**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Jan 15 02:59:59 2016 Jan 15 03:01:08 I've been curious lately.. just what are some approprate uses for the NDK? I have a program that has to manipulate files by the byte, and I'm curious as to if there are performance benefits in doing file manipulation in native code vs. in Java Jan 15 03:11:54 jsav: Mostly for games, you won't get much benefit for regular file manipulations with the NDK Jan 15 03:14:27 Thank you CedricBeust! I'll be coming back again when I start a game I'm in the process of designing Jan 15 03:15:39 does setting an Alarm not working from inside a service? Jan 15 03:20:10 oh my god :/ Jan 15 03:20:28 Android really needs to freaking show an error if the service is not defined in the manfiest >_< Jan 15 03:36:56 Afzal: it does log a message Jan 15 03:37:37 Is there a reason I don't have Memory Monitor in my Android Studio? Jan 15 03:38:00 run the app in debug? Jan 15 03:38:00 I'm running the latest version Jan 15 03:38:11 okay let's see.. Jan 15 03:39:53 yup Jan 15 03:43:22 So, I have implemented a Google Maps fragment in my app, and also added clustering of the markers. How can I customize the markers that I send to ClusterManager? That is, not the ClusterItems, but the individual markers that the ClusterItem contains? Jan 15 03:44:06 Before I could just do map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().title(recievedPlaceName.get(i)).icon(...) blabla. Jan 15 03:44:16 But now I have to send each marker to ClusterManager. Jan 15 03:45:54 And also, why is everything closed around here now? Don't everyone start coding at 4 in the morning? I really need breakfast. Jan 15 03:51:14 kdehl: your using the the google maps utils yea? Jan 15 03:51:38 Napalm: That's right. Jan 15 03:51:45 just extend DefaultClusterRenderer Jan 15 03:51:56 and call setRenderer on your cluster manager Jan 15 03:53:00 This will not change the look of the cluster marker? Jan 15 03:53:07 Sorry, I'm quite new to all this. Jan 15 03:53:14 what do you want to do? Jan 15 03:53:49 kdehl Jan 15 03:54:01 kdehl: are you simply wanting to change the icon used for a cluster of markers? Jan 15 03:54:32 I used to have lots of custom markers on a map. It got too much, so I put them in clusters. But using the example code the individual markers that you get when you zoom in enough are of this ugly standard look. Jan 15 03:54:50 I want to change them back to my custom look. Jan 15 03:55:08 That is, the cluster markers are fine, it's the look of the individual markers that are ugly. Jan 15 03:55:38 For a lack of better terminology. But you get what I mean though, right? Jan 15 03:56:09 kdehl: yea, so do as i said Jan 15 03:56:53 you create a class that extends the default renderer and then use that on your cluster Jan 15 03:57:04 in your extension class implement onBeforeClusterItemRendered Jan 15 03:57:17 there you can change the MarkerOptions and set an icon Jan 15 03:57:40 Alright. I'll try. Thanks. :) Jan 15 03:57:55 onBeforeClusterRendered is used to get the clustered images Jan 15 03:58:00 ash Jan 15 03:58:01 ah Jan 15 03:58:01 wait Jan 15 03:58:04 kdehl: Jan 15 03:58:06 Okay. Jan 15 03:58:07 Hehe. Jan 15 03:58:11 * kdehl waits Jan 15 03:58:16 i just remembered.. you dont need to do that.. you can set a icon generator Jan 15 03:58:22 Hm. Okay. Jan 15 03:58:58 hmm Jan 15 03:58:59 I also had some text and even a link on the marker. Jan 15 03:59:01 sec Jan 15 03:59:05 let me dig out some code Jan 15 03:59:53 That would be great! Jan 15 03:59:59 This is my original code: map.addMarker(new MarkerOptions().icon(BitmapDescriptorFactory.fromResource(getResources().getIdentifier("drawable/" + receivedPlaceType.get(i).name(), null, getPackageName()))).title(recievedPlaceName.get(i)).snippet(tempString).position(new LatLng((recievedPlaceLat.get(i)), (recievedPlaceLng.get(i))))); Jan 15 04:00:07 Gah, messy. Jan 15 04:00:18 But you get the idea. Jan 15 04:01:47 no i was wright Jan 15 04:01:53 right Jan 15 04:02:29 create a class that extends DefaultClusterRenderer and in the onBeforeClusterItemRendered simply set the markerOptions from the item passed in Jan 15 04:05:15 Alright, I'll give it a try. Jan 15 04:06:08 kdehl: http://pastebin.com/evntCMYp Jan 15 04:07:29 Napalm: Excellent, thank you! Jan 15 04:08:00 too much handholding :p Jan 15 04:08:37 I like holding hands. Jan 15 04:09:32 pfn: its your mind that bends not the spoon that feeds the newbs or some crap like that Jan 15 04:18:29 Whats better, static placement banner ads, or dynamic banner ads injected into lists Jan 15 04:18:40 for more money Jan 15 04:22:34 Napalm: It seems to work. Kinda. I did: mClusterManager.setRenderer(new MarkerRenderer(getApplicationContext(), map, mClusterManager)); Jan 15 04:23:15 Wait, I think I was just about to rubberduck... Jan 15 04:23:16 kdehl: you probably want to use your activity context there Jan 15 04:24:12 Napalm: Right. Jan 15 04:26:20 Napalm: I'm a little confused still, though. The class that implements ClusterItem, does that represent an individual marker or is that the cluster marker? Jan 15 04:27:14 kdehl: "ClusterItem represents a marker on the map." from the docs Jan 15 04:27:26 so its used for both Jan 15 04:27:32 Oh. Jan 15 04:27:37 Markers are now managed for you Jan 15 04:27:56 you should not be saving or using markers in your own code.. Jan 15 04:28:01 let the cluster manager and its code handle that Jan 15 04:29:16 Napalm: Okay. So my DogPlaceItem that implements ClusterItem, can have a constructor for all the info that is needed in order to create my custom markers if I understand it correctly? Jan 15 04:29:30 yes Jan 15 04:29:35 Great! Jan 15 04:32:31 God damn, if the woman could stop sending me naked pictures when I'm trying to code! Jan 15 04:33:06 feel free to imgur Jan 15 04:33:26 Napalm, and something about feeding the fish :p Jan 15 04:33:37 :) Jan 15 04:41:48 Hi all, Sorry for asking a noob question but I'm having a problem using findViewById after passing data through an interface back to activity. Jan 15 04:41:52 http://pastebin.com/TLR0Qccs Jan 15 04:44:02 The Button is defined in the Activity's XML but when I try to find it I get a null pointer exception Jan 15 04:44:39 then it's not in your content view Jan 15 04:45:11 It is though, if I findviewbyid in the oncreate it works fine Jan 15 04:45:35 Maybe the interface is calling before the content view gets set? Jan 15 04:51:24 Napalm: It works perfectly! Thank you so much! :) Jan 15 04:51:31 It would have taken me days to figure out. Jan 15 04:51:34 your welcome Jan 15 04:52:43 Oh I fixed it. I was making the call in onCreateView in the fragment. I didn't realize the content view wouldn't be set by then Jan 15 04:52:51 switched to onActivityCreated and it works fine Jan 15 05:05:38 pfn: webview.pauseTimers, does it pause all webviews in all processes or just current process? Jan 15 05:05:45 similary with resumetimers Jan 15 05:09:08 what does the documentation say Jan 15 05:09:29 tried reading it cant make a determination Jan 15 05:10:04 then the simplest answer is probably the correct answer Jan 15 05:10:15 current process? Jan 15 05:10:27 guess again Jan 15 05:10:34 damn it does all Jan 15 05:10:41 guess again Jan 15 05:10:43 so another process can resume my webview Jan 15 05:11:26 guess again Jan 15 05:11:49 dude why u trolling Jan 15 05:12:25 because I'm not going to give you an answer that the docs and basic programming knowledge provides Jan 15 05:15:30 “Resumes all layout, parsing, and JavaScript timers for all WebViews. This will resume dispatching all timers.” Jan 15 05:15:49 where does it say whether its system or app wide Jan 15 05:25:17 I want to unit test a phone number. I'm getting a NPE on my test. Can I not use "Patterns.PHONE.matcher(number)" on the JVM? Jan 15 05:38:38 b4b, read the doc for pause timers Jan 15 05:43:35 it says its a global request Jan 15 05:43:58 im still unable to determine if that means all webviews in all pps Jan 15 06:17:29 hmm.. I'm observing my onSuccess callback being triggered from a http 403 response using retrofit 2 and i'm not sure why. anyone run into this? I've been seeing it at least since updating to 2.0 back in beta1 but just now getting around to debugging Jan 15 06:17:51 i scanned issues on github but i don't see anything like that Jan 15 06:19:24 oh, PS using rxjava call adapter Jan 15 06:21:43 Behavior change. The http request succeeded, the server successfully returned a 403 response.. Failure is network errors, and possible converter errors Jan 15 06:22:35 hmm.. I guess that makes sense Jan 15 06:25:11 damien5314: I'm using retrofit2 beta3 Jan 15 06:25:18 works ;) Jan 15 06:25:41 you're getting onError, not onSuccess? that's what I was expecting Jan 15 06:35:59 it's strange because i thought the logic was as straightforward as success is response code [200..300), and stepping through my app i do hit this line Jan 15 06:36:00 https://github.com/square/retrofit/blob/master/retrofit/src/main/java/retrofit2/OkHttpCall.java#L146 Jan 15 06:36:35 but then a step or two later in the debugger it shows me at line 159 (return Response.success()) Jan 15 06:41:05 What's the similarities and difference between Android Daemons with Linux Daemons? Can someone give me some materials about this topic? Jan 15 06:58:06 Is there a way to stop keyboard from auto inserting suggested text without stopping the suggestions completely Jan 15 07:04:03 I don't want to use TYPE_TEXT_FLAG_NO_SUGGESTIONS but I don't want keyboard to automatically insert suggestions Jan 15 07:31:16 i am getting 403 response from server it has the jsonobject that i am reading using this code http://paste.ubuntu.com/14502939/ but getting nothing but i can see jsonobject in terminal http://ibin.co/2TWBmJihmwNL Jan 15 07:38:40 Whats the best way to share a token from my app to other apps that i decide to trust? Jan 15 08:17:22 Anyone facing similar issues ? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34722304/renamed-apk-with-the-time-of-building-does-not-run Jan 15 08:29:57 suhas_sm, look at the difference Jan 15 08:30:00 app-debug-2016_01_11_13_21.apk Jan 15 08:30:06 app-debug-2016_01_11_13_23.apk Jan 15 08:32:26 why do you think that happens? perhaps because formattedDate gets the current time? then, copy it to a string then Jan 15 08:33:02 i'm not familiar with java enough to provide a straight answer, unfortunately, but i can see what's wrong Jan 15 08:33:13 java or gradle for that matter Jan 15 10:52:25 Hello! Is it correct to keep reference on PackageManager in Singleton? Or in Activity? Or it is better to keep reference on application context and call getPackageManager every time i need it? Jan 15 11:36:57 I have a grid layout with 1 row and 2 columns, I have to elements, how can I make the columns 50% each of the parent width and the elements fill them? Jan 15 11:37:10 (and is a GridLayout the right thing to use?) Jan 15 11:57:33 hithere Jan 15 11:57:45 SleepyPikachu, I think what you actually want is a Table Jan 15 11:57:49 TableLayout Jan 15 12:00:50 I would like to run code in diff thread and being able to cancel already running thread, what would you suggest to use. FutureTask, AsyncTask, or somehow bended Handler? Jan 15 12:01:02 danijoo: Thanks danijoo. I'll give that a look. :-) Jan 15 12:04:03 I was trying to use yorkw's FutureTask imp. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9458097/android-how-do-i-stop-runnable, but it seems not to be doing what I want and using shutdownNow() on ExecutorService and "restarting" is probably not the way it should be used Jan 15 12:39:15 bolovanos, it doesn't just magically stop execution, you need to handle it in your runnable Jan 15 12:39:45 or if you're hitting something that throws interruptedexception, then it might stop Jan 15 12:40:54 Zharf, hi, what do you mean by "it"? Jan 15 12:43:39 bolovanos, ExecutorService.shutdownNow() interrupts the running threads but if your runnable doesn't realise that the thread has been interrupted, it will just keep going Jan 15 12:44:10 Zharf, oh yes - that is problem I have mentioned yesterday..., thanks for recalling it Jan 15 12:44:18 Zharf, what would you recomend to do? Jan 15 12:44:35 depends on your taks Jan 15 12:44:37 task Jan 15 12:45:45 usually my threads run some sort of loop that checks for Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted() Jan 15 12:47:31 Zharf, for each change in SearchView I start searching in my data structures through dedicated SearchEngine. I would like to start this SearchEngine in separate thread from onQueryTextChange(String query) from Jan 15 12:47:39 other times you might be stuck in some call that's waiting for some network request or something, in those cases you often get InterruptedException Jan 15 12:48:26 Zharf, when user enters another char, it should stop all SearchEngine running threads, and start new one... Jan 15 12:48:47 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18702482/ensure-that-a-task-is-interruptible Jan 15 12:55:53 Zharf, ad loop - I seems to me that this is not applicable to my actual implementation - SearchEngine receive task and you have to wait for results - that's it , SearchEngine wrapped with loop, would not stop execution untli SE is done with work, which is to late... Jan 15 12:56:13 Zharf, or am I missing soomething with that loop solution? Jan 15 13:00:35 bolovanos, yeah it likely won't work for you Jan 15 13:00:53 is SearchEngine out of your reach? Jan 15 13:01:11 (some library you didn't write?) Jan 15 13:02:45 if so, I'd probably have a single thread that handles a queue of changes, waits for SearchEngine to complete and then gives it another thing to search for from the queue (though you'd probably only want the most recent change) Jan 15 13:02:59 Zharf, guess I know where you heading, probably to use loop solution inside SE - yes it would be possible it is all mine, but I would rather save it as threadable whole with function - input word, output list of found things... Jan 15 13:03:00 it might lag a little behind what the user types though Jan 15 13:03:51 you don't really need a loop inside SE either, as long as you identify the points where it blocks and put some code in there to react to that blocking Jan 15 13:03:58 mine reason, why am I willing to thread it, is lagging on some slower platform - so... :) Jan 15 13:04:11 absolutely thread it, no question about that Jan 15 13:04:25 if it's blocking on some http call, you might find it tricky to stop that though Jan 15 13:04:50 Zharf, it is local search Jan 15 13:05:56 then just add some checks for Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted() Jan 15 13:07:05 you can make it throw InterruptedException at that point or just return quietly somehow, or something Jan 15 13:07:12 abandon ship, basically Jan 15 13:08:49 Zharf, will consider that, thank for your effort Jan 15 13:23:41 If i set for example is it possible automatically to find all places in project where exception will occure if device don't have gps but app trying to use it? Jan 15 13:31:15 http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/272956/a-new-code-license-the-mit-this-time-with-attribution-required?cb=1 Jan 15 13:31:18 yay Jan 15 13:31:28 I wonder how it will be enforced Jan 15 13:31:46 it can't be Jan 15 13:32:06 it's more like "pretty please" :) Jan 15 13:33:31 I hate stack overflow for giving solutions as code Jan 15 13:34:18 people don't learn, and just write shit ad assembled from pieces on stackoverflow Jan 15 13:34:30 yeah.. Jan 15 13:34:41 I try to keep my code snippets as small as possible on there Jan 15 13:35:02 and I don't really care if someone uses the code I've put there or not Jan 15 13:50:41 hey all, how can i add custom item to intent chooser ?l Jan 15 13:55:50 by adding an activity for that intent Jan 15 13:58:20 As some of you are probably using similar features: Jan 15 13:58:23 http://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/jan/14/germany-highest-court-facebook-friend-finder-unlawful Jan 15 13:58:57 You can not use the address book of users and send all of them an invite in Germany anymore, as that falls under harassment advertising. Jan 15 14:01:14 sounds bullshit Jan 15 14:01:24 users choose to use friend finder Jan 15 14:01:41 But the receiver doesn't choose to get the as. Jan 15 14:01:43 *ad Jan 15 14:01:44 and they clearly state what they do Jan 15 14:01:58 Yes, but the receiver never agreed to receiving ads from Facebook. Jan 15 14:02:17 You can't send someone an ad unless they opt-in. Jan 15 14:02:20 the receiver agreed to get messages from the user Jan 15 14:02:30 and that's false Jan 15 14:02:37 Not in Germany. Jan 15 14:02:53 I don't opt in to receiving ads, yet I see them all the time Jan 15 14:03:04 so, billboards are illegal in Germany? Jan 15 14:03:19 you don't opt in, but are forced to see them Jan 15 14:03:34 In some cities, yes. But not everywhere. The issue here is ads via personal communication. Jan 15 14:04:06 If you receive ads via mail when you have a "no ads" sticker at the mailbox, that's also illegal. Jan 15 14:04:23 meh, Germany sucks Jan 15 14:04:27 And the ruling here was from the supreme court, and is final. Jan 15 14:04:35 The users choice prevails. Jan 15 14:05:48 (Btw, the recent cases between AdBlock and websites have also all been ruled towards "AdBlock is a right of the user, the site can't do anything about it". Except in one case, where it was ABP vs. a website, and ABP threatened to remove them from the acceptable ads list unless they'd pay money) Jan 15 14:07:15 Anyway, sending users ads via personal communication without opt-in is illegal in DE now, as the court decided, and you might want to modify your apps. Jan 15 14:07:41 meh, don't care, would sooner take them off the supported list Jan 15 14:07:52 them = those countries Jan 15 14:08:20 Even if the people get your app while using a VPN to get around that list, you're still liable. Jan 15 14:08:32 (And, BTW, the CAN-SPAM act in the US has the same rules) Jan 15 14:08:51 wouldn't pay Jan 15 14:09:13 not quite Jan 15 14:09:48 pfn:i couldn't find an example, what u mean by adding activity for intent ? Jan 15 14:10:58 sci-fic, register activities in manifest for the intents you want Jan 15 14:39:55 best library to do OCR with android? Jan 15 14:40:07 sounds like germany's doing it right Jan 15 14:54:44 when my app/page opens, the first EditText is automatically focused, meaning the on-screen keyboard automatically is extended Jan 15 14:54:55 do you know any good programmatic solution to thi? Jan 15 14:55:02 there are some mentionings at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1555109/stop-edittext-from-gaining-focus-at-activity-startup but I don't really get their point Jan 15 15:00:57 wait, i might have an ida.. Jan 15 15:00:58 idea Jan 15 15:09:31 hello, I'veupgraded android studio to 2.0 preview 5. I'm getting this error since it: FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. --- com.android.build.api.transform.Transform.getSecondaryFiles()Ljava/util/Collection; --- Any idea to fix this issue? Thanks Jan 15 15:10:44 ah resolved Jan 15 15:10:50 basically as they said it on that article Jan 15 15:22:26 Zharf, I disagree with legislating free markets Jan 15 15:22:52 wich version of com.android.tools.build:gradle are you guys using? Jan 15 15:23:35 I agree with removing advertising Jan 15 15:24:28 hello, im ISO a skilled android dev with the ability to remove an encyrption from a modded APK. i am willing to pay for this to be done. also, if anyone here knows such a person and leads us to eachother i will pay a $25 finders fee. Jan 15 15:24:40 every time I travel around town I feel like destroying things bexause of advertising Jan 15 15:29:08 hello Jan 15 15:32:56 I'm having issues compiling libicu for armeabi platforms with gcc-4.9 from the r10e ndk, can anyone help me please? Jan 15 15:35:34 Zharf, I disagree with any legislation that removes freedoms, individual or corporate Jan 15 15:36:03 advertising is a necessity of the market Jan 15 15:36:40 if you disagree with something, vote with your dollar and buy from the people who don't advertise in your face Jan 15 15:37:33 tell your friends to do the same Jan 15 15:37:42 Oh, wait, Germany doesn't let you do that Jan 15 16:07:02 is there a way for a messaging app to send/receive messages NOT VIA HTTP requests? Jan 15 16:09:52 lxknvlk, can you explain more what the issue is? Jan 15 16:10:22 well there are apps that communicate via http or https and that traffic can be intercepted and modified Jan 15 16:10:36 but there are apps that dont use http nor https Jan 15 16:10:51 yes, use a raw Socket and do your own protocol Jan 15 16:10:54 like even the facebook messenger Jan 15 16:10:59 but the traffic can still be intercepted or modified Jan 15 16:12:51 lxknvlk, uh. Jan 15 16:13:15 Pretty much all apps use the same security scheme like HTTPS. Jan 15 16:13:29 Not sure how exactly a properly secured HTTPS would be intercepted. Jan 15 16:14:00 Hola! Can anyone please tell me where there's a list of depenencies, for, example the cardview in android? I keep having to google and find a tutorial to get it and then get warnings there's a new up to date version...but I can't find the new uptodate version nor where the tutorials even knew where to get it in the first place --.- Jan 15 16:14:28 https can't be intercepted and modified Jan 15 16:14:33 and if https can, so can any protocol you choose Jan 15 16:14:38 Sure it can :) Jan 15 16:14:48 not if you pin certificates Jan 15 16:14:48 People sell solutions that do that :) Jan 15 16:14:54 Indeed. Jan 15 16:14:59 it can't be intercepted or modified, it will simply fail Jan 15 16:15:05 (Most apps and people don't. Most people don't even know what that means -_- ) Jan 15 16:15:25 and even if you don't, for the most part, many CAs are still trustworthy Jan 15 16:15:41 google has even gone to the trouble of ditching ones that have proven to be non-trustworthy Jan 15 16:15:48 Bunch of enterprise router gear does HTTPS interception. Jan 15 16:15:53 And those CAs are trusted by browsers. Jan 15 16:16:04 "For company security.Ć Jan 15 16:16:26 usually those are installed by IT images, not automatically trusted... unless it's changed somewhat recently Jan 15 16:16:32 all browser vendors should drop them from their trust list Jan 15 16:16:39 Depends on vendor :/ Jan 15 16:17:10 I know Cisco is very proud on the fact that they don't require workstation certs for their DPI to work :/ Jan 15 16:17:58 But yeah, in short - pin your certificates (always, you have no reason not to) and things will be secure. Jan 15 16:18:07 Unless you wanna cater to corpo drones. Jan 15 16:18:26 lol i do that with https Jan 15 16:18:38 pfn: Jan 15 16:18:49 in any case, any protocol you choose would be vulnerable in the same manner Jan 15 16:18:55 after like 10 mins of reading i was able to intercetp https and modify it Jan 15 16:19:04 false Jan 15 16:20:56 "I know Cisco is very proud on the fact that they don't require workstation certs for their DPI to work" hey, any source for that? Jan 15 16:22:28 Privacy, nothing official besides sales people trying to sell us their shit :/ Jan 15 16:26:42 ok Jan 15 16:28:35 is any of you experienced with the android ndk? Jan 15 16:30:38 Ask the actual question, c'mon -_- Jan 15 16:31:34 I did already. Jan 15 16:31:55 "I'm having issues compiling libicu 56-1 for armeabi platforms with gcc-4.9 from the r10e ndk, can anyone help me please?" Jan 15 16:33:36 that isn't a question Jan 15 16:33:41 that's a "do it for me for free" Jan 15 16:34:11 no, that's a " do you think you can handle a problem in such a very specific area " question. Jan 15 16:34:21 there is never a very specific area Jan 15 16:34:33 or I can rather throw the actual compiler error at your face Jan 15 16:34:35 but anyway, you've lost my interest Jan 15 16:34:36 with no context Jan 15 16:34:42 I really couldn't care less Jan 15 16:34:58 glad you made yourself feel better Jan 15 16:35:23 O.o Jan 15 16:35:39 Yeah, can't really help you if you don't even post the error you're getting :/ Jan 15 16:35:46 It's not like everyone here compiles this every day :/ Jan 15 16:35:52 I agree Jan 15 16:36:22 I'm getting an unrecognized command line option Jan 15 16:36:36 tried with libicu 52-1 and libicu 56-1 Jan 15 16:36:56 on the first one it's the qversion option Jan 15 16:37:00 command* Jan 15 16:37:08 and on the other it's the -V command Jan 15 16:37:45 cross compiling from linux-x86_64 to armeabi with gcc 4.9 for android-21 Jan 15 16:38:22 in fact libicu can only seem to compile with gcc 4.6 Jan 15 16:38:30 which makes no sense Jan 15 16:39:18 Hmm, it doesn't, since their doc says it can compile with clang as well. Jan 15 16:39:44 I meant gcc-4.6 from the android r10e ndk. Jan 15 16:40:02 it's the cross compilation that fails Jan 15 16:40:25 I can compile it just fine with gcc 4.6 for linux-x86_64 Jan 15 16:40:29 4.9* Jan 15 16:45:58 hmm, I'm a bit confused by how elevation works, is it scoped to only a single view hierarchy... Jan 15 16:46:20 pfn, I haven't been able to figure that out still Jan 15 16:46:31 I'm getting wildly different results (missing shadows and crap) even on 6.0 Jan 15 16:46:37 yeah, it's weird Jan 15 16:46:45 theDaftDev, sooo... what does the actual verbose compile log say? :) Jan 15 16:47:15 I have a framelayout that's operating as my recycler item views, and the framelayout has several layers, I'm elevating the top layer in the framelayout and that shows up visibly, but in the context of the recyclerview, it's flat Jan 15 16:47:34 Mavrik: arm-linux-androideabi-gcc-4.9: error: unrecognized command line option '-qversion' Jan 15 16:47:45 for libicu 52-1 here. Jan 15 16:47:47 theDaftDev, what was it trying to execute? Jan 15 16:48:10 a sample program icu's build system uses to check if your compiler is O.K Jan 15 16:48:19 Is there a way I can make my SearchView do Auto complete as well? Jan 15 16:48:25 well Jan 15 16:48:29 http://stackoverflow.com/a/33415668/1700895 Jan 15 16:48:29 not even a sample program Jan 15 16:48:31 interesting Jan 15 16:48:31 just a main. Jan 15 16:49:49 It really isn't a code error. Jan 15 16:50:18 it's the compiler. And the cross compilation works with gcc-4.6.. Jan 15 16:51:18 also I can't cross compile with -O2 and -fomit-frame-pointer flags without gcc-4.9 crashing Jan 15 16:51:21 Hi! I have a device with an usb cable in debugging mode connected to my PC... Is it possible for the device to hit the PC with a web-request, if my PC doesn't has a public IP address? I need the traffic to use the USB cable. Is that possible? Jan 15 16:52:37 which, although being strange, isn't a big deal. Jan 15 16:53:09 theDaftDev, yeah, that's why I've asked you to pastebin/show the compile / make log with the error and the compiler command that causes it :) Jan 15 16:53:13 cart_man, yes, this is documented in d.android.com dev guides Jan 15 16:53:17 But I need to run now, ttyl. Jan 15 16:54:58 Mavrik: configure:2882: /media/imin/files/Code/MiddleVR_Build_Dependencies/Android/android-ndk-r10e/toolchains/arm-linux-androideabi-4.9/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi-gcc-4.9 -qversion >&5 arm-linux-androideabi-gcc-4.9: error: unrecognized command line option '-qversion' arm-linux-androideabi-gcc-4.9: fatal error: no input files Jan 15 16:56:36 oh actually Jan 15 16:56:48 I have a question about Logcat, for all my phones it shows the Log.d messages, but for one (the newer one) it doesn't show the Log.d messages. Anyone knows why? Jan 15 16:57:03 it looks like gcc doesn't like the -std=c11 flag ._. Jan 15 16:57:22 although if I don't use it I get C89 errors.. Jan 15 17:13:47 Ok so now I have the AutoComplete integrated...problem now is that I do not really want to give the list.. I want it to be like googles search is . Just pulls the data from the internet. Is that possible? Jan 15 17:17:20 yes Jan 15 17:17:41 just pull the data from the internet instead of providing a list Jan 15 17:18:36 pfn: Is there some setting I should set or should I simply just not provide a list? Jan 15 17:19:20 where you provide the list, instead provide internet results Jan 15 17:25:50 hi, i call a dialogFragment inside my activity, but sometimes i have: Fatal Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException Activity has been destroyed. How i can solve this? Jan 15 17:25:58 when i call dialog.show Jan 15 17:27:42 pfn: Is there not a way that I do not have to sort the internet results though? Or am I understanding this wrong Jan 15 17:51:20 there's nothing built in for min length on edittext right? Jan 15 17:51:28 Hello, is the some way to do something like this ? R.drawable.class.getField(String.format("logo_%s", bandeira.toLowerCase())).getInt(R.drawable); Jan 15 17:52:29 i'm not sure what getField does can you enlighten me? Jan 15 17:53:03 oh i see is this trying to get a field's value through reflection Jan 15 17:53:36 Hey folks. There’s this developer setting, Pointer Location. It shows a scrolls’ lenght in pixels. Is this an app I can look at the sourcecode? Or how can I get exactly this value, how far I scrolled? Jan 15 17:53:41 I don't know if I would trust something like that, I would think it's better to use a switch instead wviana Jan 15 17:54:29 cart_man, how would you simply "set" something Jan 15 17:54:40 cart_man, set a content provider for your search autocomplete and provide the results there Jan 15 17:55:28 pfn: But I do not have any specific results.. Therefore I do not have a specific array I can use Jan 15 17:55:44 grekkos: I'm trying to use reflection to get a field value Jan 15 17:59:13 hi guys, any good channels for bluetooth questions? Jan 15 17:59:21 grekkos: I'm already using a switch, but every time I get I new pin I'll have to add a new case Jan 15 17:59:25 cart_man, then get specific results so you can have a specific array Jan 15 17:59:34 cart_man, I've already given you your answer Jan 15 17:59:38 wviana: how often do you get a new "pin" ? Jan 15 17:59:45 I'm not going to write code for you, you have the terms you need to google up the solution Jan 15 17:59:47 very offen. Jan 15 18:00:08 never use reflection to get a field value Jan 15 18:00:10 wrong solution Jan 15 18:00:25 grekkos: Actually not that of to new ones. Jan 15 18:00:38 wviana: you might be able to make use of getResource().getIdentifier() Jan 15 18:00:42 pfn: Is there some way the get resource by name dynamicly ? Jan 15 18:00:51 wviana, yes, but you still shouldn't use it Jan 15 18:01:06 wviana: but I wouldn't recommend that it could result in unexpected behavior Jan 15 18:01:11 pfn: Slow or danger ? Jan 15 18:01:15 both Jan 15 18:01:23 oh, Jan 15 18:01:34 What you would use in this case ? Jan 15 18:01:43 depends on what exactly you're trying to accomplishj Jan 15 18:03:01 pfn, grekkos: https://gist.github.com/wviana/ed66e20676b6c25499ae Jan 15 18:03:28 right now I'm using switch to each diferent type of string. Jan 15 18:03:49 but I just add some new ones and I don't like this solution. Jan 15 18:04:03 I'm trying to do something smarter Jan 15 18:04:29 this is how I got into R.drawable.class.getField(String.format("logo_%s", bandeira.toLowerCase())); Jan 15 18:04:36 Map Jan 15 18:05:04 pfn: It'll be just the same work. :( Jan 15 18:05:11 doesn't matter Jan 15 18:05:15 you should not use reflection, ever Jan 15 18:05:41 use a build step to generate it if you must Jan 15 18:06:02 but do not use reflection Jan 15 18:06:07 build step ? Jan 15 18:08:40 damnit AS! Jan 15 18:08:53 :mobile:transformClassesWithDexForDebug doing nothing except locking part of the OS Jan 15 18:13:47 adq :( Jan 15 18:15:18 it's ok, it took several minutes to unlock itself, if only that was the only issue Jan 15 18:19:45 I have a pdf in my app local file dir. I'm trying to add a share button that shares it, and I'm adding the URI to the file as an extra, but I keep seeing that no app can handle the intent. My phone can definitely open pdfs. Any idea why it's not working? Jan 15 18:21:10 adq long shot, what happens if you uncheck 'save files on frame deactivation' Jan 15 18:21:18 AS system preferences Jan 15 18:23:10 thx but i doubt it will help, will try despite this issue did not occur very often (https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/help/system-settings.html) Jan 15 18:29:56 The documentation for Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_FORWARD_RESULT says "This way the new activity can call setResult(int) and have that result sent back to the reply target of the original activity", yet this doesn't work in some cases. Jan 15 18:30:04 I don't get why this stuff is so broken. Should be simple. Jan 15 18:30:48 pfn grekkos: I also found something like this int imageResource = getResources().getIdentifier(uri, null, getPackageName()); but I don't want to give context to a support class. Jan 15 18:32:58 g00s: I was checking out Windows phones today. That OS looks so neat and simple. Jan 15 18:33:38 TacticalJoke yeah, i think since WP7 they have iterated many times on something interesting Jan 15 18:34:05 still bizarre they restrict lumia 950 to AT&T though, that was dumb Jan 15 18:34:21 TacticalJoke: I've used that a lot of times before (forward result). In what cases does it NOT work? Jan 15 18:34:24 I think it was the Lumia 950 I was trying. Jan 15 18:34:28 rumor has it 950 was a stopgap until their surface phone Jan 15 18:34:34 I have a pdf in my app local file dir. I'm trying to add a share button that shares it, and I'm adding the URI to the file as an extra, but I keep seeing that no app can handle the intent. My phone can definitely open pdfs. Any idea why it's not working? Jan 15 18:35:27 eghdk: Trying to piece the details together right now. But it's happening when I have a complex interation (something like 'A > B (finish) > C (finish) > B (finish) > A'). Jan 15 18:35:49 interaction* Jan 15 18:36:04 wviana: isn't it technically UI code though? I think the context reference is ok Jan 15 18:36:32 TacticalJoke you say idea has C# ide now Jan 15 18:36:36 Yeah. Jan 15 18:37:00 You're allowed to share a local application file right? That's the whole point (if I'm not mistaken) of the share intent. Jan 15 18:42:04 eghdk, wrong mimetype Jan 15 18:45:22 grekkos: I solved like this, https://gist.github.com/wviana/862065dcc979f265abcd Jan 15 18:46:41 grekkos: I know that reflection is not recommend, but I optimize in other place to don't look for resource id more than once to each string. Jan 15 18:49:22 pfn: how do you know? Jan 15 18:49:48 So I'm right in my assumption that if I have a file in my applications dir, I can share it out to others... right? Jan 15 18:50:47 eghdk, it works fine, the other application will fail, if the file is not readable, however Jan 15 18:51:01 pfn: hmm.. Jan 15 18:54:41 you must make your file readable Jan 15 18:58:44 pfn: Wait, I still can't get any activity to say that it will handle it. If I have a Uri, how do I set it to an intent?? Jan 15 19:00:59 setData Jan 15 19:01:20 how are you expeccting it to work if you haven't set the uri? Jan 15 19:06:15 pfn: I got it only working if I did setDataAndType() Jan 15 19:06:30 Apparently set type or setData nulls the other one out. heh Jan 15 19:11:00 hmm, I don't think so... Jan 15 19:11:50 pfn: Can't open it in the other app now though. So should I move it over to my external storage downloads dir? Jan 15 19:12:14 either make your application dir/file readable or move it to external Jan 15 19:22:14 pfn: mResultIntent.addFlags( Intent.FLAG_GRANT_READ_URI_PERMISSION); http://developer.android.com/training/secure-file-sharing/share-file.html? Jan 15 19:29:49 eghdk, that doesn't work for file paths Jan 15 19:29:52 only for content uri Jan 15 19:32:02 oh gotcha. Jan 15 19:34:57 any reason why theres a Context.getExternalFilesDir vs the Enviroment.getPublicFilesDir? Jan 15 19:39:48 <_genuser_> me to the recruiter: Monday I can talk 10am-12pm CT, and 2pm-5pm CT. Jan 15 19:39:55 <_genuser_> recruiter: let's do 12pm then. Jan 15 19:40:04 <_genuser_> pfft. where do these people go to college? Jan 15 19:45:22 Is it possible to make a Toast from a Dialog? My gets null object reference on a TextView object if I try\ Jan 15 19:45:55 <_genuser_> You shoudl be able to make a toast from the Dialog. Jan 15 19:46:28 <_genuser_> you do not need a textview for any of that. Jan 15 19:50:10 eghdk, it's different, of course Jan 15 19:50:15 eghdk, why don't you check and see how they're diff Jan 15 20:07:33 _genuser_: I can not seem to get Toast to fire out of my Dialog.. I have created a Context context in my Dialog so it does not crash anymore but it does not show up either Jan 15 20:08:05 Hmm Jan 15 20:08:36 I think you want a toast to be passed the context of the current activity, not the dialog itself. Jan 15 20:08:44 Could be wrong though. Jan 15 20:09:57 BigZ: If i do that then the app crashes.. will log the error now Jan 15 20:10:02 <_genuser_> cart_man: don't create a new one. pass it an activity or application context. Jan 15 20:10:32 <_genuser_> inside the Dialog, try getActivity() and pass that. the activity inherits from Context somewhere, so you can pass activity. Jan 15 20:11:06 What I personally do is make a "postMessage" method in the activity that gets passed the desired message, and have it always use the current activity's context, and then pass that context to the toast. Jan 15 20:15:08 genusuer, do you mean getActivity().getContext()? Jan 15 20:15:40 <_genuser_> just do getActivity(), that reference alone is fine. Jan 15 20:15:44 ah Jan 15 20:15:46 _genuser_: Its a full screen dialog though.. .might that be the issue Jan 15 20:15:55 <_genuser_> http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/Activity.html Jan 15 20:16:06 <_genuser_> if you see that, Activity extends form Context. Jan 15 20:16:09 cart_man can you try a pop-up dialog? One that isn't full screen, I mean Jan 15 20:16:17 Yeah _genuser_ you're right, my bad Jan 15 20:16:44 cart_man can you post a snippet where you're having the problem? Might help with figuring it out Jan 15 20:16:50 _genuser_: this is actually the first time Im having issues with it Jan 15 20:18:26 <_genuser_> no worries, just go with it. Jan 15 20:20:52 http://pastebin.com/8yN0GAD8 ..this is the function where the toast is in.And where that function is called from... ots called from another thread on a timer Jan 15 20:20:57 BigZ: ^ Jan 15 20:21:42 Ok Jan 15 20:24:43 I assume you've tried this.getContext()? Jan 15 20:25:07 wait never mind Jan 15 20:25:16 Cant do that, im confusing other things with it Jan 15 20:26:24 Here's something: Have you tried passing it the context that you passed to create the Dialog? Jan 15 20:27:48 cart_man? Jan 15 20:28:10 BigZ: Yes I have the ParentContext Jan 15 20:28:17 and have tried it... Will try it again Jan 15 20:28:30 Probably no use in trying it again Jan 15 20:28:53 I'll try to reproduce what you're doing Jan 15 20:29:25 cart_man, have you tried simply passing "this" for the context? Jan 15 20:29:55 BigZ: Yip.. gets an error Jan 15 20:30:01 whats the error? Jan 15 20:30:02 because of it being a dialog Jan 15 20:30:24 When you initialize the Dialog, what did you pass for the context? Jan 15 20:31:05 BigZ: The ParentContext.. or the context that instantiated it and is the current activity Jan 15 20:31:37 So when you initialize the Dialog in your activity, you passed it "getParentContext()"? Jan 15 20:32:04 Because that would mean you're passing it an activity that's back one activity and isn't the context of the current activity Jan 15 20:32:47 Go to activity where you initialize the Dialog and pass it 'this' Jan 15 20:34:50 No what I usually pass is this Jan 15 20:34:53 "this" Jan 15 20:34:54 Ok Jan 15 20:35:50 <_genuser_> you're calling toast from a non-GUI thread? Jan 15 20:35:56 If you use backticks it auto-formats: `this` Jan 15 20:36:01 <_genuser_> that probably can't do a getActivity(), etc? Jan 15 20:36:03 Just kidding; it doesn't auto-format. But it looks pretty good. :D Jan 15 20:36:17 <_genuser_> TacticalJoke: ah, brainwashing people to go your way, eh? Jan 15 20:37:13 There is only one way! Jan 15 20:38:37 _genuser_: No I can actually do a getActivity() but it seems to do nothing though... BUT I just realized that my intermittent error is the one firing the Toast and it might be having some success therefore never firing the Toast... so I am dealing with that quickly Jan 15 20:39:17 <_genuser_> TacticalJoke: the TacticalJoke way! Jan 15 20:39:18 <_genuser_> lol. Jan 15 20:39:20 Hey weird thing: I've provided the ANDROID_PERMISSION_INTERNET in AndroidManifest, but upon running it says Permission Denied (Missing INTERNET permission?) Jan 15 20:41:23 _genuser_: Check this out -> http://pastebin.com/Lx3iqsQF Fkn loopers Ghezz I NEVER know what to do with them Jan 15 20:47:08 <_genuser_> cart_man: what is your code look like? Jan 15 20:48:07 _genuser_: 1 sec Jan 15 20:52:18 _genuser_: http://pastebin.com/EzU50BqS Jan 15 20:52:24 is there a way to tell if a 3rd party app is using a fragment vs an activity? Jan 15 20:53:10 _genuser_: I basically use a timer to check flags for the one Search function because it was the quickest to implement Jan 15 20:54:16 I may have stumbled onto an issue and would like someone to double check. The follow is required: Device with dual sims, Android 5.1+. Connect with ADB. (adb shell) and execute ¨getprop | grep ecc¨ and dump the few lines please Jan 15 20:54:19 <_genuser_> the only thing I can think of is before doing a Toast check if getActivity() is returning a null. if it is Lod.d() it. Jan 15 20:54:24 <_genuser_> then look for those message in the log console. Jan 15 20:54:44 <_genuser_> it sounds like it's trying to create the toast while the activity goes in the background or when it becomes invalid. Jan 15 20:54:54 <_genuser_> I have lot of getActivity() in my DialogFragments, and I haven't seen this. Jan 15 20:55:01 <_genuser_> but I have slowly moved away from Toasts, too. Jan 15 20:55:32 _genuser_: I just dont know what to use instead though Jan 15 20:55:39 orbyt_, you can try Fragment f = getActivity().getFragmentManager().findFragmentById(R.id.fragment_container) and if it returns null, you know it's not a fragment. Jan 15 20:55:51 or it may just return an error, not sure :\ Jan 15 20:55:54 <_genuser_> cart_man: oh simple have a local private Context ctx; in your DialogFragment. Jan 15 20:56:09 <_genuser_> as a static or something that other threads can access. Jan 15 20:56:15 BigZ: no, im talking about a 3rd party app, which i dont have the src code of. Jan 15 20:56:16 <_genuser_> or somewhere in your application object. Jan 15 20:56:21 Oh... Jan 15 20:56:24 that's a little tricky Jan 15 20:56:33 Since you can't really debug it or anything Jan 15 20:56:50 You can maybe determine fragment vs activity based on the nature of it Jan 15 20:56:55 <_genuser_> cart_man: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3875184/cant-create-handler-inside-thread-that-has-not-called-looper-prepare Jan 15 20:56:58 <_genuser_> here's another approach. Jan 15 20:57:00 What does the segment in question do? Jan 15 20:57:18 <_genuser_> cart_man: it's fast / simple. Jan 15 20:57:40 yea i was just wondering if theres a way to tell. In a nav drawer theres some options and on clicking loads that screen, but the load is so smooth and subtle that i dont know how its being done haha Jan 15 20:58:46 Well as I understand it, a fragment is sort of an add-on to an activity to allow certain types of functionality, but if you're loading an entire new screen it's typically an activity Jan 15 20:59:17 Might be smooth because they start the activity on a separate thread upon startup and cache it or similar. Jan 15 20:59:48 yea but you can have full screen fragments. I've never heard of caching an activity on startup Jan 15 21:00:33 BigZ: download Sprig and try it out: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.eatsprig&hl=en Jan 15 21:00:33 I said "similar" because I believe you can load its essential elements, I dont mean the activity itself. Jan 15 21:00:42 _genuser_: There is most def a valid "getActivity" though...seems the dam looper is doing this Jan 15 21:01:18 orbyt_, downloading apk now, I'll check it out on my emulator Jan 15 21:01:24 what am I doing with it though? Jan 15 21:01:36 might not look the same on an emulator tbh Jan 15 21:01:42 we'll find out I guess Jan 15 21:02:45 Hmm..I cant register on the app, just throws a registration error. Guess I'll get it on my phone Jan 15 21:02:56 _genuser_: Worst thing is I can not tell it to run on Ui Thread cause its a dialog : / Jan 15 21:03:34 cart_man, is it possbile to just make it a pop-up Dialog and not full screen? Jan 15 21:04:16 orbyt_, got the app installed, what am I doing with it? Jan 15 21:04:40 check out the nav menu, and click on items. notice how smooth the next screen loads Jan 15 21:04:53 almost seems to fast to be an activity Jan 15 21:05:38 wow thats smooth Jan 15 21:05:44 ha ikr Jan 15 21:05:56 hard to say what they do Jan 15 21:14:04 on the topic of fragments, I want to have a drawer box used across several different UI screens with a dynamic layout that uses a few different fragments depending on the screen type Jan 15 21:14:43 right now i'm thinking of having several different activities that use the drawerbox as a fragment Jan 15 21:15:04 i want to avoid the case where i have one super activity that has all the functionality in one god class Jan 15 21:15:31 buuuut.. this seems like it might mess up the UI Jan 15 21:16:23 if i were to have the drawerbox start an intent to start the activity, would that mess up the drawerbox animations? Jan 15 21:17:15 If i want that animation to be smooth, do i also need to manage the other fragments by hand? Jan 15 21:28:46 your question is rather vague Jan 15 21:29:14 yo Jan 15 21:29:18 stuff like overridePendingTransition and ActivityOptions does what you need... Jan 15 21:32:25 in android studio, can I change the API version on a project? it started as 21, I want to set it to 7 Jan 15 21:32:38 I'm fine fixing the incompatibilities, I just don't know how to change it Jan 15 21:32:52 change it in build.gradle Jan 15 21:32:54 and you don't want to do that Jan 15 21:32:57 stay at 21 Jan 15 21:33:03 unless your only device is <21 Jan 15 21:33:06 I want it to be compatible with my moto flipout Jan 15 21:35:28 ok that seems to have worked Jan 15 21:36:58 throw the flipout in the trash Jan 15 21:37:42 no thanks, I can't find a good replacement with a good keyboard Jan 15 21:37:59 hey Jan 15 21:38:37 the flipout isn't good, period :p Jan 15 21:38:42 and the priv is good Jan 15 21:39:43 the priv? Jan 15 21:40:38 hm the priv is kind of big Jan 15 21:44:39 So, with ProgressDialog, you have to say `dialog.setProgressStyle(ProgressDialog.STYLE_HORIZONTAL);` to get a determinate progress bar. If you simply say `dialog.setIndeterminate(false);`, it doesn't work. Wat. Jan 15 21:44:44 And of course this is not documented. Jan 15 21:47:01 TacticalJoke don't use that pos Jan 15 21:48:59 RelativeLayout with kinda complex rules vs nested LinearLayouts? Jan 15 21:49:27 g00s: Yeah, the source looks terrible. I guess I'll end up implementing my own ProgressDialog. Jan 15 21:49:56 i'd forego any model progress thing if you can ... Jan 15 21:50:01 *modal Jan 15 21:50:11 Ribesg can you use GridLayout ? Jan 15 21:50:17 still to vague to answer Jan 15 21:51:07 Yeah, I usually agree. I'm considering making an exception for this case (something having to show in front of a WebView). Jan 15 21:51:12 g00s, isn't GridLayout with same-width/height columns/lines or something? Jan 15 21:52:07 With LinearLayouts, what I want to do is simple to explain Jan 15 21:52:43 X and Y in a horizontal LinearLayout, Y contains A and B in a vertical LinearLayout, B contains C and D in an horizontal LinearLayout Jan 15 21:53:06 But I guess nesting too much isn't great, right? Oh, and this is in a RecyclerView's item view, so it will produce a lot of views Jan 15 21:53:35 I'd consider a custom ViewGroup if it's in a RecyclerView. Jan 15 21:54:42 What do you mean by custom viewgroup Jan 15 21:55:17 RibesgLayout Jan 15 21:56:05 I mean, how would that help in any way Jan 15 21:56:27 I meant if performance is a concern (which is reasonably likely if we're talking RecyclerView or ListView). Jan 15 21:56:49 I still don't get how that would help ? Jan 15 21:57:13 Ribesg just do it the simples way until it causes problems Jan 15 21:58:18 Nah I'll use a RelativeLayout Jan 15 21:58:24 in gmail, an item in that listview is a custom view Jan 15 21:58:40 they decided that for performance - they also have a team working on it ;) Jan 15 21:58:54 I still don't get how a custom view helps Jan 15 21:58:58 they dont use a recyclerview? Jan 15 21:59:17 Ribesg: It's not rocket science. Writing your own layout gives you performance and flexibility. Jan 15 21:59:23 RelativeLayout and so on are one-size-fits-all approaches. Jan 15 22:00:15 But if I can put my 3-4 view in a single RelativeLayout, how making my own viewgroup instead of using RelativeLayout would help ? Jan 15 22:34:13 anyone ever use appium? Jan 15 22:34:36 qa team is heaving a weird issue where they're trying to find a button and it just keeps looping Jan 15 22:34:48 only on one machine, everyone else's works fine Jan 15 22:38:41 relativelayout is a lot simpler than nesting a ton of linearlayouts Jan 15 22:45:43 Hi folks, I've got 4 images which when nested together produce a circle. I'm trying to create a layout so that I get two circles next to each other but I'm getting spaces splitting them apart. I tried using weighted layout to make sure the imageviews would size so both circles would always be on screen but I think I've done something silly. Any pointers gratefully received. Layout XML: http://pastebin.com/WigvxKvf What it creates: https:// Jan 15 23:15:12 There isn't any way to have DownloadManager save to my app's data directory is there... Jan 15 23:15:23 I'd have to save it elsewhere then move the file Jan 15 23:23:05 explodes, setDestinationInExternalFilesDir doesnt work for apps data dir? Jan 15 23:23:20 ah nvm. ¨external¨ :p Jan 15 23:25:10 https://publicobject.com/2016/01/15/the-play-store-is-bad-at-their-job/ Jan 15 23:26:23 g00s, maybe podcast addict should have answered the rating questions properly :p Jan 15 23:48:18 How do you set the size of an imageview regardless of its content ? Jan 15 23:49:44 I'm setting width and height in the layout params but it has absolutly no effect Jan 15 23:51:49 in xml, or programmatically? Jan 15 23:52:17 i've never had an issue doing it in XML. programmatically there are some gotchas i think Jan 15 23:53:51 Well I'm using Kotlin & Anko. So Programmatically Jan 15 23:56:09 Like any other views, set layoutparams Jan 15 23:58:43 Hey, I'm having some issues with my Android Tests timing out after about 60 seconds or so. Jan 15 23:58:51 On both physical and emulated devices. Jan 15 23:59:08 I get the following error: "Timed out waiting for process to appear on huawei-nexus_6p-8XV7N15A08000638". Anyone have any ideas what might be causing that? Jan 16 00:09:37 Hi, part of my app involves downloading and processing a file. Files won't be more than 100MB. It seems to me that I have two choices, either an IntentService or using the DownloadManager. If the app is closed or the activity destroyed, can I still run a callback to process the file after downloading? I'm thinking it may just be simpler to make a progress dialog and an asynctask. Jan 16 00:10:16 But my understanding is that if the screen or the user goes to a different activity, then the asynctask is stopped. Jan 16 00:15:22 rubenwardy: services aren't tied to your activity lifecycle so as long as the user doesn't kill your whole process, you should be able to digest the file with the app in the background Jan 16 00:16:13 is the intentservice the best bet then? How much resources does it take? Jan 16 00:16:16 rubenwardy: An AsyncTask isn't stopped if the user goes to another Activity. Jan 16 00:16:35 But is if you exit the activity, though? Jan 16 00:16:39 AsyncTasks simply run background threads, which are separate from an Activity life-cycle. Jan 16 00:16:40 No. Jan 16 00:17:44 Even if you Back up all the way to the home screen you can expect the AsyncTask to continue running in most cases. Jan 16 00:18:05 (Because in most such cases the process isn't killed.) Jan 16 00:18:33 danijoo__ lol, thats what the problem was ? Jan 16 00:18:46 I see. I'll try that for now. Jan 16 00:19:02 Shouldn't be too hard to change if I decide it would be better elsewhere Jan 16 00:19:15 its 2016, you shouldn't be using AsyncTask :P Jan 16 00:20:42 What should I use instead? Jan 16 00:24:24 do you guys like groovy? Jan 16 00:24:52 I need a scripting language at work. Python would be my top pick, but I can't seem to find a portable install Jan 16 00:25:59 so I guess I'm learning groovy... Jan 16 00:26:12 Why on earth would you want to use either of those? Jan 16 00:27:03 rubenwardy: I think a service, because it gives you a higher process priority (meaning your process is less likely to be killed if your app doesn't have a visible activity). Jan 16 00:27:20 not to run it on android, but to automate certain tasks Jan 16 00:27:29 An_a_coda: what would your choice be then? Jan 16 00:27:45 RustyShackleford: Well what exactly do you want to achieve? Jan 16 00:28:06 I guess, TacticalJoke, I'm wary of it sitting around doing nothing most of the time, taking up space. Jan 16 00:28:26 rubenwardy: Most people are used to this, they're called wives Jan 16 00:28:49 wow :? Jan 16 00:28:52 * :/ Jan 16 00:29:16 oh god Jan 16 00:29:26 I'd assume that android is clever enough to pause a service if it doesn't have any intents to work on Jan 16 00:31:02 An_a_coda: massive refactoring Jan 16 00:31:28 search for certain strings within files and replace them, move files around, etc. Jan 16 00:32:19 RustyShackleford, doesn't an IDE already do that for you? Jan 16 00:32:33 RustyShackleford: Use sed or awk? Jan 16 00:33:00 Bubo: sorta Jan 16 00:33:30 but not really for what I'm trying to do Jan 16 00:33:58 AS also isn't smart enough to ignore generated files when you search Jan 16 00:34:18 Use find with sed or awk? Jan 16 00:36:11 I'll read about them Jan 16 00:37:49 You can use find to search for patterns matching only what you want to manipulate and pipe matching files to sed or awk to work on only those files, they're not really scary to use but of course backup your working directory first Jan 16 00:38:43 you think it's easier than a modern scripting language Jan 16 00:39:01 the syntax looks a litte scary haha Jan 16 00:39:28 RustyShackleford what did you want to do ? Jan 16 00:39:35 Well shell scripting is pretty straight forward but you'd be surprised what you can do in 100 chars or less in it Jan 16 00:40:54 g00s: massive search and replace, basically Jan 16 00:41:38 An_a_coda: will awk make a standalone script? Or do you use it along with other linux utilities Jan 16 00:42:01 I'm stuck on windows Jan 16 00:42:12 You can pretty much use any combination of UNIX tools with any other Jan 16 00:42:12 Oh Jan 16 00:42:20 Why on earth would you want to use that? Jan 16 00:42:32 I think there's a project to bring UNIX tools to Windows Jan 16 00:42:47 which I can't install because I don't have admin on my work computer Jan 16 00:42:50 But TBH if UNIXy stuff isn't your usual stomping ground, you're better to get an IDE for Windows Jan 16 00:43:21 Eclipse runs on Windows AFAIK? Jan 16 00:43:35 I'm pretty comfortable with linux Jan 16 00:43:47 but I know from experience that linux tools on windows can be a nightmare Jan 16 00:45:11 RustyShackleford: for recursive search and replace within all files in a tree, use perl -pi -e ... Jan 16 00:45:37 shmooz! How is your app going. Jan 16 00:45:45 TacticalJoke: I gave up on it Jan 16 00:46:07 ;o Jan 16 00:46:16 TacticalJoke: it runs fine on some of my devices, but it doesn't run on other devices or half runs Jan 16 00:46:27 Are you working on anything? Jan 16 00:46:35 nope Jan 16 00:47:12 shmooz any ideas why it didn't run? Jan 16 00:47:18 I might go back and do hardware and ASM stuff Jan 16 00:47:50 i'm having a major problem with my app, when using BLE my wifi drops -and i can't so some important stuff like Google Nearby, etc Jan 16 00:48:16 shmooz: You should learn Kotlin (and Mercurial). :D Jan 16 00:48:18 g00s: it works mostly, but on some devices the AACdecoder library which I included for streaming live radio like shoutcast won't work Jan 16 00:48:21 Step 4: Profit. Jan 16 00:48:49 Is Kotlin in demand? Are any startups using it? Jan 16 00:49:07 it works on Cupcake devices and up, and I even got it to launch on android wear emulator, but it didn't play Jan 16 00:49:34 Bubo: Not sure. It's gonna be released soon, though. Jan 16 00:49:49 I actually thought we'd have 1.0 RC by now, but I guess it'll be a few days. Jan 16 00:49:59 TacticalJoke, released? Jan 16 00:50:15 Is this a good way to find a foldername for a temp dir in the app's cache folder? https://gist.github.com/rubenwardy/a0dace1b405a39688346 Jan 16 00:50:19 They're about to release 1.0. Jan 16 00:50:24 Ah Jan 16 00:50:32 TacticalJoke you are switching then right ? :D Jan 16 00:51:23 g00s: Not immediately. :D Jan 16 00:54:11 Can Kotlin really translate Java to Kotlin code and everything will work? Jan 16 00:54:19 Bubo job prospect wise, i don't think you'll find much demand for kotlin Jan 16 00:54:22 TacticalJoke: did you finish your reddit app ? Jan 16 00:54:51 rubenwardy: Not sure, but `do..while` makes more sense there than `while`. Jan 16 00:54:55 shmooz: Nah, but it's pretty good. Jan 16 00:55:17 wait, kotlin is made by jetbrains? Jan 16 00:55:24 I always forget that dowhile exists Jan 16 00:55:37 TacticalJoke: are you going put it on the store or some site ? Jan 16 00:55:57 TacticalJoke: or are you stuck like me Jan 16 00:56:02 shmooz: Probably in the store. Jan 16 00:57:34 I had two goals: 1. Create a Android Reddit app I like. 2. Release it. #1 is finished; #2 is way more time-consuming. Jan 16 00:57:37 an* Jan 16 00:57:49 TacticalJoke, why is releasing it more time consuming? Jan 16 00:58:07 Because I have to implement all kinds of crazy stuff that most people want. Jan 16 00:58:23 I, on the other hand, am an easy (and familiar) customer. :D Jan 16 00:58:30 So it is not finished :P Jan 16 00:58:48 TacticalJoke: same here, my app works for me and I prefer it to any other media player app , if I could fix those bugs for other devices I would release it Jan 16 00:59:26 Are you gonna continue to use it, shmooz? Jan 16 00:59:46 TacticalJoke: that's all I've been using to listen and watch stuff for the past year Jan 16 01:00:12 That's cool. Jan 16 01:00:15 I put all my favorite streaming stations in it, and they don't disappear like they do in Winamp or TuneIn Jan 16 01:00:19 Yeah, I use my app all day, every day. Jan 16 01:01:47 shmooz: If you ever came back to it you could `minSdkVersion 21` all the things, throw away those old devices, and rejoice in victory. Jan 16 01:02:22 TacticalJoke: it works better on the old devices than the new ones Jan 16 01:02:33 Do you know why that is? Jan 16 01:02:48 TacticalJoke: one of my goals was to make it as backwards compatible as possible Jan 16 01:03:18 my minSDK is 3 Jan 16 01:03:35 cupcake ! Jan 16 01:03:49 the first android version with a desert name Jan 16 01:04:08 Imagine if you targeted Lollipop. Life would be way easier. Jan 16 01:04:14 before cupcake there was a 1.0 and 1.1 Jan 16 01:04:30 shmooz: petit four? Jan 16 01:04:50 TacticalJoke: it works on my Lollipop Moto G second gen Jan 16 01:05:21 Leeds: what's that ? Jan 16 01:05:33 android 1.1 codename Jan 16 01:05:52 oh , is that a desert ? Jan 16 01:06:08 yup Jan 16 01:06:08 What happens when it doesn't work? Are you getting crashes or silence? Jan 16 01:06:29 Leeds: ok well then you have managed to correct me, congrats Jan 16 01:06:50 it wasn't used in public, was just an internal codename at that point :) Jan 16 01:07:26 TacticalJoke: it boots fine and will scan and play local audio/video files fine on all devices Jan 16 01:07:50 TacticalJoke: just the remote live streaming radio library is behaving different on different devices Jan 16 01:08:17 on some devices is just says 'Bad Gateway' and theres no way to trace it to anything Jan 16 01:09:12 on other devices there was some other error code it would fail to start with Jan 16 01:09:28 which was more traceable Jan 16 01:12:17 I guess I'll check if there's a new version of the AACdecoder lib Jan 16 01:13:20 I thought the first two Android were literally called Alpha and Beta, before Cupcake and Donut etc Jan 16 01:13:23 nope, still the same version :( Jan 16 01:13:41 shmooz, try older version? Jan 16 01:15:00 huh? recyclerview item decorations are drawn on the recycler view itself? weird... Jan 16 01:15:15 There's nothing wrong with targeting older versions anyway. Right now there's more Froyo users than Marshmallow users ¬_¬ Jan 16 01:15:44 https://github.com/vbartacek/aacdecoder-android Jan 16 01:16:05 An_a_coda: It's a huge cost. Jan 16 01:16:14 TacticalJoke: What is? Jan 16 01:16:55 Supporting old versions (e.g., Froyo). Jan 16 01:17:23 TacticalJoke: How exactly? You target a minimum API that's older, and it will work with everything more modern than that Jan 16 01:18:09 Lol. Imagine if things were as simple as that. Jan 16 01:18:13 For any missing features you've got the support library Jan 16 01:18:15 It really is Jan 16 01:18:31 yeah I was targeting gingerbread and above at first, but it turns out it's cupcake compatible Jan 16 01:18:36 If you aren't experiencing that, you're doing it wrong Jan 16 01:19:04 I wouldn't waste time supporting Froyo. :| Jan 16 01:19:14 There's more Froyo users than Marshmallow users tho Jan 16 01:19:53 it's 2016... embrace API16, at least Jan 16 01:20:09 Embrace the API low enough to do what you *need* Jan 16 01:20:13 An_a_coda: On a side note, that's not reflected on the latest dashboard thing: http://developer.android.com/about/dashboards/index.html Jan 16 01:20:15 Polyfill the rest with support library Jan 16 01:20:59 An_a_coda: they won't get it, you and I are a rare breed now ;) Jan 16 01:21:16 we enjoy watching our apps work on older devices Jan 16 01:21:28 Fair enough TacticalJoke, I see it overtook it just a few weeks ago Jan 16 01:21:38 these guys go through devices like toilet paper Jan 16 01:22:03 shmooz: We are a rare breed that will enjoy more revenue from the Play Store because more users can use our apps Jan 16 01:22:11 I'm happy if they don't "get" the revenue ;) Jan 16 01:22:13 Well a lot of froyo phones and really slow and people don't actually use them for apps.. Jan 16 01:22:33 also froyo users buying apps? Jan 16 01:22:45 I wouldn't expect a froyo user to pay for my app, but I'd be happy if he can just run it Jan 16 01:22:48 There is also a bigger issue here Jan 16 01:22:54 Why would someone be using an older Android? Jan 16 01:22:58 You can't ignore development time. Jan 16 01:23:03 It's a huge factor. Jan 16 01:23:06 Maybe their economic situation doesn't permit them to use anything else Jan 16 01:23:06 Also code complexity. Jan 16 01:23:17 A lot of people cannot afford new phones Jan 16 01:23:34 There's no point being snooty and depriving them just because you want to be a lazy coder Jan 16 01:23:36 someone mentioned here couple months ago about console task management tool Jan 16 01:23:48 can't recall name of this tool Jan 16 01:24:08 'war..hmhm.. something Jan 16 01:24:12 vigilancer: What did it do? Jan 16 01:24:30 it's for task management) Jan 16 01:24:37 like jira or tfs Jan 16 01:24:48 but from console Jan 16 01:24:59 An_a_coda: It's not snootiness or laziness. Supporting ancient platforms has a cost, and that cost can't be ignored. Jan 16 01:25:40 In general it can't be ignored. If someone has huge amounts of time on their hands it might be ignorable. Jan 16 01:25:54 TacticalJoke: That cost is negligible at best and often a false economy to ignore, especially if 6 out of every 100 users are on that version Jan 16 01:25:55 TacticalJoke: supporting as a company who is providing some guarantee or whatever Jan 16 01:25:56 And also huge amounts of patience. :D Jan 16 01:26:02 1 out of 100 is enough for me to be concerned Jan 16 01:26:14 TacticalJoke: we are not supporting, we are just starting out to code the old way Jan 16 01:26:58 An_a_coda: How many of your users are on Froyo? Jan 16 01:27:02 ah, taskwarrior. i can always rely on openports, he Jan 16 01:27:16 I think TacticalJoke that you have the Apple mentality, where every time they release a new device and ram an OS upgrade down your throat, even against your will, they try and burn everything old with fire and demand everyone pay huge sums to upgrade to new devices Jan 16 01:27:20 That's now how Android rolls Jan 16 01:27:33 not* Jan 16 01:27:51 An unfortunate typo Jan 16 01:27:54 haha Jan 16 01:27:55 Yes lol Jan 16 01:28:10 Well I do worry it is now how Android rolls with this Apple mindset Jan 16 01:28:19 I think Android *has* to roll like that. Jan 16 01:28:27 No it doesn't? :S Jan 16 01:28:28 Roll like that or go extinct. Jan 16 01:28:34 An_a_coda: i suppose TacticalJoke saying about supporting costs. developer's time Jan 16 01:28:40 Yeah, time. Jan 16 01:28:46 Well it's got an >80% market share so I don't think that's a worry any time soon Jan 16 01:29:03 There are more CyanodenMod users than users of all Windows Phone lol Jan 16 01:29:41 This fragmentation is a huge problem on Android. It needs a solution. I wonder whether Windows 10-style forced updates might be feasible in future. Jan 16 01:29:59 It's annoying how you can't just upgrade your android version, even if the hardware would be fast enough Jan 16 01:30:11 as in, you have to rely on the make and the phone network Jan 16 01:30:17 You can? Use an after-market ROM Jan 16 01:30:22 My updates come through daily :-| Jan 16 01:30:23 That's rooting Jan 16 01:30:29 voids warrenty Jan 16 01:30:36 Maybe after making Android more modular (à la WebView and so on). Jan 16 01:30:37 it doesn't in EU Jan 16 01:30:40 For a phone you're keen to replace in a hot second? Jan 16 01:30:59 part of the problem is that we're coming to the end - or possibly have already passed the end - of a massive curve of hardware dev... in a few years, devices have got much more capable, even low-end devices now are more powerful than high-end ones which came with froyo Jan 16 01:31:10 by the way, do anyone bothering with RTL in apps? Jan 16 01:31:37 Absolutely, Walmart recently sold an Android phone for $10 (yes TEN DOLLARS) that has better specs than the original iPhone Jan 16 01:31:55 An_a_coda, but does it run good? Jan 16 01:31:58 vigilancer: On my current app, I'm not, since the backend doesn't even support RTL languages. Jan 16 01:32:02 And, I guess, never will. Jan 16 01:32:07 Bubo: A stick from the floor runs better than an iPhone Jan 16 01:32:25 I'm currently on 5.0 though. Sony has promised 6.0 by the end of the first half of the year, though. Jan 16 01:32:51 rubenwardy: You could have 6 by the first half of the next hour lol Upgrade to CyanogenMod or something Jan 16 01:33:03 I'm already on 6.0.1 :P Jan 16 01:33:08 CyanogenMod doesn't have a port for my phone Jan 16 01:33:12 Sony M4 Aqia Jan 16 01:33:15 Build one? Jan 16 01:33:15 * Aqua Jan 16 01:33:34 I like the M4 Aqua. Thinking of buying it. Jan 16 01:33:40 Can get it for ~£99. Jan 16 01:33:47 I should get marshmallow in february on my note 4, but in samsung time that is probably may Jan 16 01:33:48 I don't want to be without my phone. Maybe when I get some more experience I will Jan 16 01:33:52 it better be waterproof with a name like that Jan 16 01:33:53 TacticalJoke, it's a good phone Jan 16 01:33:58 I think the Moto G 4G is better for like £130 Jan 16 01:34:00 it is waterproof Jan 16 01:34:21 TacticalJoke, I recommend it. It does gets hot on games, but you can just dip it in water to cool it down Jan 16 01:34:21 An_a_coda: I prefer Sonys, personally. :s Jan 16 01:34:30 shmoooz, up to 1.5m Jan 16 01:34:33 I have the Moto E2 and it's so-so. Jan 16 01:34:33 TacticalJoke: in this case yes. but here is another. paddingStart etc not supported on api 16. if it's not supported on all targeted versions why even bother Jan 16 01:34:37 and 30 minutes Jan 16 01:34:40 in tap water Jan 16 01:34:56 So what you save on the phone you spend on your water bill :P Jan 16 01:34:57 there's a Huawei Honor 5X for $199 now, people are saying it's good Jan 16 01:35:17 lol Jan 16 01:35:20 I thought water cooling went out with Cray :P Jan 16 01:35:23 purely because I can, one of my jobs for this weekend is putting the newly-released CM13 nightly on my old Nook Color :) Jan 16 01:35:50 Yay for that Jan 16 01:36:04 It's easier than people think to maintain a CM port Jan 16 01:36:37 and now I remember, I think that thing needed an oddly-extended USB plug to charge it... Jan 16 01:36:55 And it's kinda where real Android development is now. Google admitted that stock 6 ROM is basically kanged from all the other third party ROMs that were already ahead in features. In a way most CM12 users were already running Marshmallow ¬_¬ Jan 16 01:37:59 really, "Google admitted" they "kanged"? Jan 16 01:38:23 Yeap, at the last Google I/O they had a very low-key Marshmallow announcement where they basically said that's what they did Jan 16 01:38:44 uh-huh Jan 16 01:41:36 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7V-fIGMDsmE at 12:20 onwards; "with M we're excited to be able to fold in some of these improvements that we've seen in the ecosystem in to the Android platform" aka "we kanged Android M" Jan 16 01:42:11 An_a_coda: you'd make a good lawyer ;) Jan 16 01:42:18 The best Jan 16 01:42:23 :P Jan 16 01:42:33 pfn: you was looking for type-c cable. just recieved typeC->usb3 adapter. fwtw it's working) Jan 16 01:42:34 those guys just sit around :P Jan 16 01:42:36 http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Essential-Computer-Accessories-USB-C-3-1-Type-C-Male-to-USB-3-0-Female-Adapter/32517526859.html Jan 16 01:55:16 Right I better go and do some work; this app won't write itself Jan 16 01:55:22 j/k I'm using Cordova Jan 16 01:55:30 Laters folks Jan 16 02:14:21 Hello! I'm in a bit of a predicament and was hoping for some insight. Google has rejected two versions of my app, an earlier version and a newer version. However, after issuing an appeal for the first version, that version became publicly available and I assumed my appeal had been accepted. However, I just got an email saying they rejected my appeal for the version currently on the play store. I haven't gotten a response Jan 16 02:14:45 Why was it rejected, just wondering? Jan 16 02:15:21 Violation of section 4.4 of the DDA Jan 16 02:15:46 Unfortunately when I asked for specifics as to what was in violation, the support team told me they knew as much as I did. Jan 16 02:15:57 lol Jan 16 02:16:13 ha lol Jan 16 02:16:37 Is it you app, or you, that violated it? Jan 16 02:16:38 https://i.gyazo.com/82341cd9f353ee2e9820d48d6e481fb6.png Jan 16 02:16:48 Apparently the latest version of my app Jan 16 02:17:03 and the only change I made was redesigning the UI Jan 16 02:17:04 "that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or accesses in an unauthorized manner the devices, servers, networks, or other properties or services" Jan 16 02:17:31 It's an ad blocker, but they accepted like three earlier versions and rejected the one that changed the GUI Jan 16 02:17:59 Is there some way I can get more information on what the hell is going on? Jan 16 02:17:59 if you want to write an ad blocker, use iOS :D Jan 16 02:18:15 there are several on the market already Jan 16 02:18:21 yeah you disrupted 3rd party ads :) Jan 16 02:18:33 Right, but why did they allow the first three versions then? Jan 16 02:18:38 those did the same. Jan 16 02:18:46 when were they last updated ? Jan 16 02:18:52 yesterday. Jan 16 02:18:57 ha lol Jan 16 02:19:03 I released it a few days ago Jan 16 02:19:46 vigilancer, thanks for the hint, I don't want to get non spec. cables though Jan 16 02:19:47 Oh you were referring to the other apps. This one was august 9th. Jan 16 02:20:23 So any idea how I can gather more information here? Jan 16 02:21:01 android-dev722 i think you know what the problem is, you are wondering why the other apps have slipped through Jan 16 02:21:17 the algorithmic jail is imprecise ;) Jan 16 02:21:18 and I am wondering why three versions of my app were allowed Jan 16 02:21:22 all with the same functionality Jan 16 02:21:48 I'm also confused as to why a version of my app that was rejected is currently live on the play store. Jan 16 02:22:46 android-dev722 does your app do something with /etc/hosts ? Jan 16 02:22:51 no Jan 16 02:23:06 It doesn't touch /etc/hosts Jan 16 02:23:15 how does it block ads ? Jan 16 02:24:01 Routes traffic through a local http proxy Jan 16 02:24:52 you just managed to get caught, thats all. Jan 16 02:25:08 but apparently they allowed it anyways? Jan 16 02:25:11 their system detected something was being modified from your app and it was flagged Jan 16 02:25:18 maybe the other apps are a bit more stealthy Jan 16 02:25:48 anyhow, i would abandon all hope. unless you want to lose your dev account Jan 16 02:25:54 I don't see why it wouldn't detect it with earlier versions using the exact same method Jan 16 02:25:58 :/ alright then Jan 16 02:26:06 should I take down the current app then? Jan 16 02:26:07 maybe their algorithm changed Jan 16 02:26:30 also there's been some precedent with google banning these types of apps, from what i have read Jan 16 02:27:09 I'm just confused. It seems like their system is really screwing up. It published a non-allowed version of the app. Jan 16 02:27:36 it probably did screw up - when it allowed the original version ;) Jan 16 02:27:43 move on Jan 16 02:27:51 Alright thank you. Jan 16 02:27:59 :/ damn, that sucks Jan 16 02:28:28 first hit http://techcrunch.com/2013/03/14/adblock-plusresponds-to-google-play-bar/ Jan 16 02:28:45 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.adblockplus.browser Jan 16 02:28:49 ? Jan 16 02:29:16 they must be doing something slightly different, maybe contact the authors and compare notes Jan 16 02:29:44 https://www.reddit.com/r/Android/comments/3dk8zx/why_is_adblock_plus_banned_from_google_play_while/ Jan 16 02:29:57 more recent, 6mos ago Jan 16 02:30:09 Btw, the AdBlockPlus ban from the store was overturned in court Jan 16 02:30:18 Google will have to pay for every day they continue the ban Jan 16 02:30:29 a few hundredthousand a day it was, I think. Jan 16 02:30:41 wow Jan 16 02:31:21 (Almost any ad network or media site has tried to sue ABP in the last months, and almost all lost) Jan 16 02:31:39 That reddit thread seems to support the same theory that the automated system is often inconsistent. Jan 16 02:31:51 android-dev722 of course it is Jan 16 02:32:11 Well, this is my first published app so I'm not yet familiar with that. Jan 16 02:32:13 and , thats why people don't want insurance companies tracking their driving :D Jan 16 02:32:22 I suppose so Jan 16 02:32:25 android-dev722 well it could be your last ... Jan 16 02:32:31 so , chose another app Jan 16 02:32:50 android-dev722: publish it via the amazon store, and create a new account for Google Play instead Jan 16 02:33:01 I know, I'm done pursuing it. Should I take down the listing? Jan 16 02:33:12 My account is in good standing currently Jan 16 02:38:29 Knowing that Google can ban your account retroactively, it might be risky **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Jan 16 02:59:58 2016