**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Thu Jan 14 02:59:58 2016 Jan 14 03:30:55 meh, firewalls and control over your network protects against these kinds of things Jan 14 03:31:02 too much fud Jan 14 04:19:04 hi has anyone used greendao orm for sqlite? Jan 14 04:20:07 i want to know how do i create a composite primary key using greendao Jan 14 04:44:36 hey does webview.pauseTimers affect all webviews of the current application or on the entire system?? Jan 14 05:01:40 why did google have to ruin the google music app? Jan 14 05:01:56 it was great before they started aggressively pushing radio stations and their own store Jan 14 05:02:06 oh well, nothing is really free Jan 14 05:16:42 Howdy! Jan 14 05:17:04 I have a question... hopefully someone can answer it... Jan 14 05:17:42 I'm creating a "chat heads" thing, where I have a view that is visible at all times Jan 14 05:18:15 I need to be able to use the full screen if I want, but also seamlessly transition to just being a button on the side Jan 14 05:19:19 I'm trying to achieve this by resizing the layout depending on the state, but that requires I move both the child and the parent at the same time... so if the parent is at x=100, I need to transfer that x position to the child while setting the parent to 0 Jan 14 05:19:27 which causes a flicker Jan 14 05:20:10 I'm trying to figure out how to avoid a flicker... maybe there's a better way to do this or maybe there's a way to update both the parent and the child before the next frame is drawn? Jan 14 05:42:38 can I programmatically turn on and off the Landscape mode enforcement i.e. android:screenOrientation manifest configuration? Jan 14 06:00:10 hello everyone. I want to make a dynamic website kind of android activity. I was looking forword for XML parsing Jan 14 06:00:31 is that the proper way ? or there is any smarter way Jan 14 06:00:45 ? Jan 14 07:05:11 Hi guys, I'm trying to start with TDD and I've decided to use it to fix a bug in "legacy" code. Jan 14 07:05:35 The bug is related to ConnectivityManager's states, which are not fully addressed in the algorithms Jan 14 07:06:07 How would you suggest tackling testing something related to ConnectivityManager? Use Mockito to mock all possible situations? Jan 14 07:37:37 The bug is not testing for null NetworkInfo when using ConnectivityManager getActiveNetworkInfo() Jan 14 07:37:37 It’s a null pointer exception but I thought to start testing at the first bug I encountered Jan 14 08:01:06 Hi, i want to check how many number of times user opened an application. If i count in the source code, i want store somewhere in the android , where user should not be able to modify. where can i store this ? Jan 14 08:02:05 keestu I would probably start with sharedpreferences Jan 14 08:02:59 Zalabinsky, true. i am reading this http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/data/data-storage.html link. but if user uninstalls the app then sharedpreference also vanish right ? Jan 14 08:03:08 yes Jan 14 08:04:01 Zalabinsky, ok. my core problem is that, i have created an SDK, and its trial version. I m still tring to figure out if there are any way to restrict the devloper not to use my SDK more than 30 days. Jan 14 08:05:36 not aware of any method filling those requirements.. Jan 14 08:05:49 File would be easy to remove by the user Jan 14 08:07:14 Zalabinsky, that's right. i am thinking of oAuth too. Jan 14 08:07:48 phoning home is the only way to achieve this Jan 14 08:07:57 means ? Jan 14 08:08:06 serverside validation Jan 14 08:11:17 Zalabinsky, that's right. i am afraid i don't find any other solution. not sure if i overlooked too. Jan 14 08:36:55 can two applications in app store have same package name ? Jan 14 08:37:09 no Jan 14 08:38:18 Hey, Selenium vs Appium any thoughts? Jan 14 08:38:22 ForgottenLinkz, thanks. Jan 14 08:43:24 Hey, has anyone here messed around with a ViewPager? Jan 14 08:44:03 I got and infinit scrolling ViewPager and when scrolling down everything is perfect. Jan 14 08:44:28 My Page layouts are overlapping heavily by the way. Jan 14 08:44:52 And when scrolling up my layouts getting the wrong order. Jan 14 08:45:20 is there anyway to make layouts being stacked in the same way when scrolling down as up? Jan 14 09:22:25 hello Jan 14 09:23:14 my app suddenly requires opengl es 2.0 instead of 1.0. the only thing I can thibk of is appcompat-v7 updated to the latest version. could it cause that? Jan 14 10:03:56 Here check out my tool to type on your phone using your cli. https://github.com/KeizerDev/ADBKeyboard Jan 14 10:45:07 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rudsonlive/NavigationDrawer-MaterialDesign/master/Screenshot/Screenshot_04.png , i am trying to fire a google sign in intent on click of account layout ( one with profile image , email and name ) . i have few questions regarding this Jan 14 10:45:48 according to this https://github.com/googlesamples/google-services/blob/master/android/signin/app/src/main/java/com/google/samples/quickstart/signin/SignInActivity.java#L68-L77 , Jan 14 10:45:56 mGoogleApiClient = new GoogleApiClient.Builder(this) Jan 14 10:45:56 .enableAutoManage(this /* FragmentActivity */, this /* OnConnectionFailedListener */) Jan 14 10:45:56 .addApi(Auth.GOOGLE_SIGN_IN_API, gso) Jan 14 10:45:56 .build(); Jan 14 10:46:33 what does this parameter in GoogleApiClient.Builder(this) signifies Jan 14 10:48:57 It takes a Context; an Activity acts as one. Jan 14 10:49:29 public class profile extends AppCompatActivity Jan 14 10:49:29 implements NavigationView.OnNavigationItemSelectedListener,GoogleApiClient.OnConnectionFailedListener Jan 14 10:50:07 fizzie : i implemented GoogleApiClient.OnConnectionFailedListener in my class Jan 14 10:50:30 That's not really relevant for the 'this' passed to the GoogleApiClient.Builder. Jan 14 10:52:30 fizzie : GoogleApiClient.Builder(this) , now this is underlined as red Jan 14 10:52:42 fizzie: i am totally new to android dev. Jan 14 10:53:27 fizzie: i am struggling with the way OO concepts are being used in android , even though i have my theory classes , but still practically i am failing to understand Jan 14 10:53:53 Well, what's the actual error message? If your class is an Activity (extends AppCompatActivity), it should be usable as a Context. Jan 14 10:54:24 fizzie: public class profile extends AppCompatActivity Jan 14 10:54:24 implements NavigationView.OnNavigationItemSelectedListener,GoogleApiClient.OnConnectionFailedListener Jan 14 10:54:31 dow we have ay source code availble for all material design specs Jan 14 10:54:32 https://www.google.com/design/spec/components/text-fields.html#text-fields-input Jan 14 10:56:09 fizzie: http://puu.sh/mvg7V/e2fbbd7c60.png Jan 14 10:56:49 jackhum: Based on that, I'd say you're trying to do this in an anonymous inner class, in which 'this' is not an instance of your class profile, but of that anonymous inner class. Jan 14 10:57:26 fizzie : how to get these fundamental straight , for beginners ? Jan 14 10:57:43 fizzie: struggling really badly with these Jan 14 10:58:20 fizzie: so , in order to access the inner class instance what can i do? Jan 14 10:58:59 jackhum: Well, I mean, it's a Java question, not an Android question. In an inner class, you can write "profile.this" (as an aside, that class name should really start with a capital letter) to refer to the enclosing class instance. Jan 14 11:01:06 fizzie: thanks dude , Jan 14 11:01:15 fizzie: i will look up into this Jan 14 11:02:09 fizzie: in school i have done my theory classes , but never used java OO in practicall Jan 14 11:02:23 fizzie: should i read a book or something/ Jan 14 11:06:44 There's an example of sorts (using a regular inner class, not an anonymous one) in the official docs at https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/javaOO/nested.html#shadowing Jan 14 11:10:14 But to summarize, when you do something like class Foo { ... new Bar() { ... } } then 'this' for the code inside the new Bar refers to an object of an anonymous class (a subclass of Bar), and you need to use "Foo.this" if you want to refer to the related instance of Foo. Jan 14 11:10:58 fizzie: do you think reading the official java docs will be good idea Jan 14 11:11:18 fizzie: i mean reading them first and then starting with android Jan 14 11:14:47 Maybe? I mean, knowing Java hopefully wouldn't *hurt*. I wouldn't be surprised if there was also material on learning Java with an Android perspective, but I don't know anything to recommend. Jan 14 11:19:37 fizzie: exactly , even i think so , they should have a book , that will help beginners to learn java with android perspective , i cant find if there is any Jan 14 11:30:51 jackhum, several but they are pdf |epub version mostly Jan 14 11:31:19 linuxmodder: can you name or link me few , :) Jan 14 11:34:16 I have an app with a list of contacts that gets loaded up on the mainactivity. It ends up being a private app, used by only a couple hundred people but I load all of the contacts (about 1.2k) on MainActivity (once they've all been downloaded the first time around). I store it in a member variable of MainActivity, then when I go to ActivityB I package it up as a parcelable and keep it as a member in that activity. Does anyone see Jan 14 11:34:31 I feel like it could be better if it was loaded as a static member fo the Application class Jan 14 12:06:14 You could also load it into a LocalService Jan 14 12:36:52 can I still run my app on android sdk even if I do not have an emulator installed Jan 14 12:46:14 hey, quick question. if i set my view's alpha 0 in layout.xml, v.startAnimation(animutils.loadAnim(fadein)); doesnt work Jan 14 12:46:15 any idea ? Jan 14 12:59:26 easyOnMe, you can try it on your phone directly Jan 14 12:59:41 how Jan 14 13:00:00 Bubo: please tell me how Jan 14 13:01:28 Bubo: please help me I am doing this as part of my final thesis Jan 14 13:02:36 easyOnMe, are you using AndroidStudio? Jan 14 13:02:47 yup marshmallow Jan 14 13:03:01 easyOnMe, https://developer.android.com/training/basics/firstapp/running-app.html Jan 14 13:03:01 but emulator not installed Jan 14 13:03:22 Bubo: thanks Jan 14 13:15:26 Hi Jan 14 13:16:00 how do i deal with android studio not being able to resolve symbol "ByteArrayEntity" ? Jan 14 13:19:39 thanks Bubo Jan 14 13:25:35 help. :( Jan 14 13:31:41 <_3mpty> Numpad42: it's part of org.apache.http Jan 14 13:32:13 <_3mpty> and it's kicked out from Android 6 Jan 14 13:32:46 <_3mpty> use HttpURLConnection instead Jan 14 13:32:49 <_3mpty> or add legacy library Jan 14 13:36:03 Hi guys, I'm seeing this error while trying to run my app 'INSTALL_FAILED_CONFLICTING_PROVIDER' Jan 14 13:36:47 that sounds Googleable :) Jan 14 13:36:55 it is :) Jan 14 13:37:05 but the results don't match my use case Jan 14 13:37:26 top answer mentions android:authorities being unique Jan 14 13:37:41 but I do not use that attribute Jan 14 13:38:12 If i try to Import org.apache.http it doesnt help. sais cannot resolve symbol "http" Jan 14 13:39:21 An aar I'm using is defining an ic_launcher, how do I make sure in my code (espresso test actually) that it's using mine, and not the one from the aar? right now it's picking the aars over mine for some reason. Jan 14 13:41:34 the_fog android:authorities should be unique for different builds Jan 14 13:41:37 the_fog: Are you defining a content provider? because if you are, I think you need to specify an authority. I'm not sure though. its just a guess, since I haven't worked with Content Providers in years. Jan 14 13:41:40 error: package org.apache.http does not exist Jan 14 13:42:17 min2 eghdk I'm not using Content Providers either Jan 14 13:42:35 the_fog, yes you are Jan 14 13:43:06 you have a that has the same authorities as already installed Jan 14 13:43:09 <_3mpty> Numpad42: because such package don't exist in your project, as I mentioned above it was removed from api 23 Jan 14 13:43:18 sometimes this can be caused by libraries Jan 14 13:43:22 might be your library Jan 14 13:43:38 An aar I'm using is defining an ic_launcher, how do I make sure in my code (espresso test actually) that it's using mine, and not the one from the aar? right now it's picking the aars over mine for some reason. Jan 14 13:43:49 <_3mpty> Numpad42: you have to add id explicit in your gradle, or use something else Jan 14 13:45:06 Figured out my issue. I was doing R.drawable but my ic_launcher is in mipmap =( Jan 14 13:48:11 pfn: min2: Thanks, I have an 2 apps, one a clone of the other with some changes, that was the reason for the clash, I will have to dig into the libraries used to see where the conflict is, as i now cannot have both apps on device at the same time Jan 14 13:48:42 thanks samsung, losing intent extras bundle when starting activity from a notification (ICS) Jan 14 13:49:14 eh? Jan 14 13:49:32 don't recall that bug Jan 14 13:49:35 android { useLibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy' } worked Jan 14 13:49:50 good thing there are few ics devices Jan 14 13:49:53 is bytearrayentity being deprecated a bad thing? Jan 14 13:50:28 <_3mpty> I've sent you priv msg with link, there is description why it was removed Jan 14 13:51:21 pfn, I'm not sure if it's related to TaskStackBuilder but to be honest, I'm not bothered to even fix it, so few ICS users Jan 14 13:52:19 <_3mpty> Numpad42: anyway 'bad' is not right word, it's just bad for battery and few other things, but still if you've existing project you've calculate if it's worth of refactoring, if you're working on new app, use something else Jan 14 13:54:06 I am using AsyncHttpClient for my Gets and Posts.. it seemed easier to understand than the HttpURLConnection class Jan 14 13:55:11 I will have to change that later, I guess.. thanks for the help! Jan 14 13:55:21 <_3mpty> if you need low level client use OkHttp Jan 14 13:55:33 _3mpty, using apache http is no worse for battery Jan 14 13:57:01 it's a shitty api that should have never been bundled with android Jan 14 13:57:38 OkHttp looks easy - i'll try it out Jan 14 13:58:11 <_3mpty> not directly :) If i remember correctly httpurlconnection has some compression related stuff that will impact on radio states and by that battery Jan 14 13:58:16 <_3mpty> but ofc i can be wrong Jan 14 13:58:51 Hey guys, I'm trying to connect to a sqlite database but I can't open the database. Does anyone know why my code isn't working? http://pastebin.com/f4WrSErG Jan 14 13:59:16 I also changed the permission in the manifest file. Jan 14 14:01:07 always provide errors first Jan 14 14:01:13 stack trace or gtfo Jan 14 14:01:31 screenshot or it never happened :) Jan 14 14:01:35 seems like it doesn't happen every time -.- Jan 14 14:01:51 oh well Jan 14 14:03:31 here with errors: http://pastebin.com/2VG3v4J3 Jan 14 14:07:17 that error is insanely obvious Jan 14 14:08:25 your code paste lied about database name Jan 14 14:08:41 <_3mpty> and path :D Jan 14 14:08:53 yes, that's database name Jan 14 14:09:47 but it's the correct path and name? Jan 14 14:09:48 <_3mpty> how could you lie like that to us?! Jan 14 14:09:59 <_3mpty> shitty path Jan 14 14:10:18 <_3mpty> you can't create db there Jan 14 14:10:32 it's already there actually Jan 14 14:11:25 Apps do not have read access to any random path.. Just pass a name and let Android worry about where to put it Jan 14 14:12:03 it's not there Jan 14 14:12:10 your error says so clearly Jan 14 14:12:16 <_3mpty> how you're checking if it's there? Jan 14 14:14:06 Weird, it seems to work Jan 14 14:14:31 but where does Android out it? I would like to open it with my database browser Jan 14 14:15:21 hi! why google sdk emulator became more freezable when android moved to art, while it uses much more native code instead of java bytecode emulation? Jan 14 14:15:55 In data/data/package/databases/ Jan 14 14:16:17 <_3mpty> and it's app priv directory Jan 14 14:45:37 what does "Performing stop of activity that is not resumed" mean ? I've googled it but all I've found is people saying to make sure to call super.onResume() when you override onResume.. I'm already doing that Jan 14 14:46:58 it means nothing Jan 14 14:47:30 what do you mean? Jan 14 14:47:35 surely it means something :P Jan 14 14:48:36 it's an over enthusiastic log message Jan 14 14:48:42 it means nothing important Jan 14 14:49:01 grep the line out of activity manager if you're curious Jan 14 14:51:33 Okay.. so my issue may not be related to that. I'm swapping back and forth between two activities by launching a new intent for each one with FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT and under certain conditions in Activity B when I switch back to Activity A it looks like its resuming it for a brief second and then it behaves as though the activity has been Jan 14 14:51:33 restarted Jan 14 14:52:37 I've read that if a focussed activity uses a lot of memory it can result in memory being freed for a non-active activity. Is it possible that my Activity B is using enough memory that swapping back to Activity A causes theat activity to need to be restarted for some reason o.O Jan 14 14:55:12 no Jan 14 14:55:25 activities don't get destroyed while app remains running Jan 14 14:55:38 you probably threw a finish in there somewhere Jan 14 15:01:57 the bug only occurs when I'm watching a video which is high in memory usage, thats why I asked Jan 14 15:02:03 I don't have a finish anywhere that I can see :/ Jan 14 15:14:02 Is there a UI widget similar to JOptionPane? Jan 14 15:14:55 Never mind, as I worked out that was the question I wanted I realised I could just google it. Derp. Jan 14 15:16:57 at least you notices :p Jan 14 15:33:46 Hello. I have a strange drawer behavior with android 4.4 and no glue, why. My App (its my first one) is based on the android studio navigation drawer template. But running on 4.4 there is no drawer (burger) icon on top. With newer versions the icon is visible. I dont see anything in the debug output. Also, if i create a new project with the same template, the drawer icon is visible also in 4.4 so it must be some kind of configur Jan 14 15:33:50 Some Hints? Jan 14 16:01:09 project templates suck :( Jan 14 16:02:15 project templates should just make minSdkVersion 21 or something Jan 14 16:06:56 but changing minSdkVersion to something other doesnt help Jan 14 16:07:15 i already have decreased it, because of the android 6 permission "api" Jan 14 16:08:38 i am googling and trying around since days, without any success, realy annoying process :D Jan 14 16:10:20 interesting, the mapdb guy rewrote stuff in kotlin "Most of MapDB is now written in Kotlin. Java6 was necessary for performance a few years ago, but Kotlin generates very nice bytecode and has most benefits of Scala without its bloat and complexity." Jan 14 16:11:11 "95% of my customers are on Java8 and Android will support Java 8 soon." orly Jan 14 16:12:53 I have searchView widget, onQueryTextChange(...) I post query to search engine and wait for results, this waiting may take some time Jan 14 16:13:23 i do not want user to wait till search is over to enter new character in searchView field Jan 14 16:13:48 I can implement AsyncTask http://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/AsyncTask.html#cancel(boolean) Jan 14 16:13:54 or do it another way Jan 14 16:14:40 my idea user enter char -> I start new thread with search if user enters changes search char and search task is not over Jan 14 16:14:49 I would like to kill old task and start new one Jan 14 16:14:57 question is how - Jan 14 16:15:24 doing it through Handler is not possible, because runnig tasks cannot be canceled Jan 14 16:17:46 tryed to use http://developer.android.com/reference/java/util/concurrent/Future.html but wit no success ( reason I do not now what should be called to kill all executed tasks immediately - tryed threadPoolExecutor.awaitTermination with no success) Jan 14 16:18:04 btw ExecutorService threadPoolExecutor;... Jan 14 16:19:37 there could be shutDownNow called on threadPoolExecutor, but there is no guarantee that it will cancel all running tasks Jan 14 16:19:49 so - what would you suggest to implement for this Jan 14 16:22:23 hi all, have a question about Parceable Jan 14 16:23:26 I have a data model for my app, that I would like to update and get updated from a database. Rather than have the database object as a field in my data model, I would like to use an agnostic approach Jan 14 16:24:39 so I created a ServiceIntent that takes a Parceable data model, and then passes that to a dependency injected database handler, which will repurpose the data model, and update the database through its specific api Jan 14 16:25:57 does this approach seem overly complex/what do you guys recommend is the best way to create an implementation agnostic design for a service interacting with a dependency injected database handler? Jan 14 16:27:14 put simply, how to i update my apps data model with a database without having the database objects as a field in the data model? Jan 14 16:33:36 cool, wonder if this works on android https://github.com/linkedin/PalDB Jan 14 16:33:44 read only though Jan 14 16:33:55 (or write once) Jan 14 16:37:22 can you refer me to an example of making a GridLayout programmably? Jan 14 16:37:40 with say 2x2 rows cols Jan 14 16:39:43 BW^-, the gridlayout reference is quite clear, set your gridlayout properties, and gridlayout.layoutparams properties on each view Jan 14 16:41:02 BW^- you're going to have a hell of a time. GridLayout is great but kinda pain in the ass, doing it from code is going to be painful. if its that dynamic, maybe not a good choice Jan 14 16:41:23 g00s,pfn: any URL to an example piece of code? Jan 14 16:41:27 not so dynamic Jan 14 16:41:30 i just want to do it programmably Jan 14 16:41:41 g00s,pfn: i mean, how do you even fill it up? .. =) Jan 14 16:41:44 BW^-, never learn from examples, always work off reference material first Jan 14 16:49:49 Did I miss the okhttp3 party? Jan 14 16:49:56 wooooooo Jan 14 16:56:00 g00s: !!! Jan 14 16:56:05 https://github.com/square/okhttp/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md Jan 14 16:56:08 hey thepoosh ! Jan 14 16:56:10 JakeWharton: NICE! Jan 14 16:56:30 isn't okhttp jesse's baby? Jan 14 16:56:47 I automatically assume you are the only person who works in square so you're the owner of all their projects Jan 14 16:56:49 :D Jan 14 16:56:55 haha Jan 14 16:57:03 g00s: it seems so from the updater Jan 14 16:57:52 danijoo: sup dude? Jan 14 17:00:05 thats interesting. I can set almost all my events to null to clear them except for one that utilizes a class as its parameters. For that one I'm getting that only += or -= can be used o.O Jan 14 17:00:16 pfn: no no in this case i just want an example Jan 14 17:00:20 null is the devil! Jan 14 17:00:29 BW^-, google for one then Jan 14 17:00:46 setting events to null is apparently the best way to clear them Jan 14 17:01:54 http://imgur.com/JkUqk0V AS...... Jan 14 17:02:09 i mad bro :( Jan 14 17:02:21 zillion of issues Jan 14 17:05:41 I thought AS solved that Jan 14 17:05:48 * pfn has that problem with intellij and his own build system Jan 14 17:08:31 adq i still have problems with AS getting out of sync with reality; usually a build solves it. Jan 14 17:08:52 still have to often edit, build, see errors, repeat tho Jan 14 17:08:55 man, i have so many problems with AS and i keep using it Jan 14 17:09:14 i could write different bug reports to b.android.com every day Jan 14 17:09:55 i really start regretting eclipse, i did not know when i switched it will become what it is now Jan 14 17:10:20 and the jni side infuriates me, well i'm gonna stop because i could rant endlessly too Jan 14 17:11:31 adq using 1.5.1 right ? Jan 14 17:11:43 yes, i tried from time to time the preview but it's still worse Jan 14 17:17:11 What exactly does the android.openGL.Matrix.translateM and rotateM do? In my mind if I switch the order in which I apply these two transforms, the result should change. But it doesnt seem to. Jan 14 17:19:37 you can't use aar in eclipse Jan 14 17:19:41 so you're no worse off Jan 14 17:20:18 g00s: Got my new laptop. I can finally run the Android emulator! (Mainly because I now have 12GB RAM instead of 4GB RAM.) Jan 14 17:21:12 that great TacticalJoke :D Jan 14 17:21:17 nvm. Classes didn't seem to load properly and it was displaying the old version. Jan 14 17:21:18 did you get SSD ? Jan 14 17:21:31 Nah. Standard ol' HDD. Jan 14 17:21:37 who makes it ? Jan 14 17:21:40 Toshiba. Jan 14 17:22:07 quieter than the last one right ? Jan 14 17:22:46 Yeah. No weird noises here. Jan 14 17:22:51 great Jan 14 17:23:28 TacticalJoke how is the app coming ? Jan 14 17:25:06 Real life has taken me away from the app for the past couple of weeks, but it's going great apart from that. :D Jan 14 17:27:01 How's yours coming along? Jan 14 17:27:27 i'm redoing the UI, i think i get bored of UI every x mos and feel need to redo it Jan 14 17:27:33 heh Jan 14 17:27:51 Hey guys, how do you go about unit testing a method that relies on NetworkInfo state Jan 14 17:28:37 I mean ConnectivityManager state Jan 14 17:32:51 you could mock it. Jan 14 17:52:08 https://github.com/pedrovgs/Renderers <--- so this is interesting Jan 14 17:52:31 but seems like it just exchanges standard boilerplate for custom boilerplate Jan 14 18:37:23 Is there an adapter for listview with headers? Something like this guy created a really long time ago? http://jsharkey.org/blog/2008/08/18/separating-lists-with-headers-in-android-09/ Jan 14 18:38:11 Or like how Google Inbox looks, how did they create that listview? Jan 14 18:40:26 philwantsfish, create your own list item and use that to populate a list view? Jan 14 18:40:42 Ah you meant like categories? Jan 14 18:41:11 yeah I have a CursorAdapter, and the data is split into catagories Jan 14 18:41:30 I want to display a header for each catagory Jan 14 18:42:16 expandable list view? Jan 14 18:43:30 philwantsfish, http://javatechig.com/android/listview-with-section-header-in-android Jan 14 18:43:53 I guess you have to handle it yourself Jan 14 18:44:02 shouldn't be that hard Jan 14 18:45:20 cool. thanks! Jan 14 18:47:05 Hi, I have a ViewPager with 4 recyclerviews, 1 in each tab. I want to add a banner over this viewpager, Jan 14 18:48:00 I tried adding 1 empty element on top of each recycler and banner over viewpager and use scroll events to translate viewpager Jan 14 18:48:33 it worked find except for when user switches tab and recycler in new tab is not scrollable, how do you guys do it Jan 14 18:53:38 Is Android Studio doing something when android:allowBackup="true" is in the manifest of the app and it deploys to the pgone? Jan 14 18:53:40 phone* Jan 14 18:55:59 not android studio itself Jan 14 18:56:10 hey guys, where might I find a VC Jan 14 18:56:40 Ironthighs: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/R.attr.html#allowBackup Jan 14 18:56:44 VC? Jan 14 18:57:11 version control ? :P Jan 14 18:57:22 venture capitalist Jan 14 18:57:33 No Jan 14 18:57:42 I mean, yes, that's the attribute Jan 14 18:57:57 but we didn't register our app to participate in the auto backup thing Jan 14 18:58:09 i need some tools to continue developer, and they're getting pricey Jan 14 18:58:18 Preview 5 is out with instant run cold swap, unused resource refactoring, lint checks, data binding completion Jan 14 18:58:18 development* Jan 14 18:58:31 but our app gets its sharedprefs back even after uninstalling the app then installing it again Jan 14 18:58:36 only through Android Studio Jan 14 18:58:36 http://tools.android.com/recent/androidstudio20preview5available Jan 14 18:59:01 min2 nice, excited to try when its stable Jan 14 19:01:43 Okay, so what AS seems to be doing is with allowBackup=true, it goes ahead and restores your app as if the app was registered to participate in the auto backup thing. Jan 14 19:01:57 I can't find anything about that though Jan 14 19:02:45 So just FYI to people here, if you're using Android Studio and have auto backup on, your info will be restored even if you uninstall and reinstall Jan 14 19:02:55 even if you don't register your app to have auto backup. Jan 14 19:03:18 g00s: lets partner up? Jan 14 19:05:34 sorry parco , busy Jan 14 19:06:31 hey guys! i need to produce 1000 http post requests in order to test my back end for my messaging app, how can i do it? Jan 14 19:06:38 1000 in one minute! Jan 14 19:06:50 loop? Jan 14 19:06:56 spawn a thousand thread Jan 14 19:07:14 isnt there any tool for that Jan 14 19:07:40 i would be surprised that there is not a stress testing tool for that. what has google yielded? Jan 14 19:08:08 i searched for "http post spammning tool" and combinations but didnt find anything Jan 14 19:08:33 it shouldn’t matter if it’s a post Jan 14 19:08:39 try http stress testing tool Jan 14 19:09:03 you can use something like grinder Jan 14 19:09:27 http://grinder.sourceforge.net Jan 14 19:10:17 JMeter also, maybe, not sure how scriptable it is these days Jan 14 19:10:49 So I have an app that was using the actionbaractivity and NAVIGATION_MODE_STANDARD. I recently migrated the project to gradle and in that process I was forced to upgrade from api 19 to API 23. My ActionBar Menu Button is not even triggering the onOptionsItemSelected after the change. Jan 14 19:11:27 thanks, ill try Jan 14 19:12:02 hello I have a CardView with height 200dp, inside the CardView I would like to have a text view align to the top, and a horizontal linear layout containing 2 more text views align to the bottom, all the text views just wrapping their content height. What I have tried so far does not work, the bottom parts just align directly beneath the top text view, not Jan 14 19:12:02 along the bottom edge of the cardview https://gist.github.com/benwilber/687e906bca075a432f23 Jan 14 19:12:31 how is the best way to do this? Jan 14 19:12:44 I have changed to appcompatactivity but still no joy. I feel like I am forgetting something. Jan 14 19:16:39 NVM that was dumb. setHomeAsUpIndicator and change my icon. sry for the bad question. Jan 14 19:38:39 Hi. I've just updated Android Studio like yesterday and installed SDK 23. Now when i create a new Project with a Blank Activity, i get this as layout: https://gist.github.com/Anticom/fc08c1dd4b3681b03624 How do i use this toolbar in other activities properly or how do i get rid of it? i saw in my maifest, that the application's theme is set to @style/AppTheme.NoActionBar Jan 14 19:40:06 When i change it to @style/AppTheme can i do my layouts as usual? i just need the application title, (if needed) the back arrow and the menu dots Jan 14 19:40:14 no fancy style changes etc. Jan 14 19:44:41 ActionBarActivity is marked deprecated now, so i guess i'll have to stick with AppCompatActivity... I just don't get the new way to do it Jan 14 19:53:52 shadynastys, services.json is generated by the google console... not you... Jan 14 19:58:21 pfn: Yes I know. I was added as an admin on the analytics account but when trying to generate the services.json file it would only let me select my own personal analytics properties. Not one from an organization. I had to get the file from the owner of the property. ty pfn you led me to the docs that helped me quite a bit with that issue. Jan 14 20:07:59 Could someone please give me at least any documentation on this? i wasn't able to really find something on that topic Jan 14 20:10:15 Also when starting another activity in onCreate of the main activity i get: E/ViewSystem: ViewRootImpl #2 Surface is not valid. Jan 14 20:11:00 anyone here use any of the charting libraries available for android? Jan 14 20:11:09 ive looked at mpandroidchart and williamchart Jan 14 20:11:16 trying to make a call on what one to run with Jan 14 20:13:18 helloCharts? Jan 14 20:13:46 https://github.com/lecho/hellocharts-android Jan 14 20:16:13 Ashiren: cheers, this also looks good Jan 14 20:25:46 teasp00n: i went for mpandroidchart simply because it has like 6 times the ammount of stars on github than williamchart Jan 14 20:26:01 mpandroidchart is pretty flaky Jan 14 20:26:15 even the demos get fucked up Jan 14 20:26:50 yeah i did actually see one of the line charts get a bit messed up the other day Jan 14 20:27:10 g00s: have you used either of the other two? im liking the look of hellocharts so far Jan 14 20:27:49 i haven't tried them, i may have to write my own - which i'm dreading. the ones i looked at are pretty inefficient with real time data Jan 14 20:30:06 mpandroidchart has a realtime data chart though by the sounds of it you've look at that already Jan 14 20:30:45 Btw anyone on my topic? Jan 14 20:31:08 I really need to get this resolved otherwise i can't do pretty much anything Jan 14 20:31:29 /SET term_force_colors ON Jan 14 21:02:15 /quit Jan 14 21:06:41 Hey guys. I'm doing some devops work and I am not a android developer. Can anyone tell me if there is any common file that exists in all android projects? Jan 14 21:07:19 Something I can do a find on or grep for in many repos to determine which repo is a android project Jan 14 21:07:50 AndroidManifest.xml Jan 14 21:07:55 jetole Jan 14 21:08:33 ech0s7, Thanks Jan 14 21:08:45 but it's not the right way to work Jan 14 21:09:37 the best way is starting from here: http://developer.android.com/develop/index.html Jan 14 21:22:47 danijoo: to the rescue! :D Jan 14 21:22:48 hi Jan 14 21:23:12 Anticom, to the rescue? Jan 14 21:23:29 I doubt that. im drunk ´D Jan 14 21:23:34 :´D Jan 14 21:23:35 hahaha Jan 14 21:23:41 me2, we'll be fine Jan 14 21:24:01 I'm getting an error when starting an activity from within onCreate and before setContentView...give me a sec please. just started Android Studio. Jan 14 21:24:14 Ahh gotta love drunk coding. :) Jan 14 21:24:30 shadynastys: i've only done it once, never again Jan 14 21:24:33 plot twist: no super.onCreate() Jan 14 21:24:34 i mean it works... pretty much. except when i go back to that main activity and rotate my phone... then the sub-activity is started again and i get another error Jan 14 21:24:42 parco: why? Jan 14 21:24:53 shadynastys, you have to stay in the ballmer range :p Jan 14 21:24:58 i get hung up for hours on the simplest of problems, syntax errors mostly Jan 14 21:25:06 parco: add music Jan 14 21:25:21 also it depends on HOW drunk you are Jan 14 21:25:21 drunk and music? i'll have to try it Jan 14 21:25:30 parco, stay in the maximum area: https://xkcd.com/323/ Jan 14 21:25:39 Ashiren: So no super.onCreate() when doing that? Jan 14 21:25:47 danijoo: i dont believe it Jan 14 21:26:00 not blocked out drunk just a little buzz Jan 14 21:26:32 Anticom, on every screen rotation the activity is destroyed and onCreate is called again Jan 14 21:26:50 lol as soon as we get to topics like drunk coding the channel becomes alive again suddenly... Jan 14 21:27:02 danijoo: Any way to get arround that? Jan 14 21:27:22 You shouldn't. Jan 14 21:27:28 Anticom, no clean way Jan 14 21:27:31 damn Jan 14 21:27:44 Any alternatives on how/where to start a sub-activity automatically? Jan 14 21:27:50 i mean you could disable the recreation on screen rotation - but you really shouldnt Jan 14 21:28:08 better change your logic so its only triggered once Jan 14 21:28:14 setting a boolean or sth like that.. Jan 14 21:29:08 so it's still the same object but the activities lifecycle is just started from scratch? Jan 14 21:29:16 no Jan 14 21:29:21 its a new object Jan 14 21:29:29 static boolean then? Jan 14 21:29:35 activity gets destroyed and gc´ed Jan 14 21:29:48 depends on what you are doing and want to do Jan 14 21:29:56 a shared pref would work as well Jan 14 21:29:57 statics are not remedy Jan 14 21:30:29 I guess you have some if case. like if(notLoggedIn) startLoginActivity() Jan 14 21:30:51 if the user logged in before the rotation, this should be false and not trigger the login activity Jan 14 21:32:01 danijoo: decision depends on whether a (persisted) data set exists. however i'd like to start an acivity in either way Jan 14 21:32:04 just different ones Jan 14 21:32:36 yeah so why dont you want to start the activity on rotation if the user didnt create the dataset? Jan 14 21:32:47 you want it to be created, right? Jan 14 21:36:33 when user opens app, it's checked whether dataset exists, if not an Activity should be started with a UI to enter that very dataset. Once it's entered the same day and that dataset exists, an overview should be shown. However when you click "back" the dashboard should be shown with further actions Jan 14 21:36:52 Another idea to solve the problem: is there a way to disable screen rotation? Jan 14 21:37:08 so only the up-right position is displayed? Jan 14 21:37:52 Anticom, maybe stomething like storing the date of the last ¨enter dataset¨attempt Jan 14 21:38:02 and if its already shown today, dont bother the user again Jan 14 21:38:19 yea Jan 14 21:38:20 or once per app start if that better for you Jan 14 21:38:30 something like that Jan 14 21:46:56 Also when i do a regular run of my application on a real device, when i use DDMS's file explorer, there seems to be nothing in the data dir, although i wrote some file to my application directory Jan 14 21:48:22 I rarely use DDMS :/ Jan 14 21:48:39 i usually `adb shell` and then cd into the directory Jan 14 21:49:34 you need to be root to browse /data Jan 14 21:49:42 in adb shell you can achieve that by su Jan 14 21:49:48 i dont know how to do that in DDMS Jan 14 21:50:06 not sure because I am but I think you can also browse it if the app is `debugable` Jan 14 21:50:12 is there an adb shell for windows? (dont flame me, i'm planning to finally set up a linux machine .__.) Jan 14 21:50:13 (someone correct me if im wrong) Jan 14 21:50:32 Anticom, adb shell works the same on all os Jan 14 21:51:24 Hi Guys, i want to create an app that count the numbers of clicks on a button , and this is the code, Am i Wrong here http://prntscr.com/9q6jwj ? when i Run the application it says apps has stopped ! Jan 14 21:52:00 hourb: firstly error log Jan 14 21:52:05 but i can tell whats wrong Jan 14 21:52:13 setText(count) - you provide int Jan 14 21:52:28 hourb, MainActivity doesnt implement an OnClickListener, so you cant cast it to OnClickListener Jan 14 21:52:53 button1.setOnClickListener(...) <-- this line will throw a ClassCastException Jan 14 21:53:02 that too Jan 14 21:53:07 also what Ashiren said Jan 14 21:53:19 you cant set ints to textView -> ResourceNotFoundException :p Jan 14 21:54:00 danijoo, so i have to convert that into into String or what ? Jan 14 21:54:38 firstly add implements View.OnClickListener Jan 14 21:54:40 danijoo, ans what i can do for that line "button1.setOnClickListener(...)" Jan 14 21:55:01 and yes, convert i.e. by setText(count+"") Jan 14 21:55:28 hourb, you mut implement onClickListener interfaced Jan 14 21:55:34 but this is more list java question Jan 14 21:55:38 like* Jan 14 21:57:22 Ashiren, i've already asked it on Java Channel and they told me to go here ! Jan 14 21:57:41 tbh you should learn proper java before doing android Jan 14 21:57:44 Does Log not work in onCreate? Jan 14 21:58:28 danijoo, yeah actually i've learnt Java basics somehow ! Jan 14 21:58:33 g00s: I'm baaaaack :) Jan 14 21:58:41 i got this :/ http://prntscr.com/9q6nrj ! Jan 14 21:58:58 nvm Jan 14 21:59:46 hourb, if you dont know how implementing interfaces work, you need some more java lessons :p Jan 14 22:01:09 what the... i'm comparing the following two dates >>> Thu Jan 14 00:00:00 MEZ 2016 <->Thu Jan 14 00:00:00 MEZ 2016 <<< using if(a == b) Jan 14 22:01:12 What am i missing? Jan 14 22:01:31 (if statement is never entered) Jan 14 22:02:29 Anticom, try comparing the unix time instead Jan 14 22:02:30 Not comparing them with equals, probably? Jan 14 22:02:42 a == b will only check the references Jan 14 22:02:51 danijoo, LOL what's wrong ? i guess the implementing syntax is correct ? Jan 14 22:03:01 danijoo: I've normalized both dates using https://gist.github.com/Anticom/9fcc7832b24044860a7b Jan 14 22:03:09 duh Jan 14 22:03:25 Anticom, doesnt matter. == doesnt compare like that Jan 14 22:03:49 Anticom: if (date1.equals(date2)) { ... } Jan 14 22:03:58 was bussy creating gist and didn't read before posting ;) Jan 14 22:04:02 but cheers anyway Jan 14 22:04:03 == compare the references Jan 14 22:04:19 Anticom, if you want to check if a date is today, theres also DateUtils.isToday(...) Jan 14 22:04:38 that's even better! Jan 14 22:04:40 hourb, the error message tells you what to do Jan 14 22:05:33 danijoo: i guess DateUtils.isToday(date.getTime()) (?) Jan 14 22:05:38 Anticom, yes Jan 14 22:05:41 great Jan 14 22:06:05 in general working with the unix timestamp is way easier then date if you ask me :p Jan 14 22:06:37 omg it works :> Jan 14 22:07:30 okay now back to my previous question: I've recently installed sdk v23 and now the files generated by android studio are different then before. Especially concerning the new Toolbar boilerplate i'm rather confused. What steps do i have to do, to get back to the "original" bar thingy? Jan 14 22:08:06 I've seen there's @style/AppTheme.NoActionBar set as theme for the in the manifest and in the activitie's onCreate there's some setCompatToolbar() stuff Jan 14 22:08:14 get used to toolbar. thats the new thing :P Jan 14 22:08:30 Okay so how do i use that properly? Jan 14 22:08:50 that's what i've got for a new "Blank activity" : https://gist.github.com/Anticom/fc08c1dd4b3681b03624 Jan 14 22:09:01 what do i have to do, to get that toolbar working in my sub-activity? Jan 14 22:09:35 whats a subactivity? Jan 14 22:10:14 dunno what an activity is called, that's started by another activity Jan 14 22:10:21 just activity :p Jan 14 22:10:29 fair enough :D Jan 14 22:11:02 if your style is set to not have an actionbar (parent=whatever.NoActionBar), you have to add a toolbar on your own Jan 14 22:11:10 thats whats done in that example Jan 14 22:11:27 So a new toolbar for each and every activity layout? Jan 14 22:11:39 it adds a toolbar in xml and most likely sets setSupportActionbar(toolbar) in the java code Jan 14 22:11:39 even tho i want it to be kind of the same for each view Jan 14 22:11:43 Anticom, yes Jan 14 22:11:55 meh Jan 14 22:12:01 boilerplate pl0x Jan 14 22:12:26 i don't need any fancy animations / modifications to the bar Jan 14 22:12:33 is there not a way to get the old one back? Jan 14 22:12:35 nobody forces you to set NoActionBar theme if you dont want to customize the toolbar Jan 14 22:13:05 the problem is that people don't know how to work without templates Jan 14 22:13:07 okay so use AppTheme instead of AppTheme.NoActionBar and remove the stuff in onCreate (and the xml) ? Jan 14 22:13:18 you can remove the NoActionBar part and the default actionbar will apear again Jan 14 22:13:27 pfn: problem is i'm still rather new to android development Jan 14 22:13:31 :) Jan 14 22:13:31 pfn, yeah.. I never used any AS template in my whole life :/ Jan 14 22:13:45 Anticom, that's the problem, if you're new, you should learn the basics instead of relying on templates Jan 14 22:14:20 first thing I do when creating a new project is deleting all generated java and xml files Jan 14 22:15:01 pfn: does that mean there's some kind of temlate (similar to a fragment i guess (?)) which i can use in my layout and modify/extend it somehow? (I'm thinking of twig in symonfy) Jan 14 22:15:15 danijoo: gradle.build aswell? Jan 14 22:15:30 Anticom, no. thats not a java/xml file :p Jan 14 22:15:35 Anticom, templates are a fail Jan 14 22:15:39 duh again :D Jan 14 22:15:40 I also keep AndoridManifest :) Jan 14 22:15:48 * pfn just sbt gen-android Jan 14 22:15:51 all done Jan 14 22:15:52 * pfn shrugs Jan 14 22:15:58 think i'll have to get another beer Jan 14 22:16:26 I'm still at beginners level Jan 14 22:27:37 Oh also: what's the CoordinatorLayout good for? Is that needed, if i don't use the new Toolbar thing? Jan 14 22:28:45 CoordinatorLayout enables spooky action at a distance across views Jan 14 22:28:52 see http://android-developers.blogspot.de/2015/05/android-design-support-library.html Jan 14 22:31:05 danijoo are you using preview 5 ? Jan 14 22:31:19 g00s, when did they release 5? Oo Jan 14 22:31:24 i think im on 4.. Jan 14 22:33:25 Does there exist an API component that would allow my app to receive notifications when storage is mounted/unmounted? Jan 14 22:33:31 Hi guys, my service keeps returning an empty List of parcelables, even though I can see that the value is properly set in the Service but during the Binder transaction when it reaches the Fragment that called the service it is null. Here is the code http://pastebin.com/XeYJhjYY . Does anybody know how I can fix this? Jan 14 22:37:11 jsav: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2082556/how-can-i-listen-for-sd-card-mounting-in-android Jan 14 22:44:01 anticom: thank you! Jan 14 22:44:36 welcome! Jan 14 22:52:50 I'm trying to change a button's text in onOptionsItemSelected() but the text doesn't actually change. Any ideas? Jan 14 22:54:37 https://gist.github.com/Anticom/d66658163c12db87ad12 Jan 14 23:02:42 Anticom: what's the original button text? is action_create? Jan 14 23:02:58 which apartment is? Jan 14 23:03:00 what is getCashUpForToday() doing? is it returning null? I would set a breakpoint and look at the debugger Jan 14 23:14:11 hmm Jan 14 23:18:55 grekkos: original text is btn_action_edit but why does that matter? Jan 14 23:19:52 Basically i'm certain that i can toggle both states in updateEditBtnState() Jan 14 23:22:09 Anticom: because you change it based on the case of an if statement, if it's only hitting one condition it will seem like it's not changing Jan 14 23:22:40 Anticom: so in this case it may be that your getCashUpForToday() is always returning non-null Jan 14 23:22:48 grekkos: well i verified that both cases are reached Jan 14 23:22:57 hmm Jan 14 23:23:08 it's the right button id? Jan 14 23:23:15 oh Jan 14 23:23:19 wait Jan 14 23:23:25 never mind Jan 15 00:01:15 How do i get the material design icon drawables into my android project? (appcompat v7, sdk v23, min sdk v15) Jan 15 00:02:42 Anticom_: if you really don’t want your app to be killed when the screen rotates, you set android:configChanges in the tag of AndroidManifest.xml to include “orientation” Jan 15 00:04:06 then, instead of getting killed, you’ll get a callback and be expected to handle the orientation change on your own. It’s more ‘android-ish’ I guess to expect to have to save your state all the time and restore it, like people were saying. Jan 15 00:05:19 Anticom_: wrt icons, I’ve just googled ‘android material icons’ and found an online repository, then added them. Jan 15 00:06:19 duboisj: so is this done with gradle? Jan 15 00:06:31 ? Jan 15 00:07:08 No, I just got them from here: https://design.google.com/icons/ Jan 15 00:07:11 i mean importing / adding them to my project Jan 15 00:07:14 and added them to my project. Jan 15 00:07:18 i know that there's this repo Jan 15 00:07:22 added them how? Jan 15 00:08:05 the standard res/drawables-{mhxh}dpi directories Jan 15 00:08:27 :/ Jan 15 00:08:36 There's an Android Studio plugin (in fact, IIRC, two) to auto-import material design icons, if you want to go that way. Jan 15 00:09:06 fizzie: Okay so there's no "elegant" way i guess? Jan 15 00:12:06 using a plugin isn't elegant? Jan 15 00:12:11 sounds extremely elegant Jan 15 00:30:05 anyone here integrate IFTTT into their mobile app ? Jan 15 00:56:31 guys, is there a way to get a reference to which items in a recyclerview are currently visible? Jan 15 01:01:46 orbyt_: the LinearLayoutManager has methods to get the visible indices Jan 15 01:01:47 sorry gotta catch the train though, gl Jan 15 01:14:22 pfn: with elegant i meant using some kind of gradle magic so it's portable aswell Jan 15 01:45:28 Anticom, it is portable, you add it to your project and you're done Jan 15 01:59:19 anyone know how Sprig is getting this blurring affect when opening the drawer? https://gfycat.com/DifferentWeirdIguanodon Jan 15 02:00:04 i tried a blurring method i found but it took like 3+ seconds to blur the view Jan 15 02:01:24 orbyt_: maybe blurr the image (,darken it) and just overlay it? Jan 15 02:01:36 like blurr it and add it as seperate asset Jan 15 02:01:40 or do it server-side etc. Jan 15 02:01:50 and then overlay it as regular drawable Jan 15 02:02:16 it blurs whatevers beneath it, not just that one image Jan 15 02:02:17 to me it doesn't look like the image is actually transitioning from non-blurry to blurry but only an overlay is fading in Jan 15 02:02:26 oh i see Jan 15 02:02:31 well with just an overlay itll just darken it Jan 15 02:02:36 and ive tried that Jan 15 02:03:02 but it definantly looks slightly blurry in the background so im not sure what they're doing Jan 15 02:03:32 maybe just overlay the img to like 50% and only blurr the other components? Jan 15 02:03:57 however you should check out what kind of blur you applied, afaik gaussian blur is rather expensive compared to other blurring techniques Jan 15 02:04:56 well thats what im asking, how would you do the blur. The method i found and tried took 3+ seconds just to blur Jan 15 02:05:19 which is obviously not what they're doing as they're blur is instant Jan 15 02:06:39 I'd just try some different libraries Jan 15 02:07:37 e.g. this looks rather fast (see the gif further down the page) https://github.com/qiujuer/ImageBlurring Jan 15 02:08:43 unfortunately it seems to be coded by a japanese (?) guy... crapy documentation ahead captain! Jan 15 02:09:14 orbyt_: maybe this might be useful aswell: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14988990/android-fast-bitmap-blur Jan 15 02:09:56 hmm will look at that thanks. Jan 15 02:10:13 welcome Jan 15 02:11:03 Let's say I've got the following activities: A, B and C. Now i can navigate the following ways: A -> B, A -> C, B -> C. How can i implement going back to the actual last activity instead of using android.support.PARENT_ACTIVITY ? Jan 15 02:16:56 Anticom are you looking for Activity.finish() ? Jan 15 02:18:13 g00s: I was using NavUtils.navigateUpFromSameTask( Jan 15 02:18:16 ()* Jan 15 02:18:39 oh, never used those Jan 15 02:19:03 g00s: but according to the doc, finish() seems to be what i actually want to have. Jan 15 02:19:06 cheers :) Jan 15 02:19:13 ;) Jan 15 02:21:57 g00s: Any ideas where i could find a DatePickerDialog example? been googling arround for a minute now and not really finding any proper example Jan 15 02:22:15 don't sorry :( Jan 15 02:25:25 Napalm so, any thoughts about that BLE data-hazard bug with chars/descriptors accessing mutable state from different threads ? don't seem like anything that a dev can navigate around Jan 15 02:26:08 you could navigate it Jan 15 02:26:23 it would involve your own accounting, ie) spinlocks Jan 15 02:27:01 i don't see how that could help. you have to put data into the char /eventually/ and it can get clobbered if a notificationis enabled on it Jan 15 02:28:57 perhaps im not remembering the problem directly Jan 15 02:29:03 if i was at the dev summit, this would have been my question Jan 15 02:29:23 but since all the objects created are in the applications process space, you have control Jan 15 02:29:40 the question is how complex do you have to make your accounting to manage that control Jan 15 02:30:21 but what is there to account for if the BLE device has notifications enabled , and is just sending data like - every 1s or whatever. Jan 15 02:30:43 Perhaps, essentially converting the char/descriptors to your own class for your own management and then back again for writing. annoying but that would then resolve the direct issue? no Jan 15 02:31:03 explain the problem again.. just so its clear to me Jan 15 02:31:11 how was the clobbering happening Jan 15 02:31:29 no worries, almost dog walking time again. just wondered, thought you were looking at it ;) Jan 15 02:32:02 if your working with the same char/descriptor in your main thread and a ble notification comes it uses the same char/descriptor object for the notification Jan 15 02:32:23 g00s: na, not looking at it.. i decided not to go for the BLE job Jan 15 02:33:05 Napalm not enough challenge ? :D Jan 15 02:33:45 what they were asking, was high stress. decided i need less stress Jan 15 02:33:46 :) Jan 15 02:34:11 yes, less stress is good. cortisol destroys the brain Jan 15 02:37:13 Napalm have you used IFTTT by any chance ? Jan 15 02:37:24 IFTTT? Jan 15 02:37:39 i sent went to their support page, it have an email. i submitted an email, told me to go to their support page lol Jan 15 02:37:41 oh, one of those Jan 15 02:37:56 I've used zapier Jan 15 02:38:06 think i've heard of that Jan 15 02:39:34 there is also yaler Jan 15 02:40:15 Napalm what did you think of zapier ? Jan 15 02:43:30 its ok, but its up to you if you want to give access tokens to 3rd party companies Jan 15 02:47:35 I've had enough for today. almost 4am is a good time to quit :D Jan 15 02:47:43 thank's again for all the answers and help Jan 15 02:52:13 Ooh, promo codes in play store, finally Jan 15 02:53:56 holy. %$#$#%. s$tt Jan 15 02:54:06 finally **** ENDING LOGGING AT Fri Jan 15 02:59:59 2016