**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue May 04 03:00:01 2010 May 04 07:10:11 Morning. May 04 09:56:40 hi all May 04 11:07:40 does anybody know what the status of eclair is at the moment? Is it really usable yet? May 04 11:08:03 mvzaanen, last thing I heard not really May 04 11:18:43 hmm pity May 04 11:18:49 I'm pretty happy with cupcake though May 04 11:21:31 Hello May 04 11:23:18 I am using maser ( eclair ) daily. I have pretty looks working phone. I have not good power ( only ~8 h ), I have not gprs, I have bladdy calc May 04 11:23:54 ah May 04 11:24:04 ran000, eclair is mostly for testing for stable daily phon you should use cupcake May 04 11:24:05 cool May 04 11:24:17 well, this already sounds better than I thouight May 04 11:24:22 only battery life could be better May 04 11:25:52 ran000, has the problems with part of the phone being extremly slow in eclair been resolved? May 04 11:26:28 I am using SD versions of both system. It is very simple to move from one to other. And I found that mostly I am using master. May 04 11:26:57 I have not seen any speed problem. May 04 11:27:22 ran000, k does the accelerometers work in applications? May 04 11:29:20 I can not say about all application, but accelerometers is workig ok at least with misic, gallery, video, file manager and etc. May 04 11:29:47 how do they use the accels? May 04 11:29:59 (have you tried e.g. amazed?) May 04 11:38:18 I did not play with amazed. Video thru ES FileManager I able to see in prtrait or landscape using accels May 04 11:39:35 Music desktop or pictures of gallery going in portrait or landscape as well May 04 11:40:20 ran000, k, problem is that the potrait/landscape works on cupcake also but not for applications like amazed May 04 11:41:18 ok. I will put attantion to amazed. Give me a point where I can get it, please May 04 11:42:31 http://apps-for-android.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/Amazed/bin/Amazed.apk May 04 11:45:23 Thank May 04 11:46:34 what was that info on the mailinglist about getting access to market? May 04 11:48:43 actually, is that related to being able to sync calendar (for instance)? May 04 11:48:43 mvzaanen, I don't know really didn't understand it May 04 11:48:57 I would really like to be able to use calendar and sync it May 04 11:52:06 has anybody managed to do that? May 04 11:53:07 not sure, I don't think so May 04 11:54:13 I'd love to be able to do that, so I can get rid of my paper agenda again May 04 11:54:23 btw, the google calendar app is pretty bad... you can't even search in it :D May 04 11:54:38 perhaps there's another calendar app that allows syncing? May 04 12:06:12 mvzaanen, i'm able to sync contacts (from gmail) May 04 12:06:18 cool May 04 12:06:19 but never tried to sync calendar May 04 12:06:23 how do you do that? May 04 12:06:24 i can use market! May 04 12:06:27 whee May 04 12:06:28 really? May 04 12:06:29 sweet May 04 12:06:33 just adb shell mkdir /data/cache May 04 12:06:58 then log into google talk May 04 12:07:02 then access market May 04 12:08:17 how do I log into google talk? May 04 12:09:23 wait May 04 12:10:13 mvzaanen, http://wiki.telefoninux.org/doku.php?id=guida:mettere_market_e_sync_su_android May 04 12:10:16 can you understand? May 04 12:10:28 checking May 04 12:10:33 uh... I'll try :D May 04 12:10:46 mvzaanen, just ask points you don't understand May 04 12:11:18 I should look at the "come fare" part, right? May 04 12:11:40 yes May 04 12:11:50 (that means How to do) May 04 12:12:02 k May 04 12:12:23 1)download SDK May 04 12:12:26 2)extract sdk May 04 12:12:50 3)into shell go to 'Tools' directory May 04 12:13:51 ok I'm fine so far May 04 12:14:18 hmm there are no targets May 04 12:14:54 what? May 04 12:15:03 $ ./android list target May 04 12:15:03 Available Android targets: May 04 12:15:09 that's it May 04 12:15:13 mmm May 04 12:15:28 don't know why May 04 12:15:57 mvzaanen, give me your email and i'll send you files i've taken from emulator myself May 04 12:16:14 perhaps I should update it first? May 04 12:17:04 mvzaanen, dunno, just wait my email! May 04 12:17:22 then mvzaanen you should use only second script (the one who put all apk into your Neo May 04 12:17:27 k May 04 12:17:33 yeah May 04 12:17:37 thanks pbaxter May 04 12:19:15 mvzaanen, can you receive 10.8 mb allegate? May 04 12:19:23 I don't nkow exactly :) May 04 12:19:30 it might be stuck somewhere halfway through May 04 12:19:38 diskspace is not the problem here May 04 12:19:49 10mb should be ok, I guess May 04 12:19:52 i have gmail i can send you 10 mb May 04 12:19:58 hope you can receive May 04 12:19:58 k May 04 12:20:02 probably May 04 12:20:08 I've never really tried though May 04 12:20:18 do you prefere i share it somewhere? May 04 12:20:36 email is probably fine May 04 12:21:46 hmm which android do I need? 1.5 (for cupcake?) May 04 12:21:55 that's API 3, I think May 04 12:22:02 I read that I'm supposed to download it May 04 12:22:49 you need last weekly (on code.google.com/p/android-on-freerunner May 04 12:23:14 mvzaanen, i'm going to have lunch May 04 12:23:23 send you later when file has finished to upload May 04 12:23:26 bye for now! May 04 12:23:55 thanks pbaxter May 04 12:46:38 hello, I'm wondering if the described method in wiki and downloading those images will flash my nand. I'd like to install android on the SD as described in http://wiki.openmoko.org/wiki/Android_on_Freerunner#Installing_Android_on_an_SD_card but the images linked there seems outdated isn't it? May 04 13:06:30 pbaxter: please let me know when you're back May 04 13:11:04 mvzaanen, back May 04 13:11:08 k May 04 13:11:12 I got the emulator running May 04 13:11:18 so I think I'm at the scripts now May 04 13:11:25 I don't know what to do with them May 04 13:11:37 es, the normal installer and images are for nand there is some using android-on-freerunner on sd but I don't know exalty what procedure they follow May 04 13:11:49 mvzaanen, May 04 13:11:53 mvzaanen, http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2548131/filesForMarket.tar.gz May 04 13:12:07 I got the emulator (including the files, I think May 04 13:12:32 do I simply need to push them in /system/app? May 04 13:13:12 larlin, yeah I thought was more straightforward: I found this http://code.google.com/p/android-on-freerunner/issues/detail?id=7&colspec=ID%20Type%20Status%20Priority%20Owner%20Summary%20BuildVersion%20AndroidVersion%20Component May 04 13:13:59 ok, I got the file May 04 13:14:04 es, yeah that looks like the right place for that information May 04 13:15:04 but I don't think it is all that straight forward, partly because we don't want to manage yet one more set of parameters for bugreports so people that run on sd are a bit out on their own May 04 13:18:06 what do I do with these files, pbaxter? May 04 13:18:16 do I upload them to /system? May 04 13:18:29 so, use the second script? May 04 13:20:50 Hi May 04 13:21:28 Larlin: I have look at Amazed, but I get foult: adb install /home/ran/Download/Amazed.apk 304 KB/s (16611 bytes in 0.053s) pkg: /data/local/tmp/Amazed.apk Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT] May 04 13:22:06 ran000, odd, I installed it from the same link a few days ago, May 04 13:23:05 ran000, "Installation return code: this is passed to the IPackageInstallObserver by installPackage(android.net.Uri, IPackageInstallObserver, int) if the new package failed while optimizing and validating its dex files, either because there was not enough storage or the validation failed." May 04 13:23:44 I try master at moment. I will look with cupcake late. I have not cupcake SD with me now. May 04 13:23:46 is your freerunner out of space on the drive or is the drive read only? May 04 13:24:07 mvzaanen, use the 2nd script! May 04 13:24:34 done May 04 13:24:37 I'm setting it up now May 04 13:24:38 thanks May 04 13:24:51 ran000, (I have tried on cupcake dosen't work, but install worked) if you use on sd are you sure the permissions for the file systems are alright? May 04 13:26:59 permissions is 777, i am sure. a lot of free space on SD. I am not sure about free RAM. May 04 13:28:04 trying to connect now, pbaxter May 04 13:28:23 mvzaanen, remember that you have to leave your wifi connection opened May 04 13:28:37 else it won't sync contacts with gmail and make market work May 04 13:28:52 to have market downloading just give 'adb shell mkdir /data/cache May 04 13:30:41 Larlin, I will look more carefully to Amazed later. Bye for now May 04 13:31:30 does it only work through wifi? May 04 13:31:36 I'm trying to use regular internet now, wired May 04 13:31:41 but that doesn't seem to work May 04 13:32:54 i cannot use wired internet on my droid so i never tried what you'r saying now May 04 13:33:06 ah May 04 13:34:21 hmm ping works from the ft May 04 13:34:24 ft=fr May 04 13:34:55 but somehow signing in doesn't work May 04 13:34:57 I'll try again May 04 13:35:24 weird May 04 13:36:42 if I adb shell into the fr and ping it works May 04 13:36:43 grrr May 04 13:38:17 how would I get wifi if I can't get past the signing in? May 04 13:40:47 mvzaanen, have you verified that dns is working? May 04 13:41:02 it does... I can adb shell into the fr May 04 13:41:05 and ping www.google.com May 04 13:41:58 hmm wait a second... May 04 13:42:01 another url doesn't work May 04 13:42:34 that sounds really odd May 04 13:42:38 yeah May 04 13:42:55 www.google.com or www.google.nl works May 04 13:43:17 and www.uvt.nl (my domain) works May 04 13:43:22 but www.ns.nl for instance doesn't May 04 13:43:28 and you get something that seems like a non local ip from the dns? May 04 13:44:17 I'll reconnect May 04 13:45:50 yeah May 04 13:46:05 I can only get to some ips May 04 13:46:21 that's so weird May 04 13:46:41 ah wait May 04 13:46:45 that site doesn't do ping :D May 04 13:46:51 lol! May 04 13:46:59 fail@that_site! May 04 13:47:39 I can also get to .au for instance May 04 13:47:41 ping works May 04 13:48:29 then we are back to if that network interface is shared with the android applications May 04 13:48:39 I guess the browser dosen't work? May 04 13:48:49 I can't get to the browser... I first have to connect with google May 04 13:49:32 hu? the webbrowser why woulden't that work? May 04 13:49:39 pbaxter: did you sign in through your data plan? May 04 13:50:14 hmm what's APN? May 04 13:50:16 connect to google isn't that for calendar/email and things like that? I have used the browser without any google stuff May 04 13:50:25 yeah, that's it larlin May 04 13:51:00 mvzaanen, testing the browser is to check if applications got network connection okay May 04 13:51:17 but how do I start the browser? I can't get past the google signin May 04 13:51:43 can't you get to the "desktop" of android at all? May 04 13:51:46 mvzaanen, just reboot and use wifi then you can sync all May 04 13:53:00 larlin: no May 04 13:53:02 I'll reboot May 04 13:53:22 mvzaanen, ohh sorry didn't know that then it is hard May 04 13:53:55 APN is for connecting throw gprs and things like that to Internet via your telecompany May 04 13:54:16 that's what I was afraid of... pbaxter did you use GPRS? May 04 13:54:22 no i don't May 04 13:54:26 hmm May 04 13:54:33 so how did you manage to connect it to wifi? May 04 13:54:43 ah, now I got into the home screen May 04 13:54:44 phew May 04 13:54:48 mvzaanen, you can use if you have May 04 13:54:53 i have no gprs on my sim plan May 04 13:54:59 mvzaanen, May 04 13:55:06 if you go to the page i sent you in the email May 04 13:55:22 h no I don't May 04 13:55:24 at the bottom there is a command to use into shell to May 04 13:55:37 use apn or to use wifi May 04 13:55:45 ah the last one May 04 13:56:17 wait May 04 13:56:56 mvzaanen, use this: May 04 13:56:57 am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n com.android.settings/.Settings May 04 13:57:08 use the whole command and it must open wifi settings! May 04 13:57:10 cool May 04 13:57:13 yeah I got that May 04 13:57:26 ok, so I can get it to work at home... there's no usable wireless here at work :( May 04 13:58:14 thanks May 04 13:58:17 I'll try it at home May 04 13:58:35 mvzaanen, when you are home May 04 13:58:39 you connect to wifi May 04 13:58:41 yeah May 04 13:58:45 and then it'll work? May 04 13:58:53 then you create on fr the folder /data/cache May 04 13:59:00 (adb shell mkdir /data/cache May 04 13:59:03 I already did that May 04 13:59:09 it should work May 04 13:59:13 sweet May 04 13:59:17 thank you very much May 04 13:59:20 before opening market just see if google talk is log in May 04 13:59:27 else shutdown device and reboot May 04 14:00:02 yeah May 04 14:00:09 mvzaanen, hope you succeed May 04 14:00:14 if you don't succeed May 04 14:00:14 me too May 04 14:00:18 thanks for your help so far May 04 14:00:32 try to ask on #telefoninux (the man who created this is italian and said us how to make market work) May 04 14:00:37 bye for now! May 04 14:00:48 sure May 04 15:25:58 hi May 04 15:28:19 About market. It work ok. Take cupcakefull ( from http://code.google.com/p/android-on-freerunner/issues/detail?id=7&colspec=ID%20Type%20Status%20Priority%20Owner%20Summary%20BuildVersion%20AndroidVersion%20Component for example ) and be happy. May 04 16:13:09 Larlin: I have looked to Amazed. It really installed to Cupcake, but not to Master. It looks that the apk is very old and could not be installed to master. May 04 17:11:43 Moreover I have try to install some other accelerometer game ( for example: Doodle Jump, Armadillo Roll, Amazed 2 ) and I able to install its to Cupcake. But not to Master. Same error: Failure [INSTALL_FAILED_DEXOPT] May 04 17:12:54 Do you have success installation with any same applications on master? May 04 17:15:57 In case that some application, which I have try is not too old, looks that exist other problem. May 04 18:38:56 hi May 04 18:41:51 hi mvzaanen May 04 18:43:51 pbaxter: it doesn't seem to work :( May 04 18:44:15 mvzaanen, have you done what i said oyu? May 04 18:44:17 you* May 04 18:44:28 1)install weekly 16 May 04 18:44:34 2)extract file i've sent you May 04 18:44:45 hmm I didn't install week 16 :( May 04 18:44:49 is that really needed? May 04 18:45:01 I got RC0.1 May 04 18:45:08 or whatever the official release is May 04 18:45:18 3)take the second script on that page http://wiki.telefoninux.org/doku.php?id=guida:mettere_market_e_sync_su_android May 04 18:45:39 mvzaanen, i think it0s needed weekly 16 May 04 18:46:27 trying again now May 04 18:46:32 I just rebooted, got May 04 18:46:34 wait... May 04 18:46:35 hey it works May 04 18:47:18 * mvzaanen hi5s pbaxter May 04 18:47:19 thanks May 04 18:47:27 sure? May 04 18:47:31 are you sure it downloads? May 04 18:47:59 it already sync-ed May 04 18:48:19 yes but try if the market downloads! May 04 18:48:25 oh... I haven't tried that May 04 18:48:29 just open market and see if it downloads May 04 18:48:31 I'm not too concerned with that (yet) May 04 18:48:34 a software May 04 18:49:36 try 'cause i've to go in a little May 04 18:49:47 ok May 04 18:50:05 how do I get to market? May 04 18:50:49 it's already in your phone May 04 18:50:59 if you've used the script i linked you May 04 18:51:04 go into menu May 04 18:51:41 found it? May 04 18:51:49 not yet... I'm syncing something May 04 18:51:54 should be done soon May 04 18:52:40 but try going into menu May 04 18:52:55 I can't even stop the syncing May 04 18:53:16 grrr May 04 18:53:34 market May 04 18:53:35 got it May 04 18:53:44 it opens May 04 18:53:44 have you opened market? May 04 18:53:47 yeah May 04 18:53:51 ok now try to download an apps May 04 18:53:53 an app* May 04 18:53:53 went into a category May 04 18:53:56 ok May 04 18:54:00 the app you want! May 04 18:54:00 it's asking for terms of service May 04 18:54:11 (press ok) May 04 18:54:15 getting a list May 04 18:54:29 then after having pressed the button 'install' of a random app May 04 18:54:34 go back (with AUX) May 04 18:54:42 then go into Downloads section May 04 18:54:47 and see if the file is downloading May 04 18:54:52 ok checking May 04 18:55:02 installing an app now May 04 18:55:19 hmm this app has access to anything roughly May 04 18:55:26 is that safe? May 04 18:55:43 can I easily uninstall? May 04 18:56:00 yes you uninstall through usual uninstaller May 04 18:56:07 also has it installed? May 04 18:56:15 it's downloaidng May 04 18:56:18 where do I see taht? May 04 18:56:43 you see on the top bar if there is a thick May 04 18:57:14 yeah May 04 18:57:18 downloading didn't work :( May 04 18:57:38 trying again May 04 18:57:56 mvzaanen, just try this thing May 04 18:57:59 exit market May 04 18:58:05 open google talk May 04 18:58:09 see if it works May 04 18:58:49 ok May 04 18:58:53 that works May 04 18:58:57 whee May 04 18:58:59 now adb shell May 04 18:59:03 mkdir /data/cache May 04 18:59:12 whee? May 04 18:59:41 file exists already May 04 19:00:06 does market recognize that this is cupcake? May 04 19:00:51 downloading another May 04 19:00:55 nope May 04 19:00:58 that didn't work either May 04 19:03:18 now the phone hangs May 04 19:03:52 dunno why May 04 19:03:59 it seriously hangs May 04 19:04:04 battery needs to be removed... May 04 19:04:42 mvzaanen, dunno your problem May 04 19:04:45 heh May 04 19:04:46 yeah May 04 19:04:50 no worries May 04 19:04:57 I was testing syncing with calendar May 04 19:05:00 the man who solved the problem of market told me to use weekly 16 May 04 19:05:05 k May 04 19:05:07 to sync with calendar May 04 19:05:10 I'll keep it in mind May 04 19:05:12 you have to remove data through May 04 19:05:13 it's pretty cool though May 04 19:05:17 applications! May 04 19:05:20 yeah May 04 19:05:21 (in settings) May 04 19:05:27 what do you mean have to remove data? May 04 19:06:38 there are thrre buttons: uninstall, kill process, and remove cache (of the software) May 04 19:06:49 use the last for Calendar and CalendarStorage May 04 19:06:54 then i think you can sync calendar May 04 19:06:59 i have to go now mvzaanen May 04 19:07:01 bye for now May 04 19:14:23 can someone shed some light? on the wiki explain 'Using Dropbear SSH' but how to install it??? May 04 20:53:06 anyone knows where can I find dropbear binaries? I puzzled I can't find them and there is no info on wiki **** ENDING LOGGING AT Wed May 05 02:59:56 2010