**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Mon Jan 30 03:00:01 2017 Jan 30 03:00:24 my real-time update code is a mess and my server crashes randomly Jan 30 03:00:47 my application has been in better conditions, I have to admit Jan 30 03:15:46 can I tell if a color is shade or red or brown or green etc.? Jan 30 03:17:10 Hi, I am using a DialogFragment for a popup form. I set the focus in the first field but I can not make the keyboard appear, what can I do? Jan 30 03:18:39 purplex88: sure Jan 30 03:19:35 purplex88: better if you work in the HSV color model Jan 30 03:20:13 which value should i be looking for? Jan 30 03:20:50 lastent: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3455235/when-using-alertdialog-builder-with-edittext-the-soft-keyboard-doesnt-pop Jan 30 03:21:07 The target value? Jan 30 03:21:14 purplex88: the H (hue) value Jan 30 03:21:25 It's a pretty basic transformation to turn RGB into HSV, and then you've got the H to work with Jan 30 03:22:18 purplex88: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HSL_and_HSV Jan 30 03:23:18 https://developer.android.com/reference/android/graphics/Color.html#RGBToHSV(int,%20int,%20int,%20float[]) Jan 30 03:24:38 check S (saturation) because if it's low, you are basically watching to some kind of grey Jan 30 03:24:58 and V, because if it's low, you are basically watching to some kind of black Jan 30 03:25:10 no matter what hue you have Jan 30 03:25:14 obviously Jan 30 03:26:44 Melatonina: I am trying to put the same getDialog().getWindow() ... in the onCreateDialog but it says that I am trying to invoke on a null object Jan 30 03:29:41 lastent: there are different solutions in that SO. And there are more similar questions too Jan 30 03:29:55 lastent: Use the Dialog you are returning from onCreateDialog() instead of `getDialog()`. Jan 30 03:30:36 You might have to say `Dialog dialog = builder.create(); dialog.getWindow().[...]; return dialog;`. Jan 30 03:35:05 TacticalJoke: you mean I do it in the activity where the dialog is being called from? Jan 30 03:35:30 No, in onCreateDialog(), say this: `Dialog dialog = builder.create(); dialog.getWindow().[...]; return dialog;` Jan 30 03:42:39 TacticalJoke: Thank you that worked pretty well Jan 30 03:43:31 TacticalJoke what do you think of this https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=13514289 Jan 30 03:43:44 lastent: you are welcome Jan 30 03:44:58 Melatonina: I was trying other methods too, but when I closed the dialog the keyboard didn't diisappeared. Now it disappears because it is link with the dialog? Jan 30 03:46:39 TacticalJoke: I was trying other methods too, but when I closed the dialog the keyboard didn't diisappeared. Now it disappears because it is link with the dialog? Jan 30 03:46:58 What does "Lambda coming from jar file need their interfaces on the classpath to be compiled." mean exactly? Jan 30 03:47:23 The class in question is java.util.concurrent.Callable, which is a core Java class since 1.5 Jan 30 03:48:29 g00s: I like the simplicity of TBD. I guess it's not always feasible, though. Jan 30 03:50:46 lastent: Hmm, I guess. (Not sure what else you tried.) Jan 30 03:50:48 i wonder what people do when they use git and have separate android, ios, web projects .. but share some things Jan 30 03:50:58 i'd imagine everybody has a separate repo Jan 30 03:51:05 but what about the shared stuff Jan 30 04:25:31 "Google Earnings Reveal $3.6 Billion Lost On 'Moonshots' In 2016" ouch :( Jan 30 04:30:07 I'm always happy when I see them putting the advance of science and progress above shareholder value. Jan 30 04:31:01 yeah, hopefully their work on alternative energy - but i haven't been following what they do lately Jan 30 04:31:36 i'm not sure if those experimental devices (from other company) are moon shot, i guess not Jan 30 04:32:11 older samsung galaxies "A single SMS can force Samsung Galaxy devices into a crash and reboot loop, and leave the owner with no other option than to reset it to factory settings and lose all data stored on it" Jan 30 04:32:34 T"hese specific issues are related to modifications Samsung made to to the Android telephony framework" lol samsung! Jan 30 04:34:08 Melatonina: one interesting thing: so would you say that a color with hue zero is a shade of red? Jan 30 04:34:24 "All-Java Diet Turns Developers Into Cannibals" Jan 30 04:34:28 purplex88: sure Jan 30 04:35:26 purplex88: what's particularly interesting in that? Jan 30 04:36:01 i have a color with HSV (0, 75, 65) and its called red-brown implying that its a shade of brown Jan 30 04:39:54 yeah, if you ask to an artist, they actually hate color names Jan 30 04:40:12 anyway a red-brown sounds definitely like a shade of red Jan 30 04:40:46 most of the times browns are shades of orange Jan 30 04:40:58 orange is close to red Jan 30 04:41:18 thus this color must be a little more on the red side than a usual brown Jan 30 04:43:54 you are welcome, as usual Jan 30 04:46:20 purplex88 if you have a color in mind, like a red brown, and get another color and want to know how close it is, you can compute the euclidian distance between the 2 points, and then decide what qualifies as 'close' Jan 30 04:47:05 android has utils for computing euclidian distance in L*a*b, at least Jan 30 04:47:18 https://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/v4/graphics/ColorUtils.html Jan 30 04:48:08 g00s: thanks Jan 30 04:52:18 nice so i can check if its close to red or what qualifies as brown. Jan 30 04:52:57 i did it once some years ago using distance formula i recall Jan 30 04:53:22 Has anyone used graphview before http://www.android-graphview.org/ ? Jan 30 04:55:07 fattest: thanks for the link Jan 30 04:56:43 fattest hm, long time ago ... yeah thats jjoe64. its been around for a long time Jan 30 04:57:00 purplex88: how do you check what qualifies as brown? Jan 30 05:01:58 In my graphView, I'm getting decimal points between my intervals in my x axis; how do I get rid of them? http://imgur.com/a/IEdgT http://pastebin.com/UTL9Jtks Jan 30 05:02:05 yes it may be difficult but i can still check if its not red. Jan 30 05:04:00 does anyone have kotlin + lombok working nicely together in the same module? Jan 30 05:08:21 Why would you use both? Jan 30 05:08:37 checking if a color is red is as difficult as checking if it's brown Jan 30 05:10:03 i saw that there's a hue region defined for red Jan 30 05:11:18 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hue#Computing_hue_from_RGB Jan 30 05:11:56 that says red-yellow, that includes orange too hm Jan 30 05:12:53 CedricBeust: we've been using java and want to slowly start adding some kotlin Jan 30 05:13:04 purplex88: that's what I was saying earlier about reds, browns and oranges Jan 30 05:13:11 teasp00n: I'd recommend starting with the Lombok classes and convert those to Kotlin Jan 30 05:14:19 CedricBeust: yeah problem is we have lombok all through our codebase. we have 4 modules so could start rolling in kotlin from the bottom of the stack but as we move up the stack it becomes less trivial to refactor that all in one hit Jan 30 05:14:41 so that makes colors as confusing as they are to the eyes Jan 30 05:14:49 Yeah I understand Jan 30 05:15:30 I've never used Lombok but if you already have a build that compiles your Lombok code, just adding Kotlin to it shouldn't be difficult Jan 30 05:16:00 purplex88: yeah Jan 30 05:23:27 Melatonina: I wanted to build an app to analyze the image and tell me what color was the most used in image. that's how i started looking. Jan 30 05:24:20 e.g. if i take a picture of apple, i can tell whether the apple is more red or more green. Jan 30 05:24:56 but i wanted to analyze complicated pictures where you cannot easily tell red from brown. Jan 30 05:26:44 purplex88 you know about this, right? https://developer.android.com/reference/android/support/v7/graphics/Palette.html#getDominantColor(int) Jan 30 05:28:33 oh i didn't, thanks i guess that makes it a lot easier than to have a map of all pixels and check the distance of all colors. Jan 30 05:29:25 or check which color repeats most of the time Jan 30 05:29:43 which the eye cannot differentiate Jan 30 05:30:08 CedricBeust: FYI we decided to just convert the files to kotlin data objects/ implement our own getters as we roll kotlin through Jan 30 05:44:38 i find this hard to believe https://www.novoda.com/blog/downloading-apps-is-emojinal-a-simple-hack-to-get-more-downloads/ Jan 30 05:45:11 dragorn https://apple.slashdot.org/story/17/01/28/0349257/iphone-7-ousts-samsung-galaxy-note-4-as-device-of-choice-for-uk-defense-officials Jan 30 06:32:19 * raoul11 thepooshes thepoosh Jan 30 06:32:36 * thepoosh is all pooshed up Jan 30 06:33:28 sup Jan 30 06:51:05 hey thepoosh did you see this from the other day ? https://medium.freecodecamp.com/how-to-write-a-good-resume-in-2017-b8ea9dfdd3b9#.hrjpg8kj0 Jan 30 06:51:21 its freaking long, i haven't read through it yet Jan 30 06:54:20 oh whats going on in AW today Jan 30 06:55:16 omg this is awful https://www.raywenderlich.com/109843/common-design-patterns-for-android Jan 30 06:55:45 thepoosh whats a gooey fab? Jan 30 06:56:06 hi g00s Jan 30 06:56:17 saw that Jan 30 06:56:28 thanks for the reference Jan 30 06:57:14 man, ami the only one that things mark allison's blog (styling android) is the ugliest and unusable damn thing ever Jan 30 06:57:28 hilarious for someone discussing style Jan 30 06:57:34 heh Jan 30 06:57:45 it happens every now and then Jan 30 06:57:55 like reading vogella about style Jan 30 06:57:59 heh, fucking wordpress Jan 30 06:58:04 i hate that crap Jan 30 06:58:52 g00s: I love everyone this morning Jan 30 06:58:56 thepoosh shit getting crazy here, largest mobilization of protesters since vietnam Jan 30 06:59:00 listening to peter paul and marry Jan 30 06:59:04 lol Jan 30 06:59:22 g00s: at least you're not in Quibec Jan 30 06:59:33 lol no i am in NJ Jan 30 06:59:45 I take that back then Jan 30 06:59:47 :P Jan 30 07:00:11 we have a few people here from jersey Jan 30 07:00:29 you know, that place trump said "thousands in New Jersey cheered when World Trade Center tumbled" Jan 30 07:00:42 yeah yeah Jan 30 07:00:43 that place Jan 30 07:00:45 lol Jan 30 07:01:31 so Newark Jan 30 07:01:56 first day of work in newark, held up by guy with shotgun Jan 30 07:02:18 later encounters, people wanting my shoes and food , which at that time was just a banana Jan 30 07:02:34 defauq?! Jan 30 07:02:37 seriously?! Jan 30 07:02:48 so happy i never got off the train there Jan 30 07:02:56 when I was going from Edison to NYC Jan 30 07:02:58 thepoosh lol, and that guy with shotgun, it was me and my boss ... first day at work at the us attorneys office lol Jan 30 07:03:14 holy crap Jan 30 07:03:38 i remember driving home one day, new construction project looked pretty nice ... Jan 30 07:03:46 next day, whole thing burned to the ground Jan 30 07:03:59 people driving in sidewalks Jan 30 07:04:20 I'm thinking about this: https://youtu.be/mk7uSjmZdZI?t=154 Jan 30 07:04:23 maybe they do that in NYC too, no idea i avoid city ;) Jan 30 07:04:39 I was a turist Jan 30 07:05:37 thepoosh hehe Jan 30 07:07:37 thepoosh the big guys at the usao had underground parking Jan 30 07:07:58 the worker bees like me had to walk to parking 'somewhere else' Jan 30 07:08:03 that pretty much explains itself now Jan 30 07:09:03 i went out once at lunch time, just to walk around and check out the record store Jan 30 07:09:09 *once* Jan 30 07:10:02 thepoosh so what kind of thing do you want to apply for, if need be? Jan 30 07:10:27 thinking maybe next time will be a software hose company Jan 30 07:10:31 doing apps for clients Jan 30 07:10:40 seems like less stress Jan 30 07:10:50 but I might not be able to not do startups anymore Jan 30 07:10:51 :S Jan 30 07:11:03 might have been tainted by the rush and small teams Jan 30 07:11:32 dream is getting into the firebase team in israel Jan 30 07:11:34 i guess Jan 30 07:11:55 oh nice Jan 30 07:12:04 don't think it will happen Jan 30 07:12:17 g00s: btw, I'm doing a side gig for the next few months Jan 30 07:12:29 uber ? Jan 30 07:12:31 doing TA at the university here in Jerusalem Jan 30 07:12:35 get your side hustle on ! Jan 30 07:12:48 Uber is ilegal in israel Jan 30 07:12:50 thepoosh c++ again ? Jan 30 07:12:56 nah, Android Jan 30 07:13:17 i'm worried in the US they want to replace mass transit Jan 30 07:13:28 say hello to surge pricing ;) Jan 30 07:13:58 thepoosh dunno about the mobile app shop thing, you'll have to work on a lot of garbage Jan 30 07:14:04 like, an app for detergents Jan 30 07:14:22 that has no reason to exist, but has 10 analytics packages with adds in it Jan 30 07:14:39 (true story, friend had to work on that) Jan 30 07:14:45 well not 10 Jan 30 07:15:30 thepoosh have you ever read http://shop.oreilly.com/product/0636920034360.do Jan 30 07:24:17 never read that Jan 30 07:24:54 but I'm not an entrepreneur, I'm an employee Jan 30 07:27:19 g00s: how many books do you read per week? Jan 30 07:27:47 Melatonina about 1 every other week, mostly non tech tho Jan 30 07:29:02 thepoosh did you see the article on trunk based development? what do you guys use, that , something like git-flow, something else ? Jan 30 07:29:21 we use git with bitbucket Jan 30 07:29:30 and git with github for the SDK part Jan 30 07:29:44 the SDK migrated at the time from svn Jan 30 07:29:50 * raoul11 bitbucket thepoosh Jan 30 07:29:56 yeah!\ Jan 30 07:29:57 svn jesuschrists Jan 30 07:31:02 uh svn 'branches' Jan 30 07:31:11 they are cheap copies lololol Jan 30 07:31:24 didn't google just migrate from trunk based to git based? Jan 30 07:31:55 uh ... i thought they use perforce or hg internally, but android team uses git Jan 30 07:32:11 because of outside contributors Jan 30 07:32:12 thepoosh figured out that mixed transparency fragment Jan 30 07:32:22 plus added some nice animations for sliding it from le bottom Jan 30 07:32:34 noice Jan 30 07:32:40 yes yes very proud Jan 30 07:32:52 remind me to pat you on the head Jan 30 07:33:00 ohu Jan 30 07:33:12 btw, I'm insulted you didn't offer me a cigarette last night Jan 30 07:33:18 u smoke? Jan 30 07:33:20 dude. Jan 30 07:33:25 every now and then Jan 30 07:33:33 u hurried up to fold them chairs Jan 30 07:33:50 promised the Mrs. to not buy packs but I still smoke a few a week Jan 30 07:33:55 its google thepoosh, its mandatory to fuckthemover! Jan 30 07:34:09 i only roll tobacco nowdays Jan 30 07:34:30 http://cacm.acm.org/magazines/2016/7/204032-why-google-stores-billions-of-lines-of-code-in-a-single-repository/fulltext Jan 30 07:34:38 so i guess perforce -> piper / spanner Jan 30 07:34:52 i dunno whats going on there now though Jan 30 07:37:06 " The alternative of moving to Git or any other DVCS that would require repository splitting is not compelling for Google." Jan 30 07:38:12 oh thats recent, july 2016 Jan 30 07:39:42 You know, despite using the "match_parent" and "wrap_contents" semantics some uncountable number of times, I'm still tempted to invent a "match_content" value nearly half the time I go to type "wrap_content" Jan 30 07:42:03 fastAndBulbous: as long as you don't use "fill_parent" we're fine Jan 30 07:42:19 fill_content? Jan 30 07:42:44 nah, I just don't undrstand why they had to pick different verbs. My brain is just like "match the parent" or "match the contents" Jan 30 07:43:46 u shud have came yesterday to yigal alon in tel aviv fastAndBulbous Jan 30 07:43:51 allwouldabeencleared Jan 30 07:44:08 especially after one of those "cigarettes" Jan 30 07:44:17 thepoosh there was a hot chick coder who sat next to me Jan 30 07:44:30 i was like, whaaaaaaat Jan 30 07:44:51 then you smelled like smoke, and she was like shit get me out of here ! Jan 30 07:45:11 think ill invite her to do the hackhaton wif me Jan 30 07:45:37 though she doesnt use tabs Jan 30 07:46:13 raoul11: if she was hot she was probably a designer Jan 30 07:46:23 nope Jan 30 07:46:24 it was half designers and half programmers Jan 30 07:46:27 a coder Jan 30 07:46:30 we talked Jan 30 07:46:34 you snake Jan 30 07:46:42 she coded all throughout the meeting Jan 30 07:47:15 raoul11 she's the one Jan 30 07:47:25 am married g00s ... Jan 30 07:47:34 nothing is final! Jan 30 07:47:36 and she uses spaces, so deffo no Jan 30 07:47:47 kek Jan 30 07:47:59 come next week thepoosh Jan 30 07:47:59 lolwut Jan 30 07:48:25 g00s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsoOG6ZeyUI Jan 30 07:48:27 nd she uses a dark AS theme Jan 30 07:48:31 raoul11 what ide / editor was she using ? emacs !? Jan 30 07:48:35 raoul11: NOOOO Jan 30 07:48:39 drakula? Jan 30 07:48:41 which means she's either goth or emo or both Jan 30 07:48:45 eeew Jan 30 07:48:49 kek Jan 30 07:49:24 i use dark theme O.o Jan 30 07:49:42 would be topkek if she's actually here, but she's probably over on slack slacking like a filthy millenial Jan 30 07:49:46 now is the time to reconsider life choices Jan 30 07:49:54 do u like rammstein g00s ? Jan 30 07:50:04 i like some rammstein Jan 30 07:50:26 they are kinda mellow though Jan 30 07:50:37 like ballads :D Jan 30 07:51:16 u shud come next week as well g00s Jan 30 07:51:51 and gossip outside how noobish them peeple inside, like thepoosh nd his m8s did yday Jan 30 07:52:03 Lord rammstein. The mall goth's Ministry. Jan 30 07:52:19 raoul11: you jelly? Jan 30 07:52:58 real goth listen to stuff like type-o negative Jan 30 07:53:05 yes i wanna diss people inside as well ): Jan 30 07:53:22 didn't you come out and do that with all my super-cool friends? Jan 30 07:53:34 i thought type-o-negative was a rammstein song Jan 30 07:53:38 yes yes Jan 30 07:53:57 no heh, but their singer died somehow Jan 30 07:53:58 it felt good thepoosh, felt like am a proper coder Jan 30 07:54:19 fuck yeah! Jan 30 07:54:28 next time we code review n00bs Jan 30 07:54:35 and leave hateful ocmments Jan 30 07:54:38 lol Jan 30 07:55:00 "premature optimization is the root of all evil" Jan 30 07:55:01 i dont have those android t-shirts though Jan 30 07:55:08 neither did I Jan 30 07:55:16 they said you get that at the Hackathon Jan 30 07:55:24 i got a few python t-shirts Jan 30 07:55:30 you suck Jan 30 07:55:53 i need to find a laptop for the hackathon Jan 30 07:55:53 Have a nice day, guys Jan 30 07:55:59 u2 mela Jan 30 07:56:03 Melatonina: HAI Jan 30 07:56:06 sup? Jan 30 08:00:35 "After spending around a year developing an app for this platform, I have to say, I have no idea what the fuck google is spending their time on.." Jan 30 08:00:46 lol what the hell is going on https://www.reddit.com/r/androiddev/comments/5qx48h/wtf_is_happening_to_the_play_store/ Jan 30 08:02:39 what is this top features thing, i have not seen it Jan 30 08:02:55 and ffs, why can't they do something useful like paid updates Jan 30 08:10:22 huh? What's this about 1. upload ios app and 2. find it. Jan 30 08:11:51 We've had more problems getting ios apps into the store than android. Jan 30 08:20:00 fastAndBulbous i've has their problem also ... searching for the exact name of the app = dicey Jan 30 09:07:54 I have a viewpager as part of my UI, besides a viewpager indicator, how should I make it clear for my users that this can be swiped to reveal other pages? Jan 30 09:08:32 (this viewpager fills about 20% of my screen at any given time. Jan 30 09:08:34 ) Jan 30 09:13:53 put a chevron on top of it Jan 30 09:14:02 <> Jan 30 09:17:20 I had what I hope is a really basic Android Studio question. I'm putting together a tutorial app, something super simple that just calculates tips, but I can't run it Jan 30 09:17:50 The Event Log shows "NullPointerException: null" every time I try to run it on the virtual machine and nothing else happens Jan 30 09:18:14 There's no information anywhere so I don't even know what to begin to look at. Is there a way to get more info or some common error that'd cause that? Jan 30 09:18:17 go to the line it tells you its NPE'ing Jan 30 09:18:21 It doesn't Jan 30 09:18:41 That's the hair pulling part Jan 30 09:18:42 put breakpoints in your code Jan 30 09:19:04 print everything Jan 30 09:19:28 I have, none get hit. Although as of a few seconds ago it just started giving me "Error Installing APK" instead after restarting Android Studio and rebuilding the app Jan 30 09:19:35 go over your activity variables and check that you instantiate each one Jan 30 09:20:23 I'll resolve the error installing APK first before coming back to the null pointer but I only have an onCreate and a handleClick function and neither were hitting a breakpoint Jan 30 09:22:15 check your manifest that its indeed launchin the activity Jan 30 09:23:10 It wasn't. I'm very confused why it was being so vague earlier but upon restarting and rebuilding I hit upon the issue Jan 30 09:23:25 I wasn't running build APK, I was just doing a regular build and it never complained about that for some reason until just now Jan 30 09:23:44 Now I still crash but I've got the whole stack visible so I can approach that like I'm used to Jan 30 09:24:46 oh Jan 30 09:25:21 the classic AS "am on the dead adb logs" shanenigan Jan 30 09:30:12 My app crashes if resuming after 10+mins in background, problem it it doesn't send any crash report so I may debug, what can I do? Jan 30 09:43:01 Thanks for the help raoul11 Jan 30 09:43:28 I come from an Embedded Systems background so it's always really weird for me diving into the world of Java, XML, and a bunch of other "weird magic" for me :P Jan 30 09:43:56 And all the emulator stuff on top of that worsens it a bit Jan 30 10:25:22 Hello guys Jan 30 10:25:35 I got yesterday my Mi Box 3 (android tv box) Jan 30 10:25:55 if you check this photo Jan 30 10:25:56 http://76.my/Malaysia/xiaomi-tv-mibox-3-3rd-gen-4k-hd-smart-android-tv-1080p-mi-box-dashermart-1511-21-dashermart@1.jpg Jan 30 10:26:00 its the back of the device Jan 30 10:26:08 as you can notice there is no mini usb port Jan 30 10:26:25 there is normal (not sure of its type) male input usb port Jan 30 10:26:46 all i need is to connect to the device using ADB Jan 30 10:26:52 i tried through wifi Jan 30 10:27:02 after enabling debugging from settings Jan 30 10:27:11 but it says connection refused Jan 30 10:27:30 I tried to make two male usb cable Jan 30 10:27:43 also the pc was unable to see the device Jan 30 10:28:06 i can't find Xiaomi doc for developers Jan 30 10:28:30 does anyone know how to connect through ADB to those devices? Jan 30 10:31:08 I need to create a custom ndk toolchain, in arch-do i select the arch of my pc or where the app will be deployed(phone)? Jan 30 11:17:10 hi, i'm new on android programming, my idea is to use hid-keyboard gadget binary to make android act as a keyboard via usb Jan 30 11:17:23 i already patched my kernel to be able to do that Jan 30 11:18:29 (this https://github.com/pelya/android-keyboard-gadget/ , the binary is on https://github.com/pelya/android-keyboard-gadget/tree/master/hid-gadget-test) Jan 30 11:20:27 there is the c code https://github.com/pelya/android-keyboard-gadget/blob/master/hid-gadget-test/jni/hid-gadget-test.c Jan 30 11:24:55 that sounds like ROM stuff Jan 30 11:25:15 alexandre9099, do you have a question? Jan 30 11:25:32 yes, how to do it :D Jan 30 11:25:35 at least, how to start Jan 30 11:26:39 Ashiren: the ROM stuff is done, the kernel is patched Jan 30 11:26:48 now i need to invoke a binary from a android app Jan 30 11:27:17 umm like as if you would type it in console Jan 30 11:27:23 yea Jan 30 11:28:00 i want the app to appear on share dialog and then execute the binary and send the text to pc Jan 30 11:28:40 did you write an app that executes the code to test it already? Jan 30 11:29:05 like http://stackoverflow.com/a/6882295 Jan 30 11:29:14 https://developer.android.com/training/sharing/receive.html Jan 30 11:29:25 thanks, i'll check Jan 30 11:29:50 afk Jan 30 11:31:12 Hi, I have an app using Camera(1), I need to be able to fake the Camera output, using an mp4, with minimal code changes, what are my options? Jan 30 11:32:29 anyonebutme, you're showing camera in a surfaceview? Jan 30 11:32:46 Yes, but also handling the content in JNI Jan 30 11:33:07 which i think is fed through the surfaceHolder Jan 30 11:33:14 urr, and you want to decode the mp4, pass it to jni and show in the surfaceview? Jan 30 11:33:27 yes Jan 30 11:34:11 your options are to use MediaCodec, ExoPlayer or your own codec in native probably Jan 30 11:34:46 exoplayer might provide a solution with the least code Jan 30 11:34:50 by you that is Jan 30 11:35:24 and I'm not 100% sure if they work, let me read a little bit Jan 30 11:35:38 what format are you passing the camera data through jni? Jan 30 11:36:47 YUV, Jan 30 11:37:10 NV2 something Jan 30 11:37:44 Basically, I need to test an OpenCV app with some video input Jan 30 11:37:55 on a device. Jan 30 11:38:50 The easiest solution is probably just to mount the device infront of a monitor, but I don't think my boss will be impressed :P Jan 30 11:39:15 :) Jan 30 11:39:24 the problem is that mediacodec gives your RGB Jan 30 11:39:37 and android doesn't provide a way to convert that Jan 30 11:39:42 so you'll have to write your own Jan 30 11:39:51 http://stackoverflow.com/a/23326865/857853 Jan 30 11:40:03 no wait Jan 30 11:40:06 anyonebutme, maybe some code here can help you: https://github.com/google/grafika Jan 30 11:40:06 that was the reverse Jan 30 11:40:08 so it should owrk Jan 30 11:40:11 it's not really clear what you want Jan 30 11:40:22 you could always draw manually into the locked canvas of your surfaceholder anyway Jan 30 11:40:48 adq, I think you're on to something Jan 30 11:40:51 ? Jan 30 11:41:14 http://bigflake.com/mediacodec/#EncodeDecodeTest Jan 30 11:41:17 ^ Jan 30 11:41:45 mediacodec's still a huge mess though Jan 30 11:43:16 adq: I could draw on whatever buffer is used for both the surfaceholder and the jni (which then passes it to opencv &gl) Jan 30 11:44:15 Zharf: I'm not so worried about decoding, I could feed in a byte stream, doesn't really need to be compressed video, i just need to trick the device or app or as much of the app as i can to believe it's coming from the camera Jan 30 11:44:46 anyonebutme, well, just plug in to where you're calling the opencv? Jan 30 11:47:03 It "plugs" into opencv, opengl and the surfaceHolder in like 20 different places... I think i can modify the c code (cv&gl code) to get some video frames, but then the surfaceHolder would still be wire to the camera no? Jan 30 11:48:04 actually Jan 30 11:48:12 you're getting the camera data in just one place, right? Jan 30 11:48:20 yes, i think so Jan 30 11:48:25 replace the data with video data at that point? Jan 30 11:53:00 I think what i need is to replace the android.hardware.Camera instance, with one "fake" interface which just has an override for whatever needs to be overridden when it tries to fetch frames. Jan 30 11:53:07 _I think_ Jan 30 11:53:31 yeah, mock it Jan 30 11:54:12 it'll be easier if you write an interface, wrap Camera in that, use it and then you can just replace the instance with another Jan 30 11:55:47 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18572130/android-mock-camera/38456189#38456189 Jan 30 12:25:38 Has anyone try tout the new update they did to firebase test lab bypass the logins? Jan 30 12:26:33 How everyone doing?:) Jan 30 13:40:32 what is the datatype for date and time format in sqlite? Jan 30 13:40:59 while you can tell it it's a date I beleive it just turns it into a string. Jan 30 13:41:09 sqlite does a lot of "well it's just a string" Jan 30 13:41:42 i checked out the docs but its saying numeric datatype works for both ,is it true? Jan 30 13:42:02 https://www.tutorialspoint.com/sqlite/sqlite_date_time.htm has a lot of docs Jan 30 13:42:15 i have no idea if it's true or not - if the sqlite docs say it's true, then yeah, probably Jan 30 13:42:25 no reason not to believe them Jan 30 13:42:30 just do a test Jan 30 13:43:09 sub_zero, it's stored as a string Jan 30 13:43:16 it'll do a bit of conversion if you pass it numbers Jan 30 13:43:31 but internally it acts just like a string with concatenation support and whatnot Jan 30 13:43:44 ok, so i will give my date column with datatype String Jan 30 13:44:03 mavrik dragorn ya got it thanks :) Jan 30 13:46:30 a little off topic but, has anyone here ever taken an IKM test? specifically the java one Jan 30 13:46:32 mavrik but i have to continuously compare the date and time with my current mobile's date and time ,so will taking it as string work? Jan 30 13:46:38 just wondering what kind of questions are asked Jan 30 13:47:01 kukorkan join #java they will guide you the best Jan 30 13:47:21 sub_zero, i'd read the time from the tb, convert it with java date (unless sqlite has a numerical timestamp function, which I think it does per that page I linked) then compare those. Avoid doing string conversions as much s you can. Jan 30 13:47:57 DB, not tb, of course. Jan 30 13:48:05 tatabase? Jan 30 13:48:35 sub_zero, hmm... I'd use INTEGER type then and store System.currentTimeMillis() Jan 30 13:48:45 epoch time is fast to compare and lookup, faster than strings Jan 30 13:49:03 also significantly faster and easier to convert to date objects and back Jan 30 13:49:29 ok thankyou mates Jan 30 13:49:31 :) Jan 30 13:51:15 Ashiren, taterbase. gotta keep them organized. select * from mashed; Jan 30 14:04:18 don't follow this website while learning, http://www.sqlitetutorial.net/tryit/query/sqlite-date/#3 Jan 30 14:23:10 Hi everyone Can you PLEASE help me I'm struggling with this for a while now Jan 30 14:24:03 Does anyone know anything about UICC Carrier Privileges https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/uicc.html Jan 30 14:27:32 Does anyone know anything about UICC Carrier Privileges https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/uicc.html Jan 30 14:50:59 Helllooo Jan 30 14:51:08 Does anyone know anything about UICC Carrier Privileges https://source.android.com/devices/tech/config/uicc.html Jan 30 14:51:12 PLEASE HELP Jan 30 14:58:42 -_- Jan 30 15:12:22 any good source of info to start with android applications? Jan 30 15:15:03 try first with d.android.com Jan 30 15:15:29 i'll check, thanks Jan 30 16:34:10 help needed with firebase ui auth! Jan 30 16:34:21 i am getting error while calling startActivityForResult - " Unable to find explicit activity class packagename/com.firebase.ui.auth.KickoffActivity have you declared this activity in your AndroidManifest.xml?". Jan 30 17:11:01 your build is b0rken Jan 30 17:31:35 * thepoosh pats raoul11 on the head Jan 30 17:31:37 now now Jan 30 17:31:52 * raoul11 thepooshes thepoosh Jan 30 17:32:00 hi there Jan 30 17:32:02 u still @ work ? Jan 30 17:32:13 working @home :( Jan 30 17:32:24 daughter is sick in the end Jan 30 17:32:26 has strep Jan 30 17:32:38 so catching up tonight with tomorrow's work Jan 30 17:33:02 what's news? Jan 30 17:33:23 Your RSVP: Yes Jan 30 17:33:32 just registered Jan 30 17:33:47 IT BETTER BE GOOD thepoosh Jan 30 17:33:53 or am joining daesh Jan 30 17:34:02 woot Jan 30 17:34:07 are you talking about the meetup? Jan 30 17:34:38 yes Jan 30 17:36:12 don't think I'll make it Jan 30 17:36:15 wife is due Jan 30 17:37:40 w00t Jan 30 17:37:45 naice Jan 30 17:37:48 thepoosh, congrats Jan 30 17:37:53 am not so far behind you thepoosh Jan 30 17:38:03 noice Jan 30 17:38:11 wife is due on late feb Jan 30 17:38:11 like 2 months or so Jan 30 17:38:21 but there are tons of stuff next week for me Jan 30 17:38:32 boi/gurl/nottellin? Jan 30 17:39:09 think u told me already, but ma goldfish memory has popped it out Jan 30 17:40:51 https://media.giphy.com/media/UHKL9BtyM4WrK/giphy.gif Jan 30 17:40:54 raoul11: ^ Jan 30 18:02:54 raoul11: cat get you tounge? Jan 30 18:04:28 went to make me curcum tea Jan 30 18:04:35 u want? Jan 30 18:10:32 you asked about gender Jan 30 18:10:48 and why that ikky tea?! Jan 30 18:13:51 thepoosh its healthy Jan 30 18:14:01 you make me sick! Jan 30 18:14:16 trust me, am a doctor Jan 30 18:14:31 can confirm, doctor Jan 30 18:14:43 raoulduke and doctorgonzo Jan 30 18:14:56 u better know dat refrence. Jan 30 18:17:07 raoul11: can you see I'm debugging? http://imgur.com/ZOXH28B Jan 30 18:17:50 lol Jan 30 18:18:00 ohnoez, someone violated google brandlines Jan 30 18:18:03 * raoul11 reports Jan 30 18:18:44 it's not a violation Jan 30 18:18:51 #just_saying Jan 30 18:19:03 had this talk with squ last week Jan 30 18:49:12 raoul11: http://imgur.com/dleWrGE Jan 30 18:50:01 kek, send it for your m8s at the academy Jan 30 19:00:30 so guys, how evil is this: Jan 30 19:00:54 I've got a one-to-many relation, and I'd like to query an item that has this relation + all relations Jan 30 19:01:34 to avoid duplicate rows, I want to GROUP_CONCAT(HEX( [field] ), [separator]) on all the fields in the relation and GROUP down on the main table Jan 30 19:01:35 is it evil? Jan 30 19:01:52 is there a better way (prior to json/array support in sqlite on android) Jan 30 19:08:15 man Jan 30 19:08:18 wtf google. Jan 30 19:08:54 FusedLocationApi.getLastLocation returns lon/lat, onLocationChanged returns lat/lon Jan 30 19:11:10 doesn’t it just return a data object? Jan 30 19:11:23 it returns a latlng object Jan 30 19:11:37 soz, it does return an object Jan 30 19:15:49 both return a Location object Jan 30 19:18:53 ohhh Jan 30 19:18:57 kek Jan 30 19:19:11 on the emulator i replaced lat/lon values Jan 30 19:42:29 Is there a way to set a static number of rows x cols for a GridView? Jan 30 19:55:43 Anyone there got experience with GridView? Jan 30 19:56:43 numColums will set a specific number of columns Jan 30 19:57:03 s73v3r: I need a 5x5 grid Jan 30 19:57:12 after that, I think it’s just up to your adapter to make sure that you only have enough items Jan 30 19:57:13 So if I can do cols, how come I cant also do rows? Jan 30 19:57:20 because it wasn’t meant to do that Jan 30 19:57:31 it’s supposed to have as many rows as needed for your items Jan 30 19:57:37 so just give your adapter 25 items Jan 30 19:57:50 What type of adapter should I be using? Jan 30 19:57:55 an adapter Jan 30 19:58:09 same as you’d use for a listview Jan 30 19:58:14 BaseAdapter? Jan 30 19:58:16 https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/layout/gridview.html Jan 30 19:58:25 Ok Jan 30 19:58:30 Thanks Jan 30 19:59:50 I guess setting the number of cols inherently sets the number of rows too s73v3r Jan 30 20:13:20 is this a good way to hide a row in a ListView? http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15324059/hide-items-in-a-listview/20611077#20611077 Jan 30 20:13:37 seems to work for me Jan 30 20:14:19 Hi Folks Jan 30 20:15:00 I'm sure there are some real gurus around there, aren't there ? Jan 30 20:16:22 Is there at least someone who could answer me about libgdx ? Jan 30 20:17:25 Anyway here is my queston ... Jan 30 20:17:30 +i Jan 30 20:18:17 I use both Android Studio (WIN7) and AIDE (on my tablet) Jan 30 20:18:29 Trying to learn libgdx Jan 30 20:18:56 Though i can get my code working on both IDEs Jan 30 20:19:27 I have to change it for some weird reasons Jan 30 20:20:03 Main issue i had is with Animation Jan 30 20:22:52 Wich works on Android studio if we use an instance of Animation while it works on AIDE with only Animation Jan 30 20:23:14 Any explaination of this ? Jan 30 20:45:33 Hey! I'm trying to add a dependency (shipped as a .jar) that is only compiled for Java8 to my Android app. I tried enabling the Jack Toolchain (https://developer.android.com/guide/platform/j8-jack.html#configuration) and while that does indeed allow me to use lambdas in the main code, I still get an error "Error:Board.java:45-46: Lambda coming from jar file need their interfaces on the classpath to be Jan 30 20:45:33 compiled, unknown interfaces are java.util.function.Predicate". Is there a way to fix this? Jan 30 20:50:47 Flaghacker: are you using API 24? Jan 30 20:53:16 kroot, Well I'm using compile SDK 25 but minimum 21. Jan 30 20:54:14 You'd have to use a minimum of API 24 (unless that code would only be loaded after an platform versin check to make sure it's API 24), but I don't think that should keep you from compiling successfully. Jan 30 20:54:53 Well but I actually want to be compatible with android 5.0 Jan 30 20:55:08 So I need the minimum API to be 21. Jan 30 20:55:45 Okay, then you can't use classes that won't exist on API 21. Jan 30 20:55:49 if you want minimums to be lower, you have to accept you have less and less stuff given to you Jan 30 20:57:04 jill still fml Jan 30 20:58:05 But wasn't Jack supposed to allow lambdas in older Android versions? It works fine, but I'd also like to get it to work on the dependencies. Jan 30 20:58:22 jack only allows lambdas in .java files Jan 30 20:58:24 not in libraries Jan 30 20:58:28 JILL is what handles .jar libraries Jan 30 20:59:02 pfn Ah so I should use that instead? I'll look it up, thanks. Jan 30 20:59:17 well, you should probably just use Retrolambda Jan 30 20:59:34 it's not instead, you need to use both jack and jill if you want to use java8 stuff with the official toolchain Jan 30 21:00:01 jill is what handles processing library jars Jan 30 21:00:50 jar failed: Method bootstrap in scala.runtime.LambdaDeserialize is not supported with invoke dynamic Jan 30 21:00:58 * pfn shrugs Jan 30 21:25:42 I have a service that handles location for my app. I'd like to display the current latitude and longitude on the screen. How can I get that data from a service into my main activity? Jan 30 21:26:12 https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=android+data+from+service+to+activity Jan 30 21:28:28 dougquaid send an Intent to the Service and have it respond with location in a broadcast, manage broadcast receiver properly Jan 30 21:30:39 on one of my AVD instances (got few running), the platform permission UI activity is crashing the app lol -___- Jan 30 21:30:54 "java.lang.RuntimeException: Unable to start activity ComponentInfo{com.google.android.packageinstaller/com.android.packageinstaller.permission.ui.GrantPermissionsActivity}: [...]" Jan 30 21:31:15 and it has worked before lol Jan 30 21:35:08 hi, how can i store a binary on a android apk to then call with Runtime.getRuntime().exec("binary"); Jan 30 21:35:08 ? Jan 30 21:37:07 alexandre9099 what are you trying to with this binary Jan 30 21:38:27 i dont know if you were here a few hours ago, i am trying to recive data from other app (done) and then excecute this binary/code (https://github.com/pelya/android-keyboard-gadget/blob/master/hid-gadget-test/jni/hid-gadget-test.c) to send keystrokes to the computer Jan 30 21:38:42 i want to use this for example for a password manager Jan 30 21:40:32 alexandre9099 you can port that .c to java -- why do you think you want to execute it as a binary? Jan 30 21:41:05 dont know, it is a way that i'm seeing to actually make it work :D Jan 30 21:41:12 alexandre9099, you'll need to rename it libfoo.so Jan 30 21:41:33 Zharf: ? Jan 30 21:42:02 it won't be available to you in the runtime otherwise Jan 30 21:42:12 that's why I do http://eclipser.xmms2.org/git/xmms2-android.git/tree/build.sh :) Jan 30 21:42:46 shipit: how am i suposed to port the code? isnt c lower level than java? Jan 30 21:43:08 you look at what the code is doing, and reimplement it in java Jan 30 21:43:27 Zharf: can you explain to me like i'm five :/ i'm new on java / android programming Jan 30 21:43:28 alexandre9099, Zharf -- guys, its a simple string/char comparator. Its not using any system/kernel calls. You're making your life more miserable than it needs to be, Jan 30 21:43:54 shipit: :D, i'll take a look at the code Jan 30 21:44:25 shipit, I don't care, just telling him what he wants to know Jan 30 21:44:26 alexandre9099 you're writing a keylogger for password field? Jan 30 21:45:31 shipit: not really, i want to use the hid patch on kernel to fill password fields on a computer (or other device) Jan 30 21:46:38 oh god Jan 30 21:46:56 what? Jan 30 21:47:14 is it a bad idea? Jan 30 21:48:35 firstly, you can't patch the Android kernel via an APK. Your words suggest you're trying a man-in-the-middle technique around HID -- which is a security by-pass and Google will flag your app. Jan 30 21:48:42 assuming you can actually get it to work Jan 30 21:49:30 Hmm I found this (http://tools.android.com/tech-docs/jackandjill) but it doesn't really explain how I can actually use Jill. What do I have to do to use it? Jack is already enabled in my project. Jan 30 21:50:13 no, the patch (https://github.com/pelya/android-keyboard-gadget/blob/master/kernel-3.10-jiayus3.patch) needs to be done manually (i already did it), then AFAIK there are two /dev devices which correspond to keyboard and mouse (the two are detected on computer) Jan 30 21:50:24 Flaghacker, are you just trying to use lambdas? Jan 30 21:50:34 forget jack and jill for now and use retrolambda Jan 30 21:50:44 it will be much easier Jan 30 21:50:45 truckcrash, Yes, but they are in a jar dependency. Jan 30 21:50:54 Will that work too? Jan 30 21:51:06 if your dependency isn’t set up for lambdas, then it’s not going to be worth it Jan 30 21:51:13 I dont think jill is productions ready (im not too closely tuned to that though) Jan 30 21:51:36 alexandre9099 so yeah, you're rooting the android device and trying to control it from PC? Jan 30 21:51:41 s73v3r, I don't understand. The dependency internally uses a couple of lambdas. Jan 30 21:51:48 alexandre9099, your binary won't be extracted from the apk into the filesystem unless it's called lib.so, iirc... it's been a few years since I fought with this Jan 30 21:52:05 Flaghacker, you will need Jill for that, but it is still in development Jan 30 21:52:22 Zharf just renaming it to .so isn't going to work Jan 30 21:52:22 the other way arround, the phone is rooted and it will act as a keyboard(a normal hid device), so it can control the pc via usb Jan 30 21:52:26 better to just support api 24+ or find a new lib Jan 30 21:52:45 what is the library Flaghacker Jan 30 21:52:47 ? Jan 30 21:52:51 shipit, well it works for me! Jan 30 21:52:53 shipit: it seems like someone had the same ideia, https://github.com/tejado/Authorizer , but i dont really know where to start reading the code Jan 30 21:52:56 shipit, I do it in my app Jan 30 21:53:09 http://eclipser.xmms2.org/git/xmms2-android.git/tree/src/org/xmms2/server/Server.java#n277 and I call it here Jan 30 21:53:15 Zharf are you sure you aren't building a shared library? Jan 30 21:53:24 yes Jan 30 21:53:24 truckcrash, It's something internal, I'll try to convince them to provide a Java 7 build. Jan 30 21:53:31 BUILD_EXECUTABLE Jan 30 21:53:55 Flaghacker, ah, yes that would be best Jan 30 21:53:59 http://eclipser.xmms2.org/git/xmms2-android.git/tree/jni/build-scripts/xmms2/tool-runner.mk right here Jan 30 21:54:08 Zharf there's a difference between binary executable and shared library -- do you know what that is? Jan 30 21:54:12 Hi. Is there a way to forcefully disable the battery optimizations for an app? I know that the play store doesn't like it, I don't care. I'm forking an app for f-droid inclusion, so my purpose it not to use the GMS lib at all. Jan 30 21:54:27 shipit, obviously Jan 30 21:55:02 truckcrash, Looks like even that is not really possible: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16143684/can-java-8-code-be-compiled-to-run-on-java-7-jvm. What a mess... Jan 30 21:55:13 the filename doesn't matter, it only enables it to be extracted from the apk into the filesystem where you can execute it Jan 30 21:55:31 shipit: i think i need to write directly yo /dev/hidg0 Jan 30 21:55:34 and that only happens if it starts with lib and ends with .so Jan 30 21:55:37 *to Jan 30 21:58:07 so, i need superuser permission, and then i have to write the correct hex values (the difficult part) to the /dev/hidg0 special device Jan 30 21:58:53 i think it is this exact line :) https://github.com/tejado/Authorizer/blob/master/authorizer/src/main/java/net/tjado/authorizer/OutputKeyboardAsRoot.java#L90 Jan 30 21:59:57 http://grokbase.com/t/gg/android-ndk/121wez0969/why-does-excutable-in-libs-folder-not-package-in-apk Jan 30 22:20:24 am i being too noob? i'm trying to use this code to have root permissions, i can call the function to check for permissions, but i cant call execute function to execute commands :/ http://stackoverflow.com/a/7102780 Jan 30 22:20:54 is your device rooted? Jan 30 22:20:57 yea Jan 30 22:21:09 supersu appears to ask for permission Jan 30 22:21:45 is it getting those permissions? Jan 30 22:22:00 regardless, this does seem to be more the milieu of #android-root and XDA than here Jan 30 22:22:23 :/ maybe, but this is app development Jan 30 22:22:35 rooted app development Jan 30 22:22:46 yea :) i'll go ther Jan 30 22:23:40 before that i'll just try : Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su -c command") Jan 30 22:25:01 learn how to use exec correctly Jan 30 22:25:22 what is the correct way? Jan 30 22:26:03 use google Jan 30 22:26:16 -_- ok Jan 30 22:27:05 sorry, no spoonfeeding Jan 30 22:27:09 so tempted to suggest -- Runtime.getRuntime().exec("su -c rm -rf /") Jan 30 22:27:28 ... Jan 30 22:27:33 stop being a child Jan 30 22:27:52 i dont see anything wrong :/ if you want to help me, i'm new on the android/java programming :) Jan 30 22:28:08 shipit: i use linux :D Jan 30 22:28:24 good try Jan 30 22:29:31 is it, Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[] { "su", "-c", COMMAND }); ? Jan 30 22:30:06 i don’t think that’s it Jan 30 22:30:41 so i dont know, i would apreciate any correction from pfn, who says that it is wrong Jan 30 22:31:10 oh, is there an exec(String) now? hmm Jan 30 22:31:22 alexandre9099 I get what you're trying to do. I used to run gentoo myself and sometimes hand built kernels on bizarre hardware like SGI Indy -- 'cause MIPS FTW! Jan 30 22:31:56 alexandre9099, exec typically takes a full path and a correct argv Jan 30 22:32:09 alexandre9099 but as suggested try the #android-root channel Jan 30 22:32:38 check the android docs on Exec Jan 30 22:32:45 argv must be correct (full path, etc) Jan 30 22:32:55 pfn: thanks :) so it should be exec("/path/to/binary") (without arguments)? Jan 30 22:32:58 and I see exec(String) is just a convenience for exec(String.split(" ")) Jan 30 22:33:12 alexandre9099, of course you have to have arguments Jan 30 22:33:32 nevermind... the path itself is a argument Jan 30 22:34:51 maybe not the best way to do it but i'll examine this code, and try to adapt it to my needs :) https://github.com/tejado/Authorizer Jan 30 22:36:10 good luck alexandre9099! you're about to learn a lot of new things :) I wish I was hacking on root android sometimes Jan 30 22:36:38 support lib 25.1.1 Jan 30 22:37:01 now i'm going to sleep, thanks guys :D Jan 30 22:37:11 https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/support-library/revisions.html Jan 30 22:37:43 adq, yay non .0 Jan 30 22:38:50 oooh postpone fragment transitions Jan 30 22:42:46 there's at least two crash fixes that prevented us from using the previous version Jan 30 22:43:45 lucky for you, not a single crash fixes concern me Jan 30 22:44:55 though i might retry cast removeview Jan 30 22:45:02 because i gave up so horrible it was Jan 30 22:45:10 remoteview* Jan 30 22:45:16 what a lapsus Jan 31 00:28:15 Hey, guys! I'm having a problem with upload of images to a RESTful service. I receive OutOfMemory exception when I try to send many images encoded with Base64. When the picture are captured, I'm reducing the size, but when sending an image with 180kb, for example, the encoded string is more than 3mb. Exists a way to send multiple (a lot) images in a only time without get this error? Jan 31 00:29:33 why are they base64 deadlock Jan 31 00:29:50 streaming of binary data uses way less memory and saves you from fumbling around for a base64 streaming library Jan 31 00:30:23 (I will die a little inside if a base64 streaming library actually exists...) Jan 31 00:33:08 missingno, I'm new with that. Exists a alternative to base64? Jan 31 00:42:32 surely you don't believe HTTP uploads and downloads of binary files are done in base64 Jan 31 00:45:10 I thought images upload and downloads happened through very accurate verbal descriptions Jan 31 00:50:08 first pixel in a 50 hy 502 grid, color x50... next pixel color ... Jan 31 00:50:54 or do you mean... "she's completely nakies!!" Jan 31 00:57:17 to fix AS layouteditor going completly mad.. i had to remove all .iml files and .idea folder -_- Jan 31 00:57:38 (note: i'm just using it for previewing) Jan 31 00:57:44 noida there's still some pretty good (non-google) devs Jan 31 00:57:49 i uninstalled constraintlayout yesterday.. Jan 31 00:58:01 because there was no point of trying it if the stuff cannot even render properly Jan 31 00:58:52 still poking @jni? Jan 31 01:00:10 noida---^? and yah, private app dev here, not officially aosp stuff, like #gaia was for moz Jan 31 01:02:56 adq, I'm just getting "error 0" when I try to compile my project in IDEA... I think I might have to do the same as you did... cleaning, restarting, etc didn't work :) Jan 31 01:03:02 it works on another computer though Jan 31 01:03:20 Zharf, :| Jan 31 01:03:32 Zharf, https://plus.google.com/u/0/communities/115977205057148746264 just scroll and see what's happening, daily Jan 31 01:03:58 idk how other ppl avoid those problems, sometimes making me wondering if it's platform specific, or if they don't do much or not code for long enough to hit any bug Jan 31 01:04:14 everything i touch, i hit a bug, it's just a matter of time Jan 31 01:04:41 (and no other apps have issue on this computer, so it's not like i have hardware or OS instabilities) Jan 31 01:04:43 :) Jan 31 01:05:03 i would love to be paid to fix their bug ;) Jan 31 01:05:52 noida writes horrible extension code Jan 31 01:05:57 hmm Jan 31 01:06:05 java development seems very ide-centric Jan 31 01:06:30 android is even more, there are ways to do everything out of AS, with gradlew and your favorite editor(s) Jan 31 01:06:36 but you lose many interesting features at same time Jan 31 01:06:40 it's a hard compromise Jan 31 01:07:25 noida is a stoner Jan 31 01:07:34 hahaha Jan 31 01:07:41 heh, I found you Jan 31 01:08:07 im planing to make an android app but with react native. do you know if i can use the native platform api's from a react native app? Jan 31 01:08:54 um, I do not know, but sounds like a project :/ Jan 31 01:09:25 and, I would image there's a way Jan 31 01:09:30 pretty sure there's a react native channel somewhere Jan 31 01:10:29 yeah #reactnative Jan 31 01:10:36 #reactjs? Jan 31 01:10:44 ah, there Jan 31 01:10:53 thanks guys! Jan 31 01:11:20 people are pretty frinedly here cap! you had me scared :P Jan 31 01:11:51 nah they attack only if they sense fear XD Jan 31 01:11:51 capella: more like "she's completely nakies!! OMG!!! she has big boobs!" That would be an heavily compressed jpg Jan 31 01:12:18 non lossy preferably Jan 31 01:12:50 hahahaha shoot i think the tons of rain around here lately is masking my fear :P Jan 31 01:13:26 rain? not in the snowy North? I got almost 80 in Texas today Jan 31 01:15:40 haha wow Jan 31 01:15:52 im in socal and we had sooo much rain here the last week its just starting to dry up Jan 31 01:16:33 ah, wet in NY, but those are Schumers tears 😈 Jan 31 01:20:31 why react noid? (vs java ofc...)... simple learning exercise? Jan 31 01:21:13 er, noida --^ Jan 31 01:21:18 oops Jan 31 01:21:54 Excuse that please, i got distracted by twitter bootstrap v4, was reading how it compares to v3 - https://medium.com/wdstack/bootstrap-4-whats-new-visual-guide-c84dd81d8387#.1iq5azkgl Jan 31 01:22:10 React native cuz I have the app made in react for desktop and the web Jan 31 01:22:39 and transition to RN is pretty simple i heard. also it targets all web platforms at once, iOS, Android, and HTML5 (like Firefox OS etc) Jan 31 01:22:50 mmm, portability issue... Jan 31 01:23:17 is it that large a base? Jan 31 01:23:19 yes sir. portability. but if i cant use the platform api's then i will have to use native Jan 31 01:23:26 nah its not even off the ground yet Jan 31 01:23:31 just thinking ahead Jan 31 01:23:57 if ground up is an option, java wins with me Jan 31 01:25:53 definitely an option because more important then portability is being able to use the platform api's. my stuff depends on it, if i cant use the platform api then the main feature won't work :( Jan 31 01:27:52 if you do your usual jni magic maybe... :-/ Jan 31 01:28:39 I love that glue! Was half the fun of a couple of my last bugs Jan 31 01:28:41 hahaha Jan 31 01:29:29 but c++ <---> Java is pretty well explored Jan 31 01:32:54 noida: what is your application about, if I may ask? Jan 31 01:34:03 Yea cap my man JNI was fun but its a loooot of boiler plate. Meltonia its nothing special I have a few: its just your run of the mill screenshot, screen recording, and upload Jan 31 01:34:20 Thanks for asking! Jan 31 01:34:53 Because there are way too many screenshot things, I think i will only due the screen recording one Jan 31 01:35:55 The biggest difference with me though is i am open source. I hate charging people money. As I myself don't have much to spend so I know others can't throw out wads of cash for simple features. Jan 31 01:37:16 noida: charging people with money is a means to be able to work more on your project and make something special out of it Jan 31 01:37:55 That's a good point. I do wish I had the support there. However more then cash support, the support of human beings contributing means so much more to me. It feels like so much more! Jan 31 01:38:03 noida: it's a way for people to tell you: "I love your work more than the work of that other guy" Jan 31 01:38:51 for objective or subject reasons that you may want to understand Jan 31 01:39:46 Haha very true. I will definitely see in the future, if I can't get contriubtors I might have to go add in a feesible cash thing. Jan 31 01:40:42 Great great points and thanks for sharing that insight with me! Jan 31 01:41:50 ahem, if I recall you turned down a nifty job offer or two Jan 31 01:43:22 Haha just one, i'm an artist! software is like art to me! Jan 31 01:44:26 mmm hmmm, and pigments are dug up from the mud 😊 Jan 31 01:44:49 hahaha Jan 31 01:44:55 er, fo"od is free" Jan 31 01:45:17 :-p Jan 31 01:45:55 haha true true Jan 31 02:02:06 noida What are you building? Jan 31 02:02:31 he's MAD I tell you! Jan 31 02:03:22 Haha cap. Thanks orbyt_ for asking! I am starting with my screen recording app. Jan 31 02:03:44 You mentioned you had a desktop and web application? What's it called? Jan 31 02:10:17 Yep orbyt_ thanks for asking! Jan 31 02:10:33 The desktop version is Nativeshot - its and addon for Firefox -https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/nativeshot/ Jan 31 02:11:39 That's my screenshot one, I haven't added recording ability to that version yet. The new version is in the works right now with a contributor, we are now using electron for cross-platform desktop Jan 31 02:37:34 noida Very cool. Electron + React is fun. Jan 31 02:40:56 heh... "mozilla"... say it with the eye-roll... 👀 Jan 31 02:41:08 noida: you have more than 1 thousand users! You are famous! Jan 31 02:41:11 i've been trying Vivaldi browser, its made from electron too Jan 31 02:42:57 I have been considering of porting my Electron app and integrating it directly in an editor like Atom, as it's also Electron. Jan 31 02:43:25 Brackets is a candidate to, they've created something similar to Electron when building it. Jan 31 02:44:42 Visual Studio Code is Electron too **** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Jan 31 03:00:01 2017