**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Jun 09 02:59:58 2014 Jun 09 03:00:19 hi! Jun 09 03:00:37 hi. Jun 09 03:00:52 any recommendation for pull to refresh library ? Pulling from bottom support is needed :) Jun 09 03:01:58 to get wifi usage, is that only possible using internal APIs? Jun 09 03:02:21 pretty much. Jun 09 03:02:46 thanks Jun 09 03:03:40 nm, I think I've figured out a workaround Jun 09 03:03:50 for what? Jun 09 03:04:12 basically use the cached view in all cases, except for position 0, in that case, always deflate a new view and return it. Jun 09 03:04:33 only way I can deal with it, otherwise, ListView tries to recycle the custom view to use, further down the list Jun 09 03:05:29 TSCHAKMac: I'd simply add header view to list view Jun 09 03:05:51 it's not a header view Jun 09 03:06:03 so ? Jun 09 03:06:36 so look for position and create different view Jun 09 03:06:50 the view gets created correctly Jun 09 03:06:51 problem is Jun 09 03:06:59 listview tries to recycle it Jun 09 03:07:02 if you have caching problem it will be bad for other elements too Jun 09 03:31:29 TSCHAKMac, implement getViewType & getViewTypeCount Jun 09 03:31:44 got it Jun 09 03:31:44 thanks Jun 09 04:20:19 I see you're back g00s_ :) Jun 09 04:35:27 switched my N7 from Dalvik to ART ... meh - no discernable diff Jun 09 04:36:00 FF and everything still runs ... though I didn;t check for space allocation differences Jun 09 04:36:03 capella: you were expecting rainbows and unicorns ? :) Jun 09 04:36:24 Nah, pretty much didn't expected bad things Jun 09 04:36:33 https://github.com/chrisbanes/Android-PullToRefresh Jun 09 04:36:42 what should I use instead ? Jun 09 04:38:11 gordon_: you can use that Jun 09 04:38:14 nothing wrong with it Jun 09 04:38:32 but it's deprecated Jun 09 04:38:51 it’s not maintained Jun 09 04:38:53 not deprecated Jun 09 04:39:15 there's no fork or anything ? Jun 09 04:39:38 are you using it ? Jun 09 04:39:56 I think that's what firefox uses for mobile sync page Jun 09 04:41:25 i used it before Jun 09 04:41:27 no problem. Jun 09 04:43:52 or maybe it was SwipeRefreshLayout Jun 09 04:44:16 oh I dont know it Jun 09 04:46:23 http://www.survivingwithandroid.com/2014/05/android-swiperefreshlayout-tutorial.html Jun 09 04:46:28 hello. any JSOUO Jun 09 04:46:38 JSOUP* expert here Jun 09 04:47:24 yah: http://mxr.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/search?string=SwipeRefreshLayout&find=&findi=&filter=^[^\0]*%24&hitlimit=&tree=mozilla-central Jun 09 04:47:57 thanks Jun 09 04:48:11 I will probably go for SwipeToRefresh Jun 09 04:48:17 since it's google's thing Jun 09 05:43:36 Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "android.view.SwipeRefreshLayout" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/system/framework/com.google.android.maps.jar", zip file "/data/app/com.myapp.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app-lib/com.myapp, /vendor/lib, /system/lib]] Jun 09 05:43:56 capella: have you encountered this error ? Jun 09 05:44:09 this is after I used that SwipteRefreshLayout Jun 09 05:44:20 of course I dont have android maps on that view Jun 09 05:46:21 Did you include the library that provides it? Jun 09 05:46:37 And do a clean build because clean builds are magical and stuff. Jun 09 05:47:34 yes I included lib Jun 09 05:47:46 of course it was in a different place than usual Jun 09 05:48:03 sdk/extras/android/m2repository/com/android/support/support-v4/19.1.0/ Jun 09 05:48:17 support-v4-19.1.1.jar Jun 09 05:48:26 19.1.0* Jun 09 05:49:56 ok after clean there are some errors Jun 09 05:50:05 maybe because I had normal v4 before Jun 09 06:00:22 clean? Do people still use Eclipse? Jun 09 06:02:20 intellij Jun 09 06:02:48 intellij++ ;) Jun 09 06:03:04 still old build Jun 09 06:03:07 which is bad Jun 09 06:03:18 but we use one library which doesnt support gradle Jun 09 06:04:35 intellij got it's own problems Jun 09 06:04:37 like dexing Jun 09 06:05:12 and gradle isn't comonnly used Jun 09 06:05:15 which is bad Jun 09 06:09:20 still the same error ;/ Jun 09 06:15:06 ok I resolved the problem Jun 09 06:15:30 you need to provide full package in view Jun 09 06:15:32 like Jun 09 06:15:43 no just Jun 09 06:29:19 capella: can I swipe that control from bottom Jun 09 06:29:20 ? Jun 09 06:32:37 hi all Jun 09 06:32:47 I am new to android development Jun 09 06:34:55 gordon_ you'll have to overide onTouchEvent() ... reading the class shows it uses swipe up to cancel refresh Jun 09 06:35:27 Is it must that I know everything in java before I start? Or a medium understanding of Java will do at the start Jun 09 06:36:00 I want to build offline GIS application on android Jun 09 06:36:04 android slightly deviates from traditional java, so .... as long as you know something you should be good Jun 09 06:36:59 Oh thanks for building the confidence bankai_au Jun 09 06:37:35 I actually got struck with fragments Jun 09 06:37:55 capella: thanks Jun 09 06:38:32 I am getting confused with an activity and a fragment Jun 09 06:38:43 Is Fragment a child of an activity Jun 09 06:38:50 kinda Jun 09 06:39:08 I mean is it so that an activity can contain multiple fragments Jun 09 06:39:43 yes it can Jun 09 06:39:57 but for phone usually one fragment is fine I guess Jun 09 06:40:15 And vis-a-vis is not possible? Jun 09 06:40:44 no Jun 09 06:40:49 ah ok... Jun 09 06:40:56 you nest your fragments in activity Jun 09 06:41:08 you cannot nest activity in fragment Jun 09 06:41:32 ok... Jun 09 06:41:40 but you can nest fragments in fragments ;) Jun 09 06:41:52 Now I am getting it... Jun 09 06:41:56 and then your head explodes Jun 09 06:42:12 :) Jun 09 06:43:18 Can you please suggest some sites for head start. I have the android http://developer.android.com/training site at present Jun 09 06:43:44 I have already gone through clearitng simple activity and hello world Jun 09 06:44:12 bankai_au: you can... and if you're not using android 2.x you wont even have bad time with it Jun 09 06:44:18 I want to explore for GIS with android Jun 09 06:47:26 capella: it has private values everywhere.. Jun 09 06:47:41 hate to do this, but I need to copy whole file and make my own Jun 09 06:48:19 heh - moz does that a lot Jun 09 06:50:43 No help? Jun 09 06:51:02 niru: what are you looking for ? Jun 09 06:51:22 I want to explore for GIS with android Jun 09 06:51:37 Any suggested links? Jun 09 06:51:58 nire: I found this useful: http://www.mkyong.com/tutorials/android-tutorial/ Jun 09 06:52:05 niru --^ Jun 09 06:53:28 and google is your friend ... it almost always turns up http://www.vogella.com/tutorials/Android/article.html Jun 09 06:53:37 GIS ? Jun 09 06:53:48 Geographical information system Jun 09 06:54:05 thanks capella Jun 09 06:54:09 Let me check Jun 09 06:54:41 Getting to GIS might take a bit ;) Jun 09 06:55:06 (Starting from Hello world-level) Jun 09 06:55:27 this is what I was thinking of GIS Jun 09 06:55:36 G’Day all. I’m trying to include WebSockets in my app. Is this how I’m support to include the deps in my build.gradle? http://paste2.org/dJBjE778 Jun 09 06:55:37 that's why I was kinda suprised, when you said that Jun 09 06:59:09 Hey I am quite a fast learner Jun 09 06:59:26 I know it will take time but is not impossible Jun 09 06:59:59 And you all are around to assist Jun 09 07:00:02 And you all are around to assist Jun 09 07:01:00 is that a song ? ;) Jun 09 07:10:25 capella: it's not that simple Jun 09 07:10:40 you need to hack that class more in order to swipe from bottom Jun 09 07:12:07 well I will try to show some patch or anything ;) Jun 09 07:12:31 not much more to it ... canChildScrollUp() ... Jun 09 07:12:52 I am not liking this Android dev one little bit. How hard is it just to get Gradle working Jun 09 07:13:08 it's < 400 LOC max Jun 09 07:13:20 er, < 500 LOC Jun 09 07:16:05 capella: it wont work on android 2.x :( Jun 09 07:16:16 return ViewCompat.canScrollVertically(mTarget, -1); Jun 09 07:16:18 i guess Jun 09 07:16:23 if I hack it that way Jun 09 07:16:24 oh yah probably not ... 19 Jun 09 07:16:55 seems like some methods are from SDK 14 Jun 09 07:17:05 2.x? New dev on Gingerbread? Jun 09 07:17:13 yes Jun 09 07:17:19 why? Jun 09 07:17:24 user base Jun 09 07:17:41 you said new dev ... I guess you mean enhancements Jun 09 07:17:57 and still ... Jun 09 07:18:08 eh Jun 09 07:18:16 it was hybird app Jun 09 07:18:21 and now it's native Jun 09 07:18:49 native with a java UI wrapper? Jun 09 07:20:12 but yah, 2.3 you'll have to keep it simple Jun 09 07:20:24 2.2 just top doing it Jun 09 07:23:00 capella: native = not html5 Jun 09 07:24:19 native == c++ to me Jun 09 07:24:55 Why would you want html in Android ... webview? Jun 09 07:24:56 can you write normal ui apps with ndk ? Jun 09 07:25:07 capella: I dont want that ;) Jun 09 07:25:15 not really ... that was the java UI wrapper part Jun 09 07:27:15 exactly Jun 09 07:34:30 hey there, anyone ever experienced problems with InfoWindow anchoring? The InfoWindow pointer perfectly centers on a bigger phone, but on a smaller one the pointer is displaced a bit more to the right Jun 09 07:35:02 the 9 patch for the InfoWindow background is okay too Jun 09 07:35:59 please dont make webviews for ur ui components for android apps Jun 09 07:36:04 its so, so very painful Jun 09 07:36:30 i cri evry tym Jun 09 07:36:59 Kevel, are you talking to me? Not using webviews, its a MapView Jun 09 07:37:37 are your tears affecting your ability to type? Jun 09 07:38:16 mine are dehydrating me.. Jun 09 07:38:37 drink more beer :) Jun 09 07:44:01 this is that 9 patch Jun 09 07:46:08 http://i61.tinypic.com/n6xdtw.png Jun 09 08:27:31 capella: I took that pulltorefresh lib Jun 09 08:56:49 I'm trying to get started with android development. Was working on Eclipse but now found Android Studio and Genymotion, are those tools the way to go forward? Jun 09 08:57:06 yes Jun 09 08:57:24 I see there are a lot of other tools apart from Genymotion, do you guys recommend it or shall I be trying something else? Jun 09 08:57:37 genymotion is third-party, not 'official' in any way Jun 09 08:57:37 AS looks great btw, compared to Eclipse (and probably faster too) Jun 09 08:58:03 Ya but would love to get some recommendation on like whats the most used so that I can be at par :) Jun 09 08:58:11 android studio has been the 'official future' for about a year - wouldn't be surprised to see it promoted a lot at I/O Jun 09 08:58:40 Hey all, anyone using Studio 0.60 + 0.11.+ gradle plugin version? I can no longer use DefaultManifestParser, anyone else have similar issue? Jun 09 08:59:05 When I installed 0.5.2 an hour back, it asked me to upgrade to 0.6.0 and I didnt; :D Jun 09 08:59:19 anyway Jun 09 08:59:27 it's still revving pretty fast Jun 09 08:59:30 I'll go with AS and Genymotion then, thanks Jun 09 09:00:29 so one more thing actually, I really want to build a photo sharing app ASAP, do you guys recommend some specific approaches/tutorials to learn and build or is it just search on google, read the Android docs and make your way through ? Jun 09 09:00:32 Genymotion is awesome Jun 09 09:01:21 shmoon: really depends on what you mean by photo sharing app Jun 09 09:02:15 instagram :D Jun 09 09:02:24 but with new feature Jun 09 09:02:29 photos wont be rectangle Jun 09 09:02:35 *square Jun 09 09:02:38 but rectangle Jun 09 09:02:53 :O Jun 09 09:02:54 mind = blown Jun 09 09:03:31 well, that's a billion dollar idea, if ever I heard one Jun 09 09:04:27 if it was on apple store.. Jun 09 09:04:36 I'd become milionnare Jun 09 09:05:32 I'm doing it for an assignment Jun 09 09:06:07 Maziz: do you have any idea how to scroll that pull to refresh list to bottom ? Jun 09 09:06:28 shmoon: one million dollar assignment Jun 09 09:06:28 scroll pull to refresh list to the bottom? Jun 09 09:06:33 what do you mean? Jun 09 09:06:45 https://github.com/chrisbanes/Android-PullToRefresh Jun 09 09:06:48 this one Jun 09 09:07:08 first I load items to the list and refresh them from bottom Jun 09 09:07:13 i mean what do you mean by scroll that to the bottom? Jun 09 09:07:16 I mean, I pull form bottom Jun 09 09:07:21 ah Jun 09 09:07:28 instead of pulling from the top Jun 09 09:07:31 you pull from the bottom? Jun 09 09:07:33 yes Jun 09 09:07:40 like in chat app like Jun 09 09:07:46 *like in chat app Jun 09 09:07:48 gordon_: I'd love to make that much money Jun 09 09:08:16 I'd put the app on the play store and see if I can get some traction leading to money Jun 09 09:08:19 https://github.com/chrisbanes/Android-PullToRefresh/blob/master/library/res/values/attrs.xml Jun 09 09:08:25 when you put in xml Jun 09 09:08:30 Maziz: there's scrollTo method, but it moves the whole list not items Jun 09 09:08:43 but anyway, so the way I'm learning android dev to build a photo sharing app is going through the docs basically. I wonder if there's a better way or not. Jun 09 09:09:14 set your ptrMode to pullFromEnd Jun 09 09:10:06 Maziz: I got listView.setMode(PullToRefreshBase.Mode.PULL_FROM_END); Jun 09 09:10:12 in code Jun 09 09:10:28 also can i think Jun 09 09:10:28 I can pull from bottom but it doesnt scroll to bottom when items are added for the first time Jun 09 09:10:38 Is there any way I can force a lower gradle version with Android Studio 0.60? Jun 09 09:10:47 gradle plugin* Jun 09 09:11:03 or SDK Build tools Jun 09 09:11:18 or downgrade studio xD Jun 09 09:11:20 is AS now production worthy? Jun 09 09:11:37 i mean good enough to be used to developed production app. Jun 09 09:11:40 yes Jun 09 09:11:46 or there’s still kinks. Jun 09 09:11:53 there’re Jun 09 09:11:58 There's a few, not too many though Jun 09 09:12:04 Less hassle than Eclipse I find Jun 09 09:12:18 We use it to develop JuiceSSH, wouldn't go back to eclipse Jun 09 09:12:59 Only issues I find is when they do updates really, sometimes breaks things but that's to be expected Jun 09 09:13:07 1.0 is due for I/O apparently Jun 09 09:15:00 Charl1e: source for that? Jun 09 09:15:11 Leeds: 1 min Jun 09 09:15:19 I mean, it seems like a good bet, but I haven't actually seen anyone saying it :) Jun 09 09:15:29 I believe there were commits relating to it Jun 09 09:17:46 Sensors support in Genymotion is paid though :S Jun 09 09:17:55 Maziz: why not intellij ? Jun 09 09:18:48 i am Jun 09 09:18:48 lol Jun 09 09:19:01 so why bother with AS for now ? ;) Jun 09 09:19:08 XD but want to try AS to feel that gradle goodness Jun 09 09:19:11 and all AS features will be merged into intellij Jun 09 09:19:19 intellij support gradle Jun 09 09:19:28 *supports Jun 09 09:19:38 for Android dev? Jun 09 09:37:39 yes Jun 09 09:51:08 huh.. Jun 09 09:51:10 will try Jun 09 09:51:10 :D Jun 09 09:51:14 thanks gordon_ Jun 09 09:54:58 Is there a way to find out how fast the network connection is currently? Jun 09 09:57:53 Maziz: np Jun 09 09:58:07 Hi, how should I get the SurfaceView from fragment layout ? Is preview = (SurfaceView) findViewById(R.id.preview); proper way ? Jun 09 09:58:36 pawell: yeah seems fine. Jun 09 10:00:11 Maziz: Can it be done in onCreate ? I get null : | Jun 09 10:00:29 is this in activity or fragment? Jun 09 10:00:36 ah Jun 09 10:00:37 fragment Jun 09 10:00:41 you should do it in Jun 09 10:00:46 onCreatedView Jun 09 10:00:52 or onViewCreate Jun 09 10:00:58 onCreateView Jun 09 10:01:23 Is it called automticlly when activity is created ? Jun 09 10:01:34 onCreateView or onViewCreated Jun 09 10:01:42 pawell: it is Jun 09 10:02:00 http://developer.android.com/images/fragment_lifecycle.png Jun 09 10:03:02 apparently, findViewById does not work on menu items, does it? Jun 09 10:03:06 I tried it out, but it doesn't fnd it Jun 09 10:03:14 platzhirsch: what are you trying to do? Jun 09 10:03:24 Estel: make one of the items invisible Jun 09 10:03:30 platzhirsch: onOptionsItemSelected Jun 09 10:03:31 But this method, I mean onCreateView, isn't overridden, yeah ? Jun 09 10:03:38 onCreateOptionsMenu Jun 09 10:03:56 pawell: you need to override it by your self and inflate the view Jun 09 10:04:04 so I have to try and fetch the reference there and not in onCreate Jun 09 10:04:13 platzhirsch: in onPrepareOptionsMenu you can get the MenuItem object and sets its visibility based on something or other. Jun 09 10:04:19 platzhirsch: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17599450/how-to-inflate-view-inside-fragment Jun 09 10:04:25 pawell: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17599450/how-to-inflate-view-inside-fragment Jun 09 10:04:35 sorry for tab fail Jun 09 10:04:44 no worries Jun 09 10:05:38 platzhirsch: So you'd do something like menu.findItem(R.id.action_refresh).setVisibility(shouldDisplayRefreshButton()); Jun 09 10:05:43 onCreateOptionsMenu() seems to be the one, because onPrepared is called every time the menu is open and I update my view through a callback method I invoke through Otto's event bus, hope that makes sense Jun 09 10:06:26 platzhirsch: onPrepare is more efficient Jun 09 10:06:27 ok, I got it, thank you for your help ! Jun 09 10:06:54 Estel: do you think so? Updating the state, every time the menu is opened seems less efficient, but that's just my naive look on it Jun 09 10:07:21 platzhirsch: it's a cheap call there, onCreateOptionsMenu is more expensive because it inflates the layout Jun 09 10:07:43 See http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Activity.html#onPrepareOptionsMenu%28android.view.Menu%29 Jun 09 10:07:48 Estel: ah, well I just save the reference in a field in the onCreateOptionsMenu call Jun 09 10:08:19 and do the actual work in the Otto callback method Jun 09 10:10:14 platzhirsch: I'm sure that would work Jun 09 10:11:24 Estel: but interestingly, onCreateOptionsMenu() is not called before you open the menu at least once, meaning that if there is a model state update and a callback to my method I am still running into a null pointer exception, so I guess I have to do it as you suggested anyway if I don't want to force the menu inflation beforehand Jun 09 10:11:43 This menu… actionbar menu item? Jun 09 10:12:29 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8308695/android-options-menu-in-fragment Jun 09 10:12:31 platzhirsch: I think the suggested route is to set visiblity in prepare then call invalidateOptionsMenu() when you want to update the state of an action item. Jun 09 10:12:34 http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/menus.html#ChangingTheMenu Jun 09 10:16:22 Estel: good stuff, thanks for pointing out Jun 09 10:22:40 Maziz: can I add my own touch listener to that pull refresh view ? Jun 09 10:22:47 seems like it's stealing my events... Jun 09 10:22:57 yeah you can Jun 09 10:23:01 modify abit of the source Jun 09 10:23:39 have you done it before ? Jun 09 10:23:43 would help much :) Jun 09 10:24:09 i did quite customization Jun 09 10:24:18 at which point you want the touch to be activated? Jun 09 10:24:32 quite a number of customizations* Jun 09 10:24:56 well I got my own OnTouchListener now and I simple want to invoke my two methods on SCROLL_DOWN and SCROPP_UP Jun 09 10:25:17 uhuh Jun 09 10:25:19 *SCROLL Jun 09 10:25:28 it still works right out of the box Jun 09 10:25:57 ok i get it Jun 09 10:26:03 it now works on last item only :D Jun 09 10:26:49 alright Jun 09 10:26:58 dont know why Jun 09 10:27:06 got one idea Jun 09 10:27:44 ok works now Jun 09 10:28:01 listView.getRefreshableView().setOnTouchListener() did the job Jun 09 10:29:38 i am a starter for android dev and need help to understand the feasibility of whether handling individual events as per sim number is possible or not in a dual sim phone Jun 09 10:29:50 if yes, can you please point me to some place where i can read more about it ? Jun 09 10:30:25 ah yeah Jun 09 10:31:13 gordon_: you need to do that. Because the pull to refresh has an outer view encapsulating the inner Jun 09 10:31:46 Maziz: ah yeah @ me ? Jun 09 10:32:24 @gordon_ Jun 09 10:33:21 gordon_: so to do any operation or listener have to use that -> getRefreshable. Jun 09 10:33:32 gtg Jun 09 10:38:49 hi all Jun 09 10:40:46 hi may someone help me finish this tutorial? https://developer.android.com/training/basics/actionbar/index.html Jun 09 10:41:00 i always get R not found error whenever i modify the menu .xml Jun 09 10:42:31 bc___: where do you get that error? Jun 09 10:43:15 i get this kind of error Error in an XML file: aborting build. Jun 09 10:44:15 before i add main_activity_actions.xml at res/menu and the code is same like the tutorial give. please look at "Specify the Actions in XML" Jun 09 10:46:45 Yeah, so there's a syntax error in your xml file somewhere :) Jun 09 10:50:13 The linter in your IDE might be giving you a hint where, but if not pastebin the file and someone might take a look at it Jun 09 10:53:19 seems the error line is "android:showAsAction="ifRoom" />" how to i fix it? Jun 09 10:55:22 Hi bc__ Jun 09 10:55:34 bc___ hi Jun 09 10:56:07 I think you are also a bignner like me :) Jun 09 10:56:09 yes niru ? Jun 09 10:56:12 yeah Jun 09 10:56:30 Dont touch R file right away Jun 09 10:56:39 That is an autogenerated file Jun 09 10:56:50 yeah i don't touch it but wrong xml code can make R error Jun 09 10:56:53 And also dont do clean build any time Jun 09 10:57:07 I did clean and then tried to build the code automatically Jun 09 10:57:15 since them I am unable to use that code Jun 09 10:57:51 so is not good to clean manually? Jun 09 10:58:33 Projects-> clean Jun 09 10:58:46 Once you clean it deletes the R.java file Jun 09 10:59:02 and is never restored back even if we try building Jun 09 10:59:36 maybe you right Jun 09 10:59:38 But in forums it is mentioned that A clean and then a build should autogenerate the R file Jun 09 10:59:52 Which has never happened to me :( Jun 09 10:59:54 i give it try and now i get R cannot be resolved to a variable Jun 09 11:00:04 Try this: Jun 09 11:00:32 brx_: paste your whole xml file to somewhere handy? Jun 09 11:00:36 Right click on the src folder and at the bottom there is restore to previous history Jun 09 11:00:45 May be that will help restore R Jun 09 11:00:46 yeah project>run broke my code Jun 09 11:00:57 http://pastie.org/ or somewhere Jun 09 11:01:40 i fix it by reopen eclipse Jun 09 11:03:39 i waited for some time, so il repost now Jun 09 11:03:43 i am a starter for android dev and need help to understand the feasibility of whether handling individual events as per sim number is possible or not in a dual sim phone Jun 09 11:03:45 if yes, can you please point me to some place where i can read more about it ? Jun 09 11:05:44 reopen eclipse not fix it reeopen the project thoo Jun 09 11:06:31 solofight: you mean you want the app to depend differently depending on which sim thing something is received on? Jun 09 11:06:58 Estel: yes Jun 09 11:07:53 if it is feasible, i would like to read about it and get started with it Jun 09 11:08:03 Estel: is it feasible ? Jun 09 11:10:22 i remove the xml file that make error , and do project>clean, now ERROR R cannot be resolved to a variable is gone Jun 09 11:20:57 hey, why are all of my private variables null in a background service extending class? Jun 09 11:21:13 on the second intent I send the service, that is Jun 09 11:30:30 http://pastebin.com/tg3XCYed Jun 09 11:30:40 My dates are going crazy.... Anyone know why? Jun 09 11:34:06 Kevel: define going crazy Jun 09 11:36:00 thepoosh: check the paste Jun 09 11:36:21 ok Jun 09 11:48:44 Is there a way to automatize the Facebook login while testing it on my Android application? Just a bit annoying to enter my email and password all the time by hand :) Jun 09 11:59:53 Should I still be supporting 2.2/2.3? Jun 09 12:00:15 * immibis has a 2.2 device Jun 09 12:00:28 :| Jun 09 12:01:00 but i don't use lots of apps, otherwise i'd probably get a new one or upgrade it Jun 09 12:02:03 Is there a suggested way to have an option menu entry on every activity that is there except subclassing Activity? Jun 09 12:03:52 I see Jun 09 12:04:12 Kake_Fisk: it depends what your app is Jun 09 12:04:19 It Jun 09 12:04:24 It's a quiz app Jun 09 12:04:51 But it's basically a business decision. Without a decent reason, most people support ICS+ for personal apps Jun 09 12:05:42 ah Jun 09 12:06:11 I cba to worry about Froyo unless someone forces me too Jun 09 12:06:50 there's no reason to care about anything older than 2.3, unless you're in a really specific situation where you know you will have lots of users with ancient phones Jun 09 12:07:08 for new projects, it makes most sense to go ICS+ Jun 09 12:18:54 solofight: btw, sorry, lunch distraction: there's basically no Android support for dual-SIM phones Jun 09 12:19:29 Estel: can i pm you ? Jun 09 12:19:50 Yes, but I probably won't be of much use :P Jun 09 12:25:30 If I were to make an app that teach languages like Arabic and Chinese. Would you use images or fonts for the script? Jun 09 12:28:24 Kake_Fisk: fonts could be easier i think Jun 09 12:28:33 else you would need a but load of images Jun 09 12:28:34 aight :) Jun 09 12:31:35 good morning all, i'm looking to develop an app on android, and later ios. i imagine the UI to be fairly basic (just buttons, images, and text - no animations), it will need to access things like wifi, cell, and gps for indoor positioning, and send http requests to a rest api. i have been debating phonegap or native. i do not know java, but i am a programmer and not afraid to learn. what are the suggestions here? Jun 09 12:32:00 native Jun 09 12:32:04 Moult: people here will say native because Phonegap is evil :) Jun 09 12:32:22 Those in #phonegap might disagree... Jun 09 12:32:38 ok :) sounds good with me, i suspected phonegap was evil (it sounds like a bad hack, rather than a serious product) Jun 09 12:34:20 any recommendations for a good beginners tutorial for android dev, keeping in mind that i don't know java? or should i learn java first, and then look at android? Jun 09 12:34:20 Moult: do you know java ? Jun 09 12:34:41 yeah learn some java basics first Jun 09 12:34:49 Moult: well, I like the Treehouse tutorials Jun 09 12:34:53 do you know *any* modern/OO type language? Jun 09 12:35:57 Leeds: yes :) that shouldn't be a problem Jun 09 12:36:18 then you should be able to pick up basic Java easily, and get the rest as you go along... Jun 09 12:36:42 Leeds: yes, i think that's the plan :) Jun 09 12:36:53 Estel: got a link? Jun 09 12:37:43 teamtreehouse.com - subscription based, but the videos are of a decent quality. Jun 09 12:39:05 cheers folks, time to start my journey. i'll lurk around :) Jun 09 12:46:31 Moult: what other languages do you know? Jun 09 12:47:52 Kevel: C++ (but haven't touched it for a few years), Python, PHP, JS Jun 09 12:47:56 modern - php :D Jun 09 12:50:15 ー Jun 09 12:50:18 https://github.com/search?q=%24_GET+sudo&ref=cmdform&type=Code Jun 09 12:50:23 about php :D Jun 09 12:51:10 Bad developers in developing shock Jun 09 12:51:16 gordon_: 99% of PHP code does nothing except make real programmers cry :) Jun 09 12:51:33 Pretty Horrible Programming Jun 09 12:52:51 AS in debugger skip ifs :( Jun 09 12:53:33 I have just added google play service to my project, and get the error that within the attr.xml file, all the attributes have already been defined Jun 09 12:53:47 how do i correct this so it with export the project Jun 09 12:54:12 to give the php folks some credit, the code produced by some of the better php devs nowadays aren't that bad and actually have decent software architectures Jun 09 12:55:53 Moult: you probably need to digest a lot still to get used to android dev Jun 09 13:03:53 I timed out there. but my original question was I have just added google play service to my project, and get the error that within the attr.xml file, all the attributes have already been defined Jun 09 13:04:09 how do i correct this so it with export the project Jun 09 13:05:38 anyone of you guys are using parse.com? Jun 09 13:10:26 L8: sure, I guess lots ar Jun 09 13:18:38 http://i.imgur.com/GzmDHMR.jpg Jun 09 13:23:48 I seem to be missing something when excluding a whole package in my app from obfuscation. Shouldnt -keep class com.my.app.package.cell.** work? Jun 09 13:24:16 App fails to find the class when inflating it form xml. Jun 09 13:25:54 just want to say, Thread.sleep() is a fucking knife with no handle Jun 09 13:27:58 bom Jun 09 13:29:52 Has anyone found a way, by any means, to write to the SMSprodiver without being the default messenger app on kitkat? Any thoughts ideas? Without the need to switch default sms app. Maybe redirect to hangouts or something like that... Thoughts? Jun 09 13:33:54 really need some help here, ive been stuck on this for days Jun 09 13:35:01 I import my project ok, but as soon as I add gps, I get errors on my attr.xml for already defined attributes Jun 09 13:35:21 OhjinXX: how are you adding GPS? Jun 09 13:38:53 Estel I installed it via SDK manager. Im currently in Eclipse. I imported the gps in as a library. Thats fine, but when I go project>properties>android>add gps as a libray 'reference'(?), then it errors out Jun 09 13:44:04 set Is Library for the GPS project Jun 09 13:44:12 and then for your project, select it and add it Jun 09 13:44:41 and if not, restart Eclipse, I had this very problem today when upon running a project that depended on a library, .apk was not found! Jun 09 13:45:38 so i have ticked the 'is library' box Jun 09 13:46:04 can you clarify ' and then for your project, select it and add it' please Jun 09 13:46:29 for your project, go to the same Properties, Android, Add > that project (will now show up in the dialog) Jun 09 13:52:52 ok, I add the gps project, (this is what i did originally) but thats when the errors show up Jun 09 13:53:52 like an X mark and at the end of the line a question mark? Jun 09 13:54:15 Learning to program java targeted for android dev, should I get a java 6 or 7 book? I read someplace that some java 7 features was not supported programming for android, so I'm thinking maybe I should get an older java 6 book to learn from, and it would be less confusing? Jun 09 13:54:24 ah, thats different. There is an X at the beggining but no question mark Jun 09 13:54:33 yea yea the same Jun 09 13:54:41 I say just restart Eclipse Jun 09 13:54:43 also I have an exclamation mark right at the begining Jun 09 13:54:45 OhjinXX: I would try a project clean and refresh as well Jun 09 13:54:54 today I had the same problem where the library has always been working and suddenly it stopped Jun 09 13:55:10 ok Jun 09 13:55:19 i have a webview inside of a scrollview, how do i prevent the scrollview from listening to any touchevents that start from inside the webview? Jun 09 13:55:39 just for info sake this is the message for the exclamation mark Jun 09 13:55:41 Description Resource Path Location Type No grammar constraints (DTD or XML Schema) referenced in the document. attrs.xml /Godot/res/values line 1 XML Problem Jun 09 13:56:16 how do i perform a project clean Jun 09 13:56:17 I started getting messages that Android no longer supported Resource Strings as static strings for switch cases Jun 09 13:56:24 its just being stupid Jun 09 13:56:28 Project > Clean Jun 09 13:57:31 thanks, ill give it a whirl Jun 09 13:57:38 Project clean always works wonders for me Jun 09 13:58:15 always, whenever there's any error at all to do with resources, clean clean clean Jun 09 13:58:38 Then refresh refresh refresh Jun 09 13:59:04 I did the clean, all the errors dissapeared :), then they came straight back :( :) Jun 09 13:59:49 now try the restart Jun 09 14:00:24 ah ok, thanks Jun 09 14:00:32 this is all granted that you are certain of the way to import it and that it is functioning Jun 09 14:00:34 just close and reopn? Jun 09 14:00:43 yea, that's what did it for me today Jun 09 14:00:45 this is true lol Jun 09 14:04:13 Unsupported method: Dependencies.getJars(). ... does anyone recognize that one? Gradle is striking Jun 09 14:04:41 Sicp unfortunatly that didnt work Jun 09 14:04:52 then you got a real problem Jun 09 14:05:01 not an Eclipse fuckup Jun 09 14:05:01 I did a fresh reinstall today Jun 09 14:05:37 I'll run through what I did, see if you can see anything I did wrong, that ok? Jun 09 14:07:09 it isnt the steps, its the thing you're trying to import and how you're calling it in the code Jun 09 14:07:32 say anyway, maybe someone will know Jun 09 14:08:02 first, I exported an unsigned apk from a game software called Godot Jun 09 14:08:37 ,I then used a apk unpacker to be able to import it into eclipse as a project Jun 09 14:08:50 that ok so far? Jun 09 14:11:57 then, I installed the ADT bundle, and the JDK bundle Jun 09 14:13:28 Instead of doing anything with environmental variables, I copied the java release to the eclipse folder Jun 09 14:13:36 nnnnno Jun 09 14:13:43 ooooooh Jun 09 14:13:43 not how I would do it Jun 09 14:13:55 dont know if it works Jun 09 14:13:56 would that cause this issue??? Jun 09 14:14:01 no idea Jun 09 14:14:07 ok, how would you do it? Jun 09 14:14:20 Learning to program java targeted for android dev, should I get a java 6 or 7 book? I read someplace that some java 7 features was not supported programming for android, so I'm thinking maybe I should get an older java 6 book to learn from, and it would be less confusing? Also, if someone would want to recommend a java book... Jun 09 14:14:29 but I would do the environment variables in Windows under Computer > Properties > Advanced > something... Jun 09 14:14:38 there's tons of tutorials on how to change environment variables Jun 09 14:14:50 and just append to it the path of your android SDL Jun 09 14:14:52 SDK* Jun 09 14:15:14 jesperj, learn java 7 Jun 09 14:15:33 Note that you can use all these language features not just with Android KitKat, but with older versions of Android too! There is one exception to that: try-with-resources, which will require minSdkVersion 19. Therefore, Studio will flag any uses in your code of try-with-resources if your minSdkVersion is less than 19: Jun 09 14:15:46 Hi everyone, could someone try to help me with a Socket.io handshake problem ? :) Jun 09 14:17:06 yoavst: So what I read someplace that android development does not support java 7 is simply not correct anymore? It might have been like that before but not today? Jun 09 14:17:45 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20480090/does-android-support-jdk-6-or-7 Jun 09 14:17:47 read that Jun 09 14:17:51 Thank you. Jun 09 14:18:04 yoavst: Got any recommendation on a java book? Jun 09 14:18:37 jesperj, not :/ Jun 09 14:18:45 java 7 isnt such a big release Jun 09 14:18:48 java 8 is Jun 09 14:18:53 yoavst: Thanks anyway :) Jun 09 14:19:00 there's a java 8 coming? Jun 09 14:19:06 is there a way to run my app from the ide with the same key as the build? Jun 09 14:19:10 java 8 is available Jun 09 14:19:15 but not on android :) Jun 09 14:19:35 apple made swift, maybe google will give us scala support ;) Jun 09 14:19:53 no jvrodrigues your app from the IDE is one that will be signed with debug key, can't make it sign with production key and run it in a development environment else it wouldnt be a development build Jun 09 14:19:56 I created a JAVA_HOME that points to C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_05\bin Jun 09 14:20:08 How do I import AdView to my project? I installed it from the SDK manager Jun 09 14:20:15 is that ok, and do i need to do something with my PATH as well? Jun 09 14:20:17 OhjinXX: and it's wrong Jun 09 14:20:33 echo $JAVA_HOME Jun 09 14:20:34 /opt/java Jun 09 14:20:43 and export path like Jun 09 14:20:48 $JAVA_HOME/bin Jun 09 14:21:31 its right if you followed a tutorial to add it to the environment variables under Computer > Properties > Advanced Jun 09 14:22:04 to test go to terminal and type javac Jun 09 14:22:17 should not return command not found Jun 09 14:22:22 man, im out of my depth here, i see it being done in so many different ways Jun 09 14:22:54 http://www.java.com/en/download/help/path.xml Jun 09 14:22:55 there Jun 09 14:23:20 thanks Jun 09 14:23:54 Anyone have genymotion emulator randomly scroll around. I have no idea what is causing it and cant find anything on google about it Jun 09 14:24:31 it does that for me Jun 09 14:24:45 with the best mouse in the world - apple magic something Jun 09 14:24:50 damn I hate that mouse Jun 09 14:24:54 apple magic Jun 09 14:24:55 haha Jun 09 14:25:16 pazzaaz mouse Jun 09 14:26:39 Ahh maybe i am accidently scrolling with the apple mouse that might be it Jun 09 14:28:03 Its like insanely sensitive. I think that is it though Jun 09 14:30:55 wish they'd give me normal pc at work ;/ Jun 09 14:32:51 hello gordon, long time and how are you... ??? Jun 09 14:33:57 developing an application right now but i'm faced with a chanllege, i'm trying to get Date time into particular column in a database using getDateTime() but it keep generating error.. please help Jun 09 14:35:43 I am trying to set windowContentOverlay to null for api <11 by removing the android prefix but eclipse shows error, that it cant be found. Jun 09 14:36:45 gordon_: I found that if you uncheck scroll direction natural in your mouse settings it fixes it. It sounds like a bug though Jun 09 14:37:14 any alternative to this function to get dateTime to database getDateTime() Jun 09 14:37:45 gordon_: nevermind its still is too fast =) Jun 09 14:42:20 hackable: stacktrace ? Jun 09 14:54:03 Should the SQLiteOpenHelper.getWritableDatabase() method be done within an async task? Or is it usually ok to just fire it off in the UI thread? I mean, if there are quite a few tables to create -- so quite a few execSql calls.. Jun 09 15:05:36 hi Jun 09 15:05:52 hello! I'm using android-async-http lib to upload image, but for some reason Content-type is always application/octet-stream. Setting "client.addHeader("Content-Type","image/*");" doesn't change anything Jun 09 15:07:19 I recently ran my android program, that seemed to do run fine on Android 2.1 on a more recent device, (4.4.3) and now i can see all the buttons having ghostly shadows in the background and some random pixels are appearing, any idea what is causing this? Jun 09 15:07:49 the layout is pretty simple, mainly consisting of buttons and text Jun 09 15:09:14 set background to #00000000 and alpha to 0 Jun 09 15:10:35 in the layout? Jun 09 15:10:38 LtRipley, or in your case prob only #00000000 for background Jun 09 15:10:46 for button Jun 09 15:11:04 I think I had simelar problem Jun 09 15:11:18 vegetablesalad19: thanks, i will try that Jun 09 15:14:14 Can somebody please help. I am trying to remove the shadow under the actionbar, but windowContentOverlay (without prefix) is not found for api < 11. Works OK with prefix in API >11 Jun 09 15:15:09 how does gmail do the little "cutout" indicator in master / detail (ex. http://i.imgur.com/lQ7aDgp.png)? Jun 09 15:15:49 you would need to apply a 9 patch image in the list selector Jun 09 15:16:40 WantToCode thanks! Jun 09 15:18:03 there is a Stackoverflow question about this, in which the 9patch image is also given. I cant find it right now Jun 09 15:18:26 but you can search for something like "highlighting selected item in master-detail" Jun 09 15:19:25 WantToCode sweet. checking into it now. i've heard of 9 patch before, but haven't messed with the format any Jun 09 15:20:03 WantToCode this one I think http://stackoverflow.com/q/10670905/1747491 Jun 09 15:24:14 vegetablesalad19: i just had to set a background for the whole layout and my problem was fixed, thanks a lot Jun 09 15:27:47 I have CustomActivity extends Activity and CustomActivity2 extends Activity. In one of my ListAdapters, I pass in Context. Now this context was passed into the ListAdapter from either CustomActivity or CustomActivity2. In my listAdapter is there anyway to check to see if this Context is really a CustomActivity or CustomActivity2 object? Jun 09 15:29:18 like instanceof? Jun 09 15:30:24 LtRipley: I've never used instance of, but I'm not sure if it would work in this case. Jun 09 15:32:02 I will try it though. Thanks Jun 09 15:32:23 Ok the my variables are now setup correctly, the javac test worked. Not solved the attr.xml issue but i wasnt expecting it to Jun 09 15:45:04 RxJava question. I want to observe multiple subscriptions. I’m using .zip currently on the source observables to wait for four different events to complete. However, I would like to subscribe to each event individually before I zip and subscribe to the four Subscriptions. How would I do that? Jun 09 16:00:43 Okay, I just used five, separate subscriptions and it seems to work. Jun 09 16:01:22 colintheshots don't forget about compositeSubscription and combineLatest ;) Jun 09 16:01:46 Thanks, g00s. I’ll look at compositeSubscription. Jun 09 16:11:15 anyone know what happened to DefaultManifestParser in android gradle plugin? Jun 09 16:20:29 weird, i can't get this basic use case to work; find a picture in gallery, click gmail, fill out form, hit send: nothing but a exclamation in the notification area saying attachment could not be sent Jun 09 16:31:34 I don't know the nomenclature for this — anyone know how I can depend on the android sdk in a gradle project but not compile it in, without defining the project as an android/android-library plugin (I don't need resources, manifest, et all in this project) Jun 09 16:33:20 DallasG: you need to create a provided scope for the java plugin (that can be googled) and then change the compile tasks's bootclasspath to the android.jar Jun 09 16:38:18 i actually keep meaning to write a plugin to do this for you Jun 09 16:38:39 So, I figured this had something to do with the 'provided' keyword Jun 09 16:39:05 but I'm not exactly sure what it means to 'create a provided scope for the java plugin' Jun 09 16:39:41 does that mean something along the lines of provided java() { … }? Jun 09 16:40:08 I've noticed that type of compile dependency declaration before (depending on plugins) but thought it was gradle/gradle plugin-specific Jun 09 16:41:16 is this along the lines of what you're referring to? http://www.sinking.in/blog/provided-scope-in-gradle/ Jun 09 16:42:38 JakeWharton: Injecting using Dagger using the Context in a BroadCastReceiver, y/n? Jun 09 16:43:12 I read http://stackoverflow.com/a/6760019 which basically says "yeah it works, but we're not 100% sure it always does" Jun 09 16:43:39 DallasG: yes Jun 09 16:44:37 kakazza: where does it say "we're not 100% sure it always does"? Jun 09 16:45:18 * capella knew he'd have to learn git eventually Jun 09 16:45:46 "Which also means that you are not guaranteed to have access to your application in a BroadcastReceiver." Jun 09 16:46:09 Ok, they are sure, it's just that not 100% the Context is also the Application Jun 09 16:47:42 JakeWharton, know off-hand how to get a sibling android project's android jar file (as opposed to hardcoding a jar file path into the project) or perhaps how to derive it from available variables? Jun 09 16:57:01 i used to. i changed recently. Jun 09 16:57:03 one sec Jun 09 16:58:02 there's a getBootClasspath method on the plugin Jun 09 16:58:34 Alright, thanks for the guidance. Jun 09 17:01:19 FWIW, it seems like something that should probably be possible with the android plugin, given the ability to do it w/ gradle plugin. Might be something to contribute to AOSP? Jun 09 17:02:02 I'm creating a new game, how do I get it to appear in the New Games section of Google Play? Jun 09 17:03:14 DallasG: maybe. i'd send an email to adt-dev@ first before wasting any time trying to build it in AOSP Jun 09 17:04:37 Hey, I've got a question about custom spinners using images and text. I've got a pretty good spinner already implemented, but corporate has decided that there isn't a very clear indication on the spinner that shows the user name that the spinner can be clicked to change the user. So, they requested that I put a little text next to the little spinner arraow at the bottom right corner that says "Change User" Jun 09 17:05:15 The problem, is if I put that "Change User" in the custom spinner, then won't it get painted on every cell when the user clicks the spinner open? Jun 09 17:05:51 Is ther a ways to tell if a spinner cell is being shown or being selected and hide the text? Jun 09 17:09:13 Hey, regarding this object: https://gist.github.com/danijoo/3269617dc291674a5b8c , whats is a better way to use the context in custom objects? Jun 09 17:11:54 danijoo why not pass the ctor the context, and do what ctor is supposed to do, initialize its members ;) Jun 09 17:12:10 Hey guys, Jun 09 17:12:57 danijoo its probably immutable, so make the name a final string and assign it in the ctor Jun 09 17:13:30 or just make those methods statics, pass in the context and a resId Jun 09 17:13:46 not really clear what you are doing :) Jun 09 17:14:13 g00s: I want to use the "resourceName" to reference a lot of difference resources for that object like its icon, a description and stuff (all localized). Jun 09 17:14:31 Exspecially for the Icon I dont want to have it hang around in the memory until i need it. Jun 09 17:15:37 In fact I have a bunch of objects (lets call it cars), saved in a csv. Each has some attributes, where names and other strings are language depended. Jun 09 17:16:13 and im looking for a good way to load them into memory in a localized way Jun 09 17:16:30 and not sure about a good strategy yet :/ Jun 09 17:17:01 danijoo: Would it be better to use Android Studio or Eclipse? Jun 09 17:17:35 use the one you like Jun 09 17:18:57 I just found Android Studio, but never used it. I did not know if it would be better to use an updated platform or not? Jun 09 17:19:21 I honestly need help I am going insanely mad!! And I can't find any help on google, this is making me so mad because I can't even get my android ADT to download because it tosses some error that I can't download the tool http://s11.postimg.org/6xioc1dsz/Error.jpg Jun 09 17:19:28 why would you call AS more updated then Eclipse? Jun 09 17:20:41 Please help me guys, I have a project due tomorrow and I re downloaded eclipse tons of times now, to see what causes it but I can't figure it out :\ Jun 09 17:22:28 it says something about unable to find the repository :\ Jun 09 17:23:20 Really I feel like screaming and crying and shooting myself, because I can't figure out what causes this so if anyone could help me out Jun 09 17:23:34 I dont know, maybe you are behind a proxy or somehting? Jun 09 17:24:31 can you maybe verify your eclipse and see if yours has a succeed of connecting ? Jun 09 17:24:56 I dont use eclipse sorry Jun 09 17:25:11 I guess it is not really updated...I guess, it would be that I do not know whether it is better to use a platform that supports native android support or not? I do not know without using AS, whether Eclipse or AS is better?! Jun 09 17:25:47 then try them both. Personally I prefer Intellij Jun 09 17:26:08 But you can do everything with both Jun 09 17:26:29 Ok, Thanks! :) Jun 09 17:26:47 hi everyone Jun 09 17:27:06 How do I get it to appear in the New Games section of Google Play? Jun 09 17:27:09 hmm, good thinking might be proxy , not that I am using one but probably my spotify vpn or something Jun 09 17:28:02 I want to create a list with sections a bit like the Contacts app, with sections for A, B, C etc I've got a ListView going, but I can't figure out how to add the sections Jun 09 17:28:59 A proxy is what I would think too. I used Eclipse once and I never ran into any problems. Jun 09 17:29:16 docs for ListView make it look like it's not possible to add sections. But so many apps do it, it must be possible with the stock API? Jun 09 17:31:18 andyeb: are you looking for this? http://sunil-android.blogspot.de/2013/08/section-header-listview-in-android.html Jun 09 17:31:19 "The constructor AdView(Context) is undefined". I read the docs now, and that should not be undefined. Any ideas? Jun 09 17:32:21 using a proxy in eclipse now to see if it might triggers it, my IP might be banned from the repository for all we know haha Jun 09 17:32:37 Question: How would I generate a Surface that is only ever used as an offscreen buffer? Jun 09 17:33:06 @danijoo: something like that, but can't quite believe it's that hard! Jun 09 17:33:49 It is:( Jun 09 17:34:05 crazy! :( Jun 09 17:34:38 Or would it be best to make a surface backed by a GL texture and just pull from that texture? Jun 09 17:44:45 :| thats it i am screwed for this terms my eclipse is completely fucked :( Jun 09 17:45:46 DON'T GIVE UP!! Jun 09 17:46:22 Actually, is there anyway to create a surface that isn't backed with a GL texture? Jun 09 17:51:45 Can someone show me how to get the position of a marker. I'm using google maps apiv2 for android. I tried marker.getPosition()...but that hasn't worked for me Jun 09 17:55:18 I am trying to disable the actionbar's bottom edge shadow on an actionbar with customview. The logic works fine with a normal actionbar but doesnt with customview actionbar. Problem only with API 10. http://pastebin.com/cgu1mtKk Jun 09 17:58:04 but why don't you start out with an actionbar theme that does not have what you're trying to prevent? Jun 09 17:58:07 @danijoo: finally got it working with this implementation: https://github.com/applidium/HeaderListView/ Jun 09 17:58:29 gj Jun 09 17:58:34 has the advantage that the headers slide to the top and then stay there on scrolling, so you can always see what section you are currently in Jun 09 17:59:00 @Sicp, eh? I dont understand. Jun 09 17:59:15 I was 90% of the way there before, but forgot to override getSectionHeaderViewTypeCount(), hence it wasn't working properly and much ClassCastException ;( Jun 09 17:59:34 I mean you're trying to make the actionbar (with the theme you chose) to not show a shadow Jun 09 17:59:45 choose a different theme for it, one which doesnt have that shadow Jun 09 18:00:29 but no idea how to fix what you're actually asking Jun 09 18:00:31 lol Jun 09 18:00:33 just wondering Jun 09 18:01:58 I can't even install android ADT through the download zip :\ Jun 09 18:02:20 The actionbar theme I am using is invisible - http://puu.sh/9m6R6/0be25a2c16.png and goes up when scrolled but leaves the shadow - http://puu.sh/9m6S6/2e2ecd79f4.png Jun 09 18:02:37 I mean the actionbar background is invisible Jun 09 18:03:29 This doesnt happen with API > 11 Jun 09 18:05:44 Does anyone here use IntelliJ IDEA? And does anyone here perfer it over the bundle Android Studio or the Eclipse + Android plugins? Jun 09 18:06:43 IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio are basically the same thing Jun 09 18:07:58 God Damnit it went away with android:fadingEdge="none", argh wasted hours on this! :@ Jun 09 18:08:08 but never again! Jun 09 18:08:10 :) Jun 09 18:08:32 ha! true! Jun 09 18:09:17 anyone seeing the 'Error:(2) does not have package attribute.' message when building on the latest version of Android Studio? Jun 09 18:09:46 it is complaining about package name missing from an auto-generated AndroidManifest.xml file Jun 09 18:09:57 project built fine before updating AS Jun 09 18:11:31 i've tried syncing gradle and rebuilding several times Jun 09 18:22:03 curious, are most people using Android Studio now, or still on ADT? Jun 09 18:22:47 I've used both. I like the live XML layout previews in AS, but overall I think I still prefer ADT Jun 09 18:23:08 i'm guessing lots of people use ADT but they are quiet and getting stuff done Jun 09 18:23:28 i've been using AS its OK. i can be happy with either Jun 09 18:24:17 i think they should replace the android tool lead. clearly, their tools have sucked too much for too long though Jun 09 18:24:32 Quite surprised it hasn't hit 1.0 yet - it was launch at I/O last year wasn't it? Jun 09 18:24:55 something like that Jun 09 18:25:17 yeah - and when you come to pick up Android development now, most books and blogs reference ADT, but google are pushing AS slightly above it Jun 09 18:25:44 I think they should choose one, make a clean break instead of half-heartedly backing two approaches Jun 09 18:25:53 maybe it will hit 1.0 at i/o this year Jun 09 18:26:11 @birbeck: hopefully! Jun 09 18:26:11 its been pretty stable, but now my projects wont build Jun 09 18:26:29 i'll really looking forward to what is announced at i/o this year - one thing for sure, apple is not slowing down with iOS dev - it full speed ahead for them Jun 09 18:26:41 ive completely switched over to AS for all new projects Jun 09 18:26:49 their notifications are getting even better than android Jun 09 18:26:58 g00s: for once Jun 09 18:27:06 the whole gradle sync-ing thing worries me. Feels like something that is bound to break at some stage Jun 09 18:27:39 hmm, i still much prefer android notifications over ios7. i havent played with ios8 beta yet Jun 09 18:28:47 biggest thing I think google needs to address in Android is app permission creep Jun 09 18:28:49 one thing that intrigues me, based on wwdc stuff, is that apple is also positioning itself has privacy / security. they kept mentioninig that when talking about healthbook, etc Jun 09 18:29:09 users should be able to opt in/out on a per-permission basis. Not all or nothing. Jun 09 18:29:26 andyeb yeah - hopefully they show us something at I/O ! Jun 09 18:29:52 I'm surprised Apple haven't made more of that - just the usual cheap jibes at Android and fragmentation Jun 09 18:29:58 @andyeb, that would be a very good improvement, something people have been asking for for years Jun 09 18:30:16 just throw a security exception if the user hasnt granted that permission Jun 09 18:30:38 i think it goes back to android's meta-problem: no quick qupdates. making a change to the permission system is a architectural change; and how do they roll that out without breaking a ton of stuff? apple just does it Jun 09 18:31:15 i'm sure googlers are very concerned about breaking tons of apps Jun 09 18:31:18 I don't doubt it's technically possible. But I don't think it fits the Google mindset - they want people to accept privacy is dead Jun 09 18:31:33 yeah, screw that ;) Jun 09 18:31:45 totally! Jun 09 18:32:40 actually, there is not a whole lot of features that I still want out of Android. but fixing the location services would be great Jun 09 18:32:48 and fixing a number of google apps Jun 09 18:33:11 otoh, apple's seems to want to make the phone the center of the ecosystem, not even the PC. tying it all together are cloud services; and i don't like that either Jun 09 18:33:14 google voice integration with hangouts is a big one Jun 09 18:33:41 but Apple doesnt understand cloud services and can never keep icloud online Jun 09 18:33:56 cant trust a service if its always offline and syncing poorly Jun 09 18:34:18 iCloud is actually an acronym Jun 09 18:34:21 though gmail was down again last night Jun 09 18:34:31 at the end, i wind up with a second rate experience regardless, because i don't like being part of any ecosystem. i don't even use google services, migrating to fastmail.fm Jun 09 18:34:37 iCloud stands for "I can't load or update documents" ;) Jun 09 18:35:01 :D Jun 09 18:35:33 google aren't perfect, but they are better than apple at web Jun 09 18:35:36 way better Jun 09 18:36:18 I love the polish and level of finish on Apple devices and software, but hate the lock-in Jun 09 18:36:55 the lock-in will never go away Jun 09 18:37:03 only trying to make it worse now Jun 09 18:37:54 they used to make out that the lock-in was the price of a consistent user experience. But since that Steve Jobs email leak during the Samsung trial, it became clear the lock-in is the primary motivation and everything else is an excuse Jun 09 18:39:13 FWIW I'm actually a more experienced iOS developer than on Android, so have a lot at stake in the other ecosystem. But it's all been leaving a bad taste in my mouth more recently. Maybe I'm becoming allergic to their kool aid? Jun 09 18:43:39 is it not possible to set textsize as "25sp" in code? only in xml? Jun 09 18:45:25 @rtu I think textview.setTextSize(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_SP, 25); should work. Jun 09 18:46:02 @rtu http://developer.android.com/reference/android/util/TypedValue.html#COMPLEX_UNIT_SP Jun 09 18:57:34 so sw320dp is a typical phone. what should I do to handle super small devices, like the galaxy ace. sw1dp? lol. i saw that the -small qualifier was deprecated Jun 09 19:03:12 unqualified Jun 09 19:05:42 does android itself (inside the sdk and whatnot) utilize multiple cores? just wondering if a single-threaded app runs faster if i "add a core" Jun 09 19:12:03 to some extend it will improve performance , but if you want to make full use you have to do it yourself Jun 09 19:13:50 oh man Jun 09 19:13:56 I changed the database schema in my app... Jun 09 19:14:05 what do I do with old users running the app! Jun 09 19:14:27 Make 2? Jun 09 19:14:35 check for version of teh data? Jun 09 19:14:44 did you save a version someplace ;) Jun 09 19:14:45 I've added a new field Jun 09 19:14:55 oh man Jun 09 19:14:57 clusterfuck Jun 09 19:16:12 if I dont give a fuck, can I add code to wipe the existing database upon 1st time use? Jun 09 19:16:22 oh my god .... Jun 09 19:16:24 what the fuck Jun 09 19:17:35 use the onUpgrade callback to migrate Jun 09 19:18:15 I can only tamper with the new code, with the new code I can say "accommodate the old and make it match the current"? Jun 09 19:20:53 Sicp: fret not. It's a common problem and hardly anyone ever manages to ship the perfect data model in the first version of their app Jun 09 19:21:19 yea Im familiar with the function and I have it overridden Jun 09 19:21:23 but what to place inside Jun 09 19:21:36 I think primarily something unavoidable is to keep the database name as is Jun 09 19:22:37 you detect the upgrade from the old version to the new and run a migration Jun 09 19:23:17 I would recommend migrating to a new version with a new filename Jun 09 19:23:36 reason being if the migration turns out to have a bug in it later, you can always have another bite of the cherry in an update Jun 09 19:23:51 if you've done an in-place migration, that opportunity is lost Jun 09 19:24:02 I only have 1 extra field Jun 09 19:24:08 this hsould be easy Jun 09 19:24:38 perhaps, but loosing user data is a fairly sure-fire way of getting a lot of 1-star reviews quickly Jun 09 19:25:05 alternatively, copy the database off to a backup filename first or something Jun 09 19:25:13 unless it's huge Jun 09 19:25:18 it isnt Jun 09 19:25:20 1 table Jun 09 19:25:38 lost 1 table, became 1 table Jun 09 19:25:48 of course, if there was a decent built-in ORM framework, this stuff would be handled for us Jun 09 19:25:58 surely Jun 09 19:26:47 I suppose that's another option - grab one of the open source libraries and take the pain of a conversion now, in order to make future upgrades less painful Jun 09 19:27:50 how do I set bold text in code? Jun 09 19:28:26 I once had to do a migration like that on an app (another platform) that had hundreds of existing millions of users out there. Scary doesn't quite cover it. Jun 09 19:28:55 we collected a *lot* of test databases and wrote a tonne of migration tests to make sure everything got migrated OK. Jun 09 19:29:09 TMK we never got any reported problems. So it is possible. Jun 09 19:29:59 yea that's beyond scary Jun 09 19:30:09 I have the old version of the app tagged on git Jun 09 19:30:21 I'll pull that and test it out there Jun 09 19:31:04 see SpannableString, rtu Jun 09 19:32:13 right, knocking off for the evening - night all Jun 09 19:33:23 same Jun 09 19:33:27 in light of this news Jun 09 19:33:28 hah Jun 09 19:33:29 bye Jun 09 19:52:15 if everything I want on my screen fits on one phone, does it on all other phones? or they have different ratios? what devices do I need to test on? Jun 09 20:01:24 Phones vary from under 240:340 to 4MP or more. Jun 09 20:14:31 I use Android emulator to test an app. Once I start it automatically, I'd like to know as soon as possible when the app is actually ready/started. What is a good way to find out when the app is ready? Jun 09 20:19:36 Hey, quick question: In our app, we're going to have a feed of data we're getting from a server. Say (for arguments sake) that there are 25 items in the feed and 45 images Jun 09 20:20:31 What is the best way to retrieve this feed? Sending back the 25 items in one call and making 45 individual requests for the images? Or base64 the 45 images and return them inline with the items? Jun 09 20:21:28 Load the images on demand (i.e. when you need to display them to the user) Jun 09 20:22:12 SimonVT: and they all have to be displayed immediatley? Jun 09 20:22:53 I don't know, do they? Jun 09 20:23:37 Lets say yes (This is hypothetical at the minute. Just trying to decide on the best way to implement the API) Jun 09 20:23:55 Images are large, shouldn't have the user wait for them to load before content displays (whatever other information is in the feed) Jun 09 20:24:18 good point Jun 09 20:24:33 Mostly there's no room to display 40 images either Jun 09 20:24:44 Loading them all might just be a waste of bandwidth Jun 09 20:24:46 Yeah, I understand that. Just filling an adapter with them Jun 09 20:26:31 So if I'm loading each picture in separately, is there any advantage/disadvantage to Base64 encoding them? Jun 09 20:27:44 You should just pass an url in your feed, then use some image loading library to do the downloading, caching, etc, of the images Jun 09 20:28:24 Okay. Final question I think so, any easy to use image library you'd recommend? Jun 09 20:28:47 This: http://square.github.io/picasso/ Jun 09 20:29:24 sweet! Thanks SimonVT you've been a huge help :) Jun 09 20:29:36 No problem :) Jun 09 20:34:00 Hi! What's the difference between "User returns to the activity" and "User navigates to the activity" on this activity flowchart? http://developer.android.com/images/activity_lifecycle.png Jun 09 20:35:09 When the user returns to an activity, an instance of it already exists Jun 09 20:37:02 I guess that's true for one of the "user navigates to the activity" as well Jun 09 20:38:18 "The visible lifetime of an activity happens between a call to onStart() until a corresponding call to onStop(). During this time the user can see the activity on-screen, though it may not be in the foreground and interacting with the user. " Jun 09 20:38:27 "The foreground lifetime of an activity happens between a call to onResume() until a corresponding call to onPause(). During this time the activity is in front of all other activities and interacting with the user. An activity can frequently go between the resumed and paused states -- for example when the device goes to sleep, when an activity result is delivered, when a new intent is delivered -- so the code in these methods Jun 09 20:38:27 should be fairly lightweight." Jun 09 20:38:38 Which is just below that chart on http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Activity.html Jun 09 20:39:13 Oops -- thank you, DallasG and SimonVT! Jun 09 20:39:39 An activity is stopped when it's not visible to the user at all. Guess they call it "user navigates to the activity" when the user returns to it Jun 09 20:44:55 Hi all. Does anyone use socialauth-android? Is there a way to inject an oauth token from a local account (i.e. GetToken) into the library? Jun 09 20:50:54 Does anybody know whether AS or Eclipse will run on Android? I will be switching from Windows to Android and was wondering if it would be possible to develop apps on Android. Jun 09 20:53:31 hi guys Jun 09 20:53:44 I have a question about menu & menu item icon Jun 09 20:54:07 I tried to research the answer myself and always found Linux. Never could find whether either one would work on Android. Jun 09 20:54:15 Im just a noob Jun 09 20:54:32 I ve created an xml menu with items but the icons arent shown Jun 09 20:54:39 I ve searched on google Jun 09 20:54:46 and on stackoverflow Jun 09 20:55:23 and I ve read that the actionbar is the way to go Jun 09 20:55:40 but I see some apps on my phone that have a simple menu with icons Jun 09 20:56:16 in my case, I have to add app:showAsAction="ifRoom" in order to show icons (& menu) on the actionbar Jun 09 20:56:32 but I want my menu to be positionned on the bottom corner (just as any menu) Jun 09 21:06:07 I just found out that it is possible to develop apps on Android. AIDE, and that is the only program that I found to work on Android. As far as developing Android Apps. Jun 09 21:09:39 can you compile android sources with normal javac ? Jun 09 21:09:58 i mean all the files ? Jun 09 21:10:07 Have you checked out the SDK? Jun 09 21:10:08 java files? yes Jun 09 21:10:15 is there a drawable resource where I can use the default spinning grey circle? Jun 09 21:10:27 android.R.drawable.spinning_grey_circle? Jun 09 21:57:33 JakeWharton: has anyone mentioned to you ajcore.* files showing up for hugo plugin? Jun 09 21:58:21 DallasG: what does "showing up" mean Jun 09 21:59:17 ajcore files (with what looks like error output from AspectJ) in the root of the Android project Jun 09 22:00:34 hello Jun 09 22:01:06 'cannot cast the outer type to a reference type' seems to be the core message in the stack trace… I can provide more info in a ticket Jun 09 22:05:33 Now that I've started to look into it, it looks like it's an old file that perhaps AS/Gradle didn't clean up post-refactor, which then I'm guessing hugo finds along the way? Jun 09 22:06:02 Hi Jun 09 22:06:26 Im trying to follow the toturials in mybringback.com however i seem not to be able to generate a main.java automatically Jun 09 22:06:33 as he does in the toturials Jun 09 22:16:29 whatst he best tool to show android source dpendencies ? architecture ? Jun 09 22:17:55 aand they're splitted Jun 09 23:17:34 can i build app android with php using phonegap? Jun 09 23:18:30 creatorb1: take about 20 hours of your time to just learn Java & the Android SDK properly, you'll be doing yourself and the world a favor Jun 09 23:24:01 kurtisnelson: yeaah, thanks your suggest :) but i only want to know, can i build my android app with php like as bild with html css using phonegap framework :) Jun 09 23:24:45 nope, PhoneGap interprets javascript into an app, it does not run on a server Jun 09 23:25:43 Always recomend this book for android -> http://smile.amazon.com/Android-Programming-Ranch-Guide-Guides/dp/0321804333/ Jun 09 23:25:55 (yes, I work with the guys who wrote it and am biased) Jun 09 23:42:19 i'm creating a ShapeDrawable from a PathShape, then using that in an ImageView with setImageDrawable(). but the shapeDrawable's onDraw isn't getting called -- anyone know why? Jun 10 00:32:38 Hello, just to confirm if anyone knows. A service running in a remote process can access assests in the package it lives in? Jun 10 00:34:31 Yes, it should be able to Jun 10 00:34:40 thanks Jun 10 00:54:55 hey there all, I need some help with something that I'm developing. In my app I need to be able to choose where pictures are actually beiing saved, kind of like the drop down list where you get to see all the devices and choose where you want to save Jun 10 00:56:25 my issues have been that with the get external files directory you can only see whether or not there is an SD partition to access you cannot tell whether it is the emulated internal storage or an actual connected SD card Jun 10 00:56:58 tl;dr need to choose between emulated external storage and actual external storage for devices that have an SD card slot Jun 10 01:17:08 WonkyTrackpad: you can guess /mnt/sdcard will be the location I guess if the device has a sdcard Jun 10 02:50:47 asking here this question a day now :(... somebody please tell me how i can handle dual sim events on the android ? is it even possible or not ? **** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Jun 10 02:59:59 2014