**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Nov 14 02:59:59 2015 Nov 14 03:00:17 So I commented the 'throw error' line, and uncommented the rest of the method, and it's still just adding a new line to the text box when I click enter. lasserix where should I put the line you gave me? Nov 14 03:01:05 Smoking is bad for your health but good for your code Nov 14 03:01:14 Return `true` from that method. Nov 14 03:01:44 from the onEditorAction, or server_address_listener? Nov 14 03:02:13 CedricBeust, Hah, true. I've been cutting back. I used to smoke a pack a day, and now I'm down to two or three per day. Nov 14 03:02:32 Your code is going to suffer but you gotta do what you gotta do Nov 14 03:07:40 TacticalJoke, When I changed it to this: https://bpaste.net/show/d1a620f4673b Logcat gave me this: https://bpaste.net/show/b2d210c28bf7 Nov 14 03:07:45 is there a tutorial i could look at for the task i want? i want a button to appear, and while the button is up, have the phone check for changes in movement of the device Nov 14 03:08:39 Rush2112, You're going to want the button to start a thread, and have that thread deal with the IMU. Do you know how to make a button? Nov 14 03:09:12 yeah though i'm not sure if i'm using the right thing or the right terminology. i want like a pop up button; im using a dialogue with a button inside it but its not working Nov 14 03:09:17 hello can anyone help me? Nov 14 03:09:21 http://prntscr.com/92jcty Nov 14 03:09:35 whats the label328 mean? its give me an error Nov 14 03:09:57 i'm importing old version of apk to new apk in android studio and end up give me that error Nov 14 03:10:47 You want the 'android:onClick" of the Button to point to a method in your activity class, and have that do the threading. Nov 14 03:11:28 Look at this, it's not exactly what you want, but it helped me a lot: https://developer.android.com/training/basics/network-ops/connecting.html Nov 14 03:11:38 TacticalJoke, any new ideas? Nov 14 03:12:47 Smrtz: its that for me or for Rush2112 Nov 14 03:14:00 racoonfox12, It was for Rush2112 Nov 14 03:14:37 hmm Nov 14 03:14:55 im trying to dd the block device for the internal sdcard on a nexus device Nov 14 03:15:10 but dd appears to be compiled without support for 64 bit syscalls Nov 14 03:15:15 any suggestions? Nov 14 03:16:52 hello? Nov 14 03:17:17 racoonfox12: It's syntactically invalid. Nov 14 03:17:22 racoonfox12, Hello. We can see your messages. Nov 14 03:20:15 so can anyone give me sugestion? what i want is to break outside switch or loop, and make the for to run Nov 14 03:23:10 Are you decompiling someone else's APK? :s Nov 14 03:23:11 ah /system/xbin/dd supports 64bit system calls Nov 14 03:23:28 goto Nov 14 03:23:38 `goto` doesn't work in Java. Nov 14 03:24:45 racoonfox12: wrap your switch or loop instead a LABEL:{ } and then you can break with break LABEL; Nov 14 03:25:06 of course your label can be anything like EXIT:{} Nov 14 03:25:38 non local break ftl Nov 14 03:26:04 Could I be using the wrong imeOptions paramaeter in my xml? Nov 14 03:26:32 TacticalJoke: what's wrong with decompiling an APK ? Nov 14 03:26:55 I think it is perfectly sane to try to understand what is running on your devices Nov 14 03:27:29 decompiling is fine, trying to modify it is not Nov 14 03:27:52 why is that ? Nov 14 03:28:07 it's not yours to modify Nov 14 03:28:21 it's running in my device I do what I want with my phone Nov 14 03:28:32 its my sexy body i do what i want Nov 14 03:28:37 :-) Nov 14 03:29:44 Smrtz: Nov 14 03:29:47 (actionId == EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE || event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.KEYCODE_ENTER || event.getKeyCode() == KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN) Nov 14 03:29:51 ACTION DOWN Nov 14 03:30:00 did you use the debugger to see what the keyevent actually was? Nov 14 03:32:13 lasserix, It's only runnning server_address_listener when it's called in the onCreate method. The execution point doesn't change when I press enter. Nov 14 03:32:29 So no, I haven't been able to debug that far. Nov 14 03:35:35 It doesn't apper to be registering a key event at all. Nov 14 03:38:31 you sure its right edit text? Nov 14 03:39:03 passwordInput.registerOnEditorActionListener(this); Nov 14 03:39:20 @Override public boolean onEditorAction(TextView textView, int actionId, KeyEvent event) { Nov 14 03:39:24 not key listener Nov 14 03:40:00 I'm sure it's the right EditText. Nov 14 03:40:46 yeah Nov 14 03:40:50 but ditch the key listener Nov 14 03:40:54 use OnEditorActionListener Nov 14 03:43:06 lasserix, Like I've got in line 8? Nov 14 03:43:07 https://bpaste.net/show/d1a620f4673b Nov 14 03:45:29 And line 6? Nov 14 03:49:54 https://bpaste.net/show/515c616282ea Nov 14 03:49:58 that is what you posted earlier Nov 14 03:52:27 Right, I've been googieing and trying to fix it, so I've made a few changes. Would you like me to post my current full MainActivity and activity_main? Nov 14 03:53:01 sure Nov 14 03:53:50 MainActiviy: https://bpaste.net/show/dc0fc211cfec activity_main: https://bpaste.net/show/70bb40a82d6e Nov 14 03:54:25 Thanks again for helping me out with this you guys. You're really making learning this a lot easier. Nov 14 03:54:37 doInBackground Nov 14 03:54:39 returns to Nov 14 03:54:45 onPostExecutre(the return args) Nov 14 03:54:49 which is called on the main thread Nov 14 03:54:56 doInBackground is on a background thread Nov 14 03:55:00 which means it can't touch the UI Nov 14 03:55:05 but onPostExecute can Nov 14 03:56:25 I'm only using the NetworkTask thread if the user clicks the ping button. My current issue is that when you enter text into the text box and press enter, it just adds a new line, rather than capture the entered text. Nov 14 03:56:57 So, none of what's happening in the NetworkTask class should effect this, right? Nov 14 03:57:11 one sec Nov 14 03:57:16 you need to setin xml Nov 14 03:57:18 in edittext Nov 14 03:58:00 input_type_action_options Nov 14 03:58:02 err Nov 14 03:58:06 imeOptions Nov 14 03:58:12 and input type Nov 14 03:58:15 needs to be et Nov 14 03:58:18 text|textType Nov 14 03:58:23 ie text|textEmailAddress Nov 14 03:58:53 inputBox.setImeOptions(imeAction); Nov 14 03:59:02 and inputType Nov 14 03:59:43 wait, what? Nov 14 04:00:25 in your edittext xml Nov 14 04:00:30 you need to add android:inputType Nov 14 04:00:31 the type Nov 14 04:00:36 and android:imeOptions Nov 14 04:00:39 the action type Nov 14 04:00:48 what is the user entering? Nov 14 04:00:50 an ip address? Nov 14 04:00:57 Yeah, it's an IP. Nov 14 04:01:17 http://developer.android.com/training/keyboard-input/style.html Nov 14 04:01:20 so you want Nov 14 04:01:48 phone. Nov 14 04:02:19 android:inputType="numberDecimal" Nov 14 04:02:28 And would I want actionDone, or actionSend? Nov 14 04:02:33 actionDone Nov 14 04:02:35 unless Nov 14 04:02:38 it is "sending" Nov 14 04:02:41 its more a contextual thing Nov 14 04:02:44 you can set it to be Nov 14 04:02:47 labeled as SEND Nov 14 04:03:02 read this http://developer.android.com/training/keyboard-input/style.html Nov 14 04:03:06 Well, it's sending the IP to another part of the code/ Nov 14 04:03:18 its a context thign Nov 14 04:03:29 you can also use android:imeLabel="**** YEAH" Nov 14 04:03:35 or whatever you want Nov 14 04:03:46 once you have those in place then it should work Nov 14 04:03:51 (inputtype and imeoptions) Nov 14 04:04:06 Reading now... Nov 14 04:04:26 Yep, that fixed it! Nov 14 04:04:48 Great! Thanks for all the help! Alright, I'll finish reading this before continuing... Nov 14 04:15:58 this is cool http://androidxref.com Nov 14 04:29:33 g00s: Yeah, I use that a lot. Easier than grepping in a lot of cases. Nov 14 04:34:36 just heard about it :) Nov 14 04:43:27 do the google play services avd's have the gmail app installed? Nov 14 04:44:28 also, I was dealing with a wierd issue today: Trying to run the app on a tablet avd, but when I run the app it prompts me to add an email account Nov 14 04:44:56 the stock email client (this is API 19) if it matters. It's driving me bonkers several hours later that I can't figure it out Nov 14 04:56:15 is there a way to disable soft keyboard on the emulator that runs on travis-ci? Nov 14 04:58:02 or a way to tell espresso to wait until it's *actually* gone before continuing? Nov 14 05:52:36 I'm using the tutorial here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18867029/how-to-show-pop-up-window-in-android and my app crashes when i try to use that bit. Does anyone have any suggestions why that might be? Nov 14 06:08:19 if I have a dialogue open, is there a way I can have my program be "while dialogue is open, do this" Nov 14 06:10:32 Have your program do its stuff and let the dialogue notify your code when it gets dismissed Nov 14 06:14:46 can someone explain to me how androidTest works? I notice there are two apks (the main app and the androidTest app). When I run my tests, it builds both apps and so there are two processes. Why does it need to install both apps? Nov 14 06:14:46 'Windows Central is now hearing from multiple sources that Project Astoria is on hold indefinitely" ... thats probably a good thing Nov 14 06:15:20 I also notice that when I run my tests, it first runs the main app before running my tests Nov 14 06:16:01 if there is documentation on this, I'd be more than happy to read it.. I can't seem to find how documentation on how the internals of android tests work Nov 14 06:23:54 nevermind, I see the diagram here :) http://developer.android.com/tools/testing/testing_android.html Nov 14 06:24:05 it does look like the tests run in the same process as the main app Nov 14 06:26:19 I think I will have both intelj and AS install Nov 14 06:37:22 anyone look at this fragnums thing ? Nov 14 07:08:49 CedricBeust this is great http://colinm.org/language_checklist.html Nov 14 07:12:08 gradle plugin 1.5.0 is out Nov 14 07:12:10 hmm Nov 14 07:14:51 lots of changes from 1.3.+ to 1.5.0 Nov 14 07:15:16 yep, I have lots of work to integrate on Monday Nov 14 07:27:32 kobalt now supports apt: https://github.com/cbeust/java-apt-example Nov 14 07:27:44 One step closer to full Android support Nov 14 07:28:25 hmm, having master/detail on one screen where detail has tabs looks kinda strange Nov 14 07:30:33 i guess it also precludes lateral navigation Nov 14 07:35:30 interesting. deny microphone to Keep and it refuses to run Nov 14 08:10:51 if I have a dialogue open, is there a way I can have my program be "while dialogue is open, do this" Nov 14 09:34:38 I believe you'd have to track state manually, via onPause and onResume **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Nov 14 10:16:38 2015 Nov 14 10:36:21 hithere Nov 14 10:37:17 ello Nov 14 10:37:31 I would like to create about page, solution I have on my mind is using fragment and textView, but maybe there is better solution Nov 14 10:38:05 how do you guys create your about page (some easy form, author, version, active links to web page...) Nov 14 10:39:09 i wouldnt overthink it. Launch a simple activity that displays the info and boom. Nov 14 10:39:23 maybe use just a dialog as well depending on how much info you have to present Nov 14 10:39:46 also all that information can be found on the play store for your app so... Nov 14 10:43:22 not much just basics with contact, some copyright things... Nov 14 10:44:31 orbyt_, ok thank you for opinion Nov 14 10:45:11 bolovanos, check how other apps (gmail for example) does it, adapt it to your stuff, done Nov 14 10:46:53 adq, I know how does it look like - I have basic idea, i was just looking for some guide like this http://android.okhelp.cz/create-about-dialog-android-example/ but newer ... Nov 14 11:10:25 I supplanted some new code into my project and it gave me a ton of errors in code that I did not alter; always errors such as "didn't expect a ( here, should be a ;". http://hastebin.com/axaluraxid.avrasm the new code starts on 141 and ends at 152...can someone please take a look and tell me what im doing wrong? Nov 14 11:28:02 I am compiling my project with gradle and support library "com.android.support:appcompat-v7" , I would like to test compile it with "com.android.support:appcompat-v4" but I do not know how to find out what v4 version is installed. Nov 14 11:30:14 Rush2112: maybe check your parentheses after the new code? It's not very well formatted as far as I can see so you might have one hanging Nov 14 11:52:22 bolovanos, installed where? in AS you can check the version when you add the dependency Nov 14 11:52:57 v4 23.1.1 should be it now Nov 14 11:53:30 ktwo, yes 23.1.1. is the last one - I would like to compile against latest 22, but I do not know which one it is Nov 14 11:53:38 installed in /sdk/ dir Nov 14 11:53:48 for what reason? Nov 14 11:54:13 Tools -> Android -> SDK Manager shows only the latest ones Nov 14 11:54:23 testing reasons Nov 14 11:54:36 if you use the latest it will be backwards compatible anyway Nov 14 11:54:46 it doesnt make any reason to use an older one Nov 14 11:55:11 ok - and do you know it or not? Nov 14 11:55:43 i dont feel like it is important to know useless stuff so - no Nov 14 12:10:16 Hello...i need a l little help with shell input keyevents Nov 14 12:12:13 Anyone? Nov 14 12:12:46 ask your question and stay patient, we're not reading this channel all the time Nov 14 12:13:18 Lol..Got it Nov 14 12:13:59 So i am trying to write a little python program that allows me to send keyevents to my android device Nov 14 12:14:42 All seems to be going well, but when i send a keyevent command, it takes a while before it gets sent Nov 14 12:14:47 Like a lag Nov 14 12:15:06 one and a half seconds Nov 14 12:15:41 So my question is, is there a way to reduce the time it takes to send the events Nov 14 12:15:43 ? Nov 14 12:18:35 are you doing this over adb im guessing? Nov 14 12:18:44 Yes Nov 14 12:18:56 via input commands? Nov 14 12:18:57 internets says the input command just takes a while to start every time... there's no real lag, someone suggested using sendevent instead Nov 14 12:19:02 I-am-Groot: SL4A? Python binary on the device? Nov 14 12:19:02 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17259809/can-anyone-explain-this-command-fully-adb-shell-sendevent-device-type-code Nov 14 12:19:42 georgewhite: I havent checked...what does it do? Nov 14 12:19:58 Zharf: Thanks Nov 14 12:22:10 Zharf: The link u sent seems to be explaining how to send touch events but i am trying to send key events. Or is there a way i could use touch events to get it done? Nov 14 12:23:21 I-am-Groot: SL4A: scripting layer for Android ;) Nov 14 12:23:36 OOh ookay... Nov 14 12:23:52 I am going to read about it as soon as possible Nov 14 12:23:58 thanks Nov 14 12:27:51 georgewhite: This looks awesome Nov 14 12:28:09 But this allows me to script from the device. Nov 14 12:28:43 what i am trying to do is write the script on pc and send the commands through adb via usb Nov 14 12:29:45 I-am-Groot: you're welcome Nov 14 12:30:00 Thanks Nov 14 12:30:02 Lol Nov 14 12:30:44 I-am-Groot, maybe you can use antoher /dev/ device for key events... not sure Nov 14 12:31:31 Ooookay... read somewhere that the keyevent is a java program in android Nov 14 12:31:39 and it launchs and closes with each command Nov 14 12:31:49 hence the laggy feel Nov 14 12:32:13 yep Nov 14 12:32:22 that's 'input' Nov 14 12:32:33 Yea Nov 14 12:32:36 But i have seen numerous programs which allow u to type from pc via usb to the device and its done in real time Nov 14 12:32:42 and there are no lags Nov 14 12:33:20 This means that the lag can be avoided Nov 14 12:33:21 use sendevent, figure out which device is for key events and so on Nov 14 12:33:37 oookay Nov 14 12:33:50 will do Nov 14 12:34:15 One more uestion on the python scripting... Nov 14 12:34:29 Does it allow us to create GUIs with it? Nov 14 12:34:48 Or its just for scripting only? Nov 14 12:35:42 I-am-Groot: I believe it has some user interface functionality. Nov 14 12:36:13 Wow... This is awesome Nov 14 12:36:16 I-am-Groot, https://charlesliublog.wordpress.com/2011/03/28/send-keymouse-event-using-adb-shell-command/ Nov 14 12:36:24 Wait...i already said that..LOl Nov 14 12:36:39 Thanks Zharf Nov 14 12:37:01 I can finnally write android programs Nov 14 12:37:20 Java doesnt seem to make sense to me...tried pdfs, videos..etc Nov 14 12:37:42 this irc discussion thing is difficult when playing bullet for my valentine's scream aim fire on the guitar at the same time Nov 14 12:37:43 The onlything i havent tried is a human tutor Nov 14 12:38:07 uhhhh.... Nov 14 12:38:13 am lost? Nov 14 12:38:46 just start small Nov 14 12:39:45 I tried..... When i noticed i wasnt getting anywhere, i switched to python Nov 14 12:40:14 But with this, i can make simple programs for android Nov 14 12:40:21 do you have prior programming experience.. Nov 14 12:44:10 hello! I'm trying to create an HttpURLConnection, but after I trigger myURL.openConnection() the debugger goes to the next line, but becomes unresponsive (waiting for the variables to load). If I continue (F8), the debugger hangs (do not freeze, but the code interrupts)9 Nov 14 12:45:30 Something like this: http://pastebin.com/V3yWGHgK Nov 14 12:46:35 This happens when the URL is unreachable (in the browser it keeps trying to connect without any progress) Nov 14 12:57:18 back Nov 14 12:57:50 as I was saying, myURL.openConnection() takes forever - can't I set a timeout for it? Nov 14 13:00:44 It shouldn't take forever, because at that point the connection isn't established yet. Nov 14 13:00:47 jim87: openConnection does not connect to the server Nov 14 13:00:58 http://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/net/URL.html#openConnection%28%29 Nov 14 13:01:57 Mavrik: the debugger goes to the next line after roughtly one second, but variables are not loaded and if I continue, it won't continue (frozen debugger on the other side?) Nov 14 13:02:12 I guess. Nov 14 13:02:47 yawkat: yeah of course as it's not reachable, but why does it behave like that, i.e. not throwing any error? (I'm catching IOException - tried with Exception too) Nov 14 13:03:19 jim87: it literally instantiates a connection object. Nov 14 13:03:22 What error? Nov 14 13:03:25 it should not do any IO. Nov 14 13:03:40 At that point it won't be any error or IOException. That happens when you call something that initiates a connection. Nov 14 13:04:00 Mavrik: yep exactly Nov 14 13:04:15 but if it doesn't connect, it should proceed in any case Nov 14 13:04:30 not freeze the debugger - or the thread (as it's hanging the thread it's running in) Nov 14 13:04:56 blame your debugger. Nov 14 13:04:59 maybe it does DNS? Nov 14 13:09:54 yawkat: yep, it does DNS resolve Nov 14 13:10:01 (and it resolves AFAIK) Nov 14 13:10:13 it's just the server not being reachable as of now Nov 14 13:10:43 (btw the debugger is Android's and Android Studio's) Nov 14 13:10:49 openConnection doesnt do DNS in openjdk, but i dont know android well. Nov 14 13:12:01 yawkat: I know it does as yesterday it was working... it's just today that the server is hanging, so I got this error today Nov 14 13:12:08 this "problem" Nov 14 13:20:15 This ( http://pastebin.com/qN8Y1gay ) code returns true, which means that the server is actually reachable... but the response is not (Apache is online, Tomcat is not, evidently) Nov 14 13:23:06 Oh, EVENTUALLY (minutes later) it throws FileNotFoundException! Nov 14 13:25:57 are you sure it's openConnection ? Nov 14 13:26:54 yawkat: the debugger goes to the catch part after "unfreezing", so yes... Nov 14 13:29:04 jim87: but does openConnection appear in the stack trace Nov 14 13:30:56 yawkat: even worse now it opens the connection and hangs on myHttpURLConnection.getResponseCode() - maybe that was the point before - even if I've set myHttpURLConnection.setTimeout(2000), so it should, in any case, timeout after 2 seconds and not 2 minutes Nov 14 13:37:20 why doesn't activity called by intent with "ACTION_GET_CONTENT" and type "file/*" doesn't allow choosing files? Nov 14 14:39:17 bleh i hate that a lot of android methods that throw exceptions suchs as FileNotFoundException can also return null Nov 14 14:40:01 so i end up with inputStream = foo(); if (inputStream == null) throw new IOException("file not found"); Nov 14 14:45:47 it may be called bad design by some, but i really just use try catch blocks everwhere when there is any doubt that something can go wrong so at least the app will not crash Nov 14 14:46:14 That's horrible. Nov 14 14:46:37 It'll throw your app into an inconsitent state, break other stuff and make your issues not debuggable. Nov 14 14:47:01 squirrel, yeah, that's the crappiest option of both worlds :) Nov 14 14:48:18 hum? Nov 14 14:48:35 well of course still with log output of it, i feel its better than crashing, i think if you get force-close there are too many who just make 1star rating just because it happened and they dont care why Nov 14 14:48:44 oh. Nov 14 14:49:50 ktwo: you better do the opposite: shove asserts everywhere and let it crash as much as possible! Nov 14 14:50:48 blehhhh you can't even do the try () {} syntax before api 19 Nov 14 14:51:45 squirrel, yes. Nov 14 14:51:50 You make it crash as much as possible. Nov 14 14:51:59 And handle the issues BEFORE releasing it to users ;) Nov 14 14:52:18 Other stuff you handle with a global exception handler so they get reported to you Nov 14 14:52:24 And you fix them in the next release. Nov 14 14:52:32 Hiding issues will always bite you in the ass. Nov 14 14:53:31 Do read: https://blog.codinghorror.com/whats-worse-than-crashing/ Nov 14 14:58:53 try http://codecrap.com/content/70/ :)) or http://codecrap.com/content/400/ (unrelated) Nov 14 15:21:45 Does anyone know why the option to install the Android 5 SDK isn't showing up in the SDK manager? I only get up to 4.4 Nov 14 15:27:54 sharperguy: is everything else updated? Nov 14 15:30:12 sharperguy, haven't updated sdk in forever, run once, update, restart sdk manager, do it again Nov 14 15:31:07 Hi guys, I'm having some difficulties with the sending GCM messages Nov 14 15:31:42 I'm getting a "success" from the gcm service but the notifications are not showing up on the device. I've checked my manifest many times Nov 14 15:32:01 Any ideas where to look? Nov 14 15:32:29 if you get a success you dont have a problem with sending but with receiving Nov 14 15:32:56 I wanna ask why gradle built used in android studio is slow than ant used in eclipse before its dropped by Google as default IDE for android app development? Nov 14 15:33:37 My manifest: https://gist.github.com/natanavra/443fc041d4f8ce12aa75 Nov 14 15:33:52 I've got 2 services for InstanceID listener and for GCMListener Nov 14 15:34:11 I've got a receiver with "RECEIVE" permissions Nov 14 15:34:44 I'm not getting a notification nor does the Gcm Listener onMessageReceived gets called Nov 14 15:35:08 android design for developers course on Udacity sounds interesting Nov 14 15:35:31 im currently doing their nanodegree Nov 14 15:36:33 https://www.udacity.com/course/material-design-for-android-developers--ud862 Nov 14 15:36:37 why... Nov 14 15:37:06 individual courses are useful for stuff you might not be exposed to otherwise Nov 14 15:39:54 need something to show since I dont have a CS + I can do it for 150$ + Nov 14 15:39:55 tax-deductible Nov 14 15:40:56 I thought you're going to school Nov 14 15:41:18 university, but not CS Nov 14 15:42:21 close enough :p Nov 14 15:43:25 :) Nov 14 15:43:48 hi Nov 14 15:44:01 a cs degree is overrated Nov 14 15:44:08 i'm hoping to write a binary string to a register, could I do something like Wire.write(0b00001111)? Nov 14 15:44:43 natanavra, what does GCM service on logcat say/ Nov 14 15:44:44 ? Nov 14 15:44:58 Only that it registers and gives me a token Nov 14 15:45:14 No message notification? Nov 14 15:45:15 pfn, yeah just doing it to have anything to show off Nov 14 15:45:17 I then use this token to make an HTTP request to gcm using PostMan Nov 14 15:45:37 Nope, on the device end - nothing happens Nov 14 15:45:56 And the token "expires" after the first request... I'm getting "NotRegistered" afterwards Nov 14 15:46:52 might start a CS degree after i finished my master thesis in my current field of study though Nov 14 15:47:37 is there a way to run as "release" from within Android Studio? I thought about creating a new run configuration, but I can't select any flavour... thanks :) Nov 14 15:50:27 jim87: Open the "build variants" tool window Nov 14 15:50:33 and set to "release" Nov 14 15:51:09 natanavra: cool, didn't notice it! Thanks :) Nov 14 15:51:18 np Nov 14 15:58:03 Anyone using Genymotion on Windows 10? The new windows update broke virtualbox functionality, trying to get it to work Nov 14 15:58:22 liuwenhao, update vb manually Nov 14 15:58:36 then reinstall genymotion Nov 14 15:59:18 tried that multiple times already Nov 14 15:59:23 =/ Nov 14 15:59:57 reinstalled virtualbox, reinstalled genymotion, wiped all my drivers, no luck Nov 14 16:00:22 it was fine on windows 10 until i installed the new november "big" update Nov 14 16:01:20 hm. works fine for me Nov 14 16:01:47 you did the windows 10 update? it also uninstalled some of my programs automatically because it said they were 'incompatible' (even though they worked fine yesterday) Nov 14 16:02:02 i'll try reinstalling geny again Nov 14 16:03:43 yes i did Nov 14 16:03:51 didnt notics a change in geny Nov 14 16:06:27 Anyone had trouble with the GCM push? I'm banging my head to the wall for the last 4 hours Nov 14 16:09:09 natanavra, without more information nobody can help you Nov 14 16:09:20 does your receiver trigger on gcm? Nov 14 16:09:52 The receiver is the Google class, I don't know if it's triggered: com.google.android.gms.gcm.GcmReceiver Nov 14 16:12:06 where is the error? is your onMessageReceived triggered at all? Nov 14 16:12:25 also check if your ids are valid Nov 14 16:12:30 Nope, it's not triggered Nov 14 16:12:43 It seems like nothing is happening on the client side Nov 14 16:13:34 did your client register correctly Nov 14 16:15:06 Yeah, I have a token Nov 14 16:19:19 is there a way to turn off the soft keyboard on an emulator on travis-ci? Nov 14 16:20:02 espresso tests fail because closeSoftKeyboard() doesn't wait for it to be completely gone before it tries to interact with widgets. Nov 14 16:30:59 pfn: here? Nov 14 16:37:41 What's the best way to go about implementing a centralized 'score' system (i.e. viewing other players' high-scores)? Are there available systems for this, or should I make my own server+client solution? Nov 14 16:38:33 Could you use Google Play games for tracking leaderboards? Nov 14 16:38:45 https://developers.google.com/games/services/common/concepts/leaderboards Nov 14 16:39:38 liuwenhao: I want to run some computations based on the scores gathered from users so I can implement a 'rating' system.. I was concerned that the Google Play services would be too restrictive for that Nov 14 16:43:04 You would probably have to compute the ratings yourself on your own server... I'm not sure if you can grab it easily from Google Play in realtime or not Nov 14 16:43:29 You could just use Retrofit to pass the JSON to your server, run your code there, and then pass it back to the client again with retrofit Nov 14 16:44:19 unless you wanted to run the calculation on the device, but then you're opening yourself up to easy hacks/modifications of the rating Nov 14 16:46:53 vigilancer,? Nov 14 16:47:32 pfn : still no support for ':libs:vksdk_library' dependencies? ) Nov 14 16:47:55 pfn : if it's final I can live with it I guess Nov 14 16:52:05 liuwenhao: Thanks a lot man, I think I will try and set up my own server.. It will add another layer of complexity but it would be nice to have total freedom with the data.. I'll look into Retrofit :) Nov 14 16:52:16 liuwenhao appreciate the advice Nov 14 16:52:49 Retrofit is very very easy to use... I am an amateur developer and still had no problems with it. have fun! Nov 14 16:53:29 pfn: Could not fetch model of type 'GradleBuildModel' using Gradle distribution 'https://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-2.4-all.zip'. Nov 14 16:54:29 any suggestions what am I doing wrong? Nov 14 16:54:53 it's all about protify by the way Nov 14 16:56:35 vigilancer, full errir Nov 14 16:57:40 pfn http://pastebin.com/qHunxHUV Nov 14 16:58:54 How do I make my app show up on the "Open with: " list of apps when I try to download something from a browser? Nov 14 16:58:59 vigilancer, as for the nested projects, should work, otherwise provide a reproducible test case Nov 14 16:59:08 At a hackathon right now, any help would be appreciated Nov 14 16:59:30 pfn : ok Nov 14 16:59:58 [error] Configuration with name 'default' not found. [error] Cannot evaluate module library : Configuration with name 'default' not found. Nov 14 17:00:02 gradle error Nov 14 17:01:56 pfn : nevermind last error, I moved nested project in wrong place Nov 14 17:02:18 Anyone? I'd really be grateful if someone could point me in the right direction. Nov 14 17:02:54 NKript, file type handling is defined via intent filters Nov 14 17:03:12 So I guess you need to define one for all files or something. Nov 14 17:05:12 NKript: add to intent-filter in Manifest your file types Nov 14 17:06:11 if you need to open specific files in your app. maybe you working on own browser, I can't say Nov 14 17:06:39 No, I'm talking about all sots of files that would trigger a download on my browser. Nov 14 17:06:49 Intent filter was what I was looking for thanks. Nov 14 17:09:57 vigilancer, also, nesting directories works fine if you declare it in gradle, rather than using a nested project name Nov 14 17:10:05 considerably better as well Nov 14 17:10:35 vigilancer, for example https://github.com/nickbutcher/plaid/blob/master/settings.gradle Nov 14 17:10:42 vigilancer, that works automatically Nov 14 17:11:34 wondering what you guys think of this. Lets say top level I have screens A, B , C. A is a collection of things, and when you drill down you see A details. A details has a lot of screens too, so I thought about modifying the nav drawer to show (A (1,2,3), B, C). So once a particular A is chosen its detail subscreens are shown in the nav drawer under A. Has anyone seen that before? Nov 14 17:12:52 i have seen in material guides nav drawers with subsections, but they appear static - fixed points, whereas this a specific item in A has to be selected first for its subsections appear Nov 14 17:18:29 doesn't matter if it's seen before Nov 14 17:19:01 what matters is that it looks good and suits the UX of your app Nov 14 17:19:14 be innovative Nov 14 17:22:31 don't be paralyzed by the fear of doing new and different things Nov 14 17:23:03 vigilancer: I added the intent filter to my manifest, but it my app doesn't show up on the "Open with" list. Nov 14 17:23:27 NKript : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3760276/android-intent-filter-associate-app-with-file-extension Nov 14 17:24:14 g00s : sounds good, what stopping you? guides are .. you know) just guides Nov 14 17:25:41 vigilancer yeah pfn is right i get paralyzed, but without data i like some precedent backed by theory. i guess i'll have to build it first and make sure i'm collecting the right metrics Nov 14 17:28:50 g00s : if I understand correctly material guides are about dimensions and similar stuff mostly Nov 14 17:29:32 i think one thing that should be improved with nav drawer is when it still exists but yoy have <- up navigation enabled, the few gapps that show nav drawers in child screens have no affordance at all Nov 14 17:33:39 don't draw the nav drawer over the toolbar Nov 14 17:33:53 if you want the up nav while drawer is open Nov 14 17:39:36 pfn : moved nested libs to root, getting on android:install Nov 14 17:39:37 http://pastebin.com/DTE5rrru Nov 14 17:42:06 http://pastebin.com/Y6npVTbF Nov 14 17:42:36 vigilancer, app/android:install Nov 14 17:42:58 ah, I forgot Nov 14 17:43:10 you also have manifest merging errors Nov 14 17:43:12 Fix those Nov 14 17:43:52 no code changes to app, they say) Nov 14 17:44:10 trying Nov 14 17:44:54 Oh, it's because you did install without app/ Nov 14 17:53:56 vigilancer, and you might have to revert changes to your library manifests if they got changed Nov 14 17:54:11 pfn : yeah I see it thanks Nov 14 17:57:38 https://plus.google.com/+SimonLightfoot/posts/Qp8oZbcQuiy < brilliant talk by "Uncle Bob" Martin Nov 14 18:00:36 offtopic: is g+ still alive? Nov 14 18:03:50 he lost my interest when he started talking g about covalent bonds Nov 14 18:08:53 lol, he tends to go way off topic for the first 15 minutes of any presentation he goes Nov 14 18:08:56 he does Nov 14 18:09:15 then he's like "ok, so what does that have to do with this? nothing. Lets talk about software" Nov 14 18:09:28 but he's fun to watch anyhow Nov 14 18:09:42 pfn : reverted Manifests in libs but seems they still treated as Applications Nov 14 18:09:43 http://pastebin.com/JJ6hu6JR Nov 14 18:10:56 sounds like library android manifest didn't get reverted Nov 14 18:13:05 it was. but app/android:install change it again Nov 14 18:15:27 any steps I'm missing? Nov 14 18:15:40 you didn't revert it Nov 14 18:15:44 only reason Nov 14 18:16:15 app/android:install doesn't modify library manifests Nov 14 18:16:28 or it shouldn't Nov 14 18:17:07 well this libs do have tag inside manifest Nov 14 18:18:12 maybe this give protify the idea to modify them Nov 14 18:18:19 *gives Nov 14 18:18:29 I guess it could be a bug, I have several users with multiproject... I wonder why they never reported this Nov 14 18:19:22 I'll fix that Monday Nov 14 18:20:27 thanks. meanwhile I'll try to reproduce nested projects problem in simple app Nov 14 18:21:43 hi guys! i want to send data to my android via usb , is there any simple tutorial? i already searched arround internet and i found a lot of information for use my android as a host Nov 14 18:21:44 doesn't matter, I'll probably not fix it as the correct approach is to set the project in settings.gradle like the link I pasted Nov 14 18:22:22 but i want to use computer as host and my phone is another device and connecting to the computer will connect to the "agent" and receive a string from there Nov 14 18:23:14 pfn : can you paste it once more? Nov 14 18:25:12 scroll up Nov 14 18:25:15 https://github.com/nickbutcher/plaid/blob/master/settings.gradle Nov 14 18:25:24 Oh, still on my clipboard Nov 14 18:25:36 I don't use a computer in the weekends Nov 14 18:25:43 thanks Nov 14 18:26:59 yeah, this should do Nov 14 18:27:43 kim092 : setup server on host on and connect to it from client Nov 14 18:28:14 So my app is crashing, and logcat says it's caused by "java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.String android.content.Context.getPackageName()' on a null object reference" Can someone help explain what this means please? Nov 14 18:28:21 and i can do that connection with tcp ? Nov 14 18:28:31 through USB ? Nov 14 18:29:15 i found something like "Accessory Mode" Nov 14 18:30:02 Smrtz : this means that context from you trying to .getPackageName() is == null Nov 14 18:30:53 vigilancer, I'm never running .getPackageName(). I think it's something to do with how I'm using SharedPreferences. Nov 14 18:31:17 Smrtz : full stacktrace on pastebin Nov 14 18:31:44 https://bpaste.net/show/2f5c52d2f87d Nov 14 18:31:54 So im learning how to use Butterknife. I have this small snippet and it doesn't work. Can anyone please enlighten me? :) http://pastebin.com/b3Mp3kiv Nov 14 18:32:32 I'm reading from an edittext, and then storing that into a shared preference, and then later reading that value when a user clicks a button. Is there a better method of moving the storing the given text? Nov 14 18:32:32 On the onClick Bind part Nov 14 18:32:40 gopar: i believe you gotta call Butterknife.bind() or sth Nov 14 18:32:45 I could just use a public variable, right? Nov 14 18:32:45 not sure, i dont use it Nov 14 18:33:14 Smrtz: why not get it from the edittext when the button is clicked Nov 14 18:33:38 osxorgate, ahhh God -_- How did I miss that. That would prabably be it. Nov 14 18:35:18 vigilancer, Here' Nov 14 18:35:26 s the current code, if that helps: https://bpaste.net/show/544b909b48ef Nov 14 18:35:36 osxorgate, I didn't realize you can do that.. Nov 14 18:37:56 SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager.getDefaultSharedPreferences(this); Nov 14 18:38:01 osxorgate, Just tested that, and I'm getting the same crash. I should try removing all of my SharedPreferance stuff and see if it still crashes. Nov 14 18:38:16 vigilancer, That's how I'm instantiating it. Nov 14 18:38:23 initilizing it* Nov 14 18:38:31 there is no 'this' at this point Nov 14 18:38:38 init it in onCreate() Nov 14 18:40:07 Moving that to onCreate causes a "Cannot retrieve symble "prefs"" error Nov 14 18:40:38 init editor also in onCreate() Nov 14 18:41:09 Same issue for "editor" Nov 14 18:41:47 Should I make it public? Nov 14 18:42:50 http://pastebin.com/xhXC5fxP Nov 14 18:44:59 Yep, that appears to have fixed it@ Nov 14 18:46:00 Hey everyone! How's the Development of the Androids going? Nov 14 18:47:06 everybody say 'Hey!' Nov 14 18:47:33 vigilancer, If you look at my serve_address_listener, it runs successfully and returns true, but then it runs the next two lines too, and then returns false. Any ideas there? Nov 14 18:47:46 AWait, nevermind, sorry. Nov 14 18:53:41 Are preferences persistant across application startups? Nov 14 18:54:30 Napalm, this is awesome talk Nov 14 18:54:36 :) Nov 14 18:56:00 adq: +1 my post :D Nov 14 18:56:13 i already did ;) Nov 14 18:58:12 Smrtz : startups yes, clean installs no Nov 14 19:15:05 vigilancer: do you think that Acessory Mode Kit is enough for this? Nov 14 19:25:32 Sorry guys i can't find an answer.. i already searched but i can't find any solution for what i want . . Nov 14 19:26:15 i want to make an apk for android that when i connect my mobile phone to my computer i receive a string Nov 14 19:26:52 but i want to use my computer as a host because i want to connect more phones to computer and each android should receive that when connected Nov 14 19:26:53 On the app, or on the computer? Nov 14 19:27:05 Smrtz: on the app Nov 14 19:27:38 the computer should send the info to the app throught USB Nov 14 19:27:43 This should help Nov 14 19:27:44 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4600896/android-detecting-usb Nov 14 19:28:13 Oh, you'll need a server set up on the computer to detect when known phones are connected, initiate a socket with them, and then send the string. Nov 14 19:28:27 with adb ? Nov 14 19:29:17 i want it for any phone no only known phones Nov 14 19:29:29 It might use adb. Nov 14 19:29:56 I'd write something to monitor all USB connections, and when a phone is detected, build a socket with it, and then send the string. Nov 14 19:30:40 Use whatever language you're most comfertable with, and ask in its IRC channel. eg. #java, or #python Nov 14 19:32:22 so i should build my server and then i create a stocket in my server but use like a normal socket ? Nov 14 19:32:57 idk, you'll have to build a socket that uses USB. That'll depend on what language you're using for your server. Nov 14 19:33:53 and in android how can i create a ServerSocket for listener? Nov 14 19:34:41 I don't know if it'll be a server socket, you should look into client. Nov 14 19:35:06 First you should write your server that detects when android phones are connected, and initiates a socket with them over USB. Nov 14 19:35:51 Then write an android app that listens for that socket. Then you make your server send the given string, and make your client look for that string. Nov 14 19:36:00 At least that's how I would do this. Nov 14 19:37:22 hum.. it look easy Nov 14 19:37:28 xD Nov 14 19:44:28 can someone please help me with this? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33712391/android-app-runs-in-emulator-but-not-on-real-device?noredirect=1#comment55196105_33712391 Nov 14 19:54:21 Hi Nov 14 19:55:23 Why do I see the getText() method of EditText with toString() always? Does getText() itself not return a string? Nov 14 19:56:23 That's rather easy to check in the API docs ;) Nov 14 19:58:54 Mavrik, I looked but it simply says that getText() returns the text that the textView is showing . Nov 14 19:59:10 What's the return type of getText()? Nov 14 19:59:12 what is the return type of getText Nov 14 19:59:15 bah Nov 14 19:59:16 :) Nov 14 19:59:18 You can check that in your IDE and on the API docs :) Nov 14 19:59:38 (I'm not trying to troll you, it's just that figuring that out will REALLY help you in the future :) ) Nov 14 19:59:45 And it also says it returns a charSequence. Nov 14 20:00:33 Indeed. Nov 14 20:00:40 CharSequence is not a string though :) Nov 14 20:00:45 Hence the required conversion. Nov 14 20:01:24 And charSequence says that "A CharSequence is a readable sequence of char values." Nov 14 20:01:45 What is the difference? why need charSequence? Nov 14 20:02:11 The difference is that CharSequence is not String. Nov 14 20:02:22 And that's enough for Java which requires strict type checking. Nov 14 20:02:46 As for why do you need it - CharSequence represents styling as well as text in a string. Nov 14 20:03:21 Ok...maybe I should read the CharSequence documentation for more details. Nov 14 20:03:51 Thanks Mavrik Nov 14 20:03:51 CharSequence is a parent class for several other things like for example SpannableString Nov 14 20:04:01 Which is a string that can have Spans with style, images, etc. :) Nov 14 20:04:13 okies Nov 14 20:04:23 from my ipad pro motherfuckers! Nov 14 20:04:35 I have the broad idea now :) Nov 14 20:05:05 canvs2321, nice try :P Nov 14 20:06:16 The problem with reading documentation is that they have got links within links within links...high level inception :D Nov 14 20:06:20 It'd be handy if TextView (or at least EditText) had a `getStringText()` method to do this conversion for us. It's kinda boilerplate to have to say `String text = editText.getText().toString();` over and over. Nov 14 20:07:44 A new method...maybe editText.getString() :) Nov 14 20:07:47 Disagree. Nov 14 20:07:57 Most of Android classes are too big anyway. Nov 14 20:08:32 And adding an API that loses data is just the type of thing Android needs less of. Nov 14 20:08:35 rudolf_: That's what I mean. Nov 14 20:08:41 Mavrik: What loses data? Nov 14 20:08:49 .toString() Nov 14 20:09:19 In many cases, that data is noise or nonexistent. Nothing is lost (except readability). Nov 14 20:09:47 Well, readability would be gained with this idea. Nov 14 20:09:55 And loss of data is introduced everywhere in all other cases :P Nov 14 20:10:10 If people didn't want a String, they'd use `getText()`. Nov 14 20:10:25 That kind of APIs are the cause of a huge amount of bugs. Nov 14 20:10:46 "That kind" - APIs that work well in "most cases" and then suddenly fail in others. Nov 14 20:10:59 As C++ proves time and time again :) Nov 14 20:11:28 It's pretty standard to introduce convenience methods. And it's very common to say `editText.getText().toString()`. I don't see an issue here. Nov 14 20:11:43 Consider JSON libraries -- they're full of such convenience methods. Nov 14 20:12:11 Convenience methods are fine. Nov 14 20:12:25 As long as they're explicit and code shows intent that you want to lose data. Nov 14 20:12:38 And for that .toString() does wonderfully. Nov 14 20:12:42 Mavrik: And `editText.getStringText()` shows that. Nov 14 20:13:09 Having two methods on a class that work mostly the same except that one loses data in non-obvious cases is bad API design that will keep coming back to you in bugs. Nov 14 20:18:35 Finally, I completed reading how to use intent to call an activity. Nov 14 20:18:57 Time for some practical :) Nov 14 20:23:24 join #java Nov 14 20:24:02 Smrtz: Be careful in there! Nov 14 20:26:35 TacticalJoke, I'm asking about something not android related. If you'd like, I can ask heree instead? Nov 14 20:27:17 If it's Java-specific, probably best to ask in there. I just couldn't resist having a dig at ##java. Nov 14 20:27:27 Ahh, haha. Nov 14 20:27:38 It is, it's about managing a Process. Nov 14 20:36:46 While using intent.putExtra(), in the string name, can I use anything I want or is it compulsory to add package prefix to it? Nov 14 20:38:35 rudolf_: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12269019/why-do-the-android-docs-say-intent-extras-need-package-prefix Nov 14 20:39:17 anyone here have any expeirnce integrating realm and retro? Nov 14 20:40:37 TacticalJoke, yep I got whyto use the prefix. Explained clearly in one of the tutorials at developer.android.com....what I wanted to know was is it compulsory. Nov 14 20:41:48 The prefix is to avoid any clashing in case my app interacts with other apps. Nov 14 20:43:01 these are the files I'm working with, https://gist.github.com/anonymous/dd4833b303c9a35a7368, getting stackoverflow Nov 14 20:43:36 trying to follow https://realm.io/docs/java/latest/#other-libraries, there's a section for retrofit Nov 14 20:45:41 Is using Activities along with Navigation Drawer a bad idea? Nov 14 20:47:31 rudolf_: No, it's not compulsory. Nov 14 20:47:46 Ok...thanks TacticalJoke Nov 14 20:54:06 TacticalJoke, since I'm not getting much help there, would you mind taking a look please? https://bpaste.net/show/03e6a7bc29cb The problem is if I ping a host that doesnt' exist, 'output' stays blank, and the program hangs in the for loop at line 18. Nov 14 20:54:38 Why... Nov 14 20:57:00 Actually, I can change the .exec to ping -c 4, and then ditch the for loop and do a while loop, while there's output, log the output, right? Nov 14 20:58:23 Smrtz: I'm not exactly sure why are you reading the process input stream, ping sends it's output to STDOUT. Nov 14 20:59:03 Quintasan, because that's what I found on stackoverflow. I was thinking the same thing, but it worked, so I left it. Nov 14 20:59:38 Hmm, anybody here know of a decent hosting service - I wanna get back into some development stuff, but my circumstances have changed so I currently have no personal server. Nov 14 20:59:42 o/ Nov 14 20:59:48 Anthaas: Are you a student? Nov 14 20:59:57 Just want to be able to host a database, have a REST API set up, and so on. Nov 14 21:00:13 Quintasan, sort of - in some circumstances I am accepted as one, in others Im not. Im post-grad. Nov 14 21:00:24 Anthaas, if you're in EU, Hetzner VPSes are pretty nice if you want control Nov 14 21:00:39 (Not free though.) Nov 14 21:00:41 I am UK based too Nov 14 21:00:53 Anthaas: If you still have access to your students emails then I'm pretty much sure you can apply for GitHub Student's Educational Pack which would give you free $100 cupon for Digital Ocean. Nov 14 21:00:58 That's what I'm using. Nov 14 21:01:26 if i have verified that im using the correct dependency statement, what else can i check if im having problems importing from maven? Nov 14 21:01:49 im only having problems with one specific library, but the dev hasnt been very forthcoming with support on the issue Nov 14 21:01:53 drinfernoo, the error message? :) Nov 14 21:01:53 Hmm, Im at the point where I'd rather pay for something I can afford for the foreseeable future than something that is cheap for a year... Nov 14 21:02:28 i really need help with Fastboot when i try to flash via fast boot i get fastboot flash system -S 600M system.img erasing 'system'... FAILED (remote: unknown command) finished. total time: 0.002s please! Nov 14 21:02:40 What is the Problem here Nov 14 21:02:41 Anthaas: They just give you $100 credit, you can get $10/month or $25 a month or whatever, then you have to pay normally. Nov 14 21:02:55 Mavrik, "Unknown dependency" at compile time Nov 14 21:02:59 drinfernoo: If the dependency is in maven central, and importing from maven central fails, there's really not a lot the dev can do Nov 14 21:03:05 SharkyPunch, try #android Nov 14 21:03:08 Anthaas: Or you can try OVH. They have cheap VPSes but don't expect wonders, you get root and whatnot but things like Docker won't work. Nov 14 21:03:17 drinfernoo, run gradle compile from command line for a better output Nov 14 21:03:18 Do they have an annual options? Nov 14 21:03:21 Okay Nov 14 21:03:26 Yeah, I'd like to have little to no restrictions if possible... Nov 14 21:04:04 SimonVT, other libraries work, but not this one :/ Nov 14 21:04:24 ive also tried a local repo Nov 14 21:04:32 Anthaas: Docker not working is a software limitation rather than a "pay more to get" one. OVH has annual options, Digital Ocean bills you per usage. Nov 14 21:04:41 I recommend Digital Ocean in the end. Nov 14 21:04:53 drinfernoo: You need to provide more information then Nov 14 21:06:58 Hmm, would prefer something UK based. Nov 14 21:07:14 Thanks for the suggestion, I will definitely look into and consider it. Nov 14 21:09:30 TacticalJoke, I actually got that working, now it returns a Boolian, but I can't figure out how to get that Boolian. I'm instantiating the class and running execute() on line 9 here: https://bpaste.net/show/85ab38ba2b7b Would you mind helping me out please? Nov 14 21:11:24 onPostExecute Nov 14 21:13:09 SimonVT, which info would be helpful? Nov 14 21:13:24 What dependency you're trying to use Nov 14 21:13:27 How you're using it Nov 14 21:15:40 compile ('com.mikepenz:materialdrawer:4.4.6@aar') { Nov 14 21:15:40 transitive = true Nov 14 21:15:40 } Nov 14 21:16:21 canvs2321, Like this? http://stackoverflow.com/a/12575319 Nov 14 21:17:23 which is exactly how im supposed to use it according to the projects github Nov 14 21:17:32 canvs2321, Actually, that won't work, since I've nested my AsyncTask within my MainActivity class. Nov 14 21:18:21 i'm saying to get that Boolean you are returning, you get that Boolean in the onPostExecute Nov 14 21:18:37 Works here, drinfernoo Nov 14 21:18:43 Did you accidentally toggle offline mode? Nov 14 21:18:46 canvs2321, Yeah, thanks pointing me in the right direction. Nov 14 21:19:32 crap, no i dont think so? Nov 14 21:19:34 http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/AsyncTask.html Nov 14 21:19:44 like i said, all my others work Nov 14 21:20:05 All your others might be cached locally Nov 14 21:20:12 Did you try and build from command line? Nov 14 21:21:36 canvs2321, Here it says the default onPostExecute will give me the return value of doInBackground, right? https://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/AsyncTask.html#onPostExecute(Result) Nov 14 21:35:12 Where should I go for asking someone about database design? Nov 14 21:35:26 I have an ERD, but want someone to have a look at it for me. Nov 14 21:35:53 Smrtz, not sure what you are asking, but when you override the onPostExecute the params are gonna be Boolean as that is what you are returning from your doInBackground Nov 14 21:37:40 protected void onPostExecute(Boolean result){...} Nov 14 21:37:57 Right, looking into that now, thanks. Nov 14 21:38:46 Unless there is someone here that wouldnt mind looking at it for me? Nov 14 21:39:03 Hey guys, I'm having trouble implementing this tutorial into a pre-existing application. http://mydroid-news.blogspot.com/2014/05/accelerometer-basic-example-detect.html I included the files in this example, but I don't know how to actually use the funcitonality in my application. Can anyone help me out? Nov 14 21:39:15 Anthaas, Check ing #postgresql, those guys are pretty helpfull. Nov 14 21:40:08 This doesnt have anything in particular to do with postgresql, nor any document based database. Nov 14 21:40:25 I dont want to go there for something that is off-topic (although I realise that I am doing so here...) Nov 14 21:40:53 hah Nov 14 21:44:12 Hey, wondering if anyone can help me out a bit, I'm a little ignorant. I'd like to mod an app and I was wondering what the best way to debug it is Nov 14 21:44:31 Trying to modify data stored on a server, just want to see the sync process Nov 14 21:45:08 show the code you are trying to debug Nov 14 21:45:11 Is there something like radiogroup for checkbox's? Nov 14 21:46:10 amazoniantoad, there are all types of switches you can use. what are the options for the checkbox? Nov 14 21:46:39 canvs2321, I think I've almost got it actually. Nov 14 21:46:43 canvs2321: what options do you mean? Nov 14 21:46:55 cool Smrtz :) Nov 14 21:46:58 That's my question. How do I get to the source code of the application Nov 14 21:47:03 canvs2321: well then, I'd like something like checkbox, but one that I can keep in a " Nov 14 21:47:11 "group" that I can iterate through Nov 14 21:47:12 amazoniantoad, i'm askin how the checkboxs are linked to where you want them to act like a radio group Nov 14 21:47:19 Ah Nov 14 21:47:48 Well, they all pertain to a particular question. allows someone to elaborate more. I just want to quickly tell which ones are checked Nov 14 21:48:10 any chance you can show a screen shot of what you have now? Nov 14 21:48:14 canvs2321, Yep, it's working: https://bpaste.net/show/f5b592d68bb4 Nov 14 21:48:25 Thansk for the help. I learned a lot. Nov 14 21:48:35 canvs2321: they are hidden. Nov 14 21:49:24 good Smrtz, you'll learn a lot more as you go and it'll start makin more sense working with similar procedures Nov 14 21:50:19 amazoniantoad, you can set checked state listeners on the checkboxes and do your uncheckin of others when checkin one etc..otherwise i'm not sure how to proceed with helpin ya. others may know better options Nov 14 21:50:21 Cool. Would you mind glancing at my code and telling me if it 'looks' good? I'm a pythond dev, and a bad one at that, so I don't know the standard Java whitespace/naming/whatever conventions. Nov 14 21:50:48 Smrtz, just get stuff workin, then make it pretty once you understand how to refactor :) Nov 14 21:50:58 Hah, fair enough. Nov 14 21:51:27 as you code more with java you'll get the hang of objects and proper ways to use them Nov 14 21:52:08 I hope. Now on-to the next part of my app, bluetooth.... Nov 14 21:52:21 that's a big next step :) Nov 14 21:52:53 Heh, yeah. I've got a bluetooth sensor, and I'm trying to read the data, and upload it to a remote databse. Nov 14 21:53:11 is it ble or regular bluetooth? Nov 14 21:53:20 What I sent you is actually the first Java I've written... Nov 14 21:53:28 regurlar bluetooth Nov 14 21:53:56 Well, it's also ANT+, but I think that'll be harder to impliment. Nov 14 21:54:58 haven't had the pleasure of testing bluetooth outside ble yet. only reason i started messin with ble was to try to connect to a smart fitness band thingy. but it was a bust for now til i reverse engineer the chinese protocol code haha Nov 14 21:55:25 Haha. any idea how to go about that? Nov 14 21:55:36 Also, wanna send me what you had? it'll be good starting point for me... Nov 14 21:56:22 i just read the ble tutorials and got it workin. it is full of debuggin stuff, not really somethin to show yet :) Nov 14 21:56:56 Ahh, alright. Nov 14 21:57:01 i still have some reading to do, but like i said i hit a brick wall once i realized it was a custom protocol for talkin to the device Nov 14 21:57:49 i thought there was a generic way of talkin to those ble devices, but it's up to the creator of the device to setup protocols, they use their own proprietary code for getting data to and fro Nov 14 21:59:06 Oh, well shit. That might be a problem for me too. Nov 14 21:59:57 Oh, looks like it is BLE Nov 14 22:00:04 the ble device i was testing is a cheap 10$ smart band. what is your sensor? do they give you an API to use? Nov 14 22:00:30 http://www.scosche.com/rhythm-plus Nov 14 22:00:36 Looking into it now. Nov 14 22:00:49 i can connect to it and read the services/characteristics etc..but to read the foot steps and calories stuff i have to debug their protocol so i can use my own app with it Nov 14 22:02:44 I have a bunch of sprite cut outs (because it was too big) named in the format (filename + ___) where i is the row number and j is the col #. I would like to load all the sprites into Bitmap objects and this would normally be done by passing in the resource reference R.drawable.id. However in my case the id is dynamic. Is there anyway to load resources off of a dynamic resource name? Nov 14 22:03:15 i would recycle the bitmap object between each file. Nov 14 22:03:36 Smrtz, heart rate monitors i believe are pretty universal, so you may have better luck than me Nov 14 22:03:54 Doesn't look like I'll be able to find an API, but hopefully you're right. Nov 14 22:04:07 I'm getting started on something to accept connections from it now. Nov 14 22:04:40 lol. Ok i guess im just lazy. Found an answer on google ;) Nov 14 22:04:53 i found https://developer.bluetooth.org/gatt/Pages/default.aspx helpful for learning the ble stuff Nov 14 22:05:01 atleast the protocol of it Nov 14 22:05:19 Hmm, seems pretty helpfull. Thanks. Nov 14 22:06:50 Smrtz, you should be able to find some heart rate sensor examples. https://github.com/movisens/SmartGattLib Nov 14 22:07:08 etc. as long as your device stays generic you should have a pretty good success rate with it Nov 14 22:13:08 Hey everyone Nov 14 22:13:08 How's the android dev going? Nov 14 22:19:21 Thanks canvs2321! I'm taking a break now, but I'll read that once I get back to work. Nov 14 22:19:38 yep, good luck Nov 14 22:24:46 >Rendering Problems: The following classes could not be found: android.support.v7.internal.app.WindowDecorActionBar Nov 14 22:25:10 I just created the Navigation Drawer Activity, any ideas how to solve this? Running latest Android Studio Nov 14 22:25:27 SDK all up to date? Nov 14 22:25:38 Most definitely thought I can double check Nov 14 22:26:42 compile 'com.android.support:appcompat-v7:23.1.1' compile 'com.android.support:support-v4:23.1.1' compile 'com.android.support:design:23.1.1' Nov 14 22:26:44 so yeah Nov 14 22:26:48 SDK Manager say no updates Nov 14 22:26:51 http://stackoverflow.com/a/30011016 Nov 14 22:26:56 Maybe that will help Nov 14 22:28:16 lol Nov 14 22:28:18 Radther: Thanks Nov 14 22:28:23 I have no idea how did I miss that. Nov 14 22:28:32 We all make silly mistakes Nov 14 22:29:17 I even googled "android.support.v7.internal.app.WindowDecorActionBar site:stackoverflow.com" and took this year as time range. Nov 14 22:30:20 If I switch to appcompat, I should generally be fine with switching all of my getActionBar() calls to getSupportActionBar()? Nov 14 22:31:07 eghdk: I believe so Nov 14 22:46:52 Quintasan, don't count on preview being usable, it isn't Nov 14 23:01:43 hey all, i don't do android dev but i'm going to get a new android phone - which one should i get? Nov 14 23:02:08 /join #android Nov 14 23:02:28 but i want a developer's opinion D: Nov 14 23:03:17 nucleartide: get the Nexus 6P Nov 14 23:04:01 nucleartide, developer opinion is to go to #android Nov 14 23:05:07 shmoooz, looks good, i hear nexus phones don't have bloatware on them - going to get that then Nov 14 23:13:15 nucleartide: I can highly recommend the 6p. I absolutely love it. Nov 14 23:14:16 Radther, 6p it is :D, RIP old galaxy II skyrocket Nov 14 23:18:36 Haha this is great Nov 14 23:18:40 Havent done any dev in a while Nov 14 23:19:03 Create a new project, and the very first thing that happens - "Rendering Problems" Nov 14 23:19:35 I dont think Ive ever used AS where there havent been rendering problems Nov 14 23:25:58 Is there something I can do to keep android-studio from freezing when I try and generate the design from my xml file? I think it's just too large or something Nov 14 23:26:05 but android studio locks up Nov 14 23:28:00 I am adding google sign in to my project. It was working just fine until I tried to authenticate with firebase. Now all I get is a status code of 12501. Anyone know how to fix it? Nov 14 23:28:18 I have tried recreating all necessary keys. Nov 14 23:28:26 amazoniantoad: How large is it? Nov 14 23:28:51 TacticalJoke: Very large. almost 7k lines Nov 14 23:29:04 Just for one XML layout?! What are you doing in there? Nov 14 23:29:27 heh, and I thought I was bad ;) Nov 14 23:29:31 :D Nov 14 23:29:45 TacticalJoke: In short, I'm making a form to trick medical patients into actually filling out their forms Nov 14 23:29:48 That sounds ridiculous Nov 14 23:29:53 So I have layers of hidden questions Nov 14 23:29:57 Yeah, it sounds like you're going badly wrong somewhere. Nov 14 23:30:05 7k lines is not reasonable at all. Nov 14 23:30:10 Lol Nov 14 23:30:13 amazoniantoad: store the questions in a db Nov 14 23:30:18 I can't even... Nov 14 23:30:35 I lost the ability to even a long time ago. :[ Nov 14 23:30:38 My first android app :p Nov 14 23:30:58 amazoniantoad: I'm guessing you're creating loads of unnecessary Views (rather than creating one set and reusing it). Nov 14 23:31:15 TacticalJoke: how are they unnecessary? All are unique Nov 14 23:31:36 Some radiobuttons, some checkboxs, some textviews, etc. Nov 14 23:35:38 It works really well though! just slow when I try to show it in design Nov 14 23:35:47 I have an ai built into the app too Nov 14 23:35:50 7k jesus Nov 14 23:35:53 Enters it into this database Nov 14 23:36:22 As soon as I released the app the medical practice fired one of their employees Nov 14 23:36:25 it does their job lol Nov 14 23:36:39 I'm going to expand this app to the point to where they can fire 7 more Nov 14 23:37:20 amazoniantoad: you should demand they give you all their salaries combined Nov 14 23:37:34 shmoooz: I am charging a monthly fee for the app Nov 14 23:38:06 I also increased this medical practice's revenue by 40k a week Nov 14 23:38:12 well, as high as 40k Nov 14 23:38:19 I'm streamlining the practice haha Nov 14 23:38:30 That is without firing the employees Nov 14 23:39:53 Perhaps the universe is glitching while trying to process 7k lines of XML. Nov 14 23:40:08 pfn: I know but I still find that hard to accept. Nov 14 23:40:18 TacticalJoke: that might be true Nov 14 23:40:19 lol Nov 14 23:54:19 I want a View to have the AppCompat "click select" background (i.e., `android:background="?attr/selectableItemBackground"`) and also have a solid background colour. I can't get this to work by, for example, drawing the solid colour in View.onPaint. Is there no way of doing this? Nov 14 23:54:58 I guess I could use a FrameLayout with a background colour, and a "selectable" View as a child, but I was hoping to avoid the extra View here. Nov 15 00:13:20 TacticalJoke: setBackgroundColor(Color) Nov 15 00:16:16 shmoooz: I can't do that because a View can have only one background (IOW, setBackgroundColor and setBackgroundDrawable are clashing). Nov 15 00:16:31 Or rather 'setBackground'. Nov 15 00:17:16 The FrameLayout thing works, on a side note. Looks kinda cool to have both a background colour and a selection highlight. Nov 15 00:18:25 yeah, I have to get around to implementing multiselect listview and actions on multiple items at once, like PocketCasts does Nov 15 00:19:08 to select multiple mp3's and que or delete or bookmark or whatever Nov 15 00:20:51 I probably have to do a custom job again argh Nov 15 00:21:38 Multiselect on Android has always made me sad. Nov 15 00:22:54 Maybe `toolbar.startActionMode();` works well; I can't remember. Nov 15 00:23:02 Or rather `toolbar.startActionMode(callback);`. Nov 15 00:23:21 (I know you're not using Toolbar. Just thinking about the state of action mode on Android.) Nov 15 00:24:46 TacticalJoke, why not a selector? Nov 15 00:25:30 adq: You mean a custom one? The reason is that I want to use AppCompat's R.attr.selectableItemBackground value (which is the Holo one for <21 and the Material one for >=21). Nov 15 00:25:48 yeah your own selector, ahh i see then idk :p Nov 15 00:26:05 I guess I could just go crazy and write my own. :D (I don't like the material one much, to be honest.) Nov 15 00:26:34 you could copy the one from the sdk you want, and just replace the (background) value you need Nov 15 00:26:56 Yeah. Nov 15 00:27:11 it's really annoying the time spent on the UI with android :x Nov 15 00:27:30 like, aren't we supposed to code and focus on fonctionalities lol? :> Nov 15 00:27:45 functionalities* Nov 15 00:27:51 It's a shame we don't have something like `android:showClickSelection` for Views. Nov 15 00:28:00 And that uses the framework default. Nov 15 00:36:34 eh i hate playing with that stuff, what if samsung changes what selectable item background is; everything would look normal except in that place where you did your own selector Nov 15 00:37:24 TacticalJoke although i failed, you might want to try getting the underlying drawable in code and adding it to a layer list or something like that Nov 15 00:37:39 I guess the FrameLayout solution is easier. :s Nov 15 00:37:43 Or just making my own selector thing. Nov 15 00:37:46 there is probably a hack way Nov 15 00:38:36 I'm trying to build Android from source but I get "arm-eabi-gcc" could not be found/not in path. My path does include the pre built binaries from the android website with arm-eabi-gcc in my path. Do these binaries need to be placed within the android system build directory? Nov 15 00:39:25 yeah I'm thinking to have a multiselect mode button or setting, and then you won't have to long press each item Nov 15 00:39:46 having to long press each item in pocketcasts sucks Nov 15 00:39:58 I think you'd only have to long-press the first, though, right. Nov 15 00:40:09 Once "multi-select mode" has been entered, taps should suffice for the rest. Nov 15 00:41:18 yes, so it appears lol Nov 15 00:42:20 I was long pressing each one like an idiot :P Nov 15 00:48:13 I've got a bit of an issue with (i think) the amount of memory my app uses when submitting data to its server. It uses silvertunnel-ng (https://github.com/B4dT0bi/hiddenservice-android) and when I submit data to the server, sometimes it crashes, and sometimes it doesn't. Nov 15 00:48:51 I think the issue has to do with the amount of memory my app uses. It is on the scale of mb, and I have gb's of memory on the device. So would a quick solution be to just allocate a set amount of memory on the device? Nov 15 00:49:05 Because this seems to be an issue with the library I'm using, something I can't directly control. Nov 15 00:53:51 if it crashes, you probably get an exception in logcat Nov 15 00:54:06 squirrel: I do but then logcat data dissapears Nov 15 00:54:13 and it says broken pipe Nov 15 00:54:54 yay time to learn speed reading Nov 15 00:55:09 lol Nov 15 00:55:48 amazoniantoad: AS may be filtering LogCat. Try removing all filters. Nov 15 00:57:04 https://www.reddit.com/r/androiddev/comments/3ssrfj/brillo_source_code_dropped_no_more_java/ Nov 15 00:57:23 it probably restarts the app and automatically switches the filter to the new process, so what TacticalJoke said Nov 15 00:58:54 ron_frown is going to love that; c++ :D Nov 15 01:01:56 TacticalJoke: how do I do that? Nov 15 01:02:45 Click around in the LogCat tool window. Nov 15 01:08:01 ohhh Nov 15 01:08:02 nice Nov 15 01:08:03 thanks Nov 15 01:13:08 If I post the logcat log, will someone try and help me figure out what's happening? Nov 15 01:14:16 can't rule that out. Nov 15 01:16:02 The traditional interpretation of "try and help me" is "try and then succeed in helping me". :D Nov 15 01:16:08 But nowadays it's synonymous with "try to help me". Nov 15 01:16:40 So, traditionally speaking, who knows. Nov 15 01:17:32 Thanks Nov 15 01:17:35 https://gist.github.com/anonymous/e71567d83ea42163af83 Nov 15 01:17:39 I think the issue has to do with the amount of memory my app uses. It is on the scale of mb, and I have gb's of memory on the device << you need to read on max heap of an app Nov 15 01:18:04 except if you go native side with jni, you won't be able to (have) allocate(d) much memory Nov 15 01:18:14 9247 lines. ;o Nov 15 01:18:30 TacticalJoke: oh right. let me tell you guys where to look Nov 15 01:18:31 hold on Nov 15 01:18:32 sorry Nov 15 01:18:46 it's usual to have your app memory on a scale of MB Nov 15 01:19:01 line 4785 Nov 15 01:19:07 adq: ah Nov 15 01:19:08 app max heap will vary from a device to another, sometimes it's 32MB, sometimes 64MB, etc Nov 15 01:19:32 Well this library forces the app to have as much memory consuption as 200mb...sometimes Nov 15 01:19:46 tacotuesdayquestionnaire? Nov 15 01:19:49 then you should get OOM (out of memory error) Nov 15 01:19:57 when it reaches the max lol Nov 15 01:20:01 squirrel: I changed the name of the company for their privacy lol Nov 15 01:20:37 Before I shared the logcat. Nov 15 01:20:59 2015, when apps named tacotuesdayquestionnaire started using tor Nov 15 01:21:01 adq: so this means the device isn't running out of memory Nov 15 01:21:09 squirrel: lel Nov 15 01:21:24 idk, i recommand you to read on how memory is managed on android per app process Nov 15 01:21:41 no idea what your library does, maybe they malloc on NDK side, who knows Nov 15 01:23:04 Well I don't have time for that. I'm going to revert back to the gateway server I made until I can get this library to behave more stabily Nov 15 01:23:27 squirrel: taco data needs to be very secure, btw Nov 15 01:23:30 HIPPA constraints Nov 15 01:24:22 i have no idea regardning your problem but i like the names of your classes Nov 15 01:24:47 squirrel: hahaha thanks Nov 15 02:00:35 should InputStream.available() for stream from BluetoothSocket be used to determine if there's any data in stream? It works that way on my phone with android 4.4 but not on phone with 4.2. On 4.2 it just blocks execution. Nov 15 02:00:46 Hi folks Nov 15 02:00:47 It has been fixed all these faults to which version of the android ? Nov 15 02:00:52 ZipBug9950697 Nov 15 02:00:52 Zip Bug 8219321 / Master keys Nov 15 02:00:52 Zip Bug 9695860 Nov 15 02:00:53 Jar Bug 13678484 / Android FakeID Nov 15 02:01:05 CVE 2013-6282 / put/get_user Nov 15 02:01:07 CVE_2011_1149 / PSNueter / Ashmem Exploit Nov 15 02:01:09 CVE_2014_3153 / Futex bug / Towelroot Nov 15 02:01:11 CVE 2014-3847 / WeakSauce Nov 15 02:01:29 StumpRoot Nov 15 02:01:32 Stagefright bugs Nov 15 02:01:34 x509 Serialization bug Nov 15 02:01:35 PingPong root - CVE-2015-3636 Nov 15 02:01:38 Stagefright - CVE-2015-6602 Nov 15 02:01:39 Samsung Remote Code Execution as System Nov 15 02:01:45 al4nc4ds: please don't flood the room. Nov 15 02:01:49 ? Nov 15 02:01:51 sorry Nov 15 02:01:51 * amazoniantoad /prude ass mode Nov 15 02:03:59 why did you ping me? Nov 15 02:04:41 weaksauce: I think he didn't mean to... Nov 15 02:04:45 lol Nov 15 02:05:24 lol Nov 15 02:08:29 "After downloading Reco4life's Android Reco app to interface with the switch, the installer asks the user authorization to proceed, noting that this application requires access to and control over services such as "Disabling the screen lock", "audio recording", etc. Nov 15 02:08:29 What the tarnation ? Why on earth would a simple data logging and switch control application ever need such services and expose the user's phone to such security risks ? So that it can listen to your environment and decide by itself when to turn off the TV and send the kids to bed ? Or to scare the crap out of the cat by turning on the A/C to the max when a train passes by ? Nov 15 02:08:29 There was no option to choose a different installation policy. Unacceptable security policy and holes." Nov 15 02:08:56 and then this guy have this product a one star review.... I just want to be like... dude you're an idiot :| Nov 15 02:09:31 isn't a problem with android OS itself (that was later corrected in later versions of the OS) that there was no way to edit an applications security policy? Nov 15 02:09:35 Is there a way to make an image keyboard Nov 15 02:09:43 That has images instead of letters Nov 15 02:09:55 And sends those when the key is pressed Nov 15 02:10:05 probably not? Nov 15 02:10:16 the first two seem very possible Nov 15 02:10:40 the last part is what seems impossible, Nov 15 02:10:46 Laserbear: That sounds like the caption of a "high guy" meme image. Nov 15 02:11:00 You can do it on iOS Nov 15 02:11:06 I mean technically you could convert the image to ascii characters or an ascii byte encoding but it's not going to look like an image anymore Nov 15 02:11:17 Can you help me understand why it wont work on android Nov 15 02:11:22 it's going to look like a bunch of god damn garbage, Nov 15 02:11:38 because text and images are byte encoded differently Nov 15 02:11:57 or... their bytes are read and displayed differently Nov 15 02:12:04 You can text people images though Nov 15 02:12:19 that's why when you open a jpg with notepad it looks like garbage, and when you open it in photoshop it looks like an imagce Nov 15 02:12:37 Sure but a user can send an image from the gallery Nov 15 02:12:49 you can if the application you're using to send images supports the ability to share image data Nov 15 02:13:00 but some applications just don't have that ability Nov 15 02:13:16 and most of that doesn't come from the keyboard (the hardware level) that's all software implemented Nov 15 02:13:34 So you can't make custom keyboards? Nov 15 02:13:40 You can Nov 15 02:14:06 Or will the keyboard framework just only allow you to send ascii or whatever Nov 15 02:14:20 I'm assuming it probably will only let you spit out ascii Nov 15 02:14:27 o rip Nov 15 02:14:58 I have no doubt that there might be a way to make it so that when you click and image on a keyboard-ish layout the share menu can come up with that image selected and you can choose to share it to an app Nov 15 02:15:01 I'm having trouble implementing this tutorial into a pre-existing application. http://mydroid-news.blogspot.com/2014/05/accelerometer-basic-example-detect.html I included the files in this example, but I don't know how to actually use the funcitonality in my application. Can anyone help me out? Nov 15 02:15:49 and then from there the app could be like... we have this image what would you like to do with it (similar to when you click share from gallery to something like facebook messenger on android) Nov 15 02:16:14 but I don't think you could automate the entire process and have it somehow throw images into apps anywhere near seamlessly Nov 15 02:16:29 o Nov 15 02:16:51 How does facebook messenger do their gif keyboard Nov 15 02:17:14 that's software implemented on their end Nov 15 02:17:17 o Nov 15 02:17:21 and not actually a keyboard if I remember correctly Nov 15 02:19:10 inside their own app they have full control over whatever they want to implement and do. From outside applications or hardware outside of applications you're very limited in what you're allowed to "provide" to an app for security reasons. Nov 15 02:20:14 Too bad Nov 15 02:30:05 I've been checking Kotlin's commits; seems they've been working on incremental complication lately. Nov 15 02:30:16 Though I guess it'll be released post-1.0. Nov 15 02:32:35 on Travis-CI, is there a way to cache the device/extras downloads? Takes like 20 minutes before it even gets to the point of running the tests... Nov 15 02:45:03 TacticalJoke does the kotlin plugin work with gradle-plugin 1.5.0 ? Nov 15 02:46:32 Haven't tried, but I would imagine so. Nov 15 02:48:53 People in #mercurial sound so negative these days. Nov 15 02:48:58 It's like they given up. Nov 15 02:50:08 TacticalJoke given up what ? Nov 15 02:50:34 There used to be a real "Git sucks and we can defeat it" mentality in there (though this was years ago). Nov 15 02:50:45 Now it's like "Nobody uses Mercurial". Nov 15 02:51:09 I wanna jump ship to something better than both Mercurial and Git. But there's no ecosystem for something like Plastic. Nov 15 02:51:55 TacticalJoke you don't like it either any more ? Nov 15 02:52:12 I like Mercurial, but I've always liked it in an "It's less bad than Git" way. Nov 15 02:52:27 But they both kinda suck. Nov 15 02:52:51 hehe this is great http://kblocker.co Nov 15 02:53:02 haha Nov 15 02:53:16 Though anyone who reads Buzzfeed deserves it. Nov 15 02:53:19 BuzzFeed* Nov 15 02:54:26 One thing with Mercurial is that they have this *obsession* with backwards compatibility. It will destroy them one day. Nov 15 02:54:50 They don't even use the git-diff format by default, and that's just painful. Nov 15 02:55:32 Because some guy has a script somewhere that expects patch(1)-compatible output. Nov 15 02:55:40 That guy also doesn't realise it's 2015. Nov 15 02:57:11 yeah, that thinking seems to happen a lot. look at vim, i think it still compiles on amiga 2000 ... but a few times i rolled my own and gvim crashed on a modernish mac Nov 15 02:57:39 or emacs for that matter, probably tons of cruft they could get rid of Nov 15 02:58:23 Ugh, vim. I remember e-mailing that guy one time with a serious improvement suggestion. His reply was "This is not how vi would work". Nov 15 02:58:26 Bram or whatever his name was. Nov 15 02:58:39 should they stay with elisp or go with guile? they are probably chained whatever they decide Nov 15 02:58:51 The obsession with backwards compatibility is like a religion in some cases. Nov 15 02:58:51 yeah Nov 15 02:59:12 it did work well in some areas, like win32 i guess **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Nov 15 02:59:58 2015