**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Jul 20 02:59:58 2016 Jul 20 03:02:59 so it seems like it just continuously takes screenshots, it's a bit slow Jul 20 03:10:17 ron_frown to do it, or not to do it - that is the question Jul 20 03:10:45 rockokw well I'm guessing thats how most everything is going to work Jul 20 03:10:49 g00s I dont know Jul 20 03:10:50 up to you Jul 20 03:11:40 ron_frown yeah i forgot to ask about RPi3 support today at the AMA Jul 20 03:11:46 damn it, i knew i forgot something Jul 20 03:11:49 ehh Jul 20 03:11:53 no idea what AMA is Jul 20 03:12:02 reddit AMA , android team Jul 20 03:12:09 but I heard its in repos, but not actually published Jul 20 03:12:10 american medical association Jul 20 03:12:12 "ask me anything" - an online interview Jul 20 03:12:18 any thing good announced? Jul 20 03:12:21 ron_frown clearly not a netizen Jul 20 03:12:58 rockokw no announcements i can recall, it was to answer questions about the platform Jul 20 03:13:27 i was worried it was going to get swamped by /r/android asking about blah blah support for the blah blah chipsets or whatever Jul 20 03:13:30 sorry, I guess I really meant any interesting answers? Jul 20 03:14:06 well i was happy they are working on GMS updates for the emus, thats been a pita. so just that, i am happy Jul 20 03:14:32 Leeds has an emu right ? :) Jul 20 03:14:49 wow Jul 20 03:14:57 devboards have come a long long way Jul 20 03:15:02 man llamas are like one of the top best pets Jul 20 03:15:08 most have like pcie slots and stuff these days Jul 20 03:15:09 * g00s wants llama now Jul 20 03:15:45 I have an emu? Jul 20 03:15:58 well i thought you used to joke about them Jul 20 03:16:02 heh, nm Jul 20 03:16:29 no, don't think I've ever joked about large Australian flightless birds... Jul 20 03:16:56 :D Jul 20 03:17:23 more likely to have joked about emulators... Jul 20 03:34:54 hey, does anyone know why in Firebase console I can see the successful login with username and pass but when I do myFirebaseRef.getAuth(); I get a null object? Jul 20 04:05:45 Forgive me if I am posting in the wrong channel. I have an Android device with no GPS. Is it possible to use an Arduino+GPS module and connected it to Android as a source of GPS signal? Jul 20 04:50:28 you could make an app on the android to output the gps to the arduino.. maybe via bluetooth? Jul 20 06:47:49 I'm trying to debug setContentView(..) method to step into "PhoneWindow.java" but still it is saying "Sources for Android 23 API not found" so, I downloaded the source for SDK and I restarted it several times but still it saying "sources not found". Jul 20 07:03:02 Hi all, I use SensorManager.getRotationMatrix which do the hard job to convert the device coordinate system to the world's coordinate system Jul 20 07:03:55 but I use gyroscope data (Sensor.TYPE_GYROSCOPE) for smoothing it with tilt Jul 20 07:04:26 gyroscope data is in device coordinate system (differs from devices to devices) Jul 20 07:04:36 how could I get it normalized? Jul 20 07:39:31 Hello Jul 20 07:40:32 I need some help .. I have an activity that uses fragments .. at some point I need to start a different activity, but go back to the previous one when back is pressed. However, I cannot get the state to save so I can resume the 1st activity with the correct fragment Jul 20 07:41:01 so, in my activity A, I implemented onSaveInstanceState() Jul 20 07:41:12 then in oncreate I check if savedInstanceState is not null Jul 20 07:41:18 but it always comes back as null Jul 20 07:41:23 any ideas / pointers? Jul 20 07:48:08 hm? Jul 20 07:48:37 when you start activity the previous activity doesnt get destroyed normally Jul 20 07:50:37 How can I set a time threshold for end of speeed in speech API Recognizer Intent? Jul 20 07:54:50 I figured it out .. issue is I was tapping the actionbar back button.. hardware back button worked properly Jul 20 07:55:16 so I had to call onBackPressed in onOptionsItemSelected Jul 20 08:14:37 https://github.com/HeinrichReimer/material-singleinputform Jul 20 08:15:30 can you achieve similar for a regular edittext using material theming? Jul 20 08:17:32 nvm i see the style theming i am dumb ty Jul 20 08:21:47 Can a container have two fragments? Jul 20 08:22:43 If so then i wonder how findFragmentById(R.id.fragmentContainer); would work. Jul 20 08:24:22 The first added fragment Jul 20 08:24:40 Like findViewById. Multiple views can have the same id, Android just returns the first it encounters Jul 20 08:28:52 SimonVT: I see. How will I get the second fragment from findFragmentById? Jul 20 08:29:05 You wont Jul 20 08:29:48 Hm so that means i shouldn't have two Jul 20 08:30:12 Just use tags instead Jul 20 08:35:40 ah findviewbytag ok. Jul 20 08:37:44 SimonVT: have you seen Prisma? Jul 20 08:37:56 What's that? Jul 20 08:38:21 photo editing app that went crazy on iOS about a month ago and now released their Android Beta Jul 20 08:39:10 Nope Jul 20 08:39:54 Does findViewById check for ViewGroups such as LinearLayout ids as well? In some code I have seen findViewById(R.id.frame_layout) != null) Jul 20 08:40:13 ViewGroup extends View Jul 20 08:40:23 but it returns 'View' not 'ViewGroup' Jul 20 08:40:30 Correct Jul 20 08:41:08 purplex88: is this a question? Jul 20 08:41:53 thepoosh: yes, I want to know if findViewById works both View and ViewGroup ids. Jul 20 08:42:16 findViewById works on any child of android.R.id.Content Jul 20 08:42:25 or better, any child of any ViewGroup Jul 20 08:42:27 https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/ViewGroup.html "extends View" Jul 20 08:42:33 ViewGroup is a View Jul 20 08:42:50 findViewById finds Views by id Jul 20 08:43:01 purplex88: what are you trying to achieve? Jul 20 08:43:09 So if I try to find a linearlayout id it won't work? Jul 20 08:43:29 don't understand the question Jul 20 08:43:39 https://developer.android.com/reference/android/widget/LinearLayout.html "extends ViewGroup" Jul 20 08:43:58 If ViewGroup is a View, and LinearLayout is a ViewGroup. Is LinearLayout then a View? Jul 20 08:44:15 purplex88: if you want to use findViewById to find a child of a linearlayout it's possible Jul 20 08:44:16 https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/java/IandI/subclasses.html Jul 20 08:44:30 if you want to find a linearlayout in the main content you also can Jul 20 08:44:35 what is the actual question Jul 20 08:44:36 ? Jul 20 08:45:24 purplex88: ? Jul 20 08:45:30 thepoosh: there is also Activity.findViewById which i suppose finds the layouts inside activity? Jul 20 08:46:01 thepoosh: I wanted to check if which layout is loaded Jul 20 08:46:23 purplex88: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/refs/heads/master/core/java/android/app/Activity.java#2095 Jul 20 08:46:25 whether it is for small or large screen Jul 20 08:46:43 Activity.findViewById calls the WindowManager and searching in android.R.id.content Jul 20 08:46:44 so i thought finding if the id of layout exists, would help Jul 20 08:47:00 that will not help Jul 20 08:47:23 if you managed to go through setContentView for activity Jul 20 08:47:31 and onViewCreated for fragment Jul 20 08:47:37 the whole layout is inflated Jul 20 08:48:15 I have two XML files for small and large screen Jul 20 08:48:24 ok, and? Jul 20 08:48:41 If the layout in small screen XML was inflate then its id should exist Jul 20 08:48:56 you should not be working like that Jul 20 08:48:58 :S Jul 20 08:49:13 but what you can do which is easier is to add a value Jul 20 08:49:19 and set it to true in the small screens Jul 20 08:49:30 and check with getBoolean Jul 20 08:49:50 But there's not really any issue in checking if specific views exist Jul 20 08:50:11 couldnt you just use a linear and save you the trouble thepoosh Jul 20 08:50:19 there are issues in building layouts like this Jul 20 08:50:30 sasser: I think you should be asking purplex88 this question Jul 20 08:54:19 understood now Jul 20 08:58:34 thepoosh: i want to you show something https://www.dropbox.com/s/zhpk8j8m7j0sgfi/Hierarchy%20View.png you said "findViewById works on any child of android.R.id.Content" so according to the picture is it the FrameLayout with id/content? Jul 20 08:59:06 and is also called Root view? Jul 20 09:02:03 yes Jul 20 09:31:11 lads, has anyone dealt with Realm and Gson > Jul 20 09:31:24 mainly serializing managed realm list Jul 20 09:31:37 gson reads it as null Jul 20 09:37:24 what happens if I trigger a manually sync of my sync adapter and no internet is available? Jul 20 09:40:06 ChampS_: from my experience nothing happens Jul 20 09:40:14 it will wait until connection is available Jul 20 09:40:38 mh that's bad Jul 20 09:41:38 mhh I think maybe it's no problem Jul 20 09:41:41 thanks for your help :)! Jul 20 09:43:02 When you invite co-workers on the Google Play Dev Console, do all the co-workers need developers accounts as well? Jul 20 09:43:16 Like do they have to pay the $99 fee? Jul 20 09:57:00 you mean $25 fee, right? Jul 20 09:57:44 markyosullivan, no. Jul 20 09:57:55 Your top level account needs to pay that, then you add developers. Jul 20 10:04:04 That's fantastic Jul 20 10:04:14 Thanks for the info Mavrik Jul 20 10:04:26 Leeds: Yeah it's been like 4 years since I paid it :D Jul 20 10:12:57 Hello to everybody! Jul 20 10:14:07 Hello! Jul 20 10:14:58 I have a pretty dumb error which I am struggling with for over a day, could you please help? I am getting a Cannot resolve symbol R error. I have tried cleaning, rebuilding the project, gradle, checked everything I could, but without any luck... Jul 20 10:15:07 https://gist.github.com/tothbalint/48bf04a6a9f96c78f7b4297b0f142b84 Jul 20 10:15:28 I am out of ideas what to try :( Jul 20 10:16:26 if I run an AsyncTask in onHandleIntent of an IntentService will doInBackground() run on a different background thread than the one IntentService uses ? Jul 20 10:20:48 @tothbalint : somewhere in the application you are probably missing an import similar to this import com.example.application.R; Jul 20 10:22:15 the weird thing is, I am only getting the error only on that single place accross my app, and I have currently 4 activities and fragments :( Jul 20 10:23:07 AlexandruM, I have checked the imports in my activity and fragment .java files, I dont see anywhere imports for R, is that something that Android studio does automatically somewhere under the hood? Jul 20 10:23:35 normally when you use R, yes Jul 20 10:23:51 you should get a file and line with the error as well Jul 20 10:23:55 in that file import R Jul 20 10:26:04 I am only getting the error when I am trying to make a project rebuild: Jul 20 10:26:05 Error:(41, 36) error: package R does not exist Jul 20 10:26:27 with the path to that SingleEventFragment file Jul 20 10:26:35 Mavrik: Is there any way to remove yourself from a dev console? There's an app I did for a website a while ago and I'm no longer doing any updates for it so I don't want access to it anymore Jul 20 10:26:49 Or is the owner of the console the only one who can do that? Jul 20 10:27:00 check this thread : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22275855/package-r-does-not-exist-error-when-building-with-gradle-from-command-line Jul 20 10:30:13 AlexandruM, gosh, I have had a typo at the top of the file, I must have missed a key shortcut and by accident wrote there a letter. I dont know how to express my thankfullness for you, I was pulling my hair for over a day because of this... Jul 20 10:35:27 :) np Jul 20 10:35:42 I worked for 4 hours on an issue to figure it out in 2 minutes later Jul 20 10:35:48 after a break Jul 20 10:41:17 AlexandruM, I guess I was staring it too much to notice the extra letter, anyways thank you again! Jul 20 10:41:31 AlexandruM: I've had moments like that Jul 20 10:41:44 Though usually it's coming in the next day after spending hours the day before pulling my hair out Jul 20 10:44:46 markyosullivan, I guess one more reason to invent the time machine? :D Jul 20 10:45:09 tothbalint: Not really, still get paid when I can't get things working :p Jul 20 10:45:31 markyosullivan, ah, you are lucky :) Jul 20 10:45:52 If I got it working in half the time, it'd just mean I'd get more done which of course would be good but everyone runs into issues with their apps Jul 20 10:46:17 tothbalint: I am. I dreamed of getting an Android dev job and got one straight after uni Jul 20 10:47:34 markyosullivan, that is good to hear, congratulations :) I am only doing my first couple of steps in Android development beside backend php development Jul 20 10:52:58 Thanks! Jul 20 10:53:09 I was never a fan of PHP Jul 20 10:53:19 haha same for me markyosullivan Jul 20 10:53:25 Still early days for me, need to keep learning Jul 20 10:53:35 AlexandruM: You just got your first Android dev job? Jul 20 10:53:45 well I am a PHP developer Jul 20 10:53:48 mostly backend stuff Jul 20 10:53:56 been doing that for .. 6 years I think Jul 20 10:54:11 Oh are you saying same as in you're not a fan of PHP? :p Jul 20 10:54:15 and I am building my 2nd bigger app Jul 20 10:54:29 I kinda got bored with PHP Jul 20 10:54:45 not much programming involved.. just save some stuff to some database, do some math .. etc Jul 20 10:54:48 Php... Please.. Jul 20 10:54:49 I need to start using all the popular libraries in Android dev. Still haven't got to grips with them and it'll force me to rewrite this app I'm doing atm Jul 20 10:55:05 I am working on something after work Jul 20 10:55:07 still paid Jul 20 10:55:14 That's good AlexandruM Jul 20 10:55:16 there I used some stuff like butterknife, retrofit Jul 20 10:55:36 I'm making HTTP requests, so I'll be hopefully converting the code to OkHTTP Jul 20 10:55:38 at work I just made HttpClientRequests Jul 20 10:55:44 That's the first library I hope to implement Jul 20 10:55:59 I'm using a library for a navigation drawer which seems to be frequently updated Jul 20 10:56:14 whats it called ? Jul 20 10:56:48 Support one is the best Jul 20 10:57:07 com.android.support:design is the one I use Jul 20 10:57:23 but I need to make some custom stuff so I might change it Jul 20 10:57:35 I need a footer in the navigation drawer Jul 20 10:57:43 and getting the drawer to stay under the action bar Jul 20 10:57:46 instead of above it Jul 20 10:58:58 AlexandruM: It's the one made by Mike Penz Jul 20 10:59:05 https://github.com/mikepenz/MaterialDrawer Jul 20 10:59:30 gordon_: Yeah but it takes a lot longer to make the navigation drawer that way Jul 20 11:00:02 So many different styles of navigation drawer ready to go with that library. Though I'm guessing that's probably increasing my method count :| Jul 20 11:11:32 markyosullivan : thanks, I bookmarked it Jul 20 11:11:42 might use it in my after work project Jul 20 11:12:37 AlexandruM: It's really easy to setup, if you have any difficulties drop me a message Jul 20 11:13:40 for sure I'll figure it out Jul 20 11:13:53 btw, if you need downstream notifications for your app Jul 20 11:14:12 I just started implementing firebase notifications, they are really easy to setup Jul 20 11:14:33 https://firebase.google.com/docs/cloud-messaging/downstream Jul 20 11:14:55 most of the work is then done in the rest API, or whatever app is pushing the messages Jul 20 11:55:17 how hard would it to be to change a ui of an app ? Jul 20 12:00:35 hi Jul 20 12:00:51 how i can solve SSL Error HandlerFor more information about the SSL error handler, please see this Android Developers Help Center article. ? Jul 20 12:00:54 my app was rejected Jul 20 12:01:06 i need remove the onReceivedSslError? Jul 20 12:01:16 i cant open http url withou https? Jul 20 12:09:54 t0th_-_: what are you implementing this on your own? Jul 20 12:10:29 no i have proceed in onReceivedSslError Jul 20 12:10:34 and my app was rejected Jul 20 12:13:18 i need remove onReceivedSslError ? Jul 20 12:22:13 hypermist: Why you asking? Jul 20 12:25:48 markyosullivan, cause i want to reskin someones app for myself xD Jul 20 12:47:43 Hm weird Jul 20 12:47:49 android studio not lagging now Jul 20 12:47:55 on my 2 gb pc Jul 20 12:48:08 ram Jul 20 13:15:04 Should enums still be avoided for performance reasons? Jul 20 13:15:59 https://developer.android.com/training/articles/memory.html#Overhead says to avoid all enums Jul 20 13:21:20 Not a "yes" or "no" opinion by any means, but ProGuard does have an optimization step to convert (suitable) enums into integer constants (class/unboxing/enum). Jul 20 13:30:16 I don't use proguard Jul 20 13:30:33 <_kw> I'm struggling with the migration to FCM.. Can I just use the old GcmId and gcmKey to push to the Firebase servers? Jul 20 13:31:52 Just use the FCM token? Jul 20 13:34:15 <_kw> I've got an old android project with a gcm key and gcm id.. I've created a separate firebase project now, and I've added the FCM project to the senders in my android project.. Jul 20 13:35:06 <_kw> but if I send to the old (gcm) token I have for that user, using my new FCM credentials.. It will give me a mismatchSender error, because I'm sending to a token that wasn't given out by this fcm project Jul 20 13:35:56 <_kw> right? Jul 20 13:44:11 i have a question with android studio Jul 20 13:52:09 We're all ears Jul 20 13:57:09 Would anyone know a definitive solution to the INSTALL_FAILED_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE error when trying to run an app on a device from android studio? Jul 20 14:03:04 make some room? Jul 20 14:06:54 gdrc, I have space available on the phone which is what's strange. Jul 20 14:10:51 gdrc, actually it worked. I deleted a few more things. It was failing when installing and APK(have no idea what this means lol). Jul 20 14:11:11 nice! Jul 20 14:30:00 hi, it's possible to make AAR that include sub-library? Jul 20 14:30:20 xan_IT: Define sub-library? Jul 20 14:30:34 library used by AAR Jul 20 14:30:38 but yes, you can make an aar that has dependencies Jul 20 14:30:42 if that's what you mean Jul 20 14:30:49 ok, how? Jul 20 14:31:04 now i have a library module in android studio Jul 20 14:31:22 xan_IT: Do you know how to add a library to a regular app module? Jul 20 14:31:26 It's that same as that Jul 20 14:31:37 seams not Jul 20 14:31:56 i will post my gradle file Jul 20 14:32:40 http://pastebin.com/Mf8SPC3R Jul 20 14:32:58 i need to add dependeny part in my app project Jul 20 14:33:33 i wrong? Jul 20 14:33:48 xan_IT: That looks fine, what error do you get trying to build? Jul 20 14:34:53 if a compile depencency is ABI dependent (opencv, mupdf, etc), how do i set the app to point to the correct version in product flavor? Jul 20 14:34:56 when i build aar work fine, when i integrate aar in another project in lib folder, i receive class not found Jul 20 14:35:13 right now i'm creating each ABI manually and than copying it to app/libs Jul 20 14:35:13 xan_IT: Sounds like a proguard issue Jul 20 14:35:41 If you're just copying around the AAR, then you need to manually add all its dependencies Jul 20 14:36:03 If you publish it to maven central or your local maven repository it will have a pom.xml where its dependencies are declared Jul 20 14:36:19 SimonVT, ok it's my conclusion Jul 20 14:36:27 SimonVT it's possible to include all in AAR? Jul 20 14:36:47 You don't want to do that Jul 20 14:37:19 hi, can someone help ? I am asked to make a put request through retrofit with form-data including two integers, how can i do it ? Jul 20 14:38:01 SimonVT, i need to pass my library to another person, there is a simple way to pass a "local maven repository" ? Jul 20 14:38:22 Not really, no Jul 20 14:38:27 SimonVT i dev the library another person dev app. i need to pass my work Jul 20 14:38:48 SimonVT best is to tell another person to integrate gradle row Jul 20 14:38:51 ? Jul 20 14:39:26 has anyone had any issues with sqlite and seemingly random db corruption? Jul 20 14:39:29 Maybe create your own nexus http://www.sonatype.org/nexus/ Jul 20 14:39:35 macbook: Did you read about how to do put requests in retrofit with form-data? Jul 20 14:39:39 Then you can push libraries there Jul 20 14:40:21 yes, but strangely i get a 301 Jul 20 14:40:34 You could also just create a gradle task that installs it to the local repo, then have him git clone and do it himself Jul 20 14:41:04 macbook: What's strange about that? https://http.cat/301 Jul 20 14:49:13 why does Android Studio make me download a new binary for every update? Do they not have update diffs that you can apply through the iDE? Jul 20 14:52:11 SimonVT i cant create a public repo because this library is private. thz for help Jul 20 14:53:20 You can create your own private nexus server Jul 20 14:54:11 g1bbs: At least in the stable channel the updates are diffs Jul 20 15:37:42 With a very simple case of 2 textviews in a scrollview, and 1 starts on screen, and the other off screen, is it possible to know when the second textview comes onto screen, only from the point of view of the textview (ergo no scrolllistener, only view events the textview itself knows of) Jul 20 15:38:39 onGlobalLayoutListener only gets called upon creation of the views to my knowledge, so it's telling me correctly when it starts off that the first is on screen, and the second is not Jul 20 15:38:58 No call to global layout again though Jul 20 15:39:21 This might not be possible Jul 20 15:44:23 onDraw Jul 20 15:44:34 views don't get drawn until they're visible Jul 20 15:44:43 generally speaking Jul 20 15:49:34 pfn: Hmm yeah that's what I thought and was trying originally, and I was having the same issue. The textview way down the screen was being drawn once, and then not again Jul 20 16:02:08 Is AnchorPane the right main pane to use for a bunch of vertical fields? Jul 20 16:02:34 Or should I use StackPane? Jul 20 16:40:22 so starting with support lib 24.1.0, my NavigationView's selected items have foreground = background = ?attr/colorControlActivated, it seems ... can't read the text Jul 20 16:40:38 is there a simple fix, the bg should be colorControlNormal i think Jul 20 16:43:17 the defaults always worked, but seems every time i update support libs something with theming goes wrong Jul 20 16:46:49 anybody have thoughts on AS preview 6 for daily use? not too interested in ContraintLayout atm Jul 20 16:46:49 set android:theme=anoverlaythatreplacescolorControlActivated Jul 20 16:47:23 pfn did you see that problem also ? Jul 20 16:47:33 no, I don't use navigationview in any of my apps Jul 20 16:47:35 but that would be the solution Jul 20 16:47:36 ah ok Jul 20 16:47:41 that is easy to implement Jul 20 16:48:36 Does anyone know what "Glass" is? Creating a new project, it allows for specifying mininum Glass SDK. Jul 20 16:49:18 a forgotten piece of hardware from google Jul 20 16:50:43 glasses that project a screen on them, inspired term glassholes. but i guess magic leap has a way better idea Jul 20 16:51:05 why project onto a screen when you can project onto retina Jul 20 16:52:00 i remember reading about glass v2, but .. haven't seen anything in a while Jul 20 16:52:03 only person whose look worked wearing them was sergey Jul 20 16:57:49 they would probably look good on my chocolate lab, since everything does :D they should have used him for marketing :P Jul 20 16:58:09 dogs eye view of sniffing the trees ... Jul 20 16:58:18 GPS / maps of favorite pee spots Jul 20 16:58:51 'ok google, where else did i smell this pee scent?' Jul 20 17:02:06 is there any way to turn of AS's annoying grouping/hiding of files? If I'm in the "Android" tab, for example it will show me the xml files in 'debug\res', but not 'release\res' Jul 20 17:03:55 g00s: sup? Jul 20 17:04:15 hey thepoosh ! submit any questions yesterday to the AMA ? Jul 20 17:04:23 i still haven't read the whole thread yet Jul 20 17:04:27 the android guys? Jul 20 17:04:29 nah Jul 20 17:04:44 do you have a link? Jul 20 17:04:55 its top of the page thepoosh :P Jul 20 17:05:06 oh myyy Jul 20 17:05:08 sometimes the highlighted things are easiest to miss, i pass them as ads or something Jul 20 17:05:11 there was no [AMA] tag Jul 20 17:05:34 amateurs ;) Jul 20 17:05:38 I'm trying to use design mode of Android Studio...neither clicking nor dragging on UI components puts them into my app activity...? Jul 20 17:05:39 did they crush the support team? Jul 20 17:05:56 skinux: not enough info. Jul 20 17:06:02 thepoosh ... dont think so ... Jul 20 17:06:03 anywho, use the XML editor Jul 20 17:06:26 I would, but I don't know all the necessary XML attributes and finding documentation on that isn't easy. Jul 20 17:06:31 thepoosh well i called them out for scattering important docs all over the place ;) Jul 20 17:06:59 yeah, pretty much the only good doc that came out of google is the AOSP class reference Jul 20 17:07:04 the rest is pretty bad Jul 20 17:07:43 like if you wanted to use PreferenceFragmentCompat, i don't think the necessary stuff is on d.android.com. some styles, etc were mentioned in google+ post maybe Jul 20 17:07:47 g00s: all you need to do is sort by controversial: https://www.reddit.com/r/androiddev/comments/4tm8i6/were_on_the_android_engineering_team_and_built/?sort=controversial Jul 20 17:07:48 maybethey did update it since Jul 20 17:08:09 omg, appcompat styles are a real bitch Jul 20 17:08:36 s73v3r: look what I found: https://www.reddit.com/r/androiddev/comments/4tm8i6/were_on_the_android_engineering_team_and_built/d5ifvfu Jul 20 17:11:01 So, where is the crappy docs for FXML components? Jul 20 17:11:35 skinux: d.android.com Jul 20 17:13:00 "Are we going to get native Bottom Navigation widget support?" lol Jul 20 17:13:11 i only see that in Photos and Google+ Jul 20 17:13:32 as far as official google apps go anyhow Jul 20 17:13:47 and when i looked at the layout, it was just a linear layout with some textviews :P Jul 20 17:16:10 down in a hole Jul 20 17:16:17 thepoosh i had a bunch of questions to ask around i/o but forgot them Jul 20 17:16:59 "N9 will not get Vulkan support." ouch ! Jul 20 17:17:07 just saw that one Jul 20 17:19:52 where can i go to pay someone for a layout Jul 20 17:22:02 still reading there Jul 20 17:22:05 too many comments Jul 20 17:22:09 but I like Chett Jul 20 17:22:25 not many n9's out there Jul 20 17:22:27 so it's like who cares Jul 20 17:22:41 the shield probably sold more units, and nvidia will make sure their shit supports vulkan if the hardware does Jul 20 17:23:40 the n9 was not cheap; and its recent too - i think it tarnishes the nexus line when even the latest generation hw doesn't get support for next feature Jul 20 17:23:54 not like there is a n10 Jul 20 17:24:28 otoh i can see my old n7 not getting nice things Jul 20 17:24:49 where can i go to buy an xml layout as i am no good Jul 20 17:25:56 folks, this is whats going to happen - mark my words. i read a bit of economics, and the word on the streat is that the extractive industries aren't going to be able to keep up with global supply very soon. global economy has to grow ~3 yearly for cops to be profitable in aggregate, which means economy must double every 20 years Jul 20 17:26:10 ~3% Jul 20 17:26:35 these phones use a lot of rare earths, exotic things, lithium is not infinite, etc Jul 20 17:26:36 what farmers make off crop loss doubles every year.. i wouldnt worry Jul 20 17:26:45 lol Jul 20 17:26:59 all we need to do is print more money.. dur Jul 20 17:27:01 soon the price of mfg will go up, way up Jul 20 17:27:17 sasser you can't print vanadium Jul 20 17:27:43 once the price of materials goes up, these devices will have to adopt longer lifecycles Jul 20 17:28:03 business models will have to shift from planned obsolescence to supporting stuff for a little while longer Jul 20 17:28:30 wat Jul 20 17:29:14 guess we will have to go deep space mining after we use up all our resources so people can snapchat with smart chips embedded in their rains Jul 20 17:29:21 brains* Jul 20 17:29:23 When is it a good idea to start a service instead of binding it? Jul 20 17:29:43 I have two fragments which use methods from a BLE service and right now it seems to be a bit of a mess :| Jul 20 17:29:46 and that is the problem g00s Jul 20 17:30:12 its what people want, but people dont know what they want :) Jul 20 17:32:07 i hope, that the ARA project takes a stab at this - perhaps the modular phone can be used longer, you just replace, maybe the cpu part & battery every few years Jul 20 17:32:37 but thats idealistic, they will have lots of other challenges Jul 20 17:33:44 even these LED light bulbs; they used to be 25,000 hours lifetime in general - but the companies making them can't make profit after 'socket saturation'. so they started making them 10,000 hours, sometimes less. CA actually has regulation that LED bulbs can't be less than 10,000 hours Jul 20 17:34:00 but if you have lLED bulbs that last that long, the economics become very difficult Jul 20 17:34:30 EPA energy-star requires 25,000 hours i think Jul 20 17:39:58 markyosullivan, when you want the service to be active even when no UI is active (i.e. in background) Jul 20 17:41:16 markyosullivan, but I think a bound AND started service has more uses than a just started one Jul 20 17:41:49 only use bound service for IPC Jul 20 17:42:14 bitkiller: It's causing me a right headache, I think whenever I bind the service in the second fragment it receives a delayed request from the first fragment which causes it to disconnect Jul 20 17:42:21 oh damn it, that was one of my questions, dianne talked a bit about splitting apps into 2 procs, UI and service Jul 20 17:42:42 Whatever happens I'm left with no connection to the BLE device Jul 20 17:43:03 markyosullivan i used to bind to service in multiple fragments, your code must be wrong Jul 20 17:43:24 just bind in onStart and unbind in onStop Jul 20 17:43:24 g00s, i use it instead of the setRetainInstance hack to handle orientation changes and background operations Jul 20 17:44:32 but, i only bind in activities; fragments use the service through the activity Jul 20 17:47:10 g00s, that's one of the problems of being a sole developer. i never know what is the 'correct' way of doing most things Jul 20 17:47:34 always losing a lot of time researching Jul 20 17:47:47 bitkiller yeah, for sure ... Jul 20 17:48:48 get frustrated researching things that aren't generally useful in the long run, like some stupid hacks Jul 20 17:51:09 g00s: I was unbinding in onStop Jul 20 17:51:13 maybe that was causing me issues Jul 20 17:51:17 *onPause Jul 20 17:51:42 dont forget onServiceConnected happens whenever ... Jul 20 17:53:00 g00s: Yeah no issues with that. I connect my bluetooth device within it Jul 20 17:55:11 markyosullivan that seems defective ... Jul 20 18:05:45 bitkiller i hear you Jul 20 18:06:50 ? Jul 20 19:00:23 is there any reason for me to use onCreateActionMode with toolbars Jul 20 19:00:34 I mean if it's a plain view now I can overlay and handle events myself Jul 20 19:08:43 hey Jul 20 19:08:57 Hi, has anyone here got experience with using Java 8 Streams with the jack compiler, while still maintaining support for pre-24 API? Jul 20 19:09:05 is LG G5 good phone for developers? (like, rooting, twrp, ROMs, Kernels etc.) Jul 20 19:09:46 @elichai2: what are you planing on developing? Jul 20 19:12:27 I'm developing apps, but i'm experiencing with tweaking AOSP Jul 20 19:13:28 I'd say as long as it's not too hardware specific, any more-or-less mainstream phone will do. Jul 20 19:13:50 Of course two or more will never hurt Jul 20 19:14:20 survi iirc you can't do that Jul 20 19:14:29 I'm just speculating based off the AMA though Jul 20 19:14:43 My problem is I heard it's not that easy rooting the LG G5 Jul 20 19:15:11 elichai2 this chan is app dev, not rom dev - so for app dev nexus is best Jul 20 19:15:34 for app dev it shouldn't matter Jul 20 19:15:42 no need to root, custom roms, or anything ;) Jul 20 19:16:40 g00s, yes you do need to root Jul 20 19:16:45 depends on what you do Jul 20 19:17:01 not for 99.999% consumer apps Jul 20 19:17:36 even google devs don't have their devices rooted Jul 20 19:17:46 the ones they use for developing Jul 20 19:17:46 and we’re not really going to be able to help with rooted stuff here Jul 20 19:18:20 twrp, again, unnecessary Jul 20 19:20:42 any idea what would cause this? http://pastebin.com/WM0f8RGs Jul 20 19:20:59 i have an app that's calling a library that's calling another library Jul 20 19:21:15 Fordeka Lobster has escaped ! Jul 20 19:21:22 but it's not finding that font asset in the second library Jul 20 19:48:10 java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: android.graphics.drawable.VectorDrawable_Delegate.nCreateTreeFromCopy(JJ)J Jul 20 19:48:14 when did this happen Jul 20 19:48:23 previewing vectors was working last week Jul 20 19:49:43 missingno lol, using new 24.1.0 ? Jul 20 19:50:07 well now I am Jul 20 19:50:14 maybe that will fix it Jul 20 19:54:23 crud that did not do it Jul 20 19:54:55 anyways I noticed it mostly happens when you call mutate Jul 20 19:55:16 peppered isInEditMode calls around until I came across this unavoidable Toolbar one Jul 20 19:58:35 hmm I think updating it made it worse Jul 20 19:58:40 well derp Jul 20 20:08:11 what does it mean when the layout viewer in AS2.2 marks views in the tree as grey Jul 20 20:11:09 Hello there, elements of list_item-view arent referenceable with findViewById(), however those of my main-view are, any possible solution? (It returns null) Jul 20 20:17:19 Sry, forgot that this is just android-dev: Hey jobless fellows! My extra fancy GUI doesnt work like it should, can anybody giv me a link to a nice icon set? Jul 20 20:20:28 huh Jul 20 20:26:03 how strange. and there's even an answer for him if he'd hung around. :P Jul 20 20:48:15 i have a question with android studio Jul 20 20:48:49 this room is so quiet Jul 20 20:48:52 then just ask. no one can help you until you ask Jul 20 20:50:36 What are broadcast receivers? What are they used for? Are they used to send intents in an async way? Jul 20 20:50:38 that wasnt a question wasnt it Jul 20 20:51:54 broadcast receivers receive intent sent by sendBroadcast. either by your application (local) or other applications and system Jul 20 20:52:36 they are used for various things, mostly action depending on 'event' like connectivity change or SMS received Jul 20 20:54:07 Can anyone tell me what this getHash() function is being used for? https://bpaste.net/show/823e0ff5d1e0 Jul 20 20:54:22 I'm reviewing someone's code and I'm a bit confused Jul 20 20:55:03 is it possible that's to get the hash for the facebook authentication? Jul 20 20:55:44 Has anyone got experience with map views on Android Wear? Jul 20 20:56:31 eemgr_: Looks like it just prints the base64 of the hash to the log. And it only hashes the app signatures. I'd say it looks like a waste of CPU cycles for no good reason at all. Jul 20 20:56:45 that's what i'm thinking too Jul 20 20:57:00 some debug logging? Jul 20 20:57:09 yeah, most likely, but should be removed for production Jul 20 20:58:23 Just wrapping it in an if(BuildConfig.DEBUG) would be a good start Jul 20 20:58:42 If nothing else, that will clearly indicate the intent Jul 20 21:28:00 Java enum question: I have an enum where the items are defined to be a certain character Jul 20 21:28:26 enum MyEnum { stateA(‘A’), stateB(‘B’), stateC(‘C’) } etc Jul 20 21:29:03 deserializing a thing, i get that character, and I want to return the appropriate enum value Jul 20 21:29:20 so if I pass in ‘A’, I want to return MyEnum.stateA Jul 20 21:29:39 How do I do that, other than having a switch? Jul 20 21:31:32 I do this: http://pastebin.com/zEYz5QkA Jul 20 21:33:11 that should work. thanks Jul 20 22:16:40 has anyone gotten a custom info window adapter working on Android Wear? Jul 20 23:03:03 in AS Fn + F1 = nice Jul 20 23:35:31 For GPGS Save feature, cant you just have one file that you overwrite? Jul 21 00:26:21 Where do I go to find someone to port something to Android for a bounty? Jul 21 00:27:37 This QRArt program http://research.swtch.com/qart was ported to Java already https://github.com/dieforfree/qart4j but it was ported using libraries that are incompatible with Android, so I'd like to commission it be reported again to be android friendly Jul 21 00:44:43 is monkey runner the best utility for writing test cases that set things like GPS coordinates, user screen touches, etc? Jul 21 00:46:17 no, you want uiautomator Jul 21 00:48:57 pfn: can I use python with that? Jul 21 00:49:07 sorry, I should have specified I wanted to use python Jul 21 00:49:29 oh, it looks like there is a python wrapper https://github.com/xiaocong/uiautomator Jul 21 00:50:18 and mock locations are set by adb Jul 21 01:52:17 Forgive me if I am posting in the wrong channel. I have an Android device with no GPS. Is it possible to use an Arduino+GPS module and connected it to Android as a source of GPS signal? Jul 21 01:54:35 Zythyr i dont think you would be able to inject the external gps data to the system (mock, etc) Jul 21 01:54:48 if you have an app that needs it, sure you could do that Jul 21 01:55:37 g00s How to feed it to an app? Jul 21 01:55:56 easiest would probably be BLE Jul 21 01:56:17 g00s What is BLE? Jul 21 01:56:58 maybe you could use USB Jul 21 01:59:25 g00s Yes, I will connect Arduino to Android phone using USB OTG. However, I am trying to figure out how I can tell Android to use the GPS signal from Arduino. Jul 21 02:00:00 Zythyr i'm saying, android won't use it, but your app could probably use it locally Jul 21 02:01:41 g00s Ohh okay. But if I want the GPS to be used by Google Maps or soemthing, then I can't Jul 21 02:01:56 don't think it will be possible Jul 21 02:02:10 unless you do some serious hacking, change the os / rom , etc Jul 21 02:09:30 g00s okay thank u. Jul 21 02:10:01 Zythyr btw http://blog.stablekernel.com/mobile-development-for-arduino Jul 21 02:11:54 fun fun http://redmonk.com/sogrady/2016/07/20/language-rankings-6-16 Jul 21 02:26:55 g00s Thanks I'll look into that approach Jul 21 02:58:01 Hey guys running into this error - anyone know why recycler view is randomly crashing here http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38494131/recycler-view-crashes-on-click **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Jul 21 02:59:58 2016