**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Aug 26 02:59:58 2013 Aug 26 03:16:15 *Tap* *Tap* Is this thing on....? Aug 26 03:16:25 can someone please please help me understand how to create an activity with a videoview that goes fullscreen on rotation? my app looks so amateur without it Aug 26 03:17:59 SuperMandroid: this is a good time of week to learn the virtue of patience Aug 26 03:19:03 Europeans and Americans are mostly in bed... Aug 26 03:23:38 Europeans are kicking ass ! http://www.motherjones.com/politics/2013/08/mesh-internet-privacy-nsa-isp Aug 26 03:41:44 g00s, I just read that, what keeps NSA from logging in ? Aug 26 03:41:49 I dont get the point of their thingf Aug 26 03:41:56 it's because they cant get good internet there? Aug 26 03:42:05 or is it hipsternet or something Aug 26 03:42:52 sounds like a fun project, not much more Aug 26 03:43:04 hi all Aug 26 03:45:36 QcMat: It's all local network devices Aug 26 03:46:12 QcMat: Rather, they're not connected to the internet Aug 26 03:47:33 QcMat: So, the only thing really keeping the NSA away is that, NSA would have to be physically in their vicinity, or hijack a device that's in that network Aug 26 03:47:51 The former is CIA territory Aug 26 03:48:37 couldnt the NSA just plant a device that has that device there, and just watch from home? Aug 26 03:48:55 I'm no NSA, but I'm sure this is trivial to them Aug 26 03:49:10 ... actually, NSA would simply listen in Aug 26 03:49:14 that's part of SIGINT Aug 26 03:50:24 i wonder if point to point , like nasa's laser communication would be better Aug 26 03:51:05 hey guys. for some reason, my /data partition is mounting as read-only on my emulator bootup. any idea why / how to fix this? other than remounting in adb shell Aug 26 03:52:02 g00s: that's classic approach to avoiding snooping, actually Aug 26 03:52:20 g00s: interestingly enough, it's also what Czechs used for cheap internet :> Aug 26 03:52:29 :D Aug 26 03:53:58 when working with MapFragments, is it best to get a handle on the map through fragment manager or by holding an instance of it when it is created from the Main Activity? Aug 26 03:54:01 mind you, it's not easy to set up (you need precise alignment) Aug 26 03:54:03 Or does it really matter Aug 26 04:10:54 Hi everyone, I'm gett NPE from this logic, which seems odd.. can anyone help me out and see why it's spitting out NPEs? I'm confused. Aug 26 04:11:13 if(currentState != null){ Aug 26 04:11:13 if (currentState.equals("A") || currentState.equals("B") || currentState.equals("C") Aug 26 04:11:13 || currentState.equals("D") || currentState.equals("E")){ Aug 26 04:11:13 setConnectStateStatus(ConnectionStatus.Connecting); Aug 26 04:11:13 } else if (currentState.equals("F")){ Aug 26 04:11:14 setConnectStateStatus(ConnectionStatus.Connected); Aug 26 04:11:16 } else if (currentState.equals("G")){ Aug 26 04:11:20 setConnectStateStatus(ConnectionStatus.Paused); Aug 26 04:11:21 NO PASTES Aug 26 04:11:22 } Aug 26 04:11:24 } Aug 26 04:11:26 ohh sorry Aug 26 04:11:33 use pastebin next time Aug 26 04:11:48 ok… my bad.. Aug 26 04:12:02 how do you know your getting an NPE from that code Aug 26 04:12:12 From Google Analytics Aug 26 04:12:18 pointing to line 2 and 3 Aug 26 04:12:23 ah, this is a report Aug 26 04:12:50 in separate reports.. yeah.. one report comes in at line 2, the other points to line 3 Aug 26 04:12:51 do you have the app version from the report Aug 26 04:13:00 well each report Aug 26 04:13:04 yeah Aug 26 04:13:21 i hope you have your source in git or svn Aug 26 04:13:30 do you tag your releases? Aug 26 04:13:51 yeap Aug 26 04:14:00 that's the exact code it's pointing to Aug 26 04:14:13 same version same tag… I use git Aug 26 04:14:46 is currentState a local or member variable Aug 26 04:15:38 it's a private member variable Aug 26 04:16:11 is this function being called on the main thread? and are their any background threads that would change currentState? Aug 26 04:18:08 dck28: you there? Aug 26 04:18:12 yes... Aug 26 04:18:25 background threads change the variable Aug 26 04:18:39 this is in a background in itself Aug 26 04:18:56 well then.. do they ever change it to "null"? Aug 26 04:19:43 well I assume they could, during state changes… but not explicitly set to null at any point Aug 26 04:19:54 during state changes? Aug 26 04:20:06 is ConnectionStatus a enum? Aug 26 04:20:51 yes Aug 26 04:20:54 it's an enum Aug 26 04:21:32 whats your enums .equals method? pastebin it Aug 26 04:22:16 and/or toString Aug 26 04:22:20 method Aug 26 04:22:45 well i'm didn't implement that.. since I'm not using the .equal of the enum... Aug 26 04:23:00 the variable currentState is a String Aug 26 04:23:20 it's a pure string comparison Aug 26 04:23:26 wait Aug 26 04:23:32 so currentState is an enum Aug 26 04:23:34 :| Aug 26 04:23:39 nooo.... Aug 26 04:23:40 The buffer returned by ByteBuffer#duplicate for some reason doesn't have the same byte order as the buffer it was duplicated from.. Aug 26 04:23:41 *is not an enum Aug 26 04:23:48 * Nilium scratches his head Aug 26 04:23:52 ConnetionStatus is an enum... Aug 26 04:23:55 not currentState Aug 26 04:24:11 Docs even say the duplicated buffer should have the same byte order. Aug 26 04:24:46 dck28: there is a simple solution.. http://pastebin.com/NGxxAW8V Aug 26 04:26:08 Nilium: since its backed by the same ByteBuffer, is it possible changing the orde on one, changes it on the other Aug 26 04:26:09 thanks Napalm; I was just thinking if I reverse the comparison, the .equals would take care of the npe right? Aug 26 04:26:20 Napalm: Nope. The orders are independent. Aug 26 04:26:20 Nilium: if so, that would explain your problem Aug 26 04:26:41 It simply doesn't copy the order from the original to the duplicate Aug 26 04:27:53 Thanks Napalm! Much appreciated… and I will use pastebin next time…. you're awesome Aug 26 04:28:11 dck28: yes and no, yes it would, but really if your doing a null check like this, because of multi threading, then its probably best you wrap it with a with a synchronized lock. Aug 26 04:29:06 i see… thanks Aug 26 04:30:04 Nilium: i've not looked at the source of ByteBuffer.. but try this on your test code or whatever, change the order to something else and back again, perhaps the change is enough to "dirty" the variable so it gets copied and doesnt seem like the default Aug 26 04:30:19 "The duplicated buffer's read-only property and byte order are the same as this buffer's too." ← Basically, the order thing isn't honored. It's also not part of the JDK's docs. Aug 26 04:31:08 Let me go look at the implementation. Aug 26 04:31:45 Nilium check if harmony is different than sun java Aug 26 04:31:52 (as far as results go) Aug 26 04:31:59 I'm just going to look at the android source. Aug 26 04:32:26 I don't care too much about whether harmony is different or not or who implements what, but I don't like the docs lying to me. Aug 26 04:33:30 Ok, array-backed buffers do not have their order copied. At all. Aug 26 04:34:23 Neither do direct bytebuffers. Aug 26 04:34:28 So yeah, the docs are just wrong. Aug 26 04:34:38 its important to determine if this is different than offical behavior, because if they fix it, your stuff will break Aug 26 04:34:53 My stuff won't break 'cause I'm setting the order after duplicating because this is stupid. Aug 26 04:35:02 Where do I report this? Aug 26 04:35:11 I don't think the behavior needs to change, just the docs. Aug 26 04:35:13 b.android.com Aug 26 04:35:38 Thanks Aug 26 04:38:28 heh, someone has put "Motorola should make a Nexus watch" in as an Enhancement request :) Aug 26 04:38:42 Nilium https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=16434 Aug 26 04:39:06 That says non-ByteBuffer buffers. Aug 26 04:40:42 here is the patch https://android.googlesource.com/platform/libcore/+/20b0416aa49b46b586ecf3d0b33016217d2dca63%5E!/ Aug 26 04:41:11 so look at BufferTest.java Aug 26 04:42:09 That doesn't address the issue with ByteBuffer. Aug 26 04:43:39 looks like maybe its official behavior Aug 26 04:43:56 Then the docs are incorrect. Aug 26 04:44:09 byte buffers have a byte order? Aug 26 04:44:27 I guess for getint Aug 26 04:45:28 sun docs don't even mention order for duplicate :P Aug 26 04:46:19 I doubt my issue is in the format anyone wants, but eh. Aug 26 04:46:22 * g00s misses google code search :( Aug 26 04:51:41 g00s, http://code.ohloh.net/ Aug 26 04:52:29 alex_PP thanks. i use a few, like grepcode. i'll try this Aug 26 04:52:49 i usually use grep code for reading stuff i already know Aug 26 04:52:53 and this for finding stuff Aug 26 04:53:13 not used it in ages though, might be useless, used to be koders.com Aug 26 05:02:12 If I could attach a cat gif to my issue, maybe that would help. Aug 26 05:07:36 Nilium doesn't seem like an issue. openjdk 6 ByteBuffer impl does not copy order Aug 26 05:07:59 g00s: I'm not saying it's an issue with the buffer, I'm saying it's an issue with the docs. Aug 26 05:08:07 I shouldn't have to say that so many times. Aug 26 05:08:19 The docs _say_ the byte order is copied. It is not. Aug 26 05:08:33 right, but who cares what the android docs /say/ Aug 26 05:08:44 Me and everyone who actually reads them. Aug 26 05:08:50 whats the right behavior, and openjdk defined that Aug 26 05:09:19 If you're going to seriously try to argue that the docs shouldn't say the right thing, I will slap you so hard Aug 26 05:09:33 I think the docs should be misleading sounds fine to me Aug 26 05:09:54 i'm not saying that Aug 26 05:10:11 And yet you're objecting to me saying the docs have an issue. Aug 26 05:10:25 i am? weird Aug 26 05:10:28 When they very clearly say the method does something it does not. Aug 26 05:10:41 whatever, have fun Aug 26 05:10:55 The docs shouldn't say it does something when it doesn't. I'm not arguing to change the implementation, I'm arguing to remove the note in the docs that's incorrect. Aug 26 05:11:19 I am having a hard time converting my Google Maps v1 code to v2. Does anyone know of any good tutorials for working with MapFragments created in their own custom class and opened with Fragment Transactions from the Main Activity Aug 26 05:29:47 hey there, I am looking to have some UI automation for my app Aug 26 05:29:53 can you please suggest some tools Aug 26 05:33:01 hi. how can i make the options menu show a multi-line menu item? Aug 26 05:33:26 i googled alot , no luck at all. Aug 26 05:34:17 Is anyone familiar with MapFragments and creating your own class that extends MapFragment. I am trying to create a class and separate layout that I can populate programmatically, but am having no luck. I had it working in v1, but v2 is kicking my butt Aug 26 06:04:29 brickhead: UI automation as in automatic testing? Aug 26 06:18:44 I have a question. Can you run terminal commands from within an android application Aug 26 06:23:40 I would say you could probably send basic commands to a terminal through Reflection. Aug 26 06:23:46 Does this help: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2843250/how-to-run-terminal-command-in-android-application ? Aug 26 06:24:20 What are you trying to accomplish? Aug 26 06:45:32 sigh... google play got half finnish on me... man I hate localization Aug 26 07:04:38 What is the name of activity of "Application manager"? Aug 26 07:07:44 Well, my issue got moved somewhere, so that's a start Aug 26 07:07:57 I want to launch application manager on a button click, so please could someone tell me the name of applicattion manager's activity name? Aug 26 07:08:02 I think they might be fixing duplicate rather than just fixing the docs, though. Aug 26 07:10:34 Is there anybody in the channel listening to me? Aug 26 07:11:59 Probably not. Aug 26 07:17:10 santosh, as in the main-menu? Aug 26 07:19:07 PatrickBic: Settings -> Application manager. I want id of that window. Aug 26 07:19:46 startActivity( Aug 26 07:19:46 new Intent(android.provider.Settings.ACTION_APPLICATION_SETTINGS), 0); Aug 26 07:24:07 santosh, did it work? Aug 26 07:37:42 PatrickBic: What does that int value says? Aug 26 07:39:30 Hello. What is the best way to dynamically add "modules" without reinstalling/updating the apk (best while runtime)?. I was thinking about creating a very small own made scripting-language which is placed in "mod/.ini" files and parsed by runtime. Any idea? Aug 26 07:39:50 santosh, use google. http://developer.android.com/reference/android/provider/Settings.html#ACTION_APPLICATION_SETTINGS Aug 26 07:41:51 PatrickBic: No, what does that int value in startActivity() says? Aug 26 07:43:32 i repeat, use google. options Additional options for how the Activity should be started. See Context.startActivity(Intent, Bundle) for more details. Aug 26 07:49:27 PatrickBic: I'm getting a cannot find symbol near startActivity(); Aug 26 07:50:07 santosh, try startActivity without the second parameter. but it should be found. most probably some other error Aug 26 07:52:02 In which way did you try to start the activity? in a service? in an object which is not an activity/service/receiver? Aug 26 07:52:36 PatrickBic: That did work, thanks. Aug 26 08:00:23 Hello, I seem to be having a problem with eclipse Aug 26 08:01:39 PatrickBic: syntax for opening 'App info' page of a particular application is not same I think? Aug 26 08:02:12 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6238946/android-launch-applications-detail-page Aug 26 08:02:22 macleod2486, #eclipse then ;-) Aug 26 08:05:27 alex_PP bummer, canon powershot g16 has same lens/sensor as g15! lamesauce Aug 26 08:09:48 i wasn't really likely to buy one anyway Aug 26 08:09:56 sorting my japan pics today Aug 26 08:10:06 if everything goes to plan Aug 26 08:10:14 alex_PP i'm kinda amazed canon can get away with it though Aug 26 08:10:35 alex_PP cool, so you already captured all the pictures ? Aug 26 08:10:43 Anyone familar with where ADT keeps its error logs? Aug 26 08:15:47 yeah, i was there a week or 3 back Aug 26 08:34:39 Hi, can someone help me configure a git-dependency in gradle? Aug 26 08:34:47 Can't get it to work Aug 26 08:36:45 I'm using this plugin: https://github.com/bat-cha/gradle-plugin-git-dependencies and this is my sample library that I want to include: https://github.com/warting/GradleTestLibraryProject and this is in my build.gradle: compile('com.example.gradletest:GradleTestLibrary:1.0').ext.git = 'https://github.com/warting/GradleTestLibraryProject.git' Aug 26 09:14:52 can i somehow start an activity (as startup activity) from a jar/lib instead of one from the project itself? Aug 26 09:41:01 Hi All! Aug 26 09:56:51 PatrickBic: I think you've got a couple of tutorials to go through first. Alternatively, ask a better question! Aug 26 10:00:43 hello guys/girls how can I pass an object/serializable between 2 fragments Aug 26 10:00:43 ? Aug 26 10:03:02 tagrudev: Same way you would pass it between any two classes... Call methods on them with fragments. If you wanna go more fancy/generic (less coupling), choose some event based system. Aug 26 10:03:16 Call methods with PARAMETERS I meant. Aug 26 10:03:33 can you show an example ? Aug 26 10:03:38 no Aug 26 10:03:50 ive a question. i have a bunch of asynctasks (about 1000) which i want to run in a queue. Always 2-5 similar. tried adding the task to new PostTask().executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR, req); but i get a Aug 26 10:03:52 08-26 12:00:50.106 17147-17351/de.seiboldsoft.theftspy W/System.err: java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException: Task android.os.AsyncTask$3@4287f7b8 rejected from java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor@420b3388[Running, pool size = 128, active threads = 128, queued tasks = 10, completed tasks = 140] Aug 26 10:03:59 Shouldnt it just queue when the pool size is full? Aug 26 10:04:03 how would you pass an int? It's the same, only with an object instead. Aug 26 10:04:28 misterli I'm going to guess here there's a limit on queue size? Aug 26 10:04:29 it isnt Aug 26 10:05:03 Then you're not describing what you are really trying to do. Aug 26 10:05:34 Chainfire. Is it? I thought android will use a "dynamical sized" queuesize Aug 26 10:06:35 wants to buy ios developer license. has to enter delivery address >.< Aug 26 10:06:59 uhoh ive been caught Aug 26 10:08:08 misterli http://androidxref.com/4.3_r2.1/xref/frameworks/base/core/java/android/os/AsyncTask.java Aug 26 10:08:26 line 192: private static final BlockingQueue sPoolWorkQueue = new LinkedBlockingQueue(10); Aug 26 10:08:27 Okay. Figured it out. Thanks. But ive another Question. I thought it's my modem/router but when i run the app my network connection crashes (Modem just reconnect to the provider). Why is that? Aug 26 10:09:23 on a different note, there's probably something wrong with your design if you're running 1000 AsyncTask's in a row Aug 26 10:09:33 The Task is just a POST-Request. 5 Connections shouldnt crash anything... Aug 26 10:09:48 kjeldahl, I have a fragment that contains a list of news and I want when I select one of the articles to lauch another fragment containing the information for this one Aug 26 10:09:52 It can be up to 1000. usually there are about 40 Aug 26 10:10:01 yeah, I think you should probably be running your own queue, rather than relying on Android to do that for you Aug 26 10:11:34 shouldn't you be doing that from a service? there are all sorts of quirks with AsyncTasks, and they are meant to be used only for very short background tasks. A network post can take an arbitrary amount of time, and a simple timeout will usually be longer than I would usually run an AsyncTask for Aug 26 10:11:57 misterli: uhm, do you want to run all those asynctasks at the same time? Aug 26 10:12:37 hrnt. It's a "Synchronising-Service" which sync all images to a webservice. I collect all in MediaStore in a JSON and each upload is one task Aug 26 10:12:45 Is this bad design? Aug 26 10:12:53 i wouldn't upload them all concurrently Aug 26 10:12:57 as for your modem issue, I assume you mean the hardware in your office/home and not the modem in your phone... get a different one :) alternatively, try download some linux distro through torrents and see if the same thing happens, if it does, it has connection pool issues not uncommon with older modems Aug 26 10:13:30 misterli: you should use a smaller pool at the very least. Consider the memory limitations of typical applications and the fact how much unique memory you can allow for each task if they are concurrent Aug 26 10:13:57 for instance, if you start from having 128 threads to upload and have 24 MB of memory to use, it follows you have about 200 kB per thread before you run out of memory altogether. Aug 26 10:14:32 secondly it's crazy to run with too much parallelism for something like network upload. If you have 1 upload, it finishes at N seconds. If you have 2 uploads, they finish at N*2 seconds, especially if they target the same server. Aug 26 10:14:33 I see. What is the best way to do that? Collect them in JSON and wait for response of the Webserver and push out the next Request? Aug 26 10:14:43 You do not gain almost any benefit from parallelism. Aug 26 10:15:03 tagrudev: That's asking a lot more than your original question. :-) It's not difficult per se, but of course you need familiarity with fragments, listviews and selection listeners, pluss how to match stuff in your list with your underlying data structure. Work your way through any tutorial and ask when you get stuck with specifics. Aug 26 10:15:27 I see Aug 26 10:15:59 hi guys i have a question about weather or not i should embark on writing a peice of dev software if it has been done already Aug 26 10:16:25 can you do it better, cheaper, or more open source? Aug 26 10:16:35 misterli: this is generally because a single TCP flow is already capable of saturating the network pipe, though if there are many very short uploads it's possible that there's some benefit from extra parallelism but even in that case I'd say no more than 2 or 3 concurrent flows. Aug 26 10:17:04 rook2pawn: Why? Aug 26 10:17:09 misterli: a) use a service, not an asynctask for those uploads and b) only one upload at a time Aug 26 10:17:11 yeah this is why i had the CORE_POOL_SIZE set uped to 2 and the maximum pool size to 128. I thought this will not crash the modem.. But it does Aug 26 10:17:14 that is what i would do Aug 26 10:17:42 kjeldahl: the software that exists for what i want to do isnt quite right Aug 26 10:17:52 yeah. This is what i had before. But for example: Its syncing big files. A video for example. Then it freezes aslong as it takes to upload the video. With 2 connections it can still accept or post other stuff Aug 26 10:17:52 if you only do one upload at a time (maybe 2, start the second when you've *sent* all from the first, before server response, may be more optimal) Aug 26 10:17:58 without blocking the whole socket Aug 26 10:18:13 it shouldn't crash any modem Aug 26 10:18:36 rook2pawn: Impossible to know without more specifics. Exactly what are you struggling with? Aug 26 10:18:45 it is possible that too many concurrent connections cause some overflow of some routing/nat table or something. I take this claim at face value. Aug 26 10:19:16 I know for instance that when I tried to sync android sources in virtualbox using virtualbox NAT, after about 150 projects the network stopped responding because too many NAT connections arrived in some table and until some timeouted no more connections could be made Aug 26 10:19:21 so this sort of crap happens Aug 26 10:19:49 I fixed the issue by switching to bridged networking which eliminated the poor component, virtualbox nat Aug 26 10:19:52 Yeah but usually only the network on your device will stop. But the whole modem crashes while doing that :-/ it's a very new thomson modem which should handle all those crap Aug 26 10:20:25 rook2pawn: Also, consider this; if that "perfect" dev software is on your path to creating your perfect "non-dev" software product, most often writing the "perfect" dev software isn't worth it. If you want to write tools, do it. If it's only a means to an end, don't. Aug 26 10:21:06 misterli: also it's clear that if you need to be able to do things while uploads are progressing you need to dedicate a connection/thread pool to different purposes: one for uploads, one for servicing whatever UI-related tasks that can occur concurrently with upload Aug 26 10:21:17 (simple automation tools to save repetitive work, like tests, build tools and similar do not count as "dev software" here) Aug 26 10:21:35 if you use a single thread pool then large enough number of uploads will of course use up every thread in the pool and then nothing else can happen until one of the threads is free again Aug 26 10:24:45 thanks for the info alankila Aug 26 10:25:25 But is there no way to handle the Queues-Size dynamically? Currently im using a LinkedBlockingQueue with a size of 1024 which should have (in some cases) huge RAM-Loads. Aug 26 10:27:22 I do not see why you would want to control the size of the queue to be honest. Aug 26 10:28:36 maybe you want to put a bound to the maximum number of items to be done -- but why? is your application going to see what there are too many work items and choose to do something else instead? Are these items somehow such that they only get a best-effort service guarantee? Aug 26 10:29:34 you can spill work items to disk maybe which can help keeping the total cost of the items bounded Aug 26 10:29:53 misterli: so you basically upload a JSON to the web service, and then you upload individual images? Aug 26 10:30:01 for instance, if you have the file as a byte array, you could test if it's larger than 10 kB and write it to temporary area on disk at queueing time Aug 26 10:30:02 you definitely need to track somehow which images you have already uploaded Aug 26 10:30:15 and you can't do that by keeping the work queue solely in RAM Aug 26 10:30:38 hrnt. I do that by requesting a JSON which includes all uploaded files + size. I compare it with Mediastore to sync only those images which are not synced Aug 26 10:30:47 But the "First" sync take huge load Aug 26 10:31:14 pardon me, but isn't the sync in that case just a list of URLs/filenames/somesuch to upload? Aug 26 10:31:16 in almost all cases its only the first sync which crashes. As soon as this is done i dont need a "Queue" anymore. Pool size of 128 is way enough Aug 26 10:31:33 No. It's the whole file including some file-informations Aug 26 10:31:44 well how about you change your design at that point Aug 26 10:31:49 wait, what? Aug 26 10:32:21 misterli: when you request that JSON, does it include the actual file contents? Aug 26 10:32:25 also your notion of pool size is crazy. Why do you even want to try 128 concurrent uploads. It will only make 128 very slow to finish tcp flows Aug 26 10:32:30 there is no bandwidth benefit Aug 26 10:32:39 i have no idea why you need a pool in the first place Aug 26 10:32:51 Nono. I request a JSON which includes all uploaded images-informations (without the file). This contains filesize, filename, orig located filepath Aug 26 10:33:06 misterli: ok, so you basically get a list of files you need to upload at that point Aug 26 10:33:12 Yes Aug 26 10:33:48 Elsehow. I get a list of files which i dont need to upload. I compare them while listing all images in Mediastore and drop all those images out of my uploadlist which are in the JSON-List :) Aug 26 10:33:56 Trying to optimize network transmission time between endpoints on a network where you do not control all the legs using _threads_ can simply not succeed. You are optimizing the wrong stuff. Aug 26 10:34:35 misterli: and now you have a list - or 'queue', as one might call it - of files to upload Aug 26 10:34:42 misterli: what you need to get as output of that is just a List or List or some such of names. That's your work queue. In each asynctask, ask the file content from mediastore and load them into memory then? Aug 26 10:35:05 (preferably don't use an asynctask for that :P) Aug 26 10:35:22 and I mean in doInBackground Aug 26 10:35:40 well. Using new File(Filepath) in the POST is a Pointer to the File anyway. Its not leaking any memory, doesnt it? Aug 26 10:35:42 wait until the last possible moment before acquiring the file content, which is just before you do the http post or whatever Aug 26 10:35:58 isn't this something like what an IntentService is for? Aug 26 10:36:03 okay, well if you are working with file path then OK Aug 26 10:36:17 but you said above that you were working with file contents and queued them Aug 26 10:36:26 it's new FileBody(myfile) but this should a pointer too, right? Aug 26 10:36:38 or at least I think you said that Aug 26 10:36:50 No. This would fuck up my memory completly :P Aug 26 10:36:51 Your idea of 'pointer' is not the usual definition of term. Aug 26 10:37:13 alankila: it's a sort of dog, isn't it? Aug 26 10:37:26 reqEntity.addPart("upfile", new FileBody(mFile)); and the Entity is going in the Queue. I hope this will "_only_" store file-informations instead of the whole file Aug 26 10:37:33 It's confusing to me. The point is, File object is basically a wrapper for a path with some methods that can query information about that path. Aug 26 10:37:59 misterli: do not put the entities in the queue Aug 26 10:38:18 misterli: just the file path, or content uri or whatever Aug 26 10:38:29 The 'new FileBody(mFile)' is probably capable of reading the content of the file at some point in the future, which suggests that the cost of actually reading the file occur during the http upload. Aug 26 10:38:40 Oh okay. And then putting the Entity in the Background-Task, right? Aug 26 10:39:34 misterli: yes your queue should be composed of File objects (since you already have them) of files to upload Aug 26 10:39:47 do all the work of constructing the requests in doInBackground. Aug 26 10:39:56 no Aug 26 10:40:07 alankila: he shouldn't be using asynctask for this at all Aug 26 10:40:08 use a service :( Aug 26 10:40:25 How about if i post the Class to see what im doing at the moment? :-) Aug 26 10:40:25 Well if he uses a service, and it's not intentservice, asynctasks come into play anyway :-p Aug 26 10:40:31 if you put 1000 file uploads in a asynctask queue then you are basically taking all serial asynctasks out of commission for a long time Aug 26 10:40:39 Noob here, asking for clarification. I need to prompt the user for a multiple set of checkboxes. I'm going to do it by starting another Activity with ListView of CheckBox items that will load them through an AsyncTask. Once the user checkes them and presses an OK Button. I'll start the previous Activity back with sending the result inside an Intent. Is there an easy way or this is the way to do it? Aug 26 10:40:42 hrnt: no, you would have a separate threadpool for it Aug 26 10:40:57 hrnt: in this case it would be foolish to use the serial executor for the purpose indeed Aug 26 10:41:01 http://pastebin.com/DWQPu1hv Aug 26 10:41:20 misterli: do you need to be compatible with android 2.3.x? Aug 26 10:41:27 Yes. 2.2+ Aug 26 10:41:34 can you then use custom executors for asynctasks? Aug 26 10:41:45 IntentService was added in API 3 Aug 26 10:41:51 Leeds: indeed :) Aug 26 10:42:01 This is what im currently doing. executeonexecutor with 2.3+ and execute() on 2.3 below Aug 26 10:42:25 What is this stuff ... Aug 26 10:42:37 if (hashMaps[0].values().toArray()[0] != null) Aug 26 10:42:47 if you can't control which threadpool to use with AsyncTask then you basically can't use AsyncTask for this purpose Aug 26 10:43:00 especially when something like IntentService is _much_ simpler for this purpose Aug 26 10:43:13 Getting rid of this hashmap would be quite an improvement Aug 26 10:43:13 Yeah. In some cases i dont get any response from the webserver Aug 26 10:43:26 just for code clarity though Aug 26 10:43:56 wtf is that hashmap o_O Aug 26 10:44:27 there's no reason why PostTask's constructor or such couldn't accept the response interface Aug 26 10:44:27 seriously that is the worst way of using a HashMap that exists Aug 26 10:44:30 and then do callback on it Aug 26 10:44:49 it is a hashmap of all running asynctasks Aug 26 10:45:04 meant to correlate the request to some listener interface if I'm reading this correctly. Aug 26 10:45:15 Right Aug 26 10:45:18 and to top it off, the key is the request entity Aug 26 10:45:35 It's a funny piece of program. Very creative. Aug 26 10:45:42 kill it now Aug 26 10:45:49 :) Aug 26 10:45:50 it is very creative, i must agree Aug 26 10:46:09 what you want is 'new PostTask(httpInterface)' Aug 26 10:46:12 Yeah. I want to rework the whole module since it's one of the "Base-Modules" of my app. It works on almost all devices flawless - at the moment. But not on all Aug 26 10:46:23 then tuck that httpInterface to some member of PostTask and then you can invoke it without this hashmap Aug 26 10:48:28 There's another member level hashmap that makes no sense, the one called mHm Aug 26 10:48:33 Just for learning.. When im going to add the FileBody in the Entity. Will it store the FIle-Content or just the File-Information? Aug 26 10:48:35 there's imho no point at all to the object Aug 26 10:48:58 you could just as well directly do reqEntity.addPart("device", new StringBody(...)) Aug 26 10:49:01 the hashmap avails you nothing Aug 26 10:49:47 misterli: read source to filebody, or the documentation if you're lucky enough that it mentions it Aug 26 10:50:15 misterli: if I were you I'd delay all this work of constructing the request enttity to the actual doInBackground part Aug 26 10:50:48 that way it doesn't matter -- hwether filebody reads it immediately or not is simply irrelevant, only a certain fixed number of filebodies ever will exist concurrently, controlled by the size of the thread pool Aug 26 10:51:01 Yeah. Thought that i have to do that. Well, the whole module is crap. At least i just want to do a very less-memory way to have 2 post request at one time (with a simple queue) Aug 26 10:51:28 And all this without killing my app by the GC Aug 26 10:51:34 and as you get rid of the request entity as soon as possible by not storing it anywhere -- never use members when locals will do -- your memory consumption peaks only while the program counter is within the method body Aug 26 10:51:39 app/service/module Aug 26 10:59:01 there's also the separate matter of whether this should be intentservice or not. Arguably intentservice would be a good fit. Aug 26 10:59:54 As you deduce the list of items to upload you could call startService() on all of them with an Intent that names the path to the File, and then as you receive filenames one by one in intentservice -- it has its own single-threaded executor -- you will just do the central part of constructing request and performing the upload there. Aug 26 11:00:08 intentservice is arguably a very good fit for this kind of background processing task. Aug 26 11:02:46 kjeldahl, https://gist.github.com/tagrudev/eb705df9c2ad4e8610a6 Aug 26 11:04:27 I get a NullPointer Aug 26 11:05:09 Thank you. Ill change it to a IntentService (as almost all modules are already) Aug 26 11:05:43 misterli: you can also show a progress notification to user which can be helpful Aug 26 11:06:02 kjeldahl: can i pm you Aug 26 11:06:45 itavrook2pawn: Ask here, others could be interested. Aug 26 11:06:53 rook2pawn: Ask here, others could be interested. Aug 26 11:07:29 i dont know of any project that keeps up to date with the specification that socket.io runs for websocket draft versions Aug 26 11:07:41 rook2pawn: Null pointer where? Pastebinning the crash output from logcat is a good idea. Aug 26 11:07:53 and im looking for a java plugin that exposes a server into android webview into javascript Aug 26 11:08:16 and the mkuklis one and the remysharp ones i bleieve are out of date Aug 26 11:08:52 err sorry, exposes the client websocket java implementation from javascript back to java Aug 26 11:09:16 in phonegap/cordova Aug 26 11:09:38 You're asking for a webserver for Android that can feed a webview on the same machine, inside the same app typically? Aug 26 11:10:03 no, a client websocket implementation Aug 26 11:10:08 into webview Aug 26 11:10:23 If so, I'm 99% sure there are better ways for bi-directional communication on the device than that already inside phonegap/cordova. No need for a server... Aug 26 11:10:23 that keeps on par with socket.io (i think they use bleeding edge editors draft) Aug 26 11:10:30 no server Aug 26 11:10:39 i didnt mean to say that Aug 26 11:11:04 rook2pawn: No need to talk standards once you're in phonegap/cordova land, use the "native" bridging methods. Aug 26 11:11:36 they don't offer a websocket plugin and the few that i found are out of date Aug 26 11:11:56 mkuklis and remysharp i believe Aug 26 11:12:40 hello guys/girls how can I pass an object/serializable between 2 fragments ? Aug 26 11:12:44 by out of date i mean, they use a different draft specification (they dont keep up) with socket.io which is always using the newest handshake/protocol Aug 26 11:12:55 https://gist.github.com/tagrudev/eb705df9c2ad4e8610a6 Aug 26 11:12:58 this one is not working Aug 26 11:13:58 rook2pwan: Absolutely no need to use websockets. I've never done anything phonegap, but check out the phonegap documentation, android plugins, "Echo Android Pluin Example". There is no need for web standards for bridging java android with a phonegap webview. Aug 26 11:14:05 rook2pawn: Absolutely no need to use websockets. I've never done anything phonegap, but check out the phonegap documentation, android plugins, "Echo Android Pluin Example". There is no need for web standards for bridging java android with a phonegap webview. Aug 26 11:14:59 tagrudev: Tagged this one wrongly, retrying: null pointer where? Pastebinning the crash output from logcat is a good idea. Aug 26 11:15:48 kjeldahl, refresh Aug 26 11:16:28 mySt is null Aug 26 11:16:39 tagrudev: The error is at StoryFragment.java:35, which you did not share.. Yeah. Aug 26 11:17:05 You're sure it's not bundle that is null? Aug 26 11:17:40 Regardless, if it's null, check the bundle. It probably does not have "name" and you need to figure out why! Aug 26 11:17:44 kjeldahl: ah, yes that looks like the code i found from the websocket plugin (the bridge code cordova.exec Aug 26 11:18:07 kjeldahl, hahaha I am trying to figure out that thing Aug 26 11:18:24 isn't there a way it's supposed to be done Aug 26 11:18:33 I mean sharing information between fragments Aug 26 11:18:34 kjeldahl: thanks, this helps. Aug 26 11:18:37 that's some basic stuff Aug 26 11:18:42 and I lost like 3 hours Aug 26 11:18:43 wtf Aug 26 11:18:44 tagrudev: This isn't rocket science, but you're not sharing the code you are running, so we're guessing. Aug 26 11:18:53 moment Aug 26 11:21:06 kjeldahl, refresh Aug 26 11:21:09 that's the whole code Aug 26 11:24:18 tagrudev: Well, it's not what the crashlog refers to... But having said that, what you're doing looks correct at the first glance. Aug 26 11:25:03 tagrudev: You chould probably verify that your switchFragment method behaves like it should as well. Aug 26 11:25:10 *should Aug 26 11:25:37 does it clean the bundled Aug 26 11:25:38 data ? Aug 26 11:25:42 tagrudev: If it doesn't your instantiated fragment never gets "swapped in". Aug 26 11:26:12 meaning ? Aug 26 11:26:50 tagrudev: Remove the conditionals from your switchFragment to make sure your fragment with "name" always gets swapped in (switchContext I assume). Aug 26 11:27:30 tagrudev: Or use the debugger and break on the switchContent call.. Aug 26 11:27:47 https://gist.github.com/tagrudev/d4426583ed4fbb0235e8 Aug 26 11:27:53 like this ? Aug 26 11:28:03 let me try it out Aug 26 11:28:10 possibly Aug 26 11:28:32 You just need to rule out the number of places things could go wrong to figure out exactly where it does. Aug 26 11:29:29 nope it isnt there Aug 26 11:29:33 same crash Aug 26 11:29:40 when it tries to txtTitle.setText(myST); Aug 26 11:30:17 Where you instantiate StoryFragment, is that the ONLY place where you do it in the app? Aug 26 11:30:27 yeah Aug 26 11:30:34 wait I will regist Aug 26 11:30:36 the code Aug 26 11:30:40 and the output Aug 26 11:30:41 moment Aug 26 11:33:06 kjeldahl, https://gist.github.com/tagrudev/eb705df9c2ad4e8610a6 Aug 26 11:33:08 So maybe switchContent (which I can't see) does not do IT's job. Aug 26 11:34:02 moment Aug 26 11:34:46 kjeldahl, I've added the switchContent Aug 26 11:35:17 Wait, what about txtTitle? You're sure that's not null? Aug 26 11:35:45 yes Aug 26 11:36:02 I can try and log the myST Aug 26 11:36:05 without it ? Aug 26 11:36:31 moment Aug 26 11:37:22 Try a fixed string instead, like "myST replacement", just to rule things out. Aug 26 11:37:27 Oh my f0kin god Aug 26 11:37:30 it's that Aug 26 11:37:31 WTF Aug 26 11:37:32 lol! Aug 26 11:37:46 That's why you need to post the actual code, with the line references correct it's easier to see. Aug 26 11:38:08 hmm Aug 26 11:38:11 We've all been there! ;_) Aug 26 11:38:16 but Aug 26 11:38:20 View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.story,container, false); Aug 26 11:38:27 in my story layout I have Aug 26 11:38:33 a textview with id Aug 26 11:38:34 title Aug 26 11:38:53 show code, it'll be obvious Aug 26 11:39:16 Ah, you're not searching in the instantiated view. Aug 26 11:39:24 Do view.findById... Aug 26 11:39:30 omfg Aug 26 11:39:33 getactivity Aug 26 11:39:35 oh boy Aug 26 11:39:38 oh boy Aug 26 11:39:39 why Aug 26 11:39:39 :D Aug 26 11:41:02 I keep learning those lessons again and again; before bugs can be fixed, they need to be pinpointed. So easy to try to do shortcuts based on guesswork. Seldom works. Aug 26 11:41:48 Another important lesson is error checking, or for code like this, asserts. Aug 26 11:42:00 Fail early etc... Aug 26 11:42:30 thank you so much I was going crazy about this Aug 26 11:42:42 You're welcome. Aug 26 11:42:45 let me try it with the serializable Aug 26 11:43:03 abrakadabra.... Aug 26 11:43:23 works like a charm Aug 26 11:43:27 phew Aug 26 11:44:09 thank you again Aug 26 11:50:03 Is this an appropriate place to ask about development tools? (Android Studio, UiAutomator, that sort of thing) Aug 26 11:50:59 AS probably, UIA no idea... Aug 26 11:52:00 I'm trying to get code completion for UiAutomator methods working in Android Studio (if this is even possible). Aug 26 11:53:09 Sounds like a plugin question or similar, and for many such questions related to AS, the IntelliJ/IDEA community may be a better place. I'm barely using AS myself, so I'm of no help. Aug 26 11:53:36 Good idea. Thanks. Aug 26 12:00:15 does anyone know of a useful example that uses a mediaplayer to play videos? especially when the mediaplayer is used as a service? Aug 26 12:01:39 I have this issue that the VideoView looses the position it was paused at when another activity is shown. I wanted to solve it by running the mediaplayer as a service. however when I want to resume the player again has lost its position (starting at 0:00), my guess is that this is because of the videoview beeing destroyed when the activity hides Aug 26 12:04:52 * p_l ponders evil^Winteresting uses for the build-in smartcard reader emulator Aug 26 12:09:52 can anybody check what their last payout report is on the dev console? mine is May ... Aug 26 12:16:21 huh Aug 26 12:16:31 is there any way to tell gradle not to look for signing.properties file? Aug 26 12:18:50 i have an activity that gets started by another, getting some parameters. depending on the parameters the fragment 1 or 2 should be shown. where is the point where is should check the parameters and replace the contentview with the right fragments view? Aug 26 12:19:20 Damn it Aug 26 12:19:36 I cannot write anything to files nor to read from them Aug 26 12:20:37 skullcrasher, onCreate is soon enough probably Aug 26 12:20:43 after you set content view Aug 26 12:20:56 just make sure you handle the thing in onNewIntent as well Aug 26 12:22:31 Chainfire. I use your app su. it works pretty but when im in the adb shell and try to use su i get permission denied. Never had this issue. Whats going wrong? Aug 26 12:23:14 misterli have you granted shell access? are you running CM? Aug 26 12:23:59 Yes. CM 10.2. SU is setuped to "Autoaccept" Aug 26 12:24:18 Mavrik: onNewIntent? i just have it like this, directly after setContentView http://goodtime.indus.uberspace.de/filebin/index.php/LPHdRt/java Aug 26 12:24:31 but my app crashes Aug 26 12:24:55 in SuperSU settings there's an option to "respect cyanogenmod settings" or something like that, disable that... alternatiely, in CM settings there's an option somewhere to select when su is allowed, its probably set to "apps only" Aug 26 12:24:58 or something, I don't use CM. Aug 26 12:25:45 Mavrik: ok sry, now it doesn't. guess i had some wrong code the try before ... Aug 26 12:26:07 Oh thanks. Found it. This seems to be new in 10.2 Aug 26 12:26:10 Hi! Aug 26 12:26:45 I created some Intel x86 Android emulator images, and sometimes they start with the default density (160) instead of my given density (240) Aug 26 12:28:04 Did anyone figure out how to solve this problem? It seems that the binary qemu-props is executed, but waits 1 second for qemud to start up - and just in this second the SurfaceFlinger comes up and chooses a default density of 160 ("ro.sf.lcd_density not defined, using 160 dpi by default.") Aug 26 12:31:13 marcreichelt I have no idea about this, maybe it's something for b.android.com ? Aug 26 12:31:33 Chainfire, maybe Aug 26 12:32:10 Chainfire, it seems to be some kind of race condition Aug 26 12:32:20 the x86 emulator simply starts *too* fast ;) Aug 26 12:32:47 I guess that is why it wasn't discovered with the original ARM image Aug 26 12:38:50 Chainfire, lol - it seems even commonsguy had the problem, too :-P Aug 26 12:38:51 https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=37187&q=emulator%20density&colspec=ID%20Type%20Status%20Owner%20Summary%20Stars Aug 26 12:50:44 Hello guys, is it normal that my app dissapeared from Google Play when I published an update? Aug 26 12:51:09 Because when I published the last update, it was on the market the whole time. Aug 26 12:51:13 I´m getting worried Aug 26 13:03:18 MetalGuru: It's normal if you have AirPush ads :-P Aug 26 13:15:39 f'ing Google... these new earnings reports are terrible for doing taxes Aug 26 13:30:23 hi Aug 26 13:30:28 multiuser came with 4.0 right? Aug 26 13:30:35 why there's nothing about that here? http://developer.android.com/about/versions/android-4.0-highlights.html Aug 26 13:30:46 4.2 Aug 26 13:31:24 ok Aug 26 13:31:31 that solves it, thank you :D Aug 26 13:31:37 http://developer.android.com/about/versions/android-4.2.html#MultipleUsers Aug 26 13:41:59 gah Aug 26 13:42:13 why would anyone remove apklibs when introducing aar support -_- Aug 26 13:43:08 why? because gradle doesn't build apklibs Aug 26 13:43:15 and presumably, they switched build systems Aug 26 13:45:28 still rather annoying if other people rely on those libs with maven build systems… keeping pom.xml around doesn't hurt that much Aug 26 13:45:43 especially since gradle support is still bad at best Aug 26 13:45:59 keeping the pom around is easy, falling back to a maven build is annoying Aug 26 13:46:47 pfn, mhm, but not as annoying as finding out that half of the libs you depend on now force you to use gradle and other half are still maven only. Aug 26 13:46:50 * pfn prefers sbt publish taking care of both his apklib and aar publishing Aug 26 13:46:58 Mavrik, use sbt and that isn't a problem ;-) Aug 26 13:47:10 my plugin consumes both apklib and aar without complaint Aug 26 13:47:47 I think downconverting projects is way less painful than giving up IDE support Aug 26 13:47:58 giving up IDE support? Aug 26 13:48:01 works perfectly fine for me Aug 26 13:48:10 in IDE Aug 26 13:48:13 with apklib, and aar Aug 26 13:48:21 small tweak to support aar in intellij, but minor Aug 26 13:49:13 When creating a custom MapFragment, should it extend Fragment or MapFragment? Aug 26 13:49:15 pfn, hmm, interesting Aug 26 13:49:23 pfn, any documentation on that? Aug 26 13:49:42 Mavrik, https://github.com/pfn/android-sdk-plugin Aug 26 13:51:42 *stars* Aug 26 13:51:46 will look into it, thanks :) Aug 26 13:52:15 anyway, basically need to add target/aars/aar-package-name/classes.jar to intellij classpath when adding an aar Aug 26 13:52:25 for intellij to see it Aug 26 13:52:33 once intellij 13 rolls around, should probably work fine as-is Aug 26 13:52:57 I'm on 13 right now and Gradle support is horribly buggy Aug 26 13:53:04 latest EAP can't even import gradle projects Aug 26 13:54:12 yeah, sbt-idea and sbt work flawlessly in intellij for me Aug 26 13:54:16 * pfn is a happy camper Aug 26 13:54:43 added bonus: it makes a potential migration path to using scala on android that much easier ;-) Aug 26 13:54:58 just start using scala and it'll do the right thing Aug 26 13:55:04 hehe Aug 26 13:55:23 Mainly, what I am trying to do is handle a transition in my code from v1 to v2 of Google Maps. I had my own class for my MapFragment which handled all aspects of the Map, however, I am trying to learn to use the new MapFragment class itself while still making my own custom one Aug 26 13:55:29 Staying clear of Scala for now, not impressed where they're taking the language. Aug 26 13:55:50 not impressed? interesting Aug 26 13:58:22 I wonder what would make you impressed... Aug 26 13:59:21 lot's of things :) Aug 26 14:01:43 epsilonorion check out this blog post http://googlegeodevelopers.blogspot.com/2013/08/map-of-week-orbitz.html Aug 26 14:04:01 all the wrong things? ;-) Aug 26 14:05:56 pfn, probably, it's a long topic :P Aug 26 14:06:08 and as most language flamewars go, mostly personal preference :) Aug 26 14:09:25 theelfismike: Thanks. Checking it out now. They basically did the same thing I had, but they didn't discuss one component that is still causing me issues. They do not specify how they handled the actual transition when dealing directly with the fragment. I am also doing a container for the fragment in the layout. I am also using a Fragment Transaction to move the MapFragment in. However, I do not want to just create Aug 26 14:09:54 i'm one of the co-authors on that post - what's up? Aug 26 14:10:09 awesome Aug 26 14:10:16 your message got cut off at "However, I do not want to just create" Aug 26 14:10:34 theelfismike: I was actually typing the rest, but then I saw your next comment Aug 26 14:10:43 ah cool Aug 26 14:10:46 so, I am transitioning just like you guys did Aug 26 14:11:07 Originally, I created a custom "MapFragment" in v1. Obviously, this must change. Aug 26 14:11:47 I did what you guys did. I have a container in my layout and use Fragment Transactions to move in the MapFragment. Aug 26 14:12:23 If I use the standard, new, MapFragment object, everything works fine. However, I want to use my "CustomMapFragment". Aug 26 14:12:47 First question, when creating my CustomMapFragment, should it extend MapFragment or Fragment. I have seen various examples, but none of which worked exactly for me Aug 26 14:13:05 at least MapFragment Aug 26 14:13:12 If you want a custom MapFragment then MapFragment Aug 26 14:13:14 you may want to do SupportMapFragment if you need to do < ICS Aug 26 14:13:51 This app is made strictly for tablets. Being used for robotics, so > ICS for us Aug 26 14:13:55 cool Aug 26 14:14:33 Next question, I have extended MapFragment, setup the newInstance function, still no joy. Are there other aspects that I need to keep focus on. Aug 26 14:14:59 Why is there no joy Aug 26 14:15:32 because my tablet does not like me Aug 26 14:15:43 are you overriding onCreate or onCreateView? Aug 26 14:15:47 What does your tablet not like you? Aug 26 14:15:59 how can i implement a custom search with a search view in xml? Would it also be suitable to use TextEdit with glass icon and a button? It's just to send a query to a rest api. I can't really understand the described search functionality in the docs for searchwidget etc. Aug 26 14:16:00 For now i only have a searchView in the fragment xml, but don't know how to activate/listen to the "search button" on the keyboard Aug 26 14:17:09 onCreateView, populating with a custom layout for the MapFragment Aug 26 14:18:27 yeah, guessing that's your problem Aug 26 14:18:33 However, while trying a few things and talking to you guys, it seems I was able to get it back up and running. Sorry about that issue. Aug 26 14:18:47 theelfismike: I do have one more question for you then, which is what the blog mainly covers Aug 26 14:21:11 sure, what's up? Aug 26 14:21:17 the transition from ItemizedOverlay to Markers. Did you have a good resource on how or when to handle touch events. ItemizedOverlay handled that pretty well, but I don't see how you guys are handling that in the blog Aug 26 14:23:07 heh that section got killed from the first draft Aug 26 14:23:29 i believe you don't have to do anything explicit, you just have to set an InfoWindowAdapter on the GoogleMap Aug 26 14:23:48 something like getMap().setInfoWindowAdapter(new MyInfoWindowAdapter()); Aug 26 14:23:56 we do it in onActivityCreated Aug 26 14:24:10 theelfismike: okay, that is where I was looking so far Aug 26 14:24:31 I will try it out and see where I get. Thanks for the information Aug 26 14:24:41 cool, lemme know if you have more questions Aug 26 14:26:19 no problem. Thanks for the blog as well Aug 26 14:26:39 the hash map idea will definitely help with markers Aug 26 14:27:09 np, happy to help Aug 26 14:35:17 Do you have any tips for resolving a "View too large to fit into drawing cache" problem? I'm trying to fill a WebView in a ScrollView with content, that's when it happens... Aug 26 14:38:40 is there a quick api for an app to get its own uid? Aug 26 14:38:41 er, pid Aug 26 14:39:16 i am new to android, and currently know the basics of it, can anyone tell me a resource or a sample program, Aug 26 14:39:26 to fetch data from a static db in android Aug 26 14:40:05 ani_magg: have you run through the training on the d.android.com website? Aug 26 14:40:27 pfn: I've seen this in an answer on SO: android.os.Process.myPid(); , I don't know whether it's going to be OK for you Aug 26 14:41:23 Anyone know a good way to add a header to a GridView? Aug 26 14:41:45 ani_magg: yes a bit, but i am not getting the db part of it, meaning i am not able to understand it (my bad) Aug 26 14:41:51 scorchio, it probably is, thanks Aug 26 14:41:52 maybe a sample program will help Aug 26 14:41:55 ani_magg, android uses sqlite db Aug 26 14:42:05 need something to bypass the remoteviews cache Aug 26 14:42:05 okay Aug 26 14:42:26 mhm.. when i register a Receiver in an onHandleIntent (IntentService) it wont get called. onDestroy is called before the receiver received anything. Any idea how to "block" this aslong as unregisterceiver is not called? Aug 26 14:42:28 probably good enough Aug 26 14:42:29 ani_magg, you can google out examples on android database Aug 26 14:42:39 pfn: you're welcome :) Aug 26 14:42:39 misterli, don't use an intent service Aug 26 14:42:51 Okay. So just using a regular Service would do that job fine Aug 26 14:42:55 pfn: Just curious what you are using RemoteViews for? Aug 26 14:43:00 yiati, widgets Aug 26 14:43:08 what else Aug 26 14:43:17 lol Aug 26 14:43:18 https://lh5.ggpht.com/a9WzILfWxSFPQwIqZFFqMiLAwtdCUBBDoOJD7Hb7-Oyo_93YyJWE1-EAuQrhShkaG8A=h900-rw Aug 26 14:43:21 pfn: rich notifications, I think Aug 26 14:43:34 https://lh4.ggpht.com/myr49-OP5QOOdD5ozGVsAAk8btCJGg2cEnSTrHBmjkl5FGmwiFAEEUP8K_DPQQHJxE5C=h900-rw Aug 26 14:43:36 got those, too Aug 26 14:43:36 ;-) Aug 26 14:44:28 sunny_slls: okay Aug 26 14:44:28 you're in android-dev making an application to access android-dev, we used to call this meta but now it's called inception... Aug 26 14:44:33 guys! my laptop is overheating and is not launching the app into the phone (no emulator here) when i test the project. where should look for logs? and what should i do? Aug 26 14:45:00 superlinux-hp: did you add your device to udev? Aug 26 14:45:08 it's added Aug 26 14:45:19 it was just working a minute ago Aug 26 14:45:24 when you say it's overheating, what do ymean Aug 26 14:45:35 when is a StateDrawable's state_active true? Aug 26 14:45:50 litrarry! overheat! the CPU temp gets high Aug 26 14:45:51 like is it really overheating: ie it suddenly turns off Aug 26 14:46:10 Ankhwatcher, it keeps running forever Aug 26 14:46:21 and i have to kill-9 adb to stop it Aug 26 14:46:35 i am using eclipse btw Aug 26 14:46:36 hey guys - when i am trying to run an application on my emulator, i get a error message stating that the storage media isnt present. I've tried searching online, but didnt seem to bring up that many results Aug 26 14:46:45 anyone who has an idea of what the solution might be ? Aug 26 14:46:54 * Ankhwatcher fights urge to blame eclipse Aug 26 14:47:05 troloyolo, add an SDcard? Aug 26 14:47:10 did you? Aug 26 14:48:04 troloyolo, have you also added the corresponding permission? Aug 26 14:48:32 Ankhwatcher, got a clue? Aug 26 14:48:53 superlinux-hp: what version of JRE are you using? Aug 26 14:48:57 1.6 Aug 26 14:49:17 yeah but is it the openJDK or the real one? Aug 26 14:49:28 the real one of course Aug 26 14:49:36 troloyolo, edit the emulator and add an sdcard. add somewhat 512mb Aug 26 14:49:41 there is an option given Aug 26 14:49:48 have you restarted the machine? Aug 26 14:49:54 no Aug 26 14:50:01 i think i should Aug 26 14:50:07 why would you not? Aug 26 14:50:11 bad! bad for linux! Aug 26 14:50:17 also try a different usb port Aug 26 14:50:26 not a thing of linux to reboot. Aug 26 14:50:31 ah ok Aug 26 14:50:38 let's see another port Aug 26 14:51:06 well kill java and restart eclipse if you're so uncomfortable restarting linux Aug 26 14:52:26 Ankhwatcher, kewl! changing the port did it! Aug 26 14:52:54 i haven't rebooted as you noticed Aug 26 14:53:15 and now you have a disabled usb port, if you had rebooted they would all be working Aug 26 14:54:07 They fuck you at the drivers, they know you're going to be all the way home before you realise there's no linux so the fuck you at the drivers. Aug 26 14:54:28 name that garbled movie quote Aug 26 14:55:40 If working with a map in a custom map fragment, is it best to hold an instance of the mapfragment at all times or use getFragmentManager to make a handle of the map Aug 26 15:01:15 Hey guys, stragling here with supporting multiple screen sizes. Would you give me an advice? I have a group of ImageViews with drawables that goes one by one horisontally. And I just need it to fill the parent width. How do I do it? Aug 26 15:01:48 defuera: gridview maybe? Aug 26 15:02:37 defuera: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/layout/gridview.html Aug 26 15:02:44 can't I do it just using a LinearLayout? Aug 26 15:03:13 I do not need any scrolling actually Aug 26 15:06:43 is it always the same number of imageviews? Aug 26 15:06:47 do they change? Aug 26 15:07:00 could you just use a linearlayout? Aug 26 15:13:48 defuera, you can add a header above your gridview. Try this having a LinearLayout as your parent view an a textview and gridview as its childlayout in a vertical orientation Aug 26 15:14:56 ok, Ill try that. thank you! Aug 26 15:16:28 mmathis, yes, it's always the same number of ImageViews. They do not change by width or size during runti9me I just aplly different sources Aug 26 15:17:05 I would prefer to use linear layout, cause I'm already using it as a parent view Aug 26 15:17:33 i have made a new table in my sqlite3 database using sqlite studio. and now it has data. still android cannot find that table! what should i do? Aug 26 15:21:16 superlinux-hp: I suggest panic Aug 26 15:21:20 superlinux-hp - how are you deploying it to your device? Aug 26 15:21:41 i have to show you the code then.. Aug 26 15:21:58 are you copying it from /assets? Aug 26 15:22:05 just adding the database file in assets folder Aug 26 15:22:26 so? Aug 26 15:22:55 it's been a while since i did db stuff, but just make sure the right one is getting copied onto the device Aug 26 15:23:04 i seem to remember having some issues around that Aug 26 15:24:02 maybe i have to clear my data 1st Aug 26 15:24:09 worth a shot Aug 26 15:27:13 theelfismike, yes it worked now! Aug 26 15:27:24 so I checked out the android open-source repo, how do I switch to a different platform version using repo? Aug 26 15:27:32 superlinux-hp awesome! Aug 26 15:27:35 so i think i have to something to force copying the database always Aug 26 15:28:26 in a personal app that has a relatively small db, i append the app's version code to the end of the database file Aug 26 15:28:36 so each version i deploy has a new copy on the device Aug 26 15:28:47 (it's small enough that it doesn't chew much disk space) Aug 26 15:34:42 ok thanks everyone, I just needed to set equal weight to each ImageView. Aug 26 15:36:56 defuera, that's fine but then why are you giving that much effort to add a list of imageview when you can do that with a gridview Aug 26 15:37:35 gridview is scrollable by default but you have to add the list of listview to a scrollview Aug 26 15:38:22 defuera, just add a textview over a gridview which will give you a header. I think this will be an easy approach Aug 26 15:39:36 uhm guys: can anyone give me some hints on documentation of creating a pull in system overlay? Aug 26 15:47:48 so sad, my dsl isn't enough bandwidth to play google music smoothly at home :( Aug 26 15:49:16 or at least I dunno wtf is going on, it's downloading something at 4mbps... Aug 26 15:49:45 hey Aug 26 15:50:02 is there a limitation on the number of cores a process can use at the same time? Aug 26 15:50:15 no Aug 26 15:50:26 yes Aug 26 15:50:28 on my galaxy s3, it seems like my 2 threads never run at the same time? Aug 26 15:53:56 you fail at concurrent programming? Aug 26 15:54:36 let not turn this into ##c, shall we Aug 26 15:55:04 qdii are your two threads using AsyncTasks? Aug 26 15:55:18 Chainfire: hey question for you - do you know of any way in the USB API to get at bcdDevice? I didn't see any. Aug 26 15:55:25 Disinterest: no, pure new Thread Aug 26 15:55:26 How do I set a background drawable for a layout so that it will be changed automatically when the theme is changed? (I'm trying to implement a light and a dark theme) Aug 26 15:55:31 Chainfire: as one of the only other hardcore USB users out there :) Aug 26 15:55:51 Chainfire: or do you just shunt it all to libusb and say eff it Aug 26 15:55:54 pfn: that's not impossible, I am a C++ programmer trying java stuff Aug 26 15:55:56 Ahh nvm then. Was going to say that AsyncTasks don't run concurrently as of… 3.0 I think? Aug 26 15:56:04 I've got the Window background changing nicely, but I'm not sure how to do it for the other elements Aug 26 15:56:19 qdii, qualifying your existing "experience" doesn't mean you don't fail Aug 26 15:56:19 :p Aug 26 15:56:41 pfn: I was actually pointing out that I don’t have experience in java :) Aug 26 15:56:59 dragorn I've mistakenly been using the Android USB API mostly, instead of using libusb in native (if I could turn back time ...) Aug 26 15:57:10 dragorn so I'm not sure what it is exactly you are looking for Aug 26 15:57:44 dragorn I've done *some* libusb stuff via some Java callbacks somewhere which also sort-of works, depending on how you are using libusb Aug 26 15:57:48 Chainfire: the bcdDevice enumeration field, in libusb accessed via descriptor.bcdDevice Aug 26 15:57:54 Chainfire: I'm pure android api right now Aug 26 15:58:06 Chainfire: I didn't notice any tricks to getting that in the API myself, so "no" is a reasonable answer :) Aug 26 15:58:41 Chainfire: but figured I'd pick your brain while you were here. I can also try to kick ass on the firmware developers and get them not to re-use vid/pid pairs if I have to, but that's a much messier problem Aug 26 15:59:13 qdii, my bad, misread, thought you said that's impossible Aug 26 15:59:18 well if you really really need that field and you can't find it in the Android USB API (lots of stuff is missing), you can try parsing files in /dev/bus/usb manually to get at it Aug 26 15:59:23 I've been considering if I can actually drop into the sysfs stuff and try to dig bcddevice out of the enumeration data there Aug 26 15:59:26 hah, yup Aug 26 15:59:40 by default, device.getName() or something like that returns the /dev/bus/usb// path of the device Aug 26 15:59:52 Chainfire: I've got a device w/ 2 possible firmwares, with two protocols, AND a firmware bug that makes it poop itself if you send it a bad command Aug 26 16:00:20 Chainfire: the OTHER hw in the series uses a new prod id for new firmware. This one increments bcdDevice. Jerks. Aug 26 16:00:37 Chainfire: yeah I was thinking I'd have to dig into dev or sys Aug 26 16:01:17 yeah its UsbDevice::getDeviceName() that returns the path Aug 26 16:01:41 yeah. They expose a little more of the enumeration data but not that field in the API, so far as I can see Aug 26 16:02:00 due to general USB API buggyness and unreliability I always check if that path exists before trying to access the device - UsbManager will happily give you a UsbDevice that doesn't exist :') Aug 26 16:02:20 Chainfire: I've also noticed some real wackiness with the 2013 n7 usb, dunno if you've played with it. It tends to not enumerate, randomly, then all of a sudden it works. Or after a reboot it works. Aug 26 16:02:37 Chainfire: Unfortunately, MY piece of HW works every time :P Aug 26 16:02:50 so I can't even recreate it locally Aug 26 16:02:57 dragorn I don't have one yet, I expect to get it next week. That is actually a fairly common complaint on several devices, including the original Nexus 7 Aug 26 16:03:01 that's a good idea, I hadn't considered checking the dev path Aug 26 16:03:13 Chainfire: FWIW the new n7 also has a much lower USB host power budget Aug 26 16:03:16 and other Asus devices. Seems the only manufacturer that doesn't suffer from that issue is Samsung, at this time Aug 26 16:03:40 Chainfire: I can run my spec-ans just fine, the n7 can run my high power wifi card just fine, the n7-2013 enumerates then the device falls down when you activate it Aug 26 16:03:54 dragorn have you by any chance connected a Canon DSLR ? :) Aug 26 16:03:59 Chainfire: I do :) Aug 26 16:04:32 works ? Aug 26 16:04:34 Chainfire: 5dm2, and I've got your app. I haven't tested with the n7-2013; i'm about to go get lunch but if you're around in an hour or two Aug 26 16:04:42 i'd be happy to test it Aug 26 16:04:45 great :) Aug 26 16:06:07 Chainfire: I'm about to send these out for prototype and might have someone who wants to manufacture them; http://durandal.kismetwireless.net/~dragorn/images/usbpower-v2-option2.png Aug 26 16:06:45 thats the high powered wifi sniffer thing ? Aug 26 16:06:48 Chainfire: plugs into a battery pack, cuts the usb power off from the phone, and provides a powered hub to solve the power budget problem Aug 26 16:07:13 Chainfire: it's a hack to fix host mode power req's. Left side plugs into a battery pack / usb charger pack, right side plugs into whatever usb device you want, micro jack plugs into the phone Aug 26 16:08:36 Chainfire: so for phones that lack the juice to bus power stuff. You can also pop it open and solder across the jumper pads and backfeed power, so moto stuff will work. Also maybe the n4, haven't tested - it'll power the host chip off the external battery for phones that lack host power entirely or need to charge while in host Aug 26 16:08:47 oh interesting Aug 26 16:09:17 I'm still sorely disappointed with Android's USB host support Aug 26 16:09:38 I am surprised with amount of stuff in the gadget side, that just... lies there Aug 26 16:09:56 Chainfire: me too Aug 26 16:10:17 Google doesn't even test it on their Nexus' device, as evident by both GalNex and Nexus4 being messed up (though GalNex got fixed), devices like the HTC One actually whitelist devices and deny everything HTC doesn't have custom software for, while it reports to market to support USB host Aug 26 16:10:27 many devices report to market they support usb host but don't Aug 26 16:10:27 Chainfire: we're going to have to say "only supported by ..." on product stuff Aug 26 16:10:34 lots of device support usb host but don't report it to the market Aug 26 16:10:44 Chainfire: re: high power wifi - that's just an alfa rtl8187 wifi nic; i ported the kernel drivers to the usb api :P Aug 26 16:10:54 it's a mess on a scale that only the Google Checkout / Wallet guys can beat in absurdness Aug 26 16:11:26 Chainfire: well, with N4 it seems more like they noticed LG crapping out on power supply way too late in the pipeline Aug 26 16:11:51 there's a chance my power board will make the n4 work Aug 26 16:11:55 but i haven't been able to test it Aug 26 16:12:02 p_l if you notice that issue only a week before device release, it wasn't in your test set. Aug 26 16:12:10 shockingly, my friends with N4s don't like the idea of shoving +5v into their phones randomly and seeing what happens :P Aug 26 16:12:13 dragorn: N4 host mode works if you provide external power and override Aug 26 16:12:30 dragorn: doubles as charging station :) Aug 26 16:12:33 p_l: so oyu need a kernel hack too? or is it just a power budget problem Aug 26 16:12:41 dragorn: OS hack Aug 26 16:12:51 p_l: if the problem is just that it reports no power budget to the kernel, I can solve that in hw Aug 26 16:13:10 its disabled in kernel Aug 26 16:13:14 need recompile Aug 26 16:13:28 damn Aug 26 16:13:35 the moto hw reports a 1mW power budget Aug 26 16:13:38 Ahh, now I remember - it's not disabled, but you need to add code to kernel to provide a way to forcibly override autodetection of OTG mode Aug 26 16:13:39 but it's enabled Aug 26 16:13:59 so if you feed it +5 on vbus and put a powered hub in the device tree, it'll work fine Aug 26 16:14:23 I wouldn't assume that without testing Aug 26 16:14:38 dragorn: N4 doesn't have necessary step-up for voltage, and the OTG switch is confused Aug 26 16:14:48 inb4 gender confused USB Aug 26 16:15:13 dargorn what price do you think those things will be available for ? Aug 26 16:15:19 Chainfire: assume which, the moto stuff? That i've tested Aug 26 16:15:30 yeah Aug 26 16:15:34 Chainfire: It's like $5 in single-quantity hardware Aug 26 16:15:43 nice Aug 26 16:15:44 Chainfire: re: moto, it's what their docks do Aug 26 16:15:50 dragorn: there's a topic on xda-developers that describes how someone got USB host working on N4 Aug 26 16:15:59 Chainfire: also I plan to release the files for that, so if you don't mind doing some soldering you can make your own off oshpark Aug 26 16:16:08 Alo folks. Do you know where the sms are stored in an android device ? I'm curious to see if I could write an app that manipulates timestamps, delivery reports, etc Aug 26 16:16:22 some of it is bitchy 0402 stuff b/c the differential USB signals are fidgety Aug 26 16:16:31 but it's hand-solderable if you've got some experience Aug 26 16:16:37 as for USB, I'm still confused by the amount of "devices" exported by android usb gadget Aug 26 16:16:44 some are obviously not used Aug 26 16:16:58 dragorn I can hardly connect two USB cables together with connectors, handing me a soldering iron is trip to the hospital waiting to happen ;) Aug 26 16:17:09 as in, there's nothing to even use some features Aug 26 16:17:13 Chainfire: heh. It's easier than you think, but fair enough :) Aug 26 16:17:41 dragorn: do you know that N4 supports acting as SCSI device? And I don't mean USB Mass Storage :> Aug 26 16:17:48 Chainfire: https://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/S6HJtPk1gwHsAsgKdI9hM9MTjNZETYmyPJy0liipFm0?feat=directlink ... c'mon, that's huge! :) Aug 26 16:18:12 that's going to need a big box Aug 26 16:18:12 so... apart from the fact that you can't publish in the store, is there actually any difference between building with a debug key vs. release key? Aug 26 16:18:20 anyhow, lunch time - i'll test the dslr stuff when i get back for you Aug 26 16:18:39 Leeds: marking the application as debuggable? Aug 26 16:18:41 thx, ttyl Aug 26 16:18:42 Leeds: shouldn't be as far as I understand it Aug 26 16:18:59 Chainfire: drop me an email & i'll let you know when I get that hw built Aug 26 16:19:00 p_l: well that's the question - is that the case? Aug 26 16:19:04 cool Aug 26 16:19:08 Leeds: haven't tested Aug 26 16:19:15 Leeds BuildConfig.DEBUG will return false Aug 26 16:19:18 can I set a style in my theme and have it applied to all EditTexts? Aug 26 16:19:21 seems like it should be, but I'm not sure :) Aug 26 16:19:39 or do I need to create a style and apply it to each of them? Aug 26 16:19:54 theelfismike: that's it? Aug 26 16:20:02 If you're just asking about the key, there's no difference.. Doing a debug build sets android:debuggable and stuff Aug 26 16:20:34 just wondered, sending someone a test app, had an issue signing it with my key, so I sent him a debug build Aug 26 16:20:37 pretty much - 3rd party libraries might use that switch to change their behavior Aug 26 16:21:08 if you already have the debug installed, then try to install release, it will fail and vice versa Aug 26 16:21:32 don't ProGuard and DexGuard behave differently as well ? Aug 26 16:21:34 and just to spoil everyone's day... it's a shim around a swf file to make it launchable... how nice is that? Aug 26 16:22:13 Leeds: Adobe Air? Aug 26 16:22:19 Chainfire the release tasks in ant will actually execute proguard in release mode Aug 26 16:22:21 p_l: far too much work Aug 26 16:22:31 but it's not really related to the key signing itself Aug 26 16:22:33 (actually, I don't know, but I'm being lazy) Aug 26 16:22:40 Leeds: ah, just wondering because of normal flash not being supported anymore Aug 26 16:23:05 the guy wants it for private use - it's for educational stuff in a tutoring center - so he's happy to sideload the flash player and so on Aug 26 16:23:39 he's got a whole load of existing flash things which he'd like to be able to put on a tablet rather than a PC Aug 26 16:23:56 Leeds: does it even work sideloaded? Aug 26 16:24:00 sure Aug 26 16:24:15 not in stock browser, or chrome, or (possibly) webview - but in other browsers, yes Aug 26 16:27:52 I don't understand android:debuggable... aapt complains if it's set in manifest Aug 26 16:28:05 but if I don't set it, I can't debug my app, unless I explicitly set debug from developer options on-device Aug 26 16:28:45 and I'm doing everything the AndroidBuilder does to set debug... Aug 26 16:28:47 * pfn boggles Aug 26 16:28:59 maybe I need to only set it in the generated manifest Aug 26 16:29:01 * pfn ponders Aug 26 16:29:29 pfn: can't you just leave it out? Aug 26 16:29:48 Ge0rG, if I leave it out, I can't debug the app from ddms unless I go in and set 'debug-app' from dev options on-device Aug 26 16:30:16 pfn: ok, I never got it either :) Aug 26 16:30:25 * Ge0rG isn't using ddms debugging that often Aug 26 16:30:37 android:debuggable Aug 26 16:30:38 Whether or not the application can be debugged, even when running on a device in user mode — "true" if it can be, and "false" if not. The default value is "false". Aug 26 16:30:42 hmm Aug 26 16:30:48 actually, only once so far, to get the secret api signing key from the instagram app Aug 26 16:31:35 gah Aug 26 16:31:52 fucking style/theme inheritance doesn't bloody work Aug 26 16:31:59 Ankhwatcher +1 Aug 26 16:33:04 on that bombshell I'm going the hell home Aug 26 16:33:19 evening all Aug 26 16:33:48 Ge0rG, how else do you debug your apps Aug 26 16:34:52 aapt --debug-mode, hmm Aug 26 16:36:00 pfn: printf debugging :> Aug 26 16:36:08 has anyone here used renderscript for implementing image processing functions (like the ones in opencv)? Aug 26 16:36:21 Ge0rG, ow, why Aug 26 16:36:45 pfn: because oldschool Aug 26 16:36:58 I mean, some things, sure, it works fine Aug 26 16:37:01 most things, even Aug 26 16:37:11 I mainly use logcat debugging Aug 26 16:37:14 but sometimes, I really hate the add prints, run, look at log, and rinse/repeat Aug 26 16:37:15 pfn: also, I refused to use eclipse for a _looong_ time Aug 26 16:37:19 pfn, Are you an op here? Aug 26 16:37:22 Ge0rG, I still refuse to use eclipse :p Aug 26 16:37:26 Josh-, no Aug 26 16:37:28 ok. Aug 26 16:37:29 I'm not cool enough Aug 26 16:37:32 pfn: so which debugger do you use? jdb? Aug 26 16:37:39 Yeah, you are actually evil enough to be an op. Aug 26 16:37:44 Surprising you are not one. Aug 26 16:37:45 [debug] command: C:\Users\pfnguyen\android-sdk-windows\build-tools\18.0.1\aapt.exe package -f --no-crunch -I C:\Users\pfnguyen\android-sdk-windows\platforms\android-17\android.jar -M C:\Users\pfnguyen\src\irc\common\AndroidManifest.xml -S C:\Users\pfnguyen\src\irc\common\bin\resources\res -A C:\Users\pfnguyen\src\irc\common\bin\assets -m -J C:\Users\pfnguyen\src\irc\common\gen --debug-mode --non-constant-id --output-text-symbols C:\Users\pfnguyen\src\ Aug 26 16:37:46 irc\common\gen Aug 26 16:37:54 Ge0rG, I use intellij, and yeah, I do jdb, too Aug 26 16:37:59 or I used to Aug 26 16:38:07 ant clean && ant debug && adb install -r bin/Foo-debug.apk && adb lolcat Aug 26 16:38:15 Leeds +1 Aug 26 16:38:15 I'm looking at converting my coworkers to intellij where possible Aug 26 16:38:31 https://gist.github.com/pfn/3784232 Aug 26 16:38:35 ^^ that's how I used to debug with jdb Aug 26 16:38:36 We tried to setup debugging for one of our projects today, it ended building a whole unrelated enterprise app ;> Aug 26 16:38:59 but I got sick of typing all my breakpoints by hand Aug 26 16:39:01 so now I use intellij Aug 26 16:39:03 works beautifully Aug 26 16:39:10 even for my convoluted scala beauty Aug 26 16:39:23 maybe I should give AS a shot Aug 26 16:39:28 not to mention, setting scala breakpoints in jdb is a nightmare Aug 26 16:39:48 Ge0rG, not AS if you intend to use scala at all Aug 26 16:40:20 pfn: hum. okay. actually, scala is only used in one of my android apps Aug 26 16:40:44 also not AS if you intend on doing any java development outside of android Aug 26 16:41:07 intellij <3 Aug 26 16:41:23 Hows google released anything to replace nineoldandroids? Aug 26 16:41:35 no Aug 26 16:41:52 thanks JakeWharton Aug 26 16:42:19 JakeWharton, does it delegate to native on 3.0+? Aug 26 16:42:22 They will in about 2 years, they're fast like that Aug 26 16:42:27 pfn: yes Aug 26 16:42:31 good Aug 26 16:42:36 I'll have to look at using that sometime soon Aug 26 16:42:56 Hey JakeWharton at square are you guys moving your stuff to gradle or sticking with mvn? Aug 26 16:43:51 two apps are on gradle, two are on Maven Aug 26 16:44:20 I saw an aar pull request on android-maven-plugin this weekend Aug 26 16:49:00 I didn't really get in to the maven stuff, but now that I have moved over to gradle I am l loving it. Aug 26 16:50:32 huh, how annoying, BuildToolInfo doesn't have dexdump Aug 26 17:01:07 some knows how to use supportmapfragment using actionbarsherlock? Aug 26 17:01:42 copy SherlockFragment to SherlockMapFragment, change it to extend from SupportMapFragment Aug 26 17:01:43 Same way you'd use it without actionbarsherlock Aug 26 17:02:23 ok Aug 26 17:02:35 I have a Service that uses LocationManager NETWORK_PROVIDER to get general location updates. It talks to my server, and if the person is close enough to a targeted location, it pulses the GPS_PROVIDER about every minute to see if they are truly going to the targeted location. I am not using proximity alerts. My code works fine, but unfortunately after about a day of running, it stops and the app must be opened and then minimized for it t Aug 26 17:02:36 pick back up. I can't figure out or see error messages as to why it is failing Aug 26 17:02:41 the easy way :P Aug 26 17:03:58 sherlockmapfragment is not a standard Aug 26 17:04:12 in the actionbarsherlock project Aug 26 17:04:46 He did say you should copy sherlockfragment Aug 26 17:07:56 yes i did Aug 26 17:08:03 start to get it working right now Aug 26 17:08:13 :0 Aug 26 17:27:20 Anyone come across IndexOutOfBoundsException's in HeaderListViewAdapter where the backtrace doesn't even involve your app? See http://pastebin.com/agXxYKMk - I've been googling a bit and some reports suggest it might be an Android bug caused by Samsungs overscroll-effect implementation. Aug 26 17:29:24 I've seen a lot of these in my apps crashlogs from users Aug 26 17:29:44 Holy hell. IntelliJ is amazing Aug 26 17:30:12 lite_: yea it is Aug 26 17:30:29 yeah, I'm amazed I withheld from using it for so long Aug 26 17:30:43 ive been using it for js development as part of my new job and just today I decided to see how it faired with android development Aug 26 17:31:20 lite_: my team started using it last summer and it's worked out extremely well Aug 26 17:31:37 the fact that ive been using eclipse for 2 years now makes me bitter :/ Aug 26 17:31:51 I think getting an android library integrated was probably the biggest pain (at first) Aug 26 17:31:56 snowpong: You're probably modifying the dataset without telling the adapter Aug 26 17:32:29 lite_: you mean WebStorm for JS and Android Studio for Java/Android? I've been wondering to switch to that setup myself... good? Aug 26 17:32:47 snowpong, no, just intellij Aug 26 17:32:52 SimonVT: yeah that could be it Aug 26 17:32:54 nope snowpong. we use intellij for our js as well. Aug 26 17:32:56 snowpong: intellij idea works with android and is what android studio is based from Aug 26 17:33:20 android studio is a feature-stripped version of intellij Aug 26 17:33:29 (i do not recommend it) the only reason im not using webstorm for js is because the company has yet to cough up the money for licenses Aug 26 17:33:47 we still use intellij idea, we haven't switched to studio, some of us have tinkered around but it's stil a little fishy Aug 26 17:34:07 no reason to use android studio unless you insist on using gradle Aug 26 17:34:09 why would you switch to studio ? Aug 26 17:34:21 Because Eclipse sucks Aug 26 17:34:23 :P Aug 26 17:34:26 Sonicadvance1, from intellij Aug 26 17:34:29 lite_: there's a couple of nice (but not must have) features in android studio Aug 26 17:34:36 lite_: but webstorm and android studio is based on intellij yeah? Aug 26 17:34:40 porten, that will soon appear in intellij13 Aug 26 17:34:44 I think the 13 EAP has all the android studio features Aug 26 17:34:56 sonOfRa: it lags a bit Aug 26 17:34:57 pfn: yes, i was using idea13 for a little bit and those features are in there Aug 26 17:34:59 Google's OpenGL ES tracer needs to support OpenGL ES 3 Aug 26 17:35:06 *or some of them are Aug 26 17:35:09 snowpong: Webstorm and IntelliJ are both developed by JetBrains Aug 26 17:35:24 Android Studio is based on intellij Aug 26 17:35:35 what goes in BOARD_FLASH_BLOCK_SIZE? Aug 26 17:36:12 snowpong: JetBrains has a common framework for IDE called, iirc, MPS, which is used for WebStorm, IntelliJ and others, with Android Studio being a customized build of IntelliJ Aug 26 17:36:38 SimonVT: know a tip for catching when I'm modifying the dataset without telling the adapter? At the moment I've got no hints from which Activity this is coming from... Aug 26 17:37:31 theperfectpunk1: probably the size of flash's blocks for the device... or at least what it exports to SoC Aug 26 17:37:33 p_l: aha, I thought Intellij was their common framework Aug 26 17:37:51 snowpong: Find where you're using that adapter type, find usages of the list you pass it Aug 26 17:38:04 Make sure you don't touch it on a background thread Aug 26 17:38:05 snowpong: no, if you dig enough, you'll find mentions of the core framework. But I think IntelliJ was their original product and it evolved from there Aug 26 17:38:22 Make sure you call notifyDataSetChanged before the method where you make changes to that list returns Aug 26 17:38:33 afk Aug 26 17:38:40 p_l: how to know it? i need to enter it in boardconfig.mk Aug 26 17:38:44 SimonVT: since this is HeaderListViewAdapter, I'm guessing it's where I'm setting footers or headers on a ListView Aug 26 17:39:38 Oh, uh Aug 26 17:42:00 Look at the dataset for your adapter then Aug 26 17:44:36 Heh, the line in HeaderViewListAdapter matches the line in the source where it tries to get a footer view Aug 26 17:44:52 So your adapters count has changed without notifydatasetchanged being called Aug 26 17:45:27 (listview caches the adapter count) Aug 26 17:58:19 How can I fade out an item of a ListView so that it looks nice when it is deleted? Aug 26 18:00:15 zyngawow: we've used animations (translation + alpha) Aug 26 18:00:45 So just set an animation when the item is deleted should work Aug 26 18:02:21 zyngawow: sure, something like fade out using alpha doesn't look too bad Aug 26 18:03:10 hey Aug 26 18:03:33 Any of you upgraded to new admob? Is the code integration the same just with new ID? Aug 26 18:08:06 Hrmmmm... the ListView separator doesn't fade out with the View Aug 26 18:14:57 If I run the GPS_PROVIDER In the background for hours at the time, but set the distance filter to say, 1000 meters, how bad is the battery life? Aug 26 18:15:39 probably bad Aug 26 18:15:49 hi Aug 26 18:16:50 it's possible to update cacerts.kbs on 2.3.7 in /system partition when i s-on ? i can success with clockworkmod, but, all google apps crash. Aug 26 18:19:03 Hi. I have my phone (Nexus 4) connected to my car and can play music using bluetooth via Spotify. Since 4.3 and the bluetooth update it also shows the artist album and song which is awesome. It does however not show the album cover. Any way to fix this? Aug 26 18:19:50 https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=59420&thanks=59420&ts=1377541064 if anyone has any insight Aug 26 18:25:58 Flaiker_, wrong place to ask Aug 26 18:26:13 hm Aug 26 18:26:25 maybe #android , or #android-root ? Aug 26 18:26:59 neither, most likely Aug 26 18:27:04 ask spotify if it's possible Aug 26 18:27:39 well not sure its their fault. Google Play music doesnt do it either Aug 26 18:27:40 and AIUI avcrp doesn't support images Aug 26 18:27:48 only text Aug 26 18:27:51 hm Aug 26 18:28:06 er, avrcp Aug 26 18:28:08 well then I have no chance I guess Aug 26 18:28:39 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluetooth_profile Aug 26 18:28:50 nope, not in avrcp Aug 26 18:29:27 could send it through BIP if the receiving device supported it Aug 26 18:36:38 I want to send a message from a thread (in it's own class) back to the launching activity class. I want the message handler to send a toast message. Problem is, the thread can't get a reference to the handler of the activity class unless I use some static function or make the handler static. The handler should make a toast but the toast needs a context Aug 26 18:37:05 broadcast Aug 26 18:37:07 https://github.com/square/otto Aug 26 18:37:16 SimonVT: Both when accessing mHeaderViewInfos and mAdapter it's called getCount() on them before calling get(..) but for mFooterViewInfos it just assumes it's within range and sometimes this is not true. So if someone calls isEnabled(0) it will crash when mAdapter is null and when mHeaderViewInfos is empty. Aug 26 18:38:09 pfn: Is that an answer to me? Aug 26 18:38:11 snowpong: The position will never be >= count (when used properly), so that assumption is fine Aug 26 18:38:13 deadmund, yes Aug 26 18:38:31 pfn: I'll look into it. Thanks. Should I not just pass the context from the activity class to the thread class when I create the thread class? Aug 26 18:38:42 deadmund, no Aug 26 18:38:55 deadmund, yes Aug 26 18:38:57 Count in this case is a value cached by the listview when the adapter is set and when notifyDataSetChanged is called Aug 26 18:38:58 ? Aug 26 18:38:59 from a thread? Aug 26 18:39:06 I guess it's ok Aug 26 18:39:09 ... meh Aug 26 18:39:16 pfn: "from a thread" I'm passing the context to the thread Aug 26 18:39:29 I suppose it's ok for short-lived threads Aug 26 18:39:43 deadmund, be careful - you can't touch the UI from a backgroudn thread Aug 26 18:39:49 SimonVT: I'll check some more of the code to see if that holds true (never called when count 0) Aug 26 18:40:08 theelfismike: I can display a toast thought right? Aug 26 18:40:12 yeah Aug 26 18:40:17 Cause the toast is UI but it's asynch / threaded already Aug 26 18:40:20 ok Aug 26 18:40:50 or, rather, synchronous Aug 26 18:40:55 snowpong: It holds true, otherwise all adapter implementations would have to check if position >= count in all methods Aug 26 18:43:53 deadmund: just pass the application context and not the activity so you don't leak references.. Aug 26 18:44:03 dcow: getBaseContext() ? Aug 26 18:44:14 Just put a static reference to the application context in the Application Aug 26 18:44:24 getApplicationContext I think Aug 26 18:44:31 or base w/e Aug 26 18:45:35 back to the textview.setRotation problem. it doesn't rotate the background Aug 26 18:45:46 Why could my fadeIn Animation for each ListView item stop mid way and then continue? Aug 26 18:46:08 getApplicationContext would generally be what you'd want Aug 26 18:46:25 (in this case - not in the general case) Aug 26 18:48:27 Is there a way to launch one app from another without knowing the package name? Aug 26 18:50:00 do you know the app name? Aug 26 18:50:47 Yes Aug 26 18:51:22 hi all, can anyone give me a comprehensive guide on converting samsung wave Y using Bada OS to android? Aug 26 18:51:53 No oO This channel is for app dev Aug 26 18:54:32 nseidm1: Is there a way to find the package name knowing the name of the app? Aug 26 18:55:46 yiati: In general, no, except for sending an intent that is handled by that app Aug 26 18:56:30 I have a Layout with a RelativeLayout and a LinearLayout. I use it in a ListView. I have an animation on each ListView item, but the LinearLayout(empty, 1dp with black background, to act as separator) doesn't translate, it just fades. Why is this? Aug 26 18:57:34 yiati: Iterate the package manager, through all package names, look for the one with the correct application name. There's your package name. Aug 26 19:03:00 This separator thing is driving me a bit crazy Aug 26 19:05:25 http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/getting-started-with-matlab.html Aug 26 19:05:34 whoops sorryy Aug 26 19:12:17 whoopsie Aug 26 19:26:06 hi =) Aug 26 19:27:52 it's possible to update cacerts.kbs on 2.3.7 in /system partition when i s-on ? i can success with clockworkmod, but, all google apps crash. Aug 26 19:28:06 Try #android-root Aug 26 19:28:06 juliend: #android-root Aug 26 19:28:48 ok, thanks, i'll try Aug 26 19:30:31 has anyone mentioned #android-root? Aug 26 19:31:12 I have a Layout with a RelativeLayout and a LinearLayout. I use it in a ListView. I have an animation on each ListView item, but the LinearLayout(empty, 1dp with black background, to act as separator) doesn't translate, it just fades. Why is this? Aug 26 19:33:21 Yay, my issue is being fixed. Aug 26 19:33:35 If I wanted to make a template for fragments in intellij. How would I go about doing that ? Aug 26 19:33:59 which issue? Aug 26 19:34:20 http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=59403 ← That one. Aug 26 19:34:35 indeed Aug 26 19:36:23 lite_: http://www.jetbrains.com/idea/webhelp/creating-and-editing-file-templates.html Aug 26 19:36:58 First result in Google for "intellij create template" Aug 26 19:52:24 hey folks. I'm trying to build an app with multiple flavors where each flavor has its own Google Maps API key. However, when I create the tag in the flavor Manifest, I get build errors that the "Manifest merging failed". Aug 26 19:52:58 I tried with and without a tag in the shared Manifest and it doesn't seem to make a difference. Aug 26 19:53:47 The maps do work if I only have a key in the shared manifest, but then I can't have per-flavor keys. Aug 26 19:54:17 (This is in Android Studio, btw) Aug 26 19:56:52 Could put the key in values/ Aug 26 20:12:59 Can i format text in my app via html and css ? Aug 26 20:13:08 which roms are worth trying out for the sgs3 these days? ive been running with cyanmod but it messes up my ability to send MMS messages Aug 26 20:13:56 lite_: #android-root Aug 26 20:14:09 Thank you Aug 26 20:18:04 ? Aug 26 20:21:06 I have a Layout with a RelativeLayout and a LinearLayout. I use it in a ListView. I have an animation on each ListView item, but the LinearLayout(empty, 1dp with black background, to act as separator) doesn't translate, it just fades. Why is this? Aug 26 20:21:59 lol Aug 26 20:22:15 hehe Aug 26 20:24:04 ? Aug 26 20:24:21 got an issue with onCreateOptionmenu saying cannot over final methode from sherlockmapfragment Aug 26 20:24:24 how to solve... :P Aug 26 20:25:44 zyngawow, we're going to need to see code if you want any chance of a reasonable answer :P Aug 26 20:25:56 canadiancow, is github fine? Aug 26 20:26:16 i want to change menuitem when changing fragment Aug 26 20:26:50 if it is: github.com/zyngawow/ShoppingList Aug 26 20:27:00 Pushing now Aug 26 20:27:32 im not saying i have time to look through your code, just that it will be a requirement for you to get an answer :P Aug 26 20:28:19 canadianwow, zyngacow :) Aug 26 20:28:45 I have a Layout with a RelativeLayout and a LinearLayout. I use it in a ListView. I have an animation on each ListView item, but the LinearLayout(empty, 1dp with black background, to act as separator) doesn't translate, it just fades. Why is this? Code: https://github.com/zyngawow/ShoppingList Animation done on Product and Category classes. Layout is layout_product.xml Aug 26 20:28:50 Moar informatio Aug 26 20:28:54 information* Aug 26 20:28:59 doesn't sound like more Aug 26 20:29:08 oh, you added the link Aug 26 20:31:34 It seems I can get app package names straight from the play store Aug 26 20:31:53 in the url no? Aug 26 20:32:17 example: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tripit&hl=en Aug 26 20:32:31 the id parameter is the package name to my knowledge? Aug 26 20:34:54 i think 2k for the base then like 1k for each additional package Aug 26 20:39:01 only getting errors with the oncreateoptiomsmenu with the actionbarsherlock :S Aug 26 20:39:22 in use with the SherlockMapFragment Aug 26 20:39:53 change your imports for Menu and MenuItem Aug 26 20:39:53 strange shizzle :P Aug 26 20:40:08 import com.actionbarsherlock.view.Menu; Aug 26 20:40:08 import com.actionbarsherlock.view.MenuItem; Aug 26 20:40:13 Is it possible to specify a high API target level (say, 16) and still have the legacy option button appear? Aug 26 20:40:33 these 2 i added Aug 26 20:40:35 I **want** the legacy option button to appear, because I want to customise my actionbar to have something other than the three dots at the upper right. Aug 26 20:41:19 When many toast notifications are sent they are queued and displayed one at a time, is there any way to remove all toasts in the queue? Aug 26 20:42:09 is that correct JakeWharton? Aug 26 20:43:21 lol Aug 26 20:43:22 my fault Aug 26 20:43:26 double imports Aug 26 20:43:40 and i think he is using the first in row Aug 26 20:44:58 What is the appropriate way to handle a DialogFragment that is being displayed and the screen orientation changes? Aug 26 20:45:22 if i change a system property via System.setProperty(), is that just for my app or for all of android? Aug 26 20:48:40 hello any solution to my issue ? Aug 26 20:49:30 I am trying to install android (stable version ) to a SAMSUNG GT S5380D which was initially on Bada Os but i am still cracking my head over. t Aug 26 20:49:38 anyone has a hint about i t? Aug 26 20:49:41 afidegnum: #android-root Aug 26 20:49:59 I am there but no one si minding me.. Aug 26 20:50:32 Can't do anything about that, I can just tell you not to ask here Aug 26 20:56:17 This is annoying. Aug 26 20:56:36 I want to export a framework Im making as a jar file for use in another project Aug 26 20:56:45 But keep getting errors in the project I am importing into Aug 26 20:56:50 Something about 2 manifests etc Aug 26 20:57:23 Ive unchecked the manifest so it shouldnt get put into the jar Aug 26 20:57:55 manifest.mf or AndroidManifest? Aug 26 21:00:21 So I've got 2 hours of interviews with Google on Wednesday. I'm a little fucking nervous Aug 26 21:00:21 :S Aug 26 21:04:35 Android Aug 26 21:04:43 sorry about delay - some little shit just hit my car Aug 26 21:05:00 Luckily he was more hurt than it. Aug 26 21:05:18 g00s: Aug 26 21:07:50 Anthaas, always always always include the error Aug 26 21:07:52 don't paraphrase Aug 26 21:07:57 unless you plan on fixing it yourself Aug 26 21:08:57 Brian|CS, 2 hours? Aug 26 21:08:58 intern? Aug 26 21:09:07 [2013-08-26 17:29:01 - Project] Error generating final archive: Found duplicate file for APK: AndroidManifest.xml Aug 26 21:09:07 Origin 1: C:\Users\Chris\workspace\Project\bin\resources.ap_ Aug 26 21:09:07 Origin 2: C:\Users\Chris\workspace\Project\libs\myframework.jar Aug 26 21:09:11 only 2 hours? lucky you Aug 26 21:09:11 Sorry Aug 26 21:09:17 canadiancow, Yeah, internship Aug 26 21:09:27 I have 2 back to back hour long interviews for the general software engineering stuff Aug 26 21:09:30 nice movie Aug 26 21:09:33 do you know what group? Aug 26 21:09:36 and if by some miracle I pass that, I get to interview for different teams Aug 26 21:09:38 or is this just general "google engineering" Aug 26 21:09:41 ah Aug 26 21:09:41 ok Aug 26 21:09:43 canadiancow, It's general eng Aug 26 21:09:44 yeah Aug 26 21:09:50 I'm nervous as fuck though Aug 26 21:09:57 Like, I'm a terribad student, borderline failing out Aug 26 21:10:00 lol i'm sure you'll do fine Aug 26 21:10:01 oh Aug 26 21:10:04 idk how I even got past the first stages Aug 26 21:10:05 lol Aug 26 21:10:20 You're a terrible student, but are you a good engineer? Aug 26 21:11:10 Nilium, I must be, idk Aug 26 21:11:15 I have a terrible case of Impostor Syndrome I think Aug 26 21:11:22 What are you a student of? Aug 26 21:11:22 I'm a lazy perfectionist if that makes sense Aug 26 21:11:28 Computer Science Aug 26 21:11:30 Brian|CS, do you have your algorithms books memorized? Aug 26 21:11:42 pfn, My roommate lent me his itnerview questions book that he studied from Aug 26 21:11:51 I dunno if they've changed their interview since, but a firm academic background is still very important to google, i think Aug 26 21:11:55 I haven't technically taken an algo class Aug 26 21:11:56 you do not need an algos book memorized for google interviews Aug 26 21:11:58 No, no, you're going to need algorithms. Aug 26 21:11:58 I took data structures though Aug 26 21:12:32 I always feel bad about not having studied algorithms in depth. Aug 26 21:13:33 ^ Aug 26 21:13:34 Same Aug 26 21:13:56 Nilium, you need to know algorithms. you dont need a book memorized Aug 26 21:14:03 That said, I'm a self-taught programmer and have a degree in English, so my only excuse is laziness. Aug 26 21:14:22 theyre not going to ask you to balance an avl tree or anything Aug 26 21:14:47 Idk, I always just like compare myself to people like koush and stuff and just feel stupid Aug 26 21:15:17 Nilium: Your challenge, should you choose to accept it, create a programming language such that when you write a program, it reads as a poem. Aug 26 21:15:53 working for google is not the same as it was 10 years ago Aug 26 21:16:02 What's a poem? Aug 26 21:16:17 And I have Facebook in a couple weeks too Aug 26 21:16:19 Most people think it's rhyming words in about 10-ish short lines. Aug 26 21:16:20 Too m any big interviews too soon Aug 26 21:16:21 lol Aug 26 21:16:26 I need to apply for more small companies too :S Aug 26 21:16:50 Brian|CS: Just remember that startups and giant, well-known places are not the only things that exist. Aug 26 21:16:59 Also, startups are semi-corrosive and may ruin your life. Aug 26 21:17:16 I know Aug 26 21:17:17 I sorta have a fallback Aug 26 21:17:29 Mostly depends on whether they're the sort to demand you put your entire life into the startup. Aug 26 21:17:32 there is a company in Chicago that was a recent startup, now has like ~150 employees and they are big fans of me Aug 26 21:17:37 If they are, run far, far away. Aug 26 21:18:03 Hell, even if I get a different job I'd probably still do some consulting with this company assuming my new job is flexible with me Aug 26 21:18:03 :P Aug 26 21:18:25 A lot of places don't allow moonlighting and such. Aug 26 21:18:53 is it now an obligation to export multiple version apk? Aug 26 21:18:54 http://developer.android.com/google/play/publishing/multiple-apks.html Aug 26 21:19:06 No. What? Aug 26 21:20:02 Well, my dream job is actually to work for a mobile consulting firm Aug 26 21:20:07 Nilium my app work file with minSDK 14 Aug 26 21:20:09 so like, if I get that I could probably pull it off Aug 26 21:20:09 :D Aug 26 21:20:28 Then focus on that. Aug 26 21:20:51 but i need to export an apk for lower version caus i use android support library v4 Aug 26 21:21:06 papachan: Read the page you linked. Aug 26 21:21:11 Brian|CS, ugh are you serious? Aug 26 21:21:15 mobile consulting is the worst Aug 26 21:21:16 Brian|CS mobile devs shops are dropping like flies :P consulting on what kind of project? mobile cat pictures ? Aug 26 21:21:18 you end up writing shitty apps Aug 26 21:21:27 Really? Aug 26 21:21:33 There is this firm in CHicago that I really liked though Aug 26 21:21:33 D: Aug 26 21:21:36 Brian|CS Chicago consulting company = Redpoint tech? Aug 26 21:21:40 what are some apps that they've done? Aug 26 21:21:41 No Aug 26 21:21:43 Solstice Mobile Aug 26 21:21:54 http://www.solstice-mobile.com/ Aug 26 21:22:36 Why do you like them? Aug 26 21:22:36 seems enterprise focused. thats probably good these days Aug 26 21:22:59 the one screenshot of an android app iv'e seen on that site missed the design guidelines by enough that i'd never want to work for them Aug 26 21:23:04 consumer facing apps + mobile dev company = cat pictures, pizza hut apps, etc Aug 26 21:23:30 Nilium yes but i cannot resolve a problem i have with google maps v2 Aug 26 21:23:33 Idk Aug 26 21:23:49 I met their CEO/founder who was from U of I(Where I go) and he was a really cool dude Aug 26 21:23:50 lol Aug 26 21:23:52 g00s, i did better than that when i was consulting Aug 26 21:23:53 papachan: Then you're not trying hard enough. Aug 26 21:24:06 U of I? Aug 26 21:24:11 Nilium: work fine in api 15 but in api 9 and lower is a mess Aug 26 21:24:43 Nilium, University of Illinois Aug 26 21:24:51 Ok, different U of I than I know. Aug 26 21:24:55 We've got one of the top 5 CS departments in the nation Aug 26 21:25:05 also it's instate tuition, which basically made it an isntant lock for me Aug 26 21:25:05 lol Aug 26 21:25:38 My experience with CS students is most of them suck, so I admittedly don't care whether some place is "top 5" Aug 26 21:25:47 Brian|CS - January start date? Aug 26 21:26:05 Top anything can still turn out garbage that only went into it because Forbes said it was a high-paying degree. Aug 26 21:26:37 theelfismike, What? Aug 26 21:27:00 Nilium, I totally agree actually. But it helps get your name in the door. And any advantage I can have I'll take Aug 26 21:27:02 :P Aug 26 21:27:11 are you looking to start a job in january or in may? (my company is looking for entry level android engineers in chicago) Aug 26 21:27:12 Indeed. Not saying you're bad. Aug 26 21:27:29 You're evidently more interested in programming than the ones who went into it for money. Aug 26 21:27:38 My experience with CS students is most of them suck, so I admittedly don't care whether some place is "top 5" Aug 26 21:27:39 +1 Aug 26 21:27:56 theelfismike, no recruiting in here please Aug 26 21:28:07 See: topic Aug 26 21:28:26 canadiancow sorry - the whole thing is basically him talking about recruiting, but noted Aug 26 21:28:46 Yeah, but he's talking about being on the receiving end and not recruiting for someone Aug 26 21:28:47 he's talking about jobs he's applied for, whereas you're asking him if he wants to work for you :P Aug 26 21:29:18 the last thing i want is for #android-dev to become another linkedin Aug 26 21:29:29 yeah, i totally agree - sorry about that Aug 26 21:29:46 I'd say if you're going to try to recruit someone, do it in a PM, that way they can ignore you and you'll at least be sparing them the embarrassment of responding publicly. Aug 26 21:29:55 no, dont do that either Aug 26 21:30:00 Then report them in here. Aug 26 21:30:55 theelfismike, I've got 2 years to go, I'm only a Junior. I'm looking for Internships for the summer :S Aug 26 21:31:06 * Nilium doesn't like it when people shut down his attempts at entrapment. Aug 26 21:31:30 telling someone to recruit via pm is going to get you kicked out just as fast as them :P Aug 26 21:32:43 I suppose. Hard to do a honeypot if the targets are too varied. Aug 26 21:33:08 lol Aug 26 21:34:00 Hmm, which photo is less appropriate for a site recruiters will see, me in a giant pile of blankets/pillows or me playing League of Legends in my Teemo Hat Aug 26 21:34:24 Which one would you be more ashamed of your parents seeing? Aug 26 21:34:24 Brian|CS, which UofI do you go to (i assume there are several campuses) Aug 26 21:34:35 Champaign-Urbana Aug 26 21:34:39 Nilium, Neither Aug 26 21:34:42 I think they're both hilarious pictures Aug 26 21:34:43 lol Aug 26 21:34:55 Which one would you be more ashamed of showing to someone while asking them out? Aug 26 21:35:05 Time to do something I've not done yet but wanted to for a long time Aug 26 21:35:07 Neither? D: Aug 26 21:35:14 Use JakeWharton's ActionBarSherlock Aug 26 21:35:17 Brian|CS, i have two friends there (classes started today, right?), one finished a google itnernship on friday, the other in may Aug 26 21:35:20 I think I'm just gonna pick a different one cause I can't decide between the two Aug 26 21:35:21 Well you should be more ashamed of the League of Legends one. Aug 26 21:35:27 Ive used his ViewPager thing before. Aug 26 21:35:30 canadiancow, What was the first name of the Google peoples Aug 26 21:35:30 I swear...that guy... Aug 26 21:35:31 'Cause it's League of Legends. Aug 26 21:35:33 cause I might know them lol Aug 26 21:35:40 If I was a woman, the things I'd let him do to me. Aug 26 21:36:30 :| Aug 26 21:36:41 I should move my computer back to my desk. Coding with only one monitor is annoying. Aug 26 21:36:59 I have temporarily resolved that issue by buying a big monitor. Aug 26 21:37:13 Although, when I move back to my desk, I will now also have a big monitor in the middle. Aug 26 21:37:14 Win-Win. Aug 26 21:37:33 I have two external monitors and my main screen. It works. Aug 26 21:37:42 JakeWharton y u no respond to that Aug 26 21:37:55 DAFUQ Aug 26 21:37:59 I had NO idea he used this. Aug 26 21:38:08 Awkward... Aug 26 21:38:22 For the record, I wouldn't let you do anal. Im just not that kind of girl... Aug 26 21:38:28 :|||||| Aug 26 21:38:42 ok let's keep this SFW Aug 26 21:38:45 since that's where i am right now Aug 26 21:38:46 Sorry Aug 26 21:38:55 I just returned my monitor cus it sucked.. Weird yellow backlight bleed Aug 26 21:38:56 was shorthand for analysis.... Aug 26 21:39:05 Your boss will now understand. Aug 26 21:39:09 ;-) Aug 26 21:39:12 So now I just have a 13" laptop screen :| Aug 26 21:39:25 I have one of my monitors currently hooked up to my PS3 'cause it turns out three screens isn't all that useful. Aug 26 21:39:57 yeah, three monitors is just alot of wasted desk space Aug 26 21:40:07 Depends if you are using them all Aug 26 21:40:12 If not, then of course. Aug 26 21:47:50 Brian|CS i'm kinda confused, so are you attending CS at UI Urbana now ? Aug 26 21:48:10 Yeah Aug 26 21:48:12 I'm a Junior Aug 26 21:48:22 but no algo course as a junior already ? Aug 26 21:49:15 Yeha, I took weird courses Aug 26 21:49:27 I've done some independent studies and a special topics course on mobile web development Aug 26 21:49:33 we take algo late on Aug 26 21:49:43 we get a lot of algo knowledge sporatically Aug 26 21:49:57 interesting Aug 26 21:50:42 usually the algo course were first to sift out the weak Aug 26 21:51:35 maybe the change is a general trend to get more people into CS for longer, and get them excited before they are exterminated Aug 26 21:52:10 my dept head called out algo class 'doom' :D Aug 26 21:55:17 my algo course was split into two gruops Aug 26 21:55:23 those who were really good, and those who were really bad Aug 26 21:55:25 canadiancow: what? Aug 26 21:55:41 the grades had to be scaled up to ensure enough people passed such that like 15% of the class got 100 Aug 26 21:55:56 JakeWharton, Anthaas wanted your babies Aug 26 21:58:08 Brian|CS stop the crap already with 'independent studies' in basket weaving, err, mobile web development. at UI, focus on what UI delivers best, you can learn that BS any time Aug 26 21:58:29 canadiancow: over half (of the 9 people) in one of my math classes failed Aug 26 21:58:36 (including me :p) Aug 26 21:58:36 * Nilium is trying to not say anything bad about web developers. Aug 26 21:58:39 g00s, I guess, but I need tech electives anyways, and the professor was a really good one Aug 26 21:58:42 hi, it's possible to update cacerts.kbs on 2.3.7 in /system partition when i s-on ? i can success with clockworkmod, but, all google apps crash. Aug 26 21:58:47 hi all Aug 26 21:58:51 funnily, I probably learned more failing that class than I learned in any other single math class Aug 26 21:58:51 juliend: again, #android-root Aug 26 21:59:05 RyanM: yep, i ask... i wait :-) Aug 26 21:59:09 question about xmlns:tools="http://schemas.android.com/tools" Aug 26 21:59:15 that's not an app development question, so it doesn't belong here. Aug 26 21:59:19 does anyone know what things developers can use from this namespace? Aug 26 21:59:32 like, can i place sample text in a textview as a placeholder for the editor? Aug 26 21:59:48 similar to how it can show a placeholder list item layout? Aug 26 22:02:57 karakuri: https://plus.google.com/+TorNorbye/posts/NJTDSqy77We Aug 26 22:03:12 Tor says: "There isn't an authoritative list anywhere as far as I know; it's just in the source code" Aug 26 22:05:07 thanks, any idea where could i find the source code? Aug 26 22:06:01 http://source.android.com/ Aug 26 22:06:19 there's like a tools folder in there Aug 26 22:06:29 i'm not super familiar with source/building from source Aug 26 22:11:46 Brian|CS for a tech elective , write a compiler Aug 26 22:12:04 g00s, We have a compilers course, I'm probably gonna take it first semester senior year if I have room Aug 26 22:12:27 next semester I'm thinking of doing Databases, User Interface/User Experience, and maybe one other tech class Aug 26 22:12:37 Compilers should be fun. Aug 26 22:13:40 hi, i'm having a problem with (what appear to be) a bug in the new Facebook Android SDK... on login, the app crashes without any warning/errors in the log. Any ideas how to go about debugging when there's nothing in the logs? Aug 26 22:15:28 Hey, I have a very simple flashlight application that displays a persistant notification while the flashlight is on. The notification disappears when the users turns the flashlight off. The problem is if they have the flashlight on, then close the app (swipe-away) then the notification stays. onStop() will close the notification even if the flash is still on, and onDestroy will not close it on swipe-away closing. Any id Aug 26 22:16:17 by that I mean, the notification disappears when the user closes the app from multitasking Aug 26 22:24:13 no idea what 'swipe-away' means, but maybe you should look at a service Aug 26 22:28:31 bankai_: On ICS+ you can swipe away apps from the multi-tasking screen Aug 26 22:29:44 oh is that what it's called, i always thought it was called a stack Aug 26 22:30:09 I have a Layout with a RelativeLayout and a LinearLayout. I use it in a ListView. I have an animation on each ListView item, but the LinearLayout(empty, 1dp with black background, to act as separator) doesn't translate, it just fades. Why is this? Code: https://github.com/zyngawow/ShoppingList Animation done on Product and Category classes. Layout is layout_product.xml Aug 26 22:35:35 bankai_: I figured calling it a stack could get it confused with an actual stack Aug 26 22:36:12 can someone please help me understand how to create an activity with a videoview that goes fullscreen on rotation? my app looks so amateur without it Aug 26 22:40:25 SuperMandroid: Have you tried calling setSystemUiVisibility(SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LAYOUT_FULLSCREEN) when rotated hroizontal? Aug 26 23:19:49 I have a Layout with a RelativeLayout and a LinearLayout. I use it in a ListView. I have an animation on each ListView item, but the LinearLayout(empty, 1dp with black background, to act as separator) doesn't translate, it just fades. Why is this? Code: https://github.com/zyngawow/ShoppingList Animation done on Product and Category classes. Layout is layout_product.xml Aug 26 23:21:19 ask it in stackoverflow, you may have more success Aug 26 23:27:48 Hello Aug 26 23:28:41 can anyone here recommend me the best 8-7in tablet for dev? Aug 26 23:29:32 nexus 7 Aug 26 23:29:44 2013 Aug 26 23:29:48 ? Aug 26 23:30:30 yes Aug 26 23:30:36 Ok Aug 26 23:30:44 if the question has "for dev" in it, the answer has "nexus" in it Aug 26 23:30:55 some guys in #android told me the new nexus 7 is a POS Aug 26 23:31:01 but I think they are trolling Aug 26 23:31:29 well.... it did have a few problems, but i think 4.3 fixed a lot of those Aug 26 23:31:37 what problems? Aug 26 23:31:49 didn't the new N7 release with 4.3? Aug 26 23:32:06 yes Aug 26 23:32:13 it got a patch Aug 26 23:32:16 they issued another ota Aug 26 23:32:19 to fix MT and aGPS issues Aug 26 23:33:22 you think its a good tablet? Aug 26 23:33:28 also using it for textbooks Aug 26 23:33:39 yes just get it Aug 26 23:33:44 lol Aug 26 23:33:47 0.o Aug 26 23:33:53 or get an ipad Aug 26 23:33:59 for dev? Aug 26 23:34:20 why wouldnt you get a n7? Aug 26 23:34:33 my friend had to return his and get a new one because there were backlight issues in low light conditions Aug 26 23:34:59 my neighbor had that problem too, but didn't care enough to return it Aug 26 23:35:03 becuase 2 people in the main channel bashed me to hell for even consideriing buying it Aug 26 23:35:16 Yeah I dont want backlight bleed... Aug 26 23:35:19 the new one came today though. don't know if the problem is fixed or not though Aug 26 23:35:20 that's what you get for asking on IRC lol Aug 26 23:35:24 it's not bleeding Aug 26 23:35:25 sorry Aug 26 23:35:29 there's not even a back light Aug 26 23:35:36 then get a samsung whatever and enjoy your touchwi Aug 26 23:35:38 touchwiz Aug 26 23:35:44 no touchwiz ! Aug 26 23:35:46 the screen just doesn't function properly in low light conditions Aug 26 23:36:22 i dunno, i think everyone should own a samsung device Aug 26 23:36:24 what dcow ? Aug 26 23:36:30 bankai_: not as a primary dev Aug 26 23:36:39 shaun413: what what? Aug 26 23:37:05 oh hell no, just for dev - they seem to do a lot of funk and they are popular enough that you need to work around it Aug 26 23:37:33 bankai_ they certainly do Aug 26 23:37:39 bankai_: that's the problem. not enough conformance tests Aug 26 23:38:56 what do you mean dcow ? Aug 26 23:38:56 why is that bankai_ ? Aug 26 23:38:57 you think the note 8 is a better choice? Aug 26 23:38:58 I was looking at that too Aug 26 23:39:06 nevermind dcow lol Aug 26 23:39:45 so note 8 vs nexus 7 i guess? Aug 26 23:40:28 shaun413: I was correcting the statement that there are bleeding issues — because that's not it and there isn't even a backlight Aug 26 23:40:35 oh Aug 26 23:40:37 ? Aug 26 23:40:42 so there can't be bleeding issues w/e Aug 26 23:40:45 but there are bleeding issues Aug 26 23:40:47 reported Aug 26 23:40:53 the colors change Aug 26 23:41:05 the lower the screen gets Aug 26 23:41:08 but it's not backlight Aug 26 23:41:14 b/c it's an oled screen Aug 26 23:42:24 its brighter near the edge Aug 26 23:42:24 hmm Aug 26 23:42:24 ahh Aug 26 23:42:24 any opinions on n8 vs n7? Aug 26 23:42:35 that was ambiguous. the higher you get in the y direction on the pixel plane the more distorted the colors become the lower you get in brightness levels Aug 26 23:42:46 right Aug 26 23:43:10 anyway I don't have a n8 Aug 26 23:43:16 can't comment, sorry Aug 26 23:43:16 ahh Aug 26 23:43:21 ok Aug 26 23:43:43 shaun413: there's a reason samsung is giving massive discounts on the note 8, and it's not because they're so great Aug 26 23:52:38 back Aug 26 23:52:39 so note8 vs necxus 7? Aug 26 23:52:41 anyone? Aug 26 23:54:47 if you're looking for development devices, you should consider one from each manufacturer as well as a nexus device with stock Aug 26 23:54:57 hmm Aug 26 23:55:11 well Im just wanting it for basic dev for now Aug 26 23:55:15 nexus 7 Aug 26 23:55:23 I want something for textbooks Aug 26 23:55:26 but it's really a balancing act between your resources and testing on multiple devices Aug 26 23:55:30 and web Aug 26 23:55:42 actually no. get a wheelbarrow. it won't have screen bleed that you seem to be so keen about. Aug 26 23:55:48 possib;y note taking on the note seems cool Aug 26 23:55:56 nexus devices are good for dev since everything is at least built off of stock. Aug 26 23:56:25 funkbox: My wheelbarrow has screen bleed :-( https://44ac58a4-a-62cb3a1a-s-sites.googlegroups.com/site/engineeringtheerie/inventions-associated-with-the-canal/the-wheel-barrow/Wheelbarrow%202.jpg?attachauth=ANoY7cqokIqAi0soiU6Z5ODIXP1f-7yOtUJcoG-K72A6LOJrWNFTnpeT_NjGyWx17LIHWfCsDhvUxqLt7GiAG0KXCXCrauruIJ31GYoQY1J-Gm9zynbCa4RsOj2z-Bq9qyNAHN_DGpTJjxtpYZ7CRSest9wsaS1vkJqAm1aaQ-yG-2piI62wNuUog9TXohCyUs58qcvxUNXDk6906gTXIR4jgeT68Hfj6uOwcglXHQU9SUNwfF4aohWsXnAUEz Aug 26 23:56:33 ack that was longer than it looked Aug 26 23:56:34 sorry Aug 26 23:56:45 problem with manufacturer enhancements is that the expertise of the hardware makers is not software and they all fuck it up Aug 26 23:59:43 yeah, its usually a good idea to test on the device everyone actually uses :( Aug 27 00:00:11 but as far as tablets go, i thought the n7 was pretty popular for that size Aug 27 00:01:41 woops Aug 27 00:01:45 keep disconnecting Aug 27 00:01:53 its for textbooks and school stuff Aug 27 00:01:57 mainly Aug 27 00:04:13 should I get the nexus 7? Aug 27 00:04:13 or the note 8? Aug 27 00:04:27 get both Aug 27 00:04:34 I cant afford both Aug 27 00:04:34 lol Aug 27 00:04:43 shaun413: how many times have you asked that question ? Aug 27 00:04:49 2 Aug 27 00:06:01 funkbox: one case of bad 'enhancements' ive seen done to hardware Aug 27 00:06:03 shaun413: i just scrolled back and counted 7. Aug 27 00:06:07 oh Aug 27 00:06:09 well Aug 27 00:06:23 No one is answering? Aug 27 00:06:27 funkbox: the kindle fire claims to support usb otg in the hardwar def, but it doesnt work Aug 27 00:06:47 never played with that Aug 27 00:06:55 funkbox: and if i try to use accessory mode over usb, it throws errors everywhere Aug 27 00:07:02 that being said, the kindle fire isn't a terrible tablet Aug 27 00:07:04 they broke accessory mode somehow Aug 27 00:07:20 oh, and gmail uses some custom views in the notification tray Aug 27 00:07:26 amazon's fork lacks them Aug 27 00:07:31 so the entire systemui crashes Aug 27 00:07:37 no status bar, home home/back bar Aug 27 00:07:40 oh that's just lovely ... Aug 27 00:08:03 every 5 minutes that gets restarted, it recreates the notification, and re-crashes Aug 27 00:08:15 only fix is to open gmail (it clears its own notification) Aug 27 00:08:20 and turn them off entirely Aug 27 00:08:52 well gmail isn't really a supported app on kindle, no ? Aug 27 00:09:12 correct, the app isnt avail in the amazon store Aug 27 00:09:24 i had to root it and install play store to get gmail to work at all Aug 27 00:09:36 the gmail over pop3 stuff in the amazon fork is useless Aug 27 00:10:17 funkbox: https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/blob/master/core/java/android/widget/DateTimeView.java Aug 27 00:10:22 they also broke this file Aug 27 00:10:39 they broke a lot of things :) Aug 27 00:10:43 normally, any notification happening within ~12h from now (forward or back) will say 'happens in 3 hours' Aug 27 00:10:54 i thankfully only have one if (kindle) else code branch Aug 27 00:10:57 but the amazon fork, just shows a date, until its 1 hour away Aug 27 00:11:16 so if i have a notification telling me about something in 3 hours, all i have is a date Aug 27 00:11:24 i have no idea when its going to happen Aug 27 00:12:13 the default xml (used thru a remoteview) will inflate DateTimeView to render that timestamp correctly, and the view itself is flagged with @hide, so the docs wont show it Aug 27 00:13:42 hm.. the update of the S4.. seems interesting Aug 27 00:13:49 i guess i ought to buy one Aug 27 00:14:20 it appears that the code in DateTimeView runs under the systemui process, and will get re-ran any time the notifications are drawn Aug 27 00:14:24 like any other View subclass Aug 27 00:14:52 which allows the text in the notification to change without your app being involved Aug 27 00:15:13 but since amazon broke it, i have to spam .notify every hour to correctly show how many hours until it ends Aug 27 00:16:04 is there that much of a difference between a S3 and S4 Aug 27 00:16:41 funkbox: i think i heard about a backport, giving some of the S4 features on an S3 Aug 27 00:16:52 which i think was provided by samsung Aug 27 00:16:55 yeah Aug 27 00:17:09 it is xxhdpi, but i don't really think that warrants purchasing one Aug 27 00:18:22 * funkbox is trying to be fiscally responsible Aug 27 00:28:53 Random Question: Are Sets indexed from 1 or 0? Aug 27 00:29:15 Maps* Aug 27 00:29:18 No Aug 27 00:29:19 Sets Aug 27 00:29:45 I have a key in a HashMap in the first position, but hashMap.keySet().size()-1 returns null Aug 27 00:30:16 what are you trying to achieve ? Aug 27 00:30:59 Get the first key within a keyset Aug 27 00:31:07 Last key* Aug 27 00:34:41 hm, sqlite 3.8.0 has partial indexes Aug 27 00:35:13 This is odd. If I open up my hashmap, the keyset has 1 value of "success". The size is one, and the only key is success. Aug 27 00:35:38 However if I do myMap.get(keySet().size()-1) it returns null Aug 27 00:35:58 myMap.keySet() * Aug 27 00:39:06 Arghhh Aug 27 00:39:11 Im clearly overlooking something... Aug 27 00:41:38 Anthaas: Sets aren't indexed. Aug 27 00:41:41 ahhhh Aug 27 00:41:44 cant get index Aug 27 00:41:45 Yeah Aug 27 00:41:48 just realised hahahaha Aug 27 00:41:50 I didnt even check Aug 27 00:41:52 What a mong Aug 27 00:41:53 Cheers Aug 27 00:54:37 Hello Aug 27 00:54:37 I am back Aug 27 00:54:47 lets discuss the note8 vs nexus 7 dibocul if we could? Aug 27 00:55:22 lol Aug 27 00:55:33 dibocul? Aug 27 00:55:41 well Aug 27 00:55:45 umm Aug 27 00:55:59 What is a dibocul? Aug 27 00:56:11 debacle* Aug 27 00:56:29 shaun413 get the n7, done ;) Aug 27 00:56:30 What debacle is there? Aug 27 00:56:38 :3 Aug 27 00:56:38 well Aug 27 00:56:49 many people told me that the nexus 7 is crap Aug 27 00:56:55 has hardware issues Aug 27 00:56:57 Other than if you're coding something specifically to run on the n7's hardware Aug 27 00:56:58 and will be a paperwiehgt Aug 27 00:57:22 ? Aug 27 00:57:24 shaun413 sounds like most tablets though Aug 27 00:57:25 shaun413: Which one are you planning on developing for? Aug 27 00:57:40 just android in general Aug 27 00:57:43 If you choose the Note, you can probably throw stuff up on Samsung market Aug 27 00:57:52 shaun413 if you can , wait for the next n10 maybe Aug 27 00:58:16 you can probably play resolution/dpi tricks like the current n10 Aug 27 00:58:20 which is great for dev Aug 27 00:58:32 unless you need something right now Aug 27 00:58:40 As far as development, I prefer the Nexus line over anything else, since it's fairly easy to muck up your system and then revert it Aug 27 00:58:43 I mean I think wehn the note8 just came out, it would have been a no brainer Aug 27 00:58:43 but now with the new nexus 7 Aug 27 00:58:51 But that's fairly irrelevant Aug 27 00:59:12 Unless you're developing malicious code, of course ;) Aug 27 01:00:18 I dont want a 10in Aug 27 01:00:43 and I do kind of need something now Aug 27 01:00:48 everything will be a paperweight Aug 27 01:01:11 stop asking people what tablet to get and get one, you've gotten way more than enough input to make your own friggen decision by now :/ Aug 27 01:01:31 why? Aug 27 01:01:44 shaun413: The Nexus 7 is a better choice, since you're getting the bottom line of what Google thinks tablets should be Aug 27 01:01:50 why will everything be a paperweight? the same reason you wouldn't use a 286 Aug 27 01:02:00 shaun413: weren't you buying yesterday? Aug 27 01:02:10 Leeds: idk i think he's been buying for like a month Aug 27 01:02:27 no Leeds Aug 27 01:02:33 I canceled my nexus 7 order Aug 27 01:02:43 Leeds: he wants something cheap that does everything he needs and is better than everything else Aug 27 01:02:43 shaun413: It'll stop working by 2038, I promise. Aug 27 01:02:52 Becuase after I ordered it, I told the android channel, and they told me I mad a huge mistake Aug 27 01:03:01 and lauhed at me for falling for it Aug 27 01:03:10 why do you care what people think ? Aug 27 01:03:13 shaun413: Your first mistake was buying a device :3 Aug 27 01:03:16 shaun413: they laughed at you for falling for them saying you made a huge mistake Aug 27 01:03:36 falling for what? Aug 27 01:03:42 shaun413: imo, you can get by using the HAXM/x86 image Aug 27 01:03:44 shaun413: if you want a tablet, buy a tablet, otherwise don't. you can't go too far wrong with one that's not some chinese knockoff :/ Aug 27 01:04:07 zinx: The chinese tablets aren't all too bad, you just can't expect any aftermarket support Aug 27 01:04:19 like most non-flagship devices anyway Aug 27 01:04:25 Heh. Aug 27 01:04:29 shaun413 which channel specifically? Aug 27 01:04:39 #android Aug 27 01:04:41 seitensei: sure, but you /can/ go pretty wrong with those :P Aug 27 01:04:51 I wont go there any more Aug 27 01:05:13 seitensei: and given shaun413's history with tablet purchases, i can't say i'd recommend doing anything that could even possibly go wrong for him :P Aug 27 01:05:15 shaun413: are you actually a developer? Aug 27 01:06:11 zinx: Very good point. Aug 27 01:06:38 what is #android? i thought that was platform dev long time ago, but now dead Aug 27 01:06:54 g00s: it was created as that, but it never really was Aug 27 01:06:57 shit, AS 0.2.6 broke all the things Aug 27 01:07:19 g00s: That's the norm, I'd say. AS breaking things. Aug 27 01:07:24 how the fuck can 'import java.util.ArrayList' be unresolved Aug 27 01:07:35 g00s: it's pretty much "general Android chat" - user/device stuff, mainly Aug 27 01:07:52 did it muck up your project settings and can't find the android jars? Aug 27 01:07:53 that, and trolls, bots, abuse, racism, etc. Aug 27 01:08:20 Heh. Aug 27 01:08:45 Leeds: Can't disagree there. Aug 27 01:10:50 hmm Aug 27 01:10:51 well Aug 27 01:10:52 bankai_ that seems ok. i'll just rm .idea and .iml files Aug 27 01:10:52 No body has said anything about the note8 vs nexus 7 Aug 27 01:10:52 everyone just yells at mefor asking Aug 27 01:11:08 shaun413 everybody told you get the n7 Aug 27 01:11:11 stop fucking asking already, bloody hell ... Aug 27 01:11:25 lol Aug 27 01:11:32 shaun413 do you have trouble picking socks in the morning ? Aug 27 01:12:38 yes Aug 27 01:12:42 g00s: he asks on here first... Aug 27 01:13:23 I do Aug 27 01:14:39 shaun413: let me ask again... are you a developer? Aug 27 01:17:39 well, it just seems to me the note 8 has better reviews Aug 27 01:17:40 check amazon, the nexus 7 doesnt look so well from reviews Aug 27 01:17:42 I am, not for android right now, but I plan to Aug 27 01:18:05 anyone got an example of a activity that contains a videoview that goes fullscreen on rotation (and keeps playing if possible). im not trying to copy an paste it, i want to understand how its done so I can implement it into my application Aug 27 01:20:56 so? Aug 27 01:20:56 ? Aug 27 01:21:15 so you're an idiot Aug 27 01:24:43 why? Aug 27 01:24:50 So you all say nexus 72013? Aug 27 01:25:29 get a playbook Aug 27 01:25:42 ? Aug 27 01:25:55 blackberry tablet Aug 27 01:26:01 nah Aug 27 01:26:27 how about a surface rt? Aug 27 01:26:42 well Aug 27 01:26:47 its a bit pricy Aug 27 01:26:54 I would only buy the pro Aug 27 01:26:58 for the surface Aug 27 01:27:20 how about the HP touchpad? Aug 27 01:27:51 no hp.... Aug 27 01:28:43 he's being facetious Aug 27 01:28:59 I hear Nokia have a tablet coming out very soon Aug 27 01:29:07 its an RT :| Aug 27 01:29:23 fucking nokia, dumbasses Aug 27 01:30:53 instead of losing more money, they should have just did a bay trail pro Aug 27 01:30:59 I have a Nexus 7 Aug 27 01:31:02 Never had a problem with it Aug 27 01:31:04 Hasnt slowed Aug 27 01:31:09 And isn't used as a paperweight Aug 27 01:31:26 ahh Aug 27 01:31:27 Whilst it is good to read reviews, you will only hear the loud minority of those who were disappointed. Aug 27 01:31:35 People prefer to moan and complain than to praise. Aug 27 01:31:37 I guess so Aug 27 01:31:41 but the thing is Aug 27 01:31:51 I need to decide if i want the pen and bigger screen Aug 27 01:31:51 also, it sucks that Google haven't tried to fix the GPS problem which makes it an unusable tablet Aug 27 01:31:55 but I mean if its crap Aug 27 01:32:03 Leeds i thought they did ? Aug 27 01:32:04 You can easily get a stylus for the nexus 7 if you need one... Aug 27 01:32:09 Leeds, they did.... Aug 27 01:32:21 g00s: some reviewers on Amazon say it's a problem, so obviously not Aug 27 01:32:37 oh, thought the latest ota fixed it Aug 27 01:32:48 there is no ota - there are just amazon reviews Aug 27 01:34:08 shaun413: Seems like the Intuos Stylus may reach Android in the future Aug 27 01:36:10 shaun413: the new N7 is by far the best small tablet for its price - that's a fact. It's not a paperweight, Google is actively fixing post-release bugs, and you've known that for weeks... buy the bloody thing, or piss off Aug 27 01:36:44 gps makes a tablet unusable? Aug 27 01:36:59 * pfn waits for next flight to take off Aug 27 01:37:32 ooh, he pissed off :) Aug 27 01:38:49 I thought GPS was fixed in JSS15Q Aug 27 01:40:07 Google (well, Paul Wilcox) even made sort of an announcement that the recent update sould've addressed GPS Aug 27 01:40:19 http://www.anandtech.com/show/7241/nexus-7-2013-jss15q-ota-update-rolling-out-fixes-gpsgnss-and-multitouch-issues Aug 27 01:40:36 seitensei: shaun has been asking for advice on tablets for weeks... he apparently canceled an N7 order yesterday because of bad reviews on Amazon Aug 27 01:40:43 lol Aug 27 01:40:59 I try to somewhat ignore anything that shaun brings up Aug 27 01:41:06 OMG Aug 27 01:41:10 keep getting kicked from my internet Aug 27 01:41:12 hey Aug 27 01:41:28 it's a sign ... Aug 27 01:41:42 i did hear the 2013 n7 has wifi issues :D Aug 27 01:42:23 That's the problem related to wakelocks, right? Aug 27 01:43:34 in AS, is the 'Android Designer' only for /creating/ layouts? i don't give a crap about that, but is it also for previewing them? Aug 27 01:43:53 I think it previews them Aug 27 01:44:15 Last time I checked, it didn't behave too differently from the designer in Eclipse and IntelliJ Aug 27 01:46:23 seitensei ok, thx Aug 27 01:46:41 * g00s wonders what JBQ is doing these days Aug 27 01:47:01 video games Aug 27 01:47:03 totally Aug 27 01:47:27 The last post on G+ was video games Aug 27 01:47:31 skywatching, actually Aug 27 01:50:34 hm, so i'm importing a project into AS with an existing Gradle model. in the dialog, there are some things like 'use bundled gradle', etc Aug 27 01:50:44 OK IM BACK Aug 27 01:50:45 but there is also 'Use auto import" what is that ? Aug 27 01:50:49 finally Aug 27 01:50:59 lets get on with the convo Aug 27 01:51:18 we did... Aug 27 01:51:22 ok Aug 27 01:51:23 lets Aug 27 01:51:30 anyone here own a note 8? Aug 27 01:51:50 Leeds if you're gonna do anything, now is a good time :| Aug 27 01:51:56 ffs Aug 27 01:52:28 ? Aug 27 01:53:57 nice try google, putting a nexus 7 add on a note 8 youtube video Aug 27 01:53:57 hey guys Aug 27 01:53:58 lol Aug 27 01:54:14 i made a database Aug 27 01:54:19 and inserted a value Aug 27 01:54:27 but im having trouble with the rawQuery Aug 27 01:54:55 when i do the cursor = db.RawQuery (..) Aug 27 01:55:08 i get the following error Aug 27 01:55:24 android.database.CursorIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 requested, with a size of 0 Aug 27 01:55:40 probably using too many new line chars Aug 27 01:55:40 but when i do cursor.getSize Aug 27 01:55:43 i get 1 Aug 27 01:59:14 pfn hope you aren't at the PHX airport now :) Aug 27 02:06:21 hello Aug 27 02:06:23 is anyone here/ Aug 27 02:09:45 shaun413 its just you and your dead horse Aug 27 02:09:50 ok Aug 27 02:09:54 well Aug 27 02:10:01 you all say get the nexus 7? Aug 27 02:10:22 shaun413 back for the long troll :) Aug 27 02:10:31 sure? Aug 27 02:10:37 whats that? Aug 27 02:10:59 you should get a TrollPad Aug 27 02:11:13 running Qt from TrollTech Aug 27 02:11:36 http://i288.photobucket.com/albums/ll164/stienman/trollpad.gif Aug 27 02:12:01 g00s: I already suggested the nokiatabfacert Aug 27 02:18:17 i found out that cursor.movetofirst returns false Aug 27 02:18:26 any suggestions? Aug 27 02:18:52 have your query return stuff :) Aug 27 02:19:43 is my query wrong? Aug 27 02:19:53 Cursor cursor = db.rawQuery( "SELECT " + PhoneListDatabase.C_CONVERTED_NUMBER + " FROM " + PhoneListDatabase.TABLE + " WHERE " + PhoneListDatabase.C_NUMBER + " = " + array.get(position), null); Aug 27 02:20:14 can't understand a problem at this time of the day, thus i'm writing here: i have a listview with custom textviews (onDraw overriden with call to canvas.drawText). The problem is that the text color changes when the list moves Aug 27 02:26:30 is this correct? cursor.getColumnIndex(PhoneListDatabase.C_CONVERTED_NUMBER) Aug 27 02:36:32 Not sure if this is the right room to ask in, but when I reply to reviews in the Google Play dashboard, the replies just seem to disappear immediately from the dashboard and don't seem to show up in the store. Am I just doing something stupid? Aug 27 02:43:19 Everyone ever have eclipse stop letting me cntrl-click to go to definitions? Aug 27 02:46:26 i've had eclipse stop letting me do a lot of things, that's why i don't use it :) Aug 27 02:48:07 curious what everyone else uses, i just started, so I'm using eclipse.. i just found eclim though, might give that a shot Aug 27 02:48:33 kkomw if you try eclim, i would like to know how it went Aug 27 02:49:00 i know a lot of people who use intellij Aug 27 02:50:40 i tried eclim once, it was a cute novelty, but not much more. IJ is the best of the best Aug 27 02:50:56 i tried it, it was ok but I couldn't get it to look as awesome as it did in the screenshots Aug 27 02:51:05 i wouldnt mind doing it, but i want someone else to go through the trouble of setting up the project :P Aug 27 02:51:31 I thought appcode felt clunkier than xcode Aug 27 02:52:12 never tried appcode, but for apple stuff i'd stick to their tools. Aug 27 02:52:17 kkomw: if you just need vim style editing, check out Vrapper, it's free.. or the IntelliJ Vim plugin (which is superior to any i've seen/tried in eclipse), which should probably work in android studio Aug 27 02:52:25 don't quote me on that though, I've never tried it Aug 27 02:52:54 err, tried it in android studio. I've tried it in IntelliJ and it works great Aug 27 02:52:58 will-do, I just started so I'll check out intelliJ Aug 27 02:52:59 thanks **** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Aug 27 02:59:58 2013