**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Dec 04 03:00:02 2016 Dec 04 03:13:51 I'm going crazy - I have created a new application using Android Studia which uses android.support.v4.widget.DrawerLayout and when I run the application there's a LinearLayout with a ProgressBar visible behind my RecyclerView. I didn't even add it to any of my views but it's still there. What am I doing wrong? The code is available here https://github.com/MaximumSquotting/chopin Dec 04 03:14:15 shut up melatonina 😁 Dec 04 03:14:53 heh, I paid but lost my receipt Dec 04 03:18:05 Quintasan: you've published your Google Maps API key in your manifest file. I suggest you delete that key from your Google Project and generate another. Dec 04 03:18:32 I explicitly told him not to publish that lol Dec 04 03:18:41 Napalm: Thanks. Dec 04 03:21:04 Quintasan: although not strictly case sensitive its probably best to keep this lower case as "application/json" https://github.com/MaximumSquotting/chopin/blob/master/app/src/main/java/com/chopin/chopin/API/API.java#L42 Dec 04 03:22:12 You also might want to check out https://speakerdeck.com/jakewharton/making-retrofit-work-for-you-droidcon-uk-2016 and the video Dec 04 03:22:41 I'll be sure to forward the links to my friends since they are the ones working on that project most of the time. Dec 04 03:23:32 The thing is they asked me if I can get rid of the ProgressBar and I'm sitting here and wondering where the hell does it come from because I'm pretty sure it's not in any layout nor fragment. Dec 04 03:24:28 its not Dec 04 03:24:40 do you have it running? Dec 04 03:24:49 I've tried Hierarchy Viewer but I can't get it to work. Dec 04 03:24:56 The application? Yeah. Dec 04 03:24:57 from your Android Studio? Dec 04 03:25:42 Quintasan Dec 04 03:25:45 Yeah, I just rebuilt it and started from Android Studio. Dec 04 03:26:18 Hierarchy Viewer is kinda old skool, there is a new one built into AS Dec 04 03:26:31 Tools > Android > Layout Inspector Dec 04 03:27:01 lol Dec 04 03:27:19 Error obtaining view hierarchy: Unexpected error: empty view hierarchy Dec 04 03:27:39 I think you might need to add a line of code Dec 04 03:28:17 nope, i was thinking about using Hierarchy Viewer Dec 04 03:28:22 Apparently View Inspector doesn't work if API < 21 but my Nexus 5 with Android 6.1 is probably API 23. Dec 04 03:29:08 Quintasan: stop the App from the IDE Dec 04 03:29:23 swipe it away from recents on your device Dec 04 03:29:42 then do a build > rebuild Dec 04 03:30:06 then once gradle is done press play and when its playing go and do tools > android > layout inspector Dec 04 03:30:57 You want me to attach it to the root device or wait for the process to appear? Dec 04 03:31:17 once its playing and you have your activity open Dec 04 03:31:51 the process will be listed once you choose layout inspector Dec 04 03:33:20 Didn't really happen, I got the same error, did some fragment transactions and tried again. Now I'm getting No active windows displayed by com.chopin.chopin. Dec 04 03:33:28 once its captured a layout, your captures panel will list the file, you probably want to add the captures/ directory to your .gitignore file Dec 04 03:33:29 s/happen/help Dec 04 03:33:52 what version of AS? Dec 04 03:33:57 2.2.2 Dec 04 03:34:44 try doing file > invalidate and restart Dec 04 03:34:53 i have the same setup and its working fine Dec 04 03:35:50 It's either AS still not being production ready or this project being broken beyond recognition :D Dec 04 03:36:21 It could be because i'm testing on Genymotion Dec 04 03:36:25 let me clone your project Dec 04 03:37:03 I'll try AVD here maybe Dec 04 03:37:12 ugh Dec 04 03:37:15 try Dec 04 03:43:08 Quintasan: i've loaded your project and get the same error with Genymotion Dec 04 03:43:20 so its your project... in some fashiom Dec 04 03:44:50 :D Dec 04 03:44:59 i also see the spinner Dec 04 03:45:34 theres just so many problems with this code, that could be so simple Dec 04 03:46:23 I guess I can just pull the "this is so bad you have to rewrite it" card at them but at this point I'm more curious where does the damn progressbar comes from. Dec 04 03:51:10 went to update my phone to marshmallow. it downloaded, did initial install, and went to restart. now im stuck in ap fastboot secure boot loop. reason is fall-back from recovery boot mode. failed to validate recovery image. bootloader locked, not root. anything i can do? Dec 04 03:51:23 Napalm: kek, it works under AVD Dec 04 03:51:38 Quintasan: what works about it? Dec 04 03:51:52 Layout Inspector I mean Dec 04 03:52:01 ah Dec 04 03:52:02 It created a li file Dec 04 03:52:55 ok, so where is the ProgressBar coming from Dec 04 03:54:40 http://i.imgur.com/Oc4TGiQ.png Dec 04 03:54:51 I don't have the slightest idea. Dec 04 03:55:50 WELL Dec 04 03:56:07 This ProgressBar has NO_ID as an ID Dec 04 03:56:21 I have exactly no idea what's going on anymore. Dec 04 03:56:41 android.support.v4.app.ListFragment Dec 04 03:56:43 doh! Dec 04 03:56:59 It's that we don't properly kill people for publishing books titled 'Learn FizzBuzz in 21 days!' Dec 04 03:57:00 you have that set as your default fragment in content_main.xml Dec 04 03:57:31 Quintasan: this is just all backwards Dec 04 03:57:36 you load other fragments into that one!?! Dec 04 03:58:44 Quintasan: delete content_main.xml its useless, then modify app_bar_main.xml, and replace the include with this. Dec 04 04:00:02 Quintasan: Dec 04 04:00:33 Quintasan: then replace R.id.fragment in MainActivity.java with R.id.fragment_content Dec 04 04:01:51 Aha, I can see what he tried to do there. Dec 04 04:01:55 Oh wow. Dec 04 04:02:03 Napalm: Thanks Dec 04 04:02:14 Quintasan: then I would suggest a complete rewrite, because there are so many issuesssssssss Dec 04 04:02:30 Dagmar: I guess this is what happens when you leave people with StackOverflow. Dec 04 04:02:37 Not even that Dec 04 04:02:48 The thing I'm looking at right now is probably just as bad Dec 04 04:02:57 ...and it's freakin' Niantic's code Dec 04 04:03:33 I thought maybe at first it was a matter of the person who gave me this file did some highly inadvisable things to it first Dec 04 04:04:04 Turns out that's a no... Insane data structures abound Dec 04 04:04:06 Five_seveN: your better off asking in #android-root Dec 04 04:04:31 ok, thanks Dec 04 04:04:38 One set of things stored as an array of chars... another set of the same types of things stored as an array of signed ints Dec 04 04:07:45 Dagmar: not as crazy as the things I've seen recently, i sware Dec 04 04:08:11 Napalm: Fun thing is that after I asked them how did they come up with this they said they used New Project wizard in Android and selected the Navigation Drawer template. Dec 04 04:08:27 Quintasan: Those things are not to be trusted Dec 04 04:08:46 yea, but they mullered it Dec 04 04:09:36 Damn, that sure was scary. Dec 04 04:10:20 I thought I'm going crazy and this things spawn out of nowhere but it turns out it was just done incorrectly. Dec 04 04:13:52 I may very well send thse people my resume Dec 04 04:15:57 "100% tele-work and I guarantee I know about coding than the idiots you're presently employing" Dec 04 04:16:03 er more about Dec 04 07:00:06 * raoul11 thepooshes thepoosh Dec 04 07:00:19 * thepoosh is all pooshed out Dec 04 07:00:23 what's news? Dec 04 07:01:12 deployed Dec 04 07:01:18 omgomgomgomg Dec 04 07:01:20 link? Dec 04 07:01:24 me pms Dec 04 07:23:41 lllllll/quit Dec 04 07:49:20 so almost i got my code building in android studio using ndk-build. except somethings not right, its complaining unknown target cpu armv7-a. if i cd in the the jni directory and execute ndk-build by hand it works fine Dec 04 07:50:13 problem with all this is that the google documentation is out of date, confusing, incomplete and outright telling you the wrong thing Dec 04 07:50:38 in order to do "something" you first need to do "a" and then they dont tell you how to do A or where or why Dec 04 07:52:03 classic example == the first sentence in this page Dec 04 07:52:04 https://developer.android.com/studio/projects/add-native-code.html#link-gradle Dec 04 07:52:23 you need to do this! then you read the entire rest of the page and theres not one iota of information on HOW to do "this" Dec 04 07:53:27 this code builds with ndk-build, just not when ndk-build is run from android studio :( Dec 04 09:31:37 Is there a cleaner way to change the color of the selected options menu item than cresting multiple spannable strings? Dec 04 09:31:44 *creating Dec 04 09:44:28 May I ask something about bluetooth SPP? Dec 04 09:45:12 I want to use serial communicate over bluetooth. Dec 04 09:46:22 When I use Linux, I can use the command "screen /dev/tty.HC-05-DevB 115200" Dec 04 09:47:08 I want to know if it is possible to do something like this. Dec 04 09:47:50 I install busybox on Android 6.0, hope to use microcom command. Dec 04 09:48:46 I search on Google, but little information help me. Dec 04 09:49:22 anyone? Dec 04 09:50:51 Thanks for any advice Dec 04 10:13:30 did i miss something or messing emulator's cellular shouldnt trigger android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE action? Dec 04 10:14:29 because seems like onReceive :: BroadcastReceiver never get called Dec 04 11:11:07 hey guys Dec 04 11:11:52 i have a sort of tricky situation Dec 04 11:12:05 there's this screen https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/19390574/Screenshot_20161204-131020.png Dec 04 11:12:15 the rows are made of TextView, Edit Text and Spinner Dec 04 11:12:41 you can search above and from the arraylist that is fed to that primary list, I add the search results into a new list and feed it again to the adapter to reconstruct the list Dec 04 11:13:36 which causes the following, if I am to add a value to any of the textviews, that value will no longer be there when you search for a field, that field wont be prefilled when it shows up in the results because it's a new object Dec 04 11:14:34 well it's not really a new object, not really, but the adapter is fucking up who this value belongs to, to the adapter, it belonged to the object at 5 let's say, the new arraylist has in its 5 another object, so whoever is at 5 in the search results array now gets that value that was supposed to be for another object in the first arraylist Dec 04 11:15:13 all those objects have ID's, how can I use that to identify that only if this object has this id, assign the edittext in its row to this value? Dec 04 11:16:11 i'm afraid that setting the ID's to the holder as a tag will cause the new search results array to get its objects set on those ID's, and it's the same problem again Dec 04 11:18:19 I think the best way is not to create another array but to set the items in the existing array to visible/invisible Dec 04 11:18:33 that way in the adapter whoever is visible will be shown after notifyDataSetChanged Dec 04 11:22:41 hello Dec 04 11:23:11 anyone can chime in, please.. Dec 04 11:23:11 lol Dec 04 11:24:18 I have trouble to import a module for opencv , when I try to import the opensdk for native - it says specify the location for grandle Dec 04 11:24:26 can you help out Dec 04 11:24:40 with android studio with ndk Dec 04 11:26:07 I wouldn't know Dec 04 11:32:04 Odaym, not sure what's the best way, but with SearchView.OnQueryTextListener, whenever there is a text query (or there is not a query anymore), i'm using a temporary array that i dispatch to the adapter via Diffutil Dec 04 11:32:38 yea but here you have an edit text Dec 04 11:32:40 this temporary array is simply a filtered copy of the real dataset Dec 04 11:32:54 edittext but it could be anything Dec 04 11:32:57 whose value must be preserved when that row which has the edit text shows up in the results Dec 04 11:33:47 well, if you lose the value from edittext you have to (re)store it somewhere Dec 04 11:34:04 i am assigning it to the value of the objects inside onbindviewholder Dec 04 11:34:12 but over there things get switched Dec 04 11:34:42 if you search "ALP" and you've entered 245 into the edittext of the row whose name is ALPINO for example, it will paste 2, 25, 256 over 3 rows that match ALP Dec 04 11:35:07 that's another problematic Dec 04 11:35:19 that's the only problem Dec 04 11:35:23 i just answered about with/without a temp array + diffutil Dec 04 11:35:28 it's not able to differentiate who the value belongs to Dec 04 11:36:13 maybe if I loop over the items from the activity, and set the id's accordingly Dec 04 11:36:18 and check for the ID's in the adapter Dec 04 11:36:28 don't you use stable id? Dec 04 11:36:37 so you're already have a unique identifier per item Dec 04 11:36:59 ah I have to override hasStableId's? Dec 04 11:37:18 there is a setter, but you have to override a getter to provide a long Dec 04 11:37:42 if you have a unique field, it's basically a piece of cake Dec 04 11:38:09 ok i can override setHasStableIds Dec 04 11:38:13 and set it from teh activity Dec 04 11:38:19 but where do I feed them their id's? Dec 04 11:38:23 don't override sethasstableids Dec 04 11:38:31 override public long getItemId(int position) Dec 04 11:38:44 ah I see Dec 04 11:39:31 so now it automatically knows who's who? Dec 04 11:39:58 Odaym, i suggest you read on Recyclerview perf, stableid + diffutil+callback + filtered query/array + snaphelper Dec 04 11:40:08 and you will have something pretty cool Dec 04 11:40:15 + raid clusters + regex in the cloud + load balancing Dec 04 11:40:23 na seriously, it's just a must for RV Dec 04 11:40:35 notifydatasetchanged is so listview Dec 04 11:43:11 this is what's happening https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/19390574/device-2016-12-04-134121.mp4 Dec 04 11:43:51 oh shit Dec 04 11:44:01 I have my value-assigning code inside onTextChanged Dec 04 11:44:10 oO Dec 04 11:44:16 you type 3 characters, the value gets assigned respectively to 3 objecs Dec 04 11:44:23 fisrt 2, then 25, then 256 Dec 04 11:44:31 it's like you're sharing them somehow lol Dec 04 11:44:37 somehow..... Dec 04 11:44:38 lol Dec 04 11:44:41 dang Dec 04 11:44:44 hey Dec 04 11:44:48 so I guess afterTextChanged Dec 04 11:46:26 i have 4 buttons in my top menu (http://pastie.org/private/ubwemwafgwifolofzhyjkg) when i want to hide some buttons inside a fragment, they are not aligned to the right side, they just stand where they are (because of the margin i think) how can i change this code to make them align right? and have a margin to each other? Dec 04 11:48:33 it works adq Dec 04 11:48:36 afterTextChanged Dec 04 11:55:06 is there a problem with a paackage name like com.gamename instead of com.companyname.gamename? i dont have a company yet, if i create one i will probably just name it the same as the app. i own the domain com.gamename. Dec 04 11:55:14 it does not have to be 3 parts? Dec 04 11:57:24 no Dec 04 12:11:19 in manifest which activity should have the android.net.conn.CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE action? the default or which is running ? Dec 04 12:11:33 well i added both but even if i tick airplane mode it wont called Dec 04 12:34:31 use a broadcast receiver? Dec 04 12:43:52 Hello, an android app is considered as a 2 tier or 3 tier design ? Dec 04 12:46:35 whatitis, i did public class NetworkStateReceiver extends BroadcastReceiver { Dec 04 12:47:07 https://bpaste.net/show/d54b6ea3c581 Dec 04 12:47:28 what did i miss? Dec 04 12:57:13 pmercado: like a wedding cake? Dec 04 13:00:33 or layer, I'm talking about , presentation, bussines and data Dec 04 13:11:53 .wub 15 Dec 04 13:11:57 ooops. Dec 04 13:21:55 asturel: are you sure the receiver should be in the activity tag? maybe you should also register it by hand .. it's been a while Dec 04 13:22:58 nope, im totally newbie Dec 04 13:23:36 Apps targeting Android 7.0 (API level 24) do not receive CONNECTIVITY_ACTION broadcasts even if they register those broadcasts in their manifest. Apps that are running can still listen for CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE on their main thread by registering a BroadcastReceiver with Context.registerReceiver(). Dec 04 13:23:39 well it was on 6.0 Dec 04 13:23:42 api level 23 Dec 04 13:24:12 according to https://developer.android.com/training/monitoring-device-state/connectivity-monitoring.html Dec 04 13:31:00 should i register it in activity onCreate ? Dec 04 13:36:09 it depends on what you want to do Dec 04 13:36:16 maybe in onStart Dec 04 13:36:27 also remember to unregister it Dec 04 13:37:09 is it normal that it get called when the network isnt even changed? Dec 04 13:45:30 Is there any way to fetch an instance variable from a class by name? Like, I have an instance of a class. That class contains a couple of compiled regex patterns. I want to be able to fetch the correct pattern based on giving a string identifier. Like getPatternByName(ListOfPatterns, PatternName); Dec 04 13:48:12 You can do it with reflection, but it's not generally a great idea. Dec 04 13:48:38 Because it creates a coupling between variable names and functionality.# Dec 04 13:48:42 -# Dec 04 13:49:02 Why do you have a string identifier in the first place? Dec 04 13:49:27 It's a cool one though, "unsafe" means dangerous :-p Dec 04 13:51:18 shouldnt fragmentadapter recall getItemCount if i do notifyDataSetChanged() ? Dec 04 13:53:10 or if i return less than the previous it wont 'delete' the tabs? Dec 04 13:53:34 At least one of "FragmentAdapter" and "getItemCount" is wrong. Dec 04 13:53:41 TacticalJoke, Well I have a long list of patterns that I need to match against. While it works to do the same code over and over, and over (like, 290 times or so), I'm trying to figure out a way so that I can basically supply it with a list of "ok test the patterns with these names" or similar. Dec 04 13:53:45 sorry * getCount Dec 04 13:53:54 So FragmentPagerAdapter? Dec 04 13:53:56 well i see it calls getCount() Dec 04 13:53:57 yeah Dec 04 13:54:04 but the tabs wont gone if i return 0 Dec 04 13:54:21 may it because gfetItemPosition() returns POSITION_UNCHANGED? Dec 04 13:55:08 Ether_Man: Can't you use an array or something? Dec 04 13:55:24 TacticalJoke, an array of what? Dec 04 13:55:31 Patterns or whatever it is. Dec 04 13:55:42 i mean if i return 0 in getCount() shouldnt it destroy the fragments/tabs? Dec 04 13:55:54 TacticalJoke, except I need to know what pattern it is I'm testing Dec 04 13:58:00 Every pattern match has a capture group. The data in that capture group needs to be feed to a specific field in the output. An array would leave me no information for what field in the output it goes to. Dec 04 14:05:35 asturel: the adapter uses your getCount() to know how many items there are in your dataset. Why would it destroy a fragment? Dec 04 14:05:54 but if that returns 0 shouldnt it remove the tabs? Dec 04 14:06:33 ah i understand now. i am not sure Dec 04 14:06:46 either getPageTitle or getItem wont get called Dec 04 14:07:08 kinda everything remains the same Dec 04 14:07:25 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9061325/fragmentpageradapter-is-not-removing-items-fragments-correctly found this :/ Dec 04 14:45:17 may its better to manually add tabs.. Dec 04 15:09:57 Hi, I'm new with android, I'm trying to make an alarm to create a notification later in time. here my current code (that doen't work) https://gist.github.com/alucas/709e1448a8fa7cbae15a061b01c0743b Dec 04 15:10:07 The main activity and the receiver are not in the same app Dec 04 15:10:13 Do you see the problem ? :) Dec 04 15:20:00 I wish this reflection stuff was as simple as this stuff is to do in python. At least there I understood the examples unlike all the jumble I get here >_< Dec 04 15:20:19 (not here here, but with java/android) Dec 04 15:20:27 Ether_Man: I wonder whether you could avoid all that. Dec 04 15:20:37 I still don't understand why you need to care about the names of fields at run time. Dec 04 15:20:41 That's not normal. Dec 04 15:21:22 You have a better suggestion then? Dec 04 15:21:48 I don't understand the issue (hence my sending these messages). Dec 04 15:25:23 Ok so I'll try to explain what I need. I have a string, and a long list of regex patterns. Each pattern has 1 capture group. I then have an output object. This contains as many fields as there are patterns. Some patterns will match, some won't. I need to enter data matched in the capture group, to THEIR specific place in that output object. Dec 04 15:26:49 hello Dec 04 15:26:55 Ether_Man: It's too low-level to understand. For example, why do you have that string? Where is it from? What is it. Dec 04 15:27:10 any one can help how to make android app Dec 04 15:27:27 nitinta2016: In a channel called #android-dev? I highly doubt it. Dec 04 15:27:42 means Dec 04 15:28:24 I'm being sarcastic. Of course you can expect Android-app-making help here. :D Dec 04 15:28:35 Do you guys see anything wrong with my code ? Dec 04 15:29:04 TacticalJoke, which string in this are you referring to? There's a lot of strings involved Dec 04 15:29:09 i want to know about that Dec 04 15:29:25 whats issue maya Dec 04 15:30:05 Ether_Man: What is the high-level description of what you're doing? Dec 04 15:30:05 nitinta2016: https://gist.github.com/alucas/709e1448a8fa7cbae15a061b01c0743b Dec 04 15:30:47 I have two app, I want to create an alarm with the first, and receive it with an other app (to create a notification) Dec 04 15:31:13 Ether_Man: You can probably guess that I'm trying to determine whether this is an instance of the XY problem: http://xyproblem.info/ Dec 04 15:31:45 TacticalJoke, Parsing emails and sending sms based on data in those emails. Dec 04 15:41:17 If i set my game to support 4.x to 7.0, ie version 15 to 24, then 7.1 comes out, can they download it? Dec 04 15:42:00 TacticalJoke, should perhaps mention that the sms needs data from multiple patterns. Hence why it needs to save the data in an organized fashion so that I can fetch it when it's time to construct the sms itself... If worse comes to worse, I'll go through a sharedsettings object which kind of does what I need, but it's definitely not intended for it :/ Dec 04 15:43:21 sirish: you set it to support 15+ Dec 04 15:44:52 hi guys, i'm developing a keyboard... how can i force RTL input? Dec 04 15:48:16 ... Dec 04 16:04:32 hi guys, i'm developing a keyboard... how can i force RTL input? Dec 04 16:12:48 is it possible to not set a top version? Dec 04 16:13:06 If i set my game to support 4.x to 7.0, ie version 15 to 24, then 7.1 comes out, can they download it? Dec 04 16:13:29 The default is not to set a maximum version. Just set `minSdkVersion`. Dec 04 16:13:43 Why would you set a maximum? Dec 04 16:13:57 skin1980, i am not 100% sure, but this should be property of input fields textDirection=rtl Dec 04 16:15:45 jridky: thanks but maybe is there a workaround? I don't want the text on the right but only that the text will be written RTL Dec 04 16:31:34 skin1980, so something like onClick { move last inserted character to beginning of the input field } Dec 04 16:31:46 yes Dec 04 16:34:39 so this is up to your programmers skill. it should be easy to implement it. Dec 04 16:36:09 jridky: that's the issue lol Dec 04 16:36:31 Is it possible for one person to own 2 different Android developer accounts? For exa mple I have 2 different companies so i want to different accounts Dec 04 16:42:07 Any ideas why when I wrap a bottom bar (I'm using a library) and an ImageView in a FrameLayout the image is not displayed (for devices with > android 5.0) ? Although if I use uiAutomatorView I can see that ImageView in its place, taking the right width and height . Also I tried different pngs and adding some background color. Dec 04 16:58:56 Is it possible for one person to own 2 different Android developer accounts? For exa mple I have 2 different companies so i want to different accounts Dec 04 17:00:32 you mean for google play store ? Dec 04 18:01:26 csst0111: you best off looking at the properties of the views in the layout inspector built into android studio Dec 04 18:02:40 csst0111: if your ImageView is behind the "bottom bar" then I would assume the bottom bar is concealing/obscuring the ImageView Dec 04 18:04:30 sirish: yes, you can have multiple accounts, but what I recommend, is to have two developer accounts one for each of the companies/apps and then add your personal google account to each. You can then just be logged in and you'll have the account switcher at the top right so you can switch between the two developer accounts. Dec 04 18:07:30 hi, anyone using a rooted device? Dec 04 18:08:50 can you turn OFF developer mode once you have root? Dec 04 18:10:25 so many people and nobody active...? Dec 04 18:21:17 guyFromWeb: yes Dec 04 18:21:28 ? Dec 04 18:21:37 what? Dec 04 18:22:08 Napalm: i cannot see my question i asked before, because i rejoined Dec 04 18:22:21 :| Dec 04 18:22:29 can you disable developer mode if you have root Dec 04 18:22:38 and the answer is yes Dec 04 18:22:42 ok :D Dec 04 18:22:47 but i did yesterday and bricked my phone Dec 04 18:23:14 you bricked it by turning off developer mode? Dec 04 18:23:26 i had to flash it with factory OEM again, that "unbricked" it Dec 04 18:23:36 i am not sure why it got bricked Dec 04 18:23:39 i want to find that out Dec 04 18:23:56 i cant see any reason why it would brick it Dec 04 18:24:03 "custom binary blocked by frp lock" Dec 04 18:24:10 that's what it said, it wouldn't boot Dec 04 18:24:15 perhaps its the way you did it Dec 04 18:24:24 i disabled OEM and dev mode Dec 04 18:24:30 then updated SuperSU Dec 04 18:24:41 and rebooted because of SuperSU wanting to reboot after update Dec 04 18:24:47 try asking in #andorid-root Dec 04 18:24:55 okay, thanks! Dec 04 18:38:07 Hi Dec 04 18:38:19 Does android have radio broadcaster? Dec 04 18:38:49 I am looking for a long range communication mediam. Is wifi and bluetooth the only options? Dec 04 18:39:45 Sircle: Some devices have FM radio, but it's not reliable. Dec 04 18:40:05 i.e. you can't really expect the device to have it Dec 04 18:40:06 Neither of those are really intended for long range. Nor is anything else you're actually allowed to broadcast at any power that would give you any real range. Dec 04 18:40:33 Sircle: Looking into meshnet or something? Dec 04 18:41:06 Lvl4Sword: meshnet? Dec 04 18:41:25 Sircle: What are you trying to do and why do you need a long range communication? Dec 04 18:42:01 Lvl4Sword: trying to switch off/onn lights via bluetooth but the range is short Dec 04 18:42:13 room lights Dec 04 18:42:19 Sircle: Ah. IoT? Dec 04 18:42:27 whats IoT? Dec 04 18:42:30 errr Dec 04 18:42:36 Internet of Things Dec 04 18:42:42 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internet_of_things Dec 04 18:43:12 oh, chain of things increasing the range? Dec 04 18:43:22 chain of bluetooth? Dec 04 18:43:25 Is it your own device you've made or are you just trying to work with something you've bought? Dec 04 18:43:28 Sircle: read the link Dec 04 18:43:35 own device Dec 04 18:45:15 Sircle: Have you followed best practices in regards to security? Dec 04 18:45:31 What are you needing to do via Android with your devices? Dec 04 18:45:59 Lvl4Sword: trying to switch off/onn lights of a room Dec 04 18:46:09 via mobile Dec 04 18:46:15 802.11 bridges you up to cellular Dec 04 18:46:40 or didn't you equip your device? Dec 04 18:46:57 * capella-5x checking scroll back Dec 04 18:47:48 capella-5x: pardon? its a wifi router? Dec 04 18:48:23 IEEE 802.11 is a set of media access control (MAC) and physical layer (PHY) specifications for implementing wireless local area network (WLAN) computer communication in the 900 MHz and 2.4, 3.6, 5, and 60 GHz frequency bands Dec 04 18:48:38 Sircle: So does your advice allow a login? Dec 04 18:48:44 DEVICE* not advice Dec 04 18:49:14 Lvl4Sword: its a light switch controller by microcontroller and bluetooth. BT talking to phone Dec 04 18:50:06 capella-5x: Lvl4Sword can you guys explain what you are saying? Dec 04 18:50:10 Sircle: So, no? Dec 04 18:50:30 If it doesn't allow a login you're going to need a server to communicate with it. Dec 04 18:50:32 How can I increase range? use BT or any other way? Can I use a radio? Dec 04 18:50:56 Lvl4Sword: thats not the issue here. The rang is Dec 04 18:50:59 I'm not sure if #android-dev is really the channel you should be in for this though Dec 04 18:51:14 Sircle: It's an XY issue Dec 04 18:51:16 #electronics? Dec 04 18:53:22 capella-5x: what did you meant by 802.11 bridge when you said that? Dec 04 18:56:13 if the Bluetooth range is too short, use wifi? Further than that reqs cell or somesuch Dec 04 18:56:44 Bluetooth range should cover your needs I thought the range had improved Dec 04 18:57:39 your app/controller software capabilities is unknown to me ofc Dec 04 18:57:41 Naa there are other techs you can use that reach further than wifi, on less power even and that does not require a license or anything. But It's very unlikely to be in a phone already. Dec 04 18:58:05 bluetooth has range specification and almost no phone on the market is classified for more than 10m Dec 04 18:58:13 as a transmitter sure Dec 04 18:58:46 Bluetooth, due to its design, only reach as far as its weakest transmitter Dec 04 18:58:54 wifi gets like quarter mile iir Dec 04 19:01:06 wifi is entirely dependant on output power. You could technically have a wifi link however far you want as long as you have line of sight. But you're limited in how much power you're actually allowed to transmit, which yes, gets you roughly a quarter of a mile... with a directional antenna.. at full power. Cellphones generally refuse to send that high and is using an omni antenna Dec 04 19:03:18 hm Dec 04 19:04:12 < Ether_Man> Naa there are other techs you can use that reach further than wifi, on less power even and that does not require a Dec 04 19:04:18 license or anything. But It's very unlikely to be in a phone already <--- what techs? Dec 04 19:05:22 Ether_Man: wifi also has about 100m rang in mobiles. no? Dec 04 19:05:26 same as latest BT Dec 04 19:08:18 I want to understand that how much range does a radio gives if its powered exactly as a Bluetooth is? Dec 04 19:10:18 Sircle, there's all kinds of stuff. HC-12 as an example is a very tiny transmitter/receiver, using only 100mW for a 1km link. There's also LoRa based stuff... SX1272 reaches ~20km with los, and ~2km without. And uses only 25mW. Dec 04 19:10:58 And no, range of Wifi is not classified in range like that. And as I said before, almost no phones on the market has 100m bluetooth chips. Costs too much compared to the benefit. Dec 04 19:13:01 As for how far wifi reaches, it's very dependant on the country because different countries use different transmit power limits. For the US, the common limit used is 200mW (even if the law permits higher), which gets you ~200m with los, or ~75m without. EU commonly caps at 100mW, giving you roughly 100m and 50m respectively Dec 04 19:15:33 Ether_Man: ok, that makes sense, what would, roughly, a transmitter and receiver cost that gives a) 1km range b)20 km range with los? Dec 04 19:21:08 Well you could get an SX1272 for ~50euro or so but LoRa is designed for Arduino, Raspberry and similar. Even if you could (and I'm unsure if that's even possible) connect it to your phone somehow by creating a bridge of some sort (which would likely involve working with an arduino or similar), that would become kind of bulky Dec 04 19:21:42 Also, be aware, you're not sending files of those things... The communication, while long range, is very VERY low bandwidth Dec 04 19:23:24 iirc, SX1272 is like 900 baud or so Dec 04 19:24:37 Ether_Man: ok, SX1272 for ~50euro or so is price of transmitter or receiver? Dec 04 19:25:08 SX1272 is a module that has both transmitter and receiver. Dec 04 19:25:40 LoRa needs both at both ends Dec 04 19:26:55 Ether_Man: need it tiny like this https://buy.thetrackr.com Dec 04 19:29:31 You'll probably need to design something custom for that rather than a ready made module. Not sure if LoRa would work for that either... Dec 04 19:30:25 Ether_Man: custom? yes. but only need to be sure of size vs power vs cost Dec 04 19:34:39 Yea but my point is that LoRa itself, is kind of small, but it relies on what for your use would be very clunky. Dec 04 19:37:57 does anyone know about a freenode channel specifically for LAMP architecture? i have some questions :/ Dec 04 19:39:11 can anyone help me with this? I am trying to create an app to login with retrofit2 and slim2 as api, but then I press login, i get this error: http://pastebin.com/a9T1R90e I also included the logcat, java, php Dec 04 19:43:09 Ether_Man: is LoRa radio? whats teh cost? Dec 04 19:44:46 Sircle, it's a wireless tech that was developed specifically for long range communication for arduino and raspi. As for cost, I only know of the SX1272 that uses it Dec 04 19:46:44 Ether_Man: thanks Dec 04 19:58:54 Why does clearing the fragments in a FragmentPagerAdapter and then calling notifyDataSetChanged() not remove all the fragments from a viewpager? Dec 04 19:59:16 It looks like it freezes the viewpager with the current fragments on screen Dec 04 20:06:10 is there an easy to use php "api" that i can use to connect to my mysql database? i can't believe i have to learn a new language JUST to read/write the data of my app :/ Dec 04 20:06:24 im feeling kinda frustrated on this u_u Dec 04 20:47:10 i think android studio must be using my hosts clang not the one for android when doing ndk stuff, its telling me that armv7-a is not a supported cpu Dec 04 20:47:27 i must have some config unset or set wrong Dec 04 20:54:26 hexagonSun_: i thought accessing mysql from php is one of the most often used features? surely there's an easy way Dec 04 21:32:18 i made it Dec 04 21:32:22 i f*cking made it Dec 04 21:32:26 HAHAHAHA Dec 04 21:32:32 oh dear Dec 04 21:33:05 IT'S ALIVE Dec 04 21:33:10 HAHAHA Dec 04 21:33:14 so happy rn :') Dec 04 21:47:08 Modest Mouse ... "Strangers to Ourselves"... track 6 is the bomb \o/ Dec 04 21:48:17 Track 2 is pretty cool too ... I play the albumb when coffee .... Dec 04 21:48:18 just ... Dec 04 21:48:20 won't .... Dec 04 21:48:21 DO !!!!! :-D Dec 04 22:02:17 for those using the JSON php+mysql hack, what's the best practice, to have all operations in 1 .php file or arranged in various .php files? what's considered best practice? (literally know nothing about php) Dec 04 22:04:20 #php Dec 04 22:05:10 yeah.. they're not really helpful x) Dec 04 22:05:30 i kinda burned the bridge with that channel Dec 04 22:05:31 XD Dec 04 22:46:25 hello Dec 04 22:48:50 does anyone have experience with google maps api combined with google places. I am not able to place a marker in google map when I am inside onPlaceSelectedMethod() Dec 04 22:49:20 onPlaceSelected() method* Dec 04 22:50:34 k bye Dec 04 22:50:50 bye Dec 04 22:53:00 "small-droid" .... no staying power XD Dec 04 23:18:33 how can i make AS use the right tools for an NDK build? it seems to me like it is using the tools in /usr not my android tools Dec 05 00:41:16 hi guys. question about submitting an app to google play - how do you find the best way to test in app purchases? Dec 05 00:41:29 i have tried static responses (which works... okay I suppose) Dec 05 00:41:56 now I have submitted an alpha and tried with actual purchases, but I am getting errors... why would the static response work but the real purchase fail? Dec 05 01:34:27 I was reading up on communicating with ui from a worker thread, but most examples show worker thread as a inner class on mainActivity, how would I go about changing text in textview in a separate class? Dec 05 01:36:16 I'm having big issues with my 'Garbage Cleaning' with my Android APP, anyone think they can help me out? Dec 05 01:38:22 is there any difference between running a release / signed APK I generated in Android Studio Dec 05 01:38:24 your... 'Garbage Cleaning'? Do you mean garbage collection? Dec 05 01:38:33 and downloading that exact same APK from Google Play? Dec 05 01:38:34 Oh, yes. Dec 05 01:39:20 ie. Step 1: Generate Signed APK / Step 2: ?? / Step 3: Upload signed APK to Google Play / Step 4: Download apk from Google Play Dec 05 01:39:36 These GC_ functions are causing massive unexplainable problems with my android game, and I have no idea if it's something I can change/stop Dec 05 01:39:37 is there any difference if I install the APK on my device at step 2 as step 4? Dec 05 01:41:27 Can you 'turn off' GC? Dec 05 01:42:37 It's literally the most basic game, like snake.. I don't see why it even needs the GarbageCollecting to be happening Dec 05 01:42:40 Does this help https://github.com/mozilla/gecko-dev/blob/178bbc9e00a6afa4a43b63c7812426e428ab7432/mobile/android/base/FindInPageBar.java#L181 Demon_Jester? Or did I misread your question? Dec 05 01:46:15 capella, thanks for the link, I may not have been clear, I am hoping I can have separate class (seperate file, not inner class) that updates the UI on MainActivity. ATM I have empty class called update_ui_class, and I am hoping I can use this class to update textviews on MainActivity. Dec 05 01:46:30 But to makes things easier for me, I might just do a inner class on MainActivity. Dec 05 01:47:43 If you're on the same thread, just snatch a ref to the view? Not sure I understand :/ Dec 05 02:23:47 hi there Dec 05 02:24:01 is there some way in google play console to forcefully cancel all in app purchases? **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Dec 05 02:59:59 2016