i have a small function say to format a string that i use throughout my project, is best practice to make it a class that other classes access when needed? Jun 27 16:27:21 you could have a static method on a class that you call from different parts of your app Jun 27 16:28:06 or, if the source of the data getting formatted always comes from the same object, you could add a .getFormattedDescrition() method on the data object itself Jun 27 16:28:59 no it'll be used by different objects, so your first suggestion sounds best. thanks! Jun 27 16:29:17 jals: that'd usually go into a Utils class of some description then Jun 27 16:29:36 ah ok, yeah that makes sense Jun 27 16:51:36 fffffuuu Jun 27 16:51:42 density why you so frustrating Jun 27 16:53:53 Brian|CB: sup ? Jun 27 16:53:55 :) Jun 27 16:55:16 Just playing with my nexus 10 I got for work Jun 27 16:55:16 :D Jun 27 16:55:27 Trying to make everything look all nice on the variety of devices I have available no Jun 27 16:55:28 now* Jun 27 16:55:31 so it's kind of frustrating Jun 27 16:55:34 but ultimately very pretty Jun 27 16:55:34 :D Jun 27 16:56:19 * SpeedEvil doesn't understand why there is still no nexus 10 3g. Jun 27 16:56:41 SpeedEvil: idk, I don't think they've had enough success with the N10 to warrant it maybe Jun 27 16:56:57 Dunno. Jun 27 16:57:22 10 inch tablets are, not favoured in the wild as being…well…..mobile Jun 27 16:57:24 :) Jun 27 17:01:10 http://developer.android.com/about/dashboards/index.html Jun 27 17:01:48 I guess - the nexus 10 is part of the 0.1% of devices - xhdpi and xlarge Jun 27 17:01:55 hmm Jun 27 17:02:05 time to work on adding the improvements I made to my graphics rendering from canvas on HTML5 to Android Jun 27 17:02:10 Gotta love the similarity Jun 27 17:02:15 Or wait - maybe under 0.1% and not shown. Jun 27 17:10:55 ok kepler works with adt Jun 27 17:11:24 Is Kepler faster? Jun 27 17:11:34 Or anything else I'd notice? Jun 27 17:11:36 2% Jun 27 17:11:39 heh Jun 27 17:11:43 starting is a bit faster Jun 27 17:12:03 I solved 'starting faster' by using an SSD ;) Jun 27 17:12:07 but it still feels like fisting nails Jun 27 17:15:18 monsti: I prefer eating nails in a bowl with milk Jun 27 17:18:09 wow Jun 27 17:18:22 kepler just detected a major coding shit in my java :) Jun 27 17:18:30 maybe because of other default compiler settings Jun 27 17:18:45 i had bug in my ORM code Jun 27 17:19:04 when downloading a project from github (which is originally developed in github) and trying to compile on commandline with ant all I have to do is just update the project with android update project --target nr --path . to build the build.xml file, or is there something else I should do? Jun 27 17:19:18 sorry, originally developed in eclipse I meant to say Jun 27 17:20:32 getting so many lint errors about classes referenced in manifests not being found in teh project or libraries and also "Error: Corresponding method handler 'public void organize(android.view.View)' not found [OnClick]" Jun 27 17:25:15 How feasible is it to develop android apps on a Linux workstation? Jun 27 17:26:55 Very Jun 27 17:28:06 Desheng3: That is my PREFERRED environment Jun 27 17:28:07 it's really nice Jun 27 17:30:09 Great to hear :) Jun 27 17:30:48 Desheng3: you mean on xeon + linux ? Jun 27 17:31:15 I don't know yet? I'm just now getting into it Jun 27 17:31:16 cause it makes no difference at all to normal Jun 27 17:31:45 xeon as in the workstation class cpu Jun 27 17:31:54 or server class, same thing Jun 27 17:36:07 How does the Snake game (in sdk examples) keep the snake going? Jun 27 17:36:34 regular feedings Jun 27 17:36:38 rodents and such Jun 27 17:36:41 or apples Jun 27 17:37:50 StingRay_: But how does the snake move the 2nd time? Jun 27 17:38:20 It goes: MoveSnake(UP), then it moves it, but thats it... it never moves it again Jun 27 17:38:40 is there not a loop Jun 27 17:38:49 and it draws and increments position ? Jun 27 17:38:50 maybe Jun 27 17:39:37 There's no loop at all Jun 27 17:40:45 What's the name of the sample and where is it located? Jun 27 17:41:28 It uses a Handler to send a delayed message that updates the snake position and invalidates the View Jun 27 17:41:32 http://grepcode.com/file/repository.grepcode.com/java/ext/com.google.android/android-apps/2.0_r1/com/example/android/snake/SnakeView.java#SnakeView Jun 27 17:41:55 look at 104+ Jun 27 17:42:08 Then that message sends another delayed messages, etc, etc Jun 27 17:42:51 SimonVT: Oh thats what the message does! Jun 27 17:43:55 Isn't the whole idea about having two synchronized(this) {} blocks, that the two of them can't run simultaneously? Jun 27 17:44:48 anyone know an easy why to style the prompt on a Jun 27 17:45:54 Because it's a cool thing to do! Jun 27 17:46:07 Is that enough of an "easy why"? Jun 27 17:46:23 <|Agent> I'm suprised JSONArray doesn't implement Iterable, or convert to a Java array. Jun 27 17:47:04 er, why == way Jun 27 17:47:30 |Agent: GSON pls Jun 27 17:47:32 |Agent: You can get an iterator Jun 27 17:47:42 GSON? Jun 27 17:48:23 <|Agent> Miesco, how do you get an iterator? Jun 27 17:49:11 |Agent: iterator() Jun 27 17:49:13 err Jun 27 17:49:17 getKeys() Jun 27 17:49:18 I think Jun 27 17:50:05 can there be a cursor indicator in a textView ?? Jun 27 17:50:22 |Agent: Wait, no keys() is in JSONObject Jun 27 17:50:50 |Agent: I would use GSON, if I had known of its existence I would of used it Jun 27 17:51:03 Miesco: YOu should look into GSOn Jun 27 17:51:05 seems that the cursor attribute is on a textView rather than an editText …. I'm confused Jun 27 17:51:06 it can do some really cool stuff Jun 27 17:51:10 <|Agent> Alas, this existing code base I'm working on uses JSON, not GSON. Jun 27 17:51:12 pretty easy to go from any type/object to json and back Jun 27 17:51:15 even lists/arrays of objects Jun 27 17:51:17 etc. Jun 27 17:51:18 really good stuff Jun 27 17:51:29 also it's from google so you know it will run well Jun 27 17:51:29 :D Jun 27 17:56:08 can i somehow stop windows from opening explorer when I plug my phone in? really annying Jun 27 18:05:29 Flaiker, try pressing SHIFT while connecting it Jun 27 18:06:07 that did nothing as far as i can tell Jun 27 18:06:24 no Jun 27 18:06:26 now it did Jun 27 18:06:27 thanks Jun 27 18:06:33 :) Jun 27 18:08:30 I want to add an EditText to a dialog fragment, but right now it just shows the toString(). How can I show it as an editable text field? Jun 27 18:10:58 cheese1756: 1st half of that question is ok, then the addition of shows "toString()"…. wtf ? Jun 27 18:11:10 is it me or does that start to make no sense ? Jun 27 18:30:08 What is the purpose of having different components. In different.processes? Jun 27 18:32:42 hi all Jun 27 18:32:53 ? Jun 27 18:33:48 I have an appwidget with a listview. Sometimes the list has a small number of items and some empty space after the last. I'd like to make that empty space respond to click events Jun 27 18:34:08 using setOnClickPendingIntent() on the listview didnt work Jun 27 18:34:12 any ideas? Jun 27 18:35:23 Currently, I have an EditText and I have initialized it with setText(). How do I show the EditText as a text field and prefill it with the setText()? Jun 27 18:36:11 cheese1756: give it to a view that is on screen ? Jun 27 18:36:35 someVIewOnScreen.addView(thisEditTextYouSpeakOf); Jun 27 18:36:55 StingRay_: Ah, I see. It will be within a DialogFragment. I should add it to that view? Jun 27 18:36:58 and if you have setText(someText) then thats it Jun 27 18:37:10 add it where you want Jun 27 18:37:15 I dont care :) Jun 27 18:46:00 Hey guys - I've had an app doing mjpeg streaming for a while - When I originally wrote it I used this (http://stackoverflow.com/a/3305276/1125714 - I think, it looks familiar). Is there a more native way to do this yet? Was thinking of porting the app to iOS as it's for a local business and I don't want to leave out the market - looks as if they have Jun 27 18:46:00 https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/mediaplayer/reference/mpmovieplayerviewcontroller_class/Reference/Reference.html was hoping to refactor the Android one to use something similar. Jun 27 18:46:04 anyone have experience with ClickableSpans and Textviews? Jun 27 18:46:40 i have two ClickableSpan items in my TextView. When I click either one, the entire TextView is highlighted. Jun 27 18:47:03 i want to have only the clicked span be highlighted, not the entire textview Jun 27 18:49:31 How long do the android emulater's usually take to get started? Jun 27 18:50:16 BenOrnstin a long time if you're using a non-haxm emulator on an older machine Jun 27 18:50:58 http://developer.android.com/tools/devices/emulator.html#accel-vm Jun 27 18:51:07 if you want to try to add the haxm additions Jun 27 18:53:48 theelfismike, okay Jun 27 18:54:37 I had to hand over my tablet to the client for the rest of the week for testing, but that left me without the means to fix his completes :/ Jun 27 18:54:47 can someone walk me through how to decompile an APK Jun 27 18:54:50 apktool is giving me issues Jun 27 18:55:04 Virtuous Ten Studio decompiles it but doesn't give me all the java activity files Jun 27 18:55:42 what are you decompiling ? Jun 27 18:56:50 Wrong channel Jun 27 18:56:51 dailyroads.apk Jun 27 18:57:19 http://appcircus.com/apps/dailyroads-voyager Jun 27 18:57:41 for what reason ? and what do you want to get from it ? Jun 27 18:58:01 i want to look at the activity files and see how they use the gps and the video recording feature at the same time Jun 27 18:59:19 well your time will probably be best spent learning those individually Jun 27 18:59:31 i thought it was easy to decode an apk? Jun 27 18:59:34 rather than attempting to break it out of someone elses Jun 27 18:59:54 not if proguarded and the reason is to learn Jun 27 19:00:11 so maybe try learning each like I said Jun 27 19:00:18 then you can probably do what you want Jun 27 19:00:27 i never knew about proguarding Jun 27 19:01:32 hey guys i have some questions about how I can store users data. I want to pull information for an online mysql database, lets say i'm pulling an image. Each time i pull this image I want to store the user that pulled it and make sure they can't get the same image again. Jun 27 19:01:46 what would be the best way for me to create user accounts to do this? Jun 27 19:02:18 a local sqlite db ? Jun 27 19:02:20 maybe Jun 27 19:11:34 I've got the following: https://gist.github.com/anonymous/5879436 -- Works perfectly fine on JB, but on GB, it doesn't rotate on it's center Jun 27 19:12:34 If I have an activity, then I start another activity onStop() is called and not onDestroy(), right? Jun 27 19:15:26 wtf Jun 27 19:15:48 It says N7 is 1280x800 and my images with widths of 1280 and dpis of 216(as listed online) aren't filling up the page Jun 27 19:15:50 FFFUUUUU Jun 27 19:16:32 user error Jun 27 19:16:35 :) Jun 27 19:17:20 That doesn't mean 1280x800 is available to your app Jun 27 19:17:35 There's buttons and the status bar Jun 27 19:17:44 oh Jun 27 19:17:45 I know Jun 27 19:17:51 It's 1280x683 in this scenario Jun 27 19:17:56 but it's not filling the 1280 right Jun 27 19:18:06 does the bitmap loader truncate the invisible pixels mayple? Jun 27 19:18:08 maybe* Jun 27 19:18:19 although Jun 27 19:18:20 thats impossible Jun 27 19:18:24 cause I used up all the width Jun 27 19:18:41 how much is it not filling ? Jun 27 19:18:55 It's probably scaling it down, so it fits within the 683 vertical space Jun 27 19:18:56 the last like ~10%ish Jun 27 19:19:06 link to image ? Jun 27 19:19:06 JesusFreke: My image is under 683 vertical Jun 27 19:19:56 not sure if can really share specific images/files Jun 27 19:20:06 i'll just keep crackin at it Jun 27 19:20:11 was there an issue with how rotate drawables handle their leveling on 2.3 devices? My rotate drawable isn't rotating around it's center like it's supposed to on a 2.3 device. Jun 27 19:20:21 well either it's the image, or your views are leaving the space Jun 27 19:20:23 :) Jun 27 19:20:41 time to completely redesign my application because java is the best language (not) Jun 27 19:20:41 either via layoutParams, padding etc or scaleType Jun 27 19:20:44 :> Jun 27 19:21:37 yes, got AsyncTask working after trying for some hours :) Jun 27 19:21:38 the thing is Jun 27 19:21:39 I've gone over it Jun 27 19:21:41 again and again Jun 27 19:21:42 and logged Jun 27 19:21:46 and my views width is 1280 Jun 27 19:21:53 and the images width when laoded is 1136 Jun 27 19:22:14 Ah, you put it in -hdpi? Jun 27 19:22:58 it's in drawable-large-hdpi Jun 27 19:23:04 just for the nexus 7 specifically Jun 27 19:23:05 >.> Jun 27 19:23:14 Except nexus 7 is tvdpi Jun 27 19:23:34 the fuck is tvdpi? Jun 27 19:23:37 since when does that exist Jun 27 19:23:37 lol Jun 27 19:23:45 Put it in -nodpi if you don't want the resource loader to scale your images Jun 27 19:24:16 1280/240*213 = 1136 Jun 27 19:25:15 "for the nexus 7 specifically" is only going to work until another large tvdpi device comes along Jun 27 19:27:15 I mean I narrowed down the folder just to m ake sure my N7 was loading the proper resource Jun 27 19:27:16 :S Jun 27 19:27:19 cause I wasn't sure Jun 27 19:27:31 because I have some higher res/density assets as well as lower Jun 27 19:27:44 And I've got a ton of devices up Jun 27 19:28:02 Nexus 7, Nexus 10, Galaxy S3, Transformer Tab Jun 27 19:29:34 Just put -large-hdpi-1280x800 for maximum derp Jun 27 19:31:13 lol Jun 27 19:31:40 Nexus 10 is xlarge xhdpi right? Jun 27 19:33:00 and xxhdpi is only for icons Jun 27 19:33:03 so thats good to know Jun 27 19:37:03 And now it's definitely not getting the new resources I just added Jun 27 19:37:07 because it's still showing the old style Jun 27 19:37:07 wtf Jun 27 19:37:44 time to clean Jun 27 19:37:44 >.> Jun 27 19:40:36 xxhdpi is not only for icons Jun 27 19:40:47 the S4 and One report themselves as xxhdpi, i've found Jun 27 19:41:07 still my be an exercise in absurdity to tailor assets for them, however Jun 27 19:41:11 s/my/may/ Jun 27 19:41:42 I consider the phones absurd anyway ;) Jun 27 19:42:26 I kinda hate how apks get larger and larger because of new resource sizes Jun 27 19:43:08 Storage and bandwidth are increasing as well, so it's not too much of an issue for most stuff. Jun 27 19:43:44 storage on my phone isn't increasing -.- Jun 27 19:43:44 Where it does become an issue is storing images that take up most of the screen on (say) a Nexus 10. Jun 27 19:43:44 how do i get a progressbar in a progressdialog instead of a spinning circle? Jun 27 19:44:38 progressDialog.setIndeterminate(false); progressDialog.setProgressStyle(ProgressDialog.STYLE_HORIZONTAL); Jun 27 19:44:52 and there's no sign of a new phone coming up for me in the near future Jun 27 19:45:01 probably the distant future too Jun 27 19:46:05 JakeWharton: Yeah, I'm not going to concern myself with assets for this Jun 27 19:46:09 this app is pretty much just for tablets Jun 27 19:46:13 nevermind i got it Jun 27 19:51:56 I wonder why a pie chart that works in 4.2 doesn't render properly in 4.3 Jun 27 19:53:00 Because 4.3 doesn't exist yet Jun 27 19:54:26 So I found the docs on this sort of lacking, but does anoyne understand the pros/cons of using Bitmap.options.inScaled being true or false? Jun 27 19:59:01 SimonVT: does too Jun 27 20:11:40 hot, my aar importing works perfectly Jun 27 20:21:08 uhumm, I just did an android update sdk -u and then later android update sdk -u --filter tools,platform-tools, but I still get "SDK does not have any Build Tools installed", is there a seperate package for build tools? Jun 27 20:23:13 Whats this mean: illegalstateexception system services not available bto activities before onCreate() Jun 27 20:24:22 I've got an app, with an activity that has a ActionBar. It has a ListFragment as it's main view. Sometimes, typically after I haven't used the app for a while and I activate it again, only the ListFragment shows. ActionBar is gone, and the white background from the main view. Only the ListFragment is showing. Jun 27 20:24:37 Obviously my life cycle management is buggy. Any ideas where I should start looking? Jun 27 20:25:24 Pressing back (bringing me back to the launcher view) and then pressing the app icon again, everything is back to normal. Jun 27 20:26:01 Alternatively, ideas on how I can trigger the bug without waiting a few days for it to happen. Jun 27 20:28:11 back Jun 27 20:29:04 How do I enable the blue highlight in WebView when touching/clicking things? It's driving me batty Jun 27 20:29:21 sdsd Jun 27 20:30:39 what's the deal with NoClassDefFound? I have everything that's needed and there are no errors whatsoever before Run Jun 27 20:31:03 Runtime error on some library that I need, while everything is provided for and Properties > Build Path looks as it should Jun 27 20:45:09 these errors are mysterious; must figure this out Jun 27 20:45:14 shouldn't be happening Jun 27 20:49:23 https://github.com/pfn/android-sdk-plugin Jun 27 20:49:27 weee, a new version of my plugin cometh Jun 27 20:50:22 so, is there a commandline project generation command for gradle projects now? Jun 27 20:54:40 echo "apply plugin 'android'" > build.gradle Jun 27 20:54:41 :D Jun 27 20:55:04 SimonVT: Does anyone actually provide tvdpi assets? Jun 27 20:55:14 iirc even Google said they hardly ever use it. Jun 27 20:55:20 JesusFreke, that doesn't actually generate the rest Jun 27 20:55:32 pfn: oh really? :) Jun 27 20:55:37 yarly Jun 27 20:55:44 like androidmanifest.xml or basic project structure Jun 27 20:55:46 kakazza: nexus7 (tvdpi) will scale down hdpi assets) Jun 27 20:55:52 hey pfn Jun 27 20:56:22 I know. I just wondered if anyone supplies tvdpi seperatly. Jun 27 20:56:29 sup Napalm Jun 27 20:56:51 not a lot Jun 27 20:57:17 just playing with my sbt plugin and other things Jun 27 20:57:21 and getting more work done Jun 27 20:58:25 kakazza, nope Jun 27 20:58:36 Just providing hdpi works fine Jun 27 20:58:44 * pfn <3 using his sbt plugin Jun 27 20:59:00 Unless you do something stupid like try to match the resources exactly to a resolution Jun 27 21:00:28 On that note. Samsung Galaxy S4 is large/xxhdpi? Jun 27 21:03:58 are there any web color matrix filter testy thingies online ? 5x5 matrix etc ? Jun 27 21:04:14 cant seem to find any just for me to test some things Jun 27 21:06:59 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16636039/java-lang-classnotfoundexception-after-changing-nothing-in-the-project-but-upgra/16636127#16636127 Jun 27 21:07:11 that's the solution to the damned NoClassDefFoundError when it comes to foreign libraries Jun 27 21:07:56 So, this setRetainInstance(true), could this be a reason why my fragments are visible when the app has been dormant for a long time, even though the rest of the view (actionbar and background with proper color) seems to be gone? Jun 27 21:09:34 been told it's bad to use with anything bound to activity/context Jun 27 21:09:43 ok for data that isnt Jun 27 21:09:57 I call(ed) it in my fragments because of the warnings about configuration changes (like portrait/landscape) will recreate the fragment (and it will lose state). But when I flip orientation in my app, my fragments seem to keep state just fine. Jun 27 21:10:24 is that not really bad though ? Jun 27 21:10:35 if your retaining views etc that are bound to a context Jun 27 21:10:36 ? Jun 27 21:11:03 or anything that is keeping that old thing going when it's supposed to be gone Jun 27 21:11:04 :) Jun 27 21:12:31 But if all my state is related to things happening in the fragment (typically input values), and then only sent to the activity upon completion, I shouldn't need to call setRetainInstance right? I'm suspect those call are the reason why my fragments seem to survive longer than my activity with the actionbar. Jun 27 21:13:08 Not that I will claim to know anything even close to how this really work yet. Jun 27 21:13:16 no if you handle those vals in save and restore Jun 27 21:13:35 I think setRetain* was/is for things not context bound Jun 27 21:13:40 or there will be problems Jun 27 21:13:49 remember, I'm an artist though !! Jun 27 21:13:53 What do you mean context bound? The activity context? Jun 27 21:13:57 pinch of salt Jun 27 21:14:03 like a View is context bound Jun 27 21:14:20 so if you frag has a view, then I would assume bad Jun 27 21:14:34 My frags have views. Jun 27 21:15:03 well anything that requires a context Jun 27 21:15:21 setRetain not allowing that view to use the new context may cause probs Jun 27 21:15:46 and keeping the old context that is bound to that view Jun 27 21:15:55 or vice versa may cuase probs Jun 27 21:16:02 again Jun 27 21:16:05 * StingRay_ is an artst Jun 27 21:16:16 As long as you clear any references you keep to the view in onDestroyView you're good Jun 27 21:16:18 so confirm the sh*t that I'm typing Jun 27 21:16:57 SimonVT: but it is anything that uses the context right ? Jun 27 21:17:03 resources etc Jun 27 21:17:08 Now I'm really lost. Jun 27 21:17:31 kjeldahl: probably easier not to use setRetainInstanceState :) Jun 27 21:18:18 You just need a Context to load a resource, once it's loaded.. Jun 27 21:18:23 How do I make an ObjectAnimator repeat indefinately? Jun 27 21:18:41 Yeah, I'm removing them now to see if that solves my problem of fragment(views) seeming to outlive the activity/views they live in. Jun 27 21:18:49 Anyway, you also get onDetach for clearing that stuff Jun 27 21:22:19 Thanks, will look into it. I don't think I need to clear any references, but useful to know. Jun 27 21:23:47 Yeah, I doubt that's the issue.. Just had to correct StingRay :p Jun 27 21:24:16 well maybe if you would have answered 1st Jun 27 21:24:33 he was the first to answer second Jun 27 21:24:45 ^ Jun 27 21:25:56 oh opera, " ...unknown attackers have gotten control of an expired code signing certificate. The attackers used that certificate to sign malware and deliver it to thousands of Opera users through the browser's automatic updating function." Jun 27 21:30:01 ouch Jun 27 21:32:45 g00s: here i was considering checking out opera the other day Jun 27 21:32:53 i guess thankfully i stopped at chrome Jun 27 21:33:25 Hi android mini pc are like tablets? Jun 27 21:35:31 alo Jun 27 21:38:26 oGMo :) i use chrome and ff , yeah Jun 27 21:39:06 they will explode if run at the same time Jun 27 21:40:24 i seem to switch between them .. they're like the sine and cosine of browsers, and each suck and don't suck in intervals Jun 27 21:42:11 oGMo haha, funny i agree. i like ff because of the philosophy of the people behind it, and some of the plugins are great, but i have it pretty locked down with noscript and stuff which breaks some sites so i use chrome for those Jun 27 21:42:43 ff also uses much less memory, but i'm concerned its behind in its architecture to sandbox things Jun 27 21:42:45 Why does this only play the animation once? http://paste.debian.net/13048/ Jun 27 21:43:24 g00s: i don't really give a crap about memory so much, but when it takes like 10 seconds for every new tab render and halts up the whole browser, screw that Jun 27 21:43:50 i use unloadTab and usually one have a small amount of tabs loaded Jun 27 21:44:11 firefox has some killer plugins, but i can work around them mostly on chrome now, and the solution to "firefox is slow" is always "you're using too many plugins" whcih defeats the point Jun 27 21:45:00 i would like my i7-3950k with 32GB of ram not to feel like my 486 with 8MB of ram thx Jun 27 21:45:05 i just use noscript, abp, unloadtab, disconnect.me, and self destructing cookies. my machine is an old pos; i'm very sensitive to performance - this works fine for me up to about 100 tabs Jun 27 21:45:10 the solution to "Chrome is slow" is "buy more RAM" Jun 27 21:45:30 RyanM: ram is cheap, you should have a lot, and i don't think it uses that much does it? Jun 27 21:45:33 those were my ff plugins Jun 27 21:46:03 on chrome i just use abp / disconnect.me Jun 27 21:46:22 oGMo: Chrome tends to optimize for speed at the cost of RAM, which means it runs ridiculously fast as long as you have enough RAM Jun 27 21:46:24 the "trifecta of evil" hahahahaha Jun 27 21:46:32 on an android device it's different, but the builtin browser there is really good enough imho .. at least until chrome actually gets pie menus :/ Jun 27 21:46:39 or pie slice menus? ;) Jun 27 21:46:46 pie menus? Jun 27 21:46:51 RyanM: well again ram is cheap Jun 27 21:47:04 if you have less than 8GB and you're not talking about a mobile device, here's a nickel Jun 27 21:47:36 oGMo: or a laptop Jun 27 21:47:49 not always possible/easy/cheap to upgrade RAM in those. Jun 27 21:47:53 RyanM: the 4.x browser lets you have menus where you touch from the side and it brings up a nifty pie-ish menu .. rocks .. really all of android should have used that for navigation Jun 27 21:48:16 well i have 8GB in here and i think it goes to 32 .. but you should easily be able to get 8GB stock these days Jun 27 21:48:42 if you're not a dev i'm sure you can get away with 2-4 even if you run chrome heh Jun 27 21:49:07 though this is linux Jun 27 21:52:55 hello - what other ways are there to send data streams into the UI thread besides the Message Queue? Jun 27 21:53:21 Hm - Either no one tagged me, or no one answered my question lol. Regardless, it's past my scroll count :p Is there a native Android solution to mjpeg streaming? Was using this in the past: http://stackoverflow.com/a/3305276/1125714 Jun 27 22:06:01 hi all Jun 27 22:06:10 i have a gridivew with two columns Jun 27 22:06:48 I need to add a headerview to it that spans both columns (it must scroll with the gridview) Jun 27 22:06:59 ideas? Jun 27 22:08:45 haha, thats funny FB has to use Google Groups for its app's beta program Jun 27 22:24:56 <|Agent> Can you guys help with an org.apache.http question? Jun 27 22:25:38 if you ask the question, then perhaps Jun 27 22:26:22 <|Agent> Well, I'm looking to do per-request timeouts, like GET #1 should have a 3 second timeout, GET #2 should have a 30-second timeout, etc. Jun 27 22:27:07 <|Agent> There's org.apache.http.params.CoreConnectionPNames.SO_TIMEOUT, which is equal to "http.socket.timeout". Jun 27 22:27:26 <|Agent> Can I set that param on a single request and have it honored? Jun 27 22:29:35 hello I'd like to know how I can control a background service from a home widget Jun 27 22:30:04 is it possible to make transcript on listviews scroll smoothly? Jun 27 22:32:11 i've spent hours trying to work with broadcasts and finding out that appwidgetproviders can't bind services Jun 27 22:32:15 everyones developing for mobile browsers these days Jun 27 22:32:24 im so out of the current loop on web devt Jun 27 22:32:52 resttime: your appwidgetprovider should not be long-lived Jun 27 22:33:09 it should receive the broadcast, build the remoteviews, update the widget, and then die in peace Jun 27 22:33:22 If I'm launching a new activity, is it generally better to just create a new instance of an object in the new activity, use it, then dump it when done and going back to the initial activity ? Jun 27 22:33:34 if you need to do longer processing, switch it to a "loading" state, kick off a service to do the work, and at the end of that work, update the widget again Jun 27 22:33:45 if that makes sense... ? Jun 27 22:34:00 flipture: what else would you do? Jun 27 22:34:59 evanc: slightly new to java so no idea :) Jun 27 22:35:09 evanc: I have a button on the widget and I want to control the playback of MediaPlayer that resides in the background service Jun 27 22:35:24 i'm serializing the object that i need to continue the state, and i think i can just create a new "manager" object in the new activity Jun 27 22:35:36 For some reason i'm kinda stuck on trying to keep the initial instance of an object going and going... Jun 27 22:35:45 resttime: have the button send a broadcast to a receiver which talks to the service Jun 27 22:36:25 evanc: so I should have a broadcast receiver in the service class? Jun 27 22:37:12 doesn't have to be _in_ the service class (could even be your appwidgetprovider if you really wanted it to be), but yes, it needs to respond to the incoming intent and interact with the service accordingly Jun 27 22:37:20 just don't try and do it in e.g. onUpdate Jun 27 22:39:39 hi everyone Jun 27 22:40:18 Chainfire: ping. just an update on the host issues, the problem was my kernel. my board implements RNDIS protocol and the kernel did hot have support for it. updated the kernel with rndis and it works*ish*. still some bugs there but manageable. thx a lot for the help ! Jun 27 22:41:21 Hey guys, anyone know if I can print a multicolor text on a single textview? Im using a stringbuilder btw Jun 27 22:41:31 hi everyone Jun 27 22:41:36 hello Jun 27 22:42:16 mrfunky, put markup in it and use Html.fromHtml Jun 27 22:42:19 ? Jun 27 22:43:35 Zharf: thet's what I'm thinking, does textview read html or do I have to set something? Jun 27 22:43:52 mrfunky, it reads spanned Jun 27 22:43:52 mrfunky, have you tried Spannable? Jun 27 22:44:02 Html.fromHtml gives you that Jun 27 22:45:14 If I set a ViewGroup's alpha channel to XYZ, does it set alpha on all of its children? Jun 27 22:45:18 cool, I'm gonna check it in the reference Jun 27 22:45:43 Or does it just do it for the canvas without regard to its children Jun 27 22:46:02 hwrd|work: it applies to the children Jun 27 22:46:13 romainguy: +++ Thanks so much Jun 27 22:46:15 more specifically it applies to a flattened copy of the ViewGroup's drawing Jun 27 22:46:57 So, for example, if I want to have a ListView with a HeaderView that has a different alpha than its parent (ListView) then I can just create a custom header view that will ignore its alpha onDraw? Jun 27 22:47:18 The HeaderView is set on the ListView Jun 27 22:47:49 you cannot ignore the alpha Jun 27 22:48:00 it's handled entirely by the framework Jun 27 22:49:13 https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/View.html#setAlpha(float) Jun 27 22:49:28 It says that we can handle opacity ourselves? Jun 27 22:49:43 Anyway, I'll give what I was thinking a shot and see if it works. Thanks for the guidance Jun 27 22:50:26 so if I call fromHtml() it returns a Spanned, then how do I print it in a textview? Jun 27 22:51:10 Spanned is a CharSequence Jun 27 22:52:27 hwrd|work: if you override onSetAlpha(), but that only applies to the view on which you call setAlpha() Jun 27 22:52:47 so if you call setAlpha() on a ListView, onSetAlpha()/setAlpha() is not called on the children Jun 27 22:53:26 so I can just call setText() and pass the Spanned object, yeah? Jun 27 22:54:03 yes, iirc, it's been like a year since I did this and not sure if there's anything else to it -.- Jun 27 22:54:30 romainguy: Oh. I see. So that wasn't going to work. Basically I am looking for a way to change the alpha of every item in a ListView except for the header. Jun 27 22:54:59 call setAlpha() on the individual items Jun 27 22:55:30 Zharf: cool, yeah, I jut saw it implements charsequence so that should do it. tyvm :) Jun 27 22:55:39 have 100 internets Jun 27 22:56:48 romainguy: Ok, that's easy enough. Thanks. Jun 27 23:00:25 I have a broadcast receiver registered in my background service but it doesn't seem to respond to my button-click broadcasts from my widget provider Jun 27 23:00:31 any reason? Jun 27 23:01:08 None I can think of off of the top of my head Jun 27 23:01:18 lots of possible reasons Jun 27 23:01:23 you didn't register it Jun 27 23:01:26 you registered the wrong intent filter Jun 27 23:01:30 you targeted to the wrong component Jun 27 23:01:31 etc. Jun 27 23:01:43 registered and filter has the action Jun 27 23:01:44 you didn't actually call sendBroadcast Jun 27 23:02:00 your service isn't running Jun 27 23:02:01 PendingIntent.getBroadcast( Jun 27 23:02:01 context.getApplicationContext(), 0, intent, Jun 27 23:02:01 PendingIntent.FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT); Jun 27 23:02:03 a bajillion reasons Jun 27 23:02:19 service is running, mediaplayer Jun 27 23:02:22 widget? make sure the widget has actually loaded Jun 27 23:02:32 yup widget on homescreen Jun 27 23:02:34 just calling getBroadcast() doesn't send the intent Jun 27 23:02:36 that's not loaded Jun 27 23:02:46 widget on home screen != loaded Jun 27 23:02:57 oh, nevermind Jun 27 23:02:59 use a separate loading screen for your widget Jun 27 23:03:08 it is updated by the service regularly showing progress bar and length Jun 27 23:03:15 loading layout, i.e. set initialLayout=@layout/widget_loading Jun 27 23:04:47 anyway, I gave you a bunch of possible reasons, not gonna play 20 questions Jun 27 23:05:22 thanks anyways, I've been spending hours on this Jun 27 23:05:25 resttime: is there any particular reason you're using FLAG_CANCEL_CURRENT? Is it possible the pending intent that the widget actually tries to send ends up canceled? Jun 27 23:07:04 no reason in particular, I'll change it to something else Jun 27 23:09:08 oh god Jun 27 23:09:09 thanks you Jun 27 23:09:13 thank you Jun 27 23:09:17 holy crap Jun 27 23:09:20 it works thankyou Jun 27 23:09:45 The time i spent on this problem is incredible Jun 27 23:09:51 and only needed one change Jun 27 23:09:55 wow Jun 27 23:09:58 thank you again Jun 27 23:11:03 heh Jun 27 23:18:03 huh, how do I remove a fragment from the fragmentmanager such that findFragmentByTag won't find it anymore Jun 27 23:25:02 in soviet russia, fragment manager remove you Jun 27 23:27:09 oh, if I remove it in a transaction it should be gone, huh Jun 27 23:27:09 ok Jun 27 23:49:04 anybody here who can tell me what could cause the following "app bug" (aka seg fault) in my jni code?: Jun 27 23:49:04 JNI ERROR (app bug): attempt to use stale local reference Jun 27 23:49:04 it happens in this line of code: env->CallStaticVoidMethod(class_libspotify, methodIdAddResult, j_trackname, Jun 27 23:49:04 trackDuration, trackDiscnumber, trackIndex, j_trackuri, Jun 27 23:49:04 j_albumname, albumYear, j_artistname); Jun 27 23:49:05 the bug only happens on some occasions. In most cases the code works well Jun 27 23:49:07 all the j_ parameters are jstring objects Jun 27 23:49:09 the other ones are int Jun 27 23:49:28 class_libspotify is being stored in a globalref like so: Jun 27 23:49:28 jclass class_libspotify_local = find_class_from_native_thread(&env); Jun 27 23:49:28 jclass class_libspotify = reinterpret_cast(env->NewGlobalRef(class_libspotify_local)); Jun 27 23:49:28 I searched for hours and hours now and I couldn't come up with a resolve to this issue :S Jun 27 23:54:18 Any kind of hint would be highly appreciated Jun 27 23:57:28 MrMaffen, http://android-developers.blogspot.fi/2011/11/jni-local-reference-changes-in-ics.html Jun 28 00:04:00 Zharf: I actually was on that page a few hours ago. And I followed all the advice that was on there. In my case storing the localref I get from FindClass in a GlobalRef. But it didn't help with my crash :S Jun 28 00:04:37 like so: jclass class_libspotify_local = find_class_from_native_thread(&env); Jun 28 00:04:37 jclass class_libspotify = reinterpret_cast(env->NewGlobalRef(class_libspotify_local)); Jun 28 00:04:46 Zharf: Is there anything wrong with this approach ? :S Jun 28 00:04:51 I would love to help, since I've tackled with these myself, but I'm really about to fall asleep :E Jun 28 00:05:12 Zharf: hm ok :S well thanks anyways Jun 28 00:05:31 if you're still having problems in 8-10 hours... ;) good night Jun 28 00:05:41 Zharf: hehe ty :) good night Jun 28 00:10:02 Anybody else with ndk/jni skills in here that could help me ? Jun 28 00:21:22 does anyone know if it's possible to have a left and a right navigation drawer? Jun 28 00:27:40 "Google prepping Android smart watch and game console to counter Apple: oh google Jun 28 00:38:24 game console, what a joke. Jun 28 00:38:56 google's always getting itself into stupid things that it is forced to abandon Jun 28 00:40:16 maybe they can figure out how to get everybody on the same version of android first Jun 28 00:40:58 g00s: that's somewhere between impossible and unwanted. Ever tried running ICS+ on a phone that came out with Froyo? Jun 28 00:41:13 Maybe they'll move all of the essential android runtime into "google play services" :-) Jun 28 00:42:32 I got a bug-report email from some user saying that my app wasn't working on their device. turns out they were still on 2.1. deleted e-mail. Jun 28 00:42:56 pragma- did you have the wrong minSdk or something? Jun 28 00:43:20 lowering my minsdk to 2.1 would be the wrong minsdk. Jun 28 00:44:09 it's only because of actionbarsherlock and the support library that I'm even bothering to support 2.3 Jun 28 00:44:29 minSdkVersion="14" Jun 28 00:45:13 it's almost like a windows 3.1 user complaining that a windows 8 app isn't working on their pc Jun 28 00:45:54 well, windows 3.1 would be more like 1.6 -- perhaps windows 95, then. Jun 28 00:46:41 is there any way to ask intellij to colorize a file as java if its extension isn't java ? Jun 28 00:47:42 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5790402/intellij-how-to-force-editor-to-treat-a-file-as-javascript Jun 28 00:50:20 cool, that worked. it even gracefully seems to ignore the ragel markup Jun 28 01:06:33 new opengl book for android http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9781937785345.do Jun 28 01:10:42 oh he finally finished it ? nice! Jun 28 01:12:42 :) Jun 28 01:13:07 been waiting for that for quite a while actually Jun 28 01:15:36 i'd like to read dan saffers newest book on microinteractions Jun 28 01:20:38 Does anyone remember those chat room games where a bot says like : A attacked B for x dmg, A kills B. Jun 28 01:20:47 what's the official name for those kind of games? Jun 28 01:22:12 text based games ? Jun 28 01:23:02 haha i'm goggling every term i can come up with :) Jun 28 01:23:25 JesusFreke there by any chance? trying to use plain intellij + gradle; i'd like to edit in intellij but defer building to gradle on cmd line for now. enabling the android facet still causes intellij to want to drive things; creating directories, building apks, etc … is there any way to turn this off? maybe i should create an empty project with no modules and no android facet Jun 28 01:38:17 hey alll.. are there nexus s4 factory images about yet? Jun 28 01:38:37 not the channel for that kinda thing Jun 28 01:44:02 hello, I am following the firstapp tutorial, but cannot start the helloworld app on my phone, anyone could give some guidance please? Jun 28 01:45:05 did you enable debugging mode on you phone? Jun 28 01:45:06 the problem is, it show me a window to choose device, there is a device with Serial Number ??????????????, which I don't know is my phone or not. Jun 28 01:45:35 resttime, yes it is enabled whenever usb is plugged in. Jun 28 01:45:50 btw, I am using ubuntu 13.04 amd64 Jun 28 01:47:00 Is there a place to ask newbie questions, or is everything fair game here? Jun 28 01:48:15 run 'adb devices' and tell me the output Jun 28 01:49:58 xrfang Jun 28 01:50:46 resttime, it said: Jun 28 01:50:53 ????????????????? no permissions Jun 28 01:51:00 i figured Jun 28 01:51:19 what shall be done to grant permissions? Jun 28 01:51:25 good thing there's a guide for that: http://developer.android.com/tools/device.html check 3. Jun 28 01:51:32 pretty common Jun 28 01:51:41 thanks resttime Jun 28 01:51:44 no problem Jun 28 01:53:39 MEPB I would say ask away :) Jun 28 01:53:53 Yup, I damned the torpedos and started typing something up Jun 28 01:53:54 thanks Jun 28 01:56:27 I don't know how to start a new Activity without going to a whole new conventview. It seems like you make Activities for things like pressing buttons, etc, but obviously when the user does that, nothing changes on the screen - but I don't know how to write new Activities without changing the contentview and popping up something totally new. Jun 28 01:57:50 That is, how can I have an Activity do its thing while not going away from MainActivity? Jun 28 01:58:45 It's in debug mode and Android Studio keeps showing "Waiting for device." Jun 28 01:58:52 Hey guys, I'm having issues with my HTC One X not giving out it's device ID. Jun 28 01:58:58 I'm fine with just being linked a guide if nobody wants to explain what I assume is pretty basic Jun 28 01:58:59 my bad, flipped those lines^ Jun 28 02:01:13 howdy Jun 28 02:01:37 is there a way i can restrict the orientation of an activity to only portrait and landscape, and not the reverse Jun 28 02:01:42 orientations Jun 28 02:04:27 <|0xD34D|> set android:screenOrientation="sensor" Jun 28 02:04:44 that gives me all 4 orientations Jun 28 02:04:47 i only want 2 Jun 28 02:04:59 <|0xD34D|> thought fullSensor did all 4 Jun 28 02:05:00 sensorPortrait Jun 28 02:05:08 portrait and landscape, not reverse_portrait nor reverse_landscape Jun 28 02:05:10 <|0xD34D|> that limits it to portrait Jun 28 02:05:22 <|0xD34D|> can the values be or'ed Jun 28 02:05:23 <|0xD34D|> ? Jun 28 02:05:29 fullSensor overrides devices that only support 2 orientations to support 4 Jun 28 02:05:31 no :( Jun 28 02:05:33 oh I see Jun 28 02:05:48 and if i use setRequestedOrientation Jun 28 02:05:59 to hard set one, then i lose all events for orientation change Jun 28 02:07:12 it also seems when i hard-set an orientation, i don't see any changes on getRotation() so I can't even over-ride and use an event listener on the accelerometer Jun 28 02:21:38 Can anyone help out with this? Jun 28 02:21:39 [18:56:19] I don't know how to start a new Activity without going to a whole new conventview. It seems like you make Activities for things like pressing buttons, etc, but obviously when the user does that, nothing changes on the screen - but I don't know how to write new Activities without changing the contentview and popping up something totally new. Jun 28 02:21:40 [18:57:43] That is, how can I have an Activity do its thing while not going away from MainActivity? Jun 28 02:22:22 do you mean like a service? Jun 28 02:22:58 I'm just starting out, so I don't really know. Jun 28 02:23:52 If I want to react to a button press without leaving the screen the user is on, what do I do? Jun 28 02:23:59 ^ That's really what I'm getting at. Jun 28 02:24:03 ah Jun 28 02:25:43 well there are multiple ways of doing it actually but you probably want this: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/ui-events.html Jun 28 02:26:19 And those would go in the Activity that displays that ui? Jun 28 02:26:48 basically yes Jun 28 02:27:02 Great Jun 28 02:27:04 In the activity you want to get the button Jun 28 02:27:09 Also check out http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/controls/button.html Jun 28 02:27:27 then set what it does with onClick Jun 28 02:27:36 There is an example of the button defined in a layout and then a listener attached to it in onCreate Jun 28 02:29:29 I've read in tutorials that they'll start a new Activity in order to save things to a database, or things like that - but there again it's pretty clearly all happening in the background, and the first Activity isn't going anywhere. What's different about those? Jun 28 02:31:25 Those are more for background tasks that don't necessarily require a UI. They would be the services that resttime mentioned Jun 28 02:31:40 Got it. Jun 28 02:31:49 You would usually only use one of those if you that task was going to take a longer time Jun 28 02:53:27 Any idea where i should be calling new ListPreference(this); ? Jun 28 02:53:34 it doesn't like the fact that my context is a fragment Jun 28 02:54:08 i have a class that calls a fragment, that does the addPreferencesFromResource. I thought I should be doing the dynamic listpreference population from there... That sound right? Jun 28 02:55:59 n/m... i was able to get the context from getActivity(); Jun 28 02:56:02 i think that shoudl work... **** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Jun 28 02:59:58 2013