**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Jun 07 02:59:58 2015 Jun 07 03:04:43 what does 'Suppressing debuggerd output because prctl(PR_GET_DUMPABLE)==0' mean ? Jun 07 03:21:28 Is it possible to display the user account image of the current Android user? (e.g. in a board game app, I want to show the current user’s image Vs the character icon they are playing against) Jun 07 03:21:43 The closest I could find is Google Plus API: plus.model.people.Person.Image, which only has methods getUrl and hasUrl, not a direct reference to an image file: https://developers.google.com/android/reference/com/google/android/gms/plus/model/people/Person.Image Jun 07 03:22:58 how can i run a project that requites android:Theme.Material.Light on a API 18 tablet? can i just remove this requirement? Jun 07 03:25:45 hello Jun 07 03:25:51 do your apps get less used on weekends? Jun 07 03:25:57 sunday seems like a low day. Jun 07 03:47:02 any idea about this prctl(PR_GET_DUMPABLE)==0 ? can't get a proper call stack? Jun 07 04:00:47 Suppressing debuggerd output because prctl(PR_GET_DUMPABLE)==0 ? Jun 07 04:07:59 well calling SET_DUMPABLE, 1 gets me some kind of a call stack Jun 07 04:09:37 Can anyone guess how they programmed the words in this app screenshot? how do they get they check the length of the word textview in order to push it to new line when necessary? http://www.windowscentral.com/sites/wpcentral.com/files/field/image/2014/12/duolingo-windows-phone-translate-screen.jpg Jun 07 04:12:47 To anyone interested, I found a solution to some android devices classifying ALL audio on a phone as music (ends up auto-playing ringtones, notifications, and alarms in the music player...) Jun 07 04:13:55 You do need to be root, but this command will modify the internal media store and remove the 'music' flag, while ensuring the notification flag is properly set for any audio in a Directory starting with /notification Jun 07 04:13:57 sqlite3 -batch '/data/data/com.android.providers.media/databases/external.db' \ Jun 07 04:13:57 "UPDATE files SET is_music = '0' is_notification = '1' WHERE _data LIKE '%/notification%' AND is_music = 1;" Jun 07 04:14:35 I've fought with this for a while, and hope it helps someone. (Using .nomedia files failes, and adding all the custom tones into the ROM directly takes up too much space) Jun 07 04:22:20 http://news.nationalgeographic.com/2015/04/150401-travel-adventure-world-countries-ngbooktalk/ Jun 07 04:25:13 Trying to use layouts in the designer is annoying af, they always snap and expand to places you dont specify Jun 07 04:26:13 I don't think I've ever used the designer. Jun 07 04:26:18 Other than to preview things. Jun 07 04:26:26 that's how layouts worj Jun 07 04:27:02 theyre very dumb though Jun 07 04:27:20 like the AI that drives them is from 1995 Jun 07 04:29:33 Question (probably noobish): Do I actually have to build CM just to simply attempt to build this executable. I don't need the entire rom built. I just want to build the executable to use with my current rom. https://github.com/l3iggs/android_external_sshfs Jun 07 04:29:44 To clarify, this is the error output I get. It seems to need an object file (which none exist yet since I haven't built the rom) http://pastebin.com/ZmawVF1E Jun 07 04:30:09 Drakonas: You should try #android-root Jun 07 04:30:19 lol... my apologies Jun 07 04:30:31 No worries Jun 07 04:30:51 thank you sir/madam Jun 07 04:31:03 sir Jun 07 04:31:04 woops Jun 07 04:31:33 that's an unintentional laugh.. *embarrassed Jun 07 04:31:52 NateRiver: nothing in that screen looks at all different than a stock TextView Jun 07 04:38:45 groxx? you know the words fly up in the order you press them? Jun 07 04:41:33 groxx i think i figured it out, i theres a getwidth method, so after i set the text i can call that and if the currentLIne plus the next word is > then row getWidth it starts a new line- its a super dynamic thing though because tapping a word recalls it back Jun 07 04:42:23 NateRiver: not sure which "words fly up" you mean Jun 07 04:43:41 like they insert and remove themselves in order you press them and the animation makes them fly around Jun 07 04:45:08 aah. yeah, that's probably just a custom layout moving some textviews around. e.g. http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2014/05/android-custom-layout/ + animations. Jun 07 04:46:55 hm, didn't the last support lib add drag - drop support and swipe to dismiss ? i saw that on a slide somewhere the past few days Jun 07 04:47:01 to recyclerview Jun 07 04:48:02 groxx can you still use animations to move textviews around in a relative layout? Jun 07 04:48:49 NateRiver: view.animate().translateX(x).translateY(y) will do it Jun 07 04:49:13 okay, so relativelayout can understand x and y? Jun 07 04:50:12 hm, ItemTouchHelper :) Jun 07 04:52:24 Can I save MediaStore.Audio.Albums.ALBUM_ART Url? Jun 07 04:52:39 s/url/uri Jun 07 04:54:22 is it possible to have an image view that has no xml markup? Jun 07 04:54:30 and everything is set programmatically Jun 07 04:54:53 bilb_ono sure Jun 07 04:59:54 Levite, so is setImageResource(R.drawable.myimage); exactly equivalent to android:src? Jun 07 05:00:41 what does canary channel mean? Jun 07 05:00:56 I believe so -- they just take an int Jun 07 05:00:57 Bleeding edge, not quite stable but with the latest features Jun 07 05:02:20 canary is a kind of bird? Jun 07 05:02:40 It's a reference to the canary in a coal mine Jun 07 05:03:11 what is it? i don't know Jun 07 05:03:17 canary means "I like bugs slightly less than automated nightly releases usually cause" Jun 07 05:03:32 http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/canary_in_a_coal_mine Jun 07 05:03:48 Basically, you're the canary :) Jun 07 05:04:40 Levite, so why do they take different arguments? like I can do android:background="#000", but imageview.setBackground("#000") is invalid Jun 07 05:05:29 setBackground takes an object Drawable Jun 07 05:07:15 right I guess they just don't seem equivalent then. but I guess they do the same thing still? Jun 07 05:07:24 CedricBeust: i get it from the wiki. interesting Jun 07 05:09:14 right, they don't all have equivalents Jun 07 05:09:28 i feel gradle build is quite slow comparing with eclipse. something wrong with my setting? Jun 07 05:09:43 No, gradle is slow Jun 07 05:09:55 it's easy enough to declare your constants in XML though Jun 07 05:10:48 CedricBeust: then why i am advised to switch to AS/gradle? Jun 07 05:11:14 rrr: They are both the standard now, for better or worse Jun 07 05:12:31 CedricBeust: why should we adopt a standard slower than its previous? Jun 07 05:12:33 CedricBeust how is your next blog post coming on the notification stuff :) Jun 07 05:12:34 when your creating a new button programatically in a fragment why do you need to give it a context? Jun 07 05:13:01 rrr: The combination has upsides overall, but it's not a slam dunk. We lost a few things in the process... Jun 07 05:13:18 NateRiver, it must know that its part of the context it lives in ;) Jun 07 05:13:21 g00s: It's still simmering and I'm still changing the implementation, so not quite ready yet Jun 07 05:13:33 i noticed Manning is coming out with a Kotlin book Jun 07 05:13:52 i think that is pretty important. like frank zappa said, every country needs an airline and a beer Jun 07 05:14:28 CedricBeust: could you elaborate a bit? i am kind of lost Jun 07 05:14:51 rrr: Gradle is extremely flexible, more so than maven or ant Jun 07 05:15:01 thanks danijoo Jun 07 05:15:02 but its DSL is arcane and requires a lot of guesswork Jun 07 05:15:28 As for Android Studio, I prefer Eclipse myself and I still find it sad my former colleagues decided to switchto Android Studio Jun 07 05:15:29 yeah looking at the DSL and guessing whats going on with groovy is like trying to hold water in your hands Jun 07 05:15:38 I miss incremental compilaion, smooth DDMS and logcat integration Jun 07 05:15:49 If im creating buttons in a for loop is it safte to set their IDs to the iterator i? or will there be other things with ids like 1,2,3,4,5,6 etc Jun 07 05:15:57 didnt they say we will get incremental compilation soon (tm) Jun 07 05:16:14 danijoo: They've been saying this forever, can't understand why it still hasn't happened Jun 07 05:16:25 yeah :/ Jun 07 05:16:40 hm, vax said they wanted to get the gradle plugin correct first Jun 07 05:16:44 *Xav Jun 07 05:16:48 lol Jun 07 05:16:54 maybe with jack & jill Jun 07 05:17:55 Incremental compilation would be an IDEA feature, nothing specific with AS so I doubt that Android has much to do with its delay (or it not ever appearing) Jun 07 05:21:15 it is a pain for full gradle sync/build everytime after an edit in build.gradle Jun 07 05:21:45 Yes, and on top of that you need to trigger it manually, which boggles my mind in 201 Jun 07 05:21:47 2015 Jun 07 05:21:53 Eclipse requires so much less manual work Jun 07 05:22:41 theres a lot of possible optimization required at this point Jun 07 05:25:13 CedricBeust: actually it is automatic (but annoying) in the latest canary build Jun 07 05:25:24 rrr: so I heard, yes Jun 07 05:25:50 for android, does it really matter if I do something in Schedulers.computation() or Schedulers.io()? Arent they all just "not main thead"? Jun 07 05:26:38 they are slightly different ... Jun 07 05:26:45 maybe the way the thread pool works Jun 07 05:26:52 danijoo: There are huge differences Jun 07 05:27:07 Only mainThread() is main thread, the others are background threads Jun 07 05:27:30 on top of that, io() is backed by an unbounded thread pool while computation() is a fixed thread pool. Be very careful with io() Jun 07 05:28:01 makes sense Jun 07 05:28:03 I try to avoid them all overall, I define my own schedulers. Thread management is too important to be left to libraries Jun 07 05:28:20 danijoo did you see dan lew's youtube rxjava talk from the other day ? Jun 07 05:28:54 g00s, no. I just dived into Rx yesterday evening and try to crawl my way through some wikis right now Jun 07 05:29:18 ah ok, after getting the basics see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jt-_oVQVZlQ Jun 07 05:29:19 danijoo: Take an existing activity and rethink it in terms of Rx. Best way to get your feet wet IMO Jun 07 05:29:28 kinda hodgepodge of stuff, but decent Jun 07 05:29:46 CedricBeust, I already have a usecase for this. Some really ugly beast that needs a rework anyways Jun 07 05:29:56 danijoo: Enjoy and report back! Jun 07 05:30:02 just have to get a lot of the basics first. Rx really requires some rethinking .. Jun 07 05:30:52 danijoo: Yes, that's why I chose that angle in my series of blog posts. I didn't want to go over the boring list of operators or benefits of transformations so instead, I showd the end goal and walked through how to get there when thinking in terms of observables Jun 07 05:31:22 they are really well done Jun 07 05:31:23 :) Jun 07 05:31:29 Thanks, appreciate that Jun 07 05:32:28 * g00s is highly anticipating Quasar for android Jun 07 05:32:43 hopefully it will work with kotlin on android too Jun 07 05:33:06 since they already have kotlin support :) Jun 07 05:33:08 I'm not convinced Quasar would be useful for Android but we'll see, I like the guys behind it Jun 07 05:33:35 there are enough areas where my rx doesn't feel right, but i don't think i'm doing it wrong Jun 07 05:33:54 usually around areas where i need to escape the monad Jun 07 05:34:26 usually around android lifecycle crap Jun 07 05:34:35 and callbacks Jun 07 05:35:30 g00s: Feel free to pastebin Jun 07 05:38:12 could i use java8 feature in android dev? Jun 07 05:38:28 rrr, not our Jun 07 05:38:31 nope. but theres retrolambda Jun 07 05:38:32 rrr: There's something called Retrolambda which will give you the lambda syntax (but that's it) Jun 07 05:38:36 out of the box Jun 07 05:38:53 the lambda syntax is huge Jun 07 05:39:20 a proper type system would be nice Jun 07 05:39:41 i see some android code uses -> and wonder Jun 07 05:40:52 but no hurt to point JAVA_HOME to JDK8 in android dev, right? Jun 07 05:41:28 its fine. you just cannot use its features Jun 07 05:41:28 Yup that's fine, I build with java8 myself Jun 07 05:42:48 rrr, no android code uses -> Jun 07 05:43:38 pfn: uh? Jun 07 05:44:18 R adds a lot of object overhead, doesnt it? Jun 07 05:44:31 ? Jun 07 05:44:32 Rx* Jun 07 05:44:33 :) Jun 07 05:44:45 I need a new keyboard >.< Jun 07 05:45:37 * CedricBeust is partial to Microsoft's Natural keyboards Jun 07 05:45:42 * pfn has gotten to the point where he doesn't care Jun 07 05:45:48 g00s: do you use this Quasar framework? Jun 07 05:45:56 overhead doesn't matter until it impacts performance Jun 07 05:45:56 I saw a post in kotlin blog about them Jun 07 05:46:48 writing elegant, maintainable code is of far more import Jun 07 05:46:49 yoavst not yet, i looked into it a few years ago but since it didn't work on android i forgot about it Jun 07 05:47:19 http://i.imgur.com/MsgLYTJ.png Is it possible to set nav bar to semi transparent like in the picture? I cannot get it to work on lollipop Jun 07 05:47:41 It works for nav drawer, but not for my fragment Jun 07 05:49:13 (It hides my fragment content, but not navigation drawer) Jun 07 05:50:56 CedricBeust for example, startForeground requires a notification, but the value i want to put in that notification is from an Observable Jun 07 05:51:01 can I pair with more than one bluetooth device? Jun 07 05:51:14 paulo_ sure Jun 07 05:51:41 observable.subscribe(value -> startNotification(value))? Jun 07 05:52:17 g00s: ok, I plan to make a multiplayer version of something. It has 4 players. So I just pair with the other 3 devices? Jun 07 05:53:20 paulo_, look at Play Games Services if it does not have to work offline Jun 07 05:53:39 danijoo: right now, i'm implementing offline. Jun 07 05:54:04 although its possible, you rarely see games using bluetooth Jun 07 05:54:12 its too crappy for most things Jun 07 05:54:29 danijoo: hmm ok. I'll probably skip bluetooth for now. Jun 07 05:56:09 it's three types of multiplayer people are requesting: local wifi, play services, bluetooth Jun 07 05:56:37 I don't really want to implement all requests, though. Jun 07 05:56:51 I keep reading, that's counter-productive Jun 07 05:56:58 play services is the easiest i think. Jun 07 05:57:07 http://i.imgur.com/ujSnoyf.jpg What do you think? Jun 07 05:57:28 danijoo: do they use the google account for that? Jun 07 05:57:33 yoavst, about the design? Jun 07 05:57:36 paulo_, yup Jun 07 05:57:58 danijoo: it says it also works for iOS though. what account do they use for that? Jun 07 05:58:08 no idea. Jun 07 05:58:16 danijoo: sure :) Jun 07 05:58:25 yoavst, toolbar needs shadow :) Jun 07 05:58:31 to match the cards Jun 07 05:58:49 shouldn't it be enabled automatically? Jun 07 05:58:54 how do I enable it? Jun 07 05:58:55 only on L Jun 07 05:59:12 I'm on L... ;) Jun 07 05:59:17 then it should. Jun 07 05:59:28 if it has the right elevation Jun 07 06:00:05 What size of shadow should it have? Jun 07 06:00:20 i think its elevation of 4 Jun 07 06:00:33 danijoo: ok, i'll do Play Services for now. Jun 07 06:01:11 Ok done. Anything else? Jun 07 06:01:28 danijoo: wait, what if I want to test the app, are there implementation for dummy accounts for Play Services?? Jun 07 06:01:49 paulo_, i never used Games services myself Jun 07 06:02:02 danijoo: hmm ok. this should be interesting. Jun 07 06:03:39 CedricBeust hm, but lets say you are invoking startForeground() from Service.onStartCommand() - and the observable is not emitting on the UI thread. If you do .observeOn() then this gets queued up and happens sometime after startcommand Jun 07 06:04:20 Then observe on the main thread Jun 07 06:04:33 right but that will queue the rx notification Jun 07 06:04:58 Not for very long, what's the problem? Jun 07 06:06:00 maybe a better example is onPrepareOptionsMenu(). and the value of a menu item is from an observable. But the menu has to be initialized on exit from that function. of you observeOn() .. and queue that RX notification again, that will run after that method Jun 07 06:14:44 are attrs passed in to the constructors of a custom view generated by the xml? Or can they be generated with setImageResource Jun 07 06:14:52 for example, and other programmatic methods? Jun 07 06:15:56 bilb_ono the attrs will be passed to the ctor. see the docs they are pretty good Jun 07 06:15:58 in this area Jun 07 06:17:29 bilb_ono like this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2884501/android-custom-view-constructor Jun 07 06:26:18 g00s, placeholder the menu Jun 07 06:26:37 g00s, or make it invisible until the observable is ready Jun 07 06:27:32 g00s, happening after on start is not a problem Jun 07 06:28:02 pfn yeah that was a bad example Jun 07 06:44:07 I feel like if my code were a real object it would be kept together by ducktape and tons of wood glue and look really ugly Jun 07 06:44:42 They should make a library called DuckTape and you could @Tape Jun 07 06:45:45 what does MNC in preview mean? Jun 07 06:47:01 what does MNC in preview mean? Jun 07 06:47:31 metadata not compiled Jun 07 06:47:35 macadamia nut cookie Jun 07 06:47:52 i wish i was joking Jun 07 06:48:08 i hope that's not the official name once it's live because it's terrible Jun 07 06:54:56 liuwenhao, no. it will just be 23 or so Jun 07 06:55:05 the letters are just for the preview Jun 07 06:56:45 meh that dan lew video on rx ... to many errors Jun 07 07:08:19 rxandroid needs better docs >.< Jun 07 07:09:32 anyone tried genymotion? Jun 07 07:09:44 rrr, yes. a lot of us use it Jun 07 07:10:31 how is it good? Jun 07 07:10:38 its awesome Jun 07 07:11:14 i could not get list of avds after login Jun 07 07:11:59 don't know where wrong Jun 07 07:12:53 i dont use the avds since genymotion Jun 07 07:12:59 rarely used them before Jun 07 07:13:13 lol, dolphins != fuel, did anyone else see that Jun 07 07:15:09 danijoo they really improved the AVD like 2 months ago! now it loads faster than geny Jun 07 07:15:34 NateRiver, but geny is still more futurerich Jun 07 07:15:43 because of all those testing tools Jun 07 07:15:59 one click and i can do things like throttle network speed or send sms Jun 07 07:16:18 danijoo: they are not called avds in genymotion? Jun 07 07:16:35 i spose, it stopped working for me one day because i had free version so i just never troubleshooted it and went back to avd Jun 07 07:17:13 rrr, call it what you want :) Jun 07 07:17:36 i think genymotion is not an emulator but a simulator if you want to be exact Jun 07 07:18:00 rrr they are called red-haired gennys Jun 07 07:18:10 danijoo: genyomtion is a virtual machine Jun 07 07:18:16 based on virtualbox Jun 07 07:18:31 how about buck? Jun 07 07:18:49 i dont really care what is is Jun 07 07:18:53 it just have to work Jun 07 07:18:57 and thats what it does :) Jun 07 07:18:58 buck seems undocumented Jun 07 07:19:41 it goes like crazy i just could not keep up with the trend Jun 07 07:21:01 1 year or 2 years after then everything tool is changed Jun 07 07:22:07 Genymotion guys only release after an official Android version is released. They don't track previews. Is that correct? Jun 07 07:24:04 one of the unfortunate things about geny, and android in general, is the licensing of GMS Jun 07 07:24:19 it was a year ago, i thought they said they were working on it Jun 07 07:24:26 but nothing ever happened :( Jun 07 07:24:52 what is GMS? Jun 07 07:24:52 so if you are going to use play services, gotta use official qemu stuff Jun 07 07:24:56 Play Services Jun 07 07:25:56 and emulator is fairly fast IMHO with HAXM. Jun 07 07:26:21 donniezazen, we had an android L preview version of genymotion Jun 07 07:26:26 if just took some tim Jun 07 07:26:27 e Jun 07 07:26:56 Do you guys generally run just one emulator or more than one? Jun 07 07:27:07 At the same time. Jun 07 07:27:11 i run 2-3 Jun 07 07:27:30 but that really depends on what im working on Jun 07 07:27:42 multiple when Its about design, only one for logic Jun 07 07:27:54 That should total to around 5GB of RAM. Jun 07 07:28:27 donniezazen, I currently have one gemymotion emu running Jun 07 07:28:42 Nexus4, Android 5. 150mb ram from task manager Jun 07 07:29:50 http://prntscr.com/7e2tpx Jun 07 07:33:08 danijoo: https://imgur.com/yFC4Ayq taking 1GB RAM without any app running Jun 07 07:33:32 so its another pro of genymotion i think Jun 07 07:33:32 Nexus_5_API_22 Jun 07 07:35:25 RAM is generally not a problem because unused RAM is wasted anyways. Jun 07 07:35:45 18877 donnie 20 0 3729188 1.059g 78136 R 13.6 14.0 1:36.10 emulator64-x86 Jun 07 07:35:55 How do I respond to people asking me how I make from my apps? Jun 07 07:35:59 *how much Jun 07 07:36:04 Usually system gets too hot and then everything start crawling. Jun 07 07:36:44 paulo_: whatever makes them happy. Jun 07 07:37:06 unless gradle eats it :D Jun 07 07:37:10 donniezazen: that's a bit vauge Jun 07 07:38:18 depends on how much you make i think :p Jun 07 07:38:26 :) Jun 07 07:39:37 if they come to your mansion to ask that, theres no point in saying "not enough to live" :p Jun 07 07:45:19 If I don't use -noaudio then emu starts consuming 100% of CPU. I believe there is no way to add commandline options to emu via AS. Jun 07 07:47:08 if i dont use -noaudio it just crashes :P Jun 07 07:48:43 I didn't either but after searching there is a 2 years old emu-arm bug with a comment that -noaudio fixes it. It worked for x64 too. Jun 07 07:51:07 is there a valid was to get all contacts from addressbook that I have sent at least on SMS to? Jun 07 07:55:13 Hi guys... I need your help Jun 07 07:56:07 I installed Android Studio on linux and I created a project, but it says to me that "Gradle project sync failed" Jun 07 07:56:12 what can I do? Jun 07 07:57:49 Babaum: check why it failed in the logs and search google for that Jun 07 07:58:05 probably importing from the wrong places or failed lint Jun 07 07:58:23 g00s: ! Jun 07 07:58:29 hey thepoosh ! Jun 07 07:58:41 been under the weather in the past week or so Jun 07 07:59:21 The problem seems to be this: Jun 07 07:59:22 Gradle project resolve error Jun 07 07:59:22 org.gradle.tooling.GradleConnectionException: Could not run build action using Gradle installation '/home/leonardo/android-studio/gradle/gradle-2.2.1'. Jun 07 07:59:46 but I don't know how to solve it :/ Jun 07 08:01:12 hmm is there a way to merge a changing # of observables ? Jun 07 08:01:18 (rxjava) Jun 07 08:09:15 java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int android.widget.RelativeLayout.getWidth()' on a null object reference why does getWidth do this i created the Relative layout in xml Jun 07 08:10:52 The variable you're calling getWidth on is null.. It's that simple Jun 07 08:10:55 Now find out why Jun 07 08:11:05 :( Jun 07 08:11:25 NateRiver, view not initialized yet maybe Jun 07 08:11:27 i do this line right before getWidth RelativeLayout rL2 = (RelativeLayout) v.findViewById(R.id.row1); Jun 07 08:11:30 dont do this in oncreate Jun 07 08:11:51 hmm yeah it is onCreateView Jun 07 08:12:15 ;) Jun 07 08:13:35 I like how it's impossible to detect a redirect in a webview. because why would anyone ever want to do that, google Jun 07 08:14:17 that is not true Jun 07 08:14:31 please, enlighten me Jun 07 08:14:37 you can get the response code, cant you? Jun 07 08:14:44 you can overwrite the getter for window.location.href Jun 07 08:14:50 well not entirely true Jun 07 08:14:53 i mean setter* Jun 07 08:15:03 that doesn't work for server redirects Jun 07 08:15:17 danijoo where else should i do it do you think? onCreateView passes things like LayoutInflater and ViewGroup that i need to findViewById? Jun 07 08:15:37 NateRiver, i dont know what you are trying to do. how can i tell? Jun 07 08:15:38 server redirects aren't redirects tho Jun 07 08:18:05 Also i need to getWidth dynamically, so i need to create a textView and then check what its width is when wrapContent adjusts for its text and then add the next TextView based on that width Jun 07 08:20:00 NateRiver, measure the view, then you can get its width Jun 07 08:20:54 with unspecified specs Jun 07 08:21:42 RxAndroid is not really complete, it it? Jun 07 08:22:11 why not? Jun 07 08:22:36 no expandablelistview subscriber for example Jun 07 09:04:55 i have written custom ime keyboard sometimes it is not shown in some input boxes. but default keyboard is shown any suggestions ? Jun 07 09:22:16 danijoo other things in onCreateView call v.findViewById and they arent null in debugger, but as soon as i use a method to minimize code and pass in View v anything that uses v.findViewById in the method is null... weird Jun 07 09:22:52 show the code Jun 07 09:24:38 like in a pastebin? Jun 07 09:25:04 yes Jun 07 09:26:09 NateRiver: sounds like you're obfuscating the wrong things Jun 07 09:31:47 http://pastebin.com/FNh5KXJ6 danijoo thepoosh i just moved the method back into the onCreateView, the debugger says line 9 relative layout has a value and is not null, but when the it gives nullpointer on .getWidth Jun 07 09:32:24 NateRiver, so its not the view that gives you the null Jun 07 09:32:25 omfg, your var names Jun 07 09:32:40 where is the exception thrown? Jun 07 09:32:44 youcant get width in onCreateView(). its not set yet Jun 07 09:32:49 9-11 Jun 07 09:33:09 sounds like v is not null but it finds nothing Jun 07 09:33:24 NateRiver, you cant get width before its measured (still) Jun 07 09:33:36 i tried the getMeasuredWidth and it quits upon calling that Jun 07 09:34:12 NateRiver, you CANT. Jun 07 09:34:13 Maybe if i just make a new relativeLayout in code and then add it to the linear layout? Jun 07 09:34:23 then you still CANT Jun 07 09:35:00 you try to getMeasuredWith before the view is added to the viewport. It has not a width in onCreateView and whatever you do it wont have unless you measure it manually Jun 07 09:36:17 im trying to do something like this, it starts a new row whenever the word is too big for the line http://www.theappzine.com/sites/default/files/styles/screenshot_full/public/duolingo%202.PNG?itok=QpwCQioc how do you think they did it? Jun 07 09:37:08 NateRiver, use a library Jun 07 09:37:49 whats even the purpose of getWidth, where would you ever use it Jun 07 09:38:03 NateRiver, everywhere after onCreateView Jun 07 09:38:13 or still: measure it manually Jun 07 09:38:30 I think thats what you want to use: https://github.com/mitmel/Locast-Core-Android/blob/master/src/se/fnord/android/layout/PredicateLayout.java Jun 07 09:39:09 Hello Guys Jun 07 09:40:00 i got a problem with eclipse, i just switched to it today from unity but when i try to import my source it keeps telling me : AndroidManifest.xml:27: error: Error: No resource found that matches the given name (at 'value' with value '@integer/google_play_services_version'). Jun 07 09:40:12 altough i do exactly as described in this video- >http://youtu.be/90i_nycQTUg Jun 07 09:40:21 i installed all available SDK versions Jun 07 09:41:39 ohhh so theres things like onLayoutView i could do it in, i guess i didnt know there was anything after onCreateView i usually put all my code in there Jun 07 09:42:12 NateRiver, the common way is to require logic that modifies views in onActivityCreated for fragments Jun 07 09:42:24 thats the earliest point where layout is measured and getView() is set Jun 07 09:43:35 because the fragment is created first and then the Activity Jun 07 09:43:45 no Jun 07 09:43:50 the naming of the method just sucks Jun 07 09:44:58 "Called when the fragment's activity has been created and this fragment's view hierarchy instantiated. It can be used to do final initialization once these pieces are in place, such as retrieving views or restoring state." Jun 07 09:46:15 no one? i think its a very basic problem since i am completely new into developing Jun 07 09:46:42 i tried to place the google play libs in the same folder as the gradle project files but the problem still appears Jun 07 09:47:25 drogo90, will take a while until somebody shows up that actually uses eclipse Jun 07 09:47:30 most devs switched away from it Jun 07 09:47:32 drogo90, you should search on stackoverflow, keep in mind eclipse is not supported anymore (almost) and you should move to Android Studio. @integer/google_play_services_version is just a value inside one of your dependency of gplay Jun 07 09:47:43 so maybe you did not add properly the dep Jun 07 09:48:03 can i take my existing source and use it in android studio? Jun 07 09:48:17 I think so Jun 07 09:48:20 i dont have the skills to create code form scratch, i just work with reskinning games at the moment Jun 07 09:48:26 ok i will try it Jun 07 09:48:30 project structure says the gradle version is 2.2.1 but the installed version is 2.4, where does 2.2.1 come from? Jun 07 09:49:06 okay so ill put code in onActivityCreated Jun 07 09:49:17 rrr, where do you got that "installed version" from? Jun 07 09:49:21 installed it manually? Jun 07 09:49:53 danijoo: it is under android studio/gradle folder Jun 07 09:50:08 anyone have a simple 2d siderunner source hed like to share? Jun 07 09:50:31 search on github or on the big internet Jun 07 09:50:43 rrr usually the one that is set in yourapp/gradle is used Jun 07 09:51:17 danijoo: I don't see where it is set Jun 07 09:51:17 if possible i would like to have the permission from the coder to use it, i think the ones on github are all just for learning purpose right? Jun 07 09:51:30 i bought 2 sources on codecanyon but id like to also have a simple 2d siderunner Jun 07 09:51:33 rrr gradle-wrapper.properties file Jun 07 09:51:45 there is a link to a zip that is used when you press gradle-sync Jun 07 09:52:10 http://prntscr.com/7e3qmr Jun 07 09:56:27 drogo90, read the licenses Jun 07 09:56:41 they will tell you if you are allowed to use them Jun 07 09:57:50 but you should learn programming first :p Jun 07 10:00:11 is it weird that i never use libraries ? Jun 07 10:00:21 not weird but stupid :p Jun 07 10:00:31 so if i change the zip from 2.2.1 to 2.4 then 2.4 will be used? Jun 07 10:00:38 i guess i need to research them Jun 07 10:01:13 rrr yes Jun 07 10:01:26 or just change it in module settings Jun 07 10:02:08 Before i do anything, I search if somebody did that before me and published it as lib Jun 07 10:02:47 i guess i just dont know what id search for most of the time Jun 07 10:03:03 but that comes with experience! Jun 07 10:03:20 danijoo: in model settings, do you use offline mode? Jun 07 10:03:32 module Jun 07 10:03:36 NateRiver, for example you should search for "predicateLayout", which does what you are currently implementing Jun 07 10:03:51 rrr on my laptop, i do Jun 07 10:04:25 what is the diff between offline and online? Jun 07 10:04:52 one is for offline the other for online mode :p Jun 07 10:07:38 what is android plugin version in module settings? Jun 07 10:07:46 1.1.0 Jun 07 10:08:34 whats your guess? Jun 07 10:08:45 also the shortcut F4 for open module settings does not work at all. Jun 07 10:09:00 works for me Jun 07 10:10:12 its not a global shortcut. you must select the module first Jun 07 10:11:09 ah yes Jun 07 10:11:34 i guess it is android plugin for intellij Jun 07 10:11:57 wrong :p Jun 07 10:12:00 you have another try Jun 07 10:13:54 plugin for gradle? Jun 07 10:14:05 yup Jun 07 10:16:07 AGPBI: {"kind":"ERROR","text":"Attribute \"titleTextStyle\" has already been defined","sourcePath":"D:\\workspace\\cycle-time\\app\\build\\intermediates\\exploded-aar\\com.google.android.gms\\play-services-wallet\\7.5.0\\res\\values\\wallet_colors.xml","position":{"startLine":1},"original":""} Jun 07 10:17:50 no titleTextStyle in wallet_colors.xml at all, what the hell is this resulting from gradle build? Jun 07 10:19:32 whats your gradle file Jun 07 10:48:26 Hello folks! Jun 07 10:48:40 I am getting this error : java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.app.ActionBar.setDisplayHomeAsUpEnabled(boolean)' on a null object reference Jun 07 10:50:01 I use android:theme="@style/AppTheme" and the class extends Activity and import android.app.Activity; Jun 07 10:51:08 ircfox_: Change getActionBar() to getSupportActionBar() Jun 07 10:52:05 surf2b1: how do I use getSupportActionBar() if I am importing Activity? Jun 07 10:52:36 What is the parent for "AppTheme"? Jun 07 10:53:18 If it is an AppCompat theme you should be extending AppCompatActivity instead of Activity Jun 07 10:58:00 surf2b1: I don't understand why is it like that. Why it is not just an Activity import? Jun 07 10:58:28 because Google thinks you should use appcompat for backwards compatibility Jun 07 10:58:41 surf2b1: now it is working. How do I find a theme parent? Jun 07 10:58:45 You can change the theme and use Activity and the native ActionBar if you want Jun 07 10:58:59 Go to styles.xml in /res/values Jun 07 11:03:50 surf2b1: sorry, my computer crashed again. Jun 07 11:04:26 Is this channel logged? Jun 07 11:06:12 surf2b1: I don't understand why is it like that. Why it is not just an Activity import? Jun 07 11:06:12 because Google thinks you should use appcompat for backwards compatibility Jun 07 11:06:12 surf2b1: now it is working. How do I find a theme parent? Jun 07 11:06:12 You can change the theme and use Activity and the native ActionBar if you want Jun 07 11:06:12 Go to styles.xml in /res/values Jun 07 11:06:57 thanks danijoo Jun 07 11:07:00 danijoo: thank you! I could read until this point before the crash. Jun 07 11:09:24 I am getting this weird Apple crashed ever since : https://gist.github.com/anonymous/9a76c561f5ff3d5df113 Jun 07 11:09:41 I think it will be fixed within the next upgrade. Jun 07 11:14:27 surf2b1: actually the value I found on /res/values is