**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Jun 10 02:59:59 2015 Jun 10 08:17:20 nerdboy: That display is a spare part replacement for a $60 tablet , you can also get the AT070TN9x (x = 0,2,4 , anyone would work) from Adafruit Jun 10 08:17:30 same goes for the touch panel Jun 10 08:17:56 (not sure if that touch panel is available on Adafruit though) Jun 10 12:15:11 arianepaola: ping Jun 10 12:15:39 where can i see the github repo ? Jun 10 12:15:59 your work is not on a master branch right ? Jun 10 12:26:11 shubhangi: Do you plan to try porting and compiling the 3.14 TI Kernel driver to Linux 4.1 (the latest one)? Jun 10 12:42:19 Abhishek_: will try that once i am nearing driver completion. Some major changes in 4.1 which could make it incompatible ? Jun 10 12:42:54 so that i can try to avoid being 3.14 specific. Jun 10 12:45:30 You'll have to find out, although just trying to put in pruss_remoteproc.c and allied dependencies (and modifying Kconfig accordingly) should tell you if something is incompatible. Jun 10 14:49:30 buenas Jun 10 14:49:41 hello there Jun 10 14:49:55 congradulations Jun 10 14:50:00 danke! Jun 10 14:50:02 nice to be home, I bet Jun 10 14:50:11 "normal" food Jun 10 14:50:16 yes! exactly Jun 10 14:50:30 but won't stay here for too long Jun 10 14:50:34 right Jun 10 14:50:37 going to the seaside a bit then SF Jun 10 14:50:41 which city in .ro? Jun 10 14:51:05 gm all Jun 10 14:51:07 Roman, Neamt county my hometown Jun 10 14:51:08 gm Abhishek_ Jun 10 15:06:36 vvu: ariane is working on the nwjs branch (https://github.com/arianepaola/beaglebone-getting-started/tree/nwjs) Jun 10 15:36:39 <_av500_> 30min Jun 10 15:36:40 gm all Jun 10 15:37:09 or evening, depending where you are Jun 10 15:37:20 <_av500_> still in china? Jun 10 15:37:23 <_av500_> when do you leave? Jun 10 15:37:43 plan is the 15th of July or a bit before Jun 10 15:37:56 my visa is till the 15th though, so we'll see Jun 10 15:38:15 s/we'll/will/ Jun 10 15:38:55 but I'm really looking forward to upgrading my living spaces Jun 10 15:39:06 <_av500_> get a 2nd shoebox? Jun 10 15:39:28 * neemo fantasizes the internet dream Jun 10 15:39:47 _av500_: ha yeah! it;s actually an OK place Jun 10 15:39:59 shared apartment, but big enough Jun 10 15:40:28 The only things I need realistically are Internet, a kitchen and a bed Jun 10 15:40:45 <_av500_> no outdoor food vendors? :) Jun 10 15:40:58 currently at 1/3 (0.5 of Internet and 0.5 of a bed) Jun 10 15:41:09 there's a gzillion of them Jun 10 15:41:20 * vvu is here Jun 10 15:41:42 and pleanty to choose from Jun 10 15:42:09 but I'm still a fan of making my own food quite often, especially when I can make it both healthy and delicious Jun 10 15:42:30 that's nice Jun 10 15:42:32 Shanghainese are famous for the greasiness and sweetness of their food :) Jun 10 15:43:02 They have awesome dishes, but not for every day Jun 10 15:43:16 ouch...i'll have to wake up early for this meeting on SF time Jun 10 15:43:19 rather buy myself a piece of meat and make it properly :) Jun 10 15:43:52 vvu: meeting in pacific time comes to around 10? Jun 10 15:43:53 9? Jun 10 15:44:01 <_av500_> vvu: 9am is too early? Jun 10 15:44:24 i got used to waking up at 1pm during university :) Jun 10 15:44:35 * vvu did not really go to many classes Jun 10 15:44:40 <_av500_> neemo: report? Jun 10 15:45:14 <_av500_> neemo: video? Jun 10 15:45:21 _av500_: I was a bit late on it and can't send anything to google groups Jun 10 15:45:22 <_av500_> arianepaola: video? Jun 10 15:45:25 (vpn) Jun 10 15:45:33 <_av500_> send it to me Jun 10 15:45:40 <_av500_> that should work, no? Jun 10 15:45:42 <_av500_> the report Jun 10 15:46:19 video is done, I'll upload it later tonight when the pipes clean up Jun 10 15:46:33 tried it, but no luck previously Jun 10 15:46:42 yeah sure, I'll email you directly Jun 10 15:47:11 av500: on second thought, gmail wont work either -.- Jun 10 15:47:46 pastebinit ? Jun 10 15:47:46 <_av500_> no other email? Jun 10 15:47:48 gonna try 3g and g-groups Jun 10 15:47:56 gist maybe ? Jun 10 15:47:57 <_av500_> even pastebin Jun 10 15:48:15 av500: actually, I have a kinda spoof yahoo account, but yeah, gmail only man. Jun 10 15:48:31 wait a sec, i'll see if 3g is more happy Jun 10 15:48:49 if not, i'll email through yahoo or something, or push something to github Jun 10 15:49:31 * nerdboy looking at dead server monitor :/ Jun 10 15:50:02 nerdboy: how did that happen ? Jun 10 15:50:02 ankur: have you sent the weekly reports? Jun 10 15:50:21 anujdeshpande: yes Jun 10 15:50:31 very old hardware Jun 10 15:50:58 <_av500_> CRT leaked? Jun 10 15:51:16 nope, power supply died Jun 10 15:51:45 a shame Jun 10 15:51:54 which reminds me... don't trip over your acer chromebook... the lcd is fragile Jun 10 15:51:57 DOH! Jun 10 15:52:06 nerdboy: btw, I've finished that flow graphic Jun 10 15:52:14 spider web screen already :( Jun 10 15:52:57 nerdboy: and added it to the video, makes for a better explanation than just voice Jun 10 15:53:17 looks good Jun 10 15:55:34 <_av500_> 5 min until 5 min until go Jun 10 15:55:39 nerdboy: The LCD is a AT070TN90 (92, 94), which is also available at Adafruit Jun 10 15:56:09 anujdeshpande: i am having trouble with my HDMI display Jun 10 15:56:28 well 3g is working Jun 10 15:56:32 sloooooowly Jun 10 15:56:54 ankur: whats up with it ? Jun 10 15:57:05 ankur: also what c coding standard are you using ? Jun 10 15:58:14 anujdeshpande: didn't thought about. which standard should I use? Jun 10 15:59:14 moto-timo: figured it out Jun 10 15:59:22 i skimmed a bit through github Jun 10 16:00:04 ankur the linux kernel one is the most commonly used one around here I guess, but since this is android, google has their own version which you can use. Jun 10 16:00:11 https://raw.githubusercontent.com/google/styleguide/gh-pages/google-c-style.el if you are using emacs Jun 10 16:00:16 <_av500_> 5 min Jun 10 16:00:27 ankur or https://github.com/google/styleguide Jun 10 16:00:35 Hello everybody :-) Jun 10 16:00:45 Hello Jun 10 16:00:58 Hello shubhangi Jun 10 16:01:38 * nerdboy not smiling at half-finished backend mail server Jun 10 16:01:56 anujdeshpande: I will look into it Jun 10 16:02:51 makes the code look pretty and what not :D also, standard naming conventions are a great Jun 10 16:03:06 hi vvu, pong - reading logs now :-) Jun 10 16:03:28 c99 is probably a decent baseline Jun 10 16:03:32 just wanted to know the branch on which your work is Jun 10 16:03:44 * nerdboy recommends using some doxygen comment tags Jun 10 16:04:04 vvu, it is the nwjs branch -> https://github.com/arianepaola/beaglebone-getting-started/tree/nwjs Jun 10 16:04:23 all the work is on linux ? or can i compile on osx ? Jun 10 16:04:27 doxygen works much better on decent OO languages (meaning written decently) Jun 10 16:04:37 <_av500_> 1min Jun 10 16:04:39 so use the comment tags in C Jun 10 16:04:42 <_av500_> ebadawy: report? Jun 10 16:05:03 * nerdboy likes (mostly) free API docs Jun 10 16:05:28 greetings Jun 10 16:05:32 <_av500_> aloha Jun 10 16:05:37 <_av500_> so lets start Jun 10 16:05:40 whitespace is good, along with meaningful names... Jun 10 16:05:41 hi Jun 10 16:05:42 <_av500_> welcome everybody Jun 10 16:05:44 _av500_: I coudn't do much work this weak due to my exams! Jun 10 16:05:49 <_av500_> ebadawy: ok Jun 10 16:05:53 anujdeshpande: whenever i boot android HDMI displays gets on for some sec and then goes off Jun 10 16:05:59 <_av500_> still you could have sent a mail :) Jun 10 16:06:04 _av500_: the video is done, I am going to upload it today when I get off slow 3g :-( Jun 10 16:06:08 <_av500_> ok Jun 10 16:06:43 are you using a converter (vga to hdmi) or something similar ? Jun 10 16:06:45 _av500_: sure I'll do it, just finshed with the last exam few hours ago, sorry for that :) Jun 10 16:06:53 <_av500_> ok, no prob Jun 10 16:06:55 <_av500_> lets begin Jun 10 16:06:59 <_av500_> 1) welcome everybody Jun 10 16:07:03 <_av500_> do I have 8 students here? Jun 10 16:07:11 here Jun 10 16:07:12 here Jun 10 16:07:13 anujdeshpande: ya i am using hdmi to vga convertor Jun 10 16:07:13 students ping here :) Jun 10 16:07:16 here Jun 10 16:07:17 here Jun 10 16:07:17 here Jun 10 16:07:19 <_av500_> ankur: later please Jun 10 16:07:54 _av500_:sure Jun 10 16:08:03 <_av500_> ok, seems we have all of you :) Jun 10 16:08:14 here Jun 10 16:08:16 <_av500_> 2) video Jun 10 16:08:32 <_av500_> understood that neemo and arianepaola_ are about to upload Jun 10 16:08:38 yes Jun 10 16:08:40 <_av500_> I hope I dont have to ask again next week Jun 10 16:08:56 <_av500_> you should really work on the code, not the videos Jun 10 16:09:03 <_av500_> but I understand they are done Jun 10 16:09:14 <_av500_> so lets move on Jun 10 16:09:18 <_av500_> 3) reports Jun 10 16:09:54 <_av500_> neemo is about to send and ebadawy had exams Jun 10 16:10:04 <_av500_> and I have 6 reports which makes it 8 again Jun 10 16:10:21 _av500_ yes Jun 10 16:10:29 project hardware? Jun 10 16:10:40 av500: it'll be up asap Jun 10 16:10:44 <_av500_> ok Jun 10 16:10:50 both the video and the report Jun 10 16:10:52 <_av500_> nerdboy: sorry? Jun 10 16:11:03 sensor stuff Jun 10 16:11:30 nerdboy: the fedex shippment? Jun 10 16:11:38 neemo: the PNI parts Jun 10 16:11:57 nerdboy: yeah, they're in. Arrived last Tuesday Jun 10 16:12:14 nothing missing at this point then? Jun 10 16:12:21 played with them a bit and got some read. More work with them before the weekend Jun 10 16:12:34 * nerdboy reminds people to yell if they are blocked Jun 10 16:12:40 nope. all hardware is in now and I've got a grip on it Jun 10 16:12:43 <_av500_> ok Jun 10 16:12:54 thumbs up then Jun 10 16:13:03 <_av500_> so, about the progress reports, anybody at a stage where he is blocked in a way? Jun 10 16:13:26 nerdboy: next steps are figuring out what to do on the driver side and to find the optimal way to do the data crunching stuff (in the report, just a sec) Jun 10 16:13:37 * nerdboy is currently blocked from using local email Jun 10 16:13:52 <_av500_> btw, jkridner is in a plane Jun 10 16:14:06 <_av500_> jet set lifestyle etc... Jun 10 16:14:30 azizulhakim_: so input driver is fully working ? Jun 10 16:14:33 rcn-ee: on the mailing list, doest jkridner i should have forked the entire tree ? Jun 10 16:14:43 vvu: yes Jun 10 16:14:46 jkridner mean* Jun 10 16:15:16 at least most of the input events Jun 10 16:15:42 that is good Jun 10 16:15:48 <_av500_> rcn-ee: ping Jun 10 16:15:49 so now you will focus on the audio one Jun 10 16:15:49 _av500_: had some issues with mdns module on node.js, trying to work around it. I think I find some way to make it work Jun 10 16:16:08 afk i guess Jun 10 16:16:09 right Jun 10 16:16:33 <_av500_> shubhangi: normally one would clone whole kernel tree Jun 10 16:16:35 not avahi/zeroconf? Jun 10 16:16:41 <_av500_> and commit on top of that Jun 10 16:16:51 <_av500_> shubhangi: how do you compile your driver? Jun 10 16:17:06 <_av500_> arianepaola_: understood Jun 10 16:17:09 _av500_: i use the tree Jun 10 16:17:14 nerdboy: depends on the systems, the mdns module makes use of them. Jun 10 16:17:27 make module /driver/subdir Jun 10 16:17:40 then make module_install Jun 10 16:17:49 azizulhakim_: maybe you need to change the output device and after that you can unload the module Jun 10 16:18:14 _av500_ , nerdboy : report should be in, it's a short one Jun 10 16:18:17 _av500_: got it. i should have forked. makes more sense. thanks Jun 10 16:18:59 ahcorde vmayoral|pc: Internet was sketchy. Will download the image after the meeting... Jun 10 16:20:16 <_av500_> neemo: got it thx Jun 10 16:20:30 rohith : flash the image that I indicate you today and try again Jun 10 16:20:38 <_av500_> so Jun 10 16:20:39 vvu: sorry, I didn't understand the part "change output device" Jun 10 16:20:42 <_av500_> 4) anything else? Jun 10 16:20:49 _av500_: is it supposed to be on top of beagleboard's linux tree or linus's repo ? Jun 10 16:20:51 shubhangi, _av500_ here, just poking on hardware in the background.. i think it's fine, just let me know when your done, and i'll help you split it into logical commits.. Jun 10 16:20:55 ahcorde: Will do Jun 10 16:21:30 rcn-ee: Thanks. that would be much better :) Jun 10 16:22:00 ahcorde vmayoral|pc: Do I need to supply external power since the PXF is also connected? Jun 10 16:22:06 _av500_: Actually have a question for everyone here Jun 10 16:22:08 <_av500_> shubhangi: the one you work with Jun 10 16:22:11 shubhangi, it's a little odd setup, but i've gotten use to it with nouveu. ;) Jun 10 16:22:21 did anyone do any heavy computing on the beaglebone Jun 10 16:22:24 or is the USB power sufficient? Jun 10 16:22:26 <_av500_> define heavy Jun 10 16:22:35 rohith: not needed, powering it through the miniUSB should do it Jun 10 16:22:54 _av500_: i'll say in the report that I couldn't do much work this week and its work will be remaine as it is for the next weak + next week plane ,, is it ok? Jun 10 16:22:54 specifically any recommendations for machine learning and or math optimized libraries for C/C++ that work well on the beaglebone Jun 10 16:23:02 vmayoral|pc: Okay. Just wanted to rule it out. Jun 10 16:23:04 <_av500_> ebadawy: yes Jun 10 16:23:09 _av500_: ^ Jun 10 16:23:11 oops... got sucked into a hallway conversation Jun 10 16:23:15 yay another mtg... Jun 10 16:23:15 in case you need extra stuff (cause you hook a USB that draws a lot) use the 5V connector Jun 10 16:23:20 _av500_ cool Jun 10 16:23:21 rohith : nope, if you don't plug nothing in the USB that requires more than 500mA Jun 10 16:23:34 <_av500_> neemo: I dont know Jun 10 16:23:53 I'll first test the parameter computation code in octave I guess, which I know works and does so kinda OK Jun 10 16:24:01 it's not really fast, but it does the job Jun 10 16:24:21 ahcorde vmayoral|pc: Okay. I haven't connected anything else as of now. Jun 10 16:24:41 but the final stuff should definitely be written in some C++ library Jun 10 16:24:48 octave should make a good spec for C code at least... Jun 10 16:24:58 yeah, that's what I was thinking Jun 10 16:25:03 not so much C++ Jun 10 16:25:08 ankur: i’ve had terrible experiences with the hdmi to vga converters. similar to yours actually. haven’t been able to figure them out really, so i just connect it to my telly. Jun 10 16:25:30 I mean, it shouldn't be to heavy in octave, but the end thing shouldn't be in octave Jun 10 16:25:32 i have the one from adafruit, not all that reliable Jun 10 16:25:36 so have to research on that part Jun 10 16:25:52 filtering libs are out there... Jun 10 16:25:59 since, well, I did machine learning stuff, but only in the cozy confines of octave and R Jun 10 16:26:10 * nerdboy looking at fortran stuff... Jun 10 16:26:23 * neemo gulp Jun 10 16:26:25 might want to try out F/C interface Jun 10 16:26:31 arianepaola_: feel free to send me questions about mdns, I'll dive in Jun 10 16:26:40 I should experience fortran at some point in life :) Jun 10 16:26:58 ankur anujdeshpande: If the HDMI on the BBB is a HDMI-D (digital only), then the HDMI->VGA converter won't work... Jun 10 16:27:02 this would be mostly interface stuff hopefully Jun 10 16:27:08 so why not, I'ts the physicists favorite tool, ot so im told Jun 10 16:27:10 neemo: you should experience fortran on a line printer Jun 10 16:27:20 hahaha ha ha ha Jun 10 16:27:24 no but really Jun 10 16:27:27 <_av500_> anujdeshpande: ankur: indeed you need an active converter Jun 10 16:27:33 lp0 error; printer on fire? Jun 10 16:27:33 I'm not afraid to work on anything, ever Jun 10 16:27:52 I have used soooo many systems nothing scares me Jun 10 16:27:55 It needs to be HDMI-I (analog+digital) Jun 10 16:27:55 It could slow me down if I have to jump into fortran blindly though :P Jun 10 16:28:01 moto-timo: thanks, will to try to find some way :-) Jun 10 16:28:14 neemo: could ask around #gentoo-science and some other places Jun 10 16:28:21 arianepaola_: we can learn it together :) Jun 10 16:28:28 * nerdboy points at calculua Jun 10 16:28:35 _av500_ rohith: any converter you could suggest Jun 10 16:28:36 * moto-timo points at abacus Jun 10 16:28:37 moto-timo: :-) Jun 10 16:28:49 but yeah anyway, I'll do the first part with Octave and see where I go from there Jun 10 16:29:00 <_av500_> ankur: if it has a powere supply input it should work Jun 10 16:29:02 I'll look into gentoo science and do a bit of online scanning as per usual Jun 10 16:29:39 a logical solution should pop up sooner or later Jun 10 16:29:56 arianepaola_: exams over this week? Jun 10 16:30:17 send me what you find Jun 10 16:30:20 yes, had one today and next one on friday, and also next week Jun 10 16:30:31 ankur: I'm not sure what type of HDMI the BBB has. The Raspberry Pi has an HDMI-I and passive converters work... Jun 10 16:30:48 aranepaola_: they seem to like spreading it out Jun 10 16:30:54 <_av500_> the power supplied by the BBB might not be enough Jun 10 16:31:24 nerdboy: will do Jun 10 16:31:26 yeah, one month here and projects Jun 10 16:31:35 pi has power/usb issues Jun 10 16:31:50 but hdmi works pretty well Jun 10 16:36:11 hendersa: we were just discussing hdmi converter voes Jun 10 16:36:36 anujdeshpande: Sorry, I just got in from a meeting that ran a bit long. Jun 10 16:36:55 anujdeshpande: EDID/HDMI issues are the bane of my existance. Jun 10 16:37:10 hah Jun 10 16:37:15 anujdeshpande: HDMI stuff is the #1 issue I see in BBBAndroid and BeagleSNES. Jun 10 16:37:32 ankur: Otherwise, you'll need an active converter, one which requires external power. Jun 10 16:38:32 nerdboy: also, there be flowdiagrams http://i.imgur.com/qd1bV3l.png Jun 10 16:38:55 nerdboy: with legends no less, http://i.imgur.com/Zvp4K32.png Jun 10 16:38:57 <_av500_> hendersa: VGA was working so nicely for decades.... Jun 10 16:39:59 It's a bit non classical in design, but I think it conveys the message Jun 10 16:40:06 _av500_: But no audio on VGA :( Plus the connector is huge. cannot fit on modern 'ultrabooks'... Jun 10 16:40:07 _av500_: True, but it can't do audio. For multimedia devices that use the BBB, the audio/video over the same cable is a must. Jun 10 16:40:15 * neemo had a bit too much fun experimenting with InkScape Jun 10 16:41:06 ankur: So, I see that you made some commits to the HAL on github. Have these changes been tested on your BBB under Linux? Jun 10 16:41:30 ankur: And more importantly, have you gotten stuck on anything that you need help with? Jun 10 16:42:05 hendersa: PWM testing is still pending Jun 10 16:42:47 hendersa: can you have a look over the code? Jun 10 16:43:04 anything you like or dislike Jun 10 16:43:50 hendersa: also ADC calibration part is pending Jun 10 16:46:06 ankur: Don't use a single static buffer to construct file system paths. The API may be accessed from multiple threads simultaneously, and they'll all step on the same buffer. Jun 10 16:46:21 * moto-timo goes afk for 15 minutes Jun 10 16:46:39 hendersa: ok Jun 10 16:47:17 neemo: can you ping me later after mtg stuff? Jun 10 16:47:36 <_av500_> ok Jun 10 16:47:41 ankur: Other than that, just lock down your datatypes as best as you can. I'd suggest using stdint.h and types like uint32_t instead of unsigned int. Jun 10 16:47:46 <_av500_> it seems we have no other issues for the time being Jun 10 16:48:00 <_av500_> as in bit show stoppers Jun 10 16:48:04 <_av500_> big* Jun 10 16:48:16 ankur: And use "const" for your parameters. It will allow the compiler to tell you if you're doing something silly. Jun 10 16:48:22 <_av500_> so, happy coding Jun 10 16:48:26 <_av500_> see you all next week Jun 10 16:48:38 <_av500_> reports are due next .... tuesday Jun 10 16:48:38 _av500_: Thanks :-) Jun 10 16:48:39 ankur: But generally, as long as you are functionally good, I can help you get it cleaned up and hardened. Jun 10 16:48:51 _av500_: You've got it, boss. Jun 10 16:48:52 <_av500_> and again, you can contact me anytime Jun 10 16:49:25 ds2 :ping Jun 10 16:49:47 ankur: Because Java is calling this, and hardware interfacing is probably happening from a Java async thread, try to avoid static state variables and buffers. Jun 10 16:50:14 ankur: But, just focus on getting it working. We can get the rest sorted out later. Jun 10 16:50:48 ankur: I'll review your proposed APIs and see if anything jumps out at me as something to be reworked or changed. Jun 10 16:51:29 anujdeshpande: Feel free to do the same. I'm up to my eyes in work right now, so it would not hurt to have another set of eyes review the code, too. Jun 10 16:51:45 anujdeshpande: In case I miss something. Jun 10 16:52:07 nerdboy: yeah sure Jun 10 16:52:17 will do, we were just talking about coding standards earlier. do uou have a preference for this codebase? Jun 10 16:52:32 hendersa: noted everything. I will certainly try to improve the code Jun 10 16:52:42 nerdboy: but I'm a bit tired so might go to sleep in the next hour or two Jun 10 16:52:47 * neemo hardly slept last night Jun 10 16:53:19 hendersa: ^ Jun 10 16:53:25 anujdeshpande: Not paticularly. It is Ankur's project, so he can make the call on underscores, camelcase, etc. Jun 10 16:53:34 sure Jun 10 16:53:56 * anujdeshpande looking at the apis now Jun 10 16:54:23 OK, I'm off to another meeting. It never ends. Jun 10 16:54:28 * hendersa sighs. Jun 10 16:54:36 So much for lunch. Jun 10 16:55:00 ankur: Keep up the good work, and check in your code to github early and often. Jun 10 16:55:21 hendersa: sure Jun 10 16:55:26 ankur: Send me a mail if you want something reviewed after you check it in. Otherwise, I'll be looking at it around the time of the IRC meetings. Jun 10 16:56:07 hendersa: ok Jun 10 16:56:31 neemo: earth rotation Jun 10 17:08:54 hendersa? Jun 10 17:13:56 ds2 :ping Jun 10 17:16:15 nerdboy: too few hours in a day Jun 10 17:16:49 nerdboy: ping me when you're back, chances are I'll miss sleep tonight as well Jun 10 17:22:23 sleep is good Jun 10 17:27:01 yup, but have to deserve it first :) Jun 10 17:27:17 stuffs not gonna get done by itself Jun 10 18:32:11 * Abhishek_ was able to complete cloning the Linux tree this time Jun 10 18:32:17 net connection stable enough Jun 10 18:35:07 rcn-ee: which one should I build - rc7 or rc6-bone6 Jun 10 18:43:22 Abhishek_: the linux git tree took me a whole night of cloning last time I tried Jun 10 18:43:40 go crappy piping Jun 10 18:43:53 I understand, vpn must be very unstable Jun 10 18:44:19 When you drop, you have to restart the whole cloning process, which is ugly Jun 10 18:48:42 yup, fun times Jun 10 18:49:11 though in this particular case, I didn't need vpn since GitHub works fine without it Jun 10 18:49:30 fine here being at ~~1Kb/s Jun 10 18:49:40 so yeah Jun 10 18:49:43 balance Jun 10 18:49:44 :D Jun 10 18:49:53 was GH banned in china once? I heard so... Jun 10 18:51:59 I think they banned some specific github pages Jun 10 18:52:06 or some shannanigans of that sort Jun 10 18:52:55 If i recally correctly, it was about someone posting vpn configs/software/amazonracksetups on GitHub to which the Chinese took offence Jun 10 18:54:20 or some other thing in the category of publicly-big-nono-in-China-but-realistically-we-really-dont-care-stuff Jun 10 18:54:45 you get used to it though, so just have to factor that in into your rutine Jun 10 18:55:09 * neemo starts cloning a couple of repos which he'll need by Saturday :) Jun 10 18:55:31 also s/rutine/routine/ ;P Jun 10 19:33:53 Abhishek_, rc7 Jun 10 21:54:37 rcn-ee: when I make a debian package out of the kernel using make deb-pkg m the resultant ends up armel but I need armhf. Jun 10 21:57:30 it gets set to armhf, if you use: KBUILD_DEBARCH=armhf Jun 10 21:58:09 is this documented somewehere? Jun 10 21:59:41 yeap: https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/scripts/package/builddeb#n59 Jun 10 22:00:38 the problem is: https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/scripts/package/builddeb#n47 technically "armel" = "armhf" as the kernel doesn't use floating point... Jun 10 22:03:34 i should just patch it over in the beagle tree, all the "armel" distro's are gone.. Jun 10 22:23:45 * Abhishek_ wonders why dpkg is taking so long to install the generated .deb package Jun 11 01:48:33 * nerdboy has lovely maintenance page now... Jun 11 01:48:52 all the important stuff is working... Jun 11 02:12:12 probably way too flashy for the kids these dats... Jun 11 02:12:19 *days even Jun 11 02:12:33 http://www.gentoogeek.org/ **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Jun 11 02:59:59 2015