**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Mar 12 02:59:58 2014 Mar 12 03:02:15 assets can have subs Mar 12 03:10:27 patch aapt to support subs, easy Mar 12 03:11:52 i doubt its easy. what happens when you have duplicate file names in subfolders? Mar 12 03:12:32 at least thats enforced by the os when everything is jammed into one folder ;) Mar 12 03:13:05 following adt-dev google group, i'm always amazed at the interesting corner cases people find that break the tools Mar 12 03:13:17 the build process is pretty complex Mar 12 03:15:04 http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/new-build-system/build-workflow Mar 12 03:15:15 i'm amazed it works at all :) Mar 12 03:16:35 g00s: omg, hide that diagram under a bed or something Mar 12 03:18:32 why is it that view == widget? seems like two words for the same thing Mar 12 03:19:19 Alright, so any program that checks for time and other system-kept values has to make a syscall on Android, right? Mar 12 03:19:20 maybe one word is used more by programmers and the other by normal people Mar 12 03:19:34 Can I make a program that intercepts those syscalls and impersonates the response? Mar 12 03:19:41 g00s, easy, fail and say there are duplicates Mar 12 03:20:17 no Mar 12 03:21:08 g00s, and you're speaking to someone who has intimate knowledge of the build process... Mar 12 03:23:01 navigation drawers start on the right for right-to-left languages? *mind blown* Mar 12 03:25:33 i could definitely use assets Mar 12 03:25:40 but then that means writing a custom adapter for my dropdown :P Mar 12 03:25:47 which is woooork Mar 12 03:26:53 I just made a really dumb mistake Mar 12 03:27:03 nested for loop, mixed up my i's and j's :D Mar 12 03:30:30 custom adapter? say what Mar 12 03:30:38 trivial Mar 12 03:30:50 hello Mar 12 03:31:02 does anyone know some alternative library to pretty time? Mar 12 03:31:43 I would like to make human readable dates Mar 12 03:31:44 like Mar 12 03:31:49 "2 seconds ago" Mar 12 03:31:55 3 days ago Mar 12 03:31:56 etc. Mar 12 03:32:01 with language support Mar 12 03:32:29 pfn: was your No directed to me? Mar 12 03:32:41 pfn, I know I know, but it's still work Mar 12 03:33:30 gordon_ android has utilities for that, have you seen those already ? Mar 12 03:38:47 frankdrey / pfn, now i think it would be cool if you could have subfolders, but each one becomes another nested class in R. so res/drawable/foo/foo.xml becomes R.drawable.foo.foo Mar 12 03:39:11 yes Mar 12 03:39:19 this lets one easily map iso 11179 naming conventions onto the physical layout of res/ Mar 12 03:39:22 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_element_name Mar 12 03:40:09 g00s: hmm no Mar 12 03:40:33 we're using prettytime now Mar 12 03:40:42 seeems like I can make my own translation for that Mar 12 03:40:57 gordon_ stuff in http://developer.android.com/reference/android/text/format/package-summary.html Mar 12 03:42:44 g00s: thanks Mar 12 03:42:53 they're using pretty time Mar 12 03:43:01 so I will try to custom existing code Mar 12 03:43:08 if not, I will move to your link Mar 12 03:43:54 like http://developer.android.com/reference/android/text/format/DateUtils.html#getRelativeDateTimeString(android.content.Context, long, long, long, int) Mar 12 03:45:07 thanks Mar 12 03:46:06 3 mins ago, 10:15 AM Mar 12 03:46:17 can I get rid of 10:15 AM in that example ? Mar 12 03:48:02 not sure Mar 12 03:48:41 help me, how to random database sqlite....i have trivia quiz and correct id is 1 and incorrect id is 0 so what am i do bro? i want to random it Mar 12 03:50:31 creatorb1: dont see a problem ? Mar 12 03:50:38 fetch data and random it Mar 12 03:50:48 g00s: i didnt consider nest R classes Mar 12 03:50:52 thats actually brilliant Mar 12 03:52:21 gordon_ yeah i have inserted public Cursor getRandom() {Cursor cursor = myDataBase.rawQuery( "SELECT * FROM Questions ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT 1", null); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {return cursor;}return cursor; } but not work Mar 12 03:54:35 desmin88 all my good ideas come from my dog :D Mar 12 03:54:49 damn Mar 12 03:54:59 the secret revealed Mar 12 03:55:05 XD Mar 12 03:55:55 creatorb1: order by random ? Mar 12 03:56:10 that doesnt look good Mar 12 03:56:22 first you need to fetch data Mar 12 03:56:28 and iterate through it Mar 12 03:56:30 and save to db Mar 12 03:57:04 but here you're fetching questions and ordering by number ? Mar 12 03:57:12 can you order by some cloumn Mar 12 03:57:14 *column Mar 12 04:00:29 gordon_ yah my app has been builded, but not random so i want to random it, but i dont know so i search in google and take it http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8369767/random-in-sqlite-and-android-sdk but not work, so what am i do bro... my structure db is have a table question and answer, in the answer have a many column like as _id quizID questionID isCorrect and answertext nah i put in is correct number 0 for false and 1 for true Mar 12 04:00:56 you know what'd be great? if, when you're using Android Studio or Eclipse with the ADT, when you F3 on an R resource in a .java file, it takes you to that resource, instead of the R file Mar 12 04:04:20 barbs: not like intellij is doing that... Mar 12 04:04:50 is intellij doing that? Damn, wonder why my Android Studio doesn't do that? Mar 12 04:05:05 creatorb1: do you expect from me to provide you code? :) Mar 12 04:05:23 barbs: when I press cmd + b it takes me to xml resource file Mar 12 04:05:49 hmm, i've got eclipse shortcuts on, cmd + b builds the app for me :P Mar 12 04:05:54 maybes there's a shortcut somewhere then... Mar 12 04:06:24 ok gordon_ i will send to you via pm now...but waiting a few minute, i must upload it :) Mar 12 04:12:44 gordon_ bro? Mar 12 04:15:33 what kind of things will happen if i use Asynctask for a very long time? :P Mar 12 04:15:51 sort of feel like i wont understand another way to go about it haha Mar 12 04:18:58 bluezone: probably nothing Mar 12 04:19:21 if you need to download something big Mar 12 04:19:28 or calculate Mar 12 04:19:31 do it in service Mar 12 04:29:37 of course someone discovered cool library Mar 12 04:29:41 which is not in maven Mar 12 04:30:03 is it possible to upload android projects to maven ? Mar 12 04:30:17 as android projects I mean android library projects Mar 12 04:41:02 Anyone up ? Mar 12 04:41:25 JakeWharton so, i need to buffer messages to a service (queue) if the service is offline. Is Tape a good fit for this ? Mar 12 04:42:00 kind of Mar 12 04:42:12 the API is less than ideal Mar 12 04:42:46 Ok guys look I need help I have a simple app using QuickBlox API and I'm not getting lint errors, logcat or debug problems I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to see if they can run with eclipse Mar 12 04:43:07 any get any sort of error Mar 12 04:43:28 CodeBee: what's the problem then ? Mar 12 04:44:01 gordon_ com.hope_center... process has unexpectably stopped when run on emulator or phone Mar 12 04:44:06 but no logcat errors or anything Mar 12 04:45:01 ugh Mar 12 04:45:16 without logcat it can be anything Mar 12 04:45:28 Exactly how I feel man Mar 12 04:46:50 gordon_ got time ? lol Mar 12 04:51:53 not really Mar 12 04:52:07 and I'm intellij guy Mar 12 04:52:08 so.. Mar 12 05:02:16 hm Mar 12 05:02:25 anyone used pretty time before ? Mar 12 05:02:48 it's said that I need to put Resources_en.java in class path Mar 12 05:03:02 but then dex is shouting at me like Mar 12 05:03:10 Android Dex: [taptrip2-android] Unable to execute DX Mar 12 05:03:16 Android Dex: [taptrip2-android] com.android.dex.DexException: Multiple dex files define Lorg/ocpsoft/prettytime/i18n/Resources_en; Mar 12 05:05:05 is it possible to override existing class in classpath or rather it's a no-no Mar 12 05:05:58 ah Mar 12 05:06:04 Simply place an appropriate Resources_**.properties Mar 12 05:06:43 wish it would work :) Mar 12 05:12:19 multiple dex files defined means you're importing something twice Mar 12 05:14:23 gordon_ you may have to use the gradle exclude thingy; i never used it but remember in case i see that error Mar 12 05:14:53 see notes for 0.7.1 http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/new-build-system Mar 12 05:15:09 or maybe you have another issue ;) Mar 12 05:15:10 they'll have to change that path soon, it's not "new" any more Mar 12 05:15:49 i was glad to see they rewrote the docs for 0.9 Mar 12 05:16:00 eventually, it will have to be moved to the official site Mar 12 05:16:43 g00s: but it's from docs Mar 12 05:16:52 seems like I need to create properties Mar 12 05:16:58 I did but they're omitted Mar 12 05:17:07 how to live... Mar 12 05:18:50 hello everyone Mar 12 05:20:13 can anybody tell how to store password in android app? Mar 12 05:20:54 easy way - don't :) Mar 12 05:21:34 and if i want checkbox like 'Remember me'? Mar 12 05:22:00 OAuth Mar 12 05:22:20 it is necessary to ensure that each time the user did not enter a password Mar 12 05:22:29 Ok guys look I need help I have a simple app using QuickBlox API and I'm not getting lint errors, logcat or debug problems I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to see if they can run with eclipse Mar 12 05:27:27 what a stupid lib Mar 12 05:31:21 huh, TIL AS actually has the heuristic formatters for XML from eclipse/ADT in Prefs -> Code Style -> XML -> Arrangement Mar 12 05:31:40 i guess i never noticed it, because in eclipse i always saved ctrl-S and that triggered it Mar 12 05:31:54 but we don't save in AS, so you have to explicitly format Mar 12 05:32:07 I'm confused about the documentation pertaining to Google Maps Utility library. It states "The Google Maps Android API utility library supports Android API level 8 and above. The animated re-clustering features are only available for Android API level 14 and above." So does that mean the clustering feature works on API 8 and above, with just the animation portion missing until API 14? Mar 12 05:33:03 * g00s has no idea Mar 12 05:33:46 dlaroche: we are using google maps v2 on 2.3 Mar 12 05:34:40 gordon_: but what about the clustering feature that allows the clustering of your markers at different zoom levels? Is this supported in API 8 and above? Mar 12 05:35:22 havent used it Mar 12 05:35:29 ugh Mar 12 05:35:29 so cannot tell Mar 12 05:35:48 just check Mar 12 05:35:55 hi Mar 12 05:36:02 i am having trouble Mar 12 05:36:05 Games.Leaderboards.loadCurrentPlayerLeaderboardScore(getApiClient(), getString(R.string.highscore), LeaderboardVariant.TIME_SPAN_ALL_TIME, LeaderboardVariant.COLLECTION_PUBLIC); Mar 12 05:36:07 and the docs page for the library doesn't indicate what API level each class accepts Mar 12 05:36:15 i want to retrive leaderboard score Mar 12 05:36:38 but how can i receive the return value by above function Mar 12 05:37:10 hm, i think i will try openHFT/java-chronicle with a Tailer and Appender for my queue Mar 12 05:38:43 i was hoping to find a "fast tracked persisted queue" but this should be good Mar 12 05:39:37 persisted? as in the queue lives on disk? Mar 12 05:40:48 fast track lives in memory / disk Mar 12 05:41:09 if the reader is fast enough it grans straight from memory Mar 12 05:41:13 *grabs Mar 12 05:41:36 if not, it winds up on disk, and it pulls from there Mar 12 05:42:24 but chronicle could be so fast i don't need that. seems like no GC either Mar 12 05:42:41 or < 1 object of garbage per event Mar 12 05:42:53 JesusFreke what are you up to these days Mar 12 05:43:11 been hacking on a smali plugin for idea Mar 12 05:43:18 :O Mar 12 05:43:30 that was inevitable :D Mar 12 05:43:40 debugging at the bytecode level = <3 Mar 12 05:44:05 Can anyone test my app please if you hav e time ? Mar 12 05:45:51 i read about the fast track queue impl here www.cs.gonzaga.edu/~bowers/papers/swf-2011.pdf‎ Mar 12 05:45:59 but its still pretty high level Mar 12 05:46:10 not found Mar 12 05:46:26 also, if you can't find one, sounds like a good project ;) Mar 12 05:46:34 what's smali ? Mar 12 05:46:52 ok I see Mar 12 05:46:56 An assembler/disassembler for Android's dex format Mar 12 05:47:00 n/m, I got it. the link had some crap characters at the end for some reason Mar 12 05:47:09 well, good luck ;) Mar 12 05:48:11 luck doesn't have much to do with it. I'm not using a genetic algorithm :p Mar 12 05:48:57 ah you're just writing plugin ? Mar 12 05:49:06 did they add more docs to plugin development ? Mar 12 05:49:15 last time I wanted to add something it was terrible Mar 12 05:49:32 Yeah, there are some docs, but for the majority of stuff, you just have to dive into the code and figure it out Mar 12 05:49:43 JesusFreke seriously, using GA ? Mar 12 05:49:48 thats stuff is so much fun Mar 12 05:50:04 g00s: no, I said I'm *not* :p Mar 12 05:50:08 ah dam it Mar 12 05:50:56 genetic algoritms.. Mar 12 05:51:12 sound image recognition funnier ;P Mar 12 05:51:15 *found Mar 12 05:57:16 who the hell hardcores package in class and doesnt provide new way to read resources.... Mar 12 05:57:34 instanceof in code Mar 12 06:01:49 hm quick question about this lint warning. in a fragment, i'm doing getActivity() a few times to get the context. it says it can be null. however, if i don't have a thread outliving the activity, is it really necessary to guard against that ? Mar 12 06:09:15 Hey any idea how to use the internal and hidden apis from eclipse? Mar 12 06:22:32 Mind_Hacker, i don't know what you mean :P Mar 12 06:22:44 Give me some ideas on how to send SMS on a specific time. Mar 12 06:23:26 bluezone: Well there are internal apis in the sdk that are hidden from devs. Mar 12 06:24:20 They control the phones basic functions like network changing,calls,etc Mar 12 06:24:27 oh Mar 12 06:25:40 i'm not sure hehe, i didn't know those things were hidden, wouldn't you have to NDK to control those things? i dunno :P Mar 12 06:26:24 I read somewhere that you could hack the plugin and the emulator to make them available. Mar 12 06:27:25 But that tut is old now Mar 12 06:27:44 if they keep them hidden it must be for secruity i would think Mar 12 06:28:12 security* Mar 12 06:28:17 Yes.Those can only be used with root access I think. Mar 12 06:29:25 I just wanted to change the network type with an app. Mar 12 06:29:50 i see Mar 12 06:31:20 bankai_ try rxjava 0.17 yet? work ok ? Mar 12 06:34:17 anybody for me? Mar 12 06:35:19 santosh, i think i remember reading something about using @(annotations) for getting methods to run at specific times but i can't find it now :P Mar 12 06:35:27 Is it possible to make a class containing an IBinder parcelable? Mar 12 06:35:48 I mean with actually considering the ibinder member Mar 12 06:41:14 hello Mar 12 06:41:15 guys Mar 12 06:41:18 any one here Mar 12 06:41:24 i want some help Mar 12 06:41:26 no :O Mar 12 06:41:38 that's cool Mar 12 06:41:45 i want to convert PendingResult to int Mar 12 06:41:49 how can i do this Mar 12 06:42:01 i tried toString method Mar 12 06:42:32 what exactly does the method do Mar 12 06:42:52 PendingResult i = Games.Leaderboards.loadCurrentPlayerLeaderboardScore(getApiClient(), getString(R.string.highscore), LeaderboardVariant.TIME_SPAN_ALL_TIME, LeaderboardVariant.COLLECTION_PUBLIC); Mar 12 06:42:59 return the leaderboard score Mar 12 06:43:40 s Mar 12 06:43:49 * Leeds thinks lots of context missing Mar 12 06:43:56 what is the return type Mar 12 06:44:09 PendingResult Mar 12 06:46:05 good on the moro Mar 12 06:46:20 afternoon Mar 12 06:47:14 anon_555, i don't know you need to ginf a way to make a toInt() method for the PendingResult class to make i.toInt() return what you want Mar 12 06:47:32 i dont have enough context to help, and even if i did that looks like a big headache haha Mar 12 06:47:43 find* Mar 12 06:50:53 good morning lemonxah Mar 12 06:50:57 any one want to exchange rate and review for app Mar 12 06:51:09 I've got some data in an arraylist which I want to share with several components, including a Service Mar 12 06:51:19 so I made it a member of my Application Mar 12 06:51:30 anon_555 your question is baffling; i don't think anyone know what you are asking :) Mar 12 06:51:30 can there be a case where the Application is killed, but my service is running? Mar 12 06:51:43 my service needs that data to stick around in memory Mar 12 06:52:13 :D Mar 12 06:52:28 RustyShackleford sticking stuff in Application sucks Mar 12 06:52:39 just make a singleton or something Mar 12 06:52:55 or make it a static member of the component that owns it Mar 12 06:53:01 owns it most :) Mar 12 06:53:09 anon_555 please, main channel Mar 12 06:53:21 well I need to open a file, parse it, and then stick that data into the arraylist Mar 12 06:53:27 how to random data sqlite, i have created my trivia quiz app but not random, so what am i do? i want to random question and random answer? :) Mar 12 06:53:31 will a singleton work? Mar 12 06:54:21 creatorb1 bro … google SQL select random row Mar 12 06:56:43 g00s yeah i know bro, when i'm not confused with gugel tutorial i don't asking on here :) i get this on google, public Cursor getRandom() {Cursor cursor = myDataBase.rawQuery( "SELECT * FROM your_table_name_here ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT your_limit", null); if (cursor.moveToFirst()) {return cursor; }return cursor; } but not work so i asking on here i hope someone learn to me step by step :D Mar 12 06:56:54 g00s: no i haven't tried it yet, give me time :P Mar 12 06:57:29 creatorb1 try #sqlite Mar 12 07:00:37 g00s: nobody respect :v Mar 12 07:01:42 pfft whatever Dangerfield Mar 12 07:02:19 creatorb1 did you address chunkyK as bro? Mar 12 07:02:24 hehe Mar 12 07:02:46 i did not see the bro .. i would have shouted so hard Mar 12 07:03:03 i hate it when kids call me bro or bru or dude or .. Mar 12 07:03:08 bra Mar 12 07:03:09 .. Mar 12 07:03:12 anyway Mar 12 07:03:19 kohii o kudasai Mar 12 07:03:20 so that happens in your parts too eh Mar 12 07:04:13 PendingResult i = Games.Leaderboards.loadCurrentPlayerLeaderboardScore(getApiClient(), getString(R.string.highscore), LeaderboardVariant.TIME_SPAN_ALL_TIME, LeaderboardVariant.COLLECTION_PUBLIC); Mar 12 07:04:23 how to convert i to int Mar 12 07:04:34 I think the bronomenon is in most internet-attached or western-exported cultures now Mar 12 07:04:44 lemonxah by any chance, did you analyze mqtt / paho memory performance ? Mar 12 07:04:48 i simple want to get leaderboard highscore from google play Mar 12 07:04:52 import eclipse project as library project in gradle ? Mar 12 07:05:20 kamol rephrase as a complete thought Mar 12 07:05:33 g00s: chunkyK? what do you mean ?? Mar 12 07:06:02 anon_555: Using the potté d plan t. Mar 12 07:06:15 :g00s specific is, https://github.com/dalinaum/PinterestLikeAdapterView which is written in eclipse. And I want to import that Library Project into Android Studio, which is in gradle Mar 12 07:06:36 i've got some kml and gpx files. How can I send mock location data to my phone now? Mar 12 07:06:41 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJxJZk1xH5k&t=48s Mar 12 07:06:58 the docs send you in a loop lol.http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/location/strategies.html#MockData Mar 12 07:07:15 click "using DDMS" and it sends you back to that link haha Mar 12 07:07:34 kamol maybe this is easier to use then https://github.com/etsy/AndroidStaggeredGrid Mar 12 07:07:38 Open DDMS and start reading the tooltips for buttons. Mar 12 07:08:11 :g00s hahaha, nice! Tq!!! Mar 12 07:09:54 I am going to get absolutely nothing done tomorrow Mar 12 07:10:03 :g00s awesome!!! hahaha Mar 12 07:10:11 ;) Mar 12 07:10:26 Nilium did you get anything done today :) Mar 12 07:10:27 Dark Souls 2 is out and I will have it by then. It's probably going to destroy my productivity for a week. Mar 12 07:10:30 g00s is my saviour! Mar 12 07:10:39 if only I wan't married Mar 12 07:11:02 I spent a while working on my MD3 converter stuff and partially working on the next version of my blog tool. Mar 12 07:11:14 :v Mar 12 07:11:33 They're both written in Go, so I spent an hour trying to get the profiler working then found out a kernel bug in OS X prevents it from working correctly. Mar 12 07:11:39 i wonder how much time it's going to take me to get a high-end understanding of android develeopment :S Mar 12 07:11:57 development* Mar 12 07:12:03 After that I went back to primitive profiling: `time ash dothings` Mar 12 07:12:36 Nilium do you think the kernel bug will be fixed ? Mar 12 07:13:01 maybe just make a little linux vm so you can use your profiling tool :) Mar 12 07:13:07 No. Was submitted as an issue to Apple in 2011 and nothing has happened. Mar 12 07:13:19 If it doesn't affect Apple, it won't get fixed. Mar 12 07:13:30 bah Mar 12 07:13:32 that sucks Mar 12 07:14:12 At any rate, I'm pretty happy with how the MD3 converter's turning out. It can currently read ~500 models in 16 seconds if I give it three or four cores to work with. Mar 12 07:14:47 Two cores is more like 22 seconds and one core is around 30 seconds. So it's definitely benefiting from the concurrency features in Go. Mar 12 07:15:52 There are probably more things I could do concurrently but the largest bottleneck is probably just IO since I read the entire file into memory to ease the process of splitting it into discrete tasks. Mar 12 07:16:41 sounds like you're learning some cool stuff Mar 12 07:17:27 So reading ~1gb of files into memory probably isn't going to get much better. I can think of ways to improve what it's already doing, but that's also not really worth the trouble since it's not really necessary to ever work on 500 models at a time. Mar 12 07:17:29 Just happens that using 500 models makes it easy to measure. Mar 12 07:22:18 hey how do I use onResoreInstanceState in a fragment keep getting an error cannot resolve method? Mar 12 07:24:57 can you use mock locations on a physical device? The menu is greyed out Mar 12 07:26:43 guys how can i test the app in all size resolutions screen from pc Mar 12 07:26:48 is that only for the emulator perhaps? Mar 12 07:27:13 g00s: that's apple for you :) Mar 12 07:27:17 anybody have a good knowledge of working with google play game service Mar 12 07:28:01 RustyShackleford, in the phone settings there should be an "allow mock locations" setting Mar 12 07:28:12 it is checked Mar 12 07:28:41 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11498936/simulate-mock-location-on-android-device-via-ddms this post doesn't look encouraging Mar 12 07:32:13 When you set requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS); you're able to (activity).setProgressBarIndeterminateVisibility(Boolean.TRUE); and a spinner shows up in the actionbar Is it possible to change this spinner ? Mar 12 07:32:26 basically getting null when passing in uri after camera is used... anyone have the same issue? Mar 12 07:34:17 tagrudev i'd like to know too; mine is too light for the background Mar 12 07:36:10 g00s, yeah I searched for that yesterday but no success so far, I am just trying to make it smaller Mar 12 07:36:26 oh yeah , its pretty big :) Mar 12 07:36:47 I would fire a question in stackoverflow hope someone knows Mar 12 07:37:03 like, "whoa!" watch out for the actionbar spinner Mar 12 07:40:30 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22344923/how-can-i-change-the-spinner-of-window-feature-indeterminate-progress-in-actionb Mar 12 07:40:33 there it goes Mar 12 07:40:38 tagrudev, g00s, from the source, defining a style for indeterminateProgressStyle might work Mar 12 07:41:05 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9162481/styling-indeterminate-progressbar-on-actionbar Mar 12 07:41:53 I would try that alex_PP moment Mar 12 07:41:58 cool, thanks alex_PP Mar 12 07:44:51 damn anyone here use the camera before? Mar 12 07:45:16 i've decided to avoid the "troube" apis :) Mar 12 07:45:24 so i'm using bluetooth :( Mar 12 07:45:59 the image url keeps coming back as null if a camera pic is taken : / Mar 12 07:49:11 alex_PP, thank you I can accept your answer in stackoverflow if you paste it there :) Mar 12 07:49:14 it works Mar 12 07:49:37 g00s, you seem like someone with a good knowledge of android dev, if you don't mind me asking, how long did it take you to get a decent knowledge of it ? :P Mar 12 07:49:44 don't worry about it tagrudev Mar 12 07:50:08 :) thanks again Mar 12 07:50:33 bluezone well, when i started in 2009 a lot of 'best practices' and patterns were tribal knowledge. nowadays, there are so many good blogs, resources, devbytes, etc Mar 12 07:50:48 the books also sucked back then Mar 12 07:51:05 it seems like to books suck now too, havent been able to find any good one's Mar 12 07:51:09 i think it would take at least 3 months Mar 12 07:51:13 3-6 mos Mar 12 07:51:17 ok Mar 12 07:51:28 it too me maybe a year Mar 12 07:51:53 but, really not that good at android. i especially stink on the UI stuff Mar 12 07:52:22 fragments are a little rough to understand haha Mar 12 07:52:24 i find the view / widget apis difficult Mar 12 07:53:06 do you know of any good books? i honestly cannot find anything that looks even remotely useful :S Mar 12 07:53:52 g00s: i have asked on #sqlite but nobody can help me bro? maybe you have more suggest....... Mar 12 07:54:35 i'm all out of suggests Mar 12 07:54:49 bluezone did you see the nerd ranch one ? Mar 12 07:55:00 g00s, yeah is that any good? Mar 12 07:55:06 other than that, just Reto's. i guess they are getting out of date Mar 12 07:55:12 yeah Mar 12 07:55:31 there seems to be a lack of them Mar 12 07:55:47 as if nobody knows what the best practices are so they are sacred to write a book on it :D Mar 12 07:56:22 'Android in Practice' was one of those books … but it also is out of date Mar 12 08:03:18 is the reto meir one any good? Mar 12 08:03:27 whoops Mar 12 08:04:28 bluezone also back then, things were a bit simpler. i mean, you could spend a few weeks just reading about groovy / gradle. that conceptual surface >> ant builds Mar 12 08:04:45 also, now we try to make apps that work on phone and tablets, in 2009 it was much simpler Mar 12 08:04:56 yeah Mar 12 08:05:10 many different screen sizes zzzzz Mar 12 08:05:31 g00s, i think i will buy the Reto book Mar 12 08:05:40 doesnt look too outdated hehe Mar 12 08:05:55 bluezone hmm, ok. its pretty thick :D Mar 12 08:06:13 yeah it's going to take me a decade to read :( Mar 12 08:06:45 bluezone balance this, with the probability there will be one or 2 announcement of new android by I/O Mar 12 08:07:00 one supposedly in the next few weeks, for different wearable form factors Mar 12 08:07:08 and i bet at I/O there will be an update Mar 12 08:07:32 so, i'd probably just try to get by with either the existing guides, or the most recent (nerd ranch) Mar 12 08:07:42 but reto was good, he had the best coverage of the canvas and stuff Mar 12 08:07:59 hmm ok Mar 12 08:08:23 the android guides are pretty good Mar 12 08:08:31 its the javadocs which are terrible in many places Mar 12 08:08:43 yes they don't explain anything properly Mar 12 08:08:50 rarely any examples etc. lol Mar 12 08:11:18 unfortunately, i think google relied a little too much on SO for their documentation ;) Mar 12 08:11:28 .. replacement for good docuementation Mar 12 08:12:36 g00s you ever work with the camera api? Mar 12 08:12:49 no Mar 12 08:12:55 damn Mar 12 08:14:03 hi guys how can i retreive user highscore from google play game service Mar 12 08:14:13 it used to have a bad reputation for differences across oems; not sure these days if things are better Mar 12 08:14:25 for example, oems reporting wrong features, etc Mar 12 08:16:12 another issue I have if anyone has it, I disabled firewall but still get no get request on my server from my device, connected to wifi went from my browser to the ip still not working Mar 12 08:17:22 can anybody help with authorization? Mar 12 08:18:57 what kind of authroization Mar 12 08:19:42 external php-api Mar 12 08:19:47 server Mar 12 08:20:09 i don't know how to realize checkbox 'remember me' Mar 12 08:20:21 how to store pass in device Mar 12 08:21:29 E/JHEAD﹕ can't open '/storage/emulated anyone know what that means Mar 12 08:21:44 maybe store hash of password in sharedprefs? Mar 12 08:35:46 probably best to store some kind of 'token' or using oauth Mar 12 08:36:12 does anyone know how to make a mysql connection on android? Mar 12 08:36:34 you're going to have to Google for that, NimbusBP1729 Mar 12 08:36:41 too primitive Mar 12 08:36:49 lol Mar 12 08:36:54 NimbusBP1729: you don't ... there's little to no need to do something like that Mar 12 08:37:01 NimbusBP1729 are you using PHP ? Mar 12 08:37:04 no Mar 12 08:37:07 no php Mar 12 08:37:17 hm, outlier Mar 12 08:37:25 is that unholy? Mar 12 08:37:44 php, yes Mar 12 08:38:01 i suppose since i set up the server i could transition to something else Mar 12 08:38:10 wait, you are using PHP ? Mar 12 08:38:15 im not Mar 12 08:38:22 just java Mar 12 08:38:33 yes, its been called server herpes Mar 12 08:38:47 java is server herpes? or php is? Mar 12 08:38:56 php Mar 12 08:39:28 I don't get it Mar 12 08:39:38 why can I have a List in my aidl file Mar 12 08:39:51 but not Set or Collection Mar 12 08:40:46 NimbusBP1729: the traditional answer is that you don't talk to mysql - you talk http to the server, and have a simple or not-so-simple layer sitting on top of your database, server-side Mar 12 08:41:28 i figured as much Mar 12 08:41:48 i am streets behind for even attempting direct sql communication Mar 12 08:41:57 yeah, don't do that Mar 12 08:42:20 i just wanted to avoid writing code serverside Mar 12 08:43:26 openjpa, spring rest templates, tomcat and you're laughin' Mar 12 08:43:45 :D Mar 12 08:43:58 if you prefer queues, you can use RabbitMQ Mar 12 08:44:00 i use scalatra on my server :) Mar 12 08:44:06 scalatra and mqtt Mar 12 08:44:26 for a service, i wouldn't use mqtt - more for eventing Mar 12 08:44:43 specifically, pub/sub eventing :D Mar 12 08:45:06 yes that is why use scalatra and mqtt Mar 12 08:45:18 request / reponse stuff, sitting on a dB … REST or queue Mar 12 08:45:22 mqtt for eventing and scalatra for data transfers Mar 12 08:45:27 best of both worlds Mar 12 08:45:55 scalatra RESTful service with mqtt eventing(messages) Mar 12 08:45:59 win win Mar 12 08:46:13 huh im reading weird stuff about using jooq on android Mar 12 08:46:14 or if you're up for some punch-in-the-crotch kinda pain, you can node it up Mar 12 08:47:02 NimbusBP1729 yeah i wondered about that Mar 12 08:47:15 i think you can use the jooq DSL, but not the other stuff Mar 12 08:47:19 if it works it would be preferable Mar 12 08:47:28 what other stuff? Mar 12 08:47:29 it requires JDBC Mar 12 08:47:48 basically, everything except the typesafe query dsl Mar 12 08:47:48 underneath? Mar 12 08:47:52 yeah Mar 12 08:48:02 if it's still using jdbc how can i use it on android? Mar 12 08:48:10 thats what i mean Mar 12 08:48:13 isnt android's jdbc issue the real problem Mar 12 08:48:19 yeah Mar 12 08:48:33 i dont think i actually understand what you mean then Mar 12 08:48:52 you can't use it as an ORM Mar 12 08:48:56 o Mar 12 08:49:00 but you can use it to make queries strings Mar 12 08:49:38 but not to execute those queries? Mar 12 08:50:01 i kinda wish google would ditch their NIH stuff like sqlite-bindings / renderscript and go with JDBC/ openCL Mar 12 08:50:18 i understand why they didnt' go with JDBC, but meh Mar 12 08:51:15 i loved jdbcUnit Mar 12 08:51:21 dbUnit Mar 12 08:58:09 guys, how to check if bt bonded device in range? Mar 12 08:58:47 try to connect to it :) Mar 12 08:58:55 if its bonded. if its not on, oh well :) Mar 12 09:01:16 g00s: mm.. okay)) 10x Mar 12 09:02:09 if its bonded you can try to connect or call BluetoothDevice. fetchUuidsWithSdp Mar 12 09:02:44 i'm noticing BT in some ways is much flakier on my N7 than my old droid-1 :| Mar 12 09:03:04 android update sdk <-- does this update the 'android tools' as well ? I'm waiting for a patch Mar 12 09:04:44 I want an alertDialog that doesn't have any title area, I don't want that blue line separator between content and title Mar 12 09:05:01 it's being produced because of the fact that I'm mentioning "alertDialog" Mar 12 09:05:20 what I've set for it as custom *is* being shown, but only under that blue line where a title is expected Mar 12 09:07:06 > probably best to store some kind of 'token' or using oauth Mar 12 09:07:29 token is equal to login+password pair Mar 12 09:07:52 if you know this token you can use server functions Mar 12 09:08:17 it's no good Mar 12 09:09:22 woozly if you meant BLE, i haven't used that yet though Mar 12 09:14:17 anyone using loopj ? Is there an option to set http caching Mar 12 09:18:27 I want my user to select a single item from a list of ~10, but I don't want to use a whole listview, I'd rather have the user scroll. Is there any other nice view I can use? One example would be a "wheel" where you see the elements before and after smaller/faded Mar 12 09:19:08 you have to requestWindowFeature no title, for my previous question Mar 12 09:20:43 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22339047/camera-picture-returning-null-url-android Mar 12 09:20:47 anyone know why this is occuring Mar 12 09:21:08 lemonxah was that scalatra / mqtt tech stack for your messaging app ? Mar 12 09:21:54 phasip spinner ? Mar 12 09:24:53 hmm okey lets try like this is anyone using http caching ? Mar 12 09:25:07 g00s: Great! Thanks Mar 12 09:26:46 LoneSoldier728: Is this something that happens on all devices? You could try the code at https://github.com/Phasip/CameraFolders/blob/master/src/com/phasip/camerafolders/ImageCapturer.java to see if it helps you Mar 12 09:27:37 just my nexus 5... but the image shows with bitmap Mar 12 09:35:09 g00s, yes :) the scalatra for registering(implicit registration, getting friends list and whot not) and mqtt for the message transport Mar 12 09:35:54 i started to think to store all the messages on the server then write a syncadapter to get the messages and only using mqtt as a trigger for the client to do it (almost like push notifications) Mar 12 09:41:15 lemonxah i wonder how facebook messenger does it Mar 12 09:41:48 they store the info somehow cause all messages are available on all devices Mar 12 09:42:02 lemonxah so the /state transfer/ version of mqtt is CoAP Mar 12 09:42:43 unrelated protocols, but both solve resource constrained / efficient transmission kind of scenario Mar 12 09:42:51 mqtt for streams, coap for state xfer Mar 12 09:43:14 yeah Mar 12 09:50:07 Gradle is failing http://pastie.org/8910933 what I am missing ? Mar 12 09:50:24 ahh not another one :( Mar 12 09:55:12 kamol come on :| Mar 12 09:55:47 g00s: I am looking Mar 12 09:55:56 you need a file local.properties that has sdk.dir=/my/path Mar 12 09:56:04 it says right there ;D Mar 12 09:58:04 I have it Mar 12 09:58:40 bankai_ have you worked with the image api? Mar 12 09:58:43 and even ANDROID_HOME is fine Mar 12 09:59:15 depends what you're asking ... Mar 12 10:00:00 I am having trouble getting the uri to open Mar 12 10:01:05 hello Mar 12 10:01:14 have anyone implemented native Ad's Mar 12 10:01:44 what's that, admob ? Mar 12 10:01:55 there is no native ads in adMob Mar 12 10:02:25 there are just banner ads and full screen ads Mar 12 10:04:17 i have integrated adMob already Mar 12 10:10:17 does any 1 know abt native install ads?? Mar 12 10:10:33 does anyone know about native install ads?? Mar 12 10:12:52 use admob Mar 12 10:13:15 hi guys, i have a problem with Linux Deploy Mar 12 10:13:17 Updating environment ... fail Mar 12 10:13:30 pastebin Mar 12 10:13:40 can someone help me? Mar 12 10:13:49 pastebin Mar 12 10:14:03 from debug mode ? Mar 12 10:14:30 paste bin what error you're getting Mar 12 10:15:50 when i chose distribution and click install Mar 12 10:16:01 i get Updating environment ... fail Mar 12 10:16:36 samsung galaxy note 2 - N7100 android 4.3 Mar 12 10:16:52 brandy_m, are you reading at all? Mar 12 10:16:57 pastebin the error Mar 12 10:17:05 pastebin the logs Mar 12 10:17:15 i dont get an error Mar 12 10:17:47 I dont understand why bitmap can open the image but I cannot get the correct uri out of it.. Mar 12 10:22:12 well that worked finally Mar 12 10:22:21 has anyone used native install ads like facebook Mar 12 10:23:07 LoneSoldier admob does not have native install ads Mar 12 10:24:05 kk Mar 12 10:24:19 Anyone use retrofit? trying to figure out how to make a call... Mar 12 10:25:06 has anyone tried nativeX ads Mar 12 10:26:03 have u tried googling it... Mar 12 10:27:58 ya i have tried.. nativeX documentation is worst and when i googled m not getting any useful result Mar 12 10:28:49 can someone help me ? Mar 12 10:28:56 either no 1 has tried it o every 1 who tried wre successful expect me... Mar 12 10:31:28 Lonesoldier i wanted something like dis http://imgur.com/wqRKJiZ.. right side mobile with listview sponsored ad of clash of clans Mar 12 10:32:07 has anyone tried native ads like dis http://imgur.com/wqRKJiZ.. right side mobile with listview sponsored ad of clash of clans Mar 12 10:35:36 yeah it is cool I can actually make use of it in the future ut no need for it now Mar 12 10:46:08 yo Mar 12 10:46:40 yo Mar 12 10:47:21 has anyone tried native ads ? Mar 12 10:47:57 something like in facebook,which shows as "sponsored",as a part of news feed Mar 12 10:52:12 rak_: why are you logged in twice to ask identical questions? Mar 12 10:52:40 in case you had his other nick on block Mar 12 10:53:11 oh,thats my friend out there Mar 12 10:53:37 your friend coming from the same IP and asking the same question? Mar 12 10:53:59 same ip ? can u please tell the nick Mar 12 10:54:41 er, no Mar 12 10:55:17 so what is the problem now ? Mar 12 10:56:21 is calling the retrofit method suppose to be enough for sending a request... Mar 12 10:57:07 Retrofit has a very simple sample that shows how it works Mar 12 10:59:25 im ready Mar 12 10:59:30 Leeds,we both are on same network Mar 12 11:00:11 SimonVT: is vt virginia tech? or vermont? Mar 12 11:01:03 Neither Mar 12 11:01:17 NimbusBP1729: he just likes to let people know that he's Very Tall Mar 12 11:01:28 Exactly! Mar 12 11:01:34 or Very Trying Mar 12 11:01:36 voluptuous tonsils Mar 12 11:01:54 Very tired Mar 12 11:02:03 you and me both, brother Mar 12 11:02:23 virtually toneless Mar 12 11:02:38 very tallentless Mar 12 11:02:39 viral threat Mar 12 11:02:47 I'm sorry i didn't mean it Mar 12 11:02:52 nvm,my bad Mar 12 11:03:18 well, that turned dark... Mar 12 11:04:12 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Mar 12 11:04:23 oh now that is a cool face Mar 12 11:04:47 I should go to a thing Mar 12 11:04:50 That's not very nice Mar 12 11:06:23 vague typer Mar 12 11:06:32 all of his answers are vague Mar 12 11:07:04 That's true Mar 12 11:07:41 volatile thread Mar 12 11:07:58 I suspect that like a lot of things around here, it'll a) be quite ruby/js oriented, and b) lay on food without admitting to the existence of vegetarians... Mar 12 11:08:17 but it's a thing, and it's about 5 minutes walk from home, so there's not much excuse :) Mar 12 11:15:42 Hello. I have a custom theme which is mostly based around transparent interface elements with white text on them. Now I want a dialogue (with the default holo light theme) with a NumberPicker inside of it. I cannot get the text in the numberpicker to not be white. How do I do this? Mar 12 11:15:53 brandy_m, without context no one will be able to help .. we could speculate about whats wrong but that will waste time .. Mar 12 11:16:01 give us the gradle output Mar 12 11:16:15 do a ./gradlew assemble and give us the output or something Mar 12 11:16:32 I tried specifying a theme as the second argument to the dialogue builder but I'm not sure it is even being picked up at all. Mar 12 11:16:52 its like saying hey i have a math problem it always results in 5 .. what is the problem Mar 12 11:17:08 but not giving us the equations Mar 12 11:17:20 lol Mar 12 11:17:22 That's jeopardy and the problem is: What is 3+2? Mar 12 11:17:53 it could be .. what is 5*1 Mar 12 11:18:05 what is (26 -1) / 5 Mar 12 11:18:55 what is 125 / ( 5 * 5 ) Mar 12 11:18:58 lol anyway Mar 12 11:19:07 that's numberwang Mar 12 11:21:26 I've tried a few solutions from Google but can't figure out how to solve this error: INSTALL_FAILED_INVALID_APK Mar 12 11:21:30 Any thoughts? Mar 12 11:24:13 apple741, how do you make the apk? Mar 12 11:31:32 5/1 Mar 12 11:32:35 remove your dexed libs,and re build it again Mar 12 11:40:17 lemonxah: Just the standard way? It worked fine yesterday so I'm not sure what changed. Mar 12 11:41:19 delete the dexed libs folder Mar 12 11:41:26 and try again Mar 12 11:41:45 are you using AS? Mar 12 11:43:05 oh sorry rak_ didn't realise you were talking to me :) Mar 12 11:43:14 lemonxah: Thats right :) Mar 12 11:43:37 morning all. In my intellij project I wanted to try the nullity inference. The IDE prompted me to add the annotations jar. So far so good. It did it for me. I see that in the project pane under external libraries. So, and this is my NooBness no doubt, why can I not see it as a library in the section "libraries" under project settings? Mar 12 11:43:55 apple741, yes do wat rak_ has said if that doesn't work you could also invalidate caches and restart then rebuild Mar 12 11:43:56 quick n00bie questions: Im working with the map API and am using getProviders to find all Enabled providers. I am starting the method in which I do that from a super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); method. For the rest there is no other code. When I start the app, it runs the onCreate method 3 times. The first time getProviders comes back with all provideres, including the GPS which I have Mar 12 11:43:57 disabled. The 2nd and 3rd time it comes back without GPS. Between the first and second check i also get the message "Disabled GPS probider" on the phone itself. Mar 12 11:44:15 no problem apple741 Mar 12 11:44:39 Questions: 1; Why does the super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); fucntion fire 3 times within 5 seconds of starting the app, and not just Once? Mar 12 11:45:22 2: Why does the GPS appear in the first check with getProviders? Doesn't the function check for them? Or should it wait for something else that does the checking? Mar 12 12:04:51 Hi guys. Do you have an idea where this dev took the icons from? --> https://github.com/cbeyls/fosdem-companion-android/blob/master/res/drawable-xhdpi/ Mar 12 12:04:51 I looked in the platform SDK, and I cannot find all of these icons in the holo theme light. Mar 12 12:07:30 some as innocuous as a fucking Rect's constructor changes between versions. :( Mar 12 12:15:10 cool stuff http://www.businessinsider.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-pcell-2014-3 Mar 12 12:15:48 mikedg still doing android? haven't gone crazy yet? long time no see Mar 12 12:16:01 yeah :) Mar 12 12:16:18 i've been so busy lately, that irc has fallen to the wayside Mar 12 12:17:00 busy doing android? or Glass? Mar 12 12:17:07 both Mar 12 12:17:17 cool Mar 12 12:17:19 Glass for fun and a little bit of work, mostly android for work though Mar 12 12:17:40 i guess in a few weeks there will be some new android apis eh? Mar 12 12:17:48 just did a talk and fireside chat at WearablesDevCon last week Mar 12 12:18:01 yeah I'm excited about the new wearable sdk Mar 12 12:18:01 oh nice :) Mar 12 12:18:17 i hope it doesnt push Glass into a Google TV like situation where that team is segregated from mainline Android Mar 12 12:21:24 mikedg what was you talk about ? Mar 12 12:23:37 ah found it Mar 12 12:23:51 creating products for google glass at a high level, aimed at people who think they might want to make something for glass or other HMD's but havent had much if any hands on time Mar 12 12:24:09 kind of an overview to help them get an idea of what deep dive sessions ot goto Mar 12 12:25:25 whoa philippe kahn was there ? Mar 12 12:25:25 goddamnit Mar 12 12:25:38 just noticed that my pebble wiped all my apps Mar 12 12:25:41 g00s yup Mar 12 12:26:08 it was the second keynote Mar 12 12:26:14 the other was jenny murphy from google Mar 12 12:29:27 Does someone knows something about Retrofit? Mar 12 12:29:36 Hi, I am attempting to follow a tutorial on implementing some basic game mechanics, but I am unsure of how to properly implement/call my ondraw method. Could anyone lend me a hand? Mar 12 12:29:41 Here is the tutorial: http://obviam.net/index.php/a-very-basic-the-game-loop-for-android/ Mar 12 12:30:37 check kilobolt.com Mar 12 12:30:47 there are very good tutorials Mar 12 12:31:36 mikedg reading your author bio looks like you are doing a lot of presentations & stuff; that great. get to know lots of people Mar 12 12:31:52 yeah, ive been having a ton of fun doing the talks lately Mar 12 12:32:16 it's been hard work, but definitely worth it. Had a chance ot meet a lot of people from in the commmunity that I've only spoken to on Google+ Mar 12 12:32:17 or irc Mar 12 12:32:56 working for a digital marketing agency also gives me some odd opportunities too. I got to be a mentor at a mobile marketing conference in November Mar 12 12:33:07 hey having issues connecting to localhost from my android phone anyone ever connect it... trying to test get/post requests Mar 12 12:34:09 lonequid: what port are you using? Mar 12 12:34:09 using gcm ? Mar 12 12:34:19 3000 Mar 12 12:34:24 think of it like a unix system, you aren't going to be able to grab those fancy low ports Mar 12 12:34:26 oh :/ Mar 12 12:34:41 have you tried instead of local host? Mar 12 12:34:50 yeah i use my ip actually Mar 12 12:35:53 i have been stuck on this for 4 hours now annoying Mar 12 12:36:26 hi,have anyone tried implementing native ads ? Mar 12 12:42:14 hoa Mar 12 12:42:17 q ta Mar 12 12:42:18 ? Mar 12 12:42:27 hellooooooooooooooooooo Mar 12 12:43:27 .r help Mar 12 12:43:28 help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help help Mar 12 12:43:33 .c Mar 12 12:43:36 .j freenode Mar 12 12:43:43 b0t, how about you stop spamming? Mar 12 12:43:49 yeah... Mar 12 12:43:56 its flood, not spamming Mar 12 12:43:58 lol Mar 12 12:46:05 LoneSoldier728, did you try wiresharking your requests? Mar 12 12:46:09 to see what's going on? Mar 12 12:46:18 what do you mean by that Mar 12 12:46:31 .n gheraint-GAY Mar 12 12:46:34 has anyone tried to append ads in listview has chat similar to facebook messgener feed Mar 12 12:46:34 never heard of that Mar 12 12:46:41 .j freenode Mar 12 12:46:45 LoneSoldier728, wireshark is a tool that can sniff network connections Mar 12 12:47:01 LoneSoldier728, you install it on your computer and see (on low level) what happens on your network Mar 12 12:47:10 so you can see if Android doesn't respond or if it does what does it say Mar 12 12:47:46 where do I get it... Mar 12 12:49:32 is it a regular download Mavrik... because I prefer not to download something that does not have too much information around it Mar 12 12:49:39 LoneSoldier728: http://bit.ly/1fpJfm3 Mar 12 12:50:29 ah ok thanks, didnt see there website in my search Mar 12 12:51:14 maybe your machine has firewall :) Mar 12 12:52:24 LoneSoldier728, what are you needing to sniff out on the network? (I'm a bit late to the punch) Mar 12 12:52:52 .r hepme Mar 12 12:52:52 hepme hepme hepme hepme hepme hepme hepme hepme hepme hepme hepme hepme hepme hepme hepme hepme hepme hepme hepme hepme hepme hepme hepme hepme hepme hepme hepme hepme hepme hepme Mar 12 12:53:02 I am trying to get my mobile device connected to my localhost server Mar 12 12:53:27 wut is a localhost sever Mar 12 12:53:29 localhost? Mar 12 12:53:42 basically I have my server up on my pc Mar 12 12:53:48 as localhost Mar 12 12:54:00 and want to call requests (get/post) from my android device for testing Mar 12 12:54:00 you have your server named "localhost"? Mar 12 12:54:06 ok, so you need to poin it to something like or whatever your router gave you Mar 12 12:54:11 yeah i used the ip Mar 12 12:54:33 it doesnt load up takes ages then gives me an error... Mar 12 12:55:07 Mavrik will be cool when wireshark switches from GTK to Qt Mar 12 12:55:09 Hi all, I have a problem with my supportedMapFragment. I must remove it from the fragmentmanager (for handle a duplicate), but how can I reuse it? when going back to my Fragment which contains the googlemap? Mar 12 12:55:15 I'm probably confused here... but if the hostname of your server is localhost, everything trying to get to that by DNS will loopback Mar 12 12:55:34 i just read here that the chromium team was going to abandon GTK also for some new google UI toolkit called Auro Mar 12 12:55:36 *Aura Mar 12 12:56:57 well localhost @unicornGod is the same as putting the ip:port Mar 12 12:57:19 i can access it from the ip as well Mar 12 12:57:39 localhost is a loopback, are you trying to access your server from your server? Mar 12 12:57:42 just from my phone it is not hitting... I am using wireshark just do not understand it Mar 12 12:57:42 Situation: FragmentA (has mapfragment), go to FragmentB, possibility to go to another FragmentA --> for the first step (fragmentA to fragmentB), I need to remove the googlemapFragment, else it will be a duplicate error Mar 12 12:58:56 I have my pc that is running nodejs ip:3000 (ip being 192.168...) and it is using wifi, and I have my phone connected to wifi as well and trying to hit it from the mobile Mar 12 12:59:12 trying to send a request to the pc Mar 12 12:59:36 what os is the server running? Mar 12 12:59:42 so yeah, look at firewall logs ; try wireshark Mar 12 13:00:26 if your running *nix, edit your iptables. If you're using Windows and your NAT'd, turn off Windows firewall Mar 12 13:00:37 nodejs windows Mar 12 13:00:38 g00s, yeah, currently each version is broken in more creative ways on my OS X :P Mar 12 13:00:44 i have firewall off Mar 12 13:01:28 any anti malware software that's acting as network protection? Mar 12 13:02:22 ok idk what just happened but it is working now Mar 12 13:04:16 so I guess now the question is why is retrofit not sending the request Mar 12 13:06:54 Guys I need a path, a path to knowledge about how to make a button inside the preference button in my app, how do I do that? Mar 12 13:07:20 Rubas: what do you mean button in your preference button ? Mar 12 13:08:44 SirLagz: In my app there is 3 square dots, when I press on it, it shows me a dropdown menu with one button called Settings, how do I add another one above Settings and call it Info? Mar 12 13:09:15 ah Mar 12 13:09:17 SirLagz: the 3 dots is in the right upper corner Mar 12 13:10:14 http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/menus.html <-- have you had a look through this doco Rubas ? Mar 12 13:10:21 Still no one, for a complete Holo light icon pack? Mar 12 13:10:34 like this one for example http://www.spiderflyapps.com/downloads/android-developer-icons-the-font/ Mar 12 13:10:40 wget: I just use the one that Android provide... Mar 12 13:10:45 but I cannot use fonts in toolbars :-( Mar 12 13:11:11 SirLagz: I don't think so, will look at it thanks! :) Mar 12 13:11:11 Rubas: also this -> http://developer.android.com/design/patterns/actionbar.html Mar 12 13:11:15 SirLagz: Yep for sure, but the SDK doesn't provide all non holo icon version in their holo counterpart :-( Mar 12 13:11:20 wget: true Mar 12 13:11:54 SirLagz: So I need a pack which looks like the native Android icons. Like the one I proposed; Mar 12 13:12:16 Thanks SirLagz Mar 12 13:12:52 Rubas: no problems Mar 12 13:12:55 SirLagz: The guy who developped the FOSDEM app is using some icon pack he hasn't precised. https://github.com/cbeyls/fosdem-companion-android/tree/master/res/drawable-xhdpi Mar 12 13:19:50 Morning Mar 12 13:20:12 evening Mar 12 13:22:10 Does mAlarmManager.set(...) set a one-time event? Mar 12 13:23:18 Anyone here used Timer? Mar 12 13:23:22 and TimerTask? Mar 12 13:27:30 Hello. Could anyone please tell me what is wrong with my ontouch listener? It works fine for ACTION_UP but I get no response form ACTION_MOVE: http://pastie.org/8911354 Mar 12 13:27:43 DOWN* Mar 12 13:31:15 How does the default hash function work? Does it has the instance id of an object? or the members of that object? Mar 12 13:31:26 Does it hash* Mar 12 13:32:48 What's the best aproach to update my listview each 300 ms? Mar 12 13:34:07 SidGBF, http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/concurrent/ScheduledExecutorService.html#scheduleAtFixedRate(java.lang.Runnable, long, long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) Mar 12 13:34:19 jonc-1: thanks :) Mar 12 13:34:28 that is all 1 url Mar 12 13:34:36 and no problem Mar 12 13:44:12 any thoughts on intellij's annotations.jav vs androidannotations.jar? Mar 12 13:47:21 rgr, those aren't comparable in any way :) Mar 12 13:55:05 this is really good, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15316601/why-is-git-pull-considered-harmful Mar 12 13:59:19 Are they not? I just saw the nullity equivalence. I'll read on. Mar 12 14:03:09 Has there been any recent changed to the build process for ndk projects? I have been getting a lot of java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError seemingly randomly since updating to build tools version 19.0.3, and the most recent gradle plug in Mar 12 14:28:22 SirLagz: how do I make a menu like figure 5 at http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/menus.html Mar 12 14:28:28 do you know that? :) Mar 12 14:29:18 Rubas: not off the top of my head. Though that Checkable Menu Items section next to figure 5 seems to relate. Mar 12 14:30:17 SirLagz: when I do it like that, it just makes the menu checkable, but I wish to have a pop up menu like the one shown in Figure 5 :( Mar 12 14:39:20 maven-android-plugin is generating a proguard line longer than 8191 characters. This seems to be due to repeated addition of -injars rather than shoving them all into one -injars line. Is there anything I can do about this? Mar 12 14:46:36 Hello, i've run into a bit of a roadblock when it comes to remotely accessing an android device. Is there a fairly easy way to communicate with an android device, without requiring root priviledges? Mar 12 14:46:47 I know rooting the device would be inifinitely easier Mar 12 14:47:20 i'm looking into using SSH, but what kind of functionality would I be limited to? Would I be able to change configurations, and how easy would it be to change configurations through scripting? Mar 12 14:48:07 comm via websockets maybe? Mar 12 14:48:57 NimbusBP1729: That is an option, but full control over the system would be a huge benefit Mar 12 14:49:05 I mean, I suppose I could write a dumb terminal Mar 12 14:50:56 i tried out SSH droid, and it seems like i'm limited to the generated home folder Mar 12 14:51:35 Guys, I have some problem in andEngine. I have some several ButtonSprite in Entity then I attacht this entity to scene... how I sould register touchArea for those ButtonSprite? Mar 12 14:53:28 * pfn wrote recontrolr years ago... Mar 12 15:03:07 what states for buttons are there? pressed, not pressed and hover Mar 12 15:03:13 isn't that it? Mar 12 15:03:35 Being a long time maven user, I can't wrap my head around gradle yet. Android Studio downloads it every time, is that how is it supposed to work o what? Mar 12 15:03:50 Sicp: disabled Mar 12 15:03:57 right Mar 12 15:03:59 ok Mar 12 15:07:04 yeah idk, do I really need to root my device to do any sort of remote work on it? Mar 12 15:07:09 It seems that way Mar 12 15:10:31 Anyone here familiar with using Admob with the amazon store? Mar 12 15:12:33 I can't seem to link to the amazon app from the admob console, it seems to only allow iOS and google play? Mar 12 15:15:14 How do I style ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_LIST in 2.3 like ics+ in ActionBarSherlock? Mar 12 15:16:26 morning dev Mar 12 15:18:22 I have been following the "adding actionbar w/ action buttons" tutorial on dev.android and im at a point where we begin theme'ing the action bar but when i test my project and drag down the action bar and look for the settings and search buttons we just created they are not there. Mar 12 15:18:25 http://developer.android.com/training/basics/actionbar/styling.html Mar 12 15:18:53 At this point should my program have a functioning action-bar or should I continue applying the theme before the action bar w/ buttons will show up? Mar 12 15:19:48 Mhm.. is there anything changed in kitkat regarding background services? Since kitkat my background services get killed randomly and dont come back even with return sticky Mar 12 15:20:00 no worthful logcat log regarding this issue Mar 12 15:21:38 misterli: There is a change in kitkat Mar 12 15:22:57 Yeah? Which one? How does it affect services? Mar 12 15:23:49 i'm searching Mar 12 15:24:07 ty Mar 12 15:25:18 misterli: You use alarmManager? Mar 12 15:26:04 No Mar 12 15:26:07 RETURN_STICKY Mar 12 15:26:12 And a Thread within the onStart Mar 12 15:26:35 misterli: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20636330/start-sticky-does-not-work-on-android-kitkat-edit-and-jelly-bean Mar 12 15:27:00 omg.. thank you Mar 12 15:27:04 i start hating developing for android Mar 12 15:27:15 when i chose distribution and click install Mar 12 15:27:20 hi guys, i have a problem with Linux Deploy Mar 12 15:27:28 i get Updating environment ... fail Mar 12 15:27:29 what's a good android game engine Mar 12 15:27:32 I can see a lot Mar 12 15:27:34 how do i detect which other apps are installed on users android device? (so as to show user associated devices)? Mar 12 15:27:42 and it's just too much to chose Mar 12 15:27:44 PackageMAnager.. Mar 12 15:27:46 my brain is gonna explode Mar 12 15:28:05 also misterli check that https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/android-developers/H-DSQ4-tiac Mar 12 15:28:21 I was seeing JPCT-AE Mar 12 15:28:31 but then there are also hundreds more :s Mar 12 15:28:50 some of them are not open-source... I think I need opensource Mar 12 15:29:46 really. I start hating coding for Android Mar 12 15:29:49 Anyone here familiar with using Admob with the amazon store? Mar 12 15:29:51 compatibility is crap. Mar 12 15:30:03 misterli: well, Go 4.4 :D Mar 12 15:30:32 it still sucks, sorry. Mar 12 15:30:46 Why the hell should the lifecycle of a service be changed Mar 12 15:31:03 It was always: Services with return_sticky will be called again onec enough memory is available Mar 12 15:31:04 aaaah Mar 12 15:31:09 I need a game engine Mar 12 15:31:15 misterli: for supporting device with less memory (512mb) Mar 12 15:31:47 haha.. 4.4 with less then 512mb? Mar 12 15:32:02 less memory then before >> 512mb Mar 12 15:32:12 c'mon. Mar 12 15:32:20 If a background service require more then 512mb then it's coded like crap Mar 12 15:32:46 misterli, the entire operating system is meant to run on less than 512mb now, not a particular service Mar 12 15:34:06 well Mar 12 15:34:15 Android 3.2 was working well on 512mb and less Mar 12 15:34:43 there was no Android 3 Mar 12 15:34:50 it was just a fever dream Mar 12 15:35:22 At least this doesnt matter. It should be still a "Cascade". Even when it now support devices less then 512mb all "basic"techniques should be remain the same Mar 12 15:35:34 Why the heck should a background services return sticky be "deprecated" Mar 12 15:36:26 an example show this: context.getPackageManager() Mar 12 15:36:34 but context is undefined. how do i get it? Mar 12 15:36:48 misterli: Well, at least you don't need to fix RTL problem on android 2.3 :| Mar 12 15:42:02 btw.. one more question: Mar 12 15:42:21 Is there any way to get Android Virtual Device to work behind a proxy? I can get it working if I don't include the -http-proxy parameter but I can't if I include it when starting the AVD. Mar 12 15:42:23 When i install an app from the playstore and the app has an receiver. Like Network Broadcastreceiver, BatteryReceiver, whatever. Is this called even when the app was not even started? Mar 12 15:42:32 rainmanjam, are you kidding me? :D Mar 12 15:42:43 rainmanjam> Is there any way to get Android Virtual Device to work behind a proxy? I can get it working if I don't include the -http-proxy parameter but I can't if I include it when starting the AVD. Mar 12 15:42:43 Yes. Genymotion. Mar 12 15:42:43 It supports Proxys Mar 12 15:42:43 Does it work with Calabash? Mar 12 15:42:43 Sure why nbot? Mar 12 15:42:44 It's like a real device ex except that it's GL Engine is more likely a little bit buggy Mar 12 15:43:12 I love Genymotion Mar 12 15:43:14 misterli: I remember your conversation. I was looking for a second opinion Mar 12 15:43:33 It's the best opinion. Mar 12 15:49:03 Well, someone have any idea how to write this string currently on Navigation Spinner at ABS on 2.3? "ט'10"? because it shown as "ט'01"... Mar 12 15:51:26 Trying to use GCM, it still fails on some devices. In this answer: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17618982/gcm-service-not-available-on-android-2-2 I have to put my package name. If my app uses multiple packages... which do I use? Mar 12 15:54:36 Anyone here familiar with using Admob with the amazon store? I can't seem to link to the amazon app from the admob console, it seems to only allow iOS and google play? Mar 12 15:54:40 hi there. i have the following problem and cannot find an answer. i want to run an intent each time i press the menu button, so that no menu appears. this is working, but just for the first time i press the button. Mar 12 15:55:48 i'm calling the onCreateOptionsMenu method in my main activity an run the intent directly like: http://pastebin.com/JyBkYPDF Mar 12 15:55:53 any ideas how to fix this? Mar 12 16:01:41 dont answer, i found out htat i just have to call : invalidateOptionsMenu () after the creation of the activity before i return true Mar 12 16:02:34 so much 9-patch goodness... Mar 12 16:03:21 you want to cancel the menu? Mar 12 16:03:33 why override onCreateOptionsMenu in the first place? Mar 12 16:03:50 oh, when pressing the menu the intent fires Mar 12 16:04:24 Sicp, it just fires once if i press the mnu button Mar 12 16:04:38 very strange request Mar 12 16:04:47 look into it, you're probably breaking some major rule here Mar 12 16:04:51 i just need one option in the menu, so it looks better if i dont show a menu Mar 12 16:05:00 who presses the menu button and expects something other than a menu to appear? Mar 12 16:05:14 oh, a menu should appear Mar 12 16:05:19 but it runs in its own activity Mar 12 16:05:41 this menu is that big that i makes no sense to put it into a menuxml Mar 12 16:06:12 before i ha a button options which startet the options activity Mar 12 16:07:03 but it looks crappy if there is just one option in the optionsmenu, so i started to think about: how can i just click once and not twice Mar 12 16:07:11 but usually you press menu, then you press Settings, and then what you're talking about appears.. Mar 12 16:07:15 no it doesn't Mar 12 16:07:20 this is how millions of apps do it Mar 12 16:07:25 maybe Mar 12 16:07:32 be special elsewhere :P Mar 12 16:07:38 in the idea of your app maybe Mar 12 16:07:45 but concerning your question, sorry I don't know Mar 12 16:08:03 oh, the app is special ;) but the customer didn't want that he had to press twice :D Mar 12 16:08:19 thx anyway Mar 12 16:09:00 What do you do on devices without a menu button then? Mar 12 16:10:36 all devices ha a menu button in the menubar as long as i dont be in fullscreen mode Mar 12 16:10:57 and i use the support libs Mar 12 16:11:06 Uhm.. Mar 12 16:11:11 The overflow action is not a menu button Mar 12 16:11:43 you get one there if you use support libs ;) Mar 12 16:12:03 Oh, the legacy button? Mar 12 16:12:26 For all the outdated apps that haven't updated yet? Mar 12 16:12:47 That has nothing to do with the support library Mar 12 16:13:21 didn't know that simon, but as long as it work this will be fine Mar 12 16:13:31 hello, do you chaps think you might mind taking a look at this? http://redd.it/208ade It is a simple issue Mar 12 16:19:26 it's tough to follow the flow of execution through handlerthreads Mar 12 16:19:58 wish it were simpler Mar 12 16:23:08 mango_man what do you mean Mar 12 16:25:37 canvs2321-: stuff like oh, so i'm calling queueThumbnail() on an instance of handlerthread, which itself has a bunch of callbacks for its Looper, and within those callbacks there are callbacks for posting and handling messages, and oh - you also need references to Handlers on both threads Mar 12 16:25:49 it's too complicated Mar 12 16:26:27 and not even that much code Mar 12 16:29:14 Anyone know of a cross platform tester (iOS, Android)? Simulate clicks / touch events, and have functional tests to check values? Mar 12 16:31:27 Bear10: i saw a vagrant post /r/androiddev awhile back Mar 12 16:31:35 one sec lemme find it Mar 12 16:32:24 Bear10: http://www.christopherbiscardi.com/2014/03/08/getting-started-with-robolectric-headless-android-testing-with-vagrant/ Mar 12 16:32:27 looks great Mar 12 16:35:33 If I am already needing to support API Level 10, is there any reason not to go ahead and specify API Level 8? Mar 12 16:35:39 I wanna get the Bitmap from my custom SurfaceView and this is what i did https://gist.github.com/bubuzzz/3682e935070a2575d5b2 Mar 12 16:36:05 however, the returned bitmap is shifted into the wrong position Mar 12 16:36:14 this is the original https://www.dropbox.com/s/c7inqjlstnbj154/2.jpg Mar 12 16:36:22 and this is the returned one https://www.dropbox.com/s/98qfda10andzlxm/1394640810175.png Mar 12 16:36:38 why is that ? Mar 12 16:37:37 have no clue for this since the code is pretty simple Mar 12 16:38:48 I can't seem to link to the amazon app from the admob console, it seems to only allow iOS and google play? Mar 12 16:38:57 Has anyone else experienced this issue? Mar 12 16:39:17 Mango_Man: thanks Mar 12 16:40:24 apple741: Apple hates Amazon ;) Mar 12 16:40:32 yes, that is what I wondered Mar 12 16:42:30 I know it used to be possible but it doesn't seem to accept the amazon url any more Mar 12 16:43:43 Mango_Man: only problem is it's not cross platform :( Mar 12 16:43:48 atleast the roboelectric isnt Mar 12 16:44:26 Bear10: :( Mar 12 16:49:45 bubuzzz: I know, pretty dumb question but you sure width and height is in correct order? Mar 12 16:50:40 XXCoder1: sorry, i dont understand your question Mar 12 16:51:12 you mean the createBitmap(width, height, bimapConfig) ? Mar 12 16:51:29 yeah oh hey your bad result is square Mar 12 16:52:19 wonder if draw isnt drawing at 0,0 Mar 12 16:52:34 I had Power outage and now eclipse show all my project & libraries as errors. how do I solve that? Mar 12 16:52:45 heya Mar 12 16:53:38 XXCoder1: ok, I also have scroll function (this.scrollBy(x, y) in the onTouch function). Wonder if this is the root cause Mar 12 16:53:40 will check it out Mar 12 16:53:50 good luck Mar 12 16:53:57 XXCoder1: thank man :) Mar 12 16:54:01 np Mar 12 16:54:33 I want to read sms from my usb attached device using adb. I found this hint:adb shell 'sqlite3 /data/data/com.android.providers.telephony/databases/mmssms.db "SELECT address, date, body FROM sms"' but I am getting " sqlite3: not found " Mar 12 16:55:33 yola: try "adb shell" first Mar 12 16:55:39 then type sqlite3 Mar 12 16:55:43 what do you have Mar 12 16:56:13 bubuzzz: same, sqlite3:not found Mar 12 16:56:29 yola: on galaxy Y same as you, on Nexus 4 on kitkat it works Mar 12 16:57:09 google has many result for that errors Mar 12 17:10:16 I have a ListView and a Cursor containing one row. I want the ListView to take every *column* in the Cursor and display it in a TwoLineListItem. Think alarm clock settings etc. I have been trying to use Sim pleCursorAdapter.setViewBinder, but I'm a bit stuck. I don't think SimpleCursorAdapter lets me iterate through the columns in my Cursor. Is this the right approach, or should I forget SimpleCursorAdapter and extend ResourceCu Mar 12 17:11:37 JakeWharton: com.oprah.bees.android! Mar 12 17:13:45 hi Mar 12 17:14:01 can i use Bitmap.createScaledBitmap to resize image to more big ? Mar 12 17:14:08 my image is with 110 Mar 12 17:14:36 i need 220 px, i try: Bitmap.createScaledBitmap(bitmap, bitmap.getWidth()*2, bitmap.getHeight()*2, true); Mar 12 17:14:39 but is not work Mar 12 17:17:15 bubuzzz: any luck Mar 12 17:18:26 XXCoder1: nope. trying to find any api to shift back the rectangle or anything like that atm Mar 12 17:18:34 ok Mar 12 17:19:37 t0th_-, you should be getting an exception if it doesn't work. however, i've had that function on android fail without throwing. the probably was as expected, memory exhaustion. Mar 12 17:20:33 I have a ListView and a Cursor containing one row. I want the ListView to take every *column* in the Cursor and display it in a TwoLineListItem. Think alarm clock settings etc. I have been trying to use Sim pleCursorAdapter.setViewBinder, but I'm a bit stuck. I don't think SimpleCursorAdapter lets me iterate through the columns in my Cursor. Is this the right approach, or should I forget SimpleCursorAdapter and extend ResourceCu Mar 12 17:23:09 antgel: I don't think CursorAdapter is going to allow you to arbitrarily produce views based on columns. Can you rework your database to be multiple rows instead? Mar 12 17:26:56 Guh, with ShinobiCharts how do I disable drawing axes? Mar 12 17:27:04 jjnye: you don't think, or you know for sure my database is badly structured? because it seems sane to me. table "alarm" has columns "time", "alert-type", "repeat-type", etc. i just want a way to display these things in a settings-type screen. perhaps i should just abandon list view and create a view with copied and pasted lines for each database column? but that feels wrong too Mar 12 17:27:29 Hi there. I have a bit of a silly question but nonetheless... I'm adding in an external library to my project. When the documentation says "Add ExFilePicker library as a dependency to your project".. Are they saying grab their jar file and dump it in your libs folder... ? Mar 12 17:27:55 What's the recommended method of using a 3rd party library Mar 12 17:29:37 Actually, I'm guessing you grab the entire 3rd party project, as it will need it's own resource files etc won't it.. ? Mar 12 17:29:45 antgel, your number of column is not fixed? Mar 12 17:30:46 hi. is possible to change the google play app link? Mar 12 17:30:52 or maybe create an alias to it? Mar 12 17:32:06 google play links are by package name or developer name, you cant change that without changing the package or developer Mar 12 17:32:14 mhm Mar 12 17:32:18 but you can redirect for your own domain Mar 12 17:32:51 example.com/app/download or something Mar 12 17:33:04 s/for/from Mar 12 17:33:32 Can anyone explain why after I have imported a 3rd party project into my workspace, code in my own project is not able to resolve certain classes from the external project? Mar 12 17:35:07 timemage: yes, the number of columns is fixed and known. why do you ask? the reason i didn't hard-code an xml layout with the right number of lines for my columns is that then if i add a setting, i have to alter something in the layout xml, this seems like duplication, i'd like to just change it in the database and adapter. but if i'm thinking wrongly, please let me know Mar 12 17:35:59 antgel: might make more sense to have one database table for storing your alarms another table that holds each setting as a row Mar 12 17:36:20 antgel, i asked because i didn't understand your question. Mar 12 17:36:40 timemage: sorry it wasn't clear. do you understand it now? Mar 12 17:36:57 antgel, no. Mar 12 17:37:07 jjnye: why? (serious question) Mar 12 17:37:10 haha, okay, i'll try again Mar 12 17:39:25 my app has several alarm clocks. each alarm clock has a number of settings e.g. time, beep, repeat. these are stored in a database table "alarms" with columns _id, time, beep, repeat etc. i want to show these settings for the user to view and edit. i have a ListView, but the problem is that the SimpleCursorAdapter shows one row per element. i'm trying to understand what is the "best" way to have these database columns mapped to Mar 12 17:39:45 timemage: ^^ Mar 12 17:40:34 antgel, SimpleCursorAdapter is not responible for how many columns get viewed. that is the child view of the listview. you can make your own. Mar 12 17:41:04 timemage: make my own what? Adapter? View? sorry, i'm new to android Mar 12 17:41:26 antgel, your own view representing each item. that becomes the child view of your listview. Mar 12 17:41:30 I can't seem to link to an amazon app from the admob console, it seems to only allow iOS and google play? Mar 12 17:41:39 antgel: if you want to back it with an adapter, you'll have to make your own. SimpleCursorAdapter will only produce as many views are there are rows (which in this case is 1) Mar 12 17:42:41 So i'm having a ton of issues with getting two different android devices, on two different computers from becoming debugging environments Mar 12 17:42:42 antgel, there are a couple of buildin android resources for displaying a 1 or 2 columns. thats' what most people use by default. once you need to do anything else, stylewise or in number of columns, you need to create your own custom view and hand that to the system. Mar 12 17:42:50 Windows just throws code 10 errors left and right Mar 12 17:44:36 antgel, look at the SimpleCursorAdapter' constructor's second parameter. Mar 12 17:45:09 jjnye: right, which brings me back to my original question - will I be able to achieve this via SimpleCursorAdapter.setViewBinder(new ViewBinder() ... ) or extending ResourceCursorAdapter, or neither and I should change my database format? It feels wrong to change a sane database format to fit a UI paradigm, I'd rather write adapter code if that can do the job Mar 12 17:45:09 timemage: what i said to jjnye ^^^ - interested if you have comments Mar 12 17:45:52 antgel, i'll leave you to it. Mar 12 17:49:07 I found out that String.length() and so on don't handle non-BMP Unicode characters. Are non-BMP Unicode characters ever really needed? Mar 12 17:50:43 timemage: right, currently i'm using android.R.layout.two_line_list_item for that. i guess that's where i'm failing, as i want *several* TwoLineListItems, one per column. i'm starting to think that i have to create my own view with several android.R.layout.two_line_list_items, one per column, and then just map them in the SimpleCursorAdapter constructor. which i think means i can dump ListView altogether, but my brain is mush Mar 12 17:50:55 thanks timemage and jjnye, it's funny how it's so easy when you know what to do ;) Mar 12 17:51:39 arrgh Eclipse is doing my head in. "Your Project contains errors".. but I can't see any errors anywhere Mar 12 17:51:48 Where do I look for what it thinks is wrong... ? Mar 12 17:52:01 antgel: if you're going to create multiple views yourself, you don't even need to use an adapter. you just need the cursor to grab your data Mar 12 17:52:02 look for red dots on folders filenames whatecver Mar 12 17:52:13 antgel, *if* i understood everything to this point,no yo uwouldn't be dumping ListView. you'd only be dumping two_line_list_item. Mar 12 17:52:14 Sugarat: Mar 12 17:52:17 oh.. it's working now. Mar 12 17:52:18 weird Mar 12 17:52:29 Eclipse gets confused a lot. Mar 12 17:52:35 yeah Mar 12 17:52:36 Project --> Clean and restarting can help. Mar 12 17:52:52 ah ok.. that's useful to know, thanks Mar 12 17:54:12 antgel, you would create your own view "create your own custom view and hand that to the system" and by system i mean "SimpleCursorAdapter' constructor's second parameter". you would need to change SimpleCursorAdaptor constructor's 4th and 5th arguments accordingly. Mar 12 17:55:58 antgel, the 4th and 5th parameters are parallel arrays representing the binding of value of the given column name to the given view id within your custom list item view. that may not have been apparent when working with the stock tow_line_list_item. Mar 12 18:00:12 How do I go about adding the 3rd party library to my project? My app crashes with a noClassDefFound Exception Mar 12 18:00:41 I have added the 3rd party project to my build path Mar 12 18:01:24 yee haw Mar 12 18:01:29 Sugarat, you have a lib directory that you would place jars into that need to be packaged in your apk. Mar 12 18:02:23 the instructions direct me to 'Add ExFilePicker library as a dependency to your project', which I think I've done Mar 12 18:02:34 then just add the necessary code to create the intent Mar 12 18:03:14 Sugarat, this exists as a jar file, yeah? Mar 12 18:03:49 I unzipped it and it's a Project Mar 12 18:03:56 so I added their project to my workspace Mar 12 18:04:07 Sugarat, right. but the jar file itself i not in *your* project lib\ dir, is it? Mar 12 18:04:43 timemage: No it's not. I can't see any .jar - just src in their project directory structure Mar 12 18:05:13 oh, tell a lie. I see a jar lurking in there Mar 12 18:05:21 I'll add that to my libs dir Mar 12 18:05:30 Sugarat, when that project builds it should produce a jar which you then need to copy to your project's lib\. or otherwise configure that project to copy it as a post process or something of that nature. Mar 12 18:06:13 Sugarat, compiling succeed because eclipse has set you class path to include where the jar is. the execution fails because the jar is nowhere to be found in the apk when deployed onto the device. Mar 12 18:06:33 timemage: Okay that makes sense Mar 12 18:06:58 the original classdefNotFound error has now gone away Mar 12 18:07:23 now it's noClassDefFound for ru.bartwell.exfilePicker.R$style Mar 12 18:07:23 Sugarat, i've been say lib\ and meaning libs\, but it seems you've figured that out. Mar 12 18:07:29 yeah I knew what you meant :) Mar 12 18:08:24 It can't find some sort of resource ? Mar 12 18:08:38 Sugarat, dunno, can't it? Mar 12 18:08:52 I'm just guessing that the R stands for resource Mar 12 18:09:07 this is my first real app so I've not got the experience yet to determine why it won't work Mar 12 18:09:12 the app just crashes with this exception Mar 12 18:09:25 Sugarat, well, it's probably a good idea to start with something similar than an app that has dependencies. Mar 12 18:10:04 I've started off simple and been building in bits and bobs over time Mar 12 18:10:31 now I need this file picker to work and can't get round this noClassDefFound exception issue. Mar 12 18:10:40 Sugarat, okay. Mar 12 18:13:02 why might it not be able to find this R$style class? Mar 12 18:16:34 Sugarat, no idea. Mar 12 18:16:56 Sugarat, you should pastebin the full error though. Mar 12 18:17:14 some sources recommend copying the resources from the external project into your own project, although the instructions make no mention of that Mar 12 18:19:19 timemage: good idea http://pastebin.com/Z74NWr1r Mar 12 18:20:00 It makes sense. The .jar file isn't going to have all the resources in it that the new activity requires Mar 12 18:20:28 Sugarat, i take it this dependency you've been talking about *is* the file picker. Mar 12 18:20:53 yes, I'm trying to launch this filepicker Mar 12 18:21:08 I need a way to select directories from the filesystem Mar 12 18:21:12 Sugarat, and this thing was created to be used on android? Mar 12 18:21:26 yeah, it looks the business https://github.com/bartwell/ExFilePicker Mar 12 18:22:08 Sugarat, so far my few dependencies have been on non-android things with few dependencies of their own. e.g. jodatime, jeromq, Mar 12 18:23:12 timemage, me too. I was able to take the jcifs jar file and dump it in my libs folder and hey presto I could use windows shares Mar 12 18:23:32 Sugarat, hmm, i'll have to keep note of that. Mar 12 18:24:26 Sugarat, you've added the the element for the picker? Mar 12 18:24:33 Anyone used MAT? In the class histogram is nbr of Objects the total amount allocated or is it how many that is not freed yet? Mar 12 18:25:42 timemage: Yes, I have added the activity into my manifest Mar 12 18:25:44 is there anything in developer settings to show how much memory an app is using? Mar 12 18:25:56 I'm trying to figure out if I've plugged a memory leak or just slowed it down Mar 12 18:26:31 Sugarat, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1995004/packaging-android-resource-files-within-a-distributable-jar-file <- you've looked at that? Mar 12 18:27:17 timemage, Don't think I've seen that one. I shall have a read Mar 12 18:27:26 Sugarat, i don't know whether or not it addresses your problem. it may not as in your case the jar itself is probably trying to lookup resources Mar 12 18:28:54 Sugarat, in the end, you may have to do exactly what they're saying with copying the files. if it comes to that you're probably better of writing a post-build script for the jar dependency and have it perform the copy to the main project. Mar 12 18:31:04 Sugarat, the other possibility is that the people who wrote this project knew that perfectly well and avoided using R...... since it is made for android and they don't mention having to jump through any hoops in their documentation i'm starting to think the problem is elsewhere. have to go for a bit. if your still around later i may actually try to use this myself. Mar 12 18:31:56 timemage: I was just thinking that. Hopefully they're not using R and it will magically work. I'm currently trying to export a fresh jar file from their project and using that in my libs directory Mar 12 18:33:29 I'm struggling to figure out mock locations Mar 12 18:33:56 Oh dearie me. Now it won't even install the apk onto my phone: Installation error: INSTALL_PARSE_FAILED_NO_CERTIFICATES. This is odd Mar 12 18:34:09 can you send mock locations to a physical device? On my phone there is a "Allow Mock Locations" checkbox in developer options, which I enabled Mar 12 18:34:15 Sugarat: have you signed the apk? it needs to be signed at least with a debug cert Mar 12 18:34:27 but I go to Emulator Control in eclipse/DDMS and the menus are greyed out Mar 12 18:34:30 Sugarat: which should be done as part of your build process Mar 12 18:37:00 has anyone worked with the google tutorial on incorporating ads? i'm trying it out at the moment, but whenever I try to create the adView in my activity I get a nullpointerexception trying to add the adView to a linerLayout that I have in my xml layout file for the activity Mar 12 18:37:36 it seems like I might have to create a mock location provider if I want to spoof location on a physical device Mar 12 18:38:17 hmm, is there any way to create an xml drawable that rotates/transforms another drawable resource? Mar 12 18:38:19 looks like no... Mar 12 18:39:48 dragorn: I've not fiddled with signing yet. It's always 'just worked' Mar 12 18:41:04 Sugarat: I'd bet you're somehow not signing the apk, or manually installing an interstitial apk which isn't signed by the build process Mar 12 18:41:30 the docs make it seem like you can easily spoof location with DDMS. From what I've googled though, it appears that this only works for emulators, not physical devices Mar 12 18:41:32 hey, I need to write an app that will simply split a screen in 3 and play a different video file in each Mar 12 18:41:36 anyone have some advice? Mar 12 18:41:51 any issues/keywords/layouts that anyone could advice? Mar 12 18:42:58 just create a layout with 3 VideoViews? Mar 12 18:43:04 audio might be a problem though Mar 12 18:43:19 RustyShackleford: no need for audio :) Mar 12 18:43:44 RustyShackleford: so, just 3VV and thas all? I'm just reading about VV Mar 12 18:44:03 i've never used VideoView. Thats just what I found on google Mar 12 18:44:15 :) Mar 12 18:44:20 not positive it will work but thats where i'd start. Mar 12 18:44:52 fair enough :) Mar 12 18:45:28 dragorn: sounds about right. I fiddled around a bit now that error has gone away Mar 12 18:45:44 just getting the ole classDefNotFound one again Mar 12 18:58:02 findViewById(R...) is returning null..... what the hell. the id is there, the view is in the xml, what am i doing wrong Mar 12 18:58:36 did you setContentView? Mar 12 18:59:31 setContentView? not sure lol where do I do this? Mar 12 18:59:58 first thing after super.onCreate Mar 12 19:00:19 oh, I see, I'll try that thanks Mar 12 19:00:23 TacticalJoke, should be there automatically if you're using eclipse :P Mar 12 19:00:49 Tacticalmind: I'm assuming you're talking about an activity Mar 12 19:01:29 well, i'm trying findViewById in an activity but the view i'm trying to find is a linearlayout Mar 12 19:02:10 well you have to tell which XML should activity take for layout somehow -_- Mar 12 19:02:10 so you need to set the content view Mar 12 19:03:27 oh i see, originally I've just been using the activity for OpenGLES environment and it's been working without that Mar 12 19:04:15 well Mavrik spoke the truth! Mar 12 19:05:23 and I tell which xml the activity uses for layout by calling setContentView? Mar 12 19:05:30 yep Mar 12 19:06:09 gotcha thanks, didn't mean to strike a nerve Mar 12 19:06:26 this is weird, there's a file R.txt which contains things like 'int style ExFilePickerTheme 0x7f070004 Clearly something to do with the fact that I'm seeing noClassDefFound errors for R$style Mar 12 19:07:30 Sugarat: do you have a style.xml under your res/values folder? Mar 12 19:08:09 is there any way to prevent the system from destroying the application because of idle time? Mar 12 19:08:51 bluezone: doing stuff in the background Mar 12 19:08:55 with a service Mar 12 19:09:45 thepoosh, okay i will look into this thank you Mar 12 19:11:48 anyone good with the Master / Detail pattern? I'm curious aboutt the best way to initialize the ListView to the proper selected item if you enter Master / Detail from the detail side. (SO question here: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22361484/set-the-selected-item-in-listview-when-a-user-enters-master-detail-from-the-de) Mar 12 19:12:02 timemage: I got it working! Mar 12 19:12:14 holy cow! it works Mar 12 19:13:37 Sugarat: what happened? Mar 12 19:14:10 I've been struggling to get an external filepicker library working. It kept giving noClassDefFound exception for blah.blah.R$style Mar 12 19:14:41 So I copied the themes.xml file into my res/values folder and now it works Mar 12 19:15:06 I had to take some XML from the external project and place it into my own for it to be able to resolve the style Mar 12 19:17:26 Now the question is, as I'm launching the activity from within a fragment, where do I put the code to receive the activity result. Hmm Mar 12 19:17:42 in the parent activity Mar 12 19:18:18 I'm unaware of ways to pass UI elements and themes via jar, you must use the project as a library code Mar 12 19:18:33 for the gen folder to make a reference to the library Mar 12 19:23:29 I can't seem to link to the amazon app from the admob console, it seems to only allow iOS and google play? Mar 12 19:23:39 Has anyone else experienced this? Mar 12 19:24:44 dragorn, for whatever reason i don't have to sign them on the nexus 7 and prime 201. i ran into that for the first time on someones phone. Mar 12 19:26:26 apple741: are you using the android sdk? Mar 12 19:26:36 does it require google play-services? Mar 12 19:26:45 if so, amazon devices don't have it Mar 12 19:29:34 Dang, I can't figure out why Robospice/Retrofit is not calling my TypeAdapter serializer for Gson. It all looks right. Mar 12 19:29:50 [A3G1S]: you awake?! Mar 12 19:29:58 it's the middle of the night for you Mar 12 19:30:08 is there a good primer on maven and/or maven for android anywhere? Mar 12 19:32:23 colintheshots: show code Mar 12 19:32:31 Show rest adapter builder Mar 12 19:33:07 JakeWharton: sure, one sec here Mar 12 19:33:53 FASTER Mar 12 19:34:06 Millisec Mar 12 19:34:37 System.nanoTime() Mar 12 19:34:40 JakeWharton: https://gist.github.com/colintheshots/bf3948b4eddf2eba8b97 Mar 12 19:35:27 JakeWharton: Neither Calendar TypeAdapter is getting called. I had it working fine before with just CalendarDeserializer I thought. Mar 12 19:36:03 JakeWharton: I think it's being called for deserialization, but not serialization. Mar 12 19:36:21 Code looks fine Mar 12 19:36:44 I'm on mobile. Will be back at a computer in a bit. Mar 12 19:37:01 JakeWharton: Thanks, Jake! Mar 12 19:42:19 Hi everyone! Quick question, is there a way to have two searchable activities? My search logic is different in two instances inside my app; both from a domain logic (what I am searching) and how I'm presenting the query results. Mar 12 19:51:01 hi Mar 12 19:51:12 where can i find all the language-suffixes my resource folders may have? Mar 12 19:53:06 every language as defined by ISO? Mar 12 19:53:31 well where can i find a complete list? Mar 12 19:53:46 e.g. what are the suffixes for chinese (traditional) and chinese (simplyfied) Mar 12 19:54:25 zh-hant and zh-hans ? Mar 12 20:09:08 does anyone know if the camera live preview works in the emulator (4.3_r1)? Mar 12 20:10:39 (emulator version 22.0) Mar 12 20:22:05 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22362941/file-not-found-error-camera-api-android Mar 12 20:22:13 Anyone know why I am getting a file not found error? Mar 12 20:45:42 anyone know why I will be getting file not found on a file that is found : P Mar 12 20:55:54 LoneSoldier728, please check the file path in the code. Mar 12 20:56:22 make sure it's correct. check the spaces and the / . Mar 12 20:56:31 also permissions. Mar 12 20:56:37 my permissions are write and internet Mar 12 20:56:56 and the path is what is found in the error: /storage/emulated/0/Pictures/HelloCamera/IMG_20140312_212429.jpg Mar 12 20:57:12 is that wrong? should there be a file:// infront of it...? Mar 12 21:04:52 hm ok might have found the reason so the image is not even in the gallery... is it not saving Mar 12 21:06:18 Hello I try to get ActivityUnitTestCase running but if I call startActivity I get the exception java.lang.IllegalStateException: You need to use a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant) with this activity. If I call launchActivityWithIntent everything works but it is not using my mock application. Can some one point me into the right direction? I need to execute code after the application is created but before the activity Mar 12 21:09:25 Hi guys Mar 12 21:09:53 I have an issue with my suggestion provider, it nevers set the intent action to view when clicking on a suggestion. I think my config is ok https://gist.github.com/jrm2k6/39d68b1f57c879df3cc3 Mar 12 21:15:17 why do people try to answer when they have no clue is beyond me... this guy posts an answer in my SO question telling me to remove the directory name when making an image... when you need it there... : / Mar 12 21:16:50 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22362941/file-not-found-error-camera-api-android/22363220?noredirect=1#22363220 anyone understand why my file does not save to the phone to be able to call it to send to the server Mar 12 21:18:20 released my first official android app :D Mar 12 21:18:27 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gametime.gametime Mar 12 21:18:56 I cant quite figure out if its possible to use an androidannotation to inject the code to create the intent. the decopding and usage at the newly created activity is fine. Mar 12 21:24:08 asparagui: looks nice. Mar 12 21:26:33 jrm2k6: thanks :D Mar 12 21:26:52 Hello all Mar 12 21:27:00 Anybiody has an idea whats wrong with my suggestion provider? https://gist.github.com/jrm2k6/39d68b1f57c879df3cc3 Mar 12 21:27:17 I'm trying to communicate between fragments. Mar 12 21:27:45 the official documentation says that my hosting activity needs to implement a listener from the fragment I want to send info from. Mar 12 21:28:15 However, my host activity is already implementing ActionBar.TabListener Mar 12 21:28:32 what's the proper approach to communicating between fragments in this sort of situation? Mar 12 21:34:20 oh, nvm. Mar 12 21:37:32 rephrase. Using android-annotations the decoding on an extra from the intent used to start a new activity is quite clear. But is there an android-annotation usage to replace the code which creates the original intent and calls startActivity? Mar 12 21:39:32 http://lpaste.net/101085 <- I am chasing down a memory leak and I find it a bit worrying to see that code. Will the onEditorAction ever return true? I mean I replace the fragment and then that will never be called right? So that could perhaps cause a memory leak? Mar 12 21:39:46 Anyone has an idea on that question: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22364433/activityunittestcase-and-startactivity-with-actionbaractivity Mar 12 21:42:30 anyone here work with the camera api for image uploads? Mar 12 21:43:55 Any take on this? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20108394/get-uri-image-from-cache-image-file Mar 12 21:53:11 http://lpaste.net/101085 <- I am chasing down a memory leak and I find it a bit worrying to see that code. Will the onEditorAction ever return true? I mean I replace the fragment and then that will never be called right? So that could perhaps cause a memory leak? Mar 12 21:53:13 noone? Mar 12 22:23:50 Is there a more detailed version of the dashboards available? Android version distribution by country would be interesting Mar 12 22:43:09 am i allowed to fire up multiple asynctask from the same thread (without waiting for any of them to finish)? Mar 12 23:06:36 anyone work with the camera... ahhhhh I cannot figure out why it is not saving... it is driving me crazy Mar 12 23:09:22 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22365783/camera-is-not-saving-android Mar 12 23:09:25 anyone please Mar 12 23:32:12 did you do WRITE STORAGE true? Mar 12 23:32:45 yeah Mar 12 23:33:18 i have no clue what could be wrong : / Mar 12 23:35:07 hey all, porting an app from ios to android, working on the intro animation (VERY new to animating), im going through some tutorials for help. Im using the /anim/anim.xml method for the intro animation and one .png needs to "zoom" (see scale+crop) which I am doing successfully. The problem is that after it scales, it reverts back to its original size... Mar 12 23:36:12 and what i want is for the .png to stay at its larger size Mar 12 23:38:12 maybe it is a retrofit error my issue... Mar 12 23:38:21 what issue? Mar 12 23:38:30 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22365783/camera-is-not-saving-android Mar 12 23:38:40 everything is working fine, just the retrofit callback error comes back Mar 12 23:39:07 with the error above... not sure if it is because the file is not saved or if I am doing something wrong retrofit wise Mar 12 23:39:17 because picasso shows the image Mar 12 23:42:57 JesperHead: oh there's a setting for that, give me a sec Mar 12 23:43:27 JesperHead: have a look at the fillBefore fillAfter stuff Mar 12 23:43:34 bankai_: much appreciated :) trying to google-fu it... kind of hard when using terms like "zoom reverts to normal" Mar 12 23:43:39 will do thanks! Mar 12 23:44:20 What is usually the minimum android version we should support? Mar 12 23:44:36 api 11-14 Mar 12 23:44:37 apple741: 4.0 i think is the most popular version currently Mar 12 23:44:45 BUT 2.3 is second most popular Mar 12 23:45:56 Ah is that api 9-10? Mar 12 23:46:38 sounds about right Mar 12 23:46:47 bankai_ probably has it right Mar 12 23:47:03 but id go back to 10 to be safe Mar 12 23:47:48 Thanks guys I was currently going as far back as 9 which was starting to cause issues but 10 should work well :) Mar 12 23:49:41 bankai_: win. I had android:fillAfter already set to true, but I just set it in the java with setFillAfter(true) and it worked! Mar 12 23:50:22 it's a common feature that's not documented very well... was logged as a bug report a few times actually Mar 12 23:52:28 apple741: don't support anything less than 14 Mar 12 23:52:49 JakeWharton any clue on my issue? Mar 12 23:52:55 you didn't show me any code Mar 12 23:53:02 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22365783/camera-is-not-saving-android Mar 12 23:53:07 maybe you can help guide me here. I have multiple .pngs that are being animated here.. is it best to create a function for all the animations, or perhaps create a function for each one? Currently just to get my bearings I'm putting them all into onCreate, but that will make things ugly Mar 12 23:53:09 I have it in SO or you want a pastebin? Mar 12 23:53:12 JakeWharton: What about those poor people stuck on Gingerbread? :D Mar 12 23:53:27 TacticalJoke: they should be euthanized Mar 12 23:53:36 haha Mar 12 23:53:40 and.... eclipsed crashed again Mar 12 23:53:43 :( Mar 12 23:53:51 move to Android Studio bluezone Mar 12 23:54:00 so you can make Android Studio crash references Mar 12 23:54:06 JakeWharton: The guys were just saying that 11-14 seems to be the most popular range? Mar 12 23:54:26 nobody uses 11 through 13 Mar 12 23:54:27 apple741 not true 14 is min now basically for 80% of users or something like that Mar 12 23:54:34 14 is what you should be using Mar 12 23:54:41 apple741: it currently IS, but we also need to consider where the OS is going as well. the gingerbreaders are the baby boomers of android... soon to die off and such Mar 12 23:55:30 lonequid, android studio? Mar 12 23:55:35 LoneSoldier728: this is far too much code and abstract of a problem report to figure out what's going on Mar 12 23:55:47 i'll tell you this, don't create a RestAdapter and an implementation of the interface every time Mar 12 23:55:48 19% are on 2.3.3. Mar 12 23:55:49 Yeah I was about to say let me know if you want me to cut it out Mar 12 23:56:01 apple741: https://developer.android.com/about/dashboards/index.html I may have been a little mistaken Mar 12 23:56:03 19% of global users which is nowhere near what your users are Mar 12 23:56:17 Hmm, true. Mar 12 23:56:30 Though I wonder how many people in "developing markets" regularly access Google Play. Mar 12 23:56:37 They tend to have bad Internet connections. Mar 12 23:56:38 unless you know you are targetting a market with heavy saturation of pre-ICS devices, you are wasting time Mar 12 23:56:46 Good point guys I hadn't thought of that, I was going way too far back in that case :) Mar 12 23:56:55 I'd love to see a country-by-country breakdown of those stats. Mar 12 23:58:02 Question, i've been fiddling with this adview trying to get it to the top center of my screen. it's currently the child of a relative layout, any suggestions on centering it horizontally? it's already at the top Mar 12 23:58:09 Whoa, another Tactical. Mar 12 23:58:16 oh hey there lol Mar 12 23:58:18 lol Mar 12 23:59:41 JakeWharton I know, I just want to get this one thing working then I am going to make them re-useable... just need to get images across as I have no issue with texts... what it boils down to that might be an issue not sure because this is the first time I am actually dealing with the camera is that I do not actually see the picture files afterwards saved on my device and here is the chunk of code reading accordingly http://pastebin.com/ne3b5 Mar 12 23:59:41 xUZ Mar 12 23:59:50 http://pastebin.com/ne3b5xUZ well that got cut off Mar 13 00:00:16 so what's the problem with it? Mar 13 00:00:30 basically any time I send an image with retrofit it does not hit the server Mar 13 00:00:32 Honestly, I don't really feel comfortable with exclusing Gingerbread users. Mar 13 00:00:36 and just gives me an error response Mar 13 00:00:40 in the callback Mar 13 00:00:44 That has to be quite a lot of potential users. Mar 13 00:01:11 potential users aren't users Mar 13 00:01:14 if it hit the server I would say maybe it is my servers issue... but it doesnt even touch it just says file not found as if there is an empty path being sent over Mar 13 00:01:28 JakeWharton: Are you aware of any stats other than the dashboard thing? Just curious. Mar 13 00:01:33 only my own Mar 13 00:01:47 And they put Gingerbread at less than, say, 10%? Mar 13 00:02:03 you app is more than 20% worse and/or your speed of development suffers more than 20% by supporting pre-ICS therefore not justifying the 20% user base Mar 13 00:02:18 0%. apps are minSdkVersion=14 Mar 13 00:02:19 True. Mar 13 00:02:24 Oh. Mar 13 00:05:19 JakeWharton: Slightly personal question (if you don't mind): How did you get from writing ABS and NOA (and perhaps other stuff I don't know about) to actively telling people *not* to support Gingerbread? Just wondering what the big change was. Was it *just* the market? Or did you have a change of mind about time investment regarding supporting older devices? Mar 13 00:05:45 the whole point of those libraries was to die and let you cut over your code with only a change of imports Mar 13 00:05:51 they were designed to be removed Mar 13 00:06:29 I see. Mar 13 00:06:29 the tipping point happened about 8 months ago when for 95%+ of developers of new apps (<-- key) there was zero value-add in supporting pre-ICS Mar 13 00:06:58 the tipping point for existing apps is now Mar 13 00:07:04 Interesting. Mar 13 00:07:14 so if the call back is coming back file not found exception is that a fault on the file being passed in? because right before it I am using picasso to load the file and there are no problems there? Mar 13 00:07:16 I *love* the idea of not having to use the support libraries. Mar 13 00:07:29 I just need to justify it in my mind. lol. Reading your blog post about this. Mar 13 00:09:04 the only difference that can maybe cause the issue is the fact that to get the file for the TypedFile I have to use the uri passed into Picasso and add a .getPath() at the end of it Mar 13 00:10:06 and that creates a file path that's valid for reading? Mar 13 00:10:10 hm it has to be with the file path... because rotating the screen gets rid of the file Mar 13 00:10:20 or the imageview i should say Mar 13 00:10:44 putting it back to default... wow cant believe I spent the whole day on this one thing, getting pretty annoyed Mar 13 00:11:45 Why is it that I can't find the *non*-support version of DrawerLayout? Mar 13 00:11:52 there isn't one Mar 13 00:12:20 Hmm. I wonder how the non-support library does navigation drawers. Mar 13 00:12:28 copy/paste Mar 13 00:12:33 or they just use the support library Mar 13 00:12:43 same with ViewPager, all the compat classes, etc. Mar 13 00:13:17 Google got wise and realized you don't have to ship the kitchen sink with the OS Mar 13 00:13:18 at this point I wish there was a way to control the camera api easier with some sort of library Mar 13 00:13:27 there's a new camera API coming in 20 Mar 13 00:13:32 So it's easier to do without the support library, right? Mar 13 00:13:38 Might be a dumb question, but just checking. lol Mar 13 00:13:40 lol 20 sounds so big for an android api Mar 13 00:13:44 20 min? lol Mar 13 00:13:50 so, when someone very stubborn is requiring gingerbread support, and I want actionbars... Most recent appcompat, or ABS? Mar 13 00:14:01 sonOfRa: fire them Mar 13 00:14:06 when is 20 suppose to be released Mar 13 00:14:11 Google I/O Mar 13 00:14:20 or soon thereafter (just like every year) Mar 13 00:14:24 If I google "Android navigation drawer", everything is about the support library. Mar 13 00:14:34 because it's in the support library Mar 13 00:14:56 I'm not understanding how to implement a navigation drawer without using DrawerLayout and so on. Mar 13 00:15:09 you could write one yourself Mar 13 00:15:13 why wouldn't you use DrawerLayout? Mar 13 00:15:22 I'm trying to change the value of a textview in a fragment from a base activity, but I keep getting a null pointer exception in the fragment on the line where I reference the textview that I want to change. Mar 13 00:15:38 This is where I'm confused. I thought there'd be a non-support DrawerLayout? Mar 13 00:15:42 no Mar 13 00:15:43 I must be missing something. :) Mar 13 00:15:45 it's just a view Mar 13 00:15:51 works on all APIs Mar 13 00:16:12 I assume this is because the view is no longer visible, but switching back and forth betweeen tabs don't call any of the lifecycle callbacks, so I don't know the proper place to do it? Mar 13 00:16:50 rufsketch1: can you show some code, not following what you mean Mar 13 00:16:59 bankai_: yes, just a sec Mar 13 00:17:18 Okay. It seems a bit weird to use the support library if you're targetting new APIs, though. Mar 13 00:17:29 why are you doing something like that anyway? it's a bit odd to directly modify a fragment's view like that Mar 13 00:18:06 TacticalJoke: having things not in the OS is the best thing Android has done since it's release Mar 13 00:18:31 of course, now the support library is a wreck because they're dumb and named it for the minimum API it supports Mar 13 00:18:48 being a downstream consumer of Android is like watching a bunch of C programmers learn how Java works Mar 13 00:19:00 JakeWharton: What is the alternative to something like that being in the OS? Mar 13 00:19:05 a jar Mar 13 00:20:04 Doesn't that lead to (relatively) bloated apps? Mar 13 00:20:21 no Mar 13 00:21:07 if Android had actually had a build system from inception re-usable modular libraries would have been an obvious thing Mar 13 00:21:22 DrawerLayout is like 1K Mar 13 00:21:31 you want it? you'd pull in drawerlayout-1.3.4.jar Mar 13 00:21:56 and hell, there's proguard, so you can filter out all your unused classes if your apk REALLY gets too big Mar 13 00:21:57 bankai_: okay, so in my baseActivity I have this bit of code http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=Re1PjCnq Mar 13 00:22:12 bankai_: in the eyeController fragment, I have this Mar 13 00:22:22 http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=s0vExKU7 Mar 13 00:22:36 people fawn on about proguard but it's just a result of these stupid fat jars like play services and the support library rather than tiny, composable packages Mar 13 00:22:51 Okay, so we can essentially see the support library as a JAR that's separate from the OS? Mar 13 00:22:57 as JARs* Mar 13 00:23:11 if only Mar 13 00:23:20 it should be like 20 jars of small things Mar 13 00:23:21 JakeWharton, I completely agree. But it's a nice last resort Mar 13 00:23:40 bankai_: the goal being that when onBluetoothSelected() is fired, it calls the eyeController fragments updateBluetoothDevice() function Mar 13 00:24:15 bankai_: the function gets called, but when it tries to actually update the device editText view, I get a null pointer exception. Mar 13 00:24:26 hey guys Mar 13 00:24:29 got a funny problem Mar 13 00:24:30 The fact that it's actually needed by some applications is pretty terrible, though Mar 13 00:24:35 rufsketch1: what's that init method ? Mar 13 00:24:47 yeah. i've never had to use proguard on any app thankfully Mar 13 00:24:53 I'm getting an onConfigurationChanged when I rotate. And I then get the size of my View Mar 13 00:25:04 my intention was that my view would expand when I rotated to become full screen Mar 13 00:25:08 bankai_: I'm not 100% sure but I think it's needed by pageradapter. Mar 13 00:25:11 but when I get the size, it is the old size Mar 13 00:25:22 because the measure pass hasn't happened yet Mar 13 00:25:28 bankai_: pageradapter calls it to associate each view with a tab. Mar 13 00:25:38 oh wait...I may have just realized the solution to my problem. The part responsible for expanding the view hasn't run yet Mar 13 00:25:40 Where do I get started on for uploading files in my app to a remote server Mar 13 00:25:57 Do you folks know whether it's easy to use Gradle at the command line alongside Eclipse? Mar 13 00:26:05 I'm new to Gradle and considering learning it. Mar 13 00:26:18 Why stick with Eclipse? Mar 13 00:27:03 I tried Android Studio and felt that it was missing some features. Mar 13 00:27:09 like what? Mar 13 00:27:11 Like easily being able to create a JUnit test. Mar 13 00:27:18 some people are weirdly attached to eclipse Mar 13 00:27:18 A test that doesn't require an Android VM. Mar 13 00:27:28 Android has never supported that Mar 13 00:27:39 you can do that in java modules though, of course Mar 13 00:27:52 Yeah, tests that run on the Java VM locally. Mar 13 00:27:56 Is that easy to do in Android Studio? Mar 13 00:28:09 no. because Google makes Android Studio and Google has never supported tests on the JVM Mar 13 00:28:28 Tests on the JVM are mostly silly anyways Mar 13 00:28:34 sonOfRa: lies. Mar 13 00:28:35 sonOfRa: How so? Mar 13 00:28:44 if that stuff can be tested on the jvm, make it a module Mar 13 00:28:48 we have 100% of our tests on the JVM Mar 13 00:28:51 test the module, and make it a dependency Mar 13 00:28:53 Same here, JakeWharton. Mar 13 00:29:00 huh Mar 13 00:29:01 sonOfRa: how do I test serialization to Bundle? Mar 13 00:29:02 rufsketch1: i'm not sure of the flow of this, but you could be hitting a race condition if you're firing this method right after you've commited a fragment transaction as it's async Mar 13 00:29:04 JakeWharton: Do you use Android Studio? Mar 13 00:29:10 TacticalJoke: yes Mar 13 00:29:36 We just run all tests that require android.**.* classes on devices Mar 13 00:30:02 Okay. How hard is it to set up JVM JUnit tests in Android Studio? I want to switch, but I'm getting negative feedback about its ease. Mar 13 00:30:05 right, but that's dumb. you shouldn't be forced to do that Mar 13 00:30:10 x86 emulators are quite fast and it doesn't really slow down things Mar 13 00:30:10 TacticalJoke: hard. annoying. painful. Mar 13 00:30:15 Doh. Okay Mar 13 00:30:16 . Mar 13 00:30:25 I hope Google makes it easy someday. :[ Mar 13 00:30:32 bankai_: I'm not using FragmentTransaction Mar 13 00:30:48 JakeWharton: Do you guys use Robolectric? Just curious. Mar 13 00:30:52 yes Mar 13 00:31:03 we wrote most of v2 Mar 13 00:31:19 rufsketch1: no, but the pager would be doing something similar, wouldn't it ? Mar 13 00:32:03 bankai_: I could post the full code if that would help? It's not much Mar 13 00:32:23 bankai_: the basic flow is I have two fragments Mar 13 00:32:36 rufsketch1: no it's alright, just stuck a breakpoint on that line and have a look at what's happening Mar 13 00:33:51 wow... i had fileUri set to the wrong url, well there we go everything works finally! Mar 13 00:34:32 * shmooz smacks LoneSoldier728 in the back of the head Mar 13 00:34:57 one called "ModuleOverview" and one called "EyeController", in ModuleOverview, the user can drag a bluetooth device from a list into a slot. When it's in that slot, I call the base activities onBluetoothSelected() function from the fragment, and that function then fires the updateBluetoothDevice() function in eyeController Mar 13 00:35:13 but this all happens while ModuleOverview is the only fragment visible Mar 13 00:35:48 But I assume that when you actually do large applications that need a lot of tests, running them on devices will be inconvenient Mar 13 00:36:06 bankai_: as for just placing a breakpoint, I'm not sure what sorts of things to look for. Mar 13 00:36:19 I remember our buildserver for a university project failing because it was too slow and the emulator crapped out in midst of test runs, producing failed builds for actually okay code Mar 13 00:49:39 According to this, it may be better to use support fragments than non-support fragments: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17295497/fragment-or-support-fragment Mar 13 00:50:04 absolutely Mar 13 00:50:30 do you want the same code that you control running on every Android version or do you want code that lives in the OS that changes between API levels? Mar 13 00:50:40 I see. Mar 13 00:51:01 yeah but to learn it you have to start with normal fragments and then move on to support fragments Mar 13 00:51:08 why? Mar 13 00:51:10 But doesn't stuff like this mean there isn't actually a huge benefit to *not* supporting Gingerbread and stuff? Mar 13 00:51:23 the documentation in the support fragments expects you to have knowledge of fragments Mar 13 00:51:47 What do I lose if I support Gingerbread? Mar 13 00:51:50 I know about the animation stuff. Mar 13 00:52:00 Time, precious time. Mar 13 00:52:18 there's quite a few things Mar 13 00:52:21 shmooz: the difference is just the import Mar 13 00:52:22 media codecs for example Mar 13 00:52:32 lasserix: How so? Mar 13 00:52:35 sonOfRa: Okay. Mar 13 00:52:39 they will bite you bad. VP8 encoder support for example Mar 13 00:52:42 Hi guys I need some help.. I've coded and released an app. all is good, but now the NDK can no longer compile any other project apart from that one applcation I released, aything else results in the new app giving a signal 11 (SIGSEGV), code 1 (SEGV_MAPERR), fault addr 00000000 ... is there something I need to do to clear an NDK cache or such likes please? Mar 13 00:52:46 was added in 4.3 Mar 13 00:53:12 Tactical are you developing for someone else or for yourself? Mar 13 00:53:21 For myself and others. Mar 13 00:53:32 An app I'll release for free. Mar 13 00:53:32 TacticalJoke: hardware acceleration, action bar, animations, base theme, having to support mdpi, minimum RAM, larger heap Mar 13 00:53:43 er, not having to support mdpi Mar 13 00:53:45 You might try just dropping support for those phones. Mar 13 00:53:51 Okay. Mar 13 00:54:14 If a boss isn't telling you to support them, why spend a lot of time making thigns work around a deprecated version of the os? Mar 13 00:54:21 If I support Gingerbread, will my app not use hardware acceleration on 4.x devices? Mar 13 00:54:29 no Mar 13 00:54:40 (meaning it will use hardware acceleration) Mar 13 00:54:44 K. lol Mar 13 00:54:51 I'm using too many negatives tonight. Mar 13 00:55:21 another tick. first sample app using android-annotations working. Nice. Very concise neat code. Mar 13 00:59:26 I thought I'd configured gradle to download sources in intellij but I'm not seeing them while debugging for things like android-annotations and slf4j. Where is it "properly" set? Mar 13 01:02:54 is it possible to have 2 or more instances of Asyncstask running doInBackground(); at the same time? Mar 13 01:03:19 AsyncTask* Mar 13 01:03:35 bluezone: try it and find out ? Mar 13 01:03:45 bluezone: i am guessing, but yes Mar 13 01:03:54 bluezone: I'd assume you could Mar 13 01:04:14 i don't see why not Mar 13 01:04:18 SirLagz, i've tried it but it doesn't seem to execute doInBackground(); on the second and third times Mar 13 01:04:21 bluezone depends on what executor configuration you are using, and whether there is a free thread in the pool (for that kind) Mar 13 01:04:23 android is all handler/callback based Mar 13 01:04:37 bluezone: are you using the same task to run twice ? Mar 13 01:04:56 SirLagz, i believe so Mar 13 01:05:28 bluezone: maybe have to use 2 tasks Mar 13 01:06:05 :'( Mar 13 01:07:28 y Mar 13 01:09:03 makes sense Mar 13 01:10:21 SirLagz, actually no i'm not. I create a new instance of (MyService extends service) each time, and then inside that service i have the async task Mar 13 01:10:56 so everytime the button is pressed a new Service is created and inside that service a new Asynctask is created Mar 13 01:11:29 but when i do it more than once asynctask.execute() doesn't seem to invoke Mar 13 01:11:30 bluezone: not sure then Mar 13 01:11:47 okie :) Mar 13 01:22:21 you sure new services are being created each time? Mar 13 01:23:40 serious question: say i develop an app on my own. it does something personally useful, talks to a backend that i had to setup, is quite involved (i.e. it has several Activities), follows Android design guidelines, is tested, under version control, open source, and released on the play store. would that be enough to get hired as an android developer? Mar 13 01:25:16 i dunno, if you show up to the interview in a Mango Man power costume, with 'MM' on your chest, it could help Mar 13 01:25:48 yes Mar 13 01:25:55 that would be perfect Mar 13 01:26:12 well that's my life plan for the next two months Mar 13 01:26:21 g00s: do you ever sleep ? Mar 13 01:27:52 bankai_ hm, do you XD Mar 13 01:27:57 lol Mar 13 01:28:19 g00s: yeah, i just have no life Mar 13 01:29:19 So is it best to use v4 fragments, even if you're targetting 14 and above? Mar 13 01:29:49 yes Mar 13 01:30:15 Mango_Man: something like that would obviously be a big plus. More important would be your ability to show your full understanding of the development life cycle in a verbal interview. I've sat in many an interview where the candidate had all sorts of legacy projects on his CV and was unable to explain, at a technical level , the design and implementation. Mar 13 01:30:26 And this is because native fragments are buggy, right? Mar 13 01:30:49 and of course the MM onesy ... Mar 13 01:32:46 Totally off topic, but AssertJ (for unit-test assertions) is great. Mar 13 01:33:09 They look like this: assertThat(someNumber).isBetween(0, 5); Mar 13 01:33:32 The equality one is this: assertThat(someString).isEqualTo("Hi."); Mar 13 01:34:27 TacticalJoke is that like hamcrest ? Mar 13 01:34:38 Yeah. Mar 13 01:34:44 I much prefer it to Hamcrest, personally. Mar 13 01:44:35 hm, moment of truth. will openHFT/chronicle work on android ... Mar 13 01:46:39 nope, damn it Mar 13 01:47:02 java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: sun.misc.Unsafe.pageSize Mar 13 01:47:47 :( Mar 13 01:47:53 thats similar to the lmax disruptor exception Mar 13 01:48:08 2nd lib i tried this week that wouldn't work Mar 13 01:48:29 what's an lmax disruptor Mar 13 01:48:38 "lmax disruptor exception". Wow. Say it in a Spock voice. Mar 13 01:49:18 they both depend on sun.misc.unsafe stuff Mar 13 01:49:40 lmax disruptor is a lock-free ring buffer for thread/thread communication Mar 13 01:49:43 super fast Mar 13 01:49:48 cache friendly design, too Mar 13 01:50:31 googling Mar 13 01:50:43 actually 3rd library, i couldn't get spring reactor to work either Mar 13 01:52:08 hrmmm okay...got a little further Mar 13 01:52:33 my current problem is I get the view size a few functions deep inside onConfigurationChanged Mar 13 01:52:38 don't think i want to mess with VoltDb/PBD v2 … requires jni Mar 13 01:52:38 so when I rotate, I was hoping to get the new size Mar 13 01:52:42 but instead, I get the old size Mar 13 01:53:01 is there any way to get the new size? Or maybe force the layout to finish its reflow before I get the size or something? Mar 13 01:53:47 nebbish question: What is the word for the equivalent of sass mixins in xml layouts? (Essentially a style variable for several different declarations) I did it once, I don't remember what it's called to look it up again. Mar 13 01:54:06 newbish but autocomplete is cool too.. Mar 13 01:59:50 http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/InterruptedException.html guh, trying to get an imageview animation to wait before initializing. getting this error. Mar 13 02:00:02 to wait before starting* Mar 13 02:00:05 hello. what is it called when you have an image, and you expand it within the activity? perhapswith a grey background? Mar 13 02:00:06 the vernacular is killing me. Mar 13 02:00:17 similar to an alertdialog, but instead of the dialog and image expands Mar 13 02:00:26 ir7466: you mean scale the image? Mar 13 02:00:40 I do want to scale it larger, but overlaying everything else Mar 13 02:00:46 such that it takes up most of the screen Mar 13 02:00:57 and then you tap ok, or the background to make it smaller Mar 13 02:06:31 If I clear the backing array for ListAdapter, do I have to synchronize the access to the array? I got "IndexOutOfBoundsException: Invalid index 0, size is 0" error. Mar 13 02:10:40 the answer to my earlier question is style. I found it. Hooray. cheers. Mar 13 02:23:12 brx_: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7082570/ Mar 13 02:24:28 JakeWharton: Do you use support libraries for anything other than Fragments? Mar 13 02:27:02 hello anyone helpme, i have database sqlite but sometime i do revision on my data, so i want to store database on the web and i can update it with press the button on screen android app and then new db have sync and available to use, can you help me how to build it? :) Mar 13 02:28:09 TacticalJoke: actually I use it for everything but Mar 13 02:28:13 We don't use fragments Mar 13 02:28:54 Okay. But you use the native ActionBar (not the support one or ABS), right? Mar 13 02:29:15 Um Mar 13 02:29:19 Just trying to understand how much I should use the support libraries if I target 4.x. Mar 13 02:29:21 We use a custom one Mar 13 02:29:28 Oh. Mar 13 02:29:31 Haha Mar 13 02:29:53 Should I use the native ActionBar? Mar 13 02:30:02 I kinda hate having to depend on the AppCompat one. Mar 13 02:30:09 We've gotten really good at rapid development and things like fragments and the action bar, while cute and useful for small apps, suck hard with larger apps Mar 13 02:30:18 I see. Mar 13 02:30:33 If you are 14+ then yes, abandon appcompat Mar 13 02:30:38 Okay Mar 13 02:30:39 . Mar 13 02:30:53 But use support libraries as much as possible other than that, I guess? Mar 13 02:31:18 Yes. Action bar is a window-level component Mar 13 02:31:23 K. Mar 13 02:31:29 ABS and ABC are hacks Mar 13 02:31:48 I guess the reasoning for using the support libraries is that they get bug-fixed way more often than Android does. Mar 13 02:32:05 And they're consistent across Android versions Mar 13 02:32:06 . Mar 13 02:32:11 Absolutely. Yes. Mar 13 02:32:46 All right. Thanks. Mar 13 02:38:23 support lib v13 has nested fragment problem too ? Mar 13 02:54:42 hrmmm Mar 13 02:54:54 I have an OnLayoutChangeListener which is triggering constantly Mar 13 02:55:06 does the video player trigger a layout change somehow? Mar 13 02:55:23 or maybe I am resizing the video player and that is triggering it **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Mar 13 02:59:58 2014