**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sat Jun 18 02:59:58 2016 Jun 18 03:30:24 how do i flush changes to setTitle() ? it only updates when view resizes like if i toggle soft keyboard Jun 18 03:33:02 O.o Jun 18 03:33:49 nice one Jun 18 03:34:10 adq are you pretty good with fragments ? Jun 18 03:34:22 nope Jun 18 03:34:30 what's your issue? Jun 18 03:36:55 if fragment A is attached, should fragment B onCreate be able to findFragmentByTag(A) reliably ? Jun 18 03:37:20 sadly i have to fish for fragments, Adam said this was bad but i can't get around it easily Jun 18 03:37:34 no idea, but this should be done via the fragmentmanager no? Jun 18 03:37:49 well of course ... no other way ;) Jun 18 03:38:00 more lolcycle for you Jun 18 03:38:07 just not sure about timing, gurantees :) Jun 18 03:38:11 *guarantees Jun 18 03:38:13 ah runOnUiThread fixed Jun 18 03:38:40 YouCallItFar lol could you try requestLayout() or invalidate() or something ? Jun 18 03:40:17 documentation said: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/FragmentManager.html#findFragmentByTag(java.lang.String) Jun 18 03:40:19 oops Jun 18 03:40:28 This first searches through fragments that are currently added to the manager's activity; if no such fragment is found, then all fragments currently on the back stack are searched. Jun 18 03:40:52 im having another issue where after onSizeChanged and surfaceChanged the first frame i draw is all black. but then afterwords it works Jun 18 03:40:54 so the question would be, is fragment A is already added (available) to the manager in your case Jun 18 03:42:22 if you do it after adding it and commiting, i don't see why it should not be available Jun 18 03:42:56 wait Jun 18 03:42:58 Calling commit() does not perform the transaction immediately. Rather, it schedules it to run on the activity's UI thread (the "main" thread) as soon as the thread is able to do so. If necessary, however, you may call executePendingTransactions() from your UI thread to immediately execute transactions submitted by commit(). Doing so is usually not necessary unless the transaction is a dependency for jobs in other threads. Jun 18 03:43:41 sounds problematic for non ui fragment lol Jun 18 03:55:27 adq :D Jun 18 03:55:42 and you can't call commitNow() or executePendingTransactions in onCreate Jun 18 03:57:31 shoot in the foot Jun 18 03:57:46 snake eating his tail, etc.. ;) Jun 18 04:09:49 Is it true that setContentView internally calls LayoutInflater to create view objects from XML? Jun 18 04:11:41 from implementation of setContentView it looks like it does. Jun 18 04:34:30 how else could it possibly worj Jun 18 04:37:59 upon further scanning, it seems right. Jun 18 04:58:19 anyone know whats the best way to disable Collapsing Toolbar from collapsing if there is no content underneath to Scroll down to? Jun 18 04:58:46 there is some stuff on SO but its all hacks Jun 18 05:02:22 g00s: yeah it seems unintuitive Jun 18 05:03:36 if you stick to the most basic thing, appbarlayout / collapsing toolbar work ok - but as soon as you get fancy things get weird quick Jun 18 05:04:38 last week i had a problem where appbar layout would scroll up if you touched inside of it, but you could not scroll it back down Jun 18 05:04:48 (you would pull down the notification drawer) Jun 18 05:15:19 g00s: but even in its default setting it collapses down if you scroll on it Jun 18 06:11:17 When I create an Intent and do putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, str); How do I know in the layout xml file what is binded to str? If I do @string/str, it complains that it won't find it. Any ideas? Jun 18 06:23:11 RelativeLayout.LayoutParams <—— this is Class.Class? Jun 18 06:29:13 hm? Jun 18 06:29:29 its inner static class of RelativeLayout Jun 18 06:34:01 thanks Ashiren Jun 18 06:36:11 Ashiren: Ok. But what if I have this in How do I specify that it goes inside that TextView? Jun 18 06:43:56 huh Jun 18 06:51:59 rhd: there is none, its just a string already Jun 18 06:52:51 Lol. Suppose I create a layout with 100 names and I want the one that I pass through with the Intent to be at the bottom. How do I specify that it goes to the bottom instead of the middle or the top. Jun 18 07:20:07 I am trying to figure out how Gson deserializer class but it makes no sense to me. I need to access arrays. I can do it by hand. Any of you have suggestions on this http://bit.ly/1UgZsog Jun 18 07:21:57 Particularly I am confused with how gson would know which item I want it to fetch. Jun 18 08:05:21 goood morning. Jun 18 08:21:42 any one used the android wear 2.0 preview? Jun 18 08:22:06 I am trying to setup a development environment but not sure what version of wear it is using Jun 18 09:28:11 good morning Jun 18 09:28:42 good morning Jun 18 10:33:55 whats the native http client that ships with android. i just need to do one GET request and dont want to import a lib to do it. all the samples i seem to be finding online either use a lib or use HttpClient which I dont seem to have Jun 18 10:35:21 HttpURLConnection Jun 18 10:36:21 cheers Jun 18 11:15:15 i have a bottom sheet with some filters. e.g. ( Jun 18 11:15:46 like a heirarchy of filter, so high level filters of Fruit, Veg. and then new filters appear underneath depending on what i select Jun 18 11:15:58 Its just a bunch of views in a scroll views Jun 18 11:16:38 But I'm finding it awkward writing all the logic becuase they are just a bunch of views Jun 18 11:16:45 No actual heirarchy with them Jun 18 11:17:01 I'm just faking it by hiding/showing the correct views Jun 18 11:17:55 IS there a good way to approach this? Jun 18 12:56:55 Hi, where can I get a list of most common system GUI strings of Android OS in languages supported by it? Jun 18 12:59:15 gleki: What? Jun 18 13:01:41 LunarEclipse120: I need a list of GUI messages like "Settings", "Apps" whatever... in different languages like English, Chinese Jun 18 13:02:04 What purpose does this have? Jun 18 13:02:29 So what you want is just an array of words like "Apps" translated into another language? Jun 18 13:02:37 To learn Android interface in different languages. Jun 18 13:02:50 What does this have to do with app development? Jun 18 13:02:50 not just words but full localization strings Jun 18 13:02:54 like "Airplane mode is turned off." Jun 18 13:03:06 Android already has language packs. Jun 18 13:03:31 Okay, where can I download their source? Jun 18 13:03:51 I need Chinese (simplified characters), English mostly Jun 18 13:04:40 Why? Jun 18 13:05:37 To learn Chinese, to learn English Jun 18 13:05:52 I need the full list of localization strings of Android OS for that Jun 18 13:06:08 So you are trying to learn another language by using a dictionary pack for Android??? Jun 18 13:06:16 Exactly Jun 18 13:06:29 Not language in general but this Android terminology Jun 18 13:06:35 No offense, but in my honest opinion that is one of the stupidest thing ever. Jun 18 13:06:50 There is a thing called Google translate, and the packs don Jun 18 13:07:06 *don't just hold a table of the word Jun 18 13:07:10 I can't use Google Translate because I can't copy strings from GUI Jun 18 13:07:34 So does anyone know where I can download localization strings from Android language packs? Jun 18 13:07:40 Any github repo? Jun 18 13:14:45 I found something like this: https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/blob/master/core/res/res/values-en-rGB/strings.xml Jun 18 13:14:54 Is this a complete list of localization strings? Jun 18 13:15:39 What do you mean by localization strings? Jun 18 13:16:38 "USB connected" system message in different languages Jun 18 13:16:52 hi Jun 18 13:16:58 homa_: Hello. Jun 18 13:17:05 gleki: Well it has it in English. Jun 18 13:18:38 i create one app and this install in other device but not install on Huawei honor 4c Jun 18 13:19:04 What? Jun 18 13:19:30 Please use proper grammar, I don't even understand that statement. Jun 18 13:19:50 Application not installed in Huawei honor 4c Jun 18 13:20:33 LunarEclipse120, Jun 18 13:20:35 And? Jun 18 13:20:51 in other device installed Jun 18 13:21:17 What does that have to do with anything? Jun 18 13:21:20 I don't understand your issue. Jun 18 13:22:15 in simulator , i can't install on Huawei honor 4c Jun 18 13:23:10 Yeah I have no idea what you are talking about. Your English is broken and you aren't making any sense. There is no simulator. Jun 18 13:24:10 when i want install app on Huawei honor 4c give me Application not installed error Jun 18 13:24:25 How are you trying to install it? Jun 18 13:25:05 click on that Jun 18 13:25:07 okay, i finally found something worthwhile. GUI strings for most languages: https://github.com/LegacyXperia/android_packages_apps_Settings/tree/97dcf55a31ab12f41478063ec69a06cdcec756d7/res Jun 18 13:25:18 thanks everyone who tried to help me. Jun 18 13:27:00 homa_: I can't understand what you are saying. Jun 18 13:57:42 Hi. Jun 18 13:58:04 What is the best way to implement an expandable list in Android? Jun 18 13:58:20 I have a simple list right now Jun 18 13:58:42 with a recycleview and an item holder for one list entry which works fine Jun 18 13:59:24 now I want to have a button in the list entries which makes the list expand and show additional details for the list entry Jun 18 14:00:19 there is this https://developer.android.com/training/tv/playback/details.html Jun 18 14:00:36 and also this https://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/ExpandableListView.html Jun 18 14:00:50 (first ones for tv though) Jun 18 14:13:04 about transitions: any recommendations on support/3rdparty libraries that supports lower api's (4.0.+) ? Jun 18 14:13:16 mainly activity/fragment transitions Jun 18 14:14:19 no Jun 18 14:25:31 whats the first domain that comes to your mind when you need free, open-licensed icons that you can't get from google directly, for example icons of vegetables Jun 18 14:26:44 http://www.flaticon.com/ any good? I just dont want any leagl trouble Jun 18 14:34:12 suik: freeicons.com openicons.com Jun 18 14:34:44 libreicons.com Jun 18 14:35:09 thanks. do you prefer one of those three? Jun 18 14:35:28 freeicons, its most direct Jun 18 14:35:47 ok cool, gonna check out now Jun 18 14:36:58 oh you are looking for a site? I thought you wanted a domain name for your site lol Jun 18 14:37:10 haha yeah lol Jun 18 14:37:58 I just do google and then copy their encrypted cached link instead of the link from the site Jun 18 14:38:17 freepik.com is pretty decent for vectors Jun 18 14:38:34 each image state what sort of license it has Jun 18 14:38:40 I just dont trust the first results in google since SEO became a thing thats why I'm asking. Jun 18 14:38:47 thanks raoul Jun 18 15:16:10 guyz I am into some very serious issue which I am not able to understand my prduction apk throwing me sql error Caused By : Abort due to constraint violation. (NOT NULL constraint failed: categories.category_id (code 1299)) something like but while debugging I am not able to reproduce it what to do.. Jun 18 15:17:03 at development side everything is working fine.. no sql error at all.. Jun 18 15:18:03 i checked the same line and code and everything is at right place.. Jun 18 15:24:12 is it because of sqlite version ? Jun 18 15:26:01 or proguard misnaming things :? Jun 18 15:29:16 Ashiren, is it possible because of proguard Jun 18 15:29:33 dunno, wild guess Jun 18 15:29:46 something nifty happens when you build in release mode doesnt it Jun 18 15:31:18 but in production its giving me clear error about not null constraint Jun 18 15:32:23 its quite strange Jun 18 15:33:58 so proguard may impact on this... I was getting one error while building but i didnt take it seriously Jun 18 15:36:33 hey all, can someone tell how to use the alarm manager to take pictures every given interval? Jun 18 15:40:48 min2, huh Jun 18 15:40:52 Read the error message. Jun 18 15:40:59 You're violating a constraint you set on your DB. Jun 18 15:41:06 "NOT NULL constraint" Jun 18 15:41:21 Meaning you're string to set null to a field that you marked as NOT NULL Jun 18 15:50:51 Mavrik, yes i have set that constraint NOT NULL, basically on startup I have one raw json file from where my db is reading data and inserting into sqlite on app startup and there is no null value I tested thoroughly during dev environment, although i tested with signed debug version its perfectly fine only issue on production it seems like Ashiren said right that there is something with proguard while generating singed build I was g Jun 18 15:51:33 complete Gradle execution. Cause: unknown.] but it was generating the apk so i ignored that now i have to find out what was that error Jun 18 15:55:14 but no idea i am going in right direction or not.. Jun 18 15:56:35 do you guys use spalsh screens? i previously used it in another non-java builds (which took some time to load), but with the current native build the app launches nearly immediately, so not sure if i should add a splash screen or not Jun 18 15:57:25 Don't use a splash screen, use the time you'd have spent implementing it optimizing your app so it starts faster. Jun 18 15:58:17 it starts uber fast, there is no latency or lagness Jun 18 15:58:27 wondering if its an antipattern to use it Jun 18 15:58:30 Then no need for a splash screen. Jun 18 15:58:33 reading mixed articles about it Jun 18 15:58:41 Yes, I see it as an antipattern Jun 18 15:58:58 Regardless of how complex your app is, surely you can show something meaningful to the user within a second or so Jun 18 15:59:03 i am actually quite shocked how fast it loads Jun 18 15:59:11 I'd go as high as two seconds. Jun 18 15:59:33 well b4, with the non-native builds, i displayed my "company" logp Jun 18 15:59:36 logo* Jun 18 16:00:05 launch was about 5-6 seconds on decent devices, 10-15 on old ones Jun 18 16:00:13 uh really? Jun 18 16:00:39 well, its an unorthodox approach Jun 18 16:00:53 By "unorthodox", did you mean "terrible"? :) Jun 18 16:01:17 not terrible at all, just a bit slow i guess Jun 18 16:01:23 "a bit"? Jun 18 16:01:53 google used to see it as anti-pattern Jun 18 16:02:01 but even their apps have splash screens Jun 18 16:02:02 but not anymore Ashiren Jun 18 16:02:14 It shows laziness to me. Jun 18 16:02:33 of course you still should do it right Jun 18 16:02:38 by style, not imageview Jun 18 16:02:55 The Starbucks app takes five seconds to show me a barcode. How is that even remotely close to acceptable? Jun 18 16:03:08 Plenty of other offenders. Jun 18 16:03:11 for starbucks use iphone [solved] Jun 18 16:03:30 Nah I just start the app before walking in the store :) Jun 18 16:03:38 or shazam. before it launches the song is long gone Jun 18 16:03:41 or, dont do starbucks Jun 18 16:04:10 Google changed their mind because their apps are arse slow. Jun 18 16:04:30 Seriously, you really wanna duplicate bad Google apps UX? :P Jun 18 16:05:52 https://www.bignerdranch.com/blog/splash-screens-the-right-way/ Jun 18 16:06:18 looks like a decent approach Jun 18 16:08:28 The thing is that even if you don't display the splash screen for long, you are taking some cpu time to display it, which delays the loading of the app further Jun 18 16:23:52 hi guys, what good method for communication mobile app with server i can use? i want use php socket, what is yours advice?? Jun 18 16:32:46 They're just called "sockets", your app doesn't care what language is used on the server to implement them. Jun 18 16:34:00 php Jun 18 16:35:40 can one really write android apps in eclipse instead of android studio ? Jun 18 16:35:41 :o Jun 18 16:36:19 does it come up with a smartphone emulator you guys Jun 18 16:49:26 So I'm going to try to implement a Viewpager of ListViews/RecyclerViews Jun 18 16:49:40 what I cannot figure out is how to drag items between lists Jun 18 16:49:58 it doesn't make sense to Jun 18 16:49:58 dragging items within one list is fairly easy Jun 18 16:50:13 but if I want to move it to a different list, i'm lost Jun 18 16:50:44 pfn, are you familiar with Trello? I'm trying to make a clone of that basically Jun 18 17:14:40 hi guys Jun 18 17:15:13 guys, I'm trying to create a silde in effect for my fragment with objectanimator in xml. Jun 18 17:16:07 but I wonder how I can change value or 'x' from screen width to 0. Jun 18 17:16:53 I don't know if it is possible to force object animator to take start value of 'x' from screen width or not. Jun 18 17:16:56 any idea? Jun 18 17:33:05 nope to trello, but dragging items between viewpager pages is terrible Jun 18 17:57:02 Mavrik, Ashiren finally i got the issue its beacuse of proguard Jun 18 17:57:26 thanks Ashiren Jun 18 17:58:04 but still need to understand about shrinkResources true Jun 18 17:58:14 in buildTypes Jun 18 18:08:14 what's to understand, it removes unused resources Jun 18 18:08:25 if you lookup resource identifiers, it will fail Jun 18 18:10:34 yeah, actually proguard is creating an issue Jun 18 18:11:22 its not allowing me to parse json file inside raw directory i dont know what i am doing wrong Jun 18 18:12:11 http://pastebin.com/NJQKYtM5 Jun 18 18:12:22 this is my proguard Jun 18 18:25:43 hey guys, I am making sure I am understanding this correctly, every time this code (sample = new ArraList<>();) executes that creates a new array list and my old entry is gone correct? Jun 18 18:29:35 yeah, that's right Jun 18 18:38:10 it's not proguard creating an issue Jun 18 18:42:30 when I am releasing without proguard then its working correctly Jun 18 18:43:33 I signed my apk [proguard disable]and test it on device then working fine Jun 18 18:43:46 I signed my apk [proguard enable] and test it on device then crashing Jun 18 19:12:21 ok, so, I am trying to save directory path with List and when I use sublist it shows the current dir but when I try to send it over to a method I get "attempt to get length of null array" Jun 18 20:26:27 does anyone have experience working with DocumentFile? There have been many changes to working with removable SD cards in previous Android versions. I want to know if it's necessary to use DocumentFile to get an InputStream on Android 5.0+ Jun 18 20:33:45 I have a button in class "private Button mTrueButton;" for that I am getting "field can be converted to a local variable" sort of warning message.. what can be done? Jun 18 20:34:57 The "mTrueButton" is used in OnCreate method where I set a listener for it Jun 18 20:35:14 you probably just do mTrueButton = ...; then mTrueButton.something() in the same function Jun 18 20:35:21 and mTrueButton isnt used anywhere else Jun 18 20:36:14 therefore no need for keeping it as class variable. but personally i have plenty of views which would be converted to local but i dont do that Jun 18 20:36:35 Okay so I did "Button mTrueButton = (Button) findViewById(R.id.true_button);" in OnCreate method but that leaves another new warning Jun 18 20:36:57 hm? Jun 18 20:37:25 It says mTrueButton.setOnClickListener(..) may produce may produce null pointer exception java.lang.NullPointerException Jun 18 20:37:32 just after I made it local Jun 18 20:37:53 it can. like almost everything Jun 18 20:38:13 Hm? Jun 18 20:38:31 I didn't have the warning before Jun 18 20:39:01 well the IDE sees findViewById may produce null so it warns you Jun 18 20:39:14 while that being class variable isnt so obvious Jun 18 20:39:55 So no way to fix it? Jun 18 20:39:57 but since you probably provide it correct id, practically it will never produce null but IDE doesnt know it Jun 18 20:40:07 Yeah Jun 18 20:40:17 you can always if (mTrueButton == null) {} Jun 18 20:40:24 but its reduntant Jun 18 20:40:36 warning is also reduntant Jun 18 20:41:26 * Ashiren shrugs Jun 18 20:42:32 It leaves the code highlighted in orange where the exception may occur. Jun 18 20:42:40 Not so pretty Jun 18 20:43:36 then change the colors in settings [solved] Jun 18 20:43:52 lol Jun 18 20:44:16 Yeah the exception shows in status bar below as well all the time Jun 18 20:44:36 unless I fix it, it keeps reminding me Jun 18 20:45:04 I guess there must be a way to set warning level Jun 18 20:45:28 or not Jun 18 20:52:26 I will leave the variables as members for now Jun 18 21:55:26 hi Jun 18 22:17:18 Ashiren: Any idea why compiler didn't warn about Null exception before I switched them to be locals? Jun 18 22:20:34 Compiler never warns you about nulls Jun 18 22:32:45 Hello everyone Jun 18 22:32:52 I'm trying to write a simple app for Android in Python, but whenever I try to build the apk, it just gives me the error: Cython does not appear to be installed. Jun 18 22:33:05 I'm using Kivy and P4A Jun 18 22:44:00 Hello Jun 18 22:49:43 pfn: Then what is java.lang.NullPointerException warning? Jun 18 22:53:57 Will you please help me out? Jun 18 23:09:34 Consider replacing `android:drawableRight` with `android:drawableEnd="@drawable/arrow_right"` to better support right-to-left layouts Jun 18 23:09:40 Why is that? Jun 18 23:10:50 Cannot find it on google either Jun 18 23:28:24 Because with RTL languages, end is on the left Jun 18 23:36:06 rtl languages? dunno I took the example from book Jun 18 23:41:18 I want to put the image on the button to its right Jun 18 23:47:11 Say you have a line of text.. Do you want the drawable to be at the end of that line or to the right of the text? There's a difference depending on language Jun 18 23:58:28 any good links for things to do before adding your app to the play store? Jun 18 23:58:40 this is my first app, and I'm kind of nervous Jun 19 00:22:49 which format do you recommend to transfer icon-sized photos (thumbnails) to an android client, so there a Drawable can be created? XML or png/bmp? Jun 19 00:24:51 suik: svg/png Jun 19 00:26:25 loading pictures sounds like something for a fileserver though, while an XML could be just put as a string inside a JSON Jun 19 00:29:09 without all the stream handling. or am I missing something and it is just as hard with an XML Jun 19 01:16:16 hello? Jun 19 01:18:50 hello Jun 19 01:19:22 NuqneH? Jun 19 01:19:58 hey g00s Jun 19 01:20:07 heya Napalm Jun 19 01:20:27 hows it going ? Jun 19 01:20:42 alright, you? Jun 19 01:20:51 hm, ok Jun 19 01:21:32 Napalm i think my app is getting too complex for my own head Jun 19 01:21:56 i think the thing i'm struggling with, is i have all these callbacks for fragments in my activity and its gotten out of control Jun 19 01:22:05 wanna hand? Jun 19 01:22:22 thats why i was looking at that library the other day ... conductor Jun 19 01:22:52 ah i know what i /need/ to do but fragments are standing in the way Jun 19 01:23:31 but i'm nervous using something like that, seems its always one of those does 80% but then 20% important stuff is missing Jun 19 01:24:32 I know this channel is for Android app development, but you guys are the only responsive Android development channel so I was wondering if I could have some help with a kernel compliation error. Jun 19 01:24:45 Startrek852 "but" Jun 19 01:24:52 but always means - but i dont care Jun 19 01:27:04 naDevvo' ylgoS Jun 19 01:27:42 pastebin your kernel complation error Jun 19 01:28:02 g00s: whats with the random n works? Jun 19 01:28:24 Napalm speaking klingon to startrek852 :D Jun 19 01:28:42 naDevvo' ylgoS = go away :D Jun 19 01:29:29 right Jun 19 02:13:16 can CoordinateLayout act as a child of FrameLayout Jun 19 02:13:17 ? Jun 19 02:13:51 i have FrameLayout as root layout of the fragment, and CoordinateLayout with AppBarLayout and RecycleView as a child Jun 19 02:14:22 if I make the CoordinateLayout as the root layout it works fine, otherwise the recycleView doesn't appear Jun 19 02:14:51 i need the FrameLayout to be the root because it holds the loading and retry views for the network Jun 19 02:17:29 i Found the issue, when you set CoordinateLayout visibility to gone it will behave this way (which is wrong for me), but invisible will work fine Jun 19 02:17:35 not sure its a bug or not Jun 19 02:18:04 MoshDev CoordinatorLayout kinda is a FrameLayout Jun 19 02:18:24 you can have the loading and retry views as children, just make them match_parent for w/h Jun 19 02:19:03 when i start loading, i set the CL visibility to gone, and after result i make it visible Jun 19 02:19:28 and after that the recycleview height is wrong which is calculated by the CooridinateLayout Jun 19 02:19:34 hmm, well its common for CL to have empty view, progress, and recyclerview as siblings Jun 19 02:19:40 but when i change gone to invisible it works Jun 19 02:19:58 so you can get this to work w/o a framelayout Jun 19 02:20:34 the root layout is a custom framelayout which holds the loading progress, and retry in case fail Jun 19 02:20:50 so thats why i need it as the root layout, so i can hide the content easily Jun 19 02:21:02 to show the progress and retry Jun 19 02:21:06 but as i told you Jun 19 02:21:23 if you hide the content (in my case is CL) by using GONE Jun 19 02:21:42 it will behaves wrongly, which shouldn't Jun 19 02:32:18 MoshDev i dont see why you need a custom framelayout for any of this, its all basic stuff Jun 19 02:32:39 whats the problem? Jun 19 02:32:44 i dont get you Jun 19 02:36:06 Like i said, CL is a frameLayout. put your progress, empty view, and recyclerView in there. Jun 19 02:36:36 hide the progress / empty view when the adapter has 0 elements Jun 19 02:42:54 as I told you, the root layout is a custom layout, its used in another places and it relies of its siblings to show and hide the content, it could be in this case a child for CL, but i prefer to be constant across the project to use it as root layout, and the issue is not what view or where is my view, the issue is with CL GONE vs INVISIBLE **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sun Jun 19 02:59:58 2016