**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Feb 17 02:59:59 2016 **** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed Feb 17 12:01:03 2016 Feb 17 12:45:25 so jkridner pops in, asks question and then leaves? :) Feb 17 18:05:44 bradfa: thanx Feb 17 18:06:48 jkridner: yes i plan to get involved this year Feb 17 18:12:47 i have an idea a beagleboard drone or car that follows u and recognises your gesture.we can use opencv Feb 17 18:18:16 i have worked on audino raspberry-pi developed python game and opencv Feb 17 18:26:35 i was here yesterday as vishal42 :) Feb 17 20:02:28 ds2: ping Feb 17 20:08:51 ds2: Have a couple of mins to discuss potential PRU project ideas? **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu Feb 18 02:59:59 2016