**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Aug 02 02:59:57 2016 Aug 02 03:22:16 i'd like my background service task to scale in interval from 5 seconds to up to once per hour, should i use an Alarm? Aug 02 03:30:28 I'd like the alarmmanager's pendingintent to start the service if not running, or at least update it if it is running... is that possible? Aug 02 04:31:22 shmooz, Aug 02 04:32:27 caverdude !!! Aug 02 05:13:14 how do you stop the NDK build system from using the gold linker? Aug 02 05:47:21 can i setup an alarm to fire the service, from within that service? Aug 02 05:55:20 What will be best way of using websockets on android. I don't need heavy weight lifting and all. But should work over ssl Aug 02 05:55:59 netty is being weird cause of progaurd Aug 02 06:29:50 anuj, i've used this one: com.neovisionaries:nv-websocket-client:1.28 Aug 02 06:54:02 Gah, Eclipse is now getting OutOfMemory-Errors during Android Library Update Aug 02 06:56:13 Well it *is* eclipse :p Aug 02 06:57:50 Yeah, I hope some day the client decides to invest some time and move away from it. Aug 02 07:14:18 Attempting to paint the stroke effect on the TextView, however, stroke effect appears but the fill is lost. This issue occurs when the layer type is set to LAYER_TYPE_NONE, LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE does do all the painting but the quality is not acceptable. Aug 02 07:28:11 Disconnected :\ Aug 02 07:28:32 Repeating issue again. Attempting to paint the stroke effect on the TextView, however, stroke effect appears but the fill is lost. This issue occurs when the layer type is set to LAYER_TYPE_NONE, LAYER_TYPE_SOFTWARE does do all the painting but the quality is not acceptable. Aug 02 07:29:02 Here's the snippet (Kotlin): http://pastie.org/private/ou0kofjntkprw7gihlog4q Aug 02 07:29:57 Is it possible to switch layer type during onDraw(), tried that but saw no difference. Aug 02 07:59:08 Is there any ways to get Android Studio to work with maven or do you absolutely have to switch to gradle? Aug 02 08:01:43 hi guys Aug 02 08:03:19 barq there might be surely a way, but isnt this like masochism? Aug 02 08:08:17 barq: you can always use intellij Aug 02 08:08:19 ktwo: It's regarded as almost impossible to migrate the project I am working on to gradle with all the maven plugins, jobs , multiple apks, shared dependencies and ndk etc. Aug 02 08:08:35 hi all Aug 02 08:08:53 guys, I have a view pager with 2 fragments only. Aug 02 08:08:55 The only benefit of intellij would be a bit more stability Aug 02 08:09:01 (2 pages) Aug 02 08:09:16 but I need to update these fragments from my activity Aug 02 08:09:50 how to you suggest to access these fragments from activity? Aug 02 08:11:17 there's nothing out there that will let me paste a GitHub link and have it compile an Android app for me, is there? Aug 02 08:11:43 like an "all build server"? Aug 02 08:11:55 a/all/apk Aug 02 08:40:37 I am googling for a while but can't figure out what the purpose of uri in android is . I know that it is a content provider though Aug 02 08:42:56 whats the full form of uri Aug 02 08:43:17 killer, Aug 02 08:44:55 uniform resoure identifier or something like that Aug 02 08:45:01 resource* Aug 02 08:45:26 ok i dont remember Aug 02 08:45:33 i dont understand all the buzzwords Aug 02 08:45:39 i just know how to code apps Aug 02 08:46:53 drphil_: so what's the purpose of uri as an argument Aug 02 08:47:06 i told you i dont know what uri means Aug 02 08:49:51 do you also not have access to bing? Aug 02 08:50:31 wow Aug 02 08:50:39 why should i search google to help someone Aug 02 08:50:45 he can do it himself Aug 02 08:51:06 Is it bad practice to pass an Activity to a POJO and startActivtyForResult from the POJO? Aug 02 08:55:41 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/176264/what-is-the-difference-between-a-uri-a-url-and-a-urn Aug 02 08:55:51 killer: read this Aug 02 08:56:11 then read https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/content-provider-basics.html Aug 02 08:57:55 thnx razzledazzle , your help is much appreciated Aug 02 08:59:13 yep, I read the official docs on Uri class and saw no background info on the matter, so yeah I hope that helps. Anyway, in short, Uri identifies or points to a resource that you wish to query upon. Aug 02 09:08:30 barq: you can always use intellij Aug 02 09:08:34 oops, sorry Aug 02 09:10:17 What benefits would that have over Eclipse? Aug 02 09:12:13 i dont know Aug 02 09:12:15 preference Aug 02 09:13:02 Hi all. I'm looking for a solution to have a watermark in my app, like a text 'demo' in the bottom right corner. It must be visible for all Activities. Any advice? Aug 02 09:14:07 preference Aug 02 09:15:37 gorden_: me? the cleanest solution. Not all the rootView of the activities are RelativeLayouts, so that isn't a simple solution.. Aug 02 09:16:04 no, just mistaken the terminal Aug 02 09:25:00 FrancescoV: you might not want to use RelativeLayout as a root View, avoid it as much as possible Aug 02 09:26:13 razzledazzle: ok, thanks for the advice! Aug 02 09:26:26 can this give any problems? http://pastebin.com/6a5uEpH6 (it's working) Aug 02 09:27:11 Am I going to have to create an interface for every fragment which I want to communicate with my activity? Aug 02 09:32:08 yeah, it's official https://youtu.be/Q2qQoJlwqlk?t=39m10s Aug 02 09:35:25 razzledazzle: tnx! Aug 02 09:36:12 meh, what do those guys know? :) Aug 02 09:38:23 FrancescoV: your solution looks nice btw, I'm not sure however as I don't know what are the costs of adding View to the WindowManager. If you don't mind the inheritance party, alternatively, you could maybe create a BaseActivity with a layout that has the demo View set and the subclass should simply inflate the content layout as the BaseActivity layout as the parent. Aug 02 09:40:46 razzledazzle, I'm going to put in my BaseActivity :) Aug 02 09:41:25 I'm so glad I've started using BaseActivity & BaseFragment Aug 02 09:41:43 I'd pick the WindowManager as it involves no layouts btw Aug 02 09:41:51 Has really helped me stop duplicating common methods which I use for my activities / fragments Aug 02 09:42:12 yeah, but it also leads to God class thing if you're not careful Aug 02 09:43:25 What do you mean? Aug 02 09:43:31 so MAYBE i just thought of a way round the android NDK not allowing text relocations lol Aug 02 09:43:40 not that i am using or have tested this Aug 02 09:44:26 well, if something in your subclass is incompatible to the implementation in your superclass, you'll get into trouble Aug 02 09:44:30 but put all your code in a .section .foo "awx" Aug 02 09:44:55 which makes .foo the same as .text but +rwx too Aug 02 09:45:21 no idea if the linker loader will barf on that or not Aug 02 09:45:24 and more commonly, if you planned things wrongly and have to change stuff in the base class, you'll also have problems Aug 02 09:45:52 razzledazzle: That's why I'm only putting methods which I frequently use in the base class Aug 02 09:45:55 5am nearly. time to sleep Aug 02 09:46:07 Why doesn't Jira have a good mobile app :( Aug 02 09:46:16 I want Jira on my Android phone Aug 02 09:49:07 yeah, I agree it's convenient, you can also try using delegates or even just extract common methods to static utility classes if possible, it could get verbose but such problems can be avoided. I'm not judging your approach btw, it's nice as it's the primary way to get things sorted out in Android. Aug 02 10:02:45 Hey guys, our game got rejected on Google Play and we can't figure out why. I was hoping anyone here could help Aug 02 10:02:57 hi, is safe to use "useLibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy'" for future release? i have a project that is hard to switch to urlconnection Aug 02 10:03:21 Since the .apk is bigger than 100mb, we split it into a seperate .obb file. Which is downloading using the following plugin for Unity3D: https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/en/#!/content/3189 Aug 02 10:03:47 but when we submitted the app to be published in Alpha, it was rejected because it "causes users to download or install apps from unknown sources outside of Google Play" Aug 02 10:05:24 We've contacted the developer support and they said the downloading was the reason for the rejection. But I can't test the actual download until the app is published in Alpha Aug 02 10:06:02 Anyone has a clue why it is flagged as "downloading from an unkown source"? Afaik, it should only download from the Google servers Aug 02 10:37:16 xan_IT: it's ok to use apache, but consider moving on Aug 02 10:49:00 Hello, i see on this file many protected broadcast : https://android.googlesource.com/platform/frameworks/base/+/master/core/res/AndroidManifest.xml Aug 02 10:49:30 Does that mean that i cant use this broacasts ? Aug 02 10:49:45 any way to override the restriction ? Aug 02 11:18:32 I'm developing an IRC application, so I'll require it to maintain connections when the UI isn't visible - is this a good place to use a Service? Aug 02 11:18:59 I thought I read Android M/N was cracking down on long-running services but I can't find any information on it Aug 02 11:32:26 sigkell, so you're keeping a connection open the whole time, sounds like a huge battery drain Aug 02 11:32:55 if you can maybe setup a server which keeps the connection to irc, so you can reconnect to it on demand Aug 02 11:33:05 doing stuff drains battery Aug 02 11:33:46 ktwo: then it would be more of a ZNC/bouncer client than an IRC client Aug 02 11:34:24 there's ZNC support for pushing messages to the device without the long running connection, but for all other connections, it's inconvenient to close a connection when the user is multitasking Aug 02 11:35:18 for what it's worth, I'm making the parser and logic to deal with messages/connections as efficient as I possibly can to minimise the drain Aug 02 11:35:33 anyway, a service is what you want then yeah Aug 02 11:37:46 thanks! Aug 02 12:06:15 hey. I have a problem with android.support.design.widget.TextInputLayout Aug 02 12:07:09 when I pop a fragment to go back to the previous fragment, the animation for the title transistion plays, making it look really weird as it conflicts with the text in the edittext Aug 02 12:07:28 and my google fu is failing me Aug 02 12:09:15 I'm debugging an app. I'm in Andriod Studio and the app is running on a device. In Andriod Studio, when a break point is hit, I can inspect variables. When I right-click on a variable I can "Set Value..." on some but not all -- particularly I can NOT change a boolean I'm interesting in toggling. Anyone know why? Aug 02 12:09:37 (See Set Value in action here: https://plus.google.com/+WojtekKalicinski/posts/MVnytLckgpr) Aug 02 12:14:18 Hey :) Can I somehow aquire the reboot permission if I assume my users will have root? :) Aug 02 12:23:18 I sure hope not... Aug 02 12:23:47 hey Aug 02 12:23:49 :) Aug 02 12:31:47 how everyone today? Aug 02 12:39:11 When you do MVP, do you have a package for every View and its Presenter, Model + Interfaces? Aug 02 12:40:47 Hi! Question about Bluetooth Low Enegry. What the reason of 40 GATT services limitation on Android? Aug 02 12:45:42 Kovtunov, i didn't even know that Aug 02 12:48:41 bitkiller, this issue https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=76639 Aug 02 12:50:02 bitkiller, I have HTC One M7 and LG Nexus 5X. And on both can't discover more than 40 services Aug 02 12:52:31 Hello. I'm programming a GPS Tracker for an application and on Android Studio it is telling me that I need to include missing permissions required by locationManager.requestLocationUpdates(...) what is this? Aug 02 12:57:44 the permissions in AndroidManifest file Aug 02 12:58:02 + runtime permissions Aug 02 13:25:45 Hello guys, I've got a question I'm trying to solve for some hours now... I've got a normal TimePicker (only time) and would love to convert the picked time to UTC after that to send it to my server. I'm able to convert it to UTC but it always is ignoring the Daylight Saving thing (which means there is 1 hour missing...) Is there any trick I'm missing? I'm unable to find anything about that... :/ Aug 02 13:27:49 if you use standard java date object I think you need to hack around it Aug 02 13:28:24 I even tried to use the "Joda" library (recommended by some answers in stack overflow) and still got the same result... It is crazy Aug 02 13:30:06 I'm parsing it like: val now = org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat.forPattern("HH:mm").parseDateTime(time) this and convert it to UTC, it just does not care about DST. How can I hack around that? I would really appreciate the help on this Aug 02 13:32:35 hithere Aug 02 13:32:48 I am about to create play intro video for my app Aug 02 13:34:24 is it wise to record in resolution higher than native res. of recoreded device? Aug 02 13:35:12 what am I after - I would like to create vide simmiliar to Gmail's where authors zooms to certain areas of showed mobile Aug 02 13:35:22 but without loosing video quality Aug 02 13:37:18 I am able to zoom (using lightworks vid. editor) but I am not happy with the outcom Aug 02 13:37:36 pixelated output... Aug 02 13:44:45 Atrox, why don't you create a date object and set its hour/minute instead of parsing? Aug 02 13:53:13 Can I consume products that are "handled" ? As I've understood it, those purchases shouldn't be consumable, but I need to further test my IAP and the other hot rodded method for continouing testing doesn't work for me. Aug 02 13:58:07 Does anyone know why BLE needs location service? Aug 02 14:00:36 markyosullivan, have you seen this https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=189090 Aug 02 14:01:08 there the answer probably is Aug 02 14:02:11 iprime, Sorry for the late response... I already tried that... I'm just trying if something like that would solve the problem. My Timezone is Europe/Berlin which would be UTC+1 (which would be right) but because of DST it is +2 right now... Aug 02 14:02:28 hello, i want to use picasso or uil for local caching and async loading.What i wonder is can i use these libs like this ? ie picasso.getCache.put("myKey",byte[]img(or base64)) Aug 02 14:18:52 sci-fic: Picasso handles fetching from cache automatically Aug 02 14:19:11 it will fetch an image from cache, if it exists in cache Aug 02 14:31:34 is it possible that the phone clocks itself down when it starts to heat up? Aug 02 14:32:14 bitkiller: I tried to quickly skim over the responses, I seen something about it being passed to the developer team but nothing much else about it Aug 02 14:33:01 markyosullivan, i've just accepted the fact Aug 02 14:33:13 found weird though Aug 02 14:35:20 and also weird a use has been able to install my app in a level 15 device but i can't test an issue because the app crashes in emulator Aug 02 14:35:34 ^ an user Aug 02 14:35:54 emulator crashes on dimension references Aug 02 14:37:19 DrBenway: if you're asking if the Android OS will throttle CPU usage, then yes, it will Aug 02 14:38:11 i am changing my question Aug 02 14:38:41 great Aug 02 14:39:08 in what video editor do you create video for play in order to look like vid for gmail Aug 02 14:40:41 bolovanos: android dev related questions please. if you're asking how to use a certain feature/app -- you're in the wrong channel. Aug 02 14:42:55 bitkiller: How could they install in with level 15? Aug 02 14:43:10 BLE needs 18 Aug 02 14:43:52 alexfu: I think he means how do you record your screen to make videos like Gmails Aug 02 14:44:53 alexfu, hi alex it depends I think that it is dev related - same as problems related to play, advertisement (discussed earlier) and so on - it is part of dev live cycle Aug 02 14:44:53 alexfu: Also I thought there was something about you have to configure something to setup Picasso to load from cache which is why it looked slower in a review write up by someone Aug 02 14:45:03 markyosullivan, last rant not related to BLE Aug 02 14:45:13 bitkiller: What's it related to? Aug 02 14:45:36 not sure, someway the users got the app running Aug 02 14:45:41 I've nearly got my app rewritten with a new structure Aug 02 14:45:57 bitkiller: Installing the APK directly to device? Aug 02 14:46:21 Did you encode your code? He could have unpackaged the APK load it up in AS and changed the min version perhaps? Aug 02 14:47:00 i don't think so. the is targeting min sdk 14 Aug 02 14:47:10 the issue seems to be with the emulator not running it Aug 02 14:49:15 markyosullivan: by default, when Picasso downloads an image, it uses a default file cache for the image -- https://github.com/square/picasso/blob/ec298aacb299b26f08dc29cdf27f630770a99c0f/picasso/src/main/java/com/squareup/picasso/OkHttp3Downloader.java#L43 Aug 02 14:50:41 bolovanos: sorry, didnt quite understand your question. You can use adb to record your device screen -- https://developer.android.com/studio/command-line/shell.html#screenrecord Aug 02 14:54:47 markyosullivan: thats, assuming you have OkHttp included as a dependency Aug 02 14:58:35 alexfu: Strange, must have been some other configuration setting which caused it to seem slower Aug 02 14:59:22 markyosullivan: what seemed slower? Aug 02 15:00:27 Picasso seemed to load images slower than Glide Aug 02 15:00:49 I haven't done tests but I read something earlier in the year that compared the two Aug 02 15:01:24 Think Jake said in here that the configuration settings was the only reason why Glide seemed faster and that if you tweaked the settings you'd get the same performance with Picasso Aug 02 15:01:41 oh. yea, not sure how Glide handles images Aug 02 15:02:39 correct Aug 02 15:04:15 alexfu: I'm not sure either but it's something I remember being talked about in here before Aug 02 15:04:44 granted, i havent looked into the source of Glide, but assuming both libs make use of disk and memory caching -- what other configuration would impact performance Aug 02 15:10:10 i suppose it would fall down to the way images are handled (i.e. quality and resizing) Aug 02 15:45:43 really strange. the crashes with the x86 image but works with the arm one Aug 02 15:45:54 ^ the app Aug 02 15:48:45 Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/android/dx/command/Main : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0 Aug 02 15:48:53 lol, google done fucked up and built dx using java 8 Aug 02 15:49:05 google should be stuck in java6 hell for tooling Aug 02 15:59:55 how should i handle automatically connecting to a bluetooth device when it is back in range? Aug 02 16:00:27 or how could i acheive this rather Aug 02 16:02:08 apparently i can set an autoconnect flag to true, but would that mean the service would need to be running? Aug 02 16:02:33 is it normal that i only see 6.0.1 firmwares on sammobile? Aug 02 16:02:39 (i'm looking for 5.1.1) Aug 02 16:10:14 Wow. crickets from Google https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=178358 Aug 02 16:10:24 anyone have experience in Android BLE? Aug 02 16:18:33 parco: Yes Aug 02 16:18:37 but I'm about to leave Aug 02 16:18:52 markyosullivan: damn, did you experience this autoconnect unreliability? Aug 02 16:19:03 What's happening? Aug 02 16:19:23 Apparently the boolean flag for autoConnect == true is unreliable between phones Aug 02 16:19:32 I don't have autoconnect Aug 02 16:19:36 sometimes it will reconnect to the BLE device, other times it will not Aug 02 16:19:38 Well not currently Aug 02 16:19:49 I have a button which the end user has to press Aug 02 16:19:50 how are you accomplishing an autoconnect when the device comes back in range? Aug 02 16:19:57 Oh ok Aug 02 16:20:05 It's on the todo list but wasn't a priority Aug 02 16:20:07 What does the button do? Aug 02 16:20:19 Just starts the LeScan process Aug 02 16:20:39 then if it's found our wristband which is in pairing mode, it connects to it Aug 02 16:20:52 Hi, I have a screen flow. like a story board, depending on which button presses the user, the different screen it will show... My question is: Should I implement this as a big activity and swap fragments? Or should I just make one activity per screen? How can I know more of this dilemma/ Aug 02 16:20:58 why not just save Mac address and skip the LEscan process? Aug 02 16:21:33 parco: Complications would arrise if there was an issue with the wristband and a replacement device would have to be sent out Aug 02 16:21:45 So you'd need an unpair button in that case Aug 02 16:22:02 and it wasn't essential for the initial version which was released Aug 02 16:22:04 I see, so you basically scan for devices in range that have a specific service? and connect to the first one found...? Aug 02 16:22:19 No, if more than one is found, an error message is displayed to the user Aug 02 16:22:24 How are you determining it is "your" wristband? Aug 02 16:22:45 when you activate pairing mode within the wristband, a byte within the advertising data is changed Aug 02 16:22:58 interesting Aug 02 16:23:04 so I searched for devices which name is firstly our wristband and secondly if they're in pairing mode Aug 02 16:23:27 So we should really never have two being found at the one time Aug 02 16:23:36 but if we do, only then I display an error message Aug 02 16:23:43 Makes sense Aug 02 16:23:46 thank you Aug 02 16:24:00 This BLE stuff can get hairy Aug 02 16:24:05 If you're in here often, I'll be working on automatic detection in the next couple of weeks Aug 02 16:24:10 right now it's not the priority Aug 02 16:24:20 BLE api is a mess Aug 02 16:24:22 i'll be around, i'm starting it today Aug 02 16:24:36 I originally had a device picker which scanned all nearby BLE devices Aug 02 16:24:57 Anyway must go Aug 02 17:05:10 how do i set text (TextView) in a view pager's fragment from its activity? Aug 02 17:07:41 is SharedPref still the way to go when it comes to persisting local values? Aug 02 17:08:55 is there some tie-in i should know about with GCM so I can save these to the cloud? Aug 02 17:10:31 i apologize for those of you who might've heard my plea for help already, but trying again at a slightly different time of day: Aug 02 17:10:34 so using android studio 2.2p6, gradle 2.14.1 / 2.2.0-alpha6, i can run ndk-build from the command line and build the module, but trying to run the build through AS (or gradle externalNativeBuildDebug on the cmd line) fails Aug 02 17:10:40 gradle (/android studio) produces the error "No rule to make target 'blah'", where 'blah' is listed as 'blah.cpp' in LOCAL_SRC_FILES of an include $(MY_HOME)/../some_other_path/Android.mk ) Aug 02 17:10:53 i don't know how or why gradle seems to be finding all of the possible [sub-]targets and trying to run ndk-build on each of them individually, but the parent level gradle doesn't know how to make the target for of an #included module Aug 02 17:11:07 per google search results, i've scoured all my Android.mk files for trailing spaces or lines ending with a backslash to no avail Aug 02 17:37:51 p14nd4: file a bug? Aug 02 17:42:11 hey Aug 02 17:42:25 durring my advantur with android dev, i am getting : Aug 02 17:42:40 if i do adb devices, i get nothing Aug 02 17:42:42 empty Aug 02 17:42:48 what should i do to get my phone up? Aug 02 17:46:18 DelphiWorld: make sure you've read through https://developer.android.com/studio/run/device.html Aug 02 17:46:50 alexfu: thx Aug 02 17:50:36 running into a weird issue with a recycle view. i have 4 different types of rows, basically two headers and two groups of data. when going back to the screen where the recycleview lives I'm refreshing the data in onResume and calling notifyDataSetChanged. It showing the correct number of rows but some of the rows textview are empty, i have to slide the view over (like im deleting) and slide back and it shows the correct text. any thoughts on Aug 02 17:50:36 starting places to debug this? Aug 02 17:51:28 <17SAAURN0> Guys I am preparing a presentation on Hybrid compiler that will be introduced in Android N Aug 02 17:51:29 alexfu: i dont see my manufacturer in the oem list for the driver? Aug 02 17:51:45 <17SAAURN0> Can some one help me with some papers that i could refer Aug 02 17:51:58 DelphiWorld: what's your phone? and what os is your computer? Aug 02 17:52:13 alexfu: my computer is "WIKO" ROOBY Aug 02 17:52:18 my computer is runing win8.1 Aug 02 17:52:30 wtf is WIKO ROOBY Aug 02 17:52:40 this is a franch compant Aug 02 17:52:42 this is a franch company Aug 02 17:52:47 company is wiko Aug 02 17:52:53 oh, you mean your PHONE is wiko rooby Aug 02 17:52:53 model is "rooby" Aug 02 17:53:03 yes Lulz alexfu :P Aug 02 17:54:40 DelphiWorld: if your phone has usb drivers, you should use that. Aug 02 17:55:00 alexfu: no, no cd cam with it Aug 02 17:55:40 search Google Aug 02 17:55:57 alexfu: correct name: robby Aug 02 18:04:37 hi alexfu Aug 02 18:04:42 no need driver anymore, friend Aug 02 18:05:14 alexfu: just enabled usb debuging and done adb devices, then got a permition request in my phone. DONE Aug 02 18:05:56 i guess you didnt read through the link i gave you Aug 02 18:06:39 When I log in to Pokemon Go, I can choose a Google-type account, then it asks me to select an account (and displays my 3 google accounts to choose from), is this all provided by AbstractAccountAuthenticator? Aug 02 18:06:55 alexfu: no, i read. and i sayd no need for a driver; Aug 02 18:06:57 ;;) Aug 02 18:06:59 If I wanted to implement somethign similiar... Aug 02 18:07:49 karezza: https://developers.google.com/android/reference/com/google/android/gms/common/AccountPicker Aug 02 18:07:54 karezza: what you're seeing is from Google sign in Aug 02 18:08:13 https://developers.google.com/identity/sign-in/android/sign-in Aug 02 18:08:26 Thank you! Aug 02 18:09:17 Hi Aug 02 18:09:34 when using arrayAdapters, is there some way to ensure you do not show the same item twice ? Aug 02 18:09:51 I have a rest api and if new items are returned, I might get an item already in the list back Aug 02 18:09:54 alexfu: thanks. it's runing Aug 02 18:09:54 you can filter the list of things you have Aug 02 18:10:13 but there is nothing built into the Adapter class Aug 02 18:10:21 you’re gonna have to handle that yourself Aug 02 18:10:26 s73v3r good job holding down the fort these past few weeks :) Aug 02 18:10:44 ok .. would it be resource intensive ? I guess it involves iterating over the items in the adapter and checking to make sure the same item is not there, right ? Aug 02 18:10:59 AlexandruM: pretty much Aug 02 18:11:01 would it be better to just store a list of loaded ids and just check in that ? Aug 02 18:11:14 so instead of an arrayList of objects Aug 02 18:11:20 check in a list of ids Aug 02 18:11:42 does your REST object have an id? Aug 02 18:11:47 yes Aug 02 18:11:50 if so, then yeah, that’d be the easiest way to filter Aug 02 18:11:59 { "id":54186, "section":"Manage Custom Fields", "message":"John Doe has edited the Task \"dewdew\"", "date":1469721100 }, Aug 02 18:12:09 Can I still use Ant to build from cmd if project has been migrated to Gradle? Aug 02 18:12:18 you could load up a Set with all the IDs, and when you get new stuff, test for membership in the set Aug 02 18:12:30 I'm thinking when I get the items, get the ids and store them in a different list / set / map or smth Aug 02 18:12:43 and check there .. if found do not add to the adapter Aug 02 18:12:54 azv4: no? Gradle is a build system and you want to build it with something other than gradle?? Aug 02 18:13:39 alexfu, I have a standalone build system that I will need to adapt from ant to gradle then Aug 02 18:14:38 azv4: if you have ant and gradle running side by side, then thats a different story Aug 02 18:15:05 alexfu, I probably do, it was ant then imported to AS2.1 and setup for Gradle, I didn't remove any of the Ant specific stuff Aug 02 18:15:08 unless the import tool did Aug 02 18:15:19 still learning environment so not sure Aug 02 18:15:34 I suppose I could start testing and find out the hard way Aug 02 18:17:02 blah, this is driving me nuts: recyclerview + notifyDataSetChanged = empty textviews until I interact with the row Aug 02 18:18:11 any good tuts on how to organize projects? this is quickly getting crazy Aug 02 18:25:15 what do you mean? Aug 02 18:27:04 parco: organize your java files into logical packages Aug 02 18:29:36 alexfu, i just split them into "activities, fragments, services, etc" folders Aug 02 18:31:52 dont’ do that Aug 02 18:31:57 it’s an awful way to organize Aug 02 18:32:08 organize by feature Aug 02 18:32:23 aww Aug 02 18:38:27 s73v3r: so everything that has to do with scanning bluetooth devices might go in a package called.... "scanning" Aug 02 18:38:39 something like that Aug 02 18:38:44 hmm k Aug 02 18:39:17 when you arrange by folders like “activity, fragment”, etc, you are adding absolutely nothing to your information Aug 02 18:39:23 you have no idea where things are. Aug 02 18:39:56 “Hmmm, is this file an Activity? I can’t tell because it only has the word Activity in the name" Aug 02 18:40:32 Activity could mean some sports object Aug 02 18:40:44 not in this context Aug 02 18:41:03 but activity is context! Aug 02 18:41:15 if you name something whateverActivity, and it is not a class that extends from an Android Activity, you should be fired Aug 02 18:41:33 i've been trying to fire myself for years Aug 02 18:42:20 so after i create the main feature folder, should i then create subsequent activites/fragments/etc, or just throw it all in there Aug 02 18:43:14 you might create subfolders to organize, but odds are you won’t need something named “activities/fragments" Aug 02 18:43:48 it might be worth while to take a screen shot of one of y'alls projects to demonstrate. I feel like the point might be getting lost in text Aug 02 18:43:56 plus, naming a folder “Activities” doesn’t help you at all. You know it’s an Activity because Activity is in the file name Aug 02 18:45:33 parco: are you using that Rx lib? Aug 02 18:45:58 bitkiller, no the learning curve was a bit much for now Aug 02 18:47:20 i might translate the service into it later once I get everything working Aug 02 18:50:40 Hello, can anyone help me with passing data to a parcelable class? Aug 02 18:51:18 welp Aug 02 18:51:41 Is it possible to make a scatter file for a deice? (it's an acer Z630s) Aug 02 18:52:21 Oops, wrong channel, this probably belongs in #android Aug 02 18:55:05 how hackish is this: ((ViewGroup) tabLayout.getChildAt(0)).getChildAt(position).doSomethingWithTheTabView? Aug 02 18:59:19 here's my issue: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38728246/managing-netty-tcp-connections-within-an-android-service Aug 02 18:59:31 it seems simple in my head, but I can't quite figure it out in code :( Aug 02 19:02:44 ok serious question: how the hell do each of you test different devices for fonts and images? a lot of virtual devices? Aug 02 19:14:36 * movrbx would vote for hitler and kill parco Aug 02 19:14:37 sieg heil. Aug 02 19:14:49 publicly logging Aug 02 19:15:13 bless you Aug 02 19:15:23 :p Aug 02 19:21:43 ? what was that about Aug 02 19:22:43 nyoro~n Aug 02 19:25:02 cmon, anyone on different device testing? Aug 02 19:25:32 at my work we have several devices, yes Aug 02 19:25:55 nownot, i haven't worked with too much cosmetics yet, but can't you preview a lot of it in the designer? Aug 02 19:26:02 Ashiren : so to test different resolutions and what not y'all just have a shit ton of devices? Aug 02 19:26:33 I do text size programmatically Aug 02 19:26:45 from the little i did, i had my galaxy 6 and a low res emulator up to get both extremes Aug 02 19:26:51 if you wanted to test different resolutions, you could just fire up multiple emulators... but Android Studio is pretty spot on with XML-based layouts Aug 02 19:27:02 well not always, a stick mostly to 2 devices, sometimes I test on more when doing design-sensitive things Aug 02 19:27:50 i cant solve this :( http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38727842/access-fragments-textview-inside-a-viewpager-from-activity/ Aug 02 19:27:50 also there are mobile test services, ie. testdroid, calabash Aug 02 19:33:27 sigkell did you get netty working ? Aug 02 19:34:02 g00s: it works on the main thread but it slows down the UI still - I'm looking for some help with this though, http://stackoverflow.com/questions/38728246/managing-netty-tcp-connections-within-an-android-service Aug 02 19:34:37 I'm trying to run netty stuff in another thread, whilst still being able to send/receive data in the service itself... I'm fairly new to Android dev so it's all a bit confusing Aug 02 19:35:08 sigkell so the nonblocking stuff worked ? i'm .. very surprised Aug 02 19:35:21 are you absolutely sure ? :D Aug 02 19:35:55 it did work, but it also skipped a lot of frames still... so it didn't really *work* Aug 02 19:36:12 I couldn't have networking code on the main thread even if netty is non-blocking Aug 02 19:37:11 sigkell well, thats the general idea - your service is on the right track, but i would take the IRC messages and persist them to a queue or something Aug 02 19:37:27 have the UI read the queue, so the UI id decoupled from the service Aug 02 19:38:47 g00s: I could do that, but how about writing data to the socket? I can do it within the thread, but I can't do it outside Aug 02 19:38:52 Hello, on the documentation of AdMod Add says that masu have Running Android Studio 1.0 or higher. If I'm using eclipse it is OK? Aug 02 19:38:56 that's the real dilemma Aug 02 19:39:18 sigkell this is basic java concurrency at that point ... Aug 02 19:39:27 just basic cross thread communication Aug 02 19:39:48 I've been lucky(?) to have never needed to use threads before Aug 02 19:39:52 I'll look into that Aug 02 19:40:36 sigkell i'd also really make sure the async stuff works, i can't see how it could , but i would think it would break at compile time with missing nio.2 stuff Aug 02 19:41:21 g00s: it's working perfectly, I'm using nio explicitly Aug 02 19:41:38 if it makes any difference I'm targeting lolipop and the emulator is running N Aug 02 19:42:00 shouldn't mqke a difference - maybe nio.2 is added to sdk N ? Aug 02 19:42:10 what is your compile / targetSdk = ? Aug 02 19:42:30 target sdk is 24 Aug 02 19:42:34 min is 21 Aug 02 19:43:39 g00s: https://github.com/carrot-garden/net_netty/blob/master/transport/src/main/java/io/netty/channel/socket/nio/NioEventLoopGroup.java Aug 02 19:43:52 it's just using java.nio which is supported down to Jellybean I think Aug 02 19:44:03 how do i set text (TextView) in a view pager's fragment from its activity? Aug 02 19:44:24 sigkell lol what is carrot garden Aug 02 19:44:38 oh, ok Aug 02 19:44:39 haven't a clue, they just forked it Aug 02 20:13:55 g00s: so with queues, is it possible to delegate a method to execute in my Service when an item has been pushed to it? Aug 02 20:14:03 or some kind of callback function Aug 02 20:21:10 Hello, does anyone know if you can stream video over Android Open Accessory? It seems like USB2.0 should have sufficient throughput but perhaps there are some other limitations I'm not considering...? Aug 02 20:22:28 how to emulate TabLayout.Tab tap, with Espresso? Aug 02 21:56:33 Hello! I'm trying to add FB login to my app, but for some reason FB button is not showing up. Any ideas? I followed this tutorial: http://code.tutsplus.com/tutorials/quick-tip-add-facebook-login-to-your-android-app--cms-23837 Aug 02 22:01:12 Nvm, fixed it.. Missed Bundle savedInstanceState from onCreate Aug 02 22:19:33 Hi. I need to upgrade to API 23 and I really, really don't want to spend much time implementing runtime permissions. It's especially an issue because the example code is Activity-focused and I need to run permission-requiring methods in services, including background services that start immediately. Aug 02 22:19:43 I thought someone would have made a kind of drop-in fixer that automatically requests all the permissions at once, but I can't find one Aug 02 22:19:51 Anyone handled this? Aug 02 22:20:18 don’t do that Aug 02 22:20:49 bombarding the user with permissions is a recipe for having them denied before they’ve even started your app Aug 02 22:21:04 s73v3r: This is an app for internal corporate use on a small number of devices Aug 02 22:21:10 doesn’t matter Aug 02 22:21:33 if you’re going to do it, don’t half ass it Aug 02 22:21:45 besides, it’s not as if implementing permissions is that hard anyway Aug 02 22:21:47 s73v3r: I would stay on API 21 if I could Aug 02 22:21:59 The only reason I have to update it is because I need FCM to work in the emulator Aug 02 22:22:08 And you can't upgrade Play Services on old emulator instances Aug 02 22:23:53 s73v3r: Also it's supposed to be a set-and-forget app and it is unacceptable for a feature to stop working until they've accepted a popup Aug 02 22:24:11 so run it once before setting it up Aug 02 22:25:12 s73v3r: For example, it sends SMSs on demand and it may be a while before it needs to actually send one Aug 02 22:25:22 When it does need to send one, it needs to do it immediately Aug 02 22:25:30 So I really do need the permissions upfront Aug 02 22:28:55 then ask for them upfront Aug 02 22:35:47 s73v3r: I was wondering if there was a helper library for that Aug 02 22:36:00 not that i’ve seend Aug 02 22:41:15 pinum it's not that hard to do permissions Aug 02 22:41:38 if you want to be really lazy about it, tell the people to grant the permissions in the device's settings screen Aug 02 22:42:27 xorgate: If that works that's a good idea, thanks! Aug 02 22:42:38 but it will make you look like a fool :) Aug 02 22:42:44 I don't think there are any real 6+ devices that will run this anyway Aug 02 22:43:05 xorgate: This is a really special purpose setup and already requires some manual settings and checks Aug 02 22:43:09 xorgate: Not a problem Aug 02 22:43:16 then you're done Aug 02 22:43:58 pinum: just google android permissions library Aug 02 22:44:07 xorgate: Confirmed working. Thanks again! Aug 02 22:44:27 thinking outside of the box! Aug 02 22:45:41 dsardari: I do see some useful looking things on Android Arsenal but I'm gonna go with xorgate's solution Aug 02 22:46:03 you realize that wasn’t a real solution, right? Aug 02 22:46:41 s73v3r: It would be unacceptable for a wide release, Play Store app Aug 02 22:47:01 s73v3r: But this is a corporate app that will be used on maybe a dozen devices and already requires special setup steps Aug 02 22:47:15 s73v3r: So it's definitely a real solution Aug 03 00:10:22 Hi all. Quick question about NFC/AAR intent filters. Is it possible to have an intent filter that uses a different apps package name? I have a read only NFC tag that tries to open an application that is uninstalled and so it goes to the Play Store instead. Is there anyway I can get my app to launch instead of the uninstalled app (since the tag can't be re-written?) Aug 03 00:14:33 When is surfaceDestroyed called? Aug 03 00:57:51 any time it is not attached to a window Aug 03 01:26:13 filter boolean: true if the source should be filtered. Aug 03 01:26:20 In Bitmap.createScaledBitmap() Aug 03 01:26:23 What is filtered? Aug 03 01:36:26 the source Aug 03 01:37:25 Oh the bitmap pfn Aug 03 01:43:40 https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=219062 Aug 03 01:43:41 sick Aug 03 01:43:42 sigh* Aug 03 01:45:19 Does anyone know if it's possible to disable the "tap to translate" from appearing when using my app? It's this thing: https://googleblog.blogspot.jp/2016/05/translate-where-you-need-it-in-any-app.html Aug 03 01:53:41 no Aug 03 01:54:01 don't use the standard pop-up when selecting text in your app Aug 03 01:56:25 I don't, I'm using a button that copies to the clipboard, but the tap to translate popup appears over ui elements in the app. Aug 03 02:01:42 has anyone compile the android source Aug 03 02:01:47 and used it before? Aug 03 02:03:38 mikeymike, then you haven't disabled. the built-in pop-up Aug 03 02:04:05 How do I do that/ Aug 03 02:06:01 set a long click listener and return true Aug 03 02:12:40 A long click listener on the text or the button? Doesn't setOnClickListener return void? Aug 03 02:15:00 Who cares if that method returns void Aug 03 02:15:04 It should return void Aug 03 02:15:06 That makes sense Aug 03 02:15:46 I'm just trying to figure out how to hide the tap to translate icon Aug 03 02:17:23 cyanbuild@deathcamel57:~/android/system$ repo sync --force-sync -c -j6 Aug 03 02:17:23 ... Aug 03 02:17:23 error: Cannot remove project "bootable/bootloader/legacy": uncommitted changes are present Aug 03 02:17:23 commit changes, then run sync again Aug 03 02:17:32 does anyone know how to fix this error? Aug 03 02:18:33 I don't want to commit the changes, I just want to overwrite them Aug 03 02:38:24 is there anyway to force a notification to be updated when the user has it currently swiped down (as in they're looking at it)? I have a content provider that is getting updates and changing item statuses, then sending out broadcasts, but my notification only updates when it isn't being looked at :/ **** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed Aug 03 02:59:58 2016