**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Sun Feb 22 02:59:59 2015 Feb 22 07:17:43 /msg NickServ SETPASS shubhangi fqynrqcakxnh Doodle@123 Feb 22 07:17:54 /msg NickServ SETPASS shubhangi fqynrqcakxnh Feb 22 07:28:31 hey deepak Feb 22 07:28:54 i have certain doubts. can you assist Feb 22 07:31:15 shubhangi : do you see a deepak here? :p Feb 22 07:31:58 sorry :p . isn't that your first name ? Feb 22 07:32:03 people won't figure out unless you tag them with their nic Feb 22 07:32:07 sorry Feb 22 07:32:16 anyway Feb 22 07:32:24 what are you stuck on? Feb 22 07:34:53 would an rpmsg pru specific client driver on top of the rpmsg linux framework be a step towards pru bridge ? Feb 22 07:35:49 or does it have latency issues as posted on the gsoc group Feb 22 07:36:05 no, rpmsg is too heavy Feb 22 07:36:35 ok Feb 22 07:36:52 and personally, I think the prubridge driver specs are built keeping in mind what we use the PRU for Feb 22 07:37:16 TI's driver is built keeping in mind how TI wants to use them Feb 22 07:37:18 yes, too much latency would defeat the RT prpose Feb 22 07:37:28 purpose Feb 22 07:37:41 only in certain situations Feb 22 07:37:49 ok Feb 22 07:37:52 rpmsg would do the job in most cases Feb 22 07:38:04 but as abhishek mentioned in the post Feb 22 07:38:22 our mentor last year expressed displeasure towards it Feb 22 07:38:36 and for good reason Feb 22 07:40:12 so something from scratch ? Feb 22 07:40:55 rpmsg would have made multi-channel support and memory management easier Feb 22 07:41:56 but at the cost of customization; yes from scratch. Feb 22 07:43:47 actually lets keep the idea open for now; we'll decide in the coming weeks Feb 22 07:44:17 * karki tries hard to remember what the *real* problem with rpmsg was...... Feb 22 07:46:53 probably a new framework on lines of rpmsg without the extra overhead. Do you have other ideas in mind so i can read up on them and try to develop a way to implement things ? Feb 22 07:47:13 something to get started with Feb 22 07:57:55 try working through existing projects for now Feb 22 08:00:13 okay Feb 22 08:00:22 thanks :) Feb 22 08:30:57 np Feb 22 16:21:08 Abhishek_: Hello i was trying to load the pruspeak driver but i am getting a Unbalanced pm_runtime_enable and then a pm_runtime_get_sync failed when i print the kernel buffer which is leading to the driver's probe to return a error message and terminate :( Feb 22 16:21:31 could you help me out with tis... Feb 22 16:21:31 hmm, this sounds really familiar Feb 22 16:21:48 did you try to unload it? Feb 22 16:22:00 yep twice Feb 22 16:22:04 I mean, did you do rmmod and insmod again Feb 22 16:22:05 and reloaded Feb 22 16:22:19 and also tried rebooting the board Feb 22 16:22:28 ah, that explains it Feb 22 16:22:28 You'll have to reboot the BBB unfortunately Feb 22 16:22:36 hmm Feb 22 16:23:13 did you try loading the beaglelogic module? Feb 22 16:23:47 I mean, just do modprobe beaglelogic on a freshly rebooted board and gist the dmesg log Feb 22 16:24:37 well i am currently trying with pruspeak...but yes when i dmesg i just get a pru_speak loaded meassage Feb 22 16:25:25 so why the pm_runtime_sync thing? Feb 22 16:25:35 but when i try to runn the python script activating the driver the rest of the error show up after the driver is activated Feb 22 16:25:50 did you load the device tree? Feb 22 16:26:14 yep all that done...when i cat slots it shows up too :)...hdmi also disabled Feb 22 16:27:13 You're using the bone60 kernel, right? Feb 22 16:27:19 *bone70 Feb 22 16:28:24 nope the bone 47 kernel...i was thinking of upgrading once i get pruspeak running(karki said he had it workin 47 so it should work anyway) Feb 22 16:31:09 that bone47 has a remoteproc driver which is built into the kernel... you cannot unload it and replace it with the new remoteproc module like that Feb 22 16:31:26 myself and karki recompiled our kernels disabling this inbuilt remoteproc, that's why it worked Feb 22 16:32:09 you must upgrade your kernel Feb 22 16:32:26 i have wo .ko files one in the pruspeak folder and one in /lib/modules/3.8.13/extra...does it matter which one i insmod Feb 22 16:32:45 oh ok...i will upgrade then :) Feb 22 16:33:55 anyway how can i disable the remote proc....have put quite a bit into getting pruspeak to work would like to see it work once :) Feb 22 16:36:12 oh you recompiled it..then i will just update..thanks for the help :) Feb 22 17:09:06 hey Abhishek_ . Could you assist me in certain doubts i have ? Feb 22 17:34:37 hey shubhangi Feb 22 17:42:50 does a downcall send data with it or does it just interrupt the PRU to read from shared memory to which data has been previously written by other means ? Feb 22 17:43:14 shubhangi: Have you taken a look at the present PRU code yet? Feb 22 17:43:38 i am going through nowadays Feb 22 17:44:08 just so many things are a bit confusing - pruspear, beaglelogic, prussdrv Feb 22 17:44:39 libprussdrv is the easiest to start with. Feb 22 17:44:54 okay. Feb 22 17:46:41 i am setting up beaglelogic on my BBB right now. will ping if need assistance understanding some parts of code Feb 22 17:47:00 k Feb 22 17:48:42 thanks :) Feb 22 18:37:37 Hi mentors, about Android Remote Desktop project, I think AOA protocol doesn't provide audio input feature. So I think we've to use accessory end points for sending audio data or am I missing something? Feb 22 18:46:28 shubhangi: BTW, are your mid-semester exams over? Feb 22 18:46:41 yes Feb 22 18:47:04 free as of now Feb 22 18:47:21 I see, mine were over last Friday Feb 22 18:50:05 <_av500_> azizulhakim: indeed, AOA does not allow it Feb 22 18:50:17 I started with reading with remoteproc and found myself stranded. understanding prussdrv is easier Feb 22 18:50:19 <_av500_> so you need to do it outside of AOA Feb 22 18:50:27 started reading* Feb 22 18:50:56 <_av500_> azizulhakim: so you would send audio from the BBB as regular data to the android app and the android app would play that then Feb 22 18:51:12 <_av500_> same for the other way round Feb 22 18:51:24 shubhangi: I understand, 3000 lines of code to read :) Feb 22 18:51:40 <_av500_> thats nothing for a med student := Feb 22 18:51:41 <_av500_> :) Feb 22 18:52:07 :P Feb 22 18:52:25 I see. Thanks. Feb 22 18:52:46 nothing works behind proxy in our college :< Very frustating Feb 22 18:53:25 It's somewhat similar here in Kharagpur Feb 22 18:53:35 kgp uses proxy ? Feb 22 18:53:55 yeah, only ports 80, 8080 and 443 are open Feb 22 18:54:10 using irc thru tor ? Feb 22 18:54:33 nope, I use IRCCloud Feb 22 19:09:12 this is better than tor :) Thanks Feb 22 19:11:15 indeed Feb 22 19:21:53 Abhishek_:i finally got the bone70 up and running but now i am getting another error which finally returns the same error code and resulting in probe to fail. Feb 22 19:22:17 it says #0 PRU interrupts registered and then pru_speak.12: Failed to read events array Feb 22 19:22:40 and finally pru_speak: probe of pru_speak.12 failed with error -22 Feb 22 19:22:48 Could you post the complete log? Feb 22 19:23:02 one sec Feb 22 19:37:16 abhishek_:did the comment with the image get posted...i am on a very laggy network :) Feb 22 19:37:30 no Feb 22 19:37:45 you could also use gist Feb 22 19:37:50 it is not showing up on the logs either.... http://imgur.com/NMjWkS8 this is the kernel log...the script just fails due to not finding the sysfs files Feb 22 19:38:30 sorry...looks like my hexchat is just stuck trying to send it :( Feb 22 19:38:38 apaar: post the complete logs, use gist or pastebin Feb 22 19:39:22 cool..give me a sec...do you want only the kernel logs or even when the script crashes Feb 22 19:39:45 post the entire output of dmesg Feb 22 19:41:16 http://pastebin.com/MNpEHuB8 ...this is the scirpt crashing and after that is the entire dmesg Feb 22 19:45:24 apaar: Did you build the pru speak module yourself? Could you point me to the exact module source you are using to compile and load this module? Feb 22 19:48:54 well i have done both i used the file in the github repo and compiled it am loaded the file that was in /lib/modules/3.8.13/extra/pru_speak.ko and also tried with the prebuilt module provided in the pru_speak github repo(jason deleted it but i got it from one of the older commits...this one i loaded from the pruspeak-master folder). Feb 22 19:49:47 https://github.com/deepakkarki/pruspeak/blob/master/src/driver/pru_speak.c tis is the driver Feb 22 19:53:30 it seems you're stuck on the same error Feb 22 19:53:32 A conflict between the internal remoteproc module and pru_speak module Feb 22 19:53:35 Try blacklisting the pru-rproc module to prevent it from loading Feb 22 19:54:41 i will try it tom...have college and 2 records to complete for tomorrow ...thanks a lot for the help :) Feb 22 19:55:16 np **** ENDING LOGGING AT Mon Feb 23 02:59:59 2015