**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Fri Mar 10 03:00:05 2017 Mar 10 03:01:05 https://gist.github.com/Redrield/7bc4d4a24ac2d89d49491315c2aa1322 Mar 10 03:02:30 yeah i havent used anko before. the reason im asking about the collapsing toolbar is that from memory the scrollview is actually increased in height by the height of the toolbar Mar 10 03:02:56 so when you say 'center in parent' thats actually what its doing Mar 10 03:02:57 I got rid of the toolbar Mar 10 03:03:00 It was causing issues Mar 10 03:03:15 Let me also get a screenshot of what that looks like on the device Mar 10 03:03:22 (Or at least in the Nexus 5X emulator) Mar 10 03:04:01 http://prntscr.com/ei3sva Mar 10 03:19:36 Any ideas teasp00n Mar 10 04:07:07 Redrield: sorry man the only thing i can think of is what i already described Mar 10 04:51:45 so anything i need to know if i want to use a surface view in a dialogue box? Mar 10 06:30:16 anyone good with layouts? I'm having a lot of trouble with an animation and linearlayouts :{ Mar 10 06:31:47 narrow question to something specific Mar 10 06:32:07 I'm trying to animate a linearlayout to basically "slide" in from the bottom Mar 10 06:32:18 apply animation to it Mar 10 06:32:27 but whenver I set the visibility from GONE to VISIBLE on a button in the linearlayout the linearlayout immediately expands to the size of the button Mar 10 06:32:35 so there's like a gray background during the animation Mar 10 06:32:51 if that makes sense Mar 10 06:33:24 Like my overarching layout is a linear layout, and I want to animate another linearlayout to slide in from the bottom Mar 10 06:33:45 but once I set the visiblity to VISIBLE in the sliding LL there's a gray background and it immediatley pushes the rest of the content up Mar 10 06:33:58 I want the rest of the content to get pushed up along with the animation Mar 10 06:34:00 view.setLayoutAnimation(AnimationUtils.loadLayoutAnimation(this, R.anim.)); Mar 10 06:34:23 view.setLayoutAnimationListener(listener); Mar 10 06:34:23 view.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); Mar 10 06:34:23 view.startLayoutAnimation(); Mar 10 06:34:51 is the "view" in your example the linearlayout or the button inside it? Mar 10 06:35:02 what do you want to animate Mar 10 06:35:07 the linearlayout Mar 10 06:35:14 but I need to set the buttons within it to be visible Mar 10 06:35:24 which is causing the LL to expand since its height is wrap_content Mar 10 06:35:51 I've been using ValueAnimator so far Mar 10 06:35:57 boomber: stop typing please Mar 10 06:37:05 ? Mar 10 06:37:13 ? Mar 10 06:37:35 I'm sorry if I offended you somehow? wasn't my intention... Mar 10 06:37:59 facepalm Mar 10 06:39:35 what did I do wrong? you're confusing the hell out of me lol Mar 10 06:39:43 Was just asking questions :/ Mar 10 06:39:59 what do you usually do with provided code Mar 10 06:41:22 well I try and make sense of it first, hence my follow up question Mar 10 06:51:20 i think he means post code on pastebin or something Mar 10 06:52:11 no I meant to use actual 4 lines of code pasted on channel Mar 10 06:52:25 also i am sure squ was showing java code which wouldn't be in a linear layout Mar 10 06:53:12 yeah, should use that code Mar 10 06:53:22 ‘Layout’ keyword inside ‘startLayoutAnimation’ kinda make it obvious Mar 10 06:53:35 but not in our case Mar 10 06:53:57 well i was using the ; to notice that isn't in the xml code Mar 10 06:54:17 also the word view is normally what i name stuff in my java code xP Mar 10 06:54:23 yes its not xml Mar 10 06:55:02 I mean I've tried 3 different ways of doing animations for this so far and I've run into the same issue with all 3 Mar 10 06:55:15 which is why I asked a clarifying question before just copy/pasting it into my code Mar 10 06:55:37 android has too many different ways of doing animations.. Mar 10 06:56:11 narrow question to something specific Mar 10 06:57:26 How can I animate in an item in a linearlayout such that it doesn't immediately push up the rest of the content in the linearlayout Mar 10 06:57:32 ^-- that's been the crux of my problem so far Mar 10 06:57:40 ^ code pasted above Mar 10 06:58:06 My issue isn't getting the view to animate, the issue is that the parnet linearlayout sections off how much space it will take up once the animation finishes Mar 10 06:58:15 I need to stop the linearlayout from immediately sectioning off that space Mar 10 06:58:26 how does your provided code prevent that? Mar 10 07:02:40 I think this might work for me: https://developer.android.com/training/animation/layout.html going to try it out Mar 10 07:03:36 should have read it before trying out 3 solutions from stackoverflow Mar 10 07:04:55 "According to Mark Reinhold, Sun designed JNI to be hard on purpose, to discourage developers to write native code." lol Mar 10 07:06:37 squ: is that really necessary? Mar 10 07:06:48 i came here to ask for help, not to be talked down too man... Mar 10 07:07:03 boomber: yes training part from developer.android.com is first to read Mar 10 07:19:08 squ: I'm still running into the same issue with your code. The linearlayout instantly sections out room for the button, and then the button animates into view Mar 10 07:19:31 you can also look at api demos Mar 10 07:19:38 copy-paste code from there Mar 10 07:19:49 that's what I've been doing.. Mar 10 07:20:12 it seems like I need to animate the layout's height at this point to get the desired behavior I want Mar 10 07:21:19 height is done in xml with android:fromYDelta="100%p" android:toYDelta="0" Mar 10 07:24:15 https://gist.github.com/anonymous/f52da548655f6ad40541e39d2dfd1444 Mar 10 07:24:23 that's what I have, and I'm running into the same issue Mar 10 07:24:33 where the grey background immediately expands and then the button slides into view Mar 10 07:42:34 hi Mar 10 07:43:10 i want to buy 3 devices to test the applications so what are the devices i should buy? Mar 10 07:43:27 one what runs version 7 Mar 10 07:43:40 another maybe tablet sized Mar 10 07:44:00 and a version 4 Mar 10 07:44:42 one samsung (they work... differently), one nexus/pixel, one low-end Mar 10 07:45:01 preferably one with minsdk you want to support Mar 10 07:45:11 i have version 4 already Mar 10 07:45:52 nexus/pixel is expensive for testing purposes Mar 10 07:45:56 :D Mar 10 07:46:35 What do you guys do if moduleX has a dependency on moduleY and moduleY needs one thing off moduleX? I prefer not to 'merge' those modules... Mar 10 08:19:45 hi, newish to android dev and wondering if i'm approaching this problem right Mar 10 08:23:40 trying to add a search feature to my app; i think I want a fragment with results to pop up on search, so the search bar stays (it's in the action bar) Mar 10 08:23:50 does that sound like im headed the right direction? Mar 10 08:36:40 hi for some reason I am unable to use android emulator.. could you help me with it? Mar 10 08:39:20 shynoob: gotta be more specific than that d: Mar 10 08:41:32 Troffel: when I click on the download system image Mar 10 08:41:57 the progress bar is displayed,... Mar 10 08:42:11 and at the end it tells Mar 10 08:42:43 Installation did not complete successfully Mar 10 08:42:58 See the IDE logs for details. Mar 10 08:43:45 https://bpaste.net/show/3b8d423187dc Mar 10 08:45:12 Troffel: not sure where to head from here?? Mar 10 08:45:57 can't say I encountered that before. try invalidating cache / restarting. Mar 10 08:48:04 I have tried restarting the app multiple times.. where is IDE logs? Mar 10 08:48:38 try to google that :P Mar 10 08:51:35 nup Mar 10 08:51:41 can't work around it! Mar 10 09:16:34 atom images? test on a real device, option off installing that stuff... it's huge anyhow Mar 10 09:25:24 I'm working on a spotify connected app that shows a lot of album art, which it has to download, so I've been caching them in a hashmap based on url Mar 10 09:25:36 I just realized this is using quite a bit of ram after a while, any better ideas? Mar 10 09:30:01 that Picasso thing is popular Mar 10 09:30:47 picasso would do all that for you, yes Mar 10 09:30:54 other option is to use LruCache Mar 10 09:31:29 oh wow this looks awesome Mar 10 09:31:30 thanks Mar 10 09:31:45 another option is glide Mar 10 09:31:56 which is very much like picasso Mar 10 09:32:06 nineOldAndroids ;) Mar 10 09:32:59 picasso looks slightly more elegant than my "ArtManager" singleton Mar 10 09:33:01 hah Mar 10 09:39:29 Hi all, I'm trying to follow the 'Build a Simple User Interface' tutorial and I'm having trouble creating a bidirectional constraint as described. I can't add a constraint when one already exists, it just highlights red. Mar 10 09:39:46 What am I doing wrong? :/ Mar 10 09:41:04 here's a link to the tutorial if it helps https://developer.android.com/training/basics/firstapp/building-ui.html Mar 10 09:43:04 check if generated xml matches that from webpage Mar 10 09:44:29 Zharf: played around with ADB. Still, the account-type persists after app-uninstall. Anyone have encountered this issue working with the accountmanager? Mar 10 09:44:39 great advice, didn't even see that there, thanks! Mar 10 09:44:48 Troffel, :( Mar 10 09:45:02 Grindle: people don't use visual editor for android ui Mar 10 09:45:21 I'm unable to help you, sorry Mar 10 09:45:34 maybe this would warrant a question on stackoverflow Mar 10 09:47:32 Zharf: ye that's the last course of action. However there's quite a bit of code involved. so at this point I would prefer being able to avoid that :P Mar 10 09:49:31 squ: I didn't realise, I'm new to Android development, thought the best place to start would be the first tutorial. It's probably more useful to know what possibilities there are but I will definitely take a look at the code being generated Mar 10 09:50:51 Grindle: tutorial attempts to shift users into visual edit, to compete with excellent ios layout editor, but as you saw yourself it fails and gives errors? pretty much answered question yourself Mar 10 09:51:31 lol from the last time I used Android studio about a year and a half ago I wasn't very impressed Mar 10 09:51:40 yep Mar 10 09:52:51 basically I want to develop an Android app for my final year project at uni, do you know of any tutorials that get more to the point? I have a small background in programming already Mar 10 09:53:10 does anyone have tips for general code organization? my app is quickly becoming a tangled nest of ui and controller code Mar 10 09:53:33 Grindle: continue with developer.android.com Mar 10 09:54:21 squ: ok, will do :) thanks Mar 10 09:55:30 shanesms: think of all the features as modules and try to make them as independent as possible to create some clean cuts between functionalities Mar 10 09:55:55 packages with clearly defined interfaces etc. Mar 10 10:07:55 Zharf: ..figured it out! Mar 10 10:08:45 When running test it 'installs' a package .test Mar 10 10:09:49 when the test involves accountmanager and account creation, they stick to this "invisible" package. And leads to some odd things happening in the authenticationmanager when trying to authenticate through the non-test package name. As it seems it then doesn't differentiate Mar 10 10:10:32 solution: run "adb uninstall .test" after running test suite Mar 10 10:24:13 Is it ok to use Handler.Callback as a generic callback? Mar 10 10:24:44 or rather, is there some generic callack within android? Mar 10 10:34:21 Syzygy, do you want it to have a parameter? Mar 10 10:34:42 I just need to indicate success or failure. Mar 10 10:35:09 Handler.Callback has handleMessage(boolean) which would work for that purpose. Mar 10 10:35:32 but I think I found another way to solve my issue where I don't need a callback. Mar 10 10:36:25 It doesn't have a handleMessage(boolean), it has a boolean handleMessage(Message). Mar 10 10:38:12 I'd probably just write my own interface, or use rxjava :p Mar 10 10:38:22 but in API 24 there's java.util.function.Consumer Mar 10 10:38:33 wonder if anyone backported those Mar 10 10:38:46 streamsupport maybe Mar 10 11:09:09 Is anyone using the Redux Architecture in their app? If so how did you choose to implement it? Mar 10 11:35:23 Ankhwatcher: Isn Mar 10 11:35:29 Ankhwatcher: Isn't redux a JS thing? Mar 10 11:35:53 it's an architecture concept Mar 10 11:36:01 https://github.com/Yarikx/reductor Mar 10 11:36:07 https://github.com/glung/redux-java Mar 10 11:36:12 https://github.com/trikita/jedux Mar 10 11:40:20 Here are three competing libraries attempting to apply it to java/android Mar 10 11:59:30 any experience with the junit toolbox? Mar 10 11:59:58 https://github.com/MichaelTamm/junit-toolbox Mar 10 13:06:48 hey guys I have a question. Is there a possibility to detect long click on every view/component? Mar 10 13:11:51 If it can receive touch events, it can detect long clicks, or any other gesture Mar 10 13:12:35 Though depending on the hierarchy you may run into issues with other views consuming the events first Mar 10 13:13:47 Roughy: ok I know that but. I didnt asked my question correctly. When i long press anywhere on the screen -> a menu dialog to appear, even if i click on a button or textview -> each long click to point to a single function Mar 10 13:14:17 even long press on a fragment Mar 10 13:14:22 inside a fragment Mar 10 13:14:40 Hi android dev channel!Seems like I can't install packages with sdkmanager (not even list them) - it hangs indefinitely waiting for futex, timeouts and waits for futex again. Tools version 25.2.3 Mar 10 13:15:16 You can implement onInterceptTouchEvent in the top parent view Mar 10 13:15:27 it receives all events before they are dispatched to any of its children Mar 10 13:15:43 Currently there's not too much resources on new sdkmanager tools Mar 10 13:15:43 and you can choose to take control whenever, preventing future events from being dispatched to the children Mar 10 13:15:55 --verbose doesn't get it to update anything at all. Mar 10 13:19:19 Roughy: dispatchTouchEvent thanks :) Mar 10 13:55:16 hey all I have a quick question is it possible to integrate a mechanism that will automatically add a google account to ones phone provide a list of apps to auto install and auto check for updates and install. and then remove the google account once done Mar 10 14:01:31 anyone alive in here? Mar 10 14:01:48 no Mar 10 14:01:53 we're all zombies Mar 10 14:01:59 lol Zharf how are you m8 Mar 10 14:02:03 Do you have any brains? Mar 10 14:02:31 Roughy, lol yes but my brain is currently in use Mar 10 14:02:35 oh :( Mar 10 14:02:55 eeagles0513875__, to your question, I'd say no Mar 10 14:03:07 *maybe* with root access Mar 10 14:03:09 bah Mar 10 14:03:10 ok Mar 10 14:03:17 so i would need to manually update and install. Mar 10 14:03:36 you can direct users to apps on google play Mar 10 14:04:28 thing is im trying to restrict our drivers from accessing stuff they should not be Mar 10 14:05:39 Aren't restricted users a thing? Mar 10 14:05:55 guest mode Mar 10 14:05:57 Roughy, you mean creating user accounts? Mar 10 14:06:12 these are various models we have but new phones im rolling out are j1 mini's samsung Mar 10 14:06:24 cant find a good tutorial on how to root them or a custom rom but that is off topic here Mar 10 14:07:00 i am looking at coding kiosk mode app from scratch and only give the drivers access to only what they need. Mar 10 14:07:26 not sure how much you can do with device administration Mar 10 14:07:34 https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/admin/device-admin.html Mar 10 14:07:51 You'd probably have more luck asking in #android Mar 10 14:08:18 Roughy, you know what you are reminding me of Mar 10 14:08:27 we used to use parallel's mdm and that needed to run as admin Mar 10 14:08:31 but it was super clunky Mar 10 14:09:57 wrong channel Mar 10 14:10:22 adq, ? we are discussing device admin Mar 10 14:10:25 whats so wrong about that? Mar 10 14:10:44 This channel is for app dev, not managing android devices :) Mar 10 14:11:22 SimonVT, im working on a custom kiosk app for my needs was asking a question if it was possible to code the following: Mar 10 14:11:29 hey all I have a quick question is it possible to integrate a mechanism that will automatically add a google account to ones phone provide a list of apps to auto install and auto check for updates and install. and then remove the google account once done Mar 10 14:12:08 And it looks like that got answered :) For everything else, there's #android Mar 10 14:13:32 SimonVT, noted :) im only really asking questions as im still learning android dev and the apis available for use Mar 10 14:20:44 i do have a dev question Mar 10 14:21:44 I keep getting Error:(84, 48) error: lambda expressions are not supported in -source 1.7 Mar 10 14:21:44 (use -source 8 or higher to enable lambda expressions) yet from what I am seeing the gradle build scripts min sdk version is 9 where do i set the overall project versions i tried in the manifest the min and max sdk version and i am getting told its getting overwritten by the gradle build script Mar 10 14:22:22 minsdk has nothing to do with that Mar 10 14:22:34 Android only supports java 7, lambda expressions are java 8 Mar 10 14:22:43 weeell Mar 10 14:22:48 https://developer.android.com/guide/platform/j8-jack.html Mar 10 14:22:50 Jack will solve that, but until then Mar 10 14:23:01 as far as i know i have java8 Mar 10 14:23:11 it kinda solves it now but introduces other problems Mar 10 14:23:16 eeagles0513875__, but android doesn't Mar 10 14:23:36 Zharf, so i need jack to solve that issue then Mar 10 14:23:54 frankly I'd rather use retrolambda, jack is still too broken to be used Mar 10 14:24:06 or just don't use lambdas Mar 10 14:25:45 Zharf, the lambdas were no problem i had this app running so I am not sure whats goign on or why all of a sudden Mar 10 14:32:13 here is the code with the lambda expressions Mar 10 14:32:13 https://dpaste.de/OMFm Mar 10 14:32:55 It's not just the accidental space in Activity Manager? Mar 10 14:33:02 Because I don't see any lambda expressions Mar 10 14:33:30 i think it is the space but removing the space seems to break alot of other things Mar 10 14:33:49 Then you probably have other errors in your code Mar 10 14:33:51 goign to try and clean and rebuild the project Mar 10 14:33:59 The space is wrong tho Mar 10 14:34:09 the space is definitely wrong Mar 10 14:34:09 hows jack's broken Zharf ? Mar 10 14:34:22 hey raoul11 Mar 10 14:34:29 o/ eeagles0513875__ Mar 10 14:34:44 SimonVT, i fixed it but now one thing being complained about is private static final long INTERVAL = TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(2); SECONDS that the symbol cannot be found Mar 10 14:34:59 think i fixed that its Second not seconds Mar 10 14:35:22 raoul11, it's been a while but debugging had issues last I checked Mar 10 14:35:29 actully Mar 10 14:35:47 still broken because if I change from SECONDS to SECOND i dont have.toMillis that breaks Mar 10 14:35:53 askin coz im integrating rx into one of my projects Mar 10 14:36:06 added jack support in gradle, and havnt seen any real issues Mar 10 14:36:22 raoul11, well, the debugger was unable to view variable values Mar 10 14:36:29 so it was pretty much impossible to debug Mar 10 14:36:42 I just use retrolambda now Mar 10 14:37:28 i c Mar 10 14:37:48 try it for yourself and inform me and I might try it again :p Mar 10 15:06:02 hi everyone! Mar 10 15:06:21 I need to add a picture to the toolbar of an android app. Can I do it and how? Mar 10 15:30:56 could i make a popup msg box from a simple command line program like we do with awt in java? without any complexity? Mar 10 15:34:00 I take it you want a simple alert dialog? Mar 10 15:34:52 Ultimately, the android equivalent of main() is the activity. From there you can easily display a dialog Mar 10 15:35:16 francogrex, usecase? Mar 10 15:35:31 Which you can then launch from the commandline if you are so inclined Mar 10 15:36:19 you can also display activity as a dialog Mar 10 15:37:12 but that might be more complex :) Mar 10 15:37:14 you can launch an activity via adb in command line Mar 10 15:37:23 yep Mar 10 15:37:45 you cannot launch a popup msg box from CLI, but if you make an activity which displays a popup msg box, a toast or whatever Mar 10 15:37:45 but I'm more curious about his use case Mar 10 15:37:48 you could launch that Mar 10 15:37:56 seems unusual Mar 10 15:38:00 i'm not, it's probably the wrong way ;) Mar 10 15:38:06 yeah Mar 10 15:38:16 that's why I'm curious Mar 10 15:38:26 s/adb/am/ Mar 10 15:40:06 probably he wants to build minimal android app possible Mar 10 15:40:22 on PC it's a simple command line app Mar 10 15:44:11 i will make a case example (won't be in android bc i don't know how. will be in java sorry) just a min Mar 10 15:53:31 an example: http://asmcl.byethost16.com/screen.png Mar 10 16:01:47 rippa yes the minimal android app possible, launched by command line as dalvikvm -cp lib.jar Myapp Mar 10 16:02:28 i can do console stuff with that in android emulator... i just want to be able to add a popup without (msg box) that's all Mar 10 16:09:17 I'm trying to include a c++ library in my brand new app. In my build.gradle when I started the project, it already had cmake{...} under externalNativeBuild{...}. I added ndkBuild{...} but now I get an error that says "More than one externalNativeBuild path specified." Can I safely remove cmake from externalNativeBuild? Mar 10 16:12:22 If you are not going to be using cmake, probably. Mar 10 17:14:10 so what would this be called ? I want the user to press edit text and the screen moves so the edit text is the top of the screen ( for an view to be expanded below it )... getting the view to move to top of screen ?? that is ?? Mar 10 17:15:32 http://stackoverflow.com/questions/11292950/push-up-content-when-clicking-in-edit-text ? Mar 10 17:17:25 push Up ... Duhhh ive been google'ing almost every other term known to man . raise screen (chuckles) Mar 10 17:17:52 "move edittext to top of screen", first result (o/ Mar 10 17:18:02 (: Mar 10 17:21:14 i swear google thinks i am an all hardware developer for android ...that is not my top result // root a few phones whilst not browsing in privite Mar 10 17:22:30 top result in private mode too Mar 10 17:22:37 chrome in another google account gets me completely unrelated stuff though Mar 10 17:22:53 edittext is now a typo :( Mar 10 18:56:34 Happy friday Mar 10 19:27:20 I'm looking for a way to check whether a user bought a specific app on gplay that is currently not installed. Any ideas? Mar 10 19:29:18 Current idea: Server side routine with developer console API access that checks the users logged in gmail account against the order list Mar 10 19:31:00 is it your app? Mar 10 19:31:05 yes Mar 10 19:31:25 you should be able to match up a receipt on your server Mar 10 19:31:46 Both apps are mine, basically I'm thinking about ways to switch from free+unlocker to free+iaps, but I want to grandfather people in who bought the paid app Mar 10 19:31:48 what are you trying to accomplish Mar 10 19:31:55 ok Mar 10 19:33:21 do they share the same or similar app id? Mar 10 19:33:32 packagename? yes Mar 10 19:33:42 similar Mar 10 19:33:49 (same can't be on gplay ;p) Mar 10 19:34:12 I'd prefer something that doesn't require a server but I don't see how atm Mar 10 19:34:25 you might be able to push an update for the old one that would leave a token on the device, and then the new app looks for that token and unlocks Mar 10 19:34:32 (I have a server, but then when my server goes down, people who paid can't get access) Mar 10 19:34:35 you should have a server involved Mar 10 19:34:54 Obviously people still can install an unpublished app Mar 10 19:35:15 but I already know from apps with much less users that it's difficult for users to understand this and find the unpublished app Mar 10 19:35:41 so this app with much more users would have a huge backlash because users would think I'm trying to get them to pay again Mar 10 19:36:07 you’re gonna have to communicate that with them Mar 10 19:36:16 people don't read Mar 10 19:36:21 I'm trying to avoid this by having a solution that requires no user interaction. Mar 10 19:36:23 the update would probably have to have a full screen splash on start that explains this Mar 10 19:36:27 you’re not gonna do that Mar 10 19:36:40 at the least, they’re gonna have to go and download the new app Mar 10 19:36:55 everyone has both apps Mar 10 19:37:07 the "app" and the "unlocker app" which is just a license key Mar 10 19:37:11 darken, I see a lot of apps that just have both combined now Mar 10 19:37:25 that’s what they’re trying to consolodate down to Mar 10 19:37:25 unlocker and iap Mar 10 19:37:32 5 years ago there were no IAPs and this was the best solution Mar 10 19:37:54 yep; just saying what I've seen in the apps I use that had unlockers, is that they now support an unlocker AND iap Mar 10 19:37:55 dragorn, unlocker + IAP? both published? wouldn't that be confusing? Mar 10 19:38:24 It's not optimal, but I haven't seen any solution Mar 10 19:38:26 the idea is to unpublish the unlocker and then have a good way to "grandfather in" the people who bought the unlocker, while new users use IAP Mar 10 19:38:57 in fact i've seen apps that just recently ADDED an unlocker because of problems with IAP Mar 10 19:39:09 well yeah the IABHelper code is a piece of shit Mar 10 19:39:29 I'll write a new lib for that, maybe fork RxIAP Mar 10 19:39:56 IAP would be cleaner for coding though and I could sell new features for money again Mar 10 19:40:12 with the unlocker you can't sell new features, everyone who bought it gets it Mar 10 19:40:19 not really sustainable Mar 10 19:40:27 it's not Mar 10 19:40:42 it was mainly used for dev transitionning from full to free+iab Mar 10 19:40:47 as probably stated above Mar 10 19:41:00 adq, what? Mar 10 19:41:09 the fact you found unlocker app Mar 10 19:41:11 dragorn, can you /w me a link to apps with unlocker+iap? Mar 10 19:41:35 darken, if i can think of what ones they were; no promises Mar 10 19:41:36 adq, sorry I can't follow you Mar 10 19:42:24 darken, it's indeed not sustainable. and many unlocker apps are a consequence of cannot switching a paid app to a free app, and also a palliative for those who purchased the paid app which unlocks "something" in the free app Mar 10 19:42:48 well, you can switch from paid to free, but you will never know if it was a purchase i believe Mar 10 19:42:50 Hello, anybody has some time to explain to me some general things about Virtual Machines used for developing and Android system, to be used on a tablet, on a Mac? Mar 10 19:42:52 really it’s all from poor design in the app stores to begin with Mar 10 19:43:14 Mainly not being able to know your customer Mar 10 19:43:18 it's crazy when you measure the success of the android platform Mar 10 19:43:27 adq, i would have done IAPs if they were there 5 years ago... Mar 10 19:43:30 versus what we have to deal with... since the early beginning Mar 10 19:44:01 theoretically though unlockers give a unique advantage as they rank very well in the app charts (paid app charts) with high likelyhood for good ratings and only people happy with the free app buy it. Mar 10 19:44:28 yeah, but you’re still splitting your reviews and your userbase Mar 10 19:44:34 yeah it's not good Mar 10 19:44:38 I've got a good position on the paid app charts so for now there is no rush, but if that stops being an advantage I want to switch cleanly Mar 10 19:44:44 it's just a so old concept, and easy to bypass too Mar 10 19:44:53 except if the unlocker uses a third party server too.. Mar 10 19:45:11 also really annoying as a user to install 2 things.. for one Mar 10 19:45:12 Yeah it's split, but it works the paid app is rank 1 while the free app is ~84? Mar 10 19:45:12 darken: does your app have a user login? Mar 10 19:45:22 s73v3r, no user login Mar 10 19:45:27 Anybody read my message? Mar 10 19:45:30 damn. that would have made things easy Mar 10 19:45:32 google should have provided a way to convert those purchased app into a custom/specific iab purchase or something Mar 10 19:45:38 adq, any thing is easy to crack unless you add serverside code that is required to run Mar 10 19:45:39 but this will never happen lol Mar 10 19:45:44 they still not handle promo code... Mar 10 19:45:47 Enrico_Menotti: Ask your question. Please do not ask to ask, and do not badger people Mar 10 19:46:23 hell, they don’t have a good way to offer a discount for existing users Mar 10 19:46:37 adq, haha well I could update the "unlocker" and allow 500 people every 3 month to use a promocode in the free version... that would take years though ^^ Mar 10 19:46:56 problem is you cannot verify promo code purchase Mar 10 19:46:59 anyway Mar 10 19:47:13 can one dynamically adjust the price of IAP? Mar 10 19:47:13 anyone dealing with IAB since few years now probably know all the problems I have hit Mar 10 19:47:14 can't you make promo codes for IAPs? Mar 10 19:47:19 yes you can make promo code Mar 10 19:47:26 you cannot track them at all, nor even refund them lol Mar 10 19:47:33 also it's highly limited Mar 10 19:47:47 yeah the numbers wouldn't work Mar 10 19:47:47 i understand why but it makes no sense Mar 10 19:48:00 on this paradox, ttyl Mar 10 19:48:01 you can check whether a promo code is used though (hacky code though) Mar 10 19:48:10 not by whom though Mar 10 19:48:32 so there’s no user login, but do you identify different users? Mar 10 19:48:54 only anonymously for stats Mar 10 19:49:00 Ok... I am thinking about trying to port part of an Android system to an old tablet - it's just kind of a hobby. I have read around; if I understand it correctly, the right way is to use a Virtual Machine on the computer (in my case a Mac). I have read about QEMU, and the Goldfish environment. Is this correct? Mar 10 19:49:29 Enrico_Menotti: You can build AOSP on Mac just fine Mar 10 19:49:36 check out the book Embedded Android Mar 10 19:49:40 s73v3r, the idea atm is to let my server access the dev console purchase list, then in the free app get the google account that is logged in and query my server which will then query the dev console api Mar 10 19:49:56 regardless, though, this is not the place for that discussion. Try XDA or #android-root Mar 10 19:49:58 Yes, but how to test it? Do I need the Virtual Machine? Mar 10 19:50:35 Enrico_Menotti, test like the android CTS suit? Mar 10 19:52:18 Ah ok, so I see there are also other choices... Mar 10 19:52:36 I need some advice to understand where it is convenient to start from. Mar 10 19:52:36 I could add such a check gradually and see how it works... though I would need a new permission to access the accounts on a device Mar 10 19:53:06 Enrico_Menotti: check out the book I recommended. But again, this isn’t the place to discuss custom roms Mar 10 19:53:12 Enrico_Menotti, this is more about app dev, #android-root or xda-developers.com is about making ROMs Mar 10 19:54:49 basically i need a custom licensing server that pulls from the developer console Mar 10 19:54:55 Ok, sorry, I am just trying to understand how to make my first steps. Thank you for the suggestions. Mar 10 19:55:06 I'm building my first UI (I usually work on non UI code) and my app is covering the status bar. How can I fix that? Mar 10 19:55:56 more devs should work on UI code Mar 10 19:56:01 Everyone should do UI code Mar 10 19:56:16 you shouldn’t get to work on other stuff until you’ve spent enough time in the trenches with UI code Mar 10 19:56:25 dougquaid: what’s your style/theme? Mar 10 19:56:33 AppTheme Mar 10 19:56:44 … Mar 10 19:56:53 what does that inherit from? Mar 10 19:57:47 Doesn't the default theme just extend the toolbar color under the statusbar? Mar 10 19:58:10 s73v3r: I'm so lost that I have no idea how to answer your question Mar 10 19:58:44 Under the properties of my ConstraintLayout I see theme and it's set to @style/AppTheme Mar 10 19:58:48 see, this is what I mean. You shouldn’t get to touch anything else in Android until you’ve gone through the ins and outs of UI stuff Mar 10 19:59:02 ok. Cmd/Ctrl click on that Mar 10 19:59:13 it should take you to your styles.xml or themes.xml Mar 10 19:59:14 s73v3r, to be fair, Android UI is a never ending story ;) Mar 10 19:59:20 i know Mar 10 20:00:05 I think you can turn it off by setting false Mar 10 20:00:29 you can also turn it off by having your theme inherit from NoStatusBar Mar 10 20:00:43 or, if you want the status bar, you make sure you’re not inheriting from that Mar 10 20:01:24 Found styles.xml. parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar" Mar 10 20:01:31 s73v3r, there is NoActionBar, but are you sure there is one without statusbar? Mar 10 20:01:46 I’d have to look, but I’m fairly certain there is Mar 10 20:03:22 Hey yall, anyone know why DataBindingUtil.inflate would return null in a fragment? Mar 10 20:07:11 is it possible to only show my test (junit) folder in one build variant? Mar 10 20:08:21 actually, disregard that question Mar 10 20:12:14 Can't find the api to check purchased apps though... https://developers.google.com/android-publisher/api-ref/purchases/products seems to be for IAPs too Mar 10 20:16:12 Ok, so now I tried changing my layout's theme to Holo by setting android:theme="@android:style/Theme.Holo.Light.DarkActionBar" in the xml file. It looks right in the designer but not when I run the app. Mar 10 20:26:46 Ah I got it.. I was using DataBindingUtil instead of MyLayoutBinding Mar 10 20:27:15 oh man.. themes are a pain Mar 10 20:27:21 good luck! could be a lot of stuff Mar 10 20:41:40 you can't change a "layout's" theme Mar 10 20:41:46 the theme is set on the activity Mar 10 20:42:03 the designer simply lets you *preview* themes, not "set" them Mar 10 20:48:27 so.. manifest Mar 10 20:55:47 Thanks, I finally found it. Helps when you look in the right place Mar 10 21:05:09 and don't do Theme.Holo... Mar 10 21:05:15 at worst, Theme.DeviceDefault Mar 10 21:05:20 hi Mar 10 21:05:23 I'm not getting stack trace. Android Studio. Switched logcat filters. Not using G analytics. Wiped cache and restarted AS. Tried adb logcat from console but it always throws me "server is out of date"... I'm out of ideas. What could be it? I'm working on a custom preference and currently getting "thread exited" when using persistInt or getPersisted Mar 10 21:05:23 Int. Can't figure out why anymore blindly but I rarely get a stack trace. Any idea how to fix this? Mar 10 21:05:37 pfn: I went with Theme.AppCompat.Light Mar 10 21:05:45 ecv, you're mixing adb versions Mar 10 21:05:49 that's why you're not getting logs Mar 10 21:06:35 pfn: how is it possible? I only used AS installer AFAIK. How would I fix it, please? Mar 10 21:07:27 So I have a completely different question now. In my app, how can I detect that a new network interface has been added? I have a USB Ethernet dongle that shows up in ifconfig on my device when I plug it in. I want my app to do stuff when the dongle is connected. Mar 10 21:08:24 look at the networking broadcast events. i’m not sure what it is offhand, but I’m pretty sure there’s one that you can subscribe to when the network changes Mar 10 21:08:39 great thanks Mar 10 21:10:28 oh wth? I have an adb folder on C: root... and it's in my env path Mar 10 21:11:36 stop installing random root toolkits Mar 10 21:11:41 or device managers or whatever Mar 10 21:11:44 hahahaha Mar 10 21:11:55 yeah I didn't remember Mar 10 21:15:54 I removed from path but it's still the same Mar 10 21:16:34 restarted AS too Mar 10 21:16:44 did you delete it? Mar 10 21:20:14 is there no API to query paid apps on the developer console O_o Mar 10 21:21:35 s73v3r: no Mar 10 21:21:57 I'm going to reinstall sdk-tools and see if it helps... Mar 10 21:22:03 it won't Mar 10 21:22:16 uh why? Mar 10 21:22:29 because reinstalling won't change anything Mar 10 21:40:53 "great". So I'm using nox player. Turns out it comes with its own version of adb. Anyways I need to use that one from console to be able to make logcat read in there, but I can't see the stack trace yet. The good adb wouldn't connect to nox player but it does to my real device. Problem is my real device isn't crashing -_- I wish I could use the pac Mar 10 21:40:53 ked emulators but I couldn't get virtualization to work when I tried... something to do with my cpu being an AMD on win7 or something. I don't remember. I don't know what to do Mar 10 21:41:57 anyways Im getting logs for both nox player and my real device on AS so I guess it somehow knows what adb to use Mar 10 21:43:13 could this nox player somehow be hiding some of the stack traces? Mar 10 21:46:11 I divided by zero and the stack trace shows for my real device Mar 10 21:49:59 I tried same error on nox player and it won't give me a stack trace Mar 10 21:50:45 do you know if there's any android setting for hiding stack traces? Mar 10 21:52:33 I bet the culprit is nox player. At least we nailed it down to something at last Mar 10 22:25:25 fyi, you can't use the LVL to check anothers apps purchase status Mar 10 22:40:15 could be nox player Mar 10 23:09:18 fyi, you can't use the LVL to check anothers apps purchase status < it's weak, it sux and it has not been updated since 5 years Mar 10 23:09:34 for me, as for many others, it ended up annoying more the legit users, than the non-legit ones Mar 10 23:09:41 so it went to /dev/null Mar 10 23:10:03 avoid LVL at all cost Mar 11 00:39:01 im looking at Ubiquiti voip phone. i dont want to use the sip app it comes with im going to make a webrtc app using nodejs to serve it im just worried will javascript be able to detect if the phone is on the hook or not? Mar 11 00:39:28 that’d probably be a question to ask the Ubiquiti people Mar 11 00:39:39 thanks Mar 11 00:41:19 would anyone here be interested in working with me on a android webrtc IM app that uses openpgp to encrypt and decrypt? Mar 11 00:42:06 why would you use openpgp Mar 11 00:42:13 how much are you paying Mar 11 00:42:34 to send a message to a person encrypting with there public key Mar 11 00:42:46 sounds poorly thought out Mar 11 00:42:51 then they decrypt with there locally stored private key Mar 11 00:43:05 id use javascript client scripting open pgp Mar 11 00:43:11 and a nodejs server for signalling Mar 11 00:43:16 i have no money for the project Mar 11 00:43:25 but i can share revenue from selling Mar 11 00:43:33 i have friends who want to use it Mar 11 00:43:34 easy to do e2e encryption without using something as user-unfriendly as openpgp Mar 11 00:43:44 so $0, then Mar 11 00:43:48 its more secure than wickr Mar 11 00:43:56 the messages never pass thgouh servers Mar 11 00:43:57 yes Mar 11 00:44:09 but you get to be author on the google play store Mar 11 00:44:15 not interested Mar 11 00:44:19 okay Mar 11 00:44:26 anyone else? Mar 11 00:44:26 i already am. and I enjoy paying rent and buying food Mar 11 00:54:41 You have $0 money for the project, but are willing to split revenue? How kind! Mar 11 00:54:54 Whats to stop 99% of the people in this channel from just doing it without you? Mar 11 00:55:02 they left already Mar 11 00:55:06 Oh Mar 11 00:55:12 I have leaves etc turned off haha Mar 11 00:56:00 it’s still funny how indignant some people get when you turn down their offer of working for free Mar 11 00:57:22 Its amazing how he thought an e2e encryption messaging application was an original idea... Mar 11 01:04:16 get rich software app? like in the old movies... "hey kids! let's put on a show!" Mar 11 01:24:18 did that just happen? Mar 11 01:27:05 Oh how I wish it didn't Mar 11 01:29:23 Luckily i take payment in hopes in dreams! Mar 11 01:32:42 Hey at least what he had in mind wasn't incredibly illegal Mar 11 01:35:52 Has that ever happened in here before? Mar 11 01:35:52 heh Mar 11 01:40:25 hmm onAttach is called before onCreateView? Mar 11 01:40:27 news to me.. **** ENDING LOGGING AT Sat Mar 11 03:00:01 2017