**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Sep 07 02:59:57 2008 Sep 07 04:04:56 hi - i'm trying to install compiler tools on an angstrom ipaq - gcc is there, but it fails complaining that 'as' is not found - which package provides as? Sep 07 20:52:51 hi Sep 07 20:57:13 is/will there be a fennec buil available in the repository for the simpad? Sep 07 21:08:28 probably not until the next Angstrom stable release Sep 07 21:09:01 ah, ok. thank you! Sep 07 21:35:28 hi - when setting up an OE environment for the first time, is it unusual for the first 'mtn pull' command to take 2 hours or more? Sep 07 21:39:27 hi Sep 07 21:40:01 hi mimecar Sep 07 21:40:24 evening aum Sep 07 21:40:45 mimecar: do you develop with angstrom/OE? Sep 07 21:41:06 i worked on angstorm build some months ago Sep 07 21:41:32 i bought an ipaq 4350 on the weekend, and am just starting to get into building Sep 07 21:41:47 but the first 'mtn pull' command is taking hours - is that unusual? Sep 07 21:42:05 did you read the angstrom guide? Sep 07 21:42:22 what's your computer and network velocity ? Sep 07 21:42:23 i'm reading it now - http://www.angstrom-distribution.org/building-angstrom Sep 07 21:42:54 computer is 2GHz Athlon XP 32-bit, network bandwidth is about 4Mb/s down, .7Mb/s up Sep 07 21:43:02 if you have download the latesr OE database, 'mtn pull' it's some seconds Sep 07 21:43:40 i downloaded OE.mtn from http://www.openembedded.org/snapshots/OE.mtn.bz2 Sep 07 21:43:47 good Sep 07 21:43:58 do you work on /OE folder ? Sep 07 21:43:59 and had to reformat it cos i'm on debian sid, and my mtn is too new Sep 07 21:44:23 i am not using /OE Sep 07 21:44:26 that's not a problem Sep 07 21:44:52 what's the folder you're using for? Sep 07 21:45:13 i'm running the 'mtn pull' command in /home/david/work/sw/pocketpc/linux Sep 07 21:45:26 then Sep 07 21:45:36 does the path change slow things down? Sep 07 21:45:38 you uncompress OE... on that folder Sep 07 21:45:54 it should not Sep 07 21:46:08 but if you follow all the steps it's easier find the problem Sep 07 21:46:19 i have been following all the steps Sep 07 21:46:25 it's posible some programs doesn't compile on large paths Sep 07 21:46:37 * cringe * Sep 07 21:47:02 lastest time i used OE, pull was fast Sep 07 21:47:02 but would that explain why the mtn pull is taking ages? Sep 07 21:47:17 I don't know, you can test it Sep 07 21:47:19 or could it be that the http://www.openembedded.org/snapshots/OE.mtn.bz2 image is way old? Sep 07 21:47:39 mtn pull extracts database files Sep 07 21:47:56 it's not related with the file "age" Sep 07 21:48:00 ok Sep 07 21:48:14 my cpu has been 100% for over an hour Sep 07 21:48:24 kill the process or reboot Sep 07 21:48:35 mtn: bytes in | bytes out | certs in | revs in Sep 07 21:48:35 mtn: 4.8 M | 1.8 M | 2,525/6,694 | 629/1,656 Sep 07 21:48:43 mmm Sep 07 21:48:47 then i was wrong Sep 07 21:48:52 mtn pull is the update process Sep 07 21:48:57 i'm using 'mtn' from debian sid Sep 07 21:49:00 a long time since updating? Sep 07 21:49:09 wait one minute Sep 07 21:49:25 i'm setting up OE/angstrom environment for the first time Sep 07 21:50:09 the word 'certs' suggests it's doing a lot of crypto thrashing Sep 07 21:50:25 http://pastebin.com/m13cb8db5 Sep 07 21:50:41 do you use stable or development branch ? Sep 07 21:50:59 mtn is slow on a good day, the snapshot may be a bit on the old side Sep 07 21:51:29 1600 revs it's a big number Sep 07 21:51:39 for a recently snapshot Sep 07 21:51:46 mimecar: are you saying those commands in your pastebin would work faster? Sep 07 21:52:04 no, that're some of the commands i use for development Sep 07 21:52:09 stable or development branch of what? Sep 07 21:52:20 you can update package compressed Sep 07 21:52:24 i've just installed bitbake and mtn from debian sid feed Sep 07 21:52:24 or uncompress and update Sep 07 21:52:34 aum: do you undestand spanish? Sep 07 21:52:41 mimecar: no, sry Sep 07 21:52:43 ok Sep 07 21:52:53 you need some tools: bitbake, mtn.-... Sep 07 21:53:02 i've just installed bitbake and mtn from debian sid feed Sep 07 21:53:04 after you download OE database Sep 07 21:53:33 OE has two branchs Sep 07 21:53:39 stable version, and development version Sep 07 21:53:51 you select the branch and uncompress it Sep 07 21:54:01 ok, the command i've used is: mtn --db=../../linux/OE.mtn pull monotone.openembedded.org org.openembedded.{stable,dev} Sep 07 21:54:05 then update the database with the latest package Sep 07 21:54:11 yes Sep 07 21:54:17 as per the 'building angstrom' guide Sep 07 21:54:19 but you should check out first Sep 07 21:54:29 mtn --db=OE.mtn checkout --branch=org.openembedded.stable Sep 07 21:54:45 ohh, on the Guide the checkout command appears after the pull command Sep 07 21:54:45 it would be faster work on uncompress system Sep 07 21:55:06 should i kill the proc, do the checkout then the pull? Sep 07 21:55:16 your system is working now Sep 07 21:55:21 1x00 from 1600 tasks Sep 07 21:55:36 first it should finish Sep 07 21:55:59 i have to go to the gym for a couple of hours, maybe it will be done by then Sep 07 21:56:12 if you're lucky ;) Sep 07 21:56:34 so - asking as a complete n00b - is there a way to do this faster on my debian sid box? Sep 07 21:57:01 update is the first time Sep 07 21:57:07 after updates are faster Sep 07 21:57:36 one thing i can say is i'm grateful angstrom supports ipaq h4350 - familiar doesn't seem to support it Sep 07 21:58:05 familiar is one of the angstorm's father Sep 07 21:58:40 another question - does the ext2 driver use wear-levelling when writing to an ext2 filesystem on SD flash card? Sep 07 21:58:54 i don't know Sep 07 22:00:03 there's a bunch of stuff i want to contribute when i get all this sorted Sep 07 22:00:07 for instance, some python libs Sep 07 22:00:17 and i want to port the FLTK graphical toolkit Sep 07 22:00:33 and i've got a Forth interpreter i want to port in as well Sep 07 22:01:23 what is the graphical toolkit used with the X11/GPE version of Angstrom? Sep 07 22:01:30 gtk Sep 07 22:01:35 ahh, ok Sep 07 22:01:44 i know it's using matchbox wm Sep 07 22:01:52 yes it's Sep 07 22:02:04 angstrom use matchbox 1.2 and poky linux matchbox 2 Sep 07 22:02:13 i notice gimp is available on the feed - is it actually usable? Sep 07 22:02:18 at least some months ago Sep 07 22:02:34 i haven't tested it Sep 07 22:02:43 (back in 30 mins - doing exercise warmup) Sep 07 22:02:51 thanks for your comments so far Sep 07 22:03:55 mimecar, depends on your hw Sep 07 22:04:26 it's better use a laptop for image process Sep 07 22:04:32 bigger screen Sep 07 22:43:37 are there any web browsers on angstrom that Actually Work? Sep 07 22:43:52 gpe-minibrowser works on basi webs Sep 07 22:43:53 the ones i tried either hang or fail to render Sep 07 22:43:53 or links Sep 07 22:44:08 links - you mean the x11 version? Sep 07 22:44:16 the console version Sep 07 22:44:27 ohh, no graphics then Sep 07 22:44:56 no, only text Sep 07 22:45:05 problem is that more and more websites these days are full of fancy-assed stuff like js and advanced css that totally breaks the small browsers like the dillo-based ones Sep 07 22:45:27 currently webs doesn't work on small screens Sep 07 22:45:35 but then again, even pocketpc ie fails most modern websites too Sep 07 22:45:38 you can change it with css on client side Sep 07 22:46:16 anyway, we're making progress: Sep 07 22:46:17 mtn: bytes in | bytes out | certs in | revs in Sep 07 22:46:17 mtn: 6.6 M | 1.8 M | 4,208/6,694 | 1,043/1,656 Sep 07 22:46:30 :P Sep 07 22:49:51 you can view a website on small screens if they use css for look and feel Sep 07 22:51:38 one of these days i gotta learn how to do client-side css Sep 07 22:52:23 remove all the css... Sep 07 22:54:14 but some websites need the css just for the content to be visible Sep 07 22:54:38 if you remove it you get the text only Sep 07 22:54:42 anyway, off to the gym, back in 2 hours (and hopefully the mtn pull will have finished) Sep 08 00:42:20 back after gym, exhausted... and the mtn pull process failed, gotta restart Sep 08 00:48:56 another thing - i tried to install gcc toolchain from ipkg - but when i try to compile a 'hello world' c prog on the device, gcc complains that the assembler 'as' is missing - is there an ipkg package that provides 'as'? Sep 08 02:34:48 what's the typical ETA for initial image build from a virgin OE tree on a 2GHz box? 2 hours? 6 hours? several days (like gentoo)? Sep 08 02:36:48 a few hours Sep 08 02:36:59 depends if you are doing || make Sep 08 02:37:51 i'm following the 'building angstrom' page, doing 'bitbake base-image' Sep 08 02:38:57 hmm, is this the stable branch Sep 08 02:39:01 which building Angstrom page Sep 08 02:39:09 http://www.angstrom-distribution.org/building-angstrom Sep 08 02:39:19 i'm following that to the letter Sep 08 02:39:45 arg, that is .stable Sep 08 02:39:53 which does not include beagle Sep 08 02:40:21 so the page needs a bit of update? Sep 08 02:40:33 http://www.angstrom-distribution.org/beagleboard-demo-image-available Sep 08 02:40:45 well, I think we need a page on building the .dev Sep 08 02:40:52 or refering you to the OE webiste Sep 08 02:41:03 i'm building for ipaq h4350 Sep 08 02:41:10 ah Sep 08 02:41:16 I need to go to bed Sep 08 02:41:24 k Sep 08 02:41:24 you are doing the write thing then Sep 08 02:41:28 k Sep 08 02:41:36 I am not familiar with that hw Sep 08 02:41:37 gl Sep 08 02:41:43 thx **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Sep 08 02:59:57 2008