**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Wed May 25 02:59:58 2016 May 25 12:30:36 nerdboy: Doh! this doesn't look like a breakout board. May 25 12:30:50 nerdboy: previous order already placed. May 25 13:08:02 hey bradfa,mdo,are you there? May 25 13:08:14 *mdp^^ May 25 13:08:17 chanakya_vc: hi May 25 13:09:22 bradfa,received the BBB today :D May 25 13:09:22 Infact just now May 25 13:12:20 bradfa, In other news,I have written the PRU hello world.But I don't have led's at home to test it.So am going to modify it a bit. May 25 13:13:27 It compiled using the makefile given on the hands on lab site,but I did not understand the entire makefile :( .So i would have to work on that a little more. May 25 13:13:53 But I seem to have got the gist of it. May 25 13:17:00 chanakya_vc: good to hear! :) May 25 13:17:05 chanakya_vc: go steal some LEDs from your lab :) May 25 13:17:26 chanakya_vc: once you get it working, please post your code to github, including the makefile you're using May 25 13:18:03 chanakya_vc: once your exams are finished, you should be making commits to your git respository for your firmware/kernel code at least 4 days every week May 25 13:19:48 bradfa,Yes I will.Although the code is not really my original.I took it from the the TI website. May 25 13:20:05 chanakya_vc: that's ok May 25 13:21:20 bradfa,Last exam left on friday.Unfortunately it is the toughest too. Electrical Machines. May 25 13:22:33 bradfa,So I will try my best to do so.But I promise that by next wednesday,I am going to get a basic code implementing SPI firmware on Github. May 25 13:22:49 Then I will add additional features. May 25 13:22:59 Infact before wednesday. May 25 13:23:36 chanakya_vc: ok, sounds good May 25 13:23:43 chanakya_vc: will you be able to attend today's meeting? May 25 13:23:52 Yep I will come May 25 13:23:58 bradfa ^^ May 25 13:24:25 chanakya_vc: and you obtained a TTL to serial port adapter? May 25 13:25:41 But again might not stay for more than an hour.It's there in my lab.I might have to solder the thing together though.Infact,my lab makes these TTL converters through our local design May 25 13:25:47 bradfa^^ May 25 13:25:56 chanakya_vc: ok May 25 13:26:19 bradfa, So I am totally set for the summers :D May 25 13:26:28 chanakya_vc: ok good to hear :) May 25 13:26:29 Excitement! May 25 13:27:13 bradfa,Could you give me some examples of codes that implement the Bitbanging in SPI. May 25 13:27:14 ? May 25 13:27:18 Like links May 25 13:27:20 chanakya_vc: please just be sure to submit a progress report on what you've been doing each week, including this week May 25 13:27:55 bradfa, Ohh one is due today isn't it?I totally forgot :( May 25 13:28:22 chanakya_vc: you can host your weekly progress reports on a blog but also please mail them to the beagle-gsoc list May 25 13:28:55 chanakya_vc: one sec, I'll find an example of bitbanging SPI May 25 13:29:22 bradfa, I need to write one today itself right?I will work on it right-away then.Or is this week not counted? May 25 13:30:22 chanakya_vc: this week rquires a status report May 25 13:30:31 chanakya_vc: this is the first week of "official" coding time May 25 13:30:51 chanakya_vc: you have exams, so mdp and myself are understanding that you cannot spend much time on gsoc, but you still need to do the status report May 25 13:31:16 chanakya_vc: you are making some progress, so report on what you've done and what issues you see coming May 25 13:31:37 Okay I will.But I haven't really worked on the actual code itself?Should I write about the PRU hello world and setting up the dev environment? May 25 13:31:42 chanakya_vc: the linux spi gpio bitbanging is not the easiest to read code, but it may provide some insights (the comments are decent): https://git.kernel.org/cgit/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/drivers/spi/spi-gpio.c May 25 13:32:21 chanakya_vc: yes, write up what you've done even if it's not actual code towards your project, setting up the dev environment and getting all the equipment you need is important to document taht you have it and you're ready May 25 13:33:40 chanakya_vc: I think a good outline for a status report would be like: 1. this is what I did the past week 2. this is what I plan to do in the coming week 3. these are the issues I experienced and how I solved them (or didn't solve them) 4. these are the issues I see coming up in the next week 5. links to the things you've completed May 25 13:34:09 for number 5, that would be like code or pictures or videos showing off May 25 13:34:29 or mailing list emails May 25 13:36:08 bradfa,I won't have the time to put videos and photos.But please do excuse me this time if the report is not upto the mark. I assure you that this won't be the case from next time May 25 13:36:26 chanakya_vc: we understand May 25 13:38:04 bradfa,Thanks. I will get to the report at once.Meet you in about two and a half hours. : )I have got to sleep for a bit after that.Haven't slept the entire night : ) May 25 13:38:22 chanakya_vc: sounds good :) sleep can be overrated :) May 25 14:21:40 bradfa,Is the ml still moderated?I have sent the report.Please do check if it is visible to all. May 25 14:22:09 chanakya_vc: I received your mail May 25 14:22:55 bradfa, Okay.It isnot that good.But it's the best I could do in this sleep deprived state :P May 25 14:23:42 bradfa, Is it necessary to maintain a blog?I have never maintained one before. I guess wordpress is way to go? May 25 14:24:31 chanakya_vc: that's a good status report :) May 25 14:24:49 chanakya_vc: I'm not sure if a blog is required, jkridner? May 25 14:25:00 chanakya_vc: the weekly status reports to the gsoc list are required May 25 14:26:56 bradfa, I don't have much idea about blogging.But I guess it would be a good way to document the project. May 25 14:29:08 chanakya_vc: there are many free blog platforms online to choose from, it's worth learning about them and how to use at least one, a blog is a good way to showcase your work/thoughts/etc and can be helpful for getting a job if you write interesting or useful blog posts May 25 14:30:42 bradfa, I think it would be the easiest to work with wordpress?Later If I go for my own site,I could integrate the blogs with my site on Wordpress. May 25 14:31:24 bradfa, I have seen your blogs on your site.Pretty amazing stuff you write!! May 25 14:31:36 chanakya_vc: thanks :) May 25 14:31:44 chanakya_vc: I've not been writing much lately :( May 25 14:32:32 bradfa: I like the report format May 25 14:34:53 bradfa, I am be going to be following your blogs quite regularly now.I learnt a lot from it.Although there is stuff that I donot understand but it is great to read : ) May 25 14:34:59 hey mdp! May 25 14:36:25 chanakya_vc: some of the stuff I write, I later find out that I'm wrong :) May 25 14:37:38 chanakya_vc: hello! May 25 14:37:49 bradfa: I have the same problem May 25 14:39:38 mdp: just yesterday I answered a question which only had 2 possible answers incorrectly, twice :) It's like plugging in USB cables, I can't even get that right until the 3rd try :) May 25 14:40:25 Lol May 25 14:41:01 bradfa, mdp, I guess that is okay. I like that fact that you experiment with stuff,try out new things and then write about it. May 25 14:41:28 Infact that is what I strive to emulate.Trying out new stuff and experimenting. May 25 14:41:34 bradfa: I just posted an 8 page analysis to a FOSS list with a recommended path for a PoC to implement. I'm awaiting whatever I misread and misunderstood to be pointed out to me. May 25 14:42:25 chanakya_vc: yeah, it's important to give back to the community...docs/blogs are one big way May 25 14:43:20 mdp, Do you also blog?Would love to read your blogs too. May 25 14:58:13 chanakya_vc: mdp has a few things up on http://www.engineersofthecorn.org/ but he needs to blog more :) May 25 15:00:05 bradfa, Ohh! May 25 15:00:35 bradfa, I am even Wordpress even a bit annoying to use :P May 25 15:00:42 *finding May 25 15:00:49 chanakya_vc: nothing's perfect :) May 25 15:01:19 bradfa, Haha.True that. May 25 15:01:47 chanakya_vc: my blog workflow is not exactly stellar, it's here: https://github.com/bradfa/bradfa.github.io and then github renders it into static files to serve May 25 15:02:33 chanakya_vc: my blog uses https://jekyllrb.com/ May 25 15:02:34 I should probably start a blog again. I keep starting them and deleting them. The last one I has was called "sudo rm -rf /" and you can guess what happened to that one. May 25 15:02:47 m_w: it deleted your EFI firmware? :) May 25 15:03:03 bradfa, So eventually, do you think I would be able to mainline this project?I mean it would be terrific to do so.My small contribution to Open source. May 25 15:03:08 yeah then I had to delete it May 25 15:03:14 bradfa, I will check that out. May 25 15:03:29 chanakya_vc: the goal should be to mainline it, yes May 25 15:03:35 m_w, Why did you chose such a name? : ) May 25 15:04:02 rm -rf May 25 15:04:03 chanakya_vc: it was about starting from scratch May 25 15:04:17 ;) May 25 15:04:27 m_w, Ohh! May 25 15:04:30 m_w: there was a typo in the mail, sorry. May 25 15:04:44 chanakya_vc: my quip about EFI deletion is due to: https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/2402 May 25 15:05:24 ZeekHuge: it happens May 25 15:06:04 bradfa, I just wanted to ask out of pure curiosity,I read online that in the latest release of the linux kernel,the init system is systemd right?So I read a lot of reviews and some people were unhappy about it. May 25 15:06:16 Systemd implements parallel processing right? May 25 15:06:44 So does it make the system faster in comparision to upstart? May 25 15:06:59 chanakya_vc: linux kernel and choice of init system are not tied together, there are many init systems which can be used May 25 15:07:40 chanakya_vc: some people say that systemd makes boot time faster than sysvinit, but many of systemd's goals are very similar to those of upstart or launchd or openrc. All have their good points and bad points May 25 15:08:08 chanakya_vc: many linux distributions have moved to using systemd as the default init system, lately May 25 15:08:30 * bradfa runs systemd on his desktop now, has no major gripes with it May 25 15:09:00 current project I'm starting on will likely use runit as the init and daemon monitor due to size, features, and dependencies of the software May 25 15:11:00 Ohh.Again out of the very basic knowledge of OS that I have,so systemd is implementing parallel processing via threads?Employing something similar to the algorithms that are employed there? May 25 15:11:05 bradfa, ^^ May 25 15:11:58 Oh and thank you m_w ! for all that help with the compilation process. May 25 15:12:48 ZeekHuge, Hey! May 25 15:12:53 http://linoxide.com/linux-how-to/systemd-boot-process/ May 25 15:12:54 Hey ! May 25 15:13:01 ZeekHuge: no problem May 25 15:13:28 ZeekHuge, Thanks for informing about the issue.Though I got my BBB today itself! May 25 15:14:45 yep, I too received it today. Though its at my relative's house. Will get it soon :) May 25 15:16:48 ZeekHuge, Ohh.But I haven't still not received the stuff from Google though. May 25 15:17:32 m_w, It does talk about using control groups instead of PID's to track the different processes. May 25 15:17:55 were you asked about the KYC forms ? by fedex people ? May 25 15:17:59 chanakya_vc: ^ May 25 15:18:33 m_w, So I am assuming that a control group might point to several processes all executing at once. May 25 15:19:13 ZeekHuge, kyc is only required if we are importing for commercial purpose.In our case an authorization form is all that is required May 25 15:19:41 Along with residential proof.I gave my voters id card. May 25 15:21:11 okay. May 25 15:21:13 hi everyone, When GSoC started github update my commit an hour after push lol May 25 15:21:19 no idea then. May 25 15:21:56 pmezydlo: yikes May 25 15:23:19 m_w: There were instruction about at-least 4-5 commits/week. What do you think i should commit there ? At present there is nothing that has direct relevance to the project. May 25 15:24:30 bradfa,I have the same question too?I mean it is highly unlikely that I will finish up a complete part of a code in a day?So I should just push incomplete code? May 25 15:25:12 bradfa, Some days I might just have to research about what I have to write so :P May 25 15:27:50 ZeekHuge: documentation perhaps May 25 15:28:50 don't commit broken change just to get more commits May 25 15:32:26 early in a project commits may come in larger chunks. May 25 15:34:06 4-5 commits a week should be super easy to do May 25 15:35:08 okay. May 25 15:36:35 jkridner: you're right May 25 15:37:03 he said he would solder as that looks like the only option for those parts May 25 15:37:24 also, The KERNEL there at yakbuild/KERNEL, its the patched one, and there in drivers/remoteproc, it has many more things, where as my BBB that is running 4.4.8-ti-r22 only has omap_remoteproc.ko. May 25 15:37:36 m_w: ^^ May 25 15:38:00 ZeekHuge: interesting May 25 15:38:11 reproducible my @$$ May 25 15:38:46 interesting but confusing. May 25 15:39:12 yeah I would talk to rcn and see what he has to say about this May 25 15:39:20 okay. May 25 15:42:20 m_w: and now, if we take out that KERNEL separately, and execute make -j4 ARCH=arm LOCALVERSION=-ti-r22 CROSS_COMPILE=gcc-linaro-5.3-2016.02-x86_64_arm-linux-gnueabihf/bin/arm-linux-gnueabihf-, it should generate the exact same kernel that was generated by the build_kernel.sh, right ? May 25 15:42:53 I think so May 25 15:43:18 that is easy enough to verify May 25 15:43:28 yep, its compiling. May 25 15:44:54 jkridner: still looking for a breakout with the righ specs May 25 15:45:00 *right even May 25 15:49:09 howdy May 25 15:49:17 meeting in 11 min?? May 25 15:50:30 yes, exactly May 25 15:50:40 and only 3 progress reports :( May 25 15:50:59 Hi there!! May 25 15:51:09 hi kiran4399 May 25 15:51:25 been traveling and away from irc, how's it going? May 25 15:52:24 kiran4399: I assume no emails means no blocking issues? progress report on the way? May 25 15:55:58 Hey alexhiam ! May 25 15:56:11 ahoy chanakya_vc May 25 15:56:40 * alexhiam is in a car headed to the airport, so connection may not be the best... May 25 15:56:46 hi alexhiam May 25 15:56:55 hi jkridner May 25 15:57:16 meeting in 4 mins May 25 15:57:17 hi amragaey May 25 15:57:48 <_av500_> aloo May 25 15:58:15 chanakya_vc, pmezydlo, ZeekHuge: thanks for the progress reports May 25 15:59:46 no problem May 25 16:00:03 H,,,, May 25 16:00:09 chanakya_vc: just keep it within reason for commits. don't commit things that are broken (as stated by others) but try to have at least 4 days per week where you have commits so that it's clear to everyone that you're making progress on code May 25 16:00:23 :) May 25 16:01:14 chanakya_vc: and if you have broken things, or just stuff you're trying out, codewise, you can push those commits as a "wip" (work in progress) branch to your github so that it's clear you're doing things but you just aren't yet sure if it'll work or not (this is a very common way to work) May 25 16:01:24 I'm out today. May 25 16:01:38 Email me if you need something. May 25 16:02:25 we really need those reports in before the meeting! (meaning, like, a day before so we have time to read them!!) May 25 16:02:40 * nerdboy looks around for the Start gong May 25 16:02:43 <_av500_> I said *tuesday* for a reason May 25 16:03:00 <_av500_> nerdboy: the gong is at the traditional 5 past May 25 16:03:35 alexhiam: No problem :) May 25 16:04:16 the progress reports are a GSoC requirement, so missing that deadline is not a great thing to do if you want to continue GSoC.... May 25 16:04:59 and if there's a reason you can't get it posted in time we need to hear about that in advance May 25 16:05:30 should tag then too May 25 16:05:39 *group posts May 25 16:06:36 <_av500_> so May 25 16:06:39 <_av500_> 0) WELCOME May 25 16:07:08 <_av500_> 0.42) student count May 25 16:07:15 hi May 25 16:07:18 2 May 25 16:07:27 3 May 25 16:07:45 <_av500_> 3... May 25 16:07:58 and this is the first official week... Hmmmmm May 25 16:08:10 <_av500_> anybody else? May 25 16:08:11 chanakya_vc: say hi May 25 16:08:12 finals week? May 25 16:08:28 pmezydlo: you, too May 25 16:08:34 <_av500_> Visaoni: you too May 25 16:08:35 chanakya_vc and kiran4399 were just here.... May 25 16:08:41 couple more weeks before that here, at least nerdboy May 25 16:08:41 <_av500_> kiran4399: you too May 25 16:08:45 yes finals too : ( May 25 16:08:57 Visaoni: where are you geographically? May 25 16:09:00 Visaoni makes 4.... May 25 16:09:01 <_av500_> well, you can still raise your hand so I know you are here May 25 16:09:20 I am May 25 16:09:24 <_av500_> 5 May 25 16:09:25 i swear it's just like keeping all 4 kitties and trying to "herd"... May 25 16:09:41 <_av500_> chanakya_vc: kiran4399: ping May 25 16:09:48 wake up!!! May 25 16:09:52 ds2: CA May 25 16:10:00 * nerdboy not even sure how to feed 5 cats... May 25 16:10:11 <_av500_> chanakya_vc: kiran4399: ping May 25 16:10:34 nerdboy: herd them into an aviary? :D May 25 16:10:45 <_av500_> sigh May 25 16:10:52 the "back yard"? May 25 16:10:56 <_av500_> chanakya_vc: kiran4399: ping May 25 16:11:01 hi _av500_ !! May 25 16:11:05 <_av500_> 6 May 25 16:11:13 <_av500_> chanakya_vc: connection problems? May 25 16:11:31 we have a lot fewer birds/lizards/gophers than we did a few months ago... May 25 16:11:38 Sorry. I was paying attention to my laptop. Studying.Lost track of time May 25 16:11:43 *not May 25 16:11:43 <_av500_> ok May 25 16:11:50 m_w: I wrote a simple application for testing. Add a rule to the makefile and spoil linux-headers. Unfortunately, travis shows that it is not ok. I'll fix it. I wanted to overtake the question: why not build. May 25 16:11:53 <_av500_> nerdboy: please keep the cats for after the meeting May 25 16:12:02 <_av500_> pmezydlo: shh May 25 16:12:08 sorry May 25 16:12:13 did you gong yet? May 25 16:12:16 <_av500_> ok, no idea where kiran4399 is May 25 16:12:25 <_av500_> 6 people here and hopefully listening May 25 16:12:31 maybe kiran4399 ran away to post a progress report... May 25 16:12:44 ^^ optimist May 25 16:12:56 <_av500_> so, first half-week is over May 25 16:13:06 <_av500_> hope everybody had a good start May 25 16:13:19 <_av500_> 1) progress reports May 25 16:13:25 <_av500_> the due date is tuesday May 25 16:13:30 <_av500_> pick a time zone, but tuesday May 25 16:13:41 <_av500_> mars does not count May 25 16:14:06 24hr before meeting works in all timezones May 25 16:14:10 <_av500_> pmezydlo: chanakya_vc: ZeekHuge Visaoni henrix_ amragaey: tuesday? May 25 16:14:15 <_av500_> pmezydlo: chanakya_vc: ZeekHuge Visaoni henrix_ amragaey: OK? May 25 16:14:20 tz(Dateline - dX miles) :D May 25 16:14:22 yes. okay. May 25 16:14:26 sure May 25 16:14:30 ok May 25 16:14:36 yes May 25 16:14:47 Yes sure.So every tuesday the report for the previous week right? May 25 16:14:56 <_av500_> yes May 25 16:15:06 <_av500_> from tuesday to tuesday May 25 16:15:09 yes May 25 16:15:19 pretty sure you don't want me showing up to "supervise"... May 25 16:15:29 <_av500_> so we have time to read them May 25 16:15:39 sorry, thought the first progress report should be published on next tuesday May 25 16:15:47 <_av500_> henrix_: ok May 25 16:15:54 <_av500_> it was only 2 days May 25 16:16:00 yes May 25 16:16:05 yes, thats why. May 25 16:16:10 <_av500_> so, I hope to see 7 reports new tuesday May 25 16:16:12 I thought that do, I also apologize for that May 25 16:16:14 <_av500_> nex* May 25 16:16:16 <_av500_> np May 25 16:16:17 anyways. Tuesday. May 25 16:16:38 plus the 4 left this week ASAP May 25 16:17:16 <_av500_> if not much happened in three days, the report will be short May 25 16:17:53 "i ate a donut" <= too short May 25 16:18:09 <_av500_> a chocolate donut, with sprinkles May 25 16:18:23 <_av500_> anyway, next week for real May 25 16:18:26 _av500_, I will be working in full force from friday. So my report might be a bit short.But it's going to be what you would expect from the next to next tuesday onwarsd May 25 16:18:28 <_av500_> next ... tuesday :) May 25 16:18:36 <_av500_> chanakya_vc: ok May 25 16:18:41 short report >> no report May 25 16:19:56 Got it alexhiam _av500_ May 25 16:20:01 <_av500_> ok, lets move on May 25 16:20:21 <_av500_> 2) standups May 25 16:20:40 <_av500_> what we did the past years in these meetings was that 2 students got about 5 min for a report here May 25 16:20:51 <_av500_> just a brief "this is where I am" May 25 16:21:13 <_av500_> "this is the cool thing I did this week" May 25 16:21:37 <_av500_> since you are 7 it takes ~4 weeks for all to present May 25 16:21:46 <_av500_> so we can do it 2x May 25 16:21:51 <_av500_> thats what we did the past years May 25 16:22:07 <_av500_> its really short, no need to introduce the project May 25 16:22:14 <_av500_> just dive in where you are now May 25 16:22:53 so the 4 students ? May 25 16:23:03 <_av500_> 7? May 25 16:23:09 <_av500_> 2 students per meeting May 25 16:23:17 <_av500_> roughly May 25 16:23:32 okay. and for today, those 2 are ? May 25 16:23:36 <_av500_> nobody May 25 16:23:40 <_av500_> you just started May 25 16:23:46 <_av500_> I'm just telling you in advance May 25 16:23:52 ZeekHuge, Next meeting :P May 25 16:23:55 I want presentation on next meeting May 25 16:23:57 <_av500_> I would start it next week or the one after May 25 16:24:04 <_av500_> pmezydlo: fine, you got it May 25 16:24:12 okay. May 25 16:24:15 <_av500_> as said, do not prepare slides May 25 16:24:23 <_av500_> and you can dive in directly May 25 16:24:44 <_av500_> we are all "technical" here :) May 25 16:24:53 all on irc? May 25 16:24:59 <_av500_> yes, here in the meeting May 25 16:25:35 ok May 25 16:26:09 <_av500_> one more volunteer for next week? May 25 16:26:31 ok May 25 16:27:08 <_av500_> ok, ZeekHuge and henrix_ May 25 16:27:14 <_av500_> er May 25 16:27:18 <_av500_> pmezydlo and henrix_ May 25 16:27:47 <_av500_> ok, moving on May 25 16:28:02 <_av500_> 3) anything I forgot? May 25 16:28:09 Cool hardware May 25 16:28:21 ahh .. *hardware May 25 16:28:23 <_av500_> jkridner: how are we on shipping? May 25 16:28:50 _av500_: jkridner said he's not here today May 25 16:28:53 _av500_, I received my BBB ! May 25 16:28:59 <_av500_> chanakya_vc: good May 25 16:29:03 who's shortofwhat HW? May 25 16:29:05 I too . May 25 16:29:15 I didn May 25 16:29:17 me - ADC EVM May 25 16:29:19 t May 25 16:29:50 there's something wrong with fedex facility here, i'm on contact with them May 25 16:30:17 ZeekHuge: giving up on what you have or you found a solutionfor the clock? May 25 16:31:29 is the internet broken? May 25 16:31:38 yes May 25 16:32:01 but now is ok May 25 16:32:18 how about you ZeekHuge? May 25 16:32:29 ah, I am not sure, but can we use a fast OP-amp ? in front of the clock ? and then terminate it . May 25 16:32:34 ds2: ^^ May 25 16:32:38 mine is fine. May 25 16:33:05 like a schmitt trigger ? May 25 16:33:59 Hmm May 25 16:34:01 what's the clock issue? (maybe after the meeting is better) May 25 16:34:06 makes sense ? May 25 16:34:36 <_av500_> ZeekHuge: is wating for ADC EVM May 25 16:34:40 ZeekHuge:what isthe quickest and least HW. GSoC is a SW project May 25 16:34:42 <_av500_> everybody else has a BBB? May 25 16:34:55 <_av500_> amragaey fights with fedex May 25 16:35:10 yes now I have 3 May 25 16:35:15 gotta have the *right* hardware... May 25 16:35:19 okay. I have a BBB. May 25 16:35:30 Me too May 25 16:35:34 <_av500_> ok May 25 16:35:48 <_av500_> you know the drill, anything blocking you, shout out! May 25 16:35:57 we can discuss the clock after the meeting May 25 16:36:00 _av500_, it's 3 weeks now, I'm waiting for answer tomorrow May 25 16:36:06 <_av500_> ok May 25 16:36:24 <_av500_> :( May 25 16:36:49 amragaey: is there somewhere more local you could order one from if that doesn't work out? May 25 16:38:02 alexhiam, ehab former GSOC told me that he didn't find it anywhere last year.. so I will have to order it online May 25 16:38:57 amragaey: you said you were borrowing ehab's for now though, right? May 25 16:39:03 the mockingbirds have been harassing the kitties all mtg May 25 16:39:20 so yeti just caught one May 25 16:39:49 alexhiam, yes but seems he didn't like me to update the kernel :) May 25 16:40:14 dude, image the thing and overwrite it May 25 16:40:39 byosd (bring your own SD card) May 25 16:41:30 _av500_, Is that all for the meeting .Can I leave? Got to study for an exam.If nothing more is to be discussed? May 25 16:41:32 Can I use this kernel image on my own SD ? May 25 16:43:09 <_av500_> chanakya_vc: ok, go :) May 25 16:43:21 amragaey: for sure May 25 16:43:46 k, I'm at the airport, gotta run May 25 16:43:56 OK, i'll do that May 25 16:44:12 Thank you _av500_! : ) May 25 16:44:15 thanks _av500_ May 25 16:44:25 _av500_: I am sorry.. May 25 16:44:37 good luck chanakya_vc :) May 25 16:45:01 <_av500_> kiran4399: alarm did not sound? May 25 16:45:07 bradfa, mdp , I will catch up with you on friday night or definitely with a mail on Saturday morning. May 25 16:45:10 alexhiam: I am sorry.. May 25 16:45:32 ZeekHuge, Thanks. Bye : ) May 25 16:45:43 _av500_: I am sorry.. just got into something.. May 25 16:46:00 _av500_: I am writing the progress report.. May 25 16:46:09 <_av500_> better late than never May 25 16:46:18 <_av500_> for next week, it's tuesday for the report May 25 16:46:22 <_av500_> and for every following week May 25 16:46:29 <_av500_> kiran4399: you have hardware? May 25 16:47:12 _av500_: not yet.. but I think it would be home by tomorrow.. I anyway have my bb black.. May 25 16:47:53 _av500_: sort of got stuck in some custom clearance 5 days before which I cleared it.. May 25 16:48:34 <_av500_> kiran4399: ok May 25 16:49:46 meeting done ? May 25 16:52:05 <_av500_> more or less May 25 16:52:09 <_av500_> thansk for attending May 25 16:52:13 <_av500_> go code! May 25 16:52:18 <_av500_> see you next week May 25 16:52:24 <_av500_> see your reports next tuesday May 25 16:52:32 :) sure . Thank you _av500_ May 25 16:52:36 <_av500_> see you here in the channel all the time May 25 16:52:46 <_av500_> and have fun May 25 16:52:57 okay so lets take care of those questions pmezydlo and ZeekHuge May 25 16:52:57 m_w, ZeekHuge: on the issue of clocking.... May 25 16:53:05 okay so clock. May 25 16:53:10 yes. May 25 16:53:20 So that makes sense ? May 25 16:53:21 well, thanks _av500_ I may post my progress by two days May 25 16:53:48 don't like my hack that I send via email? May 25 16:54:19 ok, thanks May 25 16:54:19 m_w: which is your hack? remove part or ? May 25 16:54:30 the schematic May 25 16:54:33 m_w: directly connecting the pru pin to the clock ? May 25 16:54:46 and removing all those components there ? May 25 16:54:51 yeah May 25 16:55:09 ZeekHuge: can you do that rework reliably? May 25 16:55:27 All the best for everyone!! May 25 16:55:44 zmatt said that its difficult to say if pru generated clock will be clean enough. May 25 16:55:58 the problem according to him lies with the BBB May 25 16:56:09 and not specifically with the PRUs May 25 16:56:15 ZeekHuge: do you know what he meant by "clean enough"? May 25 16:56:30 jitter? bounce (over/undershoot)? other? May 25 16:56:50 I gave him the link to the data sheet, and the EVM. May 25 16:57:04 and he read it. May 25 16:58:37 yes but what did he mean by that? May 25 16:59:08 22 16:14:18 a terminated line being toggled by pru would be a clean enough clock source. isnt it ? May 25 16:59:09 May 22 16:14:35 hard to say May 25 16:59:09 May 22 16:15:07 the output drivers aren't very strong, and there's plenty of opportunity for noise to couple onto it May 25 16:59:09 May 22 16:15:19 a bigger problem probably it not the am335x not the bbb May 25 16:59:09 May 22 16:15:31 *but the bbb May 25 16:59:39 really?!? May 25 17:00:06 first comment won't apply if I understand m_w's hack May 25 17:00:26 is he saying the bbb is routed poorly? May 25 17:00:37 I think so. May 25 17:00:53 not so much poorly as much as it wasn't design for it May 25 17:01:05 the PRU on LCD pins may help May 25 17:01:20 BUT it has branching... saving thing is it has source termination May 25 17:01:59 and it isn't helping that you are doing long wires May 25 17:02:19 ZeekHuge: do you have thin pieces of coax? (thinner then RG58) May 25 17:02:32 m_w: everything is ok, just me is not build, I will fix it in an hour. I have to go now, I'll be later May 25 17:02:47 pmezydlo: okay thanks May 25 17:02:57 i dont think so. May 25 17:03:03 but I can get it. May 25 17:03:42 what frequency are we looking to drive the clock? May 25 17:03:46 m_w: are you an analog engineer? (tryingt o see what skills we have here) May 25 17:03:56 max 20MHz May 25 17:03:58 I have some analog experience May 25 17:04:08 a little RF lately May 25 17:05:02 20MHz? I would do this - get buffer that can drive 50ohm keep the BBB - buffer wires as short as possible. Have the bffer drive coax and be done with May 25 17:05:16 yeah May 25 17:05:26 otherwise, do m_w's rework if you can keep the wiring under a few inches May 25 17:05:43 okay. May 25 17:05:51 wires == more capacitance/inductance which means they need more power. keeping htem short reduces that May 25 17:06:06 m_w: 'k we are in the same boat :/ May 25 17:06:39 so, what about noises from the gpo ? May 25 17:06:41 I think that using a buffer is okay May 25 17:07:16 okay so i guess, it wont make difference at 20Mhz ? May 25 17:08:03 20MHz is on the order of the PCLK for a VGA display May 25 17:08:14 can we use an external oscillator? May 25 17:08:23 so given that - 2-3 inches is tolerated May 25 17:08:30 okay. May 25 17:08:33 or function generator? May 25 17:08:38 m_w: that would make the PRU code harder (async clock) May 25 17:08:47 that is true May 25 17:08:51 yes. May 25 17:09:00 though we could use 16 bit capture mode May 25 17:09:00 the syncronization would be difficult May 25 17:09:06 I have gone down that path with video input. it is no fun May 25 17:09:09 bit it would still be difficult May 25 17:09:13 ZeekHuge: doesn't help that much May 25 17:09:20 yep May 25 17:10:04 what kind of buffers can you get a hold of? May 25 17:10:52 opamp ? May 25 17:10:54 50ohm drivers can be a pita to source May 25 17:10:55 LM324 May 25 17:11:08 dont know the slew rate and all of that May 25 17:11:11 ZeekHuge: the GBW of the 324 is too small for a 20MHz signal May 25 17:11:12 will have to check May 25 17:11:18 okay May 25 17:11:25 and the 324 doesn't have drive strength for 50ohm May 25 17:11:49 I wonder if the classic video amps can do it May 25 17:12:10 but please keep this in mind - we cannot spend too much time on the HW. GSoC is not a HW program May 25 17:12:40 okay. will note that May 25 17:13:00 that is coming from the loads and masters of the GSoC program May 25 17:13:13 and then back to the kernel side May 25 17:13:16 the source. May 25 17:13:40 how to reproduce an exact copy of the known kernel image. May 25 17:13:44 oh yes May 25 17:13:57 find the source and build it? :D May 25 17:14:00 m_w: is going to discuss it with rcnee May 25 17:14:04 or you mean the BB logic stuff? May 25 17:14:30 no, the source for the kernel image 4.4.8-ti-r22 May 25 17:14:54 ah May 25 17:15:12 try that and let us know if it is going no where May 25 17:15:24 okay. May 25 17:15:40 btw - do you know what signals needs to be toggled to get the ADC to return a sample on the parallel bus? May 25 17:17:06 yes. I discussed it with Wormo. May 25 17:17:27 just a second let me open up the dsheet May 25 17:17:41 http://cds.linear.com/docs/en/datasheet/223876fa.pdf May 25 17:18:42 page 23 May 25 17:19:15 so it is '3201S-40G1' connector pru will be connected to. May 25 17:19:31 and most of them are GND, while others are data pins May 25 17:19:58 pin 1 and 2 are to the EEPROM for auto detection kind of thing. May 25 17:20:27 so ignoring them for now May 25 17:20:43 can we use discrete transistors for the clock buffer? May 25 17:20:59 then, pin number 3 will have the sampling clock so we can use 16 bit capture mode. May 25 17:21:06 m_w: what configuration? May 25 17:21:35 Emitter follower maybe May 25 17:21:52 pin number 39 will will be connected to VCC May 25 17:22:19 so as to enable the buffer 74VCX16373MTD May 25 17:24:51 emitter follower could work... just need to work base capacitance and have the right bias resistor May 25 17:25:02 and then pin 5 will also be ignored in the starting. Its about overflow and underflow. May 25 17:25:02 I used it as a quick buffer for analog video input May 25 17:25:50 ZeekHuge: can you draw it out and maybe toss it on your blog? May 25 17:26:08 sorry, but I need to run May 25 17:26:22 okay. May 25 17:26:38 me too May 25 17:26:49 will do. May 25 17:26:52 thank you :) May 25 17:26:56 no prob May 25 17:27:22 ds2: m_w anything about the plans in the report ? May 25 17:27:56 they look good May 25 17:27:59 Abhishek__: ^^ May 25 17:28:16 email if in a pinch May 25 17:28:24 Sure :) May 25 21:37:11 Hmmm **** ENDING LOGGING AT Thu May 26 02:59:58 2016