**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Jul 17 02:59:58 2016 Jul 17 03:10:46 i can earn money by ‘Pocketmon go'? Jul 17 03:11:45 You could fall off a cliff looking for Pokemon and sell the footage Jul 17 03:12:03 :( Jul 17 03:12:27 What can I say, tragedy sells more than happiness Jul 17 03:12:52 i can sell monster? Jul 17 03:13:06 in the ‘Pocketmon Go'? Jul 17 03:14:01 CedricBeust: ? Jul 17 03:36:17 CedricBeust did you see that Central Park pokemon footage? people just getting out of their cars trying to catch some monster Jul 17 03:36:30 cars just being abandoned in the road Jul 17 03:36:39 *middle of the road* Jul 17 03:36:46 Yeah, pretty insane. Pretty sure it will all be forgotten in a few months though Jul 17 03:44:10 i didn't know there were 2 patch levels like this http://www.computerworld.com/article/3091922/security/google-fixes-over-100-flaws-in-android-many-in-chipset-drivers.html Jul 17 03:44:43 "The 2016-07-05 security patch level includes additional fixes for a whopping 75 vulnerabilities that are marked as device-specific." ugh Jul 17 03:46:24 i think this would be pretty confusing , as a consumer they may wonder 'do i have path level 1, or 2' ? Jul 17 03:48:04 CedricBeust pokemon go app is using Rx :) Jul 17 03:49:59 Trying to load an image into an ImageView using Glide inside a background thread or from within handleMessage inside the activity , but having difficulties getting it to work Jul 17 04:05:26 i'm running a cordova based app. I was under the impression that activities do not run when backgrounded. I'm finding that I still have javascript code executing when I background the app. Jul 17 04:06:39 adb dumpsys activity shows 'com.ionicframework.testproject/.MainActivity' is 'running' when its backgrounded. Jul 17 04:07:18 am I totally wrong in expecting backgrounding an activity to stop execution of that activity? Jul 17 04:11:39 anxiety not many here use cordova Jul 17 04:14:59 g00s: I expected that. I have asked in the 'ionic' channel as well. I was hoping someone might be able to explain what 'Running activities (most recent first):' in my dumpsys output means Jul 17 04:15:25 g00s: since this sounds to me like it directly contradicts what i've read about android activities Jul 17 04:18:27 nothing stops execution Jul 17 04:18:38 only the appropriate callbacks fire Jul 17 04:18:44 that is all Jul 17 04:19:16 if you need to stop execution, you need to. do. that based on the callbacks that occur Jul 17 04:19:53 and for that matter, paused activities remain to be resumed Jul 17 04:23:27 pfn: Wow, I expected that to be a bit more OS controlled, given how strict security is/how much the application model has been designed around battery life. Jul 17 04:23:59 it is what it is Jul 17 04:24:04 it is not controlled Jul 17 04:24:07 pfn: thats good to know. Is there any way I can send an intent to an activity thats been backgrounded then? Jul 17 04:24:20 to what end Jul 17 04:24:28 and the answer is of. course Jul 17 04:24:41 pfn: oh I should be more specific Jul 17 04:24:59 pfn: i'm specifically meaning sending an intent to a background activity without bringing it into the foreground Jul 17 04:25:45 Doesn't matter if the activity is in the background or not launched: if it has the correct intent filter, it will get invoked Jul 17 04:26:45 you seem to be confused about how. intents work and what they do Jul 17 04:27:15 pfn: I wouldn't be surprised, this is still quite new to me Jul 17 04:28:07 currently i'm building a widget and I want it to get the app to talk to a third party device without bringing the app into the foreground Jul 17 04:29:36 i'm receiving the widget click using Jul 17 04:29:44 and following some example code which is setting Jul 17 04:29:46 Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK Jul 17 04:30:53 if I remove that android tells me 'Calling startActivity() from outside an activity context requires FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK' Jul 17 04:31:52 and the android documentation says that this flag will bring the activity to the front Jul 17 04:32:48 which is what I don't want to happen, so I'm having trouble working out if there's any way for me to do this without shifting round/rewriting the third party device communication Jul 17 04:33:01 (ie moving things to a service) Jul 17 05:28:59 as stated before, you don't understand the purpose of. intents, anxiety, if you're sending an activity an intent, you're starting the activity Jul 17 05:32:21 hola Jul 17 05:39:48 is there a way to do a scaleType for windowBackground when its a drawable? Jul 17 05:40:18 pfn: I realise what i'm asking for isn't an expected use case. It's sounding like the 'hack' I want to do isn't actually possible though. Thanks for your help, I guess I'll have to put in the work now to make a service. Jul 17 05:50:54 do you have problems with latests android studio? Jul 17 05:51:14 mine launches incorrect activity names through adb Jul 17 05:51:30 adb shell am start -n "lt.vienasnulis.refridge/lt.vienasnulis.myapplication.MainActivity" -a android.intent.action.MAIN -c android.intent.category.LAUNCHER Jul 17 05:54:47 ok, i think i found a solution Jul 17 09:56:11 is there a way to share an image + text via a shareIntent to facebook's messenger application? I tried and it only sends the image, whereas gmail handles it correctly. Jul 17 09:56:50 I'm trying to split my screen into Quarters, with each Quarter containing a button that consumes the enitre space available within the quarter. So far I have Relative containing Linear (Vertical), which then contains 2 Linear (Horizontal) - This looks like this http://imgur.com/kRgpHkS - What do I need to do? Jul 17 09:58:52 I've got a GridView populated by a CursorAdapter, using a standard CursorLoader. I want to replace the GridView with a RecyclerView, but I'm a bit confused as to how to rewrite the adapter. Jul 17 09:59:58 lovers: probably GridLayout or some TableLayout would be more appriopate here, but now the linearlayout (horizontal) should match_parent, and each button should have layout_weight=1 Jul 17 10:00:10 the linearlayout should also have layout_weight=1 Jul 17 10:00:25 so I am trying to decrypt crypt12 files Jul 17 10:00:29 I am a bit stuck Jul 17 10:01:02 does the android sqlite include json1? Jul 17 10:01:31 the cursoradapter is very simple, only has newView() and bindView() methods. I see people have made classes available on GitHub, such as RecyclerViewCursorAdapter: https://github.com/androidessence/RecyclerViewCursorAdapter/blob/master/lib/src/main/java/com/androidessence/recyclerviewcursoradapter/RecyclerViewCursorAdapter.java Jul 17 10:03:54 what I want to achieve is, use RecyclerView (with some cursor adapter) to fill a grid. In another screen, I want to fill a small grid with only one row -- with horizontal scrolling. So it should use the same adapter and XML layout files (for each "cell"). This is not possible with GridView (without hacking something), but this is possible with RecyclerView? Jul 17 10:05:09 the small grid should extend off screen, sort of like on Netflix... Jul 17 10:06:53 Ashiren - Thanks Jul 17 12:41:34 so my twitter activity seem to work now, however the listview is not being populated, despite its logs the tweets Jul 17 12:41:45 here is my twitter fragment http://pastebin.com/VEfh46MZ Jul 17 12:42:25 fragment twitter http://pastebin.com/ErJzBHcf Jul 17 12:42:54 twitter tab layout http://pastebin.com/CGjqEgFg Jul 17 12:43:05 active main http://pastebin.com/3yi5drYi Jul 17 12:43:10 where is the problem? Jul 17 13:03:56 Is there a way on gradle to add a dependency to a specific build type of a module? Jul 17 13:04:47 debugCompile, releaseCompile Jul 17 13:08:19 SimonVT: Yea, I know that. What I want is to add to module A, the 'mocked' build type of module B. Is it possible? Jul 17 13:09:43 Ah, like that.. No idea ;d Jul 17 13:20:21 Trying to get a cardview thats inside of a linearlayout, thats inside of my recycler view, to get touch feedback when clicking. I tried the usual android:background="?android:attr/selectableItemBackground" but no luck. Any ideas? Jul 17 13:20:50 I have created a custom widget that regulates a value using a wheel Jul 17 13:21:32 eghdk: Use android:foreground Jul 17 13:21:48 the view object uses an instance of my GameLoop class to get update calls, like 60 times a second, where I call invalidate() on the view Jul 17 13:22:45 right now, it never pauses / restarts the loop Jul 17 13:22:54 SimonVT: damn it. I swear I tried that before and nothing. Worked now... thanks SimonVT Jul 17 13:23:15 I would get more complicated code if it, do you think it's worth it? Jul 17 13:23:25 or should I just let the loop continue? Jul 17 13:23:56 isn't there like a global gameloop in android that I can use? Jul 17 13:25:49 Does the view really need to redraw 60 times a second, or just when X happens? Jul 17 13:26:31 just when you are interacting with it Jul 17 13:26:48 So you don't need a game loop, you just need to invalidate every time the user interacts Jul 17 13:28:09 but I can't invalidate on the on touch event, that's too often Jul 17 13:28:34 Nah, it's fine Jul 17 13:28:37 invalidate just sets a flag Jul 17 13:28:44 omg! Jul 17 13:28:51 On next frame, Android finds invalidates views and redraws them Jul 17 13:28:52 so much unnecessary code Jul 17 13:28:58 ahh! Jul 17 13:29:15 thanks Jul 17 13:29:39 np :) Jul 17 13:38:31 tryna make my app window background an imageview but it doesnt like relative view in drawable resources around my imageview.. what should i use? Jul 17 13:44:40 Does anyone know if I can use firebase just to authenticate and have my database on another server? Jul 17 13:47:49 so not use their services? just the api Jul 17 13:49:15 Can I use firebase just to authenticate and have my database on another server? Jul 17 13:50:33 Yes Jul 17 13:50:59 I just want to use the service to login to facebook instagram etc Jul 17 13:51:28 But my database is posgres Jul 17 13:59:36 Hey is there a way I can ask Permission for everything my apps use with 1 dialog? Jul 17 14:01:13 Asking them 6 times for separate things is just annoying Jul 17 14:01:29 That's why you don't ask until you need the permission Jul 17 14:02:52 Sure but as soon as my app starts it runs everything I need so that loading is done.. al of the services launch in that time... Jul 17 14:04:48 Then you can either live with it, or re-think your first run ux Jul 17 14:06:01 SimonVT: OK but it only asks once for every permission until the app gets installed right? Jul 17 14:06:23 What do you mean? Jul 17 14:07:32 so my twitter activity seem to work now, however the listview is not being populated, despite its logs the tweets Jul 17 14:07:36 here is my twitter fragment http://pastebin.com/VEfh46MZ Jul 17 14:07:55 fragment twitter which incorperates the tab layout http://pastebin.com/ErJzBHcf Jul 17 14:07:59 It asks them and then they say accept and from there on it will never ask them again right? Or does it ask every single time the person uses that feature of the app? For instance.. if the App uses GPS the app will ask for permission to use the GPS, Then the person says accept so therefore it would not ask next time the app launches and uses the GPS Jul 17 14:08:27 Well, before you ask for the permission you check if you already have it Jul 17 14:08:34 So it will only ask once, assuming they accept Jul 17 14:08:46 *layout for the fragment sorry. Jul 17 14:08:46 If you decline, you'd ask them again at a later time Jul 17 14:08:51 SimonVT: Ohh of course.. ghezlike that was a stupid question even though I already implemented the logic Jul 17 14:09:04 Then they might accept, or they might permanently decline Jul 17 14:09:35 This is my tab layout code http://pastebin.com/CGjqEgFg & layout for the tablayout activity http://pastebin.com/3yi5drYi Jul 17 14:09:51 Anyone know why my listview is not populating? Jul 17 14:13:24 can anyone find the problem? Jul 17 14:13:28 :\ Jul 17 14:16:46 i dunno AndChat|496496, I want to do the exact same thing Jul 17 14:16:52 let me know if you figure it out Jul 17 14:27:59 can anyone help me with my issue :/ Jul 17 14:35:00 I'm trying to create a wheel that regulates a numeric value Jul 17 14:35:13 but there is a maximum and minimum for the value Jul 17 14:35:37 so when the wheel reaches max / min, it will slide a little then jump back Jul 17 14:36:28 so I implemented the jump back according to Hooke's law, where I define the stiffness and a friction so it doesn't jump back/forth forever Jul 17 14:37:09 but when you stretch it, it applies a resistance to the pointer so that it stops moving at some point Jul 17 14:37:21 Which type of pane is best to be master for an Activity that just has text fields aligned verticaly? Jul 17 14:37:36 right now I use Math.pow(1 + Math.abs(pointerSpringAngle) * 2, 4); to calculate the resistance Jul 17 14:37:59 it works, but it's just something I made up Jul 17 14:38:08 is there a more realistic formula for this? Jul 17 14:38:49 hey guys, are there screens with a wider aspect ration than 16:9? Jul 17 14:39:19 2:1 or something perhaps Jul 17 14:59:16 Siamaster, physics Jul 17 14:59:40 :p Jul 17 14:59:59 hmm, I think I have to go with the made up stuff Jul 17 15:00:19 if it's physics and a real spring Jul 17 15:00:36 then I have to calculate the force I apply to the wheel by touching it Jul 17 15:00:51 and how much the spring is fighting back Jul 17 15:01:10 too complicated, that formula works nice :P Jul 17 15:01:52 Siamaster: fwiw, http://solquery.de/objective-c-ios-sdk/problems/2016/uiscrollview_rubber_band_algorithm.html maybe Jul 17 15:04:03 man, no offense, but this is the most useless IRC channel ever... hard to believe it's ~400 ppl when channels with 15 are much more helpful Jul 17 15:04:49 hmm, I can't see how I can apply that, but thanks Jul 17 15:05:11 Is there a way to override the Accept and Deny buttons when doing -> ActivityCompat.requestPermissions() Jul 17 15:06:12 Siamaster: no? It should let you set actual rotation offset to the provided one (rather than first calculating force, then hooke to get it, but at any rate - just a pointer if it sparks any ideas..) Jul 17 15:06:59 (obviously, you use rotation angles rather than x displacements, etc...) Jul 17 15:07:00 So I'm using retrofit and it works fine. I'm now trying to use it in a robolectric unit test, and now retrofit complains "Caused by: java.net.UnknownHostException: mywebaddress.amazonaws.com: nodename nor servname provided, or not known" ideas? Jul 17 15:07:40 but what would CGFloat d = 768; // dimension of scroll view, either width or height be in my case? Jul 17 15:07:56 (CGFloat d = 768; // dimension of scroll view, either width or height) Jul 17 15:08:34 I guess it could be 2pi (one full circle) or some smaller fraction that you think makes sense for the limit of the rubberbanding Jul 17 15:08:49 cool, I'm going to try it Jul 17 15:11:38 are livewallpapers kind of dead? im trying to find a simple example project for the current IDE. but all i find is old stuff from <2013ish~ Jul 17 15:11:57 cart_man: No, that would be abused Jul 17 15:13:06 SimonVT: Understandable but what I actually need is to have the Accept button do additional checks Jul 17 15:13:29 Do those in the callback Jul 17 15:29:32 Hello Jul 17 15:29:57 Anyone can help me with a reject of the App from Google Play Policy Support? Jul 17 15:40:23 SimonVT: I can not find an example of the callback though? Jul 17 15:42:51 Check the documentation Jul 17 15:44:21 SimonVT: I have ... im missing something. I honestly dont know what to do with the callback. Also I dont know where to add the finished callback Jul 17 15:45:51 https://developer.android.com/training/permissions/requesting.html Jul 17 16:07:41 hello Jul 17 16:08:04 I put icons in /res/ folder as drawable but when I install apk.. it doesn't show any icon Jul 17 16:10:46 please help me out Jul 17 16:13:03 Omg, is it impossible to change Gradle VM's memory settings?! It keeps going back to 1024m regardless of what I do! Jul 17 16:13:26 lol Jul 17 16:16:01 How do location based alarms work? Jul 17 16:16:11 I feel like if the device pinged for location every x seconds, the battery would drain Jul 17 16:16:16 This is driving me nuts Jul 17 16:16:17 Trying to think of how else it works Jul 17 16:16:48 drose379: there is passive/approximate location sensing from cell towers and wifi access points Jul 17 16:17:02 Hows that work Leeds? Jul 17 16:17:14 well, cell towers don't move very often... Jul 17 16:17:39 I put icons in /res/ folder as drawable but when I install apk.. it doesn't show any icon Jul 17 16:17:40 please help me out Jul 17 16:17:47 apktool Jul 17 16:17:52 if you can see C1, C2, C3, you are probably in a fairly well-known approximate location Jul 17 16:18:11 Ahh so it uses cell tower location Jul 17 16:18:23 Codfection: you mean you're using the drawables in your code and they're not showing in a new build? Jul 17 16:19:23 drose379: google also have a database of wifi access points, collected by streetmap cars Jul 17 16:19:59 What if the device does not have wifi on Jul 17 16:20:29 yea Jul 17 16:20:43 * kbs has sometimes wondered if spoofing a starbucks AP address would cause random location alarms to turn on... Jul 17 16:20:43 new apk shows as just an android logo Jul 17 16:20:56 not the drawable logo Jul 17 16:22:00 Are you talking about the application launcher icon Codfection ? Jul 17 16:22:37 SimonVT: Do I implement the Callback...sigh just not getting this Jul 17 16:23:01 cart_man: whats this callback for? jw? Jul 17 16:23:39 drose379: I am trying to implement a callback after asking a permission from a user. I just can not seem to get it working Jul 17 16:24:04 drose379, yes exactly Jul 17 16:24:15 can you help me with that please Jul 17 16:25:05 Codfection: did you set the new icon in the application tag in AndroidManifest xml file Jul 17 16:25:13 Codfection: you did assign the icon to the activity? Jul 17 16:25:25 no Jul 17 16:25:30 Do that :) Jul 17 16:25:37 I put the new logo in /res/drawable folder Jul 17 16:25:40 3 folders Jul 17 16:25:43 It should be in mipmap Jul 17 16:25:54 mipmap? Jul 17 16:25:57 you need to tell it to *use* the icons, not just drop them in Jul 17 16:26:27 Yes mipmap Jul 17 16:26:37 And then assign it Jul 17 16:26:41 Leeds, can you please tell me how Jul 17 16:26:49 I cant find mipmap folder Jul 17 16:26:52 Jul 17 16:27:00 this is from activity.xml Jul 17 16:27:11 No, it should be From Manifest Jul 17 16:27:44 https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/activity-element.html Jul 17 16:27:57 you can't see anything in there which would tell Android what icon to use? Jul 17 16:28:14 yea sorry I mean AndroidManifest.xml Jul 17 16:28:25 this one? Jul 17 16:28:59 No, were telling you to look at Jul 17 16:29:02 Not Jul 17 16:29:20 Jul 17 16:29:23 is this the one? Jul 17 16:29:29 I'm telling him to look at activity... Jul 17 16:29:39 but I'm going to bed, so have fun! Jul 17 16:29:41 Why? Launcher icons go in the tag? Jul 17 16:30:29 drose379, help me please Jul 17 16:30:33 I am so confused Jul 17 16:31:58 interesting https://applidium.com/en/news/unbundling_pokemon_go/ Jul 17 16:32:08 "This means you have a huge dependency bringing you thousands and thousands of methods with it, and that you use just for analytics." haha Jul 17 16:32:21 Only one? Jul 17 16:32:25 They have great developers then. Jul 17 16:32:40 It's standard seeing 3-6 different tracking and analytics frameworks in those games. Jul 17 16:32:50 (Which fight over network connectivity to upload data.) Jul 17 16:33:36 people make a big deal out of "thousands of methods" for nothing Jul 17 16:38:17 Mavrik yeah thepoosh mentioned they had at least 3, different teams wanted different data, each lib has its strengths, but yeah, totally yuck Jul 17 16:39:35 cart_man: override onRequestPermissionsResult Jul 17 16:39:40 yeah, I had like 5 in my last content app Jul 17 16:40:25 omniture, Nielsen, comscore, etc Jul 17 16:40:44 even used urban airships analytics Jul 17 16:42:12 Goddamn finally. Managed to fix it. Jul 17 16:42:41 and of course analytics had the highest priority bugs.... Jul 17 16:42:50 having trouble with the layout designer - how do I get the controls to unlink so I can move one control without moving all the other controls it randomly linked to? Jul 17 16:43:22 talking about constraint layout? delete the constraint Jul 17 16:44:00 i just created my first layout and I got half a dozen widgets on it - each widget is randomly linked to some of the others so if I move one it moves the others as well - not sure why it linked them or how to break the links Jul 17 16:44:29 coming from c# where all the controls are independent unless they are in a container together Jul 17 16:44:40 hello.. I have put drawable icons in /res/ folder but my application launcher logo is not there in mobile Jul 17 16:44:55 it shows plain android logo Jul 17 16:45:36 ugh, cleaners threw out my empty 2L bottle Jul 17 16:45:43 seems like if a control is dropped near another control they automatically link - how do I stop that behavior Jul 17 16:46:02 * pfn shrugs Jul 17 16:46:10 no one uses constraint layout yet Jul 17 16:46:21 this is relativelayout Jul 17 16:46:36 don't use the designer Jul 17 16:47:17 you can't move stuff around in relative without breaking the layout Jul 17 16:49:05 so basically dont use the editor and just edit the XML - because there's no way to stop the editor from randomly adding layout_xxxx tags to the xml Jul 17 16:50:13 i just dont understand how it decides what is linked or any of that in the designer view - seems to have a mind of its own Jul 17 16:51:31 yes, no one uses the designer Jul 17 16:51:42 ok i'll just stick to the xml then Jul 17 16:58:34 SimonVT: Finally got it..Thanks allot Simon! Jul 17 16:59:47 ugh, how do I find my music search history... Jul 17 17:05:33 mark allison wrote part 7 of ConstraintLayout ... i wonder if the official docs will be as voluminous :) Jul 17 17:05:55 there must be quite a bit to talk about ;) Jul 17 17:16:10 g00s: super-meh returned Jul 17 17:16:19 with nothing really Jul 17 17:16:31 thepoosh i meh'd but you werentt there ! Jul 17 17:16:40 OH NOEZ Jul 17 17:16:52 so the meh was for naught Jul 17 17:17:07 so my twitter activity seem to work now, however the listview is not being populated, despite its logs the tweets Jul 17 17:17:28 here is my twitter fragment http://pastebin.com/VEfh46MZ Jul 17 17:17:42 thepoosh yeah this was one of the most meh for sure Jul 17 17:18:06 fragment twitter layout for the fragment http://pastebin.com/ErJzBHcf Jul 17 17:18:08 g00s: but at least you can be cool after writing OS code Jul 17 17:18:16 This is my tab layout code http://pastebin.com/CGjqEgFg & layout for the tablayout activity http://pastebin.com/3yi5drYi Jul 17 17:18:26 can anyone help me fix my problem? Jul 17 17:18:46 thepoosh i was just reading parts of Beijing are sinking 4 inches per year ! Jul 17 17:19:03 tell that to Leeds Jul 17 17:19:06 not to me Jul 17 17:19:08 like, they are worried about building foundations cracking and stuff Jul 17 17:19:13 also: https://applidium.com/en/news/unbundling_pokemon_go/ Jul 17 17:19:23 thepoosh lol have you played it yet ? Jul 17 17:19:29 nope Jul 17 17:19:38 my office is full of fanboys though Jul 17 17:20:51 TIL about Bulbasaur Jul 17 17:20:55 heh Jul 17 17:21:32 have no idea what that is Jul 17 17:21:48 was too old for pokemon when it came out the first time Jul 17 17:22:01 I sure as hell don't give a shit today Jul 17 17:22:21 yey, i was reading about the guy who came up with it. he liked to catch insects as a kid Jul 17 17:22:29 Pokémon been around a long long time Jul 17 17:22:57 so this is like the electronic version / gameified thing of catching insects of sorts Jul 17 17:23:09 only since 1995 hmm Jul 17 17:23:15 each insect being different. i dunno about how the trainers to battle tho Jul 17 17:23:19 feels longer Jul 17 17:23:24 can anyone help me fix my problem? Jul 17 17:25:31 My foreground service is killed every 30mins, any idea why? Jul 17 17:26:13 pfn: are you sure it's 95? Jul 17 17:26:22 feels like 98-99 Jul 17 17:26:31 maybe that's when it came to israel Jul 17 17:26:48 raoul11: when did pokemon come to israel? Jul 17 17:27:04 dimitrovskif: logs? Jul 17 17:27:08 code? Jul 17 17:28:18 -____________- Jul 17 17:29:53 thepoosh: lemme paste Jul 17 17:31:20 of course the guy that joins gets immediate help lol Jul 17 17:31:32 Is it possible to access an activities functions before starting it with startActivity() ? I want an activity to check if it should launch but I would also like all the stuff related to be contained in 1 class Jul 17 17:31:53 might as well play some go while i wait Jul 17 17:32:04 DarkChaoz: Dude is the servers not offline? Jul 17 17:32:23 have no idea, i think its up Jul 17 17:33:03 just checked Jul 17 17:33:59 -_- Jul 17 17:34:04 its always down :\ Jul 17 17:34:13 DarkChaoz: Hackers killed it Jul 17 17:34:19 with DOS attacks Jul 17 17:34:27 either this is best game in history or the worst one since the halo:MCC disaster :\ Jul 17 17:34:33 -__- Jul 17 17:34:44 DarkChaoz: Think it could have been much better imo Jul 17 17:34:46 thepoosh: http://paste.ofcode.org/qgXXAaj8txccycbxEU9Vea Jul 17 17:34:54 anyway Im off to the other chanel Jul 17 17:35:32 dimitrovskif-pc2: you are probably getting a NetworkOnMainThreadException Jul 17 17:35:48 because you're sending an HTTP request in a regualr service Jul 17 17:35:51 thepoosh: Nope. Retrofit handles it async. Jul 17 17:36:03 Also, I know it's a huge battery killer but I'm not running it on a real device Jul 17 17:36:05 dimitrovskif-pc2: logs? Jul 17 17:36:26 This is a horrible way of querying HTTP data, but it has to be this way Jul 17 17:36:54 Well, how can I have a log when it happens randomly every 30mins or so Jul 17 17:36:59 logcat can't find it Jul 17 17:37:05 when you say "has to be that way" I hear bad stuff Jul 17 17:37:41 thepoosh: The service does not support websockets, push/pull etc. So, the code runs a http request every second :( Jul 17 17:37:59 wtf?!?!?! Jul 17 17:38:08 mend you ways Jul 17 17:38:36 can someone help me figure out why my twitter feed activity is not populating listview Jul 17 17:38:47 what is the best websocket lib for android these days ? Jul 17 17:40:33 g00s: probably OkHttp Jul 17 17:40:37 guys, I have a question. I'm doing a reddit client to learn some more about parsing json and such and I've stumbled upon a bit of a question. I have to save the comments. Is it too much of a performance hit if I make a list with objects containing the comments and other things I have to save? or should I save them in a database ? Jul 17 17:40:47 DarkChaoz easy, either your feed data is null or you're not populating your listview :D that will be $2 Jul 17 17:40:58 g00s its not null anymore :P Jul 17 17:41:02 luci1093: reddit is way too complex for learning material Jul 17 17:41:17 it logs the tweets but not populating as listview :P Jul 17 17:41:24 hey g00s Jul 17 17:41:31 luci1093: look over this for something easier: https://github.com/toddmotto/public-apis Jul 17 17:41:38 not sure if its the layout thats the problem or its im missing something Jul 17 17:41:43 helloo Jul 17 17:41:51 la la la Jul 17 17:41:59 here is my twitter fragment http://pastebin.com/VEfh46MZ Jul 17 17:42:05 fragment twitter layout for the fragment http://pastebin.com/ErJzBHcf Jul 17 17:42:09 This is my tab layout code http://pastebin.com/CGjqEgFg & layout for the tablayout activity http://pastebin.com/3yi5drYi Jul 17 17:42:14 you have some sucky names Jul 17 17:42:46 DarkChaoz: also, don't create Views in an AsyncTask Jul 17 17:43:00 that is good way to leak the shit outta your app Jul 17 17:43:40 thepoosh i was just reading somewhere messaging apps are getting more usage than games, they are the #1 category Jul 17 17:43:45 what do I do? Jul 17 17:43:51 DarkChaoz panic ! Jul 17 17:43:58 g00s: because we are the BOMB Jul 17 17:44:14 * DarkChaoz panicks Jul 17 17:44:27 * DarkChaoz is stuck with yet another problem :\ Jul 17 17:44:33 * DarkChaoz is confused! Jul 17 17:44:40 thepoosh: I'm not looking at reddit's API, I'm literally parsing the json form https://www.reddit.com/.json/ and now I want to parse the comments json and that's more complex since there can be a lot of replies to comments and it can go down to very many children so that's why I'm asking about the performance issue Jul 17 17:44:42 DarkChaoz don't do that ! Jul 17 17:44:48 DarkChaoz: do you see logs with the tag "Statut"? Jul 17 17:45:21 yeah Jul 17 17:45:26 Is it possible to access an activities functions before starting it with startActivity() ? I want an activity to check if it should launch but I would also like all the stuff related to be contained in 1 class Jul 17 17:45:38 luci1093: you probably need a DB Jul 17 17:45:53 which is why I suggested something a bit easier like giffy Jul 17 17:46:19 cart_man: no, validation should probably happen before sending the Intent Jul 17 17:46:32 but can also be done in places like onCreate Jul 17 17:46:40 which is bad practice Jul 17 17:50:21 what happened? Jul 17 17:50:35 DarkChaoz: do you see the logs? Jul 17 17:50:51 yeah Jul 17 17:50:52 thepoosh: I can't seem to find the json for giffy. And still ... from looking at the site. Just with the code I've written while parsing the reddit front page I think I can do giffy in matter of hours. I'm not trying to actually make a full blown reddit client. I just want to learn some json on something harder :D Jul 17 17:51:36 fetching tweets is fine, just no idea why not populating listview Jul 17 17:52:22 Setting the adapter correctly DarkChaoz ? Jul 17 17:52:51 luci1093: https://github.com/Giphy/GiphyAPI Jul 17 17:53:54 not sure, but I think so http://pastebin.com/VEfh46MZ Jul 17 17:54:13 I've set the result of async for listview on post execute Jul 17 17:54:27 DarkChaoz: adapter ? Jul 17 17:55:18 DarkChaoz: btw, if there's an Exception, statusess will be null and NPE away Jul 17 17:56:46 statuss is definitely not null because its pulling the tweet Jul 17 17:57:16 I've set the result for listview: i.setAdapter(new ArrayAdapter(getActivity(),android.R.layout.simple_list_item_1, statusListTextOnly)); Jul 17 17:57:38 as I said, it might be null Jul 17 17:57:49 what happens when you debug? Jul 17 17:58:56 let me log statuss to see if its null Jul 17 17:59:05 not sure why, but this is making me crack up: http://i.imgur.com/PbYP70N.jpg Jul 17 17:59:06 if it was null it would have crashed the app Jul 17 18:02:43 how to do i log statuss as a list? Jul 17 18:02:56 to see in log Jul 17 18:04:05 you debug Jul 17 18:06:47 you debug, i debug, we all debug Jul 17 18:07:25 * raoul11 pokes thepoosh Jul 17 18:07:36 * thepoosh is poked Jul 17 18:07:36 thepoosh have you guys looked at any new shiny things lately ? ContraintLayout, etc Jul 17 18:07:43 hold on, let me log it as string and run emulator Jul 17 18:07:49 a team mate is trying out Jul 17 18:07:56 thepoosh does material design like no one else Jul 17 18:08:06 stahp Jul 17 18:08:09 i'm blushing Jul 17 18:08:35 think im coming down with a cold thepoosh, lifesuxsobad Jul 17 18:08:48 :S Jul 17 18:08:50 in this fekinweather nontheless Jul 17 18:09:07 bang! i can has listview rows with different layouts! Jul 17 18:09:56 YouCallItFar: POW! you can override getItemViewType! Jul 17 18:12:35 thepoosh statuss is not null Jul 17 18:12:51 also in the onPostExecute? Jul 17 18:13:30 didnt check that hold on. Jul 17 18:13:47 do i log the string result im assuming? Jul 17 18:17:19 If a root activity has launchtype of singletask Jul 17 18:17:38 is it better, if I want to get back to it, to just call a new intent and have it come to the top of the stack Jul 17 18:17:50 Or finish all the activities on top of it until its back to the top? Jul 17 18:19:27 @thepoosh i think string result is null when i try to log it crashes app and gives an NPE Jul 17 18:20:41 I'm running into some basic trouble using an android gradle file as a sub-project controlled by a parent gradle build. The android bit depends on an independent common library build. I can get the android project to compile, but the build isn't adding the dependent library to the runtime. Overall structure: http://paste.debian.net/hidden/68b47899/ what dumb thing am I doing Jul 17 18:21:54 nooo -_- Jul 17 18:21:59 RIP thepoosh Jul 17 18:22:01 :< Jul 17 18:23:11 he won't admit it, but probably going to catch a pokemon Jul 17 18:25:25 hm.. whats a good way to store a list of index ranges.. i tried ArrayList> but Pairs are final so i cant update them easily Jul 17 18:25:40 lol Jul 17 18:26:08 id like to be able to do list.get(index).second++; Jul 17 18:26:41 so make your own class Jul 17 18:27:09 ok. figured thered be a way with built in stuff Jul 17 18:27:39 YouCallItFar: out of curiosity, do your ranges implicitly behave like an interval? (I.e. two overlapping ranges be squashed into a single one?) Jul 17 18:28:14 theyre all disjoint, ie non overlapping Jul 17 18:28:27 I see, okay Jul 17 18:28:52 i have a listadapter with seperators and im tracking the "sections" Jul 17 18:29:09 so when i add a new seperator i close last section and start next Jul 17 18:29:42 i guess i could do it without pairs just list of section change indices Jul 17 18:30:36 if you aren't using an expandablelistview, yeah, that sounds simplest - just represent the separator explicitly as a section change maybe, which will also simplify calculations Jul 17 18:46:37 ive been blundering thru creatings a preferences like gui for per-host settings of ssh client app. maybe i should try overriding the SharesPreferences updates of PreferenceFragment Jul 17 19:01:01 why an ssh client? Jul 17 19:01:14 they're pretty niche and already have good implementations Jul 17 19:49:53 Looking at the Toast source code, in the #makeText method, the third param is an int, but it only accpets LENGTH_LONG or LENGTH_SHORT Jul 17 19:50:02 How does google do this, what is the @Duration annotation Jul 17 19:50:05 https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/master/core/java/android/widget/Toast.java Jul 17 19:53:28 this is basically (an optional) plugin to the compiler, and these annotations form a parallel type system in effect, which the plugin checks Jul 17 19:53:42 I see Jul 17 19:54:39 mostly a hack, as changing to enum => back compatibility issues... Jul 17 19:54:51 ahh yeah Jul 17 19:54:59 It still compiles if you pass a regular int Jul 17 19:55:10 yes - the error shows up only when the plugin is enabled Jul 17 19:55:11 but IDE complains Jul 17 19:55:15 Right Jul 17 19:55:50 * kbs is a fan of static analysis in general though. error-prone/checker framework all do a super nice job of catching dumb bugs Jul 17 19:56:21 Sure, agreed Jul 17 20:15:41 hrm. the ArrayList i get in jni via CallObjectMethod is crashing when i try to call its size() in c++ Jul 17 20:17:31 this is first time ive tried to return new ArrayList() to c++. returning strings works for me as (jstring)CallObjectMethod() Jul 17 20:21:43 ah nm now i see problem Jul 17 20:31:00 hey I have a problem, suddenly android studio tells me "Cannot resolve symbol R" Jul 17 20:31:11 I cleaned and rebuilt the project and nothing Jul 17 20:31:25 I disabled the cache and restarted and nothing Jul 17 20:34:32 could be a problem in a xml file Jul 17 20:34:37 w4ffles do you know what it is? 'Cannot resolve symbol R' Jul 17 20:35:19 Check the output when you build, it should show an error Jul 17 20:41:50 SimonVT thank you very much dude Jul 17 20:42:04 SimonVT there was a duplicated entry on the manifest, I solved it Jul 17 20:43:20 hi, string result gives null on post execute however statusses is working fine and is seen in the logcat. http://pastebin.com/VEfh46MZ Jul 17 20:43:25 SimonVT one more thing, do you ever had problems in ubuntu with the adb and genymotion?? Jul 17 20:43:25 how do i fix this issue? Jul 17 20:43:37 SimonVT sometimes I have to kill all adb processes Jul 17 20:43:40 not sure why on post execute its returning null Jul 17 20:43:57 SimonVT and it doesn'tshow any device on the devices Jul 17 20:43:58 Im basically trying to populate a listview on a fragment Jul 17 20:44:10 Sorry, I don't use ubuntu or genymotion Jul 17 20:44:27 what do you use? Jul 17 20:44:28 any suggestions on how could I fix this? Jul 17 20:44:37 Windows and OSX Jul 17 20:44:46 And the emulator Jul 17 20:45:44 not android studio? :P Jul 17 20:45:58 Sure, that as well Jul 17 20:46:29 xD Jul 17 20:47:26 anyhow, what Im a doing wrong on postexecute in asynctask? as far as the async goes, everything works fine but string result comes back null after debugging which prevents it populating the listadapter Jul 17 20:48:22 http://pastebin.com/VEfh46MZ Jul 17 20:54:37 hello Jul 17 20:54:42 sorry if this might be a vague question Jul 17 20:55:01 but why is the debugger skipping everything after url.openstream() is called Jul 17 20:55:31 i set a breakpoint on the line of openstream() and another breakpoint after it, but the task just finishes Jul 17 20:55:38 didnt stop at the bp after openstream() Jul 17 20:56:06 Maybe an exception is thrown Jul 17 20:56:12 Is #openStream asynchronous call? Jul 17 20:56:21 yes it is inside asynctask Jul 17 20:56:33 In any case, something is causing the code at the next breakpoint to not be reached Jul 17 20:56:51 i also have breakpoints on catch as well as log.d Jul 17 20:56:58 but the log.d inside the catch statements are not being called Jul 17 20:56:59 Actually, if it was an async call, the next line would be called imediately Jul 17 20:57:45 exception must be thrown Jul 17 20:57:47 i added another exception which is just a general excpetion Jul 17 20:58:50 oh yeah permission denied Jul 17 20:58:52 for internet Jul 17 20:59:03 Jul 17 20:59:06 i have this line in my manifest tho Jul 17 20:59:12 After you add that, rebuild Jul 17 20:59:17 Clean + rebuild Jul 17 20:59:27 where do i put the uses-permission tag Jul 17 20:59:32 inside the ? Jul 17 20:59:41 https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/uses-permission-element.html Jul 17 20:59:45 See "contained in" Jul 17 20:59:54 ok i see Jul 17 20:59:56 thanks Jul 17 21:05:08 do I have to do something to get the up navigation to work besides setting parentActivityName in the manifest? Jul 17 21:06:29 for instance I have a main activity launch a settings activity and I can't get back using the up nav - have to use back Jul 17 22:27:56 Hey, does anyone know how to fix this error: http://hastebin.com/aneqotumod.coffee ? Jul 17 22:28:18 coffee!! Jul 17 22:32:21 bankai_: its not coffee script he just forgot to change the extension http://hastebin.com/aneqotumod.txt Jul 17 22:32:47 Oh yeah, sorry. Jul 17 22:54:28 Unable to instantiate activity ComponentInfo{applicatives.flock.com.flock/applicatives.flock.com.flock.login.SignUpActivity}: java.lang.RuntimeException: You need to set the Android context using Firebase.setAndroidContext() before using Firebase. Jul 17 22:54:33 I have that error Jul 17 22:54:35 using firebase Jul 17 22:54:46 I created a class called MyApplication like the docs says Jul 17 22:54:57 public class MyApplication extends Application{ @Override public void onCreate() { super.onCreate(); Firebase.setAndroidContext(this); } } Jul 17 22:55:05 but it's not working Jul 17 22:55:10 what could it be? Jul 17 23:05:25 ? Jul 17 23:27:48 problem fixed Jul 17 23:27:53 there is something weird Jul 17 23:28:21 cause firebase callback of success registering a user comes with the object null Jul 17 23:28:26 what could be happening? Jul 17 23:37:02 MjrTom: cool nick Jul 17 23:37:16 :) ty Jul 17 23:37:30 RIP bowie right Jul 17 23:39:22 yes right, although it was peter shilling's song that inspired me to use this nick Jul 17 23:39:31 Ah I see Jul 17 23:39:35 Cool man Jul 17 23:40:56 :) Jul 18 00:04:36 is it currently fairly easy to use LLVM for android development, rather than GCC? Jul 18 00:39:39 yes Jul 18 00:40:15 it's the default in the latest ndk even Jul 18 00:59:22 if anybody had responded to my earlier Q about LLVM & android dev, I wasn't able to see the response Jul 18 01:02:36 MjrTom: pfn said: Jul 18 01:02:41 yes │ bpye Jul 18 01:02:43 20:40:15 pfn | it's the default in the latest ndk even y Jul 18 01:05:32 thx Jul 18 01:43:19 <_genuser_> hello people. Jul 18 01:45:52 Sup _genuser_ Jul 18 02:09:47 which services do you use to scale an app?....do you put your backend and database on google or amazon services? is that the easier way? Jul 18 02:11:47 j4f-shredder__ you have to look at the prices, both will work ;) Jul 18 02:11:58 some cost more on cpu, others on disk, etc Jul 18 02:13:04 I know, I have an app with many relationships and I need a postgres database...I'm using firebase for authentication, but firebase datastore is in json only, which is ok only for users, but If I need to store more data Jul 18 02:13:08 the rest of the data Jul 18 02:13:26 I need a service that allows postgres Jul 18 02:13:35 and firebase don't have support for that Jul 18 02:13:53 do you know any good services for this purpose? Jul 18 02:15:21 there was also digital ocean, not sure how well they are regarded these days Jul 18 02:16:02 nothing wrong with digital ocean, as long as you're happy to run your own services **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Jul 18 02:59:58 2016