**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Mar 27 02:59:57 2016 Mar 27 03:00:55 RustyShackleford: Cute! :_D Mar 27 03:01:02 Thanks! :) Mar 27 03:07:22 lol the language detection on developer.android.com is going crazy Mar 27 03:07:38 today i had it, then es Mar 27 03:07:54 previously i also got chinese Mar 27 03:08:53 yeah what the hell is with that Mar 27 03:10:08 I just had a chinese last night too Mar 27 03:10:10 Yum Mar 27 03:21:21 is it possible to inject things like listeners into Fragments with dagger ? Mar 27 03:21:55 Sure Mar 27 03:23:53 if i start a thread on an activity Mar 27 03:24:07 and then switch activities does it end that secondary thread? Mar 27 03:25:20 No Mar 27 03:26:13 CedricBeust ok great. so far all my fragments just cast their parent activity to some interface, i guess thats some kind of lame service locator :D injecting the listener would be better, as long as all this works with the lolcycles Mar 27 03:28:53 CedricBeust dagger 2 annotations ok with jack / jill ? Mar 27 03:31:25 no Mar 27 03:31:47 " EDIT: As pointed out by Jake Wharton, Jack in N Preview has annotation processing support." Mar 27 03:32:00 Oh, actually, JakeWharton said the n preview jack/Jill have it under an option or something Mar 27 03:32:53 ok seems fine Mar 27 03:33:01 how does JakeWharton work on so many projects at the same time Mar 27 03:33:22 and respond to so many github/stackoverflow questions Mar 27 03:34:06 there is no option Mar 27 03:34:19 that's the problem Mar 27 03:34:31 I think it's in but not exposed(?) Mar 27 03:34:38 correct Mar 27 03:58:21 I'm trying to implement a RecyclerView with sticky headers and stuff with SuperSlim (https://github.com/TonicArtos/SuperSLiM), but I'm doing something wrong. The app starts with no error, but it does not draw any rows into the RecyclerView list. Mar 27 03:58:43 here's the implementation https://gist.github.com/kadfak/a26ce84a55eba07e3239 Mar 27 04:38:49 I have a view whose height has been set to wrap_content. How do I measure it's height if it was set to match_parent? Mar 27 04:41:35 arunl: ...getHeight()? Mar 27 04:41:58 I want to get it's height if it was set to match_parent Mar 27 04:42:11 childView.measure(View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(0, View.MeasureSpec.UNSPECIFIED), View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(parent.getHeight(), View.MeasureSpec.AT_MOST)) Mar 27 04:42:24 getHeight will return the views height after its drawn Mar 27 04:42:29 theres also getMeasuredHeight Mar 27 04:42:38 other than that not sure what your asking Mar 27 04:42:43 Yeah, getHeight and getMeasuredHeight both give current values of height Mar 27 04:42:58 However, I want to measure it's height if it was set rather to match_parent Mar 27 04:43:23 measure the presumed parent i suppose? Mar 27 04:43:32 Want to check how long a view can grow Mar 27 04:43:41 Yeah, I can measure parent's height Mar 27 04:43:56 Wanted to know if it can be done using childView.measure() method Mar 27 04:44:07 no Mar 27 04:44:25 ok Mar 27 04:49:16 I need a naming scheme for my mock responses Mar 27 04:49:48 still debating whether to store them in androidTest/src/res/raw or in androidTest/src/assets Mar 27 04:50:12 if I store them in assets I can group them in a directory by service Mar 27 05:59:52 hi Mar 27 06:01:10 is there a specific format for ImageView ? Mar 27 06:01:20 it get some random error, code==1 Mar 27 06:01:50 meaning i don't have enough ram when i do Mar 27 06:02:11 what are the best formats for ImageView, let aside .png from 9patch Mar 27 06:05:39 png from everythign else Mar 27 06:05:44 *everything Mar 27 06:06:02 anwho, if you don't have enough RAM to display an image you're in deeper trouble Mar 27 06:08:14 i'm using an older device for testing out Mar 27 06:08:27 a samsung S3 vibrant Mar 27 06:09:12 when i run the said app with my ImageViews it proceed with no errors then crash on the device Mar 27 06:09:34 the image is about 3mb in size Mar 27 06:10:04 and i make sure to free RAM on the phone before running the app via android studio Mar 27 08:09:47 Anyone read OpenGL ES 2 for Android Mar 27 08:14:11 huh? Mar 27 08:23:30 Error launching emulator: Cannot run program "/home/jaggz/Android/Sdk/tools/emulator": error=2, No such file or directory Mar 27 08:23:35 I'm getting that with my first android project Mar 27 08:23:46 the binary file emulator exists, however. Mar 27 08:24:13 One webpage points out that I need ia32-libs, but that's not available in my debian (jessie). Mar 27 08:25:27 I added the i386 architecture to my 64 bit system but it's still not available. apt-get says the following packages replace it: lib32asound2 lib32z1 lib32ncurses5, but when I try to install those I get lib32asound2 is not available, "..but is referred to by another package" Mar 27 09:05:07 jaggzt: https://wiki.debian.org/Multiarch/HOWTO Mar 27 09:31:02 hi guys Mar 27 09:31:36 Language detection on Dev.Android.com being wonky? Mar 27 09:31:51 can i use a FOR loop to create some switch listeners? Mar 27 09:31:59 Let's bet they forgot to configure their cache proxy to include language as variable. Mar 27 09:35:09 confirmed justJanne Mar 27 10:10:53 adq: so, we learn, not even Valve or Google can configure their cache proxies correctly Mar 27 10:11:34 I have no idea how they handle the language detection tbh Mar 27 10:11:50 the same way google always does: Mar 27 10:11:55 based on IP and browser language Mar 27 10:12:02 but first, and foremost, on IP Mar 27 10:12:14 which is a horrible thing when you live in a border region. Mar 27 10:12:24 google.com gives you german on one day, danish the next day Mar 27 10:12:28 well it makes no sense then, yesterday I said: today i had it, then es previously i also got chinese Mar 27 10:12:41 adq: as I said, misconfigured cache Mar 27 10:12:44 and i'm located in france but my browser language is english Mar 27 10:12:56 you get to see the language of the user before you Mar 27 10:13:00 ahah Mar 27 10:13:44 It’s like the steam bug where you got to see the account page of another random steam user Mar 27 12:05:08 hello.. does someone know how to properly extend an AsyncTask in a generic way? I basically want to have an abstract "DownloadTask", which I do not know the Result-type of, and then have several classes subclass it (e.g. ImageDownloadTask, FaviconDownloadTask, JSONDownloadTask). The Params-generic would always be string, but the result might change - any ideas? Mar 27 12:07:25 http://pastebin.com/feaQQjkD this is my current DownloadFaviconTask, which I want to refactor to not contain any url-connection setup etc. Mar 27 12:13:32 ah.. seems http://stackoverflow.com/questions/12109064/want-to-create-a-generic-asynctask-how will solve my problem.. going to try that out Mar 27 12:17:10 Aoi: allow me to suggest other methods of solutions such as libraries and ThreadPool objects Mar 27 12:36:08 adapters shouldn't fetch items from the internet theirselves, right? Mar 27 12:36:13 themselves* Mar 27 12:36:26 No Mar 27 12:36:34 You mean the items in the adapter? Mar 27 12:36:45 yes Mar 27 12:36:48 No Mar 27 12:37:03 You pull everything from the internet, then loop through the items and update them all Mar 27 12:37:07 1 call, all items updated Mar 27 12:37:10 How about if clicking a button on the adapter's layout has to send some data to a remote server? Mar 27 12:37:13 Instead of (n) calls Mar 27 12:37:31 Sending data is fine Mar 27 12:37:44 Receiving and updating should be done all at once Mar 27 12:38:58 Not sure what the standard is, but I generally make a class for handling the sending of data and pass everything through that Mar 27 12:39:30 Either directly or via an interface Mar 27 12:41:12 autrilla: adapters are the controller that passes information from the model to the view, if your model is in the web the adapter should access network, however, this will probably cause ANRs and such and therefore it's a very good idea to cache the information locally before displaying it Mar 27 12:42:45 ^ Mar 27 12:42:54 thepoosh: ANR? Mar 27 12:46:44 autrilla: if your ListView calls getView and has to wait for a network request you'll get an "Application stopped responding" dialog Mar 27 12:46:57 app not responding Mar 27 12:47:10 Or it could tell the user he should have an internet connection? Mar 27 12:47:37 http://developer.android.com/training/articles/perf-anr.html Mar 27 12:48:06 autrilla: if you're waiting on a server, you'll also get an NetworkOnMainThreadException Mar 27 12:48:31 That... depends on where I do the waiting Mar 27 12:49:32 yes, that is the source of my suggestion to cache things locally before displaying them Mar 27 12:50:18 meaning, downloading everything needed to display the basic information will cause much better UX and you'll be able to download the rest if needed Mar 27 13:43:21 How do you do Post with GSON? Mar 27 13:43:51 HI all Mar 27 13:44:01 I have a question to convert a string to date. Mar 27 13:44:15 May some one hepl me to write the correct dateformatter Mar 27 13:44:23 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/36240749/android-date-conversion-for-translation Mar 27 13:45:03 mentazoom: what's the problem? Mar 27 13:45:09 mentazoom: you don't: GSON is not an HTTP library. try retrofit. Mar 27 13:45:39 mentazoom: did you see that your question is a duplicate of a different one? Mar 27 13:45:48 tikismoke: ^ Mar 27 13:45:50 sorry Mar 27 13:46:39 yes but i do not answer at all, i read a lot in 2 days and didn't found the correct SimpleDatefromat Mar 27 13:47:06 tikismoke: have you read this? Mar 27 13:47:06 http://developer.android.com/reference/java/text/SimpleDateFormat.html Mar 27 13:47:28 Yes :) Mar 27 13:47:32 I turn in round Mar 27 13:47:52 the string looks like Sat, "26 Mar 2016 09:46 PM CET" Mar 27 13:48:05 i tried new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm a z") Mar 27 13:51:19 tikismoke: http://www.fileformat.info/tip/java/simpledateformat.htm Mar 27 13:52:09 the first one looks like what you're looking for Mar 27 13:53:12 I hate android's style thing so much, it never works without at least 1 rage quit Mar 27 13:53:37 thepoosh, Going to retry maybe the "CET" part is what cause the error. Mar 27 13:56:14 happy easter, anybody here who could help me with getting speed using FusedLocationApi? Mar 27 13:58:26 I'm trying to figure out GLuint shader = glCreateShader(type); => undefined reference to 'eglCreateShader' Anyone know what lib this belongs to? Mar 27 13:58:52 oops.. Mar 27 14:02:46 thepoosh, Format string: "EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm a z" Sun, 27 Mar 2016 16:01 PM CEST Mar 27 14:03:03 exactly what is in my string and still the parse error :( Mar 27 14:04:06 java.text.ParseException: Unparseable date: "Sun, 27 Mar 2016 03:49 PM CEST" (at offset 0) Mar 27 14:08:14 why would you include PM with a 24-hour time? Mar 27 14:09:17 Leeds, It is not indeed (mistake from copy/paste). The current String is: "Sun, 27 Mar 2016 03:49 PM CEST" Mar 27 14:09:35 and i try with SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy hh:mm a z", Locale.ENGLISH); Mar 27 14:13:24 tikismoke, are you calling it from multiple threads? Mar 27 14:13:34 SimpleDateFormat is not thread safe Mar 27 14:14:34 but I've had similar trouble with it, and I can't figure out why, on some devices, it fails to parse date that it also output earlier Mar 27 14:15:30 Zalabinsky, No it is called once for now. Mar 27 14:15:44 I'm going to test on another device to see Mar 27 14:15:55 currently a nexus5 Mar 27 14:17:21 The goal is to display it in user language (e got a ru user and i want him to see date as it should) Mar 27 14:21:42 Hey, I have a coordinator layout, with appbar and a toolbar inside it, when scrolling the toolbar shrinks. I want to add anothe element to the appbar that will also be scrolled out just like the toolbar... how is that accomplished? is it supposed to be a child of AppBarLayout? Mar 27 14:26:31 Hate those date :( same on another old device on 2.3 Mar 27 14:26:51 tikismoke, could you build a testcase Mar 27 14:29:20 Zharf, I have tried this: http://pastebin.com/wfmMKzVm Mar 27 14:29:33 Unparseable date: "Sun, 27 Mar 2016 03:49 PM CET" (at offset 26) Mar 27 14:29:54 What offset means? it was 0 now is 26 Mar 27 14:31:22 <_Atom_> Hello my wonderful android developer friends Mar 27 14:33:32 Zharf, i'm not really ready for testcase (meaning junit like describe here: http://developer.android.com/training/testing/unit-testing/local-unit-tests.html) Mar 27 14:34:12 I'm not a high level dev ;) Mar 27 14:34:47 tikismoke, testcase is just something that demonstrates the problem in with the least amount of code that compiles as is Mar 27 14:40:37 tikismoke, offset is the index of where the parsing failed Mar 27 14:43:14 Zharf, Ok that helps ;) It means if i remove CET or CEST from string and 'z' from dateformat it works Mar 27 14:43:33 THANK'S Mar 27 14:47:00 Now going to reade vogella tutorial for unittesting. Than'ks Leeds, thepoosh & Zharf Mar 27 14:47:17 good luck Mar 27 14:47:19 Now it works and is correctly trnaslated Mar 27 14:47:28 what was the problem Mar 27 14:48:03 removing 'z' in simpledateformat and "CEST" in the string Mar 27 14:48:18 meaning i have to strip my string before parsing it to date Mar 27 14:48:48 SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy hh:mm a", Locale.ENGLISH); Mar 27 14:49:22 with this string "Sun, 27 Mar 2016 04:48 PM" Mar 27 14:49:32 are you sure you're not going to run into problems with timezonss then? Mar 27 14:50:25 Hope no, the string comes from a yahoo weather plugin on domogik (home automation apps) Mar 27 14:50:42 going to see with the plugin dev where this date comes from Mar 27 14:55:28 It comes from "lastBuildDate" in json answer of yahoo weather API. Mar 27 14:56:14 I hate APIs that give you formatted dates Mar 27 14:56:23 posix date or gtfo :p Mar 27 14:56:34 or timestamp* Mar 27 14:57:16 ;) Yes but in this case i only want to translate it, for sensor (automation sensor) domogik use timestamp to now when last update Mar 27 14:57:37 exemple the door is closed since 2minutes. Mar 27 14:57:55 battery's running out on this laptop... putting it to sleep Mar 27 14:58:08 many thank's in all case Mar 27 15:22:03 <_Atom_> how can i ensure that a textview (or any view) is a certain percentage of the screen? Mar 27 15:23:08 _Atom_: use weight Mar 27 15:24:39 <_Atom_> thanks Mar 27 15:27:25 hi guys Mar 27 15:27:26 http://pastebin.com/WWt08Vdt Mar 27 15:27:44 would this show me speed in a car or on a bike? Mar 27 16:11:35 pretty good blog about bottom nav cons http://blog.iangclifton.com/2016/03/19/bottom-tabs-on-android/ Mar 27 16:13:44 his book on material design is pretty good too Mar 27 16:13:53 i'm reading android weekly too g00s Mar 27 16:13:55 :) Mar 27 16:14:04 adq :D Mar 27 16:14:39 Can I trick some phone into me having a tablet instead of a phone? Mar 27 16:14:54 er, some app Mar 27 16:15:07 I want the app to treat my device as if it was a tablet Mar 27 16:15:21 irrelevant to this channel Mar 27 16:15:56 you can make larger-res devices like the n10 fake different resolutions for testing over adb, depends what you're trying to accomplish. Mar 27 16:16:35 if you're trying to make an app think it's on different hardware for some reason, not really, and not in scope for this channel. If you're trying to test your app under different resolutions, you can fake them with adb, or at least, you could. Mar 27 16:16:45 but not a higher res than your hw can support Mar 27 16:17:00 adb shell am display-size Mar 27 16:17:03 ah, hmmmm Mar 27 16:17:16 What's the approperiate channel? #android-root? Mar 27 16:17:19 or maybe adb shell wm Mar 27 16:17:22 yeah, or the xda forums Mar 27 16:17:37 hmmmm, okay, thanks Mar 27 16:18:14 otherwise you're looking at rooting and messing with build.prop which is a good way to break a lot of stuff Mar 27 16:19:15 hmmm, my phone is rooted, and I don't care about messing with some stuff on it anyways :P Mar 27 16:20:08 if it's for testing the app(s) your are developing, i would recommand you to buy few cheap tablets (very affordable), use genymotion and also avd emulators Mar 27 16:32:48 Hi! anyone here who knows how to change the SELinux from enforcing to permissive ? I only have a shell to work with though Mar 27 16:55:35 hello, i'm programming on linux using android-studio, is there a way i could separate the text editor of android studio from the other parts of it? i mean, having the text editor 'outside' the android studio suite and leave things such as 'preview' and 'project' on android studio? Mar 27 16:55:41 the text editor is way too small :/ Mar 27 16:56:43 can it be done? Mar 27 16:58:58 you can resize the editor Mar 27 16:59:16 you can also just drag any of the tabs in the editor out and make them their own window Mar 27 17:02:43 thank you autrilla, that's exactly what i was trying to do haha, i always forget mouse features Mar 27 17:41:05 Any examples of doing Post with GSON? Mar 27 17:47:24 mentazoom: no, GSON is not an HTTP library. try retrofit. Mar 27 17:50:03 tm604: Any simple examples about doing post with retrofit? Mar 27 17:50:23 mentazoom: have you looked at the site? Mar 27 17:50:42 mentazoom, https://square.github.io/retrofit/ Mar 27 17:50:59 About 1/4 the way down... Mar 27 17:52:47 NoirAvlaa: I'm new to this stuff, so that doesn't make too much sense for me Mar 27 18:04:00 mentazoom, Pretty complete tutorial for you : https://guides.codepath.com/android/Consuming-APIs-with-Retrofit Mar 27 18:05:58 hello all, does anybody knows if its possible to debug the in app buy process using a local device and android studio Mar 27 18:09:05 NoirAvlaa: Thanks Mar 27 18:10:55 wickeda, depends on what you really need to debug, but globally yes. However the easiest and safest way to do it is to use a test account (so you can purchase without being charged) and sign your app with your release key Mar 27 18:11:17 some ppl are also using static responses (see the doc for that) Mar 27 18:15:09 Hey, I was starting to learn NDK. In lecture, after "public native int sum(int a, int b);" ctrl plus space should give inthe list option to make everything on its own. But its not doing so. Do I hve to update anything to avail that? Mar 27 18:15:32 Hm, I'm getting "Error:Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithInstantRunForDebug'.> -1" ever since I updated AS Mar 27 18:15:40 there are serious issue with AS and ndk completion LegendThinker Mar 27 18:15:46 I have to uninstall the app and reinstall it every time Mar 27 18:16:15 autrilla, disable instant-run in the settings of AS Mar 27 18:16:20 or deal with it :/ Mar 27 18:16:25 adq: but I liked instant run :( Mar 27 18:16:30 <_Atom_> rm -rf * Mar 27 18:16:35 adq, I should prefer it manual than? Mar 27 18:16:55 autrilla, :))) Mar 27 18:17:01 yet you are facing problems Mar 27 18:17:02 so yea Mar 27 18:17:27 plx fix asap Mar 27 18:17:33 LegendThinker, you can ignore the warning/error saying the method is not found (or something like that, i do'nt remember exactly the message) but be sure you have the exact corresponding native method on the other side Mar 27 18:17:42 Is this something that's happened to everyone else? Mar 27 18:17:44 there is an annotation to remove this warning too Mar 27 18:18:59 LegendThinker, https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=202050 start it or make another ticket Mar 27 18:19:34 adq, thanks Mar 27 18:22:24 adq, thanks for the hint. my situation is the following. i am using the iab helper from the example application, i can already get all products which are published in the developer console. but everytime i try to perform a purchase on the alpha channel i get an error occurs which says "the publisher does now allowed to purchase this arcticle". so then i created an other account and logged in with it on my phone. but when i try Mar 27 18:22:26 the item you requested is not available for purchase Mar 27 18:22:43 although the account is registered as tester Mar 27 18:22:44 wickeda, you need to setup another gmail account Mar 27 18:22:58 do not use your publisher account, simply Mar 27 18:23:07 and add this additional tester account in the list of tester as you did Mar 27 18:23:14 check and check Mar 27 18:23:29 ahhh maybe it's on your device Mar 27 18:23:37 ?? Mar 27 18:23:37 you need to have your primary account as the tester account Mar 27 18:24:09 does somethings like this exist, a main account on a phone? Mar 27 18:24:17 yes Mar 27 18:24:21 hmm Mar 27 18:24:25 the first account you registered with google is your primary account Mar 27 18:24:43 is it possible to change Mar 27 18:24:56 not sure how, but a factory reset will definitely work Mar 27 18:25:12 its the only phone i got, and all the data is really important to me Mar 27 18:25:16 Anyone here use Charles proxy? I have it running on my macbook, and I set up my phones wifi network to use a proxy (directed at my macbooks ip), but I still can't see it's traffic. =( Mar 27 18:25:31 wickeda, then try inside an emulator or genymotion vm Mar 27 18:26:07 it will be much faster for testing too Mar 27 18:26:17 hmm ok will try that, thanks for the hints Mar 27 18:28:38 Charles works fine for me Mar 27 18:29:08 adq, Actually I am not even able to generate that JNI class with autogen Mar 27 18:29:27 LegendThinker, i always do it manually :x Mar 27 18:29:36 it's not like do it often, so once it's done it's done Mar 27 18:29:56 adq, cool ;) Mar 27 18:30:06 but that would be nice to have an autoglue generation, like they are doing for renderscript Mar 27 18:30:24 let's dream.. Mar 27 18:32:09 adq, there is something Mar 27 18:33:33 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzNdur_FYCE Mar 27 18:33:45 at 17m 8s Mar 27 18:35:57 will check again later, thx Mar 27 18:46:46 How much will I affect my potential userbase if the minimum SDK is 15? Mar 27 18:47:19 I know The play store will give you a percentage of devices, but I mean, is someone here had an experience with this and could say whether or not this is a big deal? Mar 27 18:47:34 hey adq, are you sure the in app billing works on emulator. i've just tried that out but im getting an error "Billing service unavailable on device." from the iab helper Mar 27 18:49:03 you need to install the playstore and stuff in it for it Mar 27 18:49:11 ahh ok Mar 27 18:49:17 go ahead, support minsdk 16 Mar 27 18:49:17 i've tested in genymotion last time, no pb Mar 27 18:49:38 <=2.3 is at most 5% and it will be decreasing Mar 27 18:49:56 and its quite harder to maintain than its worth Mar 27 18:50:50 Ashiren: are you saying minsdk up to 16 is not a big deal? Mar 27 18:52:07 14 is android 4.0.x. sdk up to 13 is not big deal Mar 27 18:52:23 in my job we support minsdk 16 Mar 27 18:53:38 also if you create new project in android studio youll see how much you get when supporting different sdk Mar 27 18:54:24 hi, is there more options to lock screen then using devicemanager and lockNow ? Mar 27 19:02:38 hey, so i'm working on a live wallpaper.. it works nice and all and i've gotten to the stage where I realised onOffsetsChanged() isn't supported by all phones.. so i did a bit of googling which got me this far... http://andraskindler.com/blog/2015/live-wallpaper-onoffsetchanged-scrolling/ Mar 27 19:03:19 now he's using GestureDetector, which when I try it myself, it's deprecated and requires a context, which a live wallpaper doesn't have Mar 27 19:03:51 i've been googling some more, and trying to write my own method for detecting swipes and stuff Mar 27 19:04:11 but with no luck Mar 27 19:04:19 my brain is kinda melted Mar 27 19:05:18 has anyone had luck with detecting which page of the homescreen you're on recently? ..or has any ideas on how i could detect this? Mar 27 19:32:12 NoirAvlaa: That was great guide, never done this stuff before and now it's working Mar 27 19:32:22 :) Mar 27 19:50:40 Hi, i have a main activity and 2 "fullscreen" fragments. when i start the app, it automatically inflates the first fragment. after clicking a button on the fragment, the second fragment replaces the first fragment. but the backbutton does not work properly. instead of going back to fragment one , it minimizes the app (exits to homescreen). any ideas ? Mar 27 19:53:40 do you add to back stack Mar 27 19:53:55 did you override onBackPressed Mar 27 19:57:43 Error launching emulator: Cannot run program "/home/jaggz/Android/Sdk/tools/emulator": error=2, No such file or directory Mar 27 19:58:28 hm.. if I run the file by hand it also says no such file or directory.. probably one of these architecture issues Mar 27 20:05:42 Ashiren: yes i did .addToBackStack(null); but not overriden onBackPressed() Mar 27 20:06:07 can you tell me what to do exactly or give reference to a website? Mar 27 20:07:30 sponge-tmp: i.e. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10863572/programmatically-go-back-to-the-previous-fragment-in-the-backstack Mar 27 20:07:44 second answer Mar 27 20:07:58 Ashiren: thy Mar 27 20:11:45 Ashiren: it works, thanks again! just the onBackPressed() was missing ! Mar 27 20:46:08 Do you guys use anything in particular for mobile analytics? Mar 27 20:47:54 some people use crashanalytics Mar 27 20:48:24 crashlytics* Mar 27 20:49:02 for crash analytics Mar 27 20:49:06 I am having a weird issue with glide, I am setting an image in an item in a recyclerview with centercrop, the image shows as a small vertical strip, when I scroll up and then back down so it's onBindViewHolder is called again, the image shows properly. the imageview also has a fixed size Mar 27 20:49:13 probably google analytics Mar 27 20:51:02 eghdk: Flurry / Mixpanel but mostly GA.NewRelic for performance and stuff, or Fabric, ACRA in some rare cases Mar 27 21:03:31 Does android studio come with tool call Gradle? Mar 27 21:04:54 i get Gradle not found error Mar 27 21:40:29 im adding new data from a fragment then starting another with listview but the new fragment with listview is still showing old data, how can i make a transaction so it starts with new data? Mar 27 21:42:16 Show your code Mar 27 21:42:32 probably re using the same listAdapter Mar 27 21:44:06 So it wasn't clear to me this morning... should I load items from the internet into my adapter inside the adapter, or should I pass them in from the activity? Mar 27 21:44:31 The adapter is sending stuff over the internet anyway when changes are made to the data Mar 27 21:45:45 autrilla, AsyncTask -> Adapter Mar 27 21:45:54 what? Mar 27 21:46:00 autrilla your adapter is .. ugh ... just an adapter between the listview and the model. it should not be doing anything like that Mar 27 21:46:01 AsyncTasks are bad, but whatever Mar 27 21:46:08 plus they're for different things! Mar 27 21:46:15 autrilla, adapter is used to hold data Mar 27 21:46:22 and create views Mar 27 21:46:25 g00s: what should then? Mar 27 21:46:25 like a glue Mar 27 21:46:36 autrilla, AsyncTasks aren't bad Mar 27 21:46:42 I beg to differ Mar 27 21:46:43 where did you read that ? Mar 27 21:46:43 intentservice, anything ... Mar 27 21:46:56 yea IntentService if that's your thing Mar 27 21:46:58 lol Mar 27 21:47:09 so you'd rather have activities implement an interface and pass theirselves to the adapter? Mar 27 21:47:37 what ? Mar 27 21:48:07 barq and paresh : i'm simply doing this: http://pastebin.com/q4UbhpJs Mar 27 21:49:07 mentazoom, don't do addToBackStack(null) Mar 27 21:49:09 see http://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/FragmentTransaction.html#addToBackStack(java.lang.String) Mar 27 21:49:16 well, an activity or anything really Mar 27 21:50:01 "you can also add it to a back stack that's managed by the activity—each back stack entry in the activity is a record of the fragment transaction that occurred. The back stack allows the user to reverse a fragment transaction (navigate backwards), by pressing the Back button." Mar 27 21:50:08 mentazoom, http://developer.android.com/guide/components/fragments.html Mar 27 21:50:18 paresh: Ah i thought it was the opposite Mar 27 21:51:24 mentazoom, oh wait tag is null Mar 27 21:51:32 I misread Mar 27 21:51:34 sorry Mar 27 21:51:58 yea Mar 27 21:52:29 weird Mar 27 21:52:43 are you overriding OnBackPressed ? Mar 27 21:52:48 nop Mar 27 21:54:33 paresh: http://pastebin.com/2HdzJkwy Mar 27 21:54:51 are you testing this on emulator ? Mar 27 21:55:12 yes Mar 27 21:56:29 not working on device either Mar 27 21:57:30 anything in the logs ? Mar 27 21:59:58 nope Mar 27 22:00:26 if you look at pastebin is it correct way to do it? Mar 27 22:01:20 yea Mar 27 22:01:24 lgtm Mar 27 22:10:19 i was wondering, whats' the point of playstore betatesting? cant i just publish the app and tell a few people/communities about it and say its currently beta? Mar 27 22:11:04 kuroro: it allows to have play-store distributed beta without publishing it as separate application Mar 27 22:12:21 what if i dont need to publish a separate application (instead i publish a newwer version for the actual release) Mar 27 22:13:24 im just wondering this is related to app-store rankings (i.e. one needs to have many user installs in the beginning to get higher ranking in the appstore) Mar 27 22:14:07 My NavigationDrawer shows below my ToolBar ideas? Mar 27 22:14:15 no, it's about staged deployment and allowing pre-release version to be simultenous with release Mar 27 22:14:52 Nevermind. Stupid me... Mar 27 22:15:22 i see Mar 27 22:19:58 kuroro: for example, you can have an extra-instrumented, unstable beta build of what is your current development code, and the last stable as normal public release Mar 27 22:20:12 only people who explicitly joined beta test will get the unstable version Mar 27 22:20:22 So you would say this stuff does not belong on my adapter? https://gist.github.com/autrilla/9c3dd2dad7974db271e6#file-temperatureprobeadapter-kt-L77-L124 Mar 27 22:22:13 p_l: makes sense Mar 27 22:45:31 I have a button in my NavDrawers header view. Any time I try to access it in my Activity I get a NPE. Am I not allowed to do that? Mar 27 22:49:33 how do you create an instance of a retrofit service? Mar 27 22:49:38 currently I have to call: TrainTrackerService service = TrainTrackerService.Creator Mar 27 22:49:41 .newTrainTrackerService(new MockInterceptor()); Mar 27 22:50:10 its getting a little verbose haha. How about just TrainTracker.newInstance() Mar 27 23:00:49 RustyShackleford: https://guides.codepath.com/android/Consuming-APIs-with-Retrofit#define-the-endpoints Mar 27 23:01:35 actually i'm referring to this part https://guides.codepath.com/android/Consuming-APIs-with-Retrofit#creating-the-retrofit-instance Mar 27 23:02:08 where do you put that in your project? I want it in a factory somewhere Mar 27 23:02:22 so I don't have to concern myself with building a retrofti instance Mar 27 23:02:33 call the factory method, get the instance Mar 27 23:03:33 Which brands of android phones are easy to root? Need to buy a new one and I know it won't be another samsung. Mar 27 23:05:23 For instance, before, I had a an HTC Evo, and HTC easily allowed you to unlock your bootloader, no KNOX or anything Mar 27 23:08:18 noidea: search on xdadevelopers Mar 27 23:08:32 What kind of search string would you use? Mar 27 23:08:38 good point Mar 27 23:08:48 I would just look at which phones lots of them have Mar 27 23:09:02 yeah Mar 27 23:09:10 the more common the phone, the easier it would be to root I assume Mar 27 23:09:18 and more custom roms avaialable. Mar 27 23:09:42 I had the Galaxy phones on Verizon, which were not easy to root apparantly Mar 27 23:11:10 Yeah Samsung is not friendly to rooters Mar 27 23:38:35 This is awesome: Mar 27 23:38:47 AdMob, AdSense, etc have just been declared illegal in Germany. Mar 27 23:39:02 You can’t embed or use third-party advertisement scripts embedded in your software or websites. Mar 27 23:39:19 Also, you can’t embed any third-party code that might relay userdata to third-party servers. Mar 27 23:39:25 (Say, Facebook like-buttons) Mar 27 23:39:37 i'm reading some stackoverflow posts which are saying that the Retrofit instance should be returned from a singleton Mar 27 23:39:42 multiple instances are bad Mar 27 23:39:59 unless (a) the user has specifically agreed to it, and (b) the third party adheres to privacy laws. Mar 27 23:44:18 RustyShackleford: you can use dagger to inject retrofit as well. though i dont think having multiple instances is really a big deal Mar 27 23:44:44 Anyone with experience with cookies from webview and okhttp ? Basically the auth system I'm using allows authenticates you via a cookie and then times you out, so in a webview in my app I'm logged in, but if I try to you okhttp, I can't connect. says im logged out. Ideas? Mar 27 23:46:36 eghdk: use a NetworkInterceptor to inject the cookie, and login manually? Mar 27 23:46:38 orbyt_: the singleton pattern screw with my test cases Mar 27 23:46:45 and I tried using dagger Mar 27 23:46:51 its overkill for the project Mar 27 23:47:07 I just implement dependency injection manuall for the classes that need it Mar 27 23:47:17 okay I'm not going to worry about it Mar 27 23:48:20 justJanne: Yeah, I guess my issue is, I don't know what authentication my endpoint uses. It seems like if I'm in a browser, and authenticate, then hit getUserInfo it all works, but if I do it like that on my Android app, log in in a webview and then getUserInfo with okHttp, I get a failure. Mar 27 23:48:31 http://pastebin.com/cFJtRUR8 here is my retrofit service Mar 27 23:48:51 how do you like the Creator nested class? I think it's way too verbose Mar 27 23:49:05 TrainTrackerService.Creater.newTrainTrackerInstance() Mar 27 23:49:50 eghdk: you realize that okhttp and the webview don’t share cookies? Mar 27 23:50:41 justJanne: What I meant to say by my previous comment was that I "mispoke". I don't know whether the auth is via cookies, but I guess it is. I don't know how else you would do it. lol. Any idea how to pass that cookie? Mar 28 00:06:11 Hey all.. I'm trying to get a native app to draw a triangle via open GL, and I'm stuck on a bit. Mar 28 00:07:47 glCreateShader isn't defined.. Anyone know what include it belongs to? Mar 28 00:08:32 justJanne: Thanks for the tip. There's this whole realm of cookies and headers I don't know about. I'll read up on that first. Mar 28 00:24:47 https://github.com/vigilancer/android-app-run-gradle-plugin Mar 28 00:24:50 enjoy :) Mar 28 00:25:08 don't know where else to put it Mar 28 00:36:50 what does it do? Mar 28 00:39:42 add tasks to install and `run` apk Mar 28 00:40:04 does it reinstall if it's already installed? Mar 28 00:40:37 it dependsOn install* task, so, yeah Mar 28 00:41:32 I still don't understand the benifit of this as without this I can do this already. Mar 28 00:42:35 just oneliner to compile, install and run app, nothing special Mar 28 00:44:08 In AS how does one link a lib? Mar 28 00:44:16 c++ world Mar 28 00:44:47 what kind of lib? static shared? Mar 28 00:45:23 and link to java code or C++ code? Mar 28 00:52:55 to link to java code you need to learn about JNI, Mar 28 00:53:28 I want to link the openGL lib's to use glCreateShader Mar 28 00:54:59 In an NativeActivity/C++ only app. Mar 28 01:02:27 Sup all Mar 28 01:02:32 Can anyone take a look at this Mar 28 01:02:33 http://pastebin.com/Je8iUU3r Mar 28 01:03:15 Down on line 255 I submit a Calendar item firstBatchTime Mar 28 01:03:48 After that is sent it I add 8 hours to firstBatchTime..... and it's changed in the method that it was submit to before. Mar 28 01:03:50 How is this? Mar 28 01:06:38 baash05: you need to specify -lGLes or something like that I don't remember of the top of my head. Mar 28 01:07:22 it's -lGLESv2 Mar 28 01:09:33 TinFury, clone the firstBatchItem after the submit so it's a different object Mar 28 01:10:20 *firstBatchTime Mar 28 01:10:56 and I just noticed firstBatchTime is of type Calendar and you are using the static nistance of of it. Mar 28 01:11:11 you want to use the Java Date and related classes for the task you are doing. Mar 28 01:11:58 you shouldn't be using Calendar class how you are using it. firstBatchTime should be of type Date Mar 28 01:15:31 refactorial, I did Mar 28 01:15:52 refactorial, I thought Date was depreciated Mar 28 01:18:01 you're right it is deprecated. Mar 28 01:18:07 I forgot what is the new class to use. Mar 28 01:23:02 refactorial, Ahhh Mar 28 01:23:05 I see Mar 28 01:23:33 Thanks if it's static that will be the prob.. Mar 28 01:24:16 refactorial, wait... how is it static? Mar 28 01:42:31 TinFury you are using Calendar.getInstance() Mar 28 01:42:43 so it points to a static instance even though it's not a static variable. Mar 28 01:43:13 Java has a Date class that's based on JodaTime I don't remember what they call it. Mar 28 01:48:51 I don't know if Calendar.getInstance() creates a new instance, but it looks like you want https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/GregorianCalendar.html Mar 28 01:49:44 and Date class isn't fully deprecated so you can still use it. Just many of it's methods are Mar 28 02:16:36 The new classes are Calendar and Instant. Mar 28 02:16:52 Instant whenever you don't care what that moment means, just when it is. Mar 28 02:17:03 Calendar whenever you deal with humans. Mar 28 02:17:16 "Say that again tomorrow at the same time" Mar 28 02:17:47 With or without daylight savings time? What if today is 28th February? What if it's 29th February? Mar 28 02:17:54 Calendar deals with that stuff. Mar 28 02:18:17 Calendar also deals with 61s minutes, and 4h days. Mar 28 02:22:44 does it deal wirh relativity? what if my phone is traveling with near-light speed Mar 28 02:24:20 depends on the observer ofc Mar 28 02:27:26 Say I have an Instant and I want to get it's date Mar 28 02:27:41 date in human readility* Mar 28 02:28:00 it looks like I have to convert the instant to a Date, then do setTime() on Calendar Mar 28 02:28:09 should just use joda tbh Mar 28 02:28:10 is this the new approach? Mar 28 02:28:49 I'm using JodaTime, I heard the new API is based on Joda time. Mar 28 02:29:32 threetenabp is probaly the one you want Mar 28 02:30:03 regular JodaTime had performance problems parsing tz databases **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Mar 28 02:59:57 2016