**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Jan 22 02:59:58 2016 Jan 22 03:00:35 alex_PP: the top card is not a scrollable Jan 22 03:00:42 it acts just like a list Jan 22 03:01:01 just use one recycler view? Jan 22 03:01:16 with different types/bins for the differnt bits Jan 22 03:03:29 I'm not so sure about populating the cardview with stuff without having any adapter Jan 22 03:10:33 https://github.com/idunnololz/AnimatedExpandableListView this looks promising. Only thing is it's not using recyclerview. Jan 22 03:21:58 why would you have a recyclerview inside a recyclerview Jan 22 03:22:05 unless you're scrolling in 2 different axes Jan 22 03:36:52 pfn: Well you're right with the standard cardview ones. I should use expandable layout with it. Jan 22 03:37:07 I dunno. I'm writing it now and see what happens Jan 22 03:47:48 dang i broke android again Jan 22 03:47:53 java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{....ui.HomeActivity}: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to write to field 'android.support.v4.app.FragmentManagerImpl android.support.v4.app.Fragment.mFragmentManager' on a null object reference Jan 22 03:48:28 NPE is so android/java Jan 22 04:13:30 hi guys, I'm trying to make a request that sends an image inside a request body Jan 22 04:13:44 I'm actually using loopj for other requests Jan 22 04:13:58 however I can just put the image in a param, not in the body Jan 22 04:31:32 I'm trying build with v22 but AS keeps autogenerating a values-23.xml...why and how do I stop that? plus since it has errors in it Jan 22 04:53:34 im getting a "java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to read from field 'int android.view.View.mViewFlags'" when trying to remove a childview inside an onAnimationEnd listener Jan 22 04:53:36 any ideas? Jan 22 04:55:16 I'm trying build with v22 but AS keeps autogenerating a values-23.xml...why and how do I stop that? plus since it has errors in it Jan 22 04:55:31 i know i can build with v23 but i dont want to to deal with the perm problems Jan 22 04:57:22 Calguy set compileSdk=23 targetSdk=22 Jan 22 04:57:36 users can still disable perms for your app Jan 22 04:58:37 g00s i did set targetsdk to 22 Jan 22 04:58:54 but it generates a v23\values=23 for no reason and then fails the build Jan 22 04:59:07 hm, dunno sorry Jan 22 04:59:42 g00s i Jan 22 04:59:47 i'm getting G:\Repos\foo\training-native-app\app\build\intermediates\res\merged\debug\values-v23\values-v23.xml Jan 22 04:59:48 Error:(3) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:TextAppearance.Material.Widget.Button.Inverse'. Jan 22 04:59:48 Error:(18) Error retrieving parent for item: No resource found that matches the given name 'android:Widget.Material.Button.Colored'. Jan 22 05:00:16 been pissing me off for hours and i dont want to switch back v23 cuz then i'll have to deal with the new perm system Jan 22 05:00:25 i dont know wy its generating that intermediate file any ideas? Jan 22 05:00:59 meh, you can't avoid the perm system :) may as well get it done :D Jan 22 05:02:27 sure you can and i'm sure facebook and everyone else still does Jan 22 05:03:00 but that and the boss has unrealistic expectations on how longs take it could take me 12 day to get up to pseed on each issue Jan 22 05:10:09 someone ever tried to use the aws sdk? after just adding it as a dependency I get `com.android.dex.DexIndexOverflowException: method ID not in [0, 0xffff]: 65536` which means function count is more than 65k Jan 22 05:10:20 that's seems too much for an app with just 4 activities and a couple dependencies Jan 22 05:14:53 how do I get AS to fememer the theme for an xml file? Jan 22 05:17:08 alex88 once you get an apk , you can use ClassyShark to learn which packages are contributing what to the method count Jan 22 05:17:14 that's because you didn't set compile sdk to 23 Jan 22 05:18:24 alex88 i only have a few support libs (recyclerview, appcompat, etc) and already at 30k Jan 22 05:18:30 so its pretty easy to get there Jan 22 05:19:14 g00s: oh it works just with apk? Jan 22 05:19:38 btw, yeah but when I got to that 65k I've tried to add the multidex thing, and got outOfMemory error Jan 22 05:21:04 g00s: seems that also the full play-services package increases that count, maybe better use just a few components Jan 22 05:21:13 yeah :D Jan 22 05:21:25 since I just need location and maps Jan 22 05:22:49 since I don't want to implement selective permissions now, I've to use targetSdkVersion 22, is there any problem to still use compileSdkVersion 23? Jan 22 05:36:59 someone has an idea on this error? https://gist.githubusercontent.com/alex88/1832bf0ba1e5a6043952/raw/fa367d21ed2b38c9d2ee537eb0afc3b58df5bb56/gistfile1.txt Jan 22 05:37:35 alex88 lol, use stable stuff ;) Jan 22 05:37:50 so not android studio 2? :D Jan 22 05:38:08 riiiight Jan 22 05:38:13 wait, clean->rebuild worked :) Jan 22 05:42:55 Fragment#setUserVisibleHint gets called before onCreateView O.o Jan 22 05:43:10 i swear nothing make sense any more Jan 22 05:53:47 anyone wanna look at this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/34939240/views-after-animation-are-redrawn-try-to-remove-using-listener-causes-npe/34939325?noredirect=1#comment57611625_34939325 Jan 22 06:11:51 ugh, I can't figure out why my fragments are offsetting up and down when transitioning to/from with a simple alpha fade Jan 22 06:22:46 And my new app is now published, yay.... Jan 22 06:42:32 Ologn the content provider one ? Jan 22 06:42:36 adq http://m.phys.org/news/2016-01-visualize-tune-instruments-precisely-intuitively.html Jan 22 06:42:38 g00s, yes Jan 22 06:50:34 Is MVVM pattern the future? Jan 22 06:50:47 Project structure looks cleaner tbh Jan 22 06:54:30 How do I get value of ?attr/actionBarSize in my code Jan 22 06:57:33 TypedValue outValue = new TypedValue(); Jan 22 06:57:33 getActivity().getTheme().resolveAttribute(R.attr.actionBarSize, outValue, true); Jan 22 07:15:22 thx g00s, remind me the circle of fifth Jan 22 07:18:39 hi i want to send a notification on cick of a button, but can't, can anyone suggest something? Jan 22 07:23:44 http://pastebin.com/97c8rHmX Jan 22 07:23:54 any suggestion plz? Jan 22 10:38:48 hithere Jan 22 10:52:18 I have an observation of AndroidMonitor and DDMS behaviour on later AS version (Win7 64bit, AS 1.5.1). I was informing about it few weeks ago. Problem: connecting real device and running AM or DDMS slows down whole device. On slower devices it is more obvious almost whole system and app is nearly crawling. I have made some test and on faster device (Samsung Tab S T-700), it shows that base time (device is not connected to AM or DDMS - unplugged Jan 22 10:52:18 from usb) are multiplied by 10. Jan 22 10:52:45 As I said - it started with some new version of AS before Christmas. One other observation, whit this slowdown during app start up on device can be seen warning "Waiting For Debugger", which started to appear in same time as mentioned slow down. Jan 22 10:52:51 Does anyone has same problems with debugging? Jan 22 11:45:53 How do I do something like this? http://www.android-app-patterns.com/img/screens/5334f207c3fa0.jpg Jan 22 11:46:07 I'm referring to the swipable bottom 4 dots Jan 22 11:48:29 another example: http://www.android-app-patterns.com/img/screens/537fede868225.png Jan 22 12:11:09 hey guys! I've got a question. Is it practical to make a class that extends Application and initialize all the SDKs that I'm using in the project, like crash report and analytics SDKs? Jan 22 12:11:59 As singletons, so I can simply access them later like MyApp myApp = (MyApp)getActivity(); myApp.logEvent("blah"); Jan 22 12:38:12 Sure, that's what most do Jan 22 12:38:47 Be sure not to initialize too much up front, don't want to unnecessarily slow down launch Jan 22 12:48:01 Hello I am facing very weird issue in my fragmentPageradapter : I have created an activity in which there is a CustomerViewPager and adapter is FragmentPagerAdapter i have disabled the pager swipe by overriding the onInterceptTouchEvent , My FragmentPagerAdapter having 3 fragments in first fragment I have created another ViewPager which is not customised and having 4 fragments inside it. So its kind of nested TabLyout situation, Jan 22 12:48:38 when i switching between first and second tab in super tab, but when i am coming back from 3 rd tab to 1s tab then nested layout not working correctly . Jan 22 13:12:18 trying to use a bitmap as a background for a Toolbar, I am trying to get the bitmap to repeat along the x axis, and be aligned to the bottom of the view with no scaling required. I've tried a lot of permutations of tileMode and gravity, and nothing seems to work correctly. I would expect tilemodeX=repeat and gravity=bottom to work, but that seems to scale the image up in the y direction (!!) Jan 22 13:12:24 any ideas? Jan 22 13:13:57 am I missing some special Gravity flag? Jan 22 13:20:41 this just seems flat out broken Jan 22 13:28:18 Hola guys! I'm currently creating a reading application to help people with a form of dementia and I need to try and load ebooks. However, I need plain text for the reader (because I need to display one word at a time so) so I can't use the html format stuff. Jan 22 13:28:46 Any suggestions on a way to convert an ebook to plain text on the device? Thinking I might have to go with a server and some python or something.. Jan 22 13:31:09 what format of ebook Jan 22 13:45:48 storkme, because background always fills Jan 22 13:51:50 Why is json returning null on line 49 if on line 18 it is not null? (This only happens if success = 0) http://pastebin.com/LEd13eAq Jan 22 13:54:45 pfn that makes sense, but then shouldn't using a LayerDrawable solve the problem? with a LayerDrawable I get a different problem, the image is being stretched somehow. Jan 22 14:00:20 storkme, yes a layer drawable with bitmap gravity should Jan 22 14:01:12 TECFALL: I presume for a message like {"success":0,"message":"Update failed."} you'd be getting an exception on line 21. Jan 22 14:01:38 TECFALL: (Line 21 should likely be inside the if.) Jan 22 14:05:09 fizzie: dang it! That was it, because everytime success = 0 the array was not included in json. Thanks! Jan 22 14:10:51 Hey, I am currently working on getting an AsyncTask to work, but I am fresh to the Java world. How would I pass a Url to the Async Class from my UI thread, then pass a bitmap back? Jan 22 14:12:08 AsyncTask ok lets move it here :P Jan 22 14:13:17 Ok, so params for the Url, and result for the bitmap? Jan 22 14:13:25 just call it with the url task.execute("http://..") Jan 22 14:13:35 so you cean leave the Params as they are Jan 22 14:13:38 String Jan 22 14:13:48 just change the Result to Bitmap Jan 22 14:14:28 Ok thanks :) Jan 22 14:17:41 Ok one last thing, in the UI thread, how will I retrieve the result? Jan 22 14:21:28 Artifex, an easy way would be to just call a separate method on your activity directly from the asynctask Jan 22 14:22:15 in the example i sent you i passed the Context via the constructor, you can just change it to your Activity Jan 22 14:22:21 so you have direct access to the methods Jan 22 14:22:56 Sorry Aishiren I got kicked out the room I was working in aha Jan 22 14:23:17 Any ebook really. Jan 22 14:23:43 .epub Jan 22 14:24:25 * Ashiren Jan 22 14:24:27 Artifex, and if you need to update something in the ui-thread with that value you can use this construct: this.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { public void run() { // do stuff } }); } Jan 22 14:35:18 I'm confused with Local Notifications, how can I use PendingIntent to launch my app with a Uri that has parameters to know it was launched through a notification click? Jan 22 14:36:50 Outputting the launched uri is returning null Jan 22 14:57:59 Jooeeeeee, add some extras to the intent like intent.putExtra(¨launchedByNotification¨, true) and then check if this is present Jan 22 14:58:16 pfn: thanks for the assist but still can't get it to work as expected. Gonna chalk it up as 'android weirdness' and maybe look into it if I get time later. Jan 22 15:02:25 Hey I am getting this endless message over and over in logcat saying something about a failed binder transaction? Jan 22 15:02:31 what is it and how can I make it stop? Jan 22 15:02:56 ¨something about...¨ http://imgur.com/jacoj Jan 22 15:07:43 It must have something to do with the device, because once I unplug my phone it stops, and when I plug it back in it starts up again Jan 22 15:07:57 friday! Jan 22 15:08:20 Indeed it is Jan 22 15:08:27 blahkat, you must do something about failed binder transaction to fix *something* Jan 22 15:08:51 But what is it from? Jan 22 15:09:13 I am still pretty new to Android Studio, i'm not even sure what this means, or what it is trying to tell me Jan 22 15:09:43 blahkat, the image link was for you :P http://imgur.com/jacoj Jan 22 15:09:56 Yeah, I saw... Jan 22 15:10:36 I have googled the issue but nothing is relevant to my issue of it repeating over and over Jan 22 15:10:39 post the actual error if you want help. ¨something about binder¨ is not helpful Jan 22 15:11:24 I did post the error: 01-22 09:10:39.872 3774-3799/? E/JavaBinder: !!! FAILED BINDER TRANSACTION !!! Jan 22 15:11:24 logcat is the device log, so of course it stops when you unplug the device Jan 22 15:11:29 over and over and over and over Jan 22 15:13:00 If it's not your app causing it, there's not much you can do Jan 22 15:13:06 Nothing that's on topic in this channel at least Jan 22 15:13:24 ^this Jan 22 15:13:51 if its your app though, this is thrown if you try to put too big stuff into Intents iirc. the limit is 1mb Jan 22 15:14:23 Right now all I have is an image viewer and a list view item. Jan 22 15:14:29 Might these be causing some issue? Jan 22 15:15:14 No Jan 22 15:15:24 If it continues after you uninstall your app, it's not your app Jan 22 15:15:24 Hm Jan 22 15:15:38 a good start is to filter messages by your app only Jan 22 15:15:43 and ignore everything else Jan 22 15:16:11 let me restart android studio and see Jan 22 15:16:19 maybe there is some issue with it Jan 22 15:16:31 there is not Jan 22 15:17:16 logcat is a device log.. AS just displays it Jan 22 15:25:07 I think maybe something with my keyguard wallpaper service? Jan 22 15:25:55 I see now after restart 01-22 09:25:40.981 3774-3799/? W/ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.android.systemui/.keyguard.KeyguardWallpaperService in 0ms Jan 22 15:26:35 This channel is not for device support, use #android for that. If you have an actual issue with an app you're developing, feel free to ask questions Jan 22 15:27:21 Hey guys I am having trouble with how to handle the result from my AsyncTask Jan 22 15:27:37 I am developing an app, I am doing this all for my udacity class. Jan 22 15:27:59 Could someone tell me how I would retrieve the result and use it in my UI thread? Jan 22 15:28:22 However, this is keeping me from developing my app, which is why I came to #android-dev, as I figured another android developer might have seen this before or had this issue. Jan 22 15:29:29 I don't see how it's keeping you from developing your app Jan 22 15:29:30 there is no issue, blahkat Jan 22 15:29:53 Anyway, if it's not an issue with an app you're developing, ignore it and move on.. Or go to #android for help on how to fix it Jan 22 15:30:15 there's nothing to fix Jan 22 15:30:22 that's just normal phone noise Jan 22 15:30:37 ok then, that is all I needed to know. Jan 22 15:30:47 I thought it was coming from the app I was working on. Jan 22 15:32:06 Artifex, onPostExecute will be called with your T result Jan 22 15:32:21 when the asynctask is complete Jan 22 15:33:11 and so how would I send back my variable to the UI thread from there? Jan 22 15:33:12 using the debugger is better than looking at logcat for the vast majority of things, except for crash traces Jan 22 15:33:35 Artifex, onPostExecute is already on the UI thread Jan 22 15:33:41 ^^ this Jan 22 15:33:52 ahh ok, (sorry brand new to this) Jan 22 15:33:57 assuming you called asynctask from the ui thread Jan 22 15:34:04 yep Jan 22 15:34:14 and so to use this variable, I would just...? Jan 22 15:34:34 async task can only be started on the UI thread Jan 22 15:34:59 Artifex, you don't use the variable, you pass it out from onPostExecute, or do something with it there Jan 22 15:37:33 Alright, I am a little confused, so to clarify - in My AsyncTask Class I download an image, this Async Class is called in my UI thread, and then I create a function called onPostExecute in my UI thread after this is called? Jan 22 15:38:22 Artifex, you should get and read jcip Jan 22 15:40:40 Alright, I'll check it out, but as to my issue, do you think you could just outline what needs to happen, and where? Jan 22 15:41:41 no Jan 22 15:42:35 ...ok then Jan 22 15:42:42 thanks? Jan 22 15:51:54 How can I check that position 1 of a listview has text "Position 1" in espresso Jan 22 15:51:55 surprised no one said "never ever use asynctasks" Jan 22 15:52:53 well, there's that Jan 22 15:53:03 but anything else is likely much too complicated for him Jan 22 15:53:15 jdeferred and rx are both suitable substitutes Jan 22 15:53:54 i bet he was trying to download image and show it in imageview Jan 22 15:54:18 dunno, he never said Jan 22 15:54:38 "in My AsyncTask Class I download an image" Jan 22 15:55:08 oh, in that case, I wasn't interested enough to see Jan 22 15:55:13 :) Jan 22 15:55:16 ) Jan 22 15:55:53 is your : broken? :P Jan 22 15:56:50 he'd blind. Jan 22 15:56:55 he's* Jan 22 15:58:13 yeah, that fact was established few days ago) Jan 22 15:58:48 what's wrong with smiles without colon anyway? Jan 22 15:58:56 it doesn't look like it Jan 22 15:59:30 hm.. it's pretty common in my part of internets Jan 22 16:00:18 well than, will try to look like local :P Jan 22 16:00:54 is there a simple library for review begging? I'm too lazy to write one myself Jan 22 16:01:20 something that only asks on repeat usage and not often Jan 22 16:11:38 is this chan for ndk too? Jan 22 16:12:52 dorei: sure, you can ask Jan 22 16:13:53 no question yet, i was just offered an ndk job and was wondering if there's any place i could ask for help in case... :) Jan 22 16:15:25 ndk is definitely less prevalent but there's folks here who use it for stuff, sure. Jan 22 16:16:09 i want to use this library https://github.com/orhanobut/dialogplus , i want that as soon as user clicks FAB , a dialog appears from bottom and the FAB will move upword , positioning it to top of dialog, then i want as user clicks FAB again dialog goes down reposioning the FAB . please give me hint how can i achieve this Jan 22 16:17:11 thanx a lot :) Jan 22 16:18:06 jackhum, but creating your own behavior Jan 22 16:18:50 pfn : i am completely noob to android , can you explain it in little detail , Jan 22 16:22:21 jackhum, we're here to help, but we are not your personal tutor. Unfortunately too many people come in and ask to be walked through something. Please try it out yourself. Take some time to read the documentation, and attempt to writing some code. When you get stuck at a specific point, then you can try asking again about the specific issue you are having Jan 22 16:28:28 jackhum, then it's not something you'll be creating; start with something more basic first Jan 22 16:30:47 Hi all. I just updated my phone from android 5.1 to 6.0 and the app I was working on now crashes when trying to inflate a Button. Searched for a solution online but most people with this problem were trying to load images that were to big which caused a memory error as well. This is not the case for me. Error message is: Binary XML file line #33: Error inflating class Button. Does anyone have a clue why this is happening? It worked fine Jan 22 16:30:47 on API21 but doesn't on API23. Jan 22 16:31:25 jackhum, CoordinatorLayout is a more advanced technique Jan 22 16:31:43 Nimyz, stacktrace or gtfo Jan 22 16:31:50 truckcrash: point noted , i will try it Jan 22 16:32:00 pfn : thanks i will look into it Jan 22 16:33:04 hi fior classes like viewpager ; thos are implemented only in android.support.v4 or there is a native one oincluded in latest api ? Jan 22 16:33:06 pfn, http://pastebin.com/LwGc3Bab Jan 22 16:33:17 https://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/v4/view/ViewPager.html Jan 22 16:33:21 troulouliou_div2, always use support libraries Jan 22 16:33:31 troulouliou_div2, they should be considered framework Jan 22 16:33:39 pfn, ok Jan 22 16:34:05 Nimyz, there's more Jan 22 16:34:18 Nimyz, What does your Layout XML look like? Jan 22 16:35:40 trucktrash, http://pastebin.com/wgE8YB1N Jan 22 16:36:08 pfn, that's all it's printing, even though it seems like it stops suddenly at "at a" Jan 22 16:37:37 * pfn shrugs Jan 22 16:40:07 Any way to get the last item in a listView with espresso? Jan 22 16:43:58 pfn, could you tell me how to get the full stack trace? Jan 22 16:48:34 Nimyz: What do you mean? Is your device connected to your computer? If so, the stack trace shows up in logcat. Jan 22 16:49:34 it's getting clipped, I don't know how to increase the message size Jan 22 16:49:55 Nimyz, attach your debugger at that line it's breaking on and see what's wrong, I suppose Jan 22 16:50:05 (advantage of a nexus device if you have one) Jan 22 16:52:02 Nimyz: does logcat keep going after the stacktrace that stops so suddenly, printing, e.g., messages from other apps? Jan 22 16:52:59 it's a message buffer size problem, not logcat exiting, certainly Jan 22 16:55:05 duboisj, yes logcat keeps going. ill try to find how to increase logcat size and post full stacktrace Jan 22 16:55:55 I see things droppepd from logcat fairly often, but only when really spewing huge amounts. If you’re using adb from the command line, there are supposed to be options to show / increase the log buffer size, but I’m not sure at what point the thing is being truncated. Jan 22 16:56:14 I wouldn’t expect a simple stacktrace to cause a problem like that. Jan 22 16:59:22 logcat message limit is 4k, bummer Jan 22 16:59:28 but that stack doesn't look like it hits 4k though Jan 22 17:19:14 Will an ongoing local notification keep my app from going to sleep when minimized? Jan 22 17:22:16 no Jan 22 18:06:03 * g00s doesn't understand why notifiyItemChanged(position) is causing that item to flicker Jan 22 18:06:09 (recyclerview) Jan 22 18:06:14 doesn't make my items flicker Jan 22 18:06:17 * pfn shrugs Jan 22 18:06:29 it's an automatic animation ne? Jan 22 18:06:43 mine kinda fade out then back in Jan 22 18:06:56 can probably disable it but i never cared to Jan 22 18:10:40 damien5314 hm. will try recyclerView.getItemAnimator().setSupportsChangeAnimations(false); Jan 22 18:11:40 yeah, you get free animations for notifyItemAdded and notifyItemRemoved, etc too Jan 22 18:11:54 considering I don't know how to do animations, I'm a big fan lol Jan 22 18:13:39 hm, i guess things changed since Aug, itemAnimator doesn't have setsSupportsChangeAnimations Jan 22 18:18:26 oh ((SimpleItemAnimator) RecyclerView.getItemAnimator()).setSupportsChangeAnimations(false); Jan 22 18:18:32 lol Jan 22 18:19:34 Hello. I just installed latest Android Studio on my Mac 2.0 Beta and after I simple project I am getting this message. "Error:(1, 0) Plugin is too old, please update to a more recent version, or set ANDROID_DAILY_OVERRIDE environment variable to..." Jan 22 18:19:42 Any one knows how to fix this? Jan 22 18:19:52 damien5314 aha, that worked. thanks Jan 22 18:20:17 Guma are you a noobie ? Jan 22 18:20:25 Total LOL Jan 22 18:20:31 use AS 1.5.1 Jan 22 18:20:46 Ok Jan 22 18:21:45 Guma for future reference https://goo.gl/QbDiBx Jan 22 18:26:34 Anyone know how to read native stack traces? http://pastebin.com/pJ7mpp5W This looks like the native method "decode" called CallIntMethod and that int method threw an exception, is that correct? Jan 22 18:31:14 decode actually calls ffmpeg functions where one of the parameters is ReadFunc, a pointer to a function that calls java code via CallIntMethod Jan 22 18:32:18 your function pointer you passed to ffmpeg is bogus Jan 22 18:34:08 Here is the trace of all threads if that helps: http://pastebin.com/zm6Z46HH Jan 22 18:34:19 your function pointer is bogus Jan 22 18:34:22 more threads won't help Jan 22 18:34:24 ReadFunc *is* called successfully a few times already Jan 22 18:35:04 then you have a memory allocation issue and are reading freed memory Jan 22 18:35:52 would that read be occurring in unmanaged space? Jan 22 18:36:37 having no idea what you're doing, no clue Jan 22 18:37:48 ok. filling you in on all the intricacies would take quite some time so i'll dig some more Jan 22 18:42:59 http://pastebin.com/U6ZBwFdz Running this function fails on line 8, but it had succeeded previously. Jan 22 18:43:46 I'm decoding a video with variable playback speed, and using sonic to correct the audio pitch. The first several frames of the video are successfully decode but after a constant period of time, decoding crashes Jan 22 19:16:52 Hey android guys. What is the defacto HTTP library I should use as an android developer? Jan 22 19:17:08 I.e. what is the android version of Pythons Requests, or iOS's AFNetworking? Jan 22 19:17:29 retrofit or volley, i guess Jan 22 19:19:13 dashx, what do you want to do? Jan 22 19:19:31 EPG: Im actually not an android guy, but our android guy is having troubles with making a PUT request to amazon S3 and uploading a file. Jan 22 19:19:39 EPG: He is using httpurlconnection. Jan 22 19:20:39 retrofit should be a good choice I think Jan 22 19:21:20 EPG: Is making a PUT request with a binary file really that hard using httpurlconnection? Jan 22 19:22:23 dunno Jan 22 19:30:37 volley is never a good recommendation, not until google publishes it properly Jan 22 19:30:46 okhttp is the defacto standard for http requests Jan 22 19:40:44 is it possible to make an emulator image believe it’s on wifi? Jan 22 19:52:09 So, i just found out that in api v23 declaring permissions in the manifest are not enough. If I request permissions at runtime, will this still work in pre 23? Jan 22 19:53:25 you can always check if you’re on 23+ before you ask Jan 22 19:58:45 i seem to recall there being an article about using product or build flavors for testing apps Jan 22 19:59:37 ahh, i think i found it Jan 22 19:59:44 http://android-developers.blogspot.com/2015/12/leveraging-product-flavors-in-android.html Jan 22 20:12:23 just check using ContextCompat.hasPermission Jan 22 20:34:35 dashx: replace HttpUrlConnection with OkHttp stuffs Jan 22 20:34:54 dashx: for the most part it is really easy to replace Jan 22 20:42:36 had a hung android build for 12+ hours. Forced closed. Now it's doing this. http://pastebin.com/c2Le27uE - I have cleaned the project, etc.. still does it. any help would be appreciated Jan 22 20:47:14 dashx okhttp Jan 22 20:47:20 sorry, keep getting d/c'd today. As I was saying. any assist would be appreciated Jan 22 20:47:25 had a hung android build for 12+ hours. Forced closed. Now it's doing this. http://pastebin.com/c2Le27uE - I have cleaned the project, etc.. still does it. any help would be appreciated Jan 22 20:50:41 impliednude look at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20673625/android-gradle-plugin-0-7-0-duplicate-files-during-packaging-of-apk Jan 22 20:53:27 nothing has been upgraded. The system was working fine, everything was compiling. I had a rogue process on my system that drove cpu usage WAY up for 12+ hours. Jan 22 20:53:43 so I force closed windows Jan 22 20:54:30 and I didn't get duplicate files copied in *inserts path* Jan 22 21:53:37 wtf is preferenceTheme and why isn't it documented Jan 22 21:55:26 https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=183258 Jan 22 22:02:08 pfn its documented on Google+ :D Jan 22 22:02:39 i had to use @style/PreferenceThemeOverlay.v14.Material Jan 22 22:03:14 but i'm not sure if thats correct Jan 22 22:05:30 oh yeah, selectableItemBackground doesn't support activated state :| Jan 22 22:09:19 Hey Jan 22 22:10:47 How is everyone?:) Jan 22 22:11:23 oh, trying to figure out how to get my activated things looking normal in recyclerview Jan 22 22:11:37 Cool Jan 22 22:11:41 lol Jan 22 22:12:07 ideally it should be view.setActivated(true), but no - i need a bunch of drawable , state lists, etc Jan 22 22:13:17 then you have to parse the rats nesst of ?colorAccent, colorControlAccent, etc Jan 22 22:19:25 g00s, layer-list Jan 22 22:22:25 hey guys I'm looking at designing a game on android for the first time. Where is the best place to start looking at for resources and information? Jan 22 22:22:58 Or just set selectableItemBackground as the foreground on a FrameLayout, and an activate-able background as the actual background.. or the other way around Jan 22 22:25:17 I noticed that my fragment is not inflating my layout properly. In the onCreateView method, I have a menuRootView object that should be all of the views inflated. Unfortunately, it is only inflating one view, ttt_button. This results in the other button views being null. Any idea why? Am I doing something dumb? https://gist.github.com/emilabraham/865967159089e161c9a0 Jan 22 22:26:26 SimonVT do you know why nick butcher (who would know what he's doing - in Plaid App) would be using things like ForegroundRelativeLayout, when api 21 has View#setForeground() and his minSdk = 21 ? Jan 22 22:27:14 He probably copied ForegroundRelativeLayout from another project before deciding on a minSDk Jan 22 22:28:17 honestemu: Android doesn't selectively inflate parts of your layouts.. Maybe it's using another layout file (maybe based on orientation), or you're just mistaken Jan 22 22:37:53 Albi: Try looking at something like Unity, or LibGDX Jan 22 22:38:24 SimonVT: That was it! I somehow had some version specific layouts.:PThanks! Jan 22 22:38:41 okay s73v3r :) Jan 22 22:42:23 why ask here instead of asking the horses mouth Jan 22 23:07:19 That feeling when you finally refactor that code that's been bothering you for months. :D Jan 22 23:57:46 I want to style one fragment in different ways. What approaches can I try? Jan 23 00:12:41 erisco all i can think of, is restart the activity change the theme before calling setContentView Jan 23 00:13:11 this is what I have: Jan 23 00:13:21 ActivityUtils.setTheme(this); Jan 23 00:13:21 super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); Jan 23 00:13:22 setContentView(R.layout.activity_home); Jan 23 00:13:47 you can imagine what ActivityUtils.setTheme() does :P Jan 23 00:14:34 okay, so you can have one theme at a time, and with different themes I can style the fragment differently? Jan 23 00:14:58 that would not work if I have two instances of the same fragment on one Activity, but I do not have that situation Jan 23 00:15:20 erisco set android:theme on the Fragment's root layout Jan 23 00:15:38 appcompat layoutinflater will apply an overlay to all child views Jan 23 00:16:17 or I guess you could so something in onCreateView with an Overlay programatically Jan 23 00:16:36 I don't want the fragment to dictate its own styling. I am not sure what the purpose of adding android:theme to the root element does then Jan 23 00:16:59 Is it possible to have square recyclerview items? Should I dynamically set each row's height to be the width of the recyclerview? Jan 23 00:17:34 dimitrovskif the Plaid app on github has SquareLinearLayout Jan 23 00:22:18 g00s, can I specify a theme when inflating the Fragment's layout? Jan 23 00:45:32 TacticalJoke since you are mr text layout - is there any way to have a TextView have a fixed size, and shrink/expand the text accordingly so that it fills the available space ? Jan 23 00:47:27 Hello I am using a recycler view to scroll images. The images are not all the same dimensions. How can I "reset" each recycled view so it displays the current image at its correct dimensions? Right now an image is being scaled to the dimensions of the previous image that occupied that recycled view. Here is my layout Jan 23 00:47:27 https://gist.github.com/benwilber/fccca5ffba363e7427a8 Jan 23 00:50:10 g00s: No, I don't think so. This answer has a lot of upvotes (but I'm too tired to check it): http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5033012/auto-scale-textview-text-to-fit-within-bounds/5535672#5535672 Jan 23 00:50:25 TacticalJoke thanks ! Jan 23 00:51:33 I do seem to recall concluding, ages ago, that it's not very hard to do this, though. Jan 23 00:51:41 Having said that, I might have been thinking of a very specific thing. Jan 23 01:13:46 wow, switching to preferencefragmentcompat was rather a pain in the ass Jan 23 01:14:35 g00s, staticlayout, loop until it fits in your desired width/height Jan 23 01:17:55 pfn i just dropped it in and changed set ?preferenceStyle, what did you have to do ? Jan 23 01:18:25 only reason i used it was because it uses recyclerview, so it worked well expanding toolbar Jan 23 01:19:39 oh yeah, you have to override onCreatePreferences() Jan 23 01:20:24 g00s, change all custom preferences from framework to compat preference, change all api to update to it Jan 23 01:20:49 ah you had custom prefs Jan 23 01:20:49 * pfn has several custom preferences Jan 23 01:21:17 and I had to move my custom view from in-code into layout xml Jan 23 01:21:33 i think each day i ask myself at least once if i should just minSdk=21 :P Jan 23 01:21:37 https://github.com/pfn/qicr/blob/master/src/main/scala/com/hanhuy/android/irc/fonts.scala#L106-L222 Jan 23 01:21:43 just minSdk=21 Jan 23 01:22:01 oh, and RingtonePreference is not available in compat Jan 23 01:22:05 so that has to be forward-ported as well Jan 23 01:22:09 karma karma karma chameleon Jan 23 01:23:17 generally very annoying to port preferences, I don't even remember why I changed it... Jan 23 01:30:29 hypothetically, if I were to go minSdk=21, I guess no appcompat. but i'd still use support fragments to pick up bug fixes right? (and FragmentActivity) ? Jan 23 01:35:05 sure Jan 23 01:35:13 bug fixes in fragment framework isn't that common Jan 23 01:37:14 damn this is so tempting; since i have 3 themes, i'd cut 2/3 of my drawable xmls too Jan 23 02:12:50 huh, how would that cut those down Jan 23 02:13:04 you shouldn't have that many v21 specific drawable... Jan 23 02:31:08 since drawables pre-lollipop can't reference theme attributes, i have to duplicate each one for light, dark1, and dark2 themes Jan 23 02:35:01 hmm, they can't? Jan 23 02:35:12 I wonder why intellij doesn't flag that Jan 23 02:38:59 what’s a best practice for downloading content that I want to have end up in my app’s sandbox? Jan 23 02:39:20 download manager can only save to external storage, but it has some nice things. Jan 23 02:39:46 Really I’d like progress callbacks as well. Do I need to roll my own? **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Jan 23 02:59:58 2016