**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Aug 25 02:59:58 2013 Aug 25 03:03:28 The activity manager handles when an activity is destroyed. It usually doesn't get destroyed right after pausing the activity. Aug 25 03:10:07 ADT Bundle for Windowa says that it "includes everything you need to begin developing apps" is this true does it include JRE and JDK 6? Aug 25 03:13:10 I have been away from Android programming for a while and am currently trying out Android Studio. I am not sure if I am remembering correctly, however, I thought I remember eclipse adt having the ability to auto fill main functions for a class file (such as onCreate, onStart, etc). If so, does Android Studio have this ability?? Aug 25 03:15:51 pfn: seems to work, but now as is complaining that its unable to find libz.so.1, there are several of them in prebuilts... i take it i'm missing some env variable or include? Aug 25 03:18:06 what's the difference between Android Studio and IDEAJ? Aug 25 03:18:50 epsilonorion AS / idea can do that too Aug 25 03:19:48 g00s: I figured it could. I can't remember how to initiate it. If I create a new class and extend MapFragment, what would the next step be. I tried to google it, but couldn't even remember what it is called Aug 25 03:20:08 ctrl+enter brings up the "generate" popup Aug 25 03:21:57 RageLtMan, no idea Aug 25 03:22:29 epsilonorion, alt+ins Aug 25 03:22:55 pfn: Perfect, thanks Aug 25 03:23:06 thanks anyway, will dive into this more next week. bionic looks to be one of those things where complexity grows with exponential relation to the size of the system... Aug 25 03:27:44 could someone tell me please, how does the store work? What data is sent when you buy an app? Aug 25 03:28:09 hey guys, is there a navigation drawer api that doesnt involve using the v4 compat library? Aug 25 03:29:29 desmin88, no Aug 25 03:29:34 why would you /not/ want to use v4 compat Aug 25 03:30:01 because that would be only thing im using in the compat library Aug 25 03:30:03 seems a waste Aug 25 03:31:50 im not in aversion to using it just wondering if there is an alternative Aug 25 03:38:12 use someone elses implementation Aug 25 03:38:15 or rip it out yourself Aug 25 03:38:19 or proguard and not care Aug 25 03:39:57 https://github.com/pfn/android-sdk-plugin/tree/master/sbt-test/android-sdk-plugin Aug 25 03:40:01 weee, now with test cases Aug 25 03:40:02 heh Aug 25 03:40:06 very trivial stupid ones, though Aug 25 04:18:05 Hello Aug 25 04:18:06 I have a tablet and everytime I go to an app that needs me to sign in it takes me to a page that cannot be displayed. Is there a way around this Aug 25 04:18:43 LLckfan: do not fscking spam this channel Aug 25 04:20:36 for those who aren't in #android, LLckfan has asked that same, identical, pasted question at least 40 times in the past week or so Aug 25 04:21:39 LLckfan: this is android-dev - what are you developing and post the code that doesn't work as intended Aug 25 04:22:02 Nothing\ Aug 25 04:22:26 Leeds, he's been spamming here Aug 25 04:22:33 pfn: a lot less... Aug 25 04:22:38 I dunno, seems just as much Aug 25 04:24:24 not 40 times in a week - he just tried in #android-root and got instabanned[TM] Aug 25 04:27:33 Hi, I am just starting android development and am trying to build a location logger. I want it to log in the background so I believe I need to start a service. To do this, I have created a class that extends IntentService and launch using startService(intent) when a button is pressed. I then plan on putting the code to get location in the onHandleIntent method in my service. Is this the correct approach? Aug 25 04:27:48 how to add a library to be exported to the apk in Android Studio? Aug 25 04:28:11 I have a tablet and everytime I go to an app that needs me to sign in it takes me to a page that cannot be displayed. Is there a way around this Aug 25 04:28:12 Algorithm look at the open source "My Tracks" code :) Aug 25 04:28:26 g00s: thanks, I'll check it otu Aug 25 04:28:27 out* Aug 25 04:28:37 When I create an android project, why are there two "projects" - one named "app" and the other one named whatever I I say Aug 25 04:29:00 Algorithm https://code.google.com/p/mytracks/ Aug 25 04:29:19 g00s: thank you. I may be back with more questions shortly. Aug 25 04:29:40 i haven't read that code in years, but it does what you want to do Aug 25 04:31:04 perfect, thank you. I will attempt to make sense of it. Aug 25 04:31:22 ? Aug 25 04:39:18 oi, just burned an hour listening to 80's big hair rock Aug 25 04:39:22 on youtube Aug 25 04:39:28 g00s: Would you recommend using Android Studio? I just imported it and tried to compile but get 38 errors and 45 warnings. I'm assuming that is a problem with importing an eclipse application into Android Studio but I could be wrong. Aug 25 04:39:46 Algorithm hm, i'd probably use eclipse for that Aug 25 04:40:05 okay, thanks. Would you do the same for all new projects? Aug 25 04:40:10 if it .idea .iml files, plain idea maybe Aug 25 04:41:17 Algorithm i'm not sure. i just tried as for the first time last week, its been ok - but i know , even reading google+ developers, people are always struggling. if you have a basic use case, give it a try. Aug 25 04:41:38 if you need to ship something next week and can't fuck with stuff, use plain idea Aug 25 04:41:44 or eclipse + adt Aug 25 04:42:13 i'm using as mostly just because i wanted to use gradle, i could really get that working well at all in plain idea Aug 25 04:42:28 okay, thanks. I am brand new so everything will likely be slow. I'll look into plain idea Aug 25 04:42:28 *couldn't Aug 25 04:42:41 ah, okay. thank you Aug 25 04:42:52 as far as docs go, maybe there is more about eclipse + adt still Aug 25 04:43:03 people seem to prefer intellij though Aug 25 04:43:12 i like both, dont care really Aug 25 04:44:07 yeah, I believe there are. It was a bit of a challenge with a couple of the guides. I am most concerned with the ability to get the hang of android dev but want to be able to use android studio when it's the standard. Aug 25 04:44:39 g00s, using android studio is like wanting to use the adt bundle Aug 25 04:44:44 think of it exactly like that Aug 25 04:46:59 except, it's even worse, because it's feature limited Aug 25 04:47:02 unlike the adt bundle Aug 25 04:47:25 Is it possible to make a spinner dialog where you can sort items in this sort of fashion? http://imgur.com/72OLRFN Note that this whole image is my wanted dialog Aug 25 04:47:49 how does sorting have to do with anything? Aug 25 04:48:11 Making it easier to find an option through a lot of them Aug 25 04:48:54 I don't see how sorting is related to your diagram at all Aug 25 04:49:05 Anyone know a good way to account for a broadcast receiver being unregistered during an activity configuration change? Say the intent was broadcasted from a service. Aug 25 04:49:29 The top spinner selects a category, and the options are listed below Aug 25 04:49:44 Eearslya, you want categorization, not sorting Aug 25 04:50:42 Alright, well, my question still stands; is it possible to make something like that pop up as a spinner dialog? Aug 25 04:50:57 sure, why not Aug 25 04:51:21 Alright, how? Aug 25 04:51:39 by implementing the layouts, fragments, and data adapters that make it appear like how you want Aug 25 04:53:49 Know of any tutorials out there? Aug 25 04:54:18 no Aug 25 04:54:45 Hi there. Could anyone reccommend a method of passing data from a service to an activity that would be safe, even during activity config changes? Aug 25 04:55:09 hpxro7_, send a broadcast, have the activity check a queue upon resume and receipt of said broadcast Aug 25 04:55:53 ..Any kind of reference I can see to help with it? Aug 25 04:56:59 pfn, could you please elaborate on this queue? Aug 25 04:58:06 it's a standard data structure Aug 25 04:59:02 Sorry, I understand the data structure - what I meant was, should I have the activity hold some static queue and have the service queue broadcasts made? Aug 25 04:59:40 hpxro7_ i think otto has something like that (@Producer maybe?) Aug 25 04:59:53 no, the service should contain the queue Aug 25 05:01:50 hpxro7_ it gets tricky in the general sense. say you press home and your service is sending stuff out, the queue will likely have stale events Aug 25 05:02:05 its up to you Aug 25 05:02:22 g00s, i see Aug 25 05:02:50 depends on the kind of info you're sending g and showing Aug 25 05:03:10 having stale events shouldn't be much of an issue at all Aug 25 05:03:11 I'm making a call to a web service that returns some auth cookies Aug 25 05:03:15 for logging in Aug 25 05:04:27 I'm using an IntentService to wrap that in a thread, but there's this race condiiton that sometimes, but rarely, the broadcast reciever in the activity is unregistered since its going through orientation changes. The service sends the broadcast - but there's notthing to recieve it Aug 25 05:04:35 the broadcast just falls through Aug 25 05:05:01 I register it in onResume and unregister it in onPause Aug 25 05:05:59 that's why you need a poll and a broadcast Aug 25 05:06:21 poll in onResume before registering the receiver Aug 25 05:06:43 yeah, you can stuff it in a lru cache or something so it doesn't grow too big by mistake; and the fragment can poll to see if its token is there or something Aug 25 05:06:58 when it gets recreated Aug 25 05:07:08 interesting mark discontinued this https://github.com/commonsguy/cwac-bus Aug 25 05:07:19 never used it, just says "discontinued" :) Aug 25 05:07:31 but why Aug 25 05:07:43 maybe otto does everything this does Aug 25 05:08:55 I wanted to try doing this without using a third party event bus Aug 25 05:09:09 how would I access the queue from the activity? Aug 25 05:09:19 g00s: that bus looks pretty bad Aug 25 05:09:35 JakeWharton maybe mark decided otto was better :) Aug 25 05:12:07 But as a side note, would you guys say Otto is the general way to acheive something like this? Aug 25 05:12:28 It seems like something that should have some native solutino Aug 25 05:13:51 seems like each of my projects requires something slightly different, but its a good stab at something useful on android Aug 25 05:14:40 * g00s cool library pick of the weekend; industrial strength & concurrent patricia trie https://code.google.com/p/concurrent-trees/ Aug 25 05:15:00 hpxro7_, you don't have to use an event bus, it's just a nice architecture Aug 25 05:16:02 i've even hacked together stuff using content provider uri notifications Aug 25 05:16:11 but those are pretty limiting Aug 25 05:16:18 like I said, a simple queue or status function with a broadcast receiver will do what you want Aug 25 05:17:12 pfn, I see. How do I access the queue from the activity though. Sorry, I'm a bit confused on that part Aug 25 05:26:16 Before Google Maps v2, I used transactions to create a map fragment and used MapView and MapContainer to add a view to the fragment. Now that we have MapFragments, what is the best way to handle this? Sorry if this is too much of an open ended question. Aug 25 05:26:32 i think its weird that, when i google java stuff, oracle results always say "A description for this result is not available because of this site's robots.txt – learn more" Aug 25 05:26:45 kinda like larry e is saying fu Aug 25 05:26:59 Aha I agree with that Aug 25 05:27:06 Does anyone have any experience with services? I am trying to start a service with startService(new Intent(this, MyService.class)); but am getting a "cannot find symbol constructor Intent(…)" I have, however implemented an empty constructor in MyService. Aug 25 05:29:41 Algorithm, is your "startService(new Intent(this, MyService.class));" call in a listener or some sort? Aug 25 05:30:18 You might need to classify an outer class if it is like startService(new Intent(MyActivity.this, MyService.class)); Aug 25 05:30:25 hpxro7_: It is in a new Runnable Aug 25 05:30:55 The runnable is an annoynmus class of the activity? Aug 25 05:31:05 yes Aug 25 05:31:13 what is the name of the activity? Aug 25 05:32:15 MainActivity. I swapped the new Intent(this, …) for new Intent(MainActivity.this, …) and the error is gone Aug 25 05:32:49 Yup, that's right :) Aug 25 05:33:29 hpxro7_: thank you for the help. It would have taken a long time to find that had you not mentioned that Aug 25 05:33:29 the constructor for the intent requires a context for the first parameter Aug 25 05:33:38 No problem! Aug 25 05:34:11 make sense. I previously had it posted outside of an anonymous class, but moved it inside so I could run the service on its own thread Aug 25 05:34:44 If you want the service to run on its own thread maybe consider using an IntentService Aug 25 05:35:22 Specifically, I used to be able to do "mapView = new MapView(getActivity(), getString(R.string.googlemaps_linuxrelease_key));", however, since the mapView I used doesn't exist in the same form now, I am not sure the best way to perform what I did in code. Aug 25 05:36:48 hpxro7_: I read about those somewhere, but someone gave a guy a really hard time for using it in a location logger so I figured it was a bad call. I also experienced some crash issues when I was trying it. The crash was likely solved by something outside of the IntentService. Here's the link to that guy's comment (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11700288/how-do-i-keep-the-thread-of-an-intentservice-alive) Aug 25 05:38:41 Ah i see Aug 25 05:40:03 But, if the commenter is wrong I will switch back. Do you have a book recommendation to learn best practices? Aug 25 05:46:39 Any ideas on how to implement a queue backing broadcast requests from a service? Aug 25 05:48:04 hpxro7_ does your activity initiate the request ? Aug 25 05:51:46 hello all Aug 25 05:55:21 Hi :) Aug 25 05:57:22 Why aren't there any xxhdpi icons in the android sdk files Aug 25 05:57:28 only goes up to xhdpi Aug 25 05:58:14 does anyone know why a service would be started repeatedly? Aug 25 06:01:50 g00s, yes it does Aug 25 06:04:02 desmin88: because the xxhdpi devices are only now becoming prevalent Aug 25 06:04:28 fair enough Aug 25 06:04:34 whereas Android 4.2 was probably mostly locked down 6 months ago Aug 25 06:11:55 Quick question: New to android, reading a lot of tutorials, etc. I've seen many list adapter tutorials do something similar to line 17 in the getview method. Would it be okay just to store a reference to the layout inflator in the constructor instead of constantly assigning and casting in the getview? http://pastie.org/8267391 Aug 25 06:12:44 So the previous pastie becomes this. http://pastie.org/8267394 Aug 25 06:13:42 i know the difference is probably minute, but it caught my eye and i was wondering Aug 25 06:31:19 well i tried it out, no problems so far Aug 25 06:50:57 desmin88, it depends on your use case Aug 25 06:51:14 what do you mean? Aug 25 06:53:10 if your adapter lives longer than your activity, then it is a memory leak Aug 25 06:53:44 or of your adapter persists beyond configuration changes, then it'll go screwy, too Aug 25 06:53:59 hmm Aug 25 06:54:35 i dont think any of that will happen in my case Aug 25 06:55:36 how would the adapter live longer than an activity? Aug 25 07:04:36 ffs i hate android studio with libraries Aug 25 07:04:40 never can find R Aug 25 07:10:15 now gradle says r is not a package. fantastic Aug 25 07:13:16 Any recommendations on safely closing a Thread? I have a service running in a thread and would like to be able to close it. Aug 25 07:13:47 it appears thread handlers are the way to go. But some say to avoid it all and use asynctask Aug 25 07:30:07 android studio sucks total ass when using libraries Aug 25 08:46:07 @Algorithm people say to avoid threads because they're scared of them Aug 25 08:46:29 I have a tablet and everytime I go to an app that needs me to sign in it takes me to a page that cannot be displayed. Is there a way around this Aug 25 08:47:02 dcow: okay, thank you. I'm new to Android development so I wanted to make sure I wasn't following bad practices. Aug 25 08:47:58 @Algorithm i mean it really depends on what you need to do. you shouldn't use an entire thread if you just need to run one thing asynchronously. but threads are perfectly viable if you know why you need them Aug 25 08:48:13 Algorithm, what do you mean by closing a thread? Aug 25 08:48:30 stop execution of something in a thread? Aug 25 08:49:12 AsyncTasks are good since they nicely wrap a single thing in a thread from a thread pool without much boilerplate. Aug 25 08:49:31 any stable custom 4.2 rom for xperia tx? Aug 25 08:49:42 #android-root Aug 25 08:49:47 dcow: two uses. One, a gps location logger. That is currently implemented and working. The next is to make a http POST request to store them to a server. Starting a new thread is likely overkill. I was just thinking it may be good to keep the request from holding up future location pings. Aug 25 08:50:10 no, not overkill Aug 25 08:50:16 a thread to run the logger is fine Aug 25 08:50:26 you're not allowed to run network communication on main thread anyway Aug 25 08:50:42 Mavrik. Yeah, once the thread is no-longer in use. Aug 25 08:50:47 and if you already have a thread logging you can use it do do your requests too if the time is not sensitive Aug 25 08:50:56 Algorithm, just exit the "run" function Aug 25 08:51:08 Android (like most OSes) doesn't expose primitves to stop a thread Aug 25 08:51:25 Time isn't crazy sensitive, but I am getting an updated location every second. So if the request hangs it could become an issue Aug 25 08:51:52 oh yeah you'd probably want to do that separately then Aug 25 08:52:11 yeah, I'd advise you AGAINST sending data to server for each datapoint Aug 25 08:52:18 Mavrik: that makes sense. What I ended up doing is stoping the service running in the thread and then set the thread to null which, I would assume, will let the GC get it Aug 25 08:52:26 you'll have tons of problems and you'll just destroy the battery by running 3G radio constantly :) Aug 25 08:52:30 collect it and send it in chunks Aug 25 08:52:45 that's a good call, thanks Aug 25 08:52:59 I'll probably send data every 5-10 minutes Aug 25 08:53:25 and the http request might be a perfect candidate for an async task Aug 25 08:53:25 yeah, store it into sqlite Aug 25 08:53:30 I have a tablet and everytime I go to an app that needs me to sign in it takes me to a page that cannot be displayed. Is there a way around this Aug 25 08:53:48 LLckfan, are you developing an app that uses WebView? Aug 25 08:54:05 I have a tablet and everytime I go to an app that needs me to sign in it takes me to a page that cannot be displayed. Is there a way around this Aug 25 08:54:10 ? Aug 25 08:54:30 thanks dcow and I'll try that. Is there an obvious way to run something ever n minutes? I know that a timer has the ability to call a function after a wait, but is there a better way? Aug 25 08:54:43 schedule an alarm Aug 25 08:54:51 awesome, thanks Aug 25 08:55:12 I'll try sqlite mavrik. Aug 25 08:55:28 thanks for the suggestions dcow and Mavrik! Aug 25 08:55:32 Algorithm, you should use AlarmManager to start your service Aug 25 08:55:36 capture the intent and send a message to your service to fire off the task. if you don't want to use the system alame service/manager you can just use your own timer in another thread.. but that also seems overkill Aug 25 08:55:56 Algorithm, if you'll run your own code, you'll burn CPU (and battery) for nothing Aug 25 08:56:08 so set alarm with Alarm manager on 5 minutes which will start your data dispatch service Aug 25 08:56:58 should I start that AlarmManager in the same service that has the LocationManager? Aug 25 08:57:31 you don't start it Aug 25 08:57:42 it's a system service, you just tell it the interval and what to run Aug 25 08:58:24 ah, okay. Similar to requestLocationUpdates? Aug 25 08:58:30 in that you specify a time Aug 25 08:58:37 I'll read the docs on it Aug 25 08:59:52 docs are kinda confusing but they have good examples. Aug 25 09:01:06 yeah, it seems the easiest place to go is stack overflow but, if it's anything like C++, the answers probably aren't ideal Aug 25 09:01:32 mhm Aug 25 09:01:43 d.android.com should be your primary source, the examples there are rather good Aug 25 09:01:46 Hello Aug 25 09:01:54 May I please have some advice Aug 25 09:03:09 my advice: don't ask to ask :) Aug 25 09:04:25 I have a tablet and everytime I go to an app that needs me to sign in it takes me to a page that cannot be displayed. Is there a way around this Aug 25 09:04:26 just to catch everyone up - LLckfan is using a crappy 'Polaroid' tablet which doesn't have the Play Store... the Facebook app on there is too old, so a couple of games using an ancient method of Facebook login have stopped working Aug 25 09:04:48 also, he'll just keep asking and asking and asking and asking and asking... Aug 25 09:05:34 cell radio shutoff, by joseph paul cohen, seems to have made my airplane mode refuse to affect my wifi.. Aug 25 09:06:11 lol @ Leeds Aug 25 09:06:58 he's asked the identical question, pasted, over 40 times in #android in the past week Aug 25 09:07:02 cell radio shutoff disables the cell modem, while leaving other devices active Aug 25 09:07:20 how can i fix what has happened to my system? Aug 25 09:08:07 hello Aug 25 09:08:20 my wifi now connects, but nothing seems to be sble to use it.. snd toggling sirplane mode doesnt affect wifi at all Aug 25 09:10:06 maybe he should contact polaroid? Aug 25 09:10:50 LLckfan: This channel is for app dev. If you don't have any questions about apps you're developing, you're in the wrong channel Aug 25 09:11:25 Tghere is no right channel Aug 25 09:11:32 That's your loss Aug 25 09:11:39 This isn't the right channel Aug 25 09:12:21 what could this guys app have done to my ststem? :( Aug 25 09:12:29 Whatever Aug 25 09:12:29 system Aug 25 09:12:37 You could still help Aug 25 09:12:46 You ust do not want to help any1 Aug 25 09:17:28 LLckfan, we want to talk about app development Aug 25 09:17:48 we don't care about your problem, and you're not entitled to getting help, or entitled to there being a channel that will help you Aug 25 09:18:04 you could offer us 35$/hour and we might consider it, until that get the fuck out Aug 25 09:18:51 * Leeds literally doesn't get out of bed for $35/hour :) Aug 25 09:20:05 what kinds of changes can an app make to separate cell modem disable from wifi, bt, and nfc? i think he might have made a change and then android did something else to break everything Aug 25 09:20:25 You help others that do not devolope apps Aug 25 09:20:32 But you will not help me Aug 25 09:20:42 the only perm it lists is modify system settings Aug 25 09:23:07 Leeds, which country do live in? Aug 25 09:24:27 oh, im calling it modem but i guess i mean radio. i knew that felt funny Aug 25 09:24:30 anyway, even if it's the US i'd say 35$/h no questions/papers is a decent salary Aug 25 09:24:47 even if it's denmark, it's denmark Aug 25 09:24:49 is what i meant Aug 25 09:24:51 or norway Aug 25 09:26:05 Xabster, yes for salary, not for a billable hour as a consultant Aug 25 09:26:12 indeed not Aug 25 09:26:25 i meant my own personal paypal accounts += 35$ per hour Aug 25 09:26:32 that i can spend without paying taxes! Aug 25 09:26:43 yeah, NSA, you heard me! Aug 25 09:27:07 doesn't paypal report to IRS_ Aug 25 09:27:08 ? Aug 25 09:27:29 i'm danish Aug 25 09:27:37 i honestly don Aug 25 09:27:40 't know if they do Aug 25 09:28:00 but how can they know if it's a person to person trade of an item, or a pay for a service? Aug 25 09:28:16 i'm allowed to sell a used PC for example without paying taxes Aug 25 09:29:18 Xabster, ah yea, PayPal doesn't report to EU tax services, you're right Aug 25 09:29:34 anyway, I think that's on the discretion of danish tax services I'd say Aug 25 09:29:38 phew Aug 25 09:32:22 hi, i have a dev related question. my app is working on a samsung note 2, but on a samsung galaxy tab 2, the action bar up navigation is not working (clicked it and it's not returning to its parent) Aug 25 09:49:54 Should I be using Location Services in my location logger rather than a LocationManager? Aug 25 10:29:27 Hello all Aug 25 10:32:23 Is there a log in eclipse that shows failed exports? Aug 25 10:57:43 Hey, it's 4am, time to stop coding. Aug 25 10:58:10 lol right Aug 25 10:58:16 thats what ijust said to myself a second ago Aug 25 10:58:53 I wasn't even working on code I'm using or testing. Would be testing it, but sonatype was down for maintenance and I didn't feel like not being lazy and setting stuff up myself.. Aug 25 10:59:09 * Nilium is far too lazy. Aug 25 10:59:27 On the upside, I should be able to programmatically set up relative layouts relatively easily now. Aug 25 10:59:39 *relative layout parameters Aug 25 11:00:15 Or at least I think typing `view alignLeftWith someOtherView` in code is easy. Aug 25 11:08:51 When i extend a class (IE arrayadapter) in java i've to redeclare all constructors? Aug 25 11:09:56 Hiho. Is there a way to "SELECT" (Sqlite on Android) a JSON-value within a field in a table? Aug 25 11:10:58 select the column, parse the JSON Aug 25 11:11:07 but honestly, why are you storing JSON in your database? Aug 25 11:11:09 yeah. But i want to JOIN 2 tables Aug 25 11:11:46 It's not my Database. It's the "Facebook"s Database. Im writing some apps for extending them. They store some data in a field with JSON. And some Value in the Json is required to LEFT JOIN them Aug 25 11:11:53 JOIN on a string match in JSON? Aug 25 11:12:00 Currently im using 2 querys but i want more efficincy Aug 25 11:12:07 Yes Aug 25 11:12:17 you're not getting efficiency out of string joins Aug 25 11:12:49 well. In the JSON (String) there is a UNIQUE Key (Integer) which i need to join to another table Aug 25 11:13:25 someone is getting very confused between textual data structures and databases Aug 25 11:14:30 It's not my database. I would store the JOINED key as Integer and compare them using INTEGER on both tables. But i have to work on an existing database and want to avoid using two querys Aug 25 11:15:26 I don't care whose database it is, if there's JSON in it, something has gone wrong Aug 25 11:16:41 I know, yeah. But i'm pretty sure that facebook stored it as JSON to get the best performance. The Stuff is transfered (without modify or touching) in JSON. Selecting more fields is way more inefficent then just selecting one field, isnt it? Aug 25 11:21:18 Is the database static? Aug 25 11:21:21 yes Aug 25 11:21:21 If it is, preprocess it. Aug 25 11:21:44 Then use the preprocessed version and don't screw the original, since the original is apparently made of stupid. Aug 25 11:21:49 What do you mean with preprocessing? Grabbing, Modify, Store? Aug 25 11:21:49 *screw with Aug 25 11:22:10 I mean put it into a format that works best. Aug 25 11:22:20 There's no point in keeping it as json if it's static. Aug 25 11:23:05 It may be static, but can change everytime (sometimes) Aug 25 11:23:20 I don't see how that's an issue. Aug 25 11:23:54 But is there really no JSON_PARSE or similar in Sqlite like in Postgresql? Aug 25 11:24:09 If it's static, that means you've got plenty of time to preprocess new versions so they're in the format that works best for the project. Aug 25 11:24:26 Why would there be? It's sqlite. Aug 25 11:24:32 It does what it says on the tin. Aug 25 11:26:13 Again, don't get hung up on trying to preserve your input in its original format -- that's stupid. If it's not in an ideal format, put it in one. Aug 25 11:27:00 hi, i have a dev related question. my app is working on a samsung note 2, but on a samsung galaxy tab 2, the action bar up navigation is not working (clicked it and it's not returning to its parent). btw, i'm actually using the action bar sherlock library. i'm curious why everything is working fine on a note 2 but just the "action bar up navigation" is not working on a galaxy tab 2? Aug 25 11:27:30 Debugged it? Aug 25 11:27:34 okay. Its not possible to "duplicate the database" and put it back into an ideal format. But ill keep it as it is and use 2 querys. One to get the JSON and parse it straight on the device and then do a select without a join. But i think it's the best solution doing it Aug 25 11:28:45 Not possible my ass >_> Aug 25 11:28:54 You just haven't tried. Aug 25 11:29:34 No. I dont mean it this way. Its possible to do it programaticaly but not possible doing this in the "concept". There are several apps using the database. If i modify it other apps may not work flawless Aug 25 11:30:02 Sure. I may use the Database. Preprocess it, modify it, use it with my own app but this would take HUGE Load on the Device since the SQite Database can be 10mb+ Aug 25 11:31:09 Sounds like your problem is poor design from the beginning then. Aug 25 11:31:15 That's harder to fix. Aug 25 11:31:58 Well, harder in that it takes time. May not actually be difficult. Aug 25 11:32:41 It's just a very small part of my app using this database. I dont want to invest more time to look for solutions. Sure, i may use REGEXP within the query to parse, join, .. but this is too complex doing that for this case Aug 25 11:32:55 I'm not sure at all if facebook want to change the Database-design in next versions Aug 25 11:34:08 I'd just avoid regular expressions if you can. Aug 25 11:38:02 In android studio i can vienw compiler output errors? Aug 25 11:40:04 hey guys, quick question as I just don't get to the object and debugger on VM is giving me an headache due to loading time: I got a dialog created at runtime, which gets a custom contentview that includes a button Aug 25 11:40:31 button onclick is connected to a method, how do I get the dialog object in this method? Aug 25 11:41:01 via view.getparent() ... till I get the dialog object? does it eventually even return the dialog object? Aug 25 12:09:24 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7357372/how-to-disable-gsm-connection-in-android-programmatically Aug 25 12:11:08 looks like that's what this app did.. permanently changed what airplane mode does. I haven't made an android app since my first test a year ago Aug 25 12:12:17 now I guess I need to code an app to fix my system.. and I'm not even sure if that'll correct the other issues I have Aug 25 12:31:25 hi all Aug 25 12:31:56 I'm trying to use the parentActivity up button features with support library actionbar but it doesn't work Aug 25 12:32:29 I can see the up symbol next to the app icon on the actionbar but pressing it... no results Aug 25 12:33:38 I set the meta tags into the manifest and setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(true); in the onCreate of the Activity with the up button in the actionbar Aug 25 12:33:48 any suggestions? Aug 25 12:39:17 If that's all you're doing, you should probably read http://developer.android.com/training/implementing-navigation/ancestral.html Aug 25 12:41:35 Found by searching the dev site for "up navigation" Aug 25 12:44:14 so I found out why my renderscripts weren't generating the ScriptC_*.java files Aug 25 12:44:40 I was placing them in the 'java' dir. Turns out they need to be in the 'rs' dir Aug 25 12:44:51 This is documented here: http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/new-build-system/user-guide#TOC-Project-Structure Aug 25 12:45:05 Works perfectly now Aug 25 12:53:37 while creating a google play developer account it rejects my debit card , whereas it works perfectly in all other places and have sufficient amount in it Aug 25 12:53:41 what to do ? Aug 25 12:53:44 please help Aug 25 12:54:39 f Aug 25 12:55:47 can anybody have any idea about my probelm ? Aug 25 12:55:53 *problem Aug 25 12:56:27 chinu: no, this is not the Google Play billing dept. Aug 25 12:57:59 sabton : i need to know if anybody else faced such a probem as most of the people in this forum are developers (android) so must have a play store account with them ? Aug 25 13:01:02 chinu: good luck, but when i have billing issues I don't go to IRC on a Sunday Aug 25 13:01:04 just saying Aug 25 13:07:08 I have a piece of code that i want to run on both Android, and a server, is there an way i can distinguish which it is running on at runtime? Aug 25 13:07:35 A pop-up asking the user if they exist. Aug 25 13:08:50 Try loading some android class at runtime Aug 25 13:10:06 You could use an enum as a member of some global class Aug 25 13:11:15 and then you can check for if (GlobalClass.environment == Environment.SERVER) else if (GlobalClass.environment == Environment.ANDROID) Aug 25 13:11:49 I think he's asking how to set GlobalClass.environment.. Aug 25 13:12:35 Class.forName("android.os.Build") .. if it throws you're not on Android Aug 25 13:17:17 SimonVT nice, that would work. Thx. Aug 25 13:17:45 sure, you can rely on classloading failing, but that seems kind of unclean to me, I'd prefer to emulate sme kind of C/C++-like #define behaviour, like so: http://bpaste.net/show/126051/ Aug 25 13:17:54 hey guys quick question about an object I can't reach by trying as VM gives me a headache with its loading times Aug 25 13:18:30 I create a dialog and set a custom contentview during runtime, this contentview has a button with an onclick method Aug 25 13:18:39 how do i get the dialog within that method? Aug 25 13:19:06 sonOfRa, saying have a separate implementation of GlobalClass on for both environments? Aug 25 13:19:09 I tried view.getParent().getParent()... multiple times but can't seem to reach that dialog object Aug 25 13:19:34 jug6ernaut, pretty much, yes. It kind of emulates #define behaviour from C/C Aug 25 13:19:59 ray122: get a reference to it when you create it Aug 25 13:20:20 just make sure to clean up that reference once you are done, otherwise bad things Aug 25 13:20:29 is there no other way? like an already existing ref? Aug 25 13:20:37 via methods like getParent() Aug 25 13:20:47 why Aug 25 13:20:56 all that is very unreliable Aug 25 13:21:02 and fragile Aug 25 13:21:04 because I dont wanna create something thats already there Aug 25 13:21:15 it's not. Aug 25 13:21:19 why would it, the button is always in the same view Aug 25 13:21:43 I'm debugging my app on my phone (galaxy nexus). The debugger used to attach in ~3-4 seconds. Not anymore. How do I start figuring out what the problem might be? Aug 25 13:22:07 i can use a global variable and store the dialogs object ref in there, but I would like to avoid that if possible Aug 25 13:22:27 a global variable ? Aug 25 13:22:49 well what do you mean with "get a ref when you create it" Aug 25 13:23:29 the function executed when clicking the button in the dialog is separate from where the dialog is being created **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Aug 25 13:25:57 2013 Aug 25 13:26:19 yes, that is true. Aug 25 13:26:21 ray122: http://pastebin.com/b9sh2uyY Aug 25 13:27:24 ah i see thanks Aug 25 13:29:10 ray122: just make sure not to keep that instance around Aug 25 13:30:04 ok, quickly gonna give it a try Aug 25 13:44:15 Ended up gong with mixture of both methods. Got a class which same package/name implemented on both server/client code. Then in the code that is run on both(but has no access to ether) i load the class manually, then check an enum. So i know explicitly which it is on, if it fails to load the class just means its not running on ether client or server code, in which case shit blows up anyways lol. Aug 25 13:46:32 Hi, I want to add memos from my app to Google Keep. How can I do so? Do Drive apis provide such functionality? Aug 25 13:51:03 any of you use that inconsolata font on os x? it's great but it constantly screws uprendering in android studio :( Aug 25 13:55:03 hi, is this channel good for talking about android application development? Aug 25 13:55:49 nongio: the best. Aug 25 13:55:59 good! Aug 25 13:56:37 i want to implement ui pattern used in google maps i.e. pull the bottom view to see the details... Aug 25 13:57:09 does android sdk provide something like that? Aug 25 13:57:36 http://24.media.tumblr.com/3e674a78d1e0485bfca02ec9fdfa5a31/tumblr_mq2h5pQK0V1r2wjwko2_1280.png Aug 25 13:58:56 nah but it's easy to implement Aug 25 13:59:17 any hint? Aug 25 14:00:07 touch listener on the layout, when ACTION_MOVE reposition it up Aug 25 14:00:13 ok Aug 25 14:00:15 on fling open the wholethign Aug 25 14:00:16 inside the scrolling view there is a pager Aug 25 14:00:55 there will be some problems with touch bubbling betweens views? Aug 25 14:01:40 morning everyone Aug 25 14:03:43 Got a question: I have a Viewpager with ListViews. Each item in the List has a TextView that am setting to do a Marquee scroll, which works; but, when I place my finger on it to swipe the page, swipe doesnt work. On a TextView that doesn't have the scroll feature, swiping works. Anyone ran into this in the past? Aug 25 14:13:01 lou_: guessing the textviews are consuming the touchevents Aug 25 14:15:31 As soon as I do this for my TextViews, I amdone for: Aug 25 14:15:32 android:singleLine="true" Aug 25 14:15:32 android:ellipsize="marquee" Aug 25 14:15:32 android:marqueeRepeatLimit="marquee_forever" Aug 25 14:15:56 lou_: for fuck's sake don PM Aug 25 14:23:51 Good morning! Can anybody confirm if there is/isn't a way to override volume keys behavior when my app is not running? I know there is MEDIA_BUTTON (which doesn't include volume keys) and there is VOLUME_CHANGED_ACTION (but that doesn't allow to override action; I also know how to override volume keys when my app is active - I don't need it Aug 25 14:36:17 anyone here know anything about XML? Aug 25 14:38:34 ReGiStRaS: what's the question? Aug 25 14:59:28 funkbox, I have made a relative layout and with a touchlistener i'm able to move it Aug 25 15:00:11 then i have inserted a Viewpager inside the layout and after that i'm unable to move the layout... Aug 25 15:00:46 all the touch inputs get intercepted by the viewpager Aug 25 15:09:33 anyone know what chrome flags i need to turn on to get web speech api to work on chrome beta for android? Aug 25 15:11:15 nongio: what's the scenario ? Aug 25 15:12:01 i have a relative layout with setOnTouchListener Aug 25 15:12:24 using MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE i'm able to move this view Aug 25 15:12:51 do you remember my first question with screenshot? Aug 25 15:13:50 I have the following: Aug 25 15:14:02 nongio: so viewpager with relative layout in it, both with touch listeners? Aug 25 15:14:05 TEXT MESSAGE Aug 25 15:14:13 TEXT MESSAGE Aug 25 15:14:19 TEXT MESSAGE Aug 25 15:14:24 Use pastebin Aug 25 15:14:25 TEXT MESSAGE Aug 25 15:14:35 I need to invert the message date so that the 2012 is at the top and follows descending downwards. How can I achieve this? I'm using PSPad. Aug 25 15:14:39 opps...sorry Aug 25 15:14:41 nongio: or RelativeLayout with ViewPager inside it, both touch listeners ? Aug 25 15:14:58 funkbox: inside the relative layout there is a viewpager Aug 25 15:15:19 funkbox: the view pager does not have a listener Aug 25 15:15:21 ReGistras, how is that android related? Aug 25 15:15:45 ok sry then Aug 25 15:15:55 nongio: so on the relativelayout in your touch listener you need to do something like { return myhandler.handlevent() || viewPager.onTouchEvent } Aug 25 15:16:19 nongio: the viewpager has a touch listener which is uses to detect swipes for flipping pages Aug 25 15:16:29 cause lou_ asked me what was my question Aug 25 15:17:06 nongio: also, consider using a FrameLayout instead of a relative layout if you can, since relativelayout hosting a viewgroup like viewpager can be sloooow Aug 25 15:17:18 funkbox: I need to extend the layout and reimplement onInterceptTouchEvent? Aug 25 15:17:23 nongio: nah Aug 25 15:17:30 nongio: give me a sec Aug 25 15:18:40 funkbox: couse all the events are intercepted by the viewpager and the onTouch method for the layout listener never get called Aug 25 15:19:18 nongio: http://pastebin.com/xyQKZqyR Aug 25 15:19:51 nongio: you basically need to let the viewpager handle the events you don't consume Aug 25 15:20:03 ViewPager will probably receive the same touchevent twice in some cases Aug 25 15:20:24 Actually, it will Aug 25 15:20:42 SimonVT: wouldn't the parent handle that first ? Aug 25 15:20:43 ViewPager#onTouchEvent will always be called before its parents onTouchEvent Aug 25 15:20:56 a question about standards in android XML files. is camelCase preferred or are underscores preferred instead for IDs? Aug 25 15:21:03 is exactly whats is happening Aug 25 15:21:08 oh i'm an idiot. i had the wrong touch event bubbling Aug 25 15:21:15 @+id/fooBar vs @+id/foo_bar Aug 25 15:21:20 nongio: then same code, just reverse the viewpager and relative layout Aug 25 15:21:27 ;) Aug 25 15:21:42 either way, the pattern holds. Aug 25 15:21:48 No it doesn't hold Aug 25 15:22:12 the child view pass to the parent the events that doesn't want Aug 25 15:22:20 As I said, by the time your touch listener is called, ViewPager#onTouchEvent will already have been called by the framework Aug 25 15:22:36 SimonVT: override viewpager, do a delegating touch event handler ? Aug 25 15:23:02 Intercept touch events with onInterceptTouchEvent Aug 25 15:23:57 The bottom part shouldn't overlay the viewpager until it's dragged up anyway Aug 25 15:24:23 And once it's up, you need to stop all touchevents on it from propagating to the viewpager Aug 25 15:24:42 e.g. by putting its content in a viewgroup that always handles touch events Aug 25 15:27:08 for now thanks, i'll try Aug 25 15:27:43 Touch events are propagated in the following order: ViewGroup#onInterceptTouchEvent > Child2#onTouchEvent > Child1#onTouchEvent > ViewGroup#onTouchEvent Aug 25 15:28:14 Any of those views can return true to handle all touch events until the pointer is released Aug 25 15:31:37 i have a stock motorola defy plus (european model) that I would like to root and put a different rom Aug 25 15:31:49 Try #android-root Aug 25 15:31:59 oh right sorry thats what I was looking for Aug 25 15:33:26 hey guys Aug 25 15:33:46 i need to save a large amount of data to the SD Aug 25 15:33:53 i was wondeing if i should use a database Aug 25 15:33:54 if so Aug 25 15:33:59 how? Aug 25 15:35:57 developer.android.com/training/basics/data-storage/databases.html Aug 25 15:36:23 Does it make sense to put your data in a database? If so, use a database Aug 25 15:36:53 I'm getting error when trying to run my app: http://pastebin.com/BWHp9Lxz Aug 25 15:37:26 jubjub: if you can put it in a table, do so. if key-value pairs are more appropriate, use those. we can't answer whether you should use foo or bar. Aug 25 15:37:29 What's wrong here? Aug 25 15:38:37 Tadas: try http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5768054/no-command-output-when-running-am-start-n-error Aug 25 15:38:46 i think a table makes more sense sigv I have 3 values phonenumber, bool, note Aug 25 15:39:01 some notes have the same phone number Aug 25 15:39:04 so a key wouldnt make sense Aug 25 15:39:35 sigv, thanks. I hope that works out Aug 25 15:39:36 jubjub: sounds like a table with three cols is best. what do you mean with "some notes have the same phone number"? Aug 25 15:39:54 some entries have the same phone number Aug 25 15:40:34 for example 18002223456, True, Blah Blah 18002223456, False, Bli Blah Aug 25 15:40:40 so you use an id key or something Aug 25 15:41:40 yeah, you need 4 cols. one primary key (id) and then those 3 that have the content you will display in the front-end. Aug 25 15:41:54 otherwise notes could be bundled. Aug 25 15:42:06 Thanks! it helped Aug 25 15:43:11 sigv: im assuming the id will increment Aug 25 15:43:15 per entry Aug 25 15:43:20 and i can find all this information here? 18002223456, True, Blah Blah Aug 25 15:43:28 here * http://developer.android.com/training/basics/data-storage/databases.html Aug 25 15:45:17 Tadas: awesome. Aug 25 15:45:31 :) Aug 25 15:46:04 jubjub: that page appears to give enough information to introduce you to how to use SQL databases in Android so yes. Aug 25 15:46:38 Is there a way of disposing a window (dunno how to call it.. a layout maybe) and start a new one? Aug 25 15:46:41 sigv: awesome thanks Aug 25 15:46:53 SimonVT: i have reimplemented the parent layout onInterceptTouchEvent method to return true then i have set a touch listener on this layout that dispatch motionevents to the childs, seems to work... Aug 25 15:50:01 who wants to use sql databases in android? Aug 25 15:51:49 like connecting to a remote SQL Server from an android device Aug 25 15:51:51 ? Aug 25 15:52:12 lou_: local SQL databases. Aug 25 15:52:17 they are not remote servers. Aug 25 15:52:43 ah ok. I deal with remote server Comm. nm, carry on Aug 25 15:58:13 heya guys, quick question - I am trying to have a tiled image as an activity background constantly panning in a certain direction Aug 25 15:58:23 i.e. just a simple planning animation Aug 25 15:58:36 google turns up precious little results on the subject, nothing that could be of any use Aug 25 15:58:40 anyone got any pointers? Aug 25 15:58:55 I got the "tiled image" part done Aug 25 15:59:10 but the "constantly panning" part is tricky Aug 25 16:02:42 Tee_Pee, maybe make it two images and swap ? Aug 25 16:30:28 hello , I have a question regarding the ADT, now in eclipse I find min. version, target version and compile version, if i have min. as 2.2 target and compile 4.3, the app will wrong on all version between 2.2 to 4.3 ? or i should compile with 2.2 as well ? Aug 25 16:31:26 run fine Aug 25 16:31:27 Why use Button over TextView if all I need is to show a view when it's clicked Aug 25 16:31:34 just don't use new apis Aug 25 16:31:55 pfn: should eclips warn me from new apis ? Aug 25 16:32:18 I rather use a textview and noticed that it has a Click event. Any reason why I should use a Button instead? Aug 25 16:34:10 What would be the quickest/simplest of bringing a device out of sleep and pinging an address every X seconds? Aug 25 16:34:16 Button is just a styled TextView.. that looks like a button Aug 25 16:34:21 DarKnesS_WolF, sometimes lint will Aug 25 16:34:27 I don't use eclipse Aug 25 16:34:30 lou_, Button is just a textview with default style and accessibility information Aug 25 16:34:41 I suggest using a button because of that Aug 25 16:34:47 pfn: what do u recommend for n00b in dev. and android ? Aug 25 16:34:56 stanreg, AlarmManager and service Aug 25 16:34:58 EditText.setInputType.. is there some magic that says you can't do this while editing? Aug 25 16:35:05 stanreg, it'll destroy your battery though. Aug 25 16:35:34 funkbox, I don't think keyboard is notified about change of input type Aug 25 16:35:58 Mavrik: i want to get rid of the red underline until the user starts the actual edit. not really working Aug 25 16:36:07 ok. I noticed that a Button takes more real estate using style="?android:attr/borderlessButtonStyle" over a textview Aug 25 16:36:46 Mavrik, I suppose it would.. but how much will bring the device out of sleep and pinging every 3 seconds, really consume? My amateur-mind says not much. Aug 25 16:36:57 stanreg, it powers up radio and CPU Aug 25 16:37:15 and interval of 3 seconds will keep the 3G session up and prevent the radio from going into low power state Aug 25 16:37:22 you're battey will be dead in half of a day Aug 25 16:37:29 *your Aug 25 16:37:36 Mavrik, good point.. goal is to only run this while on WiFi ... my wifi keeps missing alerts (important ones, such as incoming calls). Aug 25 16:37:48 mhm Aug 25 16:37:54 stanreg, as I said, use an AlarmManager and a service Aug 25 16:37:58 roger that Aug 25 16:38:10 set alarm manager to wake you up on 3 seconds and do the ping :) Aug 25 16:38:38 ugh, alarm manager for 3 seconds? Aug 25 16:38:50 Leeds, sup? Aug 25 16:39:04 uh-huh Aug 25 16:39:54 go on.. Aug 25 16:40:21 stanreg, btw, did you check if you don't have "disable wifi when idle" option on? :) Aug 25 16:41:10 Mavrik, yep, yep... nexus 4's radio just has a hard time waking up on some ARP packets, it's a known "defect". Aug 25 16:41:23 ah. Aug 25 16:41:41 that explains some problems with AirDroid I had Aug 25 16:42:17 You're using a N4, I suppose? Aug 25 16:42:53 Yeah, I had an N4 Aug 25 16:46:00 hm.. is there a style to dictate the color of the red underline for spelling corrections in edit texts? Aug 25 17:03:53 is anyone else having trouble installing the Platform-tools SDK update? Aug 25 17:06:28 wtf? Aug 25 17:41:55 How long would it take to develop an app that syncs with an extern api server, and has local persistent data with like 30+ tables and almost 40-50 screens? Aug 25 17:44:35 umm i have a very basic fullscreen activity, the test on the dumy test is arabic, and i have 2 issues, RTL and shapping , anyone have any idea why ? Aug 25 17:46:36 hi, would an app to outline certain company procedures best be done statically or would it benefit from being dynamic (REST-based) Aug 25 17:47:16 it's lab related, they don't change fast, but the process usually changes Aug 25 17:47:29 or would one just make a static one, and update it when needed? Aug 25 17:49:21 has anyone here used renderscript? Aug 25 17:49:27 I'm having troubles with allocations. Aug 25 18:00:58 How do I find out when the dialog is dismissed? Aug 25 18:01:38 Hey there, I'm using Html.fromHtml with an image getter as parameter to format html strings and use them in a TextView, but the images are always blank no matter what I do. Is this a known issue or FAQ? Thanks! Aug 25 18:17:41 I'm working with renderscript - Allocation's copyFrom fails without giving any exceptions. What might I be doing wrong? Aug 25 18:25:37 alankila there by any chance ? Aug 25 18:26:43 g00s, does alankila know about renderscript? Aug 25 18:29:51 I am trying to convert some code that was made before google maps v2. I currently have a class that extends fragment and generates a mapview on the layout. The main activity uses fragment transactions to replace a container layout with the fragment. I am trying to do this with v2, but can't seem to figure out the best way to handle the changes in MapFragment or MapView? Any suggestions or good tutorials that you guys kn Aug 25 18:47:36 hey guys, is it necessary to have an ID column for my Database (SQLite) Aug 25 18:48:59 It depends... whether you want ID or not. Aug 25 18:49:24 i dont, but i hear its require for cursor...getting an error Aug 25 18:50:16 jubjub, cursors require an _id field Aug 25 18:50:36 CursorAdapters Aug 25 18:50:37 I should say Aug 25 18:51:22 how can i add an ID so that it increments on each entry Aug 25 18:51:42 i read it had to do with Base... Aug 25 18:54:13 poutine: im not using a cursorAdapter, just a cursor as such: Cursor cursor = phoneListDatabase.fetchAll(db, String .format("SELECT %s FROM %s WHERE %s = %s", PhoneListDatabase.C_CONVERTED_NUMBER, PhoneListDatabase.TABLE, PhoneListDatabase.C_NUMBER, array.get(position))); Aug 25 18:55:00 but i get an out of bounds exception when i do Log.d("phoneList.add", cursor.getString(cursor .getColumnIndex(PhoneListDatabase.C_CONVERTED_NUMBER))); Aug 25 18:57:02 dont use string.format liek that :\ Aug 25 18:57:10 that's just asking for sql injection Aug 25 19:01:25 didnt really help Aug 25 19:05:54 for some reason my cursor is null Aug 25 19:08:25 https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/rs/+/master/java/tests/LivePreview/src/com/android/rs/livepreview/RsYuv.java Aug 25 19:08:41 It seems like the Element.DataKind.PIXEL_YUV member doesn't exist anymore Aug 25 19:12:07 Stuff doesn't just disappear Aug 25 19:13:16 my cursor returns null but the column count is equal 1 Aug 25 19:24:25 ooh that was only issue in teh view on eclipse, on the emulator the arabic looks just fine : Aug 25 19:41:25 anyone used RoboSpice ? Aug 25 19:41:41 looks like a more robust solution for handling requests Aug 25 19:42:21 but I don't know if it's overkill for my problem (automating lab procedures) Aug 25 19:43:01 on the one hand, I could code them all statically and update the app the regular way, or I could make it dynamic (through RoboSpice) Aug 25 20:06:04 g00s: am now Aug 25 20:07:38 alankila oh cool, thx. since you do work with signal processing, a quick q, i am doing basic stuff (avg/min/max) on a bunch of sensor data i log. each sample is like 30 measurements, usually >1000 with a resolution of .01. i'm trying to decide if i should do this as fixed point (integer scaling) or convert the data to floating point (double) Aug 25 20:08:02 sorry, less than 1000 Aug 25 20:08:26 so, i get all this stuff as a char[] and have to parse it Aug 25 20:08:32 Well, floats are generally easier to work with given that they more resemble the numbers people intuitively deal with. Performance between integer and hardware-assisted floating point is similar. Aug 25 20:08:37 a naive approach, like horners method, leads to some rounding errors Aug 25 20:09:06 🍔🍰🍜 Aug 25 20:09:27 i'm loathe to make a string of each floating point token and pass it to Double.parseDouble() Aug 25 20:09:34 that would lead to a ton of garbage Aug 25 20:09:50 each token, being a char[] Aug 25 20:11:55 well you can write a custom algorithm to parse a value starting at some given index of course. The simplest just keeps on reading digits and adds them to accumulator that is multiplied by 10 before each further digit Aug 25 20:12:08 the decimal point will have a different handling but it's not too complicated I guess. Aug 25 20:12:28 this is what i was doing http://www.exploringbinary.com/quick-and-dirty-decimal-to-floating-point-conversion/ Aug 25 20:12:42 I'm unable to say if that sort of thing matters. It is a matter of data volume, obviously. Aug 25 20:13:13 alankila have you ever tooked at the code for C's strtod() ? Aug 25 20:13:17 *holy crap* Aug 25 20:13:47 clearly, doing that efficiently, requires special expertise. oh well. thanks alankila Aug 25 20:14:22 No. But in any case if you are worried about lack of precision you can deal with that most efficiently by scaling your inputs until they are all integers Aug 25 20:15:09 since floating point values will calculate integer numbers without a representational rounding error at any point as long as the values do not grow too large to be contained precisely. Aug 25 20:16:34 so in any case a double can represent values up to something like 1 << 56 exactly. I don't remember the exact limit. Aug 25 20:17:07 hi, I am trying to make a transparent input method (keyboard). I do set the background of the keyboardview to transparent, but there is some view behind the keyboardView that is constantly white (or black if the app has a black theme), and I am unable to change it to transparent. Any ideas on what the solution might be? Aug 25 20:17:07 this seems pretty straightforward, i think i'll try this http://www.exploringbinary.com/correct-decimal-to-floating-point-using-big-integers/ Aug 25 20:17:19 integer scaling has its own issues with roundoff errors Aug 25 20:17:55 I don't know what you mean. Aug 25 20:18:53 a * b = c will be exact in floating point if a and b are represented exactly, and all integers are until certain magic limit, and if c is small enough to still be represented exactly. Aug 25 20:19:09 maybe i misunderstood; say multiplying numbers with different scales Aug 25 20:19:09 hi ! Aug 25 20:19:41 g00s: there are some values that have exact floating point representation as well, for instance 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, but not e.g. 0.1 Aug 25 20:20:00 so if you divide by 10 or multiply by 0.1, you will introduce an error, but if you multiply by 10, you do not Aug 25 20:21:45 is there any security precaution one should take when GETting JSON data from a known server over HTTP? Aug 25 20:21:56 Guys, Im using Eclipse (ADT Bundle) (I know, half the problem...) and I don't have an R file in my gen folder (or anything for that matter) after having just created an Android project - never happened to me before, any ideas? Aug 25 20:22:15 you have an error Aug 25 20:22:31 I have literally just created the project - done nothing else - what possible error could I have? :/ Aug 25 20:22:59 build with ant and see Aug 25 20:23:16 Yeah - I have no experience with that so wouldn't know how. Aug 25 20:23:23 I would be willing to learn though - is it useful? Aug 25 20:23:29 (Obviously, it is...) Aug 25 20:23:53 android update project -p path -t android-whatever Aug 25 20:23:56 ant Aug 25 20:24:09 The only errors in the Error window of the are saying no R file. Aug 25 20:24:11 you should never release apps from ide Aug 25 20:24:15 it's stupid Aug 25 20:24:18 I dont Aug 25 20:24:24 Oh wait Aug 25 20:24:25 Yes I do Aug 25 20:24:26 hahaha Aug 25 20:24:27 :( Aug 25 20:24:35 how else would you if you don't know ant... Aug 25 20:24:36 You should just not depend on an IDE. Aug 25 20:24:38 I was never taught any different from people I learnt from though... Aug 25 20:24:39 What's a good forum/channel for problems with renderscript? Aug 25 20:24:50 or grade, or any zillion of the alternatives Aug 25 20:24:59 Wasn't renderscript deprecated? Aug 25 20:25:12 As I said - I was never taught any different so wouldn't know otherwise... Aug 25 20:25:25 Nilium, dafaq Aug 25 20:25:46 Ah, no, just the rendition stuff. Aug 25 20:26:04 what's rendition? Aug 25 20:26:32 Rendering/drawing Aug 25 20:26:50 The process of rendering = rendition Aug 25 20:27:35 renderscript isn't suitable for rendering and doesn't look much like a script either, though I guess that latter point is irrelevant because the word has no real definition either Aug 25 20:27:42 great name, anyway Aug 25 20:28:18 though it's not exactly hard to make a little planar projection and intersect rays with geometry and end up with 3d rendering system. Aug 25 20:28:19 i'mtrying to use it for computations Aug 25 20:28:45 and the documentations/samples aren't that great Aug 25 20:28:52 yeah they suck Aug 25 20:29:02 had to pretty much work with trial & error when I did something with it Aug 25 20:29:09 I was hoping there would be a forum/something for people working with renderscript Aug 25 20:29:20 renderscript is a very curious beast on Android Aug 25 20:29:36 it's a pretty great little utility but it just didn't seem to stick with anyone Aug 25 20:29:38 I'm more baffled that OpenCL doesn't work. Aug 25 20:29:41 alankila, any chance you used script intrinsics? Aug 25 20:29:54 liquidmetal: hmm what, functions like rsClamp? Aug 25 20:30:12 no... converting yuv to rgb Aug 25 20:30:26 ScriptIntrinsicYuvToRgb (like ScriptIntrinsicBlur) Aug 25 20:30:37 oh. Right they added some premade scripts Aug 25 20:30:43 jashsu, doesn't seem to stick with anyone? Aug 25 20:30:50 yeah indeed I didn't use them Aug 25 20:30:55 jasta, doesn't seem to stick with anyone? Aug 25 20:31:45 alankila, a more general question then. I have an allocation and I 'copyFrom' a byte array. Aug 25 20:31:54 How do I check if the data reached renderscript or not? Aug 25 20:32:28 back in the day, wasn't the decision not to use openCl because they didn't want to limit oems to nvidia gpus ? Aug 25 20:32:29 write debug statements in the script... use rsSendToClient to publish some key things Aug 25 20:32:42 although now, seems like there is more adoption Aug 25 20:33:01 I think rsSendToClient can only be used to wrap a memory location into a message which will be received by whoever receives renderscript results Aug 25 20:33:10 liquidmetal: there's very little support around it, and very few people are using it. Aug 25 20:33:13 so that memory location best be dedicated to holding that value for a time Aug 25 20:33:31 alankila, I'm using a script intrinsic - so I don't have a .rs file I can modify Aug 25 20:33:58 liquidmetal: hm, okay. Well I don't quite understand your dilemma then. You check the ouptut and look what it's like, I suppose. Aug 25 20:34:13 I would guess that these intrinsics would be debugged enough to do what they say on the tin Aug 25 20:34:21 jasta, sounds like a good opportunity to create a tutorials website for renderscript Aug 25 20:34:43 Would there be anyway to fix this without Ant? Aug 25 20:34:59 I understand learning to run and build things from command line would be better, but at this moment in time I do not know how to do this. Aug 25 20:35:08 alankila, damn I had to push the api level all the way upto 18 - seems useless :( Aug 25 20:35:10 This is something I will aim to learn in the near future though Aug 25 20:35:39 liquidmetal: I'm not familiar with 'copyFrom' method though Aug 25 20:35:52 alankila, how did you send data, then? Aug 25 20:35:52 I only use renderscript with allocations based on bitmaps thus far Aug 25 20:35:59 ah okay Aug 25 20:36:05 I'm trying to send over a byte buffer Aug 25 20:36:13 I don't even a see an API for a bytebuffer Aug 25 20:36:44 byte[] Aug 25 20:36:50 oh... that's not bytebuffer Aug 25 20:36:59 sorry about that... Aug 25 20:37:07 yeah you said byte array above Aug 25 20:37:45 anyway I guess if you generated suitably-sized allocation of correct type and then do copyFrom, I'd expect it to work, but I don't have any experience with that. Aug 25 20:38:43 I can confirm though that a bitmap is handle correctly as input and output Aug 25 20:40:51 Anthaas, already told you how exactly Aug 25 20:41:24 pfn: I understand that you said using Ant would help me resolve this, but I do not know how to use Ant at the moment. I would prefer to fix this problem before learning how to. Aug 25 20:41:27 gave you 2 commands.... Aug 25 20:41:30 Oh? Aug 25 20:41:37 Im sorry, I must have missed them. Aug 25 20:41:43 * alankila guesses that the NV21 encoding is handled by renderscript by taking the length of the array and then looking where the bitplanes must be Aug 25 20:41:44 I TOLDYOUHOW Aug 25 20:41:53 Im sorry, I must have missed them. Aug 25 20:42:04 I will look up now. Aug 25 20:42:20 apparently y is full resolution and u+v together are in some 2x2 sampling suggesting that there's 1/4 as many u and v values as y values Aug 25 20:42:46 from this, I guess the script computes the location of the relevant u and v samples and interpolates. Aug 25 20:42:51 android update project -p path -t android-whatever Aug 25 20:42:55 Where do I type that? Aug 25 20:43:10 Also, what do I replace the "-whatever" with? Aug 25 20:46:02 pfn: ? Aug 25 20:46:21 there's also the assumption that there must be even number of y lines... I do not think this can work without knowing the width of the bitmap Aug 25 20:46:43 so I doubt that a byte[] is valid as input for this. Aug 25 20:46:46 Anthaas, android -help to see what those mean Aug 25 20:47:04 use like 1% brain power please Aug 25 20:47:12 pfn: Ok, but where do I type this command? Aug 25 20:47:27 pfn: A little condescending. You confuse a lack of knowledge with lack of trying. Aug 25 20:47:41 As I said before, I have very little experience with the use of the command line. Aug 25 20:47:47 do you lack basic computer knowledge? Aug 25 20:47:53 open up a shell Aug 25 20:48:12 soo.. incoming JSON data, does it need to be checked for bad things? or can one freely inflate objects and know that worst case an exception is thrown? Aug 25 20:49:00 depends on what you're using to parse Aug 25 20:49:22 lots of people like to eval() in javascript... Aug 25 20:49:23 Surely it actually depends on the source of JSON? Aug 25 20:49:27 as far as I know there is no direct path from json data to specialized java objects on android Aug 25 20:49:45 If you know what is in it, guaranteed each time, then so long as you can guarantee it hasn't been modified in transit then you should be fine without checking. Aug 25 20:49:54 so if the objects being spoken of are things like JSONArray and JSONObject, I guess they are designed to safely contain whatever crap you throw at it Aug 25 20:50:01 that's no guarantee Aug 25 20:50:37 though this rests on assumption that whoever wrote that code did it sanely, like used pure java and didn't drop down to some exploitable native code and so on. Aug 25 20:50:39 a client can never trust what a server sends and vice versa Aug 25 20:50:55 You can't guarantee it hasn't been modified, but if you encrypt it securely, you can at least guarantee that whatever is in it is either A) What you want, or B) Nonsense. Aug 25 20:50:58 Just error check Aug 25 20:51:22 until the server gets hacked Aug 25 20:51:38 Like I said, a matter of making sure everything is secure - trusting the source etc. Aug 25 20:51:59 that's the fallacy Aug 25 20:52:01 Otherwise, theoretically, this debate could go on ad infinitum. Aug 25 20:52:11 Yeah, but you do have to draw a line somewhere. Aug 25 20:52:31 anyway, common json parsers are not prone to malformedness Aug 25 20:52:55 just don't use a js interp and eval() Aug 25 20:52:56 and it's always possible to write a simple bare-bones json parser yourself if you feel like reinventing that particular wheel Aug 25 20:53:58 pfn: I know you are probably fed up of this, but you want me to open Ant, and enter that command there, right? Aug 25 20:54:12 yeah, the server is supposed to be under my control Aug 25 20:54:25 so I guess it'll be okay Aug 25 20:54:26 Anthaas: Use a terminal. Aug 25 20:54:28 a shell, ant is a command for said shell Aug 25 20:54:30 Or shell, I guess. Aug 25 20:54:44 Terminal's usually easier for people to understand at first. Aug 25 20:55:14 thanks Aug 25 20:55:18 next assumption is that the Android sdk will be on the path... probably won't be Aug 25 20:55:20 Just need to find out what this -whatever bit needs. Aug 25 20:55:38 ahhh the sdk Aug 25 20:55:41 ok Aug 25 20:55:57 I'm getting flashbacks of people calling Dev-C++ a compiler. Aug 25 20:56:56 Does anyone have some experience with sensors and augmented reality? Aug 25 20:57:19 Do you have an actual question? Aug 25 20:57:48 vbarthel, some Aug 25 20:58:31 ok tried update but errored Aug 25 20:58:36 either no target set or target invalid Aug 25 20:58:41 oh shit Aug 25 20:58:44 missed the -t bit Aug 25 20:58:46 my bad Aug 25 21:00:01 I could definitely use some help, yeah. I'm currently developping an augmented reality game, and I can't decide whether I use Accelerometer + magnetometer or rotation vector Aug 25 21:00:31 Ok, only API 17 is available Aug 25 21:00:33 dafuq Aug 25 21:01:34 Not sure why that is when I have them all installed. Aug 25 21:02:13 alankila, yup - you need to specify the bitmap width and height (through the type size) Aug 25 21:02:34 copyFrom expects a certain data length - if it doesn't match then it throws an error Aug 25 21:02:39 (in my case it doesn't) Aug 25 21:02:49 Anybody have any ideas why I only have android-17 available? Aug 25 21:03:02 Anthaas, use the sdk manager and download the new/old ones Aug 25 21:03:13 anyway I'm off to sleep Aug 25 21:03:15 Yeah, Ive just been into my sdk manager, but they are all installed and up to date Aug 25 21:03:26 oh Aug 25 21:03:30 donno then Aug 25 21:03:51 hmm Aug 25 21:04:41 Ahhh Aug 25 21:04:46 what pfn said earlier Aug 25 21:04:50 SDK not being on the path Aug 25 21:05:14 no, if you can run android, it's on your path Aug 25 21:05:21 Hmmm Aug 25 21:05:37 you only have -17 because that's all you have installed Aug 25 21:05:44 I have all of them installed Aug 25 21:05:50 according to my SDK Manager Aug 25 21:06:06 Ahh not true, I dont have 18 installed... Aug 25 21:06:12 you have multiple sdks installed, probably Aug 25 21:06:15 But the version I want is installed. Aug 25 21:06:41 multiple copies, that is Aug 25 21:07:15 Ok, any ideas how to resolve this? Aug 25 21:07:32 By using the SDK manager? Aug 25 21:07:46 look at the sdk or the path in eclipse to see what it's pointing to Aug 25 21:07:54 Well, the multiple SDKs thing isn't helped by that, though. Aug 25 21:08:24 then echo %PATH% from the command line to see where that is pointing Aug 25 21:08:28 C:\Users\Me\android-sdks Aug 25 21:08:53 Thats where the SDK manager is pointing Aug 25 21:09:05 and take a screen shot of the sdk manager Aug 25 21:11:00 Ok, screenshot done Aug 25 21:11:44 you didn't echo like I said Aug 25 21:12:18 http://imgur.com/D6sRstW Aug 25 21:12:23 I did Aug 25 21:12:35 but what came back looked like a load of different paths Aug 25 21:12:37 where is it Aug 25 21:13:33 yes, it's your execution path Aug 25 21:13:36 C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;%CommonProgramFiles%\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\;c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\Tools\Binn\;c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\100\DTS\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\;C:\Program Aug 25 21:13:36 Files (x86)\Microsoft ASP.NET\ASP.NET Web Pages\v1.0\;C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\Windows Performance Toolkit\;C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\;C:\Program Files\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\Windows Live Aug 25 21:13:50 Things like that came back Aug 25 21:14:01 Ill put into pastebin Aug 25 21:14:19 Oh wait, that is it all Aug 25 21:15:35 huh, don't see an android sdk in there Aug 25 21:17:56 I don't know what to say... :/ Aug 25 21:18:42 anyway c:\users\chris\android-sdks\tools\android update project... Aug 25 21:20:12 "android is not recognised as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file" Aug 25 21:20:21 Question : I have a custom layout. I want to know a subview's required width/height (as if it was as match_parent in a LinearLayout xml) so I can know where to position it when onLayout is called. Aug 25 21:20:50 android.bat is in c:\users\chris\adt-bundle-windows-x84)64-20130522 Aug 25 21:21:03 Which is where the original problem about SDK version occurred Aug 25 21:21:52 how messed up... I guess that's why it can't find sdks Aug 25 21:22:03 Sounds like I should just reinstall? lol Aug 25 21:22:23 Its strange Aug 25 21:22:26 no Android.bat under android-sdks? Aug 25 21:22:27 Its been fine up until today Aug 25 21:22:34 but onLayout() View.getMeasuredHeight() returns 0 Aug 25 21:22:39 * pfn shrugs... Aug 25 21:22:42 Oh hang on Aug 25 21:22:45 A subfolder Aug 25 21:23:03 There we go Aug 25 21:23:04 worked Aug 25 21:24:04 still no R file though Aug 25 21:24:12 run ant Aug 25 21:24:18 that's the point of this Aug 25 21:24:24 oh, sorry. Aug 25 21:24:28 run ant and get your error Aug 25 21:24:29 Thank you for being patient with me though Aug 25 21:25:22 Isnt Ant installed as part of the SDK? Aug 25 21:25:45 no, get it from ant.apache.org Aug 25 21:31:24 unable to locate tools.jar Aug 25 21:31:48 a very common error Aug 25 21:31:57 you need to add the jdk to your path Aug 25 21:32:03 How? Aug 25 21:32:10 'Path' Environment variable Aug 25 21:32:23 I'm on Ubuntu, so it's a little different Aug 25 21:33:06 set JAVA_HOME to point to your jdk Aug 25 21:33:15 not path Aug 25 21:33:44 set JAVA_HOME=... Aug 25 21:34:21 pfn is right, that's the way Aug 25 21:34:27 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6676107/unable-to-locate-tools-jar Aug 25 21:35:09 C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_25 Aug 25 21:35:15 That path? Aug 25 21:35:57 or C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_25\lib\tools.jar Aug 25 21:37:18 Ive gone for the top one Aug 25 21:37:29 Once I've set the system variable, what then? Aug 25 21:37:41 I did it by right clicking computer and going into advanced settings btw Aug 25 21:38:07 run ant Aug 25 21:38:29 restart the terminal first Aug 25 21:39:16 Ok, now it says Build.xml doesnt exist Aug 25 21:39:23 That was created when I ran the first stuff Aug 25 21:39:30 I know where it is too Aug 25 21:41:41 How do I tell ant where to look for the build.xml file? Aug 25 21:42:15 cd into your project directory first Aug 25 21:42:51 Ok Im there Aug 25 21:42:58 ant Aug 25 21:43:05 doesnt work Aug 25 21:43:08 not recognised etc Aug 25 21:43:58 run it with the full path Aug 25 21:44:10 since you didn't add ant to your path Aug 25 21:44:25 I exported ant into the android-sdks\tools folder Aug 25 21:44:35 that doesn't work Aug 25 21:44:36 Should I create a system variable for ant etc too? Aug 25 21:44:38 ahh ok Aug 25 21:44:40 Ill move it Aug 25 21:44:53 I put it there just so I know where it'd be Aug 25 21:44:58 I'd only use it for Android anyway Aug 25 21:45:42 you can unzip the ant dir anywhere you like, but you need to set the path to point to the right place Aug 25 21:46:10 * pfn needs more widgets to fill his homescreens Aug 25 21:46:16 Ran with full path Aug 25 21:46:18 what else is worth running... Aug 25 21:46:22 says build.xml does not exist Aug 25 21:46:37 you're not in your project directory Aug 25 21:46:41 I have Google Keep, a few quick people I call regularly, email Aug 25 21:46:59 not the one where you created build. xml via Android update project Aug 25 21:48:07 ahhh done Aug 25 21:48:09 Build Successful Aug 25 21:48:27 run ant debug Aug 25 21:48:46 Build Failed Aug 25 21:48:50 No build tools installed Aug 25 21:49:00 there you go Aug 25 21:49:15 go back to sdk manager and install Aug 25 21:49:45 Ahhhhh Aug 25 21:49:49 Thank you so much! Aug 25 21:49:58 A newbie question here. Suppose I have to display views in a circle, what options do I have except for using AbsoluteLayout? Aug 25 21:50:10 You have honestly taught me more about this kind of problem and Ant than I have ever been taught by the people who were supposed to... Aug 25 21:50:20 I am honestly very grateful. Thank you. Aug 25 21:50:43 the joys of school :( Aug 25 21:50:47 Depends what you mean by circle. Aug 25 21:50:50 I am still in Uni. Aug 25 21:50:57 But we don't have a dedicated Android module etc Aug 25 21:51:08 I am drawing "players" around a "table", which is a circle. Aug 25 21:51:12 And haven't covered any of the tech support type stuff Aug 25 21:51:19 More comp sci / soft eng Aug 25 21:51:37 Would like to calculate the location of each view's center myself. Aug 25 21:51:43 Aldryk, write your own layout to support a circular layout Aug 25 21:51:48 ^ Aug 25 21:52:08 Thats better than using AbsoluteLayout? Aug 25 21:52:10 then you have a reusable component Aug 25 21:52:11 If you use a relative layout and pad etc, which can be done but is sloppy, you might find that performance is hindered by the relative layout Aug 25 21:52:13 yes Aug 25 21:52:16 Everything is better than AbsLayout Aug 25 21:52:19 Oh, reuseability-wise. Aug 25 21:52:32 a relative layout would be reasonable Aug 25 21:52:48 not very circular but you can fake it Aug 25 21:52:50 It would, but performance might be hindered when updating his "players" Aug 25 21:52:50 Hmm...there's a variable number of players. Aug 25 21:52:51 Yes Aug 25 21:53:03 Hi. I am using a List fragment and loading using AsyncTask. If data is already loaded and I rotate the screen, I get this: http://i.imgur.com/QJe8vxp.png. Where am I going wrong? Aug 25 21:53:10 it's not much of a performance problem Aug 25 21:53:33 I'd have to change the padding according to the number of players though, no? Aug 25 21:53:44 If I'm using RelativeLayout, that is. Aug 25 21:53:46 You can have a variable for that if that fixed your problem Aug 25 21:53:51 Aldryk, yeah, but some math fixes that right up Aug 25 21:54:07 you could even Do this in a frame layout Aug 25 21:54:22 just center and give margins away from center Aug 25 21:54:28 ^ Aug 25 21:54:31 pfn: Just to make sure, if I'm already doing all these calculations, what is the actual advantage to using the AbsLayout? Aug 25 21:54:45 abs layout is absolute... Aug 25 21:54:52 doesn't adjust for screen aizw Aug 25 21:54:55 size Aug 25 21:55:08 Yes Aug 25 21:55:12 you can use dp units easily with margins Aug 25 21:55:13 It might look fine on your device Aug 25 21:55:18 but WAYYY off on a different device Aug 25 21:55:19 Figured I'd have to adjust to screen size anyhow.. Aug 25 21:55:32 But yes, ok, I see the point here. Aug 25 21:56:15 Another question then. Aug 25 21:56:30 (I'm trying to reconstruct something I've done on iOS, thats where this comes from). Aug 25 21:56:32 You could have a circle layout which positions players at 360/n degrees where n = number of players Aug 25 21:57:05 Suppose I want to let the user change the location of these players/views, dragging them to the new location. Aug 25 21:57:35 * pfn dunno shit about dragging Aug 25 21:57:37 Could I still do that with Relative/Frame layout? Aug 25 21:57:45 sure Aug 25 21:57:54 on iOS its sort of easy, because I just put the view where the finger is. Aug 25 21:58:02 In a sort of "Absolute" kind of way. Aug 25 21:58:06 just set new layout options after finishing the drag Aug 25 21:58:17 ^ Aug 25 21:58:20 I think.... Aug 25 21:58:28 What I mean is that the player actually drags the view. visibly, on the screen. Aug 25 21:58:32 Yes Aug 25 21:58:37 Err, the user, I mean. Aug 25 21:58:57 brb, nature calls Aug 25 22:00:32 Hi, anyone know where can i find a noob turorial for getting specific data from a url that contain json code ? (must contain a serch bar too) Thank you. Aug 25 22:00:41 This is probably very newbie. Forget circles. Lets say I just want to have one small rectangular view, and I want to drag it about the screen..I don't understand how I do that without "absolute coordinates". Aug 25 22:03:18 there's nothing wrong with using absolute coordinates as long as you know what you're doing with them Aug 25 22:03:47 scalable UIs should not use absolute coordinates, but in the end, behind the scenes, every scalable measure is really an absolute measure appropriate for the context it's used in Aug 25 22:04:21 neckro: download the data, sort into objects, populate a listview from an arraylist of those objects, update the contents of the adapter according to the contents of the search bar Aug 25 22:04:26 Yes, that much I understand..is there a way to use them without using AbsoluteLayout though? Aug 25 22:04:30 android has a method to convert a value such as 5dp to certain amount of pixels, and that's how the conversion happens. So use absolute coordinates where convenient and right thing to do, don't use it when it's not Aug 25 22:05:16 Is there another layout which will allow me to manually set a location to my subviews after I've calculated it? Aug 25 22:05:36 alankila: For when using on different devices, i.e. making the UI scalable on different devices, abs should be avoided, surely? Aug 25 22:05:55 Anthaas: not if your problem is best solved with absolute coordinate system. Aug 25 22:06:16 Should I use the duo Magnetometer/Accelerometer or only the Rotation Vector Sensor Type to build my augmented reality fps ? Aug 25 22:06:43 alankila: Surely the abs layout should be contained within some other layout which defines the positions in which it can sit. Aug 25 22:06:57 alankila: The problem of having the user "drag" a view about the screen, can it be solved with anything but absolute coordinates? Aug 25 22:07:00 It would be more complex to give views within the abs layout an initial position Aug 25 22:07:07 Anthaas: no. You can use code to position the children of the absolute layout. Aug 25 22:07:19 Fair shout Aug 25 22:07:23 Anthaas thank you, but do you know a tutorial that is making aprox. same ? Aug 25 22:07:49 neckro: I don't Im afraid. Search for "Searchable ListView" Aug 25 22:07:53 or something similar. Aug 25 22:08:20 Anthaas: well if you want freely repositionable views then I would guess absolute layout is a fine choice for achieving such a task Aug 25 22:08:39 Yes Aug 25 22:08:49 I actually use FrameLayout myself Aug 25 22:08:56 Might be worth mentioning then, that AbsoluteLayout IS deprecated, and thus further support cannot be guaranteed so do use with caution. Aug 25 22:09:00 but it's a subclass of absolutelayout Aug 25 22:09:04 Yes Aug 25 22:09:10 Thank again, may be a good start. Aug 25 22:09:17 alankila: The problem of having the user "drag" a view about the screen, can it be solved with anything but absolute coordinates? Aug 25 22:09:20 Frame is what pfn suggested Aug 25 22:09:20 anyway I use framelayout whenever I want to compose a view from elements that must float on top of other elements Aug 25 22:10:08 Aldryk: my guess is that absolute coordinates are the most convenient way to position a view based on reported touch coordinates Aug 25 22:10:14 If AbsLayout is deprecated, and FrameLayout is a subclass, does that deprecate Frame too or will it be recoded to fix? Aug 25 22:11:43 thanks guys. I suppose I'll try AbsLayout, or maybe come to the conclusion that reconstructing the exact same user experience from iOS on Android is not a reasonable solution. Aug 25 22:11:54 It is possible Aug 25 22:11:59 Its been done many places Aug 25 22:12:04 Anthaas: the deprecation is not recursive, or that's how I'd take it. Aug 25 22:12:16 Ive just not needed to do anything similar myself so can't give much more Im afraid. Aug 25 22:15:34 hello Aug 25 22:15:36 Aldryk: despite the idea of absolute coordinates I think the coordinates are always relative to the top left corner of the view. Absolute positioning is generally taken to mean 'positioning without considerations to flow of elements'. That is to say, overlapping is permitted and views do not affect each other in any way Aug 25 22:15:39 I have a question... Aug 25 22:15:53 also meant top left corner of the layout Aug 25 22:16:28 parent layout Aug 25 22:16:39 Oh no Aug 25 22:16:41 Hi, should the first code block at http://developer.android.com/training/basics/data-storage/databases.html#DbHelper be included in the FeedReaderDbHelper? and, if so, should FeedEntry.TABLE_NAME not be FeedReaderContract.FeedEntry.TABLE_NAME? Aug 25 22:16:42 Yeah, just layout Aug 25 22:16:43 Aldryk: this is the sense the name 'absolute' is used here. As opposite of a view that has a flow or some algorithm that controls children based on other children. Absolute layouts are generally the simplest to design but they only work when the assumptions made when selecting the sizes and positions also hold. Aug 25 22:17:41 would someone be able to help me port ubuntu-touch to the huawei fusion 2 (the easy way)? Aug 25 22:19:14 alankila: I think I'm working under these assumptions. I take into consideration the screen size/density, I calculate the size and positions of all subviews, etc. Aug 25 22:20:08 Aldryk: yes, as you must. Just trying to clarify how absolute coordinates are subtly different thing from absolute positioning. Aug 25 22:20:46 thanks, you've been great help, and Anthaas as well. Aug 25 22:21:04 All credit must go to alankila, I did very little Aug 25 22:21:15 I would look into creating or finding something like a CircleLayout though Aug 25 22:21:27 There is such thing, I've already cloned it. Aug 25 22:21:51 Problem is, it won't solve me my "dragging a view" problem, so I don't think I'd be able to make use of it. Aug 25 22:21:53 A shame. Aug 25 22:22:01 I tend to consider the possibility of implementing the entire layouting and kid drawing as a SurfaceView of some kind Aug 25 22:22:23 so it's just one class which looks like opaque rectangle to android and you do everything within it. Aug 25 22:22:50 depending on complexity of the problem this is either a great idea or rather terrible idea Aug 25 22:22:55 Interesting Aug 25 22:23:08 You should kind of do the same, but with a circle not a rectangle Aug 25 22:23:15 Hmm...being an android (UI) noob, I didn't even know its there. Aug 25 22:23:21 and position players at 360/n degrees where n = number of players Aug 25 22:23:35 Yes, an opaque rectangle is basically what I need. Aug 25 22:24:06 The positioning is not that simple (the player views are themselves not all the same size, and do not look good enough if positioned naively) Aug 25 22:24:16 Does the dragging need to be absolute, or just swap positions between players whilst having the view on the finger whilst being dragged? Aug 25 22:24:27 If so, could you not abuse the onDragListener? Aug 25 22:24:36 Anthaas - That is exactly what I need to do. Aug 25 22:25:06 Yeah, I'd go for a CircleLayout implementation, and onDrag I'd just have the view move to where my finger is Aug 25 22:25:15 Im sure there is more to it than that, but thats how I'd approach it Aug 25 22:25:42 "Have the view move to where my finger is" is only possible in the context of somthing absolute though, no? Aug 25 22:26:03 Yeah, I misinterpreted the "swap positions" part Aug 25 22:26:18 By having it absolute, I thought you wanted to be able to move them anywhere after having them initially in a circle. Aug 25 22:27:09 Theoretically, yes, the user can drag them about the screen arbitrarily, but it only "sticks" when he swaps the dragged view in place of another view on that circle-layout. Aug 25 22:27:30 I see Aug 25 22:27:31 Sort of like you drag icons in iphone and also android Aug 25 22:27:40 then that would be another modification of the circle layout Aug 25 22:27:43 But thats definitely what I'd do Aug 25 22:27:54 You have a few options here, you just need to pick one I guess Aug 25 22:27:59 Sorry I can't be much more help Aug 25 22:28:19 Use the circle layout and modify the draglistener...yes, ok, that is doable I think. Aug 25 22:28:40 pfn: once I've installed those tools, should I run the update part again? Aug 25 22:28:45 or just reopen eclipse? Aug 25 22:28:46 The circlelayout must know about absolute coordinates in order to position the views to begin with. Aug 25 22:29:07 Thanks again, I think I'll go over the code of that CircleLayout now. Aug 25 22:29:08 the circlelayout can measure its own width and height, and then position each kid according to where it calculates its spot is Aug 25 22:29:21 Yap, thats what I would have done. Aug 25 22:29:26 I assume the layout also draws some kind of piechart so it has the geometry for this Aug 25 22:29:50 It does. Aug 25 22:30:07 There it is btw: https://github.com/dmitry-zaitsev/CircleLayout Aug 25 22:30:09 there's also the option for the circlelayout to proceed and directly draw the children themselves if you hide their existence from rest of android. Aug 25 22:30:36 alankila, I'm not sure I followed your last remark. Aug 25 22:30:51 I figured I just add them to that layout, and it positions them (?) Aug 25 22:30:57 each child you draw should not be aware of other children Aug 25 22:31:00 I think that is what he is saying Aug 25 22:31:03 True. Aug 25 22:31:07 So that they do not interact and remain "absolute" Aug 25 22:31:21 Ah, yes, of course. Each child is independant. Aug 25 22:31:35 Anthaas can i pm you ? Aug 25 22:31:50 Sure, you might have somewhat delayed responses though Aug 25 22:31:58 If you keep it in main chat, you might get more help Aug 25 22:32:01 Others might chip in Aug 25 22:33:12 Aldryk: no, what I meant is that it's possible to just have a single View which draws a complicated assembly of elements inside itself -- I'm saying that there is always the option to do everything yourself. Aug 25 22:33:20 pfn: There is now a BuildConfig in the gen folder, but still no R.java Aug 25 22:34:05 this is obviously an actual layout implementation so clearly your idea is to use views for the player sprites or whatever you have. Aug 25 22:34:17 alankila: Yes, thats basically what I did for ios, but I got scared by that "deprecated" label on AbsoluteLayout in android. Aug 25 22:34:38 Yes, I figure its almost like re-inventing the abstraction of "view". Aug 25 22:34:54 are questions about Google Play appropriate here? Aug 25 22:35:04 Its also not only a sprite, there's some interaction going on inside these "player views". Aug 25 22:35:23 Aldryk: if you do it all yourself, you don't use a viewgroup subclass but you'd just have SurfaceView or pure View and then draw everything with it Aug 25 22:35:25 So giving up on using views will cost me.. Aug 25 22:35:51 in any case I'm not saying this is what you must do, was just saying that it exists as an option Aug 25 22:36:02 I think I will only go there as a last resort. Aug 25 22:36:36 there's no way to do it as a line-by-line port from iOS to android either, though the implementations could be quite similar if you are lucky Aug 25 22:37:37 Nah, the ios code is so damn foobar that I wouldn't even want to line-by-line port it :) Aug 25 22:38:06 I'm doing it in scala, so hopefully it'll be half the code. Aug 25 22:38:26 Anthaas, then it's because you don't have stuff in res/ and when in doubt, run ant debug Aug 25 22:38:54 Aldryk, using my plug in and not jberkel, I hope Aug 25 22:39:45 Oh wow Aug 25 22:39:46 I'm not using sbt, I (most unfortunately) started the eclipse way.. Aug 25 22:39:54 The system cannot find the path specified Aug 25 22:39:56 I'm trying to view log statements in Android Studio but am having some trouble. I can see the logs for a bunch of applications but mine aren't appearing. I have a toast followed by a log and the toast is showing, but Logcat isn't showing anything from my app. Any ideas? Aug 25 22:39:59 I have changed nothinnnggggg Aug 25 22:41:08 i would love to get some advice for Permission requesting Aug 25 22:41:15 Figured out why Aug 25 22:41:19 pfn: Though, I have a scala-android question, if you don't mind.. Aug 25 22:41:53 What if I use scala to create an SDK, and someone tries to use it in a scala-android project? Aug 25 22:42:07 Am I going to have problems with multiple versions of scala? Aug 25 22:42:18 i am using scripting layer for android, and writing an Usb serial host facede ( to connect to arduino and alike devices ) Aug 25 22:43:58 Aldryk, yes Aug 25 22:44:02 my host facade isn't eider a service nor a activity it is a class that extends RpcReiceiver, how do i need to request permissions for plugged in USB devices, can i get also permissions for allready plugged in devces ? Aug 25 22:44:18 you need to cross version Aug 25 22:44:40 wtf is "showAsAction" attribute? Aug 25 22:44:46 Its failing to build because of that Aug 25 22:44:57 Aldryk, switching to intellij is easy Aug 25 22:45:16 Anthaas, action bar action Aug 25 22:45:21 ahhh, yes. Aug 25 22:45:26 I found it, thanks :D Aug 25 22:45:39 pfn, will I need to change my directory structure to use sbt now? Aug 25 22:47:07 Im so tempted to just reinstall everything Aug 25 22:47:12 Something has gone all fucked up on here Aug 25 22:47:18 I have never had this problem before when creating a project. Aug 25 22:47:47 hey guys, im just wondering how you can check if there are any undread mails on the device? Aug 25 22:47:50 Aldryk, no Aug 25 22:47:57 pfn: Err...cross version? Being rather new to scala, can you explain what you mean or send me reading about it somewhere? Aug 25 22:48:05 everything can stay as-is Aug 25 22:48:31 Aldryk, means building once for each version you intend to support Aug 25 22:48:51 Alright, I can now do stuff like "view alignBaselineWith otherView" in Android thanks to Scala. This is awesome. Aug 25 22:49:00 2.8,2.9 and/or 2.10 and beyond Aug 25 22:49:02 But that means I have to offer several different sdks, depending on the version used by my uesrs? Aug 25 22:49:20 hmmpf..that complicates things a bit. Aug 25 22:49:36 Aldryk, just publish a few times from sbt, users add it with %% Aug 25 22:49:56 with libraryDependencies Aug 25 22:50:23 pfn: Its not that simple, I'm talking two different projects here, the first is my own, the second is commercial. Aug 25 22:50:33 that's why you /need/ to use sbt and avoid eclipse as your only environment Aug 25 22:50:34 pfn: Think it might just be worth reinstalling the entire IDE/SDK? Aug 25 22:50:46 Anthaas, what's ant say? Aug 25 22:50:47 I just cant get this fucking R file to generate. Aug 25 22:50:50 My versioning question is regarding using scala for a commercial sdk.. Aug 25 22:51:01 pfn: Same thing as just now about showAsAction, but I've removed all references to it. Aug 25 22:51:30 Aldryk, so you publish it somewhere private, or ship it as a private repo, just like Google and their services and support repository Aug 25 22:51:30 fails on build.xml line 649 and 690 Aug 25 22:51:44 Anthaas, pastebin Aug 25 22:51:51 also, if content://sms/inbox is so "undocumented" and "subject to change" why is it being used? is there not a better way of doing things? Aug 25 22:51:52 does anyone here support the idea of creating an intermediate server to do API calls (SOAP/REST) instead of your app calling them directly? Aug 25 22:52:07 pfn: I think I understand, thanks man, that helped. Aug 25 22:52:16 Aldryk, alternatively, code your library to Java interfaces Aug 25 22:52:32 pfn: Hold on, now I'm confused again. Aug 25 22:52:35 Aldryk, and ship it to customers documenting only the Java interfaces Aug 25 22:52:37 pfn: http://pastebin.com/L15rAVPT Aug 25 22:52:49 My library will only have java interfaces to the outside. Aug 25 22:53:09 I'm worried about having multiple versions of the scala libraries in the apk.. Aug 25 22:53:09 Anthaas, login. xml line 3 Aug 25 22:53:42 Aldryk, so you're concerned about customers using scala? Aug 25 22:53:47 android:layout_width="match_parent" Aug 25 22:53:48 Yes, exactly. Aug 25 22:54:07 will I pollute their scala namespace with my own (possibly different) version? Aug 25 22:54:10 Anthaas, no, res/menu/login. xml Aug 25 22:54:34 Aldryk, yes, in that case, ship a private, local repo for customers who want that Aug 25 22:54:45 Anthaas, the whole thing, pastebin Aug 25 22:55:03 Anthaas, and you've got show as action in there most assuredly Aug 25 22:55:24 pfn: http://pastebin.com/H0z0Pngh Aug 25 22:55:40 woah wtf Aug 25 22:55:41 I deleted that Aug 25 22:55:42 So if a customer uses scala, he'd have to use the correct version of my library for it to work, regardless of what interfaces I expose, is that a right summery? Aug 25 22:55:43 Its come back Aug 25 22:55:48 Aldryk, so, jar for Java customers who will be 99% of your customers, and make a private repo for the 1% shouldn't become necessary Aug 25 22:55:51 Aldryk, yes Aug 25 22:56:06 should it become Aug 25 22:56:18 frigging autocomplete Aug 25 22:56:23 pfn: AWESOME! Aug 25 22:56:25 R FILE! Aug 25 22:56:28 Thank you soooo much Aug 25 22:56:34 Odd that I deleted it, but it came back though. Aug 25 22:56:37 For the sake of us all, lets hope it becomes way more than 1% in the near future :) Aug 25 22:56:39 Anthaas, command line tools > * Aug 25 22:56:46 I hope this never happens again Aug 25 22:56:52 Yes! I shall use them a lot from now on! Aug 25 22:56:59 Thank you so much for teaching me how to use them! Aug 25 22:57:04 But thanks, the answers my question. Aug 25 22:57:25 now, if only I can convince more people to use my sbt plug-in... Aug 25 22:57:30 :-/ Aug 25 22:58:11 I'm going to try and use it for my own private project. Aug 25 22:58:23 Expect many more hours of stupid questions on IRC :/ Aug 25 22:58:58 Just wish I hadn't started using Eclipse..what was I thinkign Aug 25 22:59:07 I made it as stupid easy as I could Aug 25 22:59:36 so if you can build in eclipse now, you should be able to just drop the plug in in and use it Aug 25 22:59:57 add sbt-idea and you have an instant migration path to intellij Aug 25 23:00:09 What does it do? Aug 25 23:00:11 Your plug in? Aug 25 23:00:40 it's an android build plug-in Aug 25 23:00:57 like ant, but better Aug 25 23:01:00 Ahhh cool, whats the benefits? Aug 25 23:01:02 Oh hahaha Aug 25 23:01:07 :P Aug 25 23:02:12 pfn: sbt-idea lets me use sbt with idea, and your plugin adds support for android? Aug 25 23:02:19 and if you're doing scala development, it speeds up development by like 5-10x Aug 25 23:02:31 Aldryk, yea Aug 25 23:03:05 is SQLiteOpenHelper thread safe? I want to have one thread rewriting gps coordinates and another thread writing them to a server once there is a sufficient number. Aug 25 23:03:06 rather sbt-idea generates idea project files Aug 25 23:03:20 to use sbt with intellij, you need to install the sbt plug-in Aug 25 23:03:27 pfn: What part migrates my code from eclipse then? Aug 25 23:03:36 Aldryk, sbt-idea Aug 25 23:03:57 Oh. It reads eclipse files and generates idea project? Aug 25 23:04:07 no, it reads an sbt build Aug 25 23:04:21 I don't have an sbt build right now though.. Aug 25 23:04:32 but since you're in eclipse, once you drop in my plug in, it's an sbt build Aug 25 23:05:27 What part reads my eclipse project and makes it into sbt build (I understand we can put idea aside for the moment) Aug 25 23:05:33 Your pluglin? Aug 25 23:05:46 it's a standard layout that my plug in understands Aug 25 23:06:09 Ah, it just reads the directory structure and all? Aug 25 23:06:31 https://github.com/pfn/android-sdk-plugin/blob/master/src/keys.scala#L227 Aug 25 23:08:09 Well, I'm reading the usage on github, I'll just try to follow it, no use doing it all on-line on irc. Aug 25 23:08:19 I'll come back if I have any problems. Tnx pfn. Aug 25 23:08:50 k, it shouldn't take longer than 15 minutes so don't struggle too hard Aug 25 23:10:06 hi pfn, mind if I bother you for a bit with how I would implement the service with a queue for broadcasts again? Aug 25 23:10:40 just ask the channel at-large Aug 25 23:10:51 ok Aug 25 23:11:54 How could I implement/acecss a queue in a service, started from an activity, to ensure broadcasts from the service aren't lost during an activity orientation change? Aug 25 23:12:05 has anyone ever used keytool and then all of a sudden it goes to 0bytes size, causing windows to say that the app can't run on the PC Aug 25 23:12:42 hpxro7_, call a method on the service that relays the queue to the activity Aug 25 23:13:23 what exactly do I store in the queue? The data that's been processed and sent out by the broadcast? Aug 25 23:14:10 hpxro7_, no, the broadcast should just tell the activity that there is new data Aug 25 23:14:16 Is this queue supposed to be static? Aug 25 23:14:22 the queue contains the data Aug 25 23:14:23 no Aug 25 23:14:29 Ah, i see Aug 25 23:14:37 it should be bound to your services life cycle Aug 25 23:15:57 So I would start the service with bindService, say, and define some IBinder in the service itself that facilitates the data communication? Aug 25 23:18:05 sure, or you can just treat it as a local service Aug 25 23:21:12 Hi again. I am using a List fragment and loading using AsyncTask. If data is already loaded and I rotate the screen, I get this: http://i.imgur.com/QJe8vxp.png. Where am I going wrong? Aug 25 23:22:25 pfn, I see! Great, thanks a lot for being patient with me! :) Aug 25 23:22:26 no idea what you exp CT it to look like, looks fine since you don't say or show Aug 25 23:25:55 meh, I wanna find some time to hack on connectbot and keepassdroid, those apps need some serious love Aug 25 23:27:32 I am sooo bad with graphics Aug 25 23:27:41 Creating them that is Aug 25 23:27:45 Im not artistically minded. Aug 25 23:29:09 I want like a very light grey, almost white background with a bit of texture to it Aug 25 23:29:13 That simple haha Aug 25 23:29:14 Nvm Aug 25 23:29:17 PERSEVERE! Aug 25 23:30:35 make a 4x4 9patch with a few transparent ish pixels Aug 25 23:32:18 then stack it on top of a solid background in a layer list Aug 25 23:32:27 instant textured solid background Aug 25 23:32:50 hmm, maybe not Aug 25 23:33:02 need tiling, not scaling Aug 25 23:33:05 oh well Aug 25 23:36:41 http://www.iphone-room.com/717/filter/newest/grey/12/ Aug 25 23:36:45 after something similar to that Aug 25 23:42:20 hello I cant use adb over wifi, I get this error: device unauthorized. Please check the confirmation dialog on your device. Aug 25 23:42:36 no dialog appears on phone Aug 25 23:43:05 clear your revocations Aug 25 23:43:20 or plug the phone back it after unlocking the screen Aug 25 23:47:15 how do I clear revocations, pfn ? Aug 25 23:47:33 developer options Aug 25 23:48:00 if not there, just plug the phone back in while the screen is unlocked Aug 25 23:49:06 what you mean with plug the phone back? Aug 25 23:49:54 I connect with adb to phone when is unlocked of course Aug 26 01:20:06 what's the channel for ios? Aug 26 01:20:12 i tried ios-dev, nothing there Aug 26 01:20:20 /join 0 Aug 26 01:20:49 you came here to ask about ios WTF Aug 26 01:21:00 i program for android too Aug 26 01:21:29 yes but i asked about ios Aug 26 01:21:55 under: the program is for both android and ios Aug 26 01:23:11 #iphonedev Aug 26 01:28:24 Hello there Aug 26 01:28:35 android apps are in java? Aug 26 01:28:37 correct/ Aug 26 01:28:38 ? Aug 26 01:28:41 yes Aug 26 01:28:51 sweet Aug 26 01:29:09 however it isnt as close to normal java as you would hope, at least it wasnt for me Aug 26 01:29:24 ie? Aug 26 01:29:40 ie lots of it is editing xml Aug 26 01:29:47 err Aug 26 01:29:50 and messing with the android api Aug 26 01:29:52 I dont know xml Aug 26 01:29:54 hmm Aug 26 01:29:56 wut. Aug 26 01:29:59 I know basic java Aug 26 01:30:09 how can you not know xml Aug 26 01:30:11 I dont even know If I know enough to make an app Aug 26 01:30:13 it isnt a coding language Aug 26 01:30:16 its a file format Aug 26 01:30:23 xml? is? Aug 26 01:30:28 or maybe a markup langugae, not sure how to phrase it Aug 26 01:30:33 google it Aug 26 01:31:19 ok Aug 26 01:32:48 android is as close to normal java as you're going to get Aug 26 01:33:01 it's closer to normal java than j2me is Aug 26 01:33:14 fair point. Aug 26 01:33:25 and j2me *is* "java" Aug 26 01:34:32 and xml is a part of everything in "normal" java as well, and using specific apis, eg spring, javaee, etc Aug 26 01:38:53 pfn, that wasnt exaclty what i meant Aug 26 01:39:06 i just thought it would be more code than editing xml and layouts Aug 26 02:10:29 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18435680/executing-scriptintrinsicyuvtorgb Aug 26 02:10:48 Can someone knowledgeable in renderscript look at this? Aug 26 02:16:01 Booyah, coffee acquired Aug 26 02:20:13 can someone please please help me understand how to create an activity with a videoview that goes fullscreen on rotation? my app looks so amateur without it Aug 26 02:29:25 Nilium, now the code's brewing? Aug 26 02:31:39 applied android:rotation= "90" to a textview, but the text wraps (or truncates, depending on ellipsize) Aug 26 02:59:20 ... anyone knows *why* and *what for* is the CCID function in android usb gadget driver? (the driver that implements MTP, ADB etc.) **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Aug 26 02:59:58 2013