**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Jul 24 02:59:58 2016 Jul 24 04:56:21 hi all Jul 24 06:16:08 guys, I wonder if there any idea to use getString from an ndk. Jul 24 06:16:16 have anyone tried it yet? Jul 24 06:16:28 huh Jul 24 06:18:43 suggestions? Jul 24 06:20:20 getString of what Jul 24 06:20:33 from resources? Jul 24 06:24:01 yea Jul 24 06:24:41 I like to use resource string in ndk for consistency throughout code. Jul 24 06:26:47 ahh dunno. afair you can read assets, but idk if resources Jul 24 06:30:12 main problem is resource IDs,and I don't know how they will generate. Jul 24 06:30:39 there is always idiotic approachs, but looking for good ones. Jul 24 07:41:11 is it possible to have my widgets styled for material theme without resorting to third-party widgets? Jul 24 07:42:19 I'm using Theme.AppCompat.Light style, but none of my widgets look material unless I use some third-party lib Jul 24 07:42:32 the action bar looks fine Jul 24 07:43:42 For textview, I had to use the android design support lib, which is fine, but it doesn't have spinner! Jul 24 07:44:04 And when I add a spinner, it looks hideous Jul 24 07:44:27 the intertubes is not helping, it's just giving me third-party spinners Jul 24 08:22:05 anyone know how to set icon color for tabs in roughike's bottombar lib Jul 24 09:03:23 hi, how to issue su (superuser) command on shell if this appears: error: only position independent executables (PIE) are supported. Jul 24 09:05:02 does building a project always take this long Jul 24 09:05:05 its been going for 5 min Jul 24 09:09:23 pifon: is your project large? Jul 24 09:09:46 Out of curiosity Jul 24 09:09:59 its 30 mb Jul 24 09:11:56 its still going Jul 24 09:17:19 completed in 15 min Jul 24 09:35:13 pifon: no, I meant the size of source code. Lots of lines? Jul 24 09:35:22 oh yeah Jul 24 09:35:27 more than 10k Jul 24 09:38:16 Hmm. Mine's only 1k and I'm close to launching it. Jul 24 09:40:16 In my defence, though, I have verbosity phobia Jul 24 09:52:39 Goddamn it, I'm hitting that "coder's wall" right now Jul 24 09:52:49 Can't code properly and/or at all Jul 24 10:04:09 any light weight geolocations libs that you know of? I just need to get the user's current country Jul 24 10:21:23 is there a non-support version of FragmentPagerAdapter Jul 24 10:34:52 viewpager itself is support although it can work with native fragments Jul 24 10:48:26 can someone fix my code, on why listview not populating in fragment tab, i been trying to get to work for the past one week and looking at tutorials, I give up doing it myself because I cant fix it Jul 24 10:49:53 anyone know about error: only position independent executables (PIE) are supported. Jul 24 10:50:09 I get this error when trying to su in shell Jul 24 10:53:44 DarkChaoz, lets see Jul 24 11:25:01 hope google fired whoever was in charge of android studio!!! Jul 24 11:25:12 5 min per compile?!! Jul 24 11:25:33 eclipse was instant man Jul 24 11:29:51 seems pretty instantaneous to me Jul 24 11:59:42 Hello, I've made a context menu and when I click the delete option, it should delete an item from a listview, so I .remove the item in the List and call .notifyDatasetChanged(), but still it crashes Jul 24 12:03:44 is it possible that I shouldn't delete it from the source List? Jul 24 12:07:59 Should I use adapter.remove() instead? still gives an error for me Jul 24 12:16:29 Both works Jul 24 12:35:58 it doesn't for me. get an unsupported action exception Jul 24 12:57:36 can someone fix my code, on why listview not populating in fragment tab, i been trying to get to work for the past one week and looking at tutorials, I give up doing it myself because I cant fix it. Jul 24 12:57:41 SimonVT: as if the list can't be edited, maybe. I didn't make it final, and it's public Jul 24 12:58:51 here are the neccessary codes: http://pastebin.com/2gud7MKk fragment tab activity, twitter fragment:: http://pastebin.com/E4EK9PZR, fragment_twitter layout: http://pastebin.com/zAQvw88A and fragment tab activity layout: http://pastebin.com/ZsDL7Bvb Jul 24 13:00:26 can someone help, im desperate Jul 24 13:10:32 thornekey u there? Jul 24 13:17:17 SimonVT: the problem was that I didn't assign a type on the ArrayAdapter, so it didn't create an editable list Jul 24 13:18:25 can someone help, im desperate! Jul 24 13:20:51 been stuck fixing this activity for a week and I cant do this without someones help Jul 24 13:23:16 DarkChaoz: I wish I could help, but I'm stuck on this myself too Jul 24 13:23:28 As in, my thing is even less advanced than yours Jul 24 13:23:36 fragment with listview asynctask? Jul 24 13:23:52 why does android have to be so complex ;_; Jul 24 13:24:38 I tried fixing this issue for the past one week lol, spent at least 5 hrs reading android fragment and viewpager stuff and tutorials and no luck -_- Jul 24 13:25:57 I think the reason is a lack of streamlined documentation Jul 24 13:26:40 I know there's the android documentation but it's strictly the technical information Jul 24 13:27:12 It's probably very much dominated by books Jul 24 13:27:46 yeah, its not really beginner friendly at all. I only have a bit of grasp with simple android stuff, but these complex stuff is just too much Jul 24 13:28:38 what complex stuff Jul 24 13:30:00 the twitter fragment listview isn't populating? Jul 24 13:31:09 * Zharf sighs Jul 24 13:31:25 asynctask ;_; Jul 24 13:33:22 lol Jul 24 13:33:34 yeah its not populating despite its being logged in logcat Jul 24 13:34:10 I need someone's help to fix the code because whatever I do doesnt work and I spent a week on it with no results Jul 24 13:35:20 almost been 2 weeks now Im stuck on fixing this feature and I have to complete the app by next month :( Jul 24 13:35:34 I have 128 kanji to go through... busy for now :p Jul 24 13:36:40 you bought my hopes up that someone will finally help me Jul 24 13:36:46 thanks alot zharf :/ Jul 24 13:36:52 lol Jul 24 13:39:39 well, get rid of the asynctask and try with dummy data first, also learn to use recyclerview instead of listview and write your own adapter, don't use arrayadapter Jul 24 13:40:00 I'd be surprised to find someone using arrayadapter in a real world application Jul 24 13:40:24 recyclerview is also just easier to write adapters for, also asynctask is evil Jul 24 13:47:57 if i cant get help today, I'm just going to delete everything I did, i'm just fed up of not fixing this, all I want is my existing code to work. Jul 24 13:48:33 not going to bother wasting my life on this anymore. Jul 24 13:48:41 do you want to learn or not? Jul 24 13:48:51 or just get something whipped together quick Jul 24 13:50:05 my app is simple, ita news feed app, I'm just revamping it as swipe tab layout using fragments Jul 24 13:50:21 my original code uses listview with asynctask Jul 24 13:50:35 I've already changed much of the code and adopted a twitter lib Jul 24 13:50:51 so you've no interest in learning Jul 24 13:51:22 I have, but no right now, since time is of the essence. Jul 24 13:51:47 it took me a bit more than half a year to build a working simple app Jul 24 13:59:18 well, I can't debug it for you without a working, compilable and runnable testcase Jul 24 14:21:05 Hi there, can anyone advice a good manual of using ProGuard ? Jul 24 14:21:45 it's pretty much a mystery Jul 24 14:27:32 >>Zharf it was an answer to me ? Jul 24 14:27:38 yes :p Jul 24 14:28:59 https://developer.android.com/studio/build/shrink-code.html is supposed to be useful, but I don't think so, really Jul 24 14:30:14 DarkChaoz, well I'm done with my kanji, if you have something I can help you with... but I don't see a solution to your problem from your pastes directly Jul 24 14:31:52 DarkChaoz, I'd put something visible on the fragment layout so that you know your viewpager is working Jul 24 14:33:08 I suspect your viewpager isn't visible Jul 24 14:34:11 DarkChaoz, use android monitor to get capture the viewhierarchy and see how the items are positioned Jul 24 14:34:22 I think you'll find something surprising Jul 24 14:46:22 so i have added a new navigation activity in my project , and the action bar , and navigation drawer selected item color is white, i can barely look them . can anyone guide me , where are these colors stored ,so that i can change them Jul 24 14:48:17 4gb ram definately doesnt work for people like me , who have 4-5 tabs of chrome simulataneously open , its eating my ram . Jul 24 14:51:50 what can i do with 65,535 problem ? I have to use google places api and google maps api, which make it really hard ( or even impossible ) to stay below this point Jul 24 14:51:53 ? Jul 24 15:11:41 macbook: multidex Jul 24 15:12:18 it essentially takes few lines for gradle and few lines of codes Jul 24 15:58:21 can anyone tell me how to change and stylize navigation drawer ? Jul 24 15:59:02 i have added a navigation activity , and the activity have messed up colors . i want to know how can i approach and solve this problem Jul 24 15:59:38 i want to change colors like selected item color , and want to change the color of action bar, which is completely transparent right now Jul 24 16:18:23 I am trying to construct a 10x10 square grid of which I want to randomly (and dynamically after the app starts) color cells. What would be the easiest way to accomplish this? Thanks so much Jul 24 16:30:50 scipy53 I woudl use a gridlayout for the layout with a column count of 10, then create views with a random to choose colors and add them to the gridlayout Jul 24 16:33:16 l3g3nd, I tried a gridlayout but ran into strange problems, maybe because the Design view doesn't actually represent it properly, but basically when I added a gridlayout to my screen it didn't seem to create an evenly spaced grid even after I set column count and row count. It added many more cells, and didn't space the cells evenly. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong. Jul 24 16:33:26 I also am currently looking into canvas Jul 24 16:48:03 Hi guys. I have a google authentication feature in my app. I use Intent intent = Auth.GoogleSignInApi.getSignInIntent(mGoogleApiClient) and startActivityForResult(intent). At some moment it just stopped to show me the prompt dialog where I choose the account to login to. Jul 24 16:48:26 What possibly cause that? Jul 24 16:48:35 *What can Jul 24 16:48:59 meh, dunked my 5x in some water Jul 24 16:51:05 mine just cried in sympathy Jul 24 16:51:45 hey pfn, do you ever notice ghost touches while using the device while charging ? Jul 24 16:52:04 (You'd have to have touch point visibility enabled) Jul 24 16:52:51 isUserAGhost() Jul 24 16:53:26 Heh - I wound up replacing the change cable but the problem recurres Jul 24 16:53:32 *charge Jul 24 16:56:38 if i recall ghost touches were problem with first batches of N7 / 2013; i went into Best Buy and asked for a mfg date after October or something Jul 24 16:57:16 first batch definitely had some issues, that sounds familiar though Jul 24 16:57:17 yep - 5X there too ... I saw the article also :) Jul 24 16:57:30 *article(s) Jul 24 16:57:39 after I noticed the issue I googled around Jul 24 16:58:26 Annoying, but predictable in non-standard use situations so bearable Jul 24 17:00:04 not sure what i'll do for ebooks when my n7 dies, guess i'll get an iPad or something Jul 24 17:00:21 i haven't heard of any more n7s Jul 24 17:00:45 the bigger tablet is more than i'm willing to spend for an android device Jul 24 17:02:00 I'll swap you the one Moz gave me ... still works great, only used for local testing .... low volume miles on it Jul 24 17:02:11 :p Jul 24 17:02:32 * capella there's that ticklish usb connector ofc Jul 24 17:07:04 capella, don't know, but don't have touches visible Jul 24 17:35:00 tks pfn Jul 24 17:40:49 is RingtoneManager (Api 1) still a thing? just want a sound for an alarm Jul 24 17:58:29 g00s you can set a sound with alarmmanager Jul 24 17:59:05 or notification builder i mean Jul 24 17:59:09 my app will be monitoring values in real time, yeah sorry - not time alarm, but process alarm Jul 24 17:59:47 meaning i watch a process variable and sound alarm if out of range Jul 24 18:54:43 g00s: so, what do you think? Jul 24 18:54:52 thepoosh meh ! Jul 24 18:55:06 there was the open source lib guide Jul 24 18:55:11 which was less meh Jul 24 18:55:17 more like ehhhh.... me Jul 24 18:55:24 meh is probably being too gentle Jul 24 18:55:44 g00s: don't forget the unsecure code of the RepositryPattern Jul 24 18:55:49 I am cringing Jul 24 18:56:04 the moment I see something like this Jul 24 18:56:06 "SELECT * FROM %1$s WHERE `%2$s` = %3$d';", Jul 24 18:56:10 NOOOOOO Jul 24 18:56:16 haha Jul 24 18:56:35 defuq is wrong with them doing this?! Jul 24 18:56:52 i wonder when as 2.2 will be final Jul 24 18:57:01 AS? Jul 24 18:57:08 yep Jul 24 18:57:14 who knows Jul 24 18:57:21 I know that there are many things happening Jul 24 18:57:38 but I don't have connections in the IDE and plugin departments Jul 24 18:57:41 only gms Jul 24 18:59:55 i don't use much gma, i guess soon i should look at firebase analytics Jul 24 19:00:02 still use the old GA stuff Jul 24 19:00:26 *gms Jul 24 19:01:20 thepoosh have you dinked with ConstraintLayout yet ? Jul 24 19:02:01 a team member started Jul 24 19:03:04 thepoosh have you caught any pokemon over there ? Jul 24 19:03:13 nope Jul 24 19:03:34 http://citizensoccer.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/imadult.png Jul 24 19:04:21 thepoosh what is this thing called 'adult' , i don't think i know of any :D Jul 24 19:04:29 "D Jul 24 19:04:32 is it another kind of pokemon ? :D Jul 24 19:04:39 I play good games like witcher Jul 24 19:07:42 vim 8 changelog https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vim/vim/master/runtime/doc/version8.txt Jul 24 19:08:02 "Vim can now exchange messages with other processes in the background" lol finally Jul 24 19:08:42 Ok i finally got an arm image to work for the AVD but when i run the code the emulator start android but never fully get running it just hang with the android work chugging along. I tried going into the settings of the AVD and increasing the memory of the java heap and vm machine memory...etc but nothing so far gets me anywhere Jul 24 19:09:00 thepoosh did you see http://stackoverflow.com/documentation/android/topics Jul 24 19:09:25 I realize i had to uses for some reason arm based images the x86 or x64 based images don't do Jul 24 19:09:27 yes, and then i went on to dis the android team for bad documentation Jul 24 19:09:53 keeps me time out error Jul 24 19:10:18 https://www.reddit.com/r/androiddev/comments/4twno6/introducing_stack_overflow_documentation_beta/d5kuiy3 Jul 24 19:10:23 g00s: ^ Jul 24 19:10:58 Curious though why system images for x86 or x64 won't work though haven;t tried any of them for lower versions now that i got virtualization enabled Jul 24 19:10:59 thepoosh so sounds like Hangouts and Messenger will be phased out ... Jul 24 19:11:22 g00s: ?! Jul 24 19:11:28 where is that taken from? Jul 24 19:11:35 thepoosh to be replaced by Allo and Duo Jul 24 19:11:41 yeah yeah Jul 24 19:11:43 just names Jul 24 19:12:14 but messenger? Jul 24 19:12:17 anybody at there no how to fix this so i can start testing my app's with using Andriod studio Jul 24 19:12:31 thepoosh oh wait, looks like bad info lol Jul 24 19:12:41 well it was here http://www.xda-developers.com/exclusive-new-information-about-googles-allo-has-emerged/ Jul 24 19:12:57 I know the emulator is available now its just that is very slow but 10 times slow i didn't think was going to stop it from working Jul 24 19:13:55 I tried setting grails setting higher for speed of compiling as recommended but this was for building didn't effect emulation AVD thing obviously Jul 24 19:15:43 How much computer memory do you need to run this andriod studio with AVD because all systems i have are 8 gb which should be more then enough for most things but i know android codebase ridiculously huge Jul 24 19:16:33 thepoosh take care Jul 24 19:17:25 So currently where i am at is a can download any api and build any type of app for any device but the emulator to test it on is not working hanging Jul 24 19:18:17 Though the only other aspect if i get the AVD working would be the actual debugger settings they may give me an issue with something though not sure haven't got to need those yet. Jul 24 19:21:17 I wish HAXM intel virtualization worked for me but maybe its because i am on an AMD processor i do have virtualization supported and such but android studios when installing it just doesn't /cann't uses it so i found that arm images work I will try dropping back to 6.X over N the newest. Anybody know if the newest api in existence needs some ridiculous memory requirements . The only last thing is a reboot to see if there was a Jul 24 19:21:17 build tool hanging process that didn't get shut down.... Jul 24 19:22:47 I don't see any in task manager so rebooting and starting fresh tried that and didn't do anything either same issue Jul 24 19:23:08 wtf Jul 24 19:26:45 droid2, which image are you testing? ARM? Jul 24 19:28:26 an amd processor is really not a good choice for developing on windows Jul 24 19:28:52 note that on linux you can get hw accelleration on amd though, so it might be a way to speed it up :P Jul 24 19:30:45 6.Xarmeabi-v7a thats the one that at least starts booting andriod shows the android name... but then i have tried the 6.Xx86_64 and that one didn't work really weird because i am on a AMD x64 Jul 24 19:31:04 Maybe the system images are not for AMD but for intel Jul 24 19:31:59 i thought the whole point of an emulator was to act like something you dont have handy? Jul 24 19:32:03 But anyway arm starts working and the hanging issue is where i am at tried a bunch of increasing settings with the settings of the AVD memory Jul 24 19:33:30 It should but its more a pain right now then actually taking the physical device and just dumping the apk to it and directly testing... unfortunately i don't have the physical devices so have to work with emulators for the new phones at best Jul 24 19:34:33 So this is why clearing this issue up would be a great thing. I like it integrated with Android studio Jul 24 19:35:41 lol, i have studio all setup,i think, but idk why really, i dont dev so kinda a waste Jul 24 19:36:22 droid2 have you installed HAXM? Jul 24 19:36:35 i found this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/26355645/error-in-launching-avd-with-amd-processor Jul 24 19:38:14 Yes but i still keep getting the red thing in AVD telling me i don't have support for vt-x ,...but i have enabled it in the bios and virtualbox tells my i have it? Jul 24 19:44:34 hmm..i don;t know if you've tried/are interested in it, but have you tried using genymotion? Jul 24 19:45:21 <_genuser_> hey people. Jul 24 19:45:51 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/21635504/error-during-installing-haxm-vt-x-not-working/21725061#21725061 droid2 did you see this? Jul 24 19:50:39 at first, i had an emulator with google chrome installed Jul 24 19:50:45 now i can only get the normal browser .. what am I doing wrong ehere?  Jul 24 19:50:50 i need chrome as wel Jul 24 19:51:08 is there some version i should be using? or sdk package i ineedd to install? Jul 24 19:52:49 Well i have AMD not intel which they have an equivalent to vt-x which is on but not working HAMX is installed... so your thinking somethings blocking it like an like a firewall or antivirus program Jul 24 19:54:22 me? no i just figured maybe it would apply. i have no clue on most of this stuff, but hoped it would help. Jul 24 19:54:27 There so much things people are saying to try i don't know man do really want to start tweaking things completely around there must be an easier way to logically troubleshoot this ? Maybe not because so much crap has been built up for systems thru the years this just seem ridiculously complicated to just code my apps again Jul 24 19:56:37 then use real device Jul 24 19:56:52 do you have the virtualization option enabled in the bios (uefi)/ Jul 24 20:02:53 would it be possible to not have to write proguard rules if you just use @Keep on the necessary methods? Jul 24 20:15:57 <_genuser_> anybody do wifi debugging on a phone? Jul 24 20:18:58 Hi all. This is less an Android specific question and more IntelliJ/Android Studio. Is there a way I can set errors to automatically use Log.e() rather than e.printStackTrace() when auto adding try/catch? Jul 24 20:19:38 I use Log.e always and it is a waste of time to have to manually change it every time Jul 24 20:21:39 liuwenhao: i guess you can make a custom action (not quite sure what the name is) for it Jul 24 20:22:02 macro? maybe you could edit the current default one as well Jul 24 20:23:09 Found this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/37587258/how-can-i-customize-the-code-that-is-generated-when-i-use-surround-with-try-cat Jul 24 20:23:29 I guess replacing this template should do the trick Jul 24 20:24:08 Hello does anyone how to invoke api one after another for displaying the result, I am facing an issue I am getting id from first API on basis of that id I have to get result from another api how to solve this scenario. Jul 24 20:24:40 min2_: What's the problem exactly, just make a second call Jul 24 20:24:40 I am using retrofit in my application Jul 24 20:25:02 @min2_ you can add the second call in onResponse Jul 24 20:25:19 and just pass in the parsed id from the first call into the second call Jul 24 20:25:45 So should i make second API call from onResponse of retrofit Jul 24 20:26:10 If you need to have a response from the first API before making the second call, yes. Jul 24 20:26:58 You would probably want to have an interface back to whatever is making the first call (Activity/Fragment/Presenter/whatever) so you can make the second call from there Jul 24 20:27:21 and you can pass the ID from the first call through that interface Jul 24 20:28:52 Yes retrofit auto handling through this calback I am using .enqueue Jul 24 20:54:37 has anyone used wowza for streaming video from android device? Jul 24 21:15:20 Hello! I have a problem, I am trying to create material design chips with a possibility of modifying a token after it's created. And sometimes after modifying token goes partially off screen instead of moving to the next line. How do I force TextView to redraw? Jul 24 21:38:09 Does anyone know about command line exe to apk converter? Jul 24 21:41:36 i guess there is no way to supply theme to ringtonemanager picker ? Jul 24 22:30:09 how can I get a material-themed Spinner? It's not in design support lib and AppCompat theme doesn't seem to help at all! Jul 25 00:04:28 Hi guys! Is there a difference between @FormUrlEncoded and @Headers({"Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencoded"}) annotations in Retrofit? Jul 25 00:05:30 One is just a header, the other actually affects the encoding of the body Jul 25 00:06:59 JakeWharton, Thank you! Now I feel really stupid because it seems so damn obvious right now Jul 25 00:15:00 I’ve got a weird problem I just can’t figure the solution to. I have a RecyclerView with a Spinner for each row. How can I get which row in the RecyclerView the selected Spinner is in from the onItemSelected method? Jul 25 00:16:51 I thought of using some sort of hashmapping workaround, but I believe the RecyclerView adapters are reused Jul 25 00:19:03 JamEngulfer use View.setTag in bindView method in your adapter to pass some the id or some other flags to the row\view your where your spinner lives Jul 25 00:20:05 Is that in the onBindViewHolder method? Jul 25 00:20:24 Yes, exactly Jul 25 00:21:04 pass the id or other mark you can distinguish your views by to these views by setTag Jul 25 00:21:28 To do that, should I retain the view in the constructor for the cell’s holder? Jul 25 00:21:32 And then in onClickListener or any other method you cann upon some event just chek that tag Jul 25 00:21:34 with getTag Jul 25 00:22:16 Oh wait, do I set the tag on the spinner view? Jul 25 00:22:49 You can set it to whatever view in onBindViewHolder method. Jul 25 00:23:01 ANd then ust check it Jul 25 00:23:07 *just Jul 25 00:23:11 that's all Jul 25 00:24:59 JamEngulfer, http://pastebin.com/abX9XYXy Jul 25 00:25:09 This is an example from one of my projects Jul 25 00:26:39 In the second method you can see on its first line how I get the info I need for the row I click Jul 25 00:27:45 Ah, I see. The on selected method is a bit different for a spinner though. How would I get the view of the spinner itself? Looking at the Android docs, the ‘View view’ passed into the onItemSelected method isn’t actually the spinner view itself Jul 25 00:28:55 Oh wait, my bad Jul 25 00:29:18 The parent variable is actually the spinner view. I didn’t know it was a subclass of AdapterView Jul 25 00:40:12 What's the section of the log that contains the error (and how it flows through all the files) called? I remember it had a specific name. Jul 25 00:47:05 so what happens if you buy an HTC (like forthcoming Marlin / Nexus) from Google Play - who handles warranty, Google or HTC ? Jul 25 00:47:53 they sound pretty terrible https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=12155095 Jul 25 00:48:11 but motorola also got called out for terrible warranty a few months ago Jul 25 00:53:18 Hey all. I've been playing around with android dev for a while and I'm trying to "buckle down" and publish an app soon. I have most of the app written and working and I'm now looking into how I can add some ads to generate revenue(I'm not disillusional, I know I'm not going to make much). What are the best options out there? admob? Jul 25 00:57:08 I would have thought AdMob would have been the easiest solution Jul 25 00:59:16 Doing my preliminary googling it does seem admob will be the easiest. Jul 25 00:59:35 It’s not as simple as iOS (which is just view.canShowAds = true), but it should be pretty simple to implement Jul 25 01:03:08 Yea it seems pretty easy to do: https://firebase.google.com/docs/admob/android/quick-start Jul 25 01:25:41 Well this is weird. I have some EditTexts in a RecyclerView, but when the cells get recycled, it calls onTextChanged and afterTextChanged in the TextWatcher, making any attempt at storing the values in the EditTexts useless Jul 25 01:28:59 Any idea how to stop those methods being called, except for when a user actually edits the values in the widget? Jul 25 01:48:12 As far as I can tell, TextWatcher is completely useless if the edit box is in a RecyclerView. Jul 25 01:49:00 There’s absolutely no way to tell if the change in text is due to the user removing the text from the EditText or due to the EditText getting recycled Jul 25 02:07:11 I'm transmitting a photo from phone to PHP server page. The photo is base64 encoded when captured, and then the PHP will generate an image file and store it. It works when I capture the image on my mac, but when I capture the image on my phone (nexus 6) it creates a 60 byte file that I can't open. Jul 25 02:08:09 hello all, Jul 25 02:08:41 Hola Jul 25 02:09:23 Is there a way i can make shortcuts to 3rd party applications where i can configure to click button "ok".... and it will go to www.somewebsite.com - Jul 25 02:09:56 -> type user name and password -> click login -> clicks on dashboard -> pending items -> "OK" Jul 25 02:10:04 something like this Jul 25 02:10:33 can this be done via some app ? Jul 25 02:30:56 The room is so silent... ! Jul 25 02:31:24 everyone is marching to philly for protests :D Jul 25 02:31:31 * tamarind wonder whats the right time talk here to get more replies ! Jul 25 02:31:44 g00s: why ? trump mania ? Jul 25 02:31:54 dnc Jul 25 02:32:16 g00s: fair enough Jul 25 02:32:22 ;) Jul 25 02:32:37 ok its been some time so il repost my question Jul 25 02:32:55 Is there a way i can make shortcuts to 3rd party applications where i can configure to click button "ok".... and it will go to www.somewebsite.com -> type user name and password -> click login -> clicks on dashboard -> pending items -> "OK" Jul 25 02:34:06 Doubt it. Sounds dangerous. Jul 25 02:35:24 GhostChilli: why does it sound dangerous ? Jul 25 02:35:33 rather how does it* Jul 25 02:36:12 I am tired of going through the workflows everyday and exploring a way to automate this Jul 25 02:37:38 It is my access credentials that i am going to use without which the login will not happen Jul 25 02:37:53 It is those functiona that are allowed to me which i am planning to automate Jul 25 02:38:09 GhostChilli: how is this ^ dangerous ? Jul 25 02:38:42 third party applications, or websites? Jul 25 02:39:07 Leeds: both Jul 25 02:39:09 "This lesson shows how to create a new project either using Android Studio or using the SDK tools from a command line." please tell me where on page to find how to create project using command line Jul 25 02:39:14 https://developer.android.com/training/basics/firstapp/creating-project.html Jul 25 02:39:59 i found a spring tutorial http://spring.io/guides/gs/gradle-android/ which seems nice because aside from the gradlew nonsense it doesn't seem to pollute the tree with "app" and suchlike, but what is the catch of doing that? Jul 25 02:40:12 Leeds: is there a way ? Jul 25 02:40:29 or, does android actually still provide docs on command line sdk, or is it just weird videos of some android developer tv show all over the site Jul 25 02:41:32 vsync hm, i dont recall the gradle plugin being able to create a skeleton project Jul 25 02:41:51 AS will do it though Jul 25 02:42:04 g00s: i have mkdir and a text editor but thanks anyway Jul 25 02:42:06 the android CLI tool will do it Jul 25 02:42:20 the spring tutorial is exactly what i want Jul 25 02:42:26 Leeds is it the new (gradle) or old (ant) style ? Jul 25 02:42:27 but i'm looking for one from the horse's mouth as it were Jul 25 02:42:48 the developer.android.com thing promises docs so i'm trying to see if those actually exist or it's a lie Jul 25 02:42:57 or just more sloppiness from the folks that brought you material Jul 25 02:43:30 meh, trolls be trolling Jul 25 02:43:32 i'm half-joking, just a little grumpy so i apologize Jul 25 02:43:48 but the last time i went to do android development the site had clearly worded tutorials and lots of documentation Jul 25 02:43:54 now all i can find is videos and whatnot Jul 25 02:44:12 lots of API references, and stuff telling me what to click around in IDEs Jul 25 02:44:16 OH NO VIDEOS! Jul 25 02:44:25 to the exclusion of text, yeah it's annoying Jul 25 02:44:51 really though, meh Jul 25 02:45:07 "This lesson shows how to create a new project either using Android Studio or using the SDK tools from a command line." i'm just trying to find out where that part is Jul 25 02:45:39 tamarind: I'd imagine you can control a webview pretty easily, otherwise https://developer.android.com/training/testing/ui-testing/index.html Jul 25 02:50:45 g00s, Leeds: looks like "android" command can actually make either ant or gradle templates Jul 25 02:51:05 i wonder, is there even a downside to using ant? aside from not playing nicely with studio Jul 25 02:52:06 vsync: I'll be honest, I'm probably the biggest CLI cheerleader around here... but there's not much point trying to help someone who comes in with an attitude Jul 25 02:53:18 just had to vent for a moment Jul 25 02:53:34 but if you have thoughts on various approaches i'd love to hear Jul 25 02:53:57 vsync forget ant, its deprecated Jul 25 02:54:01 long ago Jul 25 02:54:05 i know that Jul 25 02:54:09 but what are the downsides Jul 25 02:54:17 its deprecated Jul 25 02:54:20 lol Jul 25 02:55:23 surprised that stuff still works Jul 25 02:55:31 who knows how much longer Jul 25 02:55:36 in my experience ant always "just worked" Jul 25 02:55:51 vsync its not ant, its the android build crap around ant Jul 25 02:55:52 aside from annoyances with the sdk manager having its own package manager thingy Jul 25 02:55:56 (the ant tasks) Jul 25 02:56:02 haha yeah Jul 25 02:56:17 but gradle and especially studio doesn't really seem to have improved that aspect Jul 25 02:56:45 i tried putting the android sdk into /opt and that was an afternoon lost... it really wants to put it all in $HOME, and then gradle wants to like download a new copy of itself? Jul 25 02:56:52 Leeds i saw the changelog for vim 8 Jul 25 02:57:55 Leeds: Thanks for the link, will look into it now Jul 25 02:57:59 good luck vsync :) Jul 25 02:58:14 don't forget your hsync Jul 25 02:58:22 thanks Jul 25 02:58:44 i gave up on /opt for now, just wondering if there's a way to use the new stuff without all the cruft Jul 25 02:59:15 you don't need the gradle wrapper (gradlew) Jul 25 02:59:41 yeah **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Jul 25 02:59:58 2016